91-1604 Return copy to: Real Estate Division , Council File � � /„ 218 City Hall � (EC) (Lowry) _ Green Sheet # � �������L RESOLUTION ,\ F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By } Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Lease Agreement CA/1, between the Lowry i�iedical Company and the City, providing 2 ,137 square feet of office space in the Lowry Professional Building to the City Attorney' s office , will expire on July 31 , 1991; and WHEREAS, the need by the City Attorney' s office for this additional space having persisted , the parties to said Lease Agreement CS/1 have agreed to extend the term thereof for an additional twenty-eight months until remodeled space in the City Hall/Courthouse will become available; and WHEREAS, the Real Estate Division has determined , through comparison of similar buildings , that the agreed upon rent represents the approximate market value of the leased premises; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Addendum l to Lease Agreement CA/1 . Y� Nays Absent Requested by Department of: smon osws z � on i Finance & Mana�ement Services accs ee et ma �ne � B ��'� irector z son � Y� `�_ s-��-`1 l Adopted by Council: Date .S�P 3 1991 Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � � � t B ;�� � . y' v�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Ma or: Date SEP - 5 1991 Council / ��•,� gy, v���r�i�// - By: �F��ML�' �'������Q SEP 1 �+'91 , (IrFl�/do� F & Man e GREEN SHE�1' N° 15884 o��: o���� �� �M AT'TOIWEV �{ CLERK � — �l�0" D OI�C�R FIN,8►u�T BERViCES D�,. � WYOR(OR Ai818fiAN� TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PA�iES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR�ItiNATURE) ncr��a To authorize a twenty-eight month extension Qf the term of Lease'. Agreement CA/1 between the Lowry Medical Company and the City, to pro�ide 2,137 square feet of office space in the . Lowry Professional Building to the City Attorney's office, until remodelled space in the City Hall/Court House becomes available. Reference: 1. Resolut�on for consideration; 2. Sample copy of Lease Agreement CA/1; 3. Sample copy of propo�ed addendum. _ _ RffC01�Mi1B1�ONS:lrpior�IA1 a Ry�a(R) PERSONAI S�RVICE CONTRACTS MUlT AN6MIER THE FOLLOYVING QUE$TlONB: _PuV11MN0 C01�MlION _pV�SERYICE COI�M�810N 1. Mhs Mi8 P�wer worlo�d unfNr a oontrad for this dsparbn�t? _.ps OOMM�T�� ._ YES NO _8'ixPF _ 2. Fha this persor�Rrm wer O�sn a dty�mploy�e?', YES NO —��T — . 3. Doss tl�is psnonRirtn Poewse a mkiN not no�ly�P�bY�^Y�+��Y�� SuPPORTd YMiICM Od.IECTiVE? YES NO ' Exp1aN+NI q�s�n�s on sp�nb�t�nd�oh to pn�n tM�t INITIA'fN0 IB9UE.OPPORTtINITY M�w.wl�.vVl�,w►rre,WI+Y1� RECEIVED Lease Agreement CA/l, will expire�on July 31, 1991. - AUG 19 1991 — � ��: MAYOR'S OFFIC£ This ag ement will provide needed office space for the City Attprney's office until remodelle space in the City Hall/Court House becomes available•� °18AD�`"� '�`'"0"ED� R�C�IVED RECEIVED , N/A AU G 1 � 1991 �'a � 6 ��' 0���`'CE G� TtiE DIRECTOR "��' �LERK . r:.s��?'�MENT OF FiNANCE ��!:; nnARA�E�RE!�T SERVICES �Na►�wrno,r�o: I �OIIhC� �ffi�1 ,(�1'' The City Attorney's office will have to find office space elsewh'�ere. AUG 21 199] � � . ; � TOTAL AMOYNT OF?RANBACTION S ���2HO.00 CpgT/REYENUE bIJDOETED(dMCIE ONE) YES . NO FUNDINQ SOIIRC•E � ACTIVITV NWM9ER ��:�� dw Ui 1 IC:t . � �. � � � � , . ��c�/�/�P4� � LEASE AGREEMENT ?HIS LEASE mede and entered into thie dey of Within (.en (10) daya eiter LESSOR furnlehee TENANT with eucb _. 19^. by end between IOWRY MEDICA� estimate,TENANT ahell pey to LESSOR,ee additional MonLldy Beee CoMPANY, A Minneao IImited partnereh�ip Iherein (�.e�ref rred Rcnt, en emount equel to the Monlh)y Operating Adjuatment TH�CITY OF ST. PAUL, a po�itica� mul�ip6ed by the nvrhber of tull or parliel etapeed calenaar monlhe to ea"IESSOR")end subdivision of the State of Minnesota jn the then current calendnr year that ere included within the Lea�e (hereinefter indivfdually or co0ectively referred to es"TENANT'�; Term. 6. Atter ezpLation of each celendar year during the l.eese Term _ I�RtICtE 1. through end lncludTu+g the cetendar year In w}Jc6 the Lea�e Term expires,LESSOR ehall fumiah TENANT with a etate�ent of tbe ectuel _ Premfees end Tcrm Taz Cost and the actual Opeteting Co�t tor the ianmediaf.ely l, IESSOR hveby leaeea to TENANT and TENANT hereby Wcee irom preceding calendar year;1!the actual Taz Cost ot actuel Opereting Cost ie dltlerenE thnn t6e esttmnted Taz CoaE ot eatfmst�ed LESSOR thoae eertaln premleee deeignsted as Suite .339 Operattng Cost, the Monthly Ta: Adjuatment and the Monthly 2,137 Opetating Adjustment ahall be tecalculeted using t6e Actusl Ta�c contatning epproumately aquare ieet of net rent• Cost and the Actue]Operating Coat,end within ten(10)daye alter able area,ehown voss-hatched ia red oa Eahibit 8 ettached hereto LESSOR ha� furnlshea tENANT with euch etntement, TENANT ahall and mede a part hereoi(hereinetter called the"Leased Premiaee") pay tESSOR for any ehortage for the ImmedIately preceding calendar yenr,or,it TENANT is not then in defsult 6ereunder,IESSOR�hcD rt on the 3rd 11oor of that cerLain bullding located at end tund to TENANT sny overpeyment for the immediately preceding sltueted on the tea)property legally de�cribed on Ezhibit A hereto ��endar year,as the cese mey be. _ attbched and made a part hereof and commonly known ea the � LOWRY MEDICAL•BUIIDING (hereine(ter re(erred to ea the 6. In no event ahaU the Moothly IIase Rent for eny calender yeat, "Building"�. ns adjusted,be les�than the Monthly Bsae Rent for the immediat.� 2. 'f'he term of tl►is Lease(herein�fter designeted "Lease Term"� �Y Preceding calendnr year, as edjusted. SEE RIDER � lst May 7. The term"Operating Cost"shall mean a0 costs and eapenses ot sheU commenee on the day of every kind end natare which LESSOR [ncura, pays or becomee Ig 88 �nd eha0 continue thereafter to and induding the 30th obGgated to pay !n owning, maintaining, menaging, insuring and operating the Ptoject and every part theteof,ezcept Tnx Cost and A ri 1 ,19 91 .unless earlier terminated as debt amortIzation.Without timittng the generality of the toregoing, dey of P . OperatIng Cost abaU include emortizatlon ot cepiW ezpenditutea hereinafter provided. that producp n redueEion!n energy or other Operettng Cost,to the • extent thet Opereting Cost is tliereby reduced,over euch period es � ARTICIE 11. 