98-553Council File # 9 � — 55� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 7� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RfiSOLVED: That application (ID #19970000022) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN DBA A1 TRANSMISSION at 635 PRIOR AVE N be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Al1 vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 2. Vehicle parts� tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not visible from the street. 3. No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav �� Blakev Bostrom Coleman _� Harris _�� Lantrv � Reiter Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci S&c�tetary By: Apps By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection s ,���-� {� Y�'? ¢�� _ Form Approved by City Attorn� . o � /�c�Gr`- �., � G-�. �proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60055 DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE MITiATED /� Y .��3 uEQ"'ce"s'� , GREEN SHEET wo.�sooss lo ONTACT PERSON & PHOIJE Mifiau�aee mitieVpare LOOM JAMES {JIA� (612)266-9073 1❑ CdYAttameY UST BE ON COUNCILACaENDA BY (DATE) � _ 62N98 tNMBERF4R Q CouncaResearch ROU7UIG OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Councl approral MUie following lieense apptication: Lieense 1t 19970000071, for HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN, Ooirg Business As A1 TRANSMISSION, at 635 PRfOR AVE N, indud'mg ihe fdiowing 6usiness type(s): Auto Repair Garaqe. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApproYe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOwING QUESTIONS: 1. Nas this perso�rtn ever worked under e coMrad forihis depaAmenY1 �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. F�s ihis persoMrtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, � YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn posuss a sldli nW rrortnaly pos5essed by any curtent city employee? YES NO — . Is this persoMrm a targeted vendoR � ' "— YES NO " Explain ail yes answers on separete shect antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):' Request Council approval for Hieuduc Dinh Nguyen DBA A-1 Trensmission for an Auto Repair Garege License at 635 Prior Ave. N. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CfRCLE ONE} YES !JO FUN04NGSOURCE � ACTMTYNUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION; ��, �y� ��e,,a �r.r.�: ?„"',r t?:''�� (EXPLAIN) . . .. - d�4tl � � [9� d���� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI�S APPLSCATION IS SUB3ECT TO REVLW BY TI� PUBL?C T}pe of Licerse(s) being applied for: PLEASE IYPE OR PRINT Tti iNK CIIY OF SAI?vT PALZ �ce ofLitense, Inspeniont znd Em;rortmc.nsl PrMection ��s��n�sz5��,� �3 Sz..-¢2 �Yy.� 551PL (61:�i66.�?B:exI612)2e691:��� ' S 3 i ���_ S Company Nx.-ne: �C � )_ �7� �.� �L� I SS� �1� Corporation / PaMcslup / Sde Propricto:ship If b�iness is incorporzted, give date of incorporation: Doing BLSiness As: Business Add:ess: Svxt Add•ess Beh��een H•hat aoss sL-eets is the tusiness located? Ci.ry Business Phone: S's:e Zip G��ich side of the street? � Are the premises now occupied? _�� What T}pe of $tuiness? t{� �-F t� LL11� h � — T � Mail To Address: �,�� � �� '��' i^� d/'YLQ_ rnf t �. � rs L� �'�� n f , S� 1� t�L st�eetAddress City Siate Zip Appiicant Tnfonnalion: Nazne and Title: Y 11 �( �� � J`+ C'f"U�N Fvst \S�ddle (. /� I.sat Sitle Ho:neAddress: ���� ��Pp^blLY�{�Y' T1KC �1_.