91-1551 C�RiGe�A� : �Council File � � Green Sheet # RESOLUTIO CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are Y�erebv authorized and directed to execute a contract with the St'ate of Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Health. ' ' WHEREBY, the City, acting through its Saint Pa,ul Division of Public Health, shall perform cholesterol scree�ning and education activities as a participant in a cholesterol intervention study, and WHEREBY, the CIT3� will be paid a total amountlnot to exceed five thousand, three hundred, ninet,y-five dollars ( $5 , 395 . 00 ) at the end of a period from July 1 , 1991 to Au;�ust 31 , 1991 . � I _ aa a s Absent Requested by �epartment of: � � C�mm � 1 � By: '�/� �- l►dopted by Council: Date AUG 2 7 1991 Form d b Cit Att y c ]►doptioa rtified by Council Secretary gy $Y= Approved by I�Sayor for Submission to Approvtd by Mayors Date A�� 9 Council I � By: .y��i��tG' BY= P���I�!�F�1 ��� -7 '91 I �7l �`�� DEPARTM[NT/�FICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED tl ' `` �'� .s. Publ i c Heal th gl GREEN SHm�EuE �� , 0 3 7� � coHrncr a�asori a rHONe a+�errr o�croa -7 c�rr � ,: ,� ;�: err e h ' - 0 '�°" c�rr nrro�EV cnv c�wc wwree�fon . MU8T BE ON COUNqL ACiENOA BY(DATE) p0{ITMO FIN.8 MGT.BERVICEB OIR. Before August 15, 1991 YoR�oR�ss�sr � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATUI�PAGE8 n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURE� ACTION REGUESTED: Signatures on a Council Resolution accepting a cholesteral grant rom the MN. Dept. of Health. And also signatures on a contract between the Minnesota Dept of H alth and the City of St. Pau Division of Public Health to perform cholesterol Screening and ed cation. RECOMMENDA N8:ADP►�W a�1�1pl .P�ITTE RCH REPORT _PLANNINO OOMM18810N _qVll SEFiVIG'�OOMMISSION ���� � �"�. REC�� _qB COMMI7TEE _ _�� _ �'""�"'�: JUL 2 91991 -���«,� _ AUG 2 1991 �JPPORTS WMK�1 OOUNdL OBJECTIVE? �� INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�WMt.WMn,Whsn�VVh�: The St. Paul Div. of Public Health Will work as part of a multi-s ate cholester l interventio � : study to determine efficacy of four types of intervention. Reimb r�sement will i�������f Q �',� the services in a maximum amount of $5,395 throuqh August 31, 1991. V _�� AUG 71991 "� CITY ATTORN EY ADHANTAOE8IF APPROVED: . Cholesterol screening and education- will b� performed . Reimbursement for this activity will be received for this activity. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: REC IVED NONE��, ".`v.rr:.,': AUG � 1991 MAYOR' OFF1C'E dSADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: . The screening will not be provided. . Reimbursement will not be received. QQURC'� RR�g�rClt {�� RECEIVED - AUG 16 1g91 AUG 13 1991 TOTAI.AMOUNT OF TRAN3ACTION : 5�95 cosTn�ev�ue SUDOlTED(G E ON� YE8 NO �uNa�o.sou� State Funds ��Ty�� 33236 FINANGAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWt� diu n ��* >'Y�� �;;.,,;�H � DIAECTION8 ARE INCLUDEO IN THE OREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL , ; �'. , AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA811�Ki OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIlVCi ORDER: BNow aro preferred routings for tM ifve most lreqwM typss of documeMa: �OI�IT'RACTS (awmss aut�w�ized OOUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdpts./ budqet exfats) Accept. c3rerns) 1. Outaide A�ncy 1. Dspertment Directot 2. Inftiatin�D�utmsM 2. BudpN Director 4. Nlayor� . 4. M�jrod�t ` 5. Flnancs 8 Mpmt Sv�s. Dirsctor 5. �y Ooundl 8. Fl�anos/lccouMinp 6. Chiet Aa�lern. Fln d�Mgmt Svcs. �` ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budp�t�' OOUNqL RESOLUTION ��)�� , Revl '� � 1. Activity Man�psr 1. Inidatinp DspertmeM Dir�ctor 2. Dspertment/►ccouMaM 2. qly Atbornsy b�' , , 3. D�psrtm�nt Director 8. M�y�oN/1aNUM 4. Budp�t DI►eCDor 4. Cfly GWihCfl 5. Cily Clsrk 6. Chisf/lcoountaM. Rn 8 AA�mt Sres. 'G,.�. ... . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERB (�dl othsrs) 1. Inidarinp D�pertmsnt •�,, � 2. City AttomsY 3. Maya//lssistaM , 4 �� TOTAL NUMBEfl OF SI�iNATUF�PA(iE3 Ind�ats the N of p�pss on which siprntures ue nqWrod and� evch of thses� ACTION REGIUE8TED Describs what ths proJ�cNnqw�t s�aks to a000mplbh in eithsr chrorwlo�f- cal ondsr or ordsr of Importano�.whfdwMSr Is most�ppropriene for the isew.Do not wrfts complst�NrM�. Bpin e�ch It�m in your I�t with a verb. REOOMMEN�ATION8 Complsts if ths bws in quNdon has bssn p►esent�d bsiors any body� Public or private. SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? Indk�ts which Council obl�'�(s)Y�P�ol���wPP�$bY���9 the ksy worr!(s)(HOU81N(i.RECREATION,NEI(iH80RHO0D8, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER 8EPAFlATION).(8EE OOMPLETE U3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEIIRCH REPORT-OP'TIONAL A3 R�GIUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or oondldons Mat crsated a nsed for your proJect or rsqusst. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whstNer thia is�mply an annual budpet procadure�qulrod by law! chertar or whether thers an tpadflc wa In which the qty of 3aint Paul and its citizena wii(b9tNftt from Mis pro�eCUaction. _ ; DISADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED What ne�ative sifects or m�jor ch�npsa to sxisting or pa�processes might this projsct/reqr�t p�roduw H ft is paaed(s.g.,traiNc dNays, rwiae, tax incrsase�or aseasrt�ents)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED Wlwt will bs tM nspativs conaqusruros if the promiaed action is not approved?Inebllit�►to dslivsr eervice?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Las of rwsnue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you mwt t�ilor ths information:you provide here to the issue you are add►ssainp,in gsneral you must answer two qusstfons: How much is it gdnp to cost't Who is poirq to p�y? � I �'9� i,�s/ � I `� ,,_ �,� � STATE OF 1�IINNESOTA GRANT CONTRACT THIS GRANT CONTRACT which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota.between the State of Minnesota,acting ttuough its Minnesota.Department of Health(hereinafter STATE) ! And: City of St.Paul, acting through its S� Paul Division of Health ' Address: 150 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55101 Minnesota Tax ID No: 802-5095 Federal Employer ID No: 41-600-5521 (NOTTCE TO GRANTEE. You are required by Minnesota Statutes, ection 270.66 to provide your social security number or Minnesota Tax identification mber if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used' the enforcement of � federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in acdon to require you to : � file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilides. THIS GRANT WII,L NOT BE �"�' APPROVED UNLESS THESE NUMBER ARE PROVIDED. These numbers will be � available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations.) I (hereinafter GRANTEE)witnesseth that: ' WHEREAS,the STATE,pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 144.05,is empowered to conduct studies and invesrigations,collect and analyze health data,identify and describe health problems;plan,facilitate,coordinate,provide and support the arganization of services for the prevention and control of illness and disease and the limitation of disabilities resulting therefrom; AND WHEREAS,GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and�villing to perform the duties set forth herein,NOW TI�REFORE,it is agreed: � I. GRANTEE'S DUTIES. GRANTEE, who is not a state employee, shall: Perform the following duties as a participant in a multi-state cholester �1 intervention study funded by the Centers for Disease Control (hereinafter CDC). The s dy is investigating the efficacy of four types of interventions in a blue-collar worksite ch lesterol screening and education program offered through a public health agency(GRAIVTEE). GRANTEE will conduct the cholesterol screening and education activides in four small businesses (worksites) that employ a blue-collar type work force. One of four interventions will be provided to each worksite. The responsibilities are described as follo�vs: - A. Recruit four sma11 businesses (worksites)that employ blu -collaz type workers. For the study purpose, a small business is considered betwee 30-150 employees. Worksite categories that are considered blue-collaz include agriculture,forestry, fishery,mining,contract construction,manufacturing,public transportation and public urilities. GRANTEE shall present prospecrive worksit' s with informarion regarding the study. When a worksite agrees to participate in the study,the GRANTEE shall obtain a written committment from the wor site to: page 1 of 11 . �j�9/l.�".�� Grant Contract: Chol�sterol lntervention Study between the Minnesota�epartment of Health and St.Paul Division of Health 1. promote the cholesterol screening and educadon activities to the employees to maximize interest and participation 2. pay GRANTEE$10 per employee who agrees to participate 3. assign a worksite liaison to coordinate cholesterol screening and education activiries between the worksite and GRANTEE to include scheduling employees for screening appointments an�education sessions 4. pmvide a proper environment to conduct cholestenol screening and education activities. B. Randomly assign each worksite to one of four interventio�s based on study protocols provided by STATE. The cholesterol screening and education activides provided in the intervendons aze defined as follows: 1, usual screening: measure employee blood choles�erol,blood pressure, height and weight .:s� 2. special screening: same as usual screening plus re�rneasure employee blood cholesterol l-4 weeks later and the average of t�e two values will be used to classify these individuals; if the two values di�fer by 30 mg/dL or more,a third measure will be taken on the same day�nd the two closest values averaged for the purpose of classification ' 3. usual education: 5-minute counseling at the end o the usual screening using a script provided by STATE 4. special education: same as usual education plus ginning within one month of the usual screening and over a 4week period provide four 1/2 hour group classes at the worksite and assign three 1/2 hour at-home activities to the employees. li GRANTEE shall randomly assign each worksite to receive one of the four interventions as follows: , Worksite A: usual screening and usual education , Worksite B: usual screening