91-1562 'v����� '� 'CG�uncil File # � � � , 2� / G - � _ �_� Y v � � � C! r� � n � /��' � � � reen sheet # 7 ''J ' RESOLUTION � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �ferred To Co �ttee: Date d' - � 7�/`,/ An administrative Resolution amending thle Civil Service Rules concerning voluntary leave of absence. RESOLVED, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Se�ction 19, LEAVE OF , ABSENCE, Subsection 19.A. REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE,ilso that the 3rd paragraph of said Section shall read as follows: ' "A full-time employee may be granted up to 3�9-480 holurs of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the fiscal year (IRS reporting year. ) During such leave of abaence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, aick leave and seniority credits as �they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relatea to the eligibilitly for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considere�d, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this prov,ision is subject to the approval of the department head." i i - i Yeas Nava s n Requested by De�artment of: 0 ' Sw OFFIC OF PERSON EL ND LABOR RELATIONS on ca ee e ran � ane on BY� C` "� /` Form A ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council,,r' Date / � `\ / � � Adoption Certi 'ed by Council Secretary By: ' �.y.y�... � � ,�" BY' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv by Mayor: Date , , � a gy; ��'��a��/ Y� � � � ,� . ��� DEPARTM[NTlOFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Office of Personnel & Labor Rel. 8-06-91 GREEN SHEE NO. 7297 . CONTACT PER30N 6 PFI�IE PARTMENT DIRECTpR/h DA �CITY WIINCIL INITIAUOATE MSY'�C ROb2TCSOri 422� �� CIIY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON WUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA1'� ROUTINN�ii UDCiET DIRECTOR FIN.d MOT.SERVICES OIR. nouT -- MAVOR{�IA8aI8TA Civil Service Commiss on TOTAL M OF SIQNATURE PAGES 1 (d.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Amend� Civil-ServiEe'Ruies in Section 19, LEAVE OF ABSENCE, by inc easing the maximum allowable voluntary unpaid leave of absence from 160 hours to 480 hours. RECOMI�NOA :APW�W o►Rsl�(R) COUNGL RCM REPORT OPTION L _PIANNINO OOMMIS810N _CIVIL SERVIC:COMMI$810N ��YST PFIONE NO. _pB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COIYIMENT8: UG 9 1991 -����� _ ���,�,�►���E�,E� CITY ATTORNEY fNITIATINCi PliOBLEM.IS�JE.OPPOR7UNITY(Who.IMNt Nllrn.WMn�WhYI. Budget reductions, shortfalls CEtVED q� 1 3 1991 ADVANTAQES IF APPROYEO: Increases department flexibility to avoid layoffs during budget s artfall. Allows an employee to take off a longer period of time without any loss of acation, sick or seniority accrual or insurance eligibility. DiSADVMtTAOEB IF APPROVEO: ` None RECEIVED � AUG 16 1991 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOEB IF I�T APPROVED: May increase liklihood of layoffs. � � ��> . AUG 1 � 1991,; TOTAL ANOUNT OF TRANSACTION a —OO— CO$T/REVENUB 01lD�TED( ONE) Y� NO J FUNDINQ SOURCE __ _—�- -- ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) .Aa du� .���� - -- ' . :, , � NOTE: OOI�PLETE DIRECTION8 AF�INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHE�'T INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA3INO OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�4225). � ROl1TiN(�l ORDER: Below are prsferred routin�s for ths live most froqwnt tYpss of dxumdnts: OONTRACTB (aasum�s aulhaized OOUNCIL RESOLU710N (Amend. BdpbJ budgrt�xMs) Accept.(3ranb) 1. Out�ids AQsrxy 1. DeputmeM Dit�Ctor 2. Initldirp D�plutmsnt 2. Bud�t DU'ector 3. CNy Attorney 3. dly Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MeyoN/1NbtaM 5. Fftae�e�Mpmt Svcs. DirsC�or 5. City Qoundl 8. :,!