98-556Council File # qg � Ordinance # RESOLUTION Presented By CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To RESOLVSD: Committee: Date 1 That application (ID #19980000064) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by 3N ENTERPRISE DBA 3N ENTERPRISE 3 at 1821 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 The number of vehicles for sale shall not exceed five and shall 6 be displayed only in the area indicated on the site plan, on 7 file with LIEP. Additions to the number of vehicles to be displayed 8 for sale or a change in location on the lot must be pre-approved 9 by the City Zoning Administrator. 5� r -- Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by By: Appx By: Secretary O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: . t�.n, i"� R�",�-�'� ,�__ Form Approved by City Attorne � � � 4 >roved by Mayor for Submission to mcil Green Sheet # LP60053 OEPARTMENTlOFFICEJCOUNCIL OATE INITUITED L'EP ���� GREEN SHEET No. LP60053 qg —SS� ONTAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE ��� ���� LOOM JAME5 (J111� (612)26fr9073 � C�yAttomey UST BE O � N j COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGN ��'�TcG�f I G�f;Lhltl NllMBERFOR Q�^� Research ROUiING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Cameil appro�al Mthe following i'icense application: License # 199600000G4, for 3N ENTERPRISE, Doing Busir�s As 3N ENTERPRISE, at 1821 UNIVERSITYAVE W, indudingthe foftowing fwsinesstype(s}: Second Harxi Oealer-MOtor Vehicle (5st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: 1. Has Mis person/firtn ever worked under a coMract for Ihis departmeM? PLANNfNGCOMMISSION vE5 No _ CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has mis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? C1VIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Does this person/Fmm possess a sldli not normally possessed by any curtant cAy employee? YES NO . Is this persoNfirm s targeted vendo(t -- YES N� Ezplain ali yes answers on separate sheet aad aKaeh to g�een sheet INITIATWG PROBLEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Councii appraval fw 3N E[�terprise DBA 3N EMerprise tor a Second Hand DeaterlMMw Vehicie License at 1821 univetsity Ave. W. ADVAN7AGESIFAPpROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNQING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PfNANCiAL tNFORMATiON: " - cexau��n,� Courcii Research C�7,er � cz.ASS nz LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBIECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PL7BLIC T}pe of Licer.se(s) being zpplied for: CITY OF SAi'vT PAL�L. �cc of License, Tssspections � ana �«�,nnat rLOt�;� e � i50 SL Pna A Stite 3W Si,-rtPe�il,Y_mcys551M � (613)366-9J90 fvxC612)76691�4 ( �a s� S �(� S Compzny \'ar.?e: 3 N ��'('� PR I S�L Corpoalion / Pa-tnerskup! So7e Anpticwrship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: 1'� G Doing Business As: Business Address: � niV•� 34� ' SSIo� s+r�t na�ess csry staco zip Betu•z�n u•hat cross streets is the business located? �u" } p« L Gf n, Vl� 5, fy W�ch side of the street? �o��y Are lihe premises nou� occupie3? � V��hat T}pz o; B�siness? 5�' �< Mail To Address: `7�c �l hz'✓'� Street Add�esa City Stau Zip i/ Applicant Information: NameandTitie: l���f��� � •�'— �CO�,yS� a �u..��,- - F�n �;aa�� ��a�n) � T�� HomeAddress: 2�4 g,`e3L��ir+r.na. �}�'`��` �l3) �� ' /�'tN." 5512� sxa Adarc„ r,ry se�m z�p Aate ofBirth: �^ Z 3—S4 Place ofBirih: ��e�r" Have you ever been con�7cted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic Date of azres[: Where? Charge: � Conviction: ��� 6 y� . _ Home Phone: ¢0 5�—�8 58 ? YES A'O� List the naznes and residences of three persons of good morai chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wbo may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADBRESS � 3 Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revoked? �� YES NO tf yes, list the dates and reasons for revxation:. Business Phone: `r 1!o-2A 9 3 2/78/97 PLEASE TYPE OR PRI:dT IN II�TK Lis! licenses a you currendy bol� formerly held, or may have an interest in: Are }°ou going to operate th3s business petsonall} 7 V YES First:�ame Home Addra� Strc<t \smc Are you going to have a mzs,2ger or assistant in this business? p;ezse comp?e?z the folloi�ing i*iformation: Fusi?:cmc \fiddlc Initial Home Address: Street �ae (\qaidrn) Ci:y V �$ (\4sSarn) Ci:y Please list gan emplo;v�ent history for che pre��ious five (5} }�ezr period: Busin�ssfEm�o�ment Ad ess List 211 other a�cers of the corporztion: OFFICER TIiLE ??O_'J"'ic 2�TAME (Office Held) fu7DRESS NO lf not, W ho u ill operzte it7 I xR State q0 - �.G Date af Hinh Zip Phanc \*mnbct NO If'the mznager is not the szme as the operator, Last $tete Zip "'r'O� BL;S�=SS PHO\B PHO:�iE Phcme \Smber DA7E OF BRTH If business is a pzrtaership, p]e2se include the following information for each pa-tn� (use additional paees if necessary): Furi:�ame ?vfiddleInitiel ('vlaiden) Lad DateofBirth HomeAddreas: SttctNnme City Sfsie � Zip Phone?lumber Fust\anu .