91-1413 I ��RIG��1�►i. � ` � ' � Council File # .� �, , IGreen Sheet # ,�� RESOLUT�ON � '' CI F SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA � � � Presented By �Referred To � Committee: Date —(— 'J�/ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXECUTT�N OF A SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWE S AGREEMENT FOR THE ENERGY PARK AND TWIN CITY�CESTING TAX.INCREMENT DISTRICT'S AND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF BOND$ BY THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST.IPAUL IN CONNECTION WITH THAT PROJECT WHEREAS: 1. The City Council of the City of Saint Paul has previously adopted its Resolution C.F.No.91-355,pursuant to Minnesota Sta+utes, Section 469.174 to 469.179 and Sections 46^.124 to 469.134,approved certain matte;s pertaining to the Energy Park and Twin City Testing Tax Increment District,particularly as they�elated to the relocating of the Frst Bank Operations Division to the former ETA Building in Energy Park(the "Project"); �nd � �`: ;:t' 2. Additional negotiations have been undertaken in connection �7th the Project, including'negotiations betwe�n the kort Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") and the Executive Director of the`.S�inf'Paut Department af Planning and Economic Development,pertaining to certain agreem°nts relating to the Energy Park'and Twin City Testing T� Increment District, which agreements are more fulty set forth in the staff report provided to the.City Coun_cil; and 3. Implementation of the agreements which have been reached bet�veen the City and the Port Authority will require the execution of a Second Amended and Restated 7oint Powers Agreem,l nt, and a Development Agreement, in substantially the form which has been provided to the Ci_ty Council; and 4. The Port Authority has adopted Resolutions giving its preliminary approval to the issuance of taxable tax increment bonds by the Port Authority in the appro�mate principal amounts of:�$3,610,000 to be used to provide funds to pay for certain of the costs incuned in the Project; $3,500,000 to redeem the o tstanding Twin City Testing Bonds; and $640,000 in face amount of capital appreciation bonds accreting to a par value at turity of$3,000,000 to reduce stress on the Energy Park Tax Increment District in the earlier years (collectively the "Bon�s");.and 5. The Bonds are to be paid from Energy Park Tax Increment�, pursuant to the terms of the Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement referred to above; and I 6. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234,provides that any issue f revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City�f Saint Paul, by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 7. The Port Authority has requested that the City Council(a)give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of the bonds referred to herein by the Port Authority,subj ct to final approval of the detaits of said issues by the Port Authority and(b)authorize the execu[ion of the Second Amende�l and Restated Joint Powers Agreement �,� and Development Agreement, referred to above. '•..`'� I ,�� � ' � � � :� ;z:� �� ������1�� : � �.,.� � �. _ . RESOLVED: .`I 1. The City Council hereby approves the execution of the Second I Amended and It�stated,Joint Powers Agreement and Development Agreement in substantialty the forms cunently on fi�e, to reflect-t�ie�reorde,�:i� of'the TaX x.:. � Increment priorities and the other agreements reached between the Port Authori nd the Ci g� ty$ `�if Saint Paul with respect� ��A'� to the Energy Park Tax Increment District in general and the Project,in particular; all as more fully set forth in the staff report and this Resolution. 2. In accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976,Chapter 234,the City�Councii hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid Bonds for the purpose described,the exact details of which,includin�,but not limited to,provisions relating to principal amount,maturities,interest rates,discount and redemption are to be determined by the Port Authority,pursuant to a resolution to be adopted by the Port Authority,and the City Council hereby authlorizes the issuance of additional bonds found by the Port Authority to be necessary to refund the Bonds. I . I I Yeas Navs Absent Requested bylDepartment of: imon onv=tZ �— Planning andlEconomic Development Maccabee 1 ettman -� �n e i son gy; � Adopted by� Council: Date AUG i 5 igg� Form Approvedlby Cit Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary "=` By: BY: I 3 Appr ed by MByor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date _ A[J� � (� 1991 Council � gY: ���ir��ff/ By: � ��. _.r.._..__ ...,, -. � +n� ��;:� � ,. ;�' . , . . DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED P.E.D. 7/24/91 GREEN SH�iIEET N° . 13684 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAWDATE INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kat Lindblad 228-3309 ASSIGN ITYA7TORNEY +• �� �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR ROUTING �B�UDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ALl 11St 1 1991 ORDER �ryp�pyOR(OR ASSISTANT) I `� 0 .�.Lla�e �'�n TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) '•2".�,, Lisa Clemens ° ACTION REOUESTED: �- � _J Approval of Energy Park Second Amended and Restated Joint Poca�ers Agreement, Development Agreement, and Port Authority bond issuance. � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AI�SWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a cor�tract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employ II e? YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nor all rf� y possessed by any current ciry employee7 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet arjd attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Proposed rehabilitation of existing 120,000 sq, ft. ETA buildiing and 240,000 sq. ft. addition for FBS Data Center in Energy Park. � �ECEIVED JU� 25' 1991 �IAY0��5 ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: 1. Tax base increased. 2. 855 employees in Energy Park. I 3. Potential for another 160,000 expansion in 3-4 years. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: l. FBS will likely locate Data Center in another municipality! 2. ETA site continues to be vacant. I �i�as�l;�;; �.,°,,,�,�.s"�� �;�P��@� JUL 2 �� 199� �'- C.��,�� I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ ���SO,000 bonds �-' �`� COST/R VENUE B4 DGETED(�IRCLE ONE) YES NO t FUNDING SOURCE Te.X Increment '— �c-cfl��j�t7�<"�,�TIVITY NUMBER � �� a� � � ._ ..�. �lrr o� R�6 � I i ~ O . � H , ���„"���I b `�ITY OF SAINT PAUL < �ur �u u � � ~C QFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL . : '°°� CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TOM DIMOND 612-298-5506 COUNCILMEMBER ; . M�bers: T Dimond, Chair Paula Maccabee o��e rn��e RECEIVED Date: August 14, �991 AUG 15 �gg� COMMITTEE REPORT CITY CLFRK HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE }: 1�' Resolution 91-1448 - approving the issuance of borhds by the` Port Auth�`�i��y of the City of Saint Paul to jointly refinance a multi-famil housin ,�; �'', � Y g prdgr.am for the Kendrick Apartments in Energy Park (Refer�ed from Council:�8 8=g`1): - ��, :' 'x: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 , r. ,:. 2. Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Application for �unding Deferred Loan Program - Phase VI (Referred from HRA 7-23-91) . j THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE AUGUST 28, 1991, I�OUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING (HRq) I 3. Authorization to provide financing for the Famili�s First Program (Referred from HRA 8-13-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED (HRA) 4. Resolution - regarding Neighborhood Partnership Pr�ogram 16th Cycle. � THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE AUGUST 28, 1991, OUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � 5. Resolution 91-1432 - approving the issuance of $6 0,000 Tax Exempt Revenue � Bonds for the acquisition and renovation of 20,46� square foot facility for Gilbert and Martha Thoele at 253 State Street in �iverview Industrial Park (Referred from Council 8-6-91; on Council agenda -15-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 i _ CHAIR: Housing and Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Econornic Development Committee ;.;� (�'CIMMTTTFFC• A„1.1:,. �x7,...i.., o_ T_�----_- . I . . •'�� �� +•..,.'. CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM MEMO T0: Council President William Wilson Councilmember Thomas Dimond Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Robert Long Councilperson Paula Maccabee � Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Dave Thune indb a FROM: Kat L 1 d y �� I DATE: July 25, 1991 � i , SUBJECT: FBS Data Center Project - Energy Park Actionsl. Back r� ound At its meeting of March 28, 1991 the Saint Paul City Cou�cil approved certain amendments to the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing Pla�n to facilitate the redevelopment of the former ETA Building in Energy Park ilnto a data center for the First Bank Systems (FBS) . At the time of that actio , Ryan Limited ` Partnership was to acquire the site, rehabilitate the ex�sting 120,000 sq.. ft. and construct an additional 240,000 sq. ft. , subsequentll leasing the space to FBS. A total of 855 employees will work in three shifts at the operations center, seven days a week. On June 27, 1991 FBS asked the Saint Paul Port Authority ,to participate directly in the financing and development of the projectland, in effect, replace the Ryan Limited Partnership. The Port Authorit would simultaneously issue taxable tax increment bonds and create a "bankrupt�y-remote" nonprofit corporation to issue taxable bonds or notes secured sole y by the FBS lease payments in an amount sufficient (when added to tax incr�ment bond proceeds and other funds) to provide funds necessary to pay for t e construction costs of the project. On July 30, 1991 the Port Authority Boa�d of Commissioners will be asked to approve the actions necessary to let th�s $32 million project proceed. The resolution the City Council will be asked to conside� on August l, 1991 approves: 1. the execution of a Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement; 2. the execution of a Development Agreement; and I 3. the issuance of bonds by the Port Authority in connection with the FBS project. I � IfY Memo to City Council July 25, 1991 ; Page Two Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement The major changes to the Joint Powers Agreement are as follows: 1. The taxable tax increment bonds described below �}ill be paid on a second priority lien basis from Energy Park tax incremei�ts. 2. The existing structure for paying City and Port Authority fees will be revised from a purely pro rata basis, to an agre ment whereby the City is given priority for the first $100,000 of tax 'ncrement available after payment for "Energy Park Improvements" to cover part of its total fee allocation. The Port Authority will then receive up to $100,000 as a second priority, as needed to cover its part o tYie fee arrangement. The two agencies will then split any remaining a�ailable money on a pro rata basis, calculated by dividing the amount of fees 'due to each agency by the total amount due to both agencies. 3. Energy Park tax increment will become the only s�urce of repayment for the UDAG loans currently outstanding with respect to Energy Park; land. . sale revenues and energy system profits will no longer be available for this purpose. The principal amount of the UDAG �oan to be repaid from tax increments will be increased by $1,500,000. 4. Land sale revenues derived from the remaining En�rgy Park parcels will be used to pay principal on the $6,000,000 Energ' Park Acquisition Bonds, or to fund their required reserves. Futu e land sales or leases will be at fair market value as determined by ap raisal, and need not reflect the cost of acquiring and improving the and. The Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Author ty will be notified in advance of any Energy Park land sales and land 1 ases and the terms and conditions thereof. Proceeds from the sale or 1 ase of Energy Park land over and above the amounts needed to pay off the $6,000,000 Acquisition Bonds will be paid to the Housing and Redevelopm�nt Authority. 5. Although the obligation of the Port Authority to contribute one-third of the profits from the Energy Park energy system to the repayment of the Energy Park UDAGs will be eliminated, the Port A thority will commit 60� of the annual energy system profits, in perpetui�y, and 60� of any net proceeds from the sale of the energy systems, to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 6. The previous requirement to use a portion of the�UDAG repayments to establish a Bandana Square Loan Account will be liminated. ���� Memo to City Council July 25, 1991 Page Three Develovment Agreement I Significant aspects of the Development Agreement are as follows: 1. The Port Authority's soon-to-be-created bankruptcy-remote non-profit subsidiary will act as developer of the ETA site, purchasing the property from Control Data Corporation, financing the project, and leasing the completed facility back to FBS. 2. Tax increment assistance will make the project possible, lowering FBS' effective lease rate on the newly constructed port'on of the project by $2.29 per sq. ft. Direct assistance to the projec� will be in the form of taxable tax increment bonds, up to $3,375,000 of which will go to offset project costs. 3. An assessment agreement will establish a minimum market value for the completed project and FBS will guarantee taxes suf�icient to retire the tax increment bonds. 4. If, at any time after project completion but before� March 1, 2008, there are fewer than 680 full-time employees located at the project for a period of more than 180 days in any 12 month period, FBS will be responsible to pay debt service on the bonds. 5. The project will comply to the City's affirmative action, minimum wages, targeted vendor, anti-discrimination, Federal Sect�lon 3 and other requirements. I Bonds The City Council is being asked to approve the issuance �f taxable tax incrernent bonds in the following approximate amounts by he Port Authority with respect to the FBS project: 1. $3,610,000 to provide funds to pay for up to $3,37�,000 for certain costs incurred in the project, the balance to pay �oft costs associated with all three issues. 2. $3,500,000 to redeem the outstanding Twin City Tes ing Bonds and put them on parity with the FBS bonds. � 3. $640,000 in face amount of capital appreciation bo ds accreting to a par value at maturity of $3,000,000 to reduce stress o�i the Energy Park Tax Increment District in the earlier years. � � , I �� Memo to City Council July 25, 1991 I Page Four I Action Requested I A resolution (and drafts of the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement and the Development Agreement) has been attached for your consideration and referral to the Housing and Economic Development Committee for �its review on August 14. Action by the City Council is requested at its August115 meeting. cc: Ken Peterson Robert Sprague I - Jim Bellus K:KSL:CITYCNCL.MEM I i i � ��f����'��, . - 7/23/91 (RLH) SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENZ{ FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, OPERATION AND F�INANCING OF THE ENERGY PARK AND TWIN CIT� TESTING AREA DEVELOPMENTS AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DIST�2ICTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this �ay of 1991, by and between the City of Saint Paul, �a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City'�) and the Port AuthQrity of the City of Saint Paul, a body politic and corporate org nized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Port Authori�y") . WITNESSETH, WHEREAS: � A. By Resolution C.F. No. 276898, the C�ty Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 472A (recodifi�d as Sections 469 . 