Chapman � �r�s���.�c�€�p�� -�or ��[��� l�a��c� a�� �I������ �a �E�y o�� ��E�t ���€� " , ll4rnnesota State Statute �66.05 NOT/CE OF CLAIM.,.(E)very person...who claims damages f�om any municipality...shal/cause to be presenred to the gove�rning body of the municipality within 180 days afte� rhe alleged loss or rniury is discovered a nntice stati;�g the time, place, and ciicumsrances the�eof, and the amount or compensation or other �elief demanded. Fizase complete this fori�� in ifs entirety by typing or printing your answer to each questibn in tl�e space provided. If additional space is needed, please attach additional sheets. -�-� r' PLEASE RETURN THIS Uffice of City Clerlc RE�r����� COMPLETED FORM T0: 170 City Hall SEP `�t� ��� 15 W 1<ellogg Blvd St Paul MN 55102 (���( (����� Your Name: �(�n �`lp� (�,�.��r� y� / - ---- —___--- ----- ..__... _ _ _-- -- __ ,___---___ - Street Adcliess; .._T �-�� -��� �G1'1nV�-�1'3C_.�-.�- � City: State: �� Zip Code: �� Daytime Telephone: /��� � ('��'2� �� Evening Telephone: _ ( ) Date of Accident or Incident: ��Day of U✓eel<: Time:g�_ rr or pm (circle one) , v Please state, in detail, what occurred and the circumstances surrcunding the event. Indicate how the City of Saint Pa�f is involvecl; �nd why you feel the City is responsible. , � O�r - u '�t�i IN�F N O� � a ..� '�. a -. �c Please indicate your reason for completing this form; ,; (..1 Vefiicle accident -�1 Other property damage (please provide specifics below) ;;;�.j; ; �„ `��f ��c1.G 2� C�'� Y1^ / Q�01 / ln "l O�C „�['a, i;; '� Vehicle was towed _�� � �J �j�; ❑ Vef�icle damaged ❑ Otl�er in jur y to person (please provide s pecifics below) ,�i�� ❑ Slipped and fell. on City property � �� � , �� ;;:1 Please provide tl�e names and telephone numbers of any City employeas involved in this i :: incident/accident and I�ow tt�ey were involved: � � ,I. E„r[..o e.v� �r �-o�-e� w,� �o�r �.s��e►� � w �`� � o ��� � � , ; .�1 p��i � r a s �, c��,r.-e c�.���� r'` � 'L� o�r.. (over) �� � �, If your vehicle �n�as involved, please complete ihe follo�n�ing: 1'ear, mal:e, and m�oael: License Plate (Vumber: � Exteni and area damaged: Was a City vehicle involved in tf�is acc�dent/incident? 1'es No (circle one) If yes, piease complete the following: Type of vehicle Year, mal<e, and model Color of vehicle License Plate Number: - Description of vei�icle Location of accident/incident (please provide specifics suci,� as street address, intersection, cross streets, park name, facility name; etc.�: _ _Please_draw or.attach a diagram_i_f_a�plicaf�le: Please specify the nature and extent of the comrensation or other relief yeu are reques;ing. Please attach copies of any bills, receipts, ticicets, or other docum�nts to support your claim. If you are claiming damage to a vel�icle, please sub���it two estimates. Were there witnesses to this accident/incident? Yes No (circle one; If yes, please �ive the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the witnesses; \Nere the police called? Yes No (circle one) If yes, what department or agency? � Police report number Please print the name of the person completing this form: ' (1 (�, : Please sign ;�our nome: V � � f Daie form signed: �?��-2 � f� � i. Fiisl< Mgmt Division - Aevised 1-30-01 '�'?�ii:� ;;_a;�i!'!:��'� ' ,,,,;�,,;.�. t. ��: