91-1752 URtG���� _ . . I;"� ouncil File # �`��.�� �J r �" Green Sheet # �� SOLUTION ITY OF SA PAUL, MINNES4TA , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date BE IT kE50LVEG. lThat fi he Council of the City of �air7� Naul hereby certifies and apr�roves the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed pr�o�erty and as shawn by the Exce��ted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeats and dated Auaust 13 , 1y91 and marked EXHIBIT A, and at�ached hereto and mdde a part hereof by refierence: UA�TE OF BOARD MTNUTES CASE NU: PR�PER7Y APPEALED APPELLANT 8/ 13/91 32-91-F 1509/ 1511 Randolph Ave. Robert J, Foley BOARD ACTION : Variance granted ta allow the present batnroom outisde of Unit lall to remain. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Sylvan Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul Ex Ave Lot 15 Bik 15 ---------------------------------- 8/ 13/91 38-91-F Q60 Pierce St. Gwynne Evans BOARU ACTION: Granted a variance an the present deadbolts, with the provision that. if they need replacement, that they be replaced with the 1 inch throw ta meet code requirement. Also a' variance was granted pxempt i ng the :3 feet requ i rement on each s i c�e of the windows. PRUPERTY DESCRIPTIt�N: Homer H. Hoy�l. Co. "s Addition Loi�s 16 and Lot 1 7 �31 k 3 ---------------------------------- �R�����,�� ;� . � �,��_���� 8/ 13/91 34-91-F 1887 Grand Ave. Charles W. Schurr BOARD ACTION: Varianc�e granted on the present deadbolts, with the provision that when the deadbolts need replacement, they be replaced with the 1 " throw to meet code requirement. � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Rosedale Park Ex Alley Lot 37 BLk 1 and be it, � FURTHER RESO�VED, That upon passage of this resotution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds. Yea Nays Absent Requested by Department of: zmon oswitz' / � �j�'�� onq v � � Macca ee � ettman � une gy. i son � �� � ,JR� r �M Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 9 1991 Form Approved by 't Attorney - -- �,: ����i�� ' Adoption Certified by Cou il Secretary g 9� � — By: Approved by Mayor for S mission to SEP 2 � ���� Council Approved by yor: Date • By: .��a��! - --- B y a�K6� P�AtISNED SEP 2�'91 �'i i�.�� �ommun t�e`rv ic e s a►��Nm�reo � GREEN SH ET No. 0189 8 E TE INITIiWDATE P ���_�7�.r� ARTMENT WRECTOR CITV COUNqL Jose hine p. BOI7 V Il 1 � �� AITORNEV i CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNpL Ik�ENDA BY(DAT� ROIITY�Ki BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. ASAP �MAYOR(OR A88t8TANT) ❑ TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SICiNATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: Resolution approving the actions of the Property Code Enforcemen�E���D Board of Appeals. REOOMMENDATIONS:APpars(N a►�'�lRl COUNCIL QOMMITTEE/�ARCN REPORT _PLANNINO COAAAtl8810N _pVIL SEF�IICE COMMIS8�N ANALYST _dB OOMMITfEE _ �� —$T� — °°"'"�"�� SEP 6 1991 —��� _ �,��,��,����E�,�, CITY ATT�i�ov�� iNmnnNO va�M.�ssue,oP�uNm�wno.wna,wne�.wn.n.wny): Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals for the meeting of August 13, 1991 (See attached minutes) ��� �����F��o: S EP Variances granted to the property will be ratified. ' MAYOR'S Of�'fG°E 3 - variances D18ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: None IiOUR��I R@SEafCII C�"►tA� RECEIVED �EP 11 199t SEP 121991 CITY CLERK ,� , DtSADVMITACiEB IF NOT APPROVED: The action taken by the Property �ode Enforcement Boa�d of Appeals will be returned to �the Board by the City Council for further review. TOTA�AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a n�� COST/REVENI�9UDOETED(CINCd�E ON� YES NO X �uNa�w sou� n/a ACTIVITY NUMSER 3 3�6 3 fl��,N��„�,:,��, �w NOTE: (�MPLETE DIRECfiONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3flEEN SFtEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PUACHASINC3 OFFICE(PHONE NO: 298-4225). ROUTIN(i OFtDER: BNow are prsfsrred routFnpe for ths Hww moet trequent typos of documeMS: COWTRACTS (assumss autho�ized COUNCIL RESOlUT10N (Amend,8dgts.% - b�get�xfsb) Accept. Oretnts) 1. Out�ds Agsncy 1. Dspartment Director 2. Ini2faNnp Departme�rt 2. Bud�at Director 3. Cfty Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssietaM 5. Financa d�Mgmt Svcs. DireatOr 5. qry Coundl 9. Flnanos A000untiny 6. Chbf aocoumant� Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMtNISTRATIVE ORDER (Budgst COUNqL RESOLUTION (sll othsrs) p�vieion) and ORDINAN(� �, q��ty M�� 1. Initiating DepartmeM Direct� 2. Dsputmsnt AccounWit 2• �Y A�Om�Y 3. D�partm�nt Director 3. MayoN/►s�istaM 4. Budpet dnCtor 4. City COUndI 5. City Clsrk _ g. Cd�isf/►�urKant, Fin d�Mpmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (eN Whe►s) 1. Inidldirq Dep�rtrnent 2. CFty Attontsy 3. Mayor/AssistaM 4. Cily(�erlt ,.'1'Ot/CL'NUMBEA OF SI(iNATl�1FiE PAOE8 Mdicste tF�s N of p�pes on whiCh sfpnatur�ss are required and e�rcl' . e1�ch of tF�es�es. ACTION REOUE3'TED ` �whed q»prcj�cyr+eqwq�saks to a000mpli�h in either cbronologi- 'ef�ordsr of impor�r�ce�whkhs�rer is most approprfate foor ths issue. oo na wr�te oom�.ce ssMencea. Bs�n sech Rem in your Bst with a vsre. RECOMMENDATIONS Compl�te if ths i�s in question tbs bssn pra�ted bsfon any body,puab or priwb. