98-536Council File # ��
Presented By
Green Sheet #
�f ���
Referred To Committee: Date
WIIEI2EAS, the City County Workforce System Redesign ?'ask Force was established in November, 1997 to
recommend how the Saint Paul and Ramsey County workforce development programs can increase cooperation,
consolidate, or merge to meet the needs of employers and job seekers; and
WF�EREAS, on May 1, 1998 the City Couniy YYorkforce System Redesign Task Force unauiulously passed a
motion recommending that a process be initiated to pursue a potential merger of the two warkfarce development
systems into a single polioy, admiuistrative, and ogerational system to provide public workforce development
services for the whole of Ramsey County consistent with the current state and federal laws under which they
operate; and
WF�REAS, the proposal, which is attached, recommends the creation of a Policy Working Board by July 1,
1998 to develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and provides
guiding principles for their work; Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the recommendation of the City-County
Workforce System Redesign Task Force to create a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the Joint Policy Working Board be charged with the following tasks: to review similaz
experiences in other states; to analyze the cost/benefit or develop a budget; to contact and inform adjacent
counries; to develop a recommendation for the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, the Ramsey County
Warkforce Council, the Saint Paui City Council, and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council on whether
or not to merge by December 31, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that if the Joint Policy Working Boaf•d recommends a merger, that the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Ramsey County Workforce Councii, the Saint Paul City Council, and the Saint Paul
Workfarce Development Council be asked to review and approve or disapprove a merger by February 10, 1999
and, if approved, to submit a request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounty workforce service area
in time to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1,1949 (as required by Job Training Partnership Act
law); and to direct the Joint Policy Working Boazd to develop a plan for the creation of a singie Workforce
Development Council to be established by July l, 1999, and to develop a plan far merger of the two job iraining
programs (administration and operations) beginning July 1, 2000; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Pau1 approves the following appointments for
membership on the .7oint Policy Working Board:
Councilmember Michael Harris and Susan Kimberly representing the Saint Paul Mayor;
Louis Aenry and Rolf Middleton representing the St. Paul Workforce Development Council;
Jacqui Shoholm representing City workforce staff ; and
Harriet Horwath representing affected employees; and Be It Further
98 53�
43 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 invite the Community Employment Partnership, the
44 Minnesota Workforce Center System, and Ramsey County Community Human Services each to designate one
45 representative to the Joint Policy Workang Board.
Adopted by Council: Date `-���/ L�t"a `\b
Adoption CertiEied by Counci Secr ry
By: a .
Approved by M yor: Da
Requested by Department of:
�: . �., .�i .
: " i,:',m. ,►�!f'� �
,.. . ,
'• �..� / i
/ —
- lf t _.� '�i►�I
� ' ' '
N°_ 5196?
Adopt attached resolution approving appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Avo�e� ca� or
_ STAfF _ _
1 Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract tor fhis department� �
2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry empioyee?
3. Does tnis persoNfirm po55ess a skill not normaily possessetl by any current ciry employee�
Expiain alf yes enswera on Separete aheet entl ettech to green aheat
In 1996, the Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee identified merger of the rivo essentially similar workforce
development programs as one area to study. In May of this year, the City-County Workforce System Redesign
Task Force recommended establishing a Policy Working Board to work out the detailed plans for a potential
merger. The attached resolution approves the City appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Councii Researc..h �`¢�¢��
The Policy Working Board will be a61e to begin iu work on schedule.
JUN 16 1998
The public workforce development system will continue to operate as fragmented, separate systems at a time
when a long-term labor shortage threatens continued economic growth.
9� s��
Interdepartmentat Memorandum
TO: Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Conncilmember Mike Harris
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
FROM: Susan Kimberly, SW Team Leader and Workforce Program Administrato�/�j�/L/'
SUBJECT: Workforce System Redesign Task Force RecommendaHon
DATE: June 15, 1998
Attached are two Draft Resolutions for consideration. This memo will give you some background as to where
they came from, and the opportunity they are intended to address.
