91-1753 ��f����� � j ' Council File „� "/7.�3 , , r � ' Green Sheet �` ���� RESOLUTION CITY Q� S�IN PAUL, MINNESOTA ,, _ . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint f'aul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the following 1isted property and es shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals and dated August 13, 1991 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: . DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 8/13/91 35-91-F 218 N. Dunlap St. Calvin Fischer BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until November 1 , 1991 to replace the deadbolt locks witfi the 1 inch throw to meet code requirement. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Varney and McManigal 's rearrangement of Block 1 of Annie E. Ramsey' s addition to 5aint Paut Lot 33 Blk 1 ---------------------------------- � `��`�+���►�=�'� # ��- /7�3 Council File � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 8/ 13/91 33-91-R 105 W. University Ave. Christ Lutheran Ch Walter Stokes BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until � August 1 , 1992 to bring rainieader to code complaince. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Whitneys Subdivision Lots 14 15 and Lot 16 BLk 1 ---------------------------------- 8/ 13/91 36-91-F 901 N. Snelling Ave. Midway Motel , Inc. Dirnitrios Kaniamos BOARD ACTION: Granted a refund of the filing fee in the amount of $25. 00. ---------------------------------- Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: .zmon � � • oswitz on M vN�� � �7acca ee ettman une B : i son / y 1=e1 /�.� �4ax,A CFp �- ` Form Ap roved by City Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date r Adoption C i 'ed by Coun 1 S cretary gy: .. � -- `�' By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by M yor: Date ��� � � ���, Council � By. .��e�i�s�.( By: Pit�lISt1ED �r? ?"'0l1 C�/-/7S3 DEPARTMENT/OFFIGE/OpUNCIL DATE INITIATED �ommunit services GREEN SHE T No. 619 0 CONTA PER3�1 3 PNONE 2 9 2-'�'�'� ' ARTMENT p�F�CTpq � m CI1y(;pUNCIL ���ALJDATE ' �� ATTORNEY _ �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON(�OUNpI AOENDA BY(DAT�, ROUTMIG BUOOET DIRECTOR � �FIN:6 MOT,SERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR((Xi A8SI8TANT) � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 � (CLIP AL�LOCATION=fOR SIQNATUR� ', ACTION REGUESTED: i Resolution approving the action of the Property Cod�e Enforcement Board of Appeals. ' ��cE�v� COMMENDA :�PPr�+(N a�1�(Rl COUNCIL COMM —Puwrxrm ooM�xssroN —avi�seavic�c�ssioH "�� ' �ra. — —��o,,,,�„�E — E P 6 1 COMMENTS: ,,,.. —$T�� — C IT�' ATYC�I��EY ._ .. —��� — $��,�,�,�����z iNiTwn►��oe�M,�,o�oRtu�rv�wno,wna,wnsn,wner.,wny�: Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals for the meeting of August 13, 1991 . (See attached �iainutes) ��� SEP 10 1991 '' FFIC£ A�/AN'UQES IF APPROVED: Extensions of time to the property will be ratified: 2 - extensfions Waiver o£ fil.ing fee will be ratified. 