91-1506 �� /��1� i o v. e ics . a _ � / �J —rleaatist spo cs club Aam. Law Heari�g POOL INSPEC`rION EpORT Date: 4/23/9 City's F�hibit 4� = ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEHL�rY u e j �T 555 Cedar Street o� �� `�(� 3 O� 292-7717 M nth Da Year �stablishment � PHO.IE T'me �, : : � arrival deoarture �ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio B DGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine �, S � ,P_,�C/ .3 2-Reinspection � E t � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r - Wh '* DOO1 h ��� M AI�I REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSA ISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RAVGES �ci Maintain bet�.�een 7 .4 - 7 .S ?r�e Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �ocnbined Chlorine Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm rotal �lkalinity Maintain between �0 '- 150 pom �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATIS ACTORY UNSATISFAGTORY `larity Chlorine Gas Room � Q ' �low Sign Provided, Ski:nmer We11s Gas Mask Gi.�.d-�" �"��'`:.. �eck �rea Room Designed & � �ules Posted Vented C���' �� ��ergency Number SAFETY E UIPMEN'1 ?ooJ. Sottom Clean Ring Buoy & C`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, ?�ncing & Sel� Shepher3s Crook .:losing/Latching • Pool Loq (� ❑ �ate Sam�les submitt d (Outdoor only) 8 8 b o erator wee 1 � ❑ ��' OFcICIAL SAMPLr TAREN YES NO %✓ / � � I _ _ _ ��/���Q iry o t a v. e — POOL INSPECTION REPORT Medalist S rt� Club Adm. � ST . PAUL DZVISION OF PUBLIC HE�, Date: 4/23�1 � City`s �"- _ _ _ _ _ CT 555 Cedar Street I � � 292-7717 Mon h Da �stabli shment PHO.IE Tim / a� rival �ddrzss Next Insp�ctio BAD E # CAL =-_ �--F- — — -� ,s�s Due on or Af te 1-R T T� 9 �- 2-R Estl� 3-O ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ��'ZDOal h s� � M , � REQUIRED SAFETY E{�UZP. NOT ' POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW ' CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY ��!c�,� ��y�a� OTH E R (s e e b e 1 o�r) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE R� �� Maintain between 7 crne Chlorine Maintainlbetwe�n 1 �ocabined Chlorine Main4ain jbetwee:� 0 Tota1 ?�lkalinity Maintain Ibet•�een �yanuric Acid Maintainlbetween 3romine ` . _ _ SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA•I iSF CTORY UN Clarity Chlorine Gas F?oom � [] �low Sign Provided, � �� �� Ski:nmer We11s � Gas Mask Ic%�'Y �ec!c �rea �oom Designed & � �ules Posted Vsnted �mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMF;*tT � 2001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � ;,`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline�, � ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook ! Closing/Latching � . Pool Loq i (� Cate 8 8 Sa�les submit:ted (Outdoor only) by operator wE�ekly � � OFFICIAL SAMPLz TAREN YES NO X . J // / �.(�t i ✓/AOJ /t./��L/_.{��f�'�'/� �-!G9"'Al'L/`!.l�1 � i I O . . - - - � / 02 �� �/ , • �,�,� �.C� -y �/.1-�'thJ GLY/ �/���.�/ ./!/iw/ �� .�//ll� I C/f'.�L•c c — � �� ' i , ���/�� � _ �:�; ::}� ,,��� :,M �. ��� EXHIBIT #5 (SS 1-41) `� � ; ;,��: ��q.: Steven Schiller ��?:' City of Saint Paul �ti �; , -- In re the Licenses of the ,i Medalist Sports Club April 23, 1991 � - . ... . . - I , � ( (�� C�ty of St aul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba — `'fed�l i Gt S rt s Club � Adm. Law Hearing P O O L I N S P E C T I O N R E P O R T �t z� 4/2 3 1 C i t y s E�i bi t �� �j"-5 5-� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT� Date CT 555 Cedar Street � ...�_.,L_ 3� 2g2'��1� Mo th Da Ye�r�: Establishment ` PgONE Ti e ,� � � 6'� : � : � �S arrival departure�-� Addrzss Ne.ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE ` °� Due on or Af te �f f�'�✓c— 1-Routine ,; 2-Reinspection'�� POOL TYPE: Indoor Est # 3-Other Outdoor Month day year Wh ' Tl000l h �� M A`�N r�.a�i �t��l � , � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PRO DED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSATSSFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A,�CEPTABLE RANGES ; ��' � Maintain' between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^r�ee Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opir Cor.ibined Chlorine Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppu: Tata1 Alkalinity Maintain bet•�een �0 - 150 p�s. Cyanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 pp� Bromine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISF CTORY UNSATISFACTOR.Y Clarity • Chlorine Gas Room � � � rlOW Slqn Provided, G����"'��. S�ci:nmer Well; Gas Mask Dec�C ?�rea �oom Designed & �, Rules Posted V�nted ���??� Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � CSemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, Fsncing � Self Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latching Pool LoQ (� � Gate 8 8 Sa�les submitted (Outdoor only> bv operator weekl [] � OFr^ICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO .�� , I 1''I�"'` City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba POOL INSPECTION REPORT — N.zd�.list S' rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing ' � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLZC HE �ate: 4/23 91 City s F�hibit �� 5-5�-z CT 555 Cedar Street � .30�-- 292-7717 M nth Da Ye,a� �stablishment PHONE T ' me � 3 :o0 �, �i� i � ,/� arrival deoarture ?,ddress � Next Insp�ctio B DGE � CALL TYPE 3 Due on or Af te 1-Rout ine /SS/S- ����.�v'..�-,� , 2-Reinspection �- �� l E t # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor � Outdoar Month day year Whirl000l h 0 M LAIN �1: REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL ¢OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW O .S PPM �� � -�" �,��d�JCLARITY ZN UNSA�TISFACTORY r� Q� ��� OTHER (see below) '� ALL TEMS INDICATED UNSATIScACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RANGES ?� �; ,$-'� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^rae Chlorine 3, � Maintain betwean 1 .0 - 3 .0 gp� �or,�bined Chlorine �� � Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .O DjJi Tota1 ?�lkalinity ���� Maintain between 50 - 150 ppi �yanuric Acid _ Mainta"n between 30 - 100 ppc 3romine SATISFACTORY� UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR`. Clarity Chlorine Gas Ro m [� [� �low Sign Provided, Ski:nmer We11s . Gas Mask �^�� �eck �rea Room Designed & Rules Posted Vented ��ergency Number SAFETY E UZPME � ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & C'�emical ceeder Rope Throwline, ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latching Pool Loa � ❑ Gate Sam�les submitt d m (Outdoor only) b o erator wee l � [� OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO • �/ / /!�1)�//�fti / �^�('�/ ��!��-tU i , / ��-� �i�/ii �.�.�ti .7L . � A�n/ G�.��l��-f�'/ _��i;�/� �J � d / . .� � / /� ► -/-- � � �� /1'� ,rc./�C�,��� — � r ��=I��� City of t Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba — Nledalist� rt s Club � Adm, Law gearing ' � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/ �1 City s E�ibit J�'SS-3 - _ ST. PAUL DIVISION OF P(JBLIC HEALTq Date. CT 555 Cedar Street ; 6 9 f 4�- 292-7717 Month Day Year �stablishment PHONE iTime ' 3 no i arrival departure addrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio iBADGE # CALL TYPE �s,�s Due on or Afte �3 1-Routine 3 2-Reinspection 2- � iEst # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year S/O � Wh' *-looal h M pIv ;� REQUIRED SAFE7�Y EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT F'ESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM 0� ����j-..�/� ��� ����� CLARITY IN UN:�,TISFACTORY OTHER (see t,�elow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST HE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY IACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� 7. S Maintal'n between 7 .4 - 7 .S c r�e Chlorine o, ��n� Maint<<�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pp: �or.ibined Chlorine -�� Mainta�in betweez 0 .0 - 1 .0 . pp; rotal ?,lkalinity ,s� Maint<< n bet•aeen �0 - 150 po: �yanuric Acid Maint�►�n between 30 - 100 pp: 3romine • SATISFACTORY UNSP;lISFACTORY SAT1: FACTORY UNSATISFACTOR' Clarity Chlorine Gas R�,�m � [� , -`'loW Sign Provided, � Ski:nmer Wells � Gas Mask I L�� � �eck Area . Room Designed 6: l :�ules Posted V�nted �1 a�'�' ��ergency Number SAFETY E UIPMEriT � [� ?ool Bottom Clean � Ring Buoy & X C`�emical r^eeder Rape Tyrowline, X =encing & Self . Shepher3s Crookl X � Closing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � . Gate SamDles submittld (Out door only) 8 8 b o erator wee 1 [] [] OFr ICIAL SAI�iPLE TAKEN YES IJO � /��.rc%ZP� � �1..�.,t� , ,�,I / �.�.c� O� �' �Yil'.rit��J %- � � _ ( �. �� rcc/�-r,C-.Q/ /7 �i// r, ���i ��J ����.// / 11� _ �! �� 1 � /�, �X A 1.K/-n' ,r�_1�//�_�a i� �.C� ,/,/ � f,fi�c1./�'/ 1 _____,�,.-/i r��J/� /t'�fi�r�r /_ 7'��_ ._i __. , � _ . . �f7 ,_ _ _ _ /- - - - � - - / - _ . _- - — ------ �I� `�J"" 1 y ° a v. e ics c. a - '"'Medalist S�rts Club Adm I,aw gea�.• POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/ 1 Cit 's F.xhibi �E -�-� ST. PAUL DIVISIDN OF PUBLIC HEALT� D te ��,���� T 555 Cedar Street / c� , .�4v`�- 292-7717 M nth D� Y� stabl i shment P HO�1E Time � :l / � arrival deoarture ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio BIADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine � S/ �-3 2-Reinspection E t � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r1o001 h �� � M AI�I REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RE�IDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLA.RITY Iv UNSA ISFAGTORY OTHER (see be�.ow) J ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSRTISrACTORY M[TST BE CORR�CTED SATISFAC'rORY UNSATISFACrORY CCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintain bet�.ueen 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r_e Chlorine /� S Maintai� betwean 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm :or.ibined Chlorine Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalinity Maintai between 50 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid Maintai� between 30 - 100 ppm �romine SATZSFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATIS ACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ;larity Chlorine Gas Roo� � [� '�ow Sign Provided, ������- �ki;nmer We?1s Gas Mask )ec!c �rea �oom Designed & ��,�/ tules Posted Vented `��%� '� :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT (� � �ooZ Bottom Clean Ring Buoy &� � ;`�emical r eeder Rope T:�rowline, '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook � a :losing/Latching � Poo1 Locr :ate Sam�les submittec� m_ Outdoor only) 8 b o erator week [] � — )FrICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO.x ,��..�+ � � J I - � - / � �r A�--� ����/ ��z.LL� � /' ' ��c�st.lJ � . ------� ��.i�� i o a v. e ics c. ..._a...._�_ � "—`ledalist Sport's Club � Adm. Law Hearing ' ' POOL I�ISPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City s Exhibit �� 5-55-5 � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq Datg :T 555 Cedar Street / �_ � 292-77I7 M nth Da Year :stablishment PHONE T'ime �., 3 :/S : � arrival denarture �ddrass Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine �- S �� 2-Reinspection Est � 3-Other 'QOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year ' p' Wh ' r1DOO1 s�OD M LAIv � REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO TFiE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNS TISFACTORY OTHER (see b low) ' ALL ITE�HS IVDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RANGES �� � Maintain bet��een . 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine � ,�_ Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm :or.ibined Chl.orine /, p Maintai'n between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalinity Maintain bet��reen 50 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - lOQ ppm f romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY :larity Chlorine Gas Roo �] � ?low Sign Provided, �� � � ��ci:nmer Well; Gas Mask L%�C�`�/'✓ �''� )eck �rea �oom Designed & L�,G/� tules Posted Vented / :�ergency Number SAFETY E UIPMENT � � �ool 8ottom Clean Ring Buoy & ::�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, '_ncinq & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching • Pool Loq � ❑ :ate Sanroles submitte'd Outdoor only) 8 8 b o erator weekl � ❑ )F=ICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES NO f� - � - . �'''�v�' ity o a v. etics Inc. , POOL INSPECTIOt3 REPORT Medalist rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing � ST. PAIIL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE�_ Date: 4/ �l City s Exhibit 4� •55— CT 555 Cedar Street �_ .� ,3� 292-7717 onth Da Year �stablishment PHONE ime � / arrival deoarture �ddress Ne:ct Insp°ctio �BADGE � CALL TYPE ,s�s Due on or Afte 1-Routine � �.3 2-Reinspection � 'jG � Est '� 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year S�Og. Wh ' *-l�ool h M AIv . • , REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM �,�r,� CLARITY ZN UNS TISFACT ORY ���� ` ��,��� ��a�'oi'" OTHER (see below) * ALL ITE:IS IVDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED . SATISFACTORY UNSAT.ISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RAVGES �� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 cree Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 op� �or.tbined Chlorine Main�ain betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp� �ratal. ?�lkalinity Maintain bet•.�een �0 - 150 pp� �yanuric Acid Mainkalin between 30 - 100 pp� 3romine ' � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACI'ORY SA•I�SFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR° Clarity Chlorine Gas F.00m � � , . Flow Slgn Provided, , Ski:nmer We11s - Gas Mask c%���' � . �ec!c �rea �oom Designed & :�ules Posted Ven�ed ymergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME;. � 2001 Bottom Clean � � Ring Buoy & ;,5emical r eeder Rope ThrowZine�, _/ ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Croc� Y Closing/Latching � . Pool Loc (� [] Gate Samoles submit:ted (Outdoor only) 8 by operator wE�ekl � � OFrICIAL SAMPLL TAKEN YES NO X /� � - � -r ' ��� O/ it��r .v �E.�3..��C/�.�lA.�i � o . . l' � � .. �/ _/ . � ,� ._/ ,� . � � � � / ---� �- . - --- --- -- - _ _ .._ � I�I`71.� i y o v. e ics c. a -Medalist Spo ts Club Adm. Law Hear' POOL INSPECTIOH REPORT Date: 4/23/y City's Exhibit �� y�� - = ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEaL'r� a e -T 555 Cedar Street o�- �.� �� 3 4� 292-7717 onth Da Year :stablishment � PHO�IE ime � i' ,�/ arrival deDarture �ddress Ne:ct Inso�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or Af te 1-Routine �., -r - ,/ .?�Y� .3 2-Reinspection � st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r - Wh ' *-L0001 h �n � M LAIv REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DI5INFECTANT R SIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNS TISFACTORY OTHER (see b low) � ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintai�n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlvrine Mainta'n betwesn 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm :or.tbined Chl.orine Mainta ' n betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm 'otal ?�lkalini�y Mainta' n bet�aeen 50 - 150 ppm :yanuric Acid Mainta' n between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY :larity Chlorine Gas Rodm � � ,jaW Sign Provided, T ;ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask �� G��i- �'n� )ec!c �rea �oom Designed & I / ��.,� tules Posted Vsnted C��%�' O ❑ :�ergenc;r Number SAFETY E UIPME �ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & I _ �`�emical r^eeder Rope T;�rowline, ' '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � :ate Saciroles submitt d Outdoor only) 8 b oDerator wee. lv ❑ ❑ ;FFICIAL SA�'�iPL� TAREN YES NO ,X I %/ :/ ,Qi�fi�'-� -�"'-�s��� //�/t-- /' .�C�l�/ Xi /t' L/'� rT' , � � � -- I ��r �`�(�� ity o P v. D t etics Inc. dba "P'tedalist rts C lu b Achn, Iac,, Heat.� POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/��1 City's Exhibit 4� -SS-� ST . PAUL DIVZSION OF PUBLIC HEALT� C�ate =T 555 Cedar Street �_ � 3 O�- 292-7717 onth Da Year :stabli3hment , PHO�TE ime � / — 4-' 94 I arrival deoarture �ci ress Next Inspactio ADGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or Afte 1-Routine 3 � -� 2-Reinspection st # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year " Wh ' rl000l h �fp� Mp AIv i'.,�.�;nL�� ' ���y REQUIR D SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'PANT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ���/ _'/, . ��G����� CLARITY I�1 UNS�TISFACTORY �'i� OTHER (see b�low) t ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISr^ACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY iACCEPTABLE RAVGES ?� Maintal�n bet�.�een 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine d _ Mainta�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm :or.ibined Chlorine Mainta n between 0 .0 - 1 .0 npm �ota1 ?�lkalinity Mainta�n between �0 - 150 po� :yanuric Acid � � Maintalin between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACrORY SATI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY =larity Chlorine Gas Robm � [� 'ZoW Sign Provided, i �;ti:nmer We?ls � Gas Mask �eck �rea �oom Designed &! tulas Posted Vented I :mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEiV�T � � ?ool aottom Clean Ring Buoy & � �:�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, � '�ncing & Seif Shepher3s Croo}� � a :losing/Latching . Pool Loq =3�e Sanroles submittled :Outdoor only) � 8 b oQerator weQkl � � )FFICIAL SP,�'�iPLc TAKEN YES NO � � / �°� � .� ,- _ , � i'�C/9�i—/silL/ /Aiv7A I.!/ ir��l/ /�/!/�z,/�� /L-GC�-t�!//[/�� ��l�'�� ..�Ld�l� y � �����`�`+' ity o t a v. e ics c. � — MedalistI�Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing ' � Date: 4/g3/Nl City's Exhibit �� -55�� St. Paul Division of PL____ _. � .... Environmental Health Section 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 , NOTIFICATION OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATISFAICTORY POOL SAMPLE 1. Name of Pool .sc,h%y� �'2�;vf'" � '� ' 2 . Address of Pool �-� l S ,�f� 3 . Establishment Number 4 . Date �� a-�� r' 0 5. Time �.� a �� � � � 6. Indoor Pool ,x Outdoor Pool Whirlpool 7 . Unsatisfactory due to Coliform Aerobic Plate Cbunt ,� 8 . Name o•_` Person contacted Telephone Number ��� /��s' . � , On this date the facility was contacted regar ing an unsatisfacto:cy water sample. The reason for �he unsatisfactory sample is checked above. The ��ool was not or�3er�d to close. ��� � � i Sanitarian �' � ity o v. e ics c. a �I�(� — riedalist Spo t s Club Adm. Law Hearing — � POOL I�VSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91� City`s Exhibit �� �j'SS-/O — . ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT`i D t :T 555 Cedar Street � �O 292-7717 M nth • Da Y� :stablishment PHO�IE T' me � � . .-- arrival deoarture ►ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio B DGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine S I � 2-Reinspection Est � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �/Q g. Wh ' *- Do01 h M LAIv REQUIRED SAFETYI EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CI.OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RE�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see b�low) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY iACCEPTABLE RANGES �� - Mainta�}n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chloriae Mainta3n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm :or.tbined Chlorine , 4 Mainta�.n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm 'otal ?1lkalinity Mainta'n bet��een 50 - 150 pnm :yanuric Acid M.ainta n between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACT ORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI$FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �larity Chlorine Gas Ro�m � ❑ ?low Sign Provided, I ;;ci:nmer We�1.; Gas Mask ��jj-- �� )ec'c Area c�oom Designed � I `Q����� tules Posted Vented :�ergency Number ' SAFETY E UIPME. � ❑ ?ool 3ottom Clean Ring Buoy & �`�emical r^eeder �, Rope T:�rowline,l � - '=ncing & Self . Shepher3s Crooki :losing/Latching • Pool LoQ (� ; ❑ :ate Sam�les submitt d :Outdoor only) by operator wee 1 � ❑ )Fc ICIAL SA��iPLE TAREN YES NO l.� / � �' � �-S t� ����� � � . . � 1 I �I ,� �I�'(��w City o St a v. J D t etics c, a ' � ' POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date� 4/23/�lts Club � Adm. La�,, Hearing • City s Exhibit �� 5 ST. PAtJL DIVZSION OF PUBLIC HERL'r� L��� � �T 555 Cedar Street I S �./� 90 `y 0 292'��1� M nth Da Year �stabli 3hment� P HO�IE Tlime -cj-� arrival denarture �ddrzss i� Next Insp�ctio B�DGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or Afte 1—Routine ' '� -S� s � �. � ! �' � 2-Reinspection st # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' *-l000l h ��O � M LA V I-1 REQUIRED SAFET� EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CI,OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT R�SIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM H i� � � D w.�� �.� C� , pl� �y� e �,� ��(y� CLARITY Iv UNSl}TISFACTORY OTHER (see b�low) * ALL ITEbIS INDICATED UNSATIScACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED . SATISFACTORY (3NSATISFACTORY iACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� Mainta n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorir,e O� Mainta�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 �per =or.tbined Chlorine �,�� Mainta n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm Cota1 ?1lkalinity Mainta'n bet•�een �0 - 150 pnm �yanuric Acid Mainta'n between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFA;.TORY UNSATISFACTORY Sr�TI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY =larity Chlorine Gas Ro�m � � ?low Sign Provide- d�— 4 ��� �ki:nmer Weils Gas Mask I ���� �eck Area �oom Designed &i � tules Posted Vented ;�ergzncy Number SAFETY EQUI?MEN� � ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & ± �`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, '�ncinq & Self Shepher3s Craok�l :losing/Latching . Pool Loq (� � :ate Sam�les submit �tted ;Outdoor only) E� 8 b o erator weakl [] � )F:ICIAL SAIriPLc TARcN YES NO � . . , � � I - _ _ _ ---- ---- _- ---- - -- ��'���� ity o t a v. t etics c. a — Medzlist S rts Club Adm. Law Hearing � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23 1 City's Exhibit �� -SS- ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTS ate �T 555 Cedar Street S' 3� � 292-77I7 anth D� Y� �stablishment PHO�tE im� -�- � � ��_ �'� � �'.� arrival deoarture �ddrass Ne:tt Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te � 1-Routine /S/S �.3 2-Reinspection O st � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month d y year s���- Wh ' *l000l h M LAIv REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � ' PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R SIDUAL BELOW O .S. PPM ,,,��,(j /p���7y,n� CLARITY IN UN5 TISFACTORY � OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS IVDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRLCTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� Mainta'n bet�.�een 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine Mainta'n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �or.ibined Chlorine Mainta'n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm ��ta1 ?�lkalinity rlainta''n bet�.�een �0 - 150 pom �yanuric Acid Mainta' n between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UTISATISFACTORY �ATI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �larity Chlorine Gas Ro m � � �IoW Sign Provided, 3ki:nmer WeI ls � Gas Mask �%�� ''� 7eck Area �oom Designed &; �,���,• 2ules Postzd Vented � :�ergency Number SAFETY E UIPME, CJ � ?ooZ Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � �`�em�cal r eeder Rope Throwline, ?�ncing & Se1� Shepher3s Crook =losing/Latching - Pool Loq (� � �ate Satcroles submitt d ;Outdoor only) 8 by operator weekly � [� �Fr ICIAL SAI�IPLE TAREN YES N0 /� �� � � ���/ � -� J �.� � �> � � ���(��Y ity o t a v. etics c. a , — Medalist S rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/ �1 City s Exhibit 4l -$5-/3 ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAL�rY ' uate CT 555 Cedar Street S � � 30 292-7717 ' Month Da Year �stabli3hment PHONE Time // :Oo arrival departure ?�ddress Next Insp�ctio BADGE # CALL TYPE j � Due on or Afte ' 1-Routine .� 2-Reinspection � f�' O ' Est # 3-Other 200L TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' �' �001 h ��0� M AIN I � REQUIRED SAFE Y EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT FtESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM �,��� ���/O CLARITY IN UN ATISFACTORY OTHER (see elow) * ALL ITEMS IvDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRLCTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACC�'PTABLE RANGES �� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 c^r�e Chlorine Maint in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opi �or.tbined Chlorine Maint in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp� Tota1 �lkalini�y Maint in bet�een 50 - 150 pn� �yanuric Acid Maint in between 30 - 100 ��i 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACI'ORY SATZSr^ACTORY UNSATISFACTOc�? Clarity Chlorine Gas R om [� � Flow Slgn Provided, Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask G%��� �eck �rea �oom Designed & �;���L�/� �ules Posted Vented rmergencv Numbzr SAFETY EQUIPME�IT � / 0 Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & C'�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Croa Closing/Latching • Poo1 Loq (� � Gate Sanroles submit ed (Outdoor only) 8 b oDerator we kl [] (� OFr ICIAL SA�'tiLpL.r^, TAREN YES NO .� � � — (,�i�I�� a v. e ics c. a (� — Medalist ports Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/2 /91 City's E�ibit l� -55�� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ate :T 555 Cedar Street � � 3�� 292-7717 � 'onth Dav Year :stablishment PHO:IE ime � � ' 2� O O � � arrival deoarture �d ress vext Insp�ctio BADGE # CALL TYPE I Due on or Afte 1-Routine S S 2-Reinspection �S st 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �0 g' Wh ' rID0o1 h M LAINT REQ[TIRED SAFET EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT RESIDU?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNS TISFACT ORY OTHER (see b low) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFAGTORY UNSATISFAGTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� � Mainta'n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ':�e Chlorine r , ,�- Mainta'n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm' :or.tbined Chlorine � � S Mainta'n between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalinity Mainta 'n between �0 - 150 pom �yanuric Acid Mainta' n between 30 - I00 pom 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY .'larity Chlorine Gas Ro m � � 'yaW ` Sign Provided, �ki:nmer We�ls - Gas Mask �a��'� )ec?c �rea �oom Designed & ��q� tuies Posted Vented `j`�' p ;mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME � Q >001 Botcom Clean Ring Buoy � �j �'�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �� / '�ncinq & Self Shepher3s Crook r� ;losing/Latchinq . Pool Loq (� � :ate SamDles submitt d Outdoor only) 8 b ooerator wee 1 � � )r^c ICIAL SA�`4PLc TAREN YES NO /� ' / \ A i �(.;(� i o a v. t etics , a ; _ l — Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hear Date: 4/23/91 City's F.xhibit �� -55 St. Paul Division o_ _ �___� ..�� ._ . Environmental Health Section �l 555 Cedar Street ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 _ . NOTIFICATION OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATISFAC�ORY POOL SAMPLE , l. Name of Pool � � c'��c� �, 2 . Address of Pool �s�S ��G��,��� � 3. Establishment Number ,S'Jo � I 4. Date � � a-1f- 9� 5. Time �' ��� � M � � 6. Indoor Pool � Outdoor Pool Whirlpool 7. Unsatisfactory due to Coliform x I �''� 1� 't4�. Aerobic Plate Cour�t -�C, y �;�� 8. Name of Person contactea .�� Telephone Number �� �- J��� ' • II , � . ti: ,, . , , On this date the facility was contacted regardi�g an � unsatisfactory water sample. The reason for th unsatisfactory sample is checked above. The pool was not orde��d to close. _-_���J ��i,//i�� i Sanitarian � ; � . I � I � i I I , I � � � I I I I I i ��,��O�D 1 o v, t etics c. a — Medalist Spo ts Club Adm, Law gPaY� — � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91i City's Fxhibit 4� -5�_ - ST. PAIIL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEA.,�:. ., �� r 555 Cedar Street �L �� Zg2'��1� Mon h Da Year �tabli3hment PHO�IE Tim � � � � �� � a rival de�arture idress Ne:ct Insp�ctio BAD E � CALL TYPE � Due on or Afte 1-Routine S/S i J .3 2-Reinspection Est � 3-Other 70L TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s-��- Wh 'T10001 h M LAIV (� REQUIRED SAFETY �QUIP. NOT PROVIDED � PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISI�IFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY Iv UNSATIISFACTORY OTHER (see beldw) ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE RANGES � Maintain �bet�aeen 7 .4 - 7 .8 -�e Chlorine Maintain betwe�n l .0 - 3 .0 ppm;'. �r.ibined Chlorine Maintain Ibetweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm �ta1 ?�lkalinity Maiatain ibet•aeen �0 - 150 pom:'` �anuric Acid Maintainibetween 30 - 100 ppm :omine � _` SATISFACTORY tNSATISFACTORY SATISFP�CTORY U:JSATISFACTORY ' :arity Chlorine Gas Rooml � � �aW Siqn Provided, :i:nmer We�ls Gas Mask � �''� �c�c �rea �oom Designed & ��//,f iles Posted Vented %� �" :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIP:�LE�1T I � � �ol 3ottom Clean Ring Buoy � � iemical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, � :ncing & Self Shephez3s Crook .osing/Latching . Poo1 Loq I � � ite Sauro les submitted )utdoor only) 8 b o erator weekll [] ❑ '^ICIAL SAi�iPL� TAREN YES NO .� ��C-�..,�..,�-c� � � -� � �O - O . _ � �I l I --- - ... _ �("-��� _ City of t Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc: 'dba • � POOL I[VSPEC'PION REPORT �d�-�t Sports Club � Adm, Law gea:ring . Date: 4/ 3/yl City s F�ibit 4�,�_55-%� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAL'lY LaLe CT __ 555 Cedar. Street �p � 292-7717 Month Da Year`'� �stablishment PHO�JE Time %� : fi'C� • � .� � � �_-� , �- , arrival deoarture Address Next Inso`ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE � . Due on or Af te 1-Routine , � -U 2-Reinspection- Est # 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month ay year S/D � Whi 1�001 � Other OM LAIVT REQUIRED SAFE Y EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED Q POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UN ATISFACTORY ' OTHER (see elow) * ALL ITEi�1S I�IDICATED (TNSATIScACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ' P� "7,.C" Maint in between 7 .4 - 7 .S ' c^r�e Chlorine p, �. Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opn Cor.ibined ChI.orine , Maint in betweea 0 .0 ,- 1 .0 ppn Total ?�lkalinity O Maint in bet•aeen � �0 - 150 ppn Cyanuric Acid � Maint in between 30 - ].00 ppri 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SAT SFACTORY =tNSATISFAGTOQY Clarity Chlorine Gas R om � � � 51.ow : SigC� Provided, Ski:nmer WeIIs . Gas Mask ' ,��-/�- �� �ec?c �rea �oom Designed Rules Post�d V�nted �'�� ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME, � (� - Poo1 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & /; � C_'�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline �// r^�ncing &.,;.�elf °� � Shepher3s Croo Ll� Closing/Latching . Pool Loq (� ❑ Gate Sam�les submit ed (Outdoor only) 8 by oaerator we k� � � OFrICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES NO • , � . � / � - ...�.t�.f -- - - - --- - - i � i � �� I Ci of St Pa I v. J D A / thletics Inc • � __ . POOL I[VSPECTION REPORT — Me aList Spo r�'s Club Adm, Iaw gea�. �a•` — - �ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC Ei. �te: 4/23{yl � City's Exhibit 4� 5-��g. ,� CT 555 Cedar Street � � : Oa- - ---- 292-7717 Mo th Da Year , cstablishment PHONE Ti e � �o: -�n , � / �' rrival deoarture Address Ne:ct Insp�ctio HA GE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte � 1-Reutine � � 2-Reinspection d � c� O Est � 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor � Month day year � Whirl�ool � Othe `r�� OM LAINT . . . ' REQUIRED SAFETYIEQUIP. NOT PROVIDED Q POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RE�IDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPP�1 , CLARITY IN UNSA�ISFACTORY � OTHER (see be ow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ,; �� � $4� S Maintai�i between 7 .4 - 7 .8 - c^r�e Chlorine �� , p Maintai,� betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 o�m Cocabined Chioriae Maintai�n between 0 .0 - 1 .0 opi�;-•,: Total �,lkalinity ��p Maintaijn bet•.�een �0 - 150 ppm=' ,.yanuric Acid Mainta�'n between 30 - 100 ppm ' 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY SATI F'��'TORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Ro�m [� • [� °laW Sign Provide—d�- Ski:nmer Wells . Gas Mask � o�� -�� �ec!c Area Room Designed & ; Rules Posted Vented � ��`����� Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME►V'� � [� PooZ Bottom Clean Rinq Buoy & C`�emical r^eeder Rope T;�rowline,� ��- =sncing & Self Shepher3s Crook�� �� � Closing/Latching Pool Loq (� � Gate -�r ` � ' ,.:..;_ � Sam�les submit 'ed (Outdoor orily) 8 8 by or�erator we klY. [] � � - ... OFFICIAL SP,MPLE TAKEN YES NQX ' i I ^Y. / ' �/ 7�� - , -Ta,�.,/, .��� � . - i � - - - _ _ _ ._ - ----- -- � City of St Paul{ v. J/ll Athletics Inc. dba POOL INSPECTION REPORT �d�l�st S�orts Club � Adm. Law Heari�g — _ Date: 4/23 91 City s E�ibit �� -SS' � ST. P A U L D I V I S I O N O F P U B L I C H�;HL'1':Y uat� T S55 Cedar Street 9 �._ 0 �' 292'��1� Mon h Da Year stanLishment PHONE Tim " �-' � azrival de�arture ddress Ne:tt Inso�ctio BAD E � CALL TYPE � Due on or �1Fte 1-Routine s � � 2-Reinspection /� Es�/�g, 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' rl000l h M p7v � REQUIRED SAFETY �QUIP. NOT PROVIDED PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTANT RES�DUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSAT�SFACrORY OTHER (see bel�w) ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATIScACT ORY MUST BE CORR�CTED i ' � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A�CEPTABLE RANGES � - Maintainibetween 7 .4 - 7 .8 r�e Chlorine Maintaini betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm, or.ibined Chlorine Maintain; between Q .0 - 1 .0 opm: otal ?llkalini�y Maintain� bet��een �0 - 150 pom yanuric Acid Maintain� between 30 - I00 ppm romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI5FI CTORY Ul`ISATISFACTORY — larity Chlorine Gas Roomi ❑ ❑ low � Sign Provided, , �ci:nmer We?Is Gas Mask ec�C Area �oom Designed & ' ulas Posted V�nted � nergency Number SAFETY EQUI?ME;V'r i � � ool Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � ; :�emicai r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, ; =_ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook � � a losing/Latching � Poo1 Loq � 3�e Sarcroles submitte� �utdoor onZy) 8 by ooerator week y � � . ?r ICIr1L SA�`�1._pLc, TAREN YES NO X j /I I ��-`��ll„�tJ i c�tis-�s�'/ ���� z / l'���{.br�/ ✓tit-� ��i �'�'.�����C.�Z_ /��JPJ i O / � � ��/ ' � /����Jt.il//'1.��7/1 � .~/' �R-/ I/��/1.a�-_ Y-�rw '`�` / J �♦ �l rJ' if.�-�,L,� -+/ ��•L_ •�s�,�C���J2.��% �/l� /�'��c�_,�C�.ri,// �,.�,r r� T - I (�1�� )� _ City of St Paul v. J/D Athl.etics Inc. dba _ � Medzlist S rts Club Adm. L�,� Hearu' �g� � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23 91 City's Exiiibit �l -55-?� - ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT�I ate :T 555 Cedar Street � , � `3 0 292'��1� onth Da Year :stablishment PH0,1E ime arrival deoarture �ddrass Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine � .3 2-Reinspection O st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month d� year Wh ' r l000 h ��0 � M LAIV REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP . NOT PRO�IIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLA.RITY IV UNS TISFACTORY OTHER (see b low) � ALL ITE;HS INDICATED UNSATZSFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RAVGES �� Mainta'n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine Mainta�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm ;or,ibined Chlorine Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalinity Mainta n bet•aeen �0 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid Mainta'�in between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY (TiVSATISFACTORY SATI rACTORY UNSATISFACTORY :larity Chlorine Gas Ro' m � � �IoW Sign Provided, G%���.�� i�ci:nmer Srte?i; Gas Mask )eck �rea. Room Designed & � tules Posted V�nted a� ia�ergenc�� Number SAFETY E UIPME: � � �ool 3otto� Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, '�ncing 6 Se1f Shepher3s Crook :losing/I,atching . Pool Loq � � :ate . Samnles submitted Outdoor only) � 8 b o erator weekl [] Q � ; ;Fr ICIAL SPu�LDLL TAREN YES NO � - � � / -��1-- r .�. ,, . � i �I%�5� City of St Pay1 v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ , — Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law gear• POOL IC�SPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit �� �-55� ST . PA(JL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT`i Da e T 555 Cedar Street �� �- p 292-��1� Mo th Da Year stabli3hment PHO�IE Ti e � . o : - '� 6- �' rrival deoarture 3drzss Ne:tt Insp�ctio BA GE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine 3 s 2-Reinspec�ion O Es � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s-�O g , Wh ' r1DO 1 h M AZv �%t� �s�,c�2���h� � �� � ���UIRED SAFETY QUIP. NO PR�D � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTA(3T RES�DU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM ` ��t� ���� 0,3J�G�Y�s�CLARITY IN UNSA2$SFAGTORY � OTHER (see bel w) ALL I E:IS IVDICATED UNSATISFFICTORY T BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY AICEPTABLE RANGES � �. � Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 � r�e Chlorine � , ,-� Maintain betwe�n 1. .0 - 3 .0 ppm, or.ibined Chlorine ,�, Z Maintain betwe�e:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm,` otal ?�lkalinity Maintain betaeen �0 - 150 pom `. yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm ronine SATISFACTORY Wi SATISFACTORY �r�TISF CTORY UNSATISF�CTORY larity Chlorine Gas Room � � laW Sign Provided, G�� -'� �ci;nmer Welis Gas Mask sc?c �rea �oom Designed & iles Posted V�nted ��G�x:�� nergency Number SAFETY EQUIDMENT � � �o? Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & `�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, =_ncing & Sel� Shepher3s Crook Losing/Latching • poQl LoQ I (� � ��e Sam�les submitted �utdoor only) 8 b o erator we�kll [� � � ?c ICIAL SAl`4PLE TAKEN YES NO.�C ; � `i � � , � � �� � � � • � . C ./ � �) .�' --�� ';�' _ � �r g� �I�I� Ci of S Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ POOL IIV S P E C T I O[J R E P O R T ����t �p Orts Club � Achn. Law Hearing � Date: 4/2 3I/9 1 City s Exhibit �i 5-SS-j� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUHLIC HEr+Lrz ►La�C :T 555 Cedar Street S 9 O . 30 �- 292-7717 onth Da Year :stablishment PHO.IE ime � �� _�O • arrival deoarture �ddrzss vext Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te � 1-Routine �-- S� I '�"3 2-Reinspection � .3 S q st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' rl�ool h I s�p g Mp AIN REQUIRED SAFET�Y EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO TFiE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNS�P,TISFACTORY OTHER (see blelow) ' ALL ITE�HS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Mainta�in bet�.�een 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine Maint in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opin :or.ibined Chlorine Maint�in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalinity Mainta�in bet•�+een �0 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid Mainta�in between 30 - lOo ppm f romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY SAT SFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY :?arity Chlorine Gas Rdom (� � 'IaW Sign Provided, iki:nmer Wells Gas Mask ��l-P'i� )eck �rea �oom Designed � ���� �,,,,,� tules Posted V�nted ��ip"°� :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME�pT � [� �ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � , :5emical r^eeder Rope Throwline� '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Croal� :losing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � :ate Sar�roles submit�ed Outdoor only) � 8 b o erator we .{1 [] [� )F:'ICIAL SA�tiIPLE TAREN YES NO � -- //A1/�!����i _�/�r ��%��!� I ,�G1a.N.�� � . � . /1 I ' U�l' City of St Pa v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba " ����� — Medzlist Sport Club Adm. Law Hearing — Date: 4/23/yl City's F�ibit �6 -$�- St. Paul Division of Public �ealth , • ' Environmental Health Sect on 555 Cedar Street _ St. Pau1, �Minnesota 551 1 . NOTIFICATZON OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATIS ACTORY POOL SAMPLE l. Name of Pool �����¢�i �,cc� 2. Address of Pool � SlS �—'t�����d� 3. Establishment Number S��' � 4 . Date 3 — �--= 17 O � 5. Time � ,� / c ��� . � � s� � ' 6. Indoor Pool .X Outdoor Pool Whirlpool . 7. Unsatisfactory due to � Coliform `��; .� . � Aerobic Plate ount � �' � �:;� 8. Name of Person contacted G�� r � `;r � "ra Telephone Number � -- - - ` x . . On this date the facility was contacted rega�ding an unsatisfactory water sample. The reason for the unsatisfactory � , sample is checked above. The poql was not o�der�d to clos�e. �J.�-�,�r� �� � /.� Sanitarian � � i,,�;� City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba , � POOL INSPECTION REPORT �dalist S rts Club A�n, La�a gearing ` - � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC Ei Date: 4/23 1 City's F�chibit �� $-SS'"c� :T 555 Cedar Street �_ --�0 30�-- 292-7717 � onth Da Year ;stablishment PH0:1E ime � /' arrival de�arture ,ddrzss " Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte ' 1-Routine � �S S ,�-� s ' 3 2-Reinspection 3 �, Est � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s/O g- Wh ' • 000l h M AIN � REQUIRED SAFET EQUZP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWfNG • DISINFECTANT R SZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ,��C� , �,�� CLARITY IN UNS TISFACTORY �� OTHER (see b low) ' ALL ITE:�S IND CATED UNSATISr ACTORY MUST BE CORR°CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES '� � , ,� Mainta n bet�aeen 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r_e Chlorine Mainta n betwean 1 .0 - 3 .O opm :or.ibined Chlorine i Mainta n betweeZ 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm 'otal ?�lkalini�y '7o Mainta n bet•aeen 5Q - 150 ppm :yanuric Acid M.ainta r. between 30 - 100 ppm �romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI I Fnl'1'ORY UNSATISFAGTORY :larity Chlorine Gas Room � [� '1ow Slgn Provided, �ki:nmer We11s Gas Mask �eck �rea �oom Designed & ' :ules Postzd Vsnted I ;mergency Number SAFETY E CTIPME. � [� �ool 2ottom Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, '�ncing & Self � Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching • Pool Loq � � �ate Sa�les submitt d Outdoor only) 8 b o erator wee. 1 ! � [� �F?ICIAL SA��IPLB TA�EN YES NO �\ ��J _—;�-iC-vl� L��c_G�- . � , .�� �i� �v .ar �� • �T ��' �,�..�� e�LL/ �, .,�f,I,���� � � � �� � �Zac,�o� . < c� ) / � /� �� i,i� �P� �-. . ity o t a v. t etics Inc. d a h POOL IIVSPECTION REPORT— Medalist Spor s Club � Adm. Law He.�sing `� � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC ! Date: 4/23/91 Citys Exhibit 4� 5SS-2� T 555 Cedar Street �_ 9 � �O � 292-7717 ���� Mo th Da Year " staolishment PH0�1E Ti e / 7-D rrival deoarture .ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BA GE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine � ' �-� S J 3 2-Reinspection � Es � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh � r o001 h `s�a� M LAIv _ ���� REQUIRED SAFETY QUIP. NOT PROVIDED .:;.s',. � POOL CI�OSED DUE TO .THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RES DU?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM A��� CLARITY IN UNSAT 5FACTORY � 3, o OTHER (see beI w) ' ALL ITEMS INDIG�,TED UNSATISr ACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACrORY A CEPTABLE RANGES �� 4? , f Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 L 'r_e Chlorine n„� M.aintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ogm :or.tbined Chlorine �, � Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ogm 'otal ?�lkalinity �� �iaintain bet•�een 50 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm �romine � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISF CTORY UNSATISFACTORY :larity Chlorine Gas Room [] �] 'law Sign Provicied, - �ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask ����s-� .�� ,eck �rea �oom Desigued & `G����� 'ules Posted Vsnted ;a�ergency Number SAFETY EQU'LPME:1T ' Q � �001,:,8ottom Clean Ring Buoy � V ::�emical r eedAr Rope TSrowLine, '�ncing & Sel� Shepher3s :.rook �� :losing/Latching . Pool Loq � � �ate Samnles su:�mitted Ou�door only) 8 8 by ooerato.r weekl [� [� }Fr ICIAL SAl'KPLE TAKEN YES NO ,� - �,� � �G�CI� �1�.�i'i .�y�-�L/ �'�!�.�'-�/ ,__,,.' - �%[����i�J iI� �tit�1 ac.��c'���(t�l�� /r. r� �- � � ,.,� I�,r.� v��--�� � /�.rt��r.�Y�� �3 � �3�-y;,.�.� ./��i �..��t,+v at-�'��'1l_{,t_��� i'����,�J i o t a v. J t etics Inc. dba POOL IVSPECTIOPI REPORT - Me alist rts Club Adm. Law Hear' - ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC [y Date: 4/23 91 City's Exhibit �� -� :T , 555 Cedar Street �I��� I 2-- �Z 30 292-7717 onth Da Y� :stablishment PHO�JE ime /� �' arrival deoarture �ddrzss ve:tt Inspnctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine ��-� � �3 2-Reinspection st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Whi�'1D001 h ��� Mp A �I REQUIRED SAFETI EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTAVT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 P?M CLARITY IN UNS TISFACTORY OTHER (see b low) ' ALL ITEI`4S IVDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED - � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Mainta�n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine - Mainta�n betwe�n I .0 - 3 .0 ppm �or.ibined ChZorine Mainta n between 0 .0 -� 1 .0 ppi� 'otal ?�lkalinity Mainta�n bet�+een �0 - 150 pnm �yanuric Acid Maintai�n between 30 - I00 ppm iromine f SATZSFACTORY UNSATISFAC'I'ORY SATI FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY =larity Chlorine Gas R�o Im_ � � ?low Slgn Provided, I �kimmer Wells Gas Mask �•— '-,� )eck Area 2oom Designed & "'G�`� tules Fosted Vented :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENTI � � [� ?ooI. Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � �'�emical reeder Rope Throwline, '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crookl :losing/Latcning . Pool Log I� (� � :ate Sam�les submitte�i ;Outdoor only) � 8 by operator week y � � )Fc ICIAL SF�MPL� TAREN YES NO�C ` � — �f/i./t� — .��Yi �� -�l,c�{/�' .j,�/ / ,�/�.l��1 it��/ I v ����_/G;-f! � v ' � �--, il C I �. . City of St P ul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba , POOL INSPECTION REPORT M�dallst S or s Club � Adm. Law gearing — Date: 4/23/�91 City s E�ibit # $$-Z ' � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC H_____ _ _ _ S" tI :T 555 Cedar Street����,��� � , 9� � �. 292-7717 Mo th Da Year :stablishment PHO�IE Ti e � ,� , ..�� : o �3 ; � rrival denarture .. .ddress Ne:tt Insp�ctio BA GE � CALL TYPE 3 Due on or AFte 1-Routine S/S , 3 2-Reinspection 2. �--� Est # 3-ather OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s-��� Wh ' r1D001 h M LAIN c�e� Ga�G�� ������ �� �� RE���KED SAFETY QUIP. NOT PROAIDED � POOL CLQSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RES DUAL BELOW 0 .5 PpM a. � CLARITY IN UNSAT SFAGTORY �,st� �-�o-��,c� ��� THER (see beI w) ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTOR UST BE CORRyCTED ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE RANGES . '� �, �. Maintain bet*.�een 7 .4 - 7 .8 � r�e Chlorine � , �. Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 �pm :ocnbined Chlorine 3, , �3 Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 op�.r; ' otal �lkalinity S d Maintain bet�een �0 - 150 pom:�- j :yanuric Acid Maintain , between 30 - l00 ppm'-':; � romine ' ' , SATISFAI"�iORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFAGTORY UNSATISFACTORY�:" . � :larity Chlorine Gas Room � � '-'"` 'low Sign Provided, �ci:nmer We'_Is Gas Mask �.�— ,�� iec?c �rea �oom Designed & ,ules Posted ' Vented ' �ergency Number SAFETY EQUIP:4IENT ❑ ❑ �ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & :`�zmical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �ncing & Sei� Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching � Pool LoQ (� �� ate Sam�les submitted Outdoor only) E� 8 b oAeratoz weekl (� [] Fc ICIAL SArLpLE TARE;N YES NO (� J 1���'�-�� � �I"r�f•!� �6..�� �'.a�r�.�/�-!s�!�t/ r�(s�`/�/.(l� ��� `�'� /filr �,,fl±.(1 /71 1 v/1��'��AJ� , ��aC�GL�J� '� 1 .��'/�v�,.1 ���/'/ �,/,���e, J ,.:,��i� ��-tu/ r- �f�....�-�<c,1J �;s-- .�U .'��..L%�> -�r.�.,..c.��� _ � � � � � _�� .,�� 11/ � ' � O ,� ,G� , POOL I�ISPECTION REPORT City of St ul v. J/D Athletics Inc. db.a _ ' — i`1ed�list Spo ts Club Adm. Law Hearing � ST . PAUL DIVZSION OF PUBLIC HE Date: 4/23/9 City's Exhibit ;� 5-SS Zg T 555 Cedar Street �(�� _�� 90 � � 292-7717 �l Mon�th Da Year stablishment PHONE Ti e �� �-: 3S � �� � rrival deDarture 3drzss ,Ne:tt Insp�ctio BA 'GE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine �-- ��� i 2-Reinspection L�O Es � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s 08'� Wh 'rl000l h M AIV (-1 REQUIRED SAFETY QUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLO5ED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DIS.INFECTANT RESTDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see bel w) ALL ITEMS IVDICATED UNSATZSrACTaRY MUST BE CORR�CTED i SATISFACTORY liNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE RAUGES � � 1 � Maintain ,bet�seen 7 .4 - 7 .8 i r�e Chlorine J , � - Maintain 'betwean 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppmy ' ' �cabined ChZorine Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm;�h �ta1 ?�lkalini�y Maintain between �0 - 150 pom�;�;�:` yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm;.: romine SATISFACTORY [J�ISATISFACTC.::Y SATISF CTORY UNSATISFACTORY,'�. larity Chlorine Gas Room � � low Sign Provided, � / �- <i:nmer Wells � Gas Mask jLO`�'� ' �ck �rea Room Designed & `.%y��`�'`� iles Posted Vented �;:; nergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � �ol 3ottom Clean Ring Buoy � �emical �eeder Rope T:�rowline, �ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook Losing/Latching . Pool LoQ (� [� ite Sam�les submitted �utdoor only) � 8 by operator weekl [] [� ?FICIAL SAI�iPL� TAREN YES N� ��r��� / ���,a� T- �-,� � � ,/ i ,/ /J ��-� Ci of t Paul v. J/D tithletics Inc. ,dba ' POOL IIVSPECTION REPORT ����t Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing Date: 4/ /yl City's E�ibit �� -55- ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUHLIC HEAL�:. aLe :T 555 Cedar Street ���I�1 � ; 0 292-7717 onth D� YQr :stablishment PHONE ime , /a:S� „[f �O � arrival deoarture ,ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or AFte 1-Routine o� � S S , 3 2-Reinspection 'OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month � � st � 3-Other y year Wh ' *' DOOI. h �n � MD AI�1 REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PpM -�^�' 'l, ����v�� ��G/;,�/ CLARITY IN UNS TI SFACTORY �� %°'�� OTHER (see b low) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ''- 'r�e Chlorine /o���„�/ Mainta n betwesn 1 .0 - 3 .0 opin :or.ibined Chlorine --��— Mainta n between 0 ,0 - 1 .0 opm; 'otal ?�lkalini�y _ Mainta n bet��een �0 - 150 pom :yanuric Acid i Maintain between 30 - 100 pp�i �romine ``� SATISFACTORY UNSATISFF,CTaRY SATI FAC'rORY [J�JSATISFACTORY{ :larity Chlorine Gas Room � � 'low Sign Provided, �ki:nmer We1Is Gas Mask G�,�°`�� �ec!c �rea Room Designed & .ul�s Posted Vented :mergency Number SAFETY E UIPME � � �ool 3vttom Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching ' Pool Loq (� � ate Sanroles submitt d Outdoor only) E� b o erator wee. 1 [� � iF�ICIAL SA�`�IPLE TAKEN YES NO // � !U'1�--� ��:'�l�f� �'�-�f/ �'��,��'-C�d/ i1 r�/Cl �s�f v il.!.�-e�� i_//J-- -�.�..J /.1�,�_J/il�.t�L-+� .>/ � � / � `� ...�,+�i/� �tn�/.�� �.r.•�c�!lr1J �f � _a �'�.>->^� �s7/�— l�tt�T'� �i r �' ity o t au1 v. J D Athletics Inc. dba — Medalist S rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing''' – POOL I[VSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23 1 City s Exhibit �� �-5�-�p , ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC ,HEAL�r� u te :T 555 Cedar Street �'71,Q L .�C 9O .� 29 2-7717 ����� M nth Da Year stablishment PHO�IE ' T�me �c. � �+ �/� � - arrival devarture .ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio B DGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine � s '� 2-Reinspection � O Est � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor � Outdoor M nth day year Wh ' r I�oo 1 h ���� M AIv REQUIRED SAFETYIEQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTAt�T RE IDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSA ISFACTORY OTHER (see be ow) ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED - : SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RANGES � Maintai between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r�e Chlorine Maintai betwesn 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm 'ocabined Chlorine M.aintai betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm,; otal ?�lkalinity Maintai bet•�een �0 - 150 pom;; :yanuric Acid Maintai between 30 - 100 pprn'; re�; ne ', SATISFACTORY tNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY; 'larity Chlorine Gas Room � � 'low Sign Provided, ki:na.er We?1; � Gas Mask ieck �rea �oom Designed � .ules Posted Vented ' �ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME:IT [� [� ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook 'losing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � a�e . Sa�1es submitte Outdoor only) 8 b operator week [� � �FFICIAL SA2•1PLL TAREN YES NO .� ' , � � ity o t Pa v. J D Athletics Inc_., dba — Medalist S rts Club Adm. Law Hearing ' POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23�j91 City's F�chibit 4� -55- 3/. ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT�i qate �T " 555 Cedar Street �i_ 9 O ` 4a- 292-7717 ���� onth Da Year '' stabli3hment PHO�TE ime � � arrival deoarture .ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE # CALL TYPE Due on or AFte 1-Routine � �-� I�.� 2-Reinspection � o st � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year WhirlDOO1 � h �� g M AIv � REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTANT R SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY I�1 UNS TIScACTORY OTHER (see b� low) ALL ITE:iS IVDICATED UNSATISFACT ORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY liNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ' � Mainta' n bet��een 7 .4 - 7 .8 r=e Chlorine � Mainta' n betwesn 1 .0 - 3 .0 gpin 'ocnbined Chlorine Mainta'n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 opat otal ?�lkalini�y Mainta' n bet�een �0 - 150 pom yanuric Acid Maintai�n between 30 - 100 pom' ramine ' SATISFACTORY tTP1SATISFACTORY Sr�TISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY" :larity Chlorine Gas Rod,m � � 'iaW Sign Provided;' G%�,�-- � ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask I eck �rea �oom Designed & � ����,G� ules Posted V�nted �ergency Number SAFETY E UIPME: Q � ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � :`�emical reeder Rope Throwline, �ncing & Se1� Shepher3s Crook � a losing/Latching � Pool Log ate Samoles submitt d Outdoor only) 8 b oaerator wee 1 [] [] Fc'ICIAL SA.�L�Lc TAREN YES NO � i ) � � .v � �,f-� ity o t' Pa v. J D Athletics Inc. dba , POOL INSPECTION REPORT — �d�list S rts Club � Achn. Law Hearing - ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC H. Date: 4/23�1 City s F�chibit �f -SS-��,: :T 555 Cedar Street ' �_ y p 292-7717 onth Da Year � ;staoli3hment PH0:1E ime � . . � : f � � ,-- �' arrival de�arture .ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine 2-Reinspection � O st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r1DO 1 h /�g MD AIN �-' - - � ���� � .. �°" �'j4``t�" ��.or.} REQUIRED SPCF'ET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � PQOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTANT R SIDU?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY Iv UNS TISFACTORY OTHER (see b lowl ' ALL ITE�`�S INDIC�TED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISr^ACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY RCCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine � Mainta n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm :or.ibined Chlorine Maintai�n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalini`y Maintai,n bet��een �0 - 150 ppu� :yanuric Acid Mainta' n between 30 - 100 ppm fromine . SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI5FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY , :larity Chlorine Gas Ro m � [� .` ?�ow Sign Provided, iki:nmer We'1s Gas Mask ���-�� )eck �rea �oom Designed & tules Posted Vented ���� ;�ergency Number SAFETY E UIPME, � � �ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & :h=mical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching . Poo1 Loq � [� :ate Sacrroles submitted Outdoor only) � 8 by operator weekl � [] � )FFICIAL SA.tiiPLc TAREN YES NO / _�� ��.�i / . / � - - � � ��� �� �'-"� , �.� /�� �.i " ��r���� �- ���� � . � �C����'�:. � � � �� � �.5� � ,, �� ::w �:-�:, �. ���r�.k.7 �� ati,m,,�-rrt,� . .. . � '�'he.�,��,�' c� G� 15I.�� �� �r ��� ����� � � -�y� , / ,i � � ` i /!A/.�c�,� ti't,a,v,,(�,�s.-� • �- �,�yv- i., cGti` ✓ �� � - ,�'.:.::F. i���� �- � ' �d �, � � � � � � . ��� r,r �ti,. � �� _� � � f�} 9� .�:� . . � . • . - - '. City o St P v. J D Athletics Inc. �iba � . . _ —' Medalist S r s Club Adm. Law Hear � 'j— . - _ - . - - - : . _ • Date: 4/23�1 City's E�ibit �� $� }:�. S- S-33' �-- ��. ----:-- -. SA.II�Tr PAUL DNISION OF FUHLIC TH - �-�q � ; � ----=---------=---'�- ----- ------=----ENVIRONt�.'NrAL �1EALTH SE�V _.. -_....- _-.- i���" .,:_ =, . . . �I �> , � - - . 555 CED�AR SZR�,T . �, - . • - � ' . S,AINI' PAUL, I►�tsESO�TA 5510 � � ' . Closi of Sw' R�ol i�fiirl 1 � - - � - . . . .. _ . _ . _ . _ - --. _ . . . : 1. Narr�: ti _ _ ... .� __ . ... ... .. _ . i � : . :. . . . � . ' . ' , ; __ .. ... __ � - --. _._--- � - -- =-��---�- - � -� -�- -------=-- --2.---pddress c-------��- 5------ � E�: s�D � . . � . . - . 3. Dates : � — - Time: ' , - • / �� �O � I r - ._ � .�_"" . -.:.__._ ._.__._.�. . .. :.:..... :.. .. ... .. � . .. ... ' :•.' . '.. ' . __. _. . . _ '� . . . .: " ..--: �. a. Ina«�r Pooi Q : outaoor P�ol Q irlpool" Q ; . _ . � �� - � .. . 5. Closed c�e to: . • '� ` k` . . , . 4I " Q M�nbrane Filter test (coliforns) a . "� '?� . ' � - � High Standard Plate Count ' II� - a � � . . ; ;� : Presence of Pseudrxronas . :,'� _ _ . � . ' .� _ , � � � / 6. �� ,s- // s' . - '�j �M �A . � . . (nalre of person contacted) : (phone number)_ _ _ was cardered to close the abwe facility and t supe�:chlarinate to at _` � � least 10 pfm (or to use other apprwed bacter cidal) fcar 6 to 10 hours. - The pool any reopen when chemicals are at acc�ptabl�� levels. - � � � � � � ' �" � � � s�,��r�� . _ ; . . � � I i . i : . . : � . . . _ I . ity o St P . J D Athletics Inc. d�ia '"``';: — Medalist Spo rts lub A�n. Law Hearing POOL I[VSPECTION REPOE Date: 4/23/yl ity's Exhibit �1 S-SS- �. ��; ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq Da e (�,�, :T 555 Cedar Street � � -�� 90` ` 292-7717 Mo th Da Year ;stablishment PEi0�1E Ti e ` ' ' • // : �,s. �,� � ,� � , ► rrival denarture �ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio HA GE � CALL TYPE Due on � or Af te f 1-Routine a- �S/ '�J�'3 2-Reinspection ,S Es ' � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh 'r1v001 h �°� � M AIV REQUIRED SAFETY IQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RES DU?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY I�1 UNSAT SFACTORY � OTHER (see below) t ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACI'ORY A CEPTABLE RANGES �H 7, �r Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 - ?r�e Ch.Lorine �/ � ,� Maintain betwe�n 1..0 - 3 .0 opm. _ �or.ibined Chlorine / , p Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 npa�*�, rotal ?�lkalinity $0 Maintain, bet•.�een �0 - 150 po"�,t,,,�; �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm�;;,f 3romine ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISF CTORY WSATISFACTORY�'' ,,,w:: -�'�°. Clarity . Chlorine Gas Room � '.� x�'`.�� :low Sign Provided,.. G���- ��.` � �ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask __�;:. ` : �ec�C Area �oom Designed & . "�`' �u.Ies Posted V�nted ' � ` 3mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME,IT � ❑ � �°' ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � �,� :.`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, / t; ?�ncing & Se1f Shepher3s Crook Y� a ; Closing/Latching " Pool Loq (� ❑ Gate Sam�les submitted (Outdoor only) 8 8 b oDerator weekl ❑ ❑ OFrICIAL SAMPLE TA�EN YES NO � - 3� 90 . � - � ' � i City of St P ul v. J/D Athletics Inc. 'dba : — Medalist Spo t s Club Adm. Law Hearing ''— POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/23/9 City's E�ibit �i -�_:.e ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT�3 �ate � :T 555 Cedar Street /� ���1 9 0 : 30 �. 2 9 2-7 7 1 7 o n t h D a Y e a r :stablishment PHONE ime � / i� �: so - ,� � u� ,� /- / arrival deoarture �ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine � r' �.3 2-Reinspection �st � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year whi-1�oo1 h ��g M AIv REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO TKE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT R SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY I�J UNS TI SFACTORY OTHER (see b low) '� ALL ITEMS INDICATED (JNSA2ISr^ACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� "�, � Maintai�n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r_e Chlorine /, n Mainta n between 1 .0 - 3 .O DPR �or.tbined Chlorine ./, � Mainta�n between 0 .0 - 1 .0 opn rotal ?�lkalinity q S- Ntaintain bet�een �0 - 150 ppa �yanuric Acid " Maintai�n between 30 - 100 pon 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Roojm � (� �low Sign Provided,� Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask �-�D`P'Q' � �eck �rea �oom Designed & Gx'���� 2ules Posted V�nted �mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT Q � ?ool 3ottom Clean Ring Buoy & Cyemical reeder Rope Throwline, ?�ncing & Sel� Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latcning ' Pool Locr (� ❑ Gate Sanroles submitte (Outdoor on?y) 8 by ooerator weekly ❑ ❑ OFr ICIAL SA�yi.PLL TAREN YES NO � 1 �- - o � ia /,�r�,�/ /tf�-�-uJ-J �J�.� �+.��uy ���!/rifi � _.. � I�I I ' City of St P v. J/D Athletics Inc; dba' — Medalist Sport Club Adm. Law Hearing'' ` POOL ItVSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's E�ibit 46 -SS=3�(�o� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HL�,..,:, „Q�� ���I �"`'` T 555 Cedar Street � � 292-7717 Mon h Da Year stablishment PHONE Ti e �, - � ' _ / : ;o a rival de�arture ddrzss Ne:ct InsQ�ctio BAD E � CALL TYPE 3 Due on or Afte 1-Routine s' 2-Reinspection � Est � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh 'r 000l h s � � M LAIv �r� �u�.r,�- �`to`e`'"c� , �,�v ��do t+v�,' � -�:�-r�i � ����� .�.«i UIRED S�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE T THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'"ANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM �� C'������ ��� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY . OTHER (see bel w) ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNS TISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED ,������ i SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CE?TABLE RANGES � Maintain bet�aeen 7 .4 - 7 .8 r�e Chlorine �, �3 � Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm 'or.ibined Chlorine p, 7 Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm,;,� �ta1 ?�lkalinity ��s- Maintain bet��een 50 - 150 ppm k � :yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm, .. romine S�TISFACTORY UNSATISFACI'ORY SAT,.3F CTORY UNSATISFACTORY:;a;�:. ,. n _; 'Larity Chlorine Gas Rc>om I ❑ ` ❑ * '1ow Slgn Provided, � 'I k i:nme r We�1 s Ga s Ma s k �, ,���'-'��� �ec�C �rea . Room Designed 5: I `�� .ules Pvsted V�nted ;nergency Number SAFETY EQUZPMErfT [� � � �` ooi Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & 3/ ° :`�emical r eeder Rope T:�rowline; �j =ncing & Self Shepher3s Crao}: �� :losing/Latching . Pool Loq � � ate Sam�les submitt:ed m Outdoor only) by onerator we��kl [] [� iFFICIAL SA1�LpLc TARE.1 YES �NO X. l c .. _� �+J � � � ���,c�.c.�-ltl/ i�L�,�� .�f/t— �"�.,1/L���� /�/ ��.�.r t �/� —,T . ' / p v / �/� �/ J ) �����/I� v..r!r�� C�//�'Y/.�,�� �1�,(I� J ��il_c�I�X�/� if/l� /�� Q�—l��y'��A.�C.�.� ,���� �� ��r/ �sr���s-t/ ����YJ ,�� ,�v �� , City of St aul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba PQOL I�ISPECTIO�T REPORT `'�dalist S rts Club Adm. Law Hearing ' Date: 4/23/�1 City`s F.xhibit �P -S5- ST . PAIIL DI�IISION OF PUBLIC HL,nLiz udLe �—���I =T 555 Cedar Street p 3 0 292-7717 onth Da Yea'r istabli;hment PHONE ime �j�.�i ' �-- /^ : 3o f : �v � arrival deoarture �d drzss Next Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or Afte 1-Routine ,�S/S � 7l�'3 2-Reinspection 0 st # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month � year /Q� Wh ' r1�001 h M LAIv � REQUIRED SAFET� EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED PQOL CLQSED DUr TO• THE FOLLOWII3G : DISINFECrAt�T R SIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 ppM r.��j CLARITY IN UNS�TISFACTORY � � /, S-- OTHER (see b low) r ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATI rACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY �CCEPTABLE RANGES ?� �', ,S" Maintai� between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine ` �-� , � Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm :or.�bined Chlorine �� �iaintai� between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�ikalinity .�..�- �iaintai bet•.�een �0 - 150 po�i :yanuric Acid Maintai� between 30 - 100 ppm iromine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATIS ACTORY WSATISFAC'I'ORY; :larity Chlorine Gas Roo � (� •'1ow Sign Provided, �ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask )eck �rea �oom Designed & tules Posted Vented ;mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME:IT � [� ?ool 8ottom Clean Ring Buoy � :'�emical c^eeder Rope Throwline, '�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching • Pool Loq (� [� :ate Sam�les submitte Outdoor only) 8 by operator week y � � )FFICIAL SP,��I..DLL TAKEN YES NO � � � .�-=- ��- .ir�c/ ��i_.�_, �%'�.�'��l .1t '✓ � � I . � � I City of St Pa v. J/D Athletics Inc;5 dba ' — MedaList Sport Club Adm, Laia Hea�i�g — POOL INSPECTIO�I REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City`s Fxhibit �/ 5-�_ � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT� Date ���! T 555 Cedar Street �q_ � .�Oo� 292-7717 Month Da Year stablishment PHONE Ti e � = �� : a-S � " � - arrival deoarture ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine aL I,S � �" 2-Reinspection Est � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' rlvool h S��� M LAIN . REQUIRED SAFETY QUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CI�OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM � CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY 1 OTHER (see bel w) ALL IT�MS INDICATED UNSATISFAGTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED - SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE RAVGES �` � r , �� �, 9 Maintain bet�aeen 7 .4 - 7 .8 - 'r�e Chlorine o,s Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .O opm :oc�bined Chlorine , �9 Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 p m .. ,I P, : 'otal ?�lkalinity ,S� Maintain between �0 - 150 pou%", ;yanuric Acid Maintain ,between 30 - 100 ppin : �romi n e i ',;�'; SATISFACTORY WSATISFACTORY SATISFA;CTORY (NSATISFACTOR�=,�'. . :larity Chlorine Gas Room [] � `,�r 'low � Sign Provided, � ` ' �ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask � ��' �'� 7ec�c Area �oom Designed & `��% � tulzs Posted " V�nted :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUI?ME:1T ❑ ❑ >ool 3ottom Clean , Ring Buoy & :`�zmical r^eeder Rope T;�rowline, '�ncing & Se1.� Sheoher3s Crook :losing/Latching � Pool Loq (� � :ate Sam�les submitted Outdoor only) e b ooerator weekl [� [] ;c c ICIAL SAMPL� TAitEN YES NO �� �-----'�=���'C� - � �,�:' � .�> City of St Paul . J/D Athl.etics Inc �ba '— Medalist S rts lub Adm. Iaw geari�g — POOL INSPECTION REPOR7 Date: 4/23�1 ity's Exhibit �� _ ++� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC tt�;aL�r� �a�� � � T 555 Cedar Street � 34v� 292-77I7 Mon :� D�a— Yea.r ! stabli3hment PHO�JE Tim " � ��c- // : �-s ����J��__���� � - ' � a ri�a�deoarture c'.dr=ss � NeYt nsP�cti•� �AG E � �..�'1LL TY�E Due on or Aft�� 1-Rou�ine 2- ,S/ i .!� f 3 2-Rei.zspec±ion Est � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month� year s/� � ( Wh � *'10001 M P.I REQUIRED SAFETY E UIP. NOT PROVIDED r�] POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESI�(T?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM "'����,��i � CLARITY IN UNSATI FACTORY �'" _ �. /�, OTHER (see belo ) ALL ITE:�1S INDICATFD U� S TISrACTORY MUST HE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACI�PTABLE RANGES s;' fi_ � � S�S Maintain bet��rzen 7 .4 - 7 .S ~�e Chlorine �- � � Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm 'or.ibined Chlorine Maintain betweez 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm otal ?�lkalini�y gn Maintain bet�aeen 50 - 150 p�� :yanuric Acid _ Maintain between 30 - 100 pp�i ,; romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC::�RY SATISF CTORY CT�ISATISFACTORX; �z 'larity ��� Chlorine Gas Room � � � ��=°s ,��,;; 'low . . Sign Provided, G���-� � i ki:amer t�tells Gas Mask � ' �eck Area -- �oom Designed & ulzs Posted Vented mergency Number SAFETY EQUI?MENT CJ [� � ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � `�' :5emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �ncing & Se1.f Shepher3s Crook losing/Latcning • Poo1 Lo4 (� ❑ ate Sanroles submitted Outdoor only) � 8 b o erator weekl [� ❑ `'"� � r?ICIAL SP,�`-IPLc TAKEN YES NOX � . , �i' � ���� ��r�.,/�� �- � � ,� cr�,�'t'�n.�.��-�/ -�.r�(�� i .+ � �.� J � --�I'. Y � r � I City of S Paul v. J/D Athletics I�c. dba — Medalist orts Club Adm. Iaw;Iiearing PQOL IIVSPECTIOK REPORT Date: 4/23 91 City's Exhibit �� $- � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEhLrY ate .�� �'' ` : _T 555 Cedar Street 9;0 O 292-7717 onth Da ?:Year �stablishment PH0�1E ime � � : S"S // '�O ,�' arrival deoarture �ddrzss Next Inso�ctio ADGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Af te I-Routine s� 2-Reinspection O st # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �p � Wh ' rl�aol h M AIN �'��� ����i�-� ������ SAFET EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R SIDU?�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM /,.� � ��� � �0 �►,/ CLARITY IN UNS TISFACTORY ��'�-" �a" OTHER (see b low) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� Mainta n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine � lp��� Mainta n between 1 .0 - 3 .0 gpn �or.ibined Chlorine Mainta n betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 opa Cota1 ?�lkalini�y Mainta n betaeen �0 - 150 ppA �yanuric Acid Mainta n between 30 - 100 ppn 3romine �_ SATISFACTORY (Ti�tSATISFACTORY SATI cACTORY UNSATISFACTOR� �;; � �larity Chlorine Gas Ro�m � (] -� �low Slgn Provided�— Ca��� J'� `� �ki:nmer We1Is - Ga� Mask ' �ec�C �rea �ocm Designed & I� 2u1zs Posted Vanted ��ergency Number SAFETY E UIPME �] � � ?001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & �`�emical ?eeder RoFe Throwline, ?=ncing & Sei� Shepherds Crook :losing/Latching � Pocl Loq � � _ate Saa.Dles submitt d (Outdoor only) 8 b�o erator wee 1 � [� �FFICIAL SA:'vl.PLc TAKEN YES NO.�- �/ � e�-r-��� ��,- �� _ - _ �/ �t�ssr•�L�'�,l' r��/..�Ji���> �.,��// �.+.t�,�J .�� �. � . . � . ' . . . . � . . :+v r - . - • - - lty � v• e 1CS . � . . . .. . - � . —Me dalist S rt s Club Adm. Law Hear - . SAINr PAUL DNLSION Date: 4/23�1' City's Exi�ibit �� � � --- - -- - ' '` -- � -�-- ---------------------=----- ---=---FSIVIRON2�,TTtAL AEALTH SERV . ._-__.._ " --= �.�c : :-: . . � 555 C£D�AR S�T �� ��� ' '�k .i s�y, -.� .. � • . - � ' . SAlt�fr PAUL, �OTA 5510 - � • . . R�rarv Cl�inq' of Swi�nirxT R�I or Ffiirl�OOl • . : � ., � � � � � .. 1. NaTrie: . . - . . � . -- � -- .-: —_---=---=2:�_.�ress:--------- -- = - -�-= --- -----� `--= .-:._ -- � ._ ---� �- - � . _ E�: 3. Uate: . :.,' _ s� 9/� 'Tir�: � � . � � � � � . t�� _: _�_. . _. __ .. .. _. _.. .._ -� -- -. _ ,. . . . ._ - - . . . � a. Ir�aoar Pe�ol �j outaoor Pt�ol Q - wna.rlpool ❑ ; - . � _ . .�§. _ : i ,4;; 5. Closed �e to: � - . _ . , Q . Mernbrane Filter test (coliforms) . � "; , p _ . � H�gh st�a�a P�te c;o�t . . �� . r , (� Pres��ce of Pseud�nonas _ . � _ �.� � �l�3 6. ���� ��1�..� -:, . (nam: of person c�ntacted) . . ', (phone number�) . :_: _ . . was ordered to clvse the abwe facility and to superrhlorinate to at . � least 10 p�n tor to use other approved bacteri idal) for 5 to 10 haurs. � The p�ool tuiy reopen when chemicals are at acce Ie levels. ' � . . . :; : . , � • Sanitarian I { t �� r ... �,�.,} { � / . ����''- .}(� �� : s ��j ���� _ Cit� of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba ` ?��� ;�',� ""' Meualist Sports Club Adm. Law Heari.ng liate: 4/23/yl City's F�chibit 4C /O I 4/22/91 I I hereby certify that the attached is a true and exac�t copy of the records of the License & Permit Division of the City of Saint Paul for J/D Athletics, Inc. DBA Medalist Sports Club II �t 1515 Brewster Street. ,;`z..� ;;�t; �tw'.:? ��i a�'' Janet en Lice & Permit Manager # =° ��.i �-a�3-�/ Date ; ,� ,� �� -� ___c � 4� �� � � ;�v w/v�rr.� .-:n:t^,v �r •;�N;��:nnni���,n,...nM s; S "!�n \�^r� - - - , . , c�.�l�}�. — i 3� . � , - ,.,:_.. �`���> r;; I� �;��?;TY -.;: � � My Commission Expires Aug. 15, 1994 � I � x R �:, , 1515 Brewster St. 55108 I D *r";1��293992i � � Deborah L. Peters n DBA J/D Athl�t���/Yc�� Sports Club II CARD ��1 Mas age Therapist 52548 ' 6/ _ __,. .. .�.....:. - _ . ,.. . ,. _ - -•.,. ; . _ ., . . ..- .. _ . ,,, -.:::>- . . � � . 1515 Brewster St- 5108 • . ID#54152 - . �r J/D Athletics, Inc. dba biedalist Sports Club II - � Swim Po 1-Indr 18069 2/ � � � . � � Restaur nt(B) 18069 2/ t , _ � Phy Cul ure � Hlth Svcs18069 2/ . CARD �2 - _ � J/D Athletics, Inc d a Medalist Sports Club II :_� � - . . Swim Popl-Indr(1) 18069 2 ;,; - : . _ Whirlpo'pl-Indr 18069 2�-', '` ` . • . . Restaurant-B 18069 2-: ��� ; � Phy. Culture � Hlth Svcs 1�6� � J/D Athletics Inc dba Medalist Sports u I�'. Swim Pool-Zndr 18069 2 - ._ ' Rest urant(B) 18069 2 - � . � � � Whir pool-Indr 18069 ? � Phy ulture & Health 18069 � . . - � - —---- - - _ • �Y ;. ;. .' . � � -=--- _ ,._..<. - - - - _ . . . ._ _ ,_._-- . _ ,� • �7.515 Brewster �t-55108 � -- -TD#5415240' . . , ' ' ID#3153465 . .. J/D Athletics nc dba Medalist Sports Club - Phy Cu ture � Health Svcs 18069 _ � . - � Restau ant (B) 18069 _ .. .... . � 'eARD ��3 � � 2-Swim Pool-Indr 18069 .� Kurt F Adamson d a K � J Catering 85Z59 0 Cat�'ring (B) K-V�'h #477 �85259 Norma Jean Larsor� dba bledalist Sports Club � A1ass�age 'I'herapist 19381° *,�yron Larson dba IMedalist Sports Club Mas�age Therapist 19382° ,, , I � .� • ., ., w I .��;�i'�i q.µ�� . . t.*'� � l/�,� " ` , ' ' ID#833957�:f t ��,.�' � � 1515 Brewster 551c78 �' � #3153465 ;# _ ���r;.,_ .- ; � '� �� � �� ��� Kurt F. Adamson dba K & J Ca ering � �� ���� K-Vehicle #9 2 85259 12/31/86 _ - . Catering A 85259 12/31/86 � ,�Norma Jean �Larson dba Medalis Sports Clubs : . . ;�. Massage Therapi t 19381 9-6-87 . : - Myron I;arso���lba Medalist Sports Clubs Ma.ssage Therapi t 19382 9-6-87 � (Formerly located at 758 Gr d� � Kathryn Erickson dba Medalis Sports Club . . � ' �iassage Ther pist 00183 11�'3-87* . *moy ed to 800 Grand Ave. �-.� ..:.. .: .. _ . .._: .... :�.�. ,, ..... .. .� . �::: . . — - --- - - -- - --. ��;.:.. .-: .. . .,.. .:�.::- . . . . ..... . . : ......... ::.:...: . .:: -,;::::.. _ . :.:.... . . ... ... . . ..:... . . . ._ . _ - � - . � . . � _ � . . . - � � _ r - '•i. . • . , . , ID 54152�0 - 4_ _ . ' . _- . � 1515 b`�'.,..^.wste�r . . , ., SS•108 .. ..... ,.,. . r _ � " : �._.` Kathyrn-Erickson-db�Medal�ist Sports•Glub IF--� �• ' _ ' � � Massage Thera ist 500183 �1/3/86 � � ;Waqne Hallquist doing busines at Medalist SporCs Club II� • ' ; Massage Therapist R18763 7/28/86 ��'�� � '� .._ ..... � � J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Medal'st Sports Club II .. . . ��AxD '��5 On Sale Malt 18069 2/28/87�_ �. .,� Restaurant 18069 �2/23/3? ' � . Swim Pool-Indr-z 18069 �2/_28/87 -� � • � : " " Phy Culture � iealth Suc 16823 02/28/87:: ` . . ._ � � . J.D. Athletics Inc. DBA Me alist Sports Club ,� . • . Dance Hall 12636 6-4-87����� . - . . e��� . . -- ---. --- - - --. . _.. .. . - . . .,,.. - �. . . . . . . ... . .... . ,� . _ _ .. .. . . . . :... ... .:. _ . . .. -. :.. _. �..- .. .... .. .,_ . _. . . � . . . .. - ':� ; . ' 1515 Brewster ID541S #0 �: 55108� DUP: : . J/D '�thietic�s, Inc'. dba.Me� is't;. Sports Club II Restaurant R12777 5/7/85 On Sa1e Mal R12777 5/7/85 � � J/D Athletics, Inc. dba �4edalist Sports Club II Swim pool 14673 6-30-85 cAxn ��6 Whirlpool 14673 6-30-85 J/D Athletics, Inc, dba bled list Sports Club II J/D Athletics, Iric�dba Meda ist �ports Club II ��31/85 = 2 Swim Pools Indoors 16148 2/28/86 J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Meda ist Sports Club II p physic 1 Cu9tur���rapiSlth S�5�2916823 y_7��_�� ::` Julie A. Ta ola �lassa e t -= J/D Athletics , Inc. dba Meda7ist Sports Club II On Sale Malt 18069 2-28-$� , _ __ _ Restaura;nt 18069 ?_��_R� 1515 Brewster St. 55108 ��' 4 H` I.D. ��293992�.� � - ������ �� Deborah L. Peterson DBA J/ Athletics In M dalis ,� CARD ��l SParts Club II :; _,_� �� � Massage Ther pist 52548 6/9�91 '.;p�� 3 . ; . . . � ... . . : .. :._. _,_..r._ . . .. . -. : . — . ._ : -- — ._ .- -. .......;> ; ", — . . ..,: �� -.:,. . .. �: _ : _ �� . . , .. .. . . .. ._ ... . ...�..._....... ....:.. __... . . . ... _ _ ... , _._.... ._ . , „ >._ , 1515 Brewster St-55108 . ' ID#5415240 � �k . - . . .ti �� .- J/D Athletics, Inc, dba riedal st Sports Club II . Swim Pool-Indr 18069 2/28/89 � . � ' . Restaurant(B) 13069 2/28/89 ,',: . - Phy Culture �, Hlt Svcs18069 2/28/89 � ; .. CARD �2 _ �� J/D Athletics, Inc dba Medalist Sports Club II n�„: Swim Pool-Indr(1) 18069 2-28-90 �:. t`" � : - . . Whirlpool-Indr , 13069 2-23-90 ` �°�. .- � . - Restaurant-B 18069 2-28-90 � � � -� � � � � - J/D Athlet ics�I cu dba Medall st Sports�u� II2-28-90 �: � Swim Pool-Indr 18069 2-28-91' t " , � Restaurant(B) , 18069 2-28-91 � � . " Whirlpool-Indr' 18069 2-28-91 •.. .. ._ - Phy Culture & ealth 18064 2-28-91 . . . � � � _-..-� , ___--- ----� --- .. ..- - --_ �. _._�. :__. . _ . _. _ � •1.515 Brewster St-55108 ' —-�TD#5415240 ' °= _ _;_.::-: . .. _. ., �� Ath � � � ' ID#3153465 � J/D letics Inc dba Me alist Sports Club II , � Phy Culture � He lth Svcs 18069 2-28-8 � . � -:,.e� -��3 - . . Restaurant (B) 18069 2-28-8� -.� . 2-Swim Pool-Indr 18059 2-28=8' Kurt F Adamson dba K �, J Ca ering • Catehi#g (B) r852590�) 12-31_� K Ve 477 � 85259 � 12-31 f Norma Jean Larson dba Medal st Sports Club h4assage Therap st 19381°� 9-6-88 ; Afyron Larson dba Medalist S orts Club Massage 'I�erap st 193820`� 9-6-88' i � BACK OF CARD ��1 t�x' , , �iJ,'�"��� � . � . 11643 �:� .<_�, 070590'PH vri appn for new Massge Therapist Lic .(ID ��.�g) APP'D C.F. 90-1137 ,; , . _. � , _ � � ; � -_-- _-..:_:_--------------- ._. �____ , . . . . , . . .. '. : . . �±. . ._ . . . _ .. _11643 . . . . . �lI/6�85.-Eublic hearing on �app� for . 'M�g,�. ge The.ragiat,License by.-Wayne Ha`Llquist.AEP�R4VED C.F..-85-.1484.- � • �il/20/85-•Public hearing on appn •for _ � Ka.s sage.Therapis t-License, .by.Rath- . � "- - - --- �=-- ,�. yrn �Erickson APPROVED.. C.F.85-1539 ' 9=w -= .�. :�. 7/30/86•PH�on Appn.for Dance Hall ` '. :• . .. 3fi= . ._ 'Lic�. by�J.D.� Athletics, Inc. .. BACK OF �C� ��2 __ � _ ��� �dba Medalist Sports C1ub APPROVED : � � . . �,F.,. , :--. --. `_ __---_ �• : . :. I1/Stipulation C.F. 86-1069 � �-------------- ` -- ` ` ' i ' .4/4/91•City 'Atty Office Annouiiced �/23/91 as P.H. date' '�e- � -�� .: fore Admin Law Judge • ' �-i 'BE�CK .OF CARD '4�6 , . - � � �..; � - : . ' .;. . ;Y,-� i . ... . _ °��,� � • . � + �: g�i . �,. ,rk'� . °+� ` --•--� - ��� . -- " : -- _ - -- -- -- -- �a .. . . _ . . . . . . . ry . . . . . .- . - ;BACK �OF CARD ��4�:�.�.� - ' � _ . , � __-___----__,_--_-----�,-- � - ;',�,,,j � , `i � , ���'�� t C� Si O , -p", -a' .w }, v� '?� : . . � . � O •' �..• C C'OO � � � v.,, � m aw U O i �,q W � � +��U ¢, • � CO r ` J H P�H\N� � � ,.Ui W V M C`� O � �a � � N � W O O C� �`° � �"\�"�-� o ,a o \ •� vu, o a��o �; . � a N � '•°°� �n cn �m �� a�c� �� �,+�� � a � ._ w+ �\ N � CD N >Z ° H ri �', M � r�-1�j CL'V ~ c!'r--�' �!'�r V] �' f-� W ' �� i l.[) S.U�0 �, p,�I � �, cd.�.c rn�n � a�j d .c o � > 5C � � a�i �� > a> p� +� � > • � r x.� � •�-1 � a W (3a �.i'. � O 1� � C W a.' W V 10 ~ � - � .4" � +� W •ri U] �'Z Ch�'��-C.-i+�.'i'. m � V �. . . +� r� C1] ri �.0 r-- � S�.--+ S.� al ��S r1 i� r-� s� ti o ,n � v o r� o r,a u � � O�O • Q� � O F' � Z t0 Z ct L C! z ,-� y m rtt r` n. .� O � �/-/��� ���: �s,�,� 'II R�C�/ . STATE OF MINNESOTA VEO OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS�I ��G 1 19g' FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ii e�T r CL� , R/� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------- In the Matter of OAH File No1 51-2101-5458-3 I City of St. Paul vs. II J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a RFSPONDE 'S EXCEPTIONS Medalist Sports Club II, AND RECO NDATIONS 1515 Brewster Street - � ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------- ' � �' This matter has been heard by the Minnesota Office of Ad inistrative Hearings � �; -,.. ,- �,.. and is presently on submission to the St. Paul City Council for a Ifinal determination. % ���•' i d e Respondent hereby submits the following Exceptions and Recommendl tions, together with �_ '� � �,.u,. 4 ��3 the attached Memorandum: ��_`_ , EXCEPTIONS I ' As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Reco}I�,mendations of the T"" Administrative Law Judge in this case, the following additional F�ndings of Fact are z � proposed: I! '::<.:�; 8. Of the exhibits presented by the City of St. Paul, t�ie vast majority of inspections and reported deficiencies relate to the chemical balan e of Respondent's . �'w� swimming pool and whirlpool. The evidence did not show any re�urring, uncorrected ; '�rt problems related to the balance of the facilities in Respondent's health club. 2� 9. None of the evidence demonstrates that there have b�een cases of illness, ' rash, infection, or injury associated with the chemical imbalanc�s in Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. �I i � ��- 1S�' � ;�;� 10. The record does not disclose which of the deficienci s cited by the City relate to health and safety. As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Reco mendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, Respondent proposed the foll wing Conclusion 10 in place of the Conclusion contained in the Report of the Administ ative Law Judge: 10. While license revocation or suspension could perhaps e justified in a case such as this, it is the conclusion of the City Council that, in the abse e of a showing that the violations have led to illness or injury and in view of the finding t at the vast majority of documented deficiencies related to Respondent's swimming pool �nd whirlpool, which � ;J_s y, comprise only a small part of Respondent's health club, license revo ation or suspension 1'�� �` ��-. should not be carried out, on the condition that Respondent promptly linstall an automated �' � �� � 1 �`��:. control system which will help to insure ongoing compliance wit� chemical balance ,,._ ��.-� : requirements and on the condition that Respondent promptly subm�t an applicatior. for I licensure under Chapter 427. �I � RECOIVIlVIENDATIONS I � <{� ��..� IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul City Co ncil determine that Respondent's licenses should not be revoked or suspended, subj ct to the following conditions: I I 1. That Respondent close down its swimming pool and w�irlpool immediately and install and maintain an automated control system apable of providing ongoing compliance with chemical balance requiremen s, which installation shall be carried out by August 15, 1991; and I � �II �I �`-�/sd� �d�;� 2. That Respondent submit to the City by August 15 1991 a completed application for licensure as a health/sports club under Chapter 427, which application shall be processed and considered in t e ordinary course. Respondent shall be permitted to operate under its xisting licenses until final action is taken on its health/sports club license a plication. MEMORANDUM ' The proposed additional Findings of Fact are based on the rlecord in this matter. As was noted at the hearing before the City Council by Mr. Simon` the swimming pool ., � and whirlpool comprise a relatively small part of Respondent's qperation. The vast ��; 3-4 ,�. �;� , majority of the inspection reports which were introduced into ev�dence relate to the �^}`�;�� �� G r.�. swimming pool and whirlpool. In fact, even where there was passi g reference to non- ��. �f� ���� _ ��, pool issues, the reports were still on the "Pool Inspection Report" f rm used by the City. �'����� .�.,�. The only non-pool reports or complaints are found in Exhibit 7. TY�e February 13, 1991 �; letter refers primarily to superficial conditions. In addition to that, there are only two ' ���'; other reports of complaint (one, dated 3/8/91, is included twice). One of those was �; _.:;� unsubstantiated and the other was listed as "partially" substantiate . Respondent notes that it believes it corrected those conditions to the satisfaction of the ,Department, and the record does not indicate anything to the contrary. There is no evidence in the record to indicate that the balance of Respondent's operation is being operated in a manner that is detrimental to heal h or safety. Respondent also notes that a review of the record does not indicate that there have been any injuries, illnesses, or other health problems associated with he conditions. While ' � �- /`�� Respondent does not seek to detract from the importance of the pro�lems, it is significant to note that the problems have not resulted in illness or injury. As Mr. Simon indicated at the hearing before the City Council, while Respondent's efforts have not always led to the desired results, Respondent an� its employees have consistently sought to maintain the necessary chemical levels in the swimming pool and whirlpool (Exhibit A, which contains manufacturer's informatio�i pertaining to the automated control system proposed by Respondent, contains ca�e history materials discussing the difficulty of maintaining proper chemical balances ma�ually). As required I � : by city regulations, Respondent has maintained a log of its monitbring and corrective ~� fi�t efforts. Certainly there is no basis for finding of a willful failure to 'maintain the proper �;�: �,^.�a �� ; balances. � ���t�. ��.,�> ��� It is worth noting that there are two additional problems wi h the Department's � `'�., . position in this matter. The first is that the Department's own "standards" used in �;.f inspecting public swimming pools appear to deviate from the City's pwn regulations (see , r`i' I � '; St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, §454.04, subd. 2, a copy of which was included in 4 ' the record of this matter as Exhibit 11). Subdivision (s) of those regulations specifies, for example, t�at a "free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 ppm shall be maintained . . . ." Yet the Po�'1 Inspection Report form (see E�ibits 5 and 6 for examples) specifies that the acceptabl� range is "1.0 to 3.0 ppm." Various of the inspection reports in the record cite Respon�tent for "violations" which are in compliance with the regulations. Likewise, the regulatio�is contain no ranges for "combined chlorine," but the inspection report form says that the level must be maintained between 0.0 and 1.0 ppm. I � ��. ��� . - � _ Another example from that same subdivision is the pH rang� of 7.2 to 8.2. The "acceptable range" on the inspection form is 7.4 to 7.8. Similarly, re�arding alkalinity, the - regulation specifies that it shall be at least 50 ppm, but the ins�ection report form mandates that it must be between 50 and 150 ppm. Again, some of t�e inspection reports cite Respondent for "violations" in these areas for levels which arell in compliance with the regulations. i In these areas the Minnesota Supreme Court has consiste�ntly held that staff interpretations which go beyond the scope of properly adopted r�gulations constitute impermissible rule making: See, e.g., White Bear Lake Care Cente� Inc. v. Minnesota ;��. Department of Public Welfare, 319 N.W.2d 7 (1982). � .* :��,� ' ��� The second problem is that the record is devoid of findings al�out which of these �� ,����4~ ���. balances pertain to health and safety, an issue which is critical �o a revocation or �� � ;:� suspension determination. Specifically, the Department has issued cit�tions for deviations �` = :�; from the "acceptable ranges" specified on its inspection report forms fo�lr pH, free chlorine, ` � � : �� :� combined chlorine, and total alkalinity. But certain of those factors II do not necessarily relate to health or safety issues at all, or if they do, the prescribed rar�ges might be more " eared to o timum balance rather than health or safe .' For e�xam le while the g P ty p , Department has cited Respondent for exceeding the alkalinity range of�0-150, one treatise states that "[t]otal alkalinity over 300 p.p.m. may cause other probl�ms," implying that levels up to that presumably would not. See D. G. Thomas, Swi�� Pool Operatars � Respondent notes that it is the Department's burden to sho�v the e3cistence of violations threatening health and safety. I �( � ( �� �„_ � �-�� Handbook, p. 31 (National Swimming Pool Foundation, Washir�gton D. C., 1972).2 Professor Thomas also comments, regarding free chlorine, that those �evels are "sometimes maintained as high as 5.0 parts per million without adverse effect o� bathers." Id., p. 36. Here, the regulations merely state that the level must be at lea t 0.5 ppm, but the � inspection report form indicates 1.0 to 3.0 as an acceptable range. Reference is also made to the reprints from Poolfax, a new letter distributed by � Stranco, Inc., the manufacturer of the automated chemical monito 'ng and distribution � system proposed by Respondent, a copy of which is attached as Fa�hibit B. On page 19 ,� �X of that reprint, under the subheading "Free available chlorine resid al," the article notes ,,���,- �%t��� �! '"� that it is the minimum level of free chlorine that is critical, not the m 'mum. The article ��,�� '���- ,�;� � � states that experts "disagree widely about a ma�cimum level for free chlorine if an ." It ����x` ` � y ���?"�; �: goes on to cite examples of tests involving free chlorine levels of 5, 10, 25, and even 60 „��4 ��t and 200 ppm. It observes that there is "no agreement among e�e�ts" as to acceptable ��� ,�., range between the minimum and maximum safe levels. �� � 1� ��.: � . Similarly, as to pH levels, that same article states that "p�-I is not critical to � ; ��; � swimmers," but is important instead to pool surfaces and equipme�lt. Id. at pp. 19-20. �;'; It goes on to note that some experts suggest acceptable pH ranges in excess of 8 (the City's regulations prescribe 7.2 to 8.2 as acceptable, but the Departn�ent cites levels over 7.8 as violations). Id. p. 20. See also, M. Alexander Gabrielsen, Ph.l�., Swimming Pools, A Guide to their Plannin , Desi�n and Operation, pp. 203-204 (The �ouncil for National Cooperation in Aquatics, Champaign, Illinois, 1987). 2 It is permissible to take judicial notice of information that the decision maker deems trustworthy, such as books or other source of information. Se 7A Dunnell Minn. Digest 2d Evidence §12.00(c) at p. 320 (1986) and cases cited therei . s; � j �/-'/��D�� x.} ��.�- � �� ; �; In short, the Department has failed to carry its burden of s�howing which of the violations pertain to health and safety. A review of the literature in t�e area indicates that few of the violations the Department refers to over the 18 month �eriod of inspections would relate to health and safety. Furthermore, research by Respondent has demonstrated that t�e ongoing problems with maintaining the chemical balance can be resolved by installatilPn of an automated chemical monitoring and distribution system. The system which ha�s been proposed to Respondent is described in the attached E�ibit A. Respondent's pro�osed exceptions and `.���>;, ���.; recommendations would require Respondent to close down its �ool and whirlpool ���� `;�� immediately and would give Respondent until August 15 to in�tall the automated �'�. "� d� �4 ����p monitoring and chemical distribution system. Respondent has bee�p informed that the ��L,� Ts2� X�;ii€ ��s, � ## proposed system minimizes or eliminates the difficulties of maint�ining the required ;� r�' ,.� ..� delicate chemical balances and should allow the parties to finally resol l e what has become �.> �; � '� �� an ongoing problem. I a� `�:u;, � Respondent submits that its recommendation balances the �eed for protecting � '' �� public health with the policy of maintaining Respondent's health �lub services to its ��� �.a, members. If Respondent is able to solve the one problem that has b�en recurring, there is no policy to be served in shutting down all of Respondent's operlation. That would _ invite financial ruin for Respondent and would potentially injure, or at �east inconvenience, the citizens of St. Paul who belong to Respondent's health club. If �espondent fails to . take the necessary steps to solve the chemical balance problem in its �wimming pool and whirlpool, then Respondent would still face the revocation or suspen�ion of the license. Furthermore, the proposed resolution also deals with the question of t�e proper category I ti <��_ ��. ,�YV �� � 4 w��' L f! s •:�gk': . � of licensure. Respondent would be required to promptly apply for a license as a health/sports club under Chapter 427. It would be allowed to oper�te under its existing licenses until the final action on the issuance of the health/sports cl�b license. Accordingly, Respondent respectfully requests that the City1 Council adopt the additional Findings of Fact and Conclusion and that it adopt tl�e Recommendation contained in this document. Respectfully submitted, i � Dated: July 31, 1991 ABDO AND ABDO, P.A. I y�'� :� ; ' �y._���«�A;�: %n";v�-. 4,R 4n�lF a �Y:� . �� By ��.NY Steven R. Hedges #� ; Attorneys for Medalist Sp�rts Club �":�,�_`� 710 Northstar West �.� Y r 7 ,1 v���: 625 Marquette Avenue �� Minneapolis, MN 55402 II ����,�4� (612) 333-1526 �� :� I.D. No. 43199 �` ���. I �;�� �,'; i �,.f :� �;; ;�� I I �/-�/�=�la � �� �... M��,a,_. ,�� 4��4... �fr�� �:�� EXHIBIT A � DESCRIPTIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA RELA�'ING TO STRANCO AUTOMATED CONTROL SYST�M AND CASE HISTORY INFORMATION �', ,�;' . ��:� a ��� i '�` , _,srv ;.,...�:�� i =. � K; i �"=�•�-.;' n��� �n ��•�'� :. �" i �`��,�; -.`Y..<,.,:� I +�`i .�,��' I ',�''�.`x.....,. :�'�.+_., . � , •Fi'- .�ry `J .. I � ._�. i `�,?f I $� . �� I �ia i ��; I ��� { '7�E qY.. I . I I F '� �' 1 � i5�dc.p G� �=� �9s � � � � 9 �a ��� , ,., �, _ , ._. .. . , - ������������ ��� ���� ���� ��r�����r,����� _ . ��• For spas;hot tubs;commer- � 'Fial, residentiai and heaithcare - - - ���-�-r�. -;-- -.��,�,. �nstitutional pools; and decor- �" - � �PH `� ative fountains. '' . � . Y; ; ,j ' t Where automatic positive " �`�.� ` � - �ontroi of pH is needed in the : , 4 �ange of 7.2 to 7.8 and where .- - ; - ----- . - - ¢ontrol of chlorine or bromine ' ; x i�s needed in the range of 0.6 to `` � � �.0 ppm residuai. __ �;i�° �. Strantro1..710 '� � � � _ _ - �. ,, ,�< �� For controlling chemical �� :. .. - � feed pumps and other feed w:� ,��. .._ . . ' — .� y�.4/d.y�. 1 ��0 �v�ces including erosion �j;�� , f eders. �� { ;; � t4. _ .� . � � ' � . . - . . _ ^t, . . . z-� . ._ . - .:� _ 712 �.� -- 713 �: _ -- _ � �{ r.�:.:�.�. _ .s. _ - � :� . . . . . , _��.�,,.'., .. - �.� :� �.�. 1� . , �f�•ppOddn�@ ..CH}V RINFa�Tf3(�(�I�I''Ip.Q _ • . y � ° .. -.Y '�I ppn�RESIDIM!k7t51M- •�• + r�il..s.0 w d.a t � •�� � ? ��� k � � �.: �� � f � ����� �� ��#,Y : FY� 1 Y -. bF. � ( �j.'. { �;� �,". Y� �'' "'�.� �t'ai1tl0� �2 �... �"` � �fdlftlD�<��3�r " ,-� -, - . .. .:- . _ _ ,.,,:.;. ... ;_,�_.. ..�, .,�.:� _�^.�- n s ''�.�? . � '�� � �,.,".y=_ _ t . i _ ;� -- � _-. The Strantr 171 0 0 712 1 - and 7 3 are i r i tion � �.. , des gned specificall�for problem wate s tua s �5� ���; _ — spas, hot tubs, and small recreational and therapy�pools where small bodies of water combined with heavy usage and rapid changes�,in demand can cause widely :,,: varying need for treatment. -�`- The Strantrol 710 (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine/bromine'� controllers have also been �.p '� � � designed to put the user at ease. They're completely iautomatic and eliminate the - chance of operator error.The operator selects only the t�est of several correct pre-set � control positions. � ` - And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 can contml the output of virtually any chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of chemical feec�is proportional to the amount . needed, they eliminate overfeeding and underfeeding pf chemicals. The design is il _ i Q� ���)U�, � i l 710/112/113 _..__.._ _ ._._..._���.�. _ .��_. � ���.� • Protects bather health � �: --1��d • Eliminates maintenance headaches f�"�t'°"� '' Model 710—continuo�s monitoring and control of pH. • Eliminates eyeburn and odor complaints Model 712—continuou�monitoring and control of chlorine,bromine or ozone in the ORP Isetpoint range of 0.6 to 2.0. Model 713—continou monitoring of bromine or chlorine in the 71� .. ORP setpoint range of�p.6 to 6.0 for those applications where health m ``"' departments or conditions require higher ORP. _ . _.__ . �12/713 e controls ! ; pH setpoint (Model 71I0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to 7.8 -= - ' ORP setpoint (Model �12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 2.0 . _ _.�.. _- — ° .`. "" � ' " "U"`"' " ORP setpoint (Model 13) 0.6 to 6.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ��` '�'"�"'" s displays and warnin� lights _- ., , � ; pH green LED's. . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to 7.8 , ; ye ow LED s. . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 @:�•�N��`� �e = �^���� a red flashing LED1s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <6.8 and >8.2 l �_—___�_ ORP (Model 712) �i �' green LED's . . . .i. . . . .0.6 to 2.0 (ppm residual at 7.5',pH) yellow LED's . . . 0.2, 0.4, 3.0 red flashing LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.2>3.0 ���'� �'� } J ORP (Model (713) i . � ��., �. . . _ . t���� ,. - green LED's . . . .'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to,4.0 .�, - . :..,... yellow LED's . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.0 , ._. °� � red flashing LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.6 and >6.0 � � , - accuracy of control i _ ._`" -e pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.1 pH per year ; ,, �`�� � �,�.�,. 1' ORP . . . . . . . : . . . . .: �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t0.01 v per year : --- w �� � free avail chlonne residival setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10% ���'''=� ����`� "� overfeed protection pH feed alert disables �cid or base feed `' �•„ ORP feed alert disable� chlorine, bromine or ozone feed Proportional feed keeps pace with changing load(pool activity). electrical circuitry �i Split second response to bathing load means water is always line outputs . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, 5 amps, fused perfect-regardless of number of bathers. chlorine feed (max) . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 amps Overfeed protection — Users are always safe because the pH feed (max) . . . . . . . �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 amps Strantrol 710,712,and 713 protect them from chemical overfeeding. line outputs. . . . . . . . . .i.115 VAC, 60HZ, (std 3-wire grounded) Set-point restriction — Users always enjoy the best water. All power requirement . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .less than 1 amp control knob settin s, are within the o timum ran e of H and p�ug-in circuits . . . . . . . . . .standard 9 P 9 P . . i . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chlorine/bromine. size, we�ght, corrosioniprotection Full display with alarms — Flashing red LED's indicate when shipping weight (Ibs). . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Ibs; chemicals are depleted,wam of pump malfunctions and other im- size (h x w x d). . . . . . .!i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5" x 5" x 3" pending problems outside the Strantrol's control. enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PVG ' Five amp output with fuse gives the Strantrol 710, 712, and 713 miscellaneous the ability to control most small chemical feed pumps and ero- start-up and training . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .by Stranco Representative ` sion feeders, saving money by eliminating the need to replace warranty (materials and rNOrkmanship) . . . . . . . . . .. .two years existing equipment. I Corrosion proof PVC enclosure and all solid-state electronics en- sure long service life and lowest cost in the long-run. srRnNCO, INC. STRANCO LfiD. STRANTROL PTY. LTD. Start-up and service by the world's largest and most experienced Route 50 North Commercial Rdad Eastbourne Po.eox 12m network of pool-water chemistry experts is available when you pur- P.o. sox 3as East Sussex 8�121 3XE Crow's Nest, New Soum waies 2os5 chase a Strantrol 710, 712 or 713 controller. eraaiey, IL 60915 Engiand Sydney,Austraiia Tel.815/932-8154 Tel.0323-6461�3 Tel.(02)9T/-6949 FAX 815/932-0674 FAX 0323-6460�35 FAX(02)9T/-0001 , .. �M -r� � ., �� 'j��i�i ' � ' II � ��� Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 controllers work with virtually any -••�� - �`"`y��'�` � chemical feed device.They sense the load(need for chemicals), �i increase or decrease the output of chemical feed devices in pro- Distributed by: i portion to the amount of chemicals needed, monitor the output VALLEY IVIEW ASSOC. of these devices to ascertain that the chemical levets are within ' operator selected set-points, and warn (with flashing red signal P. �. �Ox 39414 � �1 aC� ` - __�..�__._- ��� .� System One ' ,,� a,: Pool Water Controliers � ,„ �, «��� i i r � � i 1 I ' � � � ' � ... ., 0.... �.�InO 3`(� lC $�f�11�I0� ��.� �_ R - s �� � � �, ,�.. i � c >;� � '�` ' _ ,a�� � `•�^,�,� � � � �.�! �I 'f � +rn {k i ry'q" '�- I � a . �.� ..._.. . � � T ' � �. ,� �YS�' ..�.,..� ',�..�."¢'��•- e+•ee.«+�4..s.-.9 i I _ . �a� " _ �,<'vy�"' . � i �-f ���_+�. � i LS'`:; �6/» _ S ��_�.:�� x��'.. �n � Ideal for any pool, spa or fountain. �, �' ( '�` ��) WaterOuatityControl i ` ---- ____- -- , _ .__ , _--- __..� ; F , �i � ___ -� Naw, �et �erf��t �/���e���to�at�cally ° �`,� with the system that pays for itself! ', _ i � , The Strantrol System One controls pool or of chemic�ls to keep pool water perfect, no-, spa water chemistry automatically usually matter wh�t the characteristics of the pool. : ; saving enough in labor and chemicals to pay i for itself in less than a year. It eliminates A 24-ho�r-a-day Pool Operator �`i,� manual testing and dosing, saves 30% or Because i��s completely automated, there's more in chemicals, and makes the water no manual!labor required to keep pool water ._.