�tztL� � ����� StrM Addrtss Ciry Stete Zip DateofButh: 62_c6_ {gE6 PlaceofBfrth: �1c�i n(Cc.1'}7 HomePhone:2�3�J2�1 � Ha�•: gou a�•er been cami�t� of zny feiony, cn*ne or ��iolztion of any city ordinxnce other than traffic? YES NO _�_ Date of arrest: Charge: _ Convic2ion: GZ'here? Srntence: I.ist thenames and rzsideaces of three gersons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS F1J PHONE J3 S; NC� �uc�r�r G- �.2� ` List liceases w•hich you currendy holc� formerly helt� or may have zn interest in: '" Ha��e azry• of the abo� e named licenses eva bezn revoked? YES �_ NO If }'es, list [he dates and reasons fot revocation: i 2l78/97 q�r :ss� Are }'ou goir.g to operzte this business pasonal3;? � YES �O L` not, ��ho �3�i11 operate it? ��-U pUC� j� 1VGU�/fi��( Fimtime .'S+sddleInitisl (\laidcn) Lut DauofBirh �X� Srfi£i:SU�i�rt ��(C �I V�}uL w7rv S��it� �G� 922 � xoa� aaa�: su�•� ��� Are }'ou goi�.g to hz��e a m7aga or assistz*st in tlus business? � Y�S please co:npleie Lhe £oi3oiz-ing irSotmztirn: sf�c� Phone \revyer � NO if the mu!zger is not the szsie as che operator, D�_ L�. e;� �ffi (>iz[a�J �� State Piease list }'our rr,ple�ment history for tLe previous five (5) � zar period: BusinnslEm��:�e�t Address Dxce ars;r.h Lirt a11 other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NANiE (Office Held) HOME ADDRESS HOV� BUSP�TESS DATE OF PHO'�TE PHONE BII2TH r+��« nuc ntEtrYa�r ��o Si-t��uiu�r���� �y3_ y��z l o�_ o�' i9 �'�' S�'. D R D�- [M t�� S3`1 c� If business is a pamierslup, plezse include L�e follouing information for each partner (use addiUOnzl pages if necessar} ): Middle3nitial (Vfaidrn) Last DateofS'vTh HomeAddma: Strat?�ame City Sbte Zip Phoae:�'umba Fixat?�sme !�fiddle Iaitid (!�Izidm) Last Date ofBirth HomeAd3ms: Strat:Came CitV Sinte Zi9 Pfione:�'�ber MII�R�SOTA TAX IDENTffICAI'ION A'UMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Taat Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoriues are required to pro��de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under it�e Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Pm•acy AM of 1974, we are required to adti�se you of tl�e following regarding the use of the Mimiesota Tax Identification Number: - This informarion may be used 2o deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's aithholding or motor vehicJe excise tares; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it on}y to the Minnesota Departrnrnt of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agr�nent, the Department of Revrnue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identification Numbers (Saies & L3se Tax N�ber) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depaztmen� 10 RiverPazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia2 Security Number: �-t� �_�S S� Minnesota Tax Identi5cation Number: 1���1 I�� _ If a Mumesota Tax Identification I�'umber is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box t':. 2f1&57 °1�- s.s3 CERT3FICATIOh� OF VJORKEI2S' CONIPENSATION COVERAGE PLRSIJA2�rI'IO MRv'1TESOTA STANTE 176.182 i haeb}' c�tif} Lhaz I, or m}' cor�pzny, asn in conpliance �aith LSe �iori:as compensation iasurance cover2ge requiremeats of Minnzsota StatuYe 176.182, s�bd;�ision 2. I z?so undastz.nd thffi pre�lsion of fzse �inforr.�ion in this certification cor.sti:utes sufi"icient grounds fot ad�•erse actoa against 211 licenses he1� including re�•oczlion and suspension of stid licenses. i�iune of Insi:ra*sce Company: Policy hTUWber: Co� erage from I havz no emplo} ees co��ered endzr �� o, - .l - ers compe;iszlioa i�surz�ce �_(L\ZTi�1LS) A:'�Y FALSIFICATION OF A,�SVVERS GIVE'�T OR RIATERLAL SUBMITTED ��II.L REStiLT I�ti DE\7AL OF TH7S APPLICATIO�I I here6y st2fz t1:at I hz��e as��.ered zll of �4e p;eceding queS�ieas, znd that the 'v-iforhatioa contained herein is true znd cor ect to the best oF my knou•ledge z��d belief. I he; eby state �rcher chat I h�ve r�ei��ed no money or othzr cansideration, h} v. ay of loz-i, gift, con�ibulion, or o��auise, o•.her Lh� z:reac} disclos� in thz �plirzt'son uiich I h� �3��h ssb:nittz3 I xlso u�derstand this p; emise ms�� be inspectzd by police, fire, hezlth znd o'lier ci7• o�cizls 2t a�y 2nd zll times whea �he buiness is in operatioa. all applications) Date We qill acceQt payment b�� cash, check (made pa}'able to Citv of Saint Pau� or cmdit card (iS/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCXEDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLORINGINFORMATIO.N: ❑ MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of