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indfcams whfch Qoundl objsc�r�(s)Y�P►al��t��bY���9 Me ksy wo►d(s)(1�IOUSINO,RECREAT�ON, NEKiHBORHOODS, ECOhlC)NIIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET, 3EVVER SEPARATIOM).(SEE COMi�LETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL qi REPORT-OPTlONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM,IS�JE,OPPORTUNITY Explein the situ�tfon or con�ditions that crsated a nsed for Y��Prol� or requsst. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr tMs is timply an annwl budpat procaduro requfred by law/ chartsr or whethsr th�m�peaAc in which ths CHy ot Saint Paul • and ita cftizans wiN b�ift irom thit qr�tleoction. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Whst negativs ettects or myor chanpsa to axistfng or past p►ocesses might thfs P►ulect/►aQwst Producs if it is pa�ed(e.p.,traffic delays, no�ee. tax incroasea or asMam�nb)�To Nftam?When?For how long? DI3ADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROYED What wilt bs ths r�ive conssquencea ff the promised action is rat approved? InaMlky to deliver ssrvice?ConUnued hi�h traffic, noise, accideM rata?Lass of rovenue4 FINANqAL IMPACT Ahf�ouph You must taibr ths inform�tion you provids t�sre to the issue you aro addnssin�,in�ai you mud arnwer two que�tions: How much is it Odnp to c�ost?Who ic 0���W1� � a� � a� N � Ol �i rn i\� � w , � W � � � 0 U p U w � � � � � � � z � ° a 0 U z° w � >- vw W � � N �� � m � O � C Cq o v +, ,� �.' [ .,- +� � �- cn v v C U N O � � •� O � tJ 4� � W a--� � N � E l� � s- � r0 �-1 N d�1 �j M � E-i d' �--� . O N � J a,, � Q � � J p -� N S- �C F-- = O S.. QJ � fn S.. 4J � O � � J L� � .L� �F-� Z fJ 0 � � V v E �- >- z (� `° °-' . F- ►- �o +� � �--� �, ao �j � o U C.) M O � U a . � � ������ r '. . �Vt+�f'I�i.;7 j�(1 ()t"FIC� C t f {".r;t�f �)�ti,. RAf�SLY ;;<�,°� :-,��� ?�t<< �Es�T ;;� � � �, � , r� �?„ ��;-„ -� - . "' �;::;µ .. �,� ° t � � �,,�. ,. . � �r.-N. D�c !0 I 3� Pr1 92 �r ` """�y . °"r. -,� n;' � � ,.k.T�.``-t L _� . , � �� ' � c�':i''' C O lr', � �;�� � !� E•`;c �� `""�, �� � ��� co�� �,,, �Y _ �Y._. � : !;y �- •��`• ,�� � ����"�1�� + t� �,day1���,� - C�2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) z . . .Mo11y.O:Rourke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..City Clerk of the � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . 91�1752. . . , . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. . . ,Se�tember, 19:, . , . . . . . , . 19 91. , . . and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . .September. 23:. . . . . , . . . . 1991. . . , with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . , , , 30th . _ . , day of „ November . . . . , , ,A,D. 19 92 . . . . . . . . .��.� , . .�' . . ' . . . . . . . . . . , City Clerk. �v . - i.i�. . , . , :� ' ";; w � � ��.�.� d� � '�.�1�f'�`:� _ a ,.. , � CJ , � p � � � ���yl�-e.2 O�� \� � ��- .,:, , .:f y...,.... .._ '�t:Clj'�� . „�t����a�:f't:�<< .., <;�.i _.,\ ���������__ ,, . ` ; �Council Fi1e # �-��.�� ' I�� ' �� Green Sheet # �d 7 � SOLUTION 1 ITY OF SA! PAUL, MlNNESOTA ����� , \ • ' : , , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � � �E IT RESOLVEG. That the Council af the Citv of Sair��. Paul herebvi certifies and apr�roves the action of the Pro�ertv Co�e Enforcement B��ard of Appeais p�rtaining to the following listed pro�erty and as shown by the Excer�ted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Boat-d of P.ppeals and dated Auaust 13 , 1991 and mark�d EXH I B I T A, and attacPied hereto and made a part i-�ereof by reference: . UA�rE OF BUARD MI�IUTES CASE Nt�: PRUPERTY APPEALED APPELLANI 8/ 13/91 32-91-F 1509/ 1511 Randolph Ave. �Robert J. Foley BOARD ACTIO�l: Uarian�e granted t� allow the present bathr-oom outisde of Unit 1511 to remain. � PROPERTY DESCRIPTIUhI: Sylvan Park Addition to the City of Saint Paul Ex Ave Lot 15 Blk 15 ---------------------------------- � 8/ 13/91 38-91-F 460 Pierce St. Gwynne Evans BOARU ACTION: Grantecf a variance on the present deadbolts , with the provision that if they need replacement, that they be replaced with the 1 inch throw to meet code requirement. Also a' variance was �ranted exernpting the 3 feet requirement on each side of _ the windows. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Homer H. Hoyt Co. "s Addition Lots 16 and - Lot 17 Bik 3 ---------------------------------- �����������,'' , ���-�7�� � �690032 � 8/ 13/91 34-91-F 1887 Grand Ave. Charles W. Schurr BOARD ACTION: Varianc�e granted on the present deadbolts, with the provision that when the deadbolts need �` replacement, they be repiaced with the 1" throw to meet code requirement. � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Rosedale Park Ex Alley Lot 37 BLk 1 and be it, � FURTHER RESOLVEG, 7hat upon �assage of this resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds. Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon ♦ + oswitz' / v � i ,�/�(�,s on __ ! _ . acca ee - � ettman � une -7- B y: i son �� /� �.+�� �611 (�+I� SEP 1 9 i99i Form Approved by �t Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ • �"�J� � Adoption Certified by Cou il Secretary gy �,u;, ' �y 9- cI - gy: Approved by Mayor for S mission to Approved by yor: Date �`�" � � ���� Council � r !� By. a�,KGrf,rr� B Y: ��a��! � 'PU�US�I�Q SEP 2�3'91 . ����Bi� �1 � 2690032 _ �� �'r �� pGrij��Et:r�-Y c_'c�DF LN�=ORCE.htCR11- t��JP.F�C► CjF P.�'PEP.�S 555 CEDAR �-i�EE7 �H I �ll� PAUL . M I !�!f�lES���(A 55 ! 0 1 ��I 1 NllTE��. MEE-f I Nr:� UF nl��GUL,�f 13 . 1991 ritMBEF'•, P�?t�.��E�ll�. Rc�n ��1 �s�rnar-�. Ch�i rrnan k��n Ank�nv ��ter-�r,�n i e Cr��ster RECEIVED J�an Pe�rson Wil � iam � . l"ilton S�P121991 C1on 1�!e i d� CiTY CLERK r?FME�ERS P.BSEP�I"f: J�mes La�.��h 1 i n U-(HEF� PRESEhl7: P��t F i sl�� . 5�L. N:�u 1 F i re Pre��ent i o:� StevE Herb�r��r.. Ra i n 1 ead�►• U i v i s i on Char 1 es V��t:e i f�i v i s i or� of Pt1b 1 i C He�t 1 t�-� ! i sa Hatrirnet� . Le�aa I A i cie - Pu�I i � Hea i �n Robert FoleY Williem Liebolt C.'a ! v i n F i scher Jerr,v !ove 1 1 Gwvnne Ev�ris V�a 1 ter Stokes Jean R i ce Pa�1 ,J . Breuk�.rnan Ua) e ! . Mart i r�son STP,Fr= : •Josec�t�� i ne P. Bvn�7�i avann i � ? . Ar?nrova 1 0� �the mi nutes foi- thz June 1 1 . �:'3y� meet i nc� �s su�mi i.t.ed i n wr� i t i i-�c�. �fot i��n was rnad� by J���,�r, Pear son t.o appr��::�v� t��° ::�i r:u::�s !Vv: the meet i ng of June 1 1 , 1991 . Seconcied b�i W i 1 1 i arr, L _ ?�i 1 ��n. MOT!U�� CAP.R I ED U�IAt�!I MC�US�Y . 2. CASE HEAF2 I NGS : CP.�E NU: PRrJPEF:TY P,�PEALED AP�'�L�P.NI" 32-�1-F 1511 Randol ��h P.ve. Ro�ert �� . FelGy (8 units) APPEARANCE : Robe�-t Folev �!lBJEGI�: Ap��e 1 1 ant i s rea�.�est i nc� a var� i ance frorn 5t. Nau I L�qisl�tive �od� �er�ta � nin�a to bathroc�m outside efi unit 1511 . 1 � � ; �-y'�.� � \J � � � � �- q�-i��-a 2s90032 NR�CEEG�I NG'�: .4�-,r-,�1 1 ant st.a�t�d tf-�F battirc��rr� i s cuts �c1G tt-�e un i�t �n�� doum a f=1 i �1h't Of= sta i rs . i"t�ie a�artrner.t i s ver-�� srn� 1 1 ar�d tt�er-e wau 1 cl be no roorn t:o i nsta i 1 a h,�th . a 1 so there �•!ou]d be �_lu i�l.e � rOSfi i n:��i v�:d. Tf�ie batfi i s !ock Ev :�nd use�,+ by on 1 y onp te!�dnt . _ti BUAF:u AC;I�I O�I : Mo±i on mdde by B i 1 1 �f�i 1 i�an tG ��rant a var i dnce 1��� a 1 1 ow �ttie i��r•e�ent batl-�room <�uts i de of Un i t 1 51 1 to rem�i n. Sei�orided b:� Jodn Pears�n. MrJI-I UN �ARR I ED �Jf�lP.I�!i MC,+.�S!Y . ----------------------------------- 3��-91-F !�i�37 Grar�� P.ve. t=;h�r 1 es �n�- �'�t���.�rr- l� ur7its ! P.f�4='EARAM�:E : N��NE SUBJEr�1": P.p��e I ! a�t. i s r�quest i r�c� a var i anre rrum 5t . Pau 1 LPg i s 1 at i ve C;ode {�ei�ta i n i ria �t� the presen�t deadbc�1 t 7 uck:s ur� ap�.:s. 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , �. 7 , ar-�d 8. �F�i:)CEEG T f�Jc:;S f�ai� F i st-� s�ta-t�d th��t�. ��!�e bu i 1 c!i n�r un� 1_s h�v� S I,`�'� c:��aLh.�o i t5 and t.r�� Lu i i d i n� i s a secured k�u i 1 c i n�a. 'i he doar-� ar� so 1 i G �•�ood d�ors . GOAR��� A��1�?UN : P1o� i on made ��y O�n We i da to �ra�,i:. r-; var i�rt��: or� the p��esent cfeadba 1 ts , w i th �the r�r�ov i s i an that �ri�:?r. tl�e ciead��o i �.:s need rep 1 acement , they oe rep 1 aceci lr i i.i�� ;.:l�e I " th;-o:•� to rneel: co�e requii�ernent. Seconr.ied by kon Ar:ken�,�. THE b'C�l"E : Yeds (5) �lays ( 1 ) Pearson Abst�r;t i on {�j} ---------------------------------- 35-91-F 218 No. Dun 1 ap Si:. Ca l v i n F�i sch�r - ( 5 units ? APPEARANCE : Calvin Fischer SUBJECT: Appellant is req��estinc� a variance from 5t. Paul ' Le�islative (::ode pertaSnina -to the present deadt�olt locks . PRO�EEDINGS: This is a five ur�it building, the appellant replaced one of i�he deabdolts locks with a 1 incr� deadbui�t. There ai�e s�ame 1 ocks that have a 1/2 i nch thro�� and sorne r�ave 5!8 _ inch. / � ��r-��sa 2690032 F'at F i sh, f r��m F i re I�r�event� i t,n stattd that F i r�e wo�1 c n��t su�r-�c�r t a var i ancF on i:.he 1 /2 i r�ct�� deac�b��1 t . E��C�ARr� AC�(�I��N: Mot.i on m�de L��� Ron Ankeny deny i ny t:he re��rue��. fc�r � var i ance c�n the preseni,:. deaJ�o 1 ts . i ns±eari tt�e t�oard c�ranted an exl:ens i on of t i me unt i 1 �lover��ber i . 1�y 1 to re�1 ace the deadL�o 1 t. 1 c-�ck5 :�r; tr-, -r.r�E 1 i nch �.hr-��w t.o meet cod� requ i rement. Seconded by Jc+an 1"'earson . MO�I-I Ot�! C:ARR 1 EU UNAN i MUU�LY . 36-�a I-F �0 I Sne l 1 i nq P.v�. No. U i m i tr i os t�ar.i arnos ( �8 �ani��s ) F h:id�r��r Mc�tel , Inc _ �L��S��ECT: Tr�i s c:a�e I�as been reso I ved. The App�1 i arit i s i-e�7uest i n� tt�e f i 1 i nc� fGe ofi $L5, UO L�e retur�ded. ROARG ACT I ON : Mo�t i on wds madE �.�y :loan Pear�sor� te refund t.ti� f i 1 in�� fee of= �25 . OU . Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MUTIUN CA.RRI �.0 U�lAN 1 Mt�U�LY . ---------------------------------- 37-91-F �235 kock�•rood Ave. �tuar�t Cot°r�oi-�a�tinr� ! 