�vf'iddielnitiat (;viaidcn) Lasc DamofBirth Home Addtsu: S4cet?�ame City State Zip Phonc Numbet MINATESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUNIDER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Minnesota, 7 984, Chapter �02, Article 8, Seclion 2(270J2) {Tax Llearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesnta Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nutnber and the social security number of each license applicant Under the i�nnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be wred to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's witishalding or motor vehicle exeise t�es; - Upon receiving this info:maUon, tfie licensing authority w�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reveaue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Department of Revrnue may suppiy this informafion to the Intemal Revenue Sentice. Mmnesota T�t Id�tificatioa Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�t Nimmber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181 j. , SocialSecuriryNumber. �� S 43 - 3 5�5 �nesotaTaxIdeatificatianNumber. Ifa 2�nnesota Ta�t Identi5cation Number is not required for the b�uiness being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box — �� ` . . - 2/18/97 9a� ssc CERTIFICATiON OF WORKERS' CO?vfPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUAIQT TO MINh'ESOTA STAI�ITE 176.182 I hereby ce`afy that I, or my company, 2m in cqmpliance �3ith thz u'o, - kers compensation insurance coaerage requuemenis of Minaesota Siztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I 21so unden that pro�ision of false info.�mztioa in ihis ce!Yificstion constitutes sufficient gounds for ad��erse actioa zgainst all licenses held, including recoczlion znd suspension of s�d licenses. I�TZme of Insurance Campany: GO. Policy 23unber: Coverage from I hace no emplo}�ees coc�ed under workers compensation insu��ce� (II.ZI iA,LS) to A.�Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SL��Sii`I'ED WILL REStiLT LV DEIZAL OF THIS APPLICATIOv I hzreby 5ate that I have answered zll of the preceding queS.iors, and Lhat the infor.nztioa contzined hr, ein is true and correct to rhe best of my }ao«�lecge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no monep or other cor.sideration, by �i�ay of loan, gift, contribution, ar otheiu�ise, other thai zlready discios�i in ihe applicahon w I:��ewith submiVe3 I also understznd this premise may be inspeeted by police, °;re, heeith ��d oiher city ofr'icia?s at znc znd all tmes v+hea the r.s�.^ess is ;n operztion. � Sigaature (REQliIRED for all We Rill accept pz. ment by cash, c6eck (made pacsbie fo Cifc of Saint Paul) or emdit card ('.1/C or V?sa.). I — 22—�� Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLfASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOFt'lNGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑Oio❑ �� or ACCOUNT 2�'UMBER: ■■■■���� �.�i�■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r.si •"Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor relate.� please contaM a City af Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building penaiu. Ifthere are Eny ch�ges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please eontact a City of Saint Paul Zoning lnspector at 266-9008. All applicarions requim the following documents. Please attach these documents xhen su6mittiug your appGcarion: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be liceased (site plan). The following data shouid be on the site plan (preferably on an 81(2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazlang, rest rooms, etc. - - If a request is for sa addifion or e�tpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed eapansion 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> ��. visrs� Council File # qg � Ordinance # RESOLUTION Presented By CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To RESOLVSD: Committee: Date 1 That application (ID #19980000064) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by 3N ENTERPRISE DBA 3N ENTERPRISE 3 at 1821 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 The number of vehicles for sale shall not exceed five and shall 6 be displayed only in the area indicated on the site plan, on 7 file with LIEP. Additions to the number of vehicles to be displayed 8 for sale or a change in location on the lot must be pre-approved 9 by the City Zoning Administrator. 