1E55�R reasonably ahall determine, together wtth {ntereat at the rate of�Zqper annum on the unamortized belance. If,as a result of Reot sach capital expenditure. LESSOR eliminates eny item of Opereting Cost which is {ncluded in the Hase Opereting Cost, the Sese Opernt[ng Cost sheli be reduced by the emount o[�uch elinntnated ba�e ren! (herelna(ter called the "Monthly Base Ren " o! if.em for purpose� of celculating the �perating Cost Adjustment t6ereatter.LESSOR':reasonable deterrninetion o!the OpereE[ng Coat snd the Taz Co�t,both est[mated and ectual,ahell be binding upon TENANT. Dollers(E 1, as adjuste om time to ttme in�� • cordence with the provfsions ot this cle,payable in advance oa ARtItIE Itt. the firat dey of each month dur' the Lease Term� without n deduction or set oft wbatsce ,at 805 Lowry Medical Huilding, Additiona)Tazee Paul, Minnesof.e 5510 r such other place as LESSOR sb TENANT 6haU also a 1ES50R, to ether with each monlhl instaU- designate. ln tbe e the Lease Term commences on a day other r y R y then the first o[e month,vr lerminates on a dey other than the ment of Monthly Hese Rent, the emount of any gross receipta tax, )aet dsy month, !he rent, including any edjustment� the�eiu 6ales La:or similnr teix(excluding eny income tax),pn3d or peyable med sccotdenee with thfs Article, peyeble durtng euch lirat or by tbSSOR by reason of tHe receipt of any amounta lrotn TENANi • SEE RIDER payable hereunder. 2. AU renlel and other suma payable hereunder by TENANT which are not peld within�ten (10�day9 after due eha�bear interest from . ARTICLE IV. the d te due to tbe dete psid at the rele of �welve percbnt Aseignment and Subletting (1�� per �onu�n or the highest rate permitted by lau, whic�ever is higher. ' TENANT shaU not assign or in any manner encumber this Lease,nor 9. The Monthly Base Rent fs predicated, in parl, upon e Tax evblet the whole or any part of the Leesed Premises,not permit any Coet Idefined to mean eU real estate 1a�ces and tnstaWnents ot other person o�entity either jointly with the TENANt or otherwise. aaaessments levied upou or assessed against the Huilding, � a�upy the Leased PremTses or any part thereof, witbout lirat nppurf.enences thereto and the teel property and eU improvements obl.aining,on each occasion, the written consent of LESSOR. thereon legally described on Ezhibit� hereto, thereinatter c�lled SEE RIOER 1988 Esti�nate Tax Costs qrtt�dE v. the "Pro)ec!"), o! �xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Per equaie foot (he►einefler esUed the"Aase Tax Cost"1 per celendar year.P�ior to Use oI PremSses L!►e commencement ot the l.ease Term and prior to Tferch Ist of each ensuing calendar year, or as soon thereatter as prectiuble, 1. The l.easea Premises shell be used for the purpose ol LESSOR shaU furnS�h TENANT with an estimnfx ot t6e Ta= Cost lif Conduttiny the business of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL auch estimate is higher than the Base Ta:Cost)(or the then cuneot PROSECUTING ATTORNEY OFFICE calendar year,and the�fontlil�•Base Ren!payable on lhe first dey only. No part of the Leesed Prerrtises shaq be used tor eny purpose of esch month during the remainder of such calender year�he0 be • a'hich conetilutes a nuisance or which i� illegal, of(enstve, termed increaeed b}• sn smount (hereinatter called the"Alonth)y Tnx Ad• eztra hazardous by insurance coropanies or a•hicb may tnake vold or fuslment"1 equsl to onetw•elfth (1/12lh► o( the product of the voidable any insurence on the $uilding or whic6 may incresse the namber ol aquare feet ot net renteble area in the I.eased Fremi,ee p�e�nfums there(or, or whicb w•ill toterfere wit6 the general aalety. times the difterrnce betwecn such estimate ot the Tax Cost and the comfort end convenience of the tESSOR end tenants ot the Hu{lding. Bes�Tax Cott.�S�ithin len(10)clays e1Ler LESSOR lurniches 1ENANT 7'here shall be no sele of food or beverege�by eny means without wilh such eslimnle TENANT sha�pn}•lo LESSOR,as sddiliona)1�1on- the prior My-itten consent of LESSOR.TENANT shell not permit inLoz- thh• Bsse Rent, en emount eqoel lo the rlonthly Taz Adjustment ��<ing liquors to be kept or sold In Lhe Lcased Premisee. m�itiplied by lhe number ol IvU or pe►�ial elapsed celendar mooth� Q. TF.NANT shall not permit any n•aste !o occvr in or ebout the . tn the then eurrent calendar�•ear thnt are fncluded within the Lease Leasrd Premises end Bui)ding,shal)consen•e he.al,air condit3oning. Term. w aLer end eleclricity and other utilities,aod ahall use due care in the use o(the L.eased Premises and the Building. �. The rtonthl�• Base Rent ie also predicated in parL upon an eatimated Opersting CosL (as hereSnelter detined) of 1968 Esti�ated Operating Costs AR11GlE V1. :YXXXXICXXYYYXHYYYYYYVL�� equare foot (hereineller ca.lJed the � Signs ' "Bsse Opereting Cost")per calendar year.The$nse Opereting Co�t �. b e��culeted on the basts ot the E�Ilauted Operating Co�t Ior �����R�����XRR�614AX��(�l��i1KC(Q14�C4(K►X@(�1kblll�XObXKt(e • �9 . Prior Lo the cortvnencement ot Lhe Lease Term and prior xbs�t lt�Pl�lctl%x (l1cMhMU�4141hYd�KDf�M il �a to riarch le!o!eech ensuing cnlendar year,or ae soon therealter e� ������������������x����������7�� praeliceble, IESSqR ehell lurntsh ?ENANT w•it6 en estimnte o! the x ��� pperaling Cost li(such eslimace i�hfgher then the Baee Operating SEE R1DER ..►"' Cost1 1or the then currenl calendar year, nnd lhe Monthly De�e ARTICLE VIt. Renl peyab)e on lhe 1'ual dey ot each month during the remeindel oI e�ch ealender year aheU be increased by en smount (hereine(le� Neel�nd Cleeo CondiUoa eeUed lhe "I�lonthly Operet[ng Adjustment"1 cquel to one-twrl(th (1/121h}of ihe producl oi the number ot equnre teel of net rcntable 7ENANT ehnU, w•ithout 'expense to lhe IESSOR, keep the l.ea�ed srea in lhe Leaeed Premiee� lime� the diI[erence between euch Premiae�in e naat,cleen end orderly condition end ehall permit no ealimel.e of Lht Operating Cos! end Lhe Beae Opereting Cost, rubbish o( eny kind to accumulnl.e in tbe Leseed Premi�ee or lhe . mmon areae in Ehe$uildin , end ehell remove the use thereol, fose of income andlor eccounls receivab) , u�the�l�" / halle or other co B eame wlthout coet to IESSOR. emount ot {naurance prceeede collected. The perf�ee ehall not3ty tbeir respective tn�urance companiea, in writing, ot the provisiona ARIICLE Vtll, of this peregrnph,and tt eitfier cennot wetve ite aubrogntfon righte, euch parLy ehall(mmedietely notffy the other parly,in wriling. Rnles,Regul�llom,Lew��nd Ordlnances nRrictE xm. 1ENANT ehell uee the•Leased Premisee end the Ballding (n eccor- dance with euch rulea and reguletlon�as mey trom time to time be Alterelione mede by the LESSOR for the generel eatety,comtort and converJence o(the ownere,occupante and tenente o(the Building or[or the con- TENAN�aheU make no alterations,additions ot chnnges In tbe I.eesed BervAtion ot energy, end ehap cause TENANT's Customere, Premises withovE the prfor wrltten consent of Lhe IESSOR.All altera- employeea,and Invitees to abtde by euch rulea end regulationa. lions, additions or improvements Inatalled withln the Leased Premises