� Merger Discussions: With two essentially similar workforce development programs operating
in a much lazger regional labor market, discussions about a possible merger have been going on for
more than a decade. They accelerated with the 7oint Properiy Tas Advisory Committee's "Joint
Efforts Recommendation" in January of 1996, which identified the two warkforce systems as a
program area that might be merged. In 1997, in response to the growing labor shortage, which is
threatening continued economic growth, Mayor Coleman identified workforce development as a
high priority of his administration and asked Larry Buegler to chair a task force to look at a potential
merger. Discussions with Ramsey County resulted in an agreement to form the Ciry-County
Workforce Development System Redesign Task Force, which held its fitst meeting in December of
1997 and concluded its work this May.
� Need and Opportunity: The long-term labar shortage and welfare reform is challenging the
public workforce development system to become more effective. It is also sparking the formarion
of new approaches to warkforce development like the Communiry Emptoyment Partnership for
Ramsey County. The bottom line is that this is the best opportunity in mara than a generation to
move lazge numbers of people not just off of welfare, but out of poverry. It is also an opportunity
far the two workfarce development systems in the City and the County to reposition themselves to
address the new realities of the 21 n century, and to achieve some economies of scale in the process.
m Task Force Recommendations: The City Counry Workforce System Redesign Tark Force was
co-chaired by Larry Buegler for the City and Gene Steele for the County and had 8 additional
members -- Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry, and Rolf Middleton for the City, and David
McKay, Haakon Oksnevaad, Susan Sorenson, and Ellen Watters for the County. It adopted the
attached morion which recommends the creafion of a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998 to
develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and
provides guiding principles for their work. If you aze interested in more detailed informarion about
their findings, please call Craig Blakely at 266-6697.
� Job Security and Union Representafion: Before the fmal meeting of the Task Force on May
ln, the City delegates proposed making a commitment to job security in the event of a merger, and
to bringing union representatives onto the Policy Working Boazd in order to avoid an adversarial
situation developing as the Board explored a potential merger. In the negotiations back and forth
between the City and CounTy Task Force members, these points were omitted inadvertently.
� Recommended Action: Staff recommends adoption ofthe two draft resolutions thataze attached.
The first accepts the recommendation of the Task Force to establish a Policy Working Board,
outlines its charge, and approves appointment of its six City representatives, which include
Councilmember Michael Harris, Susan Kimberly, Louis Henry, Rolf Middleton, Jacqui Shoholm,
and Harriet Horwath. The second resolution affirms the City's support for employment protection
and union representation and asks the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners to consider
supporting these in their resolution adopting the Task Force recommendations.
�� 53�
Adopted unanimously by Larry Buegler, Gene Steele, Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry,
David McKay, RoZfMiddleton, Haakon Oksnevad, Susan Sorensen, Ellen Watters.
It is recommended that the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County Workforce Councils
initiate a process in which they would pursue the following:
• A potential to merge to create a single workforce counciUprivate indushy council which will
provide strategic leadership far public warkforce development services in Ramsey Couniy
and is consistent with cunent state and federal laws under which they currently operate, and
• A potential to merge the two job training programs over which they exercise plaz�iing and
oversight authority into a single grant recipient, administrative enrity, and operating agency,
• Support and participate in the continued development of the Community Employment
Partnership (CEP) and encourage involvement of all stakehoiders in the workforce
development system, including representatives of the various constituencies and
� Membership of the New Single Workforce Development Council
Legal Recammended
12 Private sector representatives (must be >50%) 17
2 Labor representatives (minimum of 2) 2
4 Area Workforce & Community-Based Organizations 6
(15) could include CEP, STW, Workforce Center
system, etc.
