91-1521 /�����q� � '.� �� Council File m . l � ,� � " G`�...�� � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION ' CI OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA . � • , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted a re�olution declaring that the stntcture listed below, each with their conesponding council file nu�ber, was determined to be a "nuisance" in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code; and WHEREAS, the owners, interested parties and responsible parti�s were ordered to either rehabilitate or demolish each of these structures; and � WHEREAS, each of these structures has either been rehabilitated or demolished by the owner or demolished by the City; now, therefore, be it RFSOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby declares that the following described structures are each no longer a "nuisance": , 224 Avon Street North - closed 0430-91 - occupied City Council File No. 88-1991 Ramsey County Document No. 25�i 1502 Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Alddition to St. Paul. 1488 Chazles Avenue - closed 05-20.91 - razed by City City Council File No. 90-1403 Ramsey County Document No. 25�6035 Lot 10, Block 1, Lyman D. Baird's Addition 1025 Fairview Avenue South - closed 04-03-91 - occupied City Council File No. 90-1758 Ramsey County Document No. 2575121 The South 70 feet of the North 140 feet of the East 150 feet of Lots; 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills 1132 7ackson Street - closed OS-29-91 - razed by City City Council File No. 90-2217 Ramsey County Document No. 258'4105 Ransom's Addition to St. Paul Lot 3 Blk 3 629 Kent Street - closed 06-03-91 - razed b owner I�, Y City Council File No. 91-241 Ramsey County Document No. 2591587 Michels Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinsons Addition N 1/� of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 Blk 2 1066 Seventh Street West - closed 05-08-91 - razed by City I; City Council File No. 90-1403 Ramsey County Document No. 2566035 Finch's Addidon to St. Paul, ex 7th Street, Lot 3 Block 3 ;� ���'����� i � I �� 198 Sherburne Avenue - closed 0426-91 - razed by owner I City Council File No. 91-581 Ramsey County Document No. (not availabe as of 7-18-91) Magoffin and Breckenridges Addition to St. Paul Lot 8 Blk 4 886 Sherwood Avenue - closed 04-17-91 - razed by owner ! City Council File No. 90-1758 Ramsey County Document No. 2575121 Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Paul, Minn., Lot 16, Block 4. ' _ 272 University Avenue - closed O1-30-90 - razed by City ' City Council File No. 88-1991 Ramsey County Document No. 2�511502 Chamber's Addition Ex Ave Part N of Alley of W 16 62/100 ft of Lot 1 and E 8 38/100 ft of Lot 2, Block 3 � 493 Whitall - closed Of�2&91 - occupied City Council File No. 89-916 Ramseq County Document No. 25�1504 Ex N 40 ft of Lot 5, Block 3, Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Paul and, I � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a copy of this Resolution with the Ramsey Count j� Recorder. -2- ' � �I Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon 1. oswztz � � ` - � � on — �`-'i'"?M �y� '�, �Fi�2/1/l • acca ee ettman ! crne � ,n/� i son BY� r � T r� ��,�� Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 0 1991 Form Approved by City A torney Adoption Certif ied by Council Secretary BY: ��,✓,�µy�, ��q� . �By° Approvedlby Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date AUG 2 2 � Council • .