� perfect—looking good, smelling good and sanitary arid safe. Since the system uses only exceeding the U.S. Public Heaith Service's enough ch�micals to keep the water in perfect Safety and Disease Control recommendations. balance, th�ere are significant chemical savings ` _._;_�,;� The Strantrol System One eliminates the as well. Re�duced corrosion of poolside problems and headaches associated with pool equipment,i pumps and filters, made possible and spa water chemistry control. by the syst�m's accurate control of pH, results "��–' • controls chlorine/bromine and H with P in additiona�l savings. ----.----.' pinpoint accuracy � • controls any chemical feed device (pumps, Reliable,�iSafe, Space-Saving Design _ gas chlorinators, erosion feeders) The Strantr�l System One is a highly reliable, � • compatible with ozone and ion exchange solid state aontrol system. It operates day and � units night, year �fter year with little or no attention. 3 • rashes tes complaints about eyeburn and Its ability to iicontrol all forms of pool sanitizing ' • reduces corrosion of pool equipment by chemicals, including bleach, makes it an -�°--��7 controlling pH unusually s�fe and versatile system. Since the ___..�:..:�� • controls algae pH and chlarine/bromine controllers, as well as the sens�rs, are all located in a single y T � Pnclosure, tl�ere are no unsightly or unsafe Solves Problems plumbing and electrical connections. The i Heavy usage, contamination, rapid changes compact, att�active, clean white acrylic f in demand, hot tubs, whirlpools—these are no housing wei hs only 15 pounds. Bather safety I � problem for Strantrol Svstem One controllers is automatic�llv assured bv controls that shut � �y n i `/��U� System One Pool Water Controilers � __ . , Exclusive Strantrol sensors oNer "rock-steady" reliability • � - . - . and accuracy that's unex- ���,,_ celled. Patented designs, Set-point Range I empioying inorganic gel, i `�.�� special alloys, and protective pH (Model 710) � 7.2 to 7.8 `- � boots Cl/Br(Model 712) 0.6 ro 2A �, ,give these sensors ffve `�! times the life of ordinary Cl/Br(Model 713) 0.6 to 6.0 sensors. Displays and Warn�ing Lights pH (Model 710) � Green LED's �I 7.2 to 7.8 Yellow LED's i 6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 Red Flashing LED's <6.8 and >8.0 Cl/Br(Model 712)I Treats Water Automatically in Proportion to Demand Green LED's I 0.6 to 2.0(ppm residual at 7.5 pH) Strantrol System One controllers have the unique ability to Yellow LED's I 0.2, 0.4, 3.0 increase or decrease the output of virtually any chemical feed Red Flashing I�ED's <0.2 and >3.0 device in proportion to the need for chemicals. Unlike simple Cl/Br(Modei 713)�I on/off controliers, Strantroi controilers sense how far the pool Green LED's I 0.6 to a.0 Yellow LED's I 6.0 water is from the ideal setting, and they cause chemical feed Red Flashing L�D's <0.6 and >6.0 devices to run just the right amount of time to bring pool water conditions into perfect balance. Sensing and actuation is a ACCUracy of ContrO� continuing series of short steps that ensures precise controi pH � ±o.i pH per year without overfeeding chemicals. ORP i ±0.01 v per year Since the Strantrol System One will control virtually any Free available residival setpoint ±10% chemical feed pump, the system may also be used for pool Overfeed Protectiorn water chemistry control of larger pools such as found in parks, pH feed alert disabl��es acid or base feed universities, high Schools, and YMCA's, etc. ORP feed alert disaples chlorine or bromine Goof-Proof Control Electrical Circuitry ', Strantrol System One controllers incorporate set-point Chtorine or eromine!feed (max) 4 amp restrictions for pH and chlorine/bromine control that keep pH feed (max) 4 amp inexperienced operators from dialing a bad setting. Line outputs �i 115 VAC, 60 Hz, or 240 VAC 50 Hz, The operator can "fine-tune" but cannot go beyond i (std. 3-wire grounded) 1 pre-determined ranges. Power Requirement i less than 1 amp �.> Other Features Size, Weight, Corros#on Protection • Flashing red LED's indicate when chemicals are depleted, Size(h x w x d) i� 19-1/2^x i2-1/2^x 6-�/2^ (50 cm x 32 cm x 17 cm) warn of pump malfunctions and other problems. Net Weight 15 Ibs. (7 kg)" • Four-amp output will control most small chemical feed Enclosure �, corrosion free acrylic pumps so there's no need to replace existing equipment. • Corrosion-proof acrylic enclosure with key-lockable clear ! acrylic face panel safely houses the entire system, permits visual verification that the system is operating, and gives a �i clear view of the pool water's "vital signs". • Solid-state electronics-for durability and reliability Guaranteed Performance— World Renowned Reliability and Durability I� Stranco, the world's leading maker of automated pool water �i controllers, is known for the quality of its products and service. i Strantrol System One controllers are unconditionally guaranteed for performance, and carry a two-year warranty on materials �i and workmanship. Systems start-up and training are provided i by Stranco's world-wide service organization. i ___ _ ___ _. � ___: _. ___ �� ' Commercial Road Eastbourne �- East Sussex BN21 3XE Represented by: I _; England I - -- -- � Te1.0323-646163 VALLEY VIEW �,SSOC. WaterQualityControl FAX0323-646035 P. O. BOX 39�t14 '. - ,:-i =l,i -�•� _1 �-"- �= �� Po. soX �2m Edina MN 5543i9-Od1d i7n��fn S!1�InAh D(1 Rnv 1A0 !`.n...'� AIe�� AI....,c....�'.��i..i..�nncr I � �- l�vt° � l��f NI 3NIaOlH� \ 1�3('NI lOalNO� Hd � I �� Ov �� �� ��O II �� P O Q' �� �� z �Q � � � a = J UJ QQ vi / > F- z y � � v� o � , n�, a z o w — I `�� v � o � � H U � H J w a �i u. a � �� c� � . ai a Z � � a O � 0 } I � a � � � / � v�i � w Z � I w � a � u~i Q � I � � Z U0C I � w � mo �- � � � � o � W W Z ,� I � F- � � O 2 twn Z I U � Q Q � O � I � � � u�iw � I ci u�i = z p W I a � U - ¢ � � 0 II vi � � � Z m O � I p � � Z � Z O U II z � cv ri u~i U a � I I � � � - � � W � zo m0 li Q � i U CL l��f NI lOalNO� Hd ,�p � � II d � O Z � �i l��fNl 3NIaO�H� � � ? � w � � . Q � —V � � � _ � a Q — uo a O 'i Ov QO — O� �CQ u; W O z � � � ui O y Q F' U J — � — y J Z � � W Q Q 0 0 ' aN o� W � Z � a a Q U pC a aw 3 . � F. ow � � _� O � 0 li � a Q � i 3 � W w Q �� � � W � W W oc � � � � � W J Z I � u- 3 i � O � W W ii � � Q j � F=- Q Q U � p O � tj W � �i � I- W Z p � �i � � � J V �i U W J J � � � I a a W � w 0 � � vi � � z m 1= � w Q Q ? Q Z O U I z � c�i ri c~i� U a � - � ' I-J-�"' HEALTH C�. :� � l FIIVDS PO�� � ��� � .��'��� �� �:��' T� INIPRO�� ��- .� �, ����� . ���:����.r��- � VALL�Y VIEdV ASS�C1��'�:� I P. O. Box 39414 I By: Peter Demas, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439-0�ld Chief Engine�r, East Bank Club, Chicago. (612) 935-7080 FAX (612) 935-962a I �� . The East Bank Club, alon with othei• >. �,- , - - � ,:: I' :fr,° _�,;� g _ "� r ,���.y,,� �. health clubs, attracts people who are = � = �,� : - ., .' r;�� �. �" _� -� � � ,aa�< _:';���-�- actively involved in improving their �� � ._,,,�,.y;��,^r'- `� � �, ,, physical well-being.Because our�vater :: � `�� activities play such a vital role in the '��.'� � '=� *'- ��' �� - � fitness program, it is important that ' - '� • , � � � our swimming and whirlpooLs provide � � !i � � � � � � excellent water quality to complement ��� �� � " �, the Club's total health picture.Several ` � ',' � f- years ago,using Strantrolo controllers, �-'�� ', '� S � we automated the chemical feed sys- � ,� �� ' j tems in our pooLs,enabling us to more �"' " `' _�"�'""""°" ..J accurately monitor the water chemis- ' � - w try,thereby assuring us of the cleanest, '` � ` 3 healthiest environment for our bathers. We have about 2,300 people utilize ,,:� our facilities daily and this means that y each of our five pools(two swimming E" pools and three whirlpools) is rather " heavily used.Before we automated the i/" _� �* 'S - chemical testing and feeding process i°. on our five pools,we did the job man- 'i � ually.A lifeguard or Building Engineer �i would use a test-ldt to gauge the chlo- }- rine residual and pH and then turn on � �i the pumps to feed additional chlorine � """'�'°~ or muriatic acid to rectify any chemical �, �,� imbalance. �� �..���� As tirne went on we realized that the ;<: manual process was very unreliable. ���:_ Human error resulted in different chei�l- ;`��'° ical readings depending on who was "r doing the job.For example,one person _� � . would read a test-kit one way, and :;.;'` _:,. another person would read the same � racnit a riiffPrant wav ThPCa rlic�rPn.�n_ � ��ar� _ : gj— ���� . _ :�: � � .:r� �! f � � . i � �� • 1� � . �L.F .. �� ' � 1111_• 1���: . _ _'_+-�c�_. ' _�..�-°x+�'��_ -ir -�.e�' y_ �-. '�, - _;.� - -- � - - !.�,.;w r.� �� �� . , . �. � .. -, ...... :.;- . . . �'� ,,.�w�., --�� - , ..�. �. _. _,. �_f . � „ .. . � � ?�;.a€+� ° t a ,��f ' � '� . `�`..- -.'S/�i+l"y�`u+- �_ `5".�i:�� " ... �� ,-a. _:.. _ . "• �, . 4 � .+ :�`��i,"� ^ ��� �`{^� '`� _ � .��F _' ,�i� .`;4. _ 2'd'� �°"�«�`.,'�.�'.� � ,�� _ .�:`. �.,�i. The three whir/pools and two swi►r{ming pools at the East Bank Club are all automated wifh Strantrol pQol controllers. The Strantrol units ended the wide chemica/flucfualltions and gave the club healthful, sanitized water. while another person would add a cup erratic manual testing and feeding, The�act that we don't have to take and a half at that same level. there was always the question of how chemi9al readings five times a day is an The inconsistency of our manual pro- effectively our chlorine was fighting obviou� labor savings, and there is no cess gave rise to an inconsistency in the bacteria in the water. longer ithe possibility of two people our chemical levels. We had pH that Due to the inconsistency and unre- getting ifferent test-ldt results because ranged from 6.8 to over 8.0, and our liability of the manual method,we lrnew the hu�an element is no longer in- chlorine levels were just as erratic. that we could not get the good water volved. (The units' sensors and feed These problems with the manual quality that was important both for mecha�ismoperateautomaticallywith method are not unique to us,but rather the protection of our members and the only th�e occasional need for manual symptomatic of any hand-fed opera- protection of our pool equipment. In calibrat�ion.) ' tion. With a hand-fed operation you 1982 we decided we needed to auto- By ta�cing much of the worry about cannot meter chemical levels from mo- mate our svstem, and after talking to water q�alityoff of my hands,the auto- ment to moment or hour to hour, so people in the health club field and matic u�its have allowed me to direct you're going to have a wide range of pricing some of the controllers,we de- my ma�agerial energies elsewhere. I readings and possible health problems. cided on purchasing five Strantrol units, now ha�e more time to concentrate on The chemical variations had a neg- manufactured by Stranco of Bradley, problerr�s requiring the"human touch". ative impact on our water quality.We Illinois. The i�proved water qualityhas leng- experienced the chemical inconsistency The automatic pool controllers have thened�he time between filter clean- most acutely in our whirlpools where greatly benefited our operation. We ings,an�l the metal objects in our pool: heavy usage combined with a small now have a much more consistent ladders,i drains, and other similar ob- pool size (1,500-2,500 gallons) created chemical balance in our water,and this jects ha e not experienced the corro- an even worse environment for chem- has greatly improved our water quality. sion an erosion that were so much a ical fluctuations.Often,a high pH would We no longer have the problem of pa- part of ur manual testing days.When render the chlorine ineffective.Then trons getting eye irritations; we have we wer�manually testing, the pool chloramines would form that have a not had a single complaint of eye-sting waterw often either too acidic or too characteristic strong chlorine odor and since�ve installed the Strantrol units. base.Wi�h the Strantrol units'compu- cause eye irritations.We averaged four The clarity of the water has also terized feed system,our water is con- complaints of eye-sting a day, and this improved because we don't have the stantlyb�lanced at a near neutral level. concerned us. inconsistent levels that allowed the Of co�rse, the approximate 8,000 In addition, there was always the water to get dirty.The Strantrol units member� of our club have benefited possibility of other problems develop- are very consistent giving the desired the most�'i-om our decision to automate. . m0 ThPwhirinnnlinrinetr��icrnl�ti�mlv .,i..�..,:.,..1 ..,...,�:..,.,. ,.� „n �:.Y__ mL-_- - '--_- ' I � _ . � � o� �, __ V��s �,t�. .�w , � �!� �l I � k - ., �V . �fi l'I I. . ��j �:. '�+ C 'r� ' t ? `�T.+ Y •f. I � ':wr.3s....-. /.�'� .�.s'.w3e... � �� r� xy� ' �,.- Y.r .. �ie u r t .: �. . �',y� • - a�;_; ,� '��' 'J I I �,. � - �� I � ,:a s t II�I : \�( _ , . i �d t�� � -:�.i'��� 1 _ y'= .w:� '�" tY: . � �' l �1 .\ , i•. .. �.,�� _ �:'=� .-_ ... � 1 �py� '• ! .'i.�. M' � �� � .��. �^�• '� t. �''�_J .!_2R�A.i� -`�.�. �. �l 2R� . � �N �., . . , r '�'`f 1'� ��.! + � n � � �: • � � -i-=.�_.`.. !':� .. . krt� _?s�Fu��ti:::,-`.;-'..y . .. . .. . - ''�c9^Y�:! il' '�� ;-Y y� � ` _ '�': ��� ✓ '� .� 1 � v.wt� . ' �. � �t.1�5+ �...� . ''T—..- ��a�..u'�•r.l .�:; i r�.. t��"�'�,�,_� . �.T���f�..�'� <..:�.a„R„ ' .k�> ._..._....T-. _..�«.c.a � �ss;il�,`.- � ,�s..""'_�,.,�,�`�i+[ Every new water attraction at Adventure Island uses a Strantrol autom�ted chemical control system because water quality is what keeps the customers cqmmg back. disinfecting and sanitizing agent.In the The Strantrol system has a com- TY�e Strantrol s stem was the choice pool water, chlorine oxidizes con- puter-derived parts-per-million read- of the waterpark, architectural, and taminants such as dust, algae, hair, out for chlorine that enables us to engir�eering experts that handied the bacteria, and whatever else gets into constantly follow any changes in the lannin and constructionofAdventure the water. Chlorine is an oxidant that oxidation-reduction potential and an- Islan durin the late 1970's.After ears burns up contaminants in pool water other readout that accurately displays ofde endable performancewe remain much like the oxygen in a bonfire burns the pH of the water.The Strantrol units lea ed with the choice. up leaves and twigs. After proper- are connected to chemical feed pumps W 've been open since 1980, and chlorination and filtration,the result is to ensure an accurate flow of chemicals each season has been more success- crystal clear water that looks good, 24-hours a day. ful th�n the last. in 1983 we added a smelis good, and doesn't irritate the I can't put a dollar figure on the labor water speed siide, in 1984 an inner skin or eyes. in short, it's water that's savings resulting from using pool auto- tube 'Slide, and in 1985 we built a 72- just plain fun to be in. mation, but the system certainly gives foot dbuble water sled ride.These new At Adventure Island, if we fed our usgreaterflexibilitywithourpersonnel. ridesland special group nights build chlorine and other chemicals by hand, The system requires no manual super- inter st and attendance,and that plus it would be a mammoth undertaking. vision, except for a periodic check of our�xcellent water quality has Due to the constantly changing bather calibration —a procedure that takes enco raged repeat business. Peopie loads, we would have to check the only a few minutes.Other than that,all like �lean, clear water. That's what chemicallevelsineachofoursixpools we do is check the chemical tanks bring s them back! We've never every half hour to guarantee that our once a day to make sure that there is forgot�en our recipe for success: "pro- levels were conforming to the health an adequate supply. Once we set the vide�xciting entertainment and fill our codes.The testing and dosing process controls on the automated system,we attra�tions to the brim with perfect would be a full-time job. In addition, forget about pool water chemistry and water.l manual feeding is usually inefficient. concentrate on other aspects of pool Therearejusttoomanyvariablessuch maintenance. We let the Strantrol I as crowd size, and weather, and too system "supervise" our pool water. many opportunities for human error. The automated system saves us I To ensure that we have the proper money because there is no over or amount of chlorine and just the right underfeeding of chemicals and hence I pH in our pooi water at all times, we no chemical waste. With manual use the Strantrol automated chemical dosing there is often over or under- feed system. Chemical feed auto- feeding because one has to anticipate mation providesthe modern technology chemical requirements based on a I necessary for maintaining perfect pool guess of the bather load and other water no matter what the soil load pool conditions. The Strantrol system conditions. The trantrol system uses has sensors that precisely monitor the ' electronicsensorstocontinuouslvmon- r.hPmi�al r.nntant nf thP watar anri I I ��,�-�� EXHIBIT B EXCERPTS FROM STRANCO POOLFAX NEWS�.ETTER I � � � ���go�o `O`y. pQO�� II ��� II . 0�g II '���� I � I O�` I� ��`� !I y5�� I �0 I �O � �o�Q '�� Selected � G`��.� � . 05Q0 Ma�or Articles .0�`0� ��, �0�� and Fec�tures from P Previo �s Issues of � �J „s„ �� ,,,FW ACC(1CIGTFC The Poolfax '�,Newsletter • �'�� � I Back to basics . . . '� approaching a consensus about pool water chemistry�i Ninety percent of pool water prob- Filter calcification u�l is in some areas dictated by local lems are preventable or solvable by Green algae p blic health regulations. In other consideration of 5 critical factors for Water discoloration ar as, the high limit is that point which you can test quickly and in- pool surtace problems w I en people begin to complain about expensively. Bacteriallviral proliferation bl�ached bathing suits. Sanitarians, engineers, chemists Occasionally, equipment mal- j There is no agreement among ex• and experts by experience may dis- functions or other sorts of upsets will pelrts as to the ideal target between agree about the ideal range of those 5 cause some of these symptoms. How- th� low limit of 0.4 ppm and the high factors, but almost all would agree ever. the most frequent cause of each lir�it of the local regulation or the with the selection of these 5—and one is mismanagement of one or more bl�ached suits. Moreover, there is no how serious are the problems of their of the 5 critical factors. acCepted evidence that pools main- mismanagement. tai�ed at one target residual or the This article attempts to express Free available chlorine residual ot�er, in the long run,are better, safer the consensus of knowledgeable pool The experts all agree that free or �nore comfortable pools. managers, public health officials and chlorine is the most important single I Experts agree that when a greater leading figures in the public pool factor in public pool water manage• ma�rgin for error is needed, a higher industry. We have combed through ment. The only reliable method of tar�et residuai should be chosen. If the POOLFAX files of textbooks,jour- testing for free chlorine is with the be�ause of automatic controls or es- nal articles and reader mail. We have DPD test kit. Flash readings or refrig- pe�ialiy expert care, a Iesser margin discussed these points with our col• erated samples with the OTO test re- forl error is needed, a lower target leagues and associates. We have agent are unreliable. reslidual is possible. taken into account what is heard '�on The experts also agree that the I the road" as Stranco and POOLFAX absolute. rock bottom, minimum free I staff travel North America and West- availabie chlorine residual to be car- Tot�i r.htnrine residual ern Europe. ried at any time in a public pool is 0.4 Experts generally agree that total Here we express the consensus— ppm. This figure is not a target, but a chl�rine residuai shouid never exceed that point immediately before the minimum. By setting the target free fre� available chlorine residual by degression of divergent views and available chlorine residual higher morte than 0.5 ppm. In other words, opinions. than 0.4 ppm, and by careful manage- tot�l chlorine residual is only impor- The 5 most critical factors in pool ment and monitoring and use of the tand as it reveals the chloramine re- water chemistry: latest equipment, you can prevent sid�al present when compared to a Free available chlorine residual free chlorine from dropping below free� chlorine test. At that point the Total chlorine residual this minimum level. exp�rts seem to say that 0.5 ppm PH Experts disagree widely about a chldramine is about the time to super- Total alkalinity maximum level for free chlorine, if chldrinate. Calcium hardness any. POOLFAX interviewed swimmers �ome experts argue for chlora- Experts would agree with these 5 Who had been bathing in 5, then 10, min�s not to exceed 0.3 ppm, others and most would agree that they are and on up to 25 ppm free chlorine. In say 0.4, most agree at the 0.5 figure. listed here in the relative order of the files we found the story of a junior Oth rs have called for chloramines to importance one to another. Certainly high school pool that was mistakenly be urned out anytime they exceed all would agree that free available carried at 60 ppm free chlorine for 113 f the total. In practice, all agree chlorine is the most important of the about a week's time. We interviewed chl ramines are undesirable and 5. Total alkalinity and calcium hard- one individual who had been swim- sho Id be controlled by super-chlori- ness belong at the bottom of the list ming in 200 ppm free chlorine for 30 nati�n as frequentty as is necessary by reason of their being less impor- minutes. In each of these cases pH and Ipractical. tant than pH and chlorine residual and other water chemistry factors I and by reason of their requiring less were almost perfectly balanced.Com- pH I frequent checking and changing. plaints in the above cases were of pIH is of concern to almost all of Improper management of these 5 bleached bathing suits, dry skin, and scier�ce so there is a massive body of factors leads to the most common of mild eyeburn. liter�ture about pH. pH has been re- public pool problems. Here are 11 Remember that chlorine is non- sear�hed and experimented with in common maladies of public pools linear. The oxidation value of 200 every� conceivable way. which could be avoided by proper parts-per-million is not much more Ak the same time, pH is common management of the 5 critical factors: than 2 parts•per•million. Actual mea- enou h that it is frequently used and Eyeburn surement of oxidation potential re• misu ed in consumer products adver- Odor veals that the first 0.4 ppm accom• tisin . Cloudiness plishes most of the goal of chlorina• pI is not critical to swimmers. r.__�_ �inr, W�tor�c in I�koc �nr/ rivnre �nrl "nlri g�-��b� influences the target for the other. I�vel that satisfies the 25.000 rule. Basics . . . cont. pH, temperature, total alkalinity I In new pools where there is fresh past summer I personally had the ex- and calcium hardness make up the 4 pllaster, grout or concrete. it can be perience of swimming in water that I major factors used in the short-form alrgued that they be maintained at a learned later was pH 5.0. If after my calculation of what is known as the Slaturation Index level not of 25.000, swim I had not checked. I would never Saturation Index.The Saturation Index b t more like 30.000 or 35.000 for the have known or even suspected such is a measure of the tendency of water fi�rst 6 to 12 months while the surface was the case as the water appeared to scale or corrode the surfaces by fi�ish is still new. and felt fine.) which it passes.The Saturation Index In contrast, pH is critical to metal, �s complicated but has been simpli• grout. plaster—pool surfaces and fied in recent years by the introduc• O�ther factors mechanical equipment of all kinds. In tion of special slide rules. ! Some experts would argue for the addition, pH frequently determines Experts agree that in picking a tar- ir�clusion of a sixth or seventh critical the performance of other chemicals 9et for total alkalinity and calcium fa�ctor. Some would argue for temper- added to the pool. In general, most hardness. the Saturation Index must a�ure, others for total dissolved solids pool chemicals work best at pH of be considered. The experts go on to (TIDS) and others perhaps for the level about 7.5. agree that in pools maintained be- o� chlorides. The experts used to focus on a tween 78 and 85 degrees F and at pH I Temperature is controlled for all target range of pH 7.2 to 7.8. More �evels of 7.4 to 7.6, pH and tempera- pr�ctical purposes by the program. recently higher pH levels have been ture can effectively be considered Pqols used competitively tend to be a targeted because of the epidemic of constants, not variables. Hence, an lit�le cooler than poois used primarily even greater simplification of the Sat• for recreation or for elementary or corroded plumbing and dissolved I plaster and grout in North American uration Index is possible. spgcial education purposes.The range public pools. In an earlier article. �n general, keep total alkalinity be- of temperature which swimmers pre- POOLFAX suggested a new pH range t`^ieen 50 and 125 ppm while you keep fe� is so narrow that it is an unimpor• of 7.5 to 8.0. Others have suggested calcium hardness between 200 and tar�t factor in considering life and pH factors even higher than 8. 500 ppm. More importantly,total alka• se�vice of inechanical equipment. There are a variety of reasons for linity times calcium hardness in ppm swimmer safety, etc. Pool water tem- a lot of different pH targets. However, should equal the number 25,000 — pe�ature is a matter of comfort. Spe- no one can find fault with a range of 9��e or take a thousand or two. If cif�c selection of water temperature pH 7.4 to 7.6. This range represents a total alkalinity is 50 ppm, calcium be�ween 78 and 85 degrees F. is less Kind of consensus by default. Experts hardness should be about 500. If im�ortant than the relationship be- ail choose their favorites and they total alkalinity is 125 ppm, caicium tw�en water temperature, air temper• vary widely, but all agree that there is hardness shouid be about 200. atulre and air humidity level. nothing wrong with the 7.4 to 7.6 tar• It is important to understand that ISome experts claim that total dis- get. this 25,000 rule only works if the pH is sol}�ed solids (TDS) is an important While it may be difficult to main- 7•4 to 7.6 and the temperature is fac�or. Rather than argue about tain pH in such close tolerance, it can somewhere around 78 to 85 degrees wh�ther it is important suffice it to be done in most situations.Automatic F. If pH is not within the 7.4 to 7.6 sa that virtuaily all agree that if the 5 controls. prevalent on so many pools �ange, get it there first before you fac�ors listed above are kept within today, are capable of maintaining pH Worry about total atkalinity or calcium the'r target ranges, one never has to within this range given a properly hardness. wo ry about TDS. TDS only comes sized, working chemical feed pump Precisely where in this range for int play when some of the other 5 and a proper chemical supply. It is total alkalinity and calcium hardness fac ors are badly out of line. not at all difficult to maintain a pH of You operate your pool is a matter of Like TDS, chlorides are unimpor- 7.4 to 7.6 in hypochlorinated, indoor makeup water characteristics, bather tan when the other 5 factors are pools. In such pools pH shifts are load and chemicals used. Most pool pro erly managed. Some of us may gradual enough that operators can managers today are aware that they �m gine that poois high in chloride counteract them effectively.Certainly fight a continuously de-escalating lev Is—salt—might experience cor- it is far more difficult to maintain total alkalinity. If this struggle is the rosion problems. We think of boats such tight pH control in gas chlori- case for your pool, you should think and ships in sea water having more nated. outdoor pools without automa- �n terms of maintaining total alka- cor�osion problems than those in tion. linity at the lower levels of around 50 fres�h water. This corrosion in the sea Pinpoint pH control is the single to 80 ppm and countering with a corr�es from marine life. Under proper most important factor in long term higher calcium hardness. Remember chldrination. we would hope that costs of public pool operation. Why that total alkalinity tends to drop in such plant and animal life does not does one pool mechanical system or most pools under normal operations exis�t in the pool. plaster finish last 35 years and because it is reduced by the feed of There are many salt water pools in another 3 years? In almost every 9as chiorine and the feed of muriatic Nor�h America. The only differences case, the answer to that question has acid. betv�een them and fresh water pools to do with the management or mis- Calcium hardness, on the other are�he taste of the pool water and the management of pH. hand, is a comparatively stabie factor degree of swimmer buoyancy. in pool water chemistry. So, let the �gain, under proper management Total alkalinity and calcium hardness total alkalinity drop a little ways but of t e 5 most important factors, chlo- , , D� , Cr/ I� Total alkalinity and eyeburn !� Remember the question "Which in virtually all pools that have low c�n lead to scale damage much came lirst, fhe chicken or the egg?" total alkalinity but no eyeburn. f�ster than calcium hardness levels Whe�her low total alkalinity causes o� 300 ppm to 500 ppm and above. eyeburn is a similar proposition. TEPAS: Water of pH 7.4 and total Eijther approach helps prevent corros• In past issues you have read that alkalinity of 50 ppm requires a cal- sipn, but you are less likely to over- at tota/ alkalinity levels be/ow 50 cium hardness of 500 ppm to be theo- stioot and create a scale problem by ppm, bathers wi/l complain about retically in balance on the Saturation calrrying a higher level of calcium eyeburn. There are many cases in Index(25,000 divided by 50 equals 500 halydness than by carrying a higher which eyebum complainis were e/imi- _ ed.� pF� level. nated aifer raising tofal alka/inity lrom below 50 ppm to above 80 ppm. POOLFAX: If we consider a pool with P(�OLFAX:A word of caution is appro- Yet there aie pools mainiained at low a pH of 7.4, total alkalinity of 50 ppm pr^ate here. Total alkalinity is impor- t�•�al a/ka/inity leve/s where eyebum and calcium hardness of 200 ppm, we taTt not only as it affects the Satur- complaints are not a problem. might comment that total alkalinity atilon Index, but also as it affects the Like many generalizations aboui Was too low. We would be correct, re�istance of water to pH change.We pub/ic pools, eyeburn as a result of Would we not? co�ld satisfy the Index with a total low fotal alkalinity is not universal. TEPAS: Yes, but it is also correct to all�alinity of 10 ppm to 2500 ppm of Why eyeburn in some pools and not in say that if calcium hardness were calcium hardness, but pH would fluc- others? raised to 500 ppm, the pool would be tu�te widely and be more difficult to We asked this quesfion ol contrib- balanced. corhtrol. ufing editor Kent Williams in Cali- y��LUAMS: The operator of such a W��-LIAMS: Pool managers should try lornia and of J. J. Tepas, Consu/ting pool would have several choices. He to hold at least 80 ppm total alkalinity Screntist, Olin Corporation's Pool to ¢ounter this effect. But if doing so Chemical Division. could raise the total alkalinity to 125 me�ns they have to add bicarb every ppm, he could raise the calcium hard- day� or two, they may find it less ness to 500 ppm, or he could raise ha�sle to let total alkalinity slide both the total alkalinity and the cal- bel�w 80 ppm and establish a calcium WILLIAMS: 5 ppm to 10 ppm total cium hardness to any combination in alkalinity makeup water is common in Which one multiplied by the other harpness level hiqh enough to satisfy many parts of Califomia. Even with Would equal 25,000. thelSaturatfon Index. frequent bicarb dosing (and in some cases bicarb used in place of soda POOLFAX: Most of the literature on pO�LFAX: It seems, then, that total ash on gas chlorinated pools) many Public pool management would indi• alk linity below 50 ppm is a cause of pools operate at a total alkalinity cate that total alkallnity should be eye urn complaints insofar as low level of 30 ppm to 40 ppm. In those increased from 50 ppm. tot I alkalinity water is frequently pools eyeburn is not a problem so cor osive water and corrosive water long as operators burn out chlora• can be an irritant to bathers.Agreed? mines and maintain H at 7.4 to 7.6. TEPAS: Raising calcium hardness I p would be better in the long run. An W�ULIAMS: Yes, the Saturation Index TEPAS: There are numerous pools overshoot of calcium hardness does des�ribes the appetite of water for across North America with Ilttle or no not create as serious a problem as an cert!ain minerals and ions. Corrosive chloramine residual,a pH of 7.4 to 7.6 overshoot of total alkalinity. wat�r is aggressive water. It witl sat- and no eyeburn problems even with isfylits appetite by any means avail- total alkalinity as low as 35 ppm. To W�LLIAMS: Raising calcium hardness able'. If you don't feed it what it wants understand why eyeburn is a problem WOUId be the better approach for the by dlosing bicarb or calcium chloride, in some pools of low total alkalinity Pools with which I am most familiar. it w�ll satisfy itself any way it can. It and not in others, we may find that In many pools, keeping total alkalin- will lattack steel, plaster, and even aggressive water rather than low total �ty residuals above 80 ppm requires Qye�alls. alkalinity is the real culprit. Remem- �ery frequent bicarb addition which is ber that at a pH of 7.4 to 7.6,the total both bothersome and expensive. The TEP�1S: I would agree also, but low alkalinity times calcium hardness continual de-escalation of total alka• totall alkalinity water does not have to should equal 25,000 to insure mini- linity can be a daily headache. be cbrrosive. By raising calcium hard- nessl to satisfy the Saturation Index mum possibility of scale and corro- TEPAS: I endorse the statement in the you �an minimize Coth scale and cor- sion damage. January POOLFAX that far more rosivle damage. These same steps POOLFAX: Few operators hold low Pools suffer corrosion damage than may I minimize eyeburn if chlorine scale damage and that pH ls the I total alkalinity and high calcium hard- residual is properly managed, too. ness by choice. Individual pool and 9reatest single factor in determining I makeup water characteristics have scale or corrosion tendencies. How- Sp, does low total alkalinity cause carried these pools in that direction. ever, holding pH levels of 7.5 to 8.0 as eyeb�rn? The answer is yes, unless some experts prescribe today is less calcid�m hardness is increased to sat- WILLIAMS: Heavy calcium chloride of a solution than carrying higher isly tl�e Saturation Index-even though . ' 9/�J��lo RF�Fi� AU� FD STATE OF MINNESOTA II j OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS c�TY�,� �991 FR�. FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ In the Matter of OAH File IINo. 51-2101-5458-3 � City of St. Paul vs. I J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a RE.SPONDIENT'S EXCEPTIONS Medalist Sports Club II, AND RECAMl��NDATIONS 1515 Brewster Street ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------- This matter has been heard by the Minnesota Office of Aldministrative Hearings and is presently on submission to the St. Paul City Council for I a final determination. Respondent hereby submits the following Exceptions and Recomme�dations, together with the attached Memorandum: EXCEP'TIONS � As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Re�ommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, the following additional iFindings of Fact are proposed: 8. Of the exhibits presented by the City of St. Paul, II the vast majority of inspections and reported deficiencies relate to the chemical bal I ce of Respondent's � swimming pool and whirlpool. The evidence did not show any r�curring, uncorrected problems related to the balance of the facilities in Respondent's hellalth club. 9. None of the evidence demonstrates that there have �een cases of illness, rash, infection, or injury associated with the chemical imbalan�es in Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. � �' , �� ql 10. The record does not disclose which of the defici ncies cited by the City relate to health and safety. As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and ecommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, Respondent proposed the following Conclusion 10 in place of the Conclusion contained in the Report of the Adm�inistrative Law Judge: 10. While license revocation or suspension could perhaps be justified in a case such as this, it is the conclusion of the City Council that, in the absence of a showing that the violations have led to illness or injury and in view of the findil g that the vast ma'ori J tY of documented deficiencies related to Respondent's swimming p ol and whirlpool, which comprise only a small part of Respondent's health club, license evocation or suspension should not be carried out, on the condition that Respondent prom tly install an automated control system which will help to insure ongoing compliance with chemical balance requirements and on the condition that Respondent promptly s bmit an application for i licensure under Chapter 427. � RECOMNIENDATIONS IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul City Council determine that Respondent's licenses should not be revoked or suspended, s bject to the followin g conditions: 1. That Respondent close down its swimming pool an whirlpool immediately and install and maintain an automated control syst m capable of providing ongoing compliance with chemical balance require ents, which installation shall be carried out by August 15, 1991; and I , ���i�°�' 2. That Respondent submit to the City by August 15, 1991 a completed application for licensure as a health/sports club u der Chapter 427, which application shall be processed and considered ' the ordinary course. Respondent shall be permitted to operate under ts existing licenses until final action is taken on its health/sports club licens application. MEMORANDUM The proposed additional Findings of Fact are based on t e record in this matter. As was noted at the hearing before the City Council by Mr. Si on, the swimming pool and whirlpool comprise a relatively small part of Respondent's operation. The vast majority of the inspection reports which were introduced into evidence relate to the swimming pool and whirlpool. In fact, even where there was p ssing reference to non- pool issues, the reports were still on the "Pool Inspection Report" form used by the City. The only non-pool reports or complaints are found in Exhibit 7. The February 13, 1991 letter refers primarily to superficial conditions. In addition to at, there are only two other reports of complaint (one, dated 3/8/91, is included twi e). One of those was unsubstantiated and the other was listed as "partially" substantia ed. Respondent notes that it believes it conected those conditions to the satisfaction of t e Department, and the record does not indicate anything to the contrary. There is no evidence in the record to indicate that the balance of Respondent's operation is being operated in a manner that is detrimental to h alth or safety. Respondent also notes that a review of the record does not'indicate that there have been any injuries, illnesses, or other health problems associated wi h the conditions. While '� �I%�/S�� Respondent does not seek to detract from the importance of t e problems, it is significant to note that the problems have not resulted in illness or inju ;ry. As Mr. Simon indicated at the hearing before the City ouncil, while Respondent's efforts have not always led to the desired results, Responde, t and its employees have consistently sought to maintain the necessary chemical levels 'in the swimming pool and whirlpool (Exhibit A, which contains manufacturer's info ation pertaining to the automated control system proposed by Respondent, conta ns case history materials discussing the difficulty of maintaining proper chemical balan es manually). As required by city regulations, Respondent has maintained a log of its monitoring and corrective efforts. Certainly there is no basis for finding of a willful faili�re to maintain the proper balances. It is worth noting that there are two additional probl ms with the Department's position in this matter. The first is that the Department's own "standards" used in inspecting public swimming pools appear to deviate from the ity's own regulations (see St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, §454.04, subd. 2, a co y of which was included in the record of this matter as Exhibit 11). Subdivision (s) of those regulations specifies, for exa ple, that a "free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 ppm shall be maintained . . . ." Yet t e Pool Inspection Report form (see Exhibits 5 and 6 for examples) specifies that the acceptable range is "1.0 to 3.0 ppm." Various of the inspection reports in the record cite I espondent for "violations" which are in compliance with the regulations. Likewise, the re lations contain no ranges for "combined chlorine," but the inspection report form says that the level must be maintained between 0.0 and 1.0 ppm. , �C-��-�� Another example from that same subdivision is the pI� range of 7.2 to 8.2. The "acceptable range" on the inspection form is 7.4 to 7.8. Simila�ly, regarding alkalinity, the regulation specifies that it shall be at least 50 ppm, but tl�e inspection report form mandates that it must be between 50 and 150 ppm. Again, sorr�e of the inspection reports cite Respondent for "violations" in these areas for levels whi�h are in compliance with the regulations. In these areas the Minnesota Supreme Court has cpnsistently held that staff interpretations which go beyond the scope of properly ado�ted regulations constitute impermissible rule making. See, e.g., White Bear Lake Care ICenter, Inc., v. Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, 319 N.W.2d 7 (1982). The second problem is that the record is devoid of findings about which of these balances pertain to health and safety, ari issue which is c�itical to a revocation or suspension determination. Specifically, the Department has iss�ed citations for deviations from the "acceptable ranges" specified on its inspection report f�rms for pH, free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total alkalinity. But certain of those factors do not necessarily relate to health or safety issues at all, or if they do, the prescribed ranges might be more geared to optimum balance rather than health or safety.� For example, while the Department has cited Respondent for exceeding the alkalinity r�nge of 50-150, one treatise states that "[t]otal alkalinity over 300 p.p.m. may cause othe� problems," implying that levels up to that presumably would not. See D. G. Thomas, 5wimmin� Pool Operators �—` � Respondent notes that it is the Department's burden to show the e�stence of violations threatening health and safety. I ���� ��� Handbook, p. 31 (National Swimming Pool Foundation, ashington D. C., 1972).2 Professor Thomas also comments, regarding free chlorine, that those levels are "sometimes maintained as high as 5.0 parts per million without adverse ef ect on bathers." Id., p. 36. Here, the regulations merely state that the level must be at least 0.5 ppm, but the inspection report form indicates 1.0 to 3.0 as an acceptable rsnge. Reference is also made to the reprints from Poolfax, a newsletter distributed by Stranco, Inc., the manufacturer of the automated chemical monitoring and distribution system proposed by Respondent, a copy of which is attached 'as Exhibit B. On page 19 of that reprint, under the subheading "Free available chlorine residual," the article notes that it is the minimum level of free chlorine that is critical, not the maximum. The article states that experts "disagree widely about a maadmum level f r free chlorine, if any." It goes on to cite examples of tests involving free chlorine level of 5, 10, 25, and even 60 and 200 ppm. It observes that there is "no agreement amon experts" as to acceptable range between the minimum and maximum safe levels. Similarly, as to pH levels, that same article states that "pH is not critical to swimmers," but is important instead to pool surfaces and eq�ipment. Id. at pp. 19-20. It goes on to note that some experts suggest acceptable pH I anges in excess of 8 (the City's regulations prescribe 7.2 to 8.2 as acceptable, but the D partment cites levels over 7.8 as violations). Id. p. 20. See also, M. Alexander Gabriels n, Ph.D., Swimmin� Pg oo1s, A Guide to their Plannin Desi�n and Operation pp. 203-204 (The Council for National Cooperation in Aquatics, Champaign, Illinois, 1987). 2 It is permissible to take judicial notice of information that the decision maker deems trustworthy, such as books or other source of information. See 7A Dunnell Minn. Digest 2d Evidence §12.00(c) at p. 320 (1986) and cases cited therein. �� �✓� In short, the Department has failed to carry its burde� of showing which of the violations pertain to health and safety. A review of the literatu e in the area indicates that � few of the violations the Department refers to over the 18 month period of inspections would relate to health and safety. Furthermore, research by Respondent has demonstrated that the ongoing problems with maintaining the chemical balance can be resolved by in�tallation of an automated chemical monitoring and distribution system. The system wHich has been proposed to Respondent is described in the attached Exhibit A. Responden�'s proposed exceptions and recommendations would require Respondent to close dow�n its pool and whirlpool immediately and would give Respondent until August 15 to install the automated monitoring and chemical distribution system. Respondent h�s been informed that the proposed system minimizes or eliminates the difficulties of maintaining the required delicate chemical balances and should allow the parties to final�y resolve what has become an ongoing problem. Respondent submits that its recommendation balanc�s the need for protecting public health with the policy of maintaining Respondent's �ealth club services to its members. If Respondent is able to solve the one problem th t has been recurring, there � is no policy to be served in shutting down all of Respondent's operation. That would invite financial ruin for Respondent and would potentially injure, or at least inconvenience, the citizens of St. Paul who belong to Respondent's health club. If Respondent fails to take the necessary steps to solve the chemical balance proble� in its swimming pool and whirlpool, then Respondent would still face the revocation o�+ suspension of the license. Furthermore, the proposed resolution also deals with the ques�ion of the proper category I �/—/�7 Oc of licensure. Respondent would be required to promptlyl apply for a license as a health/sports club under Chapter 427. It would be allowed t� operate under its existing licenses until the final action on the issuance of the health/s�orts club license. Accordingly, Respondent respectfully requests that t�e City Council adopt the additional Findings of Fact and Conclusion and that it a�iopt the Recommendation contained in this document. Respectfully submitt�d, Dated: July 31, 1991 ABDO AND ABDC�, P.A. By .,� Steven R. Hedges Attorneys for Me alist Sports Club 710 Northstar We t 625 Marquette Av'lenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-1526 I.D. No. 43199 T � q'1' ��e� EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA RLLATING TO STRANCO AUTOMATED CONTROL �YSTEM AND CASE HISTORY INFORMAT�ON :,� �s-_ ' ��c� � :��,�� � ��-�` �J� _ ,_ :� :f �. - i� 1 t i-'1 � r Y � r �+ �'1 7 -� �- r �� 1 11 �"j 'si�:'Li;~i'�i�:��J�! i .l �l v��s'.f�.7 �J i`v� �.�.1 1�:�i l ,.��������'s� . • For spas; hot tubs;commer- � cial, residential and healthcare - _ - --.-.-_-_ institutional pools; and decor- — �� ~------- PM � ,'� ative fountains. I: � � �� • Where automatic positive � �"�-��`"""""-�3 ' control of pH is needed in the � range of 7.2 to 7.8 and where , � ---- � (' control of chlorine or bromine is needed in the range of 0.6 to � 6.0 ppm residual. �'. ,.. ( �' �tr0� 710 ��' • For controliin chemicai ; __.---__.���1 9 � feed pumps and other feed . __. _ _; . devices including erosion + _ ' �1 71 O feeders. . ._ _ __ . . : ; 713 -,: 712 �--�_-� , °, �.+^^�r.... l .. - . .. . �___..__ .__�_���u�.� � -.�._-._._ . _ '�[:^ ... i:� I� —G0�.061�C� � � CMLORINE•(s'SG�fi9�fntQ. .� � oo.acsiw.c��zsar .,:..r �. � t y ._... .._ _ i i ;) � . . . �:a=�� ( � . - . � . . .::� r ` 'y�t r S�"�c'fS".�iv{. ' 1 _ r '_---�.-..+..�,r�.� . ... Y :�.. �- sr,a�i n2� ._: - .. _,� �s��r n3 � �::�. �--_ _ - -- - ��.3� =;�:;::� - .;r: --y - The Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 are designed sp cifically for problem water situations '�- . • _ �'��`'� �'- — spas, hot tubs, and small recreational and herapy poots where small bodies of water combined with heavy usage and rapid c anges in demand can cause widely varying need for treatment. :.��=�� The Strantrol 710 (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine/�romine) controllers have also been `:,�°� �� �'. designed to put the user at ease. They're completely automatic and eliminate the chance of operator error.The operator selects nly the best of several correct pre-set i'• control positions. �� ' And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 c n control the output of virtually any ���� chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of che ical feed is proportional to the amount . ncn�cr� thcv climin�fc nvo.fccrlinn �nrl �.n.de cnrlinn nf r�hcmir�lc TFtc f�GCi�1r1 iS '.�:..:��.r:,.t:. �_P�_ � /\ �' )— .�. � �' � �, ` ',� j � �_ .,.,.,., ���1� . .� _ � � .,,�:,.�:�. ��� 1 1 /� 1 r r1 �'�" .���.'�� � � � A J '� i—�'1���� l� ,� y.;�: �, : ;> >� :1J�r ��r �,��� �3�-��; ,�, �.r:., , .,r,����� . • For spas; hot tubs; commer- � ` ' cial, residential and healthcare _ _ (� _--.----- � ..._._---��;,� institutio�al pools; and decor- ative fountains. j � • Where automatic positive � -�� -��������-�� ! control of pH is needed in the ; ' range of 7.2 to 7.8 and where - - � �? control of chlorine or bromine �: is needed in the range of 0.6 to ;; 6.0 ppm residual. ; �• StranVot 710 ``�I • For controlling chemical , _-----------' � feed pumps and other feed � -' devices includin erosion __ _._-. �-- .. --- - 1 �1 ' ��0 feeders. 9 _ _ _ � � 712 ---�_� , �� _- 713 ., _ ..: _-�� ._-___ __ _-�.-�,�. T--- . �� C�91.00t�0� '�i,�3 � ^CMLORlN!• 7L�Sf3�(�UqQ:. ','�_ . .a .�:^,..;.:_:..i oo.�nesawc�xsw - . �. � I j , _ - � �� . � � � f ' : .. ,, .,.., � � ,(�w t i �+���'yt~�L�� � . . r - ��"' ; �- Strarrtrni 712 ` � �. �StrartVol 713 � � �_,�. '�_ �s.. � �4, �� =:�:�:�:' .::�=_.. - T�"=-_ The Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 are designed sp cifically for problem water situations � :��l� _ — spas, hot tubs, and small recreational and herapy pools where small bodies of �'`�"'Y"�"°�" water combined with heavy usage and rapid c anges in demand can cause widely ;, - varying need for treatment. ��N The Strantrol 710 (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine/�romine) controllers have also been `°� y designed to put the user at ease. They're completely automatic and eliminate the ° '�� � chance of operator error. The operator selects o�nly the best of several correct pre-set - control �ositions. � � And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 c n control the output of virtually any chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of cherr�cal feed is proportional to the amount . ` ���J�J aL_'" _�___ —_•_ _ _ e_ _�__— _ _ � � ._— _� _�__. _ � ��._ �__..._ ._ � /�jW �l 710I712/11 � 3 ___-�_:_:._.__�__:��.....�..__ ___�._.�_. • Protects bather health �: : � � • Eliminates maintenance headaches functions Modei 710—continuous monitoring and control of pH. • Eliminates eyeburn and odor comp/aints Model 712—cont�nuous monitoring and control of chlorine,brom or ozone in the ORP setpoint range of 0.6 to 2.0. Model 713—con�inous monitoring of bromine or chlorine in 710 ORP setpoint range of 0.6 to 6.0 for those applications where he� 712/713 0 , v departments or �onditions require higher ORP. �• � controls pH setpoint (Mo�lel 710). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to __ --__. _ ORP setpoint (�odel 712) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to ; � "°"' '" � � "°"" °""' " ORP setpoint ( odel 713) 0.6 to � ' ��-- 9�Mw ra a displays and w�rni�g lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i pH green LED'$. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to ' yellow LED"s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.8, 7.0, 8.0, � o= "�•°" ":� 'a' 'TM��^"'_ e red flashin� LED's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <6.8 and >� ; ORP (Model 712� � �' green LED' . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 2A (ppm residual at 7.5 F yellow LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2, 0.4, �,_ � _-�'""-'— red flashing LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.2> - f ._�. � - -` ORP (Model (71 ) :s�. ��..�> , .��Y � green LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to W;���. ���`E x �'`}' � ;� �' ; yellow LED'$ . . .. --..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -���'�-�''�`r�`'y y .. .--..,. ,�-..-�.;�__�- • red flashing I LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.6 and > , - - � ,_ . - ,. �` �- ra o co 0 -., accu cy f n�r I � •, ' � . pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.1 pH per yE _. �' � - ,_..�� ;. ���� � i, ORP . . . . . . ±0.01 v per yE : . . ., . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � • , �P� � :. ,-�" free avail chlorin residual setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±1( �--� ' - �---�- -=°j�' ' overfeed protect�on pH feed alert dis bles acid or base feed ORP feed alert d�sables chlorine, bromine or ozone feed Proportional feed keeps pace with changing load(pool activity). electrical circuitry Split second response to bathing load means water is always line outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, 5 amps, fus perfect-regardless of number of bathers. chlorine feed (m ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 am Overteed protection — Users are always safe because the pH feed (max) .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 am Strantrol 710,712,and 713 protect them from chemical overfeeding. line outputs. . . . . . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, (std 3-wire groundE Set-point restriction — Users always enjoy the best water. All power requiremer�t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .less than 1 ar control knob settings, are within the optimum range of pH and plug-in circuits , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,stand� chlorine/bromine. size, weight, cor�osion protectlon Full display with alarms — Flashing red LED's indicate when shipping weight (I�s): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 II chemicals are depleted,warn of pump malfur.ctions and other im- size (h x w x d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5" x 5" x pending problems outside the Strantrol's control. enclosure. . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P' Five amp output with fuse gives the Strantrol 710, 712, and 713 miscellaneous the abilit}i to control most smalt chemical feed pumps and ero- start-up and trainimg . . . . . . . . . .. . .by Stranco Representat sion feeders, saving money by eliminating the need to replace warranty (material$ and workmanship) . . . . . . . . . . . .two yes existing equipment. Corrosion proof PVC enclosure and all solid-state electronics en- I sure long service life and lowest cost in the long-run. sTanNCO, INC. STF►ANCO LTD. STRANTROL PTY.LTD. Start-up and service by the world's largest and most experienced Raute 50 North Cam�nercial iioad Eastboume P.O.Box 12Q7 network of pool-water chemistry experts is available when you pur- P.o. eox 3es Easc'sussex eN2t �cE Crow's Nest.New soum wa�es 2 Chase d Strantrol 710, 712 or 713 controllec Bradley, IL 60915 Engl�d Sydney,Australia Tel. 875/932-8154 Tel. 23-6461fi3 Tel.(02)977-&949 FAX 815/932-0674 FAX 23-646035 fRX(02)9T1•0001 : �, ;.i`:�� I ... ���� �_ Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 controllers work with virtually any -•------- "`"`°`�' chemical feed device.They sense the load(need for chemicals), increase or decrease the output of chemical feed devices in pra Distributed by: I portion to the amount of chemicals needed, monitor the output VAL�LEY VIEW ASSOC. of these devices to ascertain that the chemical levels are within ' ��e�� - �-.--._ System One Pool Water Controllers �� M °`°""'i"'°°" - ; �� � m.�ad na � �,. $ au�ud m �i �:. � -�� � �ti, ,�: ��.. � -' .n�: , �.> �; ..f - , K - � � •�r�-�� '-�_ .. �� • i���.. `_".____ ��'.i-A�.� v���� 1 �ll� . � � r . �' 1"'y���_� - �i ' � _ �•�� - � } .,,��y- -'�°``: �"" - :� '� �. Ideal for any pool, spa or fountain. -. _ �� �' �� I _ . J WaterQualirvControl ! __ _ _..___ _...� . I �: : l�o�r, Get ���f��# ��������o�a��cally ° 1 with the system that pays for itself! ! The Strantrol System One controls pool or of chemicals to keep pool water perfect, no spa water chemistry automatically usually matt�r what the characteristics of the pool. saving enough in labor and chemicals to pay ' for itself in less than a year. It eliminates A 24-hour-a-day Pool Operator � -=YJ� manual testing and dosing, saves 30% or Because it's completely automated, there's more in chemicals, and makes the water no manual labor required to keep pool water perfect—looking good, smelling good and sa itary and safe. Since the system uses onl� exceeding the U.S. Public Health Service's en�ugh chemicals to keep the water in perfe� —� Safe and Disease Control recommendations. b ance, there are significant chemical savinc tY - _ - ._„._� The Strantrol System One eliminates the as well. Reduced corrosion of poolside problems and headaches associated with pool equipment, pumps and filters, made possible and spa water chemistry control. by the system's accurate control of pH, resull = -_`� • controls chlorine/bromine and pH with in additional savings. pinpoint accuracy -._.__ _ • controls any chemical feed device (pumps, R liable, Safe, Space-Saving Desig _ gas chlorinators, erosion feeders) T e Strantrol System One is a highly reliable `� � • compatible with ozone and ion exchange so id state control system. It operates day an � units ni ht, year after year with little or no attentio • eliminates complaints about eyeburn and Its ability to control all forms of pool sanitizir � rashes ch,�micals, including bleach, makes it an � • reduces corrosion of pool equipment by unlusually safe and versatile system. Since tt -------� controlling pH pH and chlorine/bromine controllers, as well __._„_,�f • controls algae as the sensors, are all located in a single ; en�losure, there are no unsightly or unsafe ��� Solves Problems pl mbing and electrical connections. The Heavy usage, contamination, rapid changes compact, attractive, clean white acrylic � in demand, hot tubs, whirlpools—these are no housing weighs only 15 pounds. Bather safe 1 --'-\ . . .._ .+.___.__� n.._.__ �_. __...�..n.,.� �� ����.,..,�fir�llv �ecurori hv rnntrols that Shl � � 1���°� - System One Pool Water Controllers ' Exclusive Strantroi sensors I offer "rock-steady" reliability • � • - � �,'; and accuracy that's unex- celled. Patented designs, Set-point Ra ge � employing inorganic gel, �^_� special alloys, and protective pH (Model 710) 7.2 to 7.8 �?�: boots,give these sensors five Ci/Br(Mo el 712) 0.6 to 2.0 ''��� times the life of ordinary Cl/Br(Mo el 713) 0.6 to 6.0 sensors. Displays and arning Lights pH (Model T10) Green ED's 7.2 to 7.8 Yellow ED's 6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 Red FI shing LED's <6.8 and >8.0 Cl/Br(Modei 712) Treats Water Automatically in Proportion to Demand Green LED's 0.6 to 2.0(ppm residual at 7.5 pH) Strantrol System One controllers have the unique ability to Yellow LED's o.2, 0.4, 3.0 increase or decrease the output of virtually any chemical feed Red Flashing LED's <0.2 and >3.0 device in proportion to the need for chemicals. Unlike simple Cl/Br(Model 713) on/off controllers, Strantrol controllers sense how far the pool Green LED's o.s to a.0 Yellow LED's 6.0 water is from the ideal setting, and they cause chemical feed Red Flashing LED's <0.6 and >6.0 devices to run just the right amount of time to bring pool water conditions into perfect balance. Sensing and actuation is a Accuracy of (�ontrol continuing series of short steps that ensures precise Control pH ±0.1 pH per year without overfeeding chemicals. ORP ±0.01 v per year Since the Strantrol System One will control virtually any Free availa Ie residual setpoint ±10% chemical feed pump, the system may also be used for pool Overfeed Pro ection water chemistry control of larger pools such as found in parks, pN feed a! n disables ac;d cr base!eed universities, high schools, and YMCA's, etc. ORP feed lert disables chlorine or bromine Goof-Proof Control Electrical Cir uitry Strantrol System One controllers incorporate set-point Chlorine or Bromine feed (max) 4 amp restrictions for pH and chlorine/bromine control that keep pH feed (m ) 4 amp inexperienced operators from dialing a bad setting. Line output 115 VAC, 60 Hz, or 240 VAC 50 Hz, The operator can "fine-tune" but cannot go beyond (std. 3-wire grounded) pre-determined ranges. Power Req irement less than 1 amp Other Fsatures Size, Weight, Corrosion Protection Size (h x w'ix d) 19-1/2"x 12-1/2"x 6-1/2" • Flashing red LED's indicate when chemicals are depleted, (5o cm x 32 cm x i7 cm) warn of pump malfunctions and other problems. Net Weight 15 Ibs. (7 kg) • Four-amp output will control most small chemical feed Enciosure corrosion free acrylic pumps so there's no need to replace existing equipment. • Corrosion-proof acrylic enclosure with key-lockable clear acrylic face panel safely houses the entire system, permits visual verification that the system is operating, and gives a clear view of the pool water's "vital signs° ', • Solid-state electronics for durability and reliability ' Guaranteed PerformancE— World Renowned Reliability and Durability Stranco, the world's leading maker of automated pool water controllers, is known for the quality of its products and service. Strantrol System One controllers are unconditionally guaranteed for performance, and carry a two-year warranry on materials and workmanship. Systems start-up and training are provided by Stranco's world-wide service organization. —_ .._.. � __ :: �;�., Commercial Road Eastboume Represented by: �: - East Sussex BN21 3XE : England VALLEY VIEW ASSOC. • Te1.0323-646763 WaterQualit Control F�o32�so35 Y -- -- -�. -� P• O. Box 39414 . � -c_. . _. . I • ---- ; - -. P.O.18ox t207 Ec]ina Mhl SSA'20 I1I7 I ��i� l��rrvi �Niao�H� 1��f NI �OalNO� d � �Q � ` �� O Q �J �� �O �O� Q-Q' � � O� Z �CQ' � O � a � J / Q J ui � F" Z / W J y O ' � n� Q Z F- Q _ v� V � O f" } 1- U � f- J � J lL w a w Q � �J (7 � Q a � � z a O � � vai a � � � / � w w Q w � �' W � z' O W J Z Q CL � � U [C 3 � w C~ m � f- �'' J � 0 Z � Z u. W W � F- � � O 2 uwi Z � � U � F- H � s � c�nw � ai v~i = Z � w U - — J � U W W a a U - Q ui � � ' Z w O � � � � ? � Z O U Z r c�i ri v�i U n�. � J O� W L Z Q m � Q � U � Q W l��f NI lOalNO� Hd �p O � � Z � w l��rrvi �Niao�H� '� � ? w H � . ¢ �� w J (� — az Q a' � <a a O N T O��i Q — O� �CQ Z WO � w �J N Q H U y J 0 � � Q Z ° � ay cc w , J Z � a UQ Q � � cQn } �"' O � � ~ LL a Q � � z p � N W w W � pC � � W F.. ' a J N � � Z � ' � � � w O w � � a � ~ ~ Q Q U � p O ww � � wr� � � w Z � o 0 v� cn U � � U w a a U � � � � vi � � � Z m � F- H uQi uQi Z � Z O U � � u~i U a � Z � cv ci I ' � ��L� � �� 1 � HfALTH C� �.�� �I�V'DS PO�� ����`� '_� _i' �_�����_���°'���� �� :��� � �'t� l�l�lf��t��� �:�;� �; �� �: �=1'_��' .� =�� �� ������ : _ ,_ _:_����..:�.-.�.��, VALL�Y ViE''�/ ASSCC�A°;.� P. O. Box 39414 By.� Peter Dema EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439-0:1� Chief En¢�Il'12ef; EaSt Bal7{t C�Ub, Chicag� (612) 935-7080 FAX (612) 935-9h2; T The East Bank Club, along with otller ., * ' <F.�...=�; ,�� �M�����-� ,� r �r^�'��� � . — 1 ,.�. �" �+K_ �'sC.Y� 4�. N� �4 -r.L. f .. .• _ � health clubs, attracts eo le who are - ;r Y`�" �', P P .�. ���� ^�,��.- �-�'� ��,. b.•�. �-= . , actively involved in improving their "�� ���� -�''."` '` � � �'< ", "�''=' ��",�:,. � � ��` �,,'�' physical we(1-being.Because our water '�'>—� '-'' f � �..-?����5 activities play such a vital role in the ;�-'�� - - � �'.; " � fitness program, it is important that � �. .� � � � our s�vimming and whirlpools pro�zde _ ;� : . . . . . . escellent water quality to complement . - �'� '� .�' the Club's total health picture.Several _ ��� � , 4 a years ago,using Strantrolo controllers. :� ;�: "�: we automated the chemical feed svs- �'�'� � ' ,:, �� -- ,�'� ,,.M,.,.,.,�,,. tems in our pools,enabling us to moi•e � � accurately monitor the water chemis- �"� � ; �±4.`" . � �� trv thereby assuring us of the cleanest, �= :t;- ' �,,:° healthiest environment for our bathers. �,� ' z3-� : F We have about 2,300 people utilize �.'��; _ -.� our facilities daily and this means that ;,..�, - each of our five pools(two swimmin� � pools and three whirlpools) is rather �' �"9 �� heavily used.Before we automated the I _\ ,'�, chemical testina and feeding process `� on our five pools,we did the job man- ually.A lifeguard or Building Engineec• would use a test-ldt to aauge the chlo- �� rine residual and pH and then turn on the pumps to feed additional chlorine � ' - "�~ � or muriatic.acid to rectifyanychemical :iy: irnbalance. As time�vent on we realized that ttle � � manual process was very unreliable. ;;i Human error resulted in different chem- :` ical readinas depending on who was doing the job.For esample,one person would read a test-kit one way, anci another person would read the same _- . i I i ��v� ..�. , � �i � �sii�:= .. - � y. 7 '�:�. � _ ;� � ,I II�� : ,. _ #��' -t -•• ' - �.... 'i, �-_ ' r - -io� -- -_�.r�-i'._ - _��r= .-r - - �— � i._ r; —� L� — ;:.,i�-T � . �t :,t .`�a,��--��°"�_���`�'`vF.`�` _ . - ' . �. .- .. . . . . ._ _�.r.;-. ... . � .. -...�+�.�.. � _ ' . . .., .�� ,ti:.w� ~ -� ;��.�� -c�.+ �.�'~� �'� ■.i�• '`'F"". �,, �...� �'�_�yaF>ts.✓`.� �`k:' --�--�.`�"d ,+"` �' _ ,w - � �_�. �. "�; =,�- , , . • - =�,'����_:�;Y. -__`� The three whirlpoo/s and o swimming pools at the Easf Bank Club are all aufomated with St antrol pool controllers. The Strantrol units ended the wide chemic 1 flucivations and gave the club healthful, sanitized water. while another person would add a cup erratic manual testing and feeding, The fact that we don't have to take and a half at that same level. there�vas always the question of how chemical readings five times a day is an The inconsistency of our manual pro- effectively our chlorine was fiahting obvious labor savings,and there is no cess gave rise to an inconsistency in the bacteria in the water. longer the possibility of two people our chemical levels. We had pH that Due to the inconsistency and unre- getting different test-ldt results because ranged from 6.8 to over 3.0, and our liabilityof the manual method,we lmew the human element is no longer in- chlorine levels were just as erratic. that we could not get the good water volved. (The units' sensors and feed These problems with the manual quality that was important both for mechanismoperateautomaticallywith method are not unique to us,but rather the protection of our members and the only the occasional need for manual symptomatic of any hand-fed opera- protection of our pool equipment. In calibration.) tion. With a hand-fed operation you 1982 we decided we needed to auto- By taking much of the worry about cannot meter chemical levels from mo- mate our svstem, and after talking to water quality off of my hands,the auto- ment to moment or hour to hour, so people in the health club field and ' matic units have allowed me to direct you're going to have a wide range of pricing some of the controllers,we de- II my mana;erial energies elsewhere. I readings and possible health problems. cided on purchasing five Strantrol units, now have more time to concentrate on The chemical variations had a neg- manufactured by Stranco of Bradley, problems requiring the"human touch" ative impact on our water quality.We Illinois. The improved water quality has leno experienced the chemical inconsistency The automatic pool controllers have thened the time between filter clean- most acutely in our whirlpools where areatly benefited our operation. We ings,and the metal objects in our pool: heavy usage combined with a small now have a much more consistent ladders, drains, and other similar ob- pool size (1,500-2,500 gallons) created chemical balance in ourwater,and this. jects have not esperienced the corro- an even worse environment for chem- hasgreativimprovedourwaterquality. sion and erosion that were so much a ical fluctuations.Often,a high pH would We no lon;er have the problem of pa- part of our manual testing days.When render the chlorine ineffective.Then trons gettin� eye irritations; we have we were manually testing, the pool chloramines would form that have a not had a single complaint of eye-sting �vater was often either too acidic or too characteristicstrongchlorineodorand since�ve installed the Strantrol units. base.With the Strantrol units'compu- cause eye irritations.We averaged four The claricy of the water has also I terized feed system, our water is con- complaints of eye-sting a day, and this improved because we don't have the ' stantlybalanced at a near neutralleveL concerned us. inconsistent levels that atlo�ved the Of course, the approximate 8,000 In addition, there was always the water to get dirry.The Strantrol units members of our club have benefited nnccihilitv nf nthar nrnblems r�PValnn- are verv rnncictant aivina rha rlac;rp�i rha mn�r f,-mm�nr rlPricinn tn anrnmatP � � ������' ��������. ..r,� ai�.��'L"f.. 4 l�'� ` � ."t r � • �� �:e L 'vu .J'�'}":,y�]..,."' � uz+�q�- :.c`�1�� =J�?'.l�W'•�,AS OCIATES ��"`,''y..x� ., _"� ���� R,} , r� -y► 1�" �v :�.,:k's '�^ �s'��''+��f� ,I d`�P���:�qn:�3941�W�� ��- _ ,' •y�S�.t�( �-�ltr • r.r, �y �:`r �''�' (y :s.�.. r<. t Q::f INNESOTA 55439-04 �>^�: - � , 1�!�... . ..,_ ,-•. ..... - - �: � ;, � �Q.35-7080 FAX (61��.:435 9� , • - . l,�t�� . J��r , . _ �..t-. , _ -.� "r• � :� ,_� • ,t•� >�y?'.�y�'�+►: '-j �1'2 r ����?1}M� �. .L �°�y Y _ ' '' si- `�' . ~ � �„~���r :r�(� ••3 . . . `t _' `�' �:'� i� i �t , � �"-i,.Z. :�;,:�.ic i - - w. . . :� �+�y� , • �� - t. �.�{ S+r"2 .rY?:.. • ' � .,f` " :�:s . . , . . � - . .�%,"7��•'� •F\�'' � � . . . - - � - -c _ .. r - '�; _ r.. . --�. • - ._ ' . _ . � �.`� . , .i _� � �-� ;�- r C ' 'z Kf.1. +�4e ,w -.� - z;�� . - � . ' .�Q..���"� :a *: • .: - �� ��"�-�`� '-T,. �? `:�ii� „ .M. , ��'�L:'�' � � :��,,� , ✓ �;}''�'' � � 1 __ _� . '.�_:-s. - _a� _ . .. .a . _/ � , .. � . .-.��,.�? . . Perfe�t Water And Exciting Entertainmen Boost Attendance At Adve�iture /sland By: Mick MusE General Services Manag�er, Adventure Island//Busch GardE -- ,��� :; �.._ - � � � At Adventure isiand here in Tampa,Florida,our motto is:"Put � '�� :kfi._:x � �4�`:.:,� on your bathing suit,grab your towel and spend a day in the ----�-;� ; .�v hot sun and water." Water is our basic commodity. If it's not -'� ��`�`,� clean and clear,and if it's not something that excites people, then it doesn't matter how nice our waterpark looks or how well it's landscaped. If the park doesn't offer that one basic �:;�.� _.____. element—that clean, clear water—then the entertainment -<,y, package is less attractive. ��-"-�. . •- Patrons make judgements about the quality of a water- � -� �; park based, in part, on the qual�ty of the water. If the water � � .;; looks murky,or smells bad,then customers often don't come � .—_ � back. Like most businesses, waterparks rely on repeat ; �=�: -"" =�i:= ;E customers. � _; _ : i �;_�.�:� To avoid problem-water it is important to disinfect and -' �'� -°=� � chlorinate properly.We sanitize the water using a Strantrolo L � -�����w=� automated chemical control system manufactured bY Stranco � ' nf Rrarilev_ Iliinois_ In our �ools we use chlorine as the � � f- (�� ! ' .. � y'j^4�Y _� ° ,^ �LY: �'+r� ( '�c.'.`�� . � �y � �F'� - ��d��,a,, , �''�,: !� . . _ .:iA�-+ - . , � �M`Syu.._. ! � . � � ��'�'v�+� y : I � -:L . .� � � ��'4 �ax, � �� � � ' .x��^ _ t :.:at-T °-o..y`9 ,{ '�r'ti _ .F.-` _,. ' t: �� �=� '`': �; � _ ,` . ,. - - - _ _ _ ,, � �.:�'' . '� ��-�,�i ,. .�'� �.,, ''� . { ,�,�d �. � . �. •,�.. _ r� �. - ,�.. .- ' ��.:. , ..'x.,_ r . oz-a, �. ._ . ... .'A ' +��!; L.r .r '_ �..; �': .�. J �� ,r���:7 "__' x— �"""__ �?' �:� . yc-,a. .a �c-c�Z.,v'"�._ _ '` � .�„-c�_ �'� ��. .�'=� ........ _- � ._........ 'c • ,.!-,?.� �„�'t'•�",�-.,�.. �e'�__. �.c-'- - "'�" ���_ � ' �"rr ; � ` �.^ �_.. . ' , r- _ . - - ' �""'r�� Every new water attraction at Adventure Island uses a Strantrol a}l�tomated chemical control system because water quality is what keeps the custorr�ers coming back. disiif wtingrand sanitizing agent.in the The Strantrol system has a com- The Strantrol system was the choice 0o ate c c e oxidiz - _ p , es con puter der�ved parts per m�ll�on read I of the waterpark, arch�tecturai, and taminants such as dust, algae, hair, out for chlorine that enabies us to engineering experts that handled the bacteria, and whatever else gets into constantly follow any changes in the I pianning and construction ofAdventure the water. Chlorine is an oxidant that oxidation-reduction potential and an- Island during the late 1970's.Afteryears burns up contaminants in pool water other readout that accurately displays of dependable performance we remain much like the oxygen in a bonfire burns the pH of the water.The Strantrol units pleased with the choice. up leaves and twigs. After proper are connected to chemical feed pumps I We've been open since 1980, and chlorination and filtration,the resuit is to ensure an accurate flow of chemicals each season has been more success- crystal clear water that looks good, 24-hours a day. ful than the last. In 1983 we added a smells good, and doesn't irritate the I can't put a dollar figure on the labor water speed slide, in 1984 an inner skin or eyes. In short, it's water that's savings resulting from using pool auto- tube slide, and in 1985 we built a 72- just plain fun to be in. mation, but the system certainly gives foot double water sled ride.These new At Adventure Island, if we fed our us greaterflexibilitywith our personnel. rides and special group nights build chlorine and other chemicals by hand, The system requires no manual super- Iinterest and attendance,and that plus it would be a mammoth undertaking. vision, except for a periodic check of pur excellent water quality has Due to the constantly changing bather calibration —a procedure that takes encouraged repeat business. Peopie loads, we would have to check the only a few minutes.Otherthan that,ali �ike clean, clear water. That's what chemicalleveisineachofoursixpools we do is check the chemical tanks �rings them back! We've never every half hour to guarantee that our once a day to make sure that there is orgotten our recipe for success: "pro- levels were conforming to the health an adequate supply. Once we set the ide exciting entertainment and fill our codes.The testing and dosing process controls on the automated system,we �ttractions to the brim with perfect would be a full-time job. In addition, forget about pool water chemistry and �vater." manual feeding is usually inefficient. concentrate on other aspects of pool Therearejusttoomanyvariablessuch maintenance. We let the Strantrol as crowd size, and weather, and too system "supervise" our pool water. many opportunities for human error. The automated system saves us I To ensure that we have the proper money because there is no over or amount of chlorine and just the riqht underfeedinq of chemicals and hence I pH in our pool water at all times, we no chemical waste. With manual use the Strantrol automated chemical dosing there is often over or under- feed system. Chemical feed auto- feeding because one has to anticipate mation provides the modern technoloqy chemical requirements based on a necessary for maintaining perfect pool guess of the bather load and other water no matter what the soil load pool conditions. The Strantrol system conditions. he trantrol system uses has sensors that preciselV monitor the I ' - ��-1��� EXHIBIT B EXCERPTS FROM STRANCO POOLFAX NLWSLETTER i . � � I � I� � O�y. �` 0� OQ ��a . �y �0 �� F� � �Q°� I �� .� 5� �0 o� �`� Selected � ti ��.� . m� 0yQ°� ajor Articles �� 0�y�0 and �eature� from � P Prev�ous lssues of . 4ha► pnnlfn��r Nawclattpr �/-�5�� Back to basics . . . approaching a consensus about pool water chemi�try Ninety percent of pool water prob- Filter calcification ual is in some areas dictated by local lems are preventable or solvable by Green algae ' public health regulations. In other consideration of 5 critical factors for Water discoloration areas, the high limit is that point which you can test quickly and in• pool surface problems when people begin to complain about expensively. Bacteriallviral proliferation bleached bathing suits. Sanitarians, engineers, chemists Occasionally, equipment mal• There is no agreement among ex- and experts by experience may dis• functions or other sorts of upsets will perts as to the ideal target between agree about the ideal range of those 5 cause some of these symptoms. How• the low limit of 0.4 ppm and the high factors, but almost all wouid agree ever. the most frequent cause of each limit of the local regulation or the with the selection of these 5—and one is mismanagement of one or more bleached suits. Moreover, there is no how senous are the problems of their of the 5 critical factors. accepted evide�ce that pools main- mismanagement. tained at one target residual or the This article attempts to express Free available chlorine residual other, in the long run,are better. safer the consensus of knowledgeable pool The experts all agree that free or more comfortable poo�s. managers, public health officials and chlorine is the most important single Experts agree that when a greater leading figures in the public pool factor in public pool water manage- margin for error is needed. a higher industry. We have combed through ment. The only reliable method of target residual should be chosen. If the POOLFAX files of textbooks,jour- testing for free chlorine is with the because of automatic controls or es- nal articles and reader mail. We have DPD test kit. Flash readings or refrig- pecially expert care, a lesser margin discussed these points with our col- erated samples with the OTO test re- for erro� is needed, a lower target leagues and associates. We have agent are unreliable. residual is possible. taken into account what is heard ��on The experts also agree that the the road" as Stranco and POOLFAX absolute. rock bottom, minimum free staff travel North America and West• available chlorine residual to be car- Total r.hlnrine recidua� em Europe. ried at any time in a public pool is 0.4 ' Experts generally agree that total Here we express the consensus— ppm. This figure is not a target, but a chlorine residual should never exceed that point immediately before the minimum. By setting the target free free available chlorine residual by degression of divergent views and available chlorine residual higher more than 0.5 ppm. In other words, opinions. than 0.4 ppm, and by careful manage- total chlorine residual is only impor- The 5 most critical factors in pool ment and monitoring and use of the tant as it reveals the chloramine re- water chemistry: latest eGuipment. you can prevent sidual present when compared to a Free available chlo�ine residual free chlorine from dropping below f�ee chlorine test. At that point the Total chlorine residual this minimum level. experts seem to say that 0.5 ppm pH Experts disagree widely about a chloramine is about the time to super- Total alkalinity maximum level for free chlorine. if ' chlorinate. Calcium hardness any. POOLFAX interviewed swimmers Some experts argue for chlora- Experts would agree with these 5 Who had besn bathing in 5, then 10, mines not to exceed 0.3 ppm, others and most would agree that they are and on up to 25 ppm free chlorine. In say O.a, most agree at the 0.5 figure. listed here in the relative order of the files we found the story of a junior Others have called for chloramines to importance one to another. Certainly high school pool that was mistakenly be burned out anytime they exceed all would agree that free available carried at 60 ppm free chlorine for �!3 of the total. In practice, all agree chlorine is the most important of the about a week's time. We interviewed chloramines are undesirable and 5. Total alkalinity and calcium hard- one individual who had been swim- should be controlled by super-chlori- ness belong at the bottom of the list ming in 200 ppm free chlorine for 30 nation as frequently as is necessary by reason of their being less impor• minutes. In each of these cases pH and practical. tant than pH and chlorine residual and other water chemistry factors ' and by reason of their requiring less were almost perfectly balanced.Com- pH frequent checking and changing. plaints in the above cases were of pH is of concern to almost all of Improper management of these 5 bleached bathing suits, dry skin, and science so there is a massive body of factors leads to the most common of mild eyeburn. literature about pH. pH has been re- public pool problems. Here are 11 Remember that chlorine is non• searched and experimented with in common maladies of public pools linear. The oxidation value of 200 every conceivable way. which could be avoided by proper parts-per-million is not much more At the same time, pH is common management of the 5 critical factors: than 2 parts-per-million. Actuat mea• enough that it is frequently used and Eyeburn surement of oxidation potential re- misused in consumer products adver- Odor veals that the first 0.4 ppm accom- tising. _. �. .,r,�r,,,� ,.,,,,.• ,.c .�,. ..,..,i ,.� ,.�i_.:_.. ��. nt-1 io nnr rrifiral tn ewimmarc . ��J '��� influences the target for the other. level that satisfies the 25.000 rule. Basics . . . cont. pH, temperature. total alkalinity In new pools where there is fresh past summer I personally had the ex• and calcium hardness make up the a , piaster. grout or concrete. it can be perience of swimming in water that I major factors used in the short-form argued that they be maintained at a learned later was pH 5.0. If after my calcuiation of what is known as the Saturation Index level not of 25.000, swim I had not checked. I would never Saturation Index.The Saturation Index but more like 30.000 or 35.000 for the have known or even suspected such is a measure of the tendency of water ' first 6 to 12 months while the surface was the case as the water appeared to scale or corrode the surfaces by finish is still new. and felt fine.) whiCh it passes. The Saturation Index In contrast, pH is critical to metal, �s complicated but has been simpii- grout. plaster—pool surfaces and fied in recent years by the introduc- Other factors mechanical equipment of ail kinds. In tion of special slide rules. Some experts would argue for the addition. pH frequently determines Experts agree that in picking a tar- ' inciusion of a sixth or sevenih critical the performance of other chemicals 9et for total aikalinity and calcium � factor. Some would argue for temper• added to the pool. In general. most hardness. the Saturation Index must ature, others for totai dissolved solids � pool chemicals work best at pH of be considered. The experts go on to ' (TDSI and others perhaps for the level about 7.5. agree that in pools maintained be- of chlorides. The experts used to focus on a tween 78 and 85 degrees F and at pH Temperature is controlled for ail target range of pH 7.2 to 7.8. More levels of 7.4 to 7.6, pH and tempera- p�actical purposes by the program. recently higher pH Ieveis have been ture can effectively be considered ' Pools used competitively tend to be a targeted because of the epidemic of constants, not variables. Hence. an little cooler than pools used primarily corroded plumbing and dissolved even greater simplification of the Sat• for recreation or for elementary or plaster and grout in North American uration Index is possible. special education purposes.The range public pools. In an earlier article. ��9eneral, keeptotai alkalinity be- � of temperature which swimmers pre- POOLFAX suggested a new pH range tween 50 and 125 ppm while you keep , fer is so narrow that it is an unimpor- of 7.5 to 8.0. Others have suggested calcium hardness between 200 and tant factor in considering life and pH factors even higher than 8. 500 ppm. More importantly,total alka• service of inechanical equipment. Tnere are a variety of reasons for ����ty times calcium hardness in ppm , swimmer safety, etc. Pool water tem- a lot of different pH targets. However, should equai the number 25,000 — perature is a matter of comfort. Spe- no one can find fault with a range of 9�ve or take a thousand or two. If ', cific selection of water temperature pH 7.a to 7.6. This range represents a totai alkalinity is 50 ppm, calcium between 78 and 85 degrees F. is less K�nd of consensus by default. Experts hardness should be about 500. If imoortant than the relationship be- all choose their favorites and they totai alkalinity is 125 ppm, calcium ' tween water temperature. air temper- vary widely, but all agree that there is hardness should be about 200. ! ature and air humidity levei. nothing wrong with the 7.4 to 7.6 tar• It is important to understand that ', Some expe�ts claim that total dis- 9er this 25,000 rule only works if the pH is ' solved solids (TDS) is an important While it may be difficult to mairn 7•4 to 7.6 and the temperature is ' factor. Rather than argue about tain pH in such close tolerance. it can somewhere around 78 to 85 degrees ' whether it is important suffice it to be done in most situations. Automatic F. If pH is not within the 7.4 to 7.6 say that virtually all agree that if the 5 controls. prevalent on so many pools range, get it there first before you ' factors listed above are kept within today, are capable of maintaining pH Worry about total alkalinity or calcium , their target ranges. one never has to within this range given a property hardness. worry about TDS. TDS only comes sized. working chemical feed pump Precisely where in this range for , into play when some of the other 5 and a proper chemical supply. it is total alkalinity and calcium hardness ' factors are badly out of line. not at ali difficult to maintain a pH of You operate your pool is a matter of , Like TDS, chlorides are unimpor• 7.a to 7.6 in hypochlorinated, indoor makeup water characteristics, bather tant when the other 5 factors are pools. In such pools pH shifts are �oad and chemicals used. Most pool properly managed. Some of us may graduat enough that operators can managers today are aware that they I imagine that pools high in chloride counteract them effectively.Certainly fight a continuously de-escalating ' levels—salt—might experience cor- it is far more difficult to maintain total alkalinity. If this struggle is the rosion problems. We think of boats such tight pH control in gas chlori• case for your pool, you shouid think ' and ships in sea water having more nated. outdoor pools without automa• �n terms� of maintaining total alka• corrosion problems than those in tion. linity at the lower levels of around 50 fresh water. This corrosion in the sea Pinpoint pH control is the single to 80 ppm and countering with a ' comes from marine life. Under proper most important factor in long term higher calcium hardness. Remember ' chlorination. we would hope that costs of public pool operation. Why that total alkalinity tends to drop in such plant and animal life does not does one pool mechanical system or most pools under normal operations exist in the pool. plaster finish last 35 years and because it is reduced by the feed of There are many salt water pools in another 3 years? In almost every 9as chlorine and the feed of muriatic ' North America. The only differences case. the answer to that question has acid. between them and fresh water pools to do with the management or mis- Calcium hardness. on the other ' are the taste of the pool water and the management of pH. hand, is a comparatively stable factor degree of swimmer buoyancy. in pool water chemistry. So, let the 'i Again, under proper management � � �/�/��� Totai afkalinity and eyeburn i Aemember the quesfion "Which in virtually all pools that have low I can lead to scale damage much came lirst, the chicken or the egg?" total alkalinity but no eyeburn. I faster than calcium hardness levels Whether /ow tota/ a/kaliniry causes of 300 ppm to 500 ppm and above. eyeburn is a simi/ar p�oposrtion. TEPAS: Water of pH 7.4 and total I Either approach helps prevent corros- M past issues you have �ead that alkalinity of 50 ppm requires a cal- Ision, but you are less tikely to over- at total alkalinity /evels below 50 cium hardness of 500 ppm to be theo- shoot and create a scale problem by ppm, bathers wil! complain about retically in balance on the Saturation Icarrying a higher levef of caicium eyebum. There are many cases in Index(25,000 divided by 50 equals 500 Ihardness than by carrying a higher which eyeburn complaints were elimi• • ed.) pH level. nated a/ter raising total alka/inity I lrom below 50 ppm to above 80 ppm. POOLFAX: If we consider a pool with POOLFAX:A word of caution is appro- Yet fhere a�e pools maintained at/ow a pH of 7.4, total alkalinity of 50 ppm priate here. Total alkalinity is impor- t�'a! a/kalinity /eve/s where eyeburn and calcium hardness of 200 ppm, we tant not only as it affects the Satur- comp/aints are not a prob/em. might comment that total alkalinity Iation Index, but also as it affects the Like many generalizations about Was too low. We would be ccrrect. �resistance of water to pH change.We pub/ic pools, eyeburn as a result ot WOUfd we not? �COUId satisfy the Index with a total low fotal alkalinity is not universal. TE°AS: Yes, but it is also correct to alkalinity of 10 ppm to 2500 ppm of �Calcium hardness, but pFi would fluc- Why eyeburn in some pools and not in say that if calcium hardness were �uate widely and be more difficult to others? raised to 500 ppm, the pool would be ontrol. We asked this quesfion ol contrib- balanced. uting edifor Kent Williams in Ca/i- y�ILUAMS: The operator of such a �ILLIAMS: Pool managers should try lomia and of J. J. Tepas, Consu/ting �o hold at least 80 ppm total alkalinity Scientist, Olin Corporation's Pool p�ol would have several choices. He � counter this effect. But if doing so Chemica/ Division. could raise the total alkalinity to 125 Qans they have to add bicarb every ppm, he could raise the calcium hard- �ay or two, they may find it less ness to 500 ppm, or he could raise assle to let total alkalinity slide both the total alkalinity and the caI- �elow 80 ppm and establish a calcium WILLIAMS: 5 ppm to 10 ppm total cium hardness to any combination in alkalinity makeup water is common in Which one multiplied by the other �ardness level hiqh enough to satisfy many parts of Califomia. Even with would equal 25,000. tlhe Saturatlon Index. frequent bicarb dosing (and in some cases bicarb used in place of soda POOLFAX: Most of the literature on i�00LFAX: It seems, then, that total ash on gas chlorinated pools) many Public pool management would indi- Ikalinity below 50 ppm is a cause of pools operate at a total alkalinity cate that total alkalinity should be �yeburn complaints insofar as low level of 30 m to 40 increased from 50 ppm. otal alkalinit water is fre uentl pp ppm. In those � Y 4 Y pools eyeburn is not a problem so orrosive water and corrosive water long as operators burn out chlora- �an be an irritant to bathers.Ag�eed? mines and maintain pH at 7.4 to 7.6. TEPAS: Raising calcium hardness �LLIAMS: Yes, the Saturation Index would be better in the long run. An � TEPAS: There are numerous pools overshoot of calcium hardness does escribes the appetite of water for across North America with Ilttle or no not create as serious a problem as an �ertain minerals and ions. Corrosive chloramine residual,a pH of 7.4 to 7.6 overshoot of total alkalinity. �ater is aggressive water. It will sat- and no eyeburn problems even with i fy its appetite by any means avail- total alkalinity as low as 35 ppm. To WILLIAMS: Raising calcium hardness �ble. If you don't feed it what it wants understand why eyeburn is a problem `^�ould be the better approach for the y dosing bicarb or calcium chloride, in some pools of low total alkalinity p°Ols with which I am most familiar. �, �,yill satisfy itself any way it can. It and not in others, we may find that In many pools, keeping total alkalin- ���I attacic steel, plaster, and even aggressive water rather than low total �ty residuals above 80 ppm requires e1yeballs. alkalinity is the real culprit. Remem- �ery frequent bicarb addition which is � ber that at a pH of 7.4 to 7.6, the total both bothersome and expensive. The TEIPAS: I would agree also, but low alkalinity times calcium hardness continual de-escalation of total alka- tbtal alkalinity water does not have to linity can be a daily headache. b� corrosive. By raising calcium hard- should equal 25.OQ0 to insure mini- n ss to satisfy the Saturation Index mum possibility of scale and corro- TEPAS: I endorse the statement in the y�u can minimize Coth scale and cor- sion damage. January POOLFAX that far more r sive damage. These same steps POOLFAX: Few operators hold low Pools suffer corrosion damage than �ay minimize eyeburn if chlorine scale damage and that pH is the total alkalinity and high calcium hard- r sidual is properly managed, too. ness by choice. Individual pool and 9�eatest single factor in determining makeup water characteristics have scale or corrosion tendencies. How• I So, does/ow total alkalinity cause carried these pools in that direction. ever, holding pH Ievels of 7.5 to 8.0 as e eburn? The answer is yes, unless some experts prescribe today is Iess c�lcium hardness is increased to sat- . ..... . . , ���'��b� RF�Ei q�� �FD STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARI I GS e/T 1 �991 � rc�F�K FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Matter of OAH File� No. 51-2101-5458-3 � City of St. Paul vs. J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a RFSPON�ENT'S EXCEPTIONS Medalist Sports Club II, AND RE�O1�IlI�IENDATIONS 1515 Brewster Street -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------- This matter has been heard by the Minnesota Office of �Administrative Hearings and is presently on submission to the St. Paul City Council fo� a final determination. Respondent hereby submits the following Exceptions and Recomr�endations, together with the attached Memorandum: I EXCEPTIONS As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and R�ecommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, the following additiona� Findings of Fact are proposed: 8. Of the exhibits presented by the City of St. Pau�, the vast majority of inspections and reported deficiencies relate to the chemical b aI,lance of Respondent's I swimming pool and whirlpool. The evidence did not show any I recurring, uncorrected problems related to the balance of the facilities in Respondent's health club. 9. None of the evidence demonstrates that there hav� been cases of illness, rash, infection, or injury associated with the chemical imbala�nces in Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. I o� �-i�n� 10. 'The record does not disclose which of the de�ficiencies cited by the City relate to health and safety. As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions an�d Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, Respondent proposed �he following Conclusion 10 in place of the Conclusion contained in the Report of the A I ministrative Law Judge: � 10. While license revocation or suspension could pe�haps be justified in a case such as this, it is the conclusion of the City Council that, in th� absence of a showing that the violations have led to illness or injury and in view of the fi�ding that the vast majority of documented deficiencies related to Respondent's swimmingl pool and whirlpool, which comprise only a small part of Respondent's health club, licens revocation or suspension F should not be carried out, on the condition that Respondent prc�mptly install an automated control system which will help to insure ongoing complianl e with chemical balance requirements and on the condition that Respondent promptlyi submit an application for licensure under Chapter 427. I RECONIMENDATIONS IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul C�ty Council determine that Respondent's licenses should not be revoked or suspended,I subject to the following conditions: 1. That Respondent close down its swimming pool alnd whirlpool immediately and install and maintain an automated control sy I tem capable of providing � ongoing compliance with chemical balance requir�ments, which installation shall be carried out by August 15, 1991; and I . . . . i �I ��l� � � 2. That Respondent submit to the City by Aug�st 15, 1991 a completed application for licensure as a health/sports clubll under Chapter 427, which application shall be processed and considere�i in the ordinary course. Respondent shall be permitted to operate und�r its existing licenses until final action is taken on its health/sports club lice,nse application. MEMORANDUM I The proposed additional Findings of Fact are based or� the record in this matter. As was noted at the hearing before the City Council by Mr. Simon, the swimming pool and whirlpool comprise a relatively small part of Responde�nt's operation. The vast majority of the inspection reports which were introduced in�o evidence relate to the swimming pool and whirlpool. In fact, even where there was Ilpassing reference to non- pool issues, the reports were still on the 'Pool Inspection Repo�rt" form used by the City. The only non-pool reports or complaints are found in Exhibit I. The February 13, 1991 �I letter refers primarily to superficial conditions. In addition toll that, there are only two other reports of complaint (one, dated 3/8/91, is included tvv�ice). One of those was unsubstantiated and the other was listed as "partially" substant�ated. Respondent notes that it believes it conected those conditions to the satisfaction ofll the Department, and the record does not indicate anything to the contrary. I There is no evidence in the record to indicate that the i alance of Respondent's operation is being operated in a manner that is detrimental to health or safery. Respondent also notes that a review of the record does no� indicate that there have been any injuries, illnesses, or other health problems associated w�th the conditions. While � � ��, �So� � Respondent does not seek to detract from the importance of t�e problems, it is signi�cant to note that the problems have not resulted in illness or inju�y. As Mr. Simon indicated at the hearing before the City �ouncil, while Respondent's efforts have not always led to the desired results, Responde�t and its employees have consistently sought to maintain the necessary chemical levels �n the swimming pool and whirlpool (Exhibit A, which contains manufacturer's infor#nation pertaining to the automated control system proposed by Respondent, contai�s case history materials discussing the difficulty of maintaining proper chemical balanc�s manually). As required by city regulations, Respondent has maintained a log of its inonitoring and corrective efforts. Certainly there is no basis for finding of a willful failu�e to maintain the proper balances. It is worth noting that there are two additional problerhs with the Department's position in this matter. The first is that the Department's I�own "standards" used in inspecting public swimming pools appear to deviate from the C��ty's own regulations (see St. Paul I,egislative Code, Chapter 454, §454.04, subd. 2, a copy!of which was included in the record of this matter as Exhibit 11). li Subdivision (s) of those regulations specifies, for examAle, that a "free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 ppm shall be maintained . . . ." Yet th� Pool Inspection Report form (see Exhibits 5 and 6 for examples) specifies that the acce�table range is "1.0 to 3.0 ppm." Various of the inspection reports in the record cite Re�pondent for "violations" which are in compliance with the regulations. Likewise, the regu�ations contain no ranges for "combined chlorine," but the inspection report form says Ithat the level must be maintained between 0.0 and 1.0 ppm. I� I �'/-'�Sa� Another example from that same subdivision is the pIti range of 7.2 to 8.2. The "acceptable range" on the inspection form is 7.4 to 7.8. Simila ly, regarding alkalinity, the regulation specifies that it shall be at least 50 ppm, but t�e inspection report form mandates that it must be between 50 and 150 ppm. Again, sorfle of the inspection reports cite Respondent for '�riolations" in these areas for levels whilch are in compliance with the regulations. I In these areas the Minnesota Supreme Court has clp nsistently held that staff I interpretations which go beyond the scope of properly ado�ted regulations constitute impermissible rule making. See, e.g., White Bear Lake Care IlCenter, Inc., v. Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, 319 N.W.2d 7 (1982). I The second problem is that the record is devoid of fin�ings about which of these balances pertain to health and safety, an issue which is c�itical to a revocation or suspension determination. Specifically, the Department has iss�ed citations for deviations from the "acceptable ranges" specified on its inspection report f�rms for pH, free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total alkalinity. But certain of those �actors do not necessarily relate to health or safety issues at all, or if they do, the prescri ed ranges might be more geared to optimum balance rather than health or safety.' I For example, while the Department has cited Respondent for exceeding the alkalinity ral ge of 50-150, one treatise � states that "[t]otal alkaliniry over 300 p.p.m. may cause otherl problems," implying that levels up to that presumably would not. See D. G. Thomas, �wimming Pool Operators ' Respondent notes that it is the Department's burden �o show the existence of violations threatening health and safety. I I , ��-j�-P �' 1 Handbook, p. 31 (National Swimming Pool Foundation, V�ashington D. C., 1972).2 Professor Thomas also comments, regarding free chlorine, that �hose levels are "sometimes maintained as high as 5.0 parts per million without adverse eff�lect on bathers." Id., p. 36. Here, the regulations merely state that the level must be �t least 0.5 ppm, but the inspection report form indicates 1.0 to 3.0 as an acceptable ra�ge. Reference is also made to the reprints from Poolfax, � newsletter distributed by Stranco, Inc., the manufacturer of the automated chemical rr�onitoring and distribution system proposed by Respondent, a copy of which is attached �s Exhibit B. On page 19 of that reprint, under the subheading "Free available chlorine �esidual," the article notes that it is the minimum level of free chlorine that is critical, not t�he maximum. The article states that experts "disagree widely about a ma�dmum level for� free chlorine, if any." It goes on to cite examples of tests involving free chlorine levels II f 5, 10, 25, and even 60 and 200 ppm. It observes that there is "no agreement among Ilexperts" as to acceptable range between the minimum and maximum safe levels. I Similarly, as to pH levels, that same article states th�t "pH is not critical to swimmers," but is important instead to pool surfaces and equi�ment. Id. at pp. 19-20. It goes on to note that some experts suggest acceptable pH r�nges in excess of 8 (the City's regulations prescribe 7.2 to 8.2 as acceptable, but the De�artment cites levels over 7.8 as violations). Id. p. 20. See also, M. Alexander Gabrielsen� Ph.D., Swimming Pools, A Guide to their Plannin Design and Operation, pp. 203-204 ('�'he Council for National Cooperation in Aquatics, Champaign, Illinois, 1987). i 2 It is permissible to take judicial notice of information �hat the decision maker deems trustworthy, such as books or other source of information I See 7A Dunnell Minn. Digest 2d Evidence §12.00(c) at p. 320 (1986) and cases cited t�erein. I �l-�5�� In short, the Department has failed to carry its burdel of showing which of the violations pertain to health and safety. A review of the literatu I e in the area indicates that � few of the violations the Department refers to over the 18 mlonth period of inspections would relate to health and safety. I Furthermore, research by Respondent has demonstratedll that the ongoing problems with maintaining the chemical balance can be resolved by in�tallation of an automated chemical monitoring and distribution system. The system wh�ch has been proposed to Respondent is described in the attached Exhibit A. Respondent�s proposed exceptions and recommendations would require Respondent to close dow� its pool and whirlpool immediately and would give Respondent until August 15 �to install the automated monitoring and chemical distribution system. Respondent ha� been informed that the proposed system minimizes or eliminates the difficulties of Imaintaining the required delicate chemical balances and should allow the parties to finally� resolve what has become an ongoing problem. Respondent submits that its recommendation balances I the need for protecting public health with the policy of maintaining Respondent's h�alth club services to its members. If Respondent is able to solve the one �roblem that Ilhas been recurring, there is no policy to be served in shutting down all of Respondent'� operation. That would invite financial ruin for Respondent and would potentially injure, lor at least inconvenience, the citizens of St. Paul who belong to Respondent's health cluti. If Respondent fails to take the necessary steps to solve the chemical balance problem �n its swimming pool and whirlpool, then Respondent would still face the revocation or sl spension of the license. Furthermore, the proposed resolution also deals with the questidn of the proper category I c��' I�� of licensure. Respondent would be required to promptly apply for a license as a health/sports club under Chapter 427. It would be allowed t� operate under its existing licenses until the final action on the issuance of the health/sports club license. Accordingly, Respondent respectfully requests that the City Council adopt the additional Findings of Fact and Conclusion and that it ac�opt the Recommendation contained in this document. Respectfully submitt d, Dated: July 31, 1991 ABDO AND ABDO P.A. By - Steven R. Hedges ', Attorneys for Med�list Sports Club 710 Northstar West 625 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-1526 I.D. No. 43199 ,� I i ���j p(� I �� EXHIBIT A I DESCRIPTIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA RF.�LATING TO STRANCO AUTOMATED CONTROL S�i'STEM AND CASE HISTORY INFORMATI�JN I .*��___ � �- iS�� , , � � _ �4 ����� � �R �. ♦.�Tr":•T_ ��r r.. . ,j � , �,� �,� :;�, : , � .� .�,�; a ;-�,�,�l�r ����� i� . ��S,l . W: lr 1 '�.: .: ✓ � J � 1J/ � �r �l� i �v�� L� �i id J � � � • For spas; hot tubs;commer- � , f s� cial, residential and heaithcare _ - institutional pools; and decor- _ �� J------ �+ �v�_ ������ ' ative fountains. � j • Where automatic positive __._.____.______. , 'n the -�-� ntrol of H is needed i co , P / i range of 7.2 to 7.8 and where _.____ � �: control of chlorine or bromine `� is needed in the range of 0.6 to �'�. ,:i 6.0 ppm residual. i` �• Strantmi 710 �, � • For controlling chemical � - -- ----__ ; feed pumps and other feed - - - - -' devices inciuding erosion � 1 �ti 71 O feeders. r ._ �._�� 712 _—� °� - 713 J .� - � � q�,p�p� pp� � �CMLORINE•[DGe1�QA�G:IQ . . ..- _.. :..� .. oo..aesm�uc �asw �V�:.�-._:.,. .0 ...'.:=i i i, ; - �.± ; ` �� i - � ' _.,.��� .�� ` �E � _ :�:- � . ° ' �- Strarrtrnl `712 =��= � �>Strantrol 713 � . , �_ �L_�_T.. ?'`_ -��� S:�T ;,;;�,:-- �y �;..- �- The Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 are designed sp cifically for problem water situations �'�` - — spas, hot tubs, and small recreational and�herapy pools where small bodies of water combined with heavy usage and rapid cl�anges in demand can cause widely varying need for treatment. �-R*�-N The Strantrol 710 (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine�romine) controllers have also been � �� designed to put the user at ease. They're co pletely automatic and eliminate the ���� chance of operator error.The operator selects o�nly the best of several correct pre-set _ control positions. I '� � - And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 c�n control th� output of virtually any �� chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of cherriical feed is propo�tional to the amount . �oA�Ari thP� Pi�r„�r,atP nvPrf eedin of chemicals. The design is eedmo and underf 9 Soc� ��' � 7101712/713 �_____�:__�_��__.�....�..YT�._�. • Protects bather health �1 = ' � functions • Eliminates maintenance headaches Model 710—cont�nuous monitoring and control of pH. • Eliminates eyeburn and odor comp/aints Model 712—conti�uous monitoring and control of chlorine,bromi or ozone in the RP setpoint range of 0.6 to 2.0. Model 713—cont�nous monitoring of bromine or chlorine in t 710 ORP setpoint ran e of 0.6 to 6.0 for those applications where hea m o departments or qonditions require higher ORP. 7�2n13 controls I pH setpoint (Model 710). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to : =� ORP setpoint (Mbdel 712) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to : — - - - ° �-�- -�� � ' ���•��• -° �• ° e ORP setpoint (Mpdel 713) 0.6 to E - � _ '��""' '" s displays and wal�ning lights ; pH green LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to ; � yellow LED'S. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .6.8, 7.0, 8.0, f _ �.�. ��: ! � �.a��7�� red flashing LED's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . <6.8 and >E o� -� °� --- .-a ORP (Model 712 �� green LED' . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 2.0 (ppm residual at 7.5 F yellow LED' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2, 0.4, --�--�"' red flashin LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.2> --�'�.r„r— 9 �-�----- - --` �°'�"" � ORP (Model (71 ) ,� , ����� green LED'� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to � � �. ts^Y�" ... � � y -�_>t,�-'�"''�-#�� _ �� _� , yellow LED' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ���`;_" _,y �..._..,,,, =� , red flashing�LED's <0.6 and > �ti, .�.. �p.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,.. :- _. _,' �-,_ - • accuracy of con rol � ..`r��'_. pH . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.1 pH per yE '• _ `._ - . • -,� ��',- . . ±0.01 v per yC '� � . �--- ,... - . ., � .�W_ ORP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � • �=� " �' free avail chlorin residuaf set oint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±1 � �. . . . . . . . . .p ��+'.,�� - ��;" �_.`�:"° _ .. .._ - overfeed protect on pH feed alert dis�bles acid or base feed ORP feed alert d'sables chlorine, bromine or ozone feed Proportional feed keeps pace with changing load(pool activity). electrical circuit�y Split second response to bathing load means water is always line outputs . . .�. . . . . . . . .. .115 VAC, 60HZ, 5 amps, fu: perfect-regardless of number of bathers. chlorine feed (m ) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 arr Overfeed protectio� — Users are always safe because the pH feed (max) . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .5 arr Strantrol 710,712,and 713 protect them from chemical overfeeding. line outputs. . . . .,. . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, (std 3-wire ground� Set-point restriction — Users always enjoy the best water. All Power requiremerit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .less than 1 ai control knob settings, are within the optimum range of pH and p�ug-in circuits . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .stand� chlorine/bromine. size, weight, cor�osion protection Full display with alarms — Flashing red LED's indicate when shipping weight (I s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . .2 I chemicals are depleted,warn of pump malfur.ctions and other im- size (h x w x d). � . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 x 5 x pending problems outside the Strantrol's control. enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P Five amp output with fuse gives the Strantrol 710, 712, and 713 miscellaneous the abilitjr to control most small chemical feed pumps and ero- start-up and traini g . . . . . . . . . . . . .by Stranco Representat sion feeders, saving money by eliminating the need to replace warranty (material� and workmanship) . . . . . . . . . . . .two ye existing equipment. Corrosion proof PVC enclosure and all solid-siate electronics en- I sure long service life and lowest cost ir1 the long-run. sTAaNCO, INC. STRANCO LTD. STRANTROL PTY. LTD. Start-up and service by the world's largest and most experienced Rouce 5o tvorm Ca�mercia�Road Easmoume P.0.Box 12W network of pool-water chemistry experts is avaifable when you pur- P.o.eox 3as Eas Sussoc BN21 3XE Crow's Nest.New soum wa�es: Chase a Stfantr0l 710, 712 Or 713 COntr011er. Bradley, IL 60915 Engand Sydney,Australia Tel.815/932-8154 Tel.�0323-646163 Tel.(02)977-6949 FAX 815/932-0674 FAX 0323-646035 F+4X(02)977-0001 . � l� ... ��-1�r1R. �- Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 controllers work with virtually any -°•---- chemical feed device. They sense the load (need for chemicals), increase or decrease the output of chemical feed devices in pro- Distributed by: portion to the amount of chemicals needed, monitor the output VA LEY VIEW ASSOC. - of these devices to ascertain that the chemical levels are within . . . � - , , .� .�--� -- --� -�---� D (1 R.... ZOA1A �I� i��c� - - -- � System One ���� � Pool Water Controilers �� ,� a.�•.�� � - �„� �� � m�u� ne � �:: � au�aa m` ,�� � . . �1� �. . � .V I�I� •� Y` � " aA � -°s""'�-- - �a.;.. ,/ ' -�f ` i � _ ,� _ _ - `. �i ��,.._.... ..- . _ ' -' i--.. - --._--_-=— - .. _ -. �.a.-•� , �i�'-,��;;tt�.."'`r- �, �-au'� � � :A. �.�:�_ Y-�= � � - � _ - — � �:c . _ •�'" ��� _ i ' _ � �,� `�4 �w:;"� j i'�� _ _ —�,. l\ �.�Y ��� 'y`n Ideal for any pool, spa or fountain. _ - �a� �� � WaterpualityControi ' _ __ ._ -- � _.. . .--_ - --� . i F � o � �a�r, ��t P����t ����� �to����cally � with the system that pays for itself! , ' The Strantrol System One controls pool or of ch 'micals to keep pool water perfect, no spa water chemistry automatically usually matte what the characteristics of the pool. ; saving enough in labor and chemicals to pay _ for itself in less than a year. It eliminates A 24 hour-a-day Pool Operator ' -�� manual testing and dosing, saves 30% or Beca se it's completely automated, there's more in chemicals, and makes the water no m nual labor required to keep pool water ___ � perfect—looking good, smelling good and sanitary and safe. Since the system uses only _-_� exceeding the U.S. Public Health Service's enoug,h chemicals to keep the water in perfect Safety and Disease Control recommendations. balan e, there are significant chemical savings ' _ --....._� The Strantrol System One eliminates the as we I. Reduced corrosion of poolside problems and headaches associated with pool equip ent, pumps and filters, made possible and spa water chemistry control. by the system's accurate control of pH, results _ "'—'_� • controls chlorine/bromine and pH with in ad itional savings. pinpoint accuracy -�-- - • controls any chemical feed device (pumps, Reliable, Safe, Space-Saving Design __ ^ gas chlorinators, erosion feeders) The Strantrol System One is a highly reliable, __� �- • compatible with ozone and ion exchange solid 'tate control system. It operates day and units night, year after year with little or no attention. _1 • eliminates complaints about eyeburn and Its abi ity to control all forms of pool sanitizing � rashes • reduces corrosion of pool equipment by chemi als, including bleach, makes it an ' --�----1 controlling pH unusu Ily safe and versatile system. Since the _____�) • controls algae pH an chlorine/bromine controllers, as well as the sensors, are all located in a single 1�� Solves Problems enciosure, there are no unsightly or unsafe plumb ng and electrical connections. The � Heavy usage, contamination, rapid changes comp ct, attractive, clean white acrylic � --� in demand, hot tubs, whirlpools—these are no housi g weighs only 15 pounds. 8ather safery �l���oc� System One Pool Water Controllers Exclusive Strentrol sensors offer "rock-steady" reliability . • . - . `,�� and accuracy that's unex- '�'; celled. Patented designs, S@t-point Range, employing ino�ganic gel, PH (Model 710 7.2 to 7.8 �'l� special alloys, and protective I^! boots,give these sensors five Cl/Br(Model 2) 0.6 to 2.0 -'�.0 �'� tlmes the life of ordinary Cl/Br(Model 3) 0.6 to 6.0 senso�s. Dispiays and Wa ning Lights pH (Model 710 Green LED 7.2 to 7.8 Yellow LED"s 6.8, 7.0, 8.0. 8.2 Red Fiashin�g LED's <6.8 and >8.0 Cl/Br(Model 2) Treats Water Automaticaliy in Proportion to Demand Green LED' 0.6 to 2.0(ppm residual at 7.5 pH) Strantrol System One controllers have the unique abiliry to Yellow LED' 0.2, O.a, 3.0 increase or decrease the output of virtually any chemical feed Red Flashin LED's <0.2 and >3.0 device in proportion to the need for chemicais. Unlike simple CuBr(Modei 3) on/off controllers, Strantrol controilers sense how far the pool Green LED' 0.6 to a.0 water is from the ideal setting, and they cause chemical feed Yeliow LED's s.o Red Flashing LED's <0.6 and >6.0 devices to run just the right amount of time to bring pool water conditions into perfect balance. Sensing and actuation is a AcCUraCy of Con rol continuing series of short steps that ensures precise control pH ±0.1 pH per year without overfeeding chemicals. OFIP ±0.01 v per year Since the Strantrol System One will control virtually any Free available r sidual setpoinc �10�io chemical feed pump, the system may also be used for pool Overfeed ProteCt on water chemistry control of larger pools such as found in parks, pN feed alert disab;es ac;d or base feed universities, high schools, and YMCA's, etc. ORP feed alert disables chlorine or bromine Goof-Proof Control Elecirical Circuit Strantrol System One controllers incorporate set-point Chlorine or Bro ine feed (max) 4 amp restrictions for pH and chlorine/bromine control that keep pH feed (max) a amp inexperienced operators from dialing a bad setting. Line outputs 115 VAC, 60 Hz, or 2a0 vAC 5o Hz, The operator can "fine-tune" but cannot go beyond (std. 3-wire grounded) ' pre-determined ranges. Power Requirem'ent less than 1 amp • Ottter Features Size, Weight, Corrosion Protection • Flashing red LED's indicate when chemicals are depleted, Size (h x w x d) 19-�/2^x 12-112^x 6-1/2^ warn of pump malfunctions and other problems. (50 cm x 32 cm x 17 cm) Net Weight 15 Ibs. p kg) • Four-amp output will control most small chemical feed Enciosure corrosion free acrylic pumps so there's no need to replace existing equipment. • Corrosion-proof acrylic enclosure with key-lockable clear acrylic face panel safely houses the entire system, permits ' visual verification that the system is operating, and gives a clear view of the pool water's "vital signs': • Solid-state electronics for durability and reliability Guaranteed Performance— World Renowned Reliability and Durability Stranco, the world's leading maker of automated pool water controllers, is known for the quality of its products and service. '� Strantrol System One controllers are unconditionally guaranteed ' for performance, and carry a two-year warranty on materials and workmanship. Systems start-up and training are provided �� by Stranco's world-wide service organization. -- - ..__ � .__ _, _, , ',�� Commercial Road Eastbourne Represented by: �' - East Sussex BN21 3XE E�9�a�d VALLEY VIE ASSOC. - Te1.0323-6a6163 Wate�Q�a��tyC��t��� FAX0323-645035 _ . , -c_. -�r. _-�. P. O. Box 39414 . - —. � -.- - ao. aox �2m Edina MN S��o n�, i � � �� �(-is� . 1��rNi 3Niao�H� � l��fNl lOa1N0� H� � �iQ � ` �� �OQ �� QP? �O Q � � Z O �Q g O � a = J / V J QQ vi � F- Z / W J y O ♦ n t� Q Z o W = v� � � o � } H U �' F- J � J {L W � W 3 Q a Q � �� C7 O W � can a a � � ' Z p � � � W W Q W W � � Z � H m � J Z Q U � � � � m � H � � 0 Z � Z � � I- Q � O 2 v1 � � � V � � H W W � � � � � � N W � W F- p v~i v~i V _ _ J � U W W � — � a a v = � w � � � Z m � � Q Q J � � N Z � Z O U I Z � c�i ci ai U d � I � �I—i�vc.� W � Zo 0 Q � � U � � � w I l��f NI �OalNO� Hd OO � J I O u' 1�3 fNi 3NI�iO�H� � � ? I w � . � . Q � � w � � - az I � � O = T OO� ` O� �� � ��j � L � O O � W O �, a F- (,� � J z o I � a o �, a y a� w J Z H a Ud Q � a aW � � F. o � o I F' � ° a � II � w °w a I W � w � w � � � a � v, W � Z ¢ � m � Z [C II � � Q � O ~ I Q Q U � � 0 I Q � W Z ~ � I O c~n v~i V � � U w H [C � O I a a U � vi � � w Z m � � � J � N N ? � Z O U � v~i U a � I Z � c�i c�i I . � � . � �`(—���c� 1'�fALTH C�. ��� F���S PO�.� ���� ?� :�� �������:��'� � �� ��� �� ������� �`:�.�` 'l l�/.' � �� � .�� � ����� .ti , ..:�_ ��,�-��,,.a.� VALL�Y VIE�IN A5SOC2.�°:.� P. O. Box 39a�a By.• Peter Demas, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439-Q:1�t Chief Engi eer, East Bank C/ub, Chicago. (612) 935-7080 FAX (612) 935-962a The East Bank Club alon�with othei " " �'�'�s T�' -- � � , �-ti-�.- + a ��. ,�, ,.,�-,a..t�'� r � health clubs, attracts people who are =' '` "� '� _ ,;�,�Y�� �, E '°``' ' i : .� � �� '�. � _ 4 � �.-t x�. � .. actively involved in improvin; thei� -` ,`r�`''� � �.�-�:"`" `';,,�.�;;�f f,:,� t � � �,�.�.- �...'���*.-'�"' physical well-bein;.Because our�vate� :�. _-�� �•y` �• . �� .,�-.�,..-,s .,. activities play such a vital role in the �� - -� � , y - I fitness program, it is important that ,. .� � � � our swimmina and whirlpools provide _. ;�•: . . . . o . ercellent water quality to complement . �"` �,4: the Club's total health picture.Secec•al _ t;' 4 ; ' i � � 1 -. . � years ago,using Strantrolo controllec•s ��,� ,=�� we automated the chemical feed sys- � ��. ��� ������_' tems in our pools,enabling us to more ;�;,� - �'°"" ° accuratelv monitor the water chemis- .� :,���"` . .�. trv thereby assuring us of the cleanest. '`� � _:� � -_ healthiest environment for our bathers. ��;' � -`af� �'�., We have about 2,300 people utilize �''-;� -� our facilities daily and this means that �,,.�� - each of our five pools (two swimmina pools and three whirlpools) is rather heavily used.Before we automated the � _� - chemical testing and feeding process r- on our five pools,we did the job man- ually. A lifeouard or Building En;ineer would use a test-Idt to oauge the chlo- -- rine residual and pH and then turn on the pumps to feed additional chlorine � -"""`�� � _�.- or muriatic acid to rectify any chemical � ;;�:, imbalance. As time went on we realized that ttle ';�� manual process was very unreliable. Human error resulted in di$erent chem- ;' ical readings depending on who was doing the job.For esample,one person � would read a test-kit one way, anci another person would read the same , �. /r � -�� < <.d:,__. �a."__ . T� :µ:� _ - $� : ; =____ _ ;: .. �':� !�` _ - : _ ��: _�. - - li,, i ' �... a. _;€. i ,_ t ' r _ � _- __�__ - _�=,�'„�"�"��_ .r 7e"- _ _� -�. —� -- "'�! �r_.,.;�,�r�°�_ 'w -�"-' -- �"�y"��"'.�?��✓°j`�'''��' . _ . .._ , - .. . �_ . ::� �:.. �,. .. . ' - _ ._'. ._. .. . . , , _ "::wr�. ��...s ! ---.: �_.:,' � . .. ` �,� _y�.. !1 � °��� �-�:- �;;,. ' �. ;. � �°� ",. :�<�` �'�:: "" ��- �� ,< -,__ _ % ,� � �,. �3 ,��-^� _.- _'_. �`�',�+�.:t°_"; ,:} The three whir/poo/s and two swimming pools at the Easf Bank Club are all automated with Stran ol poo/controllers. The Strantro/unifs ended the wide chemica!fl�icivations and gave the club healthful, sanitized water. while another person would add a cup erratic manual testing and feeding, The fact that we don't have to take and a half at that same level. there�vas always the question of how c emical readings five times a day is an The inconsistencyof our manual pro- effectively our chlorine was fighting o vious labor savings, and there is no cess gave rise to an inconsistency in the bacteria in the water. longer the possibility of two people our chemical levels. We had pH that Due to the inconsistency and unre- g tting dit�erent test-ldt results because ranged from 6.8 to over 3.0, and our tiabilityof the manual method,we lrnew t e human element is no longer in- chlorine levels were just as erratic. that we could not get the good water v Ived. (The units' sensors and feed These problems with the manual quality that was important both for echanism operate automaticallywith method are not unique to us,but rather the protection of our members and the o ly the occasional need for manual symptomatic of any hand-fed opera- protection of our pool equipment. In c libration.) tion. With a hand-fed operation you 1982 we decided we needed to auto- By taking much of the worry about cannot meter chemical levels from mo- mate our svstem, and after talking to wa.ter quality offof my hands,the auto='`' ment to moment or hour to hour, so people in the health club field and atic units have allowed me to direct '' you're going to have a wide range of pricing some of the controllers,we de- y mana�erial energies elsewhere. I readings and possible health problems. cided on purchasing five Strantrol units, n w have more tune to concentrate on The chemical variations had a neg- manufactured bv Stranco of Bradley, problems requiring the`human touch" ative impact on our water quality.We Illinois. The improved water quality has lenb e�cperienced the chemical inconsistency The automatic pool controllers have t ened the time between filter clean- most acutely in our whirlpools where greatly benefited our operation. We inas,and the metal objects in our pool: heavy usage combined with a small now have a much more consistent ladders,drains, and other similar ob- pool size (1,500-2,500 gallons) created chemical balance in our water,and this je ts have not experienced the corro- an even worse environment for chem- has greatly improved our water quality. si n and erosion that were so much a ical fluctuations.Often,a high pH would We no longer have the problem of pa- p rt of our manual testing days.When render the chlorine ineffective.Then trons gettin? eye irritations; we have we were manually testing, the pool chloramines would form that have a not had a single complaint of eye-sting �v ter was often either too acidic or too characteristicstrongchlorineodorand since we installed the Strantrol units. b e.With the Strantrol units'compu- cause eye irritations.l��e averaged four The clarity of the water has also t rized feed system,our water is con- complaints of eye-sting a day, and this improved because �ve don't have the stantlybalanced at a near neutralleveL concerned us. inconsistent levels [hat atlowed the Of course, the approsimate 8,000 In addition, there was always the water to get dirty.The Strantrol units embers of our club have benefited possibility of other problems develop- are very consistent giving the desired t �e most from our decision to automate. � � �ll-��a�a p}_N�L���,y��N+3.��� .�•� - : � �"s.'� '�" u'.�3' Kw a� • � ��'�`�� SC ,�c`5.`+ . ♦ , ,_s ,�%'*�'`{�.. � _ t .aa � � ��� � -�?'�E1NrAS .OGfATES � � *`� �c•• S'���`fi�'�'9Rr� y 17,', �K+'" (�/Y�']''np.� � J � w�-��� �-a '3��i. � ���``•..�1DQXi Y3.74►4�i�"�• . �P �ti,c s.- .��� +�a.t� :+.if� • �r.,Y :. ;�g ..t�r� r . t a, -;Jv11NNE50TA 55439-04 " _� -�,`..�- �: � Y �935-7080 . FAX (61� ;935-9� ` �� �� � • :� -r -i- _ . �. . t �. . . - _ . t:r b/l «'• � t. ,� . r' �.�p � ;-�; , �� ` ?'`t`+}'ai.r '.Z. _ ��'`� 1 ax.� _ y ��Z .;;r•ti� 5,;.,��� .•y ,. .r�+' . . � � tl,;� �.f�-� �}''�.�' �.: .- �_ ,� �+X,� �3: . Y- i ��� .. ' �- � • - .. v�'(,n n.�1�{.x... .+' . �.`t ' _ .. � .4t�✓T_�. r t ', . . •.• � . . • _ Y�i'��. :�� � •r 4 . .. ' /� .- �._ .. - � .. Y: . . .�� . . . _ . . � � . . '�i c.. -�� ...J.� - .. . � ' .d� y 3 .. � : . r 1' � -. . . �: . •r �� -:Sc ' . ^ � . . . . ��� .• •.T'� �� � � � - - ' . .. . . . • ..i ��t�+I��' . '� . ���:.` �...,j . ^�, . . . �;y."�' - �-�5�► ....,,..�s . . ... 3 , ��t.:1.� :,'1' '� - ���� . Perfect V1/ater And Excit�n Entertainmer� g Boost Attendance At Adve ture Island � - By: Mick Muse General Services Mana�er, Adventure Island//Busch Garde �..�:. .. Y�� At Adventure island here in Tampa,Fiorida,our motto is:"Put � on your bathing suit,grab your towel and spend a da in the � �� �5:r��� Y :�;;-� hot sun and water." Water is our basic commodity. If it's not — clean and clear,and if it's not something that excites people, then it doesn't matter how nice our waterpark looks or how well it's landscaped. if the park doesn't offer that one basic .`y���; element—that clean, clear water—then the entertainment =• -.�. package is less attractive. �g : ._ ----� Patrons make judgements about the quality of a water- !� park based, in part, on the quality of the water. If the water � � � looks murky,or smells bad,then customers often don't come � ' . �' back. Like most businesses, waterparks rely on repeat == ♦: --=- °��;;:.Y� customers. � - � � —• : 3 i�•-:.:��5; To avoid problem-water it is important to disinfect and -� - � � . chiorinate properly.We sanitize the water usinq a Strantrolo � :�.�,:;"_� automated chemical control svstem manufactured bv Stranco of Bradlev Iliinois. In our pools we use chlorine as the � � - < <� _ _ ..�� .SD6 �-� T��,� � s t4ti , � . < �����: ,� �� /� ' _ CFKY Y. � � '3... - `�� _ I 'r u.4 . �. . _ _ . �.�'.F,-�!' _`�.��S Y '�e- �' . ��.,��`- � J� . .•• -t�'�l'�v`.f"_ �yCl ��. } .. �'F� T .;��j+M1 ..1 Y..�Y'' ��k t::� :L°..� _ F� �__ 6� V �^�� � ±�� +- � 1 ��. �� �. — — f r :.4i�� . � c 4i��,e,`��_+�i 1� �,c ��i� � � � `�N . . +1 . , �t,L.3 / ,�p � s - . -_, -�'- _ .-..,+�:�.W.v.._: . ' -wr'� 1:s •"t . � ` '--s . �'�'.' � . h."+ - �. y� .ur�. . �,ie K�� . - "'��..� � .. �,,,� . . •- .-."1 .:. ..-_._ ...:_'c ....,:^r � .`'aCti_ '�-�'-" -_-=c�"Si„ : a�.-•. .r.-«� ."...'.,:�- ._......r..-. � _..� . __ . ..w ` — . � ' ��.�a=�. _— - Every new water attraction at Adventure Island uses a Strantrol a�tomated chemical control system because water quality is what keeps the custom rs coming back. disinfecting and sanitizing agent.In the The Strantrol system has a com- The Strantrol system was the choice pool wat2r, chlorine oxidizes con- puter-derived parts-per-million read- �if the waterpark, architectural, and taminants such as dust, algae, hair, out for chlorine that enables us to nqineerinq experts that handled the bacteria, and whatever else gets into constantly fol low any changes in the pianning and construction of Adventure the water. Chlorine is an oxidant that oxidation-reduction potential and an- Island durinq the late 1970's.Afteryears burns up contaminants in pool water other readout that accurately dispiays fde endable erformanceweremain much like the oxygen in a bonfire burns the pH of the water.The Strantrol units leased with the choice. up leaves and twigs. After propeF are connected to chemical feed pumps We`ve been open since 1980, and chlorination and filtration, the result is to ensure an accurate flow of chemicals �ach season has been more success- crystai clear water that looks good, 24-hours a day. ful than the last. In 1983 we added a smells good, and doesn't irritate the i can't put a dollarfigure on the labor �vater speed slide, in 1984 an inner': skin or eyes. In short, it's water that's savings resulting from using pool auto- tube slide, and in 1985 we built a 72=" just plain fun to be in. mation, but the system certainly gives fp ot double water sled ride.These new:> At Adventure Island, if we fed our us greater flexibility with our personnel. �ides and special group nights buiid = chlorine and other chemicals by hand, The system requires no manual super- i{�terest and attendance,and that plus ;„ it would be a mammoth undertaking. vision, except for a periodic check of dur excellent water quality has ' Due to the constantly changing bather calibration —a procedure that takes �ncouraged repeat business. People loads, we would have to check the only a few minutes.Other than that,all Ilke clean, clear water. That's what chemicallevelsineachofoursixpools we do is check the chemical tanks �rings them back! We've never every half hour to guarantee that our once a day to make sure that there is f rgotten our recipe for success: "pro- levels were conforming to the health an adequate supply. Once we set the vide exciting entertainment and fill our codes.The testing and dosing process controls on the automated system,we �ttractions to the brim with perfect would be a full-time job. In addition, forget about pool water chemistry and vyater." manual feeding is usually inefficient. concentrate on other aspects of pool Therearejusttoomanyvariablessuch maintenance. We let the Strantrol ' as crowd size, and weather, and too system "supervise" our pool water. I many opportunities for human error. The automated system saves us ' To ensure that we have the proper money because there is no over or amount of chlorine and just the riqht underfeedinq of chemicals and hence pH in our pool water at all times, we no chem�cal waste. With manual use the Strantrol automated chemical dosing there is often over or under- feed system. hemical feed auto- feeding because one has to anticipate mation provides the modern technoloqy chemical requirements based on a necessary for maintaining perfect pool guess of the bather load and other water no matter what the soil load pool conditions. The Strantrol system conditions. The trantrol system uses has sensors that precisely monitor the j ' � �'/��� EXHIBIT B EXCERPTS FROM STRANCO POOLFAX N�WSLETTER I �j�/��/� �O`y• 0� OQ . `y ��� I �0 ��� I F � oo` � ��Q � ��°� � � o�°� I _ �o�Q` ! Selected � �`�� I � 0yQ°� I�fajor Articles <<m` I 0�y�0 and �eature� from P Previ��ous Issues of . The Pooifc�x Newsletter � ' '���-1' �I . Back to bas �cs . . . � approaching a consensus about pool water chemisltry Ninety percent of pool water prob- Filter calcification ual is in some areas dictated by local lems are preventable or solvable by Green algae public health regulations. In other consideration of 5 critical factors for Water discoloration areas. the high limit is that point which you can test quickly and in• Pool surface problems when people begin to complain about expensively. Bacteriallviral proliferation bleached bathing suits. Sanitarians, engineers. chemists Occasionally, equipment mal- i There is no agreement among ex- and experts by experience may dis- functions or other sorts of upsets wiil ' perts as to the ideal target between agree about the ideal range of those 5 cause some of these symptoms. How• I the low limit of 0.4 ppm and the high factors. but almost alt would agree ever. the most frequent cause of each i limit of the local regulation or the with the selection of these 5—and one is mismanagement of one or more bleached suits. Moreover, there is no how serious are the problems of their of the 5 critical factors. I accepted evidence that poois main- mismanagement. tained at one target residual or the This article attempts to express Free available chlorine residual I other, in the long run, are better. safer the consensus of knowledgeable pool The experts ail agree that free I or more comfortable pools. managers, public health officials and chlorine is the most important single Experts agree that when a greater leading figures in the public pool factor in public pool water manage- I margin for error is needed, a higher industry. We have combed through ment. The only reliable method of I target residual should be chosen. If the POOLFAX fiies of textbooks, jour- testing for free chlorine is with the because of automatic controls or es- nal articles and reader mail. We have DPD test kit. Flash readings or refrig- I pecially expert care. a lesser margin discussed these points with our col- erated samples with the OTO test re- I for erro� is needed, a lower target leagues and associates. We have agent are unreliable. I residual is possibte. taken into account what is heard "on The experts also agree that the the road" as Stranco and POOLFAX absolute. rock bottom, minimum free staff travel North America and West- available chlorine residual to be car- I T�tal r,hlnrine residua� ern Europe. ried at any time in a public pool is 0.4 I Experts generally agree that total Here we express the consensus— ppm. This figure is not a target, but a chlorine residual should never exceed that point immediately before the minimum. By setting the target free I free available chlorine residual by degression of divergent views and available chlorine residual higher i more than 0.5 ppm. In other words, opinions. than 0.4 ppm, and by careful manage- totai chlorine residual is only impor- The 5 most critical factors in pool ment and monitoring and use of the I tant as it reveals the chloramine re= water chemistry: latest equipment. you can prevent sidual present when compared to a Free available chlorine residual free chlorine from dropping below I free chlorine test. At that point the Total chlorine residual this minimum level. I experts seem to say that 0.5 ppm pH Experts disagree widely about a chloramine is about the time to super; Total alkalinity maximum level for free chlorine. if I chlorinate. � Calcium hardness any. POOLFAX interviewed swimmers Some experts argue for chlor�= Experts would agree with these 5 Who had been bathing in 5, then 10, I mines not to exceed 0.3 ppm, others and most would agree that they are and on up to 25 ppm free chlorine. In I say 0.4, most agree at the 0.5 figure. listed here in the relative order of the files we found the story of a junior I Others have called for chloramines to importance one to another. Certainly high school pool that was mistakenly be bumed out anytime they exceed all would agree that free available carried at 60 ppm free chlorine for I 1/3 of the total. In practice, a�l agree chlorine is the most important of the about a week's time. We interviewed chloramines are undesirable and 5. Total alkalinity and calcium hard• one individual who had been swim- I should be controlled by super•chlori• ness belong at the bottom of the list ming in 200 ppm free chlorine for 30 I nation as frequentty as is necessary by reason of their being less impor- minutes. In each of these cases pH i and practical. tant than pH and chlorine residual and other water chemistry factors and by reason of their requiring less were almost perfectly balanced.Com- I pH frequent checking and changing. plaints in the above cases were of pH is of concern to almost all of Improper management of these 5 bleached bathing suits, dry skin, and I science so there is a massive body of factors leads to the most common of mild eyeburn. I literatur2 about pH. pH has been re- public pool problems. Here are 11 Remember that chlorine is non- searched and experimented with in common maladies of public pools linear. The oxidation value of 200 I every conceivable way. which could be avoided by prop,er parts•per-million is not much more At the same time, pH is common management of the 5 critical factors: than 2 parts-per•million. Actual mea• I enough that it is frequently used and Eyeburn surement of oxidation potential re- I misused in consumer products adver• Odor veals that the first 0.4 ppm accom• tising. Cloudiness plishes most of the goal of chlorina- pH is not critical to swimmers. � �%-/S,�G influences the target for the other. level that satisfies the 25.000 rule. Basfcs . . . cont. pH, temperature. total alkalinity In new pools where there is fresh past summer I personally had the ex- and calcium hardness make up the a plaster. grout or concrete. it can be perience of swimming in water that I major factors used in the short-form argued that they be maintained at a learned later was pH 5.0. if after my calculation of what is known as the Saturation Index level not of 25:000. swim I had not checked. I would never Saturation Index.The Saturation Index but more like 30.000 or 35.000 for the have known or even suspected such is a measure of the tendency of water first 6 to 12 months while the surface was the case as the water appeared to scale or corrode the surfaces by finish is still new. and telt fine.) which it passes. The Saturation Index In contrast, pH is critical to metal, �s complicated but has been simpli- fied in recent years by the introduc- Other factors grout. plaster—pool surfaces and I mechanical equipment of ail kinds. In tion of special slide rules. Some experts would argue for the addition, pH frequently determines Experts agree that in picking a tar• inclusion of a sixth or seventh critical the performance of other chemicals 9et for total alkalinity and calcium factor. Some would argue for temper• added to the pool. In general, most hardness. the Saturation Index must ature, others for total dissolved solids pool chemicals work best at pH of be considered. The experts go on to (TDSI and others perhaps for the level about 7.5. agree that in pools maintained be- of chlorides. The experts used to focus on a tween 7d and 85 degrees F and at pH Temperature is controlled for all target range of pH 7.2 to 7.8. More levels of 7.4 to 7.6, pH and tempera- practical purposes by the program. recently higher pH Ieveis have been ture can effectively be considered Pools used competitively tend to be a targeted because of the epidemic of constants, not variables. Hence. an little cooler than pools used primarily corroded piumbing and dissolved even greater simplification of the Sat• for recreation or for elementary or plaster and grout in North American uration Index is possible. special education purposes.The range public pools. In an earlier article. �n general, keep total alkalinity be- of temperature which swimmers pre- POOLFAX suggested a new pH range tween 50 and 125 ppm while you keep fer is so narrow that it is an unimpor• of 7.5 to 8.0. Others have suggested calcium hardness between 200 and tant factor in considering life and pH factors even higher than 8. 500 ppm. More importantly,total alka• service of inechanical equipment. There are a variety of reasons for linity times calcium hardness in ppm swimmer safety, etc. Pool water tem- a lot of different pH targets. However, should equal the number 25.000 — perature is a matter of comfort. Spe- no one can find fault with a range of give or take a thousand or two. If cific selection of water temperature pH 7.a to 7.6. This range represents a total alkalinity is 50 ppm, calcium between 78 and 85 degrees F. is less Kind ot consensus by detault. Experts hardness should be about 500. If important than the relationship be- all choose their favorites and they total alkalinity is 125 ppm, calcium tween water temperature. air temper- vary widely. but all agree that there is hardness shouid be about 200. ature and air humidity IeveL nothing wrong with the 7.4 to 7.6 tar- It is important to understand that Some expe�ts claim that total dis- get. this 25.000 rule only works if the pH is I solved solids (TDS) is an important White it may be difficult to main- 7•4 to 7.6 and the temperature is factor. Rather than argue about tain pH in such close tolerance.it can somewhere around 78 to 85 degrees whether it is important suffice it ta,� be done in most situations. Automatic F. If pH is not within the 7.4 to 7.6 say that virtually all agree that if the�a,', controls. prevalent on so many pools range, get it there first before you factors listed above are kept with�r,�; today. are capable of maintaining pH W�rry about total alkalinity or calcium their target ranges, one never has to� within this range given a properly hardness. worry about TDS. TDS only comes� sized, working chemical feed pump Precisely where in this range for into play when some of the other'S° and a proper chemical supply. It is total alkalinity and calcium hardness factors are badiy out of line. not at ali difficult to maintain a pH of You operate your pool is a matter of Like TDS, chlorides are unimpor- 7.4 to 7.6 in hypochlorinated, indoor makeup water characteristics, bather tant when the other 5 factors are pools. In such pools pH shifts are load and chemicals used. Most pool property managed. Some of us may gradual enough that operators can managers today are aware that they �magine that pools high in chloride counteract them effectively.Certainly fight a continuously de•escalating levels—salt—might experience cor- it is far more difficult to maintain total aikalinity. If this struggle is the rosion problems. We think of boats such tight pH control in gas chlori- case for your pool, you should think and ships in sea water having more nated. outdoor pools without automa- �n terms of maintaining total alka- corrosion problems than those in tion. linity at the lower levels of around 50 fresh water. This corrosion in the sea Pinpoint pH control is the single to 80 ppm and countering with a comes from marine life. Under proper most important factor in long term higher calcium hardness. Remember chlorination, we would hope that costs of public pool operation. Why that total alkalinity tends to drop in such plant and animal Iife does not does one pool mechanical system or most pools under normai operations exist in the pool. piaster finish last 35 years and because it is reduced by the feed of There are many salt water pools in another 3 years? In almost every 9as chlorine and the feed of muriatic North America. The only differences case, the answer to that question has acid. between them and fresh water pools to do with the management or mis- Calcium hardness. on the other are the taste of the pool water and the management of pH. hand. is a comparatively stable factor degree of swimmer buoyancy. in pool water chemistry. So, Iet the Again, under proper management . .. _ - -------. .__._... .,.,�„ ���5�� Totai alkalinity and eyeburn Remembei the question "Which in virtually all pools that have low I can lead to scale damage much came first, the chicken or the egg?" total alkalinity but no eyeburn. faster than calcium hardness levels Whether low total alkalinify causes I of 300 ppm to 500 ppm and above. eyeburn is a similar proposifion. TEPAS: Water of pH 7.4 and totai Either approach helps prevent corros- In past issues you have read that alkalinity of 50 ppm requires a cal- I sion, but you are less fikely to over• af tota/ alkalinity leve/s below 50 cium hardness of 500 ppm to be theo- I shoot and create a scale problem by ppm, bathers will complain about retically in balance on the Saturation carrying a higher level of calcium eyebum. There are many cases in Index(25,000 divided by 50 equals 500 I hardness than by carrying a higher which eyebum complaints were elimi- - ed.) ' pH level. nated after raising tota/ a/kalinity from be/ow 50 ppm fo above 80 ppm. POOLFAX: if we consider a pool with I POOLFAX:A word of caution is appro- Yet there are pools maintained at!ow a pH of 7.4, total alkalinity of 50 ppm I priate here. Total alkalinity is impor- t�'al a/kalinity leve/s where eyeburn and calcium hardness of 200 ppm,we tant not only as it affects the Satur- comp/aints are not a problem. might comment that total alkalinity I ation Index, but also as it affects the Like many genera/izations about Was too low. We would be ccrrect. resistance of water to pH change. We public pools, eyeburn as a result of `^�ould we not? could satisfy the Index with a total low fota/ a/kalinity is nof universal. TEPAS: Yes, but it is also correct to alkalinity of 10 ppm to 2500 ppm of Why eyeburn in some pools and not in say that if calcium hardness were calcium hardness, but pH would fiuc- tuate widely and be more difficult to oihers? raised to 500 ppm, the pool wouid be control. We asked this question o/contrlb- balanced. uiing editor Kent Williams in Ca/i- y�ILLIAMS: The operator of such a I WILLIAMS: Pool managers should try tornia and of J. J. Tepas, Consu/ting to hold at least 80 ppm total alkalinity Screntisf, Olin Corporation's Pool p°ol would have several choices. He I to counter this effect. But if doing so Chemical Divrsion. could raise the total alkalinity to 125 I means they have to add bicarb every ppm, he could raise the calcium hard• day or two, they may find it less ness to 500 ppm, or he could raise hassle to let total alkalinity slide both the total alkalinity and the cal• I below 80 ppm and establish a calcium WILLIAMS: 5 ppm to 10 ppm total cium hardness to any combination in alkalinity makeup water is common in Which one muttiplied by the other hardness level hiQh enough to satisfy many parts of California. Even with Would equal 25,000. the Saturatfon Index. frequent bicarb dosing (and in some cases bicarb used in place of soda POO�FAX: Most of the literature on POOLFAX: It seems, then, that total ash on gas chlorinated pools) many Public pool management would indi- I alkalinity below 50 ppm is a cause of pools operate at a total alkalinity cate that total alkalinity should be eyeburn complaints insofar as low level of 30 ppm to 40 ppm. In those increased from 50 ppm. total afkalinity water is frequen.t� pools eyeburn is not a problem so i corrosive water and corrosive wate� long as operators burn out chlora- can be an irritant to bathers.Agreed� mines and maintain pH at 7.4 to 7.6. TEPAS: Raising calcium hardness I WILLIAMS: Yes, the Saturation Inde would be better in the long run. An � TEPAS: There are numerous pools overshoot of calcium hardness does I describes the appetite of water foc across North America with Ilttle or no not create as serious a problem as an certain minerals and ions. Corrosive chloramine residual, a pH of 7.4 to 7.6 overshoot of total alkalinity. water is aggressive water. It will sat= and no eyeburn problems even with I isfy its appetite by any means avaii- total alkalinity as Iow as 35 ppm. To W�LI.IAMS: Raising calcium hardness able. If you don't feed it what it wants understand why eyeburn is a problem `^�ould be the better approach for the by dosing bicarb or calcium chloride; in some pools of low total alkalinity Pools with which I am most familiar. it will satisfy itself any way it can. It and not in others, we may find that In many pools, keeping total alkalin- Will attack steel, plaster, and even aggressive water rather than low total ity residuals above 80 ppm requires eyeballs. alkalinity is the real culprit. Remem• �ery frequent bicarb addition which is both bothersome and expensive. The TEPAS: I would agree also, but low ber that at a pH of 7.4 to 7.6, the total total alkalinit water does not have to alkalinity times calcium hardness continual de-escalation of total alka- y should equal 25,000 to insure mini- linity can be a daily headache. be corrosive. By raising calcium hard- ness to satisfy the Saturation Index mum possibility of scale and corro• TEPAS: I endorse the statement in the you can minimize Coth scale and cor- sion damage. January POOLFAX that far more i rosive damage. These same steps POOLFAX: Few operators hold low Pools suffer corrosion damage than may minimize eyeburn if chlorine scale damage and that pH is the ' total alkalinity and high calcium hard- residual is properly managed, too. ness by choice. Individual pool and 9reatest single factor in determining I makeup water characteristics have scale or corrosion tendencies. How- So, does/ow fotal alkalinity cause carried these pools in that direction. ever, holding pH levels of 7.5 to 8.0 as I eyebum? The answer is yes, unless some experts prescribe today is less I ca/cium hardness is increased to sat- U/ll I 1 A\AC• LJn�v�i rolrinre� nh�nririn nf � onl���i�n •I.nn nni�ilnn I�:..Y.w. ..t..��.,. C..�.....N.... Iwdev_n..e.. �I�n..nh � � �i-/s�� STATE OF MINNESOTA R�C���FD OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARIN'GS ��� C�Ty 1 �991 FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�E/�k In the Matter of OAH File �10. 51-2101-5458-3 � City of St. Paul vs. J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a RE.SPO�ENT'S EXCEPTIONS Medalist Sports Club II, AND REC�0I�IlVIENDATIONS 1515 Brewster Street I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------- This matter has been heard by the Minnesota Office of �dministrative Hearings and is presently on submission to the St. Paul City Council for, a final determination. Respondent hereby submits the following Exceptions and Recomm�ndations, together with the attached Memorandum: EXCEP'TIONS ;' ��" a�t. As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, the following additional Findings of Fact are ro osed: .I:�;': rr � � 8. Of the exhibits presented by the City of St. Paul, the vast majority of Y� inspections and reported deficiencies relate to the chemical bal nce of Respondent's � � swimming pool and whirlpool. The evidence did not show any recurring, uncorrected � problems related to the balance of the facilities in Respondent's h�alth club. 9. None of the evidence demonstrates that there have been cases of illness, rash, infection, or injury associated with the chemical imbala�ces in Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. � '� �l�'�5oc� 10. The record does not disclose which of the defici ncies cited by the City relate to health and safety. As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, Respondent proposed the ollowing Conclusion 10 in place of the Conclusion contained in the Report of the Admi�istrative Law Judge: 10. While license revocation or suspension could perhaps be justified in a case such as this, it is the conclusion of the City Council that, in the absence of a showing that � the violations have led to illness or injury and in view of the findir�g that the vast majority of documented deficiencies related to Respondent's swimming p ol and whirlpool, which comprise only a small part of Respondent's health club, license r vocation or suspension should not be carried out, on the condition that Respondent prom tly install an automated control system which will help to insure ongoing compliance with chemical balance ' requirements and on the condition that Respondent promptly su mit an application for , licensure under Chapter 427. �'� � �r �� . �, REC011�IlViENDATIONS '� `��;-: IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul City Council determine that : �� ' � Respondent's licenses should not be revoked or suspended, s bject to the following � conditions: l. That Respondent close down its swimming pool an whirlpool immediately and install and maintain an automated control syst m capable of providing ongoing compliance with chemical balance require ents, which installation shall be carried out by August 15, 1991; and , �l�,�Sac� 2. That Respondent submit to the City by Aug1ust 15, 1991 a completed application for licensure as a health/sports club under Chapter 427, which application shall be processed and consideredl in the ordinary course. Respondent shall be permitted to operate under its existing licenses until final action is taken on its health/sports club license application. MEMORANDUM The proposed additional Findings of Fact are based or� the record in this matter. As was noted at the hearing before the City Council by Mr. �imon, the swimming pool and whirlpool comprise a relatively small part of Responde�nt's operation. The vast majority of the inspection reports which were introduced into evidence relate to the swimming pool and whirlpool. In fact, even where there was passing reference to non- pool issues, the reports were still on the "Pool Inspection Repart" form used by the City. The only non-pool reports or complaints are found in Exhibit '�. The February 13, 1991 letter refers primarily to superficial conditions. In addition tO that, there are only two ` w� other reports of complaint (one, dated 3/8/91 is included t�ice . One of those was � � ) � .� unsubstantiated and the other was listed as "partially" substant'ated. Respondent notes _ � that it believes it corrected those conditions to the satisfaction of� the Department, and the record does not indicate anything to the contrary. I There is no evidence in the record to indicate that the balance of Respondent's operation is being operated in a manner that is detrimental to �health or safety. Respondent also notes that a review of the record does ndt indicate that there have been any injuries, illnesses, or other health problems associated with the conditions. While � ,��cv �l Respondent does not seek to detract from the importance of tY�e problems, it is significant to note that the problems have not resulted in illness or inju . � As Mr. Simon indicated at the hearing before the City Council, while Respondent's efforts have not always led to the desired results, Respondent and its employees have consistently sought to maintain the necessary chemical levels m the swimming pool and whirlpool (Exhibit A, which contains manufacturer's infor�ation pertaining to the automated control system proposed by Respondent, contai�s case history materials discussing the difficulty of maintaining proper chemical balanc�s manually). As required by city regulations, Respondent has maintained a log of its �nonitoring and corrective efforts. Certainly there is no basis for finding of a willful failu�e to maintain the proper balances. It is worth noting that there are two additional proble�is with the Department's position in this matter. The first is that the Department's own "standards" used in .i.. inspecting public swimming pools appear to deviate from the C�ity's own regulations (see ,a � St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, §454.04, subd. 2, a cop of which was included in � � � ; ., the record of this matter as E�ibit 11). Subdivision (s) of those regulations specifies, for exam le, that a "free chlorine � residual of at least 0.5 ppm shall be maintained . . . ." Yet t�e Pool Inspection Report form (see Exhibits 5 and 6 for examples) specifies that the acce�table range is "1.0 to 3.0 ppm." Various of the inspection reports in the record cite Respondent for "violations" which are in compliance with the regulations. Likewise, the regulations contain no ranges for "combined chlorine," but the inspection report form say� that the level must be maintained between 0.0 and 1.0 ppm. /�I�V�-f' �l Another example from that same subdivision is the p� range of 7.2 to 8.2. The "acceptable range" on the inspection form is 7.4 to 7.8. Simila�ly, regarding alkalinity, the regulation specifies that it shall be at least 50 ppm, but t�e inspection report form mandates that it must be between 50 and 150 ppm. Again, sorrie of the inspection reports cite Respondent for "violations" in these areas for levels whi�h are in compliance with the regulations. In these areas the Minnesota Supreme Court has c�nsistently held that staff interpretations which go beyond the scope of properly adopted regulations constitute impermissible rule making. See, e.g., White Bear Lake Care �Center, Inc., v. Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, 319 N.W.2d 7 (1982). The second problem is that the record is devoid of findings about which of these balances pertain to health and safety, an issue which is c litical to a revocation or suspension determination. Specifically, the Department has iss�ed citations for deviations : �� from the "acceptable ranges" specified on its inspection report f�rms for pH, free chlorine, � � combined chlorine, and total alkalinity. But certain of those �actors do not necessarily � relate to health or safety issues at all, or if they do, the prescrit�ed ranges might be more geared to optimum balance rather than health or safety.' For example, while the : Department has cited Respondent for exceeding the alkalinity ra{�ge of 50-150, one treatise states that "[t]otal alkalinity over 300 p.p.m. may cause other problems," implying that levels up to that presumably would not. See D. G. Thomas, S�w�� 'mming Pool Operators ' Respondent notes that it is the Department's burden to show the e�stence of violations threatening health and safety. � i �-�5��° � Handbook, p. 31 (National Swimming Pool Foundation, Washington D. C., 1972).2 Professor Thomas also comments, regarding free chlorine, that t�ose levels are "sometimes maintained as high as 5.0 parts per million without adverse effe�ct on bathers." Id., p. 36. Here, the regulations merely state that the level must be ak least 0.5 ppm, but the inspection report form indicates 1.0 to 3.0 as an acceptable ra�ge. Reference is also made to the reprints from Poolfax, a newsletter distributed by Stranco, Inc., the manufacturer of the automated chemical mpnitoring and distribution system proposed by Respondent, a copy of which is attached a� Exhibit B. On page 19 of that reprint, under the subheading "Free available chlorine residual," the article notes that it is the minimum level of free chlorine that is critical, not the maximum. The article states that experts "disagree widely about a maximum level for free chlorine, if any." It goes on to cite examples of tests involving free chlorine levels i f 5, 10, 25, and even 60 and 200 ppm. It observes that there is "no agreement among �experts" as to acceptable ; � range between the minimum and maximum safe levels. y� �� �Similarly, as to pH levels, that same article states th�t pH is not critical to � swimmers," but is important instead to pool surfaces and equi�ment. Id. at pp. 19-20. It goes on to note that some experts suggest acceptable pH r I nges in excess of 8 (the � _ City's regulations prescribe 7.2 to 8.2 as acceptable, but the De�artment cites levels over 7.8 as violations). Id. p. 20. See also, M. Alexander Gabrielsen� Ph.D., Swimmin_ P�ools, A Guide to their Plannin ,� Design, and Operation, pp. 203-204 ('�'he Council for National Cooperation in Aquatics, Champaign, Illinois, 1987). 2 It is permissible to take judicial notice of information �hat the decision maker deems trustworthy, such as books or other source of informat�on, See 7A Dunnell Minn. Digest 2d Evidence §12.00(c) at p. 320 (1986) and cases cited t�erein. �/-/��� In short, the Department has failed to carry its burden {�f showing which of the violations pertain to health and safety. A review of the literature �n the area indicates that few of the violations the Department refers to over the 18 mor�th period of inspections would relate to health and safety. Furthermore, research by Respondent has demonstrated t�at the ongoing problems with maintaining the chemical balance can be resolved by insta lation of an autQmated chemical monitoring and distribution system. The system which has been proposed to Respondent is described in the attached Exhibit A. Respondent's proposed exceptions and recommendations would re uire Res ondent to close down �ts ool and whirl ool q P P P immediately and would give Respondent until August 15 to install the automated monitoring and chemical distribution system. Respondent has lbeen informed that the proposed system minimizes or eliminates the difficulties of m�intaining the required delicate chemical balances and should allow the parties to finally r�solve what has become � =�; s�: an ongoing problem. �� �,, : 6,,a�'�: .�h�� Respondent submits that its recommendation balances t�e need for protecting � . K,�; .,.,..'�.��,' � ::{.,S'?� public health with the policy of maintaining Respondent's hea�th club services to its � members. If Respondent is able to solve the one problem that h�s been recurring, there is no policy to be served in shutting down all of Respondent's �peration. That would invite financial ruin for Respondent and would potentially injure, o� at least inconvenience, the citizens of St. Paul who belong to Respondent's health club. If Respondent fails to take the necessary steps to solve the chemical balance problem in its swimming pool and whirlpool, then Respondent would still face the revocation or su�pension of the license. Furthermore, the proposed resolution also deals with the question of the proper category � I ,���� ; � l of licensure. Respondent would be required to promptly �i apply for a license as a health/sports club under Chapter 427. It would be allowed ta, operate under its existing licenses until the final action on the issuance of the health/sp�rts club license. Accordingly, Respondent respectfully requests that th� City Council adopt the additional Findings of Fact and Conclusion and that it ad�pt the Recommendation contained in this document. Respectfully submittec�, Dated: July 31, 1991 ABDO AND ABDO, ��P.A. % By :� Steven R. Hedges i Attorneys for Medal�st Sports Club 710 Northstar West I 625 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 5�402 (612) 333-1526 I.D. No. 43199 II �� x; ' � I � `` �' � i i ��aV � I EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA RELA'1'ING TO STRANCO AUTOMATED CONTROL SYST'�M AND CASE HISTORY INFORMATION � ;. �� ����: _:.� r'r� s� . L -yy++. �> _ I :,��_::'='-^�'_ �a� � — :� ._ .�. � .�.�. ����1� , .� �� �( �.. '>��':.:��;-.�.:i. :�� . ��r � ,r.� ;-�-•1,� �1 t`1 }(y�/J/ (y�/ �+ .�I'-���� � ��-1 ���1 '�� ����� . � �`/! �,V �� �J I �-�� `y f �1�id.! y l �' s� . v� ; � >.: 1 �✓ % . • For spas; hot tubs;commer- � �. • � cial, residential and healthcare _ - � _�----- � ----.---_�:<„� institutional pools; and decor- . . ative fountains. _ � • Where automatic positive ��~������-� control of pH is needed in the ! � range of 7.2 to 7.8 and where -�---- � F: control of chlorine or bromine � , is needed in the range of 0.6 to �; 'I 6.0 ppm residual. i� �� st��r _na�:- : . • For controlling chemicai _._ : feed pumps and other feed �' devices including erosion , ; i -- -- � - -.-- – �� 71 O feeders. - � _ ' .. �. -�,_ __ 712 �-_- ��----� , 713 �� . � _ _.__.___�4.�;� ----- _ ._ . -_ � C}�1-OQI�0� �' ^CHLORIM!•�LSiI�AOG.'IQ _ x: ``: _� ::.�] . � Oo.RESIOWC -7.SeM � �. �� { 1,, i . � . -. '�/ ; '�� � ', �� _ }�` /`-'�� � �. _ i *.. ' 4 � Y '�3R �.][T��.�f1�3'y.� _ f L a""' ",� F 3' Stf31T�f0� '1I2 `;. . �`�' � '�S`�!'dlltr'0� JI3 �•'`�* ,�,_��., ?4__ r'`y v.�k ..:����. _ . _ y'.� '�� -: . _ �V:.��":.: � -: The Strantroi 710, 712 and 713 are designed spe ificaily for problem water situations ���� =.�r — spas, hot tubs, and smail recreational and t�erapy pools where small bodies of � water combined with heavy usage and rapid ch�nges in demand can cause widely - varying need for treatment. ��^= The Strantral 71Q (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine/b omine) controllers have also been �,{ - designed to put the user at ease. They're com�letely automatic and eliminate the chance of operator error.The operator selects on�y the best of several correct pre-set control positions. �` - And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 ca control the output of virtually any �� chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of chemi�al feed is proportional to the amount . needed, they eliminate overfeeding and underf�eding of chemicals. The design is ISoc� � l' 7�OI7121713 ____-��_.__._._�._....��...__ _�_ . • Protects bather health �. - � • Eliminates maintenance headaches functions Model 710—continu us monitoring and control of pH. • Eliminates eyeburn and odor comp/aints Model 712--continuo�is monitoring and control of chlorine,bromine or ozone in the ORF setpoint range of 0.6 to 2.0. Model 713—contino�s monitoring of bromine or chlorine in the �10 ORP setpoint range o 0.6 to 6.0 for those applications where health 0 ' o departments or con iUons require higher ORP. ��2n�3 controls � � � pH setpoint (Model 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to 7.8 __=-_ _. _ ORP setpoint (Mode�712) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 2.0 ° �� ��� ° ' '°°'��� ��°" " ORP setpoint (Mode 713) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 6.0 . . . . . .. .. � � .. s„�w rn a displays and warnir�g lights ' � e Y pH green LED's. . . .7.2 to 7.8 ' yellow LED's. .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 o = m..w J� � !e � �..�J�� e red flashing LED's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <6.8 and >8.2 � -- 7-- -.- , ORP (Model 712) I ' �� green LED's . . 1 . . . . . .0.6 to 2.0 (ppm residual at 7.5 pH) yellow LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2, 0.4, 3.0 -y.:�;,.--_�`.! red flashin LE�s <0.2>3.0 � g ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��-- -- �-�`°' �� � ORP (Model (713) -- �,,,-'- � � *"t'�a:-- ._ ;,s 3 green LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 4.0 � �; ,,�.�F�' �` � _ yellow LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.0 •l""`" ' ' i �� : red flashing LE s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.6 and >6.0 x�: �"�-; ,� ,.:. _ - '��'�+- accu�acy of control� .. _. ���_�-- _- pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.1 pH per year " ��% ORP . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.01 v per year _ � , - - -� -�-� � '�-"' ii ; ,., _ ._ _. P • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10% -- - --•"• free avail chlorine residual set oint . . . . �`":. .. :... . �"'X� overfeed protection pH feed alert disables acid or base feed ' ORP feed alert disables chlorine, bromine or ozone feed , Proportional feed keeps pace with changing load(pool activity). electrical circuitry �; `�'. line out uts . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, 5 am s, fu. ed` Split second response to bathing load means water is always P • • • • • • •I• • • • • • P �, :� chlorine feed max 5 a perfect-regardlessofnumberofbathers. � ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •� • • • • • • • • • • • ���; Overfeed protection — Users are always safe because the pH feed (max) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 a p� Strantrol 710,712,and 713 protect them from chemical overfeeding. line outputs. . . . . . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, (std 3-wire groun�d)' Set-point restriction — Users always enjoy the best water. All power requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .less than 1.a�ip; control knob settings, are within the optimum range of pH and P�ug-in circuits . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .standfi�d; chlorine/bromine. size, weight, corrosibn protection ' „� Full display with alarms — Flashing red LED's indicate when shipping weight (Ibs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2lbs.' chemicals are depleted,wam of pump malfur.ctions and other im- size (h x w x d). . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5" x 5" x 3" pending problems outside the Strantrol's control. enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PVC Five amp output with fuse gives the Strantrol 710, 712, and 713 miscellaneous � the ability to control most small chemical feed pumps and ero- start-up and training . . . . . . . . . . . . .by Stranco Representative sion feeders, saving money by eliminating the need to replace warranty (materials ar�d workmanship) . . . . . . . . . . . .two years existing equipment. Corrosion proof PVC enclosure and all solid-state electronics en- sure long service life and lowest cost in the long-run. sTaANCO, INC. STRAN�O LTD. STRANTROL PTY. LTD. Start-up and service by the world's largest and most experienced Route 50 NoRh Commercial Raad Eastboume P.0.Bar 1201 network of pool-water chemistry experts is available when you pur- P.o. eox 3es Easc Su rx BN2� 3xE Crow's Nest,New Soum waies 2oss chase a Strantrol 710, 712 or 713 controllec eramey, i�eos�s England� Syaney,a,saaiia Tel.815l932-8154 Tel.0323+646163 TeL(02)9T7-6949 FAX 815/932-0674 FAX 032 f�(�)�� ._'_.') : . �; ��;�;�� � Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 controllers work with virtually any ------ ''�`"'` chemical feed device. They sense the load(need for chemicals), increase or decrease the output of chemical feed devices in pro- Distributed by: portion to the amount of chemicals needed, monitor the output VALL�Y VIEW ASSOC. • of these devices to ascertain that the chemical levels are within nnc��fnr colortorl cat_nnintc anri warn Iwith flachinn rarl cinnal � p_ � RAY 39d1d � (� � �� ��� System One --� � Pool Water Controllers -�— ,� p.�.•�� � '� g ��a � '' � sr�nad trt � - �► �' �' :. . .�� _. _ : , ti �. - . Y ( Y� _ T� �,:o' � I ��f � , l '1 "_ � _ - - � .,_.�,..._ ��. ,— ��'�'�-'�' i _ _ .._'_'—.._ -�-�¢>� :� � " ' ... — I i��<'a "����G,.�,.+- `�.;''�".r-aa � M... • - ,RLC�(� _ � C •�'.: �'�y�„�"'�y'�' ---..r� � j `� i — � '_ 1 ,2:=� !.�,�_� � -��= -s.:..� �- �n Ideai for any poot, spa or tountain. _ � - 1 J�� 'I I _ WaterQualityCantrol ' I , .. _.I _. --- � - __...- -----] . 7' o � �a�r, �e� P����# � ��� �������cally . . �; with the system that pays for its !f! .:�1 ��$4�= ��,�. , The Strantrol System One controls pooi or of che icals to keep pool water perfect, no �"? spa water chemistry automatically usually I matter�hat the characteristics of the pooL :'� �° `�F , , saving enough in labor and chemicals to pay � J. for itself in less than a year. It eliminates A 24-F�our-a-day Pool Operator ; -T�� manuai testing and dosing, saves 30% or I Becaus� it's completely automated, there's ` more in chemicals, and makes the water I no manwal labor required to keep pool water ___ � perfect—looking good, smelling good and sanitaryland safe. Since the system uses only � _`� exceeding the U.S. Public Health Service's I enough 'chemicals to keep the water in perfect Safety and Disease Control recommendations. balance, there are significant chemical savings � _ .--�.� The Strantrol System One eliminates the I as well. Reduced corrosion of poolside problems and headaches associated with pool equipm nt, pumps and filters, made possible and spa water chemistry control. I by the s�ystem's accurate control of pH, results _- =1 • controls chlorine/bromine and pH with in additiqnal savings. .1 pinpoint accuracy I -� - _ • controls any chemical feed device (pumps, I Reliable, Safe, Space-Saving Design � �_ gas chlorinators, erosion feeders) I The Strantrol System One is a highly reliable, - � • compatible with ozone and ion exchange solid sta� control system. It operates day and l units _1 � - I night, ye r after year with little or no attention. • eliminates complaints about eyeburn and i Its abili to control all forms of pool sanitizing � rashes � ' • reduces corrosion of pool equipment by chemicals, including bleach, makes it an ` ------� controlling pH i unusuall� safe and versatile system. Since the = _ __ J • controls algae pH and hlorine/bromine controllers, as well as the s�nsors, are all located in a single `_V—� I enclosur , there are no unsightly or unsafe Solves Problems plumbing� and electrical connections. The � Heavy usage, contamination, rapid changes I compact,attractive, clean white acrylic � --,� in demand, hot tubs, whirlpools—these are no housing eighs only 15 pounds: Bather safety .,...ti�.,.., t... c�..,..�...i o.�._� .-.-- ---•--"--- I �- - - �°--" -- -- �.. --- --'- `-- -'---• i ` �� IS S stem One Pool Water Controllers �, �� Y __ Exclusive Strantrol sensors offer "rock-steady" reliability . • • • . `,+1 and accuracy that's unex- celled. Patented designs, Set-point Range � employing inorganic gel, pH (Model 710)I 7.2 to 7.8 :�;� i special alloys, and protective ���•: boots,give these sensors tive Cl/Br(Model 71I2) 0.6 to 2A '�`�� _ times the life of ordinary Cl/Br(Model 71b) 0.6 to 6.0 °�� sensors. Displays and War�ing Lights pH (Model 710)� Green LED's�� 7.2 to 7.8 Yellow.LED'sI 6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 Red Flashing LED's <6.8 and >8.0 Cl/Br(Modei 71�) Treats Water Automaticaily in Proportion to Demand Green LED'sj 0.6 to 2.0(ppm residual at 7.5 pH) Strantroi System One controllers have the unique ability to Yellow LED's i 0.2, 0.4, 3.0 Red Flashingj LED's <0.2 and >3.0 increase or decrease the output of virtually any chemical feed Cl/Br(Model 713�� device in proportion to the need for chemicals. Uniike simple Green LED's 0.6 to a.0 on/off controllers, Strantrol controllers sense how far the pool Yellow �ED's� 6.0 water is from the ideal setting, and they cause chemical feed Red Flashing�iLED's <o.s and >s.o devices to run just the right amount of time to bring pool water conditions into perfect balance. Sensing and actuation is a Accuracy of Contr�l continuing series of short steps that ensures precise controf pH i ±0.1 pH per year without overfeeding chemicals. ORP i ±0.01 v per year Since the Strantrol System One will control virtually any Free availabfe residual setpoint ±10% chemical feed pump, the system may also be used for pool Overfeed Protectio��1 water chemistry control of larger pools such as found in parks, pH feed aleK disables ac.d cr base feed universities, high SChOOIs, and YMCA'S, etC. ORP feed alert di�ables chlorine or bromine Goof-Proof Control Electrical Circuitry i Strantrol System One controllers incorporate set-point Chlorine or Bromir�e feed (max) 4 amp restrictions for pH and chlorine/bromine control that keep pH feed (max) i a amp inexperienced operators from dialing a bad setting. Line outputs � ii5 vAC, 60 Hz, or 2a0 VAC 50 Hz, The operator can "fine-tune" but cannot go beyond (scd. 3-wire grounded) ; pre-determined ranges. Power Requirement less than 1 amp : _ Other Fsatures Size, Weight, Corro�ion Protection • Flashing red LED's indicate when chemicals are depleted, Size(h x w x d) ii 19-v2"x 12-112^x 6-1/2" .:' T� (50 cm x 32 cm x 17 cm) _` .,,� warn of pump malfunctions and other problems. rvet Wei ht 15 Ibs. k 9 (� 9) =� ���? • Four-amp output will control most small chemical feed Enclosure � corrosion free acrylic;, �:� pumps so there's no need to replace existing equipment. _ � `{ • Corrosion-proof acrylic enclosure with key-lockable clear i � � '4� ,:�:.: acrylic face panel safely houses the entire system, permits visual verification that the system is operating, and gives a clear view of the pool water's "vital signs': �i • Solid-state electronics for durabiliry and reliability ; Guaranteed Performance— World Renowned Reliability and Durability Stranco, the world's leading maker of automated pool water �i controllers, is known for the quality of its products and service. i Strantrol System One controllers are unconditionally guaranteed for performance, and carry a two-year warranry on materials and workmanship. Systems start-up and training are provided �i by Stranco's worfd-wide service organization. i -- - -- � -- . , _ _-�. � Commercial Road Eastbourne Represented by: I �. - East Sussex BN21 3XE England - Te1.0323-646163 VALLFY VIEW SSOC. WaterQualityControl FAX0323-&a6035 . - • , -c_. -�r. _-�, P. O. Box 3 414 - ---- - - - � . - - . -. Po. eoX ,2o� _ Edina, MN 55d���9_f1d1d I G��-�SC,� , 1��f NI �NINO�H� \ I l��f NI lOa1N0� Hd �vQ �\, � ` J�� Q� C? �? 'L� I O`� Q'P I �c� O p� Z �Q' � O � Q � J UJ N / > � . o I � � JN � � ��' a Z � w — I a V oC z � 3 a w ::•. O � � �.-. _'` U I F- J - _ w � � LL �� :, a � � J � � uQi �a' � ..� Z �::R.,. �_�. � � Q a =, OO � � i u� a aQ � r i 'N __ � I \ w � Q � N ¢ W w � w W � z o I a �' N m � I W � Z V � I � W � o� w I c~n m � � � � I � O Z � Z � I g � � w w Q � O 2 cWi� ? � � U � H H I Q Q — � p O w w � � w z ~ � I cn v� V — — — � w I W W � W U J J �"' O vi � � w ~ W O � W Q Q Z Z m J Q F- c n t n _ Q I � � Z O U Z � c�i ri c~i� U a � . �. ��'��o� W � � Zo mo Q � U � � � W I 1��f NI lOalNO� Hd �O � � �I Z � 1�3fN1 �NIl�O�H� O � ? I! w � � Q � —�./ I � w I J � _ aZ � a �cQi� a O N I� OOV Q �� �� Z Z _ �� W � Q � O W O � Q i- U y �! =,. � � W J. Z � � Q;�'' '', � � � aF-' :�; >r U I tA � Q J I � Z�'� '' W a • . � I Q � �.rj; .f� Q U pC :� : � I - � v�i a F< � �- .; O �' � � F' � � 3 � i z o � w w Q i w � W � � � � � a � �n � � � � � c~r, m � z � I � O � w p = I J � I Q � �' F' � � v CC O � I Q Q � W � i � � W Z o o i � � V J � V I� W � Z I a a U O � � LL. O iri � � W z m o � � � w Q Q ? Q Z O U � H � � � z � c•i c�i c~» U a � � - I I C �/�Q�O � � �l HfALTH C� ��� ; F���S PO�� ��`, '� -i' �:�����,��'�' � .� - �'�'� � � �'t� I��R��'�' �:::;� �� '>>:�. ��1' � :� ������ � _ �.. __ :_� ��.� VALL�Y VIE�V ASSOC�a°;.� I P. O. Box 39414 By: Peter Dema EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439-G;1� Chief En�ll'12@l, EaSt 88/7{( C�UfJ, Chicagi (612) 935-7080 FAX (612) 935-962� The East Bank Club, alon;with other , ���� ��;.-� ,� ��-��-� � � � . ���� health clubs, attracts people who are ' '��x"'�f� ';'',,,���_ �'.�=ir:�'�µ� ��: = b.. � �.' , . _� actively involved IIl impro�ing Cllell' :Y' • � ''S}��� --� -� ~�'•.i �:`3"r-f� �`-��.°: 'yi°�'"��-� � �r.r�y h ic.al well-bein� Because our wate�• �.. � �='� �-��' P 3'S� �• =-�--� -�,,- a,....�� activities play such a vital role in the �� � -� � ; - fitness program, it is important that - � �� � � g our swimming and whirl pools provide : , ,�•; ' excellent water quality to complement : �� � � � � � � - _ � � the Club's total health picture.Several _ _ � � � , 4 years ago,using Strantrolo controllers. ;� ;�; ,�: I .��. ...,� � 1 we automated the chemical feed sys- }��- . �� ._ ' tems in our pools,enabling us to more • � �"�"'° .� . �. . accuratelv monitor the water chemis- `� �;��" .��.� �Y. trv thereby assuring us of the cleanest. `���-° - ` - �. healthiest environment for our bathers. �i . �`�:- �<, We have about 2,300 people utilize �•.'_,� :� our facilities daily and this means that - each of our five pools(two swimmin; � • �� � pools and three whirlpools) is rather � heavily used.Before we automated the I '� � "` chemical testing and feeding process `�� � on our five pools,we did the job man- I ually.A lifeguard or Building Enaineer would use a test-ldt to gauge the chlo- -- rine residual and pH and then turn on the pumps to feed additional chlorine � � I '''��� or muriatic acid to rectify anychemical � ;j�,� imbalance. "� As time went on we realized that the :�E manual process was very unreliable. � �� Human error resulted in different chem- :r ical readings depending on who was doin;the job.For example,one person would read a test-kit one wav ancl another person �vould read the same _____1�_ J:CY'.._.._.•."'.._.TL....,� J'_____"_� �� ��, �S�C� �-�; � ,.�:,_.. � � '11Y9 7� ... . _ ��. .`.:�!{. y � ' C t - __ ,�{ �� :\ � �."+al;:: a�i• _ ' c�. t. c � �— —_)� _ �� .!` _ _ � � r; � - .�::�:�.n.:�t �-�...�� �1—�Sc�.v jr� ,�."{ �- 4'�..` -..� 4 � � «, • _"�4�' e..E �" ia.. -I"`1"e4'i�.. ��� ��,j<.1c s�vH. �� �.}d t. �1 �s:• �,^'Y�,i{y„ �, -r ei4s: *�� . ,� . =�?'��AS .00IATES �' �-_ `�``` �' ����, '� � i •� �� <1{ .•�}�. ^c ��� y��•�•`!''"yv at�s*��c �'�� ,- -U�z ,.:x�y.�k�. i. Pw�� 4x 394;[�� � 5 � rSY.A° 'If'.. t a���INNESOTA�55439-04 � - „�x r �935-7080 �.FAX (6l� c935-Q" � 1` ' � , � Y�. • - ' .� ,��� _ �. . : �§,� � � . - . ,.. -';^. .. - "�.�:... , `�r�, �•-= - .t'; �_y`.,{h1:�r"� _�. . �` r4!�t J��S .. �r`� : 'titi-�\1 �''��. , wt�,�j!`y _ r'�-�~ �4a'n .. r. , _. a� :`r -�`� ��+'�a�'. .,+ ..•r � - ' . t. �.l _ • . ..��� G . .. : . . . . - t � ;ri.'7� . ;s - - � : �'`,s%:.".�f ,,,.,�� : • , �• _ ,. _ . . 4 _ . . . ' ' . _. ..���'ir � 't��� .. ' . . .� � '�`:..a_. . i" Y, - _ .. i1t' .. . �h _. - - :�- c._ ��.� ��' . ' . ..� � �.,y ' , ' ' _ ' � f: . ' ��4 ^ v ,�S "c ,`� ;{` � �'" _ �.�Q..e*;p� . �.a:�.. _ -, - � ` `�'^i�, ,.a� ,.. , r ��_� :��'�` � . 7�� � .J "�. . . . _ r �I.'� . . . � _��,i���,�:i:'�' _ � Vs�' .��aY.�i�� y � . y���r �,':.�,_ ��-1 `�1'� r� 3� � , � . _- _A,��}�. . . ., Rr . . � - �_.r .�, . .. " .:1 � Perfe�t Water And Excitin Entertainment- � � Boost Attendance At Adven �ure Island _'�.�� By: Mick Musel(a General Services Manager, i4dventure Island//Busch Gardens -'�=�_�- .:� � �� � At Adventure island here in Tam a,Florida, ur motto is"Put 'N�° ' P o � � � :.q,.,, on your bathing suit,grab your towel and spend a day in the �a:�= hot sun and water." Water is our basic commodity. If it's not - — F�:�;,: clean and clear,and if it's not something that excites people, then it doesn't matter how nice our waterpark looks or how well it's landscaped. If the park doesn't offer that one basic Y;�:� _..____. element—that clean, clear water—then the entertainment -_�� package is less attractive. "-°� .- � • Y� Patrons make judgements about the quality of a water- , park based, in part, on the quality of the watec If the water - � � " looks murky,or smells bad,then customers often don't come � � . ' back. Like most businesses, waterparks rely on repeat ==��: '-" `;ii:= ;F customers. _ = i � :_��4 To avoid problem-water it is important to disinfect and � - —�--� � chlorinate properly.We sanitize the water using a Strantrolo � ��.�;;=� automated chemical control system manufactured by Stranco � ' of Bradley, Illinois. In our pools we use chlorine as the �(—�5ac� " ,� .. �I . -r.-r.. �_y.' I ,4� •�y�,.�„ jl �'i ,� 1 :s^.Gy:£ , � u`•'f��Y � . _ • ��.. 4r��;���.t_ � �I ? ����'°'�"..,. . i i �,. . 1 y��� � ��... .i I t .-' .. � � I �at( ' �`y.-�";. _ ��.:.. ��. - w��''�' ,;- ;,.:-�_ �;�.��� � �-, �,,..4 ...� II !� ::� `�' � � �-- _ �, - _ _ _ '� � :� i 1 . _+ :.�' '_ a '�=' �'�=;, _ �i 1 - .� ,� • �. - � `�'" '' , _� . ' _ "' _ �� . .�. .......- . . (/ ''•� ,�.�.� . .� _. r , x _ . . -. _-._. � 'Ori . : � .. . � � Y`': , - . �� . . ... ..._. - ... . . . . . . II'��s ' a�,•�c� �..1 _ —'-�"�- ,� -. ^ � �...sr : �c.�,,,�'�. : �, �"�: �,,,_� _.yt:: ^s:- ,' ' _....,�- r.:...:. �- _.. �.,.z:: - '�-� -. _ ._ ..�_....�.......,. - _'�� �= , _ �`'.��.....,�-...._ - Every new water attraction at Adventure Island uses a Strantrol awtomated chemical control system because water quality is what keeps the custom�ers coming back. disinfecting and sanitizing agent.In the The Strantrol system has a com- , The Strantrol system was the choice pool water, �hicrine oxidizes con- puter-derived parts-per-million read- 'of the waterpark, architectural, and taminants such as dust, algae, hair, out for chlorine that enables us to '�engineering experts that handled the bacteria, and whatever else gets into constantly follow any changes in the 'planningandconstructionofAdventure the water. Chlorine is an oxidant that oxidation-reduction potential and an- 'Island during the late 1970's.Afteryears burns up contaminants in pool water other readout that accurately dispiays �,ofdependable performancewe remain much like the oxygen in a bonfire burns the pH of the water.The Strantrol units ,pleased with the choice. u p leaves and twigs. After proper are connected to chemical feed pumps ', We've been open since 1980, and chlorination and filtration, the result is to ensure an accurate flow of chemicals 'each season has been more success- crystal clear water that looks good, 24-hours a day. 'fui than the last. In 1983 we added a;; smells good, and doesn't irritate the I can't put a dollar figure on the labor 'water speed slide, in 1984 an inner,� skin or eyes. In short, it's water that's savings resulting from using pool auto- tube slide, and in 1985 we built a 72=`, just plain fun to be in. mation, but the system certainly gives 'ffoot double water sled ride.These new�; At Adventure Island, if we fed our us greater flexibilitywith our personneL 'rides and special group nights build : chlorine and other chemicals by hand, The system requires no manual super- ',interest and attendance,and that plus ` it would be a mammoth undertaking. vision, except for a periodic check of 'our excellent water quality has Due to the constantly changing bather calibration —a procedure that takes �encouraged repeat business. People loads, we would have to check the only a few minutes.Other than that,all like clean, clear water. That's what chemicallevelsineachofoursixpools we do is check the chemical tanks 'brings them back! We've never every half hour to guarantee that our once a day to make sure that there is �,forgotten our recipe for success: "pro- levels were conforming to the health an adequate supply. Once we set the Ivide exciting entertainment and fill our codes.The testing and dosing process controls on the automated system,we �Iattractions to the brim with perfect would be a full-time job. In addition, forget about pool water chemistry and jwater." manual teeding is usually inefficient. concentrate on other aspects of pool Therearejusttoomanyvariablessuch maintenance. We let the Strantrol '', as crowd size, and weather, and too system "supervise" our pool water. , many opportunities for human error. The automated system saves us I To ensure that we have the proper money because there is no over or ' amount of chlorine and just the right underfeeding of chemicals and hence �� pH in our pool water at all times, we no chemical waste. With manual I use the Strantrol automated chemical dosing there is often over or under- ' feed system. Chemical feed auto- feeding because one has to anticipate mation provides the modern technology chemical requirements based on a ' necessary for maintaining perfect pool guess of the bather load and other � water no matter what the soil load pool conditions. The Strantrol system , conditions. The trantrol system uses has sensors that precisely monitor the ' • electrnnicsen_sc�rsto��ntinu�uslvm�n- r.hPmir.al r.nntant nf thA watar an�l i ��' ! 5�`� . EXHIBIT B EXCERPTS FROM STRANCO POOLFAX NEW$LETTER �3 ,.�. � �,,,.� . , � ..���.f,..;- S -_J �;�i I �'l� �sa� ��y� �� Q0 a° . �� �� ���0 I F� o� _ 0 ���� ! �o Sy �0 o� �`� Selected � � G`��.� I � ��QO N�a jor Articles y�0��0 I �0� and F�cature� from P Previ us Issues of � ,� .... . �.. ..,�... wnn.�n�.��� The Poolfa�C Newsletter �lJ I�DW I Back to basics . . . � approaching a consensus about pool water chemis ry Ninety percent of pool water prob• Filter calcification ual is in some areas dictated by local lems are preventable or solvable by Green algae public health regulations. In other consideration of 5 critical factors for Water discoloration areas. the high limit is that point which you can test quickly and in• pool surface problems when people begin to compiain about expensively. Bacterial/virai proliferation bleached bathing suits. Sanitarians, engineers. chemists Occasionally, equipment mal- There is no agreement among ex- and experts by experience may dis- functions or other sorts of upsets will perts as to the ideal target between agree about the ideal range of those 5 cause some of these symptoms. How• the low limit of 0.4 ppm and the high factors, but almost all wouid agree ever. the most frequent cause of each limit of the local regulation or the with the selection of these 5—and one is mismanagement of one or more bleached suits. Moreover, there is no how serious are the probiems of their of the 5 critical factors. accepted evidence that pools main- mismanagement. tained at one target residual or the This article attempts to express Free available chlorine residual other. in the long run,are better. safer the consensus of knowledgeable pool The experts ail agree that free or more comfortable pools. managers, public health officials and chlorine is the most important single , Experts agree that when a greater leading figures in the public pool factor in public pool water manage- ' margin for error is needed. a higher industry. We have combed through r►'�ent. The only reliable method of target residual should be chosen. If the POOLFAX files of textbooks.jour• testing for free chlorine is with the because of automatic controls or es- nal articies and reader mail. We have DPD test kit. Flash readings or refrig- pecially expert care, a lesser margin discussed these points with our col- erated samples with the OTO test re- tor erro� is needed, a lower target leagues and associates. We have agent are unreliable. residual is possible. taken into account what is heartl "on The experts aiso agree that the the road" as Stranco and POOLFAX absolute. rock bottom, minimum free staff travel North America and West• available chlorine residual to be car- Total r.hlnrine residua� ern Europe. ried at any time in a public pool is 0.4 Experts generally agree that total Here we express the consensus— ppm. This figure is not a target. but a chlorine residual should never exceed that point immediately before the minimum. By setting the target free free available chlorine residual by degression of divergent views and available chlorine residual higher more than 0.5 ppm. In other words, opinions. than 0.4 ppm, and by carefut manage- total chlorine residual is only impor- The 5 most critical factors in pool ment and monitoring and use of the tant as it reveals the chloramine re-. water chemistry: latest eGuipment. you can prevent ' sidual present when compared to a Free available chlorine residual free chlorine from dropping below ' free chlorine test. At, that point the Total chlorine residual this minimum IeveL experts seem to say that 0.5 ppm pH Experts disagree widely about a chloramine is about the time to super- Total alkalinity maximum level for free chlorine. if chlorinate. Calcium hardness any. POOLFAX interviewed swimmers Some experts argue for chlora- Experts would agree with these 5 Who had been bathing in 5, then 10, mines not to exceed 0.3 ppm, others and most would agree that they are and on up to 25 ppm free chlorine. In say 0.4, most agree at the 0.5 figure. listed here in the relative order of the files we found the story of a junior ' Others have called for chloramines to importance one to another. Certainly high school pool that was mistakenly I be bumed out anytime they exceed all would agree that free available carried at 60 ppm free chlorine for 1/3 of the total. In practice, all agree chlorine is the most important of the about a week's time. We interviewed chloramines are undesirable and 5. Total alkalinity and calcium hard- one individual who had been swim- should be controlled by super•chlori- ness belong at the bottom of the list ming in 200 ppm free chlorine for 30 nation as frequently as is necessary by reason of their being less impor• minutes. In each of these cases pH and practical. tant than pH and chlorine residual and other water chemistry factors and by reason of their requiring less were almost perfectly balanced.Com• pH frequent checking and changing. ptaints in the above cases were of pH is of concern to almost all of Improper management of these 5 bleached bathing suits, dry skin, and science so there is a massive body of factors leads to the most common of mild eyeburn. literature about pH. pH has been re- public pool problems. Here are 11 Remember that chlorine is non- searched and experimented with in common maladies of public pools linear. The oxidation value of 200 every conceivable way. which could be avoided by proper parts•per•million is not much more , At the same time. pH is common management of the 5 critical factors: than 2 parts-per-million. Actual mea- enough that it is frequently used and Eyeburn surement of oxidation potential re- misused in consumer products adver- Odor veals that the first 0.4 ppm accom- tising. Cloudiness plishes most of the goal of chlorina- pH is not critical to swimmers. _ . ♦7'... 1A/-��crc �n I�Ln.. .....� •.....•n �n� � nlrl � -/so� Basics . . . cont. influences the target for the other. level that satisfies the 25.000 rule. pH, temperature. totai alkalinity In new pools where there is fresh past summer I personally had the ex• and calcium hardness make up the a plaster, grout or concrete. it can be perience of swimming in water that I major factors used in the short-form argueC that they be maintained at a iearned later was pH 5.0. If after my calculation of what is known as the Saturation Index level not of 25.000. swim I had not checked. I would never Saturation Index.The Saturation Index but more lik? 30.000 or 35.000 for the have known or even susoected such is a measure of the tendency of water first 6 to 12 months while the surface was the case as the water appeared ro scale or corrode the surfaces by ''� finish is stiil new. and felt fine.) which it passes. The Saturation Index In contrast, pH is critical to metal, �s complicated but has been simpii- ' grout, plaster—pool surfaces and f�ed in recent years by the introduc• Other factors mechanical equipment of all kinds. In tion of special slide rules. Some experts would argue for the addition, pH frequently determines Experts agree that in picking a tar• inclusion of a sixth or seventh critical the performance of other chemicals 9et for total alkalinity and calcium factor. Some would argue for temper• added to the pool. In general, most hardness. the Saturation Index must ature, others for total dissolved solids pool chemicals work best at pH of be considered. The experts go on to I (TDS1 and oihers perhaps for the levei about 7.5. agree that in pools maintained be• of chlorides. The experts used to focus on a tween 7d and 85 degrees F and at pH i emperature is controlled for all target range of pH 7.2 to 7.8. More levels of 7.4 to 7.6, pH and tempera- p�actical purposes by the program. recently higher pH Ieveis have been ture can effectively be considered Pools used competitively tend to be a targeted because of the epidemic of constants, not variabies. Hence, an little cooler than pools used primarily corroded plumbing and dissolved even greater simplification of the Sat• for recreation or for elementary or piaster and grout in North American uration Index is possible. special education purposes.The range public pools. In an earlier article. �n generai, keep total alkalinity be- of temperature which swimmers pre- POOLFAX suggested a new pH range tween 50 and 125 ppm while you keep fer is so narrow that it is an unimpor- of 7.5 to 8.0. Others have suggested calcium hardness between 200 and tant factor in considering life and pH factors even higher than 8. 500 ppm. More importantly, total alka- service of inechanical equipment. There are a variety of reasons for ��nity times calcium hardness in ppm swimmer safety. etc. Pool water tem- a lot of different pH targets. However, should equal the number 25,000 — perature is a matter of comfort. Spe- no one can find fault with a range of give or take a thousand or two. If ' cific selection of water temperature, pH 7.4 to 7.6. This range represents a total alkalinity is 50 ppm, calcium between 78 and 85 degrees F. is less K�nd of consensus by default. Experts hardness should be about 500. If �mportant than the relationship be- all choose their favorites and they total alkalinity is 125 ppm, calcium tween water temperature. air temper- vary widely. but al� agree that there is hardness should be about 200. ature and air humidity level. nothing wrong with the 7.4 to 7.6 tar• It is important to understand that Some experts claim that total dis- get. this 25.000 rule only works if the pH is solved solids (TDS) is an important • While it may be difficult to main• 7•4 to 7.6 and the temperature is factor. Rather than argue about tain pH in such ctose tolerance. it can somewhere around 78 to 85 degrees I whether it is important suffice it to be done in most situations. Automatic F. If pH is not within the 7.4 to 7.6 say that virtually all agree that if the 5. controls. prevalent on so many pools �ange, get it there first before you factors listed above are kept within today, are capable of maintaining pH Worry about total alkalinity or calcium their target ranges. one never has to within this range given a property hardness. worry about TDS. TDS only comes sized. working chemical feed pump Precisely where in this range for into play when some of the other 5 and a proper chemical supply. It is total alkalinity and calcium hardness factors are badly out of line. not at ali difficult to maintain a pH of You operate your pool is a matter of Like TDS. chlorides are unimpor- 7.4 to 7.6 in hypochlorinated, indoor makeup water characteristics, bather tant when the other 5 factors are pools. In such pools pH shifts are �oad and chemicals used. Most pool properly managed. Some of us may graduai enough that operators can managers today are aware that they imagine that pools high in chloride counteract them effectively.Certainly fight a continuously de-escalating levels—salt—might experience cor- it is far more difficult to maintain total alkalinity. If this struggle is the rosion problems. We think of boats such tight pH control in gas chlori• case for your pool. you should think , and ships in sea water having more nated. outdoor pools without automa• in terms of maintaining total alka• ', corrosion problems than those in tion. linity at the lower levels of around 50 fresh water. This corrosion in the sea Pinpoint pH control is the single to 80 ppm and countering with a ' comes from marine life. Under proper most important factor in long term higher calcium hardness. Remember chlorination, we would hope that costs of public pool operation. Why that total alkalinity tends to drop in such plant and animal life does not does one pool mechanical system or most pools under normal operations exist in the pool. plaster finish last 35 years and because it is reduced by the feed of There are many salt water pools in another 3 years? fn almost every 9as chlorine and the feed of muriatic , North America. The only differences case. the answer to that question has acid. I between them and fresh water pools to do with the management or mis- Calcium hardness. on the other ' are the taste of the pool water and the management of pH. hand, is a comparatively stable factor degree of swimmer buoyancy. in pool water chemistry. So, Iet the Again. under proper management T��ai allralinitv and calcium hardness tot21 alkalinitv droo a little wavs but of the 5 most important factors, chlo- . ��.-/.��� Totai aikalinity and eyeburn '� Remember the question "Which in virtually all pools that have low �can lead to scale damage much came first, the chicken or the egg?" total alkalinity but no eyeburn. �Ifaster than calcium hardness levels Whether low total alkalinrty causes �Of 300 ppm to 500 ppm and above. eyebum is a simila�p�oposition. TEPAS: Water of pH 7.4 and total �E�ther approach helps prevent corros- In past issues you have read that alkalinity of 50 ppm requires a cal- �ion, but you are less tikely to over- at tota/ a/ka/inity /eve/s below 50 cium hardness of 500 ppm to be theo- hoot and create a scale problem by ppm, bathers wi11 complain aboui retically in balance on the Saturation arrying a higher level of calcium eyebum. There are many cases in Index(25,000 divided by 50 equals 500 I ardness than by carrying a higher which eyebum complaints were elim'r . ed.) WH level. nated alter raising tota/ alkalinity lrom be/ow 50 ppm to above 80 ppm. POOLFAX: If we consider a pool with �OOLFAX:A word of caution is appro- Yet theie are pools maintained at/ow a pH of 7.4, total alkalinity of 50 ppm priate here. Total alkalinity is impor- t��a/ afka/inity /eve/s where eyebum and calcium hardness of 200 ppm,we t�ant not only as it affects the Satur complaints are not a prob/em. might comment that totai alkalinity a�tion Index, but also as it affects the Like many genera/izations about `�'�as too low. We would be ccrrect. r�sistance of water to pH change.We pub/ic poo/s, eyeburn as a result of Would we not? clould satisfy the Index with a total low tota/ alkalinity is not universal. TEPAS: Yes, but it is also correct to alkalinity of 10 ppm to 2500 ppm of Why eyeburn in some pools and not in say that if calcium hardness were ��ICium hardness, but pH would fluc• � t ate widely and be more difficult to oihers. raised to 500 ppm, the pool would be Qntrol. We asked this question of contrib- balanced. uting ediior Kent Williams in Ca/i• V1�'ILLIAMS: Pool managers should try lomia and oi J. J. Tepas, Consulting W�LUAMS: The operator of such a tc� hold at least 80 ppm total alkalinity Screntist, O/in Corporation's Poo/ Pool would have several choices. He tq counter this effect. But if doing so Chemical Division. could raise the total alkalinity to 125 m�eans they have to add bicarb every ppm, he could raise the calcium hard• day or two, they may find it less ness to Sp0 ppm, or he could raise halssle to let total alkalinity slide both the total alkalinity and the cal- be'low 80 ppm and establish a calcium WILUAMS: 5 ppm to 10 ppm total cium hardness to any combination in I alkalinity makeup water is common in ha�rdness level hiah enough to satisfy which one multiplied by the other many parts of California. Even with Would equal 25,000. the Saturatlon Index. frequent bicarb dosing (and in some I cases bicarb used in place of soda POO�FAX: Most of the Ilterature on PpOLFAX: It seems, then, that total ash on gas chlorinated pools► many Public pool management would indi• al{�alinity below 50 ppm is a cause of ':�i pools operate at a total alkalinity cate that total alkalinity should be ey�burn complaints insofar as low �. level of 30 ppm to 40 ppm. In those increased from 50 ppm. to�al alkalinity water is frequently ;�? pools eyeburn is not a problem so co rosive water and corrosive water ,� long as operators burn out chlora- ca� be an irritant to bathers. Agreed? >=:��; mines and maintain pH at 7.4 to 7.6. TEPAS: Raising calcium hardness ��;! would be better in the long run. An WI�LIAMS: Yes, the Saturation Index ;; TEPAS: There are numerous pools overshoot of calcium hardness does de�cribes the appetite of water for across North America with Ilttle or no not create as serious a problem as an ce ain minerals and ions. Corrosive chloramine residual,a pH of 7.4 to 7.6 overshoot of total alkalinity. Wa�er is aggressive water. It will sat= and no eyeburn problems even with isf}� its appetite by any means avail- total alkalinity as low as 35 ppm. To W�LLIAMS: Raising calcium hardness ablle. If you don't feed it what it wants understand why eyeburn is a problem W�uld be the better approach for the by d�osing bicarb or calcium chloride, in some pools of low total alkalinity Pools with which I am most familiar. it v�ill satisfy itself any way it can. It In many pools, keeping total alkalin- I and not in others, we may find that will attack steel, plaster, and even aggressive water rather than low total �ty residuals above 80 ppm requires Qyeballs. alkalinity is the real culprit. Remem- �ery frequent bicarb addition which is ber that at a pH of 7.4 to 7.6, the total both bothersome and expensive. The TE�AS: I would agree also, but low continual de-escalation of total alka• tot I alkalinity water does not have to alkalinity times calcium hardness be orrosive. B raisin calcium hard- should equal 25,OQ0 to insure mini- ��nity can be a daily headache. Y 9 nes� to satisfy the Saturation Index mum possibility of scale and corro- TEPAS: I endorse the statement in the you�can minimize both scale and cor- sion damage. January POOLFAX that far more rosiWe damage. These same steps POO�FAX: Few operators hold low Pools suffer corrosion damage than mayl minimize eyebum if chlorine scale damage and that pH is the total alkalinity and high calcium hard- resi�lual is properly managed, too. ness by choice. Individual pool and 9reatest single factor in determining I makeup water characteristics have gcale or corrosion tendencies. How- 50, does/ow fota!alkalinity cause carried these pools in that direction. ever, holding pH levels of 7.5 to 8.0 as eyeb�vrn? The answer is yes, unless some experts prescribe today is less calc���um hardness is increased to sat- WILLIAMS: Heavy calcium chloride of a solution than carrying higher islv t�e Saturation Index-even thouQh i _ . , �j,��e� � RE�F�V�D A STATE OF MINNESOTA v� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEA�i INGS �/Ty 1 �g91 � C�F�/t FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUIi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------- In the Matter of OAH Ffle No. 51-2101-5458-3 � City of St. Paul vs. li J/D Athletics Inc., d!b/a RFSPO�TDENT'S EXCEP'TIONS Medalist Sports Club II, AND RECOMN�NDATIONS 1515 Brewster Street --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rt--------------------------------- This matter has been heard by the Minnesota Office o� Administrative Hearings . and is presently on submission to the St. Paul City Council f1or a final determination. Respondent hereby submits the following Exceptions and Recom�iendations, together with the attached Memorandum: EXCEP'TIONS As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and �ecommendations of the , Administrative Law Judge in this case, the following addition�l Findings of Fact are proposed: �i 8. Of the exhibits presented by the City of St. Paj�l, the vast majority of inspections and reported deficiencies relate to the chemical b�lance of Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. The evidence did not show anX recurring, uncorrected problems related to the balance of the facilities in Respondent's lihealth club. 9. None of the evidence demonstrates that there hav�e been cases of illness, rash, infection, or injury associated with the chemical imbal�nces in Respondent's swimming pool and whirlpool. � i ���1�oC� 10. The record does not disclose which of the deficie cies cited by the City relate to health and safety. I As exceptions to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and R commendations of the Administrative Law Judge in this case, Respondent proposed the ollowing Conclusion 10 in place of the Conclusion contained in the Report of the Administrative Law Judge: 10. While license revocation or suspension could perha s be justified in a case such as this, it is the conclusion of the City Council that, in the ab ence of a showing that the violations have led to illness or injury and in view of the finding that the vast majoriry of documented deficiencies related to Respondent's swimming po 1 and whirlpool, which comprise only a small part of Respondent's health club, license r , ocation or suspension should not be carried out, on the condition that Respondent prompily install an automated control system which will help to insure ongoing compliance 'th chemical balance requirements and on the condition that Respondent promptly su mit an application for � licensure under Chapter 427. ' ;' °� �z :J RECONIlV�NDATIONS �' IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul City Council determine that Respondent's licenses should not be revoked or suspended, su ject to the following conditions: 1. That Respondent close down its swimming pool and whirlpool immediately and install and maintain an automated control syste � capable of providing ongoing compliance with chemical balance requirem nts, which installation shall be carried out by August 15, 1991; and � I � ��, ��o�v 2. That Respondent submit to the City by August 15, 1991 a completed application for licensure as a health/sports club nder Chapter 427, which application shall be processed and considered in the ordinary course. Respondent shall be permitted to operate unde its existing licenses until final action is taken on its health/sports club lice se application. MEMORANDUM The proposed additional Findings of Fact are based on the record in this matter. As was noted at the hearing before the City Council by Mr. imon, the swimming pool and whirlpool comprise a relatively small part of Responde t's operation. The vast majority of the inspection reports which were introduced in o evidence relate to the swimming pool and whirlpool. In fact, even where there was passing reference to non- � pool issues, the reports were still on the "Pool Inspection Report" form used by the City. The only non-pool reports or complaints are found in Exhibit . The February 13, 1991 letter refers primarily to superficial conditions. In addition to that, there are only two other reports of complaint (one, dated 3/8/91, is included 'ce). One of those was unsubstantiated and the other was listed as "partially" substant�ated. Respondent notes that it believes it corrected those conditions to the satisfaction o� the Department, and the record does not indicate anything to the contrary. There is no evidence in the record to indicate that the balance of Respondent's operation is being operated in a manner that is detrimental to health or safety. Respondent also notes that a review of the record does n t indicate that there have been any injuries, illnesses, or other health problems associated 'th the conditions. While � � �r_,sa� Respondent does not seek to detract from the importance of tHe problems, it is significant to note that the problems have not resulted in illness or injurjr. As Mr. Simon indicated at the hearing before the City qouncil, while Respondent's efforts have not always led to the desired results, Responde�t and its employees have consistently sought to maintain the necessary chemical levels �n the swimming pool and whirlpool (Exhibit A, which contains manufacturer's inforr�ation pertaining to the automated control system proposed by Respondent, contai�s case history materials discussing the difficulty of maintaining proper chemical balanc�s manually). As required by city regulations, Respondent has maintained a log of its �onitoring and corrective efforts. Certainly there is no basis for finding of a willful failu�e to maintain the proper balances. It is worth noting that there are two additional proble I s with the Department's � position in this matter. The first is that the Department's lown "standards" used in inspecting public swimming pools appear to deviate from the C�ty's own regulations (see � St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, §454.04, subd. 2, a copyl of which was included in the record of this matter as Exhibit 11). i Subdivision (s) of those regulations specifies, for exam�ble, that a "free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 ppm shall be maintained . . . ." Yet th� Pool Inspection Report form (see Exhibits 5 and 6 for examples) specifies that the acce�table range is "1.0 to 3.0 ppm." Various of the inspection reports in the record cite Re�pondent for "violations" which are in compliance with the regulations. Likewise, the regu�ations contain no ranges for "combined chlorine," but the inspection report form says II that the level must be maintained between 0.0 and 1.0 ppm. n I � (��Soc� Another example from that same subdivision is the p range of 7.2 to 8.2. The "acceptable range" on the inspection form is 7.4 to 7.8. Similarly, regarding alkalinity, the regulation specifies that it shall be at least 50 ppm, but t e inspection report form mandates that it must be between 50 and 150 ppm. Again, so e of the inspection reports cite Respondent for "violations" in these areas for levels whieh are in compliance with the regulations. In these areas the Minnesota Supreme Court has c nsistently held that staff interpretations which go beyond the scope of properly adopted regulations constitute impermissible rule making. See, e.g., White Bear Lake Care enter Inc. v. Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, 319 N.W.2d 7 (1982). , The second problem is that the record is devoid of findings about which of these balances pertain to health and safety, an issue which is c itical to a revocation or suspension determination. Specifically, the Department has iss ed citations for deviations from the "acceptable ranges" specified on its inspection report forms for pH, free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total alkalinity. But certain of those actors do not necessarily relate to health or safety issues at all, or if they do, the prescri ed ranges might be more geared to optimum balance rather than health or safety.� For example, while the Department has cited Respondent for exceeding the alkalinity ra ge of 50-150, one treatise states that "[t]otal alkalinity over 300 p.p.m. may cause other problems," implying that levels up to that presumably would not. See D. G. Thomas, wimmin Pool O erators ' Respondent notes that it is the Department's burden 'to show the existence of violations threatening health and safety. 5 � , ��So� �� Handbook, p. 31 (National Swimming Pool Foundation, V�Jashington D. C., 1972).2 i Professor Thomas also comments, regarding free chlorine, that those levels are "sometimes maintained as high as 5.0 parts per million without adverse ef ct on bathers." Id., p. 36. Here, the regulations merely state that the level must be t least 0.5 ppm, but the inspection report form indicates 1.0 to 3.0 as an acceptable r nge. Reference is also made to the reprints from Poolfax, newsletter distributed by Stranco, Inc., the manufacturer of the automated chemical monitoring and distribution system proposed by Respondent, a copy of which is attached �s Exhibit B. On page 19 of that reprint, under the subheading "Free available chlorine residual," the article notes that it is the minimum level of free chlorine that is critical, not he maximum. The article states that experts "disagree widely about a maximum level fo� free chlorine, if any." It goes on to cite examples of tests involving free chlorine levels� of 5, 10, 25, and even 60 and 200 ppm. It observes that there is "no agreement among e�erts" as to acceptable range between the minimum and maximum safe levels. Similarly, as to pH levels, that same article states t at "pH is not critical to swimmers," but is important instead to pool surfaces and equ pment. Id. at pp. 19-20. It goes on to note that some experts suggest acceptable pH anges in excess of 8 (the City's regulations prescribe 7.2 to 8.2 as acceptable, but the De�partment cites levels over 7.8 as violations). Id. p. 20. See also, M. Alexander Gabrielse' , Ph.D., Swimmin_ Pg ools' A Guide to their PlanninQ, Desi�n, and Operation, pp. 203-204 The Council for National Cooperation in Aquatics, Champaign, Illinois, 1987). 2 It is permissible to take judicial notice of information, that the decision maker deems trustworthy, such as books or other source of informatio . See 7A Dunnell Minn. Digest 2d Evidence §12.00(c) at p. 320 (1986) and cases cited �herein. � , . ������ In short, the Department has failed to carry its burde�n of showing which of the violations pertain to health and safety. A review of the literatu�re in the area indicates that few of the violations the Department refers to over the 18 rr�onth period of inspections would relate to health and safety. Furthermore, research by Respondent has demonstratec� that the ongoing problems with maintaining the chemical balance can be resolved by in�tallation of an automated chemical monitoring and distribution s stem. The s stem w�ich has been ro osed to Y Y P P Respondent is described in the attached Eachibit A. Responden�'s proposed exceptions and recommendations would require Respondent to close dow� its pool and whirlpool immediately and would give Respondent until August 15 to install the automated : monitoring and chemical distribution system. Respondent ha�s been informed that the . proposed system minimizes or eliminates the difficulties of maintaining the required delicate chemical balances and should allow the parties to finally resolve what has become � an ongoing problem. Respondent submits that its recommendation balance� the need for protecting public health with the policy of maintaining Respondent's h�alth club services to its members. If Respondent is able to solve the one rop blem that has been recurring, there is no policy to be served in shutting down all of Respondent�s operation. That would invite financial ruin for Respondent and would potentially injure,l or at least inconvenience, the citizens of St. Paul who belong to Respondent's health clup. If Respondent fails to i take the necessary steps to solve the chemical balance problem in its swimming pool and whirlpool, then Respondent would still face the revocation or �uspension of the license. Furthermore, the proposed resolution also deals with the questibn of the proper category ., ; i �j�J��� ! I of licensure. Respondent would be required to promptly iapply for a license as a health/sports club under Chapter 427. It would be allowed toi operate under its e�sting licenses until the final action on the issuance of the health/sports club license. Accordingly, Respondent respectfully requests that th� City Council adopt the additional Findings of Fact and Conclusion and that it adppt the Recommendation � contained in this document. , �I Respectfully submitte4i, Dated: July 31, 1991 ABDO AND ABDO,'I P.A. By :� _ Steven R. Hedges �' Attorneys for Meda�ist Sports Club 710 Northstar West', � 625 Marquette Avemue Minneapolis, MN 5,5402 (612) 333-1526 ' I.D. No. 43199 ' R I �1, ��a� EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA RELA ING TO STRANCO AUTOMATED CONTROL SYS M AND CASE HISTORY INFORMATION' �I - .�:=- � �� �Sbc� �, 1: :�� - � :. � �� �.� _. �. _ •aT.�.���_ � � � �� 1 1,r r�! 1`�-1 '� s 1���'1 ' r ^, -j�i ��i�.,����'���4����� � �: . �: , � ,.: :. ,r � .l�l v ��� �JI ��..: �.�. .'., �. . � • For spas; hot tubs; commer- � ` ^% cial, residential and healthcare _ _ � _—.---- � ------_.:_,� institutional pools; and decor- I: - - ative fountains. � �� - • Where automatic positive � — �`""`�""""-�? ! control of pH is needed in the % range of 7.2 to 7.8 and where ---- � : control of chlorine or bromine is needed in the range of 0.6 to 6.0 ppm residual. - �- Strantrol 710 �'I • For controlling chemicai �. �" _ _____ -.----. � feed pumps and other feed _ ... _ _._ __� , devices including erosion f � 1 �I 71 O feeders. ._ _ � _ _ '�` ,.�, : , --,:�.�..� -= --� � 13 , 7 -. -.. , - � � "C�100t1�,�',,,D�.. :� �';.`crn.on�Ne•mc�uaa _ - ooT AESmw[ zsw ��\i' .�_:...r - .... '--�-.�'�:, . �' -. �— — � � � .... �r..i I . �� j. , . � � r '�5`-%' 1 Y a� �3 �sY�' . _- 3,_ ...-.�... .�» ' . �ti � �- Strantral �T12� tl. ,. � � � :�SUantrol 713 � _ ��'-`�1�����: 'a---- �. ... ..s� �3•� . . . ' �:}'�,5�-+� - . Y"✓__� _:_-_ The Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 are designed specifically for problem water situations =4,�� � :�. — spas, hot tubs, and small recreational and t�erapy pools where small bodies of �""r--'�' "' water combined with heavy usage and rapid ch nges in demand can cause widely - - varying need for treatment. -°^�°=� The Strantrol 710 (pH), 712 and 713 (chlorine/b omine) controllers have also been :-,",; , designed to put the user at ease. They're com�letely automatic and eliminate the - chance of operator error.The operator selects only the best of several correct pre-set control positions. �� } And, because the Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 ca control the output of virtually any �� chemical pump or feeder,so that the rate of chemi al feed is proportional to the amount . needed, they eliminate overfeeding and underf�eding of chemicals. The design is . .._J�� ����Sp(U 710I712/713 ____-.__._._.4�__.��.��.�. __._�__ . � Protects bather f�ealth �; : � � • Eliminates maintenance headaches functions Model 710—continu lus monitoring and control of pH. • Eliminates eyeburn and odor comp/aints ""°de��,2—�o�t���o�s monitoring and control of chlorine,bromine or ozone in the ORP setpoint range of 0.6 to 2.0. Model 713—continou�s monitoring of bromine or chlorine in the 710 ORP setpoint range oP 0.6 to 6.0 for those applications where health 712/713 m + � departments or cond�tions require higher ORP. , •• � controls I _ i pH setpoint (Model 7p0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to 7.8 -- -�— - _. � ORP setpoint (Model 712) 0.6 to 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �'� " ����'' ""�� u ORP set oint Model 713 . . . . . . ., .• • P � ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6to6.0 a B $�n�� 7q a displays and warning lights i i 4 PH 9reen LED's. . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 to 7.8 yellow LED's. . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 - Stra�u� T12 � o� _� !e;_""."""a_a red flashing LED's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <6.8 and >8.2 ; � ORP (Model 712) " green LED's . . .I. . . . . .0.6 to 2A (ppm residual at 7.5 pH) ye�low LED's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2, 0.4, 3.0 ---s-r'� red flashing LE 's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <0.2>3.0 _ _ _ - :--==�':� �' ���,�..: • ORP Model (713) --- r� :. -..- g een LED's ,,,,_..,�;���`�.�-`� ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6 to 4.0 —�.'_ ,... rn�e,.+��.�. ` . � S M, - _, -, _ ,,,. . yellow LED's . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.0 ��=�'�'"�''° ----.��. -r-� - red flashing LED's . . . . . . . . . . <0.6 and >6.0 . . . . . . . . . . ,, -� . .- . ,�.. _ '�---"L_ - accuracy of control I �r' �, PH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±0.1 pH per year -- +�r - .�._ �- ..'� �-. -- ,,,��" ORP . . . . ±0.01 v ,. �-• . . -� . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per.year. � � � - �;;� free avail chlorine resi ual setpoint . . . . . . . . . . ±10% ��`� � �- -� - � overfeed protection � pH feed alert disables acid or base feed � ORP feed alert disabl�s chlorine, bromine or ozone feed Proportional feed keeps pace with changing load(pool activity). electrical circuitry Split second response to bathing load means water is always line outputs . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, 5 amps, fused- perfect-regardless of number of bathers. chlorine feed (max) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 amps;., Overfeed protection — Users are always safe because the pH feed (max) . . . . . .I, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,5 amps Strantrol 710,712,and 713 protect them from chemical overfeeding. line outputs. . . . . . . . . . .115 VAC, 60HZ, (std 3-wire grounded) Set-point restriction — Users always enjoy the best water. All power requirement . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .less than 1 amp control knob settings, are within the optimum range of pH and plug-in circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .standard chlorine/bromine. size, weight, corrosio protection h . . . . . . . . . . h Full display with alarms — Flashing red LED's indicate when shipping weight (Ibs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Ibs. chemicals are depleted,warn of pump malfur.ctions and other im- size (h x w x d). . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5" x 5" x 3" pending problems outside the Strantrol's control. enclosure. . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PVC Five amp output with fuse gives the Strantrol 710, 712, and 713 miscellaneous the abilitjr to control most small chemical feed pumps and ero- start-up and training . .I. . . . . . . . . . .by Stranco Representative sion feeders, saving money by eliminating the need to replace warranty (materials and workmanship) . . . . . . . . . . . .two years existing equipment. Corrosion proof PVC enclosure and all solid-state electronics en- sure long service life and lowest cost irl the long-run. sTRnNCO, INC. STRANCa�LTD. STRANTROL PTY. LTD. Start-up and service by the world's largest and most experienced Route 50 North CammerciallRoad Easmoume P.O. Bmc t2a7 network of pool-water chemistry experts is available when you pur- P.o. sox�s East SussPx BN21 3XE Crow's Nest,New Soum wa�es 2os5 chase a Strantrol 710, 712 or 713 controller. sraaiey, IL 60915 England I Sydney,austraiia Tel. 815/932-8154 Tel.0323-6416163 Tel.(02)9T7-6949 FAX 815/932-0674 FAX 0323-6�6035 FAX(02)977-0001 � T� -,_,—�j..i_�. �. �,1,�� � Strantrol 710, 712 and 713 controllers work with virtually any - •�---�---� ' '�"`'" chemical feed device. They sense the load (need for chemicals), increase or decrease the output of chemical feed devices in pra Distributed by: i portion to the amount of chemicals needed, monitor the output VALLEIf� VIEW ASSOC. of these devices to ascertain that the chemical levels are within - operator selected set-points, and warn (with flashing red signal P. O Box 39414 lights) if chemical depletion or feed-device-malfunction causes ��� �... .-� ...,. .. ._ . ��,��c� .�.^�---_y�___;___---_= - - � System One — - Pooi Water Controilers '�� ,� ��� , _ . �O 4 ltranud 118 � �:; � 9tnatrd 712 � - ,, �= . �-�=� ,� ' �� -�_ , _ �',:;: �`' , �°f' , , i ' �'L� . _ , _ , - �. . __. _.. __.._ :-�- - - � ----- �'��r�� ��- ; ° ! `�!: - ' °Z: � ; i�: r1vr�`"''� ,.��_ � � i �r ��.- � �:.-�� -` ":�» „. �` Ideal tor any pool, spa or fountain. , ��_ '� � � _ J ' .., , Nater 0ualiry Control — -- . . ..__ _ ;-- —_ ' : � --� � � _ � l���r, Get P��f��� �a�����#o���icall ° � with the s stem that a s for ' i � ; y �y itself. ' The Strantrol System One controls pool or of chem�cals to keep pool water perfect, no spa water chemistry automaticaily usually matter hat the characteristics of the pool. , saving enough in labor and chemicals to pay __ for itself in less than a year. It eliminates A 24-F�OUI'-8-day Pooi Operator �� manual testing and dosing, saves 30a/o or Becaus it's completely automated, there's more in chemicals, and makes the water no man�al labor required to keep pooi water ___. � perfect—looking good, smelling good and sanitary and safe. Since the system uses only '��� exceeding the U.S. Public Health Service's enough hemicals to keep the water in perfect Safety and Disease Control recommendations. balance,�there are significant chemical savings � _._.�_j The Strantrol System One eliminates the as well. educed corrosion of poolside � problems and headaches associated with pool equipme�it, pumps and filters, made possible and spa water chemistry control. by the system's accurate control of pH, results _-�� • controls chlorinelbromine and pH with in additic�nal savings. pinpoint accuracy � -•� - • controls any chemical feed device (pumps, Reliabl�, Safe, Space-Saving Design � gas chlorinators, erosion feeders) The Stra trol System One is a highly reliable, __� �-_ • compatible with ozone and ion exchange solid stat control system. It operates day and units night, ye�r after year with little or no attention. 1 • eliminates complaints about eyeburn and Its ability to control all forms of pool sanitizing rashes � chemical , including bleach, makes it an • reduces corrosion of pool equipment by ' ��---� controlling pH unusuall safe and versatile system. Since the ____._.�,� • controls algae pH and hlorine/bromine controllers, as well as the s�nsors, are all located in a single enclosur , there are no unsightly or unsafe - _ - _ Solves Problems piumbing�and electrical connections. The �— Heavy usage, contamination, rapid changes compact, attractive, clean white acrytic � in demand, hot tubs, whirlpools—these are no housing eighs only 15 pounds. Bather safety problem for Strantrol System One controllers is autom�tically assured by controls that shut (-'--- � that automatically control chemical feed so off the sv�tem in case of pump failure, and I I /1/ � G�1 //� Sysiem One Pool Water Controllers II _ Exclusive Strantrol sensors oHer "rock-steady" reliability • • . - . ,;,� and accuracy that's unex- ; celied. Patented designs, Set-point Range I employing inorganic gel, �� i pH (Model 710)I 7.2 to Z8 '�, special alloys, and protective I. boots,give these sensors five CUBr(Model 71�R) 0.6 to 2A ::���;_ times the life of ordinary C!/Br(Model 71�3) 0.6 to 6.0 sensors. Displays and War�ing Lights pH (Model T10) Green lED'sl 7.2 to 7.8 Yellow LED'sl 6.8, 7.0, 8.0, 8.2 Red Flashin� LED's <6.8 and >8.0 Cl/Br(Model 71�) Treats Water Automatically in Proportion to Demand Green LED'sl 0.6 to 2.0(ppm residual at 7.5 pH) Strantrol System One controllers have the unique ability to Yellow LED'sl 0.2, O.a, 3.0 increase or decrease the output of virtually any chemical feed Red Flashingj LED's <0.2 and >3A device in proportion to the need for chemicals. Unlike simple Cl/er(Model 71�) on/off controllers, Strantrol controllers sense how far the pool Green LED's� 0.6 to a.0 water is from the ideai setting, and they cause chemical feed Yellow �ED's j s.o Red Flashing LED's <0.6 and >6.0 devices to run just the right amount of time to bring pool water I conditions into perfect balance. Sensing and actuation is a Accuracy of Contrpl continuing series of short steps that ensures precise control pH I ±0.1 pH per year without overfeeding chemicals. ORP I ±0.01 v per year Since the Strantrol System One will control virtually any Free available res'dual setpoint ±i0a/, chemical feed pump, the system may also be used for pool Overfeed Protectioln water chemistry control of larger pools such as found in parks, pH feed a�ert disalbles acid or base feed universities, high SChools, and YMCA's, etC. ORP feed alert di$ables chlorine or bromine Goof-Proof Control Elecirical Circuitry�I Strantrol System One controllers incorporate set-point Chlorine or eromihe feed (max) 4 amp restrictions for pH and chlorine/bromine control that keep pH feed (max) 4 amp inexperienced operators from dialing a bad setting. Line outputs I 1t5 vAC, so Hz, or 2a0 vAC 50 Hz, The operator can "fine-tune" but cannot go beyond I (std. 3-wire grounded) :. pre-determined ranges. Power Requiremerjt Iess than 1 amp ; Other Features Size, Weight, Corrdsion Proteciion Size (h x w x d) ! 19-1/2"x 12-1/2"x 6-1/2" • Flashing red LED's indicate when chemicals are depleted, I (5o cm x 32 cm x �7 cm) warn of pump malfunctions and other problems. Net Weight I 15 Ibs. (7 kg) • Four-amp output will control most small chemical feed Enclosure corrosion free acryiic pumps so there's no need to replace existing equipment. • Corrosion-proof acrylic enclosure with key-Iockable clear acrylic face panel safely houses the entire system, permits visual verification that the system is operating, and gives a clear view of the pool water's "vital signs': � • Solid-state electronics for durability and reliability Guarantesd Performance— i World Renowned Reliability and Durability Stranco, the world's leading maker of automated pool water controllers, is known for the quality of its products and service. Strantrol System One controllers are unconditionally guaranteed for performance, and carry a two-year warranry on materials and workmanship. Systems start-up and training are provided I by Stranco's world-wide service organization. I —- _-- t -- . . . _.-�. I `�, Commercial Road Eastbourne Represented by: I �.,- East Sussex BN21 3XE England � Te1. 0323-646163 VALLEY VIEW �ASSOC. Wa t e C Q U a I I t�/C O�t�O I FAX 0323-6a6035 I . ,; _�_. -�,, _-�. P. O. Box 3i9414 • =--- = - : ao. eaX ,2m Edina, MN 55 39-0414 Route 50 North, P.O. 8ox 389 Crow's Nest, New South Wales 2065 Bradley, IL 60915 Sydney,Australia (612) 935- j080 Tnl CtC/o�17_a1CA Tnl /!17\077_ROno _ q1-15�c� l��rNi �Niao�H� ` i 1��f NI lOalNO� Hd II` �Q v �� O Q� I C?J `� �� II��0� OQ,Q' O� Z �CQ � � � J U � ui ! / j Q z I� W � N o � �� Qz z � � � a o� o W V `n F- J w I w a �- Q � J � Q a � � � ? OQ p� ! v� a Z � � � li � W W Q w � i w w � z o i a � u~i 0° ¢ � Q � W 3 � w ' ai m � � p � ! � Z ¢ � I � � W W Z � I � � Q � � � � Z � W W � F.�.. W � I � 2 w v� F.. � i v�i v�i V Z � w I -� w U I a a U = � � � 0 I w � � i -� � � � ? � Z O U I Z � cy c�i u~i U a � I li�s�'� W � Zo Q � i U � I l��('NI lOa1N0� Hd ,�O � J I Z � l��f NI �NIaO�H� � � Z I w I � � I . Q � � w IJ � � a Z IIQ a Iv� a O IN � O�v Q _ �� �� Z ui I W Ct � " I-- '. O U N J � � I W -� Z Q 0 o i aF ti � a I aZ Q Q UW a � F. o° � o ~ � a Q � I Z3 � i �w W W I w °C � a � � I W J Z Q N m 0 Z � II � � � � p 2 Q Q V � O � I F- w � � � W Z � O ! � � 2 — � W I W W U J w V I a a U � � � O I vi � � � z m � �- I W Q Q ? Q Z O U Z � c�i ri u~i U a � ! . I � 9���� HfALTH C� ��� ���� �'I�V�S PO�� ���'; �'.� �-� �=������_���"���� �� ��� � �� I�IP���� ��_;;. � �,� ,�_��� � :� � � ��.��� _ _ : :_� ��....�._�._....� � VALLEY VIE�A/ ASS�C�.�°:.3 P. O. Box 39a�a By: Peter Demas, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439-0�11 Chief Engine' r, East Bank Club, Chicago. (612) 935-7080 FAX (612) 935-95�1 The East Bank Club, alon;with other _;�� °" �'°' ��" " ,,�,� �^ . ,� tr, • �-� :Y �:, -��� "' .'�- �����. -� - ri< ,_ health clubs, attracts people who are � ,� f� � :,..,��``°'• �E =:��. �-- � � � O li ir � �����.�'' ::�::3.��. �� t � ". .�...�. _`� ��� : ♦ •.:X'� acti�ely invol�ed in improvinb t..e.: �' � ,�p , - . ;.,�..�c�:. < f ,.:' . _,��-- �.� physical well-being.Because our water .. �'_ � - -�*'` ' � -'� —,* "�-�a''-: 'r- activities play such a vital role in the - � ; fitness program, it is important that � - ��� � our swimming and whirlpools provide _ - � ,�'; � � . escellent water quality to complement . _ r` • • • • . . � � the Club's total health picture.Several _ �:` � � , 4 vears ago,using Strantrolo controllec•s �: �� �b � we automated the chemical feed svs- - � �. :�+. -: ,,..,,.,,_� tems in our pools, enabling us to more ` � accurately monitor the water chemi5- '�� =� � tr�;thereby assuring us of the cleanest. �=' �Y -,� � ':�._, . healthiest environment for our bathers. �,:," za��.` �� We have about 2,300 people utilize �•.:'�,� -.;� , � our facilities daily and this means that �N�.�� - ` each of our five pools (two s�vimmina _ ' pools and three whirlpools) is rather �� _ ,� heavil used.Before we automated the t - Y _� chemical testing and feeding process `� on our five pools,we did the job man- ually. A lifeguard or Building Enginee►• � would use a test-ldt to gauae the chlo- �� rine residual and pH and then turn on the pumps to feed additional chlorine � ' "'"�~ � or muriatic acid to rectify any chemical � ;�;�: imbalance. � �� As time went on we realized that the manual process was very unreliable. � Human error resulted in different chect�- ' ical readinos depending on who was doing the job.For esample,one person would read a test-kit one way, anci another person would read the same result a different way.These discrepan- . cies resulted in different chemical ael- peter De,mas found that Strantrol pool contro lers. which are com- Il-15a� � � �neii:� ... �. '— ; -- •�ur�,— ; � t� _ _ -- ,. - - � _ ��f:. _.. ;:, t... -- �_. . ' r - � _y.-�,--°�'�'s=- .e' ��� � �- , �, - — _.�� " < Kn^:...�-� ' s[r� ��•'.� _ _ -M . -`- . . • _ - -. � - ' - ".. .__.-�r,_�;._ . . . . .. -:..-+.� ` - - --'� . .. -� . . . .. _ _ —=..:w'P+. 'Y°z ti- . _�V :" ". ..ti"r`.. i��'. �- � _`�y� -�``�.Q:+st'��G� ..'�,.7d' " � �'� =:f: '-`.-a`� T�r /i�1=�'' _ . �:R•y - _ �,��s, �� � -� The three whirlpoo/s and two swimming pools af the East Bank Club are a/l automated with Stranir 1 pool controllers. The Strantrol unifs ended ihe wide chemica/f/u tuations and gave the c/ub healfhful, . sanifized water. . while another person would add a cup erratic manual testing and feeding, he fact that we don't have to take and a half at that same level. there was always the question of how ch mical readings five times a day is an The inconsistencyof our manual pro- effectively our chlorine was fiahtin� ob 'ous labor savings, and there is no ' cess gave rise to an inconsistency in the bacteria in the water. longer the possibility of two people`;=,, our chemical levels. We had pH that Due to the inconsistency and unre- get ing different test-lat results because`'�'.; ranged from 6.8 to over 8.0, and our liabilityofthe manual method,we lrnew th human element is no longer in- ` chlorine levels were just as erratic. that we could not get the good water vol ed. (The units' sensors and feed . These problems with the manual quality that was important both for mechanism operate automaticallywith ' method are not unique to us,but rather the protection of our members and the onl the occasional need for manual symptomatic of any hand-fed opera- protection of our pool equipment. In cal'bration.) tion. With a hand-fed operation you 1982 we decided we needed to auto- v taking much of the worry about cannot meter chemical levels from mo- mate our svstem, and after talkino to waCer quality offof my hands,the auto- ment to moment or hour to hour, so people in the health club field and ma ic units have allowed me to direct you're going to have a wide range of pricing some of the controllers,we de- my mana�erial energies elsewhere. I readings and possible health problems. cided on purchasina five Strantrol units, no have more time to concentrate on The chemical variations had a nea- manufactured bv Stranco of Bradley, problems requiring the"human touch° ative impact on our water quality.We Illinois. T e improved water qualityhas leng- esperienced the chemical inconsistency The automatic pool controllers have the ed the time between filter clean- most acutely in our whirlpools where areatly benefited our operation. We inQ ,and the metal objects in our pool: heavy usage combined with a small now have a much more consistent ladders, drains, and other similar ob- pool size (1,500-2,500 gallons) created chemical balance in ourwater,and this ject' have not experienced the corro- an even worse environment for chem- hasgreativunprovedourwaterquality. sion and erosion that were so much a ical fluctuations.Often,a high pH would �Ve no lonaer have the problem of pa- pa of our manual testing days.When render the chlorine ineffective.Then trons getting eye irritations; we have we were manually testing, the pool chloramines would form that have a not had a sin'le complaint of eye-sting wat r was often either too acidic or too characteristic strong chlorine odor and since we installed the Strantrol units. bas .With the Strantrol units'compu- cause eye irritations.We averaged four The clarity of the water has also ter' ed feed system,our water is con- complaints of eye-sting a dav and this improved because we don't have the stantly balanced at a near neutralleveL concerned us. inconsistent levels that allowed the 0 course, the approximate 8,000 In addition, there was always the water to get dirty.The Strantrol units me bers of our club have beneFited possibility of other problems develop- are very consistent giving the desired the ost from our decision to automate. ing.The whirlpool industry is relatively chemical readings at all times.There Peo�hle come here to improve their new in the United States,and we have are virtually no chemical variations. heallth and our water facilities�rovide � �/���a -.P ,-�..�...�. -....�. ��Fi�� 7�,�-`� 4a -�/ T M.o.��. �' ,,,� t t���,������+ '�t' s , .�?'��AS .00fATES �''�-'`' ;�'� � # `;�,.��'; t,`��._� _.,,,, „�, _ ` �, ` �.�,� � ��P��'�Boz�394t�>f �=� ' �-� �'��5 . � �`, ,,`�.'��. ,y, ' � �fe.�. �.t .�14r�.. .��.. y t /�;--��v,IINNE50TA,55439-04 � �` � �Q35-7080 `. fAX (6l�;935-4' y - . : . :�. � � . �. . : --s:-��r`° - . . _ _ - ..�:�T-. :���. � _ , " ..�- �. . �M ' - ., -.�... : r i 5�"..�:w.�r :,t. ���1`ti ��`��J�y Wfi . �.�, .� — ' .' � . �''`�'� ...���.� � ��n . _ _� Yf _ �``�' .�� • %`v`�`�G' � t. - � . �� _ ' . ( n -..�'Y� . :�� ' +:..�+„. ��� - � . , L�•✓� �••�ir . . � „{�_ �-T ��t , - ,.� '�. ♦: � _ . . _ .. , '.. . ... ;• . _. . - �. ^`�.. ..�il� . . . � _ . . . . G..�,�.. _ �'. i� i•'." - �s . . `.Tjh . . . " -. . • -:t _ - t ���� '�.�� ' . . . . 0`i y ' i�,' Kl.i. :yc�. :+K+ .�r•� .. . . .. . �." i�Q.� tw��-�+�.. , --. - .� . �'. . .a�. . , �. -; .e.�?'� � , ' � r ,J, :;,- ���\+.• '" ' t `,,7�`�'�r'` . -' .� . _- �•'�� i y`�.:� J� �� � ' , _ _,.,��� , ;. . :- Perfect Water And Exciting tertainment:�� Boost Attendance At Advent re Island : By: Mick Museila General Services Manager, Adventure Island//Busch Gardens - � �� , y :� '�2 ' '—_°i,.�.:.a, ' At Adventure island here in Tampa,Florida,our motto is:"Put i� �� ;;���-: on your bathing suit,grab your towel and spend a day in the �g�`' ' �•v_. : hot sun and water." Water is our basic commodity. If it's not - -` ��``' clean and clear,and if iYs not something that excites people, then it doesn't matter how nice our waterpark looks or how ,� well it's landscaped. If the park doesn't offer that one basic y:� element—that clean, ciear water—then the entertainment � package is less attractive. g •- -. � Patrons make judgements about the quality of a water- � _ '_ .; park based, in part,on the qual�ty of the water. If the water � ,��. looks murky,or smelis bad,then customers often don't come � . � back. Like most businesses, waterparks rely on repeat �=�: -�" .`,�i:= y�i customers. -•� = � s ��-_�� _. �_ , ,,f To avoid problem-water it is important to disinfect and -- _'� -�- chlorinate properly.We sanitize the water usinq a Strantrolo � � -������.-� automated chemical control system manufactured by Stranco � ( of Bradlev Illinois. In our pools we use chlorine as the In each 000l at the Adventure Island waterpark Micfc Museila - _ � /� �Sota �., . . ,� _ . _ ;;i�'"� � � .-.�_-�• I l .� :��w�� � :t�. . - ��°"��; ` � � i �,.�; x.� _�, :� i �-�` � �f��,.� � ::_ ,�. -`'°' I I �� ' .. '4 . ` '�+t*S . �.�. .. ... T ��-..t .�i�Aa.,� j:n . ��. . 3��. ` :�:,� ,�F r �X.�:• r � J� � F,• •�..°' f �.�� - _ i� ` 1. -- . r �, ��,. . f � r� . t . . �' -�_ - _ � �'"' �`7 �._�;7 _ :.t:-' . ` .L .i.:._ a t ..p y� ��. •�y {: .: � : .i . n �.. r• .i` n?„ ,r• a �-.��` .. -�.� � _ , �� ti� ���� h . � . : J ._.. g�x.:l � � �_ _' _ --�^Ti � tc�� s �,`CY�'a'1ri . m+� k� <..._,-.`� ,-'"���" - ... <.. _..__.._ .._e.w......_.. ...:�' _ r:-7- �''�z.�-- z �.�-�-e.: '�r > '..'"`� Every new water attraction at Adventure Island uses a Strantrol au�omated chemical control system because water quality is what keeps the custom rs coming back. disinfecting and sanitizing agent.In the The Strantrol system has a com- I The Strantrol system was the choice pool water, chlorine oxidizes con- puter-derived parts-per-miilion read- pf the waterpark, architectural, and taminants such as dust, algae, hair, out for chlorine that enables us to n ineerin ex erts that handied the bacteria, and whatever else gets into constantly follow any changes in the lanning and constructionofAdventure the water. Chlorine is an oxidant that oxidation-reduction potential and an- sland during the late 1970's.Afteryears burns up contaminants in pool water other readout that accurately displays �Of dependabie performance we remain much like the oxygen in a bonfire burns the pH of the water.The Strantrol units �pleased with the choice. up leaves and twigs. After proper are connected to chemical feed pumps We've been open since 1980, and chiorination and fiitration,the result is to ensure an accurate flow of chemicals leach season has been more success- crystal clear water that looks good, 24-hours a day. �ul than the last. In 1983 we added a smelis good, and doesn't irritate the I can't put a dollarfigure on the labor water speed slide, in 1984 an inner skin or eyes. In short, it's water that's savings resulting from using pool auto- Itube slide, and in 1985 we built a 72- just plain fun to be in. mation, but the system certainly gives Ifoot double water sled ride.These new At Adventure Island, if we fed our us greaterflexibilitywith our personnel. jrides and special group nights build chlorine and other chemicals by hand, The system requires no manual super- linterest and attendance,and that plus it would be a mammoth undertaking. vision, except for a periodic check of our excellent water quality has Due to the constantly changing bather calibration —a procedure that takes lencouraged repeat business. People loads, we would have to check the only a few minutes.Other than that,all Ilike clean, clear water. That's what chemicallevelsineachofoursixpools we do is check the chemical tanks ibrings them back! We've never every half hour to guarantee that our once a day to make sure that there is forgotten our recipe for success: "pro- levels were conforming to the health an adequate supply. Once we set the Ivide exciting entertainment and fill our codes.The testing and dosing process controls on the automated system,we I attractions to the brim with perfect would be a full-time job. In addition, forget about pool water chemistry and i water." manual feeding is usually inefficient. concentrate on other aspects of pool Therearejusttoomanyvariablessuch maintenance. We let the Strantrol I as crowd size, and weather, and too system "supervise" our pool water. many opportunities for human error. The automated system saves us I To ensure that we have the ro er mone because there is no over or amount of chlorine and just the right underfeedinq of chemicals and hence I pH in our pool water at all times, we no chemical waste. With manual use the Strantrol automated chemical dosing there is often over or under- feed system. hemical feed auto- feeding because one has to anticipate mation provides the modern technology chemical requirements based on a j necessary for maintaining perfect pool guess of the bather load and other water no matter what the soil load pool conditions. The Strantrol system conditions. The trantrol system uses has sensors that precisely monitor the I ' electronicsensorstocontinuouslymon- chemical content of the water and �ior the water and to control the exact then accurately control the amount of amount of chemicals disoensed into chemicals disoensed into the 000ls t� � � ����i�� EXHIBIT B EXCERPTS FROM STRANCO POOLFAX NEWSLETTER � ��"�5�� '��� 0 �esh � be at a 000. the �ace I the 'ical per• lids ?vel aII im. ea rily or �ge ire- ior- �nd ;n t. +m- �e- 3 �re �t��y. >,�:' ?e- Q0� . � �' �a� �x 5 � I � nt . tg ��,; p t ���0 �; t� o �� I fs - s � .� �� o I `� Qa �} to k` �`�` ;�': 5 ��p I � . E . r. 0� ' ��` '�"�� �e Q Y � �o selected �e � �\�� ,�. . yQO� Major �;Articles �� 0 �t0� I a �r �0�y� and Featu�e� from ;t P Previous I sues of s S e The Poolfax Nelwsletter � r� VALLEY VIEW ASSOCIATES '' a n a�. asnis I ��'� y�� Total alkalinity and eyeburn !� Remember the quesfion "Which in virtually all pools that have low �an lead to scale damage much came lirst, the chicken oi the egg?" total alkalinity but no eyeburn. f�aster than calcium hardness levels Whether low total alkalinrty causes gf 300 ppm to 5Q0 ppm and above. eyeburn is a similar proposition. TEPAS: Water of pH 7.4 and total e�ther approach helps prevent corros- In past issues you have read that alkalinity of 50 ppm requires a cal• slion, but you are less likely to over- at total alka/inity /eve/s be/ow 50 cium hardness of 500 ppm to be theo- slhoot and create a scale problem by ppm, bathers will complain abouf retically in balance on the Saturation c�arrying a higher level of caicium eyeburn. There are many cases in Index(25,000 divided by 50 equals 500 h;ardness than by carrying a higher which eyebum complaints were elimi• . ed.� p�N level. nated alter raising tota/ a/ka/inity lrom below 50 ppm to above 80 ppm. POOLFAX: If we consider a pool with P�OLFAX:A word of caution is appro- Yet fhere are pools mainrained at!ow a pH of 7.a, total alkalinity of 50 ppm p iate here. Total alkalinity is impor- to'a/ a/ka/inify /eve/s where eyebum and calcium hardness of 200 ppm, we t�nt not only as it affects the Satur comp/aints are not a prob/em. might comment that total alkalinity ation Index, but also as it affects the Like many genera/izaiions about Was too low. We would be ccrrect. r isistance of water to pH change.We pub/ic pools, eyeburn as a result ot Would we not? c�uld satisfy the Index with a total low fota/ alkalinity is not universal. TEPAS: Yes, but it is also correct to allkalinity of 10 ppm to 2500 ppm of Why eyebum in some pools and noi in say that if catcium hardness were c�lcium hardness, but pH would flua ofhers? raised to 500 ppm, the pool would be t ate widely and be more difficult to We asked fhis question of contrib- balanced. c ntrol. uiing edifor Kenf Williams in Ca/i• ILLIAMS: Pool managers should try fomia and of J. J. Tepas, Consulting W�LLIAMS: The operator of such a tol hold at least SO ppm total alkalinity Screntist, Olin Corpoiation's Pool Pool would have several choices. He tol counter this effect. But if doing so could raise the total alkalinity to 125 m ans the have to add bicarb eve Chemical Division. ppm, he could raise the calcium hard- � y ry d�y or two, they may find it less ness to 500 ppm, or he could raise ha�ssle to let total alkalinit both the total alkalinity and the cal• I y {slide WILLIAMS: 5 ppm to 10 ppm total cium hardness to any combination in below 80 ppm and establish a calcium alkalinit makeup water is common in ha�rdness level hiQh enough to,�ss3i`sfy Y which one multiplied by the other th Saturatfon Index. '-� � many parts of California. Even with "vould equal 25,000. � �„, � . frequent bicarb dosing (and in some cases bicarb used in place of soda POOLFAX: Most of the Ilterature on p�OLFAX: It seems, then, tha tal ash on gas chlorinated pools) many Public pool management would indi- al alinity below 50 ppm is a C ' , ;.Qf pools operate at a total alkalinity cate that total alkalinity should be ey�ebum complaints insofar � _ '�' level of 30 ppm to a0 increased from 50 ppm. to�al alkalinit water is fre't�: ppm. In those Y q ; Y pools eyeburn is not a problem so cqrrosive water and corrosive_-'; er long as operators bum out chlora• can be an irritant to bathers.Afre�`? mines and maintain H at 7.4 to 7.6. TEPAS: Raising calcium hardness ��.� p W�LUAMS: Yes, the Saturation I�i ex would be better in the long run. An TEPAS: There are numerous pools overshoot of calcium hardness does de�scribes the appetite of water or across North America with Ilttle or no not create as serious a problem as an ce�tain minerals and ions. Corrq� e chloramine residual, a pH of 7.4 to 7.6 overshoot of total alkalinity. W�ter is agg�essive water. It wilt,� t- and no eyeburn problems even with isfy its appetite by any means'av� iI= total alkalinity as low as 35 ppm. To W�LUAMS: Raising calcium hardness ab�e. If you don't feed it what it wa; � understand why eyebum is a problem '^�OUId be the better approach for the byldosing bicarb or calcium chlor`y e, pools with which I am most familiar. � '`'� in some pools of low total alkalinity it �vill satisfy itself any way it can' It and not in others, we may find that In many pools, keeping total alkalin• Will attack steel, plaster, and even aggressive water rather than low total �ty residuals above 80 ppm requires Qy balls. alkalinity is the real culprit. Remem- �ery frequent bicarb addition which is ber that at a pH of 7.4 to 7.6, the total both bothersome and expensive. The TE AS: I would agree also, but tow alkatinit times calcium hardness continual de-escalation of total alka- tot I alkalinity water does not have to Y linity can be a daily headache. be�COrrosive. By raising calcium hard- should equal 25,000 to insure mini• ne�s to satisfy the Saturation Index mum possibility of scale and corro• TEPAS: I endorse the statement in the yo can minimize Coth scale and cor- sion damage. January POOLFAX that far more ros�ve damage. These same steps POOLFAX: Few operators hold low Pools suffer corrosion damage than ma� minimize eyeburn if chlorine scale damage and that pH is the total alkalinity and high calcium hard- res�dual is properly managed, too. ness by choice. Individual pool and 9reatest single factor in determining i makeup water characteristics have scale or corrosion tendencies. How• So, does!ow toial a/kalinity cause carried these pools in that direction. ever, holding pH levels ot 7.5 to 8.0 as eye�bu�n? The answer is yes, unless some experts prescribe today is less cal�ium hardness is increased to sat- WILLIAMS: Heavy calcium chloride of a solution than carrying higher islyl the Saturation Index•even though . . . • - ----- -• �- -�- -• --�- - ---�---- .�_ _ .. . -- -- -•-�-- - ---, ._ ...�... � _ • . I EXHIBIT #5 (SS 1-41) Steven Schiller I City of Saint Paul ;�.;�� In re the Licenses of the I Medalist Sports Club April 23 , 1991 I � I 'i�:; �� �tr ���.�-�-_:�. >� :, I ' Ay`v' I C� of St��P�,il v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba � /-15�� - .��'��� Spo�S ��� A�. � �� POOL INSPECT�ON REPORT Date: 4 23/91' City's F�hibit 4� �- ;� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT�i Da•te CT 555 Cedar Street ' �;�� � 9 / � 3� 292-7717 � Month . Da Ye�r Establishment PHONE Ti e � � � �� �S arrival departure Addr2ss Next Ins ectio I BAD p GE � CALL TYPE / �-/J Due on or Afte I 1-Routine 2-Reinspection IEst # 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �j Wh ' o0 1 h I`S��O M A N ��i �� ; � � REQUIRED SAFE Y EQUIP. NOT PRO IDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT ESIDU�L BELOW 0,.5'� PPM � CLA.RITY IN UN�ATISFACTORY OTHER (see t�elow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRyCTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES ��`�1 � Maintalin between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^r�e Chlorine Maintalin betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppn Cor.ibined Chlorine Maintalin betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppa Tota1 Alkalinity Maintalin between �0 - 150 ppA �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - I00 ppII Bromine I SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI FACTORY UNSAT3BFACTORY Clarity � Chlorine Gas Ropm [] ;,,� `�I�W Sign Provided, �������-� Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask I ���� .��-4�?�`-� Deck Area �oom Designed & I Rules Posted V�nted I ������� I E�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEDT'� � � Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � ' Chemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, I rX� Fsncing & Self Shepher3s Crookl , . a Closing/Latchinq Pool Loq I (� (��` Gate Samples submitt$d s� � (Outdoor onl ) t Y 8 by operator wee}�,ly [] [] � �.�. OFr ICIAL SAMPLc^, TAREN YES NO � I ,�pX � � L � _ _ _ / ,�/�Tl/� r� ����� • ` � �''� _- _ - l����Q� City o St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba � ' POOL INSPECTION REPORT — 7`'�dal' t S rts Club � A�. .Law geari�g ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE. Date: /23�1 , City s E�ibit 4� CT 555 Cedar Street � (, - .30�-- 292-7717 Month Day Ye,aL' �stabli;hment PEiONE Time 3 :00 arrival departure ?�ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE # CALL TYPE 3 Due on ar Af te �` 1-Routine /S/S ,/��,►.,�1.-,f , 7-" 2-Reinspection �-- ��„ f Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Whi*1�oo1 h S O M LAI ' REQUIRED SAF� Y EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL ¢OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT �RESZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM _.� �.2.�-�u � _� ��+%�d�LARITY I�1 UNSATISFACTORY 2�C ------�;� �l+ �. OTHER (see elow) * ALL TEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� �, S� Maint in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 c^r�e Chlorine 3,� Maint in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 op; �or.ibined Chlorine �, � Maint in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp; Tota1 �.lkalinity ��� Maint in between 50 - 150 pp; �yanuric Acid _ Maint�in between 30 - 100 pp� 3romine SATISFACTORY� LINSATISFACTORY SAT SFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR' Clarity Chlorine Gas R om � [] °loW Sign Provided, Ski:nmer Wei ls Gas Mask �^�� �ec!c �rea �oom Designed � :tules Posted Vented ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME � ?ool Bottom Clean Rinq Buoy � C`�emical ceeder Rope Throwline ?encing & Self Shepher3s Crool� Closing/Latching Pool Loq � � '° Gate Saaroles submit ed (Outdoor only) 8 8 b o erator we kl ❑ � `; OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NOx • �J � �i� ��� � ��c!�A��-s���-C!/ i!��it�l.¢�� (oZ-- ) ��/JJ/�/ �i1t�f/ _��Z��Y/ /'.l�f'�,(�^�.�/il' �i��C/��-!/'-CL�C l-/� i�/1� -��rt/ GL��I.II� ` /.J J .iLiLl/ i%i,t�,{�S'��f_/ �/•!/��f./I�f��f/f� /'�f�/,��!e'l.i�f�' 1 ,/r/_�7 � /�Vil i/�%-- /Lli.2../.�l��/�.��5'i�A�//J ��/�i�� �� ��J � /r�S/J �'—l./.�l��.�/J City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba . ' � / �� — rIe dalis Sport s Club Adm. I,a�,, Hearing POOL INSPECT�ON✓ EPORT Date: 4�23/91 City's Exhibit �� - . � _ - ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq Date CT S55 Cedar Street at 6 9 f Z. 292-7717 Month Day Year ?stablishment PEiONE Time ' 3 : n0 � arrival departure �ddrzss Ne:ct Znsp�ctio BADGE # CALL TYPE /s,/s Due on or Afte �3 1-Routine 3 2-Reinspection 2- /� Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year S/O � Wh' rlDO 1 h M AIv REQUIRED SAF�7'Y EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED i� POOL CLOSED D(TE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT F;ESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM 0� ���,�.,.�� ��� ���,�,� CLARiTY iN O�.�ATISFACTORY OTHER (see ti,elow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRSCTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ?� 7. S Main ��in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 �ree Chlorine o. .� Main��iin betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pp �or.ibined Chlorine , Main ain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp Tota1 �lkalinity ,sn Main a�in between 50 - 150 po �yanuric Acid Main z�in between 30 - 100 pp 3romine • SATISFACTORY UNSP,TTSFACTORY SA 7:SFAC'rORY UNSATZSFACTOR Clarity Chlorine Gas oom � � , `loW Sign Provided, Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask G��� ��`"i �ec!c ?lrea Room Designed & �ules Posted V�nted �a�'�' � :�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIP�NT ?001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & X C`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowlin , X ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Cro k � a Closing/Latchinq • Pool Loq ' Gate Samnles submitlted (Outdoor only) 8 bY oPerator we,ekly (� � . '' OFrICIAL SAMPL� TAREN YES NO � /��.c/�.�i 1/ AI�.�r�/� . ,I 1 � . lj,.C� �� i'Y�r.v� / , � ��. ���u�2� ��/� ,��� �J �.��Y�_./�r2/ J ,C�t'� i . ��,ti,� ��� ��,/���� _ � � i � , _=./ r�"��,��� �� �I,��U.iY/ �G�-f�/L� , _/���,–/.�.��� ��o»G�/J �s�/ �i�✓l,s,� _O/ i � ,� i o a v. e ics a , �/--/�67�� —MedalistlSports Club A�n La�a g�.• POOL INSPECTIO RE ORT Date: 4/73/91 Cit�'s E�-►ibit �� � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Date .- CT 555 Cedar Street / c� � ,342- 292-7717 Month D—�- y- ear �stabli3hment PHONE Time .3 :/ S- / ,. arrival de arture �ddress Next Inspectio IBADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte j 1-Routine � S� �.� 2-Reinspection IEst # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year I Wh ' * 0 1 h I .s�o � M A v REQ[1IRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT �tESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UN$ATISFACTORY - OTHER (see t�elow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSA2ISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED I SATISFAC'rORY UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintalin between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine �/ S Maint in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 o n �or.ibined Chlorine � ! Maint�in between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppa Tota1 Alkalinity Mainta�in bet•�een �0 - 150 ppB �yanuric Acid Maintalin between 30 - 100 ppn 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI,SFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Robm � Q :low Sign Provided, I Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask � ���� �eck �rea �oom Designed &� Rules Posted Vented ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPME�N ❑ ❑ ?001 Sottom Clean Ring Buoy & I � C`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, � � ?�ncinq & Sel� Shepher3s Crook� Closing/Latching - Pool Loq i (� � Gate Samnles submitt�d (Outdoor only) 8 by operator wee�kly ❑ Q OFrICIAL SAMPLc^ TAKEN YES NO x I _ �� ,�. ,P�� / �J / - � - �/ .L- �ia-� �.`� . � ��z,�c� -�LXII �--Piki�✓ ,1'.,�.���� ��f.d�d��I'�2/..�ii� /'�1v�6l.L// ' .� i1 A/�Y _�t'G�e�t-!J . 1 � a �• e ics c. �' �l�/��� '-Me dalis t Sport s Club � Adm. Law gearing — POOL IIVSPECT 6lV EP RT Date: 4/23/yl ii City s E�ibit �� -- s ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTti D�tg ` �T 555 Cedar Street � / �_ 9l ; 292-77I7 Mvnth Da Year ? �stabli3hment PHONE T me ' � �� .3 :/.� : .-i !arrival deoarture addrAss NeYt Inspectio BpDGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Afte , 1-Routine �- � S .� 2-Reinspection Es�t $ 3-Other ?�OL TYPE: Zndoor Outdoor Month day year � �y Wh ' 1D � Of3 M AI REQUIRED SAFETY �iEQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RES�DUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSAT�SFACTORY OTHER (see bel�wl ' ALL ITE��IS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY A CEPTABLE RANGES ?� Maintain ��between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine ^� ,�_ Maintain ��betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 gpm �or.►bined Chlorine � /, p Maintain ',betwee� 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm rotal ?�lkalinity Maintain ��bet�aeen �0 ,- 150 pom �yanuric Acid Maintain �between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFA�CTORY UNSATISFACTORY �larity Chlorine Gas Room �� [] [� 'laW Sign Provided, ', 3ki;nmer Wells Gas Mask L%G-/d`�'/',� -''t�c� �eck �rea �oom Desiqned & �ules Posted Vented �� �d���� � � � � �:nerqency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT ��� ❑ ?ool Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � ' _:�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, I'� ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook � :losing/Latching � Pool Log ��� ❑ :ate y 8 8 Sam�les submitted ,a ;Outdoor on1 ) by operator weekly ' ❑ �Fr ICIAL SP,�'�iPLE TAREN YES NO � ,I �� _ � _ /��,D�-C�iL� ��- � - h J i� � 3 .y�Y� .,,� ;;: t f�;s S� ', e�4,i�ti- ,t. - �'� +���:� yt � t � akti-' r �� �R rt ��'���.T �': � � N a� ���,- ,�r.�,�'r~ �i�.Y"k �' ��� � �� . y � ,�, �►T� OF,'MI[�[NES�OTA , ` 10E oE.qDMINISTRATiVE NEAFtINGS "� �� LOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE�UILDING � �i "_ ` FOURTH.AVENUE sOUTH�; . - t _ x w � t, IS,,MINNESOTA 554ts � _ � , ��'' — �� �+�?'"a»�=��3 -�;� ,� ` _� �.,ti ��� '��.�� �r �i: ��- �� �� ���f.�"f ��� ` �Y � ��F ��� Q„ 4 ' ..- .i : ".. , -�. a �,` , . , yi :, . ,.. ,.. .. .�: a . :� ,-., .-: . rs ,a �� � ' r t � ; � .. . .. ��`� . � �� i ��� � r �.i �1 � i � d _ , '�+� M1 - .ic ' - ` �" ' �" � ' ALBERT B OL: CITY CLERK �� � � ST PAUL CITS 386 CITY HAI '� ` r �� ST PAUL MN ;� ;j,, . . I�� . _ � ... . ��.: . . ..�.I . . � � .. � .:.,. . .... .. ., . . � _. i . . . '. :. . . { Il � . . � �� . � . � �q_ ..... . . :. �� .. . . � . � - - . � � . � . � : . �i-��� ��cFi �IU�'� �FQ �j�.y I Ig9,. ���� ABDO AND ABDO, P.A. ATTOR'�IEYS AT LAW 710 NORTHSTAR WEST 625 MARQUETTE AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS,MII�iNESOTA 55402 City Clerk 'ounty Courthouse '��' Kellogg Boulevard oor ., MN 55102 �NGER � .:s: _ =;:i � .� �1 I � : I ��o�a��.�.: � � �{s , �"- �-Q_�:� ;;,�u� .. li{ �} '� cil File '� .,�" ��� rt.� �r �. �ti,:�.� Sheet ,� RESOLUTION � r° -� „„r CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN�� -� �G�� �"� � �� ���� y�� ��k, .� � . /^/ Yr: V � a Presented By M� "; ��:*.a * • Referred To x . Co � e` ' �:. w � e�r` 3�1.�r�� ' e� L ' �°"� �,, RESOLVED, that all the licenses held by J/D Athletics, Inc'�"`�a , "`a' � "' Club for the premises at 1515 Brewster Street in Saint Paul are he�e ,. �'�`��� �� provided, however, that the revocation is suspended for a period of`o' � `� ;, following conditions: ' � '' ' ,�`, � # �� 1) the entire licensed establishment shall close on the Sund�y f� 1"' � ;��. � '��� publication of this Resol u tion, an d remain c losed until the l�cen�ee:~ � applied for and received a health/sport club license issued pursu ,' : �..' , chapter 427 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, subject to the requr �Y� in paragraphs two and three below; and �` �` 2) the licensee shall install approved automatic equipment for the con •� , ` �� � � s �� � and maintenance of pool chemistry that meets public health and sanit� � �`�`� ` -' �k; . - re quirements, wi t h a l l t h e n e cessary p hysica l equipment and facilities m � ���` �� licensed establishment to achieve that purpose before the licensed p � ��� establishment reopens; and the licensed establishment shall not reopen �: �# ` until such equipment and facilities have been inspected and a roved as `' �h ' � PP �; '" � �.. � b ' a : em ' g in ro er workin � •� P._. p. g order by health ins ectors• and ��:>�ic�`'�'�'""'.. . 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This Resolution and the action taken are also based upon all of the record consisting �f u� . �--�---- , .. . . - - ORIC I . . 'I � � , �� the ALJ. The action taken is also based on the f�. �1¢� � y arguments resented b and n u � 3 t�ces and ��'� ,=(�t P y o behalf of the licensee d� . �g before the G'� s Council on August 8, 1991; on written exceptions filed on�. s�:�� ,� �. , t ;�ensee o n August 1, 1991; and the arguments on behalf of the healt ��� � ���� �°-:'��,�;; e v�siQ ' �, �� , , �; .. A copy of this Resolution shall be mailed by first �lass� : � ���" ,�, tiv�e` Law Judge and to the licensee and his or its counsel. ���+� '��'��r� ���.,:� . :: �. �� � ��,n r �, ;� -. 7) The Licensee shall be required to post a n ,�lc.' by the License and Permit Division at the build $` in a conspicuous place that clearly advises me �r .� R ��• . guests as to the action taken b the � '� ' �:�.. with a list of the conditions established hereinl; � � � � � notice must be posted within 72 hours of the offr of this resolution and shall remain posted for the -' "•'' ' " f Y h ,� , ,,...:, }� =_ : of the effective period of all license conditions'� � K .� ' �,. t`r ti! ,, . � ' •r 'ull�� ����� �. z - ��� ��1 I � �= � � � � _ � » .��;'� , .r, xr�. t' ��� '. �� f y � zA, ,�. k�sr �c� . ��� ��x � ,:� � '`� �� � ,j, � ,�,, G � �'. „� � % ��e; ,��: ;� I ��t'; �' — ..�3 �f:- � - I — �ys �� � , Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon --� oswitz � , � ona � ' <�� Maccabee -� g_. � ettman —� �'; ,j '� nn e � ,�� .z son �- � By �� t � Form A roved b y y � r$ � £ Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 0 1991 PP y �it Attorne *��;�-��;, `y . . rr:�:�r � .,�� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary � , By: �,�� q �,: , By: c\�- � z; � _: ::,5 Approved by Mayorlfor Submission t ,A 0 Approved by Mayor: Date �UG 2 � 19�� Council `;rs By: By: � ��' f� ct*: o� ''�rz� �i� (,(`••�� t �� � _ �( O y a a 11 lIIU y 9 tr':, ' • ��� I I II + -� x x�r . +� AO „�� rv .. � � � � '�u lt .. � .... �r E��t1/�D �` F ��� � ��. � �+.�v» t ' �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; F':,�> u � � "`�� `�. e�'r ' � < �, .� INTERDEPARTI�NTAL MEMORANDUM 'k� � "K ��r: �� c;ty Attorney `�CITY�L x �``�� w. 647 City Hall `F �..r . Z9g-$ili � i�� ��+`r.; hT � i?� 7 r �, � c;. t� {.y".�,, DATE: August 16, 1991 I u���" ;����'� �� �� ,� r' ���"r ra��' ' "<.>� ' �. ; �r -:..�- � . � i ,i TO: All Councilmembers � ' ���, ������ � - 't,*�,` � � � "" , g�,�_, ,� �,;, FROM: John B. McCormick J`� z �, � ��,.;- RE: Medalist Sports Club Resolution � � ,}:, t � . �s� # �� I :���` � . :.,�� ;�` Attached is a co �r �.�,✓ py of the resolution concerning the �Medalist�' Sports Club, with the amendments requested by tl�e Council. Thosey� amendments are indicated in gray shaded language. �, ° � � �• ��51 S k The additions to the civil penalty in paragr ph three `�6 ` �t � attorney and paralegal time. Also included are t�e costs ;f; ;:� �e services of the Office of Administrative Hearing;s, and the� ��a�.f time attributable to the inspections of the premi�es by the I�e�alth Department. � � ;4 Please let me know if you desire any furt�her changes, o •�, �`�; additions, to this resolution. �, ���:' : <� � �.:; � r;,; `��� ``�� � I , I , I �., �i . ; , � � a:� , ,.. � �¢;,,. : �. I G��� . I - � .;, ,Council File ,� , �t �.�: � `� �'G�een Sheet � RESOWTION '�� ��;'� � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOE ` _ ` }".� � �: .� , .. ; 3 ��� # ��"Y v,y B Preaented By ;���^ � � ��': . � ,. , F , ,x � : y -., . �� - Referred To. Co ° ` ` mmittee� bate _ �,.,, �:�. , .� >: . :,;*�� :s RESOLVED, that all the licenses held by J/D Athletics� Inc db��Vledalist S�p���s' , �--, , �,� ,s Club for the premises at 1515 Brewster Street in Saint Paul are hereli evoi�ed ��;k} �3'� ' ret�"` t��'�r� ,��`xr: provided, however, that the revocation is suspended for a perio of one year�ip�n t��.�'�- following conditions �. � � � � '��� � ��. ,< �� `4 � � ;,������:� 1) the entire licensed establishment shall close on the Sunday following����� ��� publication of this Resolution, and remain closed until th licensee�- �' ��`` `� `�' � � ^�� ���� applied for and received a health/sport club license issue pursuant� - � chapter 427 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, subject to' the requir`ement,s� 2 ��s�� �� in paragraphs two and three below; and � ` =�'. ���� ��.; . , , , 2) the licensee shall install a roved automa i t c e ui men� PP q p t for the control and maintenance of pool chemistry that meets public health and sanitation"' .. . requirements, with all the necessary physical equipment a�d facilities m the:�`° � licensed establishment to achieve that purpose before the,licensed ����'''� �; � .�., _� establishment reopens; and the licensed establishment shall not reopen until such equipment and facilities have been inspected a d approved as .::::.......................::.. � bein in ro er workin order b health ins ectors• and ;.°.,':�:<:Ii��riSei�:���h�� �h�� <.; g P P g Y P , .::::::::: _ .��.: :>:<.:;:.>::x:>::::;<;::>:::>::;:::>;::.:::.>:::::;:::;;;:<:>::>::;;::>:;.:;>:.;;;:>:>::.�,:;:�:.::::::<.;::�::»:;�::.::.;.:::...:.:::..::...:::....::..:....:.. :.. ..:...................... r .......... .�.:.:._..i�.` :: i :' .. ....: . .. .. . . : :,:_ :...:..;::.,,..:..:..:.K...:.....:..:.:..�...;.:...�''`.c:�:.::.::.�.,.�_.zr•:.>'::.:t»x...::;:::t:;::z::::s::>»:::o-y.::i: ....'._ .. ����� a�nd ���x�.�e.s�.c����.���.���..;���1���� �t�e_�rc��sec� : sti�. ::»>.:::�:::>:::�>::,.:. .::::::.�:::::.:.::::.:..: .::::::::::::.:::.:::;:�..::::. :.:.� .:..:::::.::.:.:.::::::<::. ::�:............... .;� �, ........:....:;:.:....:o-:�:..:.....:•.:r:.:�.:o.�.�:::;;:`•:::::tiit:::::."_F:`:i;:iii:ii:::f':: :p:.r.:;;.:�.:>..;>:;;:..;>::.::::a>s:° . .„:,�s.,_.t .� � . _:,..^.;-��:: �$��tf.�tS�1:tIl���::>�4�:::�.. :Il�<:::�:>�I•::: �1 :::: . ::>:: .. .. �.:,:».. .. >. :>. :::; ;:::..: ..:.,;;;......: . . ; . , ;a,. � .........:;.;:.;:.;:.;:.:»;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;;�:::::::Q:.;:.:�.;;>;;;:.;:.::�:.;�:::�::�3�.;�iG�iYSf�£�.::�.::.::��.;;�1.. :;.:C�:..��Tl � � .:�:Il �,�� . , v� •3 ........�: � �U..,. .;4� ...................................::::::::::::::;;:.:: ....::.......... .:::::::::::::::::::...:..:::.........:::...::..... :.::... .. j , . ...................:.......................:::......::::::::::.�.�.::.;.::..:::::..:. :.;.; . � ... ........::::::: , :"f� a e 3) the licensee shall pay a civil penalty in the amount of 3,600.20, which is �� � �r ,� equal to the costs of the hearin gs before the administr a tiv l a w j u d g e, ����� ��:;� ' a?ii�::::�:tiC:��'.��:``:':�:;:tii���' to ether with the costs associate ::.�.� :;:::::::� S d wit the inspections of the licensed establishment; a� � 4) building permits shall be pulled for all work to be done on the licensed establishment in accordance with code requirementsf I ��'..'ii>...:.':::::::<:::..>�:::..a:>:.x::;:::i;.:i:2;>•.:>:.>::.::w::::::::.:>::::::cx�.::t:::::.:::..::..�:.::.::::::::.::�:........................... .��, ... ��. . . ........ .......... .. 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This Resolution and the action taken are also based unnn all nf thP rPr�r� rnncictina �f il II II before the AL.J. The action taken is also based on the facts,�circ�#instances and arguments presented by and on behalf of the licensee durin th', �earing before the City � Council on August 8, 1991; on written exceptions filed on;;b � � ;�the,,licensee on � August 1, 1991; and the arguments on behalf of the health d.�i e divisions;.:,. �, �; � �" �z,s� � ,�': A copy of this Resolution shall be mailed by first clas$ m � o�tfie`Administratide Law Judge and to the licensee and his or its counsel. '' �"' � _ ' � �,. , �;� � ;, � �, . � ,; : i � x 7 ^�,��� � � r4 m .;� � -L �,1� i � ; 4 �kt : L ��i� i. _ ..� �� � x j ' �:�� ?F.[-� F �,a'{N.�-�i� `' iY I '�:�T,k �� 4,� ��� �. � . �� -w;.i�- �a��"�y A f�� .. . . r. � �a*�r,�h . .�, . i x � n ����� sw . .. , t;g�'. s!.��� ��' .. ����� R: � _ ;� �°. , ,:'��, , � �� y , }��� � .�' ��. ;;> � €� ��� ���. � �� ���� .�Y a:ti .. � �y '�"��-�y I. f,r �`.::�. . -�....�..�`: I � �.M1 �� '�' I Yeas Navs Absent Re es y p imon qu ted b D� artment of: oswi z , onq�— �cca e�� e man :��' un e i son gy; Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b�y City Attorney • • Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: '� ��/��Q �, ! ! By� Approved by Maylbr for Submission to = Approved by Mayor: Date Council I I .� By: BY: II �R��i�IA L � � �-1 -�, , '�COuncil File # �� *� {t'j \ �, `�. � f �� ��een Sheet # RESOLUTION ��� 4 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO �� � R �. , p�i � " '�. ,�- -,-� �,���c � ,. Presented',By ' �''��� � .:: ,� " ' Referred To `�•. Co�mitte��>.D3te ,� � �� ��. � �Y' RESOL�ED, that all the licenses held by J/D Athletics; Inc. db�s�Viedahst Sports Club for the premises at 1515 Brewster Street in Saint Paul are hereb z re oke�i, �, � , ; provided, however, �hat the revocation is suspended for a period of one year u�on' the � , following conditions: �� '' ��r �. ` ,r�,� � '. .��� ����; _ i x �� �v., 1) the entire license.d establishment shall close on the Su day following the. � publication of this Re�olution, and remain closed until th�e licensee l� � ` ' � � ..� � .�6��M applied for and received a health/sport c lu b license issued pursuan��- � ��;�h� �. chapter 427 of the Samt P�aul Legislative Code, subject to the requirements '� �.L in paragraphs two and three below; and '�I �_` _ 2) the licensee shall install approved automatic equipment for the control and maintenance of pool chemi`stry that meets public health and sanitation requirements, with all the necessary physical equipment and facilities in the� �.. licensed establishment to achieve that purpose before the licensed 4;� � , ' establishment reopens; and the licens'ed establishment sh 11 not reopen ` - .. until such equipment and facilities hav�,been inspected a�d approved as bein in ro er workin order b health`ins ectors• and ;`:'�.Ii�n�e� �h�T� g P P g Y P � ::..;:::...::.�::::.�:::::::::::.�::::::.:::.:: .; :::.:.:. .. .....,.::.::.:.:.: ..:..... �� .................. ::::.;�.::x:.:<:;:::;:::.:>::>:::>�:;<;::>�:::<:>:;:.:.:<:.::,:.;:.:.:;:«;.:;::.;:.;>::;::;::.;;;>:.>:.;;>,.;:�::::::::::<.::::::::::::: ... ..... ::. ...................... ..:::::::::::..... ........ _ �Y�t���l�::::��C�:'>�E�!' .�' ' .::> :. ::... .. : ....:.;:...... ..,......:�:� .......:,.,..x::..:.�.,.>.::...,..,.:.::;;.z;.•.>,;•::.>:..;.:> �;1 ...: <:>::>::>::::;:::>::::>:::::»:<:»»>::::>::>::>:<::::::>:�<.>����..��.��. �����e�t �� .������� � -�� �ce�� u.s: ::::.::::;:�:.:..,.:: :::::::..: ,, . .. ......:................. .:..:::::.�:::<::::>:�::::>;<�.:::::....:>:::>::»:::�:::»>::>::>::::::>::»>::,:.:.:::::.:::::.:>::>::»».::.;:.:::<:>::::>::>::<>::::<;::>.::::>::»;:;:>:<::.:::............... . � ' �'': :.: : ..:.:i: �:.':::: .�.::�.i:: �::::.�.i:: ..:..:::.};..:..::::if:..:.......:...:�.i:.::.v:i:i..:.:.i:::::i::..4.:.::.:i:::.:.::.::.�f::.::..::i.:.::::..L.::i:i'i::i:v.i'.. . �" - �s#�:b�sb���t::<�:�:;�c�� .;�s:::��::>�h�l...b!� � �n �d:>; ..»:: . ::>:;;�1:.;>:..::>:::.. . ..:::.:.: : .;:. j :........:.::::;:.:::.;.:::. .........::.::::.;�;;;:::.>:;;:.::.;:.::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:�.;:.:.;:.:�:.;:::::.:�.:.::;Ch�.:�::: :;;�.:;::��n�.;:�?`���.;>and ,� , .K:. : ..........................................::.�::.�' � ,........ }........ , . .. ... `::::::::::::::::.�:::..::::::.:. .. ..::.:.:::::::::>:.:::::._::::::::;:. re4 �y,; f�+'s kx 3) the licensee shall pay a civil penalty in the a ount of 2,128.84, which is ,��� �x�R;: equal to the costs of the hearings before the ad�nistrati�e law judge, r� together with the costs associated with the inspections of �he licensed �`� ` establishment; and °�, ' ;; 4) building permits shall be pulled for all work to be d``on' on the licensed establishment in accordance with code requirements. '`'�,, ,` This Resolution and the action taken above are based up n the Report of the "��`' Administrative Law Judge dated July 12, 1991, whose findings and 'conclusions are adopted by the Council and incorporated by reference in this Resoliition. This Resolution and the action taken are also based upon all of the r cord consisting of testimony, exhibits and submissions at the hearings dated April 2�3 and June 14, 1991, �..: _ before the ALJ. The action taken is also based on the facts, circwmstances and �` ' arguments presented by and on behalf of the licensee during the hearing before the City �i`' Council on August 8, 1991; on written exceptions filed on behalf of the licensee on August 1, 1991; and the arguments on behalf of the health and license divisions. i RI�� �i � � j l,��f��.� � y r ��? r , ,- ��,�., ' �_ 7.. �, A copy of this Resolution shall be mailed by first class �� `�tthe Adriux�is,trative Law Judge and to the licensee and his or its counsel. f°�" � � 3x � � ,� w ����,',,, � � � ' �`"� �-1 , I� r, I � �. � : t ��„, ��i� � ��� �. , � ., ��� �* z .��ky . � ��� ��y ±���Y.e .4 �y�;�,F �r . . a�'�'�q� fvx-. " . b 8 � . �� '��..� .r . Sµ� k`'f_f ) 4 �, II �jh +r#�:. �i �! . � ��.� it'..?}�y,..f 4, � � �, . . ' .�',.�-� . . :f. I +A � f'� 7 �9Y I r s���� -?' )' .:rr: Yeas Navs Absent Requested by D�partment of: zmon oswz z onv Macca e� ettman un e - i son gy. ; � � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: . • �, ������ By� Approved by Ma�or for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By: . , :1 -- . �. I �:���:ls 7 '� ���������� � , .�. '° Council File ,� ,• ��fi� �-�< 5� . . .... �Fq 1 � .rt'-.. � Gr�en Sheet � RESOLUTION ,: � ��-� CITY OF SAINT PA L, MINNESOT ����' k , y �� �.�_�, : ��� �G� � ��. ,�� �� Presented By � ���. �' �?A�r�' 1 " � , t �'�x� � . Referred To :F ����`':�i cocr�mitteeF,z pate � � ��'s �;;�:� �„ � �. �F �:� < } RESOLVED, that all the 'censes held by J/D Athletics� Inc. dba �#ed�list`:S orts Club for the premises at 1515 Bre ter Street in Saint Paul are !hereby re o�ed �`' { P provided, however, that the revocati is suspended for a perio� of one�.�ar u�io� the� following conditions: � � . � �� �i�: �`r`��w�3�t:,. �Ab'.•. ' I �`i.�,�'K"..� ��v;�q�� i *" . 1) the entire licensed establishmen shall close on the Sumda foll � ' �'- s publication of this Resolution, and r main closed until th� li ensee: �: the ��� , � ' }_ ..� 5 applied for and received a health/spo t club license issueid pursuari, chapter 427 of the Saint Paul Legislati Code, subject to! the requir�ments` in paragraphs two and three below; and � 2) the licensee shall install approved autom'�tic equipmen't for the control and maintenance of pool chemistry that meet�public health and sanitation � � �FS y;- requirements, with all the necessary physical eqmpment and facilities m'the' � �^ �- � ��.., licensed establishment to achieve that purpose b�efore the,licensed °'��' �' ' establishment reopens; and the licensed estabhsh�nent sh�ll not reopen � �� until such equipment and facilities have been insp�cted a�d approved as being in proper working order by health inspectors;�and 3) the licensee shall pay a civil penalty in the amount f � � � $ ��,� ,which is equal to the costs of the e'arings before the �'- ��� administrative law judge, together with the costs associate�d with the ;��5 r inspections of the licensed establishment; and � �\ - .� � , <:::,< �b. , ,.-:t. � ,M. �?. `k �,� i Y;4 :h+ ti I ..t� '. ��Cr'�r��vr-�r� � ' �ql����� z,` � .. : 4) building permits shall be pulled for all work to be done�o�.the:licensed establishment in accordance with code requirements. �� � . `� This Resolution.,and the action taken above are based uporr, e Repp�rt.of the Administrative Law Judge dated July 12, 1991, whose findings and �onclu�ons�are,' r . ,� . adopted by the Council arid incorporated by reference in this Reso�ution,.�T,�is: . � - Resolution and the action t�ken are also based upon all of the recc}rd cons�i�tuig of , testimony, exhibits and submissions at the hearings dated April 23 �nd,June�14,"1991, before the AI.J. The action take� is also based on the facts, circum�stan�s aanc� : arguments presented by and on behalf of the licensee during the h�anng:`b��p're-the_Ci Council on August 8, 1991; on wriften exceptions filed on behalf ofi the<:licen�,see on = � `� A u g u s t 1, 1 9 9 1; a n d t h e a r g u m e n t s o n b e h a l f o f t h e h e a l t h an d lice�se di�si ` �� "� � � ��� .� � � �. �, A copy o f t his Resolution shall be mailed by first class mail;to tlie'� Y`�rrustra�ive Law Judge and to the licensee and his or�ts counsel. ; ��� �;,� �`� � �s1'�{.�y�':. Y„ `� �� � �,� `'` . � ,`1 i �..` i � . � .. � , ,;� r;' . . � . �.+fi:. , :�-; t.> ;�� S Y i_"��i� . 34�> i '��` ,� •�� i \ Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by De�artment of: zmon \ osw.z z on acca ee e tman ' une i son gy: , Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved biy City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �� ,. By: �i.� �; By� Approved by May�or for Submiasion to ° �. ;� -;. Approved by Mayor: Date Council �� ��� ti� � . . ; By: BY: �� , ��z . �;.z�I I'F����, �' � � . ��������L. �J iO• ��T �r' �M�r . {�'� � .... � �p . j �'f CITY OF SAINT PAUI � �` XS �h� r� � � IN7ER�EPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM�:: Y '�`.'�����'+w�`;�r ,� �, �_ � � �_ r ��,',� .� � .' � �. � a . y,4 . ,.�7 � z�'�7y F r;yy. �t f�7 x �� �dt �. JJi'� r ��`l�,. T - � �"°`�; �FZ ��A�.''�' Additional Condition for the Medalist S o��ts C���j'�b�����������` � � }� .�� �+{'.���r � _ �lr ��, s u�+m o� 7 :: i � � ) a . � �I�:x k^F ... t�' # �'' �r j l � ,.�k� �J ��f p�s� -� � r � . � 7M1..p S�S�� ,+ �. 'f� , 7) The Licensee shall be re ired to {�� �""'` " 't' �'�� � 4 , qu post a notice.ti re�arec� • ie��"- License & Permit Division at t h e b u i l d i n� e�� i, a n ce,,` ' � � f5`,.�� g c o n s p i c u i o u s p l a c e t h a t c l e arly advises members and�gu�s�$''�` �° :"��'�w� �.'� the action taken by the City Council together �aith'`�'� ;��';�o� � #��t=� � conditions established herein. Said notice must be`' p s�ted' ,,, ��� �,. . ,� �9� 72 hours of the official publication of this r�solutiorr'�ri�� � . `�s{;; remain osted for the duration of the effect�ive er 'oc�" fl� �-�= �� , "� P P �. license conditions. �-�;� ,�,, :;,Lt f-�. ��-'; ��.,'`�� ;s �ra �i ... ��s� � 1 :', _ i - �7� i� < � i-�r�. . � �£,: 7.�d v{ q 4 � ���� � ,�" ���'`e�> �- � � , y'r�. � f ,f � ,�_ , J„ h µ_� ` . fi� 't ���A a R , � ;� +�,� � �r i ' 4. � �,.,zy Z..;...� I I I ..,r.�i',,1.. ,.���+s � , �r�,;. ��, w� I �i� ',.s�: ' � "'� x :'t�ka . � QM, � .���b ��_= o, � � � �� CiTY OF SAINT PAUL�H �o�°� �y' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE�AN� MANAGEMENT SERVI�ES f� ���������� •� DIVIStON OF LICENSE� `x� �'�v� •� * �;,; '"�� ��� �� ,;� ANDY-PERM��'ApMINISTRATION ,... � ��xY `�;, 15 W. Kellog8 �1� e !� �oom'303, City Hall �AMES SCNEIBEI � a Sain��Ul ±1}�tinnesota 55102 �, MAYOR Alarm Permits � F; '�612-298-5143 Buildir�g Contractor Licenses , 612-298-5144 Business Licenses ; 'ta 612-298-5056 �. � . August 22, 1991 , ` `�� , ��RECEIVE_D��a ���� Mr. David Schwartzman, President � - ,�� .��,�� � Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President AUG 2 7`1gg1������ � ' Mr. James Simon, Secretary � �� , ; ���� �t�"'s� J/D Athletics Inc. , dba Medalist sports Club II CITY CLERK,,i��� �`'�`,."" , v-3 "�X� �� �. � � �� .: �� . �;,. Re: License Revocation '°� ' , Dear Messrs Schwartzman and Mr. Simon: - Enclosed is a copy of the approved City Council resolution that revokes all of your city licenses. The revocation �is suspended for a period of one year upon the adherence to seven ,{7) conditions which are specified in the resolution. The resolutiion takes effect � on September 1, 1991, therefore in accordance with condition number ' one (1) the entire licensed establishment must clo�ed to the �publia on September 1, 1991, and remain closed until all conditior}s Yiave been met. The soonest that you could legally �te-open would be September 12 , 1991. � In accordance with condition number seven (7) , a License Inspe�tor will post a copy of the enclosed notice On Monday �ugust 26, 1991. Please let me know if you have any questions regarc�inq this matter. Sincerely, �y����� ����7T%i/1 L'F��� Robert Kessler i License & Permit Manager i cc: Albert Olson, City Clerk ' Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney i Frank Staffenson, Environmental Health Director Gary Pechmann, Environmental Health ProgramjManager Charles W. Faulkner, Administrative Law Judge , Keri Poeppe, District 10 Community Council j Janet Odalen, License Office Manager Mike Vruno, License Inspector j I � � '; , ,;�. � tti 4};: ��I`��ti 'Y��!-• C_ ��--0.�G � l Co�ncil File a� Green Sheet � � � RESOLUTiON ` � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preaented By �� � Referred To Commitltee: Date RESOLVED, that all the licenses held by J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Medalist Sports , . : Club for the prermses at 1515 Brewster Street in Saint Paul are her�by revoked; provided, however, that the revocation is suspended for a period of one year upon the 4t following conditions a ' , :� 1) the entire licensed establishment shall close on the Sunda I followin th �,� ;�_ g e � � , publicarion of this Resolution, and remain closed until the Ii ensee has � �. "' ' applied for and received a health/s port club l i c e n s e i s s u e d pursuan t to chapter 427 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, subject to thE requirements in paragraphs two and three below; and - j 2) the licensee shall install approved automatic equipment fo' the control and maintenance of pool chemistry that meets public health �nd sanitation requirements, with all the necessary physical equipment and facilities in the licensed establishment to achieve that purpose before the lic�nsed establishment reopens; and the licensed establishment shall not reopen until such equipment and facilities have been inspected and 'pproved as being in proper worldng order by health inspectors; and :�i�'���e�se:e���'�l ::<�:�:.:.;:,�:<x:::.<:N ;::�:� <:,<: s:<..: ,..:. . ..::.<._:..:.v. ,.....:.n:<..:v. ::• �:; .,.;•q?4r::::;'�':8;.'•k:;:c:?."-F;+59:;.,•�:�;.:�.xc•:<r•:':'.t fo:..;.y,;:+r..�.:�,:::;;x,.:;x;:'�• �€�ta� :�� ...Y.., ....... �...:.:..�....:,,..,. .::u><:r<;.;vf::,:.:>::::<::.::<:»»»::>: .. :::::�;:a����;�i:�.�ra��_<s�c��:::�: : .. ... :<:� ���::�::: .. : :: .. .;.,:.:.: ::>..:. ........:. .......... . ::�:,::>�-:�: � ::«:»��<:>.::>:::::-:'��P.����:�a.��..���.��:��s �t�e��ZC nse� .:.:.v.::.::.. . ..::::::..:.: :::. . ::;.::.�.,... :::. .,,�, :.:...::. >........... .. ...:..... .......... :..:...........:..:.,;;:�.: ... ::....:�.::�:,::;:;x::;.;:;:.:;>.�::::v.:�:«>:«:<:..:::�;::><::>:;<::<::>.:......<.,:: ��#� .�s� � �::> �,.::. :...:..:......... ...b........�..�..:.� �o��;:: :. . _ :: :..:::. ........ . .o:::�.. .... <.:�t:>: I� . .:: . ...:..: ,. ...�.;;...:.:..... ::Yr.<::<:>;.N,,..;..A..;.::;:... .. ..:..�..:... . e l�c� . . ..: � :v::: �;:�5...�::::s::.::;:.;�:.:.::>::::.....__� e�fi�: .:>.�h .;...,..;;. �::::::...... _.�......h�........:�:��i:.:: �.:5" nt:>:F...;;�:::>:.;�..;..:;:. ������ � :u::�...... au ...�:<:<.::.::_:.::�:.::::::,:., . . :........ .. : .................................................,.-.,.......r........,....K.......�h..:h�.:::;:::>:.;v>:.:::::�:..:>;::::�.:h.:�.:.Nk-:»N:.;>v::...;:ry».an.'.. 3) the licensee shall pay a civil penalty in the amount of $3,6�0.20, which is equal �o the costs of the hearings before the administrative law judge, s�:�ff :..t.::: �;#��::��ti�o��i�:�<v'`�ti�n:���� to ether with the cost ,.�...:::.Y�::.::::::.:�::>> g s associated with tl�e inspections of the licensed establishment; � 4) building permits shall be pulled for all work to be done o� the licensed establishment in accordance with code requirements; : vx:.;v.::>:..>:c.;.;:..;.;.,-.;.a:+•:'•:.::.:?'�:::.....,...,,.. . 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This Resolution and the action taken are also based unnn all nf thP rarnr� rnncictinn ,.� ����'`��9b�'�i+e the ALJ. The action taken is also b — � � ased on the facts, cir�umstances and C��� �� arguments presented by and on behalf of the licensee during tb� hearing before the City Council on August 8, 1991; on written exceptions filed on beh of the licensee on August 1, 1991; and the arguments on behalf of the health and�cense divisions. A copy of this Resolution shall be mailed by first class m�ail to the Administrative Law Judge and to the licensee and his or its counsel. 7) The Licensee shall be re uired I by the License and Permit Division at thetbui�).dingeentranced in a conspicuous place that clearly advises members and guests as to the action taken by the City Council together with a list of the conditions established herein. Said notice must be posted within 72 hours of the official publication of this resolution and shall remain posted fo�r the duration � of the effective period of all license conditions. • i � � i _ ,i i i i i Yeas Navs Absent I imon --�. Requested by Department of: osw.ztz � on � ! — acca ee � ettman � i un e -� i son v — By: Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 0 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney . . Adopti CertiSied by Council Secretary � By� ��lG-q By: � � � Approved by Ma�ror for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date gUG 2 2 19�� Council j i By: By: � - , ���,���� � 5���'l/� � ������ �� -____ NOTICE TO THE PITBI�IC � AS A RESULT OF PUBLIC HEA,I,TH CODL VIOLATIpNS THE MEDALIST SPORTS CLUB HAS BEEN ORDERED CLOSED BY THE SAINT PAUL CIaTY COUNCIL EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1991. THIS F�CILITY IS TO REMAIN CL SED UNTIL IT COMPLI WITH ALL RDERS ISSUED BY THE SAIN'r pAUL DTVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND OBTAINS ALL �iPPROpRIATE CITY LICENSES. THE EARLIEST PO�SSIBLE DATE THAT THE FACILITY COULD REOpEN I� SEPTEMBER 12, 1991. THERE IS NO GUA,F;ANTE THA,T THE FACILITY WILL REOPEN--THE DECIS�O TO COMPLY WITH CITY LAWS SO THAT THE F�CILITY CAN REOPEN IS TI3E RESPONSIBILITY O�F MEDALIST SPORTS CLUB NiANAGEMENT. i � THE CITY COIINCIL HAS E3TABLISHED A LIST OF SEVEI�IV (7) CONDITIONS THAT MIIST BE SATISFIED BY THE OPERATOR3 OF THE MEDALIST SPORTS CLIIB IN ORDER FOR THE CLIIB TO REOPEN. THOSE CONDITIONSiARE CONTAINED IN CITY COIINCIL RESOLIITION 91-1506 AND 3AID RESOLIITIpN MIIST BE POSTED ALONG WITH THIS NOTICE IINTIL SEPTEMBER 1 ,1992 I Posted August 1991 I I Approved By: I �. S ��C f,y���/ Robert Ressler ; License & Permit Manaqer II � I � . I � � O � . ' Y �O�h•� I �• o •� �'.. ""_ - I _ �e l�i8r.:. I STATE OF MINNESOTA I OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS j FIFTH FLOOR,FIOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING RECEIVED 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH t c� MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 I JUL �+ 4 �g91 (612)341-7600 �� � CITY CLERK � July 12, 1991 I i Philip B. Byrne, Esq. Mr. Jame� Simon � Assistant City Attorney Medalist Sports C�ub City of St. Paul 1515 Brewster 647 City Hall St. Paul, MN SS l b8 St. Paul, Mn 55102 I Re: City of St. Paul vs J/D Athletics Inc., i d/b/a Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster Street ! Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith in the above-identified matter is Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. ' Sincerely, I ; Charles V�1. Faulknier Administrative Law 7udge CWF:pjb I enclosures � cc: Mr. George Beck � I�� I . � ,,-----_., � ,�So� , / � � 3I � � �� STATE OF MINNESOTA RECEIVED OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEAItINGS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL JUL 2 4 �g91 CITY CLERK -------------------------------------------------------�!---------------- In the Matter of OAH File No. 51-�101-5458-3 City of St. Paul vs. FINDINGS qF FACT, J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a CONCLUSIONS AND Medalist Sports Club II, RECOMMEN,DATIONS 1515 Brewster Street I ----------------------------------- ---------------------i---------------- The above-entitled matter came on for hearing �' before Charles W. Faulkner, administrative Law Judge, on April 23, 1991, at 9:00 a.m, in Room 816 of the Commerce Building, 80 East �ourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 and June 14, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 1503, City Hall Annex, St. Paul, Minnesota. Philip P. Byrne�, Assistant City � ;z: Attorney appeared on behalf of the City of St. Paul (City). No appearance was made on either occasion on behalf iof Respondent. Testifying on behalf of the City were Steven Schiller, Chris Ayoka, Robert Kessler, Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis and William Gunther. Licensee did not appear and called no witnesses an�l presented no exhibits. The record closed upon adjournment of the hearing on June 14, 1991. ,, This Report is a Recommendation, not a final dec�sion. the City Council will make the final decision after a review of ' the record and after providing an opportunity to the Licensee to present oral or written to it. The Council may accept, reject or modi�y the findings, conclusions and recommendations contained herein. ISSUE I The issue in this matter is whether Licensee has significant, long term and uncorrected problems with the facility, including its basic cleaning, routine maintenance, equipment ma�intenance and pool chemistry, posing such health hazards that all of its licenses should be revoked. i 1 � I __ ��J �'/ �5 Based upon the record herein, the Administr�tive Law Judge makes the following: , FINDINGS OF �� 1• Notice of Hearing in this matter was d ly served upon Licensee by letter dated March 25, 1991. The Notice stated the place, date and time of the hearing (which w�s subsequently amended by a letter of June 4, 1991 from the Administrative Law Judge to both parties) and stated the ground upon which adverse action was being sought. 2. Licensee is a corporation which operates Medalist Sports Club, at 1515 Brewster Street in the City of St. Paul. Licensee hold various licenses rendered by the City for the operation of its facility, including licenses for its swimming pool and whirl pool (Exhibit 10). 3. Licensee has been the subject of nume�ous complaints regarding its facility during 1990 and 1991. {. 4• In 1990 inspectors from the City of St. Paul, Department of Community Services, Division of Public Health, welre in Licensee's '� facilities 37 times and on almost eve�y occasi�n there were problems. The majority of these inspections were generated by complaints and on almost every occasion the complaints were verified (Exhibit Nos. 5, 6, 7 and S). The inspection record for 1991 contains similar findings on each of the occasions of ir�spection. 5• In March of 1991, ��William F. Gunther, �I� Environmental Program Manager, concluded This facility has consistently had significant problems with basic pool cleaning, routine maintenance, equipment maintenance and pool chemistry. There appears to be either a basic lack of knowledge or lack of concern in 'Ithese areas just by repeated inspections and instructions by my in�pectional staff (Exhibit No. 9). 6. Gunther concluded "I feel that th� matter that this facility has been operating constitutes a significant health hazard. Despite repeated efforts to bring the club to a safe operating'I perimeter, we have made no significant progress (Exhibit No. 9). � � i �'/-1�� � 7. Licensee's only response to these proofs by the City was a letter dated April 23, 1991, requesting an additional opportunity to present evidence regarding the Club's position. No appearance was made on June 14, 1991, at the time specified for hearing. 8. Based on the foregoing Finding of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: ,�ONCLUSIONS l. The St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, Section 454.04, Subd. 2 (See Exhibit 11), describes the regulations for swimming pools and whirl pools operated under license in the City of St. Paul. 2. Section 310.05 of the City of St. Paul L�gislative Code describes the hearing procedures which must be followed to revoke a licensee's license granted by the City. 3. Chapter 427 entitled "Health and Sports C�ubs" of the St. Paul Legislative Code describes licenses required for health and sports clubs (Exhibit 3). Chapter 360 entitled "Public Swimming Pools" of the St. Paul Legislative Code describes the licensing �� requirements for public swimming pools within the City of St. PauL 4. Chapter 427, Subd. 4 states "An application may i be denied or a license m a y b e s u s p e n d e d o r r e v o k e d i f t he presence o f ` such establishment is found to be detrimental to the health, welfare ° or safety of the citizens of the City of St. PauL 5. Section 427.06, Subd. 10 states "It shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of the license if the licensee, owner, lessee, manager or employee has evidenced in the past willful disregard for the health, housing, zoning, building and/or fire codes and regulations." 6. The St. Paul City Council and Administrative Law Judge have jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§14.55 and St. Paul Legislative Code. 7. Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing dates. The City has complied with all grocedural and substantive requirements of law and rule. 3 I n�/�/�P�d i 8. Licensee has allowed persistent violations of Chapter 427 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as evidenced by i�spection reports found in Exhibits 5, 6, 7 and 8. 9. Licensee has violated Chapter 427.06, S��ubd. 4 and 10, consistently during 1990 and 1991. 10. Adverse action in the form of license revocati appropriate in this case. on is Based u on I p the foregoing Conclusions, the Adr�inistrative Law Judge makes the following: Recommendation i IT IS HEREBY RESPECTFIJLLY RECOMMENDEDI that the St. Paul City Council take adverse action against Licensee in the form of revocation of all its licenses found in Exhibit .10. Dated this ��day of Jul 1991. I Y� I :::;� -- �� � _ C'HARLE� W.FAULKNER Administrative Law I Judge NOTICE , � Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §14.62, Subd. 1, the St. Pa�ul City Council is required to serve its final decision upon each 'party and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mail. I Reported: Taped, not transcribed, Tape Nos. 10,486 and 10,256. MEMORANDUM 'I Despite a second opportunity allowed by the 'Administrative Law Judge for Licensee to appear and offer evidence to refute the reports and testimony presented by the City, Responc�ent chose not to appear. I 4 . . i ��_��a � � The inspection reports and testimony of City employees Schiller, Prill, McMonigal-St. Dennis, Ayoka an�l Gunther were believable and internally consistent. There is no question that the Medalist II Athletic Club poses a persistent healt� hazard to the residents of the City of St. Paul. � C.W.F. I i , , , i � � - . i � � � �;. � I i , I 5 II , � + �c:mm�ur:nr.,. �� ���.��9��. ' �� —/.s�� ��,v.�..e.«�,,, � �, ;;,��:... ��`:� -��f � R�:C�IV��,� y `� r ���•. �:: � ; .:;�,,��.,.. 13.� 4� , °������N�' JUN 61991 :,,,,,,,,,,�,«� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ' �;I��' �.�������.�� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS � FIFTH FLOOR, FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING i 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 (612)341-7600 ; June 4, 1991 � Phili B,B , P yrne, Es . • � q Mr. J � Ass�_st�„�t City Attorney ames Samon City of St. Paul ��dalist Spc�rts Club 647 City Hall 1515 Brewsiter St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 St. Paul, MN; 55108 Re: Cit of S Y t. Paul vs. J/D Athletics, Inc., d/b/a ; Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster St. ; Gentlemen: ; T}ie above-entitled matter was heard on A ril 23 iti Room 816 of the Commerce Building, East Fourt� 9Str et 9S� a.m. Minnesota 55102. Respondent J/D Athletics Inc.; d/b/a� ' Paul, Sports Club II, failed to a Medalist Athletics, through its representa i've, tJamese Sirrion hearing, J/D application to present evidence in the matter. ; Based a on �t at application and the re q u i r e m e n t s o f d u e process, an�i the seriousness of tlie matter at hand, the motion is granted �for pur oses presenting testimony on the part of Respondent. � Philip Byrnef Assistant City Attorney, has arranged for June 14, 1991 at ' in Room 1503, City Hall annex, St.Paul, MN. No additionag• sett n�s will be made. J/D Athletics will be required �to produce an witnesses or documents at the time of hearing. � y Following this hearing tl�e record will be closed and a decision will be issued. Charles W. 1 ri r CWF:pjb Administrative La�v Judge i ��� �,,,,., .._---_ i . . _��.,�,.3�..�...a �� x . , .. . . . ..: � :..'.tSf��.PaaJ's.):ixaW.+rMnaL..v'Ka...:!a-s�+_.a+v..NAk�.a..w . . - . . �.w4 .'✓._. . ..._w.n t..-..... ; - -"'::r.x�. ..-:....a ...�.... '-y. _' ..... _ .._. . ....,,. .�.a`....._.�.:...��w.-a.. ..�..,.. _ . � � r. , ..:.. ._...�.: . �.x - . . . ' - � .. _, �,. -":- ,.:-�.�: _'._ _ ..., . . . .�.. . ' . . . .. ._.. _ .. ._... ::;. _:._•_ - � _ . _ ....... ' ..:.. ;.. ..... .,. ._" . . . ... . , �.-:. .:.. � -. .. . " . .�. �. .,..a '�_.. _... -��:.�:� .. . _. , .. . - . . / __. _ _. �' '. . - . _ __ ���.��.J C� �.�. _ : ._,�:: _ �.. ' Post-It'"brand fax transmittal memo 7671 #of pages ► _ _. : ; ;�_: - -- r,., .,�v �. .. :�:� _ . Fron]n - __ ,. -.- r�,., . - ,. ._.. To . � C--- � Co. ---�Wa - - � -�� -- - .s Co. :���„�.++w- Dept. 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"- . .',.,',� . .. - � . „ :' ��.- -.- �^.,,.'�<s . .. ._. . _. . ..: _'."_ . - .:�::.4 - ..4�K,�.�..s.t.+,.xs�....:�.t+.AC.S:b:Yr:a.1.-�:.�. _ ____ w. — � .a�....x...1v�.......... .: . .� .w:,w+� '_'.+�N.*+i�Ay.er.'v`E' .acwitsc.tu��Y"°„"` - -`z.+S�.�s �i�.-�'!+AY�n,_�'.�_ __ 1�'ai.r y��qcm���a��.o I (—,///��1S`y :�........�q�. I -� .i�i��i .ti!'.4,�0�«ni,tio � r�o��. :� :�,a :�: y "� I 'y� �; I .��i' � ,:',,•" ��!���•.....}� __;:`� . 1858_�, STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FLOOR, FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING: I 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOU7H MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 I (612)341-7600 June 4, 1991 ' � Philip B.Byrne, Esq. Assistant City Attorney Mr• �ames Si�non City of St. Paul Medalist Sports Club 647 City Hall 1515 Brewst�r St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 St' Pa�>> MN ; 55108 Re: City of St. Paul vs. J/D Athletics, Inc. I Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster�S�t�a �� Gentlemen: � The above-entitled matter was heard on A ril 2 I in Room 816 of the Commerce Buildin P 3' 199i1, at 9:00 a.m. Minnesota 55102. g� East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Respondent J/D Athletics Inc., !d/b/a Medalist Sports Club II, failed to appear. Since the time of t�e hear' Atl�letics, through its representative, James Simc�n, hasng� J/D application to present evidence in the matter, made application and the requirements of due process, and �heed on that of the matter at hand, the motion is granted fo ur rosesness presenting testimony on the part of Respondent. � P p S of Assistant C i t y A t t o r n e y, h a s arranged for June 14, 199� P h i l i p B y r n e, in Room 15 0 3, C i t y H a l l a n nex, St.Paul, MN, � a t g�3 0 a.m. ��'i11 be made. J/D Athletics will be requi ed �ao itional settings witnesses or documents at the time of hearing, i produce any Following this hearing the record will be closed and a �e ' issued. d, c�si�n will be � Charles W. Ikner � CWF:pjb Administrative Law Judge AN EQUAL OPPORr��t��rv c..r„ ,,.,�_ I � �.TT Q � 'f"�j-�/J`'�J/�, �,ati �: I (U 4 � _;�,,^.� �,J�J� �� � ���'{;:is� � ; z;,;'���y; ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL "• h° OFFICL OF THE CITy ATTORNEY� ,... i JAN�A. MC PEAI{, CITY ATTORNEY 647 Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR I 612-298-5121 " FA7C 612-298-5619 July 16, 1991 I Charles W. Faulkner Administrative Law Judge Suite 500 ' 701 Fourth Avenue South � i�iinneapolis, Mir,r.esata 55415 ' Re: Medalist Sports Club i Dear Mr. Faulkner: � I received a telephone call this afternoon from� James Simon officer of the above licensed health and sports �lub. � an He stated that he had received your Report r hearings involving the licensee, but stated that rhen hadh never received notice of the hearing on June 14, 1991. �I do not believe that statement, because every notice that I havelsent out to him was received properly. I am asking that you provide me with an affidavit of service by mail with respect to the notice to the license�e of the second hearing date on June 14, 1991. I enclose a copy olf your letter to me, which I did receive, for your records. I willjneed this before July 25, 1991, as that is the date of the Counci�l hearing on the Report. The affidavit of service will be filed with th� Cit Cle contradiction to his claim that he did not et y rk in the June 14th hearing date, g YWur letter about Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. � Very truly yours, • . � � Philip , g rn���� ; Y Assistant City Attorney � � � � ; : . � �'/�/5�� Cit�� of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba — N�e ualist Sport s Club Adm. Law ing "— liute: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit �l � I 4/22/91 I hereby certify that the attached is a true and exact co of the records ot the License & Permit Division of the City f Saint Paul for J/D Athletics, Inc. DBA Medalist Sports Club II a� 1515 Brewster Street. ,I I Janet en Lice & Permit Manager � I �--a�3-�/ �� Date ,�" �,,� ,9 ���y � � �,��,�.,� , � � �� --�� / i �- , „�,�. 5. ,,; ��c���� r ,,. ,,;�� � I My Commission Expires Aug. 15, 1994 � r � I i � `��i��" � , � � �✓� ; , II . , i �l�/5°� �.. �� - � ' ID#833957'f'. ' � _ . . 1515 Brewster 55`1�8 ` � �' ' ' #3153465 � - Kurt F. Adamson dba��T �&'J Cat ring �EiRD ���+�' r'��;��' + ' K-veh��.�� #9� 85259 12/31/86 � :. � � � .� ::.:. � . � , _� . _ _ . .,._�,_ � Cater�,�g�q r � , °= 85259 12/31/86 ,�Norma Jean Larson dba M '�• '<; ports Clubs - � Massage The� ` - � °' 19381 9-6-87 - Myron'Larsor����dba Medalist S �'�aClubs � _ � Massage Thera �S', : 19382 9-6-87 � (Formerly located at 758 Gr `�� Kathryn Erickson dba Medalist:�Sports Club . "iassage Therapist 00183 11�'3-87*. . � . . *mov ed to 800 Grand Ave. ! . � . .;_ , . . � :. ... . . _ . -.. ,:._ . ..... . . �. : _�.. . : ;: - � . . : - . .. - _. . _ _. _ • . . -- — __ . •: •� � � ID 54152�0 � - j 1`515 b``::.wstE�r . .�• SS•108 . " _ . r ' Kathyrn-Erickson db�Medalist SI orts• .. __... ,p Club I�- � ! Massage Therapist S00183 11/3/86 : _;Waqne Hallquist doing business It Medalist Sports Club I�,I � . Massage Therapis,t R18763 7/2g/g6 �'�.�� � �� ��5 - J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Medalis�t Sports Club II '�'� On Sale Malt 18069 2/28/87� . Restaurant 18069 2/23/3? . � Swim Pool-Indr-z�. 18069 �2/28/87 _� . - " " Phy Culture �, Health Suc 16823 02/28/87� J.D. Athletics Inc. DBA Medalfist Sports Club Dance Hall I ����• . - . 12636 6-4-87 Q.�. I . _ ... - . _: ,. _ . ._.. .:_ .� .... I .. ._.. . . , _ .., ,..:. . _: ----.r . . . � . . 1515 Brewster ID 52�+0I � � ' -- . . � _ - J/D �thietieJs, Inc'. dba,Ma�alis�;. Sports Clubo82 DUP, Restaurant IR12777 5/7/85 On Sa,le Malt 812777 5/7/85 J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Medalist Sports Club II Swim pool 14673 6-30-85 caxD 4�6 Whirlpool I 14673 6-30-85 J/D Athletics, Inc, dba 1�ledalist Sports Club II J/D Athletics, Inc�dba Medalis� �ports Club II 3�'�1/85 2 Swim Pools-Indoors 16148 2/2g�g6 J/D Athletics, Inc. dba Medalisr Sports Club II =�` Julie A. Tapolaysic�l Cultu � �#ea1th S 16823 3-} _ � J/D Athletics , Inc. dba Meda erapist �5�2g 5_ �_��; On Sale Malt �St 8069ts Club II Restaura;nt 2-28-$� "CANCELLED-REFUND PV# 6��62 8069�_QS 2-28-8� i � 1515 Brewster St. 55108 � , . I.D. ��293992i � . ' Deborah L. Peterson DB�sJ�D Athletics Inc. `M�d�j.i�� CARD :��1:' SPorts Club II , st „ Massage>Thera�ist` 52548 6/9/91 �-�` . _ �s� .-,r - � � �� ���- � � �� �;� , � ����� �' , � :. `• ,.. .,: ...:..� .. �.x�� _: .: �::::� � ��, ., ,: ,. . ; � ;; . .f. ,� �. : , , . � ��t� � ��� . . . �(�' ^� . � .� . . .. � - . , L�,y��',�J. .r�D . .. . ' . . ' ... 'r��'� R . . . ._. . _ � . . . . . � � . .. ' � { � . � , � ... .. � . ... ' �. . _ ' .. . .. �- : . ' . � M��' . .. . - � - - .. - � ' .. � -- ���b y" . ' •:•..-• .' .. . .- . - . . . '- . '_.�'� ' ' � . . ' ' _ .. --- -_ . . ... ... ........ . �- / . . . .�.:.- �.:�' . . . � . . '�': ''..'.'' .:.:. ... '..•.-•:� .. .. ' ...�: .. - ' . . . . ' . - . . ' . /. _ _ "' . •._'..�: .'� �I '.� .. : . �:.. �� .. - - 1515 Brewster St-55108 • ID#5415240 � � J/D Athletics, Inc, dba bledalist Sports Club II � - Swim Pool-Indr 18069 2/28/89 � Restaurant(B) 18069 2/2g/gg Phy Culture �, H1th, Svcs18069 2/2g/gg � �� �2 _ J/D Athletics, Inc dba Medalisti Sports Club II : . . Swim Pool-Indr(1) 18069 2-28-90 . .- Whirlpool-Indr ', 13069 2-28-90 � Restaurant-B ' 18069 2_28_gp � . Phy. Culture � Hlt Svcs 1�6� _2g_g� J/D Athletics Inc dba Medali t Sports u I12 _. � Swim Pool-Indr 18069 2-28-91 . . - Restaurant(B) , 18069 2-28-91 : � Whirlpool-Indr i 18069 2-28-91 Phy Culture & Health 18069 2-28-91 . ' _ � , _--- . _. . . ,.