98-555OR1G#�A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 RESOLVED: Committee: Date r ' That application (ID $19980000076) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by TA YANG DSA SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SRLES 8t 601 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. AMENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: e be installed in the rea and in accordance with t ctural and Plar.uing Board - No parking in an area hin six (6) months. 1, 1999 to the extent ions of the Capitol snd by CAAPB and to be Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav _� Blakev _� office of License, Inspections and BostYOm _�_ Environmental PYOtection By: ��� � � � . Form Approv�d by City By: Approved j � Council File # l0 "S.�.S ` ������ � r �O�a. � qp Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60056 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council RESOLUT{ON GlTY OF SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA g � v v w - \ By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Sec tary DEPAR7MENTIOFFfCEICOl1MCiL �Ai� tNt7�ATED �� GREEN SHEET No. �PSOOSS �� �� ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE i ���� �� LOOM JAMES (JIA� � (672)266�9D73 tO CitYAtta�eY UST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) aSS�GN 624hJ6 ���� 2❑ CamclResearch ROUTU7G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT{ON REQUESTED: CouncO approva4 M the fol4owing Gcerue application: Lice�e # 19980D00076, toi SA YANG, Doing 8usiness As SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SALES, at 601 RICE ST, uwlutling the following busir�ess type(sj: Auto Repair Ga2ge. . RECOMMENDATIONS: ApprOYB(A) R2jeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVtCE COtSTR4CT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QtSESTfONS: 1. Hasthispe�soMcmeverworkedundera contractiortbtsdepaAme�l? _ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _. CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO . Does ihis perso�rm possess e skili �wt normally possessed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO -- 4. Is ihis perso�rtn a W rgated vendoR YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approval for 7a Yang DBA Sarun Auto Repairs for an Auto Repair Garege License at 601 Rice St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,e v.s»�G�`'i K-:i � � r � �`"�"'s t^�F ..e.. . .��s� � �' �� DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AM011NT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINj - -W °lg -ssS CERTIFTCAT?ON OF \;rORiCFRS' COV.�nL COVERAGL FtURSUA,ti'L TO:��I3\`L-SOTA SSAIliTr 176.182 I Seseby cer�i.5� Lhat I, or m}� co;,;eam, �n n ce;r..pt;� r. ��e.,e*kc,s' co;r,pe;�sztien insn: �;,ce co�'zszge =equvemc.^.ts ef.V.i�.eseta Sl�tu:e 176. i32, ssUd;ti;s:on 2. ? 21so L,d�,si..^�d �'�at p:o`;son ofiz�: s o in this ceriii:ca:ion cen<ti?utz c» g:cu�.ds fer sdt��rsz zclicn z2zinst afllScenszs held, ;ncluding re��oczt;en xnd suspzr.s;ea of sa�d l;censz� -n _, _ Q.' � \z*^e oi Ins�� u.ce Co:r•pa�y: Pelicy ;��u::ber: Co� er2ge fro,�n � I es� c �o emploczes co� e*ed nrdzr i, or'�e=s' cem_pensa;ion v�su��ce (li�iT��S) A.i"Y FALSIFICATION OF �,ti c�%�RS GI4 ER' 0 R':i �TERL4L Sti B�fITTED .L'ILL RESL'LT Lti DE\TaL QF TT�S ArPLICATI6R� I hereSy «z,e �':2t I;�a� e�,��� ered a!1 of the pr;;cedl.g quest:e::s, u;3 �hat u'�e inforinz:;ea co�taired ;�e,z;� ;s tn:e �-�d ce.rect to L'�e Lcst oT my Ero« 1ed�e �,.d b�lief. i:�e-eby s?a,e inY� e: li';at I hs� e=ecei� cd �o mone}' er a}er co�<:de, �y �; �y of losn, g���, cc.h:but:on, or e:l:rc :s:, c.rer :::az � tis�• c�ic�le:� in �he sppliczlicn �,lic'� I h�z«itn subnitta:i. I also under5z:.d this prem:c� mzy be i�spected b}' poLce, :�re,l:ezl�z znd o�_e! ci1� o�;c;zis �t �.