by TENANT (tncluding but not timtted to Hght fixturea, .. cerpeting end ehelvIng) ahell be the property ot TENANT untU ter• ARTICLE IX. tnination of the Lease Term[or any reason,et whlch time title to eU Acceptaoce o[Premiee� euch alteretiona, edditiona and improvementa (e:cept TENANT'S moveeble furniture, moveeble Erade Ibcturee and movesble trade The taking o[ possesston ot the Leased Premises by the 1ENAN1 eyuipment (which ehall not [nclude carpettng, Ught (bcturee and eheU conet[tute conclusive evidence that Ehe Leased Premisea were, ehelvingl)ahnll veat tn 1ES50R free ot eny clnIm or lnterest therein by aa of that date,in good,clean and tenantable condition tinished ott iENANT,tENANT'S moveable turniture,moveable Erede t{ztares and (n accordnnce �vlE6 the Conatructlon Rider ettached hereto and moveeble trade equiproent msy be removed by�ENAN1 at or prior hereby mede a parE hereo[aa though fuUy eet forth, U any,and ea ��he termination ot the l.eaae Term,provlded TENANT i�not then tepreaented by IESSOR,escepE ea to ftema eapresely eet forth ln eeid U detault hereunder, and tENANT ehall repetr eny demoge to the Conattuctlon Rlder ea LESSOR'S responsibtUty and epectfically set �esed Fremtaes cauaed by auch removel et It�own ezpense.I(auch forth tn s�vr�tten notice by TENANT to LESSOR actually teceived by moveable(urniture,futures end equipment are not ao removed by LESSOR within 90 dsye etter the commencement date ot the I.eeae TENANT et or prlor to the terminetfon of the l.easa Term,then at the Term. LESSOR ehall corteCt sald (tems to TENANT'S reasonable option o(LESSOR,the eame ehetl be deemed abandened to tESSOR or aetis(ectton and tn eccordence the Constructlon Rider �vithfn p LESSOR may require TENANT to remove the same and to repeir, at reasonable period of t[me after teceipt o(sefd Notice end there shell TENANT'S eapenae, any deinage to the Leased Premiaea cauaed by be no teduction 4n or aet otf egainet rent or other chenges hereunder such removaL bq reeeon o(eaid itema. , ARTiCLE XIV. ARTiCIE X. I,eaee to be Subordinete I.eeeor's Right!o Enter Premiees TENANT acknowledges thst the Project ta being teased �y IOWRY 1. The LESSOR,or Its agents may at reasonable t'unes enter to view DEVEIOPMENT COMPANY(hereiaefter"lDC"�(rom the Port Authori- � the Leased Premises,or to roaintain the same or to make repeirs,or tY o( the City oI SaSnt Paul("AUTHORItY"►, pursuent to a certeio to make such improvements or chenges in the L'eased Premises or �ease dated April 16, 1979 (hereinatter "h4aster Lease"). TENANT other premfses tn the Butlding or adjacenE prem3sea as the LESSOR furthet acknowledges that a portlon of the Project in which the may deem proper;ttnd there sheU be no allowence or liabiliEy to the �sed Premisea are loceted is being leased by LESSOR trom LDC, TENANT by tenson thereof;provided,however,that LESSOR shall not subject to the Master Leese, pursuent to a certein Subleese eod unreasooably interfere with Ehe conduct ot TENANT'S busineas et Assignment dated eftective as o[October 1, 1980�hereine(ter the and from Ehe Leased Premiaes. "Subleese"1.TENANT egrees that this Lense and performance ot the obligations Iroposed on LESSOR hereunder are aubjecl and subor- 2. The LESSOR shall 6ave the right to place aigns advertising dinate to the Master Lease end the Subleeae,to the extent therein avatlabil�ty for lease in windowa o[, and to ehow the Leased provided. TENANt also egrees that in the event of a de(ault by Premisea !or Ietting et teesoneble timea during the )as! si�c (6) LESSOR under the Subleaae, and if requested tn writing by L�C. It months oI the Leeae Term. IESSOR ehall also have the right to wiU pay the rent and other amounts provided to be paid by tENANT display the l.eased Premiaes to prospective purchasers o( the to 1E55oR hereunder,directly to LDC.TENANT further agreea to teke Building or enq part thereof;provided, however titat LESSOR ahatl no action in derogatton ot any obligations o[ the LESSOR, or the noE unreasonebly lnterfere with the conduct o(iENANT'S bueinesa tights of the AUTHORIIY, under the Master Lease or Sablease. ln at and from the Leased Premises. addition,at the option of the IESSOR,thia Lease ahall be made sub- ject and subordinate to ell other ground or underlyinq leases,mort- gages,deeds of trust and other conveyences for aecurity snd restric- ARTICLE XI. tions which may now or hereafter atfect or encuenber the Buiiding or the Project,e�d to all renewals,modificattons,teplacements and ex- ledemnity tensions thereot;provided Ehet TENANT'�rights hereunder ahaU be recognized es long as TENANT Is not fn de[ault herennder.For conitr- metfon of such aubordinetion, the TENANT shell execute promptly any end atl clsims,lSebil3tiee,demands,dameges,ections,coats a any subordination agreement requested by the L'ESSOR.The tENANT expenses, includ3ng attorney's fees. which mey be imposed on, hereby irrevocably constitutes and eppotnts the tE55oR ea the TE• fncurred by vr asserted egainst 1�550R as a d'uect or indirec esu NANT':agent to execute eny euch aubordinetion egreement for end of any ot the (ollowing: lil the use or condition of th eas� on behal(ot the tENAN?. Premises and each part thereot;(ii) eny personal injury ncludt death, or property damage occuring on the Leased P mises; (''1 ARTICIE XV. � any negllgence on the part ot TENANT, its agent contrectors, Gcensees or invitees; (iv) TENANT'S failute to ply with the OI[ee!Slatemenl and Estoppel CerUticale requtremenL�ot sny governmentsl authority;(v he imposition or • discherge ot nny Ifens,judgments orencumbr ea crented upon or Witt►in ten (10) days a[ter request. 1ENANT shaU provide a state� against the Project by reason o[the act,omi �on or conduct o[the ment to any proposed mortgagee or purcheser or to IESSOR,cerLity- iENANT; (vi� eny proceedinB to obtain p session of the Leased �ng(i(such be the cesel thet th)s Lense is in fuil[orce and e(fect and Premises after termfnation ot this I.ease greement for any reason; there are no detenses or o([sets thereto,or stating those claimed by end(vti)sny breach or default on the rt of TENANT in the perfor- �ENANT and certitytng to avch other metters es auch party shall mance of eny covenant or agreero on the part oi TENANT to reasonably require. lf 1ENANi ta�7s to do so,IESSOR shall have the be performed pursuant to the rms of this Lease. TENANT t�ght,es attorney-(n-fact for 1ENANT,to make such a statement,cer- convenants to detend any euch a on or proceeding against LESSOR ��(��� or boLh IESSOR, its mortgage lenders, and/or purchaser�, by counse!teasonebly ealf9fec ry to LESSOR. IESSOR ahall not be shfl(1 be entitled to rely upon eny document executed pureuant to Uable and TENANI waives ell ims for damage or injury to person, thi�Article. including