__. . ' - i _.. ._ _ .- . . , l _ _ . .. = ' � ; •]515 Brewster St-55108 ' ----rD#5415240 ' � � - . ' ' � � ID#3153465 J/D Athletics Inc dba Medalist Sports Club II - Phy Culture � Health Svcs 18069 2_28_gg :'> eAx� -4p3 - _ Restaurant (B) ' 18069 2-28-88 2-Swim Pool-Indr ' 18069 Z-28-88 Kurt F Adamson dba K �, J Cate'�ing Catering (B) , �85259��) 12-31-87 K-Veh #477 ' � 85259 � 12-31-87 Norma Jean Larson dba Medalis Sports Club Massage Therapis 19381°� 9-6-88 Alyron Larson dba Medalist Spo ts Club Massage Therapis , 1938203 9-6-88 , . , BACK OF CARD ��1 11/� /�d� % � ' � . 11643 070590'PH �uri appn for new Issge Therapist Lic (ID52548 . APP'D C.F. 90-1137 �, ) ;.f . , - Y _�'; � : � ::. , .... ,. . - .:. .. . :;: . : < '�� , , .... - �� 3 S 9 � # F` _ ., � �} „`` b , ! . _ . . . . - �', � .�„ . - . . - . � � r �,':� ¢ . . .. . h i '� I 5 . . . ' ..�"� . . . . . . . . .l � k{ ... � . . . . . ... .. . . �. . .�..:t . . . ' ... " - '. . . .. •. � '`_: �.:� .... , � .. . .. �.�_� . . ���. . _ _.._ _ _"...". . ____'_.—_-._"._ '___-___.:.. . . � �).' '. . �, . .. . _ _11643 . . . . . ' ��"=�� �11/6�85.-Eublic hearing on �appa for ; � 'Ma$�ge Theragist,License. by.-Wayne Ha`Llquist..APPROVED C�F,�--85-•1480��- , j , �:dnl/20/85-�Public hearing on appn •for '� :. ,� ----- ._ ._ Kassage Therapist..License, .by.Rath- =• �-- -T- -------- >----- -- - - - - __ ��qrn Erickson APBROVED_. C.F.85-1539 . 7/30/86• P'H-on Appn-for Dance Hall - �i � � `�;Lic. bg-J.D. Athletics, Inc. BAC� OF CA�tD ��2 . _ - �dba Medalist Sports Club APPROVED - j bT/Stipulation C.F. 86-1069 .--- - - -- :- ---- ,_,. � �-4/4/91�City �Atty Office Anno�inced 4/23/91 as P.H, date be- " ( , -�� fore Admin Law Judge • ' 'Bt�CK .OF CARD 4�6 ' . . i i � ., I � � ;r,N'�, � ay��; �' ''-s • • ' - -..... ..�.'.""" _ , . " ' '__ ' ' . ' ' . . .. : . _'.-• - ' " _" ' .. "" _ ""' - - -... 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F+ W v a� � u � � �' � '-� � �m�°'� > n.> o.c �, c y . aWa �,'� � � o� �� ��woa ~ � � � � °` � w •� tn �'z M v.� °'-c.--,�x �o � c� o� � rn � o ���- a� o� �°'a`?iL orn � m at ti o > Z M z rn u�►.-�� .� z � .� r�-1 ;-�7 m�. °8 v�� -F 'n cv d-ao � .G °° rn c0 �m . �� c� CO .-� �.-i�U t+ °� � � �'i�/3�� close 310. 06 (7) serious danger to public health, safety or welfare 360. 06 regulations promulgation authority Exhibit 11 regulations closure p. 18 water quality p. 16 427. 06 grounds for adverse action (1) not comply with ord re health and safety (4) presence detrimental to health (10) willful disregard for health codes .,, ,. I RULES AND REGULATIOi{S RELATING TO SbJIP MING POOLS , SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 454, SE, TION 454.0.$ (2), ���'/`5�� . � PROfdULGATED JULY 20, 1g7� . (a) Scope and Purpose.* The provisions of this �equlation shall a 1 al1 Public swimming and wading pools and all s ecial pP Y to defined, including all facilities incident thereto, PWrpose pools as hereinafter lation shall be to provide a standard for the des� � The purpose of the Regu- and maintenance of such pools so that health and safety�hazards1will�bermin°n, mized. �b) Definitions. The following definitions shall app�y in the inter r and enforcement of this chapter. The word "shall" as u, ed herein indicatep atation mandatory requirement. , (1) Public Swimming Pool. Shall mean a bathin partly artificial and partly natural construction located9ePther �ndoor�orcoutdoor and provided with controlled water supply, where the wa er is sufficiently deep for complete irrmersion of the body and is used collecti�ely by numbers of persons for swimming or recreative bathing, toqether ��ith the s�r�ounding area, buildin s , • equipment and appurtenances pertaining to such a bathin area, 9 clude a bathing p)ace accessory to a single or double family dwellingawhichtisnin- tended only for use of the residents and friends, � (2) Private Residential Swimming Pool , Any s immin a single or double family dwelling, located on private p�operty under theecontrol� of the homeo�rner, the use of which is limited to swimming or bathing by members of his family or their invited guests. (The design, construction, and operation of such pools are not subject to the provisions of this Regulation. ) = (3) Person. Any person, firm, partnershi company, governmental agency, club, or organization of ar�y�ki�d�on, corporation, (4) The City. City of Saint Paul , Minnesota. The Saint Paul Bureau of Health, hereinafter referred to as the Bureau. (5) Wading Pool.* Any pool used or designed to be used exclusively for wading or bathing normally by non-swimming children only,' having a maximum depth of 24 inches., and available for use collectively by numbers of persons , but not including a wading pool . accessory to a single or double fiamily dvrelling which is intended only for use by the residents and their friends. (6� Special Purpose Pool. Treatment pools , therapeutic pools, and specia; pools for water therapy. (c) Submission of Plans and Specifications. � (1) No person shall begin constr�ction of a public swimming pool or shall substantially alter or reconstruct any public swirtmin having submitted plans and specifications to the Bureau of Public Buildings�for review and approval. All plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate, and the Bureau of Public Quildings shall arrange for the t�eview and approval of the plans and specifications by the Bureau of Health. � �lo permit to construct, alter, or renovate shall be issued by the Bureau of:Public Buildings until approval is granted by the Bureau of Health. �2� The application for a permit to construct o remodel a public svrim- ming pool shall be on forms prescribed by the Bureau of Pu lic Quildings , together *Arr�nded October 17_ �o�� ,, � ,,, „ _ ___ � , , , �j��,�� -2- with any supporting data as may be required for the proper review of the p]ans. (3) The pool and facilities shall be built in accordance with the plans � as approved by the Office of the City Architect. Changes or mod9fications of said plans must have approval in writing by the City Architect. The ovrner or his agent shall notify the Health Officer and the City Architect at specific predetermined stages of construction to permit adequate inspection of the pool and related equip- ment during and after construction. A final inspection shall be made upon comple- tion of the pool facilitiesr The pool shall not be placed in operation until such inspections show compliance with the requirements of this chapter. (4) The criteria to be followed by the Bureau of Public Buildings in the review and approval of plans shall be promulgated as Rules and Reg�lations as au- thorized by this chapter. (5) The plans shall be drawn to scale and accompanied by proper specifi- cations so as to permit a comprehensive engineering review of the plans including the piping and hydraulic details and shall include, but not be limited to: (aa) Plan and sectional views with all necessary dimensions of both the pool and surrounding area. (bb) A piping diagram showing all appurtenances including treat- ment facilities in sufficient detail, as well as pertinent eleva tion da ta, to permit a hydraulic analysis of the system. (cc) The specifications shall contain details on all treatment equipment, including catalog identification of pumps, chlorinators, chemical feeders, filters, strainers, interceptors, and related equipment. (d) Design, Construction, and Operation Features. No permit to construct, alter, remodel , or license to operate shall be granted unless the pool conforms - with these regulations. (e) Health and Safety. . (1 ) No person having or suspected of having a comnunicable disease shall ' work at or use any public swimming pool. (2) No person shall operate any public swirrming pool unless such swim- ming pool is under the supervision of a trained operator or person who shall assume the resp�nsibility for compliance with a11 provisions of this Regulation relating to pool .operation, maintenance, and safety of bathers, (3) Access to the pool shall be controlled by fencing or other effective means acceptable to the Bureau. Fencing shall meet the following criteria: and be without hand- orefootCholdshthatewould�enableraVChildhtoeclimbce of children over i t. {bb) The fencing shall be at least 4 feet high and entrances shall be equipped with a self-closing, latching gate which is capabie of being locked. (cc) When the swimming pool is not open for use, access for such '' �,�y�� , , -3- � pool shall be prevented, and such prevention shall be the ,responsibility of the owner or his agent. I (4) Instructions regarding emergency calls shall be posted in a con- spicuous place in the pool area. (5) Not more than the maximum design bather load as calculated in MHD 115(j) shall be permitted in the swirrming pool at any ',one time. The design bather load shall be posted in a conspicuous location. , (f) Inspection. The Bureau of Health is authorizedllto conduct such inspec- tions as it deems necessary to insure compliance with all provisions of this chap- ter and shall have right of entry at any reasonable hour to the swimming pool for this purpose. (g) Operation. !I (1) The operator of each pool shall keep a daily record of information regarding operation as specified in MHD 115(u)(2) , together with other data as may be required by the Bureau. (2) The pumps, filter, disinfectant and chemic 1 feeders, and related appurtenances shall be kept in operation at all times dur�ng the swimming season � unless approved by the Bureau. ' (h) Water Supply. (1) The water supply serving the swirr�ning pool �and all plumbing fixtures inclu�ing drinking fountains� lavatories, and showers sha 1 meet ��he requirements of the Bureau. Where strict compliance with the require nt that the water supply serving the swimming pool be of potable quality is not possible or reasonable, the Bureau may grant a variance which does not endanger the health and safety of the users of the pool . (2) All portions of the water distribution sys em serving the swimming pool and auxiliary facilities shall be protected against ackflow. Water introduced into the pool , either.directly or to the recirculation sy tem, shall be supplied through an air gap (Minnesota Plumbing Code MHD 130(e)(9) . When such connections � are not possible, the supply shall be protected by a suitable backflow preventer (Minnesota Plumbing Code MHD 130(e)(9)) installed on the discharge side of the last control to the fixture, device. or appurtenance. (i) Sewer System. • (1) The sewer shall be adequate to serve the facility, including bath- house, locker room, and related accommodations, and shall conform to the standards of the Bureau and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (2) There shall be no direct physical connecti n between the sewer sys- tem and any drain from the swirmning pool or recirculation�system. Any swimming pool or gutter drain or overflow from the recirculation system when discharged to the sewer system, storm drain, or other approved natural drainage course shall connect through a suitable air gap or air break so as to preclude the possibility of backup of sewage or waste into the swimning pool pipin,g system. i . , , -4- 'i �j'/'��D( � (3) The sanitary sewer serving the swimming Ipool auxiliary facilities shall discharge into the public sewer system. Where no such sewer is available, the connection shall be made to a suitable disposal plalnt designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with the requirements of the Bureau and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. , i (�) The Pool, j (1) Construction Materials. (aa) Swimming pools and all appurtenances thereto shall be con- structed of materials which are inert, non-toxic to mar�, impervious, permanent, and enduring; which can withstand the design stresses; which will provide a tight tank with a smooth and easily cleaned surface, or to which a smooth, easily cleaned surface finish can be applied, and which may be finisheld in white or light color. (bb) All corners formed by the intersecltion of walls, and of walls and floors, shall be rounded. (cc) Swi�ning pool finish, including bolttom and sides, sha11 be of white or light-colored material , non-toxic to .man, withl a smooth finished surface, without cracks or joints, bonded to the supporting members, excluding structural expansion joints. ; (2) Design, Detail , and Structural Stabilityi. (aa) � All swimming pools shall be designled and con�tructed to with- stand all anticipated loading for both full and empty conditions. A hydrostatic relief valve and/or a suitable underdrain syst�m shalllbe provided in areas having a high water table. The designing architect or engineer shall be responsible for certifying to the structural stability and safety of thje pool. (bb) No limits are specified for lengtt� and width of swimming pools, except that swimming pools used for competition should meet re uired dimen- sions, and the requirements for the diving area as showln in Table 115�i)(12) shall be observed. Consideration shall be given to shape from the standpoint of safety and the need to facilitate supervision of bathers usin� the pool. � (cc) Provisions shall be made for compllete continuous circulation of water through all parts of the swimming pool. All swimming pools shall have a recirculation system with necessary treatment and filt►tation equipment as required in this chapter. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of so-called flow- through type swimming facilities constructed .in accordalnce with the regulation of the Bureau. (dd) The shape of any swirraning pool shall be such that the circula- tion of pool water and control of swimmers' safety arelnot impaired. There shall be no �nderwater or overhead projections or obstructions which would endanger bathet safety or interfere with proper pool operation. . I (ee) The minimum depth of water in the swimming pool shall be 3 feet except for special purpose pools. Wading facilitjes for children shall be physically separated from the swimming pool and be pro�Yided with a separate recir- culation system, I i ' � -5- ; �/'��J� � (ff) The maximum depth of the shallow end of the swimming pool shall not exceed 3 feet 6 inches except for competitive or special purpose pools. (gg) All new equipment installed afterithe effective date of this Chap t e r sha71 comply with the following standards of the National Sanitation Foundation when applicable: (ggl) Standard No. 9 - Diatomite �'Type Filters for Swir,rning Pool Equipment � (gg2) Standard No. 10 - Sand Type Filters for Swimming Pool Equipment (gg3) Standard No. 11 - I Recessed �Automatic Surface Skimmers (gg4) Standard No. 17 - Centrifug�l Pumps for Swimming Pools (gg5) Standard No. 19 - Adjustable Output Rate Chemical Feeding Equipment for Swimming Pools ; (gg6) Standard No. 22 - Swimming f�ool Water Treatment Chemi- cals and/or Processes � (gs7) Standard No. 27 - Multiport �Valves for Swimming Peols (gg8) Standard No. 38 - Test Kitsl,for Swirrpning Pools (3) Depth Markings and Lines. (aa) Depth of water shall be plainly mar�ed at or above the water surface on the vertical pool wail or on the edge of the deck or walk next to the pool , at maximum and minimum points, at the points of ch,ange of slope between the deep and shallow portions, and at intermediate increment� of depth, spaced at not more than 25-foot intervals. (bb) Depth markings shall be numerals of' 4 inches minimum height and of a color contrasting with the background: Marking$ shall be on both sides . and ends of the pool . , (cc) Lane lines or other markings on thelbottom of the swimming pool shall be a minimum of 10 inches in width and of a contrasting color. (4) Inlets and Outlets. ' (aa) All swimming pools shall be provided with an outlet at the deepest point to permit the pool to be completely and eas�ily emptied. Openings must be covered by a proper grating which is not readily ;removable by bathers. Outlet openings of�the grating in the floor of the pool s'hall be at ]east 4 times the area of discharge pipe or provide sufficient area so !the maximum velocity of the water passing the grate will not exceed 1 1/2 feet pe!r second. The maximum width of grate openings shall be 1/2 inch. .(bb) In swimming pools with deep water at� or near one end, multi- ple outlets shall be provided where the width of the pooljis more than 30 feet. 1n curti racne n��tl.,+� ..�.,t� �,. -----� ._ _. ., -- - . - i , � , , -6- �/-/�� � 15 feet from side walls. , (cc) No direct connections to sewers shall be permitted, and all drains from the swimming pool to sewers shall be broken atI a point where any sewage which may back up from the sewer will overflow to waste ihstead of reaching the pool . (dd) Valves and/or pumps used for draining swirrxning pools shall be sized to prevent the surcharging of the sanitary sewer. (ee) Inlets for fresh and/or repurified water shall be located to . produce uniform circulation of water and to facilitate .the maintenance of a uniform disinfectant residual throughout the entire swimming po�llwithout existence of dead- spots. Inlets from the circulation system shall be flush 'with the pool wall and submerged at least 12 inches below the water level . No over-the-rim fillspout will be accepted unless located under a diving board or instal1ed in a manner approved by the Bureau so as to remove any hazard. Makeup water spouts shall terminate at least 6 inches above the fill rim of the pool or surge tank. (ff) Ad�ustable inlets shall be located in conjunction with pro- posed methods of recirculation to provide effective �and u iform circulation of the incoming water throughout the pool and prevent unnecessary� deadspots. The maximum spacing of inlets shall be 20 feet based on the pool perimeter. In swimming pools with surface areas greater than 1 ,600 square feet or lengt�h in excess of 60 feet, side inlets shall be placed at 15-foot intervals around th'e entire perimeter. In any case� an adequate number of inlets shall be provided, properly spaced and located to accomplish complete and uniform recirculation of water 'land maintenance of a uni- form disinfectant residual at all times. (gg) Each inlet shall be designed as an o�'ifice subject to adjust- ment or must be provided with an individual gate or similar valve to permit adjust- ment of water volume to obtain the best circulation. (5) .Slope of Bottom. The slope of the bottom of any portion of the swinining pool having a water depth of less than 5 feet shall not be more than 1 foot in 10 feet, and said slope shall be uniform. Tn portlions with a depth great- er than 5 feet the slope shall not exceed 1 foot in 3 feet'. . � (6) Side Walls. Walls of a swirr�ning pool shalllbe either (1 ) vertical for water depths. of at least 6 feet; or (2) vertical for a distance of 3 feet below the water level , below which the wall may be curved to the bottom with a radius not greater than the difference between the depth at that poin�t and 3 feet, provided that vertical is interpreted to permit slopes not greater than 1 foot, hor�zontally, for each 5 feet of depth of sidewall (11° from vertical ) , j (�) Overflow Gutters. (aa) Overflow gutters shall extend completely around the swirrrning pool except at steps or recessed ladders. The overflow guxter shall aiso serve as a handhold. This gutter shall be capable of continuously emoving 50� or more of the recirculated water and returning it to the filter. Al� overflow gutters shall be connected to the recirculation system through a properly designed surge tank. The gutter, drains , and return piping to the surge tank sh�ll be designed to rapid- ly remove overflow water caused by recirculation displacement, wave action, or other cause produced from maximum pool bathing ioad. Spacing of drainage outlets shall � I -7- ����31�P not be less than 15 feet. The openin into the t II not be less than 4 inches and the interior of theuguttereshall not bePlesssthan 3 inches wide with a depth of at least 3 inches. Wher large gutters are used, they shall be designed to prevent entrances or entrapm nt of bathers' arms or legs. The overflow edge or lip shall be rounded and not thic er than 2 1/2 inches for the top 2 inches. The overflow outlets shall be provi�ed with outlet pipes which shall in any case be at least 2 inches in diameter. The outlet fittings shall have a clear opening in the grating at least equal to 1 1/2 times the cross sec- tional area of the outlet pipe. . (bb) P�othing in this section shall preclude the use of roll-out or deck-level-type swimming pools. The design of the curb and handhold shall con- form to accepted standards, and the approval of the Bureau shall be based on de- tailed review of this feature of construction and eval�ated in the light of pro- posed use of the pool. (8) Skirm�ers. (aa) Skimmers are permitted on public s imming pools providing approved handholds a.re installed and sufficient motion o the pool �rater is in- duced .by .the pressure return inlets. At least one ski ing device shall be pro- vided for each 400 square feet of water surface area or' fraction thereof. Where 2 or more skimmers are required, they shall be so located as to minimize inter- ference with each other and to insure proper skimming of the entire pool surface. Handholds shall consist of bull-nosed coping not over 2' 1/2 inches thick for the outer 2 inches, or be of an equivalent approved type. 7he handholds must be no more than 9 inches above the normal water line. Skimming devices shall be built into the pool wall , shall develop suffi.cient velocity on the pool water surface tp induce floating oils and wastes into the skimmer from the water surface of the entire pool area, and shall meet the following general specifications: (aal) The piping and other pertinent components of skimmers shall be designed for a total capacity of at least 80� of the required filter flow of the recirculation system, and no skimmer sha]1 be de�igned for a� flow-through rate of less than 30 gallons per minute or 3.75 gallons per minute per lineal inch of weir. . . (aa2) The skimmer weir shall be a tomatically ad�ustable and shall operate freely with continuous action to variatio s in water level over a range of at least 4 inches. The weir shall operate at 11 flow variations as des- cribed in this chapter. The weir shal] be of such buoyalncy and design as to develop an effective velocity. , (aa3) An easily removable and cleanable basket or screen through which all overflo�r r¢ater must pass shall be provided to trap large soiids. (aa4) The skirrmer shall be provided with a device to prevent air-lock in the suction line. If an equalizer pipe is used, it shall provide an adequate amount of water for pump suction should the water of the swimming pool drop below the weir level � provided that, if any other device, surge tank, or arrangement is used, a sufficient amount of water for pump suction shall be as- sured. (aa5) Where the e ualizer -� - -- - � -� q pipe is used, it shall be sized to meet the caaacitv ren�►irp�►,t� �f +tio f;,+.,., .,...I .....�� �LJ _L_t, ,_ _ . - i , , -s- ' ,���, �S�� less than 2 inches in diameter. This pipe shall be lo�ated at least 1 foot be7ow the lowest overflow level of the skirm�er. It shall be ,provided with a valve or equivalent device that will remain tightly closed under� norn►al operating conditions, but will automatically open when the water level dropslas much as 2 inches below the lowest weir level . (aa6) The skimmer shall be of sturdy, corrosion-resistant materials. ! (9) Recirculation Systems. i (aa) A recirculation system, consisting of pumps, piping. filters , water conditioning and disinfection equipment, and oth�r accessory equipment shall be provided which will clarify and disinfect the swirrm$ng pool volume of water ir: 6 hours or less, thus providing a minimum turnover of �t least 4 times in 24 hours, except that the recirculation rate shall be increased �o provide a 2-hour turnover for wading and special purpose pools. . (bb) All piping shall be designed to rpduce friction losses to a minimum and to carry the required quantity of water at, a maximum velocity not to exceed 6 feet per second. Piping shall be of non-toxijc material , resistant to corrosion, and able to withstand operating pressures. Pipes shall be identified by a color code, tags� or other acceptable markings. ' (cc) The recirculation system shall in�Clude a strainer to prevent hair, lint, etc. , from reaching the pump and filters. Strainers shall be corrosion- resistant with openings not more than l/8 inch in size' providing a free flow area at least 4 times the area of the pump suction line andishall be readily accessible f�r frequent cleaning. ; (dd) A vacuum-cleaning system shall bei provided. When that system is an integral part of the recirculation system, sufficient connections shall be located in the walls of the swimming pool , at least 8 !inches below the water line. �(ee) A rate-of-flow indicator, readin� in gallons per minute, shail be installed and located, preferably on the swimming pool return line, so that the rate of recirculation and backwash rate will be indica�ted. The indicator shall be capable of flows measuring at least 1 1/2 times the d�sign flow rate, shall be accur within 10% of true flow, and shall be easy to read. I (ff) Pumps shall be of adequate capacfity to provide the required_ number of turnovers of swimming pool water as specified .in this Chapter, and whenever possible shall be so located as to eliminate �need for priming. If the pump or .suction piping is located above the overflow level of the pool , the pump shall be self-priming. The pump or pumps shall be ca�able of providing flow ade- quate for the backwashing of filters. Under normal cQnditions the pump or pumps shall supply the recirculation rate of flow at a dynamic head of at least 50 feet for pressure sand type filters or at least 80 feet fph pressure diatomaceous earth type filters. � i (gg) Swimming pools equipped with heaters shall have a fixed thermo- meter in the recirculation line near the outlet to thie pool. (10) tadders, Recessed Treads, and Stairs, i . i , , �Sc.� � _9_ � � � I (aa) Steps or ladders shall be provided at� the shallow end of the swirrming pool if the vertical distance from the bottom of the pool to the deck or walk is over 2 feet. Recessed steps or ladders shall be p�rovided at the deep por- tion of the swirrming pool , and, if the pool is over 30 fe�t wide, such steps or ladders shall be installed on each side. ; (bb) Steps leading into the swimming pooljshall be of non-slip design, and have a minimum tread of 12 inches and a maximym rise or height of 10 inches. There shall be no abrupt drop-off or submerged projections into the pool , unless guarded by handrails, (cc) SwirrIIning pool ladde'rs shall be corrosion-resistant and shall be equipped with non-slip treads. Al1 ladders shall be sq designed as to provide a handhold and shall be rigidly installed. There shall b� a clearance of not more than 5 inches nor less than 3 inches between any ladder ar�d the pool wall . If steps are inserted in the walls or if stepholes are provided� they shall be of such design that they may be cleaned readily and shall be !arranged to drain into the pool to prevent the accumulation of dirt thereon. St�pholes shall have a minimum tread of 5 inches and a minimum width of 14 inche�. (dd) Where steps, stepholes, or ladders are provided within the swimming pool , there shall be a handrai] at the top of bo�h sides thereof, extend- ing over the coping or edge of the deck. (ee) Supports, platforms, and steps for diiving boards shall be of substantial construction and of sufficient structural str�ngth to carry safely the maximum anticipated loads. Steps shail be of corrosion-re�sistant material , easily cleanable, and of non-slip design. Handrails shall be prqvided at all steps and ladders leading to diving boards more than 1 meter above ihe water except those set at 15° or more from the vertical. Platforms and divirig boards�which are over 1 meter high shali be protected with guard railings. � (11) Decks and Walkways. � (aa) A continuous deck, free from fixed olstructions, at least 5 � feet (and preferably 8 or more feet) wide shall extend co�pletely around the swim- ming pool. The deck shall be sloped away from the pool td drain at a grade of 1/4 - inch to 3/8 inch per lineal foot and shall have a non-sli� surface. Deck drains connected to the recirculation system or gutters shall beiprohibited on outdoor swirrani ng pool s. . (bb) In deck areas where carpeting is used, the deck shall be so designed and constructed as to provide adequat�e drainage �nd convey all rrater away from carpeted areas. The carpeting shall not, in any cas�, be per.mitted within 10 feet of the pool. ; (12) Diving Areas. ' (aa) The dimensions of the swirtming pool �and appurtenances in the diving area shall conform to Table 115(i)(12), � (bb) There shall be a. completely unobstruGted clear distance of 16 feet above the diving board measured from the center o�f the front end of the board, and this area shall extend at least 8 feet behind, 8 feet to each side, and 16 feet ahead of the measuring point. Bureau aooroval ch�i� t,p �h+a;.,o� f�� � i � -10- ����� . , i � variance of this requirement, I (k) User Loading. � �1) For the purposes of computing user loading, those swirrgning pool 5 feet or less in depth shall be designate� as "nonPswimmi� °f the g areas. (2) In order to compute swimmer and bather ca�acity, swimming ool areas shall be determined as follows: p (aa) Ten square feet of pool water surfa�e area sha71 be provided for each non-swimmer expected at time of maximum load. (bb) Twenty-four square feet shall be prqvided for each expected at time of maximum load, swimmer (cc) Three hundred square feet of pool walter surface area sh be reserved around each diving board or diving platform a�d this area sha11 n,l be included in computing the area of the swimming section�, ot (3) The Bureau shall make additional allowanceifor bathers in cases of swimming pools with extensive deck areas used b y patrons �or lounging or sunbathing. (1) Filters. (1) Sand Type Filters. The following re uirem�nt able to either gravity or pressure sand type filters. S are equally app���_ (aa) pressure sand type filters shall be �esigned for a filter rate of 3 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area at time of maximum head loss, with sufficient area to meet the design rate of flo►� required by .the re- scribed turnover, The design filtration rate for high-ra�e sand filters shall not be in excess of 25 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area. Also, hi h-rate sand filters shall meet or be equal to the standards of thje National Sanitat9on Foundation as specified in MHD 115(i)(2)(gg). , (bb) Filter9ng material shall consist of aIt least 20 inches of . screened; sharp filter sand with an effective size between 0.4 and 0.55 mm. , and a uniformity coefficient not exceeding 1 .75, supported by �at least 10 inches of graded filter gravel. Anthracite having an effective size between 0.6 and 0.8 mm, with a uniformity coefficient of not greater than 1 .8 may be used in lieu of the sand. The gravel sha11 effectively distribute water unifo rmly durin fi ' and backwashing. A reduction in this depth or an elimination of gravel mayabeon permitted where equivalent performance and service are dempnstrated. � (cc) The underdrain system shall be of cor�"osion-resistant and enduring material , and so designed that the orifices or other openings wi11 main_ tain approximately constant area. It sha11 be designed to �provide even collection or distribution of the flow during filtration and backwashing. (dd) At least 12 inches of freeboard shalllbe provided between the upper surface of the filter media and the lowest portion of the pipes or drains which serve as overflows during backwashing. (ee) The filter system shall be provided wilth influPnt an� cffl,,.,.,�. i . , �� / -��- � I� � . �, pressure gauges, backwash sight glass on the waste discharge line. and air-relief valves at or near the high point of the filter. (ff) The filter system shall be designed vrith necessary valves and piping to permit: (ffl) Filtering to swirrming pool �, (ff2) , Individual backwashing of filters to waste at a rate of not less than 15 gallons per minute per square foot �f filter area (ff3) Isolation of individual fil�ers for repairs while other units are in service (ff4) Complete drainage of all pa�ts of the system (ff5) Necessary maintenance, oper�tion and inspection in a convenient manner (gg) Each pressure type filter tank .sha�l be provided with an ac- cess opening of n�t less than a standard 11-inch by 15-inch manhole and cover. (hh) Devices with reasonably accurate dosage control features shall be provided if coagulants are added ahead of filters. i � (ii) On pressure type filters, the tank and its integral parts shall be constructed of substantial material capable ofiwithstanding continuous anticipated usage, �and shall be designed for a pressure safety factor of 4 based on the maximum shutoff head of the pump. The shutoff h ad for design purposes shall in no case be considered less than 50 pounds per�square inch. (2) Diatomaceous Earth Type Filters. (aa) Sufficient filtering area shall be�lprovided to meet the design pump capacity as required by this Chapter. . (bb) Rate of filtration: The design ra�te of filtration shall not . bE greater than 2 gallons per minute per square foot of the effective filtering area without continuous body feed, and not greater thanj2.5 gallons per minute per square foot with continuous body�feed. � (cc) If a body feeder is required, the �device shall be accurate (10%) and dependable, and shall be capable of continually feeding within a calibrate range, adjustable from 2 to 6 ppm, at the design capacity of the recirculation pump. The feeding of diatomaceous earth through skimmers is plrohibited. (dd) Filtering area, where fabric is used, shall be determined on the basis of effective filtering surfaces as created byl the septum"su�ports, Bith no allowances for areas of impaired filtration, such as, broad supports, folds or portians which may bridge. � i (ee) The filter:and all component parts� shall be of such materials, design and construction as to withstand normal continudus use without significant deformation, deterioration, corrosion, or wear which could adversely affect filter ------�,_ � . ; , ' �� � � ;o� -,2- � 1 C ; (ff) The filter shall be so designed and c¢nstructed, or provision made, to preclude the introduction of appreciable quantities of filter-aid into the pool during pre-coating operations. , (gg) The tank containing the filter elemen�s shall be constructed of steel , plastic� or other suitable material , which will satisfactorily provide resist- ance to corrosion, with or vtithout coating. Pressure type � filters shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 50 pounds per square incth with a 4 to 1 safety fac- tor. Vacuum type filters shall be designed to withstand the pressure developed by the weight of the water contained therein, and closed vacuwm type filters shall , in addition, be designed to withstand the crushing pressure d�veloped under a vacuum of 25 inches of inercury with a safety factor of i.5 in botlh instances. The septa or elements which support the filter-aid shall be of corro�ion-resistant material. The septa shall be constructed to be resistant to rupture under conditions of the maximum differential pressure between influent and effluent which can be developed by the circulating pump, and be of adequate strength to re$ist any additional stresses developed by the cleaning operation. (hh) Where dissimilar metals, which may se� up galvanic electric u - rents, are used in the filters c r , provision shall be .made to' resist electrolytic cor- rosion. The filters shall be designed in such a manner th�t they may be easily disassembled, with allowances made for adequate Hrorking space above and around the filter to permit the removal and replacement of any part at�d proper maintenance. (ii) The filter plant shall be provided wi;th such pressure, vacuum, or compound gauges as are required to indicate the conditipn of the filter. In vacuum type filter installations where the circulating pump is 2 horsep�wer or higher,. an adjustable high vacuum automatic shut-off shall be provide'd to prevent damage to the pump by cavitation. (jj) A71 filters shall be equipped for clelaning by one or more of the following methods: back-washing, air-bump-assist bac�!-washing, spray wash (mechanical or manual), or agitation. . (kk) Provision shall be made for completel�y and rapidly draining the filter. (m) Disinfectant and Chemical Feeders. ; _ (1) The swimming pool shall be equipped with a �chlorinator, hypochlorin- ator, or other disinfectant feeder or feeders which meet �he following requirements: (aa) They shall be of sturdy construction �and ma terials which will withstand wear, corrosion, or attack by disinfectant solutions or vapors and Mrhich are not adversely affected by repeated regular adjustment� or other conditions anticipated in the use of the device. The feeder shall b� capable of being easily disassembled for cleaning and maintenance. The design and construction shall be such as to preclude stoppage from chemicals intended to be used or foreign materials that may be contained therein. The feeder shall incorporate f�ilure-proof features so that the disinfectant cannot feed directly into the swirrming pool , the pool piping system, water supply system, or the swimming pool enclosure under any type of failure of the equipment or its maintenance. (bb) They shall be capable of supplying a;t least the equivalent of ' � -13- I � � � l��� � � 1 pound of chlorine per 8 hours for each 10,000 gallons of� swimm�ng pool capacity under conditions of operation to be anticipated at the pro�osed installation. (cc) They shal] have a graduated and clearl7y marked dosage adjust- ment to provide flovrs from full capacity to 25� of such ca�acity. The device shall be capable of continuous delivery within 10% of the dosage at any setting, (2) When the disinfectant is introduced at the suction side of the pump, a device or method shall be provided to prevent air lock oiF the pump or recircula_ tion sys tem. (3) When compressed chl�rine gas is used, the flllov�in addi ' tures shall be provided. Q 9 t�onal fea- (aa) The chlorine and chlorinating equipment shall be in a se arate mechanically ventilated r�om. Such rooms shall not be belb P be provided r�ith vents near the floor which terminate out-pf-do�rsa 1Theldoor ofathe room shall not open to the swimming pool , and shall open to the outside. The door shall be labeled "DANGER - GAS CNLORINE" in letters at lea�t 4 inches in height and of an orange color on a green background. Bureau approval shall be obtained for a variance of this requirement, i (bb) The chlorinator equipment shall be of�rugged design, capable of withstanding wear without developing leaks. (cc) All chlorine cylinders shall be ancho►�ed to prevent their fall- ing over. A valv� stem wrench shall be maintained on the �hlorine cylinder so that the supply can be shut off quickly in the case of an emergency. The�valve �rotec- tion hood shall be kept in place except when the .cylinder �s connected. (dd) The chlorine-feeding device shall be �esigned so that during accidents or interruptions of �the water supply "leaking chlqrine gas v�ill be con- ducted to the out-of-doors. (ee) The chlorinator shall be .a solution-f�ed type, capable of delivering chlorine at its maximum rate without releasing Chlorine gas to the atmosphere. . (ff) The chlorinators shall be designed tol revent the b water into the chlorine solution container. P ackflow of (gg) A gas mask designed for use in a chlot�line atmos here and f a type approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines sha11 be provided. In addition, re- placement canisters shall be provided and a record shall b� kept of gas mask usage to insure that the mask will be serviceable when needed. (hh) The gas mask shall be kept in a close� cabinet, accessible without a key, located outside of the room in which the chlorinator is maintained. (ii) Installation of chlorinator equipmentl and operation thereof, shall be carried on by and under the supervision of personr�el experienced with installation and operation of such equipment. (4) When a hypochlorite solution is used to be �'ed through hypochlorina- tor equipment: i . I __ . , , �/J/��� -]4- � i (aa) Feed shall be continuous under all cbnditions the circulating system, and ��ithout artificial constrictipn of the line, whether this line is under vacuum or pressure head. �f Pressure in pump suction (bb) Regulation shall be provided to insule consta varying supply or �back pressure. �' nt feed with (cc) Positive features shall be provided for preventin from the recirculation system to the solution container anld for re mum, the entry into the swirrmin 9 back-flovr chlorite. 9 Pool of free calcium relelased fromUCalcium h m�ni- ' - YPo- (dd) Means shall be provided to prevent siplhoning of hypochlor' solution when the recirculation pump and h applies to above-swimmin YPochlorinator a}�e both turned off, �te g-pool-level installations only.) I (This �5) Equipment and piping used to apply chemical� to the .water such size, design, and material as to be non-clogging and asily cleana shall be of ment of the positive displacement type is referred, b�e� equip- equipment and piping shall be resistant topaction of �A�1 �aterial used for such hemir�als to be used therein. �n) Lighting� Ventilation, and Electrical Requiremen�s. �1) i�'here underwater lighting is used, not less !than 0,5 watts employed per square foot of swirrunin shall be be spaced to provide illumination so �at a��er surface area. Such lights sha71 bottom, may be readily seen without glare, Portions of t�e pool , including the �2) Area lighting__shall provide at least 0.6 wat!t deck area. If such lighting is used for night swimming, ar a and SW��enfoot of lighting combined shall provide at least 2 watts per squaregfoot of o0 9 Pool area, p 1 and deck �3) � All electrical wiring shall conform wit I of the National Electricai Code (Article 680) and the StatelBoardcof1F Provisions � lectric�ty. . �4) All indoor swimming pools, bathhouses, dress�ng rooms, shower room and toiiet spaces shall be adequately ventilated by mechanical means. s, (o) Maintenance Requirements. The swimmin appurtenances sha11 be maintained in a satisfactory�operating�conditionqu�Pment, and (p) Dressing Rooms. ' �1) Bathhouses to be used simultaneously by both lexes shall be into two parts separated by a tight partition� each designated for men or divided The entrances and exits shall be screened to break l�ne of sh ht. _ WO�n. 9 (2) Bathhouse floors shall .be smooth finished mat�rial with non-sli surface, impervious to moisture, and sloped to a drain. Jun tions betwe p and floors shall be coved. � en walls �3) • Walls and partitions shall be of smooth, impe vious mater' from cracks or open joints. Partitions between dressing roo� shall termin' free ate at , , -15- � least 10 inches above th � e floor or shall be placed on con�inuous raised masonry or concrete bases at least 4 inches high. Lockers shall �e set either on solid masonry bases 4 inches high or on legs with the bot�om ofithe locker at least 10 inches above the floor. Lockers sha11 be properly vented� (4) The requirements relating to bathhouses, dt�essing rooms , toilet faci]ities and showers may be waived when such facilities � are conveniently avail- able to swimming pool patrons. (q) Toilets and Showers ' • , (1) Toilet and shower facilities shall be prov�ded on the basis of th following fixture schedule*: e Males ; Females Water Closets 1/75 1/50 Urinals ��75 � � Lavatories ��100 -- Showers** ��5p i 1/100 - 1/50 Drinking Fountain - Minimum of one to be located in srrimmi�ng pool area. (2) The �layout of the bathhouse shall be such that the bathers on leaving the dressing room pass the toilets and showers en �route to the swim- ming pool . (3) Showers shall be supplied with water at a �emaerature of at least 90° F, at a rate of at least 3 gallons per minute. Thermostatic, tempering, or mixing valves shall be installed� if necessary, to preven� scalding of the bathers. (r) Safety Requirement - Lifesaving Equipment. , (1) . Svrimming pools operated primarily for unor�anized use and having an area of more than 2,250 square feet of water surface area ;shal] be provided with an elevated lifeguard platform or chair. In pools with 4,�000 square feet or more of water surface area� additional elevated chairs or stati'ons shall be provided, . located so as to provide a clear unobstructed view of the ;pool bottom in the area under surveillance. �� (2) One unit of lifesaving equipment shall cons'ist of the f A ring buoy not more than 15 inches in diameter and equivalent in weightlto�a9cork buoy, to which shall be attached a 60-foot length of 3/16-�inch manila rope or equivalent; a life pole or shepherd's crook type of pole Naving blunted ends and a minimum length of 12 feet; a separate throwing line of 1;/4-inch rope with a length not less than 1 1/2 times the maximum width of the p�ol. �Not less than one unit of equipment, as enumerated above, shall be provided at every public swin�nin One unit shall be presumed to be adequate for 2,000 squar� feet �f water surface area, and one additional unit shall be provided for each additional 2,000 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of water. � *Fixture schedules should be increased for swirr�nin � locations where bather loads may reach peaks due topsche�dulescof�useor similar **Minimum of two i � � �, ���� -16- � (3) Every pool , where a lifeguard is p*�Y�ded,� shall be e ui a standard 16-unit first aid kit which shall be kept fill d and ready foreuse�th (4) Lifesaving equipment shall j � tributed around the swimmin be �urt�d in cbnspicuous places, dis- accessible, its function plainlylmarked,aand�kept in repair�and elsewhere, readily Bathers or others shall not be permitted to tarrner Kith, use foreany �ondition. than its intended use, or remove such e ui Y purpose other q pr,�ent fi-or„ its established location. �5) Where no lifeguard service is pror�ded, a r�arning sign shall be placed in plain view and shall state "Warnin ly legible letters at least 4 inches high, In a d�ition9Uthe sign�ushall �stateear- "Children Shall Not Use Pool Without An Adult In nttendance." (s) Disinfection and Quality of Water. i (1) Swimming pools, when in use, shall be contihuously disinfected with a chemical which imparts an easily measured, free a vailable residual effect. When chlorine is used, a free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 throughout the pool whenever it is open or in use. If otherhalogensbareaused�ned residuals of equivalent disinfecting strength s}�all be maintained. A testing kit for measuring the concentration of the disinfectznt, accur�te within 0.1 ppm, shal be provided at each. svrirr�ning pool.* 1 i (2) The Bureau may accept other disir�fecting materials or methods when they have been adequately demonstrated to provi� a satisfactory residual effect which is easily measured, and to be otherwise e ua of use as the chlorine concentration required hereiny andenIotCbeVdangerous�to�public health, create objectionable physiological effects, or impa t toxic properties to the water. �r I (3) The swimming pool water shall be mintained in an alkaline as indicated by a pH of not less than 7, condition curate to the nearest 0.2 pH unit shali beand not over 8.2. A pH testing kit ac- alkalinity of the water shall be at least 50rovided at each swimming pool * The total test. * PP� as u�asure� by the methylorange � (4) The water shall have sufficient clarity at a11 times so tha disc, 6 inches in diameter, is readiiy visible +rhen placed on a white field atbthe� deepest point of the swimming pool. Failure to �et this requirement sha11 constitute grounds for immediate closing of the pool. . (5) Not more than 3 out of any 5 cons ecutive samp�les collected on se arate days shall either (1) contain more than 200 bac teria per ml ,' as determined by the standard (35°C) agar plate count, or (2) show coliform organisms in any of the .five 10 ml port onsVOftassamplefor moreethanflr0 coliform organisms per 100 ml when the membrane filter test is used ming pool water sample containing a pathogenic �icroorganismj, which�is3confirmedm with a second sample, taken not less than three d�ys from th date of the laboratory results of the first sample� shall constitute the pool. All samples shall be collected� dech9l�ds for thg� immediate closing of w�th the procedures outlined in the latest edition�oftStandardeMethods foratherExamen- ation of Water and Wastewater (APHA). The Burea u a�a a routine asis when t e swimnin Y co ec an exam ne samp es on g pool is in active use. I *See addendum f�r rlarifi.-�+;,... '�, I � 'i �� ./3� -17- I (6) Chemicals used in controlling the quality pf water shall be demon- strated as imparting no toxic properties to the water. SUch chemicals as may be used for algae control shall be approved for use by the Bureau. (t) Cleaning Swimming Pools. (1) Visible dirt on the bottom of the swimming pool shall be removed every 24 hours or more frequently as required. (2) Yisible scum or floating matter on the swimmin be removed every 24 hours or more frequently as required by flush�ngsorfotherhefl fective means. (u) Supervision of Swimming Pools. (1� Every swimming pool shall be operated under the close supervision of a designated operator. 7he Bureau may require a certif'cate of competency ob- tained through attendance at and successful completion of swimming pool operator's training course. (2) Proper operating records, which may includel�', but not necessaril limited to, the following as required by the Bur�a shall y . �, k�e kept dai ly showing: (aa) Bather loads - total (bb) P;:ak bather load (cc) �'�lume fresh water added (dd) Operating periods of recirculation pumps and filters and cor- responding rate-of-flow meter readings (ee) Amounts of chemical used (ff) Disinfectant residuals ' �9g) pH readings (hh) h1aintenance (and malfunctioning) of eql�ipment (ii) These data shall be kept on file by th� operator for six months for review by the Bureau of Health or submitted per9odically �to the Bureau of Health as may be required by the Health Officer. Pool w�ter samples shall be submitted to the Bureau of Health as required by the Health Officer. (v) Supervision of Bathers. (1) A qua]ified attendant, trained in first aid and resuscitation, shall be on duty at all times the swimming pool is open to use by. bathers except as pro- vided in Regulation NWD 115 (r)(5). Such attendant should be in full charge of bathing and have authority to enforce all rules of safety and sanitation. (2) 'The following personal regulations shall be enforced: (aa) All persons using the swirrming pool shall take a cleansing i � '�b�P _18_ � � shower bath in the nude, using warm water and soap and thoroughly rinsing off all soap suds, before entering the swimming pool room or enclosure. A bather leaving the pool to use the toilet shall take a second cleansing bath before returning to the svrimming pool room or enclosure. (bb) Any person having an infectious or co�nunicable disease shall be excluded from a public swimming pool . Persons having any considerable area of exposed subepidern�al tissue, open blisters, cuts , etc. , shall be warned that these are likeiy to become infected and advised not to use the pool . (cc) Spitting, spouting of water, blovring the nose, etc. , in the swTmming pool shall be strictly prohibited. (dd) No running and boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports , shall be permitted in the pool , on the runways , diving boards, floats or platforms, or in dressing rooms, shower rooms, etc. (ee) All glassware or similar materials having a tendency to shatter upon impact shall not be allowed within the swimming pool enclosure area. (ff) Suitable placards embodying the above personal regulations and instructions and those relating to suits and towels shall be conspicuously posted in the swirmiing pool room or enclosure and in the dressing rooms and offices at all swimming pools. � (w) Closure of Pools. When any of the following conditions are found, any public swimming pool shali be immediately closed to use when so ordered by any authorized representative of the Bureau, and may be placarded with the appropriate wording to indicat� that it has been closed: (1) The proper number of units of safety equipment are not provided. (2) The clarity is such that a black disc, 6 inches in diameter, is not readily visible when placed on a white field at the deepest point of the pool. (3) The disinfectant residual is found to be below the acceptable levels established in MHD 115(r). � (4) Any other condition which endangers the health, safety, or welfare of the publ i c. The pool shall remain closed until the conditions are corrected and follow up observations made by an authorized representative of the Bureau. . , . ' � TABLE �I I � ( i ) ( I 2) �� � �/��5�� � � �fl�liMUP�Ii �.TANDAi� DS for P�IeLIG SV�IM(�'I (I�G Pa�L pIViNG A�E�1- SGHEaULE. of pEPTHS �nd �NEI� I�OGATiO� . ` N � O � LJ � \ • � . M � . • � • . ' � . , _ �- � . _ - o L . o L . . .-, • . M � - � • • r _ '�w r, v . . � u - . � � ' . � • . ,.� • • ' . . � • . � i N � U . � . � . ' � ' i � �.S, . . - �--1- 1- . N Y . �� . "- Un try [,r � - . � p Q Q n I . � . �. �. �� I � � � '�� � � � � �.C��1 Shal � be at End VVali of I�ivin� A�� o� �1��' More ThQr► � n � � � . !2 �rom This �'call . � , r �l.D�P7H - t�i�l.- t,��:X. _�_ �EhGTH �of SEGTIGh! S7At.f�S Q 30.�f'.DS � D- � D' ���' 3 ��"�_�_�� � ._� �---� � � E � �� 5'-0" s}'- 6�11'- 0„ � �„i$� 6,,,5� ��, ,*�� �,� � �� .. " i'- 0'� f� �� c � � -G I*9 -0 �cG-C� ` ___... .. �,, { 3' rJ�t�TER ��=+RD � �, -- --� (,�� „) , � M X � �5 - 6 '� I � ' � 6`0'� � -n� _�_.� � ► � e -� 7 -6 (5 - � . �� � „� , ,:; , „ , , ; � „ � „ �T� „ � „ � �� 6 -0 9 -0 i15-0 � i -0 1 - !;ETEF� f�0%.•�:D MIhI_ 5 -0 �4 - 6 -� •� ' � _ _� � _� I_—� - {—� 5�-6`� � ���'C` -G" �� � h1AX.} � � - , �—�- �� � „ � „� ?'- °6'-0'.���^�,�I12�-0��� ��- 0 • MiIJ 15 -U I �-6 IS -0 7 -6 6 i , DEC}< LEVEL �,P.D. MA.z� s'_6' I —� '-�'l10'-�"i— � - . T _�--- „ I .,._ __� - � ivflN. � _. ... ,. �� & �G Mny V4ry to. Attain T�t�l 15'- O N , . !, �- I�d� ADDENDUM � Section (s), subsections (1 ) and (3) , "Disinfection an� Quality of Water"; Clarification of Test Kit requirements : , Test Ki ts ' A disinfectant test kit and pH test kit must be provided for each pool facility. The disinfectant test kit must be capa�le of accurately measuring the free available disinfectant residual ind pendently from the combined and total residuals. The test "cell" or unit must have colorimetric standards ranging from at least 0.0 to 3.0 ppm, with inter- mediate values of at least 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1 .0, 1.5, 2.0 and - 3.0. The pH test "cell" or unit must have colorinetric standards ranq- ing from at least 6.8 to 8.2 with inte►-rnediate values Qf at least 6.8, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, 8.0 and 8.2. A single test k�t with individ- ual test cells for measurement of disinfectant and pH s normally acce�t- able. Additional test kits for measuring total alkalir,hity, cyanuric acid, or other chemical residuals may be required by the Bureau if the Bureau determines the need for such test kits. . I� �I I I i �I ! I _ �i il 12-24-74 I , 1NDEX � 9��1J�(O SWII�CII�;G POOL RULES A1aD P,EGULA7IO��S PAGE � ' P�GE CLEANIP�G SWIt�1�1ING POOLS 17 (t) FILTERS 10-12 (2) Bottom . 17 (t) (1 ) Diatomaceous Earth 11-12 (2) Surface 17 (t) (2) Body Fe der 11 (2) (cc) Cleanin 12 (jj) CLOSURE OF POOLS 18 {4r) (1 -4) Design Construction 11 (2) (ee) (gg) (hh) DEFINITIONS 1 (b) Drainin� 12 (!ck) Person 1 (b) (3) Filtering Area 11 (2) (aa) Private Residential Pool 1 (b) (2) Gauges �equired 12 (ii ) Public S�•rimming Pool 1 (b) (1 ) Rate of Filtration 11 (2) (bb) � Special Purpose Pool 1 (b) (6) Sand 7ypej �0-11 (1 ) , The City 1 (b) (4) Access Opening 11 (gq) Wading Pool 1 (b) (5) Coagulafits 11 (hh) DESIGI� CONSTRUCTION & Filter �ta�erial 10 (1 ) (1 ) (� OPERATIOt� FEATURES 2 (d) Freeboard Space 10 (1 ) (1 ) (� Gauges �tequired 10-11 (1 ) (1 DISII�FECTANT � CHEI�ICAL Pressure Safety Factorl i (i i ) FEEDERS 12-14 (m) Underdr�in S,ystem 10 (1 j (1 ) (� • Chlorine Gas 13 (3) Valves � Piping 11 (�'f) • Backflow Prevention 13 (3) (ff) a . Design of Chlorinator 13 (3) (bb) (dd) HEALTH & SAFETY 2-3 (e) Gas t�ask - 1� (3) (gg) (hh) Communicable Disease 2 (e) (1 ) Fiandling of Gas Design Bather Load 3 (5) Cylirders 13 (3) (cc) Emergency� Instructions 3 (4) Installation and � Pool Access Controlled 2 (e) (3) (c� Operation 13 (3) (ii ) Type of' Fence 2 (e) (3) (a; Locaticn )3 (3) (aa) � Height of Fence 2 (e) (3) (�! Solution Feed 13 3 (ee) Pool Oper�tor 2 (e) (2) . , Equipment & Piping 14 5 �Feeders 12-13 (m) � IPISPECTIOt� ' 3 (f) Adjustment 13 (m) (cc) � , Capacity 12 (m) (bb) LIGHTING, V�E�dTILATION & Type 12 (m) (aa) . EtECTRICAI Hypochlorite Solution 14 ' REQI�IP,Er1EtdTS i4 (n) Backflow Prevention 14 (4) (cc) Area Lighting 14 (n) (2) �eed 14 {4) (aa) (bb) Electrica�l Wirinq 14 (n) (3) Siphoning Prevention 14 (4) (dd) Underwatelr Lighting 14 (n) (1 ) Prevention of /1ir Lock 13 (2) Yentilation 14 (n) (�i) DISINFECTION & QUALITY MAINTEt�AI�CE� REQUIRE�•1ENTS 14 (o) OF �•JATER 16 (s) . ' . Chemical Toxicity 16 (s) (2) OPERATION � � 3 (g) 17 (s) (6) Daily Records - 3 (g) (1 ) pH 16 (s) (3) Equipment Operation 3 (g) (2) Residual Level 16 (s) (1 ) Water Clarity . 16 (s) (4) - SAFETY REQIIIREt'�EtdTS 15-16 (r) Water Sanpling 16 (s) (5) First Ai Y.it 16 (r) (3) Lifeguar� Chairs 15 (r) (1 ) � DRESSIP�G R001•1S 14-15 (p) LifesavinIg Equipment 15 (r) (2) Floors � 14 (p) (2) Locatibn 16 (r) (4) Separate Facilities 14 (p) (1 ) . Warning �Signs 16 (r) (5) �Jaiving of Requirements 15 (p) (4) Walls & Partition5 � 14 (p) (3) SCOPE AND �URPOSE 1 (a) � . . ' r � � � �. .,�� � , �'��1J�' lo . ' � �� .� PAGE ' PkGE SEWER SYSTF�1 3-4 (i ) Overflow Gutters 6-7 (7) (aa) Air Gap 3 (i ) (2} Recirculation Systems 8 Discharge 4 (3) Heaters 8 (gg) Size 3 (i ) (1 ) Identifi'cation of Pipes8 (b�) ' . Pumps 8 (ff) SUBIriISSIO�d OF PLA"1S A��D Rate-of-lFlow Indicatoi�: 8 (ee) SPECIFICFTIOt4S 1-2 (c) Strainer 8 (ec) Turno�rer P,ate �° ' � 8 t(aa) SUPERVISIOP� OF BATHERS 17-18 (v) Vacuum Cleaning System 8 (dd) Attendant 1.7 (v� (l ) . Side 41a115 � ' 6 (G) Personal Regulations 17-18 (v) (2) S{:immers ' 1-� . Ca�acit� � (8) (aal ) SUPERVISIO�� OF SWIISMING Construction 8 (8) (aa6) POOLS 17 (u) Equalizer Pipe Operating Record tdeeded 17 (u) (2) Purpose 7 (8) (aa4) Operator 17 (u) (1 ) Size i 7 (8) (aa5) P�umber decessary 7 (8) (aa) THE POOL 4-9 (j) Skimmer� 6asket 7 (8) �(aa3) Construction t4aterials 4 (l ) (aa) Weir � � 7 (8) (aa2) � Corners 4 (1 ) (bb) . Slope of Bottom 6 (5) Pool Finish 4 {1 ) (cc) Deck & I�lal kways 9 (11 ) TOILETS APdD_SN04d�P,S 15 (q) Carpeting 9 (11 ) (bb) Bathhousej L�ayout . ' 15 (q) (2) Size 9 (11 ) (aa) Fixture S�hed;.�le 15 (q} (1 ) Cepth Marl;ings & Lines 5 (3) w'ater Sup ly 15 (q) (3j Lane Lines 5 (3) (�c) Location of I�iarkings 5 (3) (aa) USER LOADING 70 (k) � ' Size of Piarkings 5 (3) (bb) Deck Areas 10 (k) (3) Uesign, Detai.l , and Computing Load 10 (k) (1 ) (� � �tructural Stability 4-5 ' �, � Applicable I�SF Standards5 (gg) WATER SUPPi�Y 3 (h) Shallo�v End � Backflo�v Preventi.on 3 (h) (2) Minimum Depth 4 (2) (ee) Potable Quality 3 (h) �(1) Maximum Depth 5 (ff) Shape � 4 2 (dd) Size 4 �2� (bb) � Structural Stability 4 (2) (aa) !, . Water Circulation 4 (2) (cc) �, Diving Areas Clear Area Around Diving Board 9 (12) (bb) Dimensions . 9 (12) (aa) Inlets & Outlets 5-6 � i Location & Design 6 (ee) (ff) (gg) tdain Drain 5 4 (aa , Multiple Outlets 5 �4 ,(bb Sewer Connection 6 (cc) Yalves and Pumps 6 (dd) - Ladders, Recessed Treads � & Stairs 8 (10) j , " At Shallow End 9 (10) (aa) 'I . Construction 9 (lo) (bb) (ee) ' Handrails 9 (10) (dd) Ladders 9 (10) (cc) Steps 9 (lU) (bb) (dd) I . � � _ �.: 9������ ���m� . { ��� ._ � ��? 8' ,' , �,�j4' �•.• � 4� _ �, . :kGt�ll.¢OUNa�*p�) � `W�.� � �=•�i I .a ��/,,/(�f`,� � I �• ' V �^^J . l��••.......�•���o . <����+u�mnfi"'4 I STATE O F M I N N ESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS � RECEIVED FIFTH FLOOR, FLOUR EXCHANGE BU�LDING � JUL !r 4 �g91 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 CITY CLERK (612)341-7600 �I July 23, 1991 ' 'I Albert B. Olson � City Clerk St. Paul City Council ', 386 City Hall St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: In the Matter of City of St. Paul vs . J/D Athletics Inc. , d/b/a Medalists Sports Club II , 1515 Brewster Street; OAH Docket No. 51�i-2101-5458-3. Uear Mr. Olson: Enclosed herewith is the record in the above—referenced matter and the tape recording of the hearin�. The Findings of Administra �ve Law Judge Charles Faulkner were served on all parties on July 12. O�r file in this matter is now being closed. , Sincerely, �,r1� '2C� �.l � ��-''2-�'y� SANDRA A. HAVEN Office Services Supervisor Telephone: 612/341-764� sh i Enc. I I i I , , , � f ,`4�,'. . 5� - �.� �i -5�-ss -3 . ��r1��,� �piTi p> . . . . OF� , •y "CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ��ii'i ii"i � ��-('��. (; •�--�-, OFFICE F THE CITY ATTORNEY +p �° � .�t_.L L1 �€.,iJ i�s• �j ��k� 2�j ���j �j: v� JANE IA. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,.lviinnesota 55102 JAMES SCHEIBEL r��;=;i �;.;I���!i'�'i: 612-298-5121 MAYOR HL��;���� FAX 612-298-5619 � J ���..r� March 25, 1991 ��`'-�� , �z,.�' �. �`�`��`: Mr. David Schwartzman, President � � Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President Mr. James Simon, Secretary J/D Athletics Inc. , � 1515 Brewster Street �� �'���� �� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 NQTICE OF HEARING , � RE: City of St. Paul vs. J/d Athletics Inc. , dbal� Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster Street .;�A Dear Messrs Schwartzman and Mr. Simon• � � This is to notify you that a hearing will be held concern ' the licenses held at the premises stated above ait the following ' time, date and place: Date: April 23, 1991 Time: 9 a.m. Place: Room 816 Commerce Building 8 East Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 The judge will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Howard��Raibel, Jr. � Officc' of Administrative Hearin s Fifth Floor, flour Exchange Buildinq 310 Fourth Avenue South I Minneapolis, MN 55415 �i Telephone: (612) 341-7608 ' The Council of the City of Saint Paul has I the authority to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises, and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310. 05 and 310. 06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating liquor, authority is also conveyed by section 340A.415 of the Minnesota Statutes. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. I' � ,i , , - � +� `�, � Ky� /��,�lG � . . , . � � � f7 �� : ��« � • •� �. i. :. E � " f� '� 4: � �`� x � fd� ta j�`e� f March 25, 1991 � �,; �:: r ��,: � ,�,v Mr. David Schwartzman President � "` s A; �,�� : Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President = �; ������,�� �' Mr. James Simon, Secretary I � J/D Athletics Inc. , ' ��,� j; =a Page two � � ; � � . ,� f ,�'� � j The Environmental Program Manager, William Gunther, based �' on numerous inspections of the licensed facility a1� 1515 Brewster by his staff, has requested adverse action aqainstlall licenses held at that location. Adverse action can include revocation or suspension of the license, and/or the impositio of conditioris on the license. The basis for his request is tha� there have, been � significant, lonq-term and uncorrected problems with the fac�lity, including its basic cleaning, routine maint�nance, �' equipinent maintenance and pool chemistry. The evidence to be presented �illr include testimony from the staff persons who made the inspections, copies of the various inspection reports (most lof which you have already received at or shortly after the time o� inspection) , and such other information as will be relevant to the health hazards presented by the continued operation of the lic�nsed facility. `;A complete set of the documents will be sent to you at your request if you do not have them or not kept them on file. These documents cover all of 1990 and 1991. I You have the right to be represented by an attorney before • and during the hearing if you so choose, or you can r�present yourse.lf. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice qf law. The hearing will be conducted accordance with the requirements of sections 14. 57 to 14 . 62 of the Minnesota Statutss, and such parts of the procedures under section 310:05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge wi11 have all parties identify themselves for the record. Then the City will present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the license�e or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the city's attorney may cross-examine. The Adminis�trative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testi:mony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for e�ample, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in th outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made� by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, - Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. I 1 i �.����"���� � . �� ����. � . � �� � �,� : � ;��` � '`�' f .�: , March 25 1991 � ��� �'�-� , ��t�;r��� ��,:, �.;� � � ,� y t ' �i ,:�;_ Mr. David Schwartzman, President ' r� Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President � , '��� � Mr. James Simon, Secretary � �� ��'u" �'. � J/D Athletics Inc. , � ����'"����� � �:a a� Page three � , �.�. ; You should bring to the hearing all documents, records �� and , i, ; witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas �, �" "' may be available to compel the attendance o� witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Mi�nesota Rules, -part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved � or settled w�th,out a formal hearing, please contact or have your a!ttorney contact the n {9 �.M�"�'R S -. 4� . : undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement c�n be reached -��s to� # �,F;'' , the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Admin�st`rati�ve�° `� Law Judge for incorporation into his or her ;recommendation for � Council action. _ , If you fail to appear at the hearing, the allea�ations aga�inst you which have been stated earlier in this notice mgy be takeri=.as true and your ability to challenge them forfeited. ' If non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it ' may become public� unless objection is made and relief request�d under Minnesota Statutes, section 14 . 60, subdivision 2 . , Very Truly Yours, � � . � . PHILIP . BYRNE ' Assistant City Attorney �� cc: Deborah L.Peterson 1515 Brewster Street � Robert Kessler License Inspector ' Albert B. Olson � City Clerk �, Paige Purcell , Office of Administrative Hearings � Lt. Nancy DiPerna � Vice Unit � William Gunther ' Environmental Health Ms. Kay Woitas � District 10 Community Council , Ms. Tracy Smith ; State of Minnesota � Attorney General 's Office I / aEQVEi� rv� ��........... _ - - - i i� �/�(J (L � It• �t R�au�sts 1 � � I ; �'/ � � � � o�tatt ��rso�� 1 �--��-,-�- `�-- •1�P�on� Mu�D��: � 1 � ��/ �-� � , • O��yi � - ���_ . �� � . y� �t Ca s�: �ti ' �-.�}-s �`� ; �b�� � � ,_� ��_ 'G��''-j..�-�> �.�5`�--v . �►� " � _�- .r- � Oat� sj �nd T1ine: � � � • ' � � . �t f t�red t . , ��� i otatlon: � . � � . ai� .issue: �� ; - . _ ��.-�, `-�1���.,�-'�- _ - - � � � � j 1.> � -r' , , �.� � , . . . � � �.,��� �' , - . . . � - , y�� � . , - . . _ � ;� ��, � � . `, ,-�� �' �.`' �' + - ��.,��,,�,,.�'��•- _� � � � � I . ttor�n�ys tor Parti�s: ., ' . ' � c Ex ectcdt/AnYthln9 out ot tht ordlnat"Y3 ; .Q1a Covcr�9 � ._ ' . ; � ,---� � . ;-=� ;'' ,• . �' � � / 0�� �ssl�nt0 �n0 O�t�: ,;' . i • � i/ _ ..��'7 ' 7 � 1 1 i i %��'�� y�'T °' � ^ ~� ' CITY OF.SAINT PAUL � O y = ���'iii'�� � OFFICE bF THE CITY ATTORNEY •, „� :, �... � f� r�`,,1� r .� � , , JANE�!1. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY �'�`�� ` `` �` � �� ��" � i 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Mimesote SSi02 JAMES SCHEIBEL ; 612-298-5121 MAYOR -'FAX 612-298-5619 April 23 , 1991 � ��;,� � ,��- .: , - , Mr. Charles W. Faulkner ' Administrative Law Judge � Suite 500 701 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, iiinnesota 55415 � Re: In re the Licenses of the Medalist Sports Cl�b Dear Mr. Faulkner: � The City of Saint Paul through its Environmenta� Health Division opposes the motion of the licensee for an extension and/.or rehearing of the hearing held on Tuesday, April �3 , 1991. There are two bases for their opposition. First, the licensee had timely and clear notice of the hearing date anY� the grounds on which the adverse action would be requested. Second, the reason given for the requested delay, i.e. , that there w;as an "electrical problem" at the premises, was insubstantial and n�ot good cause for the licensee not to appear at the hearing as schieduled. I. ' Licensee was notified by letter on March 25, 1991, of the date time, and place of the hearing, together with ;the grounds upon which adverse action would be based. Hearing Exh�ibit 1. �Olti^�.-t1Tii2 after tiint 1@ttEY' waS Sciit vil�� uaiTiZj � SiTlOI7 GuliBt� ti18 undersigned to ask questions about the hearimg, and what his options were. He indicated that he wanted to set;tle the case, and did not want to hire an attorney. He was advised that in any case the matter would ultimately be decided by the cit� council and that the parties would have the opportunity to speak b�fore the council. _ No further contact was made by James Simon with �the undersigned. On April 4 , 1991, the licensee was advised of the change in the judge assigned to hear the case. See Motion Exh�bit A attached to this letter. James Simon at no time requested a continuance of the hearing, and made no contact with any representative of the City on the morning of the hearing. � � i -- . - . � �/��,5 O tP . , The City appeared at the hearing, with all of it$ witnesses: Robert Kessler, License Inspector; William Gunther, Environmental Health Program Manager; and health inspectors Chr�.s Ayoka; Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis and Steven Schiller. After � waiting a reasonable time, the City presented its witness�es and e�tYiibits.:'� To require another hearing would be a hardship and inequity for��,the. . City. i ,{� , II. 'I On the morning of the hearing, the City appear d with all of its ' witnesses, ready to proceed. When the licensee �id not appear, k.the hearing was delayed until 9: 20 a.m. , when the city presented�� its exhibits and witnesses, adjourning at about 10:I30 a.m.l Upon returning to the office, the undersigned r�ceived a call �rbm Howard Kaibel, the administrative law judge ori�inally assigned�'�o the case, who indicated that James Simon had called and had said;; that he did not appear at the hearing because� of an "electrical problem. " I asked William Gunther to send an inspector � out immediately to the Medalist Sports Club to asc rtain the accuracy and seriousness of the problem. Mr. Gunther s�nt Steven Schiller out, and his report is attached as Motion Exhik�it B. That report makes clear that the electrical pro�lem affected at the very most 10� of the Club, and that all of he tennis courts, offices, locker rooms, main exercise room (fir�t floor) , seating, tanning beds, exercise area (second floor) (with the exception of the deli counter, all of the racket ball courts, second floor gym and lobby had electricity at 9: 00 a.m. when the� pool operator came to work. The report indicates that an electrician was not called until 11: 15 a.m. by James Simon. I Two points can be made. First, Mr. Simon co �uld have called an electrician immediately, and come to the hearin . The vast majority of the Club was not affected by any electrical p�roblem. The problem certainly was not one that required his prese,nce on the license premises to solve. Second, Mr. Simon could hav� called the Health Department or the city attorney's office bef,ore 9 : 00 a.m. to advise them of the problem and to seek a short! delay in the start of the hearing. He did not do either of these things. 1 It is noteworthy that no other persdn appeared at the hearing who indicated they were going to be a witness on behalf of the Medalist Sports Club, giving rise to an !inference that the licensee did not intend to appear at the hearing in any event. The appearance of such a person would have been evlidence of an intent to proceed that would have been consistent , with an emergency situation. James Simon could Yiave directed an �mployee of the Club to appear at the hearing and request a delay in the start of the hearing, but he did not do so. I I `f/�/��� • , III. � Summarv The report of the ALJ will be furnished to bothlparties`b�fore the case goes to the Council for its decision. The licensee will have the opportunity to submit exceptions to the re ort, and: will also have the opportunity to appear before the Counc 1 and present oral and written argument to that body as to he basis for, ,the recommendation and its substance. The licensee has made a bad choice in decidi g to use a minor electrical problem as a pretext to make this at�tempt to delay�-'the date of the hearing. But it is a choice that does not fall within_ the definition of "good cau�e" for a contimsance. Minn. Rules, Part 1400.7500, require that �Irequests for ,the continuance of a hearing be based on "good cause. " The Rule does contain a partial definition of what is included and what -is not included in that term. The closest analogy ' to this case is "intentional delay, " and that is specifically �declared not '>to be good cause. The electrical problem was not that severe, and could have been handled by an electrician. The licensee made no effort to call or send someone to the hearing to request a brief delay :in the . start of the hearing. Very truly yours, � I Philip . Byr Assistant City Attorney i cc: Mr. James Simon Medalist Sports Club 1515 Brewster Street j Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 William Gunther Environmental Health Program Manager I 1954 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 �i I II - �T- �-;-��.-:.,, ,•.�,�„���aM,, , � d'�sT'��.., �1�; � �' : ����� v.`�y\l[DUilr�'��, 1� 'Y% YllY`Y , �/ �'.� '4' Y �;�� �� ' �1,' �� � =�= 1 �F�� r ��VE� h �P '. � __ � ���... , b... . ��'.• �" p;'�n'� 3,r-�� Y� �,a��l�} ye ' � , :�. ,,�.��a�=� .:� ��A�'R��-8.1��91 f STATE OF MINNESOTA � ,:`���,� �� - � ������, OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ` ,�,� j 4 , ,��•-�' '�'� ; ,� FIFTH FLOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING � �' � ;K" �� �� ' � r^;a F ��{ � � �r 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 �'�,�..���,� f',,�'�} '� (612)341-7600 $` a}�',�t``'�'� : Cl� IOf �t,', : .Tro �A���1CS IT1C: —r�aaiist�s� ���, . '-A a Apri 1 4, 1991 �te: 4/+�/91' ;ity►Sy r.:�`' Hearar� jt'�'��O�oN,� �� �t ��: A � .� �� : Mr. David Schwartzman, President } ' � ;� , Mr. Jon �ch�,r�rtzman, 1.�i ce Pres i dpn± �7�=����'s Mr. James Simon, Secretary �;�� � ft ��;� � � �' J/D Athl eti cs Inc. ��� �,��°� �� �`���:r'��'� 1515 Brewster Street _ ����' ���d� ��.�P��,� ,;� '. St. Paul , Mi nnesota 55108 �, � �� �`�� ° � '���'�� �TF a�r . y�4 $.... � { 1 � s�` s,'£'��-�t# S .}� ,�{ �`-; Phi 1 ip B. Byrne ^`= 5�� �� � �;� � �,� � r Assistant City Attorney ' =� =� i "' '� x°N City of St. Pau1 _ � � �� "�' � ¢+ � a �, 647 Ci ty Hal 1 �'���` r��`N �' �` t 4���n � s�}'t j? :, '. �: St. Pau1 , MN 55102 � � .��� �} ° ,/4 h k:'t r Re: City of St. Paul v. J/d Athletics Inc. , dba M �dal9st Sports CTub II; OAH Docket No. 51-2101-5458-3 � . .�; , � - S-A.,�. 1 '. Dear Parties: ::,, � "' �C:z 4i�"i �,. � t^��'h C Please be advised that due to a scheduling conflict Adminstrative Law �. � ;, ,� Judge Howard L. Kaibel is no longer responsible for the above-referenced Y- matter. Please direct all future questions and corresp�ndence to 4,k5� ,< � Administrative Law Judge Charles W. Faulkner, Suite 500„ 741 Fourth Avenue �{, � ' South, Minneapolis , Minnesota 55415, telephone no. (612)' 337-9573. �`'�ti.t.r` �', `. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Yours very truly, � � PAIGE L. PURCELL Docket Clerk, OAH Telephone: 612/'341-7615 PP AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I �I,, �r - y� 'k'„r,j'.. Department of Community Services ��� it: - {��; �;`��x=�c����� Division of Public Health , � ' ,�D' _ Environmental Monitoring `�� 1954 University Ave. Suite 7 . �. �'� �' ;9i�����j 292-7776 � ' �� Inspection Report ,� , Complaint Data: �:���"�����., �,. ��� . �I , .i`, ��;;�X, � ;�. � .. v•x�' . . �� . � �:. Un ` � `��. , �%��ed���� ..C�.����,� . Complainant• Address: .� �� '* 4�'' 1 ?hon�#; �- a3-9l �..�- _ � . .�,. , � � ' :�;� � . .,;�-� � � . : ���� . - y��. .�`t' � . � � ,r� � ;��.� � � � �. � �,�: � � � o � '��: . � . . r � / ��L � `. . . , '�+�---p�"g'�" .°'>'C�' g"�� ..�����/%!�C�� / ' � � � :� . , , . • . - � , . � . � � - �. . —_.�cl�,-�.�-���a�x�.���c�ri�t� :;; � � - � � - _ . - - : I � ������� When I realized that I would be late, I attempted to call Philip Byrne's office, but he was not in. After rereading the letter, I contacted Howard Kaibel 's office to explain my situation, and he told me that he did not know anythinq .about � it, and that he would call me back. I did not here from him' ' � until around 11:00 AM, and he explained that the case was .,�� transferred to you. I called your office, and was told th t,l you were out, so I left a message. � ��� _���-� At this time I would like to request an opportunity to present my response to the health departments claims before , you make your final recommendation to the city council . In order to make things easier I would be willing to meet at i your convenience, or I could simply fax you a response if yo,�Z - have transcripts fram them. 's I hope you realize that in small businesses, sometimes the owner has to do whatever it takes to get the job done. In � this case, I felt obligated to protect my members safety, an�l I feel that I made a sincere effort to try an contact you, � and I hope that you will give me the opportunity to respond. ' If you need any information, please call . Thank you I James Si on Medal s Sp Club 1515 Brewster St. Paul , MN 55108 I 646-1165 ' I I I � } � ������': ��� i u�, �: . �,: �c �; ��.n OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEAR�LNGS �= x FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ! :� � _•�_�,,, . .. '. .....�' , .�� Yrt , K �. In re the Licenses of � � �� �� ' ���� � - ,� �� � �� 4 . �Memorandum'onrBurden Medalist Sports Club of Proof and Evidence April 23 , 1991 r, 1. Burden of Proof. �� � ,_�..� ���� � :� � (a) Preponderance of the Evidence. i ��. ' ti,�� � In a civil hearing concerning adverse �ction on municipa�` � ;; � '' ;�,. licenses, the City as the licensing authority must prove its case ` ,'� by a preponderance of the evidence. The City'sievidence` must lead ' the trier of fact to believe that it is more l�ikely that� its case i is true than not true. See Civil Jury InstructiQn Guides, JIG II 70 G. If there is the slightest tipping of the sca]les in the direction of the City by credible evidence, then it has �roved its case. It is not necessary in a civil case, as th�is is, to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. The crimina�'1 standard is not , applicable here. The Minnesota Court of Appeals�, in In re Kaldahl, 418 N.W. 2d 532, 535 (Minn. App. 1988) , said th� following: "The burden of proof in Kaldahl's criminal misdemeanor trial was different from the burden of I; proof in the administrative proceeding which resulted in the (administrative) order. . . . Unless otherwi�e provided by substantive law, the facts at issue in �dministrative hearings and contested cases must be oroven by "a preponderance of the evidence. " See Minn.R. 1400.7300, subp. 5 (1985) ; In re Schultz, 375 N.W. 2d 5Q9, 514 (Minn. App. 1985) . " (Emphasis added. ) 1 ' �'/-�'�"�:� ,q. Also see In re Wanq, 441 N.W. 2d 488, 492 (Minn. 1989) , which reaffirmed the preponderance standard for administrative disciplinary hearings. �,�,,, The fact that no criminal complaint or charge was =brot�ght :� against the licensee does not bar this proceeding, •nor.;;is :it , - relevant. In re Kaldahl, supra. Kaldahl makes it clear �that the civil administrative proceeding may still go ahead even if the � criminal charge has resulted in an acquittal for the defendant. , ".:s�' ;: (b) Substantial Evidence. � In re Wanct, 441 N.W.2d 488, 492 (Minn. 1989) , also makes clear that the decisions of the administrative agency must be supported��'"- by "substantial evidence on the record as a whole. " The f'indings of the ALJ in this case, and later those of the City Council, as in other license proceedings, must be supported by "evidence that a reasonable mind miaht accept as adequate, " in the context of the entire record. 441 N.W. 2d at 492 . 2 . Hearsay Evidence. �'' (a) Police Reports. Police reports which recite the personal observation and experiences of the police officers who wrote them are admissible in administrative hearings, and may support findings made by the administrative or quasi-judicial body which is holding the hearing. Sabes v. City of Minneapolis, 265 Minn. 166, 120 N.W. 2d 871, 877-78 (Minn. 1963) . This is an exception to the hearsay rule, based on the admissibility of the official records and reports of public 2 � ��:;, ���'/���, officials. I (b) Generallv. � In Hagen v State Civil Service Board, 2�82 Minn. 296, � 164 N.W. 2d 629, 632 (1969) , the Minnesota Supreme 'Court stated in .a case dealing with a challenge to evidence thalt a civi'1 service � , ;• board had admitted: "It is true that an administrative body acting quasi- judicially is not bound by strict procedur�l rules which circumscribe the action of a court, and that incompetent evidence is not fatal to its determination. " �. The Minnesota Supreme Court, while recogn�zing that hearsay� � evidence is admissible in administrative disciplinary hearings and , that hearsay evidence alone might be suffici�ent to sustain a decision, holds that in most cases hearsay evidence alone; will not be enough. In re Wanq, 441 N.W.2d at 495. �I Minn. Stat. sec. 14 . 60, in providing for the evidence that may be received and heard by administrative agenc�.es subject to the state APA, states in part: { � -��,�:�; "In contested cases agencies may admit and ive probative ; effect to evidence which possesses pr�bative value commonly accepted by reasonable prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs. Sec. 14 . 60, subd. l. � 5� n ;� � I '; �� Respectfully submitted this �3 day of , 197� • ` '"y` �.�< . �. Philip . Byrn Assistant City At�torney 647 City Hall ' 612-298-5121 Atty. Reg. No. 13961 , 3 , . :i . �--���,�:; �°`TT °r. CITY OF SAINT'PAUL oR¢ _ •� _. � �_�������� � OFFIC OF THE CITY ATTORNEY i� n° � �.•• JAIV�A. MC PEAK,'CITY:ATTORNEY 64Z,City Iiall;Saint Pau1,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL ' FA3c 612-29s-5619 MAYOR . I ,.. �, ':': City of Saint Paul Rebuttal Exhibits June 14, 1991 � � s ` - °: �°:� ; R-1. Inspection Report, Steven Schiller, May 2, I1991. �' R-2 . Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, May 7 , 1991. R-3 . Inspection Report, Steven Schiller, May 24I�, 1991. R-4 . Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, May 31, 19I91. R-5. Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, June 4, 1991. R-6. Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, June 7 , 1991. I I � � .-�� I I I ( ` � J I I I I I I i ��. � �`�`.# � ��, . . � k"�,3, or�t t _ �� � . 1 ° �• e � SAIATr PAUL DNIS ION OF — Medalist Sport s Club Adm �,r -` ` — -. - -- - - .. IINIROt�IJ'�ATI'AL �•ALZ Date: b✓�/u�l City's F�t�.bit �� �--) S S 5 CED�AR STR�'T r: — . . � SAIl1r PAUL, I�tt�50TA 55101 � ,� t �� . y, �.� . +�1• j Y.. �H^ `.! . I c 1`' � . �.� 1�•i(�y: �I * .. • �tdSy C10511'� Of Sw1ItTTl1T� �OZ G1' wl�llZZjXSp� r � f �r k � ��' . R` r:' i •- , . � . ' . � .::� ` > < �� 1. NdTRS �/ ////At���l'�� _/���I �!i' :��'�` �%,, T,� ' '-�� , ,,� �� � , � � .��,��i r�� �;�� ' . . l+*.'`fi�,� S 2• A�3rP.5$: � �`-YLlL , r� � , ' 3. Date: S � � - � Time: �- ; `S� ���� , : r�:; � .�, � � , �� ��,� . ' ;� �� �, � a. z�a� �i � . outao� �i ❑ whui��oi ❑ �i �%� � f � . , b� ,-.A .. , � :r 5. Closed due to: � � •` ;� - , � t ... `t:�,?�,rx'f. ? � t�nbrane Filter test (coliforms) ' : .�`; �'• ��� Q High Standard Plate Count � I - . � , � �' Pre.s�ce of Pseudaronas . � 6. /�%�.p,%/ �' ��J ���.� j :; . (name of person contacted) , (priorie nurnber) , .-"� � � was ordered to close the abwe facility and to superchlorinate to at `, �'��� _: Ieast 10 pgn (or to use other apprwed bactericida�) for 6 to 10 hoursr.��. ��`� _ The pool may reopen whP.� chemfcals are at acceptab'�.e levels. , �k ; �� � ���-� . , , ���� . � ��� � � �� � / ,'"�°�� . Sanitaii'�an��� � a ; . . � � . • 'I . . , � � , ;� , w,,� � '�# , - . ' ��:���-' , �. SATNT PAUL DNISSON O . � ;� a < � .. --- - . . ... . _. FNVIRON?'�.'KPAL FiEA�Me ' t rts Cluy� Adm."L,aJt�� ` 3�` — • n�p Date: /,��1 Clt S EXillblt�tt """2 . ' - .555 ��XY\ sa .. A.�i�ra_,. ..; ' . ' ' S�LII1r PAUL, �nxr�OrTA 55101 �;�:� h" . '` � � , �r . -. � � � *r����� �, . �orarY Clo6inq of,swiirmin� Pool ar W�irll�ool���'�� $�; �; . . . - . � � �� ��t`{`}�r� . . � .a�7,A� '.,S�rP r � � t '�s , � . . � � �� _r ,px ��- - ' . - ).4 T s, T !F'.. _ �. ��: f'�I�c���S� . ���1 s C�.u�,�-. �Y{�������,� � ��ii k ... r� � . . . . . . . . . - �f.� ,•cC.,x�rty�n' h� i � . . �.. . � . . �^� . .. . .. �_. . � :� �y��-"'!�����.�i������ � _ .''.. . ��.� ,�._ ��:. .. �� .•.. :.� f . {/ . . �.' .... �;;�( . .. � � � 1 � • ��� ���. . .. . '7l'�,k�yA, x( . . _ Z A�r255 I i I � . . . � � � � �,�,x.� � � O g . .,.. �/ � - . . - . . . . - . � � � , � . . .� . � . � � . �. . � , '. . .,�y�..� . . . • �' . � . � � �� . - ' � .. ' � � � - . 3. Date. Ture _ . � �, . ' : _ � ��f1 � _ a. ' Ina«�r Pooi outaoor 'Pbol� Q wr�i.rlI�Q1 ❑ ������Pr� , �.' �` _ y .� r " ; � � ., - .� � _ � - . � ;� ,;�'i�n :: � . � . . . . � ah.1 ... - . . . � . -. . - � � . .. . . " r s'.. v.�: 5. Closed due to: � �_ ' .� ,� . . [] Meinbrane Filter test icoliforrrs) , � . �A�� �M � .. . . . . . � ' ' ' 1i. . Y . . " . - � . . . . ' ' . , . � . I , _ • 4 . . ... High Standard Plate Co�nt , . �^ Pre�ce of Pseudaronas `�`-`� = � I . . � �f� �--� �� 6 �� 6. O f-� !� ? . . '�,. :� . . tname of persrn contact�:d) . ' tphone rn.unber) x $ : . . ;�� ., . ., , , : ,�. - _ � . , . �_ _ .. �.. _ .. Mas erdered to close the abw� facility and to su�rchlorinate to at;� ,,,� � - Ieast 10 pgn (or to �.ise other apprwed bactericidal) for 5 to 10 hours, aC �:� , Tt�e pool may reopen �_n chemicals are at accepta�Ie Ievels. : �"'�-�,� _ : _ - , ,�t,x . .. . . . _ . . . ..K . � - . . . . ; . . . ' � . a���, . . : ��-� S' - 4(� ;,,���5, $STllt.drldll t1��;; , ,-� . _ ', : _ _ .. - _ - .. : � �I . � . . I - ' , ' . I • I - �� . , . F ti�;< . . . �. . I �, _ � � ���.�� ity o t a v. e�ics?� ' "�`` • SATNP PAUL DNISION 1—Medzl' t rts Club Adm ���iL ` -- _ . II�]VIROt�A�NTAL AF:1 Date:� 9 City's E�ib�r���..� ra,� ` — SSS CEDiAR STRF:E,T �`�rl �- . � � . . . � SAINI' PAUL, t�Nt�SOTA 55101, ,?�� �� ;�'� , :-. . � ��� 1�;.:_�� _. ' C1061 Of $W F�OZ Or IW�Ir1 ��' ,t • � � , f h� ' ;4 }�'r'i { `# l��f - ' . s �a .'4 � '` , :> >s :� ��"y ' Y �r . •�4i�'L�� ///_ J— /� �y/� j., l v� � � 1• . �// k // //)[../A i w �/iJ �L 4S•r � � Y -�-, �. �. ��`. . .; � � � _. y3 . � �. �F�� ���b� �i i r�1�aa .y,� �y 1 u ;. _ 2. Address: �,S—�.� . „ ii,l/ ��.E.�; Y� " � �.�x �, ��� , 3. Date: ,�� �S"� dt fL— 9,L Time: _ � ��,� 9 l�/� : ��G�r� . ` � �: �: a. ir,a� �i Q . o�ta� �i p wn��i�l �j � �t'� � � ., � .. �; .�, � 5. Closed due to: � t = ; Q Mernt�rane Filter test (coliforns) I, � _`; a � . � . i k � . , . 1,-'' ... . Q High Standard Plate Cvunt ' � , � ,�. Prese�ce of Pseudam�nas '�� / , 6' � .s� J`'' .�ir � _�J��'L�'.'�/�.� >��r:, �r . . lname of person co acted . tphone nurr�ber) . � ,,. },,:. r� *�,h . .. kas ordered to clo6e the abwe facility and to supeschlnrinate to at '"' -` , � � Ieast 10 pgn (e�r to use other approved bactericidal) for 6 to 10 h�;irs. `° �F�� - The pool �y reopen when chelnicals are at acce �� "�w� ptable levels. �: -a. - ,� t:;� . � . .'-`�� • � � ��� � ti, �� $aTllt.drlatl A ?:� i � • . • . • I • ,i,�.••...�,�,.,� .. . . " � .. . , • .. , ��� . : :� : ' I , II �� - . '. '���b. , i��}�f�'?�I� � I�I�,II . �� � ECTIO!� REPORT � �°����,,�'� '����� � � City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba r� �--� � ��� �'� -0N OF PUBLIC HEALTH Dat —Medzl' t �o rts Club A�n. Law H dar Street ' ���� � llate:�✓y�/yl City's F�ibit 4� _� -� �:� z92-7717 Month Da •��ea Establi�hment PHONE � Tim�� ���'� �— ��� �Pf-� ��i.-�S'I� G '— � arri<".val��;�;� . s de art�u Address Next Inspecti BADGE� CAL�YPE -� r 5��� Due on or Af t �°�`` 4 1 � L � r � �-2,�z�r.d � �.� i n e < "��2, �te��specti �� Est ��'�- ��3 " z`�� " rm����Z POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �'`, ��{1�3 #;;�kt�s, ,.; •`. Wh ' l�0 1 h . �����' M �-A , ` ,�;e-�i`n�-��}'`y�� ,�^�" �. �}Zi,R �S �:, � REQUIRED SA�ETY EQUI:P �"NOfi PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWIiJG: DISINFECTAN RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ; �-Q a � � � � ��� C�����. CLARITY IN UNSATZ SFACTORY _ I OTHER (see below) , ,�-��� * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MliST BE CORRECTED :,;�.! • * ; SATISFACTORY liNSATISFACTORY � ACCEPTABLE RANGES�.�;�'',r� � `���; . ��;,, PA Mai tain between,� 7 .4 ,7nr:8 s r^�ree Chlorine � . M Maintain betwe�n�'.'1 .0 - 3�0"�` Cor.tbined Chlorine � � Maintain betwee���.;� 0 .0 - 1 .0�� Tata1 ?�lkalinity Maintain between:;"�,r �0 - 150 Cyanuric Acid Main,tain betweeri: �"", 30 - 100 , Bromine SATZSFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY S TISFACTORY UNSATZSFACT Clarity Chlorine Gas Room Q Flow " . Sign Provided, ' ���-,.; ,.: Ski:nmer Well; Gas Mask .,Q� r ���� ��� Deck Area Room Designed' &� ►v t�� Rules Posted Vented "�� ��� Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPr�.e�NT Q ,� Pool Bottom Clean Rin g Buo y & T— -� � � C:�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, '� �'�"��` ,.;s r• Fencinq & Self Shepher3s Crook � a ` Closing/Latching Pool Loq Gate Sam les submi�tted (Outdoor• only) 8 b o erator eekl � � k OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO �- �1 ��c�— �,�.� C.m,� � �� ,�,� �c�°��r.� ,e�a-�v�� . � :,, , Recoivpd hV f1R1 )1..� . ./1 � ., -� RoaltFt C�ni y�ri �n �iL� {� ���Ca � ;� �i a y�_ Vi,l City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ECTION REPORT , �i ���' �',, ' —Medal' t p�rts Club Adm. LawH�ar ON OF PUBLIC HEALTq Da e ''� a � i � Date:�/�/yl City's F�hibit �� �K � dar Street � ` . ���: H r t 292-7717 Month ^`'��D ': ;�a Establi�hment PEONE • � Tim '�''�"�� r �y , � �_� ���l�L-! S i b�b — � ��S arr�iva�;��: ,. r de artu A d d r e s s Next Inspectid BP;�G1E��� 7 �� ;�x� TYPE ( Due on or Af te M�� � '� � 1 — �w S � � � �}a i'� '4r � r�� � 1 A E � ' ,, fi�X,� ��¢� ',pecti Es�t � r; � ��.3��O�h'' . POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �g� `�*;F;� `�� , Wh ' T oo h /J,, ( �f., � �• � �� � �r . � � r,y9 ff Y ".`r _ . REQUIRED SAFETY EQUI:�.�.��` �,' ROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO TH� FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BEL�OW 0 .5 PPM /�� ��� ���/�1N� � P�- V� lA�,c/ CLARITY IN U'NSATISFACTORY '` OTHER (see below) � * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED _'= 5��' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGE �'� ,. � ��� �� � Maintain between 7 .4 J�p: 8� Frne Chlorine • Maintain betwe�n�; 1 .0 - '*3 i ;7 Cor.ibined Chlorine Maintain betwee-� �' 0..0 _ 1���� Tota1 ?,lkalinity ; Maintain between ;�� 50 15a��. Cyanuric Acid Maintain between •.��`30 - 100��� Bromine - ' ' � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACT� Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � � � cl�W " S�gn Provided, /� Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask !` // ° ° " Deck Area p Room Designed & J ��� `'���� Rules Posted 9��������� Vented ,_�'��:'� Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � � pool aottom Clean JUN 1 U 1991 Ring suoy � : � Chemical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, ��'� Fencing & Se�lf �� � � ,�. � y �s Shepher3s Crook � ; Closing/Latching ���� ��p � �.�����" � Pool LoQ � Q � Gate Samples submitted (Outdoor� only) 8 8 by operator weeklY [� � ri=; 0_Fr^ICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO �C C1 �M �-- ���-- , ,.� � ������ �.,a..,,� - � ,.��- ��.� �,��,�� ,,�,�o � �� � La C�-f'.�-� � 6�L ��- . �O a�1�./L- 0 �r rr PF�J�L Fi `,.� � � �'r���►�r rv��- r� �� ✓v�,r�_� C �s 5-�- �H-f. �6v ►s r"��u�2,�4-�v L�l S�► �F ���F�2 _ �Fi-G� 1 N o l-t Ck-hF-i o � Y>�_K1Y FL�� 1 rv 1�+� � \,�ived by w� Health Sanitarian �-f-21 S ` �F , 4 . ' City of St Pau1 v. J/D Athletx " SA]Nr PAUL DNIS ION OF D de 1�/ 91 t s Club A�� ` �� . . -,� - . . II�NIROAII�'NTAL HFAL � City's F,�i�� � �< ��; . ln .�...�.�.w A �5'�`.: _.:�.c. -. . 555 CEDAR SIREE.T � � ;, • • . . . - �• SAII�Tr PAUL, MIN�ff'SOTA 55101 . •� ��� , ,.,, ` , . 4��a�d�� - Closi of,Sw Pool c�r �fiir2 'I��� � " . . � . . . / . �h4�� 'i.. . . . . , . . . � i '�l' � . . . . . . ' . . �r K`��'*`i.S`Y J 3• Rt l J'�.�'rt,A d�� .. �. ' . ' ' � .. / ' - '�� SL,. ,���,�! � � lMR; � . , . ,�[� , a: �-� tf'��� �.,X�>, ': _ .. 1�... Kd1T�• rH,/��- � �� �/"�. T`,�z�,r� ��� �� � . i T�' � �' }x ;_ s. �+r-� p : ���, � . _ .:�.j.... ..�1'PSS:. . . , �� �.. . .. .' �E�'>��-�1� >v �C%I\ � ;r . . . �' �tk�Y . .��. ,7y , {:".. a � . . r� a''�'� r - " r � � / ` . . . �w���4�f.� 4{ . � .�'��`,:�. . 3.� Date: b . � � 1 Tinez 'g ; ��{�'`�`.; . � , - - . . _ . , . . - . ��' .,� � . . � .:�. � , ..� . . ,� . - . . , . K�ti . 4. Ir,aoor Pboi � outaoor A�ol� Q wr,irlpo�ol Q :. ` , - - . . � � . f..�.�3, �' . . � ' ... . � . �. . . - . �. ' .. li � .. ... � � -i, • ' �a i r . 5. Closed due to: • - � ' .. -_ ' . . , 4`.. �'� �� � ' . � �. . .• .-: . . � � )�k - ��`F M�n�rane Filter test (co�iforRS) , s� �.y� Q . High Staridard Plate Count � � , . ' }: . �� : Presence of Pseudaronas . , 6. �N � �F.� . _ � G�� �- �i �6s . . ... (nair�e of person contacted) _� (pt�one number) ` . . . . <. � ..., . � �_ .. .. . . . .. � . . . - � � 7��i . -.. . . . ._ .. , . ''. � . : �,a.s ardered to�close the,above facility and to supeschlnrinate to at •. � Ieast IO ppm �car to use 'other approved bacterici'idal) for 6 to 10 t�ours; ,` � • The pool may rE�pen when chemicals are at acre p t�ble leve l s: , _ � �� ; . . . � - . � . ' . . . . . ' ' . . . ,�4y � . . . . . . .. . . . � . . . . -'_t1 • � : . . . . : ' ���- � Sanitarian ,;,. . ; , .;- • ' . � . _ , . � . � • . , ,t., . I I � � ' , , '""�,,�rs��.� , �„ y/� "NJ Y` �,{ '`#i'. � ��. `y .(k t � ����,�t"���'. y � ,.3,''. . - City of St P' v�_ �A'�h'7;etics Inc. -db�: T'12�].St S T S CILI�i~'� • . Date: 4/23�1 �1�hii', L�,`' H�'� — CifY�s Exh�bit �� ��''- . � • �, Afftdavit of Servlce g �`°' Y Mall �rate of ! . �°X� }, �l'ir�rtegor�, �` ` �° �: . � countl �; � ` � � o}'............Rams eY.._...... , • _ sa. .... .......__........••••••••••....... _............................. C 1 eme . t���t on............M�.�'.�k�....2.Sanne...G......... .....nts.--•-._...........__................_......._...__...... � �+ ���� ........... , 1�J.....�.I.... , beang �'irst`dul' sworn d �� : ......:........ , -•-•-••_..�te served the attached No t 1 c e ..................... , ...............•--........ ................................_.....-•---..upon.._....�`1r. Jam Sim�.___. of Heari °�� ................__. , �:� says x�r�xi��xxx�x.._.. ...._..._.._..eS..... on n-g ;� ..............•- ..................... ...._._...__.._, antl corrrct • ......................... ..... ..... �; ._ , ,. cop� t3zereof in an enuel ..............._._..........._. ---- ..._ __....._...._..............._ , ..._ PPe addressed a , ."�...�..."__.... s'...,......bJ placan�'� a true s followe; Mr, James Simon�, Recreational Iridustr'ies , Inc. 1515 Bre��ster Stzeet -` (ruhich, is the last Icnowrz a S t . Paul , 55I08 • . ddress o f said attor �� I Sta,tes iraatls at...... Sr�.�.SZ:G....�s�1�a.__.._...._......_.._..._....._...._...._..-.-..... ••• �✓) a� depositi the a me, wtth pos e r a d �Subscribcd and sza�orn to bef'orc me this.......2Sth.,.... � Mtnn ota. , � e;;:, ' � ' day o� . arch -• ...... ............... --....... ._.... � �� d z�......97:... - ......... ..... ... .._._.... _...................... . ...i, ..... ..... • ..._.""""�. . w.... .... . .. � . ................... .... ... �..�.H . .........�.................. �.�� .. ��/ . ..... ¢n. BElVA J.'Lpyp `a NOTAAYPUBtJC—MINNESOT �Y� ``�h'° �� RAMSEY COUNTY K k� � .:��� MY COMM.EXPIqES APR.8�199'< � "�`� � 3,, k �� �.��'�Ii s ".: NI`�'a . . ,., y,x...1Y.., . ,( � �. k h ' . f j 4 � f�y.�}'� � �.:'r p�a��, : ia�.x� , � I _y���H�_...... � I I � I I � � � °i ����� �. , , , ,,:��t a � F < ' � � � � i i � � -� �M•� � ' i {;,- , � Affidavit of Servlce By Mall '� ` - �; s �� : �t�re of � . �, � :�,�,���-_ �.. �lir�r�e�ota�, - � �� ,, : >: Cnunf� Ramse ss. , . .:. . ti::� , � � y . �. o � �: --......---�..� f........................��-�-�-...---... � �� . .......-�----��---....... � � ........... , ......................................I.OANi�IE....�.......��F�,i"1�N�S_.....�....._..... ,:� :.. , � � that on........ -~°—°-••••••--•-�-•-••--.-......., being �'ib�st duly swo'rn, deposes d says ���.���:•-.,�5........................ 1�...��.----•, •----....��ae served the attaclaed NotiC , . ...-�-- . .._...................�._Q f.....H.� ...................... .. upon.....��7- Schwartzm�z J arir�g ._._.._.......---.. .... ......................................................................... • .._...._..............._....._...._.._._.,..._..�S�k?4�?�'....� J .._....._._.... ......... �_�.:.:�.�_.s?�A__..__....._ ............................�---�-..-..... ............................�-• ��ut ���•r�ct �o t �----......._................._._._...._.___._._...._. pJ thereof in an envel . .."""—...-.-....-�.--�--..---_...--:.:=.....bJ placing a. true �'. D�a.vid Schwartzman, 1'resident e aMr�J nQSehwartzman, V, pres. Mr. James S` Secreta i/D Athletics, Inc. J/D �Athletics, Inc, rY _515 Brewster St. J/� .�4thletics�Inc. �t. Paul; MM[�11. 55I08 1515 Brewster St. 15I5. Brewster St. �`""''� St. Paul, MN. k -, ��. ' (rul�ich is the last 1 own g�Zdr.,ess of sQid attor 55108 St. �aul, N1N. 55108 ���`� � States naails at_........�a?-nt raul , �� a��Minneso he sa e, wath Iposta e pai i ae�;�ZYnit .. ................................_.......__........._...._........,,...,,, �SiibscriLcd ctnd sLtorrz to bej'ore »ze tlti�.._....25th_,..... y�`, � da� o f .�h. --... �--� z�....91. .._ _ ....._.... . _......... .._ � �� .. ... . ..... _.. .. . ..._.... _ �-. .._ ...... .. ........:.. ........ . :. _................................ �.,, ;t.� ������ .............. .....:...... . : �:,���`a�'.........•-••-• t � � . ....�"�BELVA J ROYD ¢� ��� �� � r�r��� NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA ' � WIMSEYCOUNTY ` . � +� ! . EXP�RES APR.8,199'1 � > �' �v�e � � � '��r ;�q . . .�,'i':�.", I :�t+k>�?` _ I e a. I i� , I II I I I 'T� ��. �V ,�. � ; � 9 �!��. � � � �'��. � tdv , � i F tA��� � �ik.��' . LTT C O 4 ♦ I .,,, F_y��,..- � � ' � � /.� ♦ � � *'1�� .T".. o � � i . . :: PAUL + ���j11° a OFFICE i fQF� CIT ATTORNEY � ���� in�� • � • ,... h ' ���� Y�� Te' ��, J �� A���- CITY ATTORNEY ',�x k j6 " �� }r 't Paul,Minnesota 55102 JAMES SCHEIBEL ��� ` �,�r ? ` 612-298-St2t y _ i ,+„ MAYOR > , ' '`�" `' FAX 612-298-5619 '�- �3��. b � � �'� ��; March 25, 1991 � ��. ��; ,� ; �.�;��> 'fi`, � � .F �.t �' ��r �,�* . _.. Mr. David Schwartzman, President � � > Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President Mr. James Simon, Secretary � , , J/D Athletics Inc. , � 1515 Brewster Street �NOTICE OF HEARING�" Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ~' s ��, i �. � RE: City of St. Paul vs. J/d Athletics Inc. , db� Medalist Sp$art��„� .��`�� ` Club II, 1515 Brewster Street � . '� '� � �,r���,. •.�� , , �,: '.� Dear Messrs Schwartzman and Mr. Simon: � � s _ � .,�:��� �a . _ . � This is to notify you that a hearing will be helid concerning al� the licenses held at the premises stated above �t the -following time, date and place: , I Date: April 23, 1991 Time: 9 a.m. � - Place: Room 816 ' Y:� �� Commerce Building ' .� .�; 8 East Fourth Street ' ,:,��a� �� St. Paul, MN 55102 ' ,:.µ=: �� � �� � The judge will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of �' � ``k Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearin s: z` �`� q 1 '��•�;� �� � Name: Howard L. Raibel, Jr. � � r $�` � Office of Administrative Hearings � Y = Fifth Floor, flour Exchange Building � �. p� ' 310 Fourth Avenue South , �,-�� � Minneapolis, MN 55415 , � . �`.'f::�{`'. I Telephone: (612) 341-7608 � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authqrity to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises, and for, adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310. 05 and 310. 06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. � In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating liquor, authority is also conveyed by section 340A. 415 of the Minn�sota Statutes. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, �'fines and other penalties or conditions. � ;.: � � $_ �� �„�,� �� �� ; , �"$ i _ i �,{� tE°"7��?�;�;' .�wh�a;. .�^'. - `r , � I v: � y} ..�'� �� i I r�' � �Yt �' � �' � s y�" ( �.. .p�r �#'�, k��'. i � ,�� � �,� March 25, 1991 �;;° .: � t� � Mr. David Schwartzman, President � �'��r Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President n'��"J' '�'� ; Mr. James Simon, Secretary 'r-?x� •�� � ' : , J�D Athletics IT]C. � �';:? r �..� " Page two <.? 't'n , �,��,;;� r �:. :, �#�' rj: e' �� r u�'�`,�,k," ' ,� �� �s ,�`k' The Enviro ������' ��p . nmental Program Manaqer, William Gu�th'C�� �ti�a5ted on numerous inspections of the licensed facility at � 515�Brewstez.�by- � his staff, has requested adverse action against a 1.'l�icenses .2ield at that location. Adverse action can includ revocation or suspension of the license, and/or the imposition of conditions on the license. The basis for his request is that there have been::�.��,, significant, long-term and uncorrected problems wi�h the ;-facilit #��` ? includinq its basic cleaning, routine mainten nce, � equip ent�r � � � maintenance and pool chemistry. The evidence to be presented ; �w�'i1��`'���,�,�``'����,& � , include testimony from the staff persons who made the`;:,�nspec�tiojt%s'���'� �'�� � copies of the various inspection reports (most o� which you h��-�"� ' already received at or shortly after the time of nspect'ion) , a �d,w� such other information as will be relevant to the health ,hazards . presented by the continued operation of the licen�ed fadility. A°`� complete set of the documents will be sent to you at your iequest if you do not have them or not kept them on file. These ;documents cover all of 1990 and 1991. � „ You have the right to be represented by an atto ney before and during the hearing if you so choose, or you can rep�esent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the.:' !; ��� extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. �.; The hearin will be conducted accordance with the I,re uirements of x` ������ g q ,� �s sections 14. 57 to 14 . 62 of the Minnesota Statutes,' and such parts `°7'�t��a��� of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul ` �� l� `�y £-r: Legislative Code as may be applicable. z �:, I ��� �.� �; At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties ,�„��; ��� identify themselves for the record. Then the City will present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee �Ior attorney may '�f cross-examine. The licensee may then offer i�h rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the city's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimo�y from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who hav a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the utcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made b� the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. i . s.�.: Y ��` t �,S�r ��, I :Fh* �♦ '.. '.