124 to 469. 134) , established Energy Park Deve�opment District as Development District No. 3 (the "Energy Park Qistrict") to provide impetus for commercial development, to inc�ease employment, to protect pedestrians �from vehicle traffic and i�nclement weather, to provide the necessary linkage between peripher�l parking facilities and places of employment and shopping, to provide offstreet parking to service the shoppers and employees of the Bnergy Park District, to provide open space relief within the Energy Park District, and to provide other facilities as are outlined� in the development program for the Energy Park District; i B. By Resolutions 1499, 1535, 1609, 1697 and 1827 the Port Authority, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Cha�ter 458, established approximately the same geographic area a� the Energy Park Economic/Industrial Development District i (the "Industrial Development District") for purposes of establil�hing and developing a system of economic/industrial developments; � C. By Resolution C.F. No. 276899, the Ci�y Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 472A. 10 (re�odified as Section 469. 131) , designated the Port Authority as a�lministrator of the Energy Park District. D. By Resolution C.F. No. 276900 the Ci y Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273 .71 to 27�.78 (recodified as Sections 469 . 174 to 469. 179) , and Chapter 4i72A (recodified as Sections 469. 124 to 469. 134) designated the Ene�gy Park District as a tax increment financing district and ado�ted a Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan fqr the Energy Park 16829 I �'���r�'�,� , District for the purpose of financi�ng the capital and administration costs of the Energy Park DiStrict. E. By Resolution No. 3028, the Port� Authority created the Twin City Testing Industrial and Economic D velopment District and by Resolution C.F. No. 88-2008 the City Cou�cil amended the Energy Park District to incorporate the Twin Cit Testing project area (the Energy Park District as so expanded b�ing hereinafter called the "District") , created within that proj�ct area the Twin City Testing Project Tax Increment Financing Di$trict and, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 131, design!�ted the Port Authority as administrator of the entire District. F. By Resolution C.F. No. 277273, t�e City Council and by Resolution No. 1876, the Port Authority, approved and executed a Joint Powers Agreement For The Administ�ation, Operation and Financing Of The Energy Park Developme�?t And Tax Increment Financing District dated August 18, 1981, wh�ich has previously been amended by the Restated Joint Power� Agreement for the Administration, operation and Financing of the Energy Park and Twin City Testing Area Developments and Ta� Increment Financing Districts which was dated August 30, �989 and approved by Resolution C. F. 89-1466 of the City Council nd Resolution No. 3167 of the Port Authority (collectively the "Orliginal Agreement") . G. On October 14, 1982, the Port Aut�ority acquired in the Energy Park District property (the "Kopper�' Site") from Koppers Coke, Inc. ("Koppers") , and as an incidentito that purchase, the Port Authority received from Koppers an agreement as to the removal of surface contamination and an indemnific�tion from and against all claims arising out of the ground wate� contamination of the Koppers ' Site and other environmental hazards. . H. On December 14, 1984, the Port Authority sold certain property (the "ETA Site") in the Energy Pa�k District, including part of the Koppers ' Site, to ETA Systems In orporated ("ETA") . As an incident to this sale, the Port Auth�rity indemnified ETA against claims arising from environmentaljhazards arising from certain "hazardous substance" brought onto the Koppers � Site or generated thereon prior to December 14, 1984. I. On February 27, 1991, the Port Authbrity, ETA and Control Data Corporation ("CDC") entered into a purc ase agreement in favor of Ryan Construction Company, Inc. ("Ryan" under which the ETA Site is to be conveyed to Ryan. The conveya ce under the purchase agreement is conditioned, among other things on the Port Authority and the City entering into this Amendm�nt to Joint Powers Agreement. 16829 2 I �' J. On , with the consent af the Port Authority and CDC, Ryan assigned its rights under the P�rchase Agreement to Authority which on assigne those rights to , a Minnesota nonprofit corpora�tion (the Port "FBS Developer") . K. By Resolution C.F. No. 91-351, the City Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469. 174 to 4 9. 179, and Sections 469. 124 to 469. 134 : (i) approved establish�ent of a hazardous substance subdistrict (the "Koppers' Subdist�ict") that includes the Koppers ' Site in the Energy Park District; and (ii) authorized the amendment of the Development Program iand Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Energy Park District to allow for the use of extra tax increments derived from the Koppers� Subdistrict to pay for certain hazardous substance costs un er the conditions hereinafter set forth. By Resolution C.F. N�. , the City Council, pursuant to the same authority; (x) a proved the issuance of bonds in the approximate principal amount ofI �$ to provide funds to reimburse the FBS Developer for certaii� development costs, to refund and prepay the Port Authority's $ Taxable Commercial Development Revenue Note, Series 1�990-1, and to defer principal payments on other bonds payable from Tax Increments, and further approved the use of Tax Increments f�om the Energy Park District to secure those bonds; and (y) authori ed the execution of this Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement �or Administration, Operation and Financing of the Energy Park an� Twin Citx Testing Area Developments and Tax Increment Financing D stricts (the "Joint Powers Agreement") to set forth the conditions on which the preceding would be accomplished. I L. By Resolution No. , the �ort Authority has approved the issuance of the bonds referred t clause (x) of the preceding Paragraph K, and authorized the exec�tion of this Joint Powers Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Port Authority, each in consideration of the mutual covenants andl agreements herein contained, covenant and agree that the Original Agreement is hereby amended and restated to read as follows: Section 1. Authoritv. This Agreement isjentered into under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469. 012, subdivision (11) and 471.59, and such other applicable st�tutory and Charter provisions as are consistent herewith. Section 2 . Definitions. In additionl to the terms as hereinabove or hereinafter defined in this AJgreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the following terms shall have the following respective mean�ngs: 16829 3 ���� I � Additional Oblicrations: The additiona�l obligations arising from the AHW Agreement and District Am�ndment referred to in' Section 7 (b) . Aqreement: This Agreement as the same pmay from time to time= be amended or supplemented. Authority Advance: The $126,992 of Po�t Authority revenues (other than Tax Increments and District Revenues) advanced by the Port Authority to finance the Ene�gy Park District, as provided in the Plan. I Bond or Bonds: Revenue bonds, notes, interim certificates and other obligations of the Port Autho$ity issued for the purposes of financing the Distr�ct's capital and administration costs provided for in th� Plan. Borrowing Rate: If the Port Authority bc�rrowed the funds used to defray the amortized costs of the Ener y Park Improvements, that annual rate of interest which full reimburses the Port Authority for the cost of borrowing th funds; if the Port Authority advanced its own funds to defr y the amortized costs of the Energy Park Improvements, an an ual rate of interest equal to the rate of interest from time �o time being charged by Norwest Bank Minnesota, National �Association, as its "reference rate" or the equivalent. Budget: The Energy Park Land-Acqu'sition and Capital Improvements Budget and the Twin Cit� Testing Area Land Acquisition and Capital Improvements IBudget attached as Exhibit A, as such Budget may be amend�d from time to time with the approval of the City Council. District: The area designated by City Co�ncil Resolution C.F. No. 276898 as Development District No. 3 and as amended by Resolution C.F. No. 88-2008. District Revenues: Any and all net reve�nues received by the Port Authority from the sale or lease of land within the District and from the operation of Ipublic improvements provided for in the Plan. EDA: The United States Economic Develop�nent Administration. EDAG: The Economic Development Action G�ant in the principal amount of $2, 300, 000 made to the City f�r use in the Energy Park District. 16829 4 ����'��.� Ener Park . . qv District: That portion of t�ne District designated by City Council Resolution C. F. No. 27�89g. Enerav Park Improvements• All actlivities included as permissible capital costs in the Plar� and Budget for the development of the Energy Park Districtl. Enerav Park Tax Increment District• I The tax increment financing district created by City Counc�l Resolution C.F. No. 276898 . I Enerav Park Tax Increments• Tax Increm�nts derived from the Energy Park Tax Increment District (whicY� excludes Subdistrict Tax Increments derived from the Koppers� Subdistrict) . Energv System: A system of wells, pump�, boilers, chillers, heat pumps and heat exchangers which gene�rate warmed or cooled water and/or steam for distribution thro�gh pipes to buildings located in the Energy Park District. Enerav System Reserves• The amounts set� forth in Exhibit C that are to be funded from Energy Parl� Tax Increments and accumulated in a repair and replacem�nt account for the benefit of Energy Park District and usec� exclusively for the payment of any capital costs incurred ir� connection with the Energy System in excess of Energy Syste�a Revenues available therefor. Enerav Svstem Revenues• District Rev�enues received from operation of the Energy System. Existincr Tax Increment Bonds• Bonds lissued by the Port Authority on the initial principal amou t of $29, 500, 000 to finance the capital, debt service, and a�inistrative cost of the plan. j FBS Developer: , a I�innesota nonprofit corporation, and any successor to its ri�hts permitted under the FBS Development Agreement. FBS Developer Bonds• The $3, 610,000 iss�ied to provide funds to reimburse the FBS Developer for certai� development costs. FBS Developer Indemnification: Paragra hs 3 and 4 of the Remediation and Indemnity Agreement a�tached to the FBS Development Agreement as Exhibit J unc�er which the Port Authority indemnifies the FBS Developer at�d other Indemnitees with respect to certain Hazardous Substarices (defined in the 16829 I 5 I I � ����� indemnification) brought onto the Koppers ' site or generated thereon prior to December 14, 1984 . FBS Develo er Tax Increments: The m�aning given that term in Section 1. 1 of the FBS Develop�nent Agreement. FBS Develo ment A reement: That ceptain Development Agreement dated , 1991, iby and among the City, the Port Authority and the FBS D�veloper. HUD: The United States Department I�of Housing and Urban Development. Indemnities: The meaning given that te�m in the FBS Developer Indemnification. Industrial Development Revenue Bonds• !The non-tax increment supported bonds issued by the Port A�uthority in the face amount of $6, 000, 000 in 1985 in conne�tion with the Energy Park District. i Koppers: Koppers Coke, Inc. i Koppers' Indemnification: The indemni�ication set forth in Part XV of the Agreement for Sale of Larpd dated July 1, 1982, between the Port Authority and Koppers.� Koppers' Site: The property located� in the Energy Park District purchased by the Port Author�ty from Koppers, on October 14, 1982 . Konuers' Subdistrict: The hazardous sublstance subdistrict in the Energy Park Tax Increment District �approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution C.F. No. � 91-351. KouAers' Subdistrict Bonds: Any bonds ilssued by the City and made payable solely from Koppers' Ta�q Increments and the proceeds of the bonds. Kobners' Tax Increments: Subdistrict Ta�x Increments derived from the Koppers ' Subdistrict. Parkincr Ramu Bonds• The $ previously issued by the Port Authority to refund bonds issued to initially provide funds to acquire and improve two'Iparking ramps in the Energy Park District. 16829 6 ��� Participation Agreement: Collectively, the Participation Agreements dated November 26, 1980 and Nqvember 16, 1982, <as amended between the parties. I Plan: The Development Program for th� District and Sax Increment Financing Plan for the Energy Park Tax Increment District adopted by City Council C.F. No. 276900 and as amended from time to time and the Tax Incr�ment Financing Plan for the Twin City Testing Tax Increment pistrict adopted by City Council C.F. 88-2008 and as amended �from time to time. � Subdistrict Tax Increments: Any tax incr ments derived from a hazardous substance subdistrict, incl�iding the Koppers' Subdistrict, located in the Energy Park Tax Increment District. as a result of a reduction in the origin�l net tax capacity pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 4 9. 174, subdivision 7, paragraph (b) , or as a result of t e extension of the period for collection of tax increment�from the hazardous su bs tance su b district provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469 . 176, Subdivision 1, paragraphi (g) . " Tax Increments: The tax increments deriv�d from the District � pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 4�9. 177. Twin City Testing Bonds: The $3, 500, 000 Taxable Contmercial Development Revenue Note, Series 1990-1 by� the Port Authority on June 27, 1990, and any Bonds issued to refund the same. Twin Citv Testing Tax Increment District• The tax increment financing district created by City Council Resolution C.F. No. 88-2008. I , Twin City Testina Tax Increments• Tax Incr�ements derived from Twin City Testing Tax Increment District. UDAG: The Urban Development Action Grani�s in the aggregate principal amount of $15,513 , 500 made to the City for use in the Energy Park District. UDAG Grant Agreement: Collectively, the UD G Grant Agreements dated August 7, 1980 and May 5, 1982, as a�iended, between the City and the United States of America Department of Housing and Urban Development. Zero Coupon Bonds: the capital appreciat�on bonds issued in 1991 in the face amount of $640,000 and �ccreting to a par amount at maturity of $3, 000, 000, and any Bonds issued to refund the same. I 16829 7 I ��� Section 3 . Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the administration and operation of the District by the Port Authority, to provide for the financirlg thereof, and to set forth the responsibilities of the City a d Port Authority in connection therewith. � Section 4 . Port Authoritv Powers The City has heretofore designated the Port Authority as administrator and operator of the District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Se tion 469. 131, and the Port Authority hereby accepts such desig ation and agrees to administer and operate the District pursuan� to this Agreement in accordance with said Section 469. 