1 Economic Development Agency 2
1 Education Representative (1 sec & 1 post sec) 2
1 Vocational Rehabilitation Agency 1
1 Public Assistance Agency 1
1 Public Employment Service Agency i
0 Job Seeker or Employee 1
Z3 33
Current Membership of the Two Boards:
S€: PanI itamsey Cv. Tutal lYevE WD�
Private Sector 13 12 25 17
Public Sectar 11 11 22 16
�'�E�I � 2�€ �3 47 33
Q Structure of the New Workforce Development Council (WDC)
• Members will be appointed by the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the
Mayor of the City of St. Paul consistent with representation of the labor force between
St. Paul and the suburban azea.
• Empioyers will include representatives from growth industries, clusters, and vatious
sized businesses.
� Maintain an equal partnership with local elected officials.
• Have members with a broad vision.
• Chaired by a person from the private sector.
• May create committees for the conduct of its business which include individuals who
are not members of the WDC, as long as each committee maintains a simple majority of
WDC members.
• Will be staffed by Workforce Development Program staff.
• Will serve 2 customers (employers and job seekers) with emphasis on meeting the
needs of employers as well as job seekers.
• Will actively participate in the continued development of the CEP.
• Will maintain resources for both the Ciry of St. Paul and the suburban azea.
� Creation of a Joint Policy Working Baard
To oversee a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Councils/PICs and to
develop a plan regarding a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Development
Programs within the context of other workforce development initiatives and potential new
federallegislation and to ensute an employer and job seeker responsive job seeking
Tasks to be Continued and Concluded
• Review similaz e�cperiences in other states.
• Analyze costJbenefat or develop a budget.
• Contact and inform adjacent counties.
• Submit request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounry workforce service
area to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1, 1999 (as required by JTPA
• Develop a plan for potential creation of single Workforce Development Council
(consistent with the specifications in this document) to be established by July 1, 1999).
• Develop a plan for potential merger of the 2 job training programs (administration and
operations) beginning July 1, 2000.
Policy Working Board Membershipto include the following representatives:
• 2 representatives of Local Elected Officials (one each appointed by the St. Paul Mayor
and County Board)
• 4 PIC (2 from the City and 2 from the County)
• 2 staff (1 from the City and 1 from the County)
• 2 affected employees (i from the City and i from the County)
• 1 from the Community Employment Partnership
� 1 from the Minnesota Workforce Center System
� 1 from the Ramsey County Community Human Services Departsnent
This Joint Policy working boazd will be formed by July 1, 1998.
0 Condition
Any o£ the parties (City or County Workforce Council, the City Mayor or the County Boazd) has
the option to withdraw fiom this process at any time within 30 days prior written notice. Such
notice shall be received by the 4 PIC representatives, the 4 elected officiai representatives, the
Mayor and the County Board.
Council File # ��
Presented By
Green Sheet #
�f ���
Referred To Committee: Date
WIIEI2EAS, the City County Workforce System Redesign ?'ask Force was established in November, 1997 to
recommend how the Saint Paul and Ramsey County workforce development programs can increase cooperation,
consolidate, or merge to meet the needs of employers and job seekers; and
WF�EREAS, on May 1, 1998 the City Couniy YYorkforce System Redesign Task Force unauiulously passed a
motion recommending that a process be initiated to pursue a potential merger of the two warkfarce development
systems into a single polioy, admiuistrative, and ogerational system to provide public workforce development
services for the whole of Ramsey County consistent with the current state and federal laws under which they
operate; and
WF�REAS, the proposal, which is attached, recommends the creation of a Policy Working Board by July 1,
1998 to develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and provides
guiding principles for their work; Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the recommendation of the City-County
Workforce System Redesign Task Force to create a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the Joint Policy Working Board be charged with the following tasks: to review similaz
experiences in other states; to analyze the cost/benefit or develop a budget; to contact and inform adjacent
counries; to develop a recommendation for the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, the Ramsey County
Warkforce Council, the Saint Paui City Council, and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council on whether
or not to merge by December 31, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that if the Joint Policy Working Boaf•d recommends a merger, that the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Ramsey County Workforce Councii, the Saint Paul City Council, and the Saint Paul
Workfarce Development Council be asked to review and approve or disapprove a merger by February 10, 1999
and, if approved, to submit a request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounty workforce service area
in time to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1,1949 (as required by Job Training Partnership Act
law); and to direct the Joint Policy Working Boazd to develop a plan for the creation of a singie Workforce
Development Council to be established by July l, 1999, and to develop a plan far merger of the two job iraining
programs (administration and operations) beginning July 1, 2000; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Pau1 approves the following appointments for
membership on the .7oint Policy Working Board:
Councilmember Michael Harris and Susan Kimberly representing the Saint Paul Mayor;
Louis Aenry and Rolf Middleton representing the St. Paul Workforce Development Council;
Jacqui Shoholm representing City workforce staff ; and
Harriet Horwath representing affected employees; and Be It Further
98 53�
43 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 invite the Community Employment Partnership, the
44 Minnesota Workforce Center System, and Ramsey County Community Human Services each to designate one
45 representative to the Joint Policy Workang Board.