�'>-. �; ,��,.fi..i�. � ; �,��,, ; i � �.: � ., , , � , z��':, , ��,, , � �.. °�, , � y.. k , 4.i � k�t'� ' March 25, 1991 �'�- `" .,,�,_' � y��':.:, . Mr. David Schwartzman, President ��; '� � " ,, a ; Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President ��s :'r Mr. James Simon, Secretary '� �;` � ,�� s J/D Athletics Inc. , �°: . Page three ; - �° � � �> � �,��. � � i <���,� � '�%'�.�,". You should bring to the hearing all documen� `�'e�� `�S����� witnesses you will or may need to support our z yi '`���'O��*�s and y posi �.'�f� �t�ubpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of w�tri�sses`�or -;.t,�e : production of documents in conform�ty with Minnesota' Ru;les '"�j' � 1400. 7000. . , 'P�'z't � If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled �without,�� � a formal hearing, please contact or have your atto�ney contact .t `� °;_ � undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can b reached as;��°�}', �,���_ the facts, that stipulation will be presented to th�Admin�.strat�ye ; ��.� ti 1 � � Law Judge for incorporation into his or her rec mmendation .��or'4 ���� � � Q �° �"�$ Council action. � _ ' ���c���`t�'��'�,�mx i. �`�i�,� �`� If you fail to appear at the hearing, the allegatibns a ai st � �� g_ �3 you�'�.���� which have been stated earlier in this notice may be takei� as true and your ability to challenge them forfeited. I� �on-publ�ic data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested ulnder `Mirinesota Statutes, section 14. 60, subdivision 2. - Very Truly Yours, '' � i i}� �� PHILIP B. BYRNE �� � °� , �� ; ` Assistant City Attorney I r� � -��� ' �,;e ���� ��*� cc: Deborah L.Peterson � � j�,����: 1515 Brewster Street � ,��� �. Robert Kessler j ��w�� . fi .•'. F-'�.. License Inspector Albert B. Olson i ` '! City Clerk ' : Paige Purcell � Office of Administrative Hearings Lt. Nancy DiPerna i Vice Unit William Gunther i Environmental Health Ms. Kay Woitas I District 10 Community Council Ms. Tracy Smith � State of Minnesota � Attorney General 's Office i i � :;. : Y}: I '"���4e��� � ^ :�.^ ��°', . � t k � ..2,. '� .���. ,� iS City of St Paul v. J ' — Lledal i Gt Sport s Club `����' �'t • Date: 4/23/91 y � � - Cit ` �� ' � ��� ������` ,: • � ;;.r , �� �� � � LICENSES ��� �=� Y � �' � ��, ;� : ' (�05,.,: ��� .s - o :.���, �. tion and follow the procedures for notice and hear- determination that� ' '' 4 ;based on an ing as set forth in Section 310.05. error of law.The fili"'' � � ` '11 not stay (d) Class III licenses. Upon receipt of a fully the issuance�of the l=* completed application and required fees for a Class �Code 1956, § 510.04,_,, -21-87; III license, and after the investigation required, Ord. No. 17551, §�>X, *�� - the inspector shall notify the council. A public ���; �� ��� 7 hearing shall be held by the council's committee �c. 310.05._ Hearin�g'pro�e��; � designated to hear license matters on the grant, ` �^�` ��"�� � � (a) Adverse action,,nol�ce���i�d���t�t��ig� uire� issuance or transfer of all Class III licenses. The �ments. In any case �Vhere t�ie coi�i�il ma in- council's corrunittee designated to hear license mat- tends to consider a�y adverse jaction, inc uding ters may hold a hearing on the renewal of any the revocation or su�pension of a li���se the im- Class III license. In any case where the inspector ��"� � �' position of condition�upon a lice��,orthe deni ��� recommends denial of the grant,issuance,renewal of an a lication for the '' {"' � �'�� pp grant issuance x�ene , � �. or transfer of a Class III license, or where the x'} ' " ' �'�,5� w,f, . , or transfer of a license, the apphca�t or lx� e�� �%�,�,��: council s committee designated to hear license mat- shall be given noti,�ce and.an opportuni� `����}���`�; ters believes that evidence might be received at ' � t,:� �x- r.��'4���` < heard as provided herein. Th��co�}hc1�l:i� . ,: ����� the public hearing which might result in action � � � r ;. � " sider such adverse�ctions whe�i� om�cn �� ���` adverse to the application, the inspector or coun- the inspector, by the director; by"�e`�dire � ��� ciPs committee designated to hear license mat- any executive department establxs�ed;:.pursua� " � ters shall follow the procedures for notice and to Chapter 9 of th� Charter,by th��+,tity,;attorney hearing as set forth in Section 310.05. Where the or on its own initi�tive. application for the grant, issuance, renewal or ��; � transfer of a Class III license meets all the re- (b) Notice. In each such case where adverse ac- �� � ;� quirements of law,and where there exists no ground tion is or will be considered by the council, the �� '- ' for adverse action, the council shall b resolution applicant or licerisee shall have been notified in � ���A'? direct that the inspector issue said 1 cense in ac- writing that adverse action may be taken against � ` �" cordance with law. the license or application, and that he or, ei�s � „� , entitled to a hea�?ing before action is taken ' �� (e) Appea� Class I or Class II licenses. An ap- council. The notice shall be served or maile . ` peal to the city council may be taken by any reasonable time�efore the hearing date, and sh� ��A}�` person aggrieved by the grant, issuance,renewal =�"�� state the place, �ate and time of the hearmg.,Th�� or transfer of a Class I or Class II license; provid- notice shall sta�e the issues involved or ground.s� ; ed,however,that the appeal shall have been filed upon which the adverse action may be sought or �� ��, with the city clerk within thirty (30) days after based.The council may request that such written�:;�'� �` the action by the license inspector or director. notice be prep�red and served or mailed by the �� The only grounds for appeal shall be that there y � � inspector or by the city attorney. ' ,':p has been an error of law in the grant, issuance, - �, ,'', renewal or transfer of the license. The appeal (c) Hearing. 'Where there is no dispute as to the shall be in writing and shall set forth in particu- facts underlying the violation or as to the facts :.; lar the alleged errors of law. The council shall establishing mitigating or aggravating circum-, >�`,: conduct a hearing on the appeal within thirty(30) stances,the h�aring shall be held before the coun- days of the date of filing and shall notify the cil. Otherwise the hearing shall be conducted be- licensee and the appellant at least ten (10) days fore a hearing examiner appointed by the council prior to the hearing date. The procedures set forth or retained by contract with the city for that pur- in Section 310.05, insofar as is practicable, shall pose. The applicant or the licensee shall be pro- apply to this hearing. Following the hearing, the vided an oppprtunity to present evidence and ar- council may aff'irm or remand the matter to the gument as �vell as meet adverse testimony or inspector or director, or may reverse or place con- evidence by reasonable cross-examination and re- ditions upon the license based on the council's buttal evidence.The hearing examiner may in its �`—�' Supp.No.8 2031 ;.;, !<:��.. ;��,: :_ �;:.>��' b �. �> �+�rf�' �'a s`:`� _ . .. � ' ��r �t�.�icr�� Y='is,.�. - . fti:. 1 �� � i t , , . ; ��vi�` t`�, . 3 ' k nr� sc n�f,, . ' °2.. �t,c a,:.; �,,x�. �r'r�xt", §310.05 LEGISLATNE CODE � ��� ° , `� � ��-� ��'� � - , . � ,z. s _ ' `.'il) � ; � discretion permit other interested persons the op- (fl Council action; re�olu �. dings. portunity to present testimony or evidence or oth- Where the council tak,es L erwise participate in such hearin . � re- g . s p e c t t o a l i c e n s e, l i c e'n.s e` ,11- (c-1) Procedure; hearing examiner. The hearing cense,the resolution by�wl�t ; � n examiner shall hear all evidence as may be pre- shall contain its findiMgs �n.;, � �"-� '_ sented on behalf of the city and the applicant or c lu ding t he impositio� of coin�a�i � •�e licensee, and shall present to the council written council may adopt all br part of�h�`'�n�ii��g� n- findings of fact and conclusions of law together clusions and recomme�dationg�f�h �iea�r��� x- , , with a recommendation for adverse action. aminer, and incorporate the sahi���i ft�'�xeso1u�� "� tion takin the adverse action, �"�''�' ' '-'��° ° "" The council shall consider the evidence contained g ''` ,.;,°F��� in the record, the l:earing examiner's recommended �g) Additional proce�lures where requared�Wl�ere findings of fact and conclusions, and shall not the provisions of any�tatute or ordip`ai�,c��rexqt�ir`e consider any factual testimony not previously sub- additional notice or h�aring procedures,�such pro , �;���`�;: mitted to and considered by the hearing examin- visions shall be complied with and sha11 super ``Y ��'��� er. After receipt of the hearing examiner's find- sede inconsistent provisions of.thesechapters This,; �����f� ings, conclusions, and recommendations, the council shall include,withou�limitation by xe.a�o,�}of thxsz� ''��'�a��� shall provide the applicant or licensee an oppor- specific reference, M�nnesota Statut�'s,��C�lia�i�er,�, r <� � tunit to resent oral or�vritten ar 364 and Minnesota S�atutes, Section 340�A:' t5� � � � �'�' y p guments alleg- � „ ing error on the part of the examiner in the appli- (h) Discretion to hea'r notwithstanding wtthd,r..¢wal �'�-�� ' cation of the law or interpretation of the facts, or surrender of appliaation or licens� The<-'council and to present argument related to the recom- may, at its discretion�, conduct a hearing or�direct mended adverse action. Upon conclusion of that that a hearing be hield regarding revocation or hearing, and after considering the record, the ex- denial of a license, �otwithstanding that the ap- `�� aminer's findings and recommendations, together plicant or licensee h�s attempted or purported to `�' with such additional arguments presented at the withdraw or surrender said license or application, ;,�; hearing,the council shall determine what,if any, if the attempted withdrawal or surrender took " ; adverse action shall be taken, which action shall place after the app�icant or licensee had been �:��€,� - 3 be by resolution.The council may accept,reject or not�ed of the hearing and potential adverse action. � ` �_�'�=`�: modify the findings, conclusions and recommen- �� dations of the hearing examiner. (i) Continuances. 'VVhere a hearing for the pur- pose of considering 'revocation or suspension of a ,� (c-2) Ex-parte contacts. If a license matter has license or other disciplinary action involving a ;�°�; been scheduled for an adverse hearing, council license has been sc�eduled before the council, a ;:ai members shall not discuss the license matter with continuation of the�hearing may be granted by r""1 each other or with any of the parties or interested the council presid�'nt or by the council at the �.-; ' persons involved in the matter unless such dis- request of the licer�see, license applicant, an in- ����,�-�'� cussion occurs on the record during the hearings terested person or an attorney representing the of the matter or during the council's final delib- foregoing, upon a showing of good cause by the erations of the matter, party making the request. (d) Licensee or appltic¢nt may be represented ' �Code 1956, § 510.05; Ord. No. 17551, § 2, 4-19-88; The licensee or applicant may represent himself Ord. No. 17559, §§ �,2,5-17-88;Ord.No. 17659, § or choose to be represented by another. 1, 6-13-89) ; (e) Recor�evidence. The hearing examiner shall Sec. 310.06. Revacation; suspension; adverse receive and keep a record of such proceedings, actioms;imposition of conditions. including testimony and exhibits, and shall re- ceive and give weight to evidence, including hear- (a) Council mayj take aduerse actio�z. The coun- say evidence, which possesses probative value com- cil is authorized to;take adverse action,as defined monly accepted by reasonable and prudent per- in Section 310.01;above, against any license or sons in the conduct of their affairs. permit, licensee or applicant for a license, as pro- � Supp.No.8 2032 ' ' � � .;� � � � ,; � ` A�: � �� ��. � ��, �; ' � r � . ._.._. :?.,_..� ;t � !.� ��: a-. k ,�� i"t A �+. � �. y . . .f ���� h�x�r' �y��,�'At,�„r�t�� �� �� .. ;F' F ��a:�� .. _ � LICENSES a �'�� §310.06 �,�I�+ �i � . vided in and b these cha ters.Such actions shall Y P formed his unsafe . . . be initiated and carried out in accordance with manner. the procedures outlined in Section 310.05. ' (8) The licensed b�t��n which (b) Basis for action..Such adverse action may said.busmess'is o� ' `�� T s or per- be based on one or more of the following reasons;, mits conditians t�" , o , which are in addition to any other reasonspecifi- injure or end'ange�;� af�� ! . �� °r_ , �, ca l ly provi de d by law or in t hese c hap ters: a ls, comfort or repos ..�. ��tq on§} Ye (1) The license or ermit was rocured b mis- number of miembers of�, e pub.lic �' + ��'�'� P P Y � �� ,�,���y,�� . representation of material facts, by fraud, ' (9) Failure to kegp sidewalks or�pede '��n ways �;� by deceit or by bad faith. reasonably ff ee of snow ai�c�ice'ae:rQqi�i ' ' under Chapb�er 114 of the�airit Paul L; �, (2) The applicant or one acting in his behalf ��� ' made oral or written misstatements or mis- lative Code.' ' t ; ' "- representations of material facts in or ac- (10) The licensee�or a p plicant_„ " s o v v�,, ��� �„?• companying the application. misconduct,;unfair acts ��e�ling S - '�:. ��`�b (3) The license was issued in violation of any the frequent,'abuse of alcohol or�at�er; that such li�ensee or applicant is not a pe,- � of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning ` � Code. son of the �ood moral character or fitness required to�engage in a licensed activity, (4) The license or permit was issued in viola- business or�profession. tion of law, without authority, or under a � � , material mistake of fact. (c) Imposition df reasonable conditions anc�`(or �r.k���,, _ restrictions. Wheri a reasonable basis is found;�o h' � ; `' F ,, � (5) The licensee or applicant has failed to com- impose reasonabl;�e conditions and/or restricti.i�s-,, �' � ��, ;� ply with any condition set forth in the li- upon a license is�ued or held under these c ' ' r�,� " cense, or set forth in the resolution grant- ters, any one or more such reasonable conditi�i. '�+�``�' ing or renewing the license. and/or restrictioris may be imposed upon sucli�li ��� �� p p g public health `� ;' ��` cense for the u ' ose of romotin , ' e� (6) (i) The licensee or applicant (or any per- � r son whose conduct may by law be im- safety and welfa�e, of advancing the public peace��� ���,� puted to the licensee or applicant)has an d t he e liminaxion of conditions or actions that �,; %�� violated,or performed any act which is constitute a nuisance or a detriment to the peace �Y a violation of, any of the provisions of ful enjoyment of�urban life,or promoting security ; and safety in ne�rby neighborhoods. Such reason..,; ��;' these chapters or of any statute, ordi- , ,� _ �, nance or regulation reasonably related able conditions and/or restrictions may include or � ; to the licensed activity, regardless of Pertain to,but a,'re not limited to: whether criminal charges have or have (1) A limitation on the hours of operation of: not been brought in connection there- the licensed business or establishment, or with, on particular types of activities conducted (ii) The licensee or applicant has been con- in or on said business or establishment; victed of a crime that may disqualify said applicant from holding the license �2) A limita�ion or restriction as to the loca- in question under the standards and tion witliin the licensed business or estab- procedures in Minnesota Statutes, Chap- lishmentj whose[sic]particular type of activ- ter 364. ities ma�be conducted; (7) The activities of the licensee in the licensed �3) A limita�tion as to the means of ingress or egress fi�om the licensed establishment or activity create or have created a serious its parkis�g lot or immediately adjacent area; danger to the public health, safety or wel- fare, or the licensee performs or has per- Supp.No.8 :`?�+'. T.r�� 4 � * 2032.1 } ��'`� " � * , f� z�� � ,�:�4; i.,_. .�� � � ` . ' 'h,� ��'�'. s� . ; � u w �� "� � �d, ��., §310.06 LEGISLATIVE CODE R� i ;.� � � �" �� 1���� II� I�� (4) A requirement to provide off-street park- acts or omissions of ageri es .�. , ing in excess of other requirements of law; attorne s or an th • o e y ��� y #� . r � I 9 , �, (5) A limitation on the manner and means of Justification for failure;t';:, 'g ! � advertisin the o eration or merchandi e and maintenance requ�rem,,., . �e s , g P licensee reinstates and files'� _ of the licensed establishment; ��,�, �,,- its,bonds or certificatibns wi� ys� � (6) Any other reasonable condition or restric- � ;� "��_ w,<: � '',�'' tion limiting the operation of the licensed � ', r,� ,. �. " . ,� ' business or establishment to ensure that �'f �' � � ''� . ����F ��` � . the business or establishment will harmo- '-��V � '"� � � -f �F��fFJe � , nize with the character of the area in which � � ' - } .�' f��C '. .k. �t��,� it is located, or to prevent the development �°- . '�; �� or continuation of a nuisance. .�. u: _} � The inspector may impose such conditions on Class -' x � � ;,�� , : , t,. I licenses with the consent of the licenseholder,or � ��Fy E'rn x,�"" may recommend the imposition of such conditions ; `�'�x }�� as an adverse action against the license or licen- _ "'� ' ses; the director has the same power with respect ; to Class II licenses. The council may impose such conditions on Class III licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or upon any class of license � ' � �Tx .;;, , as an adverse action against the license or licen- "�1 = ses following notice and hearing as may be re- �' ���a= �� :° ,-.�' *} ; quired. Such conditions may be imposed on a li- � �; cense or licenses upon issuance, renewal or transfer , �� � � thereof,or upon and as part of any adverse action , .��� ��'�, �, against a license or licenses,including suspension. �,' ,, `� (Code 1956, § 510.06; Ord. No. 17584, § 1, 8-25-88; '�� Ord. No. 17657, § 15, 6-8-89; Ord. No. 17659, § 2, �;,:� ` 6-13-89) -"�' ;�, . ��=� +.� ��� =i Sec. 310.07. Termination of licenses; surety ,��., . � ����;� bonds;insurance contracts. , �- , i J : . ':.£�."�.''A�..'; (a) Automatic termination, reinstatement; re- sponsibility of licensee All licenses or permits which ' must,by the provisions of these chapters or other ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing and maintenance of insurance policies, deposits, � guarantees, bonds or certifications shall automati- cally terminate on cancellation or withdrawal of said policies, deposits, bonds or certifications. No � licensee may continue to operate or perform the licensed activity after such termination. The li- censee is liable and responsible for the filing and maintenance of such policies, deposits, guarantees, ; bonds or certifications as are required in these chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the , ::; Supp.No.8 � ��� + �� .s r��, �; a; 2032.2 ?'.��,`�+�; ,,r - � �, , � . � € . , ._ .� _. � � � ��� ;y �� , Ci of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba � ;���' ty � ' �R *� '— i�;edali.st Sport s Club Adm. Law Hearir�g —' � Y . F. � . Date: 4/23/91 City's F�dlibit �� �_ � �. . - � ��� ;... � .._ �. , .t� 4 j §426.10 LEGISLATIVE CODE �.�: ; �?a�c. " �;,` l�" ;,. ' -�. expression, unless such performance is Adult healthlsport club;p.'� . �.�ion deemed to be obscene. 60.201 of this Code. , (4) Any person, while in the presence of any Adult us� as defined,',i�,����I �� i�' '�I ;I� ,'s other person in any licensed establishment, Code. " to fail to conceal with a fully opaque cover- Healthlsport club means � 1 � ing the genital area of his or her body.This � of a building designed �and'e, ��� „` provision shall not apply to any performance _ 'Y. duct of sports, exercise, leisur; S ox-" ;� which constitutes a form of constitutionally other customary and u�ual re ' r''�` -` � protected expression,unless such performance operated for profit or n�t-for-pro i;-, , ��� ' . is deemed to be obscene. be open only to bona fi'de members an�,g�, (5) Any person owning, operating or manag- the organization or op�n to the public for a�f'ee�` � � } ing any licensed establishment knowingly � �r '; �x���;� O b s c e n� a s d e�n e d i m M i n neso ta�S ta tu tes,Sec-: to cause, allow or permit in or about such tion 617.241. i � t' establishment any agent, employee or any , S 4, , ' �r�' other person, under his or her control or Obscene work, as def�ned in Chaptei'� 4 of tI�is � supervision to perform such acts prohibited Code� ` ��i.'` � in subparagraphs (1)through(4) of this sec- (Ord.No. 17624, § 1, 1'-17-89) �' � `' tion or any obscene act. � . (6) Any person to employ any person under Sec. 427.03. License class�cation � �� ' the age of eighteen (18) to work in any ' jHealth/sport club llcense shall be knawn as a � � adult cabaret. Class A license, and,'adult health/sport club'li- ,� :� (Ord. No. 17623, § 1, 1-17-89) cense shall be known,�s a Class B license. ,, �z�;� �� (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, �.-17-89) - � ' , .;�.,?. - , - �,.;; �Y�'i Chapter 427. Health/Sports Clubs* Sec. 427.04. Fee. ~ �� � . - .x�,.4 � a The required fee for a Class A or a Class B �E � Sec. 427.01. License required. license is two hundr�d dollars ($200.00). A sepa- �,;.;4� (a) No person shall engage in the business of rate license shall be; obtained for each place of operating a health/sport club or an adult health/sport business. Only one (1) adult use shall be allowed � club without being licensed as provided in this in a building or portion of a building. The licen- � :;, chapter. No license issued under this chapter shall see shall display the��icense in a prominent place ��i Y,_ `:a be transferable from one(1)person,business, cor- on the licensed premises at all times. A license, ' �� �' � poration or location to another. unless revoked, is�fpr a calendar year, or part '� thereof,for which it as been issued. �`'`Ffi � (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) � (Ord.No. 17624, § 1,�1-17-89) Sec. 427.02. Definitions. Sec. 427.05. LicenSe requirements. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in ' this section shall have the following meanings (a) Applicatiori. T�e initial application for a li- ascribed to them: cense shall be made;at the office of the inspector by filing the annual;license fee and by completing Adequate or approaed means acceptable to the an application form; The application form,which director of the division of public health or his shall be prepared by the inspector and approved agents following his determination as to confor- by the city council� shall contain the following mance with public health practices and standards. information: •Cross references—Private clubs, Ch. 404; massage par- �l) A descriptio� and location of the premises lors,saunas,etc.,Ch.412;steam room/bath house,Ch.428. to be licens�'d. The detailed plans of the - Supp.No.7 . ' ` f� 2226 '� -� `� .�'+� � ,lY�� �,� � .�� �� � ,��tik � S+�'i��.-. i ._. . . ..,.,.... . . .. =„x �� � i �r,` .rxr: ' � � ��.� . .i. �;.�' .4:... I tt i I ;� I ti� 'F� N i�yyl . . L i S , � � LICENSES f= �,F�s�~�� ��'" fi � �7.05� �� � � � �� �� . � � ;� premises and furnishings shall be attached ther grant or deny th' -�, "�n a� ,,- �nce with . to t he app lica tion. t he proce dures s�t fo . �'''' � of this (2) Names and addresses of the property owner, Code. � � d� ���' � � i ��`� ! �,. � � the business owner, the lessee, the man- (b) Hearing;no�ifig ; �',� �i �0)days ager or operator and, if a corporation, all before a public �e „ � `•�� I ' n for a the names and addresses of the off"icers of license, the depa�tme � such corporation, and any other person or ment services sh�ll nd' '" corporation which may have a financial in- occupants who ovJn prop hx�� � ��,4. . terest in the premises to be licensed. 'hundred (300) feet of th . - ��"'- - ,, a.,. tablishment to l�e licen� "�, (3) A description of any crime or other offense, organizations that have previ , �`� �, . '���. ; including the time, place, date and disposi- said department�of the time,g��ce'�i`d g Qs tion,for which any of the persons named in � t • �t• such hearing, sa}d three hunctred(300)feet `' subparagraph(2)of this paragraph(a)have � �- ,�,�. been arrested or convicted. calculated and camputed.as the distance me , in a straight line from the ne"arest pomt o; (4) A description of the services to be offered. property line in iwhich the businer� is to b�; (5) In the case of an adult health/sport club, ated to the neareSt point of the propQ�;laneJ�q � written proof that each employee is at least leased or under�the control of the resident� , eighteen(18}years of age. to the hearing �date, the department of firianc� and managemex�t services:shall submit tc�`'the city (6) The business,occupation or employment of council a list ofi the names`'and addresses'of each each of the persons named in subparagraph person or orgar�ization to whom notice was sent�. ��.y,. , �` (2) of this paragraph (a) for the three (3) and certif`ication of such list by the'clerk shall '�'": � � years immediately preceding the date of conclusive evid�nce of such notice.Tlie failure �`�. , �-'`y application. give mailed notice to owners or occupants r� . �j� ; �'� ing within three hundred(300)feet, or defect�. fii; (7) The previous experience of the persons named the notice, sha71 not invalidate the license,t'p:r ��; in subparagraph(2)of this paragraph(a)in �,;; vided a boria fide attempt to comply with thi �x; a massage parlor or similar business. �' .�� paragraph(b)has been made. A bona fide attemp,• �_ � (8) A statement as to whether the persons named is evidenced }�'y a notice addressed to "owner"`i- in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (a) and to"occup�nt" of the listed address. Only one =� have had any license denied, revoked or (1) notice neec� be mailed to each house or each.�,„:�` suspended in the City of Saint Paul or the rental unit wi�hin a multiple-family dwelling re����t,;r State of Minnesota,the reason therefor and ardless of the�number of occu ants. � ' � � g P �"`,��: ,� . the business activity or occupation of the �e not�ca�ion requirements of this paragraph��;' r,: individual subsequent to such suspension, 5ry� revocation or denial. (b) shall not b� applicable where the license is to „' be held in a �nlace located within the downtown ;:., ` Such application will then be reviewed by the business dist�ict. For purposes of this chapter, ```�,, <;� division of public health, division of housing and "downtown business district"shall include all that "'� building code enforcement, police department, and portion of the�City of Saint Paul lying within and such other departments as shall be deemed nec- bounded by �,he following streets: Beginning at essary. Such departments will thereafter submit the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut their reports and recommendations to the office of Street;Chest�iut Street to Pleasant Avenue;Pleas- the inspector, who will submit all of the reports ant Avenue �o Kellogg Street; Kellogg Street to and recommendations of the other departments, Summit AveMUe; Summit Avenue to Tenth Street; together with the inspector's report and recom- Tenth Street;to Interstate Freeway 94;Interstate mendation, to the Saint Paul City Council. The Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge; Lafayette Bridge city council, following a public hearing, shall ei- to where th� bridge crosses over Warner Road; . \`y" Supp.No.7 I � ;X3 2227 �� y.., 5 � �'�`��' � Yt� � ��., , ;' , ��� �- � t�3� � �.,.� ..�... � ,� ,��: � > � �.���� :< _ . �...2 f.,,. . . .._7�'n.. � , . §427.05 L � , , � , �; zw• _ � EGISLATIVE CODE � ` � ;;, �„ ��• �� - r.� `•����� ��`* < " Warner Road to Shepard Road; Shepard Road to the constitutions of the tat�s,'qx, the Chestnut Street. State of Minnesota. �' 1 ���� �s,���:::; < �� . ��.. . (c) Hearing. The city council shall afford the (1) It shall be grounds , �"i_ applicant and all interested parties a public hear- cation if the applic �is ing, and shall have the discretion to consider in employ are not co""` �� granting, denying or renewing the license any history of violatio�i: �' '� ai=: ' '_ reasonable fact or circumstance relating to the nances that a 1 t 4 �` public health, safety and welfare, includin but et�i, PP Y ,_ g, or morals. ! not limited to,the following: ; , �'`'.,�_� � `� ` ,�", �; (2) It shall be grounds for '�'��'� ; �F.;� (1) The character and suitability of the area or sion or revocation ofl a lice '. ' �'� neighborhood in which the licensed rem- '���"� � P manager, lessee or�ny of tfie��mplbye �. �, ises is to be located; persons having a financial:�interest in t�te�` r . t , (2) The proximity of the site for the health/sport business is convicted of any violation,."rea=:. ��` � club or adult health/sport club to churches �nably related to th�licensed activity:aYid/or�:. schools, playgrounds, parks or other com� la�ring on the liciensed prem�ses, of any i '� ' , `:. munity facilities adversely affected; and i� (3) �aff'ic con estion and arkin roblem �3) It shall be grounds;for suspension,or'�evo�°. � � ` g P gP s. � .:., , , - cation of any licerise granted under t�i� (d) Basis for denia� The council may deny an chapter if the prem,ises do'not comply with : � application for renewal or grant of a license on the health,housing,fire,zoning,and build, the basis of a determination that the public health, ing regulations of�the City of'Saint Paul �-� safety or welfare would be otherwise adversely and State of Minne'sota. af� ' �� < '� affected, taking into account one (1) or more of '��; the facts or circumstances in this section. (4) An application ma� be denied or a license �. �. �% may be suspended' or revaked if the pres 7 � ' � ' ' (e) Restrictions may be imposed Where a rea- ence of such estabYishment is found to be 4�� �k `� ` sonable basis is found by the council to impose detrimental to the�ealth,welfare or safety ;. •.� *�� �``" '� '{ reasonable restrictions upon the license, taking of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul. '� ��� ' into consideration one (1) or more of the above � �� facts or circumstances, the council may, upon is- �5) A license may be ;denied or a license may �� � be suspended or re'voked upon evidence of a ��` suance or renewal of a license, impose such rea- "' • .�; material variance in the actual lan and , r'� `� ' sonable conditions and restrictions on the man- p x �� ner and circumstances under which the licensed design of the prerriises from the plans sub- � , }��'.. mitted pursuant tb this chapter or from the �$`-=` `�3 activities shall be conducted to preserve the pub- � ��� original design o�' the premises when ini- + �'� lic peace and protect and promote good order and , ��� securit tially licensed wit�out prior approval of the �`;, y� y city council. (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) (6) Licenses may be �granted only to establish- Sec. 427.06. Adverse action; grounds for sus- ments which can�meet the requirements of pension,revocation,or denial. the health,housit�g,building,fire and zon- The city council may consider the taking of ing code regulat�ons of the City of Saint adverse action regarding a license application or Paul and State o�'Minnesota. licensed business as set forth in this section; pro- (7) It shall be grour�ds for denial, suspension vided, however, that the council shall not con- or revocation of�he license if there is any f�� sider as grounds for such adverse action any ac- fraud or deceptibn involved in the license tivity on the part of the applicant or licensee, application or liCense renewal. which activity is protected by the provisions of � Supp.No.7 �r ,�, � ��� b;�':s 2228 y: d ': , j��,.. 4 r "� y��� � '� '� '�� '� ,': t}�y 4� ��'i Yr� ��. t ' �"`?��:�° ti 7 J` '��� . . � I ;�. �;,; . � , *` � �T•'� y� : �.. I ^���. � y� A '�� �.' .`'�l- h'� . . II . , s. a 1�,..� wW�'_.- I . '�, ,n 6 .:r . LICENSES � ;' , , �;. • ��"�� �427.07 " , ������a , � (8) It shall be grounds for suspension or revo- (1) All sauna roo " ��estrooms and bathrooms cation of the license if the licensee, owner, used in connec ip `�''�' ° :�th the hcena�`ed prem- lessee or manager of the health/sport club ises shall be co of ' �,� which or adult health/sport club fails to comply are imperviou � " '� ��' with any of the ordinances of the City of or fungus gro `' °�r�:� �. a, mold Saint Paul or statutes of the State of Min- to-wall joints=y . '�'�+"` , d�'all- b�A� nesota pertaining to the licensed premises. vide a sanit � '°� to prq � s k� � +Y` dius of one(1� �s�� ��' (9) It shall be grounds for the suspension or � �� f�� revocation of the license if the licensee or �(2) All restrooms; A�`* owner or mana er or an of the em lo ees � `' lq� .� � g y P Y licensed prem�ise�� ' or persons having a financial interest in mechanical ventila �' the premises are found to be in control of or °�'`�F� feet per minut�per square�' ot of fT` � possession of any alcoholic beverages or con- a minimum df fifteen �1�) footca� trolled substances on the remises �- ' � P , posses- illumination,a hand-was�irig sink eq' sion of which is illegal under city ordinance with hot and cQld runriing vvater under; - or state law. sure, sanitary,�towels and a sa�p dis�� r (10) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- (3) Each establishment shall ha�',� a'ja Y sion or revocation of the license if the li- closet which shall be provided:for th '` censee, owner, lessee, manager or employee age of cleanir�g supplies.:Such closet,.sha�l has evidenced in the past willful disregard have mechanfical ventilation with`'.two (2) .�.- �, for the health, housing, zoning, building cubic feet per minute per �c�uare foot of , _ and/or fire codes and regulations. floor area and a minimuin of ten (10) foot-k�.° '•.,���,. `♦ (11) It shall be grounds for the denial, sus en- candles of ill�mination. Such closet shallk ;�� P include a mo sink. "°" " sion or revocation of the license if any afore- P °'�`r�� ib'3 mentioned person or persons shall refuse (4) Floors, walls�nd equipment in sauna roo��..` `�'c�� �� to permit any police officer or inspector em- restrooms and in bathrooms used in c �`` , �'�'���';� ployed in the city's fire department, depart- nection with t�e establishment must be ke -' ���, ment of community services, division of li- ° � ::,ra� � in a state of good repair and sanitary at aI � ��`� cense and permit administration to inspect times. Linen$ and other materials shall be;`�,;;_ the premises or operations during normal stored at lea�t six (6) inches off the floor.' ��. ,�.�� business hours. Sanitary towels,wash cloths,cleaning agents -'� (12) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- and toilet tissue must be made available � sion or revocation of a license if the licen- for each custpmer. ���;� M�'.' ,�;,,.: see or any of its employees are found to be (5) Individual lackers shall be made available ,, in violation of the provisions of this chapter. for use by pa�trons. Such lockers shall have '� "�,��� (13) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- separate key;s for locking. sion or revocation of the license of any adult (6) Doors on ma$sage rooms shall not be locked � health/sport club if any employee is under during the giving of massage. All massage ��$ eighteen(18)years of age. ���F {= rooms shall be clearly marked by signs. (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) (7) All massage�tables,bath tubs,shower stalls, bath areas, �nd floors shall have surfaces Sec. 427A7. Construction and maintenance which can b�readily disinfected. requirements. The following requirements shall a 1 to the �8� Separate bathing, dressing, locker, toilet PP Y and massa�e room facilities shall be pro- �� construction and maintenance of licensed premises: vided for fe�ale and male patrons. '� Supp.No.7 ':i.�_. ,,, :;.�. � 2229 � �� �.; ' 3 C� m1�3� � i`�� ��y- ' �� �Y �������T� �'y � � , i�t�,� !Y x�. � u a�..z . -`*�" 'i�.� i' . . � f+ , K ", f i ��i�sx �:�x .�+ _� , � , : ��,. .:�:��- ��. _"p :s, - Ik � ��s. f ���. _ , .� � §427A7 LEGISLATIVE CODE �� ,� .• - - Jf�I #S (9) The premises shall have adequate equip- clubs. Such rules and re �Y� iotta shall b���ffec- ment for disinfecting and sterilizing non- tive when filed in the��o„ ''lie city el�r�k and WY. T. isposable instruments and materials used inspector, and amendme' eof sh�ll ffec- in administering massages. Such nondis- tive twenty (20) days;,'�� n��svf���'� .ola��. posable instruments and materials shall be tions of such rules an,� "'�� � �S�a��� disinfected after use on each patron. cient grounds for revoc � ��" s "' n Qf an:� �� T�` (Ord. No. 17624 § 1, 1-17-89) and all licenses issued ' a te,- � ' �� P ��' ;,�: (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-1�. � ,�: �}"' r'�,�` �x�, ,-� � , Sec. 427.08. Subaussion of plans and speci�- ,� ' '�` J f � cations. Sec.'� 427.11. Unlawful;acts.:. � �3 `�t�� x All persons who hereafter construct, extensively It shall be unlawful for ° '� t��'''�� - ; .��r� . remodel or convert buildings or facilities for use ,'. .' � ' � �`� : as a health/sport club or adult health/sport club �l) Anyone to engage,in,conduc�ox carry;o:; '���'' health/sport club mr adult`healtlf/spor��� ';�, shall conform and comply in their construction, , �;.; ,- erection or alteration with the requirements of 'without a valid license issued p�urs,ua�i ,. this cha ter. t���'k this chapter. Plans and specifications for such P � �,��"' y } =' layout, arrangement and plumbing and construc- (2) Any person in a lacensed establishmerit�s �-;. tion materials and locations, size and type of equip- place his or her �ands upon, or to tot�ch '� ment and facilities shall be filed by the owner in with any part of l�is or,her body, or to,�f n- the off"ice of housing and building code enforce- dle in any mannex,or to massage, tHe gen- ment within the department of community ser- ital area�of any o�`her person. ; vices. A building permit shall not be issued for � any such construction, remodeling or alteration �3) Any person ownLng, operating or manag .. � ��'�� until such ermit shall have the a ing a licensed es�ablishment knowingly to,�, �. . i. 'f ' x p pproval of the ����.,���,,: cause allow or ermit in or about such ,'� �� � division of public health. � � + 4� � ,�� (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) licensed establishment any agent, employ- 3 � ee, or any other�person under his or her_.; - � Sea 427.09. Inspection by city of�cers and control or supervasion to perform such acts `�.:}, identification of employees. prohibited in sut�paragraphs (1) and (2) of � ;. this section or a�y obscene act. �f: During any hours in which any person is present � � on the licensed premises, the premises shall be �4) Any person to employ any person under open to inspection by city health, fire, zoning, the age of eigh�`een (18) to work in any '� Y.; adult health/sport club. � building and license inspectors and police officers. � U on demand b an (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-�17-89) ,�r�,; p y y police off`icer, any person :_�; engaged in providing services in any licensed prem- ` ises shall identify himself/herself giving his/her Chapter 428.Steaqn Room/Bath House* � � true legal name and correct address. ' t� �y= (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) Sec. 428.01. License�required. �'''� �� ,K����:. (a) No person shall �engage in the business of Sec. 427.10. Rules and regulations; director operating a steam roam/bath house or an adult of division of public health may steam room/bath hous�without being licensed as promulgate. provided in this chapt@r. No license issued under The director of the division of public health this chapter shall be�transferable from one (1) shall make such rules and regulations in keeping person,business,corpo�'ation or location to another. with the provisions of this chapter and as may be (Ord. No. 17625, § 1, 1�-17-89) reasonably necessary to the safe and sanitary opera- i � •Cross references—Pri�ate clubs, Ch. 404; massage par- tion of health/sport clubs or adult health/sport lors,saunas,etc.,Ch.4i2;Mealth/sport clubs,Ch.427. #��''�'� , . Supp.No.7 7���1r a� P%� . � k���;:4 � � f �;as��,: � �e��i x���,x �. � � ����. 2230 � ���� � � .�.� � �t� .� . `:��k� . � I� ��� 5.,.. ' �,127=�� � .�' � f' "� . �s G ��4`f� `1'�i•, , : ��Fi �. •�� CITY OF PAiJL �a j;�� r«� �E OFFICE OF THE CIT"Y�ATTORNEY a< ►.�-.1u ► � c.�t �'�. h : . . � . t�i �' .. �.:'. : � W� �a��� "'�`' JANE IA. MC PE AK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JEIMES SCHEIBEL � �FAX 612-298-5G19 MAYOR i ��L > � ��a3 r t',i y, t City�s Exhibits � ��� ° � � �� �,.- In re the Licenses of the -� = ����� � ; Medalist Sports Club � � ��t ��'� �r �' 1 � ! ��t�Y.4 ti 4"t i"k' Et � April 23, 1991 1 � � l � «;� :, ��.,r �; � .. �� ;a `��� �.�� ��� '���,,, � l. Notice of Hearing, with two affidavits of servl'ce by �nai� � (5 PP• ) • � ' �,,, ` . �;-�.� ;�;< ,�, k " , �,� 2. Sections 310. 05 310. 06 Saint Paul Le islative Code '� �A `" � , 9 �4 PP °�.,:. Y r�*,� I �; F_ � � �'h'i �"r F"^� s�: ���y" 3Z:�7'.x:: 3 . Chapter 427, Saint Paul Legislative Code, Licenses for�- , �.�, �,� .�� : Health/Sports Clubs (6 pp) . � � < ��w� �. ' �� � � � � �..,� a�� �:. � .{ , 4 . Chapter 360, Saint Paul Legislative Code, Licenses for , ��"� '" Swimming Pools (4 pp. ) . I 5. Inspection Reports, Steven Schiller, SS 1-40 (�43 pp. ) . 6. Inspection Reports, Chris Ayoka, CA 1-13 (14 pp. ) . 7 . Inspection Reports, Barbara McMonigal-St.Dennils, ��:� '"`� ' B�S 1�4 �9 pp. � . I r'- �? � >;> . � �^���-`,: 8. Inspection Reports, James Prill, Prill 1-3 (31�pp, ) . HI �� s �,;� �' 9. Health Records and Reports, William Gunther, WG 1 & 2 (3 pp. ) . ;_ � , ,� � ' -,r 10. License Division Records (4 pp. ) . ;�t, � � �, ��, : 11. Rules and Regulations: Swimming Pools (22 pp.j) . k� "; , � ���J � �� � � � .- , � � ; ; � � �.,� i � � '` � ,. �f x.. > ` I . ' C�ty of St Paul v. J/D Athle ics 3 ,,�� — Me clzlist Sport s Club Adm.! Law H , ; _ Date: 4/23/91 City's 't !� _ �, :}, k ��� = ���, § 359.04 LEGISLATIVE CODE ' t� � °s�, � covering each vehicle operated hereunder, issued Such broadcasting vehicles sh 11 not be per`mit- by a company authorized to do business in the ted to use the streets and alleys of the city at any State of Minnesota in the sum of one hundred time upon Sunday for bro�� '��t ng,but the same thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for liability im- may be used on Surida �' � y.�' �n�� t,used for broad- � posed by law on account of bodily injuries to or casting purposes. '`�� �,+�,�6 � death of any person or persons, other than per- � `� - No such vehicle shal e ted while broad sons covered by the workers' compensation act, * . � � ,; �� ' � casting, at any time� . ee he hours of ?•d fr����h'F�` and in the sum of twenty thousand dollars k �. ��' ,�, „ xt .����,;� � . ($20 000.00) a ainst liabilit p y P•m. and 9:00 a.m. `�,j,,� � � � f �r ` �;- , g y im osed b law on , 4 ,x� �k�� '4 account of damage to or destruction of property by (b) Restricted in congeste,d�c�r ,rac�. uoh b#�oa. '� �. reason of the ownership or operation of any such casting vehicles shall not,b�. , driven at an ti ���" �' �'y�•� broadcasting vehicle. y me while br � congested district of the Ci�C�'o � t� � • � (c) License sticker. Each licensee, upon the pay- the same may use the street�ox. 11 ment of said fee and upon complying with all of when not in actual use for br� astin�. _���Y �`' �"` the aforesaid conditions, shall be furnished a li- (Code 1956, §§ 162.09, 162.10) , ����� _ � '�i ,;:, cense sticker for each vehicle, and bearing a li- .����. , ti�7 ��- cense number thereon. Said license sticker shall � `��$._ �{ ,��7�� ' Chapter 360. Public Svvi m�n 1 , ''' be displayed in a conspicuous place on the outside ,.,�,,�., � - ;�� , �� of each vehicle. �' � (Code 1956, §§ 162.03-162.05, 162.08; Ord. No. �c. 360.01. License require �; Qs�, ��y��� � �� � � � 17758, § 3, 8-14-90) No person shall conduct, oper t�� , �mta�in:��:''." public swimming pool in Saint Paul�without`a Sec. 359A5. Regulations. license. ; (Code 1956, § 454.04) �, (a) Sound restrictions. Such broadcasting vehi- ' � 4'' ' ;_ cles shall make no louder broadcasting sound than Sec. 360.02. Definitions. "ry is produced by a speaker with a total output of "public swimmin ool" means and includes '�t - j ` ��� f; n`� ' not more than twenty(20)watts.When approach- g P , � 4K� ��- { ba�hing place of artificial or par ly artificial an��.t � °; ��� �'r ing any zone on any street in the vicinity of any � , ' .;��, :��i,�; partly natural construction loca ed either indoor. �k�-'} ' � � hospital or other institution in which sick persons �� :� ,; are treated or cared for, where there is displayed or outdoor and provided with Controlled water , � r c�� �°'��`�; a sign "Hospital Quiet Zone," or at school when supply, where the water is su�ciently deep for �' ��.�= �: complete immersion of the body and is used col ;s ' �,�� _ in session, or at any church or funeral parlor lectively by numbers of persons �'or swimming or ' � � � {� a : during funeral services, such sound or broadcast- fi, , ',��? recreative bathing, together wit� the surround- ing shall immediately cease and not commence to � � ing area, buildings, equipment and appurtenances x ,; �.,` �� operate until arriving at a sufficient distance so pertaining to such a bathing ar a but shall not � as to avoid disturbing any persons within said ' `�`�``��" �'�' 7;4 areas. include a bathing place accessor to a single- or ;: � � :. #`. double-family dwelling which is i tended only for ;��" Broadcasting vehicles operated by any person use,of the residents and friends. �%: '•;� r :•: to present a program of a charitable, religious or (Code 1956, § 454.01) '� ` educational nature may make stops at not less I ,• ; than one-half mile apart and not to exceed ten �c. 360.03. Fee. � ` ` (10)minutes in duration for the purpose of broad- ,�,; � � casting,but no solicitation of funds shall be made The fee required is fifty dollars($50.00), except " _ , by any person connected with the operation of that the fee may be waived,by co ncil resolution, such vehicle. No other broadcasting vehicles shall in favor of applicants which ar� governmental stop at any place upon the streets or alleys of the agencies and political subdivisions. �� S � ' city except as a result of necessary traffic delays. �Code 1956, § 454.09) �'i. ' � �� �' � � `; .'�j °$ i {`� Supp.No.13 �'� t r r�sar�cj��`P ,.>,"� i �*�.K_�1'�+�' .T:. +y i �...� ' :w #' t'� _; t ' 2112 i ��.y. � ����t ���: .. -� '� F� ,{:� � p �51� ;'� #., , ��. ,Y�C es�+-� � . r! `'� ,y '{4� 'F�54����(S h ." 4 t, .�r .�u 14L Y ._ . , i r , I `j � � I _ �'� "� §360.07 LEGISLATIVE CODE _ +� . (e) Emergency instructions. Instructions regard- Sec. 360.11. R.eissuance after revocation. ing emergency calls shall be posted in a conspicu- , ous place in the pool area. fteapplication may be ade following a license revocation, and upon.pres ntation;of evidence that (fl Maximum load Not more than the malci- the deficiencies causing r vocation have been cor- mum design bather load shall be permitted in the rected,the inspector may reissue'the license. swimming pool at any one time. (Code 1956, § 454.05) (Code 1956, § 454.06) � ����#x�, 1 � 'i+�'��:� .� ��Y�',r��trr � Chapter 361. Wrecke s and Tow Trucks* � �}�;�`°k� 9# ' Sec. 360.08. Inspection. � x Sec. 361.01. Definition : �. R y , t���� � The division of ublic health is authorized to `' �����'4� � � `" tr P For the purpose of this chapter� °�` �-,. conduct such inspections as it deems necessary to ` �� 3 '°` ensure comp liance wit h all provisions of this cha - �'Or� and terms are define c� an��'s�. �'` P strued as hereinafter set forth nless� -: �• Y ter and shall have the right of entry at any rea- sonable hour to the swimmin 1 for this ent from the context that�hey- ' �� '� , (Code 1956, § 454.07) g'p°O p�°�• ent meaning: � ' Class "A"motor vehicl�servace;�h�],��:. " -� �4'*�.��`�, ' Sea 360.09. Operation. removing of a motor vehicle by t .�� e {��~ ^',;, ; from private property at the re e �i� , ; who is neither the owner or o �� (a) Records. The operator of each pool shall keep pera�.b�r nor a ��� � ' a daily record of information regarding operation, the owner or operator of t�e vehicIe ' � t w.. , including disinfectant residuals, pH, maintenance �. „ � � �} � �'�` F.'4 r procedure, recirculation, together with the other Class B motor vehicle seruice shall mean t�ie 3 ' ^, data as may be required on forms furnished by using of a service vehicle or the purpose'of tow=' � .;�, the division of public health. These data shall be ing or pushing at the request or authorization o� — kept on file by the operator for six(6) months for the owner, operator or agent of the owner or op- ,' ,: review by said division or submitted periodically erator of the vehicle receiving service for remu- J�`' `; '�N'���, neration or compensation pf any kind. � �� �� to the division as may be required by the director �` ��� of the division of public health. Pool water sam- Class "C"motor vehicle seruice shall mean the r'� '��" ` ;`�-�" ples shall be submitted to the division as required starting or attempting to �tart of another motor �� by the aforesaid director. vehicle through utilization of an t �''" y ype of electri- t cal device or battery for remuneration or compen- Y� (b) Maintenanc� The pumps, filter, disinfectant sation of any kind. �� �� and chemical feeders, and related appurtenances, r:? shall be kept in operation at all times the swim- Service uehicle shall m�'an any motor vehicle °' � ��<� ming pool is in use and for such additional peri- Which is designed to or do s provide any type of � , ,4�;.. ods as needed to keep the pool water clear and of service,including,but not l�mited to,towing,push- satisfactory bacterial quality. Continuous opera- ing or car starting as described in any of the " tion of the recirculation system shall be main- class�cations in this section, except that vehicle � ' �.;� tained in every swimming pool during seasons of transports or multi-car hauling vehicles shall not ;3-' . .,' regular use. be construed to mean serviee vehicles for the pur- � (Code 1956, § 454.08) pose of this chapter. ' *Editor's note—The provisio s formerly codified as Ch. $eC. 360.10. Licenses not transferable. 361, Tow�Yucks—Service Vehicles, derived from Ch. 161 of the city's 1956 Code,were repealed by Ord.No.16879,adopted Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter are Feb.2, 1982,which ordinance also enacted a new Ch.361 as nOt transfer3ble. herein set out.Since the enactment of these new provisions, (Code 1956, § 454.04) Ch.361 has been amended by Ord;No. 17122,adopted March 22, 1984;and Ord.No. 17161,Sep . 13,1984. � � ' � �_` :;;, : . 2114 i . � �/�/�50 � City of St Paul v. J D Athletics ;Inc, dba —" Me dalist S t s Club � Adm. Law H ing — __ � Date: 4/23� City s E�ibit �� �t"; , �'- � F' � '"; , ."�°',. � � � � � � �� �d'�r� :.�,1;�°:� Atftdavit oi Service By Mall � / I , �.x�,��. �"Y A �fate of �it�t�e�ota�, S8. ; � �� Rams e � � 5 County of...............................X.-•-•-•----......._...................:.... ., r Joanne G: Clements p� _.....................�--....................----�--...................._....-- -•--.._...._._.._......_...____.�.___..� ... tTtat on............Mr�.7�.��....�.a`.......•-•.......... 1�J....�.Z.... . � , . . , ..�.........Sae serued � I � � f �— � ...........................................:......................•••........................._....._._....upon....._.I�1r:..._ � � x�ix�x�xxx�x..._......._.......................................___...............-•----..._._......._.._... � , , � � � � ancl curr�ct copJ flaereof in an envelqpe addressed as follou �; � � ,,, I' ;f � � � _ � �. I �..� _, � � � p - i..�l � � ` � � .. � � (iuhich. is tlze last Icnown address of sa,id attorney) and , ' : �I �� Statcs �rzails at.._.....�r�.�.Xl�....�.s�.l��.._......._.......�_..._...Y...._..�.__._ � _ _ Subscribed and szcorn to before r,,.e t����.......�5th � :,�� 5�4' — da�..��.... --.arch ..•.•,-�.!r .. 1�......91._. .......... ��� -s =� -' _ .�"`T�e.._.._�......................._ _.....�M���nn�nnn 8 n ` � '� �; I _ E: ��" HOTAAY� � Q RW �'✓, _ �� MY COMM. 1/%Y v��� _. �vvvvvvvwYVwV� I _ v a- 'L� .. � 't�.y�"' � — �.. ? r f 1� � � ���•'.} �.: .+- �. j t 1+1 � � r ,�'`r�,ti,4 ts r1 :'i �.. � 4�1�:t"��p Y +�i_� : i � f��. 5 3 - { 2. , R r� �y� t. ;^ Ft j 4i yJ � i �- /A � 4. r"'l.X� i� _ �L �' 3°�� y: ., s _ ,�1' �fj �'. �4 .o _ � Mtil � � a: K ' - � � � � �• �� a�� `f-. �� i_ I!� �, . �: ' m �� w. +� � � /� � 4 � p� � �: - +A 5 � � II X�/M�� 'y �y _ ... , M/ 11� �, � . . . � � V W V/ ' I _ � II � y � � a ' t . • - � 3 � � I �0 � Z � �ts � � g 2 �' o � 'o j � � � � a� Q � ' ^ � � Q � ° � �-� �c�/�/�✓ �� _ 9/��5��' . .;�.� . — . II ��, ����4 11� ,�� � _ , ,:t, . Affldavit ot Servlce By Mall ��i ' _;� �? ¢[�� rT t DY, ._ O�/���� OL �`����0��� . .. . , . . ''�, - .. . - w.: . i '.. ...... . .......................""'.......... S6. '` / �„t - • .... Y. Count� o Ramsey ," J f...................... . . .. -•.....................................................I.QANi�E....G.......��F.1'!f��TTS_._..._...___..._....._...__.._.___..... _, bein first dul sworn, deposes a.n�l sa� t1�at on........ s Notic of Hearin �~ , . ............1�e served the attacTzed ..._�.._._..._.___. '�' Mar.c�i.-.2�..................�--�-- 1�...�1..__.. ....._.._....... ._._..._......g......._......�_._M._.._....._� , > •........................•.--............._.......:........._..._......._---upon....Davi4l. Schwartzman_,_,Jon Schwart�.�J��:S?iix�A ��` • ._....�. � � � �. � ......... .................:.................................._..----._..... _....._......___..........�._...._.._....._..�_....._... ..._._._. ..._...__._._.._.b� plac , ing a true>; . ancZ cvrrect copy thereof in an envelppe addressed as followe: r. David Schwartzm�z, President Mr. Jon Schwartz.��n,. V. Pres. N�. Jauaes Sima��, Secretary 1� /D Athletics, Inc. J/D�Athletics, Inc. J/D Athletics, Inc. 515 Brewster St. � 1515 Brewster 5t. 15I5. Brewster St. t. Paul, NI[�. 55108 St. Paul, M[�11. . 55I08 S ' . Paul, r1N. 5510$ (rvhich, is the last 7 o,wn �r s of said attorney) and depositin� he aa e, w th posta e p pai i ae Unit States mails at.........c.S.�.a1nt_..Paul� ,. _ , Minneao � . ........_...._........._........._.._..... Subscribcd and suorn to beforc me t�Lts.._....�5th .......---� da✓ of - -.....-----ch..._ .. .. :.... I D....91 - _..__. __...... .. ..-.. .............. . ..... ....... _.. _ . ... .... ... . . . ........ - �.. """""""'...._...'"'........... .... ............ .. ... . ............."" C . ....... ........._. � . .. ,,� BELVA J.�LOYO - - �� MOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA i RAMSEYCOUNTY �= : _ _. MY(;OMMI.EICPIRES APR.8.19� ' ' � . �_c., b NN+ ��. - .+:.� ,% ,�: ,�r��7 �.a f r F"'�3-;' �t�`'"'�-n.z; . _ s ti J.� ,.-Y� e! ,�3k ���.rr'. ..fn� - , " h } ���. s _ �• � St 't fi .� _ _ ' _ � y-;. S s k � _ r-� .�k f. � t' a _ ' - . . . : ' -u �'� y _ . - . - �yt - _ _ _ _ " _ - 1 _ - P\,� _- _ _ � t ' ��./'- _ _ _ - _ ' " , " _ _ .. . . , � . - . . . _ _ . . _ .� �- ' . ��,. .' ..�:-. , �... .' .;". . _ '�.- ,:-•; . ::�. � - .. : . .. . . . . : . _- .�.. �' . . ._.... :_.:. .� ",' - .'. }.. .. . '.�.' . ' ':.. . '.:.. _ � � � . . . , ` ' .�L. , . . . _ .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . i . . . , . . . _ . ��trr o �, ��✓/�� 4}� �:* i CITY OF SAINT PAUL + ;;';;;'�� o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY + A 1�1� JA�,NE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTOR,�tEY � 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,�lrxinnesota�i�l .L JAMES SCHEIBEL � '� � �'' ..�.61.�' �� MAYOR k� :r'� 't e• ' y March 25, 1991 '� ::w, � t Mr. David Schwartzman, President Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President µ.,�} , M T , r. James Simon Secre ;��:.� , tary II : J/D Athletics Inc. , ��,�;_` S�,r 1515 Brewster Street INOTICE OF HEARING �3j Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 RE: City of St. Paul vs. J/d Athletics Inc. , dba Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster Street Dear Messrs Schwartzman and Mr. Simon: This is to notify you that a hearing will be he�d concerning all the licenses held at the premises stated above ',at the following :f �a-.:. time, date and place: Date: April 23, 1991 �~` ;: Time: 9 a.m. =�,; Place: Room 816 � �� �_� ��' Commerce Buildinq � �� 8 East Fourth Street � ''" �"` ': �.�;, St. Paul, MN 55102 � The judge will be an Administrative Law Judge f�`om the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: , Name: Howard L. Raibel, Jr. �, Office of Administrative Hearings Fifth Floor, flour Exchange Building �� 310 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55415 Telephone: (612) 341-7608 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the autho�ity to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises, and for' adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including 'sections 310. 05 and 310. 06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. IIn the case of licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating lic�uor, authority is also conveyed by section 340A.415 of the Minnesota Statutes. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. , " y �����v� March 25 1991 r Mr. David Schwartzman, President Mr. Jon Schwartzman, Vice President :: y, „::�_ ` Mr. James Simon, Secretary ��°�� '�� J/D Athletics Inc. , �:t � �„: Page two 'S i;, The Environmental Program Manager, William �unther, based on " �"� �c� numerous inspections of the licensed facility at 1515 Brewster by _��;� his staff, has requested adverse action aqainstlall licenses held ';�`4- at that location. Adverse action can inclu�de revocation or �'"° suspension of the license, and/or the impositio�, of conditions on �_ the license. The basis for his request is tha� there have been f significant, lonq-term and uncorrected problems �ith the facility, including its basic cleaninq, routine maintenance, equipment maintenance and pool chemistry. The evidence tolbe presented will include testimony from the staff persons who made� the inspections, copies of the various inspection reports (most df which you have already received at or shortly after the time of inspection) , and such other information as will be relevant to tY�e health hazards presented by the continued operation of the lice�sed facility, A ?` �r, complete set of the documents will be sent to you at your request �'� �; if you do not have them or not kept them on file. '� These documents ; -��' cover all of 1990 and 1991, You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and �4'�� during the hearing if you so choose, or you can rep'resent yourself. 'd���} You ma also have a ' x �;�� Y person of your choice repres,ent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. � The hearing will be conducted accordance with the 'requirements of sections 14 . 57 to 14 . 62 of the Minnesota Statutes,' and such parts of the procedures under section 310:05 of t�he Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will h�,ave all parties identify themselves for the record. Then the City w�ill present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee i�r attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer ir� rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, ea�h of whom the city' s attorney may cross-examine. The Administra��tive Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimoriy from persons not presented as witnesses by either party wha have�, a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for examplle, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the o�'atcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by! the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Finc�ings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation fo�r action to be taken by the City Council. . , I� ���� U� � � March 25, 1991 , Mr. David Schwartzman, President �_, Mr. Jon 5chwartzman, Vice President Mr. James Simon, Secretary °�, ` �� •"��`� J/D Athletics Inc. , � �` s� ,� < Page three '�" � You should bring to the hearin all doc ume 5 �ts, records and '���<>;�,' witnesses you will or may need to su ort `� pp your po�ition. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of !iwitnesses or the , .,; . production of documents in conformity with Minn!,esota Rules, part � 1400.7000. � � ;�� _ ,�; �:� If you think that this matter can be resolved o� settled without a formal hearing, please contact or have your at-�orney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can �, be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to t��e Administrative Law Judge for incorporation into his or her r�commendation for Council action. � If you fail to appear at the hearing, the allega�ions against you :�;�.'.- which have been stated earlier in this notice maylbe taken as true �,; � and your ability to challenge them forfeited. I� non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it m�y become public " unless objection is made and relief requested '� under Minnesota � ��a Statutes, section 14 . 60, subdivision 2 . ::��:, �� • �. Very Truly Yours, ���d ��. a��'• , PHILIP B. BYRNE Assistant Cit Attorne I�� Y Y cc: Deborah L.Peterson II 1515 Brewster Street � Robert Kessler '� License Inspector Albert B. Olson City Clerk , Paige Purcell ' Off ice of Administrative Hearings Lt. Nancy DiPerna ' Vice Unit William Gunther Environmental Health Ms. Kay Woitas District 10 Community Council Ms. Tracy Smith State of Minnesota Attorney General ' s Office �� � �.�.�. ��'��� �.,,o;:,. �� -� �Ra ;� ��, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '; ��E`��� �;� OFFI�E OF THE CITY ATTQRNEY , �• < �, ,... i; . � JAI�E A. MC PEAK, CITY AT�'OI2;�VE� .; � �_ � W7 CIt�HaII,Saint Paal,Minne�io�a; �:- �` JAMES SCHEIBEL ���,.,; MAYOR ' FAX 611-29& , ,: � G'1�y�3 EXl1�Y3�t$ � ;;,,��'�, In re the Licenses of the �� � � _ Medalist Sports Club ' � Apri1 23, 1991 ,..� � . . . . . . ,�h .;i. 1. Notice of Hearing, with two affidavits of ser�t,ice by mail , �5 PP• ) • � 2. Sections 310. 05, 310.06, Saint Paul Legislativ;e Code (4 pp. ) , 3 . Chapter 427, Saint Paul Legislative Code, Licenses for Health/Sports Clubs (6 pp) , :� �.�: 4 . Chapter 360, Saint Paul Legislative Code, Licemses for �° Swimming Pools (4 pp. ) . '� f`' ;x 5. Inspection Reports, Steven Schiller, SS 1-40 (43 pp. ) . �` � '��x 6. Inspection Reports, Chris Ayoka, CA 1-13 (14 p�. ) . ��`�� '�;-" 7. Inspection Reports, Barbara McMonigal-St.Dennis�, BAMS 1-4 (g pp, ) , 8. Inspection Reports, James Prill, Prill 1-3 (3 pp. ) . 9 . Health Records and Reports, William Gunther, WGI�� l & 2 (3 pp. ) . 10. License Division Records (4 pp. ) . 11. Rules and Regulations: Swimming Pools (22 pp, ) ,'' _ : . � City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba , I �j�/,��� � /�� — i��dalist Sports Club � Adm, Law Hearing — � Date: 4/23/91 City s E�ibit �� � I §426.10 LEGISLATNE CODE I I expression, unless such performance is Adult health/sport clulb, as de�ned in Section`;,��"' � � deemed to be obscene. 60.201 of this Code. , �' '' � k� � '� � '`` ,-, (4) Any person, while in the presence of any Adult use, as defined �n Section 60.201 of this ` other person in any licensed establishment, Code. , � to fail to conceal with a fully opaque cover- ��,' ing the genital area of his or her body.This HQQlthlsport club mea�s a building or portion ��` �•° ��� provision shall not apply to any performance of a building designed a�d equipped for the con- •� . ` duct of sports, exercise, leisure time activities or '��< which constitutes a form of constitutionally other customary and usu�l recreational activities, ,;, protected expression,unless such performance ,.,� . is deemed to be obscene. operated for pro�t or not-�or-pro�t,and which can be open only to bona fide members and guests of _ (5) Any person owning, operating or manag- the organization or open�o the public for a fee. ing any licensed establishment knowingly Obscene, as de�ned in innesota Statutes,Sec- to cause, allow or permit in or about such � establishment any agent, employee or any tion 617241. other person. under his or her control or Obscene work, as define;d in Chapter 274 of this supervision to perform such acts prohibited Code: in subparagraphs (1) through (4) of this sec- (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) tion or any obscene act. - •t: �, � . (6) Any person to employ any person under �c. 427.03. License cla�ssification. the age of eighteen (18) to work in any Health/sport club license shall be known as a ` ,' adult cabaret. Class A license, and adu�t health/sport club li- �' � r}fi' (Ord. No. 17623, § 1, 1-17-89) cense shall be known as a IClass B license. F � (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) -:;=;,�� ;�s= � `�;� :;r�.,:, Chapter 427. Health/Sports Clubs* Sec. 427.04. Fee. The required fee far a IClass A or a Class B Sec. 427.01. License required. license is two hundred do�lars ($20 0.0 0). A s e p a- (a) No person shall engage in the business of rate license shall be obtaaned for each place of operating a health/sport club or an adult health/sport business. Only one (1) adu�t use shall be allowed - club without being licensed as provided in this in a building or portion ofI a building. The licen- . chapter. No license issued under this chapter shall see shall display the license in a prominent place be transferable from one(1)person,business, cor- on the licensed premises �t all times. A license, poration or location to another. unless revoked, is•for a calendar year, or part (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) thereof,for which it has be�en issued. (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-�9) Sec. 427.02. Definitions. Sec. 427.05. License reqj�irements. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the following meanings �a) Application, The init�al application for a li- ascribed to them: cense shall be made at the office of the inspector by filing the annual licenselfee and by completing Adequate or approved means acceptable to the an application form. The a plication form, which director of the division of public health or his shall be prepared by the i�spector and approved agents following his determination as to confor- by the city council, shall �ontain the following mance with public health practices and standards. information: •Cross references—Private clubs, Ch. 404; massage par- �1� A description and location of the premises lors,saunas,etc.,Ch.412;steam room/bath house,Ch.428. t0 be licensed. The �letailed plans of t�1e Supp.No.7 � — 2226 i . � ��_/��� ; ����. - LICENSES I §427.05 _ a*. i premises and furnishings shall be attached ther grant or deny�the license in accordance�`'' � �� ` �� . to the application. the procedures se� forth in Chapter 310 of�" : �''�'� ` (2) Names and addresses of the property owner, Code. " the business owner, the lessee, the man- (b) Hearing;noti�f'ication At least thirty(30)days `' � ager or operator and, if a corporation, all before a public hearing on an application for a ; �,� �` � �>"�-� the names and addresses of the officers of license, the department of finance and manage- ��;' such corporation, and any other person or ment services sha1Q notify by mail all owners and `� corporation which may have a financial in- occupants who o ro ert or reside within three '�'�M �I P P Y terest in the premises to be licensed. 'hundred (300) feetl of the property line of the es ��"` (3) A description of any crime or other offense, tablishment to be licensed, and all community including the time, place, date and disposi- organizations that�ave previously registered with tion,for which any of the persons named in said department,o�'the time,place and purpose of subparagraph(2)of this paragraph(a)have such hearing, said�three hundred(300)feet being been arrested or convicted. calculated and com�?uted as the distance measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the (4) A description of the services to be offered. property line in wXich the business is to be oper- (5) In the case of an adult health/sport club, ` ated to the nearest�ioint of the property line owned, written proof that each employee is at least leased or under thq control of the resident. Prior to the hearing da , the department of �nance '�' eighteen(18)years of age. and management se�ices shall submit to the city s.. (6) The business, occupation or employment of council a list of the!names and addresses of each �� ��' - each of the persons named in subparagraph person or organizaUion to whom notice was sent, " �'� f (2) of this paragraph (a) for the three (3) and certification of,such list by the clerk shall be ? _.: ;;;� years immediately preceding the date of conclusive evidence of such notice. The failure to ��,;� application. give mailed notice to owners or occupants resid- ,, �S_. (7) The previous experience of the persons named ing within three hu�ndred(300)feet, or defects in �' � in subparagraph(2)of this paragraph(a)in the notice, shall ndt invalidate the license, pro- ;' a massage parlor or similar business. vided a bona fide �ttempt to comply with this paragraph(b)has b�n made. A bona fide attempt (8) A statement as to whether the persons named is evidenced by a otice addressed to "owner" in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (a) and to"occupant"o�f the listed address. Only one have had any license denied, revoked or (1) notice need be �ailed to each house or each suspended in the City of Saint Paul or the rental unit within a�multiple-family dwelling re- State of Minnesota,the reason therefor, and gardless of the num�er of occupants. the business activity or occupation of the �e notification r�quirements of this paragraph individual subsequent to such suspension, revocation or denial. (b)shall not be appl�cable where the license is to be held in a place located within the downtown Such application will then be reviewed by the business district. Fbr purposes of this chapter, division of public health, division of housing and "downtown business Klistrict"shall include all that building code enforcement, police department, and portion of the City o�Saint Paul lying within and " such other departments as shall be deemed nec- bounded by the foll�Qwing streets: Beginning at essary. Such departments will thereafter submit the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut their reports and recommendations to the office of Street; Chestnut Strdet to Pleasant Avenue;Pleas- the inspector, who will submit all of the reports ant Avenue to Kellqgg Street; Kellogg Street to and recommendations of the other departments, Summit Avenue;Sur�mit Avenue to Tenth Street; together with the inspector's report and recom- Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94; Interstate mendation, to the Saint Paul City Council. The Freeway 94 to Lafay�;tte Bridge; Lafayette Bridge city council, following a public hearing, shall ei- to where the bridge�crosses over Warner Road; �., : Supp.No.7 ! I 2227 � . �/-/��� �;` � §427.05 LEGISLATIVE CODE ! <�,��; Warner Road to Shepard Road; Shepard Road to the constitutions of th� United States or of the ~�} ��y ,` Chestnut Street. State of Minnesota. (c) Hearing. The city council shall afford the (1) It shall be . '' applicant and all interested parties a ublic h �'oun�s for denial of the appli- ' P ear- cation if the app'licant or persons in his �II, b��� ing, and shall have the discretion to consider in employ are not c�mplying with or have a -r'�;- granting, denying or renewing the license any history of violations of the laws and ordi- reasonable fact or circumstance relatin to the � g nances that apply� to public health, safety `� public health, safety and welfare, including, but or morals. �-'- not limited to, the following: � (2) �It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- 9� (1) The character and suitability of the area or neighborhood in which the licensed rem- sion or revocation�Of a license if the owner, P manager, lessee o any of the employees or ises is to be located; persons having a�nancial interest in the (2) The proximity of the site for the health/sport business is convicted of any violation, rea- club or adult health/sport club to churches, ��bly related to t�e licensed activity and/or schools, playgrounds, parks or other com- occurring on the li ensed premises, of any munity facilities adversely affected; and - law. (3} Traffic congestion and parking problems. �3) It shall be groundsj for suspension or revo- (d) Basis for denia� The council may deny an chapter if the pre�ses do no c ompiy w th r� application for renewal or g r a n t o f a l i c e n s e o n t he hea l t h, housing,fire,zoning and build- M �; s ; the basis of a determination that the public health, ing regulations of �he City of Saint Paul � � safety or welfare would be otherwise adversel Y�: ,�`� affected, taking into account one (1) or more of and State of Minne�ota. � a� �� �. . � the facts or circumstances in this section. (4) An application may be denied or a license " may be suspended br revoked if the pres- (e) Restrictions may be imposed Where a rea- ence of such establi�shment is found to be ;. ' sonable basis is found by the council to impose detrimental to the health,welfare or safety reasonable restrictions upon the license, taking of the citizens of thej City of Saint Paul. into consideration one (1) or more of the above facts or circumstances, the council may, upon is- �5� A license may be d�nied or a license may suance or renewal of a license, impose such rea- be suspended or revoked upon evidence of a sonable conditions and restrictions on the man- �aterial variance i�h the actual plan and ner and circumstances under which the licensed design of the premis_gs from the plans sub- activities shall be conducted to preserve the pub- mitted pursuant to tl�is chapter or from the lic peace and protect and promote good order and original design of tl�e premises when ini- security, tially licensed without prior approval of the (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) city council. I ' (6) Licenses may be gra�.ted only to establish- Sec. 427.06. Adverse action; grounds for sus- ments which can meet the requirements of pension,revocation,or denial, the health,housing,l�uilding,fire and zon- The city council may consider the taking of ing code regulations I of the City of Saint adverse action regarding a license application or F'aul and State of Minnesota. licensed business as set forth in this section; pro- (7) It shall be grounds f�r denial, suspension ' vided, however, that the council shall not con- or revocation of the I�cense if there is any sider as grounds for such adverse action any ac- fraud or deception involved in the license tivity on the part of the applicant or licensee, application or license�enewal. which activity is protected by the provisions of Supp.No.7 I ; �. : i 2228 , I �', °l/-/5�� � LICENSES II � §427A7 (8) It shall be grounds for suspension or revo- (1) All sauna roQms,restrooms and bathrooms cation of the license if the licensee, owner, used in connection with the licensed prem=; �; lessee or manager of the health/sport club ises shall be �onstructed of materials which fi:- or adult health/sport club fails to comply are impervioi�s to moisture,bacteria, mold with any of the ordinances of the City of or fungus gro�wth.The floor-to-wall and wall- � ' � � Saint Paul or statutes of the State of Min- to-wall joint� shall be constructed to pro- �;' nesota pertaining to the licensed premises. vide a sanitary cove with a minimum ra- '''' '� (9) It shall be grounds for the suspension or dius of one(lh inch. �x= revocation of the license if the licensee or (2) All restroom used in connection with the � , owner or manager or any of the employees licensed pre�ises shall be provided with `�'�� or persons having a financial interest in mechanical v�entilation with two (2) cubic the premises are found to be in control of or feet per minute per square foot of floor area, possession of any alcoholic beverages or con- a minimum pf fifteen (15) footcandles of trolled substances on the premises, posses- illumination, �hand-washing sink equipped sion of which is illegal under city ordinance with hot and cold running water under pres- or state law. sure, sanitax�towels and a soap dispenser. (10) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- ` (3) Each establis�ment shall have a janitor's sion or revocation of the license if the li- closet which �all be provided for the stor- censee, owner, lessee, manager or employee age of cleanir�g supplies. Such closet shall '�,'•`' has evidenced in the past willful disregard have mechan�cal ventilation with two (2) k,`�°*��' _� for the health, housing, zoning, building cubic feet per minute per square foot of `"r*,��. and/or fire codes and regulations. floor area and' a minimum of ten (10)foot- �` � � 5 candles of ill�mination. Such closet shall :�� `�� ��'� (11) It shall be grounds for the denial, sus pen- sion or revocation of the license if any afore- inc lu de a mop Isi n k. ,���� mentioned person or persons shall refuse (4) F'ioors walls ar�d e `'��° , quipment in sauna rooms, to permit any police officer or inspector em- restrooms andl in bathrooms used in con- ployed in the city's fire department, depart- nection with th�e establishment must be kept ' ment of community services, division of li- in a state of gopd repair and sanitary at all cense and permit administration to inspect times. Linens and other materials shall be the premises or operations during normal stored at leastl six (6) inches off the floor. business hours. Sanitary towels�wash cloths,cleaning agents (12) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- and toilet tiss�e must be made available sion or revocation of a license if the licen- for each customer. see or any of its employees are found to be (5) Individual lock�rs shall be made available in violation of the provisions of this chapter. for use by patrons. Such lockers shall have (13) It shall be grounds for the denial, suspen- separate keys for locking. sion or revocation of the license of any adult (6) Doors on massa�e rooms shall not be locked health/sport club if any employee is under during the givi�g of massage. All massage eighteen(18)y�ars of age. rooms shall be�learly marked by signs. (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) (7) All massage tab�es,bath tubs,shower stalls, bath areas, andl floors shall have surfaces Sec. 427.07. Construction and maintenance which can be resdily disinfected. requirements. (8) Separate bathi�ig, dressing, locker, toilet The following requirements shall apply to the and massage ropm facilities shall be pro- construction and maintenance of licensed premises: vided for female�and male patrons. �''� Su .No.7 PP 2229 li � �'/�/s�� - §427.07 LEGISLATIVE CODE � r,'?' I `; y � .�,g � (9) The premises shall have adequate equip- clubs. Such rules and re$ulations shall be effec 'S�" ment for disinfecting and sterilizing non- tive when filed in the off`ce of the city clerk and " disposable instruments and materials used inspector,and amendmen�s thereof shall be effeo- ` �`' in administering massages. Such nondis- tive twenty (20) days aft�r being so filed. Viola- � G"�" "� �� posable instruments and materials shall be tions of such rules and rel;ulations may be suff"i- �� disinfected after use on each patron. cient grounds for revocati�n or suspension of any (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) and all licenses issued purIs� uant to this chapter. � (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) "�� Sec. 427.08. Submission of plans and specifi- ' :�� �,-. cations. Sea� 427.11. Unlawful abts. �� All persons who hereafter construct, extensively It shall be unlawful for:� remodel or convert buildings or facilities for use I as a health/sport club or adult health/sport club �l) Anyone to engage i�r, conduct or carry on a shall conform and comply in their construction, health/sport club or adult health/sport club erection or alteration with the requirements of '�'ithout a valid lice�se issued pursuant to this chapter. Plans and specifications for such this chapter. � - layout, arrangement and plumbing and construc- (2) Any person in a lice'nsed establishment to tion materials and locations, size and type of equip- place his or her ha{�ds upon, or to touch ment and facilities shall be filed by the owner in with any part of his or her body, or to fon- the off`ice of housing and building code enforce- dle in any manner,o'r to massage,the gen- ment within the department of community ser- ital area of any othe�person. _ `''� vices. A building permit shall not be issued for i �,�'€�,, any such construction, remodeling or alteration �3) Any person owning, operating or manag- � :� � ing a licensed establfshment knowingly to �.:` until such permit shall have the approval of the cause allow or � � division of public health. , per�it in or about such -�' licensed establishme t an a ent em lo '�>��: (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) {� Y g , P Y- ee, or any other per�son under his or her Sec. 427.09. Inspection by city officers and control or supervisio�i to perform such acts identification of employees. prohibited in subpar�graphs (1) and (2) of this section or any ob�scene act. During any hours in which any person is present on the licensed premises, the premises shall be �4) Any person to emplby any person under open to inspection by city health, fire, zoning, the age of eighteen I(18) to work in any building and license inspectors and police officers. adult health/sport cl�b. U on demand b an olice officer an (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-8�) P Y Y P , y person engaged in providing services in any licensed prem- ises shall identify himself/herself giving his/her Chapter 428. Steam R,00mBath House* true legal name and correct address. � (Ord. No. 17624, § 1, 1-17-89) Sec. 428.01. License requfred. Sec. 427.10. Rules and regulations; director �a) No person shall enga�e in the business of operating a steam room/bat�h house or an adult of division of public health may steam room/bath house withput being licensed as promulgate. provided in this chapter. No license issued under The director of the division of public health this chapter shall be trans�'erable from one (1) shall make such rules and regulations in keeping person,business,corporation br location to another. with the provisions of this chapter and as may be (Ord. No. 17625, § 1, 1-17-89) reasonably necessary to the safe and sanitaty opera- •Cross references—Pri�ate clul�s, Ch. 404; massage par- tion of health/sport clubs or adult health/sport lors,saunas,etc.,Ch.412;health/sport clubs,Ch.427. ( Supp.No.7 i t- `, , 2230 , � C�ty of St Paul v. J/I� Athletics Inc, dba , — Med�list Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing '— Dzte: 4/23/91 City'� F�chibit �� �_ LI, § 359.04 LEGISLATIVE CODE //J /�� "'` ; s.,�> , �.�- I a,?� �s=.= •; covering each vehicle operated hereunder, issued Such broadcasting veh�cles shall not be permit - � by a company authorized to do business in the ted to use the streets and alleys of the city at any State of Minnesota in the sum of one hundred time upon Sunday for broadcasting,but the same �, . , thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for liability im- may be used on Sunday�hen not used for broad- �' V ;^,�, posed by law on account of bodily injuries to or casting purposes. ! i.�: death of any person or persons, other than per- No such vehicle shall b�e operated,while broad- ��-�°* sons covered by the workers' compensation act, casting, at any time betiween the hours of 7:00 and in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ` , ($20,000.00) a ainst liabilit p•m. and 9:00 a.m. � � g y im posed b y law o n ��: account of damage to or destruction of property by �� Restricted in conges�ed district. Such broad- ;�a` reason of the ownership or operation of any such casting vehicles shall not,be parked, operated or `i;' broadcasting vehicle. driven at any time while�roadcasting within the congested district of the ity of Saint Paul, but (c) License sticker. Each licensee,upon the pay- the same may use the str�ets or alleys of said city ment of said fee and upon complying with all of when not in actual use for�broadcasting purposes. the aforesaid conditions, shall be furnished a li- (Code 1956, §§ 162.09, 16�.10) cense sticker for each vehicle, and bearing a li• " cense number thereon. Said license sticker shall Chapter 360. Public�Swimming Pools be displayed in a conspicuous place on the outside of each vehicle. Sec. 360.01. License rec�uired. (Code 1956, §§ 162.03-162.05, 162.08; Ord. No. 17758, § 3, 8-14-90) No person shall conducti operate or maintain a public swimming pool in'Saint Paul without a ' Sec. 359.05. R.egulations. license. ' �`.. (Code 1956, § 454.04) ` (a) Sound restrictions. Such broadcasting vehi- ' � I, , ��� ..,�,,.: .� cles shall make no louder broadcasting sound than Sec. 360.02. Definitions.� -"";;'�;� is produced by a speaker with a total output of '°public swimming pool"I means and includes a not more than twenty(20)watts.When approach- ba�hing place of artificial �r partly artificial and ing any zone on any street in the vicinity of any partly natural constructio located either indoor hospital or other institution in which sick persons or outdoor and provided �ith controlled water are treated or cared for, where there is displayed a si "Hos ital �� supply, where the water i� sufficiently deep for gn p' Quiet Zone, or at school when complete immersion of thel body and is used col- in session, or at any church or funeral parlor lectively by numbers of pe�sons for swimming or during funeral services, such sound or broadcast- recreative bathing, togeth�r with the surround- ing shall immediately cease and not commence to ing area, buildings, equipmgnt and appurtenances operate until arriving at a suff'icient distance so pertaining to such a bathing area, but shall not as to avoid disturbing any persons within said include a bathing place acCessory to a single- or areas. double-family dwelling whi�h is intended only for Broadcasting vehicles operated by any person use,of the residents and friends. to present a program of a charitable, religious or (Code 1956, § 454.01) educational nature may make stops at not less I than one-half mile apart and not to exceed ten �c. 360.03. Fee. (10)minutes in duration for the purpose of broad- ' casting,but no solicitation of funds shall be made The fee required is fifty dqllars($50.00), except by any person connected with the operation of that the fee may be waived,�y council resolution, such vehicle. No other broadcasting vehicles shall in favor of applicants which are governmental stop at any place upon the streets or alleys of the agencies and political subdi�isions. city except as a result of necessary traffic delays. �Code 1956, § 454.09) ' I Supp.No.13 i " 2112 I� i _ , �'/�/��� . � -. a. LICENSES � § 360.04 � �y�`� ; : i ��3t': .. (4 t Sec. 360.04. Licensing requirements; submis- (5) The plans sha�l be drawn to scale and ��: .�Y sion of plans and specifications. companied by roper specifications so as.t'' � The follow requirements shall apply to the li- permit a comp�ehensive engineering review �.� ;� censing of public swimming pools: of the plans i�pcluding the piping and hy��� ': f (1) No person shall begin construction of a pub- draulic details�and shall include: �� lic swimming pool or shall substantially a. Plan and�ectional views with all nec- alter or reconstruct any public swimming essary dimjensions of both the pool and ,.°:� pool without first having submitted plans surrounding area. ��;t.` and specifications to the inspector for re- i �'��;m view and approval. All plans and specifica- �� tions shall be submitted in duplicate and ! the inspector shall arrange for the review I and approval of the plans and spec�cations by the division of public: health and the building official. ' No permit to construct, alter or renovate shall be issued by the inspector until ap- ` � proval is granted by the division of public � health and by the building official. ' (2) The application for a permit to construct or I remodel a public swimming pool shall be I on forms prescribed by the inspector, to- �. _ gether with any supporting data as may be ! �'; - required for the proper review of the plans. � (3) The pool and facilities shall be built in ac- � cordance with the plans as approved by the building off`icial. Changes or modifications I of said plans must have approval in writ- ing by the building official. The owner or ! his agent shall notify the director of the division of public health and the building � off`icial at specific predetermined stages of � construction to permit adequate inspection of the pool and related equipment during � and after construction. A final inspection shall be made upon completion of the pool � facilities. � The pool shall not be placed in operation i until such inspections show compliance with the requirements of this chapter. � (4) The criteria to be followed by the building I off"icial in the review and approval of plans shall be promulgated as rules and regula- � tions as authorized by this chapter. I � Supp.No.13 I 2112.1 i I , ��� � �/ / - ,�.—•� LICENSES � §360.07u' �,; a,: _ � ��j�:: , ��2,-�.; b. A piping diagram showing all appur- (15) Water quality, supervision and cleaning';. �;y�i7. � tenances including treatment facilities ' ��,�� �'� }„`;"�.�� in sufficient detail, as well as pertinent (16) Operatiqn. �i z� ' : (Code 1956, § 454.03) :�t q` elevation data, to permit a hydraulic , :j analysis of the system. � � ' c. The speci�cations shall contain details �c. 360.06. Regulations to be promulgated. `'��'; a.. �., on all treatment equipment, including �e health officer and the supervisor of code catalog identification of pumps, chlo- enforcement (buildirlg off`icial) are authorized to /"�i'� rinators, chemical feeders, filters,strain- promulgate regulati�pns in connection with the � # ers,interceptors and related equipment. 'operation and maint�enance of public swimming �` (Code 1956, § 454.02) pools for the protection and promotion of public � Sec. 360.05. Desi health and safety. 1�'he health officer shall per- gn, construction and opera- form inspections at �-easonable hours to ensure tion features. compliance. Every p�}blic swimming pool shall be (a) Reasonable regulations shall be promulgated operated under the alose supervision of a desig- by the director of the division of public health and nated operator. Every designated operator shall the building official covering design,construction be required to obtain! a certificate of competency � and operation of public swimming pools. No per- � issued by the health qfficer upon successfully com- mit to construct, alter,remodel or license to oper- pleting a swimming pool operator's training course ate shall be granted unless the pool conforms with offered by the divisio�of public health,for which these regulations. said division may cha4�ge a reasonable fee,or any other swimming pool cpurse approved by the health (b) The regulations shall cover,but not be lim- o�cer. � ited to,the following items: (Code 1956, § 454.04)� I #• (1) Water supply,sewer and waste connections. ��'° (2) Design detail. �c. 360.07. Health�land safety. (a) Communicable �liseases. No person having (3) Materials of construction. a communicable diseaase shall be employed or work (4) Walls, markings and slopes. at a public swimmingi pool. All patrons or swim- mers suspected of habing an infectious disease (5) Overflow gutters and skimmers. shall be excluded. � (6) Inlets and outlets. � (b) Safety;lifeguards� Appropriate facilities shall (7) Separation, zoning and control of users. be provided for the safety of bathers as may be required by the divisian of public health. Compe- (8) Recirculation equipment, piping and appur- tent lifeguards shall b� on duty during all swim- tenances. ming periods when so'ordered by the director of the division of public 1}ealth or when a use fee is (9) Disinfection and chemical feed equipment. charged. (10) Bathhouse and appurtenances, including (c) Superuision. Evexy swimming pool shall be plumbing�xtures. under the supervision af a capable individual who (11) Ladders, stairs, decks and walkways, div- shall assume the responsibility for compliance with ing equipment. all parts of this chapte�relating to pool operation (12) Diving, swimming, and bathing areas. and maintenance. , (13) Ventilation, lighting and electrical facili- �d) Access. When the��Swimming pool is not open ties and connections(safety aspects). for use, access to such� pool shall be preventecl, and such prevention shall be the responsibility of (14) Safety and lifesaving equipment. the owner or his agent.' � • 2113 � �j,/��( - §360.07 LEGISLATNE CODE ' � �' I ��� i ' ,���'�� i (e) Emergency instructions. Instructions regard- Sec. 360.11. Reissuance�fter revocation. �� ��✓'� ing emergency calls shall be posted in a conspicu- � �'� � .' ous place in the pool area. Reapplication may be ma�e following a license '��, �Y����' revocation, and upon presen�ation of evidence that ��fl� ""��` (� Maximum load Not more than the maxi- the deficiencies causing revqcation have been cor- �3 mum design bather load shall be permitted in the rected, the inspector may re�ssue the license. ' ' swimming pool at any one time. (Code 1956, § 454.05) �' (Code 1956, § 454.06) � Chapter 361. Wreckers �nd Tow Trucks* �� Sec. 360.08. Inspection. � i � Sec. 361.01. Definitions. �� " The division of public health is authorized to conduct such inspections as it deems necessary to For the purpose of this c�apter, the following ensure compliance with all provisions of this chap- words and terms are defin�d and shall be con- ter and shall have the right of entry at any rea- strued as hereinafter set forth unless it is appar- sonable hour to the swimmin ent from the context that th�y shall have a differ- g:pool for this purpose, ent meaning: j (Code 1956, § 454.07) Class "A" motor uehicle sgrvice shall mean the Sec. 360.09. Operation. removing of a motor vehicle by towing or pushing from private property at the request of a person (a) Records. The operator of each pool shall keep �'ho is neither the owner or�operator nor agent of a daily record of information regarding operation, the owner or operator of the'vehicle. including disinfectant residuals, pH, maintenance �. �, ' procedure, recirculation, together with the other Class B motor vehicle s�rvice shall mean the data as may be required on forms furnished b using of a service vehicle far the purpose of tow- ' '� the division of public healt h. T hese da ta s ha l l be ing or pushing at the reque�t or authorization of `�-�`?'� kept on file by the operator for six (6) months for the owner, operator or ager�t of the owner or op- review by said division or submitted periodically erator of the vehicle recei�'}ng service for remu- to the division as may be required by the director neration or compensation of any kind. of the division of public health. Pool water sam- Class "C" motor vehicle s�rvice shall mean the ples shall be submitted to the division as required starting or attempting to stiart of another motor by the aforesaid director. vehicle through utilization pf any type of electri- (b) Maintenanc� The pumps, filter, disinfectant sation of anybkind�for rem�uneration or compen- and chemical feeders, and related appurtenances, � shall be kept in operation at all times the swim- Service velzicle shall mean any motor vehicle ming pool is in use and for such additional peri- Which is designed to or doe� provide any type of ods as needed to keep the pool water clear and of service,including,but not lirt�ited to,towing,push- satisfactory bacterial quality. Continuous opera- ing or car starting as des�ribed in any of the tion of the recirculation system shall be main- classifications in this sectiom, except that vehicle tained in every swimming pool during seasons of transports or multi-car haulfng vehicles shall not regular use. be construed to mean sexvic� vehicles for the pur- (Code 1956, § 454.08) pose of this chapter. ; *Editor's note—The provisionsl formerly codified as Ch. SeC. 360.10. Licenses not transferable. 361, Tow 'I`rucks—Service Vehicles, derived from Ch. 161 of the city's 1956 Code,were repealed by Ord.No.16879,adopted Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter are Feb.2, 1982,which ordinance alsolenacted a new Ch. 361 as riOt tI'anSfet'able. herein set out. Since the enactme�t of these new provisions, (Code 1956, § 454.04) Ch.361 has been amended by Ord.No.17122,adopted March 22, 1984;and Ord.No. 17161,Sept.' 13,1984. - i _ _. 2114 , , , RULES AND REGULATI0�1S RELATING TO 56JIt�1��1I�IG POOLS . SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 454, SECT20�J 454.0� (2). ��'��a� PROIdULGATED JULY 20, 1971 i . (a) Scope and Purpose:* The provisions of this Re�ulation shall a 1 ��:���'; PP Y tQ � all public swimming and wading pools and all special pur�ose poo.ls as hereinaft��>�`�-� defined, including all facilities incident thereto. The purpose of the Regu lation shall be to provide a standard for the design, co#�struction, operation, , ` and maintenance of such pools so that health and safety �azards will be mini�x�, � ° mized. � ��� ' (b) Definitions. The followinq definitions shall �pply in the interpretatiorj��. and enforcement of this cha�ter. The word "shall" as used herein indicates a `'�;'` mandatory requirement. ' �. (1) Public Swimming Pool . Shall mean a bathi g place of artificial or.g�' partly artificial and partly natural construction locate� either indoor or outdoor" and provided with controlled water supply, where the wat�r is sufficiently deep for complete imnersion of the body and is used collectiv�ly by numbers of persons for swimming or recreative bathing, toqether rrith the surtounding area, buildings , . equipment and appurtenances pertaining to such a bathing'� area, but shall not in- clude a bathing place accessory to a single or double fa�nily dwelling which is in- tended only for use of the residents and friends. � _ � (2) . Private Residential Swimming Pool . Any swimming pool , accessory to a single or double family dwelling, located on private piroperty under the control of the home��rner, the use of which is iimited to swimming or bathing by members of his family or their invited guests. (The design, constr�uction, and operation of such pools are not subject to the provisions of this Reg�ulation. )� (3) Person. Any person, firm, partnership, a!ssociation, corporation, company, governmental agency, club, or organization of ajny kind. (4) The City. City of Saint Paul , Minnesota.' 7he Saint Paul Bureau of Health, hereinafter referred to as the Bureau. �� (5) Wading Pool .* Any pool used or designed �to be used exclusively for wading or bathing normally by non-swimming children only�, having a maximum depth of 24 inches., and available for use collectively by num�ers of persons, but not inc7uding a wading pool accessory to a single or double family dvrelling which is intended only for use by the residents and their fri�nds, . (6� Special Purpose Pool. ?reatment pools , therapeutic pools, and speci� pools for water therapy. (c) Submission of Plans and Specifications. � (1) No person shall begin constr�ction of a �ublic swimming pool or � shall� substantially alter or reconstruct any public swirpming pool without first having submitted plans and specifications to the Eureau of Public Buildinqs for review and approval . All plans and specifications shal� be submitted in duplicate, and the Bureau of Public Quildings shall arrange for th� review .and approval of the plans and specifications by the Bureau of Health. - � � No permit to construct, alter, or renova�e shall be issued by the Bureau of:Public Buildings until approval is granted by� the Bureau of Health. (2� The application for a permit to construc!t or remodel a public svrim- ming pool shall be on forms prescribed by the Bureau oflPublic Buildings , together *Amended October 17, 1973 1 o a . e ics c. a _ — Medalist S�orts Club Adm. Law He�ring � T_a._. /./�l') hl �... .1 r. ♦ i . IL � � � -2- 9��'�5°� . �,:��. with any supporting data as may be required for the proper }�eview of the plans. �;� ,� >�.;,: �' .,, (3) The pool and facilities shall be built in ac ordance with the p,lans . as approved by the Office of the City Architect. Changes o� modifications of s'��d ,' �-> plans must have approval in writing by the City Architect. IThe owner or his ag�nt �� shall notify the Health Officer and the City Architect at specific predetermined? stages of construction to permit adequate inspection of the� pool and related equip- M�:, ment during and after construction. A final inspection shahl be made upon comple- �� tion of the pool facilities. The pool shall not be placed hn operation until such ,; inspections show compliance with the requirements of this chapter. �' . , �;� (4) The criteria to be followed1by �he Bureau of� Public Buildings in the �`' review and approval of plans shall be promulgated as Rules and Regulations as au- th�rized by this chapter. (5) The plans shall be drawn to scale and accompianied by proper specifi- cations so as to permit a comprehensive engineering review of the plans including the piping and hydraulic details and shall include, but not be limited to: (aa) Plan and sectional views with all nec�'ssary dimensions of both the pool and surrounding area. (bb) A piping diagram showing all appurtenances including treat- ment facilities in sufficient detail , as well as pertinentlelevation data, to permit a hydraulic ana7ysis of the system, (cc) The specifications shal] contain details on all treatment equipment, including catalog identification of pumps, chlo�inators, chemical feeders, filters, strainers, interceptors, and related equipment. (d) Design, Construction, and Operation Features. Nq permit to construct; alter, remodel , or license to operate shall be granted unl�ss the pool conforms . with these regulations. . (e) Health and Safety. . . ; (i ) No person having or suspected of having a cdmmunicable disease shall '� work at or use any public swimming pool. (2) No person shall operate any public swirrming�pool unless such swim- ming pool is under the supervision of a trained operator o person wha shall assume the resp�nsibility for compliance with a11 provisions of this Regulation relating to pool .operation, maintenance, and safety of bathers. (3) Access to the pool shall be controlled by f ncing or other effective means acceptab7e to the Bureau. Fencing shall meet the following criteria: (aa) The fencing shall effectively prevent the entrance of children and be without hand- or f�ot-holds that would enable a chi�d to climb over it. (bb) The fencing shall be at least 4 feet '�igh and entrances shall be equipped with a self-closing, latching gate which is capable of being locked. (cc) When the swimming pool is not open far use, access for such I , , - , -3- 9/-��5� � � pool shall be prevented, and such prevention shall be the responsibility of the r"s �: owner or his agent, _��,��_; . ..a ��.-_. �. Y, (4) Instructions regarding emergency calls shal,l be posted in a con;- � , . spicuous place in the pool area. -� (5) Not more than the maximum design bather loald as calculated in MHD 115(j) shall be permitted in the swimming pool at any bne time. The desi n �`' bather load shall be posted in a conspicuous location. ' g '� � . ��: �.