98-588�me�c�.e� - '� � t l �l� ORIG�NAi. r���r�a b Refetred To Council File # � � _ Sg8' Green Sheet # �Q� �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA for the position of"City Building Official". RE50LVED that the rate of pay for the "City Building OfficiaP' class be estahlished at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. �v : o �.��,�, ti��a_ � � h�r�� � s ��;�,;�����. . � ��,;\�;� c=�. � — c� — Y ��:�„� � �.��.�er� b � ��.� Requested by Department of: By: ��Y �w"i"- C < � U,GGC`- Form Appzoved by City Att�mey �,: ������- �--� � 1221 �� i�.S, � Approved by Mayor: �e�io �:�\e...� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay � � Adopted by Council: Date � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � 9Y DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62383 Human Resources G i y 8� CONTACf PERSOPI & PHONE: p � - p INII7ALDATE INI1WAeTE IvTichael F. Foley 266-6484��C/ ���N 1_DEPARTMENT DIl2. s_ crrr covrrcu. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (Y�1� Nun�sx z_crrr a1-ro�Y c_ crn cr�iuc gpg 3_ BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� ROUTING 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) CCVII. SERVICE COMIdISSION As 5oon As Poss�'ble °�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox �uFSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "City Building Official". RECOMMENDATIONS: App�ova (A) oc RejeG (R) PERSOIQAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CIVII.SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Hastluspersodfumeverwmiceduoderacontrac[forthisdepaztmrnt? CIB COMMI1'1'EE Ya No STpFF � 2. Has this persodfum eva been a city employa? DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE7 3. Does this persodfum postess a skill not aom�ally possessed by aay curtent city employcel Yes No Esplain all yes answers oa separate aheet and aHac6 W yreen sLeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUNI'[Y (Who, wnat, wnew where, wny):1'he Building Code Officer retired about one year ago. We made an attempt to recruit for this position at a lower salary but the candidates were found to be unacceptable. T4us position has responsibilities under State law that impact on life, safety, and economic development. The workload is coming to the point where this position must be filled as soon as possible. anvpN'racES � arrxovEn: We will be able to attract qualified candidates for the position. (We recenfly announced for a lower salary and ihree candidates were eligible. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that none of these candidates possessed the necessacy experience or abilities to manage the building inspection function to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would confo:m to State requirements. ) nlsnnv,u�rrACES 1a nrrxovEV: There are no ]mown disadvantages. Wlrile 5he saiary costs are above the action requested several months ago that are still below the salary level for the now vacant former position of Building Code Officer. Disnuvnx'c'ncgs IF xoT nrrROVEU: Based on recent past experience the City will not be able to attract qualified candidates for the position at this salary level. While one employee is temporarily hsndling some of these duties the section is still short of professional and managerial staff. A s[aff shortage in this area has impact on life and safety of building occupants and on economic development issues. TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: S 0(Budgeted) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YeS � pe�� �Cis R�S@ FUNDINGSOURCE: LIEPSperialFYiad320-33353-0162 ACfIVITYNUMBER:0162 W" FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ,� 23 13J �1 �a s:wserssreaHa�ccnss�twaecorr�crza�ew�.wrn . PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 638A � BU: 09 g EFFEGTIVE: ��^ � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL �rn � DESCRIPTION OF WORK �/� f 9� General Statement o£ Duties: Per£orms responsible managerial work in planning and directing the operation and administration of the Construction Division of the Office o£ License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) acts as the Building 0£ficial for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; perfoxms other duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction•of the Office Director. S�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. �Ml7!S�7F�7iY�F�3i�17Y�1;73i�f� The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages overall division operations to include final approval of all buildings within the City, including new construction, renovation, zoning, and historical preservation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of codes, laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in conformance with requirements. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfoxmance. Coordinates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may ceordinate with other jurisdictions. Advises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. Represents the City on matters concerning huilding design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with (continued on reverse side) CITY BUILAING OFFICIAL p ge�2� O b - PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: � � CITY BUZLDING OFFZCIAL �me`^��� vz�s, aN provisions o£ building and zoning•codes; interprets codes and enforces � �� ` a11 provisions nf building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, s�mary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings. Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in connection with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the City. Assists as technical and legal expert in developing City positions on new and proposed changes to building codes and related legislation. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes YecommendaCions to the Director. Directs the administration of the.City's zoning ordinance and appeals process. Directs the City's historical preservation efforts. Directs the enforcement of the City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES A13D COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current,construction methods, materials, and techniques. Knowledge of the principles of financing and planning urban development projects. Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL Y�ge 3 �C� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL A.m�,��,4� v e.VS� a� �J� ��Y . Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a divexse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system relating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementing changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QBALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related field; and either ten (10) years of e�cperience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent of projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and involved managing the construction or major rehabilitation of "high rise" buildings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 75,000 with experience in reviewing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; and must be certified or become cexti£ied as a a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No substitution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for education or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintaining certification.) CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties I � � 1 � BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL CODE: 638A BU: 09 c �v EFFECTIVE: �� � J� O ! Performs responsible managerial work in planning and direct' g the operation and administration of the Construction Division the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (L P) acts as the Building Official for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; performs other duCies as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrati supervision over supervisory, professio technical and clerical employees. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED general, and technical area skilled inspection, The listed examples may not includ� all the duties performed by all positions in this class. � Manages overall division o erations to include final approval of all buildings within the Cit , including new construcCion, renovation, zoning, and historical resexvation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of cod , laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs Che divis" n's planning activities; establishes and implements construction div'sion policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and i tiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in con rmance with requirements. Supervis s, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the constr tion division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Coor nates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may coordinate with other jurisdictions. A ises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. �tepresents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval o£ all plans £or compliance with (continued on reverse side) BUILDING CODE OFFIGIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and en£orces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and of hazardous or vacant buildings. Page 2 � _ S�Y Y Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in co ction with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of a11 elevator in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents e Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the Assists as technical and legal expert in d new and proposed changes to building codes Develops reports, prepares special the Directox. Directs the administration of the process. Directs the City's historical efforts. Directs the enforcement of t e City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIE AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge codes and ordinanc Thorough ordinance Thorough k principles and te ects. , State, and Local building and zoning of legal aspects of building and zoning code and dge of management and human resource development practices. knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, s, including specialty engineering. knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and of the principles of financing and planning urban development Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. ping City positions on related legislation. , and makes recommendations to s zoning ordinance and appeals BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL Thorough ahility to establish woYking relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others achieving the goals of the organization. � ConsideYable ability to communicate acxoss a diverse group o£ both orally and in writing. Pag� � / ��y 4 f Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system r ating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementi g changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degxee from an accredited co11e or univarsity in architecture, building construction mana ment, or a closely related £ield; and either ten (10) years of exp ience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have bee as a contractor or superintendent of projects that requiYed the manage nt and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and inv ved managing the construction or major rehabilitation o£ "high rise° bui ings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a muni ipality with a population of at least 75,OD0 with experience in revi ing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; an must be certified or become certified as a a Certified Building Offici by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No subst" ution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for educ ion or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintai ng certification.) BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL � , 3 E � �i `_ �'r„>. �'�.i u °o i:� ✓ w � `'�,? i TITLE OF CLASS: DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 593A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: OlJ14J98 v � Performs responsible managerial work in planning and directing the administration of the Construction Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the approval of construction permits, the inspection of construction projects, and the review of building plans, site plans and zoning use; and performs duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Office Director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, pxofessional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and enforces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings within legal guidelines. Inspects and approves building materials in connection with building codes and other pertinent requirements. Provides structural and design engineering and architectural consultation to Gity departments. (continued on reverse side) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y qp ;��� ` P' � , � , =. ._ -.n .� a.i � Y tl�i 6v U��a� Y �e7 ,'�j �'.� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-GONSTRUCTION Dizects the construction and inspection of City-owned buildings and facilities. Yage 2 � �/ ��/5 � � Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the Director. Directs the administration o£ the City`s zoning ordinance and appeals process. DirecCs the enforcement of the City�s sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural pxactices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and techniques. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a diverse group of individuals, hoth orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y e / � y � - � � � i��b�� S�� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 Q �� �� � Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related £ield; and either five (5) years of experience in construction, at least three (3) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent o£ projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines; or five (5) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 20,000, and must be certified, or become certified within six (6) months of appointment, as a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education or certification. Continued employment is contingent upon maintaining certi£ication.) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION �.r�� SUMMARY OF CLASS STUDY City Building Official Background The position is located in the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). It works directly for the Director of LIEP. The position acts as the City Building Official with responsibilities as defined by State code. Previously we tried to recruit for this position when it was at Grade 26 and we only received applications for four eligibles. The number was reduced to three. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that these candidates did not possess the necessary experience or abilities to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would conform to State requirements. The class specification was rewritten and now includes specific references to having final authority in the City for building code decisions, for maldng determinations on areas where the code is unclear, for maldng final determinations if two inspectors or other officials cannot agree, and for cooperating - within legal limits - on major economic development issues. � ������•� Review of job profile Revision of class specification Interview with D'uector of LIEP Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluarion and analysis Comparison to Other Class S�ecifications The duties for the position in question were compazed with the existing class specs for LIEP Deputy Director for Construction, Building Code Offcer, Senior Inspector, and other positions. It was found that the position in question has the responsibilities as described in State law and that these were not clearly stated in the original ciass spec. These duties - especially those indicating that this position has responsibiliry for final interpretation of code disputes and must coordinate on economic development issues - were revised and clarified in the proposed Class specification. �� - s�� � Comparison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position does have a significant level of responsibility for final interpretation of disagreement over areas where the building codes are unclear and has responsibility for coordinating on economic development. No other position in the City has such responsibility. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the City Building Official be created to properly reflect these responsibilities and that the position be allocated to the level of compensation described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley l;��f/ DATE OF STUDY: 7une 17, 1998 . �.. � � . �,� � .� ' t . � � . .� (Signature) (Date) �� J ��� ! Salary Information Regarding City Building Official (Note: These comparisons are at the "G" step of all positions which is the traditional method used by us to compare positions.) Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay Ann $ 86,718.29 $ 77,421.47 ($ 9,296.82) $ 86,718.29 $ 73,210.76 ($ 13,507.53) Building Code Officer $ 3,322.54 (Current vacant position) City Building Official (Proposed) $ 2,96634 Difference Building Code Officer (Current vacant position) LIEP Deputy Director For Construction (Previously proposed Position) Difference ($ 356.20) $ 3,322.54 $ 2,805.01 ($ 517.53) Prepazed by:lVTichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: 7une 18, 1998 OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOUACES ]ohn Amtikon. Dircctar C1TY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Cokman, Mayor 7une 10, 1998 7ames O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Room 1300 City Hall Anne�c 5t Paul, MN 55102 �r -s�rr � IQ) LFty Sa71 A�wac 7ekphmm: 612-266�6500 25 w(rr Forwrh Sura IDD?IY.• 612-266�6501 S�ntPm`l,Nimesoia SSIO2-1631 Job7'oie: 6Z2-2666502 Far�i7e: 612-292-76.f6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Building Code t�mciai Dear Mr. O'Leary: It has been determined that the title and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Constroction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I have attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear &om you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the nte of pay for the title ofBuilding Code Official in Gcade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Piease notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. Sincerely, _ �� �� Nfichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rema�n;ng on the 20 day notice for Employee Benefiu Coordinator for the purpose of creating this tide and ctass specification. // � Dat o�oP���� JoTue Hmmlrat, Dixcror CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Colemme, Mayor � { � `• Robert Kessler, Director Office ofLIEP �`. �Q, IvTichael F. Foley ����l� �� Human Resources �:rY�l � Jun � •� ('�� � a�-s�� � , eao euy aQu.� r�k�: 6iz-zr,�csoo ZSWusFou,f7iStrees IDD!llY.• 612-7b6b501 Smnt Pau1, Mbxsora 5310Z-163I IobHne: 612-266-6502 Facaimile: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Building Code Officiai It has been deternvned that the ritle and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Construction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I ha�e attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the titie of Building Code Official in Grade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. I hereby waive the time remainin$ on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name 6�fl�y� Date �me�c�.e� - '� � t l �l� ORIG�NAi. r���r�a b Refetred To Council File # � � _ Sg8' Green Sheet # �Q� �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA for the position of"City Building Official". RE50LVED that the rate of pay for the "City Building OfficiaP' class be estahlished at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. �v : o �.��,�, ti��a_ � � h�r�� � s ��;�,;�����. . � ��,;\�;� c=�. � — c� — Y ��:�„� � �.��.�er� b � ��.� Requested by Department of: By: ��Y �w"i"- C < � U,GGC`- Form Appzoved by City Att�mey �,: ������- �--� � 1221 �� i�.S, � Approved by Mayor: �e�io �:�\e...� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay � � Adopted by Council: Date � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � 9Y DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62383 Human Resources G i y 8� CONTACf PERSOPI & PHONE: p � - p INII7ALDATE INI1WAeTE IvTichael F. Foley 266-6484��C/ ���N 1_DEPARTMENT DIl2. s_ crrr covrrcu. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (Y�1� Nun�sx z_crrr a1-ro�Y c_ crn cr�iuc gpg 3_ BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� ROUTING 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) CCVII. SERVICE COMIdISSION As 5oon As Poss�'ble °�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox �uFSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "City Building Official". RECOMMENDATIONS: App�ova (A) oc RejeG (R) PERSOIQAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CIVII.SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Hastluspersodfumeverwmiceduoderacontrac[forthisdepaztmrnt? CIB COMMI1'1'EE Ya No STpFF � 2. Has this persodfum eva been a city employa? DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE7 3. Does this persodfum postess a skill not aom�ally possessed by aay curtent city employcel Yes No Esplain all yes answers oa separate aheet and aHac6 W yreen sLeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUNI'[Y (Who, wnat, wnew where, wny):1'he Building Code Officer retired about one year ago. We made an attempt to recruit for this position at a lower salary but the candidates were found to be unacceptable. T4us position has responsibilities under State law that impact on life, safety, and economic development. The workload is coming to the point where this position must be filled as soon as possible. anvpN'racES � arrxovEn: We will be able to attract qualified candidates for the position. (We recenfly announced for a lower salary and ihree candidates were eligible. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that none of these candidates possessed the necessacy experience or abilities to manage the building inspection function to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would confo:m to State requirements. ) nlsnnv,u�rrACES 1a nrrxovEV: There are no ]mown disadvantages. Wlrile 5he saiary costs are above the action requested several months ago that are still below the salary level for the now vacant former position of Building Code Officer. Disnuvnx'c'ncgs IF xoT nrrROVEU: Based on recent past experience the City will not be able to attract qualified candidates for the position at this salary level. While one employee is temporarily hsndling some of these duties the section is still short of professional and managerial staff. A s[aff shortage in this area has impact on life and safety of building occupants and on economic development issues. TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: S 0(Budgeted) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YeS � pe�� �Cis R�S@ FUNDINGSOURCE: LIEPSperialFYiad320-33353-0162 ACfIVITYNUMBER:0162 W" FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ,� 23 13J �1 �a s:wserssreaHa�ccnss�twaecorr�crza�ew�.wrn . PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 638A � BU: 09 g EFFEGTIVE: ��^ � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL �rn � DESCRIPTION OF WORK �/� f 9� General Statement o£ Duties: Per£orms responsible managerial work in planning and directing the operation and administration of the Construction Division of the Office o£ License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) acts as the Building 0£ficial for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; perfoxms other duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction•of the Office Director. S�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. �Ml7!S�7F�7iY�F�3i�17Y�1;73i�f� The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages overall division operations to include final approval of all buildings within the City, including new construction, renovation, zoning, and historical preservation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of codes, laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in conformance with requirements. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfoxmance. Coordinates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may ceordinate with other jurisdictions. Advises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. Represents the City on matters concerning huilding design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with (continued on reverse side) CITY BUILAING OFFICIAL p ge�2� O b - PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: � � CITY BUZLDING OFFZCIAL �me`^��� vz�s, aN provisions o£ building and zoning•codes; interprets codes and enforces � �� ` a11 provisions nf building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, s�mary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings. Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in connection with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the City. Assists as technical and legal expert in developing City positions on new and proposed changes to building codes and related legislation. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes YecommendaCions to the Director. Directs the administration of the.City's zoning ordinance and appeals process. Directs the City's historical preservation efforts. Directs the enforcement of the City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES A13D COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current,construction methods, materials, and techniques. Knowledge of the principles of financing and planning urban development projects. Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL Y�ge 3 �C� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL A.m�,��,4� v e.VS� a� �J� ��Y . Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a divexse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system relating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementing changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QBALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related field; and either ten (10) years of e�cperience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent of projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and involved managing the construction or major rehabilitation of "high rise" buildings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 75,000 with experience in reviewing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; and must be certified or become cexti£ied as a a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No substitution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for education or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintaining certification.) CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties I � � 1 � BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL CODE: 638A BU: 09 c �v EFFECTIVE: �� � J� O ! Performs responsible managerial work in planning and direct' g the operation and administration of the Construction Division the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (L P) acts as the Building Official for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; performs other duCies as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrati supervision over supervisory, professio technical and clerical employees. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED general, and technical area skilled inspection, The listed examples may not includ� all the duties performed by all positions in this class. � Manages overall division o erations to include final approval of all buildings within the Cit , including new construcCion, renovation, zoning, and historical resexvation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of cod , laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs Che divis" n's planning activities; establishes and implements construction div'sion policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and i tiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in con rmance with requirements. Supervis s, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the constr tion division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Coor nates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may coordinate with other jurisdictions. A ises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. �tepresents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval o£ all plans £or compliance with (continued on reverse side) BUILDING CODE OFFIGIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and en£orces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and of hazardous or vacant buildings. Page 2 � _ S�Y Y Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in co ction with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of a11 elevator in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents e Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the Assists as technical and legal expert in d new and proposed changes to building codes Develops reports, prepares special the Directox. Directs the administration of the process. Directs the City's historical efforts. Directs the enforcement of t e City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIE AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge codes and ordinanc Thorough ordinance Thorough k principles and te ects. , State, and Local building and zoning of legal aspects of building and zoning code and dge of management and human resource development practices. knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, s, including specialty engineering. knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and of the principles of financing and planning urban development Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. ping City positions on related legislation. , and makes recommendations to s zoning ordinance and appeals BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL Thorough ahility to establish woYking relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others achieving the goals of the organization. � ConsideYable ability to communicate acxoss a diverse group o£ both orally and in writing. Pag� � / ��y 4 f Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system r