°h�os/lccouMing 8. (�Nsf AccouMaM,Fin d�Mgmt 3vca. ADAAINI8TRATIVE ORDER RBu�dpd, OOUNqL RE80�.UTION �and ORD�INANCE '°;''�`1. ,�crivky M�n�s� 1. IniHatirg DspaRrnsnt Dinctor 2. Dsp�Rmsnt/lccouMant 2• �Y A��Y ,.� p��p�a 3. MayoNAaiNaM 4. 8udget Dir�ctor 4. qty Gbuhcil 5. qry Cle►k 8. ChiM AaoouMant.Fln 8 Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINI8TAATIVE ORDERS (eN otltsrs) 1. Infdstirq DputmeM 2. Gty Attorr�t 4. d�CMrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAQE8 Indicate the N of p�yes on which�aro r�qWrod and� esch of ths�s ss. ACTION REOUES'TED Dsecrlb�what the proJ�ct/nquest sNks b aocompN�h in efther chraalopi- cal ordsr or order of Importance�whichrwr b moN appropA�ts ior the isws. Do rat write oomplets aeMences. Bepin e�ch ftem in your Nst with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 — Compls�s if ths iasus in qwstion tas bssn pr�swnl�d bsfore any body,W�b�� or prlv�ts. SUPPORT8 WHICH COl1NqL OBJECTIVE� Irbicab which Councfl objocdw(�)Y��P�'ol�►�4�wPP�bY��9 Ut�bY word(s)(HOUSIN(i� RECREATION.NdOH80RHOODS.EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ' BUDOET, 3E1NER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI8T IN IN8TRUCTION/1L MANUAL.) COUNpL COMMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OPTiONAL AS REOUESTED 6Y COUNqL INITIATiNO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situttion a oondqions thM cr�t�d a nssd for your proJect or roquest. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED IndN�ts whethsr this is simply an ennwl budpst proc�duro re4uirod by law/ c�wRsr or whNhsr th�ns an�11c in which th�qty of Saint Paul and its citizemE wiH b�nMt iron�_this pro�tlactbn. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What nepatiw eM�cta or myor oh�nyss to exisUny or p�st procesees migM this Pro)sct/nque�t prod�x�If it.is pae�d(e.g.,traffic d�lays. noi�, tax inc�or aqs�ertisnts)?To Whom4 When?For how bng? �3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What wiN be ths r�athrs consoqusnc�s if the promised sctbn ia not approved?Inabiliy b dNiver aervice?Continued hi�h traf8c. noise, accidsnt rate?Lca oi ievsnus? FlNANqAL iMPACT Altlwiph you mu�tafb►tl»informatbn you provide hers to the issue you are addresNng,1n�nsrsl ycw must answer two qumatbns: How much is ft �oing to coat?Who is�oing to pay? ; .q��,��� � , � ���FiVED 14 Committee Re ort ��T �� P Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee , ,: , , ., � October 7, 1991 I " ' '��° KK 5. Resolution 91-1561 - authorizing the increase of voluntary leave of absence hours available to City employees under Civil Service Rul 19A. �Referred from Council 8/27/91, laid over 9/30/91) Withdrawn at the request of Labor Relations. 5-0 Resolution 91-1562 - amending the Civil Service Rules in Section 19, Leave of Absence, by increasing the maximum allowable voluntary unpaid leave of absence from 160 hours to 480 hours. (Referred from CoUncil 8/27/91, laid over 9/30/91) Withdrawn at the request of Labor Relations. 5-0 ! 6. Resolution 91-1632 - amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation concerning vacation to allow City employees to carry ov�r accrued vacation time for the adoption of a child. (Referred from Council 9/5/91) Approved as amended 5-0. (Attached) ' 7. Continued discussion of the Communication Center Report�. (Laid over 6/3, 8/19, and 9/30) Discussion was held. Laid over for further discussion �t the Budget Hearing for Fire and Safety Services on October 24. ' 8. Second budget presentation by Human Rights Department. , Second budget presentation on Debt Service. First budqet presentation on General Government Accounts. Due to time constraints, the Committee was unable to retair� a quorum to hear the above budget presentations. We extend our apologies. '� � I '� j '