Adopted by Council: Date `-���/ L�t"a `\b
Adoption CertiEied by Counci Secr ry
By: a .
Approved by M yor: Da
Requested by Department of:
�: . �., .�i .
: " i,:',m. ,►�!f'� �
,.. . ,
'• �..� / i
/ —
- lf t _.� '�i►�I
� ' ' '
N°_ 5196?
Adopt attached resolution approving appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Avo�e� ca� or
_ STAfF _ _
1 Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract tor fhis department� �
2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry empioyee?
3. Does tnis persoNfirm po55ess a skill not normaily possessetl by any current ciry employee�
Expiain alf yes enswera on Separete aheet entl ettech to green aheat
In 1996, the Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee identified merger of the rivo essentially similar workforce
development programs as one area to study. In May of this year, the City-County Workforce System Redesign
Task Force recommended establishing a Policy Working Board to work out the detailed plans for a potential
merger. The attached resolution approves the City appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Councii Researc..h �`¢�¢��
The Policy Working Board will be a61e to begin iu work on schedule.
JUN 16 1998
The public workforce development system will continue to operate as fragmented, separate systems at a time
when a long-term labor shortage threatens continued economic growth.
9� s��
Interdepartmentat Memorandum
TO: Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Conncilmember Mike Harris
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
FROM: Susan Kimberly, SW Team Leader and Workforce Program Administrato�/�j�/L/'
SUBJECT: Workforce System Redesign Task Force RecommendaHon
DATE: June 15, 1998
Attached are two Draft Resolutions for consideration. This memo will give you some background as to where
they came from, and the opportunity they are intended to address.
� Merger Discussions: With two essentially similar workforce development programs operating
in a much lazger regional labor market, discussions about a possible merger have been going on for
more than a decade. They accelerated with the 7oint Properiy Tas Advisory Committee's "Joint
Efforts Recommendation" in January of 1996, which identified the two warkforce systems as a
program area that might be merged. In 1997, in response to the growing labor shortage, which is
threatening continued economic growth, Mayor Coleman identified workforce development as a
high priority of his administration and asked Larry Buegler to chair a task force to look at a potential
merger. Discussions with Ramsey County resulted in an agreement to form the Ciry-County
Workforce Development System Redesign Task Force, which held its fitst meeting in December of
1997 and concluded its work this May.
� Need and Opportunity: The long-term labar shortage and welfare reform is challenging the
public workforce development system to become more effective. It is also sparking the formarion
of new approaches to warkforce development like the Communiry Emptoyment Partnership for
Ramsey County. The bottom line is that this is the best opportunity in mara than a generation to
move lazge numbers of people not just off of welfare, but out of poverry. It is also an opportunity
far the two workfarce development systems in the City and the County to reposition themselves to
address the new realities of the 21 n century, and to achieve some economies of scale in the process.
m Task Force Recommendations: The City Counry Workforce System Redesign Tark Force was
co-chaired by Larry Buegler for the City and Gene Steele for the County and had 8 additional
members -- Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry, and Rolf Middleton for the City, and David
McKay, Haakon Oksnevaad, Susan Sorenson, and Ellen Watters for the County. It adopted the
attached morion which recommends the creafion of a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998 to
develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and
provides guiding principles for their work. If you aze interested in more detailed informarion about
their findings, please call Craig Blakely at 266-6697.