*:y ��d zl ;:r, es ��hea �l:e busi:.e:s is in epzrauea. �' E�'e rrill eccept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa� to Citg of Saint Paui) or credit card (!f!C or Visa). PAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEfiSECOlviPLBTETHEFOLLOl�I�\'GIR'FOR'�fATION: �MasterC�d �Visa EXPLZATIO\� DATE: 0' % � .�' ACCOL':�tT \�U. ER: !�'OL.:� ��lLr'� �00� �I�t°��.I � A yA�l5 \arne of Cudholder (nleaie pri�t) -L0- aIl charpes) D2te ""Note: lf ihis �pplication is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew pla�s. If any substantizl changes to struchue aze znTicipated, pleasz contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Esznuner at 266-9007 fo apply for Suilding permits. If th�e �re zny ch2nges to ihe parking ]ot, floor spzce, or for new operations, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266•9008. All applications require ihe foIIotring documeats. Plcase attach thesa docaments R6en su6mitting }'our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and squ2re footage of the premises to be licensed (site plzn). The following data should be on the si:e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" s 11" or $ 1/2" x 14" paper): - h'une, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemrnt of all pertinent fzatwes of the interior of the licensed faciliTy such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair uea, parking, rest roems, ete. � -Tf a reqaest is for an add;tion or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and Lhe pmposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ounership of the propefy. SPECIFZC LFCEI�SE APPLICATIOIVS REQUII2E ADDITIONAL L'�'FOFtMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> CJ 2'! 8; 97 CLASS III LICEVSL APFLICATIQN THIS.sPFLICATSOV '�__:__ _CT TO RF_V� W BY iHE PL�3LIG PLr ` Sc ! Y°i C:R pRN 1?�! ?�,_� C17Y OF SATti"I' PALZ �cz of � ic.-..�a, r�orc.lr,'o;s z:d En�:cr��r.t=i t''+.c:cr.ien ;5o ci pc, cc <_: :9 S�„'e.� \:� - .z Sa, �!_l:ec-4pp.`_��'e:) �.._i:i S s,3['7. tso c�::r .��„z: Cc:pa:e:icn i Pxnsr.s.`�p / Sc1e Pro�ricloT��� If bus;ne;s is inccrporat�, eiti�e dz?e of i..co*por4tien: Do;ag Business As: S� h� �N �u.� RE. � ai rs 3us:, ess Fh ene: Z`l Z — lS38 L;usi.essAd�css: i��l (Z,iCQ.. sT ST PFFk.L MZ/ JS��3 Sl..°.t Adare:t C„y g. ete Zip i3efi'e;� n'hzt c; oss stree's is the bus'v loc2tz.i? (L: C,e � C.om D ��'hich s;de of �he s*seet? D� d S! e�¢. Are il:e premises no��� occupied? 5_ Vvhat T;pe of Busmess? f'�w �¢ � 4� r('J.Y,,rq a� E, hFailToAdc�sess: IS�3 t�0.�-��ie 5-{-. S�l' F�t /r�N S'S!0(� s:.-rK.na�=u c�ry s•.�e zs A.pplic�nt Infomiatio � 2�'2me and Title: _ l fl `/,/UIV� � y0.+1 � ()W,siE2. - First \Scdle (\laidrn) Lzst T:t1e Home Addxe,s: ��3 Pa �i � e S�. S f. P�T� m�v' SS/D 6 StrcetAd2ress City Sate Zip Dzte of Birth: g Lg �'/ Place ef £�;ru'�: G� S Home Ph ne: �'S 3— OG ��' W orK p�e. -`�,�� Ha� e yeu ecer been eom'ic:ed ef u,y fe;or,y, cr'me or ciot�scn ef any ci:y ord; ;a�ce ofr.e: t�aa iszJ?7c? Y� S�, NO X L`ate of a+rest: Chargz: _ Conviction: Fv?�e: e? Sentenee: List ihe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chu2cter, living �i�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, aho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: �i� List licrnses �rhich you Hare any of the above ADDRESS hold, former3y he3d, or may have zn interest in: �A�n'i' licenses ever bezz revokr�7 YES _�_!�O if yes, ]ist PHOhTE vtl_V fortecocalion: :� ?JI8:97 .4re }�ou goi, � to ope; zt� L�is Uusi, ess personalh� X YL-S First �s�e ]:i2c'c L^.i:isl (�ixic^) CI:V Y'ES (�Lii_.) Ci.y F`,c;aeAc'dr�s: St�.°ct\e�e Are; � goa�g :o hzce a m�.a_er or ��sist�*;t �n dvs bns;ne;s? 7�22cC COTiF?�i� Q'.L `C�iOC� lIl� L*1fCII1'�iiCil: ?:nt\e: e \'vcc?e L�uni F: ��e AdL-css: Strut \�.e Piezse!;st;�ci;r emplo}zr_�z;rt history `er Le pszc'.