death, or to prop ty eustatned by TENANT or TENANT'S employees.agents,serva s,inviLees eod cu4tomers orising out oi the Building or its use eondition or o[the l.cased f'temfse�or its ARtICtE XVI. uae or condition or y eqvipment or eppurtenances thereunto appertaining beco g out o( repair, or resulting Irom eny ect, Tment to Surrmder Premises tn Gooa Cona{tion omissTon or aegli ence ot any olher tenent or occupent o[ the BuOdIng. Thi� aU apply especially, but not ezclusively, to the Upim the eap'vation or earlie� termination o(the l.ease Term, the (loodiog ot s part of the Leased Premisee and to demage caused 1ENANT ahnU.In accordance wft6 Article X111,remove the TENANi's by re(riger r�, aprinkling devices, aIr conditioning appatetus, R�s and etfecta a»d tboae ot all person� cletmIng under the w�atxr, sn , trost, sf.eam. excessive hent or cold, [atling pleater, TENANT and sfv11)quit end deUver up the Leased Pre�nisea,nnd eU b�okee �e,sewage,gns,odors or noiae or the bureting or IeakJng lhereof,to the LESSOR,peaceably nnd quletly,in e�good order and oi pip or plumbing[iztures.All property belonging to?ENANT or �ndition ss the eame were in on the date the I.ea�e Term coro- sny cupant ot the l.eesed Premises ehall be there nt the risk o[ �eoced or were thereatter placed in by the LESSOR or TENAN�, TE AN?or euch other persoa on1y,end lfSSOR e6ell ooSEE R IOER r �sonabie wenr sod teat excepted.Any proJ�rty lett in the Leased Prerul,ea ahall,at IESSOR'S option be deemed to have beeo abendon- . ed and the property ot the LESSOR to diapose of es!he LESSOR deems e=pedjen� AR�ICIE xll. Walver o[Subrogstloe ARTICLE XViI. tESSOR wAive�its right ot eubrogetlon tor demage to the BuUding, ��P"U" Contenta thereia,lose or uea thereot,andlor loae ot fncome,up to the emounf,ol[neutenee proceeds collecEed.tENANt walves its rlgh!oI TENANT,et its cosl,and e:pense,ahall keep end mainl.etn the l.eased subrogetion ior damege to property[n the I.eaeed Prert�ises,loas ot Premises in good order,condition end tepair(including reasoneble . .a. . . . ' � �rl. . . . - . ����� .perind painLing and decoreting end including tepincementa ee �. tESSOR ehall also furnieh electriclty for normel of(iu uee. required) tncluding teplacement of nll glass broken ot deroeged in . . the l.eesed Premiaes with glasa of the eeme ktnd and quelity, and 6. IESSOR will eleo provide je�it.orial eervicee.'Monday through ehaU elao meke euch�epnire to the heUe,and other common areas of Fridey,hoUdeys eacepted. the 8uilding, or the $uilding ilaelt, ee ere made neceseary by tbe sct, omieafon or negligence of or mieuee by TENANT, or ite 6. The coe!end expenee fncurred by LESSOR in provlding the abo�e employeee, agents, tepresentativee, contrectore, eervante, utilfties end aervicee,es well aa other utilitiee snd eervices provided cuetomere or inviteea. by LESSOR, ehn0 be included in, end conetitute part oI, the Opereting Cost;provided,however,thet I(electricat power ehnll be ARIICLE XVItt, eeparntely metered,the cherges therelor sha0 not be included in the Operat[ng Cost but rether shall be paid by TENANt to the electricel Mec6enics' Liene utillty company as tlie same becomes due,or Lt paid jn the tirst In- etnnce by IESSOR, TENANi shaU reunburse LESSOR theretor on t6e TENANT will not permit any mechenfcs',leborera'or meterialmen's first dey ot each montfi upon b[lls rendered !o TENANT by LESSOR. or atmilar liens to etand egainat the I.eased Premises or the . � Buildinglor any labor or materiel furnished to,or for the account ot, � eviction or disturbance of•TENANT'� use a o o[ t6e the TENANT,or cleimed to heve been eo furnisbed in connection with ��,�sed Premisee or any r render IESSOR liable !o eny work per(orined or clatmed to have been performed In, on or TENANT tor , �r relSeve 7ENANT from perlormance oi ite about the l.eased Premiaes. —. SEf RIDER . ARTICtE XIX. 8. ?ENANt ahall pey for ell epecfa)requirementa for utilities and eervices end for eU alteretions or rnodtficat3oos requtred in conner Lesaor's Rig6t to Cure Defeulfs tion therewith.In eddition,TENANi ahnll pay LESSOR for!he coat ot all electricel lamps, startere end ballasts vaed on t6e Leaerd If the TENANT defeults hereunder,the tESSqR mey cwe the de(ault, Premises. eharge the cost thereof to the TENANT and the TENANT ehstl pay L6e aatne upon demand, to ether with interest thereon at the rate o1 ARiICLE xXIV. twelvg percent (12�� per annu�n or the highest rate per— �nitted by law, whichever is higher. I�oldtng Over Should TENANt continue to occupy the Leased Premises, or any ARTICIE XX. part thereo(,after the e:piration ot earlier terrnioatlon of!he Tetro Commiesione of this Lease. euch tenency sheU be trom month•td-month, et the sole option oi 1ES50R,subject to ell of the terms oI Lhis Leese which TENANT shaU defend LESSOR against,indemnify!t egainst,and hold are applicable on a month•tomonth besie. it harmless from,any clatm for a broker's or finder's fee or commis- sion claimed as heving been earned es a consequence o[this T ease ARIICLE XXV. being entered fnto as a result oi any association TENANT had with said claimant. Defevit Remedies or LESSOR. It TENANT for any Guarantoc, In case of paragraph C hereo�: ARTICLE XXI. . A. lails to pay any installroent o(rent or any other Charge pro- Eminent Domnlo vided herein,or nny port3on thereot tor a period of 10 daye after the same shaU be due and payable;or I! the l,eased Premises or any part thereot or eny part ot the Huilding shstl be taken for any street or other pub6c use or ahatl, B, fails to comply with any other proviaion of this L.ease end during the Lease Term, be destroyed by the ection of the public aliall not cure such lallore wlthin thirty(30)deye efte�LESSOR, by euthorftie�or ahall be sold to e publlc or governmental body or unit written notice,has informed 1ENANi of auch non•compliance; or in lieu of or under the threat ot condemnetion or e taking by em- Inent domain ptoceedings then, at the optioe o!tESSOR th3s l.ense C. dies(i! an individuall or F?ecomes insolvent, however det�ned, end the Lease Term ahaU thereupon terminate.The TENANT ehall be or generelly is not peying its debts ne they become due, or makes entitled to any award that may be mede to it by the condemning an assignment for the benefit of creditota,or a receiver or trusf.ee 1s euthorlty for its moving ezpenses. Any end ell other or temnining eppointed Tor TENANT ot its property,or TENANI commences or hes damages awarded by reason of said taking shall be payeble t.o and commenced against it proceedings under eny bankruptcy. eha0 be the aole property of the IESSOR. 