CarR�older ACCOL?vT NL:'�ER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I of Card Holder(reauired fot all Date •"Note: If this applicauon is Food/Liquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Pau] Hz�lth Inspector, Steve Oison (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantisl changes to siructure are anticipated, please contact a Citp of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If tt�e are any changes to the pazking lot, floor apace, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9�08. AIl applications requim the folSoeing documents. P3eue attach t6ese documents »•hen submitting your application: x I. A detailed description o£the 3esign, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed {site pian). The following data should be on the site p3an (preferably on an 8 ll2" x ll" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shouid be indicated toa�azd the top. - Placement of ail pertinent features of the interior of t6e licensed facility such as scating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, puking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of ownership of the properiy. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL ��'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> c: 2118i97 Council File # 9 � — 55� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 7� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RfiSOLVED: That application (ID #19970000022) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN DBA A1 TRANSMISSION at 635 PRIOR AVE N be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Al1 vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 2. Vehicle parts� tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not visible from the street. 3. No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav �� Blakev Bostrom Coleman _� Harris _�� Lantrv � Reiter Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci S&c�tetary By: Apps By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection s ,���-� {� Y�'? ¢�� _ Form Approved by City Attorn� . o � /�c�Gr`- �., � G-�. �proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60055 DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE MITiATED /� Y .��3 uEQ"'ce"s'� , GREEN SHEET wo.�sooss lo ONTACT PERSON & PHOIJE Mifiau�aee mitieVpare LOOM JAMES {JIA� (612)266-9073 1❑ CdYAttameY UST BE ON COUNCILACaENDA BY (DATE) � _ 62N98 tNMBERF4R Q CouncaResearch ROU7UIG OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Councl approral MUie following lieense apptication: Lieense 1t 19970000071, for HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN, Ooirg Business As A1 TRANSMISSION, at 635 PRfOR AVE N, indud'mg ihe fdiowing 6usiness type(s): Auto Repair Garaqe. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApproYe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOwING QUESTIONS: 1. Nas this perso�rtn ever worked under e coMrad forihis depaAmenY1 �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. F�s ihis persoMrtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, � YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn posuss a sldli nW rrortnaly pos5essed by any curtent city employee? YES NO — . Is this persoMrm a targeted vendoR � ' "— YES NO " Explain ail yes answers on separete shect antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):' Request Council approval for Hieuduc Dinh Nguyen DBA A-1 Trensmission for an Auto Repair Garege License at 635 Prior Ave. N. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CfRCLE ONE} YES !JO FUN04NGSOURCE � ACTMTYNUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION; ��, �y� ��e,,a �r.r.�: ?„"',r t?:''�� (EXPLAIN) . . .. - d�4tl � � [9� d���� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI�S APPLSCATION IS SUB3ECT TO REVLW BY TI� PUBL?C T}pe of Licerse(s) being applied for: PLEASE IYPE OR PRINT Tti iNK CIIY OF SAI?vT PALZ �ce ofLitense, Inspeniont znd Em;rortmc.nsl PrMection ��s��n�sz5��,� �3 Sz..