� Job Security and Union Representafion: Before the fmal meeting of the Task Force on May
ln, the City delegates proposed making a commitment to job security in the event of a merger, and
to bringing union representatives onto the Policy Working Boazd in order to avoid an adversarial
situation developing as the Board explored a potential merger. In the negotiations back and forth
between the City and CounTy Task Force members, these points were omitted inadvertently.
� Recommended Action: Staff recommends adoption ofthe two draft resolutions thataze attached.
The first accepts the recommendation of the Task Force to establish a Policy Working Board,
outlines its charge, and approves appointment of its six City representatives, which include
Councilmember Michael Harris, Susan Kimberly, Louis Henry, Rolf Middleton, Jacqui Shoholm,
and Harriet Horwath. The second resolution affirms the City's support for employment protection
and union representation and asks the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners to consider
supporting these in their resolution adopting the Task Force recommendations.
�� 53�
Adopted unanimously by Larry Buegler, Gene Steele, Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry,
David McKay, RoZfMiddleton, Haakon Oksnevad, Susan Sorensen, Ellen Watters.
It is recommended that the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County Workforce Councils
initiate a process in which they would pursue the following:
• A potential to merge to create a single workforce counciUprivate indushy council which will
provide strategic leadership far public warkforce development services in Ramsey Couniy
and is consistent with cunent state and federal laws under which they currently operate, and
• A potential to merge the two job training programs over which they exercise plaz�iing and
oversight authority into a single grant recipient, administrative enrity, and operating agency,
• Support and participate in the continued development of the Community Employment
Partnership (CEP) and encourage involvement of all stakehoiders in the workforce
development system, including representatives of the various constituencies and
� Membership of the New Single Workforce Development Council
Legal Recammended
12 Private sector representatives (must be >50%) 17
2 Labor representatives (minimum of 2) 2
4 Area Workforce & Community-Based Organizations 6
(15) could include CEP, STW, Workforce Center
system, etc.
1 Economic Development Agency 2
1 Education Representative (1 sec & 1 post sec) 2
1 Vocational Rehabilitation Agency 1
1 Public Assistance Agency 1
1 Public Employment Service Agency i
0 Job Seeker or Employee 1
Z3 33
Current Membership of the Two Boards:
S€: PanI itamsey Cv. Tutal lYevE WD�
Private Sector 13 12 25 17
Public Sectar 11 11 22 16
�'�E�I � 2�€ �3 47 33
Q Structure of the New Workforce Development Council (WDC)
• Members will be appointed by the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the
Mayor of the City of St. Paul consistent with representation of the labor force between
St. Paul and the suburban azea.
• Empioyers will include representatives from growth industries, clusters, and vatious
sized businesses.
� Maintain an equal partnership with local elected officials.
• Have members with a broad vision.
• Chaired by a person from the private sector.
• May create committees for the conduct of its business which include individuals who
are not members of the WDC, as long as each committee maintains a simple majority of
WDC members.
• Will be staffed by Workforce Development Program staff.
• Will serve 2 customers (employers and job seekers) with emphasis on meeting the
needs of employers as well as job seekers.
• Will actively participate in the continued development of the CEP.
• Will maintain resources for both the Ciry of St. Paul and the suburban azea.
� Creation of a Joint Policy Working Baard
To oversee a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Councils/PICs and to
develop a plan regarding a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Development
Programs within the context of other workforce development initiatives and potential new
federallegislation and to ensute an employer and job seeker responsive job seeking
Tasks to be Continued and Concluded
• Review similaz e�cperiences in other states.
• Analyze costJbenefat or develop a budget.
• Contact and inform adjacent counties.