11U units ) Jerry Lov� ll A�'PEAR.4N�E : ..�Grr-v Love 1 1 ��'� ua I e Mart i nson SUB.lECI_ App�] 1 ant i s request i ng � var i ance fi�-om �����e on an t7i'C��i- to u�ar�d� the �x i st i n�7 two eY i t de�rs ta mee� �n i fi�rm fi i re cc�de. PRtJCEED I�(G5: The bu i i d i ng Hras bu i l t 5 years ac_�o, at that t i me the buildin� wes camt�letely u� t.o c�de. What needs to be done is ta instali a center post in the two giass aoors , that. would require the remaval of the �ldss doors. 7he cust to rerr�avz the g 1 ass doors, e 1 �i m i nate t.he s i de i i gtits t� make room for t.he center post wauld cost abou�. $ 12 , Q00. Mr. Mar�i nson statPCl t.ha-t. tr�e bu i 1 d i r�g has a fu 1 1 v pum� backed up sr�r i nk,1 er s,ys�tern, a 1 so an a 1 ai�m system. The bu i 1 d i ng i s stafi"e�i 24 f,ours a day and t�as t.h� �mergencv pu I 1 co�-d system. BQARD ACT I ON: Mot i on made Vy Joan Pearson to deny ti-►e i-equest. fi�r a variance to allow the existing illegal flush bolts an exit - dooi°s . Seconded bv 13 i 1 1 T i 1 ton. THE VOI�E : Yeas ( 5) Nays f 1 ? G 1�ssman Absi:.ent i on (U) ----------------------------------- � .?; . , �_�y.5a ��9 ���0032 38-�1-F 46Q Pierce �t. �aivnne �vans � 1 1 ur� i ts ? APNE.4RA.NC� : Gwvnne �v�ns �UB��ECT: A.pr�e 1 1 ar��t i 5 re��u�st i ri� d var-i ance fi rom `��. Pau 1 Leg i s�1�t i ve Cede, f rorn the t�e�au i remer�� of hav i ng to urryrade �F adLo I i�s 1 ocks on t►�e ! 1 un i t.s i n �the bu i I d i ng: a i so re�u�st i nry a var i ar�c:e an hdv i ng ta ��i�ov i�e excavat i�n on the e:�:ter i or are�, a�artm�nt #�1 U bedroorn w i nciow. PRUCEED 1 NGS: Tr:e P.ppe 1 I ant state�J thd�t the bu i 1 d i nt� i s a securec! bu i 1 d i n�� ar�d fee i s the presen-r i-�cks ai�e suff i c i ent. EOAGD P.C7I O�I : Mo�t i on m�de bv B i 1 I T i 1 ton to gr�ani� a v�r�i ance or the �resent deac+bo 1 ts } w i tl-� the cend i t i an that i f tr�ev need replacement . that. t.hey be replaced with the 1 inch throH� accard i ng to ec�de r z�u i rErnent. Secorided bu Don We i da. THE VUTE : Yeas (5) I�tays { 1 � Pearson AbS�tent i on ( t1) FllRI�H�R �ROCEEU I NGS: "fhe a��ne i 1 ant fEe 1 � tha�L the esca�e w i ndc��•r i s suff i c i �nt. 1"he►,e i s a ga 1 van i?ed we i 1 wi��i ch i s very 1 arc�� , and is connected/cemen*ed inta the stuc+�o. Ther� arould be quite a cost i nvo 1 ved to excavate around the ��i ndorr �o en 1�t�c�e ttie ar�a �n th� ext�rior . Pat F i sti fror� F i r e Prever�t i on stated that the aa 1 var�i�ed H:e I ; Pxtends 18 i nches from the w i r�t�ow. ��'ode requ i r�ement i s 36 i nc:r��es o�!t an�,+ 35 i nches �n e i ther s i cle of th� escape :•i i ndo�f�. Pa� F i si-� stated that F i re Prevent i cri wo�1 ci su���cr-t the var i ance on the s i des to t-ema i n. `I he wi r�do�� i t.�se 1 f i s I arge enougli far- escac��, but tt7e distance firom the escat-�e windc�w strai �ht out must be er�1 arged to 3t� i nches t-o br i ng �i t i nto code comp] i ance. BOARU ACTIUN: Motian made by Bill 7ili.on t� deny the reques�. for var i an�e that the escape w i ��do�r exca�iat i on be 3 feet out frorn the �rindew, but granted a variar�ce exempting the 3 fze�t requir•emEnt on each side cf the ��indo��s. S�conded by Joan Pearson. MOTIU�1. CARF�IED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- � � ' , � /,�y�"/7.,a (; 2s�oo3z 33-°a!-f? I U`�� �f. Un � vet-s i �vv A"�. ��hr�i st Lutheran (:h�,!r,ct�i Wa l ter T . '��toketi ,4l��PcAR.4NCL : Wa 1 t�r T . Sto�;es SUI�JEC�-: P.��pe I 1 ani�. i s i�enu�s-t i n�i a var i ance from !�eciE re�au i r--ernent �ri f-�av i n� tc� d i sc��nnect z��i n 1 eader . PROCEEG I hIGS: Tt��e appe l 1 ant s�tat.ed tha�G i f the autters Hrer,e reroufi.ed to run i�owri the s i de �f t.he bu i 1 d i ng i t wou 1 c� be ug 1 y. Stev� Herberi. . from th� Ra i n 1 eader U i v i s i on si:.a�;ed that guti;er cou 1 d be extended c�n th� rc��f, ther� c�o down the s i d� o� the bu i 1 d i ng, so that i 1= bypass t,l-,E c!oor on the ground I ev�1 . l"h i s wou I � rio�L t�e ver�y cost.l y. BOP,RD ACT I UN : Mat i on made �,y Ror-� A.nk�ny �o dGny the request for a var i ance on the ra i n 1 ead��� , i►7si�ead aranted an �:�ctens i an ot t.i me unt i I AuaGSt 1 , 19�2 ta t�r i ng ra i r�t eader to cod� com��i i anee. S�conded Uv J�an Pearsori. MQTIUN CARRIEC� I,�NANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 3y-91 -R 855 St . Ciair Ave. Christy Jo C:aspers ( �� units ) SUSJE(�T: Appe 1 1 ant i s reyuest i ng a v�,t� i ance from Code t��equ i r-em�nt hav i i�a to ci i scc�nnect ra i n 1 zader . ��o�tponed to the Septemb�r m�eting. ----------------------------------- �t 1-9 i-H i 94/ 196 4�1. K i nc� St . Jean R i c� � ( 2 units} APPEARAMCE : Jean Rice StJBJE�vI': A�_�pe I 1 ant i s re�uest.i n� a H�a i ver of the vacant bu i 1 d i n� fee in thF am�unt of $ l . O1Q. UQ . PP.C.�CEFD I NGS: The �ppP 1 1 ant si�.ated that she ot��r.ed ti�e L�u i I �i i nc� sever� years ayo. Appe 1 1 ant. wes not aHrare tha�t tt�e bu i 1 c.