•ous fice (5) } per.cd: Dae ef8iri3 Picac \v�Sct Businzss/Em A�:?rz�s Tt,4.,n., D_ 1�__ �� co. _ �.� V'✓ ya� s-� �____-- ___�, Cfi��Pillwr Pa3Cen�c�,.i- - ljfvnlG�., �Q.✓tl. _P as�F.c Prod+�vE-s C-0_•--- }'�3� �3ary S� -- -- --- Ca.s� � W�s-{ Ji ��a�' �6S L,�,+ - ✓.ovgr� ✓i`v°. List zll othzr of::cers ef the co:perzticn: OFFICER TIILE i:0:�� ?3A� (08:ce Hzld) ADDi2ESS BATE OF BL4TH If bisinzss is a p2rtnership, pleze ir!clude the foilo�ai,_g u�=o,:.iztion for each pzr`� er (use additional p2ges if necessary): First \aye `✓�iddie Ltitial (V,ziden) Lzt Siaie Zip Lzt State Zic Phone \umbcr \O ii not, ���ho �a�ill eperzte it? � q �� Lvt Dztc of t3irt'� Sia.:� Z�� Y;:o.lc\L..T.�Yx X 'v0 if ti:e m�-±�gzr ;s net Il�e s�-r.e zs 1:e o�e*ytor kt S+_ Le Zi? NO.Vir''. BliSI\'ESS PHO\� PH01'E Stmt \zoc Fint \ame \i�.a.d:c inital (Liaidm) HOIIICACadCC55: SVLLL`Y21L City Date of Birth \umber ?�i'2vESOTA TAX IDEh'TIFICAI ION `ITJ3ER - Pwsu�nt to tl�e Law's of Minnesota, ] 984, Chaptu 502, Articie S, Section 2(270. i2) (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoritizs aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Recenue, the Minnesota business tax ident�cation aur*�ber znd the sociel szcurity number of ezch license zpplicant. Under the Minneseta Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I 974, t�'e are required to advise pou of the follo���ing regazding the use of the Minnesota TaY Identiiicstion �TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issua�ce or renewal of your license in the e� ent }'ou owe Vlinnesota sales, employei s �aithholding or motor vehicle e�cise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the _Nunnesota Department of Re� enue. Ho�3�ever, under the Federal Exchange of Information Asrernent, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Re� cervice. �✓.:,-i.esota Tax Ident;fication Niu*�bus (Sa.�-�s :� Uc: Tx:�Tv:�b:r} m�y be e�:�,� fv.-.i L'ne Stz+.e of;�f.;.:;icsot�us;:.icss R,co.*3��epw:;nent, 10 River Park Plua (612-296-6181). ��� � � Social Security i�*unber: � ��T �' � Minnesota Tax IdznYification Number: , if a Ni�innesota Tax Identific�tion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by plaeing an"X" in the box. :=: 2/18197 < ,, '�..� , `/� �� ;;�-�- s � � t� oU da Ccclr� ��� `�(� f • ��c+.P.u�Gtt',a�� ad�d q�'�� � � ��f.c ��i-ui w���"i� au�,t� � � t���uta�iw�s ttec�d� r�� �u �( � . k � Pla�,� �� � k� 2) � � �� �,,,�.?� r � ; � k��..� �� � �,� �►e � e.. v w++�y.i� 1,� n �,� ��A�"" , �a, , p�.��,,.��� LUt �Lwr � Lt dvv vi� vc � rvc. ��6 Qit,�L� � . r � A � � � � � ��Yl� itv �� " � f �►� ,Q.,�. ������. OR1G#�A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 RESOLVED: Committee: Date r ' That application (ID $19980000076) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by TA YANG DSA SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SRLES 8t 601 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. AMENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: e be installed in the rea and in accordance with t ctural and Plar.uing Board - No parking in an area hin six (6) months. 1, 1999 to the extent ions of the Capitol snd by CAAPB and to be Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav _� Blakev _� office of License, Inspections and BostYOm _�_ Environmental PYOtection By: ��� � � � . Form Approv�d by City By: Approved j � Council File # l0 "S.