�' � (f) Inspection. The Bureau of Health is authorized o conduct such inspec- tions as it deems ne�essary to insure compliance with all �rovisions of this chap- ��`; ter and shall have right of entry at any reasonable hour tb the swimm�ng pool for this purpose. (g) Operation. (1) The operator of each pool shall keep a dail record of information regarding operation as specified in MHD 115(u)(2) , togethe� with other data as may be required by the Bureau. � , � (2) The pumps, filter, disinfectant and chemica� feeders, and related appurtenances shall be kept in operation at all times duri�g the swimming season � unless approved by the Bureau. ' (h) Water Supply. (1 ) The water supply serving the swirr�ning pool �nd all plumbing fixtures including drinking fountains, �lavatories, and showers shall meet the requirements of the Bureau. Where strict compliance with the requirement that the water supply serving the swimning pool be of potable quality is not pos�ible or reasonable, the Bureau may grant a variance which does not endanger the health and safety of the users of the pool . (2) All portions of the water distribution syst�m serving the swirt�ning pool and auxiliary facilities shall be protected against b�ckflow. Water introduced into the pool , either.directly or to the recirculation system, shali be supplied through an air gap (Minnesota Plumbing Code MHD 130(e)(9)) When such connections � are not possible, the supply shall be protected by a suita�7e backflow preventer (Minnesota Plumbing Code MHD 130(e)(9)) instal]ed on the d�scharge side of the last contrnl to the fixture� device. or appurtenance. (i ) Sewer System, • i (1) The sewer shall be adequate to serve the facility, including bath- house, locker room, and related accommodations, and shall conform to the standards of the Bureau and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, I (2) There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewer sys- tem and any drain from the swimming pool or recirculation ystem, Any swimning pool or gutter drain or overflow from the recirculation sy�tem when discharged to the sewer system, 'storm drajn, or other approved natural drainage course shall connect through a suitable air gap or air break so as to preclude the possibility of backup of sewage or waste into the swirrming pool pipinglsystem. 1 �. ���/��� -4- � � (3) The sanitary sewer serving the swimming I�ool auxiliary facilities� . shall discharge into the public sewer system. Where no ',such sewer is available, ` -;���'" the connection shall be made to a suitable disposal plarit designed, constructed, °�' and operated in accordance with the requirements of� the ��,Bureau and the Minnesota ;`�. � Pol 1 uti on Control Agency, t;; §�S(f_ I (j) the Pool. � ���: ,, (1) Construction Materials. =f"`�� ��. . (aa) Swimming pools and all appurtenanceS thereto shall be con - structed of materials which are inert, non-toxic to man, ,impervious, permanent, and enduring; which can withstand the design stresses; wFiich will provide a tight �'�A tank with a smooth and easily cleaned surface, or to whiCh a smooth, easily cleaned• surface finish can be applied, and which may be finished '�in white or light color. (bb) All corners formed by the intersecti�on of walls, and of walls and floors, shall be rounded. � (cc) Swirr�ning pool finish, including bottbm and sides, shall be of white or light-colored material , non-toxic to .man� with a '�,smooth finished surface, without cracks or joints, bonded to the supporting members, excluding structural expansion joints. (2) Design, Detail , and Structural Stability. (aa) � All swimming pools shall be designed �nd constructed to with- stand ali anticipated loading for both full and empty condhtions. A hydrostatic relief vaive and/or a suitable underdrain system shall be provided in areas having a high water table. The designing architect ar engineer sl�all be responsible for certifying to the structural stability and safety of the pool. (bb) tvo limits are specified for length and width of swimming pools, except that swimming pools used for competition sho�l,ld meet required dimen- sions, and the requirements for the diving area as shown ir� Table 115(i)(12) shall be observed. Consideration shall be given to shape from th!e standpoint of safety and the need to facilitate supervision of bathers using the�lpool. � of water throu hCall Pa�tssofnthehswimmin�dool�r A1TPswirrm�ontinuous circulation 9 p ' g p ing pools shall have a recirculation system with necessary treatment and filtration equipment as required in this chapter. Nothing in this section shall prohibit th� use of so-called flo4r- through type swimming facilities constructed .in accordance with the regulation of the Bureau. (dd) The shape of any swirnning pool shall be�, such that the circula- tion of pool water and control of swimr►�ers' safety are not ilmpaired. There shall be no �nderwater or overhead pr�jections or obstructions whi';ch would endanger bather safety or interfere with proper pool operation. . (ee) The minimum depth of water in the swimmSn ool shall be 3 feet exce t for s ecial 9 p p p purpose pools. Wading facilities foi� children shall be physically separated from the swimming pool and be provided �rith a separate recir- culation system, , , � S�� _5_ �� � � (ff) The maximum depth of the shallow erhd of the swimming pool =� `{' �': shall not exceed 3 feet 6 inches except for competitive �or special purpose pools, rFr.., ' � >:< � . (gg) Al1 new equipment installed after the effective date of thi�s � � Chapter shall comply with the following standards of ��the National Sanitationk���.,��,.� �y Foundation when applicable: ;�:,_ ; � ,_, � Pool E ui �99�� Standard No. 9 - Diatomite Type Filters for Swirrning �,�'� q pment . �;, �x, �:. (gg2) Standard No. 10 - Sand Type Fiiters for Swimning Pool ..� � Equipment � ,� (gg3) Standard No. 11 - Recessed Automatic Surface Skimmers (gg4) Standard No. 17 - Centrifugal ' Pumps for Swimming Pools (gg5) Standard No, l9 - Adjustable �utput Rate Chemical Feeding Equipment for Swimming Poois - (gg6) Standard No. 22 - Swimming Poo�l Water Treatment Chemi- cals and/or Processes • (gg7) Standard No. 27 - Multiport Ya�ves for Swimming Pools (gg8) Standard No. 38 - Test Kits for` Swimming Pools (3) Depth Markings and Lines. (aa) Depth of water shall be plainly marked at or above the water surface on the vertical pooi wail or on the edge of the deck or walk next to the pool , at maximum and minimum points, at the �points of chang� of slope between the deep and shallow portions, and at intermediate increments o� depth, spaced at not more than 25-foot intervals. (bb) Depth markings shall be numerals of 4 il�lnches minimum height and of a color contrasting with the background: Markings sh��all be on both sides . and ends of the pool . cc Lane _ O lines or other mark�ngs on the bottom of the swirr�ning pool shall be a minimum of 10 inches in width and of a contr�sting color. (4) Inlets and Outlets. ' (aa) All swirraning pools shall be provided wit��h an outlet at the deepest point to permit the pool to be completely and easily iemptied. Openings must be covered by a proper grating which is not readily remoirable by bathers. Outiet openings of�the grating in the floor of the pool shalllbe at least 4 times the area of discharge pipe or provide sufficient area so the maximum velocity of the water passing the grate will not exceed 1 1/2 feet per seGond. The maximum width of gra te openings shall be 1/2 inch. .(bb) In swimning pools with deep water at or near one end, multi- ple outlets shall be provided where the width of the pool is more than 30 feet. In such cases, outlets shall be spaced not more than 30 feet apart, nor more than -6- ' ���j� . � 15 feet from side walls, , � ��;. (cc) No direct connections to se►,rers shdll be permitted, and all y �$ drains from the swimming pool to sewers shall be broken '�at a point where any se�r�� � which may back up from the sewer will overflow to waste instead of reaching the��'� � pool . �.�. b A � � ka�� (dd) Valves and/or pumps used for drainit�g swirr�ning pools shall be ��:' sized to prevent the surcharging of the sanitary sewer. � 4- . , �'��-` (ee) Inlets for fresh and/or repurified �ater shall be located to µ';,��, . produce uniform circulation of water and to facilitate .th,e maintenance of a uniform��:: disinfectant residual throughout the entire swimming pool'�, without existence of dead-� spots. Inlets from the circulation system shall be flush' with the pool r�all and ':��F submerged at least 12 inches below the water level . No over-the-rim fillspout will f be accepted unless located under a diving board or instal�ed in a manner approved by the Bureau so as to remove any hazard. Makeup water spouts shall terminate at � least 6 inches above the fill rim of the pool or surge tank. (ff) Ad�ustable inlets shali be located inl con3unction with pro- posed methods of recirculation to provide effective �and un�nform circulation of the incoming water throughout the pool and prevent unnecessary' deadspots. The maximum spacing of inlets shall be 20 feet based on the pool perim�ter. In swimming pools with surface areas greater than 1 ,600 square feet or lengtM in excess of 60 feet, side inlets shall be placed at 15-foot intervals around th� entire perimeter, In any case, an adequate number of inlets shall be provided, properly spaced and located to accomplish complete and uniform recirculation of water a�nd maintenance of a uni- . form disinfectant residual at all times. (gg) Each inlet shall be designed as an ori�fice subject to adjust- ment or must be provided with an individual gate or similar', valve to permit adjust- ment of water volume to obtain the best circulation. (5) Slope of Bottom. 7he slope of the bottom of!,any portion of the swirrming pool having a water depth of less than 5 feet shal]I not be more than 1 foot in 10 feet, and said slope shall be uniform. In portidns with a depth great- er than 5 feet the slope shall not exceed 1 foot in 3 feet. ', . � (6) Side Walls. Walls of a swimming pool shall b�e either (1 ) vertical for water depths. of at least 6 feet; or (2) vertical for a d�fistance of 3 feet below the water level , below which the wall may be curved to the bbttom with a radius not greater than the difference between the depth at that point �nd 3 feet, provided that vertical is interpreted to permit slopes not greater th�n 1 foot, hor�zontally, for each 5 feet of depth of sidewall (11° from vertical). I (7� Overflow Gutters. � � �� (aa) Overflow gutters shall extend completely' around the swirr�ning pool except at steps or recessed ladders. The overflow gutter shall also serve as a handhold. This gutter shall be capable of continuously remQving 50X or more of the recirculated water and returning it to the filter. All overflow gutters shali be connected to the recirculation system through a properly designed surge tank. The gutter, drains, and return piping to the surge tank shall '�be designed to rapid- ly remove overflow water caused by recirculation displacement,' wave action, or other cause produced from maximum pool bathing load, Spacing of dra�,inage outlets shall J City o t Pa v. J t etics �_/ /��� '— 1`'ied3l.ist Sports Club Adm, I,�,, g�.. a POOL INSPECT`TO[1 EPORT Date�: 4/23/91 City's Exhibit 4� � ST. PAIIL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAL'1':1 � �a�� --�_ �T �O 555 Cedar Street ', S �/' � 292'��i� Month Da Year .:stabli3hment PHONE —',— Time ( " arrival departure address ,� Next Insp�ct',io BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af�te 1-Routine S �� , s ��1- �' 3 2-Reinspection l�' �I�� Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPEwh ' *nDOOr Ouhdoor Month day year S/o �, M A �1 REQUIRED SIAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTA[�T RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM �H�(� � c p �,,,,�� h� C` ,���he ��r� pP� CLARITY IN !,UNSATISFACTORY �� �� � OTHER (see below) * ALL ITE�`�S INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACT ORY ' ACCEPTABLE RANGES ' �� Mai'ntain bet��veen 7 .4 - 7 .8'�� ^ree Chlorir.e Q. � Mai��ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 :0< �pn �oc�bined Chlorine �,, � Maiptain between 0 .0 - 1°.�0'`ppn rotal ?�lkalinity Maintain bet•�+een �0 - 15'0 ppII �yanuric Acid Mai�tain between 30 - 100 'ppa 3ramine � - SA2ISFF��TORY LTNSATZSFACrORY Sc�TISFACTORY UNSATISFA'CTORY � Clarity Chlorine Gas �Room � � ',.: ° �iaW Sign Provide , � . S�ci:nmer Wells Gas Mask ��''� �'� " ..��. �eck �rea Room Designe�, & :��,�,;, �ules Posted Vented ��:: ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPM�E�IT � �� ?ool Sottom Clean Ring Buoy & `:`- �'�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowlin�e, _ ?�ncinq & Self Shepher3s Cro'pk ' ` �``' �losing/Latching . Pool Loq � � � ` �ate Sa�les submi�.ted -' i 0utdoor only) E� 8 by operator w�skly � (� �.f;� � - �F?I CIAL SP.i�1P LE TAR�N YES NO � • ', , � �� � � _ . „ Iw� � � . / /.1 ---- --- �----- ---�-- i-. ._ /� ity;o t a v. t etics a � ' �j� �`C — Me dalist SpOrt s Club � Adm. I,aw Heazing - POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date:, 4/23/91 City s F�ibit 4� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT� '� Date CT 30 � 555 Cedar St,reet S 292-7717 � Month p-1� y�- c,stablishment PHONE Tim� �. : SD � �''--� arrival de arture �ddrzss Ne:ct Inspectio BADGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine . � IS/S �3 2-Reinspection Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month d y ye�r S � Wh ' r 000l � � A REQUIRED SPIFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I�J � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5. PpM ,.�Gi�/ . /p�,��y„� CLARITY IN ',UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (se�e below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRiCTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY � ACCEPTABLE RANGES �����'��` �� � �� Maik�tain between 7 .4 - �7�8� ;,� ; ,��....:, ?r�e Chlorine Mai�tain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3�0 :�gpn �ocnbined Chlorine MaiMtain betweea 0 .0 -�I'�:0':ppa I'otal ?�lkalinity Mairntain bet�aeen �0 - 15ra?ppu �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100�`p�u �romine � _ ��. .; SATISFACTORY U2ISATISFACTORY SA'�TISFACTORY UNSATISFACT�YRY . i � .;v-.�`�Yf�: �'larit ="�' ` � Y Chlorine Gas �Room � (� >, ;,�; :low Sign Provided, �?� �;���` Ski:nmer We'_1s � Gas Mask � a���`-�' , �eck �rea �oom Designedl & ,�?,• � ���� Rules Posted V�nted '� �� � � - "�� �� ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPM�NT � � � ?ool Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � ', ;:��;' � ��Q; Cyem�cal reeder Rope Throwlin�, , �s� ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook ''���;a Closing/Latching • Pool Loq -`�� Cate Samnles submitited � � '��'� �- (Outdoor only) 8 by operator weekly [� � ,.�� �� <� �� OFc ICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO� �" �� , � / / ,i / I J �'.�.L.L.�' � s,risr/li J r�i'�-�iJ��f'�(!k-!� `�-�l�t ��;�L i!/tt _ � �aG�.�' /��fL//J �'Cd�d�� � , �1 i ---------------------- ----- __ ---- _ I i o t a v. t etics a �//�/,5�� — Me ist Sports Club � Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPECTIO�t REPORT Dat�: 4/23/yl City s E�ibit �� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAL�rYI uate - CT 555 Cedar Street ' S 1Z � 30 292-7717 ' Month Da Year Lstablishment PHONE ' Time � // : OO ' arrival dez�arture ?,ddrzss Ne:tt Insp�ct�.o BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af�e 1-Routine' ' � .� 2-Reinspection �S 1�' ��O Est # 3-Other � POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year S�O� Wh ' r �ool h M v � REQUIRED SA�FETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED D(TE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTA[��T RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ���� �;�C�� ����� CLARITY IN IUNSATISFACTORY OTHER (sele below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORRLCTED * SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ', ACCEPTABLE RANGES t ,,.� ,' � � � ��� �_: ' �� Mait,itain between 7 .4 - 7,° $ •,. ?r�e Chlorine Maic�tain betwesn 1 .0 - 3 :Q opr �or.ibined Chlorine Maic�tain betwee:� 0 .0 - T �O��ppt Tota1 �lkalinity Mair�tain betaeen �0 - 150�;'p�i �yanuric Acid Maic�tain between 30 - 100:;;�.ot ?romine ;;�; ; SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA'TISFACTORY UNSATISFAGTOn: Clarit � � Y Chlorine Gas �toom [� � �� �- `'loW Sign Provided� �-��'" Ski:nmer We?ls Gas Mask r G''�� �, - �eck �rea �oom Desi ned� & "�� � � g �;��'�/2� �� �� Rules Posted Vsnted I � �merqency Number SAFETY EQUIPMh�IT �''�k` 2001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & a ❑ b���; C`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, ��� :�� ?encing & Self Shepher3s Croak � a, ` ��� �� Closing/Latching • Pool Log � ,+�€ Gate Sanroles submi�ted (Outdoor only) 8 by operator we'�ekly � [� ���J Y' •:I OFr ICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES NO� - - /J � ,��C./1� i7`.�.i i ��.���.� �c.�r�% ���,��.�� _ �,,t�Y,�i ,.ct�" Aix� �� �> .fl �// , _ r! • e ics . a �i/ �p — Med�list S rts Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPECTIO`�1 E��RT Date: 4/23�1 City's Exhibit �� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq ' Date CT 555 Cedar Street ' ��' � 3��' 29z'�71� � Month Da Year 3stablishment PH0.1E -T Time � � 00 � ,� ' arrival departure �d ress Next Insp�cti�o BADGE # CALL TYPE , Due on or Aft�e 1-Routine � S S ', 2-Reinspection �S Est 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day yea;r S�Og' Wh ' T1�oo1 h M A v , � REQUIRED SA�'ETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rAN� RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN �UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (se� below) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED QNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED � SATISFA�TORY UNSATISFACTORY I, ACCEPTABLE RANGES � ..,�, ; �� hSair�tain between 7 .4 - 7 8 ����. ��- c^r�e Chlorine r. , ,�- Main�tain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 O,�ogn �or.tbined Chlorine _ � � S Main'tain betweez 0 .0 - 1:O,;ppa Tota1 ?�lkalinity Main��tain bet•aeen �0 - 150�`�po�c �yanuric Acid Main!tain between 30 - 100 `'ppa 3romine ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA`�ISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Etoom � [� -,� �. =��W Sign Provided � �� �ki;nmer We11s Gas Mask � �.��� � �eck �rea �oom Designed � & L��� �ules Posted Vented ' °',� � ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPM�NT � [� ; � ?ooi Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � � � / �> � ; :,'�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, Y / � � =�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crodk �� ° �� `losing/Latching . Pool Loq � � � ' �`; �ate Samples submit!ted � (Outdoor only) � 8 by operator we,_kly � [] � , �F:'ICIAL SAltiiPLc TAREN YES NO k' ��� ��YiY l�1/1� �'� _����UY �T�r�4,l� � � . , i o a v. etics — Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing — Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit 4� : . St Paul Division o ---- ���� . thrSectio#� ��J���� Environmental Heal 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 NOTIFICATION OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATISFACTORY POOL SAMPLE ` ��,v 1. Name of Pool ����`�`' . 2 . Address of Pool �slS 3. Establishment Number SI O � 4 . Date � � �-�' 9� i 5. Time �' ��'� � M ��� :� Outdoor Pool Whirlpool ,� , � � 6. Indoor Pool � � ��.��,. y� 1�i,x k 4, � 7 . Unsatisfactory due to Coliform x �_����'��� � ,'� �, Aerobic Plate C unt � y `'�°���-: . ' ..7�.•l.$`t' R, . � � . '��.�y �, g. Name of Person contactea � t�'?'�i� �iF �� �: �'� F � � Tele hone Number ���= ���-� ��`�'�r�� P � z ��r *t �;' yM y . � '�'°��� ����� On this date the facility was contacted rega�}ding an �;. unsatisfactory water sample. The reason for ''the unsatisfactory., � '' t '' above. The pool was not order�d to close. ``��� 5'; sample is checked ��: s� , *� �f-- _� ��,//�� . ;�. ,��. Sanitarian �'� ,�,��., .,�:-. ' �. a'J'.°C. ;r F. � t r��4 yl� '.,4•1M.��,..:..0 I ��'j I I I ` ll �1� `��-+! City of t Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ , MedzlistlSports Club � Adm, Law,Hearing POOL IIVSPECTIOLV ftEPORT Date: 4/23/yl City s E�ibit 4� - ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH uate CT 555 Cedar Street � � 3 O ' 292-7717 Month Da Year �stablishment PHONE Time l�� .�� arrival deoarture :�ddress Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte ' 1-Routine � 3 2-Reinspection . O Est � 3-Other PQOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month d� year S/O T+dh � *7.D00 h � � M N REQUIRED SAF�TY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANTIRESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN U�ISATISFACTORY OTFiER (see belaw) * ALL ITEi�S INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED , SRTISFACTORY UNSATISFACrORY � ACCEPTABLE RAVGES � �ci Main!tain between 7 .4 - 7 .S:_",�`� ?r�e Chlarine Mainitain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 0��ppa �or.ibined ChZorine Main�tain betweea 0 .0 - 1 0 ;ppa r�ta1 ?�lkalinity Maintain bet��een �0 - 150 ;p'�pII �yanuric Acid Main�tain between 30 - 100 `:ppn 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACI'ORY SAITISr^AGTORY UNSAT15FACTORY �,larity Chlorine Gas IRoom � � � �. ± ,low Slqn Provide , _/ � 4���.� Ski:nmer t�Jells Gas Mask ' �t�'`'�� ;; �;' �ec!c �rea. �oom Designed & ���+ � 3ules Po,sted Vented `�'l/�� { ; ��ergenc�• Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � ❑ - 2001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & z��' �.`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowliche, ?�ncing s Self Shepher3s Crbok �:losing/I�atching , Pool Log , � ❑ Gate Samples subm�tted (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator weekly ❑ [] �_ OFr ICIAL SAI�IPLE TAREN YES NO i i -!/ o�d-(/ �/,Y- �'A � .� � �'.�.��//!'�r..�v� . I - I I City of S Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba , — Mec��.list $ rts Club Adm. Law Hearing — POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/2��1 City's E�ibit 4� '": ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq iDate ;T 555 Cedar Street .�,� � 292-7717 IMonth Da Year _: - :stablishment PHO�vE � � Time /o : o C� � � �� 6- arrival deoarture �ddrzss Ne:tt Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE 3 Due on or Af te 1-Routine S- Z-Reinspection � p Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �-�O g Wh ' *1�0 1 h M � -r�v . `��� � ���UIRED SAF�TY EQUZP. NO PROVIDED �/ POOL CLOSED_DUE_TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM : / �v,, ��i ._ /, 0,3��l-�-�CLARITY I�J Ui�SATISFACTORY :u�C/ OTHER (see below) * ALL I EMS INDICATED UNSATISFAGTORY T BE CORR�CTED � � SATISFACrORY UNSATISFACTORY � ACCEPTABLE RANGES `���, �g �� �' Main�tain between 7 .4 - 7 8 Y;.��� ?r�e Chlorine n , ,� Main�tain between 1 .0 - 3 0 ;apm �ocnbined Chiorine ��;Z Main�tain between Of 0 - 1 0 p`p a i rotal ?�lkalinity Mainitain bet•�+een �0 - 150 Yvpom �yanuric Aeid Main�tain between 30 - 100 `ppm 3romine ' SATISFACTORY Wi SATISFACTORY SAITISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY I ❑ � , 3� � �larity Chlorine Gas �Room Y������; ?low Sign Provide , G%� -�� ;a�"�`�' 3ki:tuner WeIZs � Gas Mask � , �� �ec?c �rea Room Designed & ���Z:�� f�; �ules Postzd Vented � � ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPI�lENT ❑ ❑ `� ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � �'�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowlit�e, ?=_ncing & Self Shepher3s Crbok � �_losing/Latching � Pool Loq � � ❑ ;; �ate 8 8 Samnles submiitted (Outdoor only) by operator iweekly ❑ ❑ JFcICZAL SAMPLE TAREN YES ND� � I , ! � ! � . � �� � , � � . I � �� � �� � _ � � , I --- ----- -- --- ------ -- ---_-_ --- ----- (��' ���� - - . a -- --- - City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics _ — ltie dalist S rt s Club A�• � �� Cit 's F�ibit 4� � �:° �-.-�;— ,`— � ' pOOL I[�iSPECIION REPORT Date: 4/yaLC y s � ST. PAUL DIVZSION OF PUBLIC HEr+Lrz pa , Year . 555 Cedar Street Manth 30 � 292-7717 - ime _ � PAONE : 0 ' : tablishment arrival deoarture ctio �RDGE � CALL TYPE' Next InsP° 1-Routirie �"" .drass Due on or Afte �,� 2�Re%nspection � s,.. 3 S g' ,Est � 3-Oth'er � Outdoor Month day year S-�p g M A V �OL TYPE: Indoor h Wh' * 000l REQUIRED SAFETY EDUAL BELOWp005 PPM � DISZNFEGTANT RESI � POOL CLOSED DUE TO TH£ FOLLOWING: CLARITY �seeN�,belowFA�oRY OTHER � EMS I�IDICATED UNSATISFACT�RY MUST BE CORR�CTED AgLE RANGES ALL IT �CC,"E2T UNSATISFRCT�RY ,, : SATISFACTORY - 7 .8 �,�,�; Maintain between � •4 _ 3 0 t�p?� Maintain betwe°n 1 •� '�� <� �� Main ain be t w e e a 0 .0 - 1 0`+.'PP�4 ?r�e Chlorine . �p - 150;;pbII Maintain bet++een 30 _ 100 `pp� _or.ibined Chlorine �i tain between ,.; k4 Tota.1 ?1lkalinity �yanuric Acid gATISFACTORY UNSATISFACT�RS 3 romine (It�1SATISFAC'rORY '� SATZSFACT�RY � ❑ �t �;; Chlorine Gas Room G�� gign Provide , � � "�� Cl.arity �' �;� ,low Gas Mask ne�3 & ' I' "��: S;ci:nmer We11s �oom Desig ��� �z������ ~a; �ec.'c �rea Vented r--i ❑ >�; �ules Posted SAFETY EQUIPMEN'r t—► �mergency Number �ing Buoy & . ?ool Sottom Clean gope Throwllne, a Shepher3s Cs�ook � ;,`�emical r^eeder pool Lo ��ncing & Se1f Iltted � Closing/Latching ' Sauroles subqn� Gate 8 ��� o erator weekl� ❑ (Outdoor only) � OF?ICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO � � . / : .� , i � City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba " MedaliGt S 'rts Club Adm. Law Hearing — Date: 4/23 9 City's E�ibit �� � :,�:, s_; ; St. Paul Division of Publi Health • ' ����" �F , ����,�:�, Environmental Health Section 555 Cedar Street _ St. Paul, -Minnesota 55101 NOTIFICATION OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATI�FACTORY POOL SAMPLE . , 1. Name of Pool ��e���¢ i!i �-c��� (�L.cc� 2. Address of Pool J S/S �.�����-L�, � 3. Establishment Number ��n S� � 4. Date 3 - �--- �l O � 5. Time � ,� / �- ��� . � � ' 6. Indoor Pool .X Outdoor Pool , Whirlpool . ��' �>��. r� r�.� 7. Unsatisfactory due to � Coliform °�.F;�„� ,.,i�,r,,� L�'�h rs Aerobic Plate Count � " '' . ,if�;,; 8. Name of Person contacted oQ�,� f- ' ��.�/ ) ,� e� �� ` J��� Telephone Number � - -- �-?��:�� ' ' � .-'� 4].} .j� c;' „M {' �,' ( �`Lr�i On this date the facility was contacted regarding an �'� unsatisfactory water sample. The reason fo� the unsatisfactory �'' �,� sample fs checked above. The poql was not �rder�d to clos�e. 4::� � �� ��.-�.�� _��. � ./� �a Sanitarian �I - - . I i _ ���/��[,/ City of 'St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba . POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT �dalis Sports Club Ac�. I,aw ` - - ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC E� Date: 4�I23/91 City's F�hibit �� ��� �T 555 Cedar Street � �_ � 30�- 292-7717 Month Da Year �stabli3hment PHO�JE -�I Time ��i a� de arture �ddrzss NeYt Inspectio� BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Aftei 1-Routine � �S S S 3 2-Reinspection 3 f,�b Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year s/O � Wh ' * �001 h M AIN REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWfNG : DISINFECTANT1�RESZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ,�C'�,�,�(j , �,�� CLARITY IN UtvSATISFACTORY ��w� OTHER (see below) ' ALL ITE:�IS INDrCATED UNSATISr ACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED , SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES — ?� �, ,� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine _ Main�ain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .O gpn �or.ibined Chlorine i Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .O ppa rotal �lkalinity '70 Maintain betsveen 50 - 150 poa �yanuric Acid Main�air. between 30 - 100 _p;pA 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA ISF��CTORY UNSATISFACTORY �larity Chlorine Gas Room [� � -`'IoW Sign Provided� 3ki;nmer Wells Gas Mask �ec!c �rea �oom Designed I & �ules Posted Vented �merqency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & �`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, ��'` ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Croak � a =losing/Latching � Pool Log �ate Sam�les submi�ted (Outdoor only) � 8 b o erator w ekl � � [� �F:'ICIAL SA��IPLE TA�EN YES NO i\ � ��� ����� _-'%�vti �n�oc� r'����/ ���t.,.,�. . , . ���/,�,�-e..�,r�,����,� J��,� �.��c .� .� �> , ��T�� ��" � I �r �i� 7 s �LpL�[�O� �3 � '` .� � ,;/� � _PJ — � . , ��' ���� ' - ity o t a v. t etics a POOL II�TSPEC'rION REPORT— Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing �` Date: 4/23/yl Cit 's F�hibit 4� " ' � � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC I y _T 555 Cedar Street �_ 9 0 �O dL 292-7717 II Month Da Year :stablishment PHONE Time . /�.� �D / : �-O arrival de arture �ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine � ' /� S � �'3 2-Reinspection . � Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r 000l s��� M AIv +a� '�`"` REQUIRED SAF'ETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED PaOL CLOSED DUE TO .THE .FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANTI RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM � 1�,.�i CLARITY IN UNSATISFACT ORY �'���`,o� " `���'`� OTHER (see below) � 3, 0 * ALL ITE�KS I�IDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACrORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Q . S Main'Itain bet��een 7 .4 - 7 .8 , ^r�e Chlorine o,,c- M��in;tain betwesn 1 .0 - 3 .0: opn �ocabined Chlorine 3, � M�-�intain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 'ppa I'otal ?�lkalinity � M�.iintain between 5Q - 15O �poa �yanuric Acid � M��intain between 30 - I00 �`ppa 3romine SATISFACrORY UNSATISFAC'rORY SA ISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Ciarity Chlorine G�3s oom � ❑ ' ^low Sign Provided�, Ski:nmer we1ls Gas Mask ' G'�� .-�� �eck �rea �oom Desig�.led & :�ules Posted Vented ��ergency Number SAFETY EQU��P NT � ❑ ?001:,:,8ottom Clean Ring Buoy �x /, �`�emical r^eeder Rope ThrowLine, � ?�ncin & Sel� Shepher3s �rook �� g �losing/Latching . Pool Loq � � ❑ �ate y 8 8 Samples su:�mi, t�ed a (Ou�door on1 ) by ooerata� w�e_kly ❑ OFr ICIAL SA14iPLE TAREN YES NO x �� /1�-� �,tN il�-n �'� �.' ��f�/.�aorOJ �t� .c2� oc.��',tA►il_a_t.�c_�/�� �r.�,� j� , - - , a�- � i�J C����4'�.l7/� ��7� �,l.t'�/ld'�.it�Cl/ iY�t�vt�l�.�� 3 � .���u> ,G� �-4 ,�� ���'`�� ity o t a v. etics Inc. dba _ � POOL INSPEGTION REPORT — Medalist SpOrts Club� Adm. Law Heari�g � Date: 4/� 3/91 City s Exhibit �� `" ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC Ei -- ;T 555 Cedar Street a' .�Z_ .� 0 '". . 30 292-7717 Month Da Year d ;stablishment PKONE �— I Time � 2�5� � � arrival de arture: Lddrzss Ne:st Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due an or Afte, 1-Routine S�S �3 2-Reinspection ` � Est � 3-Other �OoL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year, S�O g, Wh ' *I�ool h M v REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN U SATISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST HE CORRECTED ', SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Mai tain between 7 .4 - 7 8 ;-� ;; ?r�e Chlorine Mai tain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 0 o�n ^or.ibined Chlorine Maintain betwee:� 0 .0 -� 1 .0 'p�in rotal ?�lkalinity Maintain betaeen 50 - 150 �:ppn �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 \pp� 3romine r � � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SAiTISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR`� Clarity Chlorine Gas Room ❑ ❑ �;� � S i g n P r o v i d e , �2-�n`-�'�s-- ���,/ '" � i . 1ow - Ski:nmer Well� Gas Mask ` Deck Area �oom Designed & �` 3ules Posted Vented � �:nergency Number SAFETY EQUIPI�IENT ❑ ❑ ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & C`�emical r^eeder Rope T:►rowli�e, ' ?�ncinq � Self Shepher3s Crook � a Closing/Latching . Poo1 Loq Gate � 8 Samoles submitted (Outdoor only) by operator weekly ❑ ❑ OF�ICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES N0� LG.+Y/ � � � .��/v4��,/ �L��.�Q-�t / � li . _ ._ __. ._�___..____ _. _ _ -._.__ / — - � /} -__ -� 1 l�'�-( q� Ci of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ � POOL INSPECTION REPORT ����ti Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing i Date: 4/�C3/yl City's Exhibit 4� � '� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC H_____ -_ - - -- �---- � , 555 Cedar Street �''-��— -�=��=��� ' � � 292-7717 - — Month Da Year��' P HONE T i me f�`�� ;tablishment ,'� : a.p 3 = �'� ,� arrival de arture�� 3drzss Next Insp°ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE 3 " Due on or Af te 1-Routine ection :; 3 2-ReinsP ,_ _ , S/S � � � Est � 3-Other OOL TYPE: Indoor Ouhdoor Month day year i s-��� M I Wh'r o001 e��-C�/ ��z�����t� ��'.v � RE'��D SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED La^��� DISINFECTANT �'RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM _ � PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: 4 � CLARITY IN UI�SATISFACTORY � -l�/���u''�'� THER (see �below) es��.��.�tf� C�a-��uJ ,Z,3 ' ALL ITEMS IVDICATED UNSATZSFACTOR UST BE CORR�CTED I SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ' ACCEPTABLE RANGES �}H - Main�ain bet*+�een 7 .4 - 7 .8 �-���� �� -�' �' Maintr.ain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 0 opca. O . � a�w., ?r�e Chlorine Maintain betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 0 pptn _ocnbined Chlorine � ' '3 — Maint�ain bet•�+een 50 - 150 m �'d �-? Y.. �ota1 ?�lkalinity Main�ain between 30 - 100 pp� �yanur i c Acid , ��`°}i�F� �romine � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR : SATISFA�:iORY UNSATISFACTORY , v; ��; . ❑ � _, �larity Chlorine Gas �oom ❑ ;��`' gign Provided, �{ ?low � Gas Mask �� �� � �� `� ;ki:nmer Wells , �oom Designed� & Y :� �eck ?�rea Vented � ;� :�ules Posted SAFETY EQUIPMENT Q ��ergency Number Rinq Buoy & � ?ool Bottom Clean Rope T:�rowlin�, �`�emical r^eeder Shepher3s Crobk ?�ncing & Self pool Loq � � �losing/Latching r • 8 Samnles submitted � �ate �� h�, operator w�eklY ❑ (Outdoor only) OFr ICIAL SAMPLE TARE'�N YES N� , � n ,� �� �,,..�. r��.'� c= ��i-`f-�.f l� �/ ) � �, ; . �c.•�-�G � v ` . . � ' , . / ILc1 A, r A i i w V/ AA "`"'� � i9- i 3�-� /1/S—' � � �i'it/ �'A ..� -��_ _I � I � J i ' . ./ ) � 7 � O /i�''(„ i i I G'��\�� POOL INSPEGTION REPORT — City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ �fe dz.list Sport s Club Adm. Law Hearing ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE Date: 4I/23/91 City's Exhibit 4� . :T 555 Cedar Street �_ 90 s � � 292-��1� Month Day Year. ;stablishment PHONE Time /�: 3S "��i � � arrival departure�V �ddress Ne:tt Inspectio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte i-Routine 2: ��� � I 2-Reinspection L �O Est � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year I S/o8'r Wh ' r �001 h M A v REQUIRED SAFE�Y EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PpM CLARITY IN UN ATISFACTORY OTHER (see �elow) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED I SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES ' '� Maint�►in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r�e Chlorine 1 , � Maint in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 �p�a; 'ocabined Chlorine Mainta�in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm otal �lkalini�y Maintain bet•aeen 50 - 150 pom:; :yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppin romine ,, .:. SATZSFACTORY Wi SATI�FACTC:;Y SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY r: :larity Chlorine Gas Room � ❑ ❑ 'low Slgn Provided, �� ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask ! � eck �rea �oom Designed & 6����yc!� ' ules Posted Vented I I ' t', mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � [� r ool 3ottom Clean Rinq Buoy � ". "�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline,�, �ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook losing/Latching . Pool Loq (� [� ate Sarcmles submitt�d Outdoor only) � 8 b o erator weelcl � [] - Fc ICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES N� �/��C�.M.t�!/ / v.�.�.a�� T- �3-�G ,�-- �./l— �4 ��,U� , �ti s-�./�G�' _ iJ7.!L!1✓ , I I I I �` ' I�Q� ity o t a v. J D Athletics Inc. dba _ — Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit �� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEaLT� Date '-T ` 555 Cedar Street �� 9 O ��' 292'��1� Month Da Year ;stabli;hment PHONE Time � ��- : .S-�l - � arrival de arture... �ddrass Nest Insp�ctio HADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Afte 1-Routine � 'J S �� 2-Reinspection co Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year 6dh ' �'1�001 h -S�� � AI�I � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED D[TE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFEC'rANT RESZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY I�J UN�ATISc^ACTORY OTHER (see elow) ' ALL ITEMS INDICATED QNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED I SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maint�in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r�e Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .O ppm :or.tbined Chlorine Maint in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm 'otal ?�lkalini�y Maint�in bet:�een �0 - 150 pom,' :yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppin Iromine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SAT SFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY .'k,�� ;larity Chlorine Gas Raom � � '�ow Sign Provided, G��'� � �ki:nnter Wells Gas Mask , �.;�; �eck Area �oom Designed & �y��,G� ;ulas Posted Vented ;�ergency Number SAFETY EQUI?ME � � �ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline,l, �ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latching � Pool LoQ (� � 3�e Sam�les submitted Outdoor only) � 8 by operator wee' ly � [] �F^ICIAL SAlyLPLc TAREN YES NO ,x , i � � � .v _ �.r1�*r� �t-���..4->�/ ' - ,• � I .y �j U� ,� �.� , 11� ity o t Pa v. J D Athletics Inc. dba POOL IIVSPECTION REPORT — �da7-�st SpOrts Club � Achn. La�,, gearir�g • ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC H. Date: 4/23/91 City s Exhibit 0� CT 555 Cedar Street �_ y p 292-77I7 _� Month Day Year �stablishment PHONE Time � /��: �r / ,� �► , -- arrival depart�re �ddrzss Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Arte 1-Routine d2-Reinspection' Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year S-�0� Wh ' rlvo 1 h M AIv �lrr�r--��� %� �.��% �� ..«r-o��� �/ � �'�°`- ��'° ���� .�-� REQUIRED SPFF'ETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED � PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTAN� RESIDURL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (seie below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATZSFACTORY 'I ACCEPTABLE RANGES P� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 'p'pn �or.ibined Chlorine Mailntain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 'ppn rotal ?�lkalinity Maintain bet•�een 50 - 150 ppn �yanuric Acid Maijntain between 30 - 100 `ppn 3romine ' � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gasl Room [] [� ^low Sign Provided, ` Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask 'I ����'�-� �ec!c �rea �oom Designe�d & �, :�ules Posted Vented G`�� . �:nergency Number SAFETY EQUI�'MEi�IT � [] ?ooi Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & �.`�emical Feeder Rope Throwline, ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Cr�aok �losing/Latching . Pool Log � � �ate Saaroles submitted (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator �,weekly � � — �FcICIAL SAMPLG TAREN YES NO �s��--.Ci'l/ ,��i /n+,./.y1-�iyr�}'� /.�/yr / �r_�z i.�/ /�i-�� - %' � �..� � ��...��i � �� , �i.� / / � �,� � � � , ' I � . � ��.��� �° -r��� � -� r �� ' �,� � t �� �� , '��� . � � „s' �, ;�. ��� r� �-c �� � ���t �� 2 �'L�yl,�'Yh���(,r� , ; �� `� /►�� � ,. � _`� (�,� 1�I.s ���� � ' , r ;� o��� �2��z �� ��t .l� ,c.v, 'a�'�'�a'( G� .- � �20�s�.r��t� .�. ��' ��1�,,�,�„� • � G�X`�9Y � `I r' �4 ` ; , �t.: (�?�.�a.�-�� �— �v — 9 0 � � � ' ; , s,�,; � , , , � � , � , ; � � � � I # � ^ l� a St p �. J D etics Inc _ _- . : -. - (��,1r7���r — �dalist Sport Club A�• � �� j '� " "l Date: 4/23/yl City's �bit 4�_�•.� �— _ _ •- p(�gI�I� � _ k =� .. Sp�Tr PAUL DN��LTH S�V� . � _..._ ---- -� e �, �� _ _.._.-----FNV�t . - ---- ------- --:–. --- : � � 555 C£D���� 5510� . t�� t ` .,. ;, . . �r PAUL, � ,�: � . � : � p�l dr Whirl 1 ' �.�� . , Closi of Sw� ; �����`� - _ � ' . - - .� , . _ I . , �n*� . . � � ' -� . . 3 , b�f . � , � . ' . . . . - . . ' .. ' - `��� v� 1 rjaiiE?•. ;i�`�, _ : � . -. `. -. _ . ,_--- S�a: y . , � ' . . . - ; _ . _ .. __. . - -- . A . �..: . � ... . ._- .. r _ ------ -- 5�--- - " � ?,'�� ------ - ---2.--�-A�dress:� � `, � . . . � Time= T' ' Y� � ��— . .. � ia� — ��E � :, : _ , v - 3. Date: : � �,�,�,+fa�e� :` �... � . I , - _ _ Whirlpool �, : _ A= . _ putdoor Fool ❑ ._.. . ,. _.... _.. Pool � --- 4. Indoar " � _ _ .. : __ , . . , 5. Closed c'�e t.os - i - Np3nbrane Filter test (�liforrrs� . Q t � t d Plate C�n �� � �� dar I _ � � � Sigh Stan � > prese�,ce of Pseudocronas ! � � � I . � � � . - � � �� ' �n�r� ; ��� Ph°ne . , . > 6' of pesson contacted) � �T�'� chlorinate to at 3: � facility and to suP�" 10 tw��-. � � �c�ed to close the abwea rw� ��ericida11 for 6 t�o _ 10 �� tO use oCh�ca�l.s are a,t accep��' levels- - Tt�e Po°1 �y re°p� wY�n . . . i ��� � . . � � Sanitari�n . ; . _ . • , . � I " , � � . I . . . I . . I ��- r�� _ Mity o� t Pa v. J D thletics . d a :cs Inc. dba ` edalist S rt s Club� Adm. Law IHearing — � ��� POOL I[VSPECTION REPOF Date: 4/23�1 City s E�ibit �� ' , , _ ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq Date � � � � �_ 555 Cedar Street � � .9 0 ' Year 292-7717 Month Da ' Year PHONE Time ' / >: i� ` � - �n �.r� r: S denarture � � arrival de arture � TYPE Ne:ct Insp�ctio RDGE � CALL TYPE - jutine ' •,3 Due on o`r Af te i-Ro tine �^ 'inspection ' �!`3 2-Re�nspect�.�on �", her � S Est � 3-Other lool �hdoor Month day year g. ' �. • LAINT � �1. S/d M A �1 ' -+ct�-t.Yi�4�-iv�' 'ROVIDED ` REQ[1IRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT Pf�OVIDED_� 0 .5 PPM . ;D DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PpM CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY ` OTHER (see belowl � , ICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED �NGES SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RA�GES � ;4 - 7 .8 7, .r Maintain between 7 .� - 7 .8 ,0 - 3 .0 gpm � � .O Maintain betwe�n 1.. - 3 .0 ppm ';0 - 1 .0 opm ne I, � Maintain betwee:� 0 .0 - I .0 ppm i0 - 150 ppm Y SO Maintain bet•�een �� - 150 pom {0 - 100 ppm Maintain between 3 - 100 ppm iATISFACTORY ISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY WSP�TISFACTORY . Chlorine Gas Room ❑ ❑ Sign Provided, L��� �-�� Y �c,�� Ga s Ma sk _ _;,;, ' L Room Designed & . V�nted � r SAFETY EQUIPME,IT � � � an Ring Buoy & � : Rope Throwline, , Shepher3s Czook �i� ! � 3 � Pool Loq (� � Q � 8 Sanroles submitted i by operator weekly � � �`; � TAREN YES NO � / . O� �-fwt� ��� 3 � � - � 3- 90 .� �- �,�.,,Y , ��' �'d� ..��� Gz. �`-«; ��.,t,PJ ��c/ 1. ; ': �1� ; • i - - �-j� of St P ul v• J/D Athletics ��a — �`�` " — Medalist Spo t s Club � Adm•1� _.— .-:=_ � 4 23/yl City s E�b = , POOL INSPECTION REPORTH�nDat�e: / � Le B ' PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC � �_ , Y� ST . 5�5 Cedar Street Month : 292-7717 ---�— �ime f • ��- 3 o PH0:3E f�.• 30 _ arr�val de �rture :ablishment ADGE � CALL TYPFw ,� � / Next Insp°�tio 1-Routin�� � Due on or Af te 3 2-Re inspe��oa; , drzss � �{ � ,,:. 0 Est � 3-Other � � �, � , _ .�s�s Mo n t h d a y year S/4� M Iv Zndoor Oatdoor = • )OL TYPEWh' r vo 1 h REQUIRED SAFE'�Y EDUAL.BE�LOW 005 PPM � DISINFECTA�T RESI D D(1E TO• THE FOLLOWZtJG: CLARITy IN UNS elowFACTORY � POOL �OSE OTHER (see Ib ���7 " �' ,,- ED UNSATI ACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED pTABLE RANGES f, ALL ITEiAS I�iDICAT p,CCE UNSRTISFRCT�RY 7 •4 __ � .8 SATISFAC'rORY 1 .0 - 3 .0 oPm riaintain between � �' Maintain betwe°n O .� _ 1 ,0 ppm �� 4 --'—'-�,.,��— Mai�tain betwee:� �� _ 154 poa ^rne Chlotine -��_ �,i tain bet�een 30 _ 100 pP� �or�bined Chlorine �i�►tain between Tota1 ?ilkalinity �IATISFA�T�RY �SATISFACT�K� �yanuric Acid �• ' 3romine gATISFACT�RY UNSATISFAC'r�RY Q Chlorine Ga� Room glgn provided, �larity Gas Mask �low i � �ao� pesigned & Ski:nmer We-�I V�nted � �eck �rea gp,FETY EQUIbMENT � �ules Posted �ing BuOY & �mergency Number Rape Throw ine, ?ool Bottom Clean Shepher3s �rook � � C�emical r^eeder pool Lo � :�ncing & Self - Samnles su mitted �losing/Latching ��erator weeklY ❑ Gate 8 (Out door only) � � ' " YES N� OFrICIAL SAMPLB TAREN � � ' . • - -�=- P �t� �iu/ ��- �'�� -f -� ,,� �'� ,��-�'�C/4 , - � I _ � _ /L .< I .__.._ .. __. .. __. _. " _ _"' __'__' .. .... _ .. . _._ . . . .. __ . .�... .. . _. . . _ __ __� - .._ .' '_' � - .- __._.'_ ' .. '__._._..__ . �r�'�� City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba — Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law g�• — POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City`s Exhibit �� � � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTg Date — 555 Cedar Street � _,,L� .30� 292-7717 M nth Da Y� tabli3hment PHONE Time ' : �� : 2-S " � - arrival decarture ` dress Ne:st Insp�ctio B DGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Af te 1-Routine { � , /.S 2-Reinspection E t � 3-Other OL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r � O1 S�� � M LA v � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUZP. NOT PROVIDED:` � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RE�IDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN UNSATISPACrORY i OTHER (see be�.ow) , ALL ITE.^�S INDICATED UNSATZSFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTQRY �CCEPTABLE RANGES �� �, 9 Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 _e Chlorine O.s Maintai� betwe�n I .0 - 3 .0 opm r.ibined Chlorine ,1, �9 �iaintai betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm ta1 ?�lkalinity ,S� Maintain bet•�een �0 - 150 ppm anuric Acid Maintai� between 30 - 100 ppm omine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY SATIS�'ACTORY U.ISATISFACTORY arity C Chiorine Gas Roo�n [� � ' ow '� � Sign Provided, - ' i:nmer Wells Gas Mask , ���' �� r c?c Area II �oam Designed & les Posted V�nted 'o�� ergency Number SAFETY EQUZPME:1T'�I � (� ol Bottom Clean , Ring Buoy & emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook j osing/Latching � Pool Log (� � te Samples submitted -4 utdoor only) � 8 by operator weekp.y � ❑ rICIAL SAMPLL TAKEN YES NO X /r ) .s J ��- � �' � - , � �. , J D Athletics �. �a /,1/' /�� �j �lt�' o f , t Paul �• Adm. Law Hearing �-f ! — ��11st S�orts Club �S F�ihit 4� . POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/23/yte City ,�� � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEhL�r:� �_ c)O e — 555 Cedar Street Month Da Year p Zg2-7�1� � Time P HONE �/ `: �4 ' ;tablishment l� : SS arrival :de arture , Ne:ct Inspectio BADGE � CALL TY�E 3drzss Due on or Afte ' 1-Routine 2-Reinspection ' S/ � p Est # 3-Other' ���: Outdoor Month day year S/P g' M v Y - a0L TYPE: Indoor h Wh' rl000l , ����� �:.�l�i��/ ����'L`�J QUI SAF TY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED DISINFECTANT'I RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: CLp�ITY IN UNSA2ISFAC'PORY ��� 7 ���'��' � OTHER (see below) ����_ * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED , RANGES UNSATISFACTORY , ACCEPTABLE SATISFACTORY I Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 �� Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 = 3 .0 ppn ?rse Chlorine --Z O Maic�tain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppt ^or.tbined Chl.orine Maintain bet��een �0 - 150 ppi Tota1 ?�lkalinity Maintain between 30 - 100 pp� �yanuric Acid 3romine � TISFACTORY U�ISATISFACT_OR' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY � Chlorine Gas Room ❑ � � ; Clarity gign Provide� , � �low Ga5 Mask ����� '�� =, Ski:ntner We1Is �ocm Designe{3 & � .::'�..,d' �ec'c �rea Vented � � 2ules Posted gp�FETY E UIPMENT ❑ ?mergency Number Ring Buoy & ?ool Sottom Clean RoF.e Throwline, �`�emical r^eeder She:pherds Crook � ?�ncing & Self poal� I � Closing/Latching ' gan,ples sub�itted � Gate 8 �o erator weekl ❑ (Outdoor only) 8 � YE S NO.�- . OFc ICIAL SAMPLc� TAKEN �� c2%ttDC/ - � � i1�� �. �.�.�.at�'i,�/�> ��:..�A/ i.���a�J � j - ;. • . . . . . _ •. i o v. e ics . " � . _ - —Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing — . ': � ;.. .. ty,s � � ` Date: 4/23/yl Ci E�ibit 4� : ,.. . _ . . SAIIdT PAUL DNISIOt4 .,_ ---- -- - ---- . - - °. . --- �;--. - . � . IIJVIROI�'�'NTAI+ i�LTH SF�tVICES _ ---- .' : -- .. -- --------------- --.----------------- . . 555 CEDAR S'IREb'T � . ,.,;� ' : � � SAINr PAUL, ��A 55101 - •.� • _ : � : pbol or Whirlpool • ` �, /���� of Swinmin9 `" ` " . ' . 'ir�iu�y�y C1�Z�Q +; y -- i� . qtH.�. .-` , . . .. . " � . .. .. . " � . . . -_ �� ' � . . t�t: t ..y��Y� . . - . � ' . � . . �. . . , ia'. . ' . ,' . . ' " .1� _ . � . .. . .. .' . . . �„1... - . . . .. - � - . � . . . - . . . � � � , 1 • � � i• . ��� . . / . .. �.� . . . . � . : . � ... .� .� � . :.. . . .. . . . _ _ ..�'. . _... ��. ..._ .... . "__.. - _ . ' . . . }- . - " "_' " ' '��• '� . ._'` ' _______—__ �.."-1.7Ar�r�i-- / �.- - _' " p / . . r' _, , /'l�iaL 3`..,r - .. � s j Time: 7:' f-1�'� fi 3. Date: � � , _.... .. _ p+or,i � outaoor Pool Q wr,irlpool Q - a, ina� � . . � �s, closea �ie to: - . , ' � i�nbrane Filter t�est (coliforms) � � - . � Sigh Standard Plate Count � Pres��ce of Pseudcxr�nas '��,.� , , r ����3 '�� 6. , son contacted) . (phor�e nurnber) ��� (I1d171- O � �> was or3ere�3 to close the abwe facility and to superehZorinate to at =; r . _ - t 10 �n (or to use other approved bactericidal) for 6 to 10`hoa�rs. � 1� p � chemicaLs are at acceptabl�e Zevels. The pool miy reope?z , - . � /��.�:..� ��/ � _ Sanitarian _ • . . J ! � EXHIBIT #6 (CA 1-13) Chris Ayoka City of Saint Paul In re the Licenses of the Medalist Sports Club , April 23, 1991 � _ I , I ' , �� �j�� ity o a v. e ics . a �' `' —Medalist Spo rts Club Adm. Law Hearing — POOL INSPECTION REPOE Date: 4/23/yl City's E�ibit 4� .,u .; " , � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC, nr,r�uia uaLe �' CT ��� 555 Cedar Street � , 292-��1� Month Da Year: Establishment PHONE � Time '� � ��• �-c�,�� SP�o�� �.-ug ��6 — 11 t� ' 3 ' arrival de arture Addrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE � r-- Due on or Afte 1-Routine ��� �F����� � • � C- � 2-Reinspect•io,t ' Z Est # 3-Other ' ' �� POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r Wh '* o0 1 h J�� �� M � � � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CI,OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DiSINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 '�PPM � p ��\�� ��� �(� J OTHRTY (s eNbelowFACTORY * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� �`� � Maintain between 7 .•4 - 7 .S r^rne Chlorine • O Ma ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 p� Cor.ibined Chlorine - � Ma ntain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF Tota1 ?�lkalinity 1 6U � U 6 fNl - Ma ntain between �0 - 150 pF Cyanuric Acid , � Mazntain between 30 - 100 pF Bromine = , SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR ClaritY Chlorine Ga Room [] Q<<�; Flow � Sign Provid d, - Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask ',� �- �.' . Deck Area Zoom Designed & Rules Posted V�nted Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT [� Pool Bottom Clean Ring BuoY & , jC - C�emical r^eeder Rope Throwl,�ne, �G F�ncing & Self Shepher3s C�ook Closing/Latching Pool Loq ' � � . Gate Samoles submitted (Outdoor only) 8 by operator weekly [] � OFr^ICIAL SAMPLc^, TAREN YES NO ' , � �l�'--FULI Cr /'-9--��� �.�-!!_o O�hf� 1 N�v �- �c.����L.�� �'r�.( (�-� . I , � � �� I�(�`Q �ity o St Pa v. etics —Medal�st Sports Club A�, I,�, �r, a � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City's Exhibit 4� �,�..,��� . ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAt�-rz I� L4y� ---._= CT . � � . 555 Cedar Street j 3 � � 292-7717 �_ Month Da Year Establishment PHONE i Time � (� - (� / r2—: rc� �f��- �E� (S'J J �'-i \. �-�� b � — �� � arrival departure Address Ne:ct Insp�ct'o BADGE � CALL TYPE " Due on or Af e 1-Routine . f� � � �'�� S� C-� 2-Reinspectior. Est # 3-Other - POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day y ar �� � � W h 'r D 1 h M L A I N � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DI5INFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW O .S PPM �2�� ��� �� ���`� � S. ��� CLARITY IN UNSATI SFAGTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RAI�IGES � p� � � Ma ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 Free Chlorine • nn Ma ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pF Cor,ibined Chlorine P rti Ma ntain betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF Tata1 ?�lkalinity Ma ntain between �0 - 150 pc Cyanuric Acid � Ma ntain between 30 - 100 pF Bromine ' ` . SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ATISFACTORY UNSATZSFAC'�OF Clarity � Chlorine Ga� Room � � ' Flow Sign Provided, Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask ►� � Dec�C Area Room Designed & "J Rules Posted V�nted Emergency Number- SAFETY EQUIPMENT � [� : Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � � Chemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, F�ncing & Self Shepher3s Croak � Closing/Latching Pool Loa (� ❑ Gate Samples submitted (Outdoor only) H 8 by operator �weekly ❑ ❑ OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO ' � �.( � �� �- 1',t�l 1� �'CC.� ,.� �7'�L ' , ; f/i/y�� Ci o t Pa v. D A etics . a , PQOL INSPECTION REPORT —���t S�Orts Club � Adm. Law Hearing — Date: 4/ 3/91 City s E�ibit 4� s�.-��-�,; ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE�..._.. CT O� 555 Cedar Street ��v � ��� 292-7717 Month Da Year. . Establishment PHONE � Time f � � � �z�:eC-t s� �' ��U ,� • b��7 '^ 1 I �� a�ival denar� Addrass Ne.ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE s �'���� � Due on or Afte �� 1-Routine � S J • q 2-Reinspe'ction ,� � 1 Est # 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' *l000l h �� �g M A v � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM � �-q/L��;L ,��r� Lc��i CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRyCTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC.TORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES pH T • o Main ain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^ree Chlorine • p� Main ain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm Cor.tbined Chlorine 0 • .� Main ain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm T�ta1 ?�lkalinity �r1�p•o iKn Main ain bet•�►een �0 - 150 ppm Cyanuric Acid Mainttain between 30 - 100 ppm Bromine ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Room (� ❑ Flow Sign Provided, Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask � � Deck �rea Room Designed & Rules Posted Vented E�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT ❑ ❑ Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � C�emical r^eeder Rope Throwlin�, Fencing & Self Shepher3s Cro�k Closing/Latching Pool Loq ❑ Gate Samr�les submi ted (Outdoor only) 8 b o erator w ekl � ❑ OFr^ICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO � � ��r �2�F C f+��� r�� ► N,-ip �-c-c.��'�ck �.�,v�[., i � I�I'��� Ci o St Pa v. J D Athletics Inc. dba PoOL INSPEC'rION REPORT—��� S�orts Club A�►. Law Hearing • Date: 4/�23/91 City's E�ibit �� � �„�:-�;� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUHLIC FsL'AL1C1 La�.� . CT 555 Cedar Street � _`�-�"� � ��` �� � � � 292-7717 I Month Da Year Establishment PHONE � Time �f/'� ���4-c_-►s� �{�b,e:�s �6 ---- � ( ��i � � : arrival de arture Addrzss Ne.ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE 2 r � �� �� �J Due on or Af�e �� 1-Routine �� � 2-Reinspectior � � Est # 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor" Month day ye r r—�, Wh ' r �ool h � � Og M Iv REQUIRED S�}FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ��-'- ��'� �� �� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (se�e below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES P� � '� Ma'ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 Frse Chlorine • Ma�ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pF Cor.tbined Chlorine - Maintain betwee� 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF Tota1 ?�lkalinity Ma'ntain between �0 - 150 pF Cyanuric Acid Ma�ntain between 30 - 100 pF Bromine � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY �ATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR � Clarity Chlorine Gas Room (� � [] Flow Sign Provide�d, Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask � j� � Dec?c Area Room Designed & �J Rules Posted Vented Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIP�iENT � [� Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & �C C`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwli e, x • Fencing & Self Shepher3s Cr�OOk � Closing/Latching Pool Loq (� � Gate Sa les submitted (Outdoor only> 8 by operator eekly ❑ ❑ OFr^ICIAL SAMPLc^, TAREN YES NO � � �°-��l � P f-�- L-��L 1��v i 4 �- C c_FL.F',r)��L� �� � �LJ l�`�N � C A�T°1 P'(�F� �p(L1 N� 1 M%6 l�'C��P f l'�P�.� Q/d-t��"� ����S� �'L�rl G- rjo i A-L �z r n� �c y �,-�;v �-c..�-�,,�';,�#g�,�. L�e:� . I `D� ity p t a v. etics a . � ��J —Medal�'st Sports Club Adm. Law Hearir�g - POOL I[3SPE�ION REPORT Date: � 4/23/91 City's F.�ibit,,���;�� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEh..... .,��� CT 555 Cedar Street � � � � �� 292-7717 I, Month Da Year 3stablishment PHONE Time � . . �H-� F_i .FJ�-1 si ►'�0 2►�s Lu.R , arrival deAarturE ?�ddress Ne:ct Insp°ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE .� Due on or Afte 1-Routine �� ! �f��W Si�-� S�. � �� 2-Reinspectio� , �- �-� � Est, � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r �-� � � �.�. Wh '*1�001 h � M LAI�I � � REQUIRED S�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � P�OL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECrA T RESIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM �,:��� CH�-eP-�r+F Too �L�O� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY � ��1ol�E� . � OTHER (s�e below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATZSFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY ' UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� �' •� Ma ' ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .S ?ree Chlorine CJ• C� P ✓ti^ Ma�ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 p �ocabined Chlorine I • PPrn Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 0; Tota1 ?1lkalinity • Ma ' ntain bet•aeen �0 - 150 p �yanuric Acid Ma�ntain between 30 - 100 p 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACTORY UNSiy.�ISFACTO; Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � � rlow Slgn Provid�d, S�ci:nmer Wells ���� _ Gas Mask ,�. �1_ �ec?c A_ea � Room Designed & J �T �ules Fosted Vented ��ergency Number ���' SAFETY EQUI�MENT � ❑ ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & C`�emical reeder Rope Throwl ' ne, =�ncing & Self Shepher3s C�ook Closing/Latching • Pool Loq (� ❑ , Gate Samnles submitted (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator, weekly � ❑ . - OFrICIAL SAMPLc, TAKEN YES NO X I ! I Y{� 1!V�� �/-`.0� � �l l� 1-�11V � � ��1 Q _ i:_ 1`� �C � J" �l J'f'7;�L� !�!7-!Y�T] � \_ / ���J r��f � �� t h!1 O �t C C�:' 'T-,�i�L ��,�1J�� ' 1�1��� l > � J>('J N � � � ,�) ,�1 ��i) � If C.J/'�-t N� 1 N 1`U ��C F_f i� L� .��"N�� � , - � - - � I�b l f ity o t a v. t etics a • �I —Medal' t Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing ' POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date:�4/23/yl City's F�ibit �� . ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq Date � CT 555 Cedar Street �-2 _� 3� Z 292-7717 � _� Month Da Year �stablishment PHO:IE Ti�p,� f � — F , �-L,�Si �'S �(�4t(� - � arrival de�arture �ddrass Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE � f��� /'�sIZ�1i�l S J�� S'� Due on or Af te �� 1-Routine � 2-Reinspectior `�— `!� Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Q whi*l�ool � Other � �� d v M LA N REQUIRED S�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: . DISINFECTA T RESIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN 'UNSATISFACT ORY OTHER (s e below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUS7' BE CORR�CTED � SATISFACTORY UNS��TISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� 'S Ma�.ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 �r�e Chlorine ,fa►�t Ma�ntain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 oF �ocabined Chlorine � . fl P � Maintain betweez 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF Tota1 ?�lkalinity q � Ma�.ntain bet:�een 50 - 150 p� �yanuric Acid —�- Ma�ntain between 30 - 100 pF 3r�,ine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOFtY rATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOF Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � ❑ °LoW - Sign Provided, Skimmer We?1s Gas Mask I � a �eck �rea �oom Designed & fY �ules Posted V�nted ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUI�MENT � ❑ 2001 Sottom Clean Ring Buoy & � CSemical r^eeder Rope Throwl�ne, -encing & Self Shepher3s C�ook Closing/Latching • Pool Loq ❑ . Cate Sa les sub itted f0utdoor only3 8 by operator weekly � ❑ �� OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO � ' �0 �F � � � � • j �,�',��� City f St Paul v. J D A etics . . POOL INSPECrION REPORT P'ledal t SpOrts Club � Adm. Law Hearing Date: 4/23/91 City s F�►ibit .�� - ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEe�.,�_. .,a,.o CT ��� 555 Cedar Street _�� '� 292-7717 Month Da Year �stablishment PHONE ' Time z : �b � �� E-� ,/�'L1 S'� �PbK�� i.u-8 , arrival d� arture ?�ddress Ne.ct Inspectio BADGE � CALL TYPE SI � ����F� S Due on or Afte C� 1-Routine �/ � � q� 2-Rein"pectior 2— 2.S / ) Est # 3-Othez ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year /�; � Wh ' * o0o h � I D g M p I�� REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PRO�'IDED (� : POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWIN : DISINFECTANT RESZDUAL BELOW 0 ._° PPM Hi� � ( +'� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (s�e below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATZSrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGf;S �� Ma ntain between 7 .4 -• 7 .8 c^ree Chlorine 1 cS'p ,-,� Ma ntain betwe�n 1 .0 -• 3 .0 oF �or.ibined Chlorine Ma ntain betweea 0 .0 -• 1 .0 pF Tota1 ?�lkalinity Ma�ntain between �0 -• 150 pc �yanuric Acid Maintain be�ween 30 -• 100 'pF 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACT::�Y UNSATI:SFACTOF Clarity Chlorine Gas Room [] � �loW Sign Provided, Ski:nmer Wells - Gas Mask � r� � �eck �rea Room Designed & :�ules Posted V�nted ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT [] � . 2001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & CSemical reeder Rope T:�rowline, - ?�ncing & Sel: Shepher3s C�$ook Closing/Latching , Pool Loq I �] ❑ Gate Sam�les sub itted m � (Outdoor only) 8 b o erator weekl [] � OF=ICIAL SAMPLz TAREN YES NO t ��-��- f�F�� lxl µr�L �o � � t r'1 M��'���4-�F.1."f � � �2� rv� �2.�� �c-C 2�r�t ,,�i t� �� c��r'f9���£ � � � ��� `��� City f St Paul v. J D A etics • a � POOL INSPECTION REPORT —Mecialist SpOrts Club� Adm. Law Hearing ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEA �ate: 4/23/91 City s Exhibit. �� CT 555 Cedar Street -�� �_ � Q.� 292-7717 Month Da Y ar Establishment PHONE Time ��L �h--j'�--t-�S'1 PO �Z►�S l�tg arrival devarture �ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE � Due on or Afte �� 1-Routine �� ��F,� S(r 2-Reinspection L Zy '/ Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r r/ o � whirl�ool h J M AZ�1 REQUZRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL. BELOW 0 .5 PPM �� n ,� ,fl ���� � . CLARITY IN 'UVSATISFACrORY `'���v OTHER (s e below) V�r� f i`'i(�-H * ALL ITEMS INDZCATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED� . SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTASLE RANGES �g �� S Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 c^r�e Chlorine Ma ntain betwe�n . I .0 - 3 .0 op �or.ibined Chlorine • M Ma ntain betwee� 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp Tota1 ?�lkalinity i � •U�'r Ma ntain bet•.�een �0 - 150 pp �yanuric Acid Main�ain between �0 - 100 pg 3romine SATISFAC'rORY UNSATISFACTORY SA�::?SFACTORY UNSATISFACTOR Clarity Chlorine Ga Ftoom ❑ [Q �'low Sign Provid d,. '� Ski:nmer Wells . Gas Mask J � �ec!c Area Room Design�� �� �ules Posted Vented �mergency Number SAFETY EQiJZPMI:NT ❑ ❑ ?ooI Bottom Clean Rinq Buoy � C'�emical r^eeder Rope Throwl' n��, -�ncinq & Self Shepher3s C�ouk Closing/Latchinq , Pool Loq �, � ❑ Gate 8 8 Samvles submii:ted (Outdoor only) by operator w�a�..klY ❑ ❑ OF�ICIAL SAI�iPLE TAREN YES NO C� �-+�v 4- � t-�- ���o ��C.F_P i _� ���;� , 7 � n��-r F,��.� C,t+i.o��rv� r�r+ ►b �4- �c�P;,/d�t� �,�� " �� �L�iv G �»�1 Psr��� C �-I�.,P�r�� ��r i o /e-c C£�G�',—�$� /,Z,9-� G� , — ' 4I 1-1 G��`,Q City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba —Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing � POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit _�6 ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALT� Date CT 555 Cedar Street � � � � � 292-7717 Month Da Yea e,stablishment PHONE Ti�� • �� �1-� M�J Lfs! o S ��-'�� ' arrival deoarture addr�ss Ne:ct Inspactio BADGE � CALL TYPE � r � Due on or Afte „ /1 1-Routine .� I �(c"+S'�G!'� ���C—� 2-Reinspection � � Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year wh'rinool h s� � � M AIN �' REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM N� �� � C��j ��,,�� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACrORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDZCATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� 'b Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 Pree Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 op �ocnbined Chlorine '- � Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 pp Tota1 ?�lkalinity • P _� Maintain bet:�een �0 - 150 pp �yanuric Acid � Maintain betyaeen 30 - 100 pp 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACTOF.Y UNSATISFACTOR Clarity Chlorine Gas Room [] ❑ clow Sign Provided, Ski:nmer We'_1s Gas Mask �ec�C �rea �oom Designed & � � :�ules Posted V�nted �mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT ❑ 2001 eottom Clean Ring Buoy & � CSemical Feeder Rope Throwline, . � -�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook � a Closing/Latching • Pool Loq Gate � Sam�les submitted (Outdoor only) 8 by operator weekly � ❑ OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO C�� �,,� c� �rz�� c.�+���z r,�� i:��o �-� �P�;�6-�--E �,� �� � ' � �'�`�� Ci of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba ' POOL INSPECTION REPORT ����t SpOrts Club � Adm. faw Hearing Date: 4/23/91 city s F�diibit 4� . : - ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC hL,r�l,ra uaL� - � ' CT 555 Cedar Street j3 �� � 292-7717 Month Da Year �stablishment PH0:1E Time ��H-F ��,1�--�S'� �PO Ri S' ��B arriv�� deoarture ?�ddress Ne:ct Inspectio BADGE # CALL TYPE Due on or Afte �` �.- 1-Routine `� 2-Reinspectior �' �� Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indc�or Outdoor Month day year Whirloc�ol h �� � � M AZv REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSEI) DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ��,,���� � C����� j.� � ��/f-• CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS IND]:CATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED :�ATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �H Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^r�e Chlorine O ' PPr�^ Maintain betwean 1 .0 - 3 .0 pF �ocabined Chloricie / • � pP,•� Maintain between' 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF �Tota1 ?�lkalinity Maintain bet•aeen �0 - 150 p� ^yanuric Acid � Maintain between ' " 30 - 100 pF 3romine SATI:SFACTORY UNSATISFACIi:�Y $ATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOF Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � [] �Iow Sign Provided, S�ci:nmer We�13 Gas Mask � ,¢- �eck �rea �oom Designed & Rules Posted Vented c�ergency Number SAFETY EQUI?MENT � [] ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � �. C`�emical reeder Rope Throwline, Fsncing & Self Shepher3s Crook � Closing/Latching . Pool Loq � Gate Samnles submitted � (Outdoor only) by operator weekly � � OFrICIAL SAMPL� TAKEN YES 1d0 /` C� J v���CT �'�1"�Ps+r-�F� � �Ft� Rrn��' I�v�i b /�cc.�P��-� �� 'l`-/ �t �.t cr 'F2.E F C_µi-o�'L.+r�� ��;v /d-�c.��'/N3 r� ,�r�+��2 i , -- - - - --- -- ' � /���1� City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba �%� —Medzlist Sports Club Adm. Law Heari�g POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4I�23/yl City's E�ibit �� c ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUSLIC HEALTH Date q CT 555 Cedar Street r 3 / � � �� 292-7717 _� Month Da Year �stabli3hment PHONE Time �i+� ��,r4-�-r s� ���,--s G�,a - `L :3 0 : arrival de�arture �ddrzss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE ,� Due on or Af�e /� � 1-Routine I S � � �I�S�F�-r� �i � / l� 2-Reinspectior � 1 � � � Est # 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: In3oor Outdoor Month day ye r Whir1�001 h J�� � M AIv REQUIRED S�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOS�D DUE TO TAE FOLLOWING: DZSINFECTA T RESZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM G2�� C�L9 �N -�� �-}-r(�f- CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY � OTHER (s�e belaw) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES �H Ma�.ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .S c^r�e Chlorine rtn Ma$.ntain between 1 .0 - 3 .0 oF �or.ibined Chlorine Maintain betweea ,0 .0 - 1 .0 pF Tota1 ?�lkaiinity Maintain between '` �0 - 150 pc �yanuric Acid Ma�ntain between 30 - 100 pF 3romine SA'rISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOF Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � ❑ ?low Sign Provided, S;ci:nmer Wei ls Gas Mask I � �- �eck ?�rea �oom Designed & �ules Posted V=nted �mergency Number SAFETY EQUI�MENT � ❑ ?ooi Sottom Clean Ring Buoy & � C'�emical c^eeder Rope Throwline, � ,�ncinq � Self Shepher3s C�ook Closing/Latching ' Pool Loq ❑ ❑ Gate 8 8 Sairroles sub itted (Outdoor only) by o erator weekl � ❑ OFrICIAL SAMPLL TAKEN YES NO I �J �fL,�t Cr ���- C 1-J-(�o�-t�� � N T �-c��P��-�3 i-€- /2�'�` � ; - I City of S Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba ����� — Medzl.ist port s Club Adm. I,aw Hearing ' POOL INSPECTI POR`�T Date: 4/ /yl City's Exhibit 4� , ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEtiurz ; uaLe - CT � 555 Cedar Street �� �� f b � � 292-7717 IMonth Day year �stablishment PHONE � T�ime �/f ! / : / a ��" ' "��F '�- `S-� ��� �' �' ��-�"S ' arrival deDarturE :�ddrzss Next Insp�ctio , BADGE # CALL TYPE — Due on or Af te ! � 1-Rout i ne � � ���%``'S'F� 2-Reinspectior � Est # 3 -Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r1DOOI h �� � � !JMpLAIVT � REQUIRED SAFfiTY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANTiRESIDUAL BELJW 0 .5 PPM CLARZTY IN UNSATISFACT ORY OTHER (see ;below) ' * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED ; SATZSFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ' ACCEPTABLE RANGES � �� Mainttain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine Main�ain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pF �or.ibined Chlorine Main�ain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF T�ta1 ?llkalinity Maini�ain between `° 50 - 150 pz �yanuric Acid Main�ain between ,30 - 100 pF 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �SAxISFACTORY �:JNSATISFACTOF . Clarity Chlorine Gas �toom � (� Flow Sign Provided� /� Ski:nmer We�Is � Gas Mask ' � �` �eck �rea �oom Designed; � 3ules Posted Vented � �mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPM�NT (� [� 2001 Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � ; CSemical r^eeder Rope Throwlin�e, =�ncinq & Self Shepher3s Crdok C1 osing/Latching . . Pool Loq ; (� � Gate Saaroles submiitted ' (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator eekly � ❑ OFr ICIAL SAMPLc^, TAREN YES NO � + -- — ��w ��P��� � ���� ��, n�� . . � � . . � ; � � � . . - �- ,� �,.�..,��'���/,��.�.���.�� �,� � �.��� - � ,. i i i EXHIBIT #8 (JP 1-4) Jim Prill � City of Saint Paul _ i In re the Licenses of the ' , , Medalist Sports Club i � '� � April 23 , 1991 " �`„' i i j I r'' < I _"�;� �� I � .. i �e� .;. I i ,i I I I I I i ,. � EXHIBIT #7 (BAMS 1-5) Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis � City of Saint Paul ; In re the Licenses of the � Medalist Sports Club April 23, 1991 ; � � � � � � � � i ; , � �/ D� 04984 3/08/91 COMPLAINT Pleas�: return this form with your worksheet. ' Est: MEDALIST SPORTS CLUB I'� 1515 BREWSTER ST � Complainant: Anon Received: 3/08/91 Complaint: Sanitation (04) ; Women's Area: toilets broken, showers with mold & rust on fixtures-tiles off wall-shower room smells-whirlpool dirt/crime or� bottom of inside- peeling paint by whirlpool. Some of the equipment �is broken down. RESPONS ' � ��� �a � ��`. 1 Complaint confirmed ,' E: 049}'��� Y�,� � Date: 2 No evidence � Date: 3, � � ' ; / � � . 3 No violation ' Time: 10 �� ° ����' Badge: • 4 Possible foodborne illness Type: 04 :w �."�`"� �'��s'``;s? ��� � '� 5 � l -072� ��'r�t.�L ,� x, 3�` 3/y� �v ,�-�-e-- . ; �j�'� ,��� �'l1..2 �-�� � , . Gt�.� �'1'd ' ���1" `�-.'�;� 0�1�2.. �-� ���/,�� U-�( � ��A��c�t, � �� � p _ �� f�,� �}; , ,, � � �� � ��- � ����f��V/��/� ��� - ��;e�. ���� _ ;� �/��� V ` �'C A;}4 � I ♦ I i C`�/Yj `� ���� . �' �-� ��z���� � � -ao-9� �{��; ��� � , ,�'.� C��� �c��� . � , ; � .�� ! �c.t�G�— ���� v .� � ���.s� �� ��'�"� ; � _ �7/a-iyn� -�Ci►�-� /� , 4�'d'i���•-,.� � `. l.�"� �`r� � ' j `��"C�``�� � �j � � t� ' � / �`� � � ^�,._�--� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES' " DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ; CfTY OF SAINT PIIUI INTFR-OFFICE COMMUNIGTION � Ci of St 'P ty sul v. J ) Athletics Inc. dba F e b r u a r 13 , 19 91 M���t S�ort s Club � Adm. Law He.aring - Y Date: 4/23/yl City s E�ibit �� �`= -,. .,,�..--' TO: William F. Gunther Environmental Program Manager . 5 � FROM: Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis�� Environmental Health Specialist , Steven Schil leryr,���; 7; , Environmental Health Technician ' � '�,�� „ `,�` � �� �'� �: SUBJECT: J/D Athletic Inc. ' ' � � �'�-.}, �'� ,�a, �.��:��;,' Medalist Sports Club II ; • �: � ��c` 1515 Brewster Street �`k�`� � ; ; r � � rt,., St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 �� '� �' `� r* ~ ��, ��� `� � � Y: ���#�'� ' �g� �,�� � . Please find attached reports from an inspection co}�duct�d 02/06/91` �;,� ,,� - ��� . T e reports include: x .� � : t G S �'� � afyt 1'� F �.i 1 . Restaurant - "Deb' s Place" inspection T� ��.h���- :4 � 2. Swimming pools inspection , � �"� ;� .. � 3 . Women' s and men' s locker room, . . plus other� area:� inspection �;, � �" `�'' ,� �,� 'F ,. .. �,�4 �.ri•. As noted in these re orts it is a `�� p , pparent that some safety, � ,, : maintenance, and housekeeping items are not in compliance with code `` "' requirements. The St. Paul Division of Public Health ha� received eight complaints on locker room, and other houseke�ping �items since February 1990 . Thirty-seven inspections were m�de in 1990 to the pool , locker room and tanning beds alone by the ;Healt'-► Division. Due to the tremendous number of complaints and in'spections required to determine code compliance, an Administra'tive Hearing was conducted on April 27 , 1990 by the Health Divisi�on with a Medalist Sports Club employee. Even after this Administrative Hearing, our office has not noted a reduction in the num�er of` complaints received nor in a satisfactory overall maintena.nce oF the facility. The cycle of complaints, and lack of maintenacice is starting to repeat itself in 1991 . ; Due to the tremendous number of complaints and inspections required to determine code compliance, we feel that fulrther action, more stringent than an Administrative Hearing is necessary at this time . BAMS: SS : sk • I I - �"TT°• CITY OF SAINT PAUL - 4'��� DEPARTMENT CbF COMMUNITY SERVICES „ � , �, � '��� ^ I DIVISION Of P�BLIC�HE L� )AMES SCHEIBEL 1954 Universi Avenue, St: Paul, Minnesota 55104 MAYOR ry 12 2 2-7717 i o v. e ics c. February 13 , 1991 —Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law _ . , — Date: 4/23/yl City's F�hibit �� j I J/D Athletics Inc . Medalist Sports Club II . �i 1515 Brewster Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 '�,�� . � i i � . g5 ' ,£) Z i� i4f��5� � > � I j�� k� �� � '�'�L, .. r �l�''��,(�r'�.,, . Dear Owner: , s��.�, � ` . � , ��. ��� v The following conditions were observed during a Fel'bruary 6, 1991; ��� 4,�� M �� ��,: ��� ��-� inspection: � , ���` �,��= '';� I ���::��, "I�; ; t'�}•� �`` �T�,�` jln omen' s I,_gcke r Room '�,�,�� k&� � . Y � �fi4„��,� �� ,, 1 . Broken and/or missing tiles are present in th� shower areas . .,,:�tr�� f : Replace the floor and wall tile where needed. ,.�''� - ����¢���,<� �. , �;,��¢�� �- r� �� 2 . Ceiling panels are deteriorating/broken in tl�e shower areas fk�� P�� ` and in scattered areas in the locker room. Replace. --�L�f�4 'f°� Ty+h _ ,..��5�#����f� h� � r�� SS � =x 3 . Dust, dirt, hair, rocks, etc . . . are visible i�h� corners where = �� lockers meet under heat z�egisters, and by the floor/wall `3 ;��� ��� junction in the toilet room area. Hous keeping needs improvement, especially in the hard to reach �reas . 4 . Two broken/cracked light st►ields , two missing light shields, � and three _ flickering/burne3 out lights preselnt. The above " deficiencies account for half of the lights, in the 1or_ker room. Repair and/or replace these items . i 5 . Peeling wallpaper present t�y handsink area. 6 . Coving and wall tiles are missing by the hand'sink. Men' � Lorker Room I 1 . Deteriorated caulking seal at the junction pf the exterior wooden sauna door and the i:loor tile. Removd all of the old caulkiny seal , properly clean under this seal area , and provide a new r_aulking seal . • �I 2 . Empty all of the full wastebaskets and maintain. ' I i , I . ^ . i 1��� , �� . -ledalist Sports Club �II - 2 iEeb. 13 , 1991 l 3 . rlissing , cracked and broken floor tiles present. Replace the floor and wall tile where needed. 4 . In the sauna , the tile floor and drain cover �.re very dirty. Properly clean these areas and maintain clean� Tanning Bed Room numbers 2 . 5 , and 6 observed I 1 . Floor areas in these rooms need to be cle�.ned on a more regular basis - soiled with dust and dirt. i 2 . Walls in tanning room � 5 damaged. Repair. '' "�„Z� ; �_ ' � 3 . Lighting in tanning # 5 is poor. Provide addi�tional light (a ��n ������� ";. minimum of 20 foot-candles of light) . � �'�{ � � ,�-- Yn}�;�Sj3 ��'.f , ��.:�� ���F i�. Basketball Court . , j �,��'' V� h Y i . . "a% � � n,� 1 . Two door closing devices have been disconnec�ted. Repair so t �; ��� � > ,�. these devices work properly. , . '';- .f �:[. Third Floor Observation/Punchi��g Baa ' ' s Floor is soiled with dirt, dust, dried leaves , ejtc. . . Keep the � "' �`` �' � floor clean. i :' ri =�� �: . � thY A,.�': Please make the required correc'tions immediately. �The next regular ' ��;- inspection is due on or about February 15 , 1991 .i However, your �.:h� �� 3 y establishment is subject to inspection at anytime;. �� :k If you have any questions, please feel free to call� me at 292-7717 . � Sincerely, ! /'�T'�L�YvZ2 ��1� ^ `���� , Barbara McMonigal-S Dennis Environmental Health Specialist � ���G�..�-�.� /f Steven Schiller Environmental Health Technician I BAMS : SS: sk c: file ! � i , � i � ` ity o a v. e ics _ —Me dalist Sport s� Club Adm. Law Hearuig • Date: 4/23/yl i City's E�ibit 4� �,� :: ° � �°"'- GTY OF SAINT`PAUL `� �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 ` � 'c I � �l,�D� "°' i DIVISION OF PU�LIC HEALTH JAMES SCHEIBEI �954 Uniy�ersity Avenue,St. Paul, Minnesota 55"104 MAYOR (612) 292-77V � March 29, 1990 I i Medalist Sports Club II i J/D Athletics, Inc. 1515 Brewster Street ' ' ` � St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 .����;�'�;� � ts.�� � � ����;;�"� � ¢�;� , , Dear Owner: - �a,���.� ¢N '' D This Ietter is a follow up to our March 23 , 1990 site visit. The 'd �� ' purpose of the inspection was to follow up on a complaint received ,��� n:;z .�r^' by our office regarding poor sanitation at yo�ir facility. The following comments and deficiencies are n�oted as a result of this inspection: � Women' s Locker room # 1-7 � �"� + O1 . A light shield is missing by lockers I# 382-374 . Replace. '��j ,� t 02 . Two of the six showers are not funct�ioning properly- one ;; , leaks even when turned off. Another has a faulty ,F spraying action in the shower head. l Repair. 03 . Coving tile is missing by the scalel. Replace. 04. Corner tile pieces in the multi-shower room are missing. Replace. 05 . Broken tile is present by the wall aldjacent to the shower area. Replace. ' 06 . Floor tile is missing by locker # 291 . Replace. 07 . The floor is not being maintained Ilean in the hard to reach areas e. . under heat re�isters, and corner junctions where �ockers meet. Cle�n on a more frequent basis and keep clean. Men' s locker room # 8-10 i 08 . Water is seeping through the floorYwall area closest to the showers. Repair. , 09. Debris present on the carpeting . i Clean on a more frequent basis and keep clean. � i n Ft��,- +; t PC a rP hrnkPn awav around fihower area and in the I Z _- . .._.. .. ..__ . . . .. _..._y_.._..—.... . ___, , ..'. —.._ . . .__ . ' Meda 1 i st Sports Club I I - 2 - �" '/��� � I�arch 29, 1990 Tanninq bed rooms � . 11 . Tanning # 2 ( stand up bed) - The plexig�lass shield at the top of the unit is broken. Replace. � 12. Tanning # 3- Bed is in disrepair, � according to an employee. The bed is very dusty an� no sanitizer is present. Repair this bed, replace� or remove from premises. 13. Tanning # 6- The floor is strewn with paper, debris and dirt. The portable fan in this room is very dusty. Keep. the floor and the fan clean. , ,.�'�. , d�d����, '� Comments from employees ! � ,'�.� '� ' , , � : x;� `a �. O1 . Men's locker room showers was repaired in the past six�:�=r���J'., , (6) months . I ���;;,'. , :: ,� 02. Floors are cleaned two-three times daily in locker rooms.: . � � according to Tom Hanson, Head Maintenpnce person. } 03 . A mild acid wall tile cleaner is u�ed in the shower .' <: rooms. � 04. Quaternary Ammonium sanitizer is use�d on surfaces and � floors in the locker rooms. � ,''� Housekeeping and sanitation in this establishmlent are inadequate r��` , : for a 24 hour per day operation such as thi�, club. Submit a ' „��; - ,; written proposal. to the St. Paul Division of Public Health outlining an improved cleaning and sanitizing sc�edule by April 16, 'p 19 9 0 . `-`�y Sincerely, ` , , r ���2G)� -������a- '� Barbara McMonigal-St. D is � Environmental Health Specialist � BAMS: sk � c: Gary Pechmann Ward Harkness � File i i � I ._ I I ` i o I a v. � —Me alist S rts Club Ac}me 1� Date: 4/23 91 Cit ' ��� y s Exhibit 46 ,�,�..<. i � 1 i �� �' � ►va,n�►F�n,w I 1515 Brewner St. 1151 Sarciay St. Paul, MN 55108 St. Paui, MM 55106 646-1165 � 774-2333 ' April 18 , 1990 City of St . . Paul �``� Department of Community Services � : , t ��: Division of- Public Health ' '""' "' +�� _� 1954 University Avenue I • � ;��'��;`: St . Paul , MN 55104 � ��''� ��'�� � ,' Attn : Barbara McMonigal -St . Dennis I ��� , « � +`. Dear Ms . McMonigal -St . Dennis • I � This lettei is in res onse to '�y � P your March 29, 199i letter , following up your March 23 , 1990 site visit . � �• < ' � The follo�ti' �g comments are in res onse to �� P your n�ted ��f, deficiencie� . ,,,�: . O1 . The light shields in the women' s locker r�orn are not M �' stocked by any of the stores and distributors w ' �� ' hi ch we �' r have checked with. We ' re still looking a�d exploring '� ' such possibilities as salvage companies . 02 . Shower parts have been purchased and will be installed. 03 . -07 . As soon as repairs are completed in the men ' s lockzr room tile repairs in the women 's lpcker room will be scheduled. 08 . & 10 . Th'ree part epoxy adhesive has been ordered to repair the men's shower room. We have re�earcned various adhesives and brands in an effort to solv� � these problems on a pennanent basis . 09 . We r:ave rearranged the cleaning scnedulzs � and hired an additional staff inember to help clean problem areas . , 11 . Plexiglass shield has been removed. I 12 . Tani�ing bed #3 has been repaired and clea ed. 13 . Addi tional staf f r�;ernber has trie primary r�sponsibi 1 i ty �o keep tar.nin� bed �b clean and portable fans dusted . " ���e i��lieve tnat ti-iis cai '_ '. i1:�lp u� ade�1,.iat�11 �ail car�_ oi t:� i��G1;32�{@E'..�l:i'� all�;� Sdi? �d ti.l0?: fGi OU1 i wi:i i �` -; tt !- - : - ai;y q��es ti i;:�� t�l �a�e �-•�_•'. f� �� t ' 1 � � , I� l '�'� --= • � � � t� C�Z � iiir- p..�� _� -' � --��1:Ct�x j Friday frcri 9-�'_p. rn. Sincerely , ! �./� .,r h'_ .,.l,., _ 'I �I ��I, � ��� ity o t v. t etics . a ` ( —Med�list Spor s Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL I[VSPECTIOK REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City's E�ibit �� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH at CT �Q Z' S55 Cedar Street � 3 qo 2g2'��1� onth Da Year, . e,stablishme t PH0:1E xime `�� � ��. `�G arrival deoarture �ddress� � Ne:ct Insp�ctio �ADGE � CALL TYPE �S � r e w�U� Due on or Af te 1-Rout ine � 2-Reinspe ion st � 3-Other 200L TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year �'��p Wh ' �' 0001 P1 Q M A2�T � REQUIRED SAFETX EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED. POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R�SIDUAL BELOW O .S BPM. CLARITY IN UNSATISFACT ORY OTHER (see b�low) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED � , SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACrORY IACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Maintai.n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?r�e Chlorine Mainta.�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �or.ibined Chlorine Maintain between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm`f; rotal ?�lkalinity Mainta�.n bet�aeen �0 - 150 pom .. �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ,ppm. 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC"rORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISEACTORY�,�" � : .. 4larity Chlorine Gas Room � � ,��,` . low Sign Provided, j 3ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask �eck �rea Room Designed & i 2ules Posted Vented :�erqency Number SAFETY EQUIPME:�1'� ❑ ❑ ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & �:�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, ?=_ncing & Se1f Shepherds Crook� � a �losing/Latching � Poo1 LoQ :ate Sam�les submitt�c3 ;Outdoor only) 8 b o erator wee 1 � � )F'r'ICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES NO , C1.,L�Q- , , , -- i 1 -- �- , �J�f �j 6� ity o t v. t etics . a _ ! I i —rledzlist Spo t s Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL IIVSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City's Exhibit �� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF pUBLIC HEaLT� �ate � �T 3� Z 555 Cedar Street S 2s �� 292-7717 onth Da Yea-r;�-�' �stabli�hment PHONE Time 1� ���: I arrival deDartur :�ddress Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE •�'' 's' Due on or Afte � 1-Routine � � 2-Reinspection -� Z� Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' r1D001 5 O M LA v � : :=,;._;' � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDEDi ' POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTAKT R�SIDUAL BELOW O .S . PPM' . - , � ^ � G , OTHERTY (seeNb�lowFAC'rORY` � , , * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATZSr^ACTORY MUST HE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ; ACCEPTABLE RAiVGES �Fi ` Mainta n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ,. ?ree Chlorine c�, Mainta�n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .� ppm ° ���cnbined Chiorine �, ;�. Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 :0 ppm. r7ta1 �lkalinity ,. �yanuric Acid Maintain between �0 - 150 .po�.�, _ Maintain between 30 - 100 gpm .;. _:�omine �.��Y , SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFAC'rORY UNSATZSFAC'�OR'Y�,�; ��� �1.arity Chlorine Gas Room �'� a: ?J.ow � Q��� : Sign Provided, j � ,� � �,<:i:nmer We?1; Gas Mask :,� � �e�c�C Area Room Designed & I ``'r ; �L;les Posted V�nted :aiergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEN'� � � ?ool eottom Clean Ring Buoy � _`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, i '=.:ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook :�.osing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � :a.te Samnles submitt�d Uutdoor only) � 8 b o erator wee 1 �__.� � Y ❑ ❑ )f'FICIAL SAMPLE TARE YES NO _, �� C ^ • � 4 � � • • C� i � � f ~ / / / • � . � " ' � ����� ity o t v. etics a _ a� —Medalist S�orts Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's F�diibit �� `�. , ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Dates. Z �,r �,,�; CT �D� 555 Cedar Street a92—��i� 3 `f�5,.` , �stabli;hment ._______ Month Da Yed��� . � � PHONE Time .�,�, ���� a �ddress arrival de artu � Ne:ct Insp�ctio HADGE � CALL TYPE � S I S � � Due on or Afte (� O 1-Routine � eL � 2-Reinspection POOL TYPE: ��ndoor Outdoor Month � Est � 3-Other Wh r1�oo h Y year Jc-r D p f �� M LAI�I t �; REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDEDg�'- '�J PaOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM_ �;: La G � - F�e2 G�, I D(� 1 nQ-. d� � �PM pTHERTY (seeNbelowFAGTORY 4 � i * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISr^ACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED � * .-,. SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY 'ACCEPTABLE RANGES E`` �c'i 't ?r�e Chlorire '—' Maintain between 7 .4 - 7..8 � �ocabined Chlorine — Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3•:0 pp�n s;' �ota1. ?�lkalinity � Maintain betweea 0�0 2;:p ppat�;, �yanuric A�id Maint�ain bet�veen �0 1�50 ppu�� 3romine Maintain between 3 0 - '1`00, p`�i��r; SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ' `�� '"�''� SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAGTORX''���� �larity a � �F' ':��� �10�� Chlorine Gas Room Q ��"� Sign Provided, ,,.�a.,��;,�; 3ki:nmer We?1s Gas Mask � _ • �ec�C �rea �oom Designed & �E� � f), tules Poste:d Vented $ :merqency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT [� ?ool Hottoa. Clean Ring Buoy � � �`�emicai r^eeder Rope T:�rowline, '�ncing & �elf Shepher3s Crook :losing/Latcning � Pool Loq (� � :ate 8 8 Sa�noles submitted Outdoor or..ly) by operator weeklv ❑ � )Fr ICIAL SPL�iPLc TAKEN YES NO ' , �. �1 ,�.e;.,�a �., ��„ • - - . _ . n - � � � . g�-�y�� �- . � ��:. � EXHIBIT #8 (JP 1-4) �`�� �;4 Jim Pril l >,°: City of Saint Paul �4r In re the Licenses of the ', Medalist Sports Club April 23 , 1991 (�, �� ity o t a v t etics c. a /��/ � —rledzlist Spo ts Club Adm. Law Hearing — POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/y City's F�hibit �� $-?P-�. ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEaLTq ate � T 3� Z 555 Cedar Street S 2s 292-77I7 onth Da Y�e r :stablishment PHOVE � ime �� arrival � �ddr2ss deoarture Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE �s Due on or Afte �.� O 1-Routine �-- " S Z� 2-Reinspection �st � 3-Other �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' *-l000l h -S p M LAIN � ,. � � REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DI5INFECTANT RESIDU�L BELOW 0 .5 PPM �0'W ! � G CLARITY Iv UNSATISFACTORY' • OTHER (see below) ' ALL ITEi`4S I�JDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Mainta'n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 'r_e Chlorir.e c�, Mainta'n between 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm :or.ibined Chlorine (, �. Mainta'n betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm '�ta1 ?�lkalinity •r Mainta'n between 50 - 150 pom :�•anuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm :-omine SATISFACTORY Wi SATISFACTORY SATISIFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY :l.arity Chlorine Gas Room [] � ��-�W Sign Provided, �:i:nmer We?1; Gas Mask e�ck �rea Room Designed & L�.les Posted Vented aiergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � aol Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & `�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, ::ncing & Self Shepher3s Craok ].osing/Latching • Pool Loq (� � �.te Sarrmles submitted Uutdoor only) 8 by operator week;ly [] � . � F'�ICI�,L SAMPLc TAKE� YES NO : � � ^ � (�L � _ .� . �Q.. _ i �c�i��zd by �'r��Y v�- Health Sani�ari�n / � _ n� , /j//��� ity o t a v. t etics c. a _ / —Medalist Spqrts Club Adm. Law Hearing POOL INSPEC'rION REPORT Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit �� � -S(7-3 ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �Date -T �D� � 555 Cedar Street S Z3 �� 292-77I7 Month Da Year ;stabli�hment PH0.1E � ITime ^ � arrival departure ,ddress , N Y a e t Insp..ctio IBADGE � CALL T YPE � S I S � s Due on or Afte �i � O 1-Routine � 2 2-Reinspection �OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month � I�st # 3-Other ;x Wh ' *''l�ool h Y Year S� 0 p � M AIv REQUIRED SAFET EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED �J POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM �d G � � F�ee G�, 10(� ln�. a� � �P� OTHERTY (seeNb�IowFACTORY ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY iACCEPTABLE RANGES '� Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r�e Chlorir.e �L�— Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm 'or.ibined Chlorine O, l�. Maintain betweez 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm otal ?�lkalinity Maint�aLn bet•�+een 50 - 150 pnm ;yanuric Acid Maintai�n between 30 - 100 ppm romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'I'ORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY 'larity Chlorine Gas Rootn [] � �10��' Sign Provided, ; ki:nmer Wells Gas Mask ec!c �rea �aom Des igned & � ules Poste:d Vented ! �ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT! [� � ool Bottoa: Clean Ring Buoy & :`�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, , �ncing & �elf Sheoher3s Crook losing/Latcning ' Pool Loq ' (� � ate Sanroles submittec� Outdoor or.ly) 8 by operator weekly [� � rFICIAL SP�y1PL� TAREN YES NO , , � ?!�, , � ecei<�zd b �rYr' �`-� L � Y Fieal�h Sani�ar; �rt, ►I,�irY� On. Y i , �/' /�e � � �I � � , �eY� � EXHIBIT #6 (CA 1-13) � 7" s �� �„�`<' Chris Ayoka ! ��` �,�,; City of Saint Paul � � In re the Licenses of the � Medalist Sports Club April 23 , 1991 i - li I� � � � I, i i I� I� I� i I �/ /��, ity o v. e ics c. a !/J�/��� —Medalist Spo t s Club Adm. I,aw Hearing — POOL I�ISPECTION REPOf Date: 4/23/91I City's E�ibit �� �-ea_� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC nc,r�Ljz uctLe y°• CT �h� 555 Cedar Street I �_ 9 / v 292-7717 I Month pa - LL_ Establishment Year P FiO�JE T i me � Ir� �4-t_�s�i �P�P�-� �g ��f� — ��� ;� �U Address arrival deoarture Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE ° �f�r— P`��5��� � Due on or Af te � 1-Rout ine �' ' • C 2-Reinspection` POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor 2 Est # 3-Other Month day year �-� �� Wh ' rl�ool h M AIN � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: Di4UIRED SAFE'TY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED �( o .t--2�F�. L�(�, ,(�!�� CLARITY�INNUN'�SATISFACTORyOW 0 .5 PPM . OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST $E CORR�CTED I � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY i ACCEPTABLE RANGES ' C� . . �;` _ � . - . . ; . � 'f � � Maint�in between 7 .•4 - 7 .8 { c^ree Chlorine . Ov f ,v� � Maint�.in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm� Cor.ibined Chlorine - Maint in betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm3 rota1 ?�lkalinity I 6U � O 6 ,� Maint�in between �0 - 150 ppm� Cyanuric Acid • � . �" Bromine � -`` " � ;. , Maint�in between 30 - 100 ppm:. " SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC`rORY ,,- ' `. . . ., �, :'� AT SFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY'� Clarity I . �low . Chlorine Gas Rqom `' � ' Sign Provided, T � . Ski:nmer We�ls Gas Mask � { �n' � � �ec�C �rea �oom Desi ned ✓ . - � .� �ules Posted g &i • `� V�nted � � ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEN� � ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & ��emical r^eeder Rope Throwline,� ,��, - ?sncing & Self /� Shepher3s Crookl � :losing/Latching Pool LoQ � �ate 8 Samnles submitt�d ;Out door only) 8 by operator wee ly � ❑ )FrICIAL SAMPLB TAKEN YES NO � I (� 1�1�'Fb�l C� %9�F�v �1-r Lo�'�!�t c� J N r U /�- Cc.(�G--�' L� �,!'•-�.( C�-� . - � e ce i ved by ,�';'r'r1 ���yti°�j'� �, � �� Health Sani�arian ������� S %��=�..� i C ( �`7(;� Ci o '�St Pa v. J D At etics Inc. a POOL I�ISPECTIO� REPORT —���� Sports Club r Adm, La�a gearing _ ST . PAOL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEn Date: 4�23/91 City s Fxhibit �6 � CT � O� 555 Cedar Street r� � �� 292'��1� �� Month Da Year Establishment PHONE j Time � � �Z�;�-r Sfi �� C��,� g . 6 ��6 -- �f 6� �' — � :o � arrival departure - Addrzss Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE � s �'�5,��� � Due on or Af te �ye.. 1-Routine �- �' q 2-Reinspection ' -� � I Est # 3-Other POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' T 1�ool h �1 � � M AINT � . � REQUIRED SAFE�Y EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING : DISINFECTANT ESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM � C�-}-P_�o���J� +�D�� t-c��� CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ' ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� � o Maint�in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^ree Chlorine • p a Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm Coc:�bined Chlorine 0 • .� Maint�lin between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm rotal ?�lkalinity � 7�p•Q /,.v� Maint in between �0 - 150 pom Cyanuric Acid Maint�in between 30 - 100 ppm Bromine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY SATIiSFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Ro'om � � �'l�W S�gn Provided, ; Ski:nmer Wells Gas Mask � Deck Area Room Designed &� � Rules Posted . Vented ! E�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEN'�' [� � Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � Chemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, I� ?encing & Self Shepher3s Crook �losing/Latchinq Pool LoQ � � =ate Samples submitt�d (Outdoor only) 8 by operator wee!�ly [] a JFc I CIAL SAMPL� TAREN YES NO � ! ��) ��1��" �P� F f}��� � N I N`� �� (�-C��`r�8 c� L.�.v�L., , tec�ived by . � •� ,--- - ( �.� Aealth Sanitarian ��S �fv� � �I— ��� Ci of St �aul v. J D Athletics Inc. dba _ POOL I[�ISPECTIO[V REPORT—����t Spt�rts Club Adm. Law Hearing Date: 4/23J91 City's F�ibit 4� (p-�p-'� � ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC hLn�i_, .,a3 �� Q j CT 555 Cedar Street � / � � � 292-7717 � � Month Da Year Establishment PHONE � Time� � �-f-('z F��,�-�� ��b�s �� -- � (�S '�—a--�vai departure Addr2ss Ne:ct Insp�ctio �BADGE � CALL TYPE ;:�° � Due on or Afte 1-Routine 2` ; �,; � � � �-��� �/ • � �� 2-Reinspection.,�:? � � �Est # 3-Other " POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor' Month day year � �'' Wh ' r 1�001 h �� �g M IN �°� , REQUIRED SAFEIIY EQUIP . NOT PROVIDED j� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DiS2NFECTANT R'iESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM �� ��'�QrJ �� �� CLARITY IN UNS�ATISFACTORY � OTHER (see b!elow) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED I' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ', ACCEPTABLE RANGES p� � �� Maiata�in between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^ree Chlorine • ' Mainta�in betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm Cor.ibined Chlorine • Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm Tota1 ?�lkalinity � Mainta�n bet•.�een �0 - 150 ppm Cyanuric Acid Maintain between 30� - 100 ppm Bromine � . _ � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �AT13FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY= Clarity Chlorine Gas Roqm [] � •, �low Sign Provided, { . , . S�ci:nmer Well� Gas Mask �,I j� � Deck �rea Room Designed � �J Rules Posted Vsnted Ennergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT� ❑ ❑ Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & � - C'�emical r^eeder Rope Throwline, �� x • F�ncing & SeI.f Shepher3s Crook '� � � a Closing/Latching Pool Loq , Gate . Samnles submitted (Outdoor only) 8 8 bY operator week y � [] OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO � �r ���l G-- P �--- t��.� i�N�Q � c��P �,��r� �8�1 C7-� - � �E N �- C�or��-��� C�-t-�-o rz,�►� �M�� r�-c��z P1/9-P�.� 2��,-�: �� \�� �'L�rt C,— �o i A-t-- �.�C�s-�r� �cy �N%� i9-���'�';r�$�- L�e.� . � I� �I Recsived by , -- Health Sanitaria�n L�N� r �� , �f,�/�� / ity o t v. D A etics Inc. a _ � � —Medalist S rts Club Adm. Law ing POOL INSPECT ON REPORT Da t e: 4/2 3�1 C i t y's F�i b i t 4 6 � ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEnLrz luate CT � O� 555 Cedar Street ,� �2�- � 292'��1� Month Da Year �stablishment PH0�1E � it� � lJ ; S� � �t� j`��F�'�,�-{-1 S'J S OfLrS �-��b + ' ; arrival deoarturep `� 3ddress Next Insp�ctio �ADGE # CALL TYPE ` �- Due on or Af te 1-Routine � ��'j �� ,�p�t�.1Si�(Z S, � � C � 2-Reinspection �'�� � � �st � 3-Other -;Y n#��, ?OOL TYPE: Indoor � Outdoor Month ay year =� Wh ' rl�ool h �t ug p� `' M AI� �j' REQUIRED SAFET� .EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM CLARITY IN tINS�,TISFACTORY OTHER (see b�low) * ALL ITEMS I�IDICATED UNSATIScACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED ' SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY IACCEPTABLE RANGES �� � � � 2 Maintailn bet��een 7 .4 - 7 .8 ?ree Chlorine • ,� Maintailn betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 gpm �oclbined Chlorine u~p _.L_ �' Maintain betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm T�ta1 ?�lkalinity �� _ l�i�• 09 r✓� Maintailn bet��►een 50 - 150 ppm �yanuric Acid Maintai�ri between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine • SATISFACTORY UNSATZSFACTORY SAT�'ACTORY UNSATISFACTORY... Clarity Chlorine Gas Roo�n � � � `1ow Sign Provided, , Ski:nmer Wells � Gas Mask �eck Area �oom Designed & �' " � � �ules Posted Vented ' ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � [] � ?ool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � �`�emical Feeder � Rope Throwline, � � ��ncinq & Self _ Shepher3s Crook ' Closing/Latching + • Pool Loq � (� � Gate Samules submitted (Outdoor only) 8 b o erator week ' [] � � OFrICIAL SAMPLc TAREN YES NO �C I ��� :��'_r'r�Gr r �'E P N r v CC i �'� r��L� ��N � , 1-�- �2� rtf� �t L�` I N '��� �/�l'�i�'l,�'C�`�L � S \/(%�'� 1�7('_7�n/1�nI �4�� ���P���.L--y C.���'-�.+ • , ; �ec�ived by '^ � ��-��Y-- �, ` .� .�_ . Aealth Sanitarian_ ����5 �y���- � , . . ' _t ��-�t'j� i o t v. etics POOL INSPECTION REPORT —����t S rts Club � Ac�, �,, g��a ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE�,�te: 4/�3�1 `cCity s F�hibit �� (�"`� CT � �� 555 Cedar Street � � � 292-7717 --�� (_ �/ �stabli;hment . I Month Da Year � PHONE Time ��� F_��,Fl�-► s i S�o 2,�`S �u_,4 : =' arrival ` �' �ddres s deDarturs': Next Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE �S j � ���W ���� S� Due on or Af te 1-Rout ine Z ,' �� 2-Reinspection+' ?OOL TYPE: Indoar � �"� �� Est, � 3-Other ` Outdoor Month day year ` � Wh ' r 1�001 h .�/ � � °:g � M LAIN �-I,} � P�JOL CLOSED DUE TO TFiE FOLLOWING: DI�SINFECTANTE�ESIDU�L� NOT PROVIDED �+ /;:?,E� C-1�f�-CP_�N� Tdo BELOW 0 .5 PPM �L-O 1,�' CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY Nol�E� . � OTHER (see t�elow) '�`ITEMS IVDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRyCTEp SATISFACTORY ' UNSATISFACTORY I ACCEPTABLE RANGES �r� � .�- • . ?rne Ch.Iorine v_ � P � Maintalin bet�aeen 7 ,q _ 7 .g �or.�bined Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .p DPm �Tota1 �lkalini�y - � '� P�rn Maintalin betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm �yanuric Acid —L� � � ��P"" Mainta{in bet•aeen �0 - 150 pom 3romin� Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI$FACTORY UNSh��ISFACTORY Clarity ❑ �loW Chlorine Gas Rodm � S�ci:nm�r Wells ��`�, _.. _,. Sign Provided, i _ �eck ,�¢a Gas Mask i � � �ules Fosted �ao� Designed & � E�iergency Number '; V°nted � � .�� ?ool Bottom Clean S�ETY EQUIPMENT� � . �� C`�emical r^eeder Ring Buoy & � �sncing & Self Rope Throwline, j . Closing/Latching , Shepher3s Crook i Gate Pool Loq (� � (Outdoor only) 8 8 Sanroles submitte�3 by operator week�.y � � OFiICIAL SAMPLc TAREN yEg N� � I � �-�N< F�.�� r+ � 2�N � ����o Q Q ` � `i LE ���-N�Cr.� • 2 I�l"�r�1 t �-� t rv i o c C E:' 'T'���L I�.�-i�1�T-r • � t�r�� � / JJ(��N 4' � � T'1,�"f J�,E i C H C�JI'�N LS l N i 0 I CC F('; �- t�� .�✓q'N�E . . � - i �eceived bY � �� l�n �..e.-. r, � , .ti. -, Q__,�� .._ . . � _ � �/ /, iry o t a v. t etics ! �/��J CQ —Medzlist Sport s Club � Adm. Iaw Heari� POOL INSPECTION REPORT �te: 4/23l91 City s Exhibit �� (p-_ (�l-7 ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq ' ate CT 3� � 555 Cedar Street �2 0� 292-7717 . I �staoli�hment . onth Da Year >:. PHO.IE Ti� � F . 