131 and Minnesota Statutes Section 469.064, Subdivision 1. The Port Authorit may exercise any and all of the following powers for the purpose of administering and operating the District: . (a) Acquire property or easements through negotiation; (b) Enter into operating contracts for operation of any of the public facilities to be ronstructed under the terms of the Plan; (c) Lease space to private individuals or corporations within the buildings and constructed under the terms of the Plan; (d) Lease or sell air rights over $tructures constructed under the authority of the Plan; (e) Enter into contracts for th� construction of the several facilities or portions thereof provided for in the Plan; (f) Acquire through eminent domai�► property that cannot be acquired by negotiations, but is required for implementation of the Plan; (g) Accept from the City the proaeeds of such federal, state and other grants which thei City has heretofore applied for and may hereafter app�.y for to finance the capital and administration costs f the Plan; , (h) Request that the City apply fo grants from federal, state and other sources to finance the capital and administration costs of the Plan,�hich grants the City shall use its best efforts to obt in; (i) Receive and use District Revenues and Tax Increments pursuant to the Plan and this Agreement; 16829 8 ����s . (j) Exercise any and all other pow rs which are common or similar to the Port Authority an City and which, are : deemed necessary or convenient by the Port Authority. to - administer or operate the Plan, subject to the terms arid conditions of this Agreement. , Section 5. Source of Funds. The soure s of funds for the administration an operation of the District in lude Bond proceeds, Tax Increments, District Revenues, federal a�d state grants and such other funds and revenues of the Port Authority as may be made available for such purpose. City agrees that so long as any Bonds are outstanding, the City will not change the m�thod of computation of tax increment pursuant to Minnesota Statut s, Section 469. 177, Subdivision 3 (c) . Section 6. Budaet and Disbursements !The Budget attached hereto as Exhibit A has been approved by the City Council, and establishes a maximum principal amount and line item amounts of Tax Increments or proceeds of Bonds payable from Tax Increments to be remitted directly to the Port Authority in acc rdance with Section 8 hereunder; provided that if the maximum princ'pal amount of Bonds payable from Tax Increments or a line item amo nt in the Budget is to be increased, the Port Authority may propose an amendment of the Budget at any time and the Budget may be amended by the City Council at any time, consistent with the Plan as amended from time to time. The Port Authority shall disburse unds in accordance with the Budget, the priorities establishe in Section 7 (c) hereunder, and in accordance with procedur s governing other expenditures by the Port Authority. Contrac s shall be let and purchases shall be made by the Port Authority 'subject to the same procedures as govern the letting of other contracts and the making of other purchases by the Port Authority. Section 7. District Obli ations • Prio it . (a) Existina District Oblictations. The parties agree that the Existing Tax Increment Bonds were issued on behalf of the ity as provided in the applicable bond resolution. The Port Authority also has outstanding an Industrial Park Revenue Bond in the amount of $6, 000, 000 payable from revenues generated in the Energy Park District from the sale or lease of [identifv emaining parcelsl , which the Port Authority agrees to apply to he payment of debt service on those bonds, or to fund the required reserves therefore. The Port Authority further agrees that future l�nd sales and leases are to be at fair market value, as determined by appraisal, and need not reflect the cost of acquiring and renoYating the land. In addition, the Port Authority has applied the Au�hority Advance, and received the UDAG and EDAG from the City to finance the Energy Park District provided for in the Plan. 16829 9 ���� � (b) Additional District Oblictations• he Port Authority witYi,;;. consent of the City has concluded an agreeme t with AHW whereby thex Port Authority has acquired two parking ramps and committed to make certain capital improvements thereto and to assume the debt service ' on the Parking Ramp Bonds. The District has been amended ("District Amendment") by inclusion of the Twin City Testing project area ("Twin City Testing Area") with additional debt service, capital and administrative costs. (Any bonds for such purpose are hereinafter referred to as t e "Twin City Testing Bonds") . The additional obligations arising from the AHW Agreement ' and District Amendment ("Additional Obligations") are to be funded from the proceeds of additional Bonds or by direct application of Tax Increments including Twin City Testing '�,Tax Increments. (c) Priorit of A lication of Tax In rements. A. Energy Park Tax Increments shall be applied for the following purposes and in the following order of priority: (i) Debt service on Existing Tax Increment Bonds (and any Bonds issued to refund the same) ; (ii) On a parity of lien basis, debt services on: (x) the FBS Developer Bonds; (y) the Twin City Testing Bonds (but only to the extent that there are insufficient Twin City esting Tax Increments therefor) ; and (z) the Zero Coupon Bonds; (iii) Debt service (incl ing the fiscal and administrative fee therefor described in Exhibit B attached hereto) on the Parking Ramp Bonds (and any Bonds issued to refund the same) ; (iv) Reimbursement of the Port Authority, with interest at the rate of 5� er annum, for amounts drawn on the reserve initia ly established by the Port Authority in the amount of $1,500, 000 to secure the payment of the bonds referred to in the preceding clause (ii) ; , (v) Energy Park Improve ents, including the Energy System Reserves (desc ibed in Exhib�t C) not funded from Bonds or federal'' grants; provided that . no further payments towards the Energy System Reserves shall be made once the repair and replacement reserve for Ener y System Improvements has been fully funded as p ovided in clause (x) below; and provided further that the cost of the 16829 10 ' - ���w���, Energy Park Improvements descr'bed in Exhibit C as Ramp Capital Costs and Other Ca�ital Costs and aid at this level of priority sha 1, as to the Other Capital Costs, be amortized at the Borrowing Rate over a ten year period, or suc shorter period as terminates on December 1, 200 , and, as to Ramp Capital Costs, be amortized at the Borrowing Rate over a fi�e year period; or suc shorter period as terminates on December 1, 2007. (vi) Administrative fees payable to the City and the Port Authority pursuant to Section 9 (a) , (b) and (d) hereof; (vii) UDAG reimbursements paid �ursuant to Section 10 (a) hereof; (viii) Reimbursement, without ' interest, of the Authority Advance; (ix) Reimbursement of the cos of stoplights (not to exceed $250, 000) installed �n the Energy Park District; (x) A repair and replacement reserve, including any unexpended Tax Increments used to fund Energy System Reserves, for Energy Sys em Improvements up to their unexpended budgeted amo�nt as set forth in Paragraph F hereof. (xi) Pro rata, the unreimbursed balance of (x) the UDAG Grants described in Sectio� 10(a) hereof and (y) the amortized cost of Energ� Park Improvements exclusive of the Energy System Reserves described in clause (v) above, applied a� a prepayment, in inverse chronological order, of �he installments of principal due under clause (v) above and Section 10(a) hereof. B. Twin City Testing Tax Increments shall be applied for the following purposes and in the following order of priority: (i) Administrative fees pay ble to the City pursuant to Section 9 (c) hereof fi (ii) Debt service on any Twin Ci�ty Testing Bonds; I 16829 11 I ����:= ,, -,� `� (iii) Any Twin City Testing Area costs (except housing replacement) included �n the Plan and not paid from the proceeds of Twin City Testing BondS. C. Debt service payments shall �nclude all out �of pocket costs, such as paying agency, and bond registrar fees incurred by the Port Authority i� carrying the bonds described in Section 7 (c)A(i) , (ii) ar►d (iii) hereof, and reimbursement of the Port Authority for any such payments made from Port Authority funds for�bonds in principal amounts as provided in the Budget. or purposes of this Agreement earnings on Tax Increments shall be deemed Tax Increments and applied according to paragraph A hereof except that any earnings on the Ene�gy System Reserves described in clause (v) above shall be retained therein until the amount in the reserve desCribed in clause (x) above has been fully funded in accordance with Paragraph F hereof. D. Tax Increments shall be applied for the purposes set forth in clauses (i) , (ii) , and (iii) of paragraph A above and clause (ii) of paragraph � above only to the extent then required to pay any accrued debt service costs and to satisfy any other dept service funding requirements under the applicable Plond resolution (or reimburse the Port Authority for the use of other Port Authority funds for that purpose) ; pr vided that the debt service funding requirements for any �onds other than the Existing Tax Increment Bonds shall not be satisfied or reimbursed out of Tax Increments u less the Executive Director of the City's Departmen� of Planning and Economic Development ("PED") , or his or her designee, or the City Council first consents to the funding requirements in the applicable Bond resolution. Likewise, Tax Increments shall be applied for ,the purposes set forth in clauses (iv� through (xi) of paragraph A above and clauses (ii) an (iii) of paragraph B above only to the extent that the purpose for which Tax Increments are to be applied has ripened to a payment obligation (except that any payments made towards the Energy System Reserves under clau e (v) of Paragraph A shall be held in reserve until exp nded on the Energy System Improvements. If Tax Incremen s are not required to satisfy any particular purpose s�t forth in clauses (i) through (xi) of paragraph A ab ve or clauses (i) through (iii) of paragraph B above, as the case may be, they shall be applied to the next succeeding purpose which is not then satisfied. Any Tax �ncrements which at any time exceed the amounts then required to satisfy the 16829 12 I � � ������ e.:; �t,. i:ti�'_. purposes set forth in paragraphs A or B above, as the� '' case may be, shall be held and Iapplied by the Port Authority for said purposes as and tahen needed and in the same order of priority. E. Notwithstanding anything in �his Agreement to the contrary, the Port Authority reser es the right to issue such other bonds and provide other �inancing for purposes of the Plan and to undertake such other improvements and projects in the District, in addit'on to those contained in or authorized by the Plan, as th� Port Authority deems appropriate, provided, however, such other bonds, financing and improvements or p�ojects shall not be subject to payment or reimbursemen from Tax Increments or District Revenues unless provi ed for in the Budget and Plan. Prior to exercising the �ights reserved to the Port Authority under this paragra h E, for purposes of the Plan, the Port Authority shal� notify the City in writing of its intent to exercise 5aid rights and shall consult with the City prior to issui�ng bonds or providing other such financing. I F. The repair and replacement �eserve described in clause (x) of paragraph A shall be funded in the amount of $10, 000, 000 which shall include � the aggregate amount of payments made towards the En�rgy System Reserves described in clause (v) of paragrsph A, less any part thereof including earnings spent �n the Energy System Improvements. (d) A�plication of Subdistrict Tax Inc�ements. Subdistrict Tax Increments shall be applied as provided in Section 3 .4 of the FBS Development Agreement. Section 7A. (a) The provision of Se tion 3 .4 of the FBS Development Agreement are incorporated herein�by reference and made a part hereof. (b) If written demand of an Indemnitee i� filed with the City and Port Authority as provided in 5ection 3 .4 (1) of the FBS Development Agreement, the Port Authority shall promptly give written notice to the City if, in the apinion of the Port Authority, the Port Authority is not obligate� to honor the demand either because (i) there are not adequate s urces of payment as provided in the FBS Developer Indemnificatipn or (ii) the Port Authority is otherwise not obligated to' honor the demand under the terms of the FBS Developer Indemnification. I 16829 13 I ������� � . ,a,;i : ��;. (c) If the City is required under Section 3.4 of the ` Development Agreement to certify the Koppers ' Subdistrict or if the Port Authority notifies the City under para�graph (b) above that there are inadequate sources of payment, the City may require that the issue of the availability of funds to honor the demand as provided in the FBS Developer Indemnifica�ion be submitted to arbitration as hereinafter provided. The determination of the arbitrator shall be binding on the City and Pbrt Authority and, if the arbitrator determines that there are sufficient funds to honor the demand, the Port Authority shall promptlyI pay over to the City such available funds. In that event, the mdnies remitted to the City, including earnings thereon, shall be ma ntained in a separate account and applied solely towards th� payment, or the reimbursement for the payment, of costs payable under the FBS Developer Indemnification. At such time as �hose costs have been fully paid or reimbursed, any excess shall th n be returned to the Port Authority. If, prior to a determination by the arbitrator that there are sufficient Port Authority f�nds bonds have been issued and secured by Subdistrict Tax Increments, any funds remitted by the Port Authority to the City pur uant to this Section 7A shall be promptly remitted by the City to �the County, pursuant to Section of the Plan. (d) Arbitration of the availability issue set forth in paragraph (c) above shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable general commercial Arbitration R�les of the American Arbitration Association, unless the City and Port Authority agree in writing otherwise. (e) Any payment made by the City under 'his Section 7A shall be deemed made on behalf of the Port Auth rity, and the Port Authority agrees that it shall be fully li ble to the City to reimburse the City for any such payment fromlany amounts the Port Authority collects for this purpose u�der the Koppers ' Indemnification or any other remedies avail ble to it under law (the "Other Remedies") . To this end, the P�rt Authority agrees that it will, at the request of the City, but �t the expense of the Port Authority, and only if Koppers' is notIinsolvent, make and pursue its remedies under the Koppers' Indemnlification or, at the request and expense of the City, pursue any O her Remedies or take any other action which the City reason bly determines is appropriate to secure reimbursement of payme t made by the City under this Section 7A or to eliminate or miti ate the necessity of such payments be made, and that in no event wi�] 1 the Port Authority waive its rights under the Koppers' Indemnific tion or with respect to such Other Remedies or other action withou� the consent of the City. I 16829 14 I i I ��-l�'�� .,� �� ;, . ,,t, Section 8 . Use of Tax Increments. Al1 �Tax Increments shall vest in and be remitted directly to, the Po�tt Authority and the . Port Authority shall segregate the Tax Incre�ner�ts so received in one or more special accounts on its official ,�ooks and records to be used only in accordance with the Pla�, the Budget, the ' applicable Bond resolutions, the UDAG Grant'� Agreement and this � Agreement in accordance with the prioritiesland subject to the limitations established in Section 7 hereof. ' Any remaining Tax Increments shall eithe� be retained by the Port Authority or a Bond Trustee, to the ex�ent required by the applicable Bond resolution or this Agreement Eor any use permitted above or be returned to the City to be used or distributed in accordance with applicable law. ' Section 9. Administrative Exbenses (a)� The Port Authority shall pay to the City in 1989 the sum of $1 6, 000 due under the prior Energy Park Joint Powers Agreement and i addition thereto to the extent available from Energy Park Tax In rements, the sum of $74, 000 payable on October 1, 1989; and begin ing January 1, 1990, and each year thereafter in quarterly insta�.lments, the sum of $200, 000 per year payable solely from Energy P�rk Tax Increments to be used to finance activities of and service$ provided by PED in connection with Energy Park District, to�wit: preparing and submitting tax increment district reports rlequired by statute; meeting with citizen groups to convey informat'ion regarding Energy Park; assisting HUD and the EDA in audit and '�, inspection of grant records; drawing down and accounting for HUD and EDA grant monies in accordance with federal regulations; report�ing to HUD and EDA on Energy Park District in a format and according to procedures as prescribed in federal regulations; preparing �nd presenting to the City Council such reports and information as ',may be requested by the Port Authority. ', (b) The Port Authority shall be entitleid to charge against available Energy Park Tax Increments as pr�vided in Section 7 hereof and credit to its operating acc#ount in quarterly installments beginning January 1, 1990, the su�h of $70, 000 per year until December 31, 1991, $140, 000 per yea�r thereafter until December 31, 1996, and $210, 000 per year thereafter, as reimbursement for all administrative costs ilncurred by the Port Authority in connection with the administratio� of the District and not otherwise financed out of Bond proceeds, �istrict Revenues or Tax Increments. In 1989, the annual $70,00� administrative fee will be due in one lump sum on October 1, 198�. I 16829 ' 15 ' ���j�-��,� (c) The Port Authority shall pay to th� City, but only from available Twin City Testing Tax Increments or bond proceeds as provided in Section 7 hereof, in quarterly installments, beginning October 1, 1989, the sum of $75, 000 per year o be used to finance activities of and services provided by the P�D in connection with Twin City Testing Area. (d) In the event the amount of Tax Inc�ements available for payment of administrative expenses in any year as provided above is not sufficient to make full payment of the ar�ounts due, the first $100,000 of available Tax Increments will be applied to the payment of fees due to the City under subparagraph (a) , above; the next $100,000 of available Tax Increment will be a�plied to the payment of fees due to the Port Authority under subparagraph (b) , above; and any remaining available Tax Increment shal,l be divided pro rata between fees due under subparagraphs (a) an� (b) , above, on the basis of the fees then due under (a) or (b) divided by the total of the fees then due under (a) and (b) . Any �deficiency remaining after the forgoing application shall be ca�ried forward and be payable on the same terms, in the following' year or thereafter, when Tax Increments are adequate to fund the d ficiency in addition to the administrative expense due in the sub�equent year. Section 10. Reimbursement of UDAG Gr nts. (a) The UDAG grants shall be repaid to the City, solely f om available Energy Park Tax Increments with interest at the rate of seven and one-half (7 .5�) percent per annum accruing from J nuary 1, 1989, in accordance with the amortization schedule at�ached as Exhibit D. Payments shall commence December 31, 1989 and each December 31st thereafter. Any unpaid principal or interest hall be added to the principal balance due effective as of the date�on which said unpaid amount was due, and the amortization schedule shall be revised to reflect the new principal balance and amou�t of principal and interest payment due on the next installment date. In addition, and in consideration of the City's agreement to release the Port Authority from its obligation to apply lanq� sale revenues and energy system profits to the repayment of the! UDAG, the principal amount now due under the UDAG has been increased by $1,500,000 as reflected on Exhibit D. Notwithstanding anyt�ing to the contrary contained herein or in any other document or agreement, the Port Authority shall have no obligation to repay the UDAG grants except from available Energy Park Tax Increments �s provided in this Section and Section 7 (c)A(vii) . (b) Fifty (50�) percent of the $3 ,431, 000 payment on account of the 1982 UDAG shall be reserved for development activities in the Council 46 area. 16829 16 . ������ I - . Section il. Term of A reement• Terminati n. This ayreement shall continue in effect until terminated in a�cordance with this Section. This Agreement may be terminated at ar�y time by agreement of the City and the Port Authority except that t�e relevant portion of this Agreement may not be terminated while ar�y Bonds or Koppers' Subdistrict Bonds are outstanding unless suffic�,ent funds have been irrevocably deposited in the debt service accbunt or the escrow account to pay debt service on the Bonds. and Kqppers' Subdistrict Bonds to maturity or date of redemption; and �xcept further that the provisions in Section 7A of this Agre�ement may not be terminated until the later of March 2, 2008 0�' the expiration of the Koppers ' Subdistrict if certified to theiCounty Auditor as provided in Section 7A. , Section 12 . Distribution of Funds land Pro ert on Termination. Upon termination of this A reement, any Tax Increments received by the Port Authority in e�cess of the amount necessary to pay debt service on the Bonds an�d to reimburse the Port Authority in accordance with Section 9, shall be transferred to and become the property of the City witholut payment of any further consideration to the Port Authority andjall other property acquired and held by the Port Authority or th� City pursuant to this Ag�eement shall be retained by the pa�ty holding title thereto. Section 13 . Amendments. This Agreement �may �be amended by agreement of the City and Port Authority in writ�ng at any time. No amendment may impair the rights of the holders o� any Bond or Bonds unless consent is given in accordance with the ond covenants. Section 14 . Severability. In the event an1�l provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not ir�validate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 16829 17 ��f�-�`� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Saint Paull has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its M�yor, its Director of the Department of Planning and Economic De�elopment and its Director of the Department of Finance and Manage ent Services; and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its Chair and its Secretary and the seal of said Authority to be he eunto affixed and duly attested, all on the day and year first ab�ve written. PORT AUTHORI�Y OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL Chair Secretary Port Authority Signature Page - Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Energy Park and Twin City Testing Districts 16829 18 I � : ���-��� � APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT �AUL Assistant City Attorney Mayor I Director, Depa tment of Planning and E4onomic Development I Director, Department of Finance and Mar�agement Services I �I � City of Saint Paul Signature Page - Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Energy Park and Twin City Testing Districts 16829 i 19 I �,/^'"��� � EXHIBIT A I Acquisition and Capital Improveme�ts Budget � [To Be Provided by Katy Lind}�lad] . 16829 I ������� EXHIBIT B Debt Service on Parking Ram�p Bonds [To Be Provided by Julie K�imble] . I I i 16829 I I ' C�`�����.� EXHIBIT C Energy System Reserves [To Be Provided by Julie Kimbl�] 16829 I . ��f���� EXHIBIT D UDAG Amortization Schedule - [To Be Provided by Katy Lindblad] 16829 ' I t � � ����� , 7/23/91 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND ' PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND . i This Document Drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (RLH) 2200 First Bank Bldg. Saint Paul, Mn. 55101 I 17229 '� I ' �����'� TABLE OF CONTENTS TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Paae ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Section 1. 1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ARTICLE II - REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 10 Section 2 . 1. Representations and Warran�ies of,the• . � City and Port Authority . . . . . . . 10 Section 2 .2 . Representations and Warran�ies of the Developer . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 11 ARTICLE III - PURCHASE OF DEVELOPMENT PROPERT� AND PROJECT ASSISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Section 3 . 1. Purchase of Development Pr�perty by � � Developer . . . . . . . . . 14 Section 3 .2 . Project Assistance . . . . . . . . 14 Section 3 . 3 . Use of Tax Increments . . . . . . . . . . 15 Section 3 .4. Developer Indemnification . . . . . . . . 16 ARTICLE IV - CONSTRUCTION OF MINIMUM IMPROVEM�NTS . . • lg Section 4 . 1. Construction of Minimum Im rovements . • . 18 Section 4. 2. Construction Plans . . . . . . , lg Section 4 . 3 . Completion of Construction . . . . . . . � 19 Section 4 .4 . Certificate of Occupancy . . . . . . . . . 20 Section 4 .5. Signage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Section 4 . 6. Service Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 21 Section 4.7. Additional Improvements . . . . . . . . . 21 ARTICLE V - INSURANCE AND CONDEMNATION . . . ' . . . . . 22 Section 5. 1. Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � • 22 Section 5.2 . Condemnation. . . . . . . . . . . . • . 23 � Section 5. 3 . Reconstruction or Payment. . . . . . . . . 23 Section 5.4. Relationship to Mortgagee and Tax � Increment Bonds. . . . . . . . . , , , , 24 ARTICLE VI - ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER; INDEMNIF'IICATION; ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT AND RELATED COVENANTS . . 25 Section 6. 1. Status of Developer; Transfer of � Substantially All Assets . '. . . . . . . . 25 Section 6. 2 . Transfer of Property and As,signment of Agreement . . . . . . . . , , , , , 25 Section 6. 3 . Release and Indemnification' Covenants . 26 Section 6.4 . Execution of Assessment Agr ement. . . . 27 Section 6.5. Execution of Assessment Agr�eement to Additional Improvements . . . . . . . . . 27 17229 ' , , ��j'���`� x I Section 6. 6. Real Property Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . 2g ARTICLE VII - BONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Section 7 . 1. Issuance of�Bonds. . . . . . . , 29 Section 7. 2 . Limitations on Financial U�Idertakings�of � the Port Authority. . . . ' . , , , , , 29 Section 7. 3 . Guaranty of Tax Increment•S�hortfall and� Other Payments. . . . . I , , , , , , 29 ARTICLE VIII - EMPLOYMENT, CONTRA�TING AND WAGE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Section 8. 1. Affirmative�Action . . . . . . . . . 31 Section 8.2 . Minimum Wages . . . . . . . . . . • • 31 Section 8. 3 . Targeted Business Program . . . . . . . 31 Section 8.4. Housing and Community Devel�pment Act . . 31 Section 8. 5. Preconstruction Conference . . . . . 31 Section 8. 6. Federal Anti-Discrimination and• � � Affirmative Action Requirem�nts 32 Section 8.7. Federal Section 3 Requirements . . . . . . 32 Section 8.8 . Assistance to Developer . � . . . . . . . 33 ARTICLE IX - MORTGAGE FINANCING . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Section 9. 1. Limitation Upon Encumbrance�of Property. . 34 Section 9.2 . Approval of Mortgage . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Section 9 . 3 . Notice of Default; Copy to ortgagee . 35 Section 9.4 . Mortgagee's Option to Cure �efaults . . • 35 Section 9. 5. Option for City or Port Autl�ority to Cure• Default on Mortgage . . . . . . . . 35 Section 9 . 6. Subordination and Modificat�on for the Benefit of Mortgagees . . � . . . . . . . 36 ARTICLE X - EVENTS OF DEFAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Section 10. 1. Events of Default Defined . . . . . . . � 37 Section 10.2. Remedies on Default . . . . . . . � 38 Section 10. 3 . No Remedy Exclusive . . . . . . . . . . 38 Section 10.4. No Implied Waiver . . . . . . . 39 Section 10. 5. Agreement to Pay Attorney'I Fees and. . � Expenses . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . 39 ARTICLE XI - ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Section 11. 1. Conflicts of Interest . . . . • 40 Section 11. 2 . Titles of Articles and Sections . . � � � 40 Section 11. 3 . Notices and Demands . . . . . � • • 40 Section 11.4 . Counterparts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Section 11. 5. Modification of Agreement, oint Powers Agreement or Development Pl�an . . . . . . 41 Section 11. 6. Law Governing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Section 11.7. Legal Opinions . . . . . � . . . . . 41 Section 11. 8 . City and Port Authority App�ovals . . . . 41 17229 i ������� Section 11. 9. Expiration and Provisions ,Surviving Rescission or Expiration. ' . . . . . . . 42 Section 11. 10. Exhibits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 SIGNATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-45 , I �� 17229 'i I � ���r��w � EXHIBITS ! Exhibit A - Assessment Agreement - Exhibit B - Legal Description of Development Property Exhibit C - Energy Park District Exhibit D - Energy Park Tax Increment District Exhibit E - Guaranty Exhibit F - Hazardous Substance Subdistrict '' Exhibit G - Minimum Improvements Exhibit H - Developer Indemnification Exhibit I - Twin City Testing District Exhibit J - Twin City Testing Tax Increment D' strict Exhibit K - Energy Park Covenants ' Exhibit L - Form of Developer Counsel Opinion Exhibit M - Form of First Bank Counsel Opinion Exhibit N - Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Estimated Costs of Remedial Action Exhibit O - Signage Specifications , Exhibit P - Schedule of Minimum Market Value � Exhibit Q - Contract Compliance Specifications Exhibit R - Prevailing Wage Rate Provisions Exhibit S - Targeted Business Program Exhibit T - Amortization Schedule for the Bonds I ' i �'I 17229 , . t��M��� DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the day of , 1991, by and between the City of Saint Paul, ',a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City") , the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a public body organized nd existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Mi nesota (the "Port Authority") and , a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Developer") . WITNESSETH WHEREAS: A. By Resolution C.F. No. 276898, the City Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 472A (recodified as Sections 469. 124 to 439. 134) (the "Municipal 'Development Act") established Energy Park Development District as Development District No. 3 (the "Energy Park Development District") to provide impetus for commercial development, t10 increase employment, to protect pedestrians from vehi le traffic and inclement weather, to provide the necessary inkage between peripheral parking facilities and places of mployment and shopping, to provide offstreet parking to se�vice the shoppers and employees of the Energy Park District, to provide open space relief within the Energy Park District, and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the developmen program for the Energy Park District; B. By Resolution C.F. No. 276899, the City Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 472A.'10 (recodified as Section 469. 131) designated the Port Authority as administrator of the Energy Park Development District. ' C. By Resolution C.F. No. 276900, the City Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273 .78 (recodified as Sections 469. 174 to 469 . 179) ,the "Tax Increment Act") and Municipal Development Act designatgd the Energy Park Development District as a tax increment financing district ("the Energy Park Tax Increment District") and adopted a Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for 'the Energy Park District (as from time to time amended, the ' Development Plan") for the purpose of financing the capital and administration costs of the Energy Park District. D. By Resolution C.F. No. 88-2008 the City Council amended the Energy Park District and Development Pla to incorporate and provide tax increment financing for the Twin City Testing project area (the Energy Park Development District a so expanded being hereinafter called the "Development District' ) , created within 17229 , � ����--��.