�.S ` ������ � r �O�a. � qp Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60056 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council RESOLUT{ON GlTY OF SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA g � v v w - \ By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Sec tary DEPAR7MENTIOFFfCEICOl1MCiL �Ai� tNt7�ATED �� GREEN SHEET No. �PSOOSS �� �� ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE i ���� �� LOOM JAMES (JIA� � (672)266�9D73 tO CitYAtta�eY UST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) aSS�GN 624hJ6 ���� 2❑ CamclResearch ROUTU7G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT{ON REQUESTED: CouncO approva4 M the fol4owing Gcerue application: Lice�e # 19980D00076, toi SA YANG, Doing 8usiness As SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SALES, at 601 RICE ST, uwlutling the following busir�ess type(sj: Auto Repair Ga2ge. . RECOMMENDATIONS: ApprOYB(A) R2jeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVtCE COtSTR4CT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QtSESTfONS: 1. Hasthispe�soMcmeverworkedundera contractiortbtsdepaAme�l? _ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _. CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO . Does ihis perso�rm possess e skili �wt normally possessed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO -- 4. Is ihis perso�rtn a W rgated vendoR YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approval for 7a Yang DBA Sarun Auto Repairs for an Auto Repair Garege License at 601 Rice St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,e v.s»�G�`'i K-:i � � r � �`"�"'s t^�F ..e.. . .��s� � �' �� DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AM011NT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINj - -W °lg -ssS CERTIFTCAT?ON OF \;rORiCFRS' COV.�nL COVERAGL FtURSUA,ti'L TO:��I3\`L-SOTA SSAIliTr 176.182 I Seseby cer�i.5� Lhat I, or m}� co;,;eam, �n n ce;r..pt;� r. ��e.,e*kc,s' co;r,pe;�sztien insn: �;,ce co�'zszge =equvemc.^.ts ef.V.i�.eseta Sl�tu:e 176. i32, ssUd;ti;s:on 2. ? 21so L,d�,si..^�d �'�at p:o`;son ofiz�: s o in this ceriii:ca:ion cen<ti?utz c» g:cu�.ds fer sdt��rsz zclicn z2zinst afllScenszs held, ;ncluding re��oczt;en xnd suspzr.s;ea of sa�d l;censz� -n _, _ Q.' � \z*^e oi Ins�� u.ce Co:r•pa�y: Pelicy ;��u::ber: Co� er2ge fro,�n � I es� c �o emploczes co� e*ed nrdzr i, or'�e=s' cem_pensa;ion v�su��ce (li�iT��S) A.i"Y FALSIFICATION OF �,ti c�%�RS GI4 ER' 0 R':i �TERL4L Sti B�fITTED .L'ILL RESL'LT Lti DE\TaL QF TT�S ArPLICATI6R� I hereSy «z,e �':2t I;�a� e�,��� ered a!1 of the pr;;cedl.g quest:e::s, u;3 �hat u'�e inforinz:;ea co�taired ;�e,z;� ;s tn:e �-�d ce.rect to L'�e Lcst oT my Ero« 1ed�e �,.d b�lief. i:�e-eby s?a,e inY� e: li';at I hs� e=ecei� cd �o mone}' er a}er co�<:de, �y �; �y of losn, g���, cc.h:but:on, or e:l:rc :s:, c.rer :::az � tis�• c�ic�le:� in �he sppliczlicn �,lic'� I h�z«itn subnitta:i. I also under5z:.d this prem:c� mzy be i�spected b}' poLce, :�re,l:ezl�z znd o�_e! ci1� o�;c;zis �t �.*:y ��d zl ;:r, es ��hea �l:e busi:.e:s is in epzrauea. �' E�'e rrill eccept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa� to Citg of Saint Paui) or credit card (!f!C or Visa). PAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEfiSECOlviPLBTETHEFOLLOl�I�\'GIR'FOR'�fATION: �MasterC�d �Visa EXPLZATIO\� DATE: 0' % � .�' ACCOL':�tT \�U. ER: !�'OL.:� ��lLr'� �00� �I�t°��.I � A yA�l5 \arne of Cudholder (nleaie pri�t) -L0- aIl charpes) D2te ""Note: lf ihis �pplication is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew pla�s. If any substantizl changes to struchue aze znTicipated, pleasz contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Esznuner at 266-9007 fo apply for Suilding permits. If th�e �re zny ch2nges to ihe parking ]ot, floor spzce, or for new operations, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266•9008. All applications require ihe foIIotring documeats. Plcase attach thesa docaments R6en su6mitting }'our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and squ2re footage of the premises to be licensed (site plzn). The following data should be on the si:e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" s 11" or $ 1/2" x 14" paper): - h'une, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemrnt of all pertinent fzatwes of the interior of the licensed faciliTy such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair uea, parking, rest roems, ete. � -Tf a reqaest is for an add;tion or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and Lhe pmposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ounership of the propefy. SPECIFZC LFCEI�SE APPLICATIOIVS REQUII2E ADDITIONAL L'�'FOFtMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> CJ 2'! 