91-1754 t i� . � . . � Z5 Council File # /-/7 Y ������� Green Sheet #` �4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ' / Referred To Q,�(��:� (��, � ��G� committee: Date � �i 4'� l� WHEREAS, Municipal State Aid funds were adopted as funding for the V1larner Rd. Reconstruction project in budget years 1986, 1987 & 1990, and WHEREAS, there is a resolution in route (Grn Sht 15046) to authorize the proper City officials to expend Municipal State Aid funds in the amount of $3,948,700 for the acquisition of right- of-way on Warner Road from Jackson to Childs Rd., and WHEREAS, this resolution is an attempt to bring the budgets for this Project forward to the last year this Project was budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of>the City�of Saint Paul, upon recorrimendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. 807-62901 1986 MSA 1,048,000.00 -1 ,048,000.00 0.00 Great River Road Funds 4,200,000.00 4,200,000.00 5,248,000.00 -1 ,048,000.00 4,200,000.00 SPENDING PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. 807-62901 Right-of-Way Acq. 5,500,000.00 -1 ,048,000.00 4,452,000.00 5,500,000.00 -1 ,048,000.00 4,452,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. C87-2S002 1987 CIB 339,000.00 339,000.00 1987 MSA 1,000,000.00 -1 ,000,000.00 0.00 1,339,000.00 -1 ,000,000.00 339,000.00 �,,ir� . � , �f9�-�7�� . � r ' � • � � „U�:1 t7�1�L!i.^ . .. SPENDI��G PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. C87-2S002 Construction Plan 339,000.00 339,000.00 Right-of-Way Acq. 1,000,000.00 -1 ,000,000.00 0.00 1,339,000.00 -1 ,000,000.00 339,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. C90-2S021 Great River Rd. Funds 387,000.00 387,000.00 1990 MSA 1,900,700.00 2,048,000.00 3,948,700.00 Federal Aid Urban 5,100,000.00 5,100,000.00 1990 County Aid 72,000.00 72,000.00 7,459,700.00 2,048,000.00 9,507,700.00 SPENDING PLAN Warner Rd. Reconst. C90-2S021 Acquisition 387,000.00 3,561,700.00 3,948,700.00 Construction Plan 1,570,000.00 1 ,570,000.00 Construction 5,502,700.00 -1 ,513,700.00 3,989,000.00 7,459,700.00 2,048,000.00 9,507,700.00 s.°.i6 w�t. �2lill LC1TiQ-�i7lxIC,�P. Cic,'r1i,+':;ol �, ��;�,^•;:»•;'i'. .• $udget Committ�a receivti:d t.hi.s r��r�:�:;; ..:,�; ��ate) �_ar�ci rec:s�r�;c�w�m�y � � �� ..�....�..■ � ��G �i��h Yeas Nava Absent Requested by Department of: �osi''s�— � Public Works (DJD/jb) 5-29-91 acca e �'- e ma —�"' � .� z son � BY� Adopted by Council: Date OCT � G 1�91 Form App o d by Ci Atto Adoption Certified by Council Sec�et.�ary By: BY° � App ov by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor,: Date � T � J 1991 Cou , . .��GC/i..�-i' By: `� By' PUBIISNED OCT 19'91 • ATE INITIATED N ,//��� b���_w�� � ��� � 5/29/91 G REEN SHEET N o. 11346 CONTACf PERSON 3 PFiONE , � � ��� � � CRY COUNCIL Daniel J.Dunfa�d 292-G750 ��ER�a cm�rroAr�r � cm c�aic MUST BE ON COUI�IL AOENDA BV(DATE) t�U71NG �BUDOET DIFiECTOR � FIN i MOT.SERVK:E8 DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR A3313 ` Q Oan DuMad TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES {CUP ALL LOCA710N8 FOR SIGNATUR� �soCu► DEPAiiTMENTA�AUNT AGTION REOUES7ED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1990 Capital Improvement Program by transferri��g spending and financing from the 1986, and 1987 Warner Rd.Reconstrucdon project to the 1990 Warner Rd.Reconstrucdon pro�:c� REC�MMENDATIONSApprove(ly w Rejea(F� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MU3T ANSWER THE FOLIOW 1 • _PLANNIf�Ki COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSKK�1 t. H2S 1hi8 p9tloNflrtn eV61 WOrkAd Wtd@f 8 oDt1V8Ct!fOr thfs depetblKllt���V�D CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NQ STAFF 2. Has this pereaVflrm evel been e dty employe6? �� _ DISTRICT WUI�IL _ �S � � G � �1 3. Does thia peraoNfirtn possess a skitl rat norrt�aqy posaesaed by any ciirreVnt�ftyb4�by 1 SUPPORTSWHICHCWNCILOBJECTNE? �S ^� �Y ATTpRNEY Explain all yas answors on separato sh„t and stt�ch to prwn MVITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WHO.WHAT,V1fHEN.WHEFE.WFIY): There is a pending Council Resoludon(Grn Sht#15046)authorizing City officials to expend Miinicipal State Aid funds for the �quisition of right-of-way on Warner Rd.,and there is budget for ttus project