5� r -- Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by By: Appx By: Secretary O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: � �'��wilMl.i_l ' " R �—_ Form Approved by City Attorne � � � 4 >roved by Mayor for Submission to mcil Green Sheet # LP60053 OEPARTMENTlOFFICEJCOUNCIL OATE INITUITED L'EP ���� GREEN SHEET No. LP60053 qg —SS� ONTAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE ��� ���� LOOM JAME5 (J111� (612)26fr9073 � C�yAttomey UST BE O � N j COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGN ��'�TcG�f I G�f;Lhltl NllMBERFOR Q�^� Research ROUiING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Cameil appro�al Mthe following i'icense application: License # 199600000G4, for 3N ENTERPRISE, Doing Busir�s As 3N ENTERPRISE, at 1821 UNIVERSITYAVE W, indudingthe foftowing fwsinesstype(s}: Second Harxi Oealer-MOtor Vehicle (5st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: 1. Has Mis person/firtn ever worked under a coMract for Ihis departmeM? PLANNfNGCOMMISSION vE5 No _ CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has mis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? C1VIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Does this person/Fmm possess a sldli not normally possessed by any curtant cAy employee? YES NO . Is this persoNfirm s targeted vendo(t -- YES N� Ezplain ali yes answers on separate sheet aad aKaeh to g�een sheet INITIATWG PROBLEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Councii appraval fw 3N E[�terprise DBA 3N EMerprise tor a Second Hand DeaterlMMw Vehicie License at 1821 univetsity Ave. W. ADVAN7AGESIFAPpROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNQING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PfNANCiAL tNFORMATiON: " - cexau��n,� Courcii Research C�7,er � cz.ASS nz LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBIECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PL7BLIC T}pe of Licer.se(s) being zpplied for: CITY OF SAi'vT PAL�L. �cc of License, Tssspections � ana �«�,nnat rLOt�;� e � i50 SL Pna A Stite 3W Si,-rtPe�il,Y_mcys551M � (613)366-9J90 fvxC612)76691�4 ( �a s� S �(� S Compzny \'ar.?e: 3 N ��'('� PR I S�L Corpoalion / Pa-tnerskup! So7e Anpticwrship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: 1'� G Doing Business As: Business Address: � niV•� 34� ' SSIo� s+r�t na�ess csry staco zip Betu•z�n u•hat cross streets is the business located? �u" } p« L Gf n, Vl� 5, fy W�ch side of the street? �o��y Are lihe premises nou� occupie3? � V��hat T}pz o; B�siness? 5�' �< Mail To Address: `7�c �l hz'✓'� Street Add�esa City Stau Zip i/ Applicant Information: NameandTitie: l���f��� � •�'— �CO�,yS� a �u..��,- - F�n �;aa�� ��a�n) � T�� HomeAddress: 2�4 g,`e3L��ir+r.na. �}�'`��` �l3) �� ' /�'tN." 5512� sxa Adarc„ r,ry se�m z�p Aate ofBirth: �^ Z 3—S4 Place ofBirih: ��e�r" Have you ever been con�7cted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic Date of azres[: Where? Charge: � Conviction: ��� 6 y� . _ Home Phone: ¢0 5�—�8 58 ? YES A'O� List the naznes and residences of three persons of good morai chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wbo may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADBRESS � 3 Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revoked? �� YES NO tf yes, list the dates and reasons for revxation:. Business Phone: `r 1!o-2A 9 3 2/78/97 PLEASE TYPE OR PRI:dT IN II�TK Lis! licenses a you currendy bol� formerly held, or may have an interest in: Are }°ou going to operate th3s business petsonall} 7 V YES First:�ame Home Addra� Strc<t \smc Are you going to have a mzs,2ger or assistant in this business? p;ezse comp?e?z the folloi�ing i*iformation: Fusi?:cmc \fiddlc Initial Home Address: Street �ae (\qaidrn) Ci:y V �$ (\4sSarn) Ci:y Please list gan emplo;v�ent history for che pre��ious five (5} }�ezr period: Busin�ssfEm�o�ment Ad ess List 211 other a�cers of the corporztion: OFFICER TIiLE ??O_'J"'ic 2�TAME (Office Held) fu7DRESS NO lf not, W ho u ill operzte it7 I xR State q0 - �.G Date af Hinh Zip Phanc \*mnbct NO If'the mznager is not the szme as the operator, Last $tete Zip "'r'O� BL;S�=SS PHO\B PHO:�iE Phcme \Smber DA7E OF BRTH If business is a pzrtaership, p]e2se include the following information for each pa-tn� (use additional paees if necessary): Furi:�ame ?vfiddleInitiel ('vlaiden) Lad DateofBirth HomeAddreas: SttctNnme City Sfsie � Zip Phone?lumber Fust\anu .