1t a portion of the l.eesed reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, or readjustment ot debt, Premises i�ao taken,deatroyed or eold and this l.ee�e is not thereby dissolution or Gquidstion lewa, etEher of the United States or any Lerminet.ed, the LESS�R sfiall, at Its expense, restore the l,eased etate thereof;or Premise�,ezclusive of eny improvements or other chenges made Go the Leesed Premises by the TENAN�,to es near the condition whic6 D. ceases to conduct its normal business operations in the exis�ed immediately prior to the dete of taking n�reasonably possi• , �,eeaed Premises,or vacetea or abandons the l.eesed Preruises,end ble, and rent shel! abate during auch period o!time e� the l,eased leavea the saroe vaceted or ebandoned far a period oI ten�10)daye, Premises are untenantable,in the proportion that the unLenenf.able excepttng vacstion or abandonment due to fite or other casueity,or portion of the Leased Premises beara to Ehe ent'ue Leased Premises. repairs or improvements by tESSOR whic6 necesslf.ete such vacation • or abandonment; ARTICLE XXII. then 1ES50R may either(i)cancel and terminate this[.e�se and lhi� Fire or Ol6er Casuelty Leese shaU not be treated es en asset o(TENANi's estate,or(ii)ter• • mir�ote 1ENANt'� rigbt f.o possession only wlthout cencelling end terouneting this Lease. Notwithstanding the tact that initiaUy the IESSOR ahall have the right to terminste this Lease,pro ' jl.m� IESSOR elecls under (iS) ko terminate TENANT's right to poesessioa gives aTitf.en notice thereof to the 1ENANT a•ithin ninet• 1 de�� o�Y.tESSOR shnll heve the continuing right to cence)nod lerminnte eftxr auch demege or destruction. lf e portion e Leas this Lease and shall heve the right to pursue any remedy at law or in Premfses la damaged by Iire or other eeauelty,a �l.e.eee L�o equity that msy be ave{lable. thereby Lerminated, the LESSOR shall, at it zpenee, restore th ' ]f LESSOR elects t.o terminate TENANT'� right to possession only, L,eased Premises, exclusive of nny�impr ment�or other chang� IESSOR mey,st LESSOR'�oplion,enf.er into the l.eased Premfaes and made lo tht Leased Ptemises by th AN1.Lo e� oeat the condi• ��e end hold possession thereof, a•ithout suc6 entry tertnineting tion w•hich e:is�ed immedielely ' r to�uch damage or de�tructioo, this [.ease or releasing TENANi [n whole or in part from tENANT'a a� reasonebl�• possible, end t shall abate during suc6 period of ahligetion Lo pay ell o[ Lhe charges herein provided to be pnid by time as the Leased Pre es are untennnlable, in lhe proj.ortion TENANi (or the 1u11 Lease Tertn. Such re-entry shall be conduel.ed that the untenanlab ortion o( the I.eased Ptemises beara to the a•��hout resort to judiciel procesa or notice of any kind a•here enlire Leased P . ses. The IESSOR shell not be responsible lo lhe TENANt hes ebandoned or voluotarily surrenderedj+ossession ot the 1ENAN� 1ot age to.or des�ruclion ot,en�•furnilure,equipment, �sed Freadsea,or o�herw�ise by resott to judiclal proce�e.tESSOR impro�•e nte or olher chaog�es mede bp lhe TENANT in,on or about IItey remo.•e nU persona and property trow tbe 1..ea�ed Premisea ana the eed Premises regerdless ot the cause of !he demage or �uch property roey be removed end atored et the co�t of end for the SEE RIDER eccovnt o( TENANT ell without service oI nolice or resort to legal ' process end R•ilhout beSng deemed guilty ot trespe�s,or becoming ARtICtE Xxnt. linble for any Ios� or damage whith may be occesioaed lheteby. Upon end alt.er entry inl.o possession without terminntion o( thie Heet,Ulilities end Jentlor Lense, LESSOR ehall be enlitled to lease or sublet the I.eeeed Pre►nises, or any pert thereo(, oo �uc6 terms and condition� es 1. LESSOR .��iU�urnish teasoneble 6ent and nir conditivning Ior the tESSOR may elecl,end etter ctediting the rent actvally eoliected by Building end Leated Premises during rea�orvible bu�uie�� houre LESSOR iro�n auch teletLing to the renl end other amoonEa etipulated and during usuel en� appropriete seesona. tESSOR ehall have no !.o be paid under Lhi� l,ease by TENANT, collect frotn TENANi eny vbligelion to provide heat ot n'u conditioning on Sundey or balance remaining due togelher with euch ree�onable ezpenses,in- holideys. No window�air condltionjng units shnll be instaUed in the cluding cornrrJssion�, ettorneye' feea, co�le ot alterst3one, repetre l,eased Premise�. end redecoretuig, a•hic6 LESSOR mey (ncur tn connecti�n w�ith euch reletttng or 1ENANT'�deleult hereunder.No euch re-entry or I.ekIng �, tESSOR will furnieh hot snd cold F�atxr to the l.eased Premisea pos�e��ioo of or e1l,eretion, repair or redeco►etion of the I.eaeed tor ordinery pvrposee and tn teaeoneble qventitie�. Premises by IESSOR eheU be conettued!o be en election to termInnle thie l,eese which ehell occur onty ll w�ritt.en notfce of terminelton be 9. tESSOR wiU (utnish peeeeoger elevetor eervice during given to 1ENAN1 or lhe I.erminatlon thereol be decreed by e eourl o( reneoneble businea�hours, ae ael (orth ebove. competxnl jurisdictton. _ � . . �q��/�oo� Noiwithstand{ng IESSOR'� election Eo terminate TENAN?'s right to ARIICLE XXXI. poeaeeaion only, eed notwithetanding any reletling without ter• Addltlon.l Terms tnlnatton, IESSOR, st eny time theteetter, m6y elect to terminete thte Leaee,and may recover sa damegea for loas of the becgetn and not ee e penslty,an eggregete eum equal to the emount by which the tental velue o(the portlon vf the Term unexptred e!the tlme oI euch electton!e leas than the entire amount ot rea!end ell edditiooal SEE R IDER chsrgss which would heve been payeble by TENANT hereunder for the nnezpited porEton ot the Term, which deficiency end all ez- penaea Incident thereto,including comralasione,ettorneye'feee,ea- peneee o! elteretione, repa[re and redecorating, ehall be due to LESSOR ee oI the tJme LESSOR euerclses eaid efection. notwithstand- 1ng theE the full L.eeae Term hea not expired; and it LESSOR,after euch re-eatry, leases patd Leased Premisea, then the rent payeble . uuder auch aew leaee ehall be conclusive evidence ot the rental value i o!esld une:pired porEton ot eaid term. ARTICLE XXVI. . ' losurance general tiabilfty inaurance �vtth mintmum lunita ot llabllt th respect to bodily injury,E300,000 for eech pereon,end 000 tor eech eccident or occurrence, end In respect ot rty damaqe, 5100,000 for each cecurrence,which tneuran all name IESSOR e en edditional tnaured, shall cover the aed Premisea,any botler or preaaure veasele therein, e contatn a broad form hol • ' hermlees endorsement Ide g LESSOR, ehell cover contractu agreemente, end eha vide for ot leasE 10 deya' nottce by cer- tiiled roail,retut eipt requested, to IESSOR before�ncellettob.