91-1671 ���������. • ` Council File �` ��/�/ Green Sheet � Q RESO�.UTION � •: , . CITY OF SAI T PAUL, NI�INNESOTA �� t `�f resented By Referred To � Committ2e: Date /J �/ 4JHEREA$ the Department of Fire an�l Safet Services Fund 510 has funding that is avai�able foY the purchase of fire app�ratus, and WHER�AS, the,De artment desires ,to ad 'ust the bud et so as �o rovide for the partial' fundingpof 3 Pumper bodies (t� be placed �n 3 chassis'� already on order) , and WHER�AS, The Mayor, ,pursu�nt to Section 10. Q7. �. of the City Charter dqes certify that there is available for appropriation, fund balance suf�icient to cover purchase costs, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1991 Budget; CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: --------------- 510--FIRE RESPONSIVE SERVICES 0.00 USE OF FUND BALANCE 11490.90 162210. 00 173700.90 ALL OTHER FUND FINANCING 16289. 00 0. 00 16289.00 27779 .90 162210. 00 189989.90 SPENDING PLAN: --------------- 510--FIRE RESPONSIVE SERVICES 35110 FIRE SERVICE CHARGES 0822 TRUCKS AND VANS 8343 . 00 85210. 00 93553 . 00 35111 FIRE E�IPMENT PURCHASES 0. 00 0822 TRUCKS D VANS 5966. 00 77000. 00 82966. 00 ALL OTHER FUND SPENDING 13470.90 0. 00 13470.90 27779.90 162210. 00 189989.90 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED,that that the City Council adopts the above changes fo the 1991 budget. � RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BUDGET DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon � oswitz ✓- FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES on ,/ �acca ee � Un e —�� z son BY� C _ _J �C� Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT 2 2 1991 Form App ved by City Att ney Adoption C t' "ed b Cou Secretary BY: By' Appro e by May for Submission to Approved by or: Date 0 CT 2 5 1991 Counc' , ^ r � // ,� B ���'l',r/, /�i"� __. B '�/�� Y� - Y� � �� �1.L���� . ��i��7i � DEPICRTM[NTIf1FFtCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Q1� •� FIRE & SAFETY SERVICES 07-09-91 GREEN SHEE� NO. 7�F�O v CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE 2 2 4—'�H 1 1 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DE . ENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL ASST CHIEF LARRY STANGER N�� TY MTORNEV �CITY C.LERK MUST BE ON COUNGL A(�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDf�ET DIAECTOR �FIM.3 MOT.SEfiV�CES DIR. MnvoR�a+nssisr �F.� AC TOTAL N OF 81ONATUI�PAG�S (q.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATURE7 ; �cnoN�oues�: TO APPROVE THE ATTACHED RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE PU�2CHASE OF 3 PUMPER BODIES FROM FIRE RESPONSIVE SERVICES 35110, FIRE EQUIP�iENT PURCHASES 35111 AND FIRE EQUIPMENT TRUST ACTIVITY 55001. �CO�ND�mo� :�vww.W o►�.�ea(� COUNCIL CON�IIRTEE�ARCl1�T OPT _PLANNIt�COAAAMSSION _qVIL�RVI�COMM18810N ANAlY8T i �^'9�EC E I V E D _CIB COMMITTEE — COMMENTS: j _�„�� = AUG N6 1991 8UPPORT8 WNK7H OOUNdL OBJECIYVET Y Ifr111ATiNO PROBLEM�188UE�OPPORTUNRY(Who�Wh�.VNan.Wlwrs,NdM: THE DEPARTMENT HAS ON ORDER 3 FIRE PUMPER CHASSI�'S FC�R DELIYERY DURING 1991. WE NEED TO ORDER 3 BODIES TO BE INSTALLED ON THEM. RE�E��E� ' RECEjVFa� SEP;. 31 A(�v � C�T1r C `� / � ADVANTA(iE81F MPF�VED: /(�; nEP �` � r �kl� A�7'�b/� y�`D�RF ' ��Aryq . NT(�f ��'. OLDER HIGHER MAINTENANCE RIGS CAN BE TAKEN ��t�����"� LINE SERVICE. S R��,� as�wv�rrrnc�s�nr�a RECEIVED NONE APPARENT. AUG 2 9 �99� �EIVF(� ' MAYOR'S OFFICE 'JUL 1 U �, ,� l5u�„��,, ,.� � ►�E DISADVIWT/K�ES IF NOT APPROVED: OLDER, LESS RELIABLE, HIGH MAINTENANCE RIGS WILL RE 't I1� .�'IRSTy,L/I�N�E}�SERVICE �u�� -���r`+�1 tJ`i�IlGl SEP � 3 1�1 TOTAL AMOIlNT OF TRANiACTION • �7 4 �2 91. 0� CA6T/I�eVEN11E WDQETEO�qRCLB ONE) YES �Nd �N���� FUNDS 510 & 735 ��i�in� 351�0, 35111 & 55001 FlNANpAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) dw Y � NOTE: COMPLETE DIl�CT10N8 ARE INCL.UDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAlLAB1.E IN THE PURCHASINt3 OFFICE(PHONE NO,298-4226). ROUTINO ORDER: Bebw are pref�red routin�for the five m�t frequern types of documeMs: CONTHIICTS (assurtas authoriz�d COUNqL RESOLUTION {Am�tul, Bdgt�./ budgst exista) � Accept.Q�eiMs) 1. Outsids Apsrwy 1. Depattment Director 2. IniHatfnp D�partment 2. Bud�st Director 3. dty AttorrNy 3. C�ty Attornsy 4. Maycx 4. MayoNAssistaM 5. Finar�ce 8�M�mt Svcs. Director 5. (Yly,Council 8. Ffnancs AccouMiny 6. (:hief AccouMant, Fln �Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Bud�st COUNGL RE30LUTION (all others) Flevisio�) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Mant�sr 1. IniUatlnq Dspa►tmern Dirsctor 2. Dsp�RmsM AccouMaM 2. City Attorney 