91-1561 � y� �a / `1�����`•,/'fi. '! l_ i Council File � – � � + � ' � ' �1 - � ,�,� �Zv� , 1 � � /� � '`�-�` Green Sheet � V � ` � � RESOL 1 N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOtA Pr ented By �Y Refer ed . _G r To Commi tee: Date � � 7 / / Whereas, Like many large cities, Saint Paul has a seriolus budget shortfall for 1992 which will mean a significant reduction in the workforce, and Whereas� City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rule 19A allows, with Department Head approval, a City employee to voluntarily take up to 160i� hours of unpaid leave of absence without suffering loss of vacation, sick or senio�ity accrual or insurance eligibility, and Whereas, The Mayor and the City Council wish to minimiz� layoffs of City employees by implementing other budget savings means, and Whereas, The Mayor proposes to increase from 160 to 480 hours the maximwn amount of hours a City employee may take as a voluntary leavg of absence under Civil Service Rule 19A, with Department Head approval, and Whereas, No other provision of under Civil Service Rule 19A relating to this voluntary leave of absence is proposed for modification or amendment, and Whereas, No exclusive representative of City of Saint Paul employees opposes the increase of the maximum allowable voluntary unpaid leave of absence under Civil Service Rule 19A from 160 to 480 hours. Be it therefore resolved, the City Council supports the Mayor's recommendation on modifying Civil Service Rule 19A to increase the maximum allowable voluntary unpaid leave of absence from 160 to 480 hours and authorizes its implementation. Further resolved, the approval of a voluntary leave of Ibsence under this rule shall not be used to provide an employee with rights or benefits in addition to those provided by these rules and those provided by the employee's appointed position. • I _ m �a� � e Requested by DeRartment of: osw . --'-- --�— , on '—'-- --- ---- Personnel and Labor Relations acca ee '---' -- e t m --'— -- vn e —� -- i son -- -- gY; � �- �— �_ Adopted by Council: D e go prov b City Attorney Adoptfon Certified b Council Secretary I By: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by May r: Date Council ; r .����G� By: Sy: , . ^ - c����� � „ DE�Ai9TMEN IOFFI E/COUNdL DATE INITIATED nc � Labor Relations si6i9�� GREEN SH NO. �2 7�7 CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE EP.ARTMENT DIRECT CITY COUNqI INITIAUDATE David Abrams 292-7301 �� CITf AITORNEY CITY CLERK MU8T 8E ON COUNGL A(�ENOA BY(DAT� p0U71N0 � p(�ET DIqEGTOR �FIN.i AA�T.SEFlViCES DIR. August 15; 1991 tiu►va+coR�sr ❑ TOTAL�OF SIONATURE PAOES � (CLIP ALL LO ATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) �cr�NpEOUESr��: Increase from 1 0 to 4 0 ours the maximum a owa e o untary eave o a sence available to City employees under Civil Service Rule 19A. This le ve of absence is discretion y and available to_�empl�+yees only upon Dept. Head approval. Under this unpaid leave, employees suffer no loss of seniority, vacation or sick leave accrual and o loss of insurance eligibil'ty �coM�Na►noNS:�+v►w.W«ae�a(� COYNCIL COMMt1'TEEIRESEARCN REPORT _PUWNIN(i(�AAMISSION _CIVIL SERVI�WMMI8810N ANALV$T PHONE _p8 OOMMIITEE _ -�� _ °°"""''E"�: AUG 9 1991 _DI8TRICT COURT _ S�P�,�,����E�,�T C i TY ATTORN�EY u+n'"n"°�"",�suE,°Pro��ru"mr�uu"°,w�,w�'°",wn."',w�: In examining� the person*+P 1 and iabor re lat ions issue s which impact and will be impacted by the City's current budget s ortfall, the Mayor believes that increasing the maximum allowable hours available to City em loyees to take an unpaid leave of absence, with Dept. Head approval, would provide Depart ents with a more effective tool than layoffs to deal with short term budget shortfalls. Ad itionally, increasing the maximum allowable leave could allow employees the opportunity to take longer pe=iods of time off such as a summer or a school semester, where Department need allow. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: For short term budget shortfalls, allowing an employee or employ es to' ta�e an unpaid leave of absence may be a more effective tool than other methods *� me t that shortfall. Allowing a longer leave period increases Department flexibility to deal w'th a shortfall short of layof£ and makes requesting a leave more desirable for employees wishing to take off a langer period of time. RECEIVED DISADVANLAOES IP APPROVED: None MAYOR'S OFFICE RECEIVED � AUG1G1991 CITY CLERK DISADVANT/UiE81F NOT APPROVED: Missed opportunities to grant longer leaves of absenee when mutu lly beneficial to a Department and employee. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = -p�— C�T/REV�NUE WDGETED(G ON6) YES f NO FUNDMIO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFOR�AATION:(IXPWt� d�v ����1r"�� ` ^ ° . r. F � ti .. , . . ' NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS 11f�INCLUDED!N THE(�REEN 31iEET IN8TflUCTIONAL ' MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCH/181N0 OFFlCE(PH�NE NO.2�). ROUTIN(i ORDER: eeaw ere p►erenea ro„a��n,s rw�moa�n ey�a aocun,«,cs: OOiNTRACTS (wwrr�wthorized OOUNqL RESOLUTION (M�snd, BdgtsJ budpet s�ats) Accc�pt.GrarKS) 1. Outside AgsnCy 1. DspardnsM DireCtor 3. Attomsy��t 3. �AttorrNy 4. Msyor 4. May�odAs�istaM 5. F�8 Mgmt S1rca. Diroc�tor 5. pty CouncN 6. Flnemiw Axountirp 8. Chisf/lccountaM�Rn b M�mt Svct. ADMINlSTRATIVE ORDER �, OOUNqL RESOLUTION �end ORDI�NANCE 1. Adivity M�uteiper 1. initle�inp DspertmeM Diroctor 2. �sp�Rm�nt AocouMant 2• �Y A�MY � 8. DspebnsM Diroctor 3. M�/11Nfihnt 4. BudpM Dirsctor 4. dty COljhdl 5. �ty qsrk a. Chi�f A000untant� Fln 3 Mgmt�vcs. AD�MNISTfiATIVE ORDER3 (�othKS) 1. IniNdirq D�p�rtmsnt 2. City Attorney 4. Gl�Gsrk TOTAI NUMBER OF 3K3NATURE PA(iE8 Indk�te the#�of p�pss on vrfdch Npr�atww aro requind�nd peps�cllP �sch of�ee p�es. _ ACTION RE�UE8TED Ds�cribs whot th�proj�ct/roqusq sNks to axomplbh in efd�.chronobpi- cel onlsr or ordsr of importar�os�rrhic9�r is most app�opriate ior the �SUS. Do rrot wrfte c�mplets senter�cea. 8epin e�ch INm in your list wfth a vsrb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete if the iaeus fn qustlion ha bNn Presenbd bsfore enY bodY� PubNc or priv�e. 8UPPORTB WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Councii abjsclive(s)YW►P�'ol��ro4�wPp�s bY�9 tM keY word(�)(Fi0U31NK�� RECREATION.I�KiHBORHO0D3, EOONO�MC DEVELOPMENT, BUDt3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNdL OOMMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OP'TIONAL AS REOUE8TED BY COUNGL INITIATINO PROBLEM,IS8UE.OPPORTUNITY Explun ths situation or condidons thd�a nesd for your projsct or requ�t. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED • Indk�ts whsther thia fa simply an ennwl budpst praceduw required by Isw/ chuter or whsther thsh aro p�CNfC in which ths CNy of Saint Paul and its c�tizens wNl benstlt i►om tl�s p�t/actbn. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What nsp�ti�re sflects or major ch�npss to existing or p�t processes might this Project/►e4usst Produos if it is P�sss�J(e.g.,trafNc dd�ya, noise, tax I�reaaes or asa�smsnb)?To Whom?Whsn?For how long? 018ADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be ths�oonsequenc�e If the promised action is not approved?Inabiliry to dNiwr aervice?Contlnued high trafNc, noise, accident'rate4�oea of rovsnue? FlNANqAL IMPACT � Althouph you must tallor the tnformation you provide here to ths issue you ua addressirp, in gsnsnl you must answer two questions: How much is it poing to cASt?Who is goinp to pay? . . , �l- i.��i ✓ QF�'F'VED Commi ttee Report �'�CT" 14 �g91 Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee October 7, 1991 � ` %�-":KK 5. Resolution 91-1561 - authorizing the increase of voluntary leave of absence hours available to City employees under Civil Service Rul 19A. IReferred from Council 8J27/91, laid over 9J30/91) ' Withdrawn at the request of Labor Relations. 5-0 I Resolution 91-1562 - amending the Civil Service Rules in Section 19, Leave of Absence, by increasing the maximum allowable voluntahy unpaid leave of absence from 160 hours to 480 hours. (Referred from Council 8/27/91, laid over 9/30/91) Withdrawn at the request of Labor Relations. 5-0 6. Resolution 91-1632 - amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation concerning vacation to allow City employees to carry ovgr accrued vacation time for the adoption of a child. (Referred from Council 9/5/91) Approved as amended 5-0. (Attached) � 7. Continued discussion of the Communication Center Report�. (Laid over b/3, 8119, and 9/30) Discussion was h�ld. Laid over for further discussion at the Budget Hearing for Fire and Safety Services on October 24. 8. Second budget presentation by Human Rights Oepartment. ' Second budget presentation on Debt Service. First budqet presentation on General Government Accounts. Due to time constraints, the Committee was unable to retain� a quorum to hear the above budget presentations. We extend our apologies. ' i � i