19-�-�S i : �ddress � `�S ��� � arrival deoa . rtur Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE w� '� J��S /���� S��� �j Due on or Af te �� 1-Routine � '� � �--� 2-Reinspection, ?OOL TYPE: Indoor St � 3-Other ��; Outdoor Month day year �.I O � WhiTlDOO1 Other ��`�; M LA V � "' � POOL Q,OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: . D141NFED SAFET� EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED . CTANT RESIDU?�L BELOW 0 .5 Ppi�I : CLP.RITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see be�low) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUS7' BE CORR�CTED � SATZSFACTORY UNS�►TISFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� S Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 ,8 c^r�e Chlorine - ,�� Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �or.�bined Chlorine � . O p � Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm Tota1 ?�lkalinity _ q �� Maintai' between �0 - 150 ppm �yanuric Acid - Maintai� between 30 - 100 ppm 3r�-ine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTOFtY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Roo�n [] � ^law . . Sign Provided, T S�cimmer Wells � Gas Mask � �ec'c �rea Room Designed & � � �ules Posted V�nted � �mergency Number SAFETY E UIPMENTII 2001 Bottom Clean Q ❑ ❑ Ring Buoy & � CSemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, =�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latching • Pool Loq � Gate 8 � Samnles submitted (Outdoor only) 8 b o erator week [� .._._ a OFcICIAL SAMPLc TAKEN YES NO � �� ��t�V � t4--��' �1�f-1 � �r�1� �I �e C�i v Z d b y 1/'1 -Z/�/ f� { .l-t_ Z u A a�•-►, c�.. : L�... __ �.� n _�, 1 1 . �.•_!� ,c1- � C�� !I�� City of Stj Paul v. J D At eti.cs . a POOL I[�1SpECTION REPORT M���t S rts Club Adm. I,aw Hearing ST. PAUL DIVI$ION OF PUBLIC HEn Date: 4/23 9a`C City's Exhibit �� (�-Cq-g CT �O� 555 292a7717reet _�� q � ?stablishment . onth Dav Year ' �� PHONE ime aaa � E� ,/�-L� 4� Jf�fK;3' �� L 'Z � ress arrival departure�; Next Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE S( � ������� S� Due on or Af te , � � C�,4- 1-Routine �i �:' 2— ZS C� ' 2-Reins.pection ':: ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor � �St � 3-Other " . wh ' '' Dool h Month day year � � a g . x•, M AIV "� :s; I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWIN ; REQUZRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PRO�'IDED � ���... N DISINFECTANT R$SZDUAL BELOW 0 ,� ppM � `� CLARITY IN. UNSATZSFACTORY OTHER (see below) ' ALL ITE!4S INDICATED UNSATISrACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED r SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY � . CCEPTABLE RANGf;S �� . _ r^r�e Chlorine � � � Maintai between 7 .4 -• 7 ,8 �or.ibined Chlorine Maintai betwe�n 1 .0 -• 3 .0 ppm T�ta1 ?�lkalinity � Maintai betweea 0 .0 -• 1 .0 ppm �yanuric Acid . Maintai bet�aeen �0 -•� 150 ppm 3romine Maintai between 30 •- 100 'ppm SATISFACT ORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATIS�ACT;;�y UNSATJ:SFACTORX Clarity —" 51ow Chlorine Gas Room [] � S�ci:nmer Well; Sign Provided, �e c'c Area � Ga s Ma sk � � �ules Posted Room Designed & � Y� Emergency Number V°nted ?ool Bottom Clean S�'ETY EQUI�ME;�iT �� C`remical reeder Rinq Buoy � � �. ?�ncing & Sel: Rope T:�rowline, Closing/Latching Shepher3s Crook Gate ' Pool Lo4 r"� � (Outdoor only) 8 8 Saaroles submitted' b o erator weekl [] � OFr^ICIAL SAMPLc^, TAREN yEg .... . NO r CL�� �� bc!t+r�Zt a � � MM��'����1,�{ � � � tv� �2�� C � c--c��� )�v i tJ /����► �-�'� �8+v(�� eceivzd by �!, ,��� n APalth CaniL�..: � �.• /7 . c> �C 1 . , .�.1� n ' �' ���� City of St Paul v. J D A etics POOL INSPECTION REPORT —Medali.st ts Club Adm. Law Hearing ST. PAIJL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEA Date: 4/23 91 City's Exhibit �� (o-C/}- CT � O� 555 Cedar Street .�..�Q� � 292-7717 onth Da year �stablishment PHO:IE 2�ime ��f�L �����tS'j Po ��S 1�c g : : ' , �' arrival deoarture��.: :�ddr2ss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE # CALL TYPE °`: / � �t �j� p �� Due on ar Afte I /� ,(� 1-Routine _l� '1� ��r� 2-Reinspection� L Zy� Est # 3-Other _���# �OOL TYPE: Indoor Ouhdoor Month day year �/ b � �,� Whi*l000l M AIN �-� ��: REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED `��� � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT REISIDU?1L, BELOW '0 .5 PPM �� �*0 �;�'jd� �N CLARITY IN UVSA'�ISFACI'ORY v�,�-/ �/(�-(f ' OTHER (see below) * ALL ITE�SS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED' —" , SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ACCEPTASLE RANGES � -°H �� s Maintai between 7 .4 - 7 .8 cr�e Chlorine Maintai� between. 1 .0 - 3 .0 opm �or.ibined Chlorine • Il� Maintai�p between 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm T�ta1 ?�lkalinity � � •p�f Main�ain bet•.�een 50 - 150 ppm �yanuric Acid Maintair� between 30 .- 100 ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA�::TS ACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Ftoom [] ❑ °low Sign Provided, . Ski:nmer Wells � Gas Mask � �eck �rea Room Designea S� /� - �ules Posted Vented � ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMI�NT � � � ?ooZ Bottom Clean Ring Buoy & ; C`�emical r eeder Rope T:�rowlin��; : ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Cro��k I Closing/Latching � , Pool Loq (� � Cate Sa�les submii_tedl (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator w��ekl [� —�' ❑ OF:ICIAL SA��SPLc TAREN YES NO C� �n, 4— � l+ ,,-t�o �--cLF' P i i8�-L� �L.9r�►�;� . C�-7 � n�C�- F/�F F C�-c.o�c rv� r r� ;b ���P,—�c� ,�,.e-��" - : �� �FN G ��Pst nt�� �-H�.,P�r.�E �n� i o /�-cC�G�;/�$�Ic� �Z r9�n► G� - � �ecsivzd by . ,i- Iiealth Sani�ariar� ��� � �/���`' �5� City of St 'Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba � I� Medalist S rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing POOL I�ISPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/�1 City s Exhibit �� -C�- ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Date CT .3 � � 555 Cedar Street �_ *1�U v 292-7717 M nth Da Yea c.stablishment PHO:IE T m , t %!f-�. � � - �� _ �� ,;.,�� M�- i L r S � o s c�.t F� , = � ,.;. arrival denarture'>'�`# addr2ss Next I n s p�c t i o B D G E � C A L L T Y P E � Due on or Afte � 1-Routine , �' `� � ������ 2-Reinspectioh:�.'-v ,� � E$t # 3-Other k� ?OOL TYPE: , Indoor Outdoor Month day year � �� Wh 'r1DO01 h � � M AIN .X_t. REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED % I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RE IDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ND �� � �-Lt1 P�,nJ� CLARITY IN UNSA�ISFRCI'ORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED '� SATZSFACI'ORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RANGES �� �b Maintai between 7 .4 - 7 .8 Fr�e Chlorine Maintai betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �ocnbined Chlorine P� • r Maintai between 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm Tata1 Alkalini�y ��� • P , Maintain bet:�een �0 - 150 ppm �yanuric Acid � � ��. Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm. 3romine � � _ SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ��TIS ACTOF:i' UNSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Room � � :low Siqn Provided, ! S;ci:nmer Wells � �eck Area �oo.mMDesigned 6 I ,� lv� �ules Posted V�nted ' . �mergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � Pool Sottom Clean Ring Buoy � � Cyemical r^eeder Rope Throwline, . � :'�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latchinq � Pool LoQ (� � Gate Samoles submitte� (Outdoor only) 8 8 by operator weekly � ❑ OFr ICIAL SAI�SPLc^, TAREN YES NO � �� ��►� c�-- ^ �-Q� � CN--t-h�Z t�� ���o �--� c�P���6-t-E �,9� C��- . i . 1 /-� �t�C°_1V2d tiJV I�,11�/"\ ri� ` -�r .nD `7 iin�T±-F� c�..: L�... �., l 11 D � f: � ��1�/ /� ' �'— I`��Q _Ci of St Pal v. J/D Athletics Inc, dba POOL INSPECTION REPORT ����t S s Club � Adm. Law Heari�g — ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC hc,�i,la4�23 91ud=ety s Exhibit 4� �p"Cq-// � CT 555 Cedar Street 13 � / �� � 292-7717 onth Establishment Da Year P HO�IE i me ��i-�-F ��'�J4-f--1 S'� S P 0 r�i 3' - 7_ : � c� ': 11-_kB ' y " ?.ddrzss � arrival deoartur��� Nest Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE `<� Due on or Afte �� 1-Routine �� -y 2-Reinspectior�� ?OOL TYPE: Indc�or Outdoor �� Est � 3-Othez �� _ whirl�ool h Month day year / O p v ��;' M AIV � :;,, REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED ,Y��` � POOL CLOSEI) DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: aISINFECTANT REISIDUAL BELOW O .S PPM C�MgIN�'� C,�-���/,� !�D ffiCr{-�-• CLA.RITY IN UNSAITISFACTORY OTHER (see below) * ALL ITEMS IVD]:CATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED - �iATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY FICCEPTABLE RANGES �t� • . r^r�e Chlorine Maintain between 7 .4 - .7 .8 O ' PPr"` Maintai betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 p m Cocabined Chloritie / • � pP,,.t Maintai� betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 opm T�ta1 Alkalinit�� Maintain bet•�een �0 - 150 pom �yanuric Acid • Maintain between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine SATI:SFACTORY UNSATISFACTi:�Y SATIS ACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Clarity a Q �IoW Chlorine Gas Room Sign Provided, �I Ski:nmer Well;� � Gas Mask �j � Deck �rea �oom Designed & Rules Posted Vented ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIDMENT , ❑ � � ?ool Bottom Clean Rinq Buoy � I Cyemical reeder Rope Throwline, � rsncing & Self . Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latching . Pool Loq (� Gate 8 Samples submittec� � (Outdoor only) . 8 , b o erator weekly � , ❑ OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN yEg t1O � _ C` / �2�IIa U �p�'JfQS11�1� '�) L-D R N� I N r1 b CC-�Pi��-� �iv � � � Cr�` - 2 t nt G- `F2E,�' C�H-t.--��r�� _. r,�.r i v /�-cL�P;/�t-� �Q/,�-���';� �ecei��zd by ` ,� Health Sani�ari an �'et11 � r f�J��� ' • 1� ��I 5� City of St P ul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba —'Me dzlist Spo t s Club � Adm. I,aw Hearing — POOL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City s E�ibit �l -�-/01,, ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTq D te CT � O� 555 Cedar Street r � �J 292-7717 M nth Da Year �stanli�hment PHO�JE T ' me �I+FL �F►��S i ��, ��b�'� �� � �' �3� :�ddrzss arrival deDartur���=: Next Inspectio B DGE � CALL TYPE � S � � R.�I�Si F�-,� � Due on or Afte ,�� ?� �,; r- 1-Routine � 2-Reinspection`�;� �� �� � � Est # 3-Other .,�.�-�;� ?OOL TYPE: In3oor Outdoor Month day year - Whirl�ool h �'� U '_�'�, M AI�I '� . ,�.,., REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOS�D DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DZSINFECTANT RESIDQAL BELOW 0 .5 �lL�� �' ffL� �IN ��D �-}-fi(,s-Ff- CLA.RITY IN UNSATISFACTORY PPM OTHER (see below) " ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED '� SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CCEPTABLE RANGES �[� ?rae Chlorine Maintai between 7 .4 - 7 .8 � M Maintai betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppm �or►bined Chlorine Maintain betweea 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm Tota1 ?�lkalinity Maintain bet•.�een �0 - 150 pnm �yanuric Acid � Maintainl between 30 - 100 ppm 3romine - SA'rISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �ATISFACTORY IINSATISFACTORY �ioWlty Chlorine Gas Room � � Sign Provided, S�cizuner Well; Gas Mask � �.. �ec�c �rea �oom Designed & Rules Posted V�nted ��ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT � � Pool Bottom Clean Ring Buoy � C`�emical c eeder Rope T:�rowline, � ,�ncing & Self � Shepher3s Crook � Closing/Latching ' Pool Loq ' (� � Gate 8 8 Sanroles submitted (Outdoor only) bY o erator weekl [� � __ OFrICIAL SAMPLr TAKEN YES NO �J ���l [r '��'� �N-t��,�.;� 1 fv i b � � ,�p, �—��-�- /-�� � �..�� . .__� �__ ✓ . _ ,. _. , _ -- � � . . _ " ' , l Ci of S't Paul v. J/D Athleti � _ ���t � cs In�c, dba POOL INSPELTIO �`�pR� rts Club � Adm. Law Hearing ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEti Da�e: 4/2.��1 City s E�ibit 4�(o•C,4- 1� CT � uaLe b Z� 555 Cedar Street _� �, �stablishment 292-771� ' I'Month —"!�- PHO;IE �ay Year �: n ;T�i me f/�_ ��t�r,✓�'L c S .'i �-7°0 :e.:S' ��L;,� � U ,�'' �ddress � arrival deDartur'�;� Ne:ct Inspsctio ADGE # CAL' � S���,,�5�F� Due on or Af te � L TYPE �'� , �' ,q.� 1-Rautine � L���� 2-Reinspectior��< 200L TYPE: Indoor Outdoor st � 3-Other :�:�;. Wh • Ti000i Month day year h �/ O � '��, '�MPLAIVT (—:�,- ,;;s; � POOL C.LOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DI�SINFEC'rANTEREI�IDUAL•gEL��WPROVIDED CLARITY IN UNSA'�'ISFACTORY � �5 PPM OTHER (see beiow) � * ALL ITE�IS INDICATED UNSATIScACTORY MUST BE CORRyCTF.,D � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY ' , . AiCCEPTABLE RANGES �c3 . r^r�e Chlorine Maintain between 7 .4 - 7 ,g �or.ibined Chlorine Maintain', betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 pp� Tota1 ?ilkalinity Maintain, betweez 0 .0 - 1 .0 ppm �yanuric.Acid Maintain� between �0 - 150 ppm 3romine Maintain � between 30 - 100 ppm SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY � ' • ATISF�CTQRY CINSATISFACTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Room ' (� :low � Ski:nmer Weils . Sign Provided, Gas Mask �� �� �eck �rea Room Designed & �uI.es Posted ' ��ergency Number V°nted I 2001. Bottom Clean S�'ETY EQUI?MENT ',o o . C:�emical r eeder Ring Buoy & ?encing � Self Rope T:�rowline, , - Closing/Latching � , Shepher3s Crook � Gate • Poo� � � (Qutdoor only) 8 8 Saaroles submitted by operator weekly [] � OF�ICIAL SAMPLE TAREN yEg N� ' — ��W -�P�� r �\o`11 �n I . il � , � . � � � � / � ' � ' � a-- � � ` � �' - / , . �� � 3eceiv2d by lv. J- .�-1-� � uo�i}►, �.,_ :�--- - - � - - n .� _ �� , -, -�- ��,�� not b�e ess than 5 f I 1 1 eet. The ope m ng into the gutter bene�ath the coping shall not be less than 4 inches and the interior of the gutter shall not be less than 3 inches wide with a depth of at least 3 inches. Where lar!ge gutters are used, �:* a� they shall be designed to prevent entrances or entrapment o'f bathers' arms or leg��;`�' � The overflow edge or lip shall be rounded and not thicker t'han 2 1/2 inches for ,�;>��:. w� the top 2 inches. The overflow outlets shall be provided wiith outlet pipes which '� = ���: shall in any case be at least 2 inches in diameter. The o�tlet fittings shall �;;,.�� have a clear opening in the grating at ieast equal to 1 1/2; times the cross sec '"�' tional area of the outlet pipe. , ,s,, . (bb) Nothing in this section shall preclude the use of roll-out `�`"� ' or deck-leve]-type swimming pools. The design of the curb �and handhold shall con :�;f� form to accepted standards, and the approval of the Bureau �shall be based on de- �' tailed review of this feature of construction and evaluated in the light of pro- °�y posed use of the poal. � � (8) Skimmers. (aa) Skimmers are permitted on public swi ing pools providing approved handholds are installed and sufficient motion to he pool rlater is in- duced .by .the pressure return inlets. At least one skimmin$ device shall be pro- vided for each 400 square feet of water surface area or fr�ction thereof. Where 2 or more skimriers are required� they shall be so located �s to minimize inter- ference with each other and to insure proper skimming of t�he entire pool surface. Handholds shall consist of bull-nosed coping not over 2 i/� inches thick for the outer 2 inches, or be of an equivalent approved type. The, handholds must be no more �than 9 inches above the no►�rnal water line. Skinming devices shall be built into the pool .wall , shall develop suffi.cient velocity on the pool water surface tp induce floating oils and wastes into the skimmer from the water surface of the entire pool area, and shall meet the foilowing general speicifications: (aal) The piping and other pertinenticomponents of skimmers shall be designed for a total capacity of at least 80� of ithe required filter flow of the recirculation system, and no skimmer shall be desig'ned for a' flow-through rate of less than 30 gallons per�minute or 3.75 gallons pe'r minute per lineal inch of weir. ' . (aa2) The skimmer weir shall be autdmatically ad�ustable and sha71 operate freely with continuous action to variations in water level over a range of at ieast 4 inches. The weir shall operate at al� flow variations as des- cribed in this chapter. The weir shal] be of such buoyanCy and design as to develop an effective velocity. � � (aa3) An easily removable and clean�ble basket or screen through which all overflovr ►aater must pass shall be provided to trap large solids. (aa4) The skimmer sha11 be provided�with a device to prevent air-lock in the suction line. If an equalizer pipe is used, it shall provide an adequate amount of water for pump suction should the wateh of the swimming pool drop below the weir ievel � provided that, if any other dewice, surge tank, or arrangement is used, a sufficient amount of water for pum� suction shall be as- sured. � -- ---- -- �-- -- --- - - -. .____ _ . _ (aa5) Where the equalizer pipe is used, it shall be sized �to meet the capacity requirements of the filter and pump a�id� shall in no case be - � -s- ,' ��Sv�O � � � less than 2 inches in diameter. This pipe shall be locate;d at least 1 foot below�, , ; ,:, the lowest overflow level of the skirrrner. It shall be pravided with a valve or . �, A equivalent device that will remain tightly closed under normal operating condition�- but will automatically open when the water level drops as �much as 2 inches belowk'�^.. TT the lowest weir level . �_ � ` �� ���. (aa6) The skimmer shall be of sturdy, corrosion-resistant `�'��' ma teri al s. � � ;�'�°� , , �,;, . �, �..: (9) Recirculation Systems. � °"��� ,„�.<.. ;:,:. . ; �: � (aa) A recirculation system, consisting. of pumps, piping, filters , ;�: water conditioning and disinfection equipment, and other accessory equipment shall '� be provided which will clarify and disinfect the swimming� pool volume of water in ��^�. 6 hours or less� thus providing a minimum turnover of atlleast 4 times in 24 hours , ° except that the recirculation rate shall be increased to ;provide a 2-hour turnover for wading and special purpose pools. � � . (bb) All piping shall be designed to reduce friction losses to a minimum and to carry the required quantity of water at a �maximum velocity not to exceed 6 feet per second. Piping shall be of non-toxic material , resistant to �corrosion, and able to withstand operating pressures. Pipes shall be identified - by a color code, tags, or other acceptable markings. ; (cc) The recirculation system shall include a strainer to prevent hair, lint, etc. , from reaching the pump and filters. S�trainers shall be corrosion- resistant with openings not more than 1/8 inch in size p�'roviding a free flow area at ieast 4 times the area of the pump suction line and s�hall be readily accessible for frequent cleaning. � ; (dd) A vacuum-cleaning system shall be provided. When that system is an integral part of the recirculation system, suffici�ent connections shall be located in the wal]s of the swimming pool , at least 8 iriches below the water line. � '(ee) A rate-of-flow indicator, reading in gallons per minute, shall be installed and located, preferably on the swimming pobl return line, so that the rate of recirculation and backwash rate will be indicat�d. The indicator shall be capable of flows measuring at least 1 1/2 times the deslgn flow rate, shall be accurat� � within 10� of true flow, and shall be easy to read. ; (ff) Pumps shal] be of adequate capacity to provide the_required number of turnovers of swimming pool water as specified .in this Chapter, and - - whenever possible shall be so located as to eliminate need for priming. If the pump or .suction piping is located above the overflow l�vel of the pool , the pump shall be self-priming. The pump or pumps shall be cap�ble of providing flow ade- quate for the backwashing of filters. Under normal cor,hditions the pump or pumps shall supply the recirculation rate of flow at a dynamic head of at least 50 feet for pressure sand type filters or at least 80 feet fQr� pressure diatomaceous earth type filters. � (gg) Swimning pools equipped with heatiers shall have a fixed thermo- meter in the recirculation line near the outlet to the; pool. (10) tadders, Recessed Treads , and Stairs. ; ' �'/����� -9- � � (aa) Steps or ladders shall be provided a't the shallow end of th`� � swirrming pool if the vertical distance from the bottom of; the pool to the deck o'� ; x walk is over 2 feet. Recessed ste s or ladders shall be Wr � p provided at the deep p�r,.� tion of the swimming pool , and, if the pool is over 30 fe�et wide, such steps or �' ladders shall be installed on each side. , ,,���;' � (bb) Steps leading into the swimming pool� shall be of non-slip ���< design, and have a minimum tread of 12 inches and a maxir�um rise or height of _�����: 10 inches. There shall be no abrupt drop-off or submerg�d projections into the '�q��; pool , unless guarded by handrails. , �� i<: � , �,�,�<: . �, (cc) Swimming pool ladde"rs shall be corrosion-resistant and shall �`��� r be equipped with non-slip treads. Al1 ladders shall be �o designed as to provide ; a handhold and shall be rigidly 9nstalled. There shall �e a clearance of not more ��� than 5 inches nor less than 3 inches between any ladder and the pool wall . If steps are inserted in the walls or if stepholes are provided, they shall be of such design that they may be cleaned readily and shall b� arranged to drain into the pool to prevent the accumulation of dirt thereon. S�tepholes shall have a minimum tread of 5 inches and a minimum width of 14 inchies. (dd) Where steps, stepholes, or ladders �are provided within the swimming pool , there shall be a handrail at the tap of b�oth sides thereof, extend- ing over the coping or edge of the deck. � (ee} Supports, platforms, and steps for 'diving boards shall be of substantial construction and of sufficient structural strength to �carry safely the maximum anticipated ]oads. Steps shall be of corrosion;resistant material, easily cleanable, and of non-slip design. Nandrails shall be �rovided at all steps and ladders leading to diving boards more than 1 meter abov� the water, except those � set at 15° or more from the vertical. Platforms and diving boards which are over 1 meter high shall be protected with guard railings. ; (li ) Decks and Walkways. � � (aa) A continuous deck, free from fixed� obstructions, at least 5 � feet (and preferably 8 or more feet) wide shall extend �completely around the swim- ming pool . The deck shall be sloped away from the pool; to drain at a grade of 1/4 -, inch to 3/8 inch per lineal foot and shall have a non-s�lip surface. Deck drains connected to the recirculation system or gutters shall �be prohibited on outdoor swiir�ning pools. . . ; (bb) In deck areas where carpeting is u�sed, the deck shall be so designed and constructed as to provide adequat'e draina�e and convey a71 vrater away from carpeted areas. The carpeting shall not, in any ease, be permitted within 10 feet of the pool. (12) Diving Areas. � (aa) The dimensions of the swimning po;ol and appurtenances in the diving area shall conform to Table 115(i)(12). � (bb) There shall be a. completely unobs�'tructed clear distance of 16 feet above the diving board measured from the cente�r of the front end of the board, and this area shall extend at least 8 feet beh�nd, 8 feet to each side, and 16 feet ahead of the measuring point. Bureau approva� shall be obtained for a i � -�o- ���5� � variance� of this requirement. � �. �.��� (k) User Loading. . �, ` �.n'" � (1 ) For the purposes of computing user loading,lthose portions af the ,�w" � swi�ning pool 5 feet or less in depth shall be designated s "non-swimming" areas � : �,.iR (2) In order to compute swimrner and bather capa ity, swimming pool ? f- �- ' areas shali be determined as follows: .�; (aa) Ten square feet of pool water surface' area shall be provided �"' for each non-swimmer expected at time of maximum load. � �;�- (bb) Twenty-four square feet shall be provided for each swimmer expected at time of maximum load. (cc) Three hundred square feet of pool water surface area shall be reserved around each diving board or diving platform and this area shall not be included in computing the area of the -swimming section. (3) The Bureau shall make additional allowance for bathers in cases of swimming pools with extensive deck areas used by patrons or lounging or sunbathing. (1) Filters. (1) Sand Type Filters. The following requirem nts are equally applic- able to either gravity or pressure sand type filters. (aa) � Pressure sand type filters shall be esigned for a filter rate of 3 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area t time of maximum head loss, with sufficient area to meet the design rate of flo� required by the pre- � scribed turnover. The design filtration rate for high-rate sand filters shall not be in excess of 25 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area. Also, high-rate sand filters shall meet or be equal to the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation as specified in MHD 115(i)(2)(gg). . (bb) Filtering material shall consist of at least 20 inches of . screened; sharp filter sand with an effective size between 0.4 and 0.55 rrm. , and a uniformity coefficient not exceeding 1 .75, supported by at least 10 inches of graded filter gravel. Anthracite having an effective size between 0.6 and 0.8 mm. , with a uniformity coefficient of not greater than 1 .8 may,be used in lieu of the sand. The gravel shall effectively distribute water unifprmly during filtration and backwashing. A reduction in this depth or an elimination of gravel may be permitted where equivalent performance and service are de�nonstrated. � (cc) The underdrain system shali be of co rosion-resistant and enduring material , and so designed that the orifices or o her openings will main- tain approximately constant area, It shall be designed t provi.de even collection or distribution of the flow during filtration and backwas ing. (dd) At least 12 inches of freeboard shal� be provided between the upper surface of the filter media and the lowest portion of the pipes or drains which serve as overflows during backwashing. � (ee) The filter system sha]1 be provided with influent and effluent , � �� -11- n � � � � � � . u .x , ressur au b -. p e g ges, ackwash slght glass on the waste d�scharge l�ne, and air-relief ��.�� valves at or near the high point of the filter, .� ' �. , (ff) The fi l ter system shal l be desi gned rri th necessary val ves and .,�_�, pi pi ng to permi t: �: �•: � ;��:, (ffl) Filtering to swimming pool ' '; � �:; (ff2) , Individual backwashing of f�lters to waste at a rate ' ;�� of not less than 15 gallons per minute per s quare foot pf filte r a r e a ';�,,- � �. � (ff3) Isolation of individual fil�ers for repairs while �'�� other units are in service °,�,,� �, (ff4) Comp]ete drainage of all par'�ts of the system � (ff5) Necessary maintenance, opera�'tion and inspection in a convenient manner (gg) Each pressure type filter tank .shal� be provided with an ac- cess opening of not less than a standard 11-inch by 15-irach manhole and cover. (hh) Devices with reasonably accurate do�age control features shall be provided if coagulants are added ahead of filters. (ii) On pressure type filters, the tank a�d its integral parts shali be constructed of substantial material capable of whthstanding continuous ` anticipated usage, and shail be designed for a pressure s�fety factor of 4 based on the maximum shutoff head of the pump. The shutoff head for design purposes shall in no case be considered less than �50 pounds per square inch. (2) Diatomaceous Earth Type Filters. �(aa) Sufficient filtering area shall be provided to meet the design pump capacity as required by this Chapter. . (bb) Rate of filtration: The design rate pf filtration shall not . bE greater than 2 gallons per minute per square foot of th� effective filtering area without continuous body feed, and not greater than Z.� gallons per minute per square foot with continuous body�feed. � (cc) If a body feeder is required, the devi'ce shall be accurate (10�) and dependable, and shall be capable of continually feeding within a calibrated range, adjustable from 2 to 6 ppm, at the design capacity af the recirculation pump. The feeding of diatomaceous earth through skimmers is prohi'�5ited. . (dd) � Filtering area, where fabric is used, 'shall be determined on the basis of effective filtering surfaces as created by the'�, septum�supports, eith no allowances for areas of impaired filtration, such as bro�d supports, folds �r portions which may bridge. " (ee) The filter.�and all component parts sha�l be of such materials , design and construction as to withstand normal continuous use without significant deformation, deterioration, corrosion, or wear which could a'�dversely affect filter operation. � _ 2- -!S�'� _� �� � (ff) The filter shall be so designe,d and constructed, or provis�on � '� made, to preclude the introduction of a reciable �`�� PP q'�,antities of filter-aid into the ,��;;; pool during pre-coating operations. (gg) The tank containing the filter ',elements shall be constructed ofa�� steel , plastic, or other suitable material , which wi'11 satisfactorily provide resis���� ance to corrosion, with or without coating. Pressur'e type filters shall be designe� �µ for a minimum working pressure of 50 pounds per square inch with a 4 to 1 safety fae' : tor. Vacuum type filters sha11 be designed to vrithstand the pressure developed by ,,.�` the weight of the water contained therein, and closed vacuum type filters shall , �n `��, addition, be designed to withstand the crushing press',ure developed under a vacuum �'� of 25 inches of inercury with a safety factor of 1.5 ih�both instances. The septa ��;`� � or elements which support the filter-aid shall be of eorrosion-resistant material. '�� The septa shall be constructed to be resistant to rupture under conditions of the =� maximum differential pressure between inf]uent and effluent which can be developed 'A by the circulating pump� and be of adequate strength �o resist any additional stresses developed by the cleaning operation. (hh) Where dissimilar metals, which maX set up galvanic electric cur- rents, are used in the filters, provision shall be mad� to resist electrolytic cor- rosion. The filters shall be designed in such a manner that they may be easily disassembled, with allowances made for adequate working', space above and around the filter to permit the removal and replacement of any par't and proper maintenance. (ii) The filter plant shall be provided 'with such pressure, vacuum, or compound gauges as are required to indicate the cond�',tion of the filter. - In vacuum type filter installations where the circulating pump is '2 horsep�wer or higher,, an adjustable high vacuum automatic shut-off shall be provided to prevent damage to the pump by cavitation. (jj) A]1 filters shall be equipped for cl',eaning by one or more of the following methods: back-washing, air-bump-assist bac'k-washing, spray wash (mechanical or manual)� or agitation. . (kk) Provision shall be made for completely and rapidly draining the fi 1 ter. . (m) Disinfectant and Chemical Feeders. - � (1 ) The swimming pool shall be equipped with a �hlorinator, hypochlorin- ator, or other disinfectant feeder or feeders which meet the following requirements: (aa) They shall be of sturdy construction a'�►d materials which will withsta�nd wear, corrosion, or attack by disinfectant solutions or vapors and vrhich are not adversely affected by repeated regular adjustments qr other conditions anticipated in the use of the device. The feeder shall be Capable of being easily disassembled for cleaning and maintenance. The design and c,onstruction shall be such " as to preclude stoppage from chemicais intended to be used o'r foreign materials that may be contained therein. The feeder shall incorporate fail'ure-proof features so that the disinfectant cannot feed directly into the swimming', pool , the pool piping system, water supply system, or the swirrQning pool enclosure �nder any type of failure of the equipment or its maintenance. (bb) They shall be capable of supplying at least the equivalent of � �, -�3- , ��(�� �� , �.,� 1 pound of chlorine per 8 hours for each 10,000 gallons of swimming pool capacity �j��._3' under conditions of operation to be anticipated at',the proposed installation. Y' : (cc) They shall have a graduated an'd clearly marked dosage adjust ment to provide floVrs from full capacity to 25% of 5uch capacity. The device shall �y'*>,, be capable of continuous delivery within 10% of the' dosage at any setting. =- . t��;, (2) When the disinfectant is introduced a,t the suction �side of the pump, f ��. a device or method shall be. provided to prevent air 1ock of the pump or recirc�la- �, ` ti on sys tem. ;.�-,: ;��� (3) When compressed chlorine gas is used, ',the follor�ing additional fea ;•_; tures shall be provided: •.�k ,,,�.. . ,+ (aa) The chlorine and chlorinating equipment shall be in a separate 'w mechanically ventilated room. Such rooms shall not b� below ground level and shall be provided vrith vents near the floor which terminate ',out-of-doors. The door of the room shall not open to the swimming pool , and shall op�en to the outside. The door shall be labeled "DANGER - GAS CHLORINE" _in letters at'', least 4 inches in height and of an orange coior on a green background. Bureau appr�val shall be obtained for a variance of this requirement. (bb) The chlorinator equipment shall be of rugged design, capable of withstanding wear without developing leaks. (cc) All chlorine cylinders shall be andhored to prevent their fall- ing over. A vaive stem wrench shall be maintained on th'e chlorine cylinder so that the supply can be shut off quickly in the case of an emergency. The�valve protec- tion hood shall be kept in place except when the .cylindet� is connected. {dd) The chlorine-feeding device shall be designed so that during accidents or interruptions of �the water supply "leaking ch''lorine gas v�ill be con- ducted to the out-of-doors. (ee) The chlorinator shall be .a solution-feed type, capable of delivering chlorine at its maximum rate without releasing ',chlorine gas to the atmosphere. - � (ff) The chlorinators shall be designed to',prevent the backflow of water into the chlorine solution container. (gg) A gas mask designed for use in a chlorine atmosphere and of a type approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines shall be provided. In addition, re- placement canisters shall be provided and a record shall be',kept of gas mask usage to insure that the mask will be serviceable when needed. (hh) The gas mask shall be kept in a closed '�cabinet, accessible without a key, located outside of the room in which the chlorinator is maintained. (ii) Installation of chlorinator equipment, and operation thereof, shall be carried on by and under the supervision of personnel' experienced with installation and operation of such equipment. (4) When a hypochlorite solution is used to be fed' through hypochlorina- tor equipment: � ,��d� -14- � � . '��, f.b��:: (aa) Feed shall be continuous undei� all conditions of pressure in �.n. the circulating system, and without artificial conxtriction of the pump suction line, whether this line is under vacuum or pressure, head. 4r (bb) Regulation shall be provided tp insure constant feed with '�� varying supply or �back pressure. ��_ :�t;: ,1�4 (cc) Positive features shall be pro�ided for preventing back-flow ° from the recirculation system to the solution contai',ner and for reducing to a mini-�:� mum, the entry into the swirrming pool of free calcium released from calcium hypo- chlorite. , _ . y .> .�, (dd) Means shall be provided to prev�nt siphoning of hypochlorite ��� solution when the recirculation pump and hypochlorinator are both turned off. (Thisk app7ies to above-swirrming-pool-level installations only.) (5) Equipment and piping used to apply chemicals to the .water shall be of such size, design, and material as to be non-clogging'�, and .easiiy cleanable; equip- ment of the positive displacement type is preferred. ',All material used for such equipment and piping shall be resistant to action of dhemicals to be used therein. (n) Lighting, Ventilation, and Electrical Requir'�ments. � (1 ) Where underwater lighting is used, not �ess than 0.5 watts shall be employed per square foot of swi�uning pool water surfac� area. Such lights shall be spaced to provide illumination so that all portions 'of the pool , including the bottom, may be readily seen without glare. (2) Area lighting shali provide at least 0.6' watts per square foot of deck area. If such lighting is used for night swimming', area and swimming pool lighting combined shall provide at least 2 watts per square foot of pool and deck area. (3) � A]1 electrical wiring shall conform with ,the appiicable provisions of the National Electricai Code (Article 680) and the St'ate Board of Electricity. (4) All indoor swirrming pools, bathhouses, dr�ssing rooms, shower rooms, � and toilet spaces shall be adequately ventilated by mech�nical means. (o) Maintenance Requirements. The swimming pool , swimming pool equipment, and appurtenances shall be maintained in a satisfactory opera'�ting condition. (p) Dressing Rooms. (1) Bathhouses to be used simultane�usly by bo�h sexes shal_1 be divided into two parts separated by a tight partition, each design,ated for men or women. The entrances and exits shall be screened to break line of', sight. - (2) Qathhouse floors shall .be smooth finished material with non-slip surface, impervious to moisture, and sloped to a drain. Junctions between walls and floors shall be coved. (3) • Walls and partitions shall be of smooth, imp'ervious material , free from cracks or open joints, Partitions between dressing ronms shall terminate at 15�,� -15- ��� least 10 inches above the floor or shall be place� on continuous raised masonry ��:�' or concrete bases at least 4 inches high. Lockers shall be set either on solid ��' ��: masonry bases 4 inches high or on legs with the bolttom of the locker at least 10 inches above the floor. Lockers shall be properly', vented. ,_:��= , ,� : '�k. (4) The requirements relating to bathho�ses, dressing rooms � toilet ,� facilities and showers may be wai�ved when such faci'lities are conveniently avai7- ��`��_.,;: able to swimming pool patrons. � =J (q) Toilets and Showers. . �;� (1 ) Toilet and shower facilities shall b� provided on the basis of the �,,,:' following fixture schedule*: � Males Females '� Water Closets 1/75 1/50 � Urinais 1/75 -- Lavatories - 1/100 1/100 Showers** 1/50 , 1/50 Drinking Fountain - Minimum of one to be located in svtimming pool area, � (2) The �layout of the bathhouse shall be such that the bathers on leaving the dressing room pass the toilets and showers' en route to the swim- ming pool . (3) Showers shall be supplied with water at 'a temperature of at least 90° F, at a rate of at least 3 gallons per minute. The'rmostatic, tempering, or mixing vaives shall be installed, if necessary, to prevent scalding of the bathers. (r) Safety Requirement - Lifesaving Equipment. (1) . Svrimming pools operated primarily for unorganized use and having an area of more than 2,250 square feet of water surface area shall be provided with an elevated lifeguard platform or chair. In pools with �,000 square feet or more of water surface area� additional elevated chairs or stations shall be provided, . located so as to provide a clear unobstructed view of the pool bottom in the area under surveillance. � . (2) One unit of lifesaving equipment shall con�ist of the following: A ring buoy not more than 15 inches in diamete.r and equiv�lent in weight to a cork buoy, to which shall be attached a 60-foot length of 3/16-,inch maniia rope or equivalent; a life pole or shepherd's crook type of pole h',aving blunted ends and a minimum length of 12 feet; a separate throwing line of 1%4-inch rope with a length not less than 1 ]/2 times the maximum width of the pool. Not less than one unit of equipment, as enumerated above, shall be provided at every',public swimming pool . One unit shall be presumed to be adequate for 2,000 square '',feet of water surface area, and one additionai unit shall be provided for each additional 2,000 square feet� or major fraction thereof, of water. *Fixture schedules should be increased for swimming pools at schools or similar locations where bather loads may reach peaks due to schedules of use. **Minimum of two � � � � �iso� / -16- . ;� (3) Every pool , where a lifeguard is p*�Yided, shall be equipped with =�% a standard 16-unit first aid kit which shall ba kep't filled and ready for use. . �,,'. {4) Lifesaving equipment shall be moun w d in conspicuous places, dis ` s"` tributed around the swimming pool deck, at lifeeu�rd chairs, or elsewhere, read�ly �'; accessible, its function plainly marked, and keot inl repair and ready condition. ��z' Bathers or others shall not be permitted to tzr�er �rith, use for any purpose other-'";' than i ts i ntended use, or remove such equi prnent fii-or�' i ts establ i shed 1 ocati on. '��� `>� (5) Where no lifeguard service is prfl��ided, a warning sign shall be ��� placed in plain view and shall state "Warning - ?io Li',feguard on Duty" with clear ;=: ly legible letters at least 4 inches high. In a��iti',on, the sign shall state "Children Shall Not Use Pool Without An Adult In nttehdance." (s) Disinfection and Quality of Water. (1) Swimming pools, when in use, shall be .�ontinuously disinfected with a chemical which imparts an easily measured, free a vai'lable residual effect. When chlorine is used, a free chlorine residual of at least! 0.5 ppm shall be maintained throughout the pool whenever it is open or in use. .If', other halogens are used, residuals of equivalent disinfecting strength s�►all b� maintained. A testing kit for measuring the concentration of the disinfectzn�, a�curate within 0.1 ppm, shall be provided at each. sv�irmning pool.* (2) The Bureau may accept other disinfecting, materials or methods when they have been adequately demonstrated to provide a sat'nsfactory residual effect which is easily measured, and to be otherwise eqe�ally a5 effective under conditions of use as the chlorine concentration required herein, a�d not be dangerous to public health, create objectionable physiological effe�ts, or impart toxic properties to the water. (3) The swimming pool water shall be c�intain'ed in an alkaline condition as indicated by a pN of not less than 7.2 and not over 8'r2. A pH testing kit ac- curate to the �nearest 0.2 pH unit shall be provide�d at each swimming pool * The total alkalinity of the water shall be at least 50 pp� as �asu�red by the methylorange � test. * � � (4) The water shall have 5ufficient clarity at', all times so that a black disc, 5 inches in diameter, is readily visible xhen placed on a white field at the deepest point of the swimming pool . Failure to cae�et this' requirement shall constitut� grounds for immediate closing of the pool . . (5) Not more than 3 out of any. 5 consecutive samples collected on separate days shall either (1) contain more than 200 bact�ria per ml , as determined by the standard (35°C) agar plate c�unt, or (2) show positive tes't (confirn�ed test) for coliform organisms in any of the .five 10 ml portions of a sample or more than 1 .0 coliform organisms per 100 ml when the membrane filter test is used, (3) Any swim- ming pool water sample containing a pathogenic �icroorgani�m, which is confirmed with a second sample, taken not less than three days from the date of the laboratory results of the first sample, shall constitute grflunds for �he immediate closing of the pool . All samples shall be collected� dechiorinated, a'�nd examined in accordance with the procedures outlined in the latest editio� of Stand'�rd Methods for the Examir ation of Water and Wastewater (APHA) . The Bureau may co e�t an exam ne samp es on a routine as�s when t e sw�mming pool is in active use. *See addendum for clarification , �j,,�e�o -17- (6) Chemicals used in controlling the qyality of water shall be demon- strated as imparting no toxic properties to the rrater. Such chemicals as may be ��;�` used for algae control shall be approved for use by' the Bureau. ; : ���` (t) Cleaning Swimming Pools. �. , ;�£,. ^D l. (1 ) Visible dirt on the bottom of the swi'mming pool shall be removed � every 24 hours or more frequently as required. �. �` (2) Yisible scum or floating matter on th� svrimming pool surface shall ��` tie removed every 24 hours or more frequently as required by flushing or other ef- fective means. (u) Supervision of Swimming Pools. (1 ) Every swimming pool shall be operated �nder the close supervision of a designated operator. The Bureau may require a certificate of �competency ob- tained through attendance at and successful completior� of a swimming pool operator's training course. (2) Proper operating records, which may inc�ude, but not necessarily limited to, the following as required by the Bureau, sh�ll be kept daily showing: (aa) Bather loads - total (bb) Peak bather load (cc) Volume fresh water added (dd) Operating periods of recirculation ',pumps and filters and cor- responding rate-of-flow meter readings (ee) Am�unts of chemical used (ff) Disinfectant residuals (gg) pH readings (hh) Maintenance (and malfunctioning) of �quipment (ii) These data shall be kept on file by �he operator for six months for review by the Bureau of Health or submitted per�,iodically �to the Sureau of Health as may be required by the Health Officer. Pool water samples shall be submitted to the Bureau of Health as required by the Health Officer. (v) Supervision of Bathers. (1) A qualified attendant, trained in first aid 'and resuscitation, shall be on duty at all times the swimming pool is open to use by; bathers except as pro- vided in Regulation N�iD 115 (r)(5). Such attendant should �e in ful] charge of bathing and have authority to enforce all rules of safety a�d sanitation. (2) 'The following personal regulations shall be enforced: (aa) All persons using the swimning p�ol sha'11 take a cleansing - �� i � � -18- � l � shower bath in the nude, using warm water and soap dnd thoroughly rinsing off all soap suds, before entering the swimming pool room or^ enclosure. A bather leaving the pool to use the toilet shall take a second cleansing bath before returning to ' � the sv�imrning pool room or enclosure. � �::, (bb) Any person having an infectious or comT►unicable disease shall be excluded from a public swimming pool. Persons having any considerable area of �.��: exposed subepidermal tissue, open blisters, cuts , et�. , shall be warned that these are likely to become infected and advised not to use 'the pool. ; °�� � (cc) Spitting, spouting of water, blowring the nose, etc. , in the ��� swTmming pool shall be strictly prohibited. � (dd) No running and boisterous or rou�h play, except supervised water sports , shall be permitted in the pool , on the runways, diving boards; floats or platforms, or in dressing rooms, shower rooms, etc:�, (ee) All glassware or similar material$ having a tendency to shatter upon impact shall not be allowed within the swimming ppol enclosure area. � (ff) Suitable placards embodying the above personal regulations and instructions and those relating to suits and towels shall be conspicuously posted in the swimning pool room or enclosure and in the dress,ing rooms and offices at all swimming pools. � (w) Closure of Pools. When any of the following �onditions are found, any public swimming pool shall be imrnediately closed to use 'when so ordered by any authorized representative of the Bureau, and may be placarded with the appropriate wording to indicate that it has been closed: . (1) The proper number of units of safety equipment are not provided. (2) 7he clarity is such that a black disc, b inches in diameter, is not readily visible when placed on a white field at the deep�st point of the pool. (3) The disinfectant residual is found to be below the acceptable levels established in MHD 115(r). � � (4) Any other condition which endangers the he�lth, safety, or welfare of the public. . The pool shall remain closed until the conditioris are corrected and follow- up observations made by an authorized represen�tative of th'�e Bureau. , �i . ' � TA B 1.. E �I I � ( i ) ( I �) ��-�5�x.v � M11�iM�JP�I �.TANDAi� DS for P�Je',LIG SV1�IM1�'I (�G POUL� � qIV1NG ��E�-- SGHEU�ILE, of I?EPTH�S ��d THEi� 1�aGATiO�� ' ` , N .' . O � � ' � \ . � . . � � �,�Y. . M � ,x. � � �. . ' ' • • s' . _ �- • . . o L • o ,� . . . .-. • . M � • . _ � � . . �. L.,_► G v - • W • . . �,-�, � . ' . � • . LL ' ' • ' ' � . . L� N , . , ' �• . . ' � . U . 0 ' - . A � � � � � . �.s� � , . . ..` _i ; -7 . � . ' � _ � c`' � ' . . Y � . •� . tn �r, L* � _ �� � � � O O � � � . �. �. �� I � � � � � � � C��1 �hQ1 � �e at End �lali ofi tiivin� A��� o� �1�t N1ore Than I �" �e'om This �lrall . � . � � r � �D�P7ti - f��l�.- hi�;X. • �_ L� NGTH -of SEGTIGN STAt.1�S Q 30.�f'.DS -t p E E D- � D' ?_I�_ 3 �b'�..�_�� � �� �---� G ------.--- _ , �: ���-�;(��_����8'-6'�j5'-0'" �*�� � �_p�� „ �. �'-0'� � � ' ' S�-0'� � 6 - 0 -G��I�-J �cG�-C� , F.,I t., � �� I _ <----�---; �- r���T�.� c�:��� -�--�-- , ,., � --I !�'-o',;'(,o'_n,.i � ti � M,-�X, � �5 - 6 � I _ -- ---- - . � i � �.i � 6�� ��_0';ig'_?," 7'-6"f5�- � �'�6�-p"�r 9�_ ��°i 1 5�-0��� I'-0��;1 ! - (�ET�f� E�0%,•�:D MI1f. 5 - 0 �4 - I — �-�`��—�_ „�--I' -� � � h1!��:.�f 5�- 6�� � � 6^��,I_1 t; G l�-1 „� I ?'-6"''°6'-O'� �l ��� '�- 0 � . � MiN_t 5�-O��I �`�6�J8`-0'�, 7�-6��� ,i P6_� 2�'� I ' , , DECI< LEVEL �,RD. , � ��"� �� � � MAX.� �5 -6`� � � 4-0 ',��� -n � � „ — .-_— � MIN. � � &*G M�y vq�y,to. Attain Totnl 15'- G Ml� � t�10 [�n�:Rt� r:,�.,-�: tJU C?IVI,��= �o Q.�r ►.�,,,, v��uta b+ta�r Tctai i?'_p�� ���. , ��� (�� ADDENDU�1 I Section (s), subsections (1 ) and (3) , "Disinfection and Qu�lity of Water"; Clarification of Test Y.it requirements : � Test Kits � A disinfectant test kit and pH test kit must be provided for each pool facility. The disinfectant test kit must be capable if accurately :;�,, measuring the free available disinfectant residual independently from ��� the combined and total residuals. The test "cell" or unit must have �- colorimetric standards r�nging from at least 0.0 to 3.0 pp'm, with inter- mediate values of at least 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1 .0, 1.5, 2.0 and - 3.0. The pH test "cell" or unit must have colorinetric st'andards rana- � ing from at least 6.8 to 8.2 with intermediate values of �t least 6.8, 7,p, 7,2, 7,q, 7,6, 7.8, 8.0 and 8.2. A single test kit with individ- ual test cells for measurement of disinfectant and pH is �hormally accept- able. Additional test kits for measuring total alkalinity, cyanuric acid, or other chemical residuals may be required by the Bureau� if the Bureau determines the need for such test kits. ! � . � � i , . � � . ' � . ; . � - � . . , � � 12-24-74 , i � I�r�Ex SW11�'C�III•;G POOL RULES Ai�D P,EGULATIQ;�S � I ����b� PAGE � P�GE CLEANIP�G SWIt�1�1ING POOLS 17 (t) FILTERS � 10-12 (2) Bottom 17 (t) (1 ) Diato�naceou$ Earth 11-12 (2) Surface 17 (t) (2) Body Feed�r 11 (2) (cc) Cleaning ; 12 (JJ) �,: CLOSURE OF POOLS 18 (w) (1-4) Design & �Construction 11 {2) (ee) (ff �99) �hh) DEFINITIONS 1 (b) Draining � 12 (kk) '� �, Person 1 (b) (3) Filterin� Area 11 (2) (aa) (dd Private Residential Pool 1 (b) (2) Gauges R�quired 12 (ii ) . Public S�•;imming Pool 1 .(b) (1 ) Rate of �iltration 11 (2) (bb) ' ' Special Purpose Pool 1 (b) .(6) Sand 7ype �0-11 (i ) , 7he City 1 (b) (4) Access Opening 11 (gg) Wading Pool 1 (b} (5) Coagulan�ts 11 (hh) . , Filter t��aterial 10 (1 ) (1 ) (bb) DESIGi� CONSTRUCTION & Filter f��ate 10 (1 ) (1 ) (aa) OPERATIO« FEATURES 2 (d) Freeboan'd Space 10 (i ) (1 ) (dd) Gauges f�equired 10-11 (1 ) (] ) ( DISII�FECTANT � CHE��IICAL Pressur� Safety Factorll (ii ) � FEEDERS 12-14 (m) Underdr�in System 10 (lj (1 ) (cc) • Chlorine Gas 13 (3) Valves P.iping 11 (ff) • Backflo�v Prevention 13 (3) (ff) �� ; . . Design of Chlorinator 13 (3) (bb) (dd) HEALTH & SA�ETY 2-3 (e) Gas t�as�. � 13 (3) (gg) (hh) Communicable Disease 2 (e) (1 ) Fiandling of Gas Design Saither Load 3 (5) . Cylinders 13 .(3) (cc) Emergency� Instructions 3 (4) Insi;allation and � � � Pool Acc�ss Controll�d 2 (e) (3) (cc) Operation 13 (3) (ii ) , Type of Fence 2 (e) {3) {aa) Location 13 (3) (aa) Height �of Fence 2 (e) {3) (bb) Solution Feed 13 3 (ee) Pool Ope�ator 2 (e) (2) . Equipment & Piping 14 �5� � �Feeders 12-13 (m) IP�SPECTIOt�jl 3 (f) Adjustment 13 (m) (cc) � � � Capacity � 12 (m) (bb) LIGHTING, ;UE�dTILATION & Type 12 (m) (aa) . EL.E,CTRICAL Nypochlorite Solution 14 ' REC�UIP,ET�EI�TS 14 (n) Backflow Prevention 14 (4) (cc) Area Lighting ]4 (n) (Z) Feed 14 (4) (aa) (bb) Electri�al ldiring 14 (n) (3) � Siphoning Prevention 14 (4) (dd) Underwater Lighting 14 (n) (1 ) Prevention of �ir Lock 13 (2) � Ventila�ion 14 (n) (�i) DISIt�IFECTION & QUALITY 1�iAINTEt�IA1�f�CE REQUIREt�1ENTS 14 (o) OF I�JATER 16 (s) ' Chemical Toxicity 16 (s) (2) OPERATIO^EI � 3 (g) 1� (s) (6) Daily �ecords • 3 (g) (1 ) pN � 16 (s) (3) Equipm�nt Operation 3 (g) (2) Residual Level 16 (s) (1 ) � � Water Clarity . 16 (s) (4) - SAFETY R�QUIRENEt1TS 15-16 (r) Water Sanpling 16 (s) (5) First ,�id Y.it 16 (r) (3) Lifegu�rd Chairs l5 (r) (1 ) � DRESSIt�G R001•1S 14-15 (P) Lifesaving Equipment 15 (r) (2) Floors � 14 (p) (2) Loca;�tion 16 (r) (4) Separate Facil•ities 14 (p) (1 ) . Warnir�'g Signs 16 (r) (5) �Jaiving of Requirements 15 (p) (4) Walls & Partitions ' 14 (p) (3) SCOPE At�D PURPOSE 1 (a) . i c . , • I . /��//��Y PAGE PAGE SEWER SYS7F_�1 3-4 (i ) Overflow Gu�ters 6-7 (7) (aa) ( Air GaP 3 (i ) (2) Recirculatibn Systems 8 Discharge 4 (3) Heaters ; 8 (gg) Size 3 (i ) (1 ) Identific�tion of Pipes8 (b5) ' - � Pumps 8 (ff) SUB(�ISSIOh� OF PLANS A��D Rate-of-F�low Indicator 8 (ee) SPECIFIC�TIO�JS 1-2 (c) Strainer � 8 (cc) 7urnover !P,ate 8 (aa) SUPERVISIOt� OF BATHERS 17-18 (v) Vacuum Cl�eaning S}�stem 8 (dd) �° Attendant 17 (v) (1 ) . Side l�lalls � 6 (G) Personal Regulations 17-18 (v) (2) SE:im�ners � 7-8 � Capacity � 7 (8) (aal ) . SUPERYISIOPd OF SWI11hiING Construc�ion 8 (8) (aa6) POOLS 17 (u) Equalize� Pipe Operating Record ��eeded 17 (u) (2) Purpos� 7 (8) (aa4) Operator 17 (u) (1) Size ; 7 (8) (aa�) Number �d�cessary 7 (8) (aa) TNE POOL 4-9 (j) Skimmer �asket 7 (8) �(aa3) Construction t�aterials 4 (1 ) (aa� k'eir � � 7 (8) (aa2) � � Corners 4 (1 ) (bb) - , Slope of B��ottom 6 (5) Pool Finish 4 (1 ) (cc} Oeck & �lal kways 9 (11 ) TOILETS APdD iSH04JEP,S I5 (q) Carpeting 9 (11 ) (bb) 6athhouse �L�ayout . ' 15 (q) (2) Size 9 (11 ) (aa) Fixture S�hed�le 15 (q) (1 ) . Cepth Markings & Lines 5 (3) Water Sup�ly 15 (q) (3� lane lines � 5 {3) (cc) � tocation of 1larkings 5 (3� (aa) USER LOADING 10 (k) � ' Size of Fiarkings 5 (3) (bb) Deck Areas 70 (k) (3) � Design, Detai.l , and . Computing; Load l0 (k) (1 ) (2) ' Structural Stability 4-5 ' � �, Applicable 1�SF Standards5 (gg) WA7ER Sl1PPLY 3 (h) � Shallo�r End ' Backflo�r �Pre��enti.on 3 (h) (2) Minimum Depth 4 (2) (ee) Potable �1uality 3 (h) �(7 ) Maximum Depth 5 (ff) � Shape � � 4 2 (dd) . � ; Size 4 �2� � (bb) ' ; � Structural Stabi3ity 4 (2) (aa�) . . _ Water Circulation 4 (2) (cc) � Diving Areas Clear Area Around � � Div�ng Soard 9 (12) (bb) � Dimensions . 9 (12) (aa) Inlets � Outlets 5-6 � Location & Desion 6 ee ff � , ., � ) � ) �99) Main Drain 5 4 aa � Multiple Outlets 5 �4� ,(bb� ; Sewer Connection 6 (cc) . ; � Valves and Pumps 6 (dd) � � - Ladders, Recessed Treads � & Stairs 8 (10) ' � . At Shallow End 9 (10) (aa) � ; ' Construction � 9 (10) (bb) (ee) ; � Handrails 9 (10) (dd) Ladders 9 (10) (cc} � Steps 9 (lU) (bb) (dd) i . ; ���� d � , EXHIBIT #7 (BAMS 1-5) �'� Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis Cit of Sai � Y nt P aul . In re the Licenses of the Medalist Sports Club April 23, 1991 � , ; � � � I ,• - _ City of St Paul v. J I Athtetics Inc. dba Medzlist Sports Club I Adm. Iaw Hearing � � Date: 4/23/91 Cit y'� F�ibit �� �J_�� 04984 3/25/91 COMPLAINT Please returr� this form with your wo�ksheet. � /L�� � J Est: MEDALIST SPORTS CLUB II 1515 BREWSTER ST Complainant: Anon j Received• ��' � 1' 3/08/91 ���;� Complaint: Sanitation (04) Women's Area: toilets broken, showers with mold & rust on fixtures-tiles off wall-shower room smells-whirlpool dirt/crime on bottom of inside- peeling paint by whirlpool. Some of t RESPONS �� 1 Complaint confirme � �j E: 04984 Date: -3 -�3 � � 2 No evidence d�J � Date: 3/08/91 3 No violation Time: 10: 55 Badge: =�/_ 4 Possible foodborne illness Type: 04 Complainant: Anon Received: 3/25/91 Complaint:. Other (07) Water is being shut off by water dept. quite alot- it st�ys off for a couple days at a time. Complainant saw' water dept. persbn give the employee the shut-off notice. RESPONS 1 Complaint confirmed E: 04984 Date: 3-�-- 9/ 2�-No evidence Date: 3/25/91 3 No violation � Time: 14 : 28 Badge: _ ,�j� 4 Possible foodborne illness � Type: 07 3� � • r c,{�-�-� . 7��-E?e.� �,/ �' /�5�� � �,�J�� � �� �Y�� .s � , �l.�?� `Yi{d-�GLti�u�.'r. I U ��-r3� - r � � � �i�p � �^�a na �/� _ �t�v,�il2� l�� � � ' �''r�- �. � , � ' � — Zf/�� � ���� , - � ' � , - � � �/���/ �-���� ,��- ��� � '� �� . � � � �} 04984 3/08/91 COMPLAINT Please retu�n this form with your wprksheet. Est: MEDALIST SPORTS CLUB II 1515 BREWSTER ST Complainant: Anon Received: 3/08/91 Complaint: Sanitation (04) Women's Area: toilets broken, showers with mold & rust oM fixtures-tiles off wall-shower room smells-whirlpool dirt/crime on bottom of inside- peeling paint by whirlpool. Some of the � equipment is brbken down. RESPONS 1 Complaint confirmed E: 04984 Date: 2 No evidence Date: 3/08/91 3 No violation Time: 10:55 Bad e: • g 4 Possible foodborne illness T _ ype: 04 ��'3/y� 7�7� /'�-�c� • -�� ��r2GQ. G��C{��� �t� G�c��Q �Lp � . �"!'L-e ���Iy�Q'JZ' ► �� �;�e �a�-�-e� �a.-o- ,��� � -�'-�c.� �. � � ��-�- �e- ���- � ��.-�- ���� �� ' r�{�-�� �� �� �� r _���'f'�e ���:�-�--� �3 -ao-9f , �4�''� � ��`� � ,�'.� ���'� �° . � ,�.�— .�t� s -�-�_ � �-�,,�� ,� i�c�—�-� � - ,Q �,� � �/��i�Y�� ��CJ'r�� � ��,,�.�L -� �'� ��� ���c'��--� V , - �'J v `�� ' � � s:� " ,�,��-- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ,i DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �f���D�fi CfTY OF S.�INT P/lUl tNTER-UFf10E COMAIUNICATtON _ City of St Paul v. J D Athletics Inc. dba F e b r u a r 13 , 19 91 � M���t S�ort s Club � Adm. Law Hearing - y Date: 4/23/yl �ity s F�hibit # � J�,, �� ��-.= ;�„`= ��, TO: William F. Gunther Environmental Program Manager. �5 FROM: Barbara McMonigal-St. Denni� Environmental Health Specialist Steven Schi 11 er�,f��; Environmental Health Technician SUBJECT: J/D Athletic Inc. Medalist Sports C],ub II . 1515 Brewster Street � St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 Please find attached reports from an inspection conduc;t�d 02/06/91 . The reports include : 1 . Restaurant - "Deb' s Place" inspection 2. Swimming pools inspection . 3 . Women ' s and men' s locker room, . . plus other ar�a:� inspection As noted in these reports, it is apparent that � some safety, maintenance, and housekeeping items are not in compliance with code requirements. ' � The St. Paul Division of Public Health has r,�eceived eight � complaints on locker room, and other housekeeping �items since February 1990 . Thirty-seven inspections were made lin 1990 to the pool , locker room and tanning beds alone by the Hea�lt'z Division. Due to the tremendous number of complaints and inspe�tions required to determine code compliance, an Administrativ� Hearing was � conducted on April 27 , 1990 by the Health Division with a Medalist Sports Club employee. Even after this Administratiwe Hearing, our office has not noted a reduction in the number of` complaints ' received nor in a satisfactory overall maint,�ena.nce of the facility. The cycle of complaittts, and lack of maintenance ; is starting to repeat itself in 1991 . - Due to the tremendous number of complaints and insp�ctions required to determine code compliance, we �eel that further .3ction, more stringent than an Administrative Hearing is necessa'ry at this time. BAMS: SS: sk • � i � . '"TT°' CITY �JF SAINT PAUL s 4 „ �� DEPARTMENT OF COM'MUNITY SERVICES : � , � , � �' f,/ �� ,... � DIVI510'N OF PUBLIC HEAL H JAM1E�SAYOR'BEL 1954 University Avenue, St. Paui, Minnesota 55104 612 292-7717 Februar 13 , 1991 itY o a v. e ics . a _ Y —Medalist Sports Club Adm. Law Hearing Date: 4/23/yl City's �chibit �� -8��'j- ,�v, ;�_ �a ��;, �k J/D Athletics Inc . riedalist Sports Club II 1515 Brewster Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 . Dear Owner: The following conditions were observed during a Febru�ry 6 , 1991 inspection: _ ; WOmPn � g Locker Room I . l . Broken and/or missing tiles are present in the sHower areas . Replace the floor and wall tile where needed. 2 . Ceiling panels are deterio.rating/broken in the shower areas . and in scattered areas in the locker room. Replace. 3 . Dust, dirt, hair, rocks, etc . . . are visible in�corners where lockers meet under heat registers, and by th� floor/wall junction in the toilet room area. Housek�eping needs improvement, especially in the hard to reach ar�as . 4 . Two broken/cracked light st►ields , two missing li.ght shields , - and three flickering/burne3 out lights present�. The above deficiencies account for tialf of the lights i�n the locker room. Repair and/or replac:e these items. 5 . Peeling wallpaper present l�y handsink area. 6 . Coving and wall tiles are missing by the handsi;nk. Men' � T,nc-k - Room 1 . Deteriorated caulking seal at the junction o� the exterior � wooden sauna door an� the i:loor tile. Remove �all of the old caulkiny seal , properly clean under this seal area, and provide a ne�a r_aulking seal . . 2 . Empty all of the full wast�>baskets and maintain. ' Prin�cJ un RccyrlcJ Paper ' � ..._��.... i ... _• ,., ; �y-/�D� -ledalist Sports Club �II - 2 Eeb. � 13, 1991 , . 3 , hlissing , cracked and broken floor tiles present. Replace the floor and wall tile where needed. , 4 . In the sauna, the tile floor and drain cover are v;ery dirty. �';� Properly clean these areas and maintain clean. ��• � � - ��:�� Tanning Bed Room numbers 2 , 5 , and 6 observed � �`� �r,: c..:,. 1 . Floor areas in these rooms need to be cleaned ; on a more regular basis - soiled with dust and dirt. 2 . Walls in tanning room � 5 damaged. Repair. 3 . Lighting in tanning # 5 is poor. Provide addition�al light (a minimum of 20 foot-candles of light) . � Basketball Court . . _ � . 1 . Two door closing devices have been disconnected.� Repair so these devices work properly. Third Floor Observation/Punch?nq Baq ; Floor is soiled with dirt, dust, dried leaves, etc. . . Keep the floor clean. Please make the:required corrections immediately. The ;next regular � inspection is due on or about February 15, 1991 . H�wever, your • establishment is subject to inspection at anytime. � If you have any questions, please feel free to call me�at 292-7717 . Sincerely, � ��7�LfiYvL�C {��1i/Li 1 �"���cvy Barbara McMonigal-S � Dennis Environmental Health Specialist �,��� /� � Steven Schiller Environmental Health Technician sAris : ss : sk c: file . I � � � — ity o t a v. e ics a - —Medalist Sports Club �Adm. Iaw Hearing Date: 4/23/yl City's�Exhibit 4� 1� . "T'�. GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � � � DEPARTMENT OF �COMMUNITY SERVICES ° ' '� � ��-/�Ol� "" DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH JAMES$CHEIBEI 1954 University Av�Lnue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 MAYOR , (612) 292-7717 ' ��� ���. March 29, 1990 ,k� «�y,� _ .'..AY':_ Medalist Sports Club II . ; J/D Athletics, Inc. , 1515 Brewster Street ; St. Paul , Minnesota 55108 ; Dear Owner: This Ietter is a follow up to our .March 23 , 1990 s�ite visit. The purpose of the inspection was to follow up on a complaint received by our office regarding poor sanitation at your fa�cility. The following comments and deficiencies are noted; as a result of this inspection: . Women' s Locker room # 1-7 O1 . A light shield is missing by lockers # 3g2-374. Replace. 02 . Two of the six showers are not functioning properly- one leaks even when turned off. Another has a faulty spraying action in the shower head. Re'pair. 03 . Coving tile is missing by the scale. Replace. 04 . Corner tile pieces in the multi-shower �room are missing. Replace. 05 . Broken tile is present by the wall adja�ent to the shower area. Replace. � 06 . Floor tile is missing by locker # 291 .; Replace. 07 . The floor is not being maintained cle�n in the hard to reach areas e.g. under heat registers, and corner _ junctions where lockers meet. Clean �n a more frequent basis and keep clean. Men' s locker room # 8-10 08 . Water is seeping through the floor/wa;ll area closest to the showers . Repair. ; 09. Debris present on the carpeting . ;Clean on a more frequent basis and keep clean. 10 . Floor tiles are broken aw�ay arouncl shdw•er area and in the shower room. � x _. -- - _ _ _ . --. -- _ � - ;� - � Medal ist Sports Club II - 2 - �/ ✓����// March� 29, 1990 � Tanninq bed rooms � 11 . Tanning # 2 (stand up bed)- The plexiglassl shield at the top of the unit is broken. Replace. , 12 . Tanning # 3- Bed is in disrepair, acc�ording to an � " employee. The bed is very dusty and no� sanitizer is '``�' present. Repair this bed, replace, o�` remove from =:� premises. � 13 . Tanning # 6- The floor is strewn with paper, debris and dirt. The portable fan in this room is ver�y dusty. Keep the floor and the fan clean. Comments from employees ; � O1 . Men's locker room showers was repaired iu� the past six (6) months . � 02 . Floors are cleaned two-three times daily in locker rooms according to Tom Hanson, ,Head Maintenance� person. 03 . A mild acid wall tile cleaner is used ;in the shower rooms. 04. Quaternary Ammonium sanitizer is used on surfaces an floors in the locker rooms. d Housekeeping and sanitation in this establishment �are inadequate for a 24 hour per day operation such as this c1ub. Submit a written proposal_ to the St. Paul Division of � Public Health outlining an improved cleaning and sanitizing schedu�le by April 16, 1990 . Sincerely, � r � � �����[ �-�"�'�--�z'�d� Barbara McMonigal-St. D is , Environmental He � alth Specialist , BAMS: sk � c : Gary Pechmann � Ward Harkness File - � 1 O d V, il —Me alist Spo rt s Clf ub Adme 1�, He�.• a Date: 4/23/91 Ci!ty's F�hibit �� ��� ; ������( 1 � S� ; � rrouhws.ac,c�►F�rnw � 1515 Brewster St. 1151 Sarclay ��� St. Paut, MN 55108 St. Paui, MN 551p6 � s `�:, 646•1165 � ?74-2333 ,;� April 18 , 1990 � City of St . . Paul . • Department of Community Services Division of•_ Public Health � . 1954 University Avenue � � St . Paul , MN 55104 Attn: Barbara McMonigal-St . Dennis ; Dear Ms . McMonigal-St . Dennis : ; � � _ This lette� is in response to your March 29, 1990 le�tter following up your March 23, 1990 site visit . � �' � The follot�: ;ig comments are in response to your noEed� deficiencie� . Ol . The 1i ht � ' . g shields in the women s locker roornl are not stocked by any of the stores and distributors� which we have checked with. �Te ' re still looking and �xploring such possibilities as salvage companies . 02 . Shower parts have been purchased and will be , installed. 03 . -07 . As soon as repairs are completed in the m�n's lockzr room tile repairs in the women's lock�r room ' will be scheduled. 08 . & 10 . �Th'ree part epoxy adhesive has been orde�ed to _ repair the men' s shower room. We have reseakcned various adhesives and brands in an efFort to� solve � tnese problems on a pent�anent basis . � 09 . We rave rearranged t��e cleaning scnedules an�? hirea an additional s.taff ine�ber to help clean pro�lem areas . 11 . Plexiglass shield has b�en removed. 12 . Tanning bed #3 has been repaired and cleaned'. 13 . Additional staff R;e:nber has the primary resFonsibility �o keep tar.ning bed t�b clean and portab?e fans du�bed . � Fle ;��liev� tnat tnis ;��i� '_ �l:_1p us ade�l�_iat;;ll ;z'.-;e Jd:�� Qi ti7` uGl�3°]{Z�r.+lii'� al��� Sdi?lidti.i�>?: fOi Oilt i�i:?1 ' ' - I ,. jL7i� 1-:- - �ai�y ����s t i c:�, �1 �as � ., � t , - -, • � .. '�' ; . �I "r e � :'�- - f� ��> p c:a � l ;n.� ;:t i�'��- t� "�� --��;:�i.�.y- Friday frc�; 9-�_.p. r;l. - -- - Sincerely, ; C�l f?,Er�-- �''t,�-' Thomas H . rianson � Maintenanc:e SupErvisor �/�/��� � �� .�x� EXHIBIT #� (WG 1 & 2) � ���,�, �° William Gunther City of Saint Paul In re the Licenses of the Medalist Sports Club April 23, 1991 , � . i o t v. etics c. a —Me alist Sport s Club i Adm. Law Hearir�g — Date: 4/23/91 City'� F.�ibit # .� �� �/; Q/--;�S��EiV�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MAR 14 1991 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � , , � ���� �1� � 4.1���� �: � , � March 1 , 1991 ' ��` �"b. gCy��kJ� � , �.;�5�.'�V'. I �:�.�.�$.,�� sl'. }�,- T0: Bob Kessler, License Inspector � FROM: William F. Gunther, Environmental Program ,'Manager ��� SUBJECT: Request for License Revocation at the ; Medalist Sports Club, 1515 Brewster I am re uestin th � q g at license revocation proceedings ;be started on the following licenses at the Medalist Sports Club, � 1515 Brewster ( license I .D. 18069 ) : 2269 - Health Club 2256 - Swimming Pool - Indoor ' 2258 - Whirlpool - Indoor � This facility has consistently had significant probl�ems with basic cleaning, routine maintenance, equip;nent mainten�nce and pool chemistry. There appears to be eithei• a basic lack of knowledge and/or lack ��f concern in these areas despite repeatied inspect �.ons and instructions by my inspectional staff. ' In 1990 , my inspector was in this facility thirty-s�ven ( 37) times and on almost. every occasion there were problems . The majority of these inspections were generated by corr�plaints and i,n almost every occasion the complaint was verified. The inspectidnal record for 1991 is basically a repeat of 1990. � I feel that the manner that this facility is k�eing operated constitutes a significant health hazarct. Despite repeated efforts to bring the club in a safe operating parameter, �e have made no significant progress . , - Enclosed is documentation on the inspections at th� facility. WFG/lv � Enclosures � c : Frank Staffenson ' Steve Schiller � Phil Byrne ' � —Medalist S�orts Clut� ,��etics c. a Date: 4/23/91 City's F.�d-i.ibit� �� �j�-� — , � �T��^ ��/l�� �ITY OF SAINT PAUL A, 6 ♦ , �� �� DEPARTMENT OF�COMMUNITY SERVICES . i � 1 ♦ i��• ^ JAMES SCHEIBEL QIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH MAYOR 195� Universit�-AJenue, St. Paul, h4innesota 55104 • � � - � (612) 292-7717 �; April 19, 1990 ' 4� . � ' , ��.r �;�x.: � -�1Jim Simon ' � , Medalist Sports Club , 1515 Brewster Street � �� St . Paul , MN 55108 � , Dear Mr. Simon: , An administrative hearing has been set on April 271 1990 at 9: 00 a.m. regardinq your facility at 1515 Brewster. At tihis hearing we will be discussing the past inspectional record atithis facility and the continuous complaints that we are receiving �COncerning the housekeeping and cleaning. Please come to 1954 University Avenue, Suite 7 , a�. 9:00 a.m. on April 27 , 1990 . � _ Yours truly, V M""'^"N � "��'�"' I - � . William F. Gunther ' Environmental Health Program Manager � WFG/lv i i cc: Steve Schiller ; Ward Harkness � Fi Ce.� ' � � - I � � i _ a I i i 4T I t�V. I I EXHIBIT #� (WG 1 & 2) i William Gunther City of Saint Paul � I In re the Licenses of the Medalist Sports Club � F'� April 23 , 1991 i I i ,:_, . i i ��� . �:'ax. �� �;�y , . I y.iy_t�,�,. � j'. {� �1`, I � I I il I I I I I I I I i ,; i _ �'( � ity o t a v. etics a —Med�list Sport� Club Adm. Law Hearu�g . — •""•• Date: 4/23/yl City's E�ibit �F �.�-`� :O-� � ����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � "���������,� ' INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ' MAR 14 1991 ��1 ,;.:`� , �� . ���� ���OR�'�� �`� ��. March 1, 1991 � T0: Bob Kessler, License Inspector � ' , ��;� FROM: William F. Gunther, Environmental Prog�am Manager ���` . '� �E..,,. �t , SUBJECT: Request for License Revocation at the ', ��' Medalist Sports Club, 1515 Brewster �� � ' � � ���� � I 4 rY I _x x I am requesting that license revocation proceedings be started on.�. '; `�;"`` the following licenses at the Medalist Sports Cl�b, 1515 Brewster -: x ` � ( license I . D. 18069 ) . ��>�';; , �:;: , <<,': 2269 - Health Club � ��:;'�:� ��� � 2256 - Swimming Pool - Indoor ', � S ` `''�;` ��� 2258 - Whirlpool - Indoor , yl� � � `= �� � � � Y' t,.�i'.. I '33 �`T f ��!'��p:'.'. ..�.���y���� . This facility has consistently had significant pro�lems with basic 'k �'�' cleaning, routine maintenance, equip:ment maintenance and pool �°- chemistry. There appears to be eithei• a basic la,ck of knowledge ����.' and/or lack ��f concern in these areas despite repe�ted inspect �.ons and instruct.ions by my inspectional staff . In 1990 , my inspector was in this fac 'ility thirty-seven ( 37 ) times and on almost. every occasion there were problems . ��The majority of these inspections were qenerated by con�plaints and ',in almost every occasion the complaint was verified. The inspecti�onal record for 1991 is basically a repeat of 1990 . ' I feel that the manner that this facility is ��being operated constitutes a significant health hazar<l. Despite r�peated efforts to bring the club in a safe operating parameter, �e have made no significant progress . , Enclosed is documentation on the inspections at thl� facility. WFG/lv � Enclosures I c : Frank Staffenson I Steve Schiller ! Phi1 Byrne � ity o t v. —Medalist S�o ts Club A�eti� a Date: 4/23/91� City's F,xhibit �� ��,y( � �, CITYp^ . . _" 1•z':.,.. �t 6 II � r-�� a '� , GTY OF SAINT PAUL � �{' � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES` , : ,... �, )AMES SCHEIBEL � DIVISIO���OF�P BLI �EALTFf '�' • ; x. MAYOR 195-0 Univ�rsicy A��enue, St. Paul, Alinnesota 55104' . , (612) 292-7717 April 19, 1990 � Jim Simon � _�f;� Medalist Sports Club ' ���` ;.. 1515 Brewster Street ��,.'. St . Paul , MN 55108 , �,�,. ,� � � Dear Mr. Simon: � � ,:P�. 4-'.: � �,,�y, An administrative hearinq has been set on Apri1 ,27 , 1990 at 9.00' � =t• a .m. regardinq your facility at 1515 Brewster. A�t this hearing we. ' �rr��,�;' will be discussing the past inspectional record �at this facility. . ��, ��< and the continuous compl aints that we are receivirig concerninq the,• ����; housekeepinq and cleaning. � ����� ' �d�r�. Please come to 1954 University Avenue, Suite 7 , ' at 9:00 a.m. on ` >,��{`` , �, -��' Apri 1 27 , 1990 . s�r�� � '=�L,� Yours truly, ' x•� �� ��,� �y �, . ,j��y. '�. V N..�..�N �Q��.� '� �I . . �'k � �: � William F. Gunther � ��= Environmental Health Program Manager � WFG/lv ' cc: Steve Schiller �, Ward Harkness � Fi C�-�� ' �I I� � � � i � - ,� �-J ,r � /� • ' ' � <�` , f � 'ti:,` , r�.,, .j" ,�,, /"�/ �`� > >� �� j� � �, f CJ , f� � II '.� Cr�--p e.« ,:��.,—� °'�f, �%� � -/' ,:�' �, I' �G-_ ; STATE OF MINNESOTA ' ���---' OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARI�iNGS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ------------------------------------- --------------------�-------------- In the Matter of OAH File No. 51-211p1-5458-3 I City of St. Paul vs. 'FINDINGS OF�, FACT, J/D Athletics Inc., d/b/a CONCLUSION� AND ,��'- Medalist Sports Club II, RECOMMENI7,ATIONS 1� 1515 Brewster Street � � �:; t �.� , �' -------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------�------------ � �� -- 3 3f - ! � i � i �t�f�7 �Fi� The above-entitled matter came on for hearing l�efore Charles � . .��; W. Faulkner, administrative Law Judge, on April 23, �1991, at 9:00 `� a.m. in Room 816 of the Commerce Building, 80 East Fourth Street, St. ' Paul, Minnesota 55102 and June 14, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. i�n Room 1503, �� City Hall Annex, St. Paul, Minnesota. Philip P. Byrne, ,Assistant City 4;�:' -�� Attorney appeared on behalf of the City of St. Paul, (City). No �`� � , �,� appearance was made on either occasion on behalf o� Respondent. Testifying on behalf of the City were Steven Schiller, �Chris Ayoka, Robert Kessler, Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis and Wil�iam Gunther. Licensee did not appear and called no witnesses and i presented no exhibits. The record closed upon adjournment of the he�ring on June 14, 1991. , This Report is a Recommendation, not a final decision. the City Council will make the final decision after a review of tme record and after providing an opportunity to the Licensee to pr�sent oral or written to it. The Council may accept, reject or modify� the findings, conclusions and recommendations contained herein. ! ISSUE � The issue in this matter is whether i.icensee ha's significant, long term and uncorrected problems with the facility, !including its basic cleaning, routine maintenance, equipment maintenance and pool chemistry, posing such health hazards that all of its licenses shou�ld be revoked. � I � . ;. . � ; '�, a �i/� � ��, , ,� Based upon the record herein, the Administrat�ve Law Judge makes the following: ; FINDiNGS OF F_ACT ' - : 1. Notice of Hearing in this matter was dul!y served upon Licensee by letter dated March 25, 1991. : The No'tice stated the place, date and time of the hearing (which was, subsequently amended by a letter of June 4, 1991 from the Administrative Law Judge to both parties) and stated the ground upon 'which adverse action was being sought. ' 2. Licensee is a corporation which operates IWledalist Sports Club, at 1515 Brewster Street in the City of St. Paul. ' Licensee hold '�" �' various licenses rendered by the City for the operation �;of its facility, including licenses for its swimming pool and whirl pool � (Exhibit 10). ' `� � , � 3. Licensee has been the subject of numero,us complaints regarding its facility during 1990 and 1991. ; 4. In 1990 inspectors from the City of St. Pa�l, Department of Community Services, Division of Public Health, wer� in Licensee's facilities 37 times and on almost every occasion there were - problems. The majority of these inspections were ' generated by complaints and on almost every occasion the cor�plaints were verified (Exhibit Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8). The inspection record for 1991 contains similar findings on each of the occasions of ins�ection. 5. In March of 1991, William F. Gunther, Environmental Program Manager, concluded "This facility has corisistently had significant problems with basic pool cleaning, routine�; maintenance, equipment maintenance and pool chemistry. There a;ppears to be either a basic lack of knowledge or lack of concern in these areas just by repeated inspections and instructions by my insp'ectional staff (Exhibit No. 9). 6. Gunther concluded "I feel that the matter thalt this facility has been operating constitutes a significant health haz�rd. Despite repeated efforts to bring the club to a safe operating perimeter, we have made no significant progress (Exhibit No. 9). � i �'/-/5�� � , : 7. Licensee's only response to these proofs by the Ci�ty was a � � letter dated April 23, 1991, requesting an additional opportunity to � u present evidence regarding the Club's position. No appear�nce was made on June 14, 1991, at the time specified for hearing, i `� ! � 8. Based on the foregoing Finding of Fa�ct, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: I ;:::, CONCLUSIONS ' , ��� _ �4; l . The St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 454, I Section 454.04, Subd. 2 (See Exhibit 11), describes the regulat�ons for swimming pools and whirl pools operated und.er license in the City of ° �� . St. Paul. ' . "� .�� � 4� 2. Section 310.05 of the City- of St. Paul LegislatiNe Code �i describes the hearing procedures which must be followed to revoke a � �` licensee's license granted by the City. ' � � ��: � 3. Chapter 427 entitled "Health and Sports Clubs" of, the St. 'Y Paul Legislative Code describes licenses required for health and .; sports clubs (Exhibit 3). Chapter 360 entitled "Public S�+vimming �� ' , � Pools" of the St. Paul Legislative Code describes the lacensing � ;; requirements for public swimming pools within the City of St.i Paul. , 4. Chapter 427, Subd. 4 states "An application �nay be denied or a license may be suspended or revoked if the preSence of such establishment is found to be detrimental to the health, � welfare or safety of the citizens of the City of St. Pa�.l. ' 5. Section 427.06, Subd. 10 states "It shall be rounds for g denial, suspension or revocation of the license if the licensee,i owner, lessee, manager or employee has evidenced in the past ' willful disregard for the health, housing, zoning, building and/or fire codes and regulations." � 6. The St. Paul City Council and Administrative La� Judge have jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§14155 and St. Paul Legislative Code. � 7. Licensee received timely and proper notice of the ��hearing dates. The City has complied with all grocedural and sublstantive requirements of law and rule. � I I �i . . '. � , ; �'/�/��� �..� .., The inspection re orts and testimon of I P y City employees _� Schiller, Prill, McMonigal-St. Dennis, Ayoka and Gunther were :,;� believable and internally consistent. There is no question that the Medalist II Athletic Club poses a persistent health hazard to the �, residents of the City of St. Paul. I °� .:�: , ,;�. C.W.F. �. ���.: , ��;�; � � ;:- � �' :>_ - I - I I I �/�/�a � ,, ���TT �r' CITY OF SAINT PAUL,` R�' ; r �` O M � �����„�;; e OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY `�'' • A . . ..�..:. �S ' l��• . JANE A.MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY',�:.���.� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesote,55102�'• ; 612-29$-5121 �::..'" JAMES SCHEIBEL FAx 612-2�8 5619 ��� MAYOR T `'k i: , ,� , .�'t;;: �:�-,. _.V_ a'�•� , ,�`�:: ;-t'',`; City of saint Paul ,�_�' Rebuttal Exhibits � June 14, 1991 �, `I � R-1. Inspection Report, Steven Schiller, May 2, 1991. R-2 . Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, May 7, 1991. ��,�'� ,��� R-3 . Inspection Report, Steven Schiller, May 24, 1991. �' ,�,i; R-4 . Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, May 31, 1991. -f�;.�� ' ' r`�`�F ,�� R-5. Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, June 4, 1991. .,�,,. , � �� y." F="t,.: R-6. Inspection Report, Chris Ayoka, June 7, 1991. �`�' ;� �; ,,,>.;;:;".. �� . I ' � SAWI' PAUL DNISZON OF —Med � a °' e lcs , . al�ist S rts Club Adm, Law �,• � ' . _,. _.... . . . . -- II�]VIRO�I'AL HEALZ Date:i(�/�1 CitY's F�chibit �� �,�,` � ' � ' � S�AIt1I' PAUL,�MIIJNESOTA SS�Ol� • � ' l��'/�� `1C%'� • . • _� Z�nporary Closinq of Swirrminq pbol ��or Afiirlpool • . �' �,�� . � � . - . , . . .� � y: 1. Nam�: -�`s�i �l-/ �.�'s, .C� :n.f�!'�� � ,� � � ' , � <� � ...2. � .Aarlress: �.��5���� , ���� � ,; �`Y�<<1' E�: S �-' � . ,� 3. Date: S � � - , � Time: ,�-- ; -S"� ���1 ��`; • . . 4`�� ^�� 4. Irx3ocar Fbol � . Outdoor Pc�ol ❑ Y�hirlpool � . . , r� . 5. Closed due to: � _ I - � , � . • �, �;�'z� Q �ane Filter test (coliforRS) „� �-' . ,,,n, • , - Q High Standard Plate Count . ' :��`� `,' . . , � ,��w:s . � ���; . �. Presence of Pseudoctnnas . . , ;�"��� '� � . '�s."�r� � �, 6• ��.� �/I/ � ���� ���.� �' . (na� of san contacted) ' � . � t one n Per urr�ber) . Ph . _._ was.ordered to clo�e the abwe facility and to� supezchlorinate to at least 10 pgn (or to use other apprwed bacteri�idal) far 6 to 10 hours, _ The pool may reopen whe� chemicals are at acce�ta.ble levels. �. , . � � -�:���d� �,��- ��/ Sanitarian . • _ , ' . , . • . ', . . � � . , � � . . . • � . � SI�INI' PAUL DNISION O o a v. e ics . � � ... _:. _. ... . . _ ._. .... �NIROt1ME�'rIPAL AEAT- ate�/�91 ts City's Exhibil,a��w I�ar 2 , = AEA E� . � SSS CEDAR 5, � ' ' ' . ' � ' S,A.Ildr PAtJL, MIN2�50TA 551b1 •' • • �/"/.-������. . ' �. � �a�t� ,., . . �rary Closing of,Swinminq Pool c�r Yfiirlpool • '� � � . . ' " . . : ; . � ;I : . :`�Y 1.. .NaTr�: � I S 1 ���.R J S �L�t,�� . ,'. . ... . . . . � .r' ' " . . . , R: . _ _ � , � - � '� - - .a • � E S • �, s.� �,� . z. ��5. � ���i � �. �! � � .,, . . _ . . _ �.�: . . . . � _ , � . ;� . � ', . 3.' Date:` . Time: . . . � � �� � u,ki ' . . . . . . � , I� � k'A: .. - .. . . . � . . � � ' . . . �. ' . ._ . . .. . ��. ' _ . + . . . . . '<��C�. . . . . . . . . ..� � 4. IT�OOr �1 O�t,G�00r ,P1�01.� lt'1 1 ' � - . . � � . � � Q �� p°O Q _ ,: _ -.. . . . . . r. - . >: 5.' Closed c3ue to: . ; . � � ; - ; �: . -. - . . � � " : �i - � , Q M�nbrane Filter test ,lcol iforns) . _ .;:� - . . • ,`� . . �F. . . • . - • . . ��'��:.. . � �,a�a t - .. ;�, H h S Pl.ate Ca.an . . _, x� . Q g . ��. ��-y� �� _ -. - : 6 . � . _ - . _.:;� . . _ . . . . . . .:�W r� . :- ._. .. . ... :. ... ' .... . j�� . �Z2�CE Of pSeUar.Yt'0ik'iS • ..`r':,�*;r�!! ¢:_ . T 1 . . - . . . . . - . . � • � - F-- . �- ���� 6. .�� r�� � � ' � �� 16-� . . . . . �, (nairie of persan contact�rd) . . _ ' ; ,. (pt�one rn.unbe�) : ._ _ , •. � . � :. , ,� , . . ' . ;� � . - . • '. ��.a.s order«� to close the��abov�� facility'and to isup�chlorinate to at ' � . ���� Ie.ast 10 pfm (ar,to use other approved bacteric�idal) for b to 10 haurs; :. The pool aay reopen �� cheinicals are at accep�able Ievels. -�. : . : . . ��S ' 4 rG/� : sar,itarian � . . . . " . � . . _ . - � � - � . • _ . . � � , . . . . - . � � ' - , , . , , � . . , . . ' . ' - . . , . . � , ; , . . . � . . � � � . . � . . . I � 1ty o t a v. etics Inc. dba SAINr PAUL DNLSION t—Medal' t rts Club Adm. Law H ' � __. _ ..... . . Date•�/�91 Cit s E�ibit �� � - . �� F3�VIROAA4.'NTAL AFJ ' , y� . S55 CED�AR SIREET , � . . . S�AINI' PAUL, 1�1t�IFSUTA 55�01 . . �/�/��� . �r. • Z�nporary CloSinq of SwirRninq pool ',or Yfiirlpool • " _ � , �� . , ,,:,.-r,�; � . . ..;:,� . � . - � ,.,.. . 1. rTdTl�: ,.�7!l// �!i��CL���j1 � ' ` <�. T"-.`- � . , . � -2. �Address: �.5�./.'� ��Y��� �� � E�: � . . Sl� . . � . � � . � . . ;�: � �� 3. Date: ,�1�`'-' �S"� et�-' 9,� Time: _ � ��,� 9 ld�'� k�.� ; ��: . :�« , . ,,g 4. Irx3oar Pc�ol Outdoor pool I ir ❑ . Q h� 1Foo1 � .. � 5. Clased due to: � . _ � . . . [] M�nbrane Filter t�st (colifonrs) �' '�� � :.{.:, . � . :�. =;r, , Q High Standard P1ate Count ' ', .T „�^�=: • L�N �= � ,�. Prese�ce of Pseudaronas ', ��y j; ' -��'; - _-,:��� 6. ', �������s . (narr� of pe'rsrn co acted . (phone number) . . _ wes arc3er� to close the abwe facilit and to�� su chlorinate to at Y P� least 10 pgn (or to use other apprwed bacteri�idal) for 6 to 10 hours. _ The pool asy reo�n when chemicals are at acce�vt,able levels. �. _ . � . . � � , . .�� '�,�����/ Sanitarian � � � . , . ,I ' , - � � • •~��--•...�;�,<.,; _ .. . ' . � . _. . . . . . ' . . '1 . ._ - - � i I /-/�� � EGTIO!3 REPORT � City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba .-0N OF PUBLIC HEALTg I Dat —Medal' t po rts Club Adm. Law H � llate:�,/y!�/yl City`s Fxhibit �� _� dar SLreet I � � 1y2-7717 Month Da Ye'ar Establishment . PHO.IE -� Tim ,� : �Ff-f� ���5 7- --r-- f : �C� 'L :';`b.� V � � arrival de .a'�tur Address Next Inspect 'o BADGE � CALL T���E'� Sr � �(-Z��5��� Due on or Af�e F ,� 1-Ro��r"�ie: 2 � �'"� 2-R�inspecti'c � Est # 3-Other �t� P O O L T Y P E: In door O ut door Month day ye�.r �I ��` „,�:; Wh 'Tl�o 1 h M AIN �' �'�; REQUIRED S1�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED, -, � POOL CI�OSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWIiJG: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ` �-Q � � � ` � ��� �.��N�. CLARITY IN UNSATI SFACTORY . � � OTHER (s�e below) - �=; '* ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MliST BE CORR�CTED . . SATISFACTORY � lirSATZSFACTORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES .�`` I � PA Ma.�ntain between 7 .4 7 '8 ,�. r^'rn e C h l o r i n e �� . �r M a i n t a i n b e t w e�n 1 .0 3 `0�� Cor.�bined Chlorine Mai!ntain betweea 0 .0 - l.;p,�,.� Tata1 ?�lkalinity Maiintain between �0 - 150 �i Cyanuric Acid Maiintain between 30 100 �p B romi ne . �;��t���_•: . ;.�., SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFA�O � ���Clarity � Chlorine Gas! Room [] ��� Flow ' Slgn Provide�3, �� Ski:amer Wells Gas Mask �, . Dec�C �rea Room Designed &� � Rules Posted V�nted � E�ergency Number � SAFETY EQUIP�LENT � Pool Bottom Clean � � Ring Buoy & i � C�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowli�e, � F�ncing & Self Shepher3s Cr�ok � a Closing/Latching . � Pool Loq Gate Samples subm�tted (Outdoor• only) 8 8 by operator �ekly � � -- OFrICIAL SAMPLE TAREN YES NO � l ' I �f�l C�- �i2�� � ��- � )t�l f U �¢-� �►r��t� 1�1��'V� "c_ ' I, . J .. I � City of St Paul v. J/D Athletics Inc. dba _ECTION REPORT 7/��/� —Medal' t p�rts Club Adm. Law ON OF PUBLIC HEALTH '; Da e Date:�/�/yl City's F�ibit 4� ��� .dar Street ��� 292-7717 Month Da Year Establishment pgp,IE . I, . Tim • � ;� ^ r �,��r, � �� ��!�l�'L-f S i b�b— � ��.s�� arrival de a�tur Addrass Next Inspecti;o BADGE � CALL ,TY � �� �w �� Due on or Af t'e �d 1-Rout;��e � S Y 2-Re�.�iispectio � � Est # 3-0tfier :. � " POOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year ' * \ Wh 'Tl�o 1 h ' � � �g M AIN i _ REQUIRED SAI�ETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO TH� FOLLOWING: DISINFECTAN� RESIDUAL BELOW O .S PPM �:'_ ��o �2�� Gf�t-o�lN� � P(-�- V� LA�c/ CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY � OTHER tse� below) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED ! � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY � ACCEPTABLE RANGES �A � Mairntain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 r^r�e Chlorine • Mainitain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 :Q,;:o Cor.ibined Chlorine Main!tain betweea 0 .0 - 1:.0 ;p: Tota1 Alkalinity , Main��tain bet�aeen �0 - 15`0 ` . �,; �yanuric Acid Main;tain between 30 - 1Qa_�p{ 8romine ���r.� f��. �: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA ISFACTORY UNSATISFP;CT,Of .i;`�� Clarity Chlorine Gas �toom (� � [� ��= claW ' Sign Providedy f� ' t`� Ski:nmer We?ls Gas Mask ' f, /1 Dec'c Area ,�+ �/ Room Designed �!& J ��V' Rules Posted , ���o�� F� �..�� V�nted ', Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMENT [] � pool Bottom Clean � ,�UN 1 U 1991 Ring Buoy � � C;�emical r^eeder Rope TSrowlin�, Fencing & Se�lf ����� ���� �- ;�-.�.s y �. Shepher3s Crook Closing/Latchinq '� n � �i"���� : Pool Loq (� [� Gate � Samnles submit�ted (Outdoor� only) 8 8 by operator we',ekly [] [] . , _ � OFr ICIAL SP,I�SPLE' TAREN YES NO � �� C� , � 1 �r n.� C�` �f-�- 1 r•.� � t��c�✓�-gt�� �� �_ - v i ( r`��.,'' �1 '�.� e,j-f-W r2�rl f°c ! /V i 0 � <<, �9&i.E �, L��-t+-� /d-r 6��. ��- . '��a�t�� O � ,r �FL�E'L lz ��=�`= - �'►��,�'1►-�►r rrGr- I �r� ti r-t-fL- ✓vt,�_�� � 4�, �H� �Q 0� 1—s ����2 ,�4-�'! �..� S�J �f-F ry��.1 �/L �H-�2� r S N o t-r C�rt-i a f� ��4-,�K�'�!FLS� t rv i�+�_ �` , � � � �l of $t P _�� aul v. J/D Athleti� H, dba . � SAIrTP PAUL DNISION pF t ', ports Club •• _-. __... . Date: �/�/91 Cit �S A�n. � . . .-. . -- F31VIROI�KPAL HF.AL�., .,..�....,..,"__ Y Exhibit �� �-�? � SSS CEDAR S'IREEP ' --' � , ' ' � ' � ' SAI2�TP PAtJL, M�2�ff5UTA 5510� . •� . �j`'���� . .' �� � . ?�nporary Cl�sinq of,Swirrmir� Puol o� Whirlpool� • w�� ' h ; • . . • . . '. . . -,--i��� ' ' ' � '' � '� ;t� ,r . . . , � , . �� . . • . - . . . t �i;` ;,Fy;. ' . .'. � � � - � - . . '*'s 1 . iriarne. s�' F�iB-{- � � . o�G.� C,�-�,� � ' � - � - . �� . - � . . � . . . . � .. � . - . �w,, - � . - - . . - . .. � � . .. . � . � . . . . _ . . � . .. . , . � � ' ' . � ' .. . .. � i . ... • '. . .. ...... � . . , - • 1..���. .� � . - ,� . . •. :. ' . • ... •• � I � . . �s. �� � ����- S`—�r� . . . , �: .:.� . . . . . , . 3.� Date:. ---. — � � Tirres .g ; � , � . . 4. Indoar F�bol � Outdoar Fbol Q W}zi.�lpool, . Q . � . . . - ', � - - . . . : . � . � - . � 5.: Closed� due to: . . . `- , . . . . ; :. ..; . �. � . . . _ � .,. . . .: : . - . � _ . - � , ❑ . l�nbrane .Filter test (coliforns) ', . . � � . , - . �,;z ' �� : Q . � High �taridard Plate Caunt . : . � ' . ` Y � , . . . � . . : ,. _' .' . � . � - , . }.��� S �' , PZESf'lICE Of p52UCj0(nD213S . � , ;'r}� >�! .. � • ' � - � . �:� �6.� =� �� , ��-.� � � - . . - . � '�G�� _ �� r 6.ss . . (n�rre of persrn contacted) . fpt�one number) ` . ., . , . - � was ordered to cicse the.above.facility and to sti,pes chlnrinate to at� � ' ~ , Ieast 10 p�m (c�r to use ;other approved bactericic�al) for 6 to 10 haurs; � The pool n�y rE�oFen whP� chelnicals are at accepta�Ie Ievels: . . - ' - . - . . _ _ - . . . , . _ - � - - . . , . � . _ . (�-►�1 0��,�— . � � � Sanitarian � . . . . . . . � � . , % . . . . . . � I� , , e • 4�iTT p� II �j�// ��(/ �� : I CITY OF SAINT PAUL � IIIII IIIp Y - � I ; ��« ���„ ; OFFICE QF THE CITY ATTORNEY • „� `� _ • . i��• t $..1` � --��� � . ! �� 1'�t„' JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY ,'. q ,f 637 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510� `'�">'�` 612-29&5121 ."'� JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 " MAYOR ` �^ " July 15, 1991 " Mr. David Schwartzman, President � Mr. Jon Schwartzman Vice President , Mr. James Simon, Secretary J/D Athletics Inc. , , 1515 Brewster Street NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 RE: City of St. Paul vs. J/d Athletics Inc. , dba Medal;ist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster Street ' � Dear Messrs Schwartzman and Mr. Simon: : ' Please take notice that a hearing on the report of thl� Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned establishment has� been scheduled for 9 : 00 o�clock a..m. , July 25, 1991 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. ' �� ��: ��� You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the repor� with the City Clerk a,: �� at any time during normal business hours. You may a�so present oral or '�';': �; , �, written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No n�w evidence will be - '"`� received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Co�ncil will base its'� : `•, decision on the record of the proceedings before the Admi$�istrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but n�ay depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in �he exercise of its judgment and discretion. , Very Truly Yours, PHILIP B. BYRNE Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler License Inspector J Albert Olson - j��t�' .-. . �j � City Clerk `, ��; �i -r- Gary J. Pechmann ' �� ' , � "' Environmental Health Program Manager , , , � r: ;4'���'ti' '' ���`����i Ms. Kay Woitas �� ' '' �� � � � �� Community Organizer � � `� ' �� ^ � �'� � District 10 Community Council �^�` �� 4 �`�. ° a � � ` Ms. Tracy Smith � � � ' ` s ' � : ., #� � ,' � .•'t 4 i - State of Minnesota -� � t , �_x Attorney General's Of f ice ���' 4,� ,�<< f ` � �'� �� , , � �f w'i. �. `i'; i, ,�!' � �' 1..-7 . �� , ' v�� r � :� r,, ��.. �C�..� � ���".; i � � p � m� � �/ / ��� �,nm �m // / cc, �,-�+��.9� ;�'o,�ioo,�;;'.�'�CiPO ��� �'��� �'•� �;c�••. _ '� ' �•�.. °'�.k,�*i��� . �u�mum STATE OF M I N N ESOTA � � OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ', FIFTH FLOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE BUIIDING R E C E I V E D � 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH ' MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 ' 11(t q � 1�(�� (612)341•7600 aJ U L Z f � � U f TY ATTO R N�EY � July 12, 1991 Philip B. Byrne, Esq. Mr. JameS Simon Assistant City Attorney Medalist Sports Clti�b City of St. Paul 1515 Brewster 647 City Hall St. Paul, MN 5510$ St. Paul, Mn 55102 Re: � Cit of St. Paul vs J A - /D thletics Inc. � Y , d � /b/a Medalist S orts Club II P , 1515 Brewster Street , Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith in the above-identified matter is Fin;dings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations. Sincerely, Charles W. Faulkner� Administrative Law �� Judge CWF:pjb ' enclosures cc: Mr. George Beck ', II ° v/J.-�y�� . ���un'i,��r.n.n,�,: !/ r c�,,....,.sr� , ��,�.o���.?�,� � o, q� lZ����V��,,, � _ �� .� � � � = -�: , ° * ����;����� � �lUN � 6 1991 � n�uun:��cu' � STAT E O F M I N N ESOTA � � �� tl �f ���b��� . �.i � � OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS � FIFTH FLOOR, FLOUR EXCHANGE BUiLDING 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH � MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 , (612)341-7600 i June 4, 1991 '� Philip B.Byrne, Esq. Mr. James Si I on , � Assistant City Attorney Medalist Sports Club City of St. Paul 1515 Brewstgr 647 City Hall St. Paul, MN �I55108 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ', Re: City of St. Paul vs. J/D Athletics, Inc., d/b/a ' Medalist Sports Club II, 1515 Brewster St. Gentlemen: ' ty � `� The above-entitled matter was heard on April 23, 199�, at 9:00 a.m. F`� in Room 816 of the Commerce Building, East Fourth �treet, St. Paul, - Minnesota 55102. Respondent J/D Athletics Inc., 'd/b/a Medalist Sports Club II, failed to appear. Since the time of tl�e hearing, J/D Athletics, through its representative, James Simo�n, has made application to present evidence in the matter. Based on that application and the requirements of due process, and the seriousness of the matter at hand, the motion is granted for purposes of presenting testimony on the part of Respondent. ',Philip Byrne, Assistant City Attorney, has arranged for June 14, 1991'„ at 8:30 a.m. in Room 1503, City Hall annex, St.Paul, MN. No add7tional settings will be made. J/D Athletics will be required to �, produce any witnesses or documents at the time of hearing. Following this hearing the record will be closed and a d�cision will be issued. I Charles W. lkner � Administrative Law �udge CWF:pjb � I .. . ...;_ .. ., . ...._. :- -.... - . ._ . _.__ � ty�wr.. � .�r:•'T' . . .. ' " � • '� .. - .. .. . , . .a. - . . . " _ ..:2.. .� �.. . . - � `T--�-�•.....�" ._. . , -. ........ .- _ . -, . ' :� :�iia...iw+'�ri: .�. . ....� _ • . .'f:. . . . .. _. . . ..s . -...... . - � f._.....�.r�....._�.-.� . . .... . ..-�.,�.---`-r+r-�-�-�•�,-.....-�es-a..�+�,r. . ... . �•-••� '�y.'T"°�'°�T . • . . . . . . . . . ' " � :�• -. . ._. .. • `J. .. .. � . :. nY•ti..-..tA .Ir�•..4.�. �wl• ��l. ..� Y rr. -�J���•�1�i� . ..✓.1�.w i. .._. . ` .- .__ •• . .�4 . _ u . .. . , . . t.r.�w�^r�f++�+e��r�w�o�'<'Y'�a-.'��1�'�"S':�'x� . , :.w.. ,'�t+'v�a`P�,/�naf�?i.'f�uYO'�n!'^"a'1.,�we�'R'r^fw+�'�.n4'LI�R^hT . ' . , ' . ' � . •�. ..'1r�. -. 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'� �b UA _,_,�,^...__�._-r--- ...... � _.____ - __ . . .. - - r � Q. . �._"` �� ��/��lQ _ ity o t v. etics . a POOL INSPECTION REPORT Medalist Sports Club � Adm. Lati, H�,r• ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEi. Date. 4/23/91 City s Fxhibit �� """ "� CT 555 Cedar Street ; �_ � �3 292-7717 � Month pa y"� �stabli�hment PHONE � Time � _ � arrival departur� �ddress o Next Insp..ct�.o BADGE � CALL TYPE ,s�s Due on or Afte 1-Routine � '�.3 2-Reinspectioi � g' Est � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day ye r Wh 'Tl�ool h `r��� M AIv � REQUIRED S1�FETY EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT RESZDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM ����C�� ��y�l`�� CLARITY IN !UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (se�e below) * ALL ITE.�IS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORR�CTED 1 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �� ACCEPTABLE RANGES °� Mail�ntain between 7 .4 - 7 .8 �ree Chlorine Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 oF �or.ibined Chlorine Maih4ain betwee:� 0 .0 - 1 .0 pF T�ta1 ?�lkalinity Maihtain bet•aeen 50 - 150 pF �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30''; '= 100 pF 3romine � SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SA�•i iSFACTORY UNSATZSFACTOR ; Clarity Chlorine Gas 'koom � Q �low Sign Provide , Ski:nmer Wells � Gas Mask �%�� � ' . Jeck �rea �oom Designed & �ules Posted V_nted i Emergency Number SAFETY EQUIPi�$F;:�'r , � 2001 Bottom Clean � Ring Buoy & � :,:�emical r^eeder Rope Throwlir�e�, _`/ ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Crqc�k Y Closing/Latching . Pool Log (� � Gate Sam�les submi't:ted m (Outdoor only) 8 by operator ��eklY (] ��: OFr^ICIAL SAMPLE TAKEN YES NO X I . I . /� ) �.1�., �7`'./i �./,� - -�' - .'i-�� �..6��!�0,� �: , o , • , r' !i�'�(.r.cc.6�/ � o- ., � _� . ,'/ � � � � i � ' � ✓ � i � 2eceiv2d b Health • � � a/ ,� y Sani,.a�ria,n��,��i ��.� ity o t a v. D Inc. d a ' ���'/J��.�4 Medalist�!,S rts Club A�etilc�s H�� POOL IIVSPECTI N REPORT Date: 4/23�1 City's Exhibit �� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF P[TBLIC HEALT� ate -------- CT 555 Cedar Street ��? 90 30�- 292-7717 onth Da Year 3stablishment PHONE Time � - g� 90 arrival departure �d ress Ne:ct Insp�ctio ADGE � CALL TYPE � s � Due on or Af te 1-Routine 3 2-Reinspection st � 3-Other ?OOL <TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Sl0� Wh ' T �oo h M A �'�a4z�� � ���� REQUIR D SAFET�' EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED I� POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISI[VFECTANT R�SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PPM +��� �p��� „ �, / CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY ������ OTHER (see b�low) ' ALL ITEHS INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'rORY ACCEPTABLE RANGES �� Mainta�n between 7 .4 - 7 .8 ^r�e Chlorine d Maintain betwe�n 1 .0 - 3 .0 ppn �ocabined Chlorine Maintain between 0 .0 - I .0 ppn �'otal ?�lkalinity Mainta n bet�een �0 � - 150 pp� �yanuric Acid Maintai�n between 30 -�'100 ppA 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAC'raRY SATISFACTORY UNSATISFA'CTORY Clarity Chlorine Gas Rodm � a; =�ow Sign Provided—T Ski�uner We?ls Gas Mask � �ec�C Area Room Designed & �ules Posted Vented �mergency Number SAFETY E UI?ME Q Q, ?ool Hottom Clean Ring Buoy & � C`�emicai r^eeder Rope Throwline, � ?�ncing & Self Shepher3s Craok Closing/Latchinq . Pool Loq � � `, �a�e SaAro les submitted (Outdoor only) 8 by operator we�kly [] � OFc ICIAL SAI�LPLE TAREN YES NO � � � �, � . � i / � . , :�`�l� � 3eceivzd by �G ,/ Health Sanitarian�.�.rJ _ , .i . ity ol t a v. e ics . � � �`�/�� — Meda1�$t Sport s Club Adm. Law Hearin� St. Paul Divis ' o Date: 4/23/yl City's Exhibit �� i n of PL---- -._--__.. _,_ . �-« .: . . _-> _ . Environmental Health Sect3�on 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 551q1 NOTIFZCATION OF POOL OPERATORS OF UNSATISFACTORY POOL SAMPIaE 1. Name of Pool s� �=2-v� ` 2 . Address of Pool �-� l S . � 3 . Establishment Number 4 . Date �� a�-�" �' 0 5. Time �.� a �� � ' � � 6. Indoor Pool ,� Outdoor Pool � Whirlpool 7 . Unsatisfactory due to Coliform � ''r 4�:; � �,'ri Aerobic P1ate ;Count ,� �• .� ' 8. Name o` Person contacted ' ' h�t �LL �����-1�/ �� �°. Telephone Number ��� ���s' ' . ,� � - s On this date the facility was contacted reg�rding an �`��' � ` unsatisfacto:cy water sample. The reason for the unsatisfactory ��; sample is ch��cked above. The �ool was not brder�d to close. �� t � �',�.. .��.' �� ��f�1— �����./l � � � �,�'�' � ;�. Sanitarian ; ��*,_ _; ;�� ' ��� _a � >��,: � � � I I • � ; , �����J�p — Me alist Spo'rt s Club� Adme 1Law Hearinga _ POOL I[VSPECTION REPORT Date: 4/23/91 City s Exhibit 4� ST . PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTg D3t CT 555 Cedar Street �O � 292-77I7 Mpnth � p� y � 3stabli�hment PHONE T�ime // : n� � •-� � arrival departure :�ddr2ss Ne:ct Insp�ctio BADGE � CALL TYPE Due on or Af te ' 1-Routine -� - 2-Reinspection � Elst � 3-Other ?OOL TYPE: Indoor Outdoor Month day year Wh ' * DO 1 h ���� M AIN REQUIRED SAFETY' EQUIP. NOT PROVIDED � POOL CLOSED DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: DISINFECTANT R�`SIDUAL BELOW 0 .5 PpM CLARITY IN UNSATISFACTORY OTHER (see b�low) * ALL ITEMS INDICATED UNSATZSFACTORY MUST HE CORRECTED SATISFACTORY UNSATISFAGTORY �ACCEPTABLE RANGES. ;,:;:�- �� Mainta}n between 7 .4 - 7 S.,' ?r_e Chlorir,e Mainta�.n betwe�n 1 .0 - 3:�Q;,;pper �or.tbined Chlorine , � Mainta�n between 0 .0 -. 1 O ;ppm �otal ?�lkalini�y Maintain bet•.�een 50 - '150��pom �yanuric Acid Maintain between 30 - 100 „ppm 3romine SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY SATI�FACTORY UNSATISFACTORY �larity Chlorine Gas Robm � �. =la'+� Sign Provided, � � ,. �.ci:nmer Wells Gas Mask � Ga� �` "" �eck �rea �oom Designed &� _,p,�,C✓" � , �ules Posted Vented Go'�/ � �h'� � ?�ergency Number SAFETY EQUIPMEN1P � � f:' ?ool Botcom Clean Ring Buoy & � ^`�emical r^eeder Rope T:�rowline,� � ?�ncing & Self � Shepher3s Crook� �losing/Latching � Pool Loq ' � ; � - =ate Samnles submitt'ed ' i0utdoor only) 8 8 by operator weekly � � .;;:• �Fc^ICIAL SA��IPLE TAREN YES NO X � � � �" -� �--� 4 ci,t,tr�[.�.�J . . � \ � ' 2ec�i��zd b ,! , Health Sani`a�rian���_�c.i�/�.Zi/��