and special education Worksite C: special screening and usual education Worksite D: special screening and special education C. Coordinate cholesterol screening and education activities with the worksite liaison to include collecting screening fees of$10 per participating employee from the worksite(to be retained by GRANTEE), scheduling employees for screening appointments and education classes,distributing CDC study�uestionnaires provided by STATE to the employees to fill out in advance o the screening _ appointrnents,collect questionnaires in sealed envelopes with name and address written on outside and alphabetize according to last name by�e day of the screening. D. Conduct cholesterol screening and education activities on a minimum of 170 employees and a maximum of 200 employees at a total of the four worksites to include: page 2 of I1 , ��9�� Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota Department of Nealth and St.Paul Division of Health 1, review consent form provided by STATE and obt�in employee signature 2. assign codes to employee nametag,envelope,questionnaire, file folder, education message provided by STATE,and cholesterol tube 3. measure employee blood cholesterol,blood pressure, height and weight as described in the study protocols provided by STATE 4, record measurement data on the quesdonnaire following the study protocol provided by STATE 5. provide 5-minute individual counseling to employees at the end of the screening following the script provided by STATE '� 6. collect coded questionnaire and deliver to STATE Authorized Agen� E. Conduct special screening on Worksite C and D within 1-�weeks following usual screening to include coordinating with worksite liaison r;o schedule employee appointments and perform the cholesterol measure following the study protocol provided by STATE. ' - F. Conduct special education on Worksites B and D beginning within one month following the usual screening to include coordinating classes with worksite liaison � and providing education following the study protocol provided by STATE. G. Mail health-care reminder letters(draft provided by STAT'�E)with return response requested 1-3 months following the usual screemng�o all of the participating employees at the four worksites who had cholestbrol measurements greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL. H. Perform analyzer calibration and quality control procedur�s following the study protocol provided by STATE. ', I. Insure that all staff pmviding the screening and education acrivities aze paid health care professionals employed by GRANTEE. Staff qualifications include registered nurse,registered dietidan,health educator,epidemiologist,and medical/laboratory technician. ', J. Insure that employee confidentiality is protected as described in the consent form provided by STATE. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. CONSIDERATION for all services performed and goods or materials _ supplied by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract shall be paid by the STATE as follows: 1. The total obligadon of the STATE for all compensiation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed five t!housand,three hundred, ninety-five dollars ($5,395.00). I page 3 of 11 � U.-�-,-/�-�./ Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota Department of Health and St.Paul Division of Health 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expens�s actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE'S performance of the grant contract in an amount not to exceed two hundred,sixty-five doll�s ($265.00); provided,that GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for tra el and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amo t than provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan"promulgated by the ommissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimb ed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside the State of NSi�nnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out-of-state t�avel from the STATE. 3. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget below. GRANfEE sha11 not seek,nor shall the STATE pay, compensation to GRANTEE for any indirect,overhead or administrative costs not otherwise included as an expense within the Program Line Item Budge� Program Line Item Budget The GRANTEE shall adhere to the following progra.m budget in perf�ming its duties and responsibilities as sp�ified in this grant contract: , Categorv of Expenditure Estimated Alldcation Salaries and Fringe Benefits $5,080.00 ! Travel 265.00 ', Supplies -0- ' Contractual -0- Equipment -0- Other: postage 50.00 Indirect Costs -0- TOTAL $5,395.00 I Mod.ifications within each category of the above line item budget of less than 10 percent of any line item are permitted without prior approval by the STATE, so long as written notification of such modifications is made to STATE within ten(10)working da.ys. Provided,however,that the total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE sha11 not exceed five thousand,three hundred,ninety-five dollars ($5,395.00). B. TERMS OF PAYMENT 1. STATE shall make one payment to GRANTEE fo all contractual duties performed by it through August 31, 1991. 