8; 97 CLASS III LICEVSL APFLICATIQN THIS.sPFLICATSOV '�__:__ _CT TO RF_V� W BY iHE PL�3LIG PLr ` Sc ! Y°i C:R pRN 1?�! ?�,_� C17Y OF SATti"I' PALZ �cz of � ic.-..�a, r�orc.lr,'o;s z:d En�:cr��r.t=i t''+.c:cr.ien ;5o ci pc, cc <_: :9 S�„'e.� \:� - .z Sa, �!_l:ec-4pp.`_��'e:) �.._i:i S s,3['7. tso c�::r .��„z: Cc:pa:e:icn i Pxnsr.s.`�p / Sc1e Pro�ricloT��� If bus;ne;s is inccrporat�, eiti�e dz?e of i..co*por4tien: Do;ag Business As: S� h� �N �u.� RE. � ai rs 3us:, ess Fh ene: Z`l Z — lS38 L;usi.essAd�css: i��l (Z,iCQ.. sT ST PFFk.L MZ/ JS��3 Sl..°.t Adare:t C„y g. ete Zip i3efi'e;� n'hzt c; oss stree's is the bus'v loc2tz.i? (L: C,e � C.om D ��'hich s;de of �he s*seet? D� d S! e�¢. Are il:e premises no��� occupied? 5_ Vvhat T;pe of Busmess? f'�w �¢ � 4� r('J.Y,,rq a� E, hFailToAdc�sess: IS�3 t�0.�-��ie 5-{-. S�l' F�t /r�N S'S!0(� s:.-rK.na�=u c�ry s•.�e zs A.pplic�nt Infomiatio � 2�'2me and Title: _ l fl `/,/UIV� � y0.+1 � ()W,siE2. - First \Scdle (\laidrn) Lzst T:t1e Home Addxe,s: ��3 Pa �i � e S�. S f. P�T� m�v' SS/D 6 StrcetAd2ress City Sate Zip Dzte of Birth: g Lg �'/ Place ef £�;ru'�: G� S Home Ph ne: �'S 3— OG ��' W orK p�e. -`�,�� Ha� e yeu ecer been eom'ic:ed ef u,y fe;or,y, cr'me or ciot�scn ef any ci:y ord; ;a�ce ofr.e: t�aa iszJ?7c? Y� S�, NO X L`ate of a+rest: Chargz: _ Conviction: Fv?�e: e? Sentenee: List ihe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chu2cter, living �i�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, aho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: �i� List licrnses �rhich you Hare any of the above ADDRESS hold, former3y he3d, or may have zn interest in: �A�n'i' licenses ever bezz revokr�7 YES _�_!�O if yes, ]ist PHOhTE vtl_V fortecocalion: :� ?JI8:97 .4re }�ou goi, � to ope; zt� L�is Uusi, ess personalh� X YL-S First �s�e ]:i2c'c L^.i:isl (�ixic^) CI:V Y'ES (�Lii_.) Ci.y F`,c;aeAc'dr�s: St�.°ct\e�e Are; � goa�g :o hzce a m�.a_er or ��sist�*;t �n dvs bns;ne;s? 7�22cC COTiF?�i� Q'.L `C�iOC� lIl� L*1fCII1'�iiCil: ?:nt\e: e \'vcc?e L�uni F: ��e AdL-css: Strut \�.e Piezse!;st;�ci;r emplo}zr_�z;rt history `er Le pszc'.•ous fice (5) } per.cd: Dae ef8iri3 Picac \v�Sct Businzss/Em A�:?rz�s Tt,4.,n., D_ 1�__ �� co. _ �.� V'✓ ya� s-� �____-- ___�, Cfi��Pillwr Pa3Cen�c�,.i- - ljfvnlG�., �Q.✓tl. _P as�F.c Prod+�vE-s C-0_•--- }'�3� �3ary S� -- -- --- Ca.s� � W�s-{ Ji ��a�' �6S L,�,+ - ✓.ovgr� ✓i`v°. List zll othzr of::cers ef the co:perzticn: OFFICER TIILE i:0:�� ?3A� (08:ce Hzld) ADDi2ESS BATE OF BL4TH If bisinzss is a p2rtnership, pleze ir!clude the foilo�ai,_g u�=o,:.iztion for each pzr`� er (use additional p2ges if necessary): First \aye `✓�iddie Ltitial (V,ziden) Lzt Siaie Zip Lzt State Zic Phone \umbcr \O ii not, ���ho �a�ill eperzte it? � q �� Lvt Dztc of t3irt'� Sia.:� Z�� Y;:o.lc\L..T.�Yx X 'v0 if ti:e m�-±�gzr ;s net Il�e s�-r.e zs 1:e o�e*ytor kt S+_ Le Zi? NO.Vir''. BliSI\'ESS PHO\� PH01'E Stmt \zoc Fint \ame \i�.a.d:c inital (Liaidm) HOIIICACadCC55: SVLLL`Y21L City Date of Birth \umber ?