ating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementi g changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degxee from an accredited co11e or univarsity in architecture, building construction mana ment, or a closely related £ield; and either ten (10) years of exp ience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have bee as a contractor or superintendent of projects that requiYed the manage nt and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and inv ved managing the construction or major rehabilitation o£ "high rise° bui ings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a muni ipality with a population of at least 75,OD0 with experience in revi ing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; an must be certified or become certified as a a Certified Building Offici by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No subst" ution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for educ ion or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintai ng certification.) BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL � , 3 E � �i `_ �'r„>. �'�.i u °o i:� ✓ w � `'�,? i TITLE OF CLASS: DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 593A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: OlJ14J98 v � Performs responsible managerial work in planning and directing the administration of the Construction Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the approval of construction permits, the inspection of construction projects, and the review of building plans, site plans and zoning use; and performs duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Office Director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, pxofessional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and enforces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings within legal guidelines. Inspects and approves building materials in connection with building codes and other pertinent requirements. Provides structural and design engineering and architectural consultation to Gity departments. (continued on reverse side) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y qp ;��� ` P' � , � , =. ._ -.n .� a.i � Y tl�i 6v U��a� Y �e7 ,'�j �'.� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-GONSTRUCTION Dizects the construction and inspection of City-owned buildings and facilities. Yage 2 � �/ ��/5 � � Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the Director. Directs the administration o£ the City`s zoning ordinance and appeals process. DirecCs the enforcement of the City�s sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural pxactices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and techniques. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a diverse group of individuals, hoth orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y e / � y � - � � � i��b�� S�� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 Q �� �� � Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related £ield; and either five (5) years of experience in construction, at least three (3) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent o£ projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines; or five (5) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 20,000, and must be certified, or become certified within six (6) months of appointment, as a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education or certification. Continued employment is contingent upon maintaining certi£ication.) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION �.r�� SUMMARY OF CLASS STUDY City Building Official Background The position is located in the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). It works directly for the Director of LIEP. The position acts as the City Building Official with responsibilities as defined by State code. Previously we tried to recruit for this position when it was at Grade 26 and we only received applications for four eligibles. The number was reduced to three. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that these candidates did not possess the necessary experience or abilities to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would conform to State requirements. The class specification was rewritten and now includes specific references to having final authority in the City for building code decisions, for maldng determinations on areas where the code is unclear, for maldng final determinations if two inspectors or other officials cannot agree, and for cooperating - within legal limits - on major economic development issues. � ������•� Review of job profile Revision of class specification Interview with D'uector of LIEP Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluarion and analysis Comparison to Other Class S�ecifications The duties for the position in question were compazed with the existing class specs for LIEP Deputy Director for Construction, Building Code Offcer, Senior Inspector, and other positions. It was found that the position in question has the responsibilities as described in State law and that these were not clearly stated in the original ciass spec. These duties - especially those indicating that this position has responsibiliry for final interpretation of code disputes and must coordinate on economic development issues - were revised and clarified in the proposed Class specification. �� - s�� � Comparison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position does have a significant level of responsibility for final interpretation of disagreement over areas where the building codes are unclear and has responsibility for coordinating on economic development. No other position in the City has such responsibility. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the City Building Official be created to properly reflect these responsibilities and that the position be allocated to the level of compensation described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley l;��f/ DATE OF STUDY: 7une 17, 1998 . �.. � � . �,� � .� ' t . � � . .� (Signature) (Date) �� J ��� ! Salary Information Regarding City Building Official (Note: These comparisons are at the "G" step of all positions which is the traditional method used by us to compare positions.) Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay Ann $ 86,718.29 $ 77,421.47 ($ 9,296.82) $ 86,718.29 $ 73,210.76 ($ 13,507.53) Building Code Officer $ 3,322.54 (Current vacant position) City Building Official (Proposed) $ 2,96634 Difference Building Code Officer (Current vacant position) LIEP Deputy Director For Construction (Previously proposed Position) Difference ($ 356.20) $ 3,322.54 $ 2,805.01 ($ 517.53) Prepazed by:lVTichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: 7une 18, 1998 OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOUACES ]ohn Amtikon. Dircctar C1TY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Cokman, Mayor 7une 10, 1998 7ames O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Room 1300 City Hall Anne�c 5t Paul, MN 55102 �r -s�rr � IQ) LFty Sa71 A�wac 7ekphmm: 612-266�6500 25 w(rr Forwrh Sura IDD?IY.• 612-266�6501 S�ntPm`l,Nimesoia SSIO2-1631 Job7'oie: 6Z2-2666502 Far�i7e: 612-292-76.f6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Building Code t�mciai Dear Mr. O'Leary: It has been determined that the title and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Constroction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I have attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear &om you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the nte of pay for the title ofBuilding Code Official in Gcade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Piease notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. Sincerely, _ �� �� Nfichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rema�n;ng on the 20 day notice for Employee Benefiu Coordinator for the purpose of creating this tide and ctass specification. // � Dat o�oP���� JoTue Hmmlrat, Dixcror CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Colemme, Mayor � { � `• Robert Kessler, Director Office ofLIEP �`. �Q, IvTichael F. Foley ����l� �� Human Resources �:rY�l � Jun � •� ('�� � a�-s�� � , eao euy aQu.