�"'�� teruilnstio n-renewel or chenge oi auch insurance. Evidence ot auch rance, end any tenewals Ehereof ahall be delivered to and • SEE RIDER i � ARTICLE XXVII. • Energy Coneervation IESSOR may reduce the quentity end quality o[el1 utlllty and oEher � eervicea and impose euch regulations as 1E55oR deems necessary{n • order to conserve energy in connectlon with local endlor nationel ` energy coneervetion e(torta,or otherwtse it required by any govern- , ment tegulatioae,requtrements,directivea or requeste and in eo do ing LESSOR ehall not be deemed to violete any ot the Eerma hereo(. ARTICLE XXXII. ARTICIE XXVIII. Miecelleeeons , Reeervatloo o(R{ghte 1. Thla Leaee eonetitutea the entUe egreement o[Ehe partiea. � ly teservea the tighE to adjust the epace occupte n�' 2, T}lj�ls e Minnesota contrect end el�all be construed according ot the HuUding,and to enlarge,ex e rect auch epece or ��he lewe oi Mtnneaota. common areea ot Ehe B without TENANT'� con9ent, vlded that e not elter the epace in the l.eased Pre sea 3. q'he captlona In thie Lease are ior convenience snd are noE e part . SEE RIDER s���. of thie l,ease. ; ARTICIE XXIX. d. The covenante and agreement�heteo[aha0 fuUy end completely bind and inure to the bene[it o[the heira,eaecutora,adminIstratora, Lender ftequiremente legal representativea, pera�tted auccesaore nnd permltted essigns o( the partiea hereto; provided, however, thet no assignmeot, en- lf sny peraon or enttty extending credit to 1E550R in connecEion cumbrence ot eubletting by,froro,Ehrough or nnder the tENANT in wiEh the Project requires a chenge in thfs I.ease,lENANT agrees,aE violation oi the prov{siona o[thie Lease ehetl vePt in the nsaignee, the requesE oi LESSOR,to promptiy execute end deliver to tESSOR an aublessee or other euccesaor or sssign of the TENANT any right,title amendment to this Lease incorporating auch tequited changes,p�o- or interest whatever. vlded that aach changes do not chenge the tinenciel obtigettons bt TENANT,ths locetion or etze of Ehe Leased Premieee,or the term oi 6. The taUure ot Ehe LESSOR Zo inaiet,tn any ooe or more instancea, t���s& , upon etrict performance ot aoy ot the terms,covenants and condt- tiona of thia Lease,or to eaercise eny optlon herein coataioed,ahall not be construed aa a weiver,or a relInqnishmeoE for the tuture,of ARTICLE XXX. such term,condiEion,convenant or option,buE the eame ahell con- Novation and Attornment tinue and temain in full torce and e[fect.The receIpt by the IESSOR ot rent with knowledge ot a breech in nny of the terms,covenante or In the event ot a sale of all or any part of the Bu[Iding tncluding the condition� ot this Lease to be kept or pertormed by the TENANt Leaaed Premises, LESSpR shall be aod hereby is relieved of eU the ahaU not be deemed e weiver o(auch breach,and the 1E55oR ahatl covenanta and obUgations creeted hereby other than obligetiona °O 8���Ei�n t1°and e�V ed b ythe IESSOR.�thie Leese unleaa e:- arising for the period prior to the date o[ sale, and as to whfc6 p 6 S^ Y LESSOR has received notice (rom 1ENAN1 within thirty daye afLer TENANI haa been notified o[euch sele. ln the event a mortgage or any purehnser et a(oreclosure eate ecqutres title to ell or eny pnrt of 6. A btU, ntatement, ootice or commuoicatlon which the LESSOR the Building.Including the Leased Premises,puranant to the ezer- mny des've or be requlred tn give to the tENANi, tncluding nny cise o[ any remedy provided for in eny duly recorded mortqage, notice o!terminetlon,ehnll be deemed eufticiently given or rendered TENANI shal)attorn to such mortgagee or to euch other purcheser, tf in writ'vig, del�vered to the TENANT peraonally, or eent by as it�ne�o)andlord,end thia Lease ahall continue tn full to�ce end et- tegistered or certiCed mn[I,eddtessed to the TENANT et the l.eased (ect es e direct Leaee between euch mortgagee,or euc6 other pur- FremIsea,or latt et the Leaaed Pre�eilses eddresaed to tbe?ENANi, chase�,upon the f.erms,conditions,covenants and egreemenb eet and the time of t6e rendition ot euch bW vr atetement sed ot!he giv torth heretn:proolded,however,In no event a6all aac6 mortgegee or ing of euch aotice or wmmunication ehall be deemed to be the lime purchaser be liable 1or any act or omission ot IESSOR. w6en the eame Ia deUvered to the TENANt,or mailed or le(t�t t6e ,� = �° � , . ����60�' �,eased Premleea ee herelu provided. Any notice by the tENANt to ' !he"IESSOR tnusE be eerved 6y reglatered or certl[ted moil o�iclres�ed to the LESSOR st !he sddreas where !he lest p�cvtou9 rcutel heteunder wes payablc. or in t)i� cave of subse�uenE chonge upon nollce glven to the 1ENANi ot the letest addreee.:. 7. Nothing contalnad (n this�eeae eheU be deemed or const�ued by the pertiee hereto or by e third pnrty to creete the relationsl�ip of princtpel and agent or of pertnersldp or o()oint venture vr of eny essocletlon whatsoever between IESSOR and iENANt, (t being ex- raealy underetood and ngreed thnt nctthcr the nmlh�d of c�mpuln- �lan or rent nor any ether provisiona contnined in tliis Lcnse nc+r�ny ' oct or ects ot the pn�ll�a hereto PUnU be decmed tn crcn�.n nny rcln- tlon�hip between LESSOR and 1ENANT othet then the relatlonshtp o1 LESSOR and TENANT. 8. Eech covenen! end egreetnent on tlie pert ot one p�rty Is undetstood and egteed 'ta constltute an essenti�l pnr! n{ lh� ton- • eidoretlon tor each covananE end egreement on the pert of the otlier psrty. 9. Thla Leeee moy be executed in eny number of counlerports� eech ot which eholl be deemed to be en originsl,bu!all ot which ehell conatitute one snd the eame inatrumenl. 10. All righte end remedies o[ LESSOR hereunder or eE law or in • equily are cumuletive. 11. The Ridets, If nny, nttnched to tl�ls ►.ense end n�l Cxl�il�its hereto sre herebq declared to be a perE ot this Lease to the sn�ve ex• �en!snd In the aeme manner ae It the provislons thereot were actual- ly embodled(n thie Lease. , J2. Subject to tENANt'S attict con�pUence w(th tbe terms ond condJ- ttons hereo(, 1ENANT shali heve the peaceful end quiet u4e r��d en- )oyment ot tbe Leesed I'remisr.s, subJect to the tc�ms anJ rnaJt- tlone ot thle l•eene ond nl tl�e Mnster 1,caqe nnd Subicoae nn�l lur- ther eubject !o eny mortgage, lenae, deed ot truat, conv�yence o� teatriction to�vhich thle I.eese is or mey be eubordineted. , IN WtiNESS WNRREOF,�he�ESS�R encl TENANT respectively,I�ove du- Iy elgned and eenled theee preeents the day and year lire! heteinbe[ore�vtltlen. LOWRY N1ED�CAL COMPANY gy, Lowry Dovelopmenl Company, lis general parthe� B a� e� erson Yja 7�f�ttMtlt . Attorney-in-Faet fo� Robert E. Keyes� 6 Partner (COltf'OILA'CION) ar � lte ' �OR� (PAILTNEIi311IP) ar �y gy gr � aU ot its generel psrinere � ��n) (INblVIUUALSI . . �,—��e� R I D E R THIS RIDER is hereby made a part of that certain Lease Agreement dated , 19 , by and between Lowry Medical Company, a Minnesota limited partnership ( "Lessor" ) and The City of St Paul, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ( "Tenant" ) . 