-1 i n� was on tY�e vacant building list. Tt-�e ap�?e? 1 ant stat.ed that the_y cannot get a 1 ean b�ca�ase ofi thc fee of �1 . OlU . OQ . �9,�,,s� 2690032 Mr. G i assman s���L�s�:ed tt-�a'r_. mayLe vacan� Bu i i d i r�� D i v i s i cn c��.! I �+ dr�a�t � 1 ett:�r to Banei=i c; i a 1 F i nan�.e rEquast i ng a sh���r+,. ?c�an to �_7e�t the v�cant L�u i 1 d i n�� f�eFS r_�a i d, _•o as to r�Pmo��Ey tr�e bu i ! d i s�g of f t��ie v��:.,�nt b�� i 1 d i ng 1 i st . t�ien -t.he app� 1 i ant. wo�� I c+ L�� ab 1 e t-c> proceed w i th thr� 1 c�an , to get the repa i rs done on the bui l �iin�. _� - BOARG ACl-I ON : hlot i on rnaciG b,� B i 1 1 T i 1 1:on that th� request �ar the wa i ver �f �tt�e vacant. bu i ! d i nn fee of $I , L 1 0. 00 be d�n i ec!. SG��onded bv Don 4�te i da. Mu�'T UN C:AR�'I tJ �JNP.�?I h1U!�5LY . ---------------------------------- •?�-g!-H 5�, F ront. St . Pau! J . �3rec;�.man ( 1 unit? P,I�PEP.RANCF : F'au 1 Breckman SUEtJEC7: Ap��e 1 I ant i s re���rest i nc� a �rra i ver of th� va��ant bu i 1 d i n�� fee i n the amc�unt af ��}yU. �U ; .A l s�� request i na a wa i ver of the �erf�rmance Bond in the amount of $2, OO�J . UO , because of financiai hardship. NROCEEU I NGti : Tf�ie appe 1 1 ant st.a�:ed he' s owned the house s i nce 1984. In IG90 one of the tenant' s waterbed had a le�k, Hrhicl-� creatzci lets of damage. There was an inspection bec�use of a corr�pl a i nt from a tena�-�t.. `fhe tenant was zvi cted, t!�:y i eft a i�efr i�erator �-�i th t oi.:s f�f spo i 1 ?d faod i n i t . l�h� Appe I 1 �nt ma i nLa i ns ti-�e C i t�� bruke the doars to aa i n entrance, tak i n�a the refr i aeT�ator w i th the sr�o i 1 ed food and c I eaned a l 1 debr i s i n �the house, the daors were 1 �ft aF�en. M�-. Breckrnan had ttie bu i i d i n�a boarded �.�� anG secured. Ther�e was about 15. ODU doilars vandalism done to the r�ouse. Mr. Breckman stated that he and a fr�i End have done rr+ost af t��e def i c� enc i es that were arclere� to �� done. Mr. Breckrnan stated that. �F i r:anc i a 1 1 y he cannot afford �to pay the $2, OOC1. UO peri=ormance bond ar the vacant �u i 1 d i ng fiees . � � � �,cq,_,�.�� � 2690032 Criuck V�te i , from the �� i v i s i�7n �f Pub 1 i c t1e�1 th - \�acant Bu i I :�i t��� G i v i s i on s�+�ated that the ha�se has been on tne r�ea i stered va��•�r.t. b�i 1 d i r:g ] i st s i nce Auaust: 19UU. Mr. Br�echman has ownECi i t f�r �hat r�er i ad ofi �:i m�. Yota 1 vdcarrt bu i 1 d i nca fees are �500. 00 . The City h�s had to monitor tf�e buildin�� for security reasons . The C i ty b�ar�ed th� b�.� i 1�i ng. Ther� has been cont.i nua I �.�rob l ems with rtibbish in ti-�e yard. In addition, as a re�ist.ered vacant bu i 1 cl i n.y, Mr. Breckrnan i s z�equ i red t� comp 1 y w i th Char��ter 33 of tP�e St. . Pau 1 Le�i s 1 a1�i ve C'ode. wh i cri re�u i res P�sfi i nQ a $L , U�U . UO d��osit . obtain the necessary buildina permits an�! a co�e cornpliar�ce inspectian, i�his determines which �ermits are needed. WhPn �.Fie work is don� it has to b� signed-off and app��oved before the cendemnation is lii=ted. �.hen the building would be removed from the re�i stered ��acant bu i 1 d i ng 1 i si.:. Mr� . Vote 1 stated tr�a�t 1 ast. yeat� the 1 nspector wen�t to tt-�e b�.:i l ci i ng and d i s cavered tha�. H�ork was be i n� dor�e w i tt�out a permit. -fhe building was red tagged, because work was bein� done Hrii�hout �ermits . Mr. Votel stated that he spoke with Mr-. Breckman and ex�?lain�d to him wha�t ihz requirements of the cc�de arE. Mr. Votel st�ted on July ! , 1991 , one of his Inspec�.ors inspect.ed the property and a tag was issued, because there arere per-sons in the buildir.� , as i�L • is unlawful ta occupy a condemned housP. Mr. �JotP 1 i s nat sure i f the house i s occul�i ed or not at tl�e {�resent t i rne. Staff stat�ed i f upon i ns�ect i on �f the L�i !d i ����, they find tenan�l.s in the building tha� tickets would be is��aed ta the tpr�ani:s. Mr, �/ote I referr�d �l.o �the Summary At�atement that Mr. Breckrnar� rsfer�red t��. Mr. Votel presented a notice that showecl ordei-s ��zr� i ssued an Ma�i 7 , 1�9U to Mi� . Breckman to c 1 ean �.he i nter i or and exterior. The date of com�iiance was May I4 , 19a0. Mr. Votel referred t� a wark order dated June 1 , 19�0 from t.he Parks Depar�trner�t, shoNrin�a Pa�°ks C�epartment wen� to the house t.o do the c 1 �an up. The est i rnated cos±� �ias $2 , 163. 00. The i nvo i ce showEd 15 hours of garba�� i-emava t , 3� t i res , 5 mat-i�resse� , �1 appiiances, � I� 7 � . . C�.�/-/�✓�� � 2690032 �fl-i� cc�ri l.er�t i ar; c>t� ti��e C i i.�,� i s , tti i s Le i n!a a re�i star�d vac�n!� �,�a i ! �-!i n��, i t n�us�t he I ea� ! I ;� occup i ed. 7!-�u Uu i 1 d i n�� i ns��Nc�����i�s r�ave sta�l.ed. th�t tf��e wor�: t-��� b�en done �nd coverFC+ ur�, u? ! �rUr� -- t���s be?n done a�i !:l-�out p�rr��i-t. Thr �,c�s i�t. i cri of the C i�L�,� i � �that a ! i worF< niust be cione urider ,_,t r.m i t. '\ B!�.4�0 Ac�l-_►t�N : Mot, i on m��.