� that project area the Twin City Testing Proj�ct Tax Increment Financing District (the "Twin City Testing Tax Increment District") and, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 131, designated the Port Authority as administrat r of the entire Development District. � E. By Resolution C.F. No. 276900, the City Council and by Resolution , the Port Authority, a proved a Joint Powers Agreement For The Administration, Ope ation and Financing Of The Energy Park Development And Tax Incre ent Financing District (the "Original Joint Powers Agreement") ; and by Resolution C.F. No. 89-1466, the City Counci and by Resolution , the Port Authority approv d a Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Administration, Ope ation and Financing of the Energy Park and Twin City Testing Are� Developments and Tax Increment Financing Districts (the "Rest ted Joint Powers Agreement") under which the Original Joint P wers Agreement was amended and restated. F. On October 14, 1982, the Port AuthQrity acquired property in the Energy Park District (the "K�ppers' Site") from Koppers Coke, Inc. , and as an incident to th t purchase, the Port Authority received from Koppers an agreement as to the removal of surface contamination and an indemnification , from and against all claims arising out of the ground water conta ination of the Koppers' Site and other environmental hazard�. G. On December 14, 1984, the Port AutY}ority sold certain property (the "ETA Site") in the Energy Park District, including part of the Koppers' Site, to ETA Systems In�orporated ("ETA") . As an incident to this sale, the Port Authori�ty indemnified ETA against claims arising from environmental ha2ards arising from certain "hazardous substances" brought onto he Koppers' Site or generated thereon prior to December 14, 1984� H. On September 6, 1985, ETA reconveyed the ETA Site to the Port Authority and leased it back from t�e Port Authority under a financing lease, dated September 6, 985 (the "Lease") under which the Port Authority financed a project (the "ETA Project") for the ETA Site through the issuance by the Port Authority of its $8,400, 000 Industrial Develqpment Note, Series 1985-1. I. ETA has been dissolved and its rights and obligations under the Lease have been assumed by Control Data Corporation, a Delaware Corporation ("CDC") ; and under the I�ease CDC has the option to purchase the ETA Site and ETA Proj�ct (collectively the "ETA Property") . 17229 2 . ���-1�`� J. Pursuant to a Purchase Agreement da�ed February 27, 1991 (the "Purchase Agreement") : (i) the Por Authority and CDC have conveyed the ETA Property to ("Developer") upon satisfaction of certain co ditions which required, among other things, that the Port Authority, City and Developer enter into this Agreement and that he Developer thereafter develop the ETA Property and lease�the developed property (the "Project") to First Bank National Association, a national banking association ("First Bank") ; nd (ii) the Port Authority has granted the Developer an option�to purchase additional property in the vicinity of the ETA Property for possible future development (the "Option Prop�rty") . K. In order to achieve the objectives of the Development Plan and particularly to make the ETA Propert and other land in the Development District acquired pursuant to�the Purchase Agreement (collectively the "Development Property") available for development by private enterprise in conformar�ce with the Development Plan, the City and Port Authoritylhave determined to assist the Developer with the financing of certain Project Costs (as hereinafter defined) to be incurred in th Development District as more particularly set forth in th�s Agreement. L. The City and Port Authority believe Ithat the development and construction of the Project, alnd fulfillment of this Agreement are vital and are in the best i.nterests of the City and Port Authority and in accordance wit the public purpose and provisions of the applicable state and lo�al laws and requirements under which the Project has been undertaken and is being assisted. M. By Resolution C.F. No. 91-351, the City Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.]�74 to 469. 179, and Sections 469. 124 to 469. 134: (i) approved es�ablishment of a hazardous substance subdistrict (the "Hazardo s Substance Subdistrict") that includes the Koppers ' Site�in the Energy Park District; and (ii) authorized the amendment of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for e Energy Park Development District to allow for the use of e�tra tax increments derived from the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict to pay for certain hazardous substance costs under the co ditions hereinafter set forth. By Resolution C.F. No.� , the City Council, pursuant to the same authority; (x) approved the issuance of taxable tax increment bonds to pro ide funds to reimburse the FBS Developer for certain develo�ment costs ($3, 610,000) , to refund and prepay the Port Authority's $3, 500, 000 Taxable Commercial Development Reve ue Note, Series 1990-1 ($3 ,500, 000) , and to defer principal pa�iments on other bonds payable from Tax Increments ($640, 000 of capital 17229 3 , • �`����� appreciation bonds accreting to a par value at maturity of $3 , 000, 000) , and further approved the use of 'ITax Increments from the Energy Park District to secure those bonds; and (y) authorized the execution of this Agreement and the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement for Administ�ation, Operation and Financing of the Energy Park and Twin City Testing Area Developments and Tax Increment Financing Dis�ricts (the "Joint Powers Agreement") to set forth the conditio s on which the preceding would be accomplished. N. By Resolution No. , the Po�t Authority has approved the issuance of the bonds referred �o clause (x) of the preceding Paragraph K, and authorized the ex cution of this Agreement and the Joint Powers Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the � mutual obligations of the parties hereto, ea h of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as �follows: I I I 17229 ' 4 I ` �I� ������ � ARTICLE I !, DEFINITIONS , Section 1. 1. Definitions. All capitalizled terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the fa',llowing meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears frd'm the context: Additional Improvements means any improve'ments made to the Development Property in addition to the Minimuim Improvements, and any and all improvements made to the Option Pr,operty; Aqreement means this Agreement, as the sa�me may be from time to time modified, amended or supplemented; �! Assessment Aqreement means the agreement,l in the form of the agreement contained in Exhibit A attached her�'to and made a part of this Agreement, among the Developer, the C�ty and the Assessor for the County, entered into pursuant to ArtiGle VI of this Agreement; �, Assessor' s Minimum Market Value means the', agreed minimum market value of the Development Property or Option Property, for calculation of real property taxes as determir�ed by the assessor - for the County as provided in Sections 6.4 or16.5 hereof; *Bonds or Tax Increment Bonds means the Pprt Authority's $3 , 610, 000 Energy Park Tax Increment Bonds, S�,ries , the proceeds of which will be used to reimburse thje Developer for costs incurred in the acquisition and improvemient of the Development Property; the term "Bonds" shall a'lso include any bonds or obligations issued to refund any Bonc�s; Business Dav means any day other than a S,aturday, Sunday, legal holiday or a day on which the banking ir�stitutions in the City are authorized by law or executive orderito close; Citv means the City of Saint Paul; I Comnletion Date means the date and time qn which the City issues a Certificate of Occupancy for the Projlect; Construction Plans means the plans, speci,�fications, drawings and related documents of the construction worl� to be performed by the Developer on the Project. The plans (a) sihall be as detailed " may be revised if these bonds are not � distinct series. I I »zz9 ��, 5 '� I � ��t��� as the plans, specifications, drawings and r lated documents which are submitted to the building departme t inspector of the City; and (b) shall include at least the following: (1) site plan; (2) site grading and drainage plans; (3) foundation plan; (4) basement plans; (5) floor plan for each �loor; (6) cross sections of each (length and width) ; and (7) elevations (all sides) ; Countv means the County of Ramsey; � Developer means and its successors and assigns; Developer Indemnification means paragra hs 3 and 4 of the Remediation and Indemnity Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit H under which the Port Authority has indemnifi�d the Developer with respect to certain hazardous substances; ' Development Action Response Plan means �he plan for removal or remedial actions to be submitted to and a proved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in connec ion with the Development Property; Development District means collectively the Energy Park District and the Twin City Testing District; Development Plan means the Development rogram and Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Development District; Development Propertv means the property'' described on Exhibit B attached hereto, including all existing improvements thereon; Enerqy Park Covenants means the Energy ark Covenants �ttached hereto as Exhibit K; Enerqv Park District means the developm�nt district created by the City Council pursuant to Resolution C. F. No. 276898 and described in Exhibit C; Enerqy Park Tax Increment District mean' the tax increment financing district created by the City Counc' 1 pursuant to C.F. No. 276900 and described in Exhibit D; Energy Park Tax Increments means Tax Increments derived from the Energy Park Tax Increment District; Event of Default means any of the event' described in Section 10. 1; 17229 '� 6 , �. �,�fw��� First Bank means First Bank National A�sociation, a national ' banking association; First Bank Lease means the lease under which the Development Property is leased to First Bank as contemplated in the Purchase Agreement; Guarantv means the Guaranty Agreement executed by First Bank in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E, as provided in Section 7. 3 of the Agreement; Hazardous Substance Subdistrict means t e Hazardous Substance Subdistrict described in Exhibit H�attached hereto; HRA means The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; Improvements means collectively the Min�mum Improvements and any Additional Improvements; Indemnitees means "Indemnitees" as defi�ed in the Developer Indemnification; Joint Powers Agreement means the Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Administration, Ope�ation and Financing of the Energy Park and Twin City Testing Area Developments and Tax Increment Financing Districts, dated , 1991, between the City and the Port Authority; Minimum Imbrovements means the initial mprovements contemplated by this Agreement for the Devel�pment Property, which are generally described in Exhibit G attached hereto; Mortqage means any mortgage which secur�s the financing for the Minimum Improvements or any Additional Improvements and which is filed with the City and Port Authority; Municipal Development Act means Minneso�a Statutes, Sections 469 . 174 to 469. 179, as amended; Net Proceeds means any proceeds paid by an insurer to the Developer or the Port Authority under a polic�y or policies of insurance required to be provided and maintained by the Developer pursuant to Article V of this Agreement and remaining after deducting all expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel) �incurred in the collection of such proceeds; Option Agreement means the Option Agreea�ent attached as Exhibit 3 to the Purchase Agreement; 17229 7 . C�i��i�..��,�� Option Property means any property acqt�ired and held by the Developer or First Bank pursuant to the Opti�on Agreement; Permitted Encumbrances means � Port Authoritv means the Port Authorit� of the City of Saint Paul, a body corporate and politic; Project means initially the Developmen� Property and the Minimum Improvements provided that during any period that the Developer holds title to the Option Propert�y, the term Project shall mean the Development Property, the Op�ion Property and all Improvements; Project Costs means all capital costs incurred by the Developer in connection with the acquisitio�h and construction of the Project; Purchase Agreement means the Purchase greement, dated - February 27, 1991 and originally entered in�o among the Port Authority, Control Data Corporation and Ryar� St. Paul Limited Partnership, whose interest has been assign�d to the Developer; Redemption Date means the earliest dat on which any Bonds may be redeemed and paid prior to full matu�ity; Subdistrict Bonds means any bonds issued by the City and made payable solely from the Subdistrict Ta� Increments and the proceeds of the bonds; Subdistrict Tax Increments means any ta�x increments derived under the Tax Increment Act from the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict as a result of a reduction in th�e original net tax capacity pursuant to Section 469. 174, subdivision 7, paragraph (b) , of the Tax Increment Act, or as a resul�t of the extension of the period for collection of tax increment f�om the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict provided for in Section 469. 176, subdivision 1, paragraph (g) , of the Tax Inc�ement Act, but not to exceed in the aggregate $5,000, 000; Tax Increments means the tax incrementsI derived under the Tax Increment Act from the Tax Increment District (except Subdistrict Tax Increments) and received by �he Port Authority under the Joint Powers Agreement; Tax Increment Act means the Minnesota T x Increment Financing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections �69. 174 through 469 . 180, as amended; I 17229 8 I � ' �q�����.� Tax Increment Bonds means the Bonds; Tax Increment District means collectivel the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District and the Twin�City Testing Tax Increment Financing District; � � � _ _ �'' � ' `�= - � � , � : _ Termination Date means the date of xpir�ation or:€�` the Assessment Agreement as provided in Se �tion 6.4�this Agreement; Twin Citv Testinq District means the Twin City Testing Project area included in the Development Dist ict by the City Council pursuant to Resolution C.F. No. 88-20�8 and described in Exhibit I attached hereto; Twin Citv Testinq Tax Increment District means the Twin City Testing Project Tax Increment District created by the City Council pursuant to Resolution C.F. No. 88-20p8 and described in Exhibit J attached hereto; and I Unavoidable Delav means (a) any extensio� of the "Contin- gency Date" in the Purchase Agreement from , 1991, but not beyond , 1991 and (b) delays, outside the control of the party claiming its occurrence, which are �he direct result of strikes, other labor troubles, unusually seve e or prolonged bad weather, acts of God, fire or other casualty to the Minimum Improvements, litigation commenced by third p�rties which, by injunction or other similar j udicial action o by the exercise of reasonable discretion, directly results in delays, or acts of any federal, state or local governmental unit (ot er than the City or the Port Authority) which directly result in �elays. I ' I 17229 9 � ���w���� ARTICLE II � REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 2 . 1. Representations and Warrar�ties of the City and Port Authoritv. The City and Port Authority make the following representations and warranties: (1) The Port Authority is a body corporate and politic organized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469 . 047; and the City is a municipal corporat',ion existing and organized under the laws of the State; and t e City and Port Authority each has been duly authorized to enter into the Joint Powers Agreement and this Agreement, and to carry out its respective obligations thereunder. (2) The Energy Park Tax Increment District and the Twin City Testing Tax Increment District are each a "redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Sta utes, Section 469 . 