�Gdr�� gy; kA��C���/' By: � PUdUSNED AUG � 1'�� ! ' " F `�"'�� ������°s °"��1 GREEN SH ET No. 0 2 3 4 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE IN DA IMITIAUDATE (�l�� DEPARTMENT DIqE TY COUNdL C�181'1@8 vOt@L Z98-4153 L/�/ A�S�ON pnpRNEY CITY CLERK NYMYEW FOR � MU$T•Q�•QN CIIUNpI AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDOET�RECTOR �FIN.6 MQT.BERVICEB DIR: ai � A P �MAVOR(OR AS8f8TA � TOTAL#►OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: " Approve the attached roeolution. JUL 22 19y� s«wa� r�c��a�noN8:Ma►�(�)a�i�l� COUNC�COMMtTTEE/RESEARCFI REPORT IONAL _PLANPIING COMMN8SION _pVll BERVIC�OOMMI8SION ANAI'Y$T PFiONE NO. _CIB OO�AMII'fEE _ _�� _ COMAAENT8: _DI8TRICT OOURT BUPPORT8 WHK�i COUNpI OBJECTIVE? INITIAliNf3 PROBLEM.ISBUE�OPPOfi7LNITY(Who.VYhaf.WIMn�WMro.Why): These buildinga wer� declarQd "nuisancQS" pursuant to Chaptsr 45 of the Safnt Paul Legislative Code. Each own�r waa qiven an ord�r to repair or t�ar down their building. The buildinqs have either besn rahabilitated or d�awlished by thQ owner or dQmolished by the City and thersfore no longer conatitute a nuisancs. Prev ous reeolntianm by the Saint Paul City Council notified tha public that theae buildinqs � e nuisancs�. The purpose of thi• Resolution ia to remove that dQSiqnation. ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: �C�' A`,� 0 7 1991 The Public will be placed on notit� that nuieancee no long�r ist at thess locations. MpYOR'S OFF�� DI8ADVANTAQES IF APPROVEp: xone ,J L 2 2 1991 � RECEIVED CIT ATTORN�E�u� 12 � 991 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO: . The public will not be placed on notice tttat a nuiaancs cond tion no lonqer �xists at theg� location� and that orders by the City to repair or tea down buildinga at these location� hav� bQen corrected. n li��_'�:�'� °�'�:�.�..•��,� �^��� AUG 0 9 1991 none TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION a COST/REVENUE BU (CIRCLE ONlh YE8 NO � FUNGINti S011RCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPUIIN) d�r � �����,,t ' _ T , . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE iNCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE P�iCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.288-4225). .x� ROUTIN(i ORDER: Bsbw�re pr�fs►rod routinps for the fh►e most frequeM typN of documents: �'F�11LC�?: (aaum�s authoriz�d COUNqL RESOLUTION (ArtNnd, BdptsJ . budpet�xista) Accept.cironts) 1. Outsid� 1. DspartmsM Dir�ctor 2. Initiatirp��p��rlm�M 2. Bud�t Director 3. Gty Attornsy 3. qlY/►1Wn�Y 4. . M�r.,.., 4. May�oNAalqant 5. Flnancel�3vcs. Dirsc7or 5. City Coundl 8. Financs/locour�fr�g 6. Chief Aa�eMant. Rn&Mgmt S�rCS. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�' OOUNCIL FiESOLUTION a�nda�)NANCE 1. /lctivity Meuapsr 1. InitfeiUng DspaRnMnt Director 2. DspertmsM AccouMant 2. qly Attomey 4. Bt� � 4. pt�j►��CoU�ilt� 5. City Clerk 8. Chief A�xou�, Fin&M�pnt�. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all ofhsra) 1. Initiating D�qutm�nt 2. CNy Attomey 4. (�Cl�t TOTAL NUMBER OF 81t1NATURE PA�iE3 I�icats the#�of pap�s on which si�n�turss an reqWrod and p�clf� each of theae�ss. ACTION REQUESTED Deecrfbe what the p►ojoct/nqusst aeeks to aocomplish in either chronolopi- csl adsr or order of importance.whichev�sr is most appropritle tor ths laa�. Do not write canpls�s ssMenoee. 8pin each item in your flat with a verb. REOOMAAENDATIONS complet•if the iss�e in qu.aton nae been p�d b.lore arry nody� vublic or private. SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 Ir�icate which Courx�l obj�live(s)your proj�cNnquest wppor[a by Nstirp the key word(s)(HOUSINO,RECREATION.NEKiH80RHOOD3, ECOIdOMiC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARAI'ION).(SEE COMPIETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITrEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UE8TED BY COUNCiI INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aitustfon or oorxJitlons that creatsd a nsed for your proroct or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate wh�thsr this is eimply an annual bud�t pnooedure required by isw/ cnert.r or wnNr�sr u�srs an.p«�c wa In whicl►the Gty of 3alnt Pwl and Its citizens will benefit irom this pro�t/action. DISADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED Whet negatiw Mkcts or major chu�ges to existing or paet proceaees migM Mis projecVrequest produce H it is pesead(e.g.,trafNc dslays� noi�, tax increease or�menb)?To Whom?When?For hovv bng? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs th�neqative oonsdquencss if the promiaed action is not approvsd?Inebllfty to deliver ssrvice?Continued high treftic, rwiee, eccidsM rateT Loss of rovenw? FINANqAL IMPACT Althouph you must taibr the inform�tion you provide here b the isaue you are addrossing,in�sr�ral you muat anawer two questions: How much is ft goin�to cost?Who is gdng to pay? �/- i�'a/ � �-, � o W � � o � oo •-. ►--, � `t z °1 � � rn Q, � � 3 � c `� � � �m � � 'T fn fD 'T = -'� 7C 'S tn � • o r � r � ' D � C r � � � � N n N � � � � !, 1� �' rr � N � c �""� N � s� ~ � � r+ � � a � ~ `� � . � N m �' s m �• , � � � � J. � rt � � n �G A N U�i 3 � rto � � ° d � � m � � n w � o ` m � � � o �. � Q, o n � � �, � p, _ V H 10 � �O � -r� � � � � N V t� W �r- ���� � i � . i -'r . �'a. ? �� Z t_:r��'�""`^„ �;, ��t�i?p�� t.�.�.����Y�i�l =f.t;t�n��i� QN S�� l1 B �� �M `,�� . � cc�r��� ', "� ���5� � , � �� �xi.?�r� �!' �-".,. . '����Ty � C� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� . .Albert.B:.O1son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . ��-�`��1. . . . . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. . . . . ,August.20;, . , . . . , . , . . 1991. . . . and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . , ,August. 22:. . , . . . . . . . . 1991. . . � with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota this . . . . .?3rd, , , , , day of . . , , ,August, _ , , , , ,A.D. 1991. . ._.� _._..__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `::.: .G���'Q:�?�: . . . . . . . . . ��! . , ������ tl�. City Clerk. � ,,.; ��� e 'V ` � ! ��o� 'o�;f R_ �r-_ . =c3m- � gru�P��`. � ; '�•_ .. ` . ,�. i .,, � . .. .,._:.,... ,. ..,._-..,� t :� o ..�: , .�'b o"� `" . + . t c, . .� ,_.. � ..� ; . . ;, � � ' l�'- rt ° � '��' t E f� �ti .�.,�...��, � � _. o z ' ' ' .,.._ . �' ` � p .,...��f �( Y�tELr�''.:b ��. �.' ' 7.�,.,..,._�_ � .._.' ' ( ! y` . . --..�,�_�..... _.., � � R � J¢s } e• " .��as:a�iaa . ��: ar-....� . '� .. .:" - ��-t�� C �--'�.,��--- ��',�(.�-R -. ��L�- °'�� 1.� ICouncil File � – a , r � / � — r I Green Sheet � l/�,3Y' '�'��'4g18 RESOLUTtON ; Cl 4F SAtNT AUL, MINNESOTA . , � . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' . i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted a resolution declaring that the structure listed below, each with their corresponding council file number, was determined to be a "nuisance" in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislativ�e Code; and VVHEREAS, the owners, interested parties and responsible parties v�rere ordered to either rellabilitate or demolish each of these structures; and � V'VI�REAS, each of these structures has either been rehabilitated or de�nolished by the owner or demolished by the City; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby declares that the following described structures are each no longer a "nuisance": 224 Avon Street North - closed 0430-91 - occupied City Council File No. 88-1991 Ramsey County Document No. 2511�502 . Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Donnelly's Addition to Flolcombe's Addition to St. PauL , 1488 Charles Avenue - closed OS-20-91 - razed by City City Council File No. 90-1403 Ramsey County Document No. 2566b35 Lot 10, Block 1, Lyman D. Baird's Addition 1025 Fairview Avenue South - closed 0403-91 - occupied � City Council File No. 90-1758 Ramsey County Document No. 2575121 The South 70 feet of the North 140 feet of the East 150 feet of Lots �4, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills i 1132 7ackson Street - closed OS-29-91 - razed by City I � City Council File No. 90-2217 Ramsey County Document No. 2584105 Ransom's Addition to St. Paul Lot 3 Blk 3 j � 629 Kent Street - closed 06-03-91 - razed by owner City Council File No. 91-241 Ramsey County Document No. 2591587 Michels Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinsons Addition N 1/2! of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 Blk 2 1066 Seventh Street West - closed OS-08-91 -razed by City � City Council File No. 90-1403 Ramsey County Document No. 2566035 Finch's Addition to St. Paul, ex 7th Street, Lot 3 Block 3 I I � I i • .�����,��� � �9�i.