-¢2 �Yy.� 551PL (61:�i66.�?B:exI612)2e691:��� ' S 3 i ���_ S Company Nx.-ne: �C � )_ �7� �.� �L� I SS� �1� Corporation / PaMcslup / Sde Propricto:ship If b�iness is incorporzted, give date of incorporation: Doing BLSiness As: Business Add:ess: Svxt Add•ess Beh��een H•hat aoss sL-eets is the tusiness located? Ci.ry Business Phone: S's:e Zip G��ich side of the street? � Are the premises now occupied? _�� What T}pe of $tuiness? t{� �-F t� LL11� h � — T � Mail To Address: �,�� � �� '��' i^� d/'YLQ_ rnf t �. � rs L� �'�� n f , S� 1� t�L st�eetAddress City Siate Zip Appiicant Tnfonnalion: Nazne and Title: Y 11 �( �� � J`+ C'f"U�N Fvst \S�ddle (. /� I.sat Sitle Ho:neAddress: ���� ��Pp^blLY�{�Y' T1KC �1_.�tztL� � ����� StrM Addrtss Ciry Stete Zip DateofButh: 62_c6_ {gE6 PlaceofBfrth: �1c�i n(Cc.1'}7 HomePhone:2�3�J2�1 � Ha�•: gou a�•er been cami�t� of zny feiony, cn*ne or ��iolztion of any city ordinxnce other than traffic? YES NO _�_ Date of arrest: Charge: _ Convic2ion: GZ'here? Srntence: I.ist thenames and rzsideaces of three gersons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS F1J PHONE J3 S; NC� �uc�r�r G- �.2� ` List liceases w•hich you currendy holc� formerly helt� or may have zn interest in: '" Ha��e azry• of the abo� e named licenses eva bezn revoked? YES �_ NO If }'es, list [he dates and reasons fot revocation: i 2l78/97 q�r :ss� Are }'ou goir.g to operzte this business pasonal3;? � YES �O L` not, ��ho �3�i11 operate it? ��-U pUC� j� 1VGU�/fi��( Fimtime .'S+sddleInitisl (\laidcn) Lut DauofBirh �X� Srfi£i:SU�i�rt ��(C �I V�}uL w7rv S��it� �G� 922 � xoa� aaa�: su�•� ��� Are }'ou goi�.g to hz��e a m7aga or assistz*st in tlus business? � Y�S please co:npleie Lhe £oi3oiz-ing irSotmztirn: sf�c� Phone \revyer � NO if the mu!zger is not the szsie as che operator, D�_ L�. e;� �ffi (>iz[a�J �� State Piease list }'our rr,ple�ment history for tLe previous five (5) � zar period: BusinnslEm��:�e�t Address Dxce ars;r.h Lirt a11 other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NANiE (Office Held) HOME ADDRESS HOV� BUSP�TESS DATE OF PHO'�TE PHONE BII2TH r+��« nuc ntEtrYa�r ��o Si-t��uiu�r���� �y3_ y��z l o�_ o�' i9 �'�' S�'. D R D�- [M t�� S3`1 c� If business is a pamierslup, plezse include L�e follouing information for each partner (use addiUOnzl pages if necessar} ): Middle3nitial (Vfaidrn) Last DateofS'vTh HomeAddma: Strat?�ame City Sbte Zip Phoae:�'umba Fixat?�sme !�fiddle Iaitid (!�Izidm) Last Date ofBirth HomeAd3ms: Strat:Came CitV Sinte Zi9 Pfione:�'�ber MII�R�SOTA TAX IDENTffICAI'ION A'UMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Taat Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoriues are required to pro��de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under it�e Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Pm•acy AM of 1974, we are required to adti�se you of tl�e following regarding the use of the Mimiesota Tax Identification Number: - This informarion may be used 2o deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's aithholding or motor vehicJe excise tares; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it on}y to the Minnesota Departrnrnt of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agr�nent, the Department of Revrnue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identification Numbers (Saies & L3se Tax N�ber) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depaztmen� 10 RiverPazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia2 Security Number: �-t� �_�S S� Minnesota Tax Identi5cation Number: 1���1 I�� _ If a Mumesota Tax Identification I�'umber is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box t':. 2f1&57 °1�- s.s3 CERT3FICATIOh� OF VJORKEI2S' CONIPENSATION COVERAGE PLRSIJA2�rI'IO MRv'1TESOTA STANTE 176.182 i haeb}' c�tif} Lhaz I, or m}' cor�pzny, asn in conpliance �aith LSe �iori:as compensation iasurance cover2ge requiremeats of Minnzsota StatuYe 176.182, s�bd;�ision 2. I z?so undastz.nd thffi pre�lsion of fzse �inforr.