• Submit request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounry workforce service
area to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1, 1999 (as required by JTPA
• Develop a plan for potential creation of single Workforce Development Council
(consistent with the specifications in this document) to be established by July 1, 1999).
• Develop a plan for potential merger of the 2 job training programs (administration and
operations) beginning July 1, 2000.
Policy Working Board Membershipto include the following representatives:
• 2 representatives of Local Elected Officials (one each appointed by the St. Paul Mayor
and County Board)
• 4 PIC (2 from the City and 2 from the County)
• 2 staff (1 from the City and 1 from the County)
• 2 affected employees (i from the City and i from the County)
• 1 from the Community Employment Partnership
� 1 from the Minnesota Workforce Center System
� 1 from the Ramsey County Community Human Services Departsnent
This Joint Policy working boazd will be formed by July 1, 1998.
0 Condition
Any o£ the parties (City or County Workforce Council, the City Mayor or the County Boazd) has
the option to withdraw fiom this process at any time within 30 days prior written notice. Such
notice shall be received by the 4 PIC representatives, the 4 elected officiai representatives, the
Mayor and the County Board.
Council File # ��
Presented By
Green Sheet #
�f ���
Referred To Committee: Date
WIIEI2EAS, the City County Workforce System Redesign ?'ask Force was established in November, 1997 to
recommend how the Saint Paul and Ramsey County workforce development programs can increase cooperation,
consolidate, or merge to meet the needs of employers and job seekers; and
WF�EREAS, on May 1, 1998 the City Couniy YYorkforce System Redesign Task Force unauiulously passed a
motion recommending that a process be initiated to pursue a potential merger of the two warkfarce development
systems into a single polioy, admiuistrative, and ogerational system to provide public workforce development
services for the whole of Ramsey County consistent with the current state and federal laws under which they
operate; and
WF�REAS, the proposal, which is attached, recommends the creation of a Policy Working Board by July 1,
1998 to develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and provides
guiding principles for their work; Now Therefore Be It
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the recommendation of the City-County
Workforce System Redesign Task Force to create a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the Joint Policy Working Board be charged with the following tasks: to review similaz
experiences in other states; to analyze the cost/benefit or develop a budget; to contact and inform adjacent
counries; to develop a recommendation for the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, the Ramsey County
Warkforce Council, the Saint Paui City Council, and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council on whether
or not to merge by December 31, 1998; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that if the Joint Policy Working Boaf•d recommends a merger, that the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Ramsey County Workforce Councii, the Saint Paul City Council, and the Saint Paul
Workfarce Development Council be asked to review and approve or disapprove a merger by February 10, 1999
and, if approved, to submit a request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounty workforce service area
in time to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1,1949 (as required by Job Training Partnership Act
law); and to direct the Joint Policy Working Boazd to develop a plan for the creation of a singie Workforce
Development Council to be established by July l, 1999, and to develop a plan far merger of the two job iraining
programs (administration and operations) beginning July 1, 2000; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Pau1 approves the following appointments for
membership on the .7oint Policy Working Board:
Councilmember Michael Harris and Susan Kimberly representing the Saint Paul Mayor;
Louis Aenry and Rolf Middleton representing the St. Paul Workforce Development Council;
Jacqui Shoholm representing City workforce staff ; and
Harriet Horwath representing affected employees; and Be It Further
98 53�
43 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 invite the Community Employment Partnership, the
44 Minnesota Workforce Center System, and Ramsey County Community Human Services each to designate one
45 representative to the Joint Policy Workang Board.
Adopted by Council: Date `-���/ L�t"a `\b
Adoption CertiEied by Counci Secr ry
By: a .
Approved by M yor: Da
Requested by Department of:
�: . �., .�i .
: " i,:',m. ,►�!f'� �
,.. . ,
'• �..� / i
/ —
- lf t _.� '�i►�I
� ' ' '
N°_ 5196?
Adopt attached resolution approving appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Avo�e� ca� or
_ STAfF _ _
1 Has this personffirm ever worketl under a contract tor fhis department� �
2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry empioyee?