�a/ . � , . � 2s14��.8 � 198 Sherburne Avenue - closed 0426-91 - razed by owner � City Council File No. 91-581 Ramsey County Document No. (not availabe as of 7-18-91) Magoffin and Breckenridges Addition to St. Paul Lot 8 Blk 4 886 Sherwood Avenue - closed 0417-91 - razed by owner City Council File No. 90-1758 Ramsey County Document No. 2575121 Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Paul, Minn., Lot 16, Block 4. � 272 University Avenue - closed O1-30-90 - razed by City , City Council File No. 88-1991 Ramsey County Document No. 2511�02 Chamber's Additi,�n Ex Ave Part N of Alley of W 16 62/100 ft of Lot;l and E 8 38/100 ft of Lot 2, Block 3 493 Whitall - closed 06-28-91 - occupied � City Council File No. 89-916 Ramsey County Document No. 2511504 . Ex N 40 ft of Lot 5, Block 3, Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Pa�il and, � , FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul a�}thorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a copy of this Resolution with the Ramsey County Recorder. -2- i � Yeas Navs Absent Requested �y Department of: imon � oswitz � 5�,���� on — n;�MI /f-t �, acca ee ettman iuson By: � �- � ' r� � ��,��t Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 4 1991 Form Approved by City A torney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: ���q.y� �s or� By' � A roved k� Ma or for Submission to 1 91 PP Y Y Approved by Mayor: Date QUG 2 2 Council i ' , gY; x�/�C� By: � � ' ' _ � �:�w � � ��a�����e8 °"��1 GREEN SHEE No. s 2 3 4 CONTACT PER80N 6 PHONE INI DA I�NTIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECT ITV COUNpL Charles Votel 298-4153 � AS810N qn�pNEy CITY CLERK MU$T QE Q[I CQIJNGL AQENDA BY(DAT� IqIITMI(i� BUDOET DIRECTOR �flN.8 MOT.SERV�CES DiFi: ei � e� P �MAYOR(Ofl A8813TAN ❑ TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAOES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATURE� ACTION REOUE8TE0: ' Approve the attachad resolution. JUL 22 199t s�nla� REOOA�iMENDAT1oN8:MP►ow(�U a►�h�(p1 COUNqL COM i�PORT OPTION _PIANfHNO OOMMIBSION _GViI�RVI(�WAAM13810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIB COAAMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRIC'T COURT SUPPORI8 WHldi COUNdI OBJECTIVE9 INITATINf3 PROBLEM.186UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.WIW.MIMn,MANre�Why): These buildinqe werQ declarQd "nuisancQa" pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Leqislativw Code. �ach ownar was qiven an ord�r to repair or ta r d�an their building. The buildinga have either b�en rehabilitat�d or demolishQd by t owner or damolished by the City and therefore no longar constitute a nuieance. Previo resolutions by the Saint Paul City Council notified the public that these buildinqs were uisancoa. Th� purpose of thia Resolution ia to r�ove that desiqnation. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVEO: �C�I A''� O Z 1991 The Public will be placed on not3t� that nufaances no lonqer ex st at these locations. MAYOF�S�FF�� q8ADVANTA(iES IF AP�IED: None � JUL 2 2 1991 TTORN�EY RECEIVED CITY �UG 12 1991 CITY CLERK asn�vMrr�s iF Nor�v�aoveo: � Ths public will not be placed on notice that a �uisance condit on no lonqer existe at those locations and that ordQrs by the City to repair or tear own buildinqe at these locations hava bQen corrected. �� ��� ��.,�� t� C� ���.� °�?� �°'A;� AUG 0 9 1991 none TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08TlREVENUE EUDAETED qRCLE ON� YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA flNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �W k �i�� ' � ' . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE t3REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE P�iCHA31Ni'3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4226). ROUTINC�ORDER: Bebw ue preferced routinys for the five most irequeM typsa of documsMa: COMT�;r`i (apumss wthorir�d OOUNGL RESOLUTION (An�id.Bd�ts./ . bud�et axista) llccept.Grants) �. o�a+e•��� �. �mern are� 2. �Mnaefnp 2. eudpet arector 3• dtY Attans�r S. CItY MbrrN'f� 4. Mp�r, .. 