�vf'iddielnitiat (;viaidcn) Lasc DamofBirth Home Addtsu: S4cet?�ame City State Zip Phonc Numbet MINATESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUNIDER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Minnesota, 7 984, Chapter �02, Article 8, Seclion 2(270J2) {Tax Llearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesnta Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nutnber and the social security number of each license applicant Under the i�nnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be wred to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's witishalding or motor vehicle exeise t�es; - Upon receiving this info:maUon, tfie licensing authority w�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reveaue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Department of Revrnue may suppiy this informafion to the Intemal Revenue Sentice. Mmnesota T�t Id�tificatioa Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�t Nimmber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181 j. , SocialSecuriryNumber. �� S 43 - 3 5�5 �nesotaTaxIdeatificatianNumber. Ifa 2�nnesota Ta�t Identi5cation Number is not required for the b�uiness being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box — �� ` . . - 2/18/97 9a� ssc CERTIFICATiON OF WORKERS' CO?vfPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUAIQT TO MINh'ESOTA STAI�ITE 176.182 I hereby ce`afy that I, or my company, 2m in cqmpliance �3ith thz u'o, - kers compensation insurance coaerage requuemenis of Minaesota Siztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I 21so unden that pro�ision of false info.�mztioa in ihis ce!Yificstion constitutes sufficient gounds for ad��erse actioa zgainst all licenses held, including recoczlion znd suspension of s�d licenses. I�TZme of Insurance Campany: GO. Policy 23unber: Coverage from I hace no emplo}�ees coc�ed under workers compensation insu��ce� (II.ZI iA,LS) to A.�Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SL��Sii`I'ED WILL REStiLT LV DEIZAL OF THIS APPLICATIOv I hzreby 5ate that I have answered zll of the preceding queS.iors, and Lhat the infor.nztioa contzined hr, ein is true and correct to rhe best of my }ao«�lecge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no monep or other cor.sideration, by �i�ay of loan, gift, contribution, ar otheiu�ise, other thai zlready discios�i in ihe applicahon w I:��ewith submiVe3 I also understznd this premise may be inspeeted by police, °;re, heeith ��d oiher city ofr'icia?s at znc znd all tmes v+hea the r.s�.^ess is ;n operztion. � Sigaature (REQliIRED for all We Rill accept pz. ment by cash, c6eck (made pacsbie fo Cifc of Saint Paul) or emdit card ('.1/C or V?sa.). I — 22—�� Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLfASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOFt'lNGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑Oio❑ �� or ACCOUNT 2�'UMBER: ■■■■���� �.�i�■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r.si •"Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor relate.� please contaM a City af Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building penaiu. Ifthere are Eny ch�ges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please eontact a City of Saint Paul Zoning lnspector at 266-9008. All applicarions requim the following documents. Please attach these documents xhen su6mittiug your appGcarion: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be liceased (site plan). The following data shouid be on the site plan (preferably on an 81(2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazlang, rest rooms, etc. - - If a request is for sa addifion or e�tpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed eapansion 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> ��. visrs� Council File # qg � Ordinance # RESOLUTION Presented By CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To RESOLVSD: Committee: Date 1 That application (ID #19980000064) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by 3N ENTERPRISE DBA 3N ENTERPRISE 3 at 1821 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 The number of vehicles for sale shall not exceed five and shall 6 be displayed only in the area indicated on the site plan, on 7 file with LIEP. Additions to the number of vehicles to be displayed 8 for sale or a change in location on the lot must be pre-approved 9 by the City Zoning Administrator. 