174, Subdivision 10(2) and were each crea ed, adopted and approved in accordance with the terms of the ax Increment Act. (3) The development contemplated by this Agreement is in conformance with the development objectives set forth in the Development� Plan. (4) To provide financial assistance in connection with the activities to be undertaken by the Developer under this Agreement: (a) the Port Authority proposes, subject to the further provisions of this Agreement, to use its best efforts to issue the Bonds and to use the proceeds there�of to reimburse the Developer for the payment of a portion of the�, cost of acquiring and improving the Development Property; and ( ) the City and Port Authority propose, subject to the further pro isions of this Agreement, to provide Subdistrict Tax Increme ts and/or the proceeds of Subdistrict Bonds in support of t e Developer Indemnification; (5) The City and, except as otherwise p ovided in the Developer Indemnification, the Authority make no representation or warranty, either express or implied, as to the Development Property or its condition or the soil conditiions thereon, or that the Development Property shall be suitable fo�r the Developer's purposes or needs. (6) The City has made the findings required by Section 469 . 175, Subdivisions 3 and 7, of the Tax Increment Financing Act and has taken all other action required of the City thereunder, nzzv ', l0 ' , , � �* w�� except for the preparation and filing of the Development Action Response Plan and the certification contempl ted under Section 469. 174, subdivision 7, paragraph (b) , of th� Tax Increment Act, the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict, and has set forth in writing, , the reasons and supporting facts for each determination. - (7) The City and Port Authority will e ercise their best efforts, at the expense of the Port Authorit and with the cooperation of the Developer, to secure the aipproval of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to the Development Action Response Plan; and the City has duly authorized its Director of the Department of Finance and Management Serv�ices and its Director of the Department of Planning and E onomic Development to certify the Hazardous Substance Subdistri t to the Ramsey County Director of Property Taxation as prov'ded in and upon satisfying the conditions set forth in Sectidn 3 .4 hereof. Section 2 . 2 . Representations and Warrar}ties of the Developer. The Developer makes the followin representations and warranties: (1) The Developer is a Minnesota non-p ofit corporation duly formed and existing under laws of the State. (2) The Developer has been duly authori,zed to enter into � this Agreement and to perform its obligation hereunder. (3) Any Improvements undertaken by the Developer shall be constructed in accordance with the terms of his Agreement, the Development Plan and all local, state and federal laws and regulations (including, but not limited to, environmental, zoning, energy conservation, building code a d public health laws and regulations) , except for any variances n cessary to construct �he Improvements contemplated in any Constru tion Plans approved by the City. (4) Before undertaking any Improvements, the Developer will obtain, or cause to be obtained, all required permits, licenses and approvals, and will meet all requirements of all applicable state, local and federal laws and regulation which must be obtained or met before the such Improvements may be lawfully constructed. (5) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms nd conditions of this Agreement is prevented, limited by or c nflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions or provision of the Developer's articles of Incorporation or any contractual 17229 ' 11 • . . ���~���� restriction, evidence of indebtedness, agre�ment or instrument of whatever nature to which the Developer is nbw a party or by which : it is bound, or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing. (6) The Minimum Improvements to the D�velopment Property will be constructed at a cost of not less t�an $25, 000, 000 and a square footage addition of not less than 24 , 000 square feet of floor area. (7) The fair market value of the Deve�opment Property, not including the value of the Minimum Improvements or any Additional Improvements, is not less than $4, 300, 000, nd the Developer will spend enough in construction of the Minimum Improvements, when combined with the value of the Development roperty and related site improvements, to generate the Assessor's Minimum Market Value set forth in Section 6.4 of this Agre�ment. The Developer estimates that the Assessor's Minimum Market Value set forth in Section 6.4 of this Agreement is a reasonab�e estimate of the annual market value for ad valorem tax purp ses. (8) The Developer will cooperate fullY� with the City and Port Authority with respect to any litigatidn commenced with respect to the Project. (9) The Developer will secure financir�g commitments and/or available equity sufficient, when added to t�he financing provided pursuant to this Agreement, to finance the cquisition and renovation of the Development Property and �nable the Developer to successfully complete the Minimum Improveoments as contemplated in this Agreement. (10) The Developer will cooperate full with the City and Port Authority in resolution of any traffic,�parking, trash removal or public safety problems which may arise in connection with the construction and operation of the P�oject. (11) The Developer would not undertake' the Project without the financing provided by the City and Port uthority pursuant to this Agreement and the Joint Powers Agreemen�. (12) The Developer expects that, barri g Unavoidable Delays, the Project will be substantially co�npleted by , 1992 . (13) The Developer shall comply with t�e covenants relating to the Energy Park District set forth in Exhibit K, and all applicable governmental laws, regulations, r quirements and rules and prohibitions of public or private nuisan�es with respect to the use, maintenance and operation of the Project, subject 17229 12 � ���1�..��1.� however to the right of the Developer to continue any such use or operation consistent with the other provisions' of this Agreement and said covenants during the continuance of any lawsuit or other legal proceeding in which the legality of suc use or operation is in dispute and is defended by the Develope� in good faith. � ' 17229 13 , . ��f����.� ARTICLE III PURCHASE OF DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY AND PR�JECT ASSISTANCE Section 3 . 1. Purchase of Development P�operty by Developer. The Developer agrees to perform its obligati�ns under the Purchase Agreement; and upon satisfaction of the conditions precedent set forth in the Purchase Agreement�, the Developer agrees to purchase and acquire title to the Development Property. Section 3 .2 . Project Assistance. (1) The Port Authority has, simultaneo�}sly with the execution of this Agreement, issued the Bonds to provide financial assistance for the Project by reimY�ursing the Developer for up to $3 , 375, 000 of the Project Costs, ar�d has deposited the proceeds of the Bonds in such amount in to be disbursed to the Developer upon satisfactioniof the following conditions precedent: (a) The Developer has acquired tille to the . Development Property under conditions which �he City and Port Authority state are acceptable to them; (b) The Developer shall be in mat�rial compliance with all the terms and provisions of this Agreement; . (c) The Developer shall have submi�tted to the City Construction Plans for the Project, and such �Construction Plans shall have been approved by the City and Port� Authority pursuant to Section 4 . 2 of this Agreement; (d) The Developer shall have furn'Ished the City and Por.t Authority evidence, in a form satisfact�ry to the City and Port Authority that (i) the Developer has fi�m commitments for construction or acquisition and permanent fi ancing for the Project in an amount sufficient, together wit�h equity commitments and the assistance provided under this Sectiqn, to complete the Minimum Improvements in conformance with thelConstruction Plans, (ii) the Minimum Improvements are at least �_� complete; and (iii) Developer has paid at least $ of the costs of the Minimum Improvements; (e) Execution of an Assessment Ag�eement by the City, the County and the Developer pursuant to Sect�ion 6.4 of this Agreement; 17229 I 14 I ������� (f) Delivery to the City of a gua anty from First Bank in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E to ssure performance of : the Developer' s obligations under Section 7.3 of this Agreement; (g) Receipt of a certificate from the City Building Inspector certifying that at least percent (_�) of the Minimum Improvements have been completed; and (h) Delivery to the City of an ag�eement by the holder of the Mortgage agreeing to be bound by the ssessor's Minimum Market Value set forth in the Assessment Agreement. (i) Receipt by the City of an opi ion of counsel to the Developer in the form attached hereto as�Exhibit L and an opinion of counsel to First Bank in the form attached hereto as Exhibit M; (j) Receipt by the City of a fully� executed copy of the First Bank Lease which the City and Port Authority state is acceptable to them, including provision for �he escrow of real estate taxes paid by First Bank with an escr�w agent and pursuant to an escrow agreement acceptable to the Cit and Port Authority; and � (k) The Developer or First Bank h s (i) paid or reimbursed the City and Port Authority for a�l out-of-pocket expenses and legal fees incurred by the City or Port Authority in , connection with the �issuance and the Bonds a d the preparation of this Agreement, the Joint Powers Agreement a d all related documents, including all legal fees, which a e paid to or incurred by the City Attorney's office, and ii) has paid the City the service fee required to be paid und r Section 4. 6 hereof. (2) Earnings derived from the investment of Bond proceeds while held in shall be applied to the payment of debt service on the Tax Increment Bonds. Section 3 . 3 . Use of Tax Increments. The City and Port Authority shall be free to use all Tax Incre�ents for any purposes for which the Tax Increments may la�fully be used pursuant to applicable provisions of the Min esota law, and neither the City nor the Port Authority shall', have any obligation to the Developer with respect to the use of Tax Increments. 17229 15 ���V��� Section 3 .4 . Developer Indemnification� The City and Port Authority agree: ' (1) If (a) the Development Action Resp nse Plan has been filed with the City and (b) upon written dem nd of an Indemnitee filed with the City and Port Authority, the ort Authority notifies the City that there are inadquate sources of payment from which to perform any obligation it woul be required to perform by the end of that period of time un er the Developer Indemnification if there were adequate soure s of payment as provided in the Developer Indemnification, the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Developm nt and the Director of the Department of Finance and Management ervices of the City shall, on behalf of the City and at the writ en request of the Indemnitee, promptly certify the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict to the Ramsey County Director of Property Ta ation pursuant to Section 469. 174, subdivision 7, paragraph (b , and Section � 469. 174, subdivision 16, of the Tax Incremen Act for the purpose of paying for costs covered in the demand, but only to the extent the costs are payable from Subdistrict Tax Imcrements under the law and do not exceed $5,000, 000 in the aggr gate (the "Excess Costs") . The certification shall be for suc� period of time as is required to pay such Excess Costs, including debt service on any Subdistrict Bonds. , (2) Upon certification of the Hazardou� Substance Subdistrict, the Port Authority shall pay, and shall enter into all contracts required to pay, all Excess Co�ts, but solely from ` Subdistrict Tax Increments, and if the Subdi trict Tax Increments are insufficient to pay when due the Excess osts, the Port Authority shall exercise its best efforts to issue Subdistrict Bonds to fund the Extra Costs in whole or in' part, so as to assure timely payment of Excess Costs. In n event shall the port Authority be liable for the payment of xcess Costs except and to the extent that there are sufficient ubdistrict Tax Increments, or proceeds from Subdistrict Bonds, to pay Excess Costs. The City and Port Authority hereby a ree that the Subdistrict Tax Increments shall be and here�y are irrevocably pledged and appropriated to the payment of (�) Excess costs or (b) debt service on any such Subdistrict Bonds issued by the Port Authority, all as more fully provided in the Joint Powers Agreement. (3) Any remaining Subdistrict Tax Increments shall be used or distributed in accordance with applicable' law. , 17229 16 � I ������'� (4) In the event that the Port Authorit is unable to fulfill any or all of its responsibilities un er this Section 3 . 4 : by reason of the dissolution of the Port Authority, the assumption of its operations by a trustee or ome other entity, or the Port Authority's inability to issue bo�ds secured by Subdistrict Tax Increments, the City shall as ume such responsibilities, subject to the provisions of the Joint Powers Agreement. , (5) The parties hereto agree that the o�ligations of the Port Authority and the City under this Section 3 .4 are unconditional, notwithstanding the continuanc of any Event of Default, and shall survive termination of thi� Agreement. I 17229 17 I ����f��� ARTICLE IV CONSTRUCTION OF MINIMUM IMPRO EMENTS � Section 4 . 1. Construction of Minimum Im rovements. The Developer agrees that it will cause the Mini um Improvements on the Development Property to be constructed in conformance with the approved Construction Plans. The DeveloI�er agrees that the scope and scale of the Minimum Improvementslto be constructed shall not be significantly less than the sca�pe and scale of the Minimum Improvements as detailed and outlinejd in the Construction Plans. Section 4.2 . Construction Plans. ' (1) The Developer shall comply with th!e design requirements: set forth in the Energy Park Covenants, incl�ding submission of the Construction Plans to the Energy Park Delsign Review Committee `, for review and comment, and shall thereafter cause the Construction Plans to be provided to the Cit� for approval by the � City as provided in this Section 4.2 . The Clonstruction Plans shall provide for the Minimum Improvements to be constructed on the Development Property, and shall be in co formity with the Redevelopment Plan, this Agreement, and all �pplicable state and local laws and regulations. The City shall approve the Construction Plans in writing if: (a) the Cpnstruction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this �Agreement; (b) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of the Development Plan; (c) the Construction PlansI conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws, orldinances, rules and regulations and permit requirements; (d) the Construction Plans are adequate for purposes of this Agreement �to provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements; (e!) the Construction Plans conform to the preliminary plans on file with the Design Section, Downtown Development Division, Depa�tment of Planning and Economic Development, City of Saint Paul, and (f) no Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement ha occurred; provided, however, that any such approval of the Const�uction Plans pursuant to this Section 4. 