4. MayoNAai�tant 5. Flnance�d�pnK 8vcs. QirecSor 5. qty Coundl e. Flnanos Ace�ouMinp 8. (�f Aacountent. Fln�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER �, COUNCIL RE80LUTION ��a)�� 1. /lcdvity M�uNpsr 1. IniWdrp DspanmeM Director 2. Depertment/lccouMaM 2• �Y��Y 9. Dspartmsnt Oinctor 3. AAayor//1s�taint 4. Bu�l9et Dk�dor 4. aty C0111x�1 5. City dsrk 8. Chief Accountent� Fln d�Mpmt 51res. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER8 (aN othsrs) 1. Initiating Dsputmmnt 2. City Attomey 3. May�odAssistant 4. qty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE P/►t3ES Indksats ths A�of pap�s On whiCh sipnaturos an requirod and paperclip eech of theee�e�. ACTION REQUE3TED Describs whet ths proj�ct/roquest aseks b aocanplish in either chronolopi- cal ordsr or order of importancs,whichw�is mo�t�ppropriate for ths isws. Do not write complste ssntenc�. Bpin e�t�Rem in your Iist wRh a v�srb. RECOMMENDATIONS Completa if the iasue M qwstlon hes bsen pns�snted before eny body,public or priv�e. SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Irbicxte which Coundl obj�ivs(s)your proj�ctlnquest supports by lisdnp ths ksy Mwrd(s)(HOU81N0,RECREATION,�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNqL OOMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RECtUE8TED BY OOUNCII INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explsin ths sRustlon or corbidons thst cre�►tsd a nssd for your projsct or reqt�t. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicets whNMr thia is simply an annuel budpst prooedure required by law/ chartsr or whethK thsro an ep�dflc wa in wh�h ths Gty of 3aint Pwl and fta citizens wiN beneflt han this pro�tlaction. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What negatiw sBscts or ma�or changss to existinq or pest processes migM this projecVrequsst produce if it is psesed(e.g.,trafflc delays, noise, tax i�creaaes or aa�nbnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For hovv long? DISADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPROVED What will be tM ns�tive conssquerxsa if the promiaed action is not approved?Irnbllity to deNver ssrvice?Continued high trafHc, ndee, accident rste? Lo�of revsnue? FINANqAL iMPACT Aithouph you must taibr the informatfon you provide here to ths isaue you are addre'sinp,in psnarai you mud answer Mro questions: How much ia it goin�to costT Who is yoinq to pay? i ; �i �5'ai ._._ � � o � � � � � �+ �, -� -� � � z -< � � � � � � �m v- r� �s cn � � -s � -i � -s �n b• o � � r -v a � c r � � � O N n ��^ � y fW-' ��,, I�F� ~ c+ ^ � Z W � '""'� N � W ~ � ti� I G � r• rq � � � � . G N (�p � '�5 fn -'• � � r* J. � rt � � n � a � � 3 � � O G W � � � I rt z C � � n w � o m � c� � o N. 7o p, o n � � � � � a V �� � � I"d � � �' ' � �° ns'. N W � w � v �'' ��°�� � .� . -� iJ '�#�+�(\ ,��s� � t,��i� _ ' L.:-r;r���� ��' { ��t��c� o� ��� �� 8 �� �� `.91 . � � � �x � � ���,�� j�f .��,:;��,� � �� �Y ,����� �r -�.������ � T� � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� . .Albert.B:.Olson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council Fzle No. . .��-�`��1. . . . . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. . . . , ,Auc�ust. 20:, . . . . . . . . . . 1991. . . � and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . , , ,August.22:. , , . . . . . , . . 1991. . . 0 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . .?3rd, , , , , day of . . , , ,August. . , , , , ,A.D. 1991. . . �' �' G��C',�-n, �, __��, �.�.q_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; , I��-(`' ry�� City Clerk. � . � . � .k 1_.��.z.„, p . _ .. . . � . ..� . , ... . � � a d �:. � .1,r.. .. Y ..r, ; q§� cOp� �p . i _` x.n.,.. a . +� n �. � L: . '(G `„ [ ...r. . ..,-. tl _ .� ,. � :t �.. S ..NY t.. , . 1 . .. .:.:-:.�. ..��..-.... t . ..�� S�a � . . ,�{. J'...�.. ' ,�. ..... f ° - c (,� � �� � .�� ., .,.. �� i � . . ' .., t � � 'i � A � a rj �o -. - ♦��.. � i �f� �?'4 ,�...�1 a�.�{ �t rcc ik d � � M � ' - i . �Y � y .:... '.� � .... _ u..::.n ._.> _ ., 3 + P 4 f . '�� } ry V �e - ' �'�a..�" . . .. .r r � , ��.�,.. , .��� � �L�-'��;� C�-�-.%����-- ����.�}--� : ._. -. :