�i� bv Jo�n Pears�r� der�vi na tt��e reaur�st. fic�r a wa i ver of tr�e vacant t��u i 1 d i r�� feFti ��F ��19U. C1U and the pt���-forrn�+nc� t�on� af $2 . OU��. 00 . 5econ�±ed by Uon We�i�la. i�1��l�IO�i C:ARR I EU U��l.4f�a I M011SLY. ----------------------------------- hteet i n� acl.io��t-nvd at 3 : �0 ��.m. ' n Y �. , �M ` w Q O�1 �/• � � ��� . , �jCh�/B/7 � �/-���� F='GrJF'ENl-Y (_;UUE L�If=ORCEMEI�II- BOA.RD OF P,PPEa,LS 5`_>5 CED,AR ti-(�EET Sk I I�II� t-'AU� , N1 I l�I�lE50�1"A 55 i 0 1 Ni 1 �l.��fE��, ��iEE�'f 1 �!G C)F P.Ut�US-( 13 . 19� I MEMEiER PRt.SENI�; Rr�r7 Ci I ��ssman, Cr�� i rrnan kon Ar�k�nv ��-r�r,>r,ar�; e cr,ester- RECEIVED Jaan Per�rsan W i 1 1 i�m L . l�i i ton SEP 12 1591 C�on We i da CITY CLERK �!EM��ERS P.BSEP�l7: J�mes Lau�h 1 i r� r�-I�FiEF� PRESEhl7: ���t F i sl�� . :.;t.. F�au I F i i�e Pt�e��en�h i on 5-teve H�rb�r��., Ra i n i eader� G i v i s �i an Char� 1 es Vot.e i D i v i s i or� ��= Pub 1 i c Hea 1 tl-� ! i s:� Han-�rnei� . Le�aa i A i de - Pub i i c Hea i t.h Ra��rt Folev Wiliiam Li�boli� �,:a ! v�i n F i scher Jerr-�v �ove 1 'l Gwvnne Fvans i�a 1 tr�r Stok�;�s Jean R i ce �au 1 J . B�-eck,rr�ar7 D�1 � L . Mar�t i r�san SIJAF�r : �Jaset�F-� i ne P. 8on�a i avann i ? . A�_���rov�i of �the n�i nu�tes for the June 1 1 . ! 991 m�et i nc� �js submi t.-L.ed i n wr� i t i r��c�. ��iot i�n was mac�� �v J��•,��� Pear sc�i� tu �ppr�-��v� ��.f��� ;�n i nut�s t��; the mPe�t i na of- June 1 1 , l 991 . Seconcied �y �i 1 1 i�m L _ � i i �c��. MOT I C�tJ CARR I ED U�IFi�!I MGUSLY . 2. CASE HEARINGS : CASE NU: PRGpEN�fY A�PEALEU APGELLP.hil" 32-91-F 15 1 1 �ando 1 ��h Ave. Rober�t �..� . F�o I ev (8 uni�ts} APP��ARANCE : Robert. F'o i ev SUBJtCI�: A��t-�e 1 1 arit i � r�equest i ng a var- i ance from 5�k: . F'au I Leg i s 1 at. i ve Code per�ta i r��i n�� to batl��room outs i de ofi un i t. 1 51 1 . i � � � q�-iy�a PRO�.EEC)I NGS: ,q��pe I 1 ar�t; st.a�ted thF battlr,c�orn i � c�u-r s i cie th�ie un i�t anr�1 down a f=1 i gh�t. of s�ta i rs . 1-Y��e araartrnen-r i s verti� sma 1 1 anci thei,� wou i d be no r�om t.<� i nsi_a i 1 a k�t�th , a 1 so ttiere w��u I d be c���i�t.e a r_ost i nvo 1 vF��. Tf-�e bat.F�� i s I c�cked and used b�� on 1 �� one �L':en�r.t. . BUAF:D P.C1�I ON : Mot i on made by B i 1 1 �f�i 1 t.on 1_.0 ��rant. a var i ance ��o a 1 1 ow �tt�e ���re4ent �ati�room outs i de ��f Ur�i t 1 51 I ta rem�i n. Seconded bv :Jc�an F�earsan . MOl-I UN �.:ARR I ED �J�lAN I M0��5LY . 3��-�a 1-F !ti87 r�r�n� Ave. �hdr 1 es k�. �ct-�ur�r (y ur�i�tsti AF'F'EAF:ArIC;E : IV�JNE SUBJEC I : An.r_�e i !ant. i s rec�uest-i nc7 a var i ance f r<�m 5t . Peu 1 Lea i s 1 a�L i ve Cc>r�� �erta i n i ng �to the r�r��sen�C, de�r.�Uo'! t I ock s nr-� e�-i1:.S , 1 , ` , �l, r>, 6. 7 , ar,d 8. F'kOCEED I N�5 f-'��: F� i st� star�d tha����. ��'r�e �u i 1 d i !��7 un� �!�s have =,!�'� r��ac±h.�G 1 t� anc� t.h� Lu i 1 c:i i n� i s a secur�d k:]�a 9 1 d i rtca. �i P�e doc�r-s ar� SG�1 l C� 1•lOrJC1 C�C�QT'S . BO,���.:� A��l"I UN � M�t i an made bY' Don We i d� �l.a �ra�� ,=: vaz- i anc:�: or� t.he �,r esen�t cfeacibo 1 ts : w i t.h tt�e pr-ov i s i��n t.hat. wi°;f�r� the dead��o i �;.s ne�d r�p 1 acement , they be rep 1 aced ta i ti°i t.t�e 1 " tl�,�c�:•� �o rr�eeL co�e r-equ i �,em�nt. 5�condec� k�y kon Ar:ker�,�. THE VGl"E.: Yeas ( 5) I�lays ( 1 1 Pear,son Abster,t i on ( l!) 35-91-F 218 No. Dunlap St. Calvin � ischer� ( 5 units? APPEARANCE : Calvrn Fischer SUBJECT: Appellant is requestinc� a variance fr-om St . Paul �e�i s 1 a�i ve Cocie �erta i n i ng �to 'the p��esent. deadbo I t 1�cks . NROCEEDINGS : l"his is a five uriit buifdina7 the a��pellant. r er.�1 aced one of �he deabdo 1 ts �I ocks w�tl�� a 1 i nch cie�dbo 1�t. l�here are same 1 ocks that I�ave a 1 /'2 i nch tt�ror�� and some P-�ave 5!8 inch . (,,��r-��sa Pat. F ? st�. fr��m F i re I='t�event i c,n st��i�td tt��a� F i r e wou l d not su��r��or-.c a var� i ar�c� on i�.he i /2 i nct�� deau�bo 1 t . Bi?ARL} AC�f 1�)N : Mot.i on made by Ran Anken�✓ d�nv i nc� t:t�e re��uest for� � var i an�e �r� tr�e present dead�o 1 i.s . i nstea�i l.t��e board �7��anteci an extens i on of t i me ur��h i 1 Novernber 1 . 1�U 1 ta re�1 a�e �tr��� deadl.���1 t 1 ock,s w+th the 1 i nch �hrow t:o n�eet code reau i rement.. Secor�d�d by Jodn F'earson. M07 I C�t�l CARR 1 ED UiVAN I MUUSLY . 3b-91-F y0 1 Sr�e 1 1 i n� Ave. No. D i m i t.r- i os Kan i arnos ( 28 uni�ts ) �id�ra�r Mo�tel , Inc . �•U�iJ�C�r� l�!-�i s case has be�r� res<�1 ved. l-i�e A���e 1 1 arit i s i-�ec.�uest i n�� the �=i 1 i nc7 fGe ofi �L5. UO be refunded. !�UAkD P,c�T I GN : Mot i c�r� wds made by ��c�an �'ears�r� �:a re�Fund �t.f�� f i 1 i na fee of= �25 . �U. 5econdec� by Ron Ankeny. MO1-I JN C;ARR I EO UN.4NIMUUSLY . ---------------------------------- 37-�1-F 2235 kockwoad Ave. �tuar�t 1.0Y'f�Ot`d�tlnri 111U units ) Jerrv Lov�ll APPEARI�NC� : J�r r�v Lc�ve 1 1 �^`.