1 - re�und of filing fee. o�ov�wr�s��ovEO: RECEIVED �puncil i Res��m+� ^-.A„ None SEP 12 199� � $�p 11 1991 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: The action taken by the Property Code Enforcement Baard of Appeals will be returned to the Board by the City �ouncil for further review. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = n I a C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(d1�CLE ONB) YE8 NO x FUNDING SOUR� n/a ����M� ' 3 3 2 6 3 FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� ; dw . > ', ;' . NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECi10N3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUIIL AVAILABLE IN THE PURt.�IASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO.29&4225). ROUTINO ORDER: BNow ero-proferred routfngs for ths ii�rtast frsquertt typsa of dooumsnts: CONTRACTS (apumas authorfzed COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend� Bd9tsJ budpet exists) Accept. Cirants) �. outside Ay�nc�r 1. Dspartmsrit Director 2. initietinp D�putmsnt 2. Budget Director 3. Gty Attornsy 3. qty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AseisteM 5. Financs&M�tnt Svcs. Director 5. C�ty Council 8. Flneux�A�x�dn� 8. Chisf AocouMeu�t, Fln fl Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE�iDER (Budpst, COUNqI.RE80LUTION e�others)�� �evisbn 1. /►cUvity Manepsr 1. Initiatinp D�paRm�t Director 2. Dspertment AccouMeM 2. City Attorney 8. Dep�rtmaM Dir�ctor 3. MsyoNA�btant 4. Budpst DfnCtor 4. City COtN1Cfl 5. City Gsrk 6. Chisf AocouMsM� Fln�Mgmt b1n;s. A�1AIN13TRATiVE ORDER3 (all othsra) 2. C�Atp�� 3. MayoN/►ssfstant 4. dty 61sdc TOTAL NUMBER OF SK3NATURE PAQES Ihdfc�rt4:th0.�N�of:pape;on which sipnatures are required and pepsrcl�D e�h ofi thais p„ e�.` ACTION RE�UE3TED D�sc�ib�whet ths prcjoct/nqw�t seeks to axomplhh in Nthsr chronolopi- cel ordsr or oMer of Importanos,whichsvsr is mo�t appropriate tor the isaue. Do not writs c�ompleb�.Bepin e�ch kem in your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Comp�lsb N ths iews in qwstion I�as b�sn pree�rn�d bNore anY baN� Wb�� or priwts. 3UPPORTB WHlqi C�IJNqI 08JECTIVE? Indkate wMch Coundl obj�t�w(s)Y�+��►e4�s�PP�bY���►9 ths ksy word(s)(FIOUSINO, RECREATION,NEKiHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE CO�APLETE LIST IN IN3TRUGTIONAL AAANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMRTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RECIUESTED BY OOUNCIL INI'MTINO PROBIEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY ` Explafn ths situstbn or concatiora that cneted a need for yoour project or roqusst. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicato whethsr thfe is simply an annual budpet proadure requirsd by law/ - ch�rter or wh�tt�sr th�n ue sp�ciifc wa in which the Gty of 3eiM Paul and ita dUzens wlll b�nMlt irom this pro�t/awtfon. D18ADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED What nsgative etfects or mejor chengss M sxi�inp or patt proceesss mipht this projecUrequat produce H it is peq�d(e.q.,tretflc deleys� noise, tax incr�as�a or a�rt�enb)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED Wl�t wfH bs ths nep�tivs conepuer�s ff the promised action is not approved?InaWlily to deliver earvice?Condnued high traffic, noise, aocid�nt rate?Loss of revsnue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Aithou�h you must tailor ths in/onnation you provide here to the fssue you aro addroesin�, fn�sneral you mu�t ansMwr two questfons: How much is it going to c�at?.WAo is going to pay? . . �i i��3 . �,c�,e�r� NROF'ENTY c_UU� L1�1�=0RCEMENI" E�OARD ��F P,PPEP:LS 55� CEDAR 5-r�;'EE7 5A I nll- PAUL . M 1 I�NESO�A 55 1 0 1 t�1 I NI.�T�S. r�EE"� 1 n�� C�F P,L�GUS~( 13 . 19� 1 MEMBER PRt�.�tNT: kon �; I assrr�an . C'ha i rrnan kan Anken�� '��ter-�r��n i � Ch�ster Joan Redrsc�n W i 1 1 i am L . l-i l ton Don We i cia MEM�3ERS P.BSEPJ"f: Jarnes Lau�h 1 i n U-�HE� PRESEN7: Nat F i sl��. ;.;t. f='au 1 � i i�e P��event i on S�tcvE Herber°�., Ra i n 1 eader• U i v i s i on Char 1 es Vot.e 1 D i u i s i or� of Pub 1 i c Hea 1 tl�� Lis:� Hammer. Leqal Aide - Pu�iic Health Ra�ert Fo1 �v Wil � iam LiebCit Ca! v i n F i scher� JQrr�v Lc�ve? 1 Gwvnne Evaris 4�� i tr�r Stokes Jean R i ce F�au i � . (3���ckrnan ��aie � . Martinsan :��I�AFF : Jase�h i nz P. 8<�n��i c>vann i 1 . A�_?��rova I c�f the mi n��tes for th� Jun� 1 1 . !9�a 1 meet i nc� as subrn�tt.ed i n wr i �t i nc�. MoL i r�r� wa� made by J��an P����son t.o app, ,���v� t.��e �r;;n�:t�� :=:.�. the rneet i na of June 1 1 . 19Q 1 . �econcied bv �J i i 1 i arn L. l�� 1 tor�. MGT I OU CARR I ED UNA�I T MC�USLY. 2. CASE HEAF?I NGS: CP.SE NU: NRCJPERTY AF'PEALED AI�PEL!ANT 32-y1-F 151 ! Randol �h Ave. �2ot;ert J . Foley (8 units) AP1='EARANCtA Robert. Foi ey SIiBJEt:I�: A�pe 1 1 ant i s request i ng a var- i ance fr�m ��t: . F'au 1 Leg i s !at.i ve Cade �ert�i n i na t.o l�athrocm outs i de of un i t. 15 I I . 1 . �r��.�3 PROCEEG 1 NG�: A�-���e i 1 an�: s�l.a�t�d ti-�e batP�roorri i s :.�uts i de t:f-�e un i�t an� down a f i i ght of s�t�a i r s . l-r�ie az�artri�en��� i s veT-y sm:� i 1 and there wou 1 d be no rc�om tc� i n�ta i 1 a hath. a 1 so tr���t�e wou I d L�e qu i te a r.ost i n:�0 1 vFd. Tf��e bat.l� i s f oc.ked and use� by on 1 y one 1:enanfi. . BUA�:D P,CT I UN: Mot i�n rnad� by B i 1 l l��i i t.on to �irant a var i enre i:o a 1 1 ow the �.�r��esent batf-�room ��ts i de ��1= Un i 1=. 1 51 1 tc rema i n. Seconded bv Joan F'earson. MOT I UI�I CARP.I ED �JI�lAI�!I MrJiJSLY. 3�t-�al-F 1887 Gt�anci A.ve. Charl �s 4�. �churr (y uni�tsl AF'F'EAF'A�IC;E : IVt�NE SU�tJEC1� . A,r-.r_�e i !an�r. i s request.i r-�c7 a var i�r�ire from 5t . Pau 1 Le�i s 1 at i ve C��dF �erta i n i n� -ta the nT•esen�t deadbo 1 t i ock:s F�r�� apts . 1 , 2 , �I , 5, 6 . ? , and 8. wRJCEED I NUS F�a�: F i sti s�at�d tha�l. �he k�u i 1 c!i n�7 ��n i ��s nave 5!8'� U�ddba 1 ts and th� bu i 1 c�i rig i s a seeured t�u i 1 d i ng- 1`I��� dc?c�rs ar e solid wood �aors . B�ARCi A(:`�I UIV ; Mot i on rnade by Dc�n We i da ta �t��n L � var i��n�:= c�n the pi�esent d�adba 1 ts , wi th �:tie r�rov i s i ar� that. wt�en th�e d�adL�o 1 �s nGed rep 1 acement , ��hey be rep 1 acecl �y i t.t�� tlie I " ti�r-o�r to meet, code requi ►�ement. 