�i'2vESOTA TAX IDEh'TIFICAI ION `ITJ3ER - Pwsu�nt to tl�e Law's of Minnesota, ] 984, Chaptu 502, Articie S, Section 2(270. i2) (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoritizs aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Recenue, the Minnesota business tax ident�cation aur*�ber znd the sociel szcurity number of ezch license zpplicant. Under the Minneseta Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I 974, t�'e are required to advise pou of the follo���ing regazding the use of the Minnesota TaY Identiiicstion �TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issua�ce or renewal of your license in the e� ent }'ou owe Vlinnesota sales, employei s �aithholding or motor vehicle e�cise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the _Nunnesota Department of Re� enue. Ho�3�ever, under the Federal Exchange of Information Asrernent, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Re� cervice. �✓.:,-i.esota Tax Ident;fication Niu*�bus (Sa.�-�s :� Uc: Tx:�Tv:�b:r} m�y be e�:�,� fv.-.i L'ne Stz+.e of;�f.;.:;icsot�us;:.icss R,co.*3��epw:;nent, 10 River Park Plua (612-296-6181). ��� � � Social Security i�*unber: � ��T �' � Minnesota Tax IdznYification Number: , if a Ni�innesota Tax Identific�tion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by plaeing an"X" in the box. :=: 2/18197 < ,, '�..� , `/� �� ;;�-�- s � � t� oU da Ccclr� ��� `�(� f • ��c+.P.u�Gtt',a�� ad�d q�'�� � � ��f.c ��i-ui w���"i� au�,t� � � t���uta�iw�s ttec�d� r�� �u �( � . k � Pla�,� �� � k� 2) � � �� �,,,�.?� r � ; � k��..� �� � �,� �►e � e.. v w++�y.i� 1,� n �,� ��A�"" , �a, , p�.��,,.��� LUt �Lwr � Lt dvv vi� vc � rvc. ��6 Qit,�L� � . r � A � � � � � ��Yl� itv �� " � f �►� ,Q.,�. ������. OR1G#�A�. Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 RESOLVED: Committee: Date r ' That application (ID $19980000076) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by TA YANG DSA SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SRLES 8t 601 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. AMENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: e be installed in the rea and in accordance with t ctural and Plar.uing Board - No parking in an area hin six (6) months. 1, 1999 to the extent ions of the Capitol snd by CAAPB and to be Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav _� Blakev _� office of License, Inspections and BostYOm _�_ Environmental PYOtection By: ��� � � � . Form Approv�d by City By: Approved j � Council File # l0 "S.�.S ` ������ � r �O�a. � qp Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60056 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council RESOLUT{ON GlTY OF SAINT PAUI, MINNESOTA g � v v w - \ By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Sec tary DEPAR7MENTIOFFfCEICOl1MCiL �Ai� tNt7�ATED �� GREEN SHEET No. �PSOOSS �� �� ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE i ���� �� LOOM JAMES (JIA� � (672)266�9D73 tO CitYAtta�eY UST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) aSS�GN 624hJ6 ���� 2❑ CamclResearch ROUTU7G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT{ON REQUESTED: CouncO approva4 M the fol4owing Gcerue application: Lice�e # 19980D00076, toi SA YANG, Doing 8usiness As SARUN AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE SALES, at 601 RICE ST, uwlutling the following busir�ess type(sj: Auto Repair Ga2ge. . RECOMMENDATIONS: ApprOYB(A) R2jeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVtCE COtSTR4CT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QtSESTfONS: 1. Hasthispe�soMcmeverworkedundera contractiortbtsdepaAme�l? _ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _. CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO . Does ihis perso�rm possess e skili �wt normally possessed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO -- 4. Is ihis perso�rtn a W rgated vendoR YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approval for 7a Yang DBA Sarun Auto Repairs for an Auto Repair Garege License at 601 Rice St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,e v.s»�G�`'i K-:i � � r � �`"�"'s t^�F ..e.. . .��s� � �' �� DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AM011NT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINj - -W °lg -ssS CERTIFTCAT?ON OF \;rORiCFRS' COV.