5� r -- Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by By: Appx By: Secretary O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: � �'��wilMl.i_l ' " R �—_ Form Approved by City Attorne � � � 4 >roved by Mayor for Submission to mcil Green Sheet # LP60053 OEPARTMENTlOFFICEJCOUNCIL OATE INITUITED L'EP ���� GREEN SHEET No. LP60053 qg —SS� ONTAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE ��� ���� LOOM JAME5 (J111� (612)26fr9073 � C�yAttomey UST BE O � N j COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGN ��'�TcG�f I G�f;Lhltl NllMBERFOR Q�^� Research ROUiING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Cameil appro�al Mthe following i'icense application: License # 199600000G4, for 3N ENTERPRISE, Doing Busir�s As 3N ENTERPRISE, at 1821 UNIVERSITYAVE W, indudingthe foftowing fwsinesstype(s}: Second Harxi Oealer-MOtor Vehicle (5st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: 1. Has Mis person/firtn ever worked under a coMract for Ihis departmeM? PLANNfNGCOMMISSION vE5 No _ CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has mis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? C1VIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Does this person/Fmm possess a sldli not normally possessed by any curtant cAy employee? YES NO . Is this persoNfirm s targeted vendo(t -- YES N� Ezplain ali yes answers on separate sheet aad aKaeh to g�een sheet INITIATWG PROBLEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Councii appraval fw 3N E[�terprise DBA 3N EMerprise tor a Second Hand DeaterlMMw Vehicie License at 1821 univetsity Ave. W. ADVAN7AGESIFAPpROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNQING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PfNANCiAL tNFORMATiON: " - cexau��n,� Courcii Research C�7,er � cz.ASS nz LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBIECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PL7BLIC T}pe of Licer.se(s) being zpplied for: CITY OF SAi'vT PAL�L. �cc of License, Tssspections � ana �«�,nnat rLOt�;� e � i50 SL Pna A Stite 3W Si,-rtPe�il,Y_mcys551M � (613)366-9J90 fvxC612)76691�4 ( �a s� S �(� S Compzny \'ar.?e: 3 N ��'('� PR I S�L Corpoalion / Pa-tnerskup! So7e Anpticwrship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: 1'� G Doing Business As: Business Address: � niV•� 34� ' SSIo� s+r�t na�ess csry staco zip Betu•z�n u•hat cross streets is the business located? �u" } p« L Gf n, Vl� 5, fy W�ch side of the street? �o��y Are lihe premises nou� occupie3? � V��hat T}pz o; B�siness? 5�' �< Mail To Address: `7�c �l hz'✓'� Street Add�esa City Stau Zip i/ Applicant Information: NameandTitie: l���f��� � •�'— �CO�,yS� a �u..��,- - F�n �;aa�� ��a�n) � T�� HomeAddress: 2�4 g,`e3L��ir+r.na. �}�'`��` �l3) �� ' /�'tN." 5512� sxa Adarc„ r,ry se�m z�p Aate ofBirth: �^ Z 3—S4 Place ofBirih: ��e�r" Have you ever been con�7cted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic Date of azres[: Where? Charge: � Conviction: ��� 6 y� . _ Home Phone: ¢0 5�—�8 58 ? YES A'O� List the naznes and residences of three persons of good morai chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wbo may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADBRESS � 3 Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revoked? �� YES NO tf yes, list the dates and reasons for revxation:. Business Phone: `r 1!o-2A 9 3 2/78/97 PLEASE TYPE OR PRI:dT IN II�TK Lis! licenses a you currendy bol� formerly held, or may have an interest in: Are }°ou going to operate th3s business petsonall} 7 V YES First:�ame Home Addra� Strc<t \smc Are you going to have a mzs,2ger or assistant in this business? p;ezse comp?e?z the folloi�ing i*iformation: Fusi?:cmc \fiddlc Initial Home Address: Street �ae (\qaidrn) Ci:y V �$ (\4sSarn) Ci:y Please list gan emplo;v�ent history for che pre��ious five (5} }�ezr period: Busin�ssfEm�o�ment Ad ess List 211 other a�cers of the corporztion: OFFICER TIiLE ??O_'J"'ic 2�TAME (Office Held) fu7DRESS NO lf not, W ho u ill operzte it7 I xR State q0 - �.G Date af Hinh Zip Phanc \*mnbct NO If'the mznager is not the szme as the operator, Last $tete Zip "'r'O� BL;S�=SS PHO\B PHO:�iE Phcme \Smber DA7E OF BRTH If business is a pzrtaership, p]e2se include the following information for each pa-tn� (use additional paees if necessary): Furi:�ame ?vfiddleInitiel ('vlaiden) Lad DateofBirth HomeAddreas: SttctNnme City Sfsie � Zip Phone?lumber Fust\anu .