5�conded by F�on Ankenv. THE VOTE : Yeas (5l hlays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention � u1 ---------------------------------- 35-91-F 218 No. Duniap St. Cal ��in � ischer (5 units? APPEA�tANCE : Calvin Fischer 5UE3JECl-: Appe 1 i ant i s request i nc� a var i ance fr-om �t. Pau 1 �eaislative Code pertaining �to the present deadbolt locks . NROCEED I NGS: Tt-i i s i s a f i ve uri i t bu i t d i na, the appe ! 1 ant�. r era 1 aced ar�e af the cieabdo 1 ts i ocks w i th a 1 i nct�� cleadbc�1 t. Yhere at-e some 1 ocks that have a 1 !2 i nch tt-�row snd some t-�ave 5/8 inch . . �/-i 7.53 Pat F ? sh, from F 7 re 1='r��even� i on st.ated fihat F i r�e wau 1 d nc�t su��r_,c�i.t. a var i an�!� on th-�� 1 /2 i r�ch daa�.ibo 1 t . ���=�ARL� AC�� I UN : Mot.i on made �y kon Ankeny cleny i nq ttie re�7ues�L far� � var i ance or� the ��resent dead�c�1�l.s . i nstead t.Y�e boar�d c�ranted an e�i.�nsion of time until Novernber i . 19�1 ta re�i �ce the deadbolt 1 ock,s w i�t� �tr�e 1 i nch �Lhrow t:o n�ee�t code r ec�u i rement. . Seconci�c) by Joan 1'ea rson. MO1-I Ot�l CARR 1 ED UNAN I MUUSLY . ---------------------------------- 3E�-�1-F 90 I Sne 1 1 i n�a Av�. No. U i m i tr- i as Kar�i arn�s (L8 units ) Niid���+�,� Mo�tei , Inc. �U�iJEC�'f : �l�l-i i s case has been reso 1 veci. Tlie .4��_'e 1 1 ar�t i s T°e�-�uest i nq the f i ! i ny f�e ofi $L5. OU be retur�dec. !�OARD P,CI� I ON : Met i c�n wds made t�y Joan Pear s�rt i.a ref�nd t.he filing fe� af $25. 00. 5econdec� by Ron Ankeny. MOI�ION CARRiED UNANIMUUSLY. ---------------------------------- �37-y 1-F L235 Rockw�od Ave. �tuart c�orr�ora�t i an ( 110 unii�s � Jtrrv Lovell AF'PEAF�AIVCE : Jert-y Love 1 1 �� Da i e Mart i nsr�n SUBJECI�: A►�pe I 1 ant i s request i nc� a v�r i ance f t-am t��de on an oi�der ta u�gi��cl� the ex i st i n��r two ex i t coors ta mee* un i form f i re c�ci�. F'�OCEED I NGS: The bu i 1 d i n� was bu i 1 t 5 years a�7o, at. t��a� t i me the building was completel ,y up to cade. What n�eds to be done is to i ns�ta 1 1 a center post i n the two g 1 ass doc�rs , that. wou 1 ci requ i re the remova 1 of thF cl 1 a;�s door-s. �rt�e cost to rernove tY�e ��l�ss doors , eliminate t.t�� sid� lights to make room for �h� center E�ost woul �l c�st abaut � 12 , 000 . Mr. hlart i nson stated t.hat t.t-�e i�u i I d i ng has a fu 1 1 y pump I�acked ��� s�r i nk,l e►� systern, a 1 so ar� a]arm system. The L�u i i d i nq i s st�f=fed �4. ho��rs a day and has tt�e emeraency �-�u i � cord sys�.ern. E�G�ARQ AC7 I ON: Mot i on made i�y Joan Pear son to deny trie requ�st �or a variance �.c� allow the existing ille�al flush balts on exit dooi-�s . Secanded bv Bill Tilton. THE V�1-E : Yeas t 5) Nays � 1 ) ��1 assmar� Abs�ent i on {U ) ---------------------------------- �:. . . �/�-��53 38-�1-F 460 F'ierce St.. c�wvnr�e �vans � 11 units ) A�PE.ARANCE : Gwvnne Eva��s �=>UBJE��I-: AG�p�1 I ant i 5 requrst i r�� d var i�nce fi ra� St. . Pau 1 Le�a i s 1 at i ve C;c�de, fr'<�rn tr�e re��:i remer�t �f hav i rrg t�� upgra�P deavbo I i s i ocks on tr�e ! ! un i ts i n �the bu i 1 d i nc�: a I so re�u�st, i n� a var i ance ai� hav i na to .r_�r��ov i cl� excavat i on on the exter i or ar��, apartment �#1 0 bedre�orn w i ndow. PRUCEEDINGS: i�h� P.ppellant stated that the buiidinq is a secured bu i 1 d i nca ar�U fee i s �t.he presen-t 1 ocks are suff i c i ent.. BOA�?G P,C71 tif�l : Mo�t i on macie by B i i I T i 1-l.on to c7ranl� � v:�r i ance c,n tl�ie �resent deadbo 1 ts , w i th the cond i t i on that i f �thes� need rep 1 ac�ment. tf�at. they be rep I ace�� w i tr�� the 1 i nch t.hroHr accer�i i ng t� cc�de re�au i rernent. Seconded bv Ue�� We i da. THE VUTE : Yeas (5) Nays ! 1 )� Pe�rson Abs�er�tion ( 0) r U�1�[-HEf� PF;O�EEU T NGS: -�I-�e �pp�� !ant fee 1 s tf�ia�� fi,he escape w i ndaw i s suff i c i en-L. 1-here i s a �a 1 van i zed we 1 1 wh i cy� i s v�r�v 1 arae. and is connected/cemented intc t►��e stucco. There woulc� be quite a cost i nvo i vECi �to excavate around the w i ndov�� to en 1 a�-��e �the area <��n th� exter i��r . Pat F i sP� firom F i re Preverit i c�n s�:ai�ed that t.he c�a 1 van i zed wP i 1 exten�s 1�3 i i�ches fram th� w i nciow. Code requ i r�emen�t r s 36 i nc:rie� o�.:t an� 3h i n�hes on e i ther � i de af the escape :.,� ndo�r�. P�t F� i sf�� stated tr�at. F i re �'revent i er� wo�1 d sup�ort the var i ance ��n t.hE s i des to i-ema i n. �I he wi ndow i tse I f i s 1 arge enougt� far escape, but tl-ie d i st.arice f=rom the psca��e w i ndow stt"a i ��ht out muat I�e er�1 arae�i tc� 36 i nches t.o br i ng i t i nta code comp 1 i ance. BOARD AC71 ON? Mot i on mad� b.y B i 1 1 T i 1 t.an to c�eny the re�uest. for, variance that the escape window excava�ion be � f�et out. fr�rn the w i ndow, but grantecl a var i a�-�ce exempt i ng the 3 fee�t r�e�au i rement on each sidP af the windo��is . Seconded by Joan P�arson. MCJTIUN CARRIEU UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 4 . , �i-��.�� :�?-`a !-{? 1O`_� �f. Un i v�r�s i ��.>, qve. ��hr� i st L+_�ther�n �hurch W� 'I ter' 1� . '�°t.rJke� :4PF'E,4R,ANCL : Wa�l ter T . �tokes �UL�JECT: A���pe 1 I ani�. i s i-enues� i na a vdr� i�3nce frorn �ocie r�qu i i��ement on f-�av i ncr to d i sconnect r��i n) eacier� . PRJCEED I�lGS: The ap��e] 1 ant stat.ed �tha��. i f the gutter�s wer-e rerouted to run dowri the s i de of t.he bu i 1 d i n� i �l. wc�u 1 � be u�71 y. S�teve Herbert , fr�m �the Ra i n I eadE�, D i v i s i on s�.ated t�hat gu�i er could be extended on the rcof, then ao down th� side of tf�ie IaU 1 1 d i ng. so that i t. bypass �he cJoor or� the �r�ound i eve I . Th i s wou !c� r�o� t�e very cost. 1 y, BOARG ACT I UN: Mot i on made by R�n Ankeny ±�.