�nL COVERAGL FtURSUA,ti'L TO:��I3\`L-SOTA SSAIliTr 176.182 I Seseby cer�i.5� Lhat I, or m}� co;,;eam, �n n ce;r..pt;� r. ��e.,e*kc,s' co;r,pe;�sztien insn: �;,ce co�'zszge =equvemc.^.ts ef.V.i�.eseta Sl�tu:e 176. i32, ssUd;ti;s:on 2. ? 21so L,d�,si..^�d �'�at p:o`;son ofiz�: s o in this ceriii:ca:ion cen<ti?utz c» g:cu�.ds fer sdt��rsz zclicn z2zinst afllScenszs held, ;ncluding re��oczt;en xnd suspzr.s;ea of sa�d l;censz� -n _, _ Q.' � \z*^e oi Ins�� u.ce Co:r•pa�y: Pelicy ;��u::ber: Co� er2ge fro,�n � I es� c �o emploczes co� e*ed nrdzr i, or'�e=s' cem_pensa;ion v�su��ce (li�iT��S) A.i"Y FALSIFICATION OF �,ti c�%�RS GI4 ER' 0 R':i �TERL4L Sti B�fITTED .L'ILL RESL'LT Lti DE\TaL QF TT�S ArPLICATI6R� I hereSy «z,e �':2t I;�a� e�,��� ered a!1 of the pr;;cedl.g quest:e::s, u;3 �hat u'�e inforinz:;ea co�taired ;�e,z;� ;s tn:e �-�d ce.rect to L'�e Lcst oT my Ero« 1ed�e �,.d b�lief. i:�e-eby s?a,e inY� e: li';at I hs� e=ecei� cd �o mone}' er a}er co�<:de, �y �; �y of losn, g���, cc.h:but:on, or e:l:rc :s:, c.rer :::az � tis�• c�ic�le:� in �he sppliczlicn �,lic'� I h�z«itn subnitta:i. I also under5z:.d this prem:c� mzy be i�spected b}' poLce, :�re,l:ezl�z znd o�_e! ci1� o�;c;zis �t �.*:y ��d zl ;:r, es ��hea �l:e busi:.e:s is in epzrauea. �' E�'e rrill eccept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa� to Citg of Saint Paui) or credit card (!f!C or Visa). PAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEfiSECOlviPLBTETHEFOLLOl�I�\'GIR'FOR'�fATION: �MasterC�d �Visa EXPLZATIO\� DATE: 0' % � .�' ACCOL':�tT \�U. ER: !�'OL.:� ��lLr'� �00� �I�t°��.I � A yA�l5 \arne of Cudholder (nleaie pri�t) -L0- aIl charpes) D2te ""Note: lf ihis �pplication is FoodlLiquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew pla�s. If any substantizl changes to struchue aze znTicipated, pleasz contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Esznuner at 266-9007 fo apply for Suilding permits. If th�e �re zny ch2nges to ihe parking ]ot, floor spzce, or for new operations, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266•9008. All applications require ihe foIIotring documeats. Plcase attach thesa docaments R6en su6mitting }'our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and squ2re footage of the premises to be licensed (site plzn). The following data should be on the si:e plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" s 11" or $ 1/2" x 14" paper): - h'une, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemrnt of all pertinent fzatwes of the interior of the licensed faciliTy such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair uea, parking, rest roems, ete. � -Tf a reqaest is for an add;tion or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and Lhe pmposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ounership of the propefy. SPECIFZC LFCEI�SE APPLICATIOIVS REQUII2E ADDITIONAL L'�'FOFtMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> CJ 2'! 8; 97 CLASS III LICEVSL APFLICATIQN THIS.sPFLICATSOV '�__:__ _CT TO RF_V� W BY iHE PL�3LIG PLr ` Sc ! Y°i C:R pRN 1?�! ?�,_� C17Y OF SATti"I' PALZ �cz of � ic.-..�a, r�orc.lr,'o;s z:d En�:cr��r.t=i t''+.c:cr.ien ;5o ci pc, cc <_: :9 S�„'e.� \:� - .z Sa, �!_l:ec-4pp.`_��'e:) �.._i:i S s,3['7. tso c�::r .��„z: Cc:pa:e:icn i Pxnsr.s.`�p / Sc1e Pro�ricloT��� If bus;ne;s is inccrporat�, eiti�e dz?e of i..co*por4tien: Do;ag Business As: S� h� �N �u.� RE. � ai rs 3us:, ess Fh ene: Z`l Z — lS38 L;usi.essAd�css: i��l (Z,iCQ.. sT ST PFFk.L MZ/ JS��3 Sl..°.t Adare:t C„y g. ete Zip i3efi'e;� n'hzt c; oss stree's is the bus'v loc2tz.i? (L: C,e � C.om D ��'hich s;de of �he s*seet? D� d S! e�¢. Are il:e premises no��� occupied? 5_ Vvhat T;pe of Busmess? f'�w �¢ � 4� r('J.Y,,rq a� E, hFailToAdc�sess: IS�3 t�0.�-��ie 5-{-. S�l' F�t /r�N S'S!0(� s:.-rK.na�=u c�ry s•.