in fhrce different C',apital Improvement budgets. This resoludon is an attempt to bring forward these budgets to the most recent budget year Warner Rd.Reconstruction appears. ADVANTAQESIFAPPROVED: The spending authority for the acquisitions will be in one budget year and one acdvity making acGounting for these expenditures a�i receipts easier to track. RECEIVED RECEtVEp AU6 3 0 1991 AV� ~ � l�q) MAYOR'S OFFICE OISADYANTI1faES F APPROVED: (�` T R�^ None. A�vu�ARTME�7 0 DtR���R . EO M"�'A�EMENzF��AN� '�N 61°� REGEIV S��ES � � ,��F10E SEp �1 �1 e��u� . . ,, �� Ci1y ��ERK DISADVANTAf�S IF NOT APPROVED: The expenditures and receipts for this project would be spread over three different funds,one of w�ich is the PIR which is being closed out in 1991. It would necessitate additional manual accoundng to keep spending within appropriated 1�udgets. COUnci! Research C��►��� SEP � 51991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION ; Net$0 COST/REVENUE BUDQETED (qIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SouRCE 1986. 1987 MSA AC7IVITY NUMBER 807-62901, C87-2S002 & C90-2S021 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAY� MSA Allocations have not been expended or encumbered for any other related costs. �� .,;�, . . . , f/ ;�' { 5�91 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the APPROVED 3-0 -}' ` �n Edgcumbe/Bayard Area Street Paving v� h � and Lighting Project. �"` ��� —1 / � � �� r-��� � R E S O L U T I O N - 9 1-1 7 3 7 - A p p roving an � A P P R O VED 3-0 ` �� easement to the Metropolitan Waste x ,: �;°���;�;_`` - Control Commi ss i on from the Ci ty for k '� the Trout Brook Ilnterceptor Extension �' '��'�`�"� Project. (Referred to Committee �x ': 9/17/91) u �;:�:� ����`; RESOLUTION - 91-1738 - Authorizing APPROVED 3-0 , ,��,...;,, ; �� .fi�'�d' the Real Estate Division to make ��� application for tax-forfeit parcels as �t':. . � �` described for storm water ponding. �� (Referred to Committee 9/17/91) �`� ' 11. RESOLUTION - 91-1740 - Amending the APPROVED 3-0 1991 Capitol Improvement Budget by transferring 1989 Capital Improvement Bond funds from the E. Shore Drive- Johnson to Larpenteur Lighting and 1991 Capital Improvement Bond funds from the Maryland Avenue-Dale to Western Lighting projects to the Thomas-Hamline to Dale Lighting project and adding $15,000 in assessment financing to the Thomas . � Avenue Project. (Referred to . . � Committee 9/17/91) 12• An ordinance amending the Administrative LAID OVER Code by adding a chapter thereto and 2 WEEKS establishing a mechanism for the protection of Trade Secrets filed with the City of Saint Paul as part of a utility regulatory matter. (Referred to Committee 6/20/91; Laid over in Committee 7/3/91, 7/17/91, 7/31/91, 8/7/91, 8/21/91, 9/4/91) 13. Letter of District Energy Saint Paul , Inc. LAID OVER transmitting amendment to Hot Water 2 WEEKS Delivery Agreement. (Referred to Committee 9/17/91; Laid over in Committee 9/18/91) 14. _ RESOLUTION - 91-1733 - Establishing the APPROVED 3-0 1992 Combined Sewer and Street Program Public Works • Assessment rates. 15. RESOLUTION - 91-1754 - Amending the APPROVED 3-0 1990 Capitol Improvement Program by transferring Spending & Financing from the 1986 and 1987 Warner Road Reconstruction project to the 1991 Warner Road Reconstruction project. (Referred to Committee 9/19/91) ' (continued) �• : ��'�`��`g`� Analyst: AICHINGER , � Date: Au�st 19, 1951 BUDGET OFFlCE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Depertment: PUBLIC WORKS Green Sheet Number: 11346 Amount of Request: 52,048,000 Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommended: $2,048,000 Positions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: 1986& 1987 MSA Subject of Request: Transfer 1986 and 1987 Municipal State Aid budgeted for Warner Road into the 1990 Warner Road acitivity to facilitate payment of bills Background: Fnancing tor Warner Road has been phased over a number of years. As a result,the funds are budgeted in a number of separate activities. Combining the budgets into a single activitity facilitates record-keeping. Major Issues: None Fscal Impact: (CuReM Year and Following Year) None Reconxnendation: APPROVE Fdlow-up Recommended, If Any: None AICHINGER/C:\FILESWNALYSES OS/20l97 