� d�ny the r���uest for- a variance �n the rainlead�r , inst�ead ar�nted an extensior, of time until Au�ust l , 1992 to brin�� rainleader to cod� compliance. �econded !�y Jadn Pear sori. MOT I C?N CAkR I�D UNAN T MUUSLY . 3y-�1-R 855 5t . C 1 a i r- Ave. C:hr i sty Jo Caspe�,s ( � units} SUBJECT: Appellant is reyuestinc� a variance from Code i��equ 9 rement hav i r�g tu d i scc�nnect r�i n 1 eader� . Postponed t� th� Se���tem��r meet i nc7. ----------------------------------- 4 1-9 I-H 194/ 196 W. K i n�a St . Jean F'i ce ( 2 ur�it.G � APPEARANCE : J�an Rice SUBJE�.�T: A��peilant is request.ina a Niaiver of the vacant buiiding fee i n �tl-�e amount of � 1 , C110 . 00 . PROCEEC�!NGS: 1-he ap�e 1 l ant st.at.ed that she owr�ed the t��u i I d i nc� sever� years ac�o. ApC��1 1 an1=. was not a�•�a��e t.ria�t. tt�e �u i i d i nq was on the vacdr,t buildin� list.. Tt-ie aF��e l 1 ant st:�ted t.hat they cannot get a 1 oan because ofi tl-;e fee of � l , OlO. qQ . . �i- ��s3 Mr . G 3 assman sun�esi��d 1�.ha�t. rna���e Vacarft� Bu i 1 d i r��a D i v i s i on co�! 1 {.�� �.�raft. a 1 etter �o Benef=i i� i a 1 F i nanr_e request. i n� a short ? oan ta c7e1= the vacant bu i 1 d i ng fe�s r�� i d, so as to i�emove the ��,.i i ? d i r��� �f=t the v���ant bu i 1 d i ng 1 i st, �:hen t.f�e a�pe 1 1 ant wou I c! be at� i e to r�rc�ceed w i th the 1 odn, to ge�; �.he repa i rs dane on the bui lciin�. BOARG AC 1-I ON : Mot i on mac�e by B i 1 1 T i 1 i:on that t.he rec�ues� �or the wa i v�r c�f t.l�ie vacant. bu i I d i ng t=ee of $ 1 , i? i U . 00 be den i ed. S�conde� bY Don We i c�a. MC)f I�JN C:4R�'1 ECJ U�IP,N I M0�!SL Y . ---------------------------------- �i2-��l-H 55 Fs-ont St . Paui J . Breckman ll unit? A('PEP.RANCt= : Pau 1 E3reckman SUBJEC7: Appeliant is r��uestinG a waiver of-� the vacant buiiding *ee in the amount of �4�C� . OU ; .Also requestin� a waiver af th� Performance �ond in the amount of �L , 000 . 00 , because of financial hat��+5h i p. PRO�.�EEDINGS : Tt�ie appellant st.a�ed he` s owned thr� house since 19t34. In 199U one of the tenant' s waterbed had a ieak , which cr��tz� )ots of damage. l-here was an inspection because o{ a comp I a i nt ft�om a tenai�t . The �enant was ev i cted, tl�rv ! �ffi a ��efri �er�tar with io�s af spoited i=ood in it . The Ap�eli �nt. ma i nta i ns tl��e C i ty broke the cioors to aa i n entr�ance, tak i na th� retriae���tar with the sr�oiled food and cleaned all debr� s in the 1-�c,use, th� dc�ors were 1 �ft open. Mi-. B►�eckrnan had the bu i i ci i ny t��arded u� and secured. l-here was about 15. 000 dollars vanda 1 i sm done to the i��ou5�. Mr� . Breckman stated tr�at he anrl a friEnd have dane most af the deficiencies that wAre order�� to b� cfone. �Ir. Breckrnan stated that f i r�anc i a 1 1 y hz cannot afford �to pay tt��� $2 , UUO. UU ��e��farmance bor�d or the vacant bu i l d i n� fees . 6 - . . y��i--/7.s-3 Chur_.k Vote 1 , fr�om the D i v i s i c�r� of F'u!�1 i c Hea 1 th - Vacar�t Bu i I c� 9 ri�7 CJ i v i s i on sta-ted -that the house has been on the r�eg i s-tered vacar.