3. Dspartrtient Dinctor 3. MayoNAt�istaM 4. Bt�pet DirecMr 4. Gty Cduticil 5. City Clerk 6. Chisf AccouMaM, Fln d�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATNE ORDER3 (edl othe►s) 1. Initiatfnp D�partm�nt 2. Cky Attomey 3. MayoNAssirtant 4. City Cisrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31aNATURE PAQES Indicats ths A�oi p�pes on whbh si�neltures are roquired and�Cli sach of tF»ae p� ACTION REQUESTED Dsacribs what the proHct/requsN asska to�ccomplfsh,in sither chronologi- cal order or ordsr of impoRance.wNcf�ver is mo�appr�oprfate for the iseus. Do not wrlte complete sentenoss.8egin sech itsm in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete if the i�w in qwNbn has bsan pre�snted before any body,pubifc or private. SUPPORTS WHIC�I(�OUNCIL 08JECTIVE? I�icW which CounCil obJ�iw(s)I��P��9�wPP�bY���0 the key wwd(s)(HOUSINO. RECREATION. NEIaHBORHOOD3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,SEWER SERARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI8T IN INSTRUCI'IONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL�MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RECfUE3TED BY COUNqI INITIATIN4 PR�LEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Enplain the situe�or cx�ndldons that cnated a need for you�project or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indk;ate whsther this ia simply an annwl budget procadure requfrod by law/ chaiter or whether thsre aro sp�dflc vra in which the Gty of SeiM Paul and its citizens will bsnsfit from this pno�f/actfon. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED' What nepative Mfects or major chanpes�W existing or past proceeses mi�ht this projecUrequest produos M k is pess�d(e.g.,tratfic delays� nolae. tax incrsasss or astatmeMs)?To Whom?Whsn?For Frow lony? DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths ne�re c�qu�if the promised action ia not approved4 InabiNty to detiwr ssrvice?Continusd high tre�ic, noise, accidsnt rus?t.oss of revenw4 FINANGAL IMPACT Althaph you must taibr ths informatton you provide here to the issue you ue addressing, in general you must answer two qusstbns: How much is ft �Oinp W c�st?Who is going to pay? • , , . � y��� 7� � Analyst: Kline Date: O8/12/91 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS DepBrtment: Department of Fire and Safety Services Green Sheet Number: 9470 Green Sheet Date: 7/9/91 Amount of Request: $274,291 Positions Requested: Amount Recommended: 5274,291 Positions Recommended: Funding SOUrCA: Special Fund Fund Balance Subject of Request: The management of tt►e Fire Department has requested that$274,291 of special funda'fund balance be appropriated to pay for a portion of 3 fire engines pumpers. Engines 4,9 and 19 will be replaced. Background: In 1990,the Acting Fire Chief,John Colonna,froze all major purchases for fue apparatus in order to leave any decision on major equipment buys up to the"new"fue chief.With agreement of the Budget Office,the specisl fund dollars originally budgeted and adopted by the City Council in 1990 for equipment purchases went unspent and remained in fund balances.The"new"F'ue Chief,Tim Fuller,has made some decisions on fue apparatus. The money that was budgeted in 1990 will now be used in 1991 for the same purpose. It generally takes one year after ordering for a unit to be placed in active service. Age is a fairly good indicator of replacement need. Many of the critical, modern fire fighting capabilities available on units purchased today are not on units put in service 15 years ago. Age Upon Replacement in 1992 Engine 4 20 years Engine 9 15 Engine 19 17 Major Issues: None.This action matches the Fire Department's approved long term apparatus replacement plan and the original intent of the adopted 1990 budget. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) The Fire Department and the Budget Office have worked for years to arrange the fue apparatus replacement schedule so that a near constant year to year dollar amount can be budgeted.The City is now on schedule. Generally,we will replace either 3 pumpers or 1 ladder truck every year. The action requested here will complete the purchase of 3 pumpers scheduled for 1990. For 1991,a ladder truck has been ordered with the budget approved by Council. Recommendation: I support this action,as it matches the long term replacement schedule and carries out the intent of the adopted 1990 budget. The choice of the Acting Chief to transfer a decision with significant long term impact to the permanent Fire Chief was good management. Follow-up Recommended, If Any: RECEIVEQ AUG 141��1 B11�lli�� �,li'P '�k,.