�e zs A.pplic�nt Infomiatio � 2�'2me and Title: _ l fl `/,/UIV� � y0.+1 � ()W,siE2. - First \Scdle (\laidrn) Lzst T:t1e Home Addxe,s: ��3 Pa �i � e S�. S f. P�T� m�v' SS/D 6 StrcetAd2ress City Sate Zip Dzte of Birth: g Lg �'/ Place ef £�;ru'�: G� S Home Ph ne: �'S 3— OG ��' W orK p�e. -`�,�� Ha� e yeu ecer been eom'ic:ed ef u,y fe;or,y, cr'me or ciot�scn ef any ci:y ord; ;a�ce ofr.e: t�aa iszJ?7c? Y� S�, NO X L`ate of a+rest: Chargz: _ Conviction: Fv?�e: e? Sentenee: List ihe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chu2cter, living �i�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, aho may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: �i� List licrnses �rhich you Hare any of the above ADDRESS hold, former3y he3d, or may have zn interest in: �A�n'i' licenses ever bezz revokr�7 YES _�_!�O if yes, ]ist PHOhTE vtl_V fortecocalion: :� ?JI8:97 .4re }�ou goi, � to ope; zt� L�is Uusi, ess personalh� X YL-S First �s�e ]:i2c'c L^.i:isl (�ixic^) CI:V Y'ES (�Lii_.) Ci.y F`,c;aeAc'dr�s: St�.°ct\e�e Are; � goa�g :o hzce a m�.a_er or ��sist�*;t �n dvs bns;ne;s? 7�22cC COTiF?�i� Q'.L `C�iOC� lIl� L*1fCII1'�iiCil: ?:nt\e: e \'vcc?e L�uni F: ��e AdL-css: Strut \�.e Piezse!;st;�ci;r emplo}zr_�z;rt history `er Le pszc'.•ous fice (5) } per.cd: Dae ef8iri3 Picac \v�Sct Businzss/Em A�:?rz�s Tt,4.,n., D_ 1�__ �� co. _ �.� V'✓ ya� s-� �____-- ___�, Cfi��Pillwr Pa3Cen�c�,.i- - ljfvnlG�., �Q.✓tl. _P as�F.c Prod+�vE-s C-0_•--- }'�3� �3ary S� -- -- --- Ca.s� � W�s-{ Ji ��a�' �6S L,�,+ - ✓.ovgr� ✓i`v°. List zll othzr of::cers ef the co:perzticn: OFFICER TIILE i:0:�� ?3A� (08:ce Hzld) ADDi2ESS BATE OF BL4TH If bisinzss is a p2rtnership, pleze ir!clude the foilo�ai,_g u�=o,:.iztion for each pzr`� er (use additional p2ges if necessary): First \aye `✓�iddie Ltitial (V,ziden) Lzt Siaie Zip Lzt State Zic Phone \umbcr \O ii not, ���ho �a�ill eperzte it? � q �� Lvt Dztc of t3irt'� Sia.:� Z�� Y;:o.lc\L..T.�Yx X 'v0 if ti:e m�-±�gzr ;s net Il�e s�-r.e zs 1:e o�e*ytor kt S+_ Le Zi? NO.Vir''. BliSI\'ESS PHO\� PH01'E Stmt \zoc Fint \ame \i�.a.d:c inital (Liaidm) HOIIICACadCC55: SVLLL`Y21L City Date of Birth \umber ?�i'2vESOTA TAX IDEh'TIFICAI ION `ITJ3ER - Pwsu�nt to tl�e Law's of Minnesota, ] 984, Chaptu 502, Articie S, Section 2(270. i2) (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoritizs aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Recenue, the Minnesota business tax ident�cation aur*�ber znd the sociel szcurity number of ezch license zpplicant. Under the Minneseta Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I 974, t�'e are required to advise pou of the follo���ing regazding the use of the Minnesota TaY Identiiicstion �TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issua�ce or renewal of your license in the e� ent }'ou owe Vlinnesota sales, employei s �aithholding or motor vehicle e�cise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the _Nunnesota Department of Re� enue. Ho�3�ever, under the Federal Exchange of Information Asrernent, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Re� cervice. �✓.:,-i.esota Tax Ident;fication Niu*�bus (Sa.�-�s :� Uc: Tx:�Tv:�b:r} m�y be e�:�,� fv.-.i L'ne Stz+.e of;�f.;.:;icsot�us;:.icss R,co.*3��epw:;nent, 10 River Park Plua (612-296-6181). ��� � � Social Security i�*unber: � ��T �' � Minnesota Tax IdznYification Number: , if a Ni�innesota Tax Identific�tion Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by plaeing an"X" in the box. :=: 2/18197 < ,, '�..� , `/� �� ;;�-�- s � � t� oU da Ccclr� ��� `�(� f • ��c+.P.u�Gtt',a�� ad�d q�'�� � � ��f.c ��i-ui w���"i� au�,t� � � t���uta�iw�s ttec�d� r�� �u �( � . k � Pla�,� �� � k� 2) � � �� �,,,�.?� r � ; � k��..� �� � �,� �►e � e.. v w++�y.i� 1,� n �,� ��A�"" , �a, , p�.��,,.��� LUt �Lwr � Lt dvv vi� vc � rvc. ��6 Qit,�L� � . r � A � � � � � ��Yl� itv �� " � f �►� ,Q.,�. ������.