1 . Article II ("Rent" ) , Paragraph 1, shall read as follows: TENANT shall pay to LESSOR during the Lease Term, a monthly base rent (hereinafter called "Monthly Base Rent" ) of Two Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-one and 00/100 Dollars ( $2 ,671 .00) for Year 1 of the Lease Term, except that LESSOR agrees to a four and one-quarter month rent concession to be credited to the following months of the lease term: December, 1988 and January through April 7 , 1989 TENANT shall pay to LESSOR during Years 2 and 3 of the Lease Term, a Monthly Base Rent of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty and 00/100 Dollars ( $2 ,760 . 00) . Said amounts may be adjusted from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this Article, payable in advance on the first day of each month during the Lease Term, without any deduction or set off whatsoever, at 305 Lowry Professional Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 or such other place as LESSOR shall designate. In the event the Lease Term commences on a day other than the first day of a month, or terminates on a day other than the last day of a month, the rent, including any adjustments therein made in accordance with this Article, payable during such first or last month, shall be adjusted on a pro rata basis . The following shall �e addec� to Article II ("Rent") , Paragraph 6s Operating expenses shall be capped at five percent ( 5�) per year, exclusive of real estate taxes. 2 . Article IV ( "Assignment and Subletting" ) : Any such assignment or any such subletting, whether approved by LESSOR or not, shall not relieve the TENANT of any liability for the total agreed rentals due hereunder nor from TENANT' s obligation to perform all the covenants herein contained. Any written consent which may in any specific instance or circumstance be given by LESSOR shall not imply or be deemed to be consent on any other instance or circumstance. 3 . Article VI ("Signs" ) : TENANT shall not erect or install any sign or other type display whatsoever , either upon the exterior of the Building, upon or in any window, or in any lobby, hallway or door therein located, without the prior expressed written consent of LESSOR. LESSOR agrees to furnish a directory of the names and locations of its tenants and to install and maintain �he same at a location selected by LESSOR in the Building. The initial building standard listings of the name and room number of the TENANT shall be furnished by LE5SOR without charge. Subsequent listings of additional names or room numbers and changes or revisions of listings shall be made by LESSOR and TENANT' s expense. 4 . Article XI ("Indemnity" ) : Except in the case of negligence of LESSOR, its agents , or employees , TENANT agrees to hold LESSOR harmless for any - � -� � , . �c 9�-��vOY' liability for damages to any person or property in or about the Leased Premises . LESSOR shall not be liable to TENANT, its agents, employees , representatives, clients or invitees for any personal injury, death, or damage to property caused by theft, burglary, water, gas, electricity, fire or for any other cause occurring on or about the Leased Premises except in the case of negligence of LESSOR, its agents or employees. All property kept, stored, or maintained in the Leased Premises shall be so kept, stored, or maintained at the sole risk of TENANT. ' S . Article XXII ("Fire or other Casualty") : If fire or other casualty shall render the Leased Premises untenable this Lease shall terminate forthwith, provided, however, that if the Leased Premises can be repaired within ninety (90 ) days from the date of such event, then at LESSOR' s option, by notice in writing to TENANT, mailed within thirty ( 30 ) days after such damage or destruction, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, but the rent for the period during which the Premises are untenable shall be abated pro rata. 6 . Article XXIII t "Heat, Utilities and Janitor" ) , Paragraph 7s Interruption of any utilities or services shall not be deemed an eviction (or disturbance) of TENANT' s use and possession of the Leased Premises (or any part thereof or render LESSOR liable to TENANT for damages, or relieve TENANT from performance of its obligations under this Lease) , provided, however, that if such interruption of any utilities or services shall exceed 48 hours, the rent for the period during such interruption shall be abated pro rata. r7 . Article XXVI ("Insurance" ) . TENANT to provide documentation of self-insurance. r8 . Article XXVIII ("Reservation of Rights" � : In addition to all of the rights of LESSOR hereunder, LESSOR expressly reserves the right to adjust the space occupied by other tenants of the Building, and to enlarge, expand or contract such space or the common areas of the Building, all without TENANT' s consent, provided that the same shall not alter the space in the Leased Premises without TENANT' s prior written consent, and further provided that LESSOR, its agents, employees or contractors shall perforrn such alterations without causing unreasonable disruption to TENANT' s operations. 9 . Relocation Clause: LESSOR shall have the right to relocate TENANT to comparable quarters within the Building with at least ninety ( 90 ) days written notice to TENANT. Any rel�cation costs incurred by TENANT in the event of such relocation (which shall have been agreed to in writing prior to the move) shall be paid by LESSOR. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached relative to reasonable relocation costs , LESSEE reserves the right to decline relocation. Relocation costs include, but are not limited to moving costs, costs related to moving telecommunications systems , costs related to building out the new space to the same specifications as the old space, and costs related to changing address. , , . . . ����vd� 10 . OPERATING/REAL ESTATE COST OUTLINE: Year 1 Net Base Rent $ 7 . 01/Sq. Ft. 1988 Estimated Operating Costs $ 6 . 90/Sq. Ft. 1988 Estimated Real Estate Taxes 1.09/Sq. Ft. * $15 .00/Sq. Ft. *Based on 1987 Actual Tax Figures Years 2 & 3 Net Base Rent $ 7 . 51/Sq. Ft. Operating Costs ** Real Estate Taxes *** **In no event shall operating costs for the second and third years of the lease term increase in excess of five percent ( 5�) of the operating costs for the year immediately preceding. ***1989 and 1990 real estate taxes to be determined. 11 . Leasehold Improvements: Building standard leasehold improvements to be provided by LESSOR. 