---�-------- ua 1 e Mart i nson SU�JECI�: App� 1 1 ant i s request i ng a v�r°i ance fi•r-am �:,�ode on an order tc� urarade t.l-�e ex i 5t i na twc� er,i t GG'G�]"'s to mee� un i 1=orm �i re cocie. PROC;EE�I NGS: The bu i I d? n� Hras bu i 1 t 5 years acio, at. t tiatv �i me the buiidin� was completely u� t.o cad�. What n�eds to b� done is to i ns�ta 1 1 � center post. i n �.he twa g 1 ass �o�Jrs , that. wou 1 d requ i re �l.t�e remova 1 of the ea 1 d�s dc�or�s. 'Ch�e cost �.o rernove tl7e ��l �ss doors , elimina�e t.t�e side iights ta m�ke raom for the center F�ost w�uld cast abou� � 12 , QOU . Mr . Mart i nson stated �t.hat t.he f��i i 1 d i ng I��as a fu 1 1 y pump E�ack,ed uK� sr�r i nk,1 er� sys�.ern, a 1 so an a 1 arrn systern. -�he L�u i I d i r�a i s staf=fe�i 24 I-�o��rs a day and w�as th� emeraency �-�u I i co�-d system. EiOARD ACT I ON: Mot i an made t�y Joar� Pear son to deny tr�� i°�equest for a variance to � liow the �x.isting iile�af flust�i bolts on exit door�s . Secanded bv Bill Tilton. THE VO1-E : Yeas ( 5) Nays f 1 ) c,l�ssrnan Abst�ent i on (U? ---------------------------------- �:. � . �9�w i75a 38-y 1-F 46t� P i erce St. Gwvr7rre Evans f 1 1 u r-� i t s ) A�PE,4RA.NCE : �wvnne Evans `=�UBJECT: Ap��e 1 I ant i s ree�u�st i r�ig d var i ance f rom �t. Pau 1 LEg i s 1 dt i ��e C;ode. f rorn the r�e��u i r�emen�. of hav i rrg to UI"?'�71"'iddP. ��ddf�0 I t.S 1 OCECS rJCI trl� 1 1 Url l t.8 1 fl "�rlE bU 1 I C11 f1C1: d I SO reques� i nry a vdriance an havina ta nr���viv� excdvation on the exterior° area, apai'�tment �10 bec�room w i r�dow. PRUCEEDING�: The P.ppellant stateG thdt the buildinc� is a secured bu i 1 d i nct anU fee i s the present I ocks a��e suff i c i eri�t. BOAF:D AC7I U�i : Mot i on made bv C3 i 1 I -�i 1�l.on to gr�ant a var�i ance on the pres�nt deadboits , with the candition that if they need rep] acement , that they be replacPd witr�� the 1 inch thr�w accord i ng to ec>de r e�u i rzrnent. Secc�nded by Do�� We i da. THE VUTE : Yeas (�) Nav= ! 1 ) Peai�san Abstention ( 0) �"UR�i"HER PROCEED T NGS : 7t��e ���� i 1 ant f ee 1 s that �:he �sca�e w i nciaw i s suff i c i ent . l-hei,e i s a �a 1 van i ze+� we 1 l wf�i i cr� i s ver�v 1 arae. and is �onnerted/cernented into the stucco. There would k�e quite a cos�t. i nvo i ved to excavate aroun� the v�i i ndov�� to en i ar��e �the ar�a �n th� �xL`er�i or . Pat. r i st� from F i r e �reverit i an stai�d that the c7a i van i zed ���G 1 i extends 18 i nches fr�m the w i r�dow. Cod� requ i r�ement i s 36 i nch���e5 o�.!t an�+ 3F� i nches �n e i ther s i de of the escape Hi i ndow. l�at �� i si� stated that F i re Prevent i ori wo�1 c� su���v�or� the var i ance ��n th� s i des to i-ema i n. l he wi ndow i�:se I �= i s 1 ara� Eno�.�gf� fc,r- esca���, but the distarice firom the escape window strai �ht out. rnu�t be enlarg�d +�0 3� inches t.o brin�� it into code compliance. BOARD ACTTON? Motion mdde by Bill Tilt��n to deny the reques�: for variance that. the escape window excavat.ion be 3 feet out fr�m the window, L�ut qranted a vai�iarice exempting the 3 tee�t rzquirernEnt an each side of the windo��rs. SeconGed bv J�an Pearson. MOTIUN CARRIED UNANIMUUSLY . ----------------------------------- 4 .� . , C�y�"�7'�a 33-9l-R ! (J`:� W. Un � VaT-S 1 "��.Y A�.�e. ��hr� i s�t. ��_itl��eran Cf�urct-i Wa 1 i�er T . Stoketi ,4F'PEAR.4NCL : Wa�1 t�r "'� . �tc�kes SUC�JECI-: A���pe I 1 ant. i s i'ecl�..ies't i t'1ct a var i ance fz,om !c�cie re��u i ���ement ori f-�av i n�t ±-o ci i sconnec�t r�� i n 1 eader . PROCEED I NGS: Tt��� ar��?�1 1 an� st�t.ed tha�t i f= the gu�ter�� wer�e rerouted to run �iowr� the s i�ie ot� fi_he bu i 1 d i ng i 1, wou 1 d be u�a 1 y. StEVe Herbert , from the f�a i n I eades, D i v i s i on stat�c� tha�. gut.�er cou 1 d be ex�tEnded on the r�ovf , then c�o down the s i c�� of� �ti��e b�.�i 1 d i ng, so that i t. bypass th� clo�r on tr�e ground I eve 1 . l"h i s wou 1 d r�o�L be verv cast. i v. BOARD ACT I UN : Mat i on made k�}� Ron Ank.eny to dPny the r e��uest for, a variance an the rainleader , ins�;eac� ar�anted an extensian o� t.i me unt i i August 1 , 1992 ta t�r�i n�7 ra i n 1 eacier to codE com��i i ance. S�conde� Uv Jaan Pearson. MOTICIN CARRIEG UNANIMUUSLY . ----------------------------------- 39-91-�' 8a5 St . Clair Ave. Christy Jo Cas�ez�s ( 4 units) 5UBJEGT: Appe 1 1 ant i s rec�uest i n� a vat� i ance from Code i�-equ i r-ement I�av i ng to d 1 SCC�nnect ra i n i zader . , Pos�:poned t.v the 5eptemb�r meet i ng- � 1-�I-:H i 94/ 15a� 4�i. I�:i na S�� . Jean R i ce t2 unit.�? APPEARAN��E . Jean Ric� SIJBJECI�: Appe I 1 �nt i s rec�ues�t.i ng a N�a i ver of the vacant bu i 1 d i ny fee i n �tI��F amoun� c_,f � 1 � O 1 0 . t�C� . PRC�CEEC�I N�:�S: l-he appP 1 1 ant. stat.ed that she o►-lr�ed the i��+a i i d i nc� sever� years ago. Ap��e 1 1 ar�t. wa� i�ct d�•r�re tP�a�t tt�e bu i �I d i n!� was on t.hE vacant b�,� i I d i n� 1 i st.. Tt-ie ap�e� iant si��t.ed t.l�at t.t�ey carin�t c�et a loar� Ceca�ase af= tl�e fee of $ 1 , OlQ. OU . . ' �;�9,�,�s� Mr . G ! assm�n su��av?s�.ed tt�a��. rnaYLe Vacarit �u i 1 d i ri� D i v i s i en co�.