�ion in this certification cor.sti:utes sufi"icient grounds fot ad�•erse actoa against 211 licenses he1� including re�•oczlion and suspension of stid licenses. i�iune of Insi:ra*sce Company: Policy hTUWber: Co� erage from I havz no emplo} ees co��ered endzr �� o, - .l - ers compe;iszlioa i�surz�ce �_(L\ZTi�1LS) A:'�Y FALSIFICATION OF A,�SVVERS GIVE'�T OR RIATERLAL SUBMITTED ��II.L REStiLT I�ti DE\7AL OF TH7S APPLICATIO�I I here6y st2fz t1:at I hz��e as��.ered zll of �4e p;eceding queS�ieas, znd that the 'v-iforhatioa contained herein is true znd cor ect to the best oF my knou•ledge z��d belief. I he; eby state �rcher chat I h�ve r�ei��ed no money or othzr cansideration, h} v. ay of loz-i, gift, con�ibulion, or o��auise, o•.her Lh� z:reac} disclos� in thz �plirzt'son uiich I h� �3��h ssb:nittz3 I xlso u�derstand this p; emise ms�� be inspectzd by police, fire, hezlth znd o'lier ci7• o�cizls 2t a�y 2nd zll times whea �he buiness is in operatioa. all applications) Date We qill acceQt payment b�� cash, check (made pa}'able to Citv of Saint Pau� or cmdit card (iS/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCXEDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLORINGINFORMATIO.N: ❑ MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of CarR�older ACCOL?vT NL:'�ER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I of Card Holder(reauired fot all Date •"Note: If this applicauon is Food/Liquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Pau] Hz�lth Inspector, Steve Oison (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantisl changes to siructure are anticipated, please contact a Citp of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If tt�e are any changes to the pazking lot, floor apace, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9�08. AIl applications requim the folSoeing documents. P3eue attach t6ese documents »•hen submitting your application: x I. A detailed description o£the 3esign, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed {site pian). The following data should be on the site p3an (preferably on an 8 ll2" x ll" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shouid be indicated toa�azd the top. - Placement of ail pertinent features of the interior of t6e licensed facility such as scating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, puking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of ownership of the properiy. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL ��'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> c: 2118i97 Council File # 9 � — 55� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 7� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RfiSOLVED: That application (ID #19970000022) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN DBA A1 TRANSMISSION at 635 PRIOR AVE N be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Al1 vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 2. Vehicle parts� tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not visible from the street. 3. No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav �� Blakev Bostrom Coleman _� Harris _�� Lantrv � Reiter Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci S&c�tetary By: Apps By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection s ,���-� {� Y�'? ¢�� _ Form Approved by City Attorn� . o � /�c�Gr`- �., � G-�. �proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60055 DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE MITiATED /� Y .��3 uEQ"'ce"s'� , GREEN SHEET wo.�sooss lo ONTACT PERSON & PHOIJE Mifiau�aee mitieVpare LOOM JAMES {JIA� (612)266-9073 1❑ CdYAttameY UST BE ON COUNCILACaENDA BY (DATE) � _ 62N98 tNMBERF4R Q CouncaResearch ROU7UIG OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Councl approral MUie following lieense apptication: Lieense 1t 19970000071, for HIEUDUC DINH NGUYEN, Ooirg Business As A1 TRANSMISSION, at 635 PRfOR AVE N, indud'mg ihe fdiowing 6usiness type(s): Auto Repair Garaqe. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApproYe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOwING QUESTIONS: 1. Nas this perso�rtn ever worked under e coMrad forihis depaAmenY1 �PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. F�s ihis persoMrtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, � YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn posuss a sldli nW rrortnaly pos5essed by any curtent city employee? YES NO — . Is this persoMrm a targeted vendoR � ' "— YES NO " Explain ail yes answers on separete shect antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):' Request Council approval for Hieuduc Dinh Nguyen DBA A-1 Trensmission for an Auto Repair Garege License at 635 Prior Ave. N. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CfRCLE ONE} YES !JO FUN04NGSOURCE � ACTMTYNUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION; ��, �y� ��e,,a �r.r.�: ?„"',r t?:''�� (EXPLAIN) . . .. - d�4tl � � [9� d���� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI�S APPLSCATION IS SUB3ECT TO REVLW BY TI� PUBL?C T}pe of Licerse(s) being applied for: PLEASE IYPE OR PRINT Tti iNK CIIY OF SAI?vT PALZ �ce ofLitense, Inspeniont znd Em;rortmc.nsl PrMection ��s��n�sz5��,� �3 Sz..-¢2 �Yy.� 551PL (61:�i66.�?B:exI612)2e691:��� ' S 3 i ���_ S Company Nx.-ne: �C � )_ �7� �.� �L� I SS� �1� Corporation / PaMcslup / Sde Propricto:ship If b�iness is incorporzted, give date of incorporation: Doing BLSiness As: Business Add:ess: Svxt Add•ess Beh��een H•hat aoss sL-eets is the tusiness located? Ci.ry Business Phone: S's:e Zip G��ich side of the street? � Are the premises now occupied? _�� What T}pe of $tuiness? t{� �-F t� LL11� h � — T � Mail To Address: �,�� � �� '��' i^� d/'YLQ_ rnf t �. � rs L� �'�� n f , S� 1� t�L st�eetAddress City Siate Zip Appiicant Tnfonnalion: Nazne and Title: Y 11 �( �� � J`+ C'f"U�N Fvst \S�ddle (. /� I.sat Sitle Ho:neAddress: ���� ��Pp^blLY�{�Y' T1KC �1_.�tztL� � ����� StrM Addrtss Ciry Stete Zip DateofButh: 62_c6_ {gE6 PlaceofBfrth: �1c�i n(Cc.1'}7 HomePhone:2�3�J2�1 � Ha�•: gou a�•er been cami�t� of zny feiony, cn*ne or ��iolztion of any city ordinxnce other than traffic? YES NO _�_ Date of arrest: Charge: _ Convic2ion: GZ'here? Srntence: I.ist thenames and rzsideaces of three gersons of good moral character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS F1J PHONE J3 S; NC� �uc�r�r G- �.2� ` List liceases w•hich you currendy holc� formerly helt� or may have zn interest in: '" Ha��e azry• of the abo� e named licenses eva bezn revoked? YES �_ NO If }'es, list [he dates and reasons fot revocation: i 2l78/97 q�r :ss� Are }'ou goir.g to operzte this business pasonal3;? � YES �O L` not, ��ho �3�i11 operate it? ��-U pUC� j� 1VGU�/fi��( Fimtime .'S+sddleInitisl (\laidcn) Lut DauofBirh �X� Srfi£i:SU�i�rt ��(C �I V�}uL w7rv S��it� �G� 922 � xoa� aaa�: su�•� ��� Are }'ou goi�.g to hz��e a m7aga or assistz*st in tlus business? � Y�S please co:npleie Lhe £oi3oiz-ing irSotmztirn: sf�c� Phone \revyer � NO if the mu!zger is not the szsie as che operator, D�_ L�. e;� �ffi (>iz[a�J �� State Piease list }'our rr,ple�ment history for tLe previous five (5) � zar period: BusinnslEm��:�e�t Address Dxce ars;r.h Lirt a11 other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE NANiE (Office Held) HOME ADDRESS HOV� BUSP�TESS DATE OF PHO'�TE PHONE BII2TH r+��« nuc ntEtrYa�r ��o Si-t��uiu�r���� �y3_ y��z l o�_ o�' i9 �'�' S�'. D R D�- [M t�� S3`1 c� If business is a pamierslup, plezse include L�e follouing information for each partner (use addiUOnzl pages if necessar} ): Middle3nitial (Vfaidrn) Last DateofS'vTh HomeAddma: Strat?�ame City Sbte Zip Phoae:�'umba Fixat?�sme !�fiddle Iaitid (!