91-1662 ����ID�6 `�: : , , _ . Council File # �'� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF�SAINT P,AUL, MINNESOTA (� Presented By ' Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council cons�nts to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the MAYOR�S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. � MARGY �PARRINGTON to fill the •yacancy created by the resignation of Francisco Trejo. MARY DZIEWECZYNSKI to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judith Hansen. PATRICIA CAPIZ to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Terrance Kayser. . Terms for each of the above shall eupire on June 30, 1992. e Navs Absent Requested by Department of: onwn �4 r s d���c . , c e � et a —3 u e son BY� �-- Adopted by Council: Date SEP i � 1991 Form Approved by ty tor y 0 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy, ` ��2 g �^ � By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by t�a or: Date �E� � � �g91 Council • a�,tGti� ��'+���a�ll ay. ay: -PUBUSHED SEP 2�'91 , �r-i�� � OEPARTM[NT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATEO Ma ox Scheibel;.�.s. o��i.ce 8-23�9� GREEN SHEE7 NO. ��� CONTACT PEFiSON A PHONE INITIAU DATE, INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOH �dTY COUNGL Mo1ly 0'Rourke - 4 32 3 �� CITy AITORNEY �G1Y CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNGL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINti BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(013 AS818T w � TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAGE8 (CL.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION RC-�UES'TEC: Approval of the appointments of Margy Warrington, Mary! Dzieweczynski and Patricia Capiz to serve on the MAYOR' S ADVISORY COMMIT�E FOR PEOPLE WITH ' DI5ABILITIES. RECOMMENOATIONe:Appan(p a As�x(Fn COUNCIL CO�AITTEEJR�EARCH REPORT OPTI _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _pVIL BERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE . _d8 OOMMITfEE _ —��� _ �"E"�: ' AUG �8 1991 —���«,� _ ��,��°°,���►E�,�T � C I TY ATTO R N EY �Hrru►nNO�oe�.�,oP�tuNmr Mrno.wna.wmsn.wnsr.,wiM: i i ADVMIT/1f�E8 IF APPROVED: D18ADVAW1YUiE8 IF APPROVED: OISADVAtiTIU�ES IF NOT � , t�mCt! Re�� � RECEIVED AUG 3 0 1991 ' � '�� �9 1991 � CITY CLERK ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COBT/REVENUE WDOETED(�Rq.E ONL� YES NO FUNDIlKi SOU� ACTIVITY NUMBER i - FlWWGl1l INFORMATION:(EXPWN) ' �7�.._ ��'. - . �.V� , , i ' } ( f � � NOTE: GOMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Ni3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�). ROUTING ORDER: 8elow are prsfe►rod routings for the fire mo�frequsnt typss ot documeMs: OONTRACTS (arwmes auttw�izsd COUNqL RESOlUT10N (Amend, 8dgts./ budpst exiete) Ilccept.Granta) 1. .Outsids A�ency 1. DepeRme�t Dirodor 2. IniNatinp D�Rment 2. Bud�t Diractor 3. Gly Attorney 3. CNy Attomey 4. Ma�rCU 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Financs 8�M�mt Svcs. Director 5. CHy CounCll 6. Flnancs/►c:co�mHnp 6: Chisf/�cxountant.Rn&Mgmt S1res. ADMINISTRATIVE OR�ER (8udget COUNGL RESOLUTION (ali othsra) Rews�on� and oRawwc� t. /►ct�vlty M�napsr t. �nttiating ompsrtmem Director 2. Dep�RrnsM A�ocouM�nt 2. C�ty AtWrne�r 9. �spsrtment Director 3. Mayor/AtNstant 4. Budpst Df�ector 4. �ty CoUncil 5. Cfty Clerk 6. ChiM AccouMaM. Fln 8 Mpmt 3vca. ADM{NlSTRATIVE ORDER8 (all othsrs) 1. Initiatl�D�hne�t 2. qty Attansy 3. MayoNAqistant 4. qty Cletk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(iNATUAE PACiES IrMicate ths#�of p�gss on which si�neturea are roquirod and peperclip sach oi thess�es. ACT�ON REQUE8TED Deecribs wNat the projscUrequest ssska�o accompl�in either ch►ondogi- cal ordK or order af importancs,whichever is rraet appropriate for ths issus. Do not w�ite cornpFete sente�es. Bspin sech ftem fn your Ii�with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Canpiste H ths issw in qusstion has bMn pres�nted bsfore am►body,publ� � or privats. SUPPORTS WHICkI OOUNdL OBJECTIVE? Indk�M which Cout�cN obj�iw(a)Y��Prol�U�i�eup�orta bY���9 ths ksy word(s)(HOUSINO.RECREATION,NEKiHB�HOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEVNER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEEIRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE(�UESTED BY COUNqL INITIATINa PFIOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNi1Y Explain th�situation or condidonrthat cr�ted�nsed for your proJect or requeat. ADVANTA(lES IF APPROVED Indicats whath�r tMs is simpy an annwl budpst procedure required by law/ chuter or whNMr thsra an sp�ciNc in which ths dty oi Seint Paul and its citiz�ns will bsnsAt irom tMs p�/ection. DiSADVANTAG{ES IF APPROVED What nspative�ibcts�major chan�s to axisting or paet processes migM this projsct/reque�t produce if it is paeead(a.g.,trafflc delays. noise, tax increa�es a�seeamsnts)?To Whom?VVhsn4 Fw F�w bng4 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What wlll be the negative cormeqwnces if ths promfaed action is not approved?Insbility to deliver ssrvice9 Continued high traffic, noise, accident rats? Lo�s of rovsnue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you mu�tafbr ths information you provWe here to the iasue you are addroesiny, in qeneral you mu�anawsr two questions: How much is it qOin9 to cost4 Who ls goinp to pay? a . , . �i/�G�. .�-: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED AUG 2 8 1991 CITy �LERK TO: Council President William Wilson Saint Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Molly O'Rourke Policy Analyst DATE: August 27, 1991 RE: ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Appointments Mayor Scheibel has recommended that the following people be appointed to the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities: Patricia Capiz, filling the remainder of Terrance Kayser's two-year term. Marjorie Warrington, filling the remainder of Francisco Trejo's two-year term; and Mary Catherine Dzieweczynski, who will fill the remainder of Judith Hansen's two-year term. Terms for all of the above will expire on June 30, 1992. The resolution and copies of applications for the above-named people are attached. If you have any questions about these appointments, feel free to contact me at 298-4231. I will be on vacation until September 3, 1991. MOR:drm Attachments cc: Chris Leifeld Al Olson--For Council Agenda Council Research