2 shall constitut�e approval for the purposes of this Agreement only and shall not be deemed to constitute approval or waiver by the City with respect to any building, zoning or other ordinances or regulations of the City and shall not be deemed to be sufficient pla s to serve as the basis for the issuance of a building permit �if the Construction Plans are not as detailed or complete as the plans otherwise required for the issuance of a building permit. The site plan submitted for the Development Property by the Developer to the City shall be adequate to serve as the Construction Plans, if 17229 18 . � ����� such site plan fulfills the requirements of t�his Section 4 .2 and is approved by the City building official. ' (2) The Construction Plans must be rej cted in writing by the City within 15 days of submission or shal�l be deemed to have been approved by the City. If the City rejecits the Construction Plans in whole or in part, the Developer shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans within 30 days �fter receipt by the Developer of written notification of the rej ction, accompanied by a written statement of the City specifying the respects in which the Construction Plans submitted by the Developer fail to conform to the requirements of this Section 2. The provisions of this Section 4.2 relating to approval, re�ection and resubmission of corrected Construction Plans shall continue to apply until the Construction Plans have been approved by the City; provided, however, that in any event t 'e Developer shall submit Construction Plans which are approved prior to commencement of construction of the Minimum mprovements. Approval of the _Construction Plans by the City shall not relieve : the Developer of any obligation to comply wi h the terms and provisions of this Agreement, or the provisi n of applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances an regulations, nor shall approval of the Construction Plans by the City be deemed to constitute a waiver of any Event of Default. (3) If the Developer desires to make a y material change in the Construction Plans after their approval by the City, the Developer shall submit the proposed change ta the City for its approval. If the Construction Plans, as modified by the proposed change, conform to the approval criteria lis ed in this Section 4 . 2 with respect to the original Construction Plans and do not constitute a material modification to the sco e, size or use of the Project or to the site plan therefor, the City shall approve the proposed change. Such change in the Cons ruction Plans shall be .deemed approved by the City unless rejected in writing within ten days by the City with a statement of the �City's reasons for such rejection. , Section 4 . 3 . Completion of Construction. (1) Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the eveloper shall have completed at least 70� of the Minimum Improve�nents by , 1992 , and shall have substantially completed the construction of the Minimum Improvements by ,' 1992 . Time lost as a result of Unavoidable Delays shall be added t�O extend these dates beyond , 1992 and , 1992,1a number of days equal to the number of days lost as a result �f Unavoidable Delays. Al1 work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on t�e Development 17229 19 � � ��`�yl lI� Property shall be in conformity with the Con truction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by t e City. (2) The Developer agrees that it shall cause designated representatives of the City to be allowed to enter upon the Development Property during the construction of the Minimum Improvements to inspect such construction. Section 4 .4 . Certificate of Occupancy. (1) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements and any Additional Improvements in accordanc with the provisions of this Agreement, the City will furnish the�Developer with a Certificate of Oceupancy, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Such Certificate of Occupancy shall be a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the agreemen s and covenants in this Agreement with respect to the obligatio s of the Developer, and its successors and assigns, to construct the Minimum Improvements or such Additional Improvements, as the case may be. (2) If the City shall refuse or fail t� provide a Certificate of Occupancy in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4, the City shall, within ten days after written request by the Developer, provide the Devel�er with a written statement ir�dicating in adequate detail in at respects the Developer has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements or such Additional Improvements, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, or is othe�wise in default under the terms of this Agreement, and what easures or acts it will be necessary, in the opinion of the City for the Developer to take or perform in order to obtain such Certificate of Occupancy. Section 4.5. Signacte. (1) Within seven days after commencem nt of construction on the Minimum Improvements or any Additional I�mprovements, the Developer agrees to install a sign at the Pr'oject site subject to the following: (a) Specifications for the sign are included as Exhibit O attached hereto. ' (b) The sign must be carefully m intained and lighted at night if possible and positioned to be v�sible from the most heavily traveled street adjacent to the Pro�'ect. �nz9 20 ��,���` (c) The City retains the right to �pecify the exact location of the sign. ' (2) The Developer may remove the sign a� any time after substantial completion of the Minimum Improve ents or such Additional Improvements, as the case may be. Section 4 . 6. Service Fee. On or before commencement of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Developer agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the City a servici�g fee in the amount of $10, 000. Section 4 .7. Additional Improvements. No Additional Improvements shall be undertaken until the Developer has satisfied, or caused to be satisfied: (a) al of the provisions in Section 4.2 hereof as if the Additional Im�rovements constituted Minimum Improvements thereunder, and (b) all of the provisions in the Option Agreement. I 17229 I 21 � ��,�,�� ARTICLE V INSURANCE AND CONDEMNATION Section 5. 1. Insurance. � . (1) The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times: (a) duri g the process of constructing the Minimum Improvements, ar�d (b) upon completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements and prior to the Termination Date, insurance against loss and/or damage to the Project under a policy or olicies covering such risks as are ordinarily insured aga'nst by similar businesses, under similar circumstances. (2) The Developer will deposit annually with the Port Authority copies of policies evidencing all such insurance, or a certificate or certificates or bindelrs of the respective insurers stating that such in urance is in force and effect. Unless otherwise provided i this Article V, each policy shall contain a provision th t the insurer shall not cancel or modify it without giving w itten notice to the Developer and the City at least 30 days before the cancellation or modification becomes effective. Not less than 15 days prior to the expiration of a�ny policy, the Developer shall furnish the Port Authori y evidence satisfactory to the Port Authority that he policy has been renewed or replaced by another policy co forming to the provisions of this Article V, or that th re is no necessity therefor under the terms hereof. In lieu of separate policies, the Developer may maintain a siingle policy, or blanket or umbrella policies, or a combi ation thereof, in which event the Developer shall deposit ith the Port Authority a certificate or certificates f the respective insurers as to the amount of coverage in force upon the Project. ' (3) The Developer agrees to notify the Port Authority immediately in the case of damage exceed'ng $25,000 in amount to, or destruction of, the Projec or any portion thereof resulting from fire or other cas alty. In the event that any such damage does not exceed $10 , 000, Net Proceeds of any such insurance shall be paid dire tly to the Developer, and the Developer will forthwith repair, reconstruct and restore the Project to s�bstantially the same or an improved condition or value a they existed prior to the event causing such damage and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such repair, rec nstruction and restoration, the Developer will apply th Net Proceeds of 17229 22 ' ��, V. /J.�d���� f� . ' any insurance relating to such damage r�ceived by the Developer to the payment or reimbursemer�t of the costs thereof. (4) Net proceeds of any insurancelrelating to damage - or destruction to the Project or any po�tion thereof as .a result of fire or other casualty in an �mount estimated to equal or exceed $100, 000 shall be payabl,e to a trustee jointly agreed upon by the Developer, tY�e Port Authority and the holder of the Mortgage (or in such ather manner as may be agreeable to the Port Authority, Dev�loper and holder) and shall be subject to such disburseme�}t provisions as shall be jointly agreed by the Port Authlority, the Developer and the holder of the Mortgage. In the Ievent the Project or any portion thereof are destroyed by fir'e or other casualty and the damage or destruction is estimat�ed to equal or exceed $25, 000, then the Developer shall within 90 days after such damage or destruction, commer�ce to repair, reconstruct and restore the damaged Project to substantially the same or improved condition or utility value as they existed prior to the event causing suchjdamage or destruction and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such � repair, reconstruction and restoration, Ithe Developer will apply the Net Proceeds of any insurance rIelating to such damage or destruction received by the De!veloper from the Port Authority to the payment or reimburlsement of the costs thereof. (5) The Developer shall complete tl e repair, recon- struction and restoration of the Project� whether or not the Net Proceeds of insurance received by th�e Developer for such purposes are sufficient. Section 5. 2 . Condemnation. In the event that title to and possession of the Project or any other materi�l part thereof shall be taken in condemnation or by the exerFise of the power of eminent domain by any governmental body or other person (except the City or the Port Authority) , so long as t�e Assessment Agreement shall remain in effect, the Developer shall, with reasonable promptness after such taking, noti�fy the City and the Port Authority as to the nature and extent oflsuch taking. Section 5. 3 . Reconstruction or Payment. l Upon receipt of any Condemnation Award or property insurance proceeds, the Developer shall use the entire Condemnation A�aard to reconstruct the Project (or, in the event only a part of he Project has been taken, then to reconstruct such part) upon th� Development Property or elsewhere within the Tax Incremen� District; provided, however, that the Developer may ins ead elect to pay to 17229 23 I I ; , � ��,.��/.� the Project out of the Condemnation Award o property insurance proceeds, if and to the extent any such Con emnation Award or property insurance proceeds are sufficient or such purpose, either: (a) the present value of the sum of' the real property taxes which would have been assessed upon thle Development Property and the Minimum Improvements betweein the date of such condemnation and the Termination Date, such calculation to be based upon (i) the Assessor's Minimum Market Value specified in the Assessment Agreement, and (ii) the then-effective mill rate upon the date of such condemnation, such sum to be discounted to present value based upon (x) or receipt of said property insurance proceeds the number of years between the date of such condemnation and the Termination Date, and ('�y) the average interest rate on the Bonds, or (b) a sum sufficient to retire the Bonds immediately, including any interest d e. Section 5.4. Relationshi to Mort a e and Tax Increment Bonds. The provisions of Sections 5. 1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this Agreement shall be subject to the subordina ion, modification and waiver provisions of Section 9.6 of this Ag eement but shall otherwise remain in full force and effect w'th respect to the Developer's obligations to maintain insuran e, notify the Port Authority and City of any casualty or conde�nation and reconstruct the Project upon such casualty oir condemnation unless provision is made to the satisfaction of the Port Authority for - the payment or discharge of the Bonds and reimbursement of all other capital and administration costs incurred by the City and Port Authority in connection with the Project. I 17229 , 24 ', n �������� �� ARTICLE VI _ ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER; INDEMNI�'ICATION; ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT AND RELATED 'COVENANTS Section 6. 1. Status of Develober; Tran�fer of Substantially Al1 Assets. As security for the obligations of the Developer under this Agreement but subject to the righ�ts of the mortgagee under any Mortgage, the Developer represents and agrees that it will maintain its existence as a nonprofit cbrporation and that the Developer will not dispose of all or sub�stantially all of its assets or dissolve; provided that the Developer may sell or otherwise transfer to a partnership or corpo ation organized under the laws of one of the United States, r an individual, all or substantially all of its assets as an ent'rety and thereafter be discharged from liability hereunder (a) i the transferee partnership, corporation or individual files with the City and Port Authority an agreement in form and subs ance satisfactory to the City and Port Authority under which the ransferee assumes in writing all of the obligations of the Develo er under this Agreement; and (b) the City and Port Authori y receive (i) evidence that the Minimum Improvements have een completed or (ii) such new security from the successor De eloper to assure completion of the Minimum Improvements as th� City and Port Authority deem necessary or desirable or receive such evidence as the City and Port Authority shall reasonably require, including an opinion of counsel, that the existing Developer will remain liable hereunder upon a default by the successor Developer with respect to completion of the Minimum Improvements. Section 6.2 . Transfer of Pro ert and ssi nment of Acrreement. Subject to the Option Agreement nd the provisions in Section 6. 1 hereof, the Developer may make o create or suffer to be made or created any total or partial sale assignment, conveyance, or lease, or transfer in any oth r mode or form of or with respect to this Agreement or the Develo ment Property or any part thereof or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, without the approval of either the City or the Port Authority. No assignme t by the Developer of any of its obligations under this Agreeme t shall relieve the Developer from any liability which has accru d hereunder prior to such assignment, or from any other obligatio s of the Developer under this Agreement unless the assignee has' filed with the City and Port Authority an agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the City and Port Authority under which the assignee assumes all such other obligations. 17229 I 25 I �q�����$ Section 6. 