3. Does tnis persoNfirm po55ess a skill not normaily possessetl by any current ciry employee�
Expiain alf yes enswera on Separete aheet entl ettech to green aheat
In 1996, the Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee identified merger of the rivo essentially similar workforce
development programs as one area to study. In May of this year, the City-County Workforce System Redesign
Task Force recommended establishing a Policy Working Board to work out the detailed plans for a potential
merger. The attached resolution approves the City appointments to the Policy Working Board.
Councii Researc..h �`¢�¢��
The Policy Working Board will be a61e to begin iu work on schedule.
JUN 16 1998
The public workforce development system will continue to operate as fragmented, separate systems at a time
when a long-term labor shortage threatens continued economic growth.
9� s��
Interdepartmentat Memorandum
TO: Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Conncilmember Mike Harris
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
FROM: Susan Kimberly, SW Team Leader and Workforce Program Administrato�/�j�/L/'
SUBJECT: Workforce System Redesign Task Force RecommendaHon
DATE: June 15, 1998
Attached are two Draft Resolutions for consideration. This memo will give you some background as to where
they came from, and the opportunity they are intended to address.
� Merger Discussions: With two essentially similar workforce development programs operating
in a much lazger regional labor market, discussions about a possible merger have been going on for
more than a decade. They accelerated with the 7oint Properiy Tas Advisory Committee's "Joint
Efforts Recommendation" in January of 1996, which identified the two warkforce systems as a
program area that might be merged. In 1997, in response to the growing labor shortage, which is
threatening continued economic growth, Mayor Coleman identified workforce development as a
high priority of his administration and asked Larry Buegler to chair a task force to look at a potential
merger. Discussions with Ramsey County resulted in an agreement to form the Ciry-County
Workforce Development System Redesign Task Force, which held its fitst meeting in December of
1997 and concluded its work this May.
� Need and Opportunity: The long-term labar shortage and welfare reform is challenging the
public workforce development system to become more effective. It is also sparking the formarion
of new approaches to warkforce development like the Communiry Emptoyment Partnership for
Ramsey County. The bottom line is that this is the best opportunity in mara than a generation to
move lazge numbers of people not just off of welfare, but out of poverry. It is also an opportunity
far the two workfarce development systems in the City and the County to reposition themselves to
address the new realities of the 21 n century, and to achieve some economies of scale in the process.
m Task Force Recommendations: The City Counry Workforce System Redesign Tark Force was
co-chaired by Larry Buegler for the City and Gene Steele for the County and had 8 additional
members -- Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry, and Rolf Middleton for the City, and David
McKay, Haakon Oksnevaad, Susan Sorenson, and Ellen Watters for the County. It adopted the
attached morion which recommends the creafion of a Policy Working Board by July 1, 1998 to
develop a detailed plan for the potential merger of the two workforce development systems and
provides guiding principles for their work. If you aze interested in more detailed informarion about
their findings, please call Craig Blakely at 266-6697.
� Job Security and Union Representafion: Before the fmal meeting of the Task Force on May
ln, the City delegates proposed making a commitment to job security in the event of a merger, and
to bringing union representatives onto the Policy Working Boazd in order to avoid an adversarial
situation developing as the Board explored a potential merger. In the negotiations back and forth
between the City and CounTy Task Force members, these points were omitted inadvertently.
� Recommended Action: Staff recommends adoption ofthe two draft resolutions thataze attached.
The first accepts the recommendation of the Task Force to establish a Policy Working Board,
outlines its charge, and approves appointment of its six City representatives, which include
Councilmember Michael Harris, Susan Kimberly, Louis Henry, Rolf Middleton, Jacqui Shoholm,
and Harriet Horwath. The second resolution affirms the City's support for employment protection
and union representation and asks the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners to consider
supporting these in their resolution adopting the Task Force recommendations.