-t �]�> >d� nq 1 i st s i nce Auyust 1�3�0. Mi�. Br-echman has owned i t f�r that �eriod ofi i;irne. Total vacant b+.� ildinq �ees are $500. OU . The C i ty h�s had t� n�ian i tor the L->u i 1 d i ng for sPCU►,i ty reasons . ri-�e C i ty boarded the b�,�i I c!i nq. 1"ti�re has bPen cont i nua I �.�►,ob l ems w i tt7 r ubb i sh i n tl-ie yard, I n ac1c1 q t i an , as a r�ec7 i st.ered vacant bu i 1 G i nq, Mr. Breckrnan i s requ i red t� comp I y w i t.h Ct��apter �3 of fihie Si� . Pau 1 Leg i s 1 at i vE Code, wh i ch requ i res ��ost� i nq a �2 , UUU. OQ deposit . obtain �:he necessary buildina permf�ts and a cocle cornr�1 i ance i nsper•t��n y �r�7 s determi nes wh i ch r�ermi t� are neer�ed. WhQn the ��c,rk is done it has to b� signed-offi and a the condemnat i on i s 1 i fter�, i�hen the bu i 1 d i ng wou 1 dpbe��r-emoved��e from the registered vacant buiidinq list. Mr. Vote 1 stated tha-t 1 ast yeat� the I ns�ector wen-t tc� ti-�e b��ilding and discovered tha�t work was being done witY�out a perm i t. The bu i 1 d i ng was reci tagged, because wor°k was k�e i ng dor�e wi�hout permits. Mr. Vote? stated that he sF�oke with M�� . t3reckrnan and explained t�o him what th�e requirements of the code are. Mr. Vot� i st�ted on July ! , 1991 , one of his Insaectors inspecteci the pro�erty arid a tag was issuec�, because there were persons in tPie b!.i i 1 d i ng, as i t i s un 1 awfu 1 to occupy a candemned house. Mr. Votel is not sure if the house is occu�ied or not afi the �resent time. Staff stated if upon ins�?ectiun of �:he building, they f i nci tenan�ts i n the bu i 1 d i ng that t i ckets wou 1 c1 b� i ssued to the ter�ant.s. Mr. Vote 1 referr�d �:o -the Summarv Abatement that Mr. �r�eckmar� re�rerred to, Mr. Vc�te i pr•esenteci a noti ce tha� st�owed orc�ers were i ss�.�ed ar� Ma�i 7 , !��aiJ to i�r , Breckman t.o c 1 ean t.hc i nter i or and ex�ter i oT� . The� ���te of cornr�1 i ance was Ma.v 1 4 , � W9U, Mr. Vote l referred to a work oi�der dated June 1 , 19�0 �i�om the F'arks Uepartrn�nt s ShOY�,I t' I'�C.i Pa��ks Uepartment wen�L to the house to do the clean up. The estirnatEd cost was �2 , 163. 00. Tfie invoice showed 15 hours of g�r�age r�ernc�va 1 , 3r� t i res . 5 ma��l.resses , 4 a�pliances . � .� ����7`s 3 �fri� conter�t i or, ��f the �� i �.y i s , �t.t��i s k��i n�a a i�eg i sl�ered vacan� �,+�s i 1 d i ng, i t mus�t be ! ea� ( i y occu��i ed. 7he bu i 1 c�i n�� i nspector,s have sta�tecl, that the w��rk has been dar�u and cavere� up, c�? 1 wc�rk, f�ds been cior�e w i l.t-�out �.,errn i-t. . Th� �,��s i�t.i on of th� (: i t.�,� i y that a 1 1 H��rF� rnust �,,e r_i�,�-ie urider r��E'r_rn i t . 8(}A�D AGT I ON : Mot, i c.�n mac�� by Jo�r� F earsor� deny i ng �;i�ie re�uest. fior a wa i ver of tr�e vacant. !-�u i 1 �i n��► fee c�f $�19U. 11C� and tP7e per��orrn�nce t�onN ofi $2 . OOC3 . OU . 5econ�cc� by Uon WF i da. MC�-i ION C.�1RR 1 EU UNAhI I MC�U5LY. ---------------------------------- Meet i ng ad_ic�u*�ned at 3 : C�0 p�m.