3 . Release and Indemnificatio Covenants. (1) The Developer releases the City (except as to the payment obligations under Section 3.4 hereof) ' the Port Authority, . (except as to matters for which the Developer is indemnified under the Developer Indemnification) and thei governing body members, officers, agents, servants and emplo ees thereof (hereinafter, for purposes of this Section 6. , the "indemnified parties") from, covenants and agrees that the indemnified parties shall not be liable for, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the indemnified parties against, any loss or damage to property or any injury to or death of any per' on occurring at or about or resulting from any defect in the Pro 'ect. (2) Except for any willful misrepr sentation or any willful or wanton misconduct or any unlawful �ct of the indemnified parties, the Developer agrees to protect and defend the indemnified parties, now or forever, and further agrees to hold the indemnified parties harmless, from a' y claim, demand, suit, action or other proceeding whatsoever b any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly aris ng (i) from any violation of any agreement or condition of th s Agreement (except with respect to any suit, action, demand or other proceeding brought by the Developer against the Authority to enforce its rights under this Agreement) or (ii) the acquisition, construction, installation, ownership, and op' ration of the '" Project; provided that this indemnification s all not apply to the Port Authority as to matters for which th Developer is indemnified under the Developer Indemnificati n nor relieve the City of its payment obligations under Section 3 .4 hereof. ' (3) Except as may otherwise be pro�ided in the Developer Indemnification, the indemnified pa ties shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the person or property of the Developer or its officers, agents, servants o employees or any other person who may be about the Project due ' to any act of negligence of any person, other than any act of negligence on the part of any such indemnified party or its officers, agents, servants or employees. (4) Al1 covenants, stipulations, p�omises, agreements, and obligations of the Port Authority or City � contained herein shall be deemed to be the covenants, stipulat�ons, promises, agreements and obligations of the Port Authority or City, respectively, and not of any governing body m�mber, officer, agent, servant or employee of the Port Author ty or City in the individual capacity thereof. 17229 26 � � ��,�,��� Section 6.4 . Execution of Assessment A reement. The Developer and the City shall execute as soon as the plans and specifications for the Minimum Improvements are prepared, an Assessment Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Stat' tes, Section 469. 177, Subdivision 8, specifying the Asses or's Minimum Market Value for each phase of the Minimum Improvem nts for calculation of real property taxes. Specifically, the D veloper shall agree to the Schedule of Minimum Market Value atta�hed hereto as Exhibit P (herein referred to collectively as the "Assessor's Minimum Market Value") . Nothing in the Assessment Agreement shall limit the discretion of the assessor t assign a market value to the property in excess of such Asse sor's Minimum Market Value, nor prohibit the Developer from seeki g through the exercise of legal or administrative remedies a reduction in such market value for property tax purposes, prov ded however, that the Developer shall not seek a reduction of �uch market value below the Assessor's Minimum Market Value in any year so long as the Assessment Agreement shall remain in eff ct. The Assessment Agreement shall remain in effect until March 1, 2008 (the "Termination Date") . The Assessment Agreeme t shall be certified by the Ramsey County Assessor as provided in ,Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 177, Subdivision 8, upon a finding by the Assessor that the Assessor's Minimum Market Value represents a reasonable estimate based upon the plans and specifications for the Minimum Improvements to be constructed on the Develo ment Property and the market value previously assigned to the evelopment Property. � Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 77, Subdivision 8, the Assessment Agreement shall be filed for ecord in the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles of Ramsey County, and such filing shall constitute notice to any subsequent encumbrancer or purchaser of the Development Property, whether voluntary or involuntary, and such Assessmen ' Agreement shall be binding and enforceable in its entirety agai st any such subsequent purchaser or encumbrancer, includ'ng the holder of any mortgage granted to secure financing of the roject. Section 6.5. Execution of Assessment Aqreement to Additional Improvements. At any time after a�pproval of any Additional Improvements under Section 4.7 he eof, the Developer agrees to execute, at the request of the Cit , from time to time one or more additional Assessment Agreements which satisfy the requirements of Section 6.4 after taking int account the reasonable market value of the Development Property, including the Additional Improvements made or to be made. I 17229 27 t , , �������� 'Section 6. 6. Real Property Taxes, I (1) The Developer acknowledges that it ' s obligated under law and agrees to be personally liable to pa�fi all real property taxes payable with respect to all parts of the Development Property acquired and owned by it consistent �lwith the provisions of the Assessment Agreement and any other st tutory or contractual duty that shall accrue subsequen to the date of its acquisition of title to the Development Prop rty (or part thereof) and until title to the Development roperty is vested in another entity. (2) The Developer agrees that prior to the Termination Date, to the extent any of the following act'ons would reduce the market value of the Development Property bel w the Assessor's Minimum Market Value, except in the case of cquisition or reacquisition of the Development Property by !public entity: (a) It will not seek administrative review or judicial review of the applicability of any tax statut�e relating to the taxation of real property contained in the De elopment Property determined by any tax official to be applica le to the Project or . the Developer or raise the inapplicability of any such tax statute as a defense in any proceedings, including delinquent tax proceedings; provided, however, "tax statute" does not include any local ordinance nor resolution levying a tax; (b) It will not seek administrativ review or judicial review of the constitutionality of any tax st tute relating to the taxation of real property contained on th Development Property determined by any tax official to be applicable to the Project or the Developer or raise the unconstitutionality of any such tax statute as a defense in any proceedings, including delinquent tax proceedings; provided, however', "tax statute�' does not include any local ordinance or resolution levying a tax; (c) It will not seek any tax defer al or abatement, either presently or prospectively authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 181, or any other State or federal law, of the taxation of real property contained in th Development Property between the date of execution of thi Agreement and the Termination Date. � * language may have to be modified t reflect non-profit status of Developer, and aqree ent to pay taxes nonetheless. 17229 28 � ���_ ��r.� ARTICLE VII BONDS ' Section 7. 1. Issuance of Bonds. The Port Authority has, simultaneously with the execution of this Agr ement, issued the Bonds in an amount sufficient to provide the eveloper with $3 , 375, 000 hereunder. The obligation of the ort Authority to disburse the proceeds of the Bonds shall be s bject to the limitations provided in Section 7.2 of this Agreement. Section 7.2. Limitations on Financial Ur�dertakinqs of the Port Authoritv. Notwithstanding the provisio s of Section 7. 1, the Port Authority shall have no obligation t the Developer under this Agreement to disburse the proceeds of the Bonds if any of the following conditions exist: (1) The Port Authority is entitled under Section 10. 02 of this Agreement to exercise any of the remedies set forth therein as a result of an Event of Defau 't; (2) There has been, or there occur , a substantial change for the worse in the financial re ources and ability of the Developer, or a substantial decrease in the financing commitments secured by the Developer for construction of the Minimum Improvements, which change(s) makes it substantially more likely, in the reasonable judgment of the Port Authority, that the Developer will be una le to fulfill its covenants and obligations under this Agre ment; or (3) One or more of the conditions t� disbursement of Bond proceeds set forth in Section 3 .2 have not been satisfied. Section 7. 3 . Guarant of Tax Increment S ortfall and Other Payments. (1) The parties reasonably expect that the annual Tax Increments to be derived from the Minimum Improvements to the Development Property in any calendar year afte 19 and prior to the maturity date of the Bonds will exceed the minimum amount needed to pay when due all principal and inter st maturing in that year on the Bonds. The Developer agrees hat if for any reason additional Tax Increments derived from the Minimum Improvements in any calendar year are less thar� $ * then the Developer shall pay, upon demand by the Port Author ty, to the Port Authority the difference between such 'Tax Increments actually derived and $ ', # To be calculated on the basis of 360,000 ftZ 17229 29 : � �q,����.� (2) If, at any time after completion of he Minimum Improvements but prior to the Termination Date less than 680 full-time employees are located at the Develop�nent Property for a '`' period of more than 180 days in any 12 month period, then the Developer shall immediately begin making payments to the Port Authority in an amount sufficient to pay all p incipal and interest due on the Bonds, such payments to be made in the amounts and at the times set forth on the Amor ization Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit T. (3) Prior to the issuance of the Bonds, the Developer shall deliver to the City a guaranty in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E fully executed by First Bank and gua ' anteeing performance of the Developer's obligation to p y any shortfall in Tax Increments as provided in subdivision (1) nd Developer's obligation to make payments due on the Bonds u der subdivision (2) of this Section 7.3 . ' � �i i 17229 30 , � ���'���� ARTICLE VIII EMPLOYMENT, CONTRACTING AND WAGE REQUIREMENTS , Section 8. 1. Affirmative Action. Dev loper hereby agrees to (a) avoid and to require its contractors and subcontractors to avoid all discriminatory practices prohibit d by section 183 . 03- 183 .032 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and (b) to comply with the affirmative requirements in employn►ent provided by section 183. 04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The goals for affirmative action shall be to have in the total project work force 15� Minority laborers, 6$ Minority sk;illed craft, and 4� Female laborers/skilled craft combined, whi n goals Developer agrees to make a good faith effort to achie e; but with a minimum of 10� Minority and Female laborers combine and a minimum of 4� Minority and Female skilled craft combined. The procedures to be followed in order to establish a good faith effort to meet said goals are outlined in Exhibit Q, "Contract Compliance Specifications", attached to this Agreement'� and fully incorporated herein. In the event of any i consistency between this Section 8 . 1 and Exhibit S, this Sectio 8. 1 shall control. Section 8 .2 . Minimum Wages. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 278233 and HRA Resolution No. 82-2/25-4, _ • the Developer agrees to include the prevail�ng wage rate � provisions of Section 82 . 07 of the Saint Pa l Administrative Code, which, together with applicable wage ates and other documents to be included in any bid specifi ation for the Project, is attached hereto as Exhibit R. Section 8 . 3 . Tarcreted Business Proara�. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 81, Saint Paul Lec�islative Code, the Developer hereby agrees to require its cont actors and all subcontractors to comply with the Targeted usiness Program goals and requirements as set forth in Exhibit S, "Targeted Business Program", which is attached hereto and full� incorporated herein. Section 8.4. Housina and Community Development Act. The Developer agrees to comply with the require�pents of Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Ac of 1974, as amended, of Sections 504 and 794 of the Age Discrimi ation Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and regulations of t e Secretary of Housing and Urban Development relevant ther�to (24 CFR Parts 8, 146 and 570) . Section 8.5. Preconstruction Conferen e. It is a condition of the Agreement that the Developer must re uire its contractor on any Project improvement financed with Ta Increments under Sections 3 . 2 and 3 . 3 and all then known sub ontractors to attend, and the Developer must also attend, a preconstruction conference conducted by the City staff. These conferences are held for the �nzs 31 � ������ benefit and information of all participating c ntractors and attendance is a required condition. Each area f compliance is reviewed by the appropriate City staff inember �and forms are distributed for documentation and reporting. City staff will explain the documentation at this time and will provide ongoing technical assistance in an effort to keep the �ceport requirements up to date. Section 8. 6. Federal Anti-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Requirements. Developer and its subconitractors shall comply with Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 12086, and the regulations issued pursuant thereto found at 41 CFR Chapter 60 which provide that no person sh' ll be discriminated against on the basis of race, co or, religion, sex, or national origin in all phases of employment during the performance of this federally assisted constru tion contract and all subcontracts entered into in performance of this contract by Developer or any subcontractor. As specified in Executive Order � 11246 and the implementing regulations, contractors and subcontractors on Federal or federally assiste construction contracts shall take affirmative action to ens re fair treatment in employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfe , recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination rates of pay, or other forms of compensation and selection for training and apprenticeship. Section 8.7. Federal Section 3 Re uireme ' ts. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of the Housin and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. , Sec. 1701u Section 3) , the Developer in the performance of this contract, �, to the greatest extent feasible, shall: . (1) provide opportunities for train�ng and employment to lower income persons residing in the City o Saint Paul, and (2) enter contracts for work to be ontracted with business concerns, including but not limited tc� individuals or firms doing business in the field of planning, consulting, design, architecture, building construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, or repair, which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Se en County Metropolitan Area. 17229 32 �, . . I /���� � � Section 8.8. Assistance to Developer. Th City shall assist the Developer and its contractors with c arifications and interpretations of federal, state and local requirements as specified in this Agreement. Developer or its contractor shall notify the City if and when such assistance is required and City staff shall provide technical and professional ssistance in such form as necessary to insure all federal, state nd local regulations and requirements are being addresse . The compliance with the rules and regulations set forth in thi� Agreement shall remain the responsibility of the Developer. � �nz9 33 . ����'�'� ARTICLE IX I MORTGAGE FINANCING I Section 9. 1. Limitation Ubon Encumbrancelof Property. (1) Subsequent to the Developer acquirinc� title to the Development Property and prior to the completi n of the Minimum Improvements, as certified by the City, neithe� the Developer nor any successor in interest to the Development Property or any part thereof shall engage in any financing or any ot�her transaction creating any mortgage or other encumbrance or ien upon the Development Property, other than Permitted Enc�mbrances, whether by express agreement or operation of law