�� 53�
Adopted unanimously by Larry Buegler, Gene Steele, Dick Anfang, Dick Hanson, Louis Henry,
David McKay, RoZfMiddleton, Haakon Oksnevad, Susan Sorensen, Ellen Watters.
It is recommended that the City of St. Paul and Ramsey County Workforce Councils
initiate a process in which they would pursue the following:
• A potential to merge to create a single workforce counciUprivate indushy council which will
provide strategic leadership far public warkforce development services in Ramsey Couniy
and is consistent with cunent state and federal laws under which they currently operate, and
• A potential to merge the two job training programs over which they exercise plaz�iing and
oversight authority into a single grant recipient, administrative enrity, and operating agency,
• Support and participate in the continued development of the Community Employment
Partnership (CEP) and encourage involvement of all stakehoiders in the workforce
development system, including representatives of the various constituencies and
� Membership of the New Single Workforce Development Council
Legal Recammended
12 Private sector representatives (must be >50%) 17
2 Labor representatives (minimum of 2) 2
4 Area Workforce & Community-Based Organizations 6
(15) could include CEP, STW, Workforce Center
system, etc.
1 Economic Development Agency 2
1 Education Representative (1 sec & 1 post sec) 2
1 Vocational Rehabilitation Agency 1
1 Public Assistance Agency 1
1 Public Employment Service Agency i
0 Job Seeker or Employee 1
Z3 33
Current Membership of the Two Boards:
S€: PanI itamsey Cv. Tutal lYevE WD�
Private Sector 13 12 25 17
Public Sectar 11 11 22 16
�'�E�I � 2�€ �3 47 33
Q Structure of the New Workforce Development Council (WDC)
• Members will be appointed by the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the
Mayor of the City of St. Paul consistent with representation of the labor force between
St. Paul and the suburban azea.
• Empioyers will include representatives from growth industries, clusters, and vatious
sized businesses.
� Maintain an equal partnership with local elected officials.
• Have members with a broad vision.
• Chaired by a person from the private sector.
• May create committees for the conduct of its business which include individuals who
are not members of the WDC, as long as each committee maintains a simple majority of
WDC members.
• Will be staffed by Workforce Development Program staff.
• Will serve 2 customers (employers and job seekers) with emphasis on meeting the
needs of employers as well as job seekers.
• Will actively participate in the continued development of the CEP.
• Will maintain resources for both the Ciry of St. Paul and the suburban azea.
� Creation of a Joint Policy Working Baard
To oversee a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Councils/PICs and to
develop a plan regarding a potential merger of the City and County Workforce Development
Programs within the context of other workforce development initiatives and potential new
federallegislation and to ensute an employer and job seeker responsive job seeking
Tasks to be Continued and Concluded
• Review similaz e�cperiences in other states.
• Analyze costJbenefat or develop a budget.
• Contact and inform adjacent counties.
• Submit request to the State for redesignation of a single CitylCounry workforce service
area to obtain approval by the State no later than March 1, 1999 (as required by JTPA
• Develop a plan for potential creation of single Workforce Development Council
(consistent with the specifications in this document) to be established by July 1, 1999).
• Develop a plan for potential merger of the 2 job training programs (administration and
operations) beginning July 1, 2000.
Policy Working Board Membershipto include the following representatives:
• 2 representatives of Local Elected Officials (one each appointed by the St. Paul Mayor
and County Board)
• 4 PIC (2 from the City and 2 from the County)
• 2 staff (1 from the City and 1 from the County)
• 2 affected employees (i from the City and i from the County)
• 1 from the Community Employment Partnership
� 1 from the Minnesota Workforce Center System
� 1 from the Ramsey County Community Human Services Departsnent
This Joint Policy working boazd will be formed by July 1, 1998.
0 Condition
Any o£ the parties (City or County Workforce Council, the City Mayor or the County Boazd) has
the option to withdraw fiom this process at any time within 30 days prior written notice. Such
notice shall be received by the 4 PIC representatives, the 4 elected officiai representatives, the
Mayor and the County Board.