� 1 �+ di�aft a i etter t� B�nefi i c. i a 1 F i nar,,.e requpst i ng a sh������. ? oan to �ie't. the v�cant bu i 1 d i n� feFS r_�a i�l , so as t� r�emc�ve trie bu i 1 d i ►�g ��ff rt��e v����nt. bu i I r_i i n� i i st , �hen �the a�.?pe I 1 ant ��ou i ci L�e ab I � �:o r�r�ceed w i th th� I oan , t� ��et �he rep�i rs dane on tf�e bui lciin��� BUARD ACl-I UN : l�1�t i on mac�F by B i 1 1 T i 1 ton that the rec�uest ��r t4�ye �a i ver �f the va�_ant. bu i I d i nn 1=ee c>f $ 1 . 0 1 0 . C711 b� den i ec!. Seconded bv Don We i da. MOT I�Jf�i !-�AR�"I ED U�IA,N T h1C��JSL Y . ---------------------------------- �1�-yl-H 5'_=� Fi�ont St . I�aut J . �3reckman tl unit ? APPEARANCE : F'�ul Breckman S�J�tJECI-: Appe 1 I ant i s re�uest i n�a a ��a i ve�� of= the va%�ant bu i 1 d i n�� fee in �h� amcunt of �4yU. �17 ; .Al �o requeGting a waiver of fi.he Performance �on� in �he amount of $L . 00O . C►0 , �iecause of financiaf hardship. PROC.E�D!NGS : 71-ie appellant stated he' s owned the house since t 984 . I n 1990 c�ne of the tenant' s water�bec� h�d a i eak, wh i _r.h creat�ci lots ofi damage. l-here was an inspection because of a comp: a i nt from a tenant.. �fh� �tenant was ev i cte��, tl��y ; eft a r,efr i geratar w i th 1 ots of spc�i 1 ed fivod i n i t . l�h� a��pe i 1 ant maintains tf��e City broke the c�oars to aain entrance, takin� �he r ef r i c7eT�ator w i th the sr�o i 1 �d food anci c 1 eaned a I I debr i s i n the house, th� dc->ors were 1 eft aF�en. Mr-. BrPCkrnar� had the k�u i i d i r» bc�ar�ded u� an�.� s�cured. lyher� was about 1 5 , OOU d�1 i ars vandalism done to �,he r�euse. Mr . Breckman st.ated that he and a fr i En��i have dane rnost afi trie def i c i enc i es that were or�dered ta b� dane. Mr. Breckman stated that �Fir�ancially he cannot afford �to pay the $2, UOU. (7t� �erfiormanc:e bond ar the vacant bu i 1 d i nn fiees . 6 • ^ �������� Chuc�k Vote i , fir°c�m thE D i v i s i on �f �'ub I i e He� 1 th - Vacant Bu i l c1 i r��� D i v i s i on st.a�ted �that �the t��euse has been on the r�ea i stered va��•an k:. bu i 1 d i na 1 i st s i nce August: 19yU. Mr . Br�echmari t�as c�wned i�. for �hat ner i od of �:i mG. �I�ota 1 vacan�t bu i 1�i i na fees are $500 . 00 . The C i t.y h�s I�ad to mon i t.or the L>u i ]d i nc� for secur� i ty reasons . The C i ty boarded tt�e l��,.� i 1 d i ng. There has �een cont.i nua I �?rab l ems witt� rubbish in the yard. In addition , as a regis�tered vacant: bu i 1 �l i ng. Mr. Br•eckman i s i�Equ i r-ed ta com� 1 y w i t.h Cha���ter �3 of ti�ie St. . Pau 1 Le�i s 1 a-L- i vE (::ode, wh i ch requ i res ��osfi i n� a $2 , t1UU . OU deposi�t . obtain the necessary building permi-t.s an� a code r_ornr�1 i ance i nspect.i c�n , 1:.h i s determ i nes wh i ch ._r.erm i t� are nee��ied. WhQn �:Fie Urark i s donG i t has �l�o b� s i qned-off and appi�oved be�oi�e the condemnation is lif�ed. then the building wc�uld be removed from the reg i stered vc3Cdflt. bU 1 i d i na 1 i st. Mr- . Vote 1 stated tha�t 1 ast. year the I nspector wen�t t�� the b�.�i 1 d i ng an�+ d i scavered that a�ork, was be i ng done w i tt�out a perm i t. �rr�� k�u i 1 d i ng was rzd ta�aged, becaus� w�r�k was k�e i n� done witho�.�t permits. Mr. Vote? stated that he s��ake with Mr. �3reckrnan and exp 1 a i ned to h i rn wha�t th�e requ i remen�s c�f the code are . Mr. Vote] stated on Ju 1 .v ! , 1991 , or�e of h i s I ns��ct�rs i r�spected the property and a tag was i �suec�, because there were ��ersc�ns i n the buildin�, as i� is uniawful �to occupy a condemned house. Mr. �✓ote 1 i s na�. sure 7 f the house i s occur i ed oi� nc�t ai�. the 4�r esent t i me. �taff stat.ed i � up�n i ns�?ect i on of Lhe bu i 1 d i n��, they f i nc! tenants i n the bu i 1 d i ng i:ha�t t i ckets wou 1 d b� i ssued tc> th� ter�an�.s . Mr. �/ote I refierr�d �to -t.he Summai��� Abatemer�t that i�lr . Bi,�ckrnar�� re�erred t��. Mr�. Votel �r�esent�d a notice that showed or��ers were issued an May 7 , 1�9u to Mr . Bre�kman to clzan t.f�e interiar- and exter i or . Tr�e date c�f com�?i i ance w�s May 1 �I , 1 Gyl?. Mr. Vote 1 r--eferr�d to a Hr�rk order dated June 1 , 1 y90 from t.he ��rks Uepartrner-�t , showirr!_I Pai°ks L?e�artment went to the housE� t.c> �:�o 'the c i �ar� up. The est i rnated cost was �2 , 1 c�3 . 00. The i r�vo i ce sho�red 15 hours c�f gar�ac�z remc�val , 3�� tire5 , 5 ma�t.�_ressPS , �4 �ppliances. 7 . . , . C�.�/-/�.5� .f.r��: con t�en l. i on c>f= th��e C i t:�.� i � , �t.r�i s be i na a ��en i s1�er ed �.�acan t� �,�! i ! d i n��, i t. mus-t. be 1 eg� +. I y occu��i e�. �(-P�e bu i 1 cJ i n�� i ns��uc�or-s l��dve sta�ted, i.hat th� wor�: I���s been do��� and covereci ur�:�, �-�? ! work hds been d�ne w i i.:f-�out. �,erm i-t . Tti� ��o� i�t. i an of th� C� i�L.�>� i s that �! i Nrori� must be ci��!°ir� urider r_.��r.rn i t.. Bt�ARD AG1��c_?�! : Mo� i��n m�ci�� 1��� Joan Pear�sori der�yi n�� tt��e re�7uest. fiGr a w�i ver of th�e vacar�t bu i 1 d i n� fe� of $�19U. UU dn�i tP�e E�er-fi��rmencw t_�ond o� $2 . GUO. 00 . Seconc�eci by Uoi-i We�i da. hi�� (I0�1 C.4kR I ED IJlvAra 1 MOUSLY . ---------------------------------- Meet i n�� ad:iour-n�d at .� : 00 �.m.