� r�k�: 6iz-zr,�csoo ZSWusFou,f7iStrees IDD!llY.• 612-7b6b501 Smnt Pau1, Mbxsora 5310Z-163I IobHne: 612-266-6502 Facaimile: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Building Code Officiai It has been deternvned that the ritle and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Construction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I ha�e attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the titie of Building Code Official in Grade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. I hereby waive the time remainin$ on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name 6�fl�y� Date �me�c�.e� - '� � t l �l� ORIG�NAi. r���r�a b Refetred To Council File # � � _ Sg8' Green Sheet # �Q� �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA for the position of"City Building Official". RE50LVED that the rate of pay for the "City Building OfficiaP' class be estahlished at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHERRESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. �v : o �.��,�, ti��a_ � � h�r�� � s ��;�,;�����. . � ��,;\�;� c=�. � — c� — Y ��:�„� � �.��.�er� b � ��.� Requested by Department of: By: ��Y �w"i"- C < � U,GGC`- Form Appzoved by City Att�mey �,: ������- �--� � 1221 �� i�.S, � Approved by Mayor: �e�io �:�\e...� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay � � Adopted by Council: Date � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � 9Y DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62383 Human Resources G i y 8� CONTACf PERSOPI & PHONE: p � - p INII7ALDATE INI1WAeTE IvTichael F. Foley 266-6484��C/ ���N 1_DEPARTMENT DIl2. s_ crrr covrrcu. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (Y�1� Nun�sx z_crrr a1-ro�Y c_ crn cr�iuc gpg 3_ BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� ROUTING 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) CCVII. SERVICE COMIdISSION As 5oon As Poss�'ble °�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox �uFSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "City Building Official". RECOMMENDATIONS: App�ova (A) oc RejeG (R) PERSOIQAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CIVII.SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Hastluspersodfumeverwmiceduoderacontrac[forthisdepaztmrnt? CIB COMMI1'1'EE Ya No STpFF � 2. Has this persodfum eva been a city employa? DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE7 3. Does this persodfum postess a skill not aom�ally possessed by aay curtent city employcel Yes No Esplain all yes answers oa separate aheet and aHac6 W yreen sLeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUL, OPPORTUNI'[Y (Who, wnat, wnew where, wny):1'he Building Code Officer retired about one year ago. We made an attempt to recruit for this position at a lower salary but the candidates were found to be unacceptable. T4us position has responsibilities under State law that impact on life, safety, and economic development. The workload is coming to the point where this position must be filled as soon as possible. anvpN'racES � arrxovEn: We will be able to attract qualified candidates for the position. (We recenfly announced for a lower salary and ihree candidates were eligible. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that none of these candidates possessed the necessacy experience or abilities to manage the building inspection function to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would confo:m to State requirements. ) nlsnnv,u�rrACES 1a nrrxovEV: There are no ]mown disadvantages. Wlrile 5he saiary costs are above the action requested several months ago that are still below the salary level for the now vacant former position of Building Code Officer. Disnuvnx'c'ncgs IF xoT nrrROVEU: Based on recent past experience the City will not be able to attract qualified candidates for the position at this salary level. While one employee is temporarily hsndling some of these duties the section is still short of professional and managerial staff. A s[aff shortage in this area has impact on life and safety of building occupants and on economic development issues. TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: S 0(Budgeted) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YeS � pe�� �Cis R�S@ FUNDINGSOURCE: LIEPSperialFYiad320-33353-0162 ACfIVITYNUMBER:0162 W" FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ,� 23 13J �1 �a s:wserssreaHa�ccnss�twaecorr�crza�ew�.wrn . PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 638A � BU: 09 g EFFEGTIVE: ��^ � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL �rn � DESCRIPTION OF WORK �/� f 9� General Statement o£ Duties: Per£orms responsible managerial work in planning and directing the operation and administration of the Construction Division of the Office o£ License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) acts as the Building 0£ficial for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; perfoxms other duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction•of the Office Director. S�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. �Ml7!S�7F�7iY�F�3i�17Y�1;73i�f� The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages overall division operations to include final approval of all buildings within the City, including new construction, renovation, zoning, and historical preservation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of codes, laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in conformance with requirements. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfoxmance. Coordinates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may ceordinate with other jurisdictions. Advises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. Represents the City on matters concerning huilding design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with (continued on reverse side) CITY BUILAING OFFICIAL p ge�2� O b - PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: � � CITY BUZLDING OFFZCIAL �me`^��� vz�s, aN provisions o£ building and zoning•codes; interprets codes and enforces � �� ` a11 provisions nf building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, s�mary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings. Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in connection with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the City. Assists as technical and legal expert in developing City positions on new and proposed changes to building codes and related legislation. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes YecommendaCions to the Director. Directs the administration of the.City's zoning ordinance and appeals process. Directs the City's historical preservation efforts. Directs the enforcement of the City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES A13D COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current,construction methods, materials, and techniques. Knowledge of the principles of financing and planning urban development projects. Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL Y�ge 3 �C� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: � CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL A.m�,��,4� v e.VS� a� �J� ��Y . Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a divexse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system relating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementing changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QBALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related field; and either ten (10) years of e�cperience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent of projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and involved managing the construction or major rehabilitation of "high rise" buildings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 75,000 with experience in reviewing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; and must be certified or become cexti£ied as a a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No substitution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for education or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintaining certification.) CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties I � � 1 � BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL CODE: 638A BU: 09 c �v EFFECTIVE: �� � J� O ! Performs responsible managerial work in planning and direct' g the operation and administration of the Construction Division the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (L P) acts as the Building Official for the City with responsibilities as described in State law; performs other duCies as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrati supervision over supervisory, professio technical and clerical employees. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED general, and technical area skilled inspection, The listed examples may not includ� all the duties performed by all positions in this class. � Manages overall division o erations to include final approval of all buildings within the Cit , including new construcCion, renovation, zoning, and historical resexvation issues. Resolves conflicting interpretation of cod , laws, and other legal requirements. Ensures structures are safe. Directs Che divis" n's planning activities; establishes and implements construction div'sion policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and i tiates changes as needed. Declares, or oversees the declaration of buildings to be unsafe or otherwise not in con rmance with requirements. Supervis s, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the constr tion division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Coor nates closely with other departments on development projects within the City and with the developers; may coordinate with other jurisdictions. A ises on code-related matters, historical preservation, and zoning issues. �tepresents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval o£ all plans £or compliance with (continued on reverse side) BUILDING CODE OFFIGIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and en£orces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and of hazardous or vacant buildings. Page 2 � _ S�Y Y Oversees inspection and approval of building materials in co ction with various codes and other pertinent requirements. Directs the inspection and certification of a11 elevator in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents e Director in his or her absence. Appears in court as an expert witness for the Assists as technical and legal expert in d new and proposed changes to building codes Develops reports, prepares special the Directox. Directs the administration of the process. Directs the City's historical efforts. Directs the enforcement of t e City's sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIE AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge codes and ordinanc Thorough ordinance Thorough k principles and te ects. , State, and Local building and zoning of legal aspects of building and zoning code and dge of management and human resource development practices. knowledge of current architectural practices, procedures, s, including specialty engineering. knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and of the principles of financing and planning urban development Working skill in operating a computer. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. ping City positions on related legislation. , and makes recommendations to s zoning ordinance and appeals BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DRA�� BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL Thorough ahility to establish woYking relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others achieving the goals of the organization. � ConsideYable ability to communicate acxoss a diverse group o£ both orally and in writing. Pag� � / ��y 4 f Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. Ability to manage a computerized information system r ating to building permits effectively, including overseeing implementi g changes, upgrades, etc. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degxee from an accredited co11e or univarsity in architecture, building construction mana ment, or a closely related £ield; and either ten (10) years of exp ience in construction, at least five (5) years of which must have bee as a contractor or superintendent of projects that requiYed the manage nt and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines and inv ved managing the construction or major rehabilitation o£ "high rise° bui ings; or three (3) years of experience as a Building Official in a muni ipality with a population of at least 75,OD0 with experience in revi ing construction or rehabilitation projects for "high rise" buildings; an must be certified or become certified as a a Certified Building Offici by the State of Minnesota within six months of appointment. (No subst" ution for experience with "high rise" buildings. No substitution for educ ion or certification. Continued employement is contingent upon maintai ng certification.) BUILDING CODE OFFICIAL � , 3 E � �i `_ �'r„>. �'�.i u °o i:� ✓ w � `'�,? i TITLE OF CLASS: DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 593A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: OlJ14J98 v � Performs responsible managerial work in planning and directing the administration of the Construction Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the approval of construction permits, the inspection of construction projects, and the review of building plans, site plans and zoning use; and performs duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Office Director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, pxofessional, area skilled inspection, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements construction division policy; prepares annual budget; and evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the construction division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City on matters concerning building design and inspection at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the review and approval of all plans for compliance with provisions of building and zoning codes; interprets codes and enforces all provisions of building and zoning codes. Designs and directs the inspection, summary abatement, and condemnation of hazardous or vacant buildings within legal guidelines. Inspects and approves building materials in connection with building codes and other pertinent requirements. Provides structural and design engineering and architectural consultation to Gity departments. (continued on reverse side) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y qp ;��� ` P' � , � , =. ._ -.n .� a.i � Y tl�i 6v U��a� Y �e7 ,'�j �'.� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-GONSTRUCTION Dizects the construction and inspection of City-owned buildings and facilities. Yage 2 � �/ ��/5 � � Directs the inspection and certification of all elevators in the City. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the Director. Directs the administration o£ the City`s zoning ordinance and appeals process. DirecCs the enforcement of the City�s sign control ordinance. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of National, State, and Local building and zoning codes and ordinances. Thorough knowledge of legal aspects of building and zoning code and ordinance enforcement. Thorough knowledge of management and human resource development principles and practices. Considerable knowledge of current architectural pxactices, procedures, and techniques, including specialty engineering. Considerable knowledge of current construction methods, materials, and techniques. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to read and interpret building and zoning codes. Thorough ability to establish working relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to communicate across a diverse group of individuals, hoth orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hostile individuals and resolve conflicts or concerns. DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION � y e / � y � - � � � i��b�� S�� DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 Q �� �� � Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in architecture, building construction management, or a closely related £ield; and either five (5) years of experience in construction, at least three (3) years of which must have been as a contractor or superintendent o£ projects that required the management and coordination of multiple building trades disciplines; or five (5) years of experience as a Building Official in a municipality with a population of at least 20,000, and must be certified, or become certified within six (6) months of appointment, as a Certified Building Official by the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education or certification. Continued employment is contingent upon maintaining certi£ication.) DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CONSTRUCTION �.r�� SUMMARY OF CLASS STUDY City Building Official Background The position is located in the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). It works directly for the Director of LIEP. The position acts as the City Building Official with responsibilities as defined by State code. Previously we tried to recruit for this position when it was at Grade 26 and we only received applications for four eligibles. The number was reduced to three. The Director of LIEP strongly believed that these candidates did not possess the necessary experience or abilities to ensure that construction work in Saint Paul would conform to State requirements. The class specification was rewritten and now includes specific references to having final authority in the City for building code decisions, for maldng determinations on areas where the code is unclear, for maldng final determinations if two inspectors or other officials cannot agree, and for cooperating - within legal limits - on major economic development issues. � ������•� Review of job profile Revision of class specification Interview with D'uector of LIEP Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluarion and analysis Comparison to Other Class S�ecifications The duties for the position in question were compazed with the existing class specs for LIEP Deputy Director for Construction, Building Code Offcer, Senior Inspector, and other positions. It was found that the position in question has the responsibilities as described in State law and that these were not clearly stated in the original ciass spec. These duties - especially those indicating that this position has responsibiliry for final interpretation of code disputes and must coordinate on economic development issues - were revised and clarified in the proposed Class specification. �� - s�� � Comparison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position does have a significant level of responsibility for final interpretation of disagreement over areas where the building codes are unclear and has responsibility for coordinating on economic development. No other position in the City has such responsibility. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the City Building Official be created to properly reflect these responsibilities and that the position be allocated to the level of compensation described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley l;��f/ DATE OF STUDY: 7une 17, 1998 . �.. � � . �,� � .� ' t . � � . .� (Signature) (Date) �� J ��� ! Salary Information Regarding City Building Official (Note: These comparisons are at the "G" step of all positions which is the traditional method used by us to compare positions.) Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay Ann $ 86,718.29 $ 77,421.47 ($ 9,296.82) $ 86,718.29 $ 73,210.76 ($ 13,507.53) Building Code Officer $ 3,322.54 (Current vacant position) City Building Official (Proposed) $ 2,96634 Difference Building Code Officer (Current vacant position) LIEP Deputy Director For Construction (Previously proposed Position) Difference ($ 356.20) $ 3,322.54 $ 2,805.01 ($ 517.53) Prepazed by:lVTichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: 7une 18, 1998 OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOUACES ]ohn Amtikon. Dircctar C1TY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Cokman, Mayor 7une 10, 1998 7ames O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Room 1300 City Hall Anne�c 5t Paul, MN 55102 �r -s�rr � IQ) LFty Sa71 A�wac 7ekphmm: 612-266�6500 25 w(rr Forwrh Sura IDD?IY.• 612-266�6501 S�ntPm`l,Nimesoia SSIO2-1631 Job7'oie: 6Z2-2666502 Far�i7e: 612-292-76.f6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Building Code t�mciai Dear Mr. O'Leary: It has been determined that the title and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Constroction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I have attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear &om you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the nte of pay for the title ofBuilding Code Official in Gcade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Piease notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not heaz from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. Sincerely, _ �� �� Nfichael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rema�n;ng on the 20 day notice for Employee Benefiu Coordinator for the purpose of creating this tide and ctass specification. // � Dat o�oP���� JoTue Hmmlrat, Dixcror CITY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Colemme, Mayor � { � `• Robert Kessler, Director Office ofLIEP �`. �Q, IvTichael F. Foley ����l� �� Human Resources �:rY�l � Jun � •� ('�� � a�-s�� � , eao euy aQu.� r�k�: 6iz-zr,�csoo ZSWusFou,f7iStrees IDD!llY.• 612-7b6b501 Smnt Pau1, Mbxsora 5310Z-163I IobHne: 612-266-6502 Facaimile: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Building Code Officiai It has been deternvned that the ritle and class specification of LIEP Deputy Director for Construction should be eliminated and replaced by the title and class specification of Building Code Official. I ha�e attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the titie of Building Code Official in Grade 28, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I can be reached at 266-6484 or ext. 66484. I hereby waive the time remainin$ on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name 6�fl�y� Date