�vf'iddielnitiat (;viaidcn) Lasc DamofBirth Home Addtsu: S4cet?�ame City State Zip Phonc Numbet MINATESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUNIDER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Minnesota, 7 984, Chapter �02, Article 8, Seclion 2(270J2) {Tax Llearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesnta Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nutnber and the social security number of each license applicant Under the i�nnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be wred to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's witishalding or motor vehicle exeise t�es; - Upon receiving this info:maUon, tfie licensing authority w�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reveaue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreemen� the Department of Revrnue may suppiy this informafion to the Intemal Revenue Sentice. Mmnesota T�t Id�tificatioa Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�t Nimmber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181 j. , SocialSecuriryNumber. �� S 43 - 3 5�5 �nesotaTaxIdeatificatianNumber. Ifa 2�nnesota Ta�t Identi5cation Number is not required for the b�uiness being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box — �� ` . . - 2/18/97 9a� ssc CERTIFICATiON OF WORKERS' CO?vfPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUAIQT TO MINh'ESOTA STAI�ITE 176.182 I hereby ce`afy that I, or my company, 2m in cqmpliance �3ith thz u'o, - kers compensation insurance coaerage requuemenis of Minaesota Siztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I 21so unden that pro�ision of false info.�mztioa in ihis ce!Yificstion constitutes sufficient gounds for ad��erse actioa zgainst all licenses held, including recoczlion znd suspension of s�d licenses. I�TZme of Insurance Campany: GO. Policy 23unber: Coverage from I hace no emplo}�ees coc�ed under workers compensation insu��ce� (II.ZI iA,LS) to A.�Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SL��Sii`I'ED WILL REStiLT LV DEIZAL OF THIS APPLICATIOv I hzreby 5ate that I have answered zll of the preceding queS.iors, and Lhat the infor.nztioa contzined hr, ein is true and correct to rhe best of my }ao«�lecge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no monep or other cor.sideration, by �i�ay of loan, gift, contribution, ar otheiu�ise, other thai zlready discios�i in ihe applicahon w I:��ewith submiVe3 I also understznd this premise may be inspeeted by police, °;re, heeith ��d oiher city ofr'icia?s at znc znd all tmes v+hea the r.s�.^ess is ;n operztion. � Sigaature (REQliIRED for all We Rill accept pz. ment by cash, c6eck (made pacsbie fo Cifc of Saint Paul) or emdit card ('.1/C or V?sa.). I — 22—�� Date IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLfASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOFt'lNGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ❑Oio❑ �� or ACCOUNT 2�'UMBER: ■■■■���� �.�i�■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r.si •"Note: If this application is FoodlLiquor relate.� please contaM a City af Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure aze anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building penaiu. Ifthere are Eny ch�ges to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please eontact a City of Saint Paul Zoning lnspector at 266-9008. All applicarions requim the following documents. Please attach these documents xhen su6mittiug your appGcarion: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be liceased (site plan). The following data shouid be on the site plan (preferably on an 81(2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazlang, rest rooms, etc. - - If a request is for sa addifion or e�tpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed eapansion 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property. SPECIFIC LTCENSE APPLICATIONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> ��. visrs