D00665White •, — City Cierk �Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Blue — Engineer Green - Contraetor • No. 0 00665 Date � � �"� �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ADMINLSTRA'fIVE ORDER> R'hereas, additions which proved to be neeessary to the Improvement deseribed as �zardous Material Abatement at the Civic Center. 143 West 4th Street, Saint Pau1, N1N 55102 known as Contraat 1�-014536 > City Project No. 9502.00 , EnviroBate Metro , Contractor, is composed of the following: Add: 1. Scaffold in corridor leading to Wilkin's . . . . . . . . . , $ 6,500,00 2. Demo soffit above new electrical room entry door ..,..,$ 3,800,00 3. Remove asbestos material in corner of Room C-11 ......$ 3,600,00 4. Remove asbestos material from ceiling outside of new electrical room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,107.00 5. Remove asbestos material from bottom of parking ramp • tunnel. Tunnel will be demolished in neac phase o£ work.. .$12,500,00 $47,507.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, tluough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the speeifications in the sum of $ 4 �. 507 , 00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sidecation named in the co¢tract, known as contcact �- �l 45�6 , and which amount is to be finaneed from: P7 930 � Original Contract . . . . . $247,775.00 Previous Change Order . . . $ 88,980.00 This Ctiange Order . . . . . $ 47,507.00 Total Contract Amount . . . $384,Z62.00 �'� y .S� )�, IQ-_5�`� 19 �_ � a U 19_L_ EmriroBate Metro Contractor gy (signed proposals enclased) �� _/,/�,�,/'rrw�2/�Yt 6 ��'/�_5� of Depag ment of Finance � Admi strative Assistant to the Mayor Director of c �V�� ��dTe� , � ` 1�U0(�1o5 OEPAFTTMEM/OFFICFICOUNpL . DATE INITIATED N� 2 9 7 9 7 LIEP - Building Design �"g(j ��a 9/11/95 GREEN SHEET COMACT PERSON & PHONE �t�TJA�IDATE INITIAUDA7E _ y,•' � , DEPAflTMENTDIflE CtT aC1TYCAUNpL H, �+. HO�.Z$11uu1 266-9091 A��r'N GITVATTOFiNEY �CLEflK NUYBERFOR U5T BE ON CpUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�p� � BUDCaET DIRECTOR F1N. & MC'T. SERVICES OROER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'� � �,L. HOZZS U�l TOTA� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL� LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 3ZO IAWZ�' TO . g. ACfIONREQUESTED: , �� ✓/RO �"— /h . W'W'TG � % Required signatures on Change Order for removal:of additional asbestos containing materials at the Civic Center, 143 West 4th Street, Saint Paul, DR�1 55102. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEPVICE COMMI$$ION �� HaS ihls pCISOnJEkm eVe� w0iketl undeY 3 CoYttreCt fOr ihi5 departmeM? CIB CoMMI77EE YES NO A 2. Has this person/Brm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DiSTRICr COURi _ 3. Does this personfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSU& OPPORTUNITV (Who, W�at, When, Where, Why�: � Additional areas discovered during construction that require removal of asbestos material so the construction can continue. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The construction will continue without major disruptions to the schedule. REC�IVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: SEP 2 0 19g5 None . g�ECEI�/�D , OffICE OF TFiE DIRECTOR SEP 2 81995 { ��gART�iEryT 0� FIIVANCE E . �: � n�1ANAGE;v1ENT SERVl�ES CITY CLERK _ r» DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED: The contractor responsible for providing these services would be stopped until the asbestos containing materials are removed. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACiION $ 4��SO�,OO COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) �YES� NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE P7 930-90300-089$-00000 ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �' � I VV . �� • �3VIYO�te 1Vletro � ENVlRONMENTAL S E R V I C E S 1-800-926-1776 3436 SNELLING AVENUE SOUTH MINIVEAPOIiS. MN 55406 MINNEAPOLIS (612)729-t080 ST. PAUL (612) 224=1708 FAX (6'12)729-t027 May 23, 1995 Herb Holzschuh City of St. Paul 3S0 St. Peter Street St. Paui, MN 55102-1617 Dear Herb: The following page is the cost break down of the area's of work that we discussed earlier this aftemoon. They are broke into six separate work area's and priced • accordingly. The work will be performed under the same condition of our existing contract, with the addition of a semi-permanent f3re retardant barrier to isolate the effected area's