2. Payment shall be made by the STATE promptly ter GRAN'I'EE'S presentation of an invoice for services performed an acceptance of such services by the STATE'S authorized agent pursuant Clause VI. The invoice shall be submitted by September 30, 1991 in the form of a status report to the STATE Authorized Agent. i page 4 of 11 . C,��/`J`�/ Grant Contract: Cholesterol lntervention Study behveen the Minnesota Department of Health and St.Paul DivisioR of Health 3. Payments are to be made from CDC funds obtained by the STA'TE through Title III--General Powers and Duties of Pub "c Health Services, Part A Reseazch and Investigadon Secdon 301 (A) (�2 U.S.C. 241 (a)) and Section 317 (K) (3) (42 U.S.C. 247 (b) (k) (3))of the Public Health Services Act as amended. If at any time such funds become unavailable,this grant contract shall by terminated immediately upon written nodce of such f ct by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the event of such termination,G E shall be entided to payment,determined on a pm rata basis,for servi s satisfactorily performed. III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE,as etermined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent,and in accord with all applicable fed�ral, state and local laws, ordinances,rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive,payment for work found by the STATE to be unsadsfactory,or performed in violation of federal, state,or local law,ordinance,rule or regulation. IV. TERM OF GRANT CONTRACT. Tfiis grant contract shall effecrive on July 1, 1991,or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the ommissioner of Finance,whichever occurs later,and shall remain in effect,except for the requirements specified in Clause II,Paragraph B,and in Pazagraphs A and B of thi Clause until August 31, 1991,or until all obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled,whichever occurs first. A. GRANTEE shall have ninety(90)days immediately foll' wing the end of the grant contract period w liquidate all unpaid obligadons relat to the project incurred prior to the end of the grant period and to submit a detailed a ounting of these cumulative expenditures to the STATE. ' B. GRANTEE will return to the STATE all funds provided by the STATE which are not expended for allowable project costs within ninety (90)days following the end of the grant contract period. i V. CANCELLATION I A. Upon GRANTEE'S substantial failure to comply with the provisions of this grant contract,the STATE may terminate this grant contract without prejudice to the _ right of the STATE to recover any money previously paid. The tennination shall be effective upon the STATE giving GRANTEE written notice its last known address. B. The STATE or GRANTEE may cancel this grant contract'at any time,with or without cause,upon sixty(60)days written notice to the other party. In the event of such cancellation,GRANTEE shall be entided to payment,detemuned on a pro rata basis,for services satisfactorily performed. �I Page S of 11 � I C��//.5S/ Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study behveen the Minnesota Department of Health and St.Paul Division of Health C. Should this grant contract be temunated prior to the scheduled date,GRANTEE shall refund to the STATE all remaining unexpended grant co�ntract monies within forty-five(45)days of the date of effecdve termination. ', VI. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE'S authoriz d agent for the purposes of administration of this grant contract is Christine Kimber, ' esota Department of Health. Such agent shall have that authority for accep ce of GRANTEE'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory,shall so ce ' y on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clause II,paragraph B. VII. ASSIGNNiENT. GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligadons under this grant contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. VIII. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments to this contract shall by in writing, and sha11 be executed by the same parties who executed the original grant contract or their successors in office. IX. LIABILITY. GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE,its agency and employees hanmless from any and all claims or causes of a�ction arising from the performance of this grant contract by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S,agents or employees. This clause shall not by constcved to bar any legal remedi' s GRANTEE may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this t contract. X. STATE AUDITS. The books, records, documents, and accoun 'ng procedures, and practices of the GRANTEE relevant to this grant contract shall be subj t to examination by the STATE,the legislative auditor,and the sta.te auditor. Records sh be sufficient to � reflect all costs incurred in perforn�ance of this grant contract. (Note for GRANTEES receiving federal funds: A. GRANTEE'S ORGANI7.ATTON-Threshold for Audit R�quirements 1. For GRANTEES who aze state(includes Indian tribes)or local governments If the GRANTEE receives total direct and indirect federal assistance of: a. $100,000 or more per year,the GRANTEE agrees to obtain a financial and compliance audit made in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984(P.L. 98-502)and Office bf Management and _ Budget(OMB)Circular A-128 "Audits of St�te and Local Governments." The law and circulaz provid that the audit shall cover the entire operations of the GRANTE government or,at the option of the GRANTEE government,it ma cover department, agencies,or establishments that received,ex ended,or otherwise administered federal financial assistance d ng the year. However, if the GRANTEE government receives$25, or more in General Revenue Sharing Funds in a fiscal year,it s all have an audit of its entire operations. page6of11 � ��9�-i.� Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota Department of Health and St.Paul Division of Health b. between$25,000 and$100,000 per year,,the GRANTEE agrees to obtain either- ' , (1)a financial and compliance audit I� e in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and O Circular A-128,or (2)a financial and compliance audit f all federal funds. The audit must determine whether the su recipient spent federal assistance funds in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the audit must be made in accordance with any federal laws and regulations governing the federal programs in which the subrecipient participates. Audits shall be made annually unless the State of local government has,by January 1, - 1987,a contitutional or staxutory requirement for less frequent audits. For those governments,the cognizant agency shall permit biennial audits,covering both year,if the government so requests. It shall also honor requests for biennial audits by governments that have an administrative policy calling for audits less frequent than annual,but only for fiscal years beginning before January 1, 1987. 2. For GRANTEES who are insdtutions of higher �ucation,hospitals,or non profit organizations ff the GRANfEE receives total direct and indirect f eral assistance of: a. $100,000 or more per year,the GRA E agrees to obtain a financial and compliance audit made in acco ance with OMB Circular A-133 "Audits of Institurions of Hi her Education and Other Nonprofit Organizations". The audit ust be an organiza.tion wide audit unless it is a coordinated audit in ccordance with OMB Circulaz A-133. However,when the$100, or more was received under only one program,the G E may have an audit of that one program. b. between$25,000 and$100,000 per yeaz,the GRANTEE agrees to obtain either: (1) a financial and compliance audit made in accordance with OMB Circulaz A-133,or _ (2) a financial and compliance audit of each federal program. The audit must determine whether the GRANTEE spent federal assistance funds in ac rdance with applicable laws and regulations and the audit ust be made in accordance with any federal law an reguladon governing the federal programs in which the G E participates. page 7 of 11 '� ��91�f5�' Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota Department of Health and St. Paul Division of Health Audits shall usually be made annually,but not less frequendy than every two years. B. The audit shall be made by an in.dependent auditor. An independent auditor is a state or local government auditor or a public accountant who meets the independence standazds specified in the General Accounting Office's Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations.Pro�rams.Activities,and Funcdons. C. The audit report shall staxe that the audit was performed in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circulaz A-128 and A-133 as applicable. D. In addition to the audit report,the GRANTEE shall provide comments on the fmdings and recommendations in the report,including a plan for corrective action taken or planned and comments on the status of corrective action taken on prior fmdings. ff corrective action is not necessary,a staxement describing the reason it is not should accompany the audit report. , E. The GRANTEE agrees that the STATE,the Legislative Auditor,and any independent auditor designated by the STATE shall have such access to GRANTEE'S records and financial statements as may be necessary for the STATE to comply with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-128. F. Audit reports must be filed with the Office of the State Auclitor, Single Audit Division and state agencies pmviding federal assistance,within 30 days after the completion of the audit but no later than one year after the end of the audit period. G. The reporting requirement for audit reports on financial statements shall be in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Accountant's(AICPA), Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)58, "Reports on Auc�ited Financial Statements" or SAS 62, "Special Reports",as applicable. H. The reporting requirements for audit reports on compliance and internal controls shall be in accordance with AICPA's SAS 63, "Compliance Auditing Applicable to Governmental Entities and Other Recipients of Governmental Financial Assistance" and Statement of Position(SOP) 89-6, "Auditors'Reports in Audits of Sta.te and Local Governmental Units." I. Sub-Grantees of federal financial assistance from GRANT'EES are also required to comply with the Single Audit Act,OMB Circular A-128,or A-133,as applicable. _ J. GRANTEE agrees to retain documentation to support the schedule of federal assistance. ! XI. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives,or other documents prepared by GRANTEE in the perforn�ance of its obligations under this grant contract shall be the exclusive property of the STA'T$and all such materials shall be remitted to the STATE by GRANTEE upon compl�;don,ternunarion or ', page 8 of 11 �i �I � � ����`��r Grant Contract: Cholesterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota Department of Health and St.Paul Division of Health cancellation of this grant contract. GRANTEE shall not use,willingly allow or cause to have such materials used for any purpose other than performance of GRANI'EE'S obligations under this grant contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. XII. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. (When applicable)GRANTEE aertifies that it has received a certificate of compliance from the Commissioner of Humar�Rights pursuant to Minnesota.Statutes, Section 363.073. XIII. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,Section 176.182,the GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the worker's compensation insurance coverage requirment of Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. XIV. ANTITRUST. GRANTEE hereby assigns to the State of Mir�nesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods andJor services provided in connection with this grant contract resulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. XV. DATA PRIVACY, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.05, subdivision 6, CONTRACTOR agrees to collect,create,receive,maintain,and disseminate the data on individuals received or to which Contractor has access according to tl�e statutory provisions applicable to the data. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save�and hold the STAT'E, its agents and employees,hamiless from any and all claims or causes of action arising from or in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act,including legal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce this provision of this Contract. XVI. GRANTEE certifies that no funding provided under this grant'contract will be used to support religious counseling or partisan political activity. ', XVII. LOBBYING(When applicable)GRANTEE agrees to comp}ete a Certification of Lobb,�form,require all subgrantee(s)to complete the same form v�hen applicable, forward all completed forms to the appropriate grants manager,and complete the Disclosure of Lobbyin�;Activiries form,in accordance with its instructions. XVIII. OTHER PROVISIONS. A. GRANTEE agrees to utilize competitive bidding and other procedures required by Federal,State and locallaws,ordinances,or regulations governing purchasing and fiscal procedures. B. GRANTEE,if not a polidcal subdivision of the State,will maintain at all times during the term of the Agreement a fidelity bond covering the'activities of the GRANTEE'S personnel authorized to receive or distribute mpnies in the amount of five thousand, three hundred,ninety-five dollazs ($5,395.00�. C. GRANTEE agrees to provide the STATE with a grant contract status report which is due on September 30, 1991. i . � page9of11 i ' , ��i�� ' I , Grant Contract: Cholesterol lntervention Study between the Minnesotu Department of Health and St.Paul Division of Health D. The STATE shall,during the course of this grant contract,evaluate GRANTEE'S progress towards goals and objectives of theg�ant contra.ct and compliance with any special conditions. The STATE reserve�the right to request additional inforniadon from GRANTEE to carry out its evaluation. E. GRANTEE agrees to make all its financial records related to the grant contract available to the STATE upon request during normal working hours. F. If the GRANTEE has an independent audit,a copy of th�audit shall be submitted to the STATE. G. GRANTEE agrees that prior to subcontracting any funds received under this , grant contract it shall receive written approval from the STATE. The STATE will respond to requests of GRANTEE for authorization to subcontract within ten (10) working days of receiving the reques� ' , ;�; H. GRANTEE shall prohibit smoking in any area of a hosplital, health caze clinic, doctor's off'ice or other health care-related facility,except as allowed by M.S. 144.414 subdivision 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this grant contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. 'i I (1)G�►� J By: � �1 Tide: Direct r of Communi Services Date: B �G�,�i' Y• Title• Ma_vor i Date: By: Title: Director of Finance & Manaqement Date: . ' By: Tide: Assistant Cit Attorne A roved as to form Date:_,_ g � � — q/ page 10 of 11 .r ^ , �;�9�i.�s'� ' Grant Contract: Choleaterol Intervention Study between the Minnesota,Department of Nealth and St.Paul Division of Health (2)MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ; By: � Tide: � Date• � (3)ATTORNEY GENERAL i By: Date: ; � � (4) COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATTON `�, . By: Date: (5)COT�IlVIISSIONER OF FINANCE By: i Date: _ , � I page 11 of 11