12 . Contingency_ Al1 terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement are contingent upon the return of this Lease Agreement in fully- executed form to LESSOR from TENANT by no later than April 30 , 1988 . In the event that LESSOR is not in receipt of the fully-executed Lease Agreement by April 30, 1988 , this Agreement shall be null and void in its entirety. LESSEE: LOWRY MEDICAL COMPANY LESSOR: CITY OF ST. PAUL gy: � ��". BY= D id A. Henderson G e Latimer Its: Attorney-in-Fact for Its: ayor Robert E. Keyes, Owner -1 � � gy. Ll� E ene S'chi l ler Its: Direct r of Fin X�;�..- and Ma gement ices �• v'd� BY= E ward P , arr Itss City Attorne� APPROVED AS TO FORM: � BY= Its: Assistant City Attorney -. �, -- � � , � , � �, �,�9i lGo� � I. E O A I, b E S C R I P T I 0 N Ttie fvllowing described proper�y situated ici Ramsey County, Minnesota� tv-wit: , I,ots 1 aticl 2 , excep� tlie NorttiwesterXy 50 feet of sa�.d � Lvts � and 2 , and except the Southeasterly 25 feet vf said Lots 1 and 2 , and a11 vf Lots 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 , except all khat pazt vf Lots 8 , 9 , and 10 , Southeasterly vf a cotlstrUCtivn building line descri.bed as fo1151s5 Begitininq at a point on tlie Westerly line of Lot 8, feet Northwesterly of the Southwest coznez of said Lot 8 ; thenee NQrtheasterly oci a liite pa�allel to ttie 5outtieasterl�y ��.ne of sa�.d I�o�s 8 , 9 , and 10 , a distance of 51 . 96 feet� thence def lecting td the lef t 90 dec�rees a distance of 3 . 5 feet; thence def l.ecting to the rigtit 90 degzees a distance of �.2 . 4 feet= thence def 1.ecting tv the lef t 90 degrees , 25 .75 feett thence deflectinq to the right 90 deqrees more or less 84 .�6 feet, �more or less , tv a pvint on the Easter�.y line o� said Lot 10 whi�h vt 10'=7 there tet inatit g y all tit Svutheast corner vf said L Block 21 , St. Paul Prvper . This Exhib�t A �s herein made a part of 19tiat / �bYtand I,ease Agreement dated a M�nnesota General between Lowry Medical Compaciy. Partnership and RAMSEY COUNTY� a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota LOWRY DEVELOpM�� COMPIINY '1'�•N11N're ��J '�..---_ BY� By: ---�-- . Its: Its: . ' 1111S EXIII�Ii 8 is herein .�ade a part of that certain Lease AgreeAent dated � • • � 19 . br and be�ween 40MRY MEOICAL CONPANY, a Minnesofa General partnership and THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, � political subdivision of the State of Minnesota . . ��9//�0�� ""�.ta� . .� ----�----t • I \ Y` ,\ . '`,�`��� _ ,� � ' �t � �� � . . `�� \\ .., , � g \ . .., ��� _ . . j � \.. . . , . • ' � �_�4 � •� �..��� , � V � � � 1.. . - t��\: \ �., O . J , , A � � oe � � N � � � . , ` -t m L" __...,.-.---- . �- . M� u U °� , � � � � � v' Q �� � ' � i ' �.�___r �-� lJ �.,�. . �----^-- N . � d • . r`,`q,:..l{.':� � � . t .r �t��':�A:.��.:' �`."� . . � `_ • A�,..� :��� .� :;;,:;� � � �� C :���. ,t�- P �i�. 'i..;,�';, ,�y�' . y.� �''��. �� � t'��'�w�� ` �,�;=+'� � 'H- .;�,.f,:✓ %.,•�,, u , �� '�,� Q "� �• � M y. . � p N w . v . J � � 1 � L . ' N� � � tl• R� � '� L � ' � U-- '" m - � ,.'g O p a • .. .+ N u° - , J Y � . � 1 " A 0 „� . _g -e V s Y � ►�° v i � _ � ~ � � � � - 9 . _�_ . i � � l . � J �-- � ' • y � UA _ L , � ;� � . � 3RD FLOOR � . � , = . , �,c�%>l�o'� AGREEMENT TO EXfiEND LF�.SE THIS INDENTURE, made this lst day of June, 1991, by and between Lowry Medical Company (hereinafter called "Lessor" ) and THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota hereinafter collectively referred to as "Tenant" ) . WITNESSETH: Whereas, Lessor and Tenant entered into a certain undated lease agreement, (hereinafter called the "Leas�" ) , under which Lessor demised to Tenant approximately 2,137 square feet, in the premises commonly known as Suite �339 Lowry Professional Building, situated at 350 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota; and Whereas, said Lease is scheduled to expire by lapse of time on July 31, 1991; and Whereas, it is intended by this Agreement to amend said Lease; Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and of the covenants and agreements herein undertaken to be kept and performed, it is agreed as follows: 1 . The Term of the Lease is hereby extended for a period of twenty-eight months, commencing on the first day of August, 1991 and expiring on the 30th day of November, 1993 . 2 . For the period from the first day of August through and including the 30th day of November, 1993 , Tenant sha11 pay to Lessor as Monthly Base Rent over and above the other additional payments to be ma.de by Tenant for the Leased Permises, the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty and 00/100 Dollars ( $2,760. 00) , payable in advance on the first day of each and every month, all at the place and in the manner in the Lease provided. 3 . The Base Tax Cost as stipulated in Article II , Paragraph �3 of the Lease shall be ammended to $1 . 82 per square foot. 4 . The Base Operating Cost as stipulated in Article II , Paragraph #4 of the Lease shall amended to $7 . 05 . 5 . New Operating/Real Estate Tax costs outline: Net Base Rent $ 6 . 63 1991 Estimated Operating Expenses $ 7 . 05 1991 Estimated Taxes $ 1. 82 $15 . 50 In no case shall operating costs increase in excess of five percent ( 5°s) annually. 6 . LANDLORD shall have the right to relocate Tenant to comparable quarters of Landlords �hoice withir the Building with at least ninety ( 90) days written notice to TENANT. Any re'location costs incurred by TENANT in the event of such relocation (which shall have been agreed tv in writing prior to the move) shall be paid by LANDLORD. Relocation costs include, but are not limited to: moving costs, costs related to moving telecommunications systems, construction costs, and costs related to changing address. . . . . _ . . �i��do� Tenant and Lessor agree that, with minimum alteration, any of the following suites constitute "comparable quarters" : SUITE SIZE ALTERATION REQUIRED 737 2090 New carpet and wall finish. 719 2340 No improvements. 1220 & 1218 2129 1218 requires full build out. 375 (rear) 2000-3000 Partition construction required. (Other spaces deemed comparable may also be selected. ) Should Lessor require TENANT to relocate, LESSOR would be responsible to fund the improvements mentioned above. All relocation costs shall not exceed $20, 000. 7. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12 of the Rider shall be null and void effective August 1, 1991. 8. Except as herein specifically amended, all other terms, covenants and conditions of the Lease shall remain in full force and effect, and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed. LESSOR: TENANT: LOWRY MEDICAL COMPANY CITY OF SAINT PAUL By: By: Stanley A. Javorski James Scheibel Its: Attorney-in-Fact for Its: Mayor Robert E. Keyes By: Richard Gehrman i2�� Its: Director of Finance �-��'1� and Management Services By: Jane McPeak Its: City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter Warner Its: Assistant City Attorney CTYATTOR.DOC