if complete abatement of the corridor is not done. These barriers will be installed between the area's that we have abated and area's not abated. Full access of the loading dock and the conidor can be provided by erecting scaffo]d decking at a cost of $6,500.00. Sincerely, �, .. Rich Dennis Project Manager u • nviroBat Metro ENVIRONMENTAL S E R V I C E S 7-800-926-t776 �`��► 3438 SNELLING AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55406 MINNEAPOLIS (6�2)729-1080 ST. PAUL (6�2) 224-'1708 FAX (612)729-�021 PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER .iuiy 7, i9�i5 Mi. Herb Holzschuh 5uite #320 350 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Herb: �� EnviroBate Metro is pleased to provide you with a quotation for your proposed Change Order for: St. Paul Civic Center. Having cazefully examined the site of the proposed project and being familiar with the conditions surrounding the project our proposal is as follows: EnviroBate proposes to furnish all labor, materials, air monitoring, equipment, supplies, disposal and insurance. Asbestos abatement procedures wIll comply with all EPA, OSHA, state and local regulations goveming asbestos control. The following is the proposed scope of work. PP,F510 cOffit at 3*°P_2 fl^QT. P['ICR �3�c���.0� If you have an questions regarding this change order, please feel free to contact me at our office. Sincerely, Bob Jon°s; � Project Manager Accepted r� \ `� ' ? JUL `G4 ' 95 13 � 57 EPJV IROBHTE • R + �`V'1�'OF�t Metxo EtVVtRpNMEN'fAL S E R V 1 C E S P.2 ��� � � 3438 SNELLIt�l6 AVESrUE SOUTn MINNc'APOLIS, MFV 55�On' MINNEAFOLIS (fii2)729-1080 ST, PAUL (Bt2) 22i-S748 rRaposar, FAX (fi12) 729-1O�f Jnly 24, 1995 �Ierh T�O1ZSChu1.! City of St. Paul 3S0 St. �'eter Street Suite #310 St. Pau1, MN 551a2-1510 Dear Herb; EnviroBatx Metro is pleased Eo provide yon wit1� a quotation fE�r your proposed project at: Civic Center St. PauI. T-Taving carefully examuied the sit � af the proposed project . and being familiar �vith the coz�d'ztions siurounding the prt�ject our proposai is as follaws : EnviroBate proposes to furnish a�l lab=,r, materials, equzpment,supplies, disposal and insurance. Asb�:stos abatement grocedures wilt complq with all �'A, OSHA, >tate and locaI xegulations governing asbestos controI. The follawing is the presposed scope of worlt. Iteanoval of asi�estos fire proofing in meetix►g roam C-11. Price $3,600.OU If you bave any further qnestians regarding this proposal pleas� feel £ree to contact our office. Sincerely, �� `^�"� �i M ../ Bob Jones � • Project Managez Accc�t�d nviroBate� • ENVIRONMENTAL S E R V I C E S 'I-800-926-'1776 Metro ���5 3438 SNELLING AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55406 MINNEAPOLIS (6}2)729-�OSO ST PAUL (6'12) 224-1708 FAX (612)729-1021 August 30, 1995 Mr. Herb Holzschrsh City of 3t. Paul 350 St. Peter Street Suite 310 St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 Dear Mr. Holzschuh: Based on our meeting this morning EnviroBate will supply the labor and material to • abate the asbestos from the area in the lower level between column lines ll2 and 114. EnviroBate will also clean and encapsulate the mechanical space directly above the work area. All work will be performed in accordance with all local state and federal regulations governing asbestos removal at a cost of $21,107.00. Additional cost could be added if there is a need to perform the work above industry standard to accommodate other contractor's concerns. Sincerely, ���_�� Rich Dennis Project Manager �� � Accepted r� L , •. nviroBate° ENVIRONMENTAL S E R V I C E S • �-500-926-1776 i�� • � 1!t � � 3a38 SNELLING AVENUE SOUTH MIhSNEAPOLiS. MN 55406 MINNEAPOLIS (612) �29-1080 ST. PAUL (6�2) 224-1708 FAX (6i2)729-�02i August 30, 1995 Mr. Herb Holzschuh Cit�j of St. Paul 350 3t. Peter Street Suite 310 St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 RE: Park Ramp Tunnel Dear Mr. Holzschuh: • Based on our meeting this morning, EnviroBate will supply the labor, materials and scaffold necessary to complete the parking ramp tunnel project while allowing Krammer Construction road usage by doing the project in two phases leaving one-half of the roadway open to truck traffic for a cost of $12,500.00. If there is a need to deviate from the proposed project design or schedule to facilitate Krammer Construction's needs, additional cost may be incurred. Sincerely, � ��� Rich Dennis Project Manager RD:kdl Accepted �