�Izidm) Last Date ofBirth HomeAd3ms: Strat:Came CitV Sinte Zi9 Pfione:�'�ber MII�R�SOTA TAX IDENTffICAI'ION A'UMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Taat Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoriues are required to pro��de to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under it�e Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Pm•acy AM of 1974, we are required to adti�se you of tl�e following regarding the use of the Mimiesota Tax Identification Number: - This informarion may be used 2o deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's aithholding or motor vehicJe excise tares; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it on}y to the Minnesota Departrnrnt of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agr�nent, the Department of Revrnue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tax Identification Numbers (Saies & L3se Tax N�ber) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depaztmen� 10 RiverPazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia2 Security Number: �-t� �_�S S� Minnesota Tax Identi5cation Number: 1���1 I�� _ If a Mumesota Tax Identification I�'umber is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box t':. 2f1&57 °1�- s.s3 CERT3FICATIOh� OF VJORKEI2S' CONIPENSATION COVERAGE PLRSIJA2�rI'IO MRv'1TESOTA STANTE 176.182 i haeb}' c�tif} Lhaz I, or m}' cor�pzny, asn in conpliance �aith LSe �iori:as compensation iasurance cover2ge requiremeats of Minnzsota StatuYe 176.182, s�bd;�ision 2. I z?so undastz.nd thffi pre�lsion of fzse �inforr.�ion in this certification cor.sti:utes sufi"icient grounds fot ad�•erse actoa against 211 licenses he1� including re�•oczlion and suspension of stid licenses. i�iune of Insi:ra*sce Company: Policy hTUWber: Co� erage from I havz no emplo} ees co��ered endzr �� o, - .l - ers compe;iszlioa i�surz�ce �_(L\ZTi�1LS) A:'�Y FALSIFICATION OF A,�SVVERS GIVE'�T OR RIATERLAL SUBMITTED ��II.L REStiLT I�ti DE\7AL OF TH7S APPLICATIO�I I here6y st2fz t1:at I hz��e as��.ered zll of �4e p;eceding queS�ieas, znd that the 'v-iforhatioa contained herein is true znd cor ect to the best oF my knou•ledge z��d belief. I he; eby state �rcher chat I h�ve r�ei��ed no money or othzr cansideration, h} v. ay of loz-i, gift, con�ibulion, or o��auise, o•.her Lh� z:reac} disclos� in thz �plirzt'son uiich I h� �3��h ssb:nittz3 I xlso u�derstand this p; emise ms�� be inspectzd by police, fire, hezlth znd o'lier ci7• o�cizls 2t a�y 2nd zll times whea �he buiness is in operatioa. all applications) Date We qill acceQt payment b�� cash, check (made pa}'able to Citv of Saint Pau� or cmdit card (iS/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCXEDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLORINGINFORMATIO.N: ❑ MasterCard � Visa EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � \ame of CarR�older ACCOL?vT NL:'�ER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I of Card Holder(reauired fot all Date •"Note: If this applicauon is Food/Liquor related, please contact a Ciry of Saint Pau] Hz�lth Inspector, Steve Oison (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantisl changes to siructure are anticipated, please contact a Citp of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If tt�e are any changes to the pazking lot, floor apace, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9�08. AIl applications requim the folSoeing documents. P3eue attach t6ese documents »•hen submitting your application: x I. A detailed description o£the 3esign, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed {site pian). The following data should be on the site p3an (preferably on an 8 ll2" x ll" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N shouid be indicated toa�azd the top. - Placement of ail pertinent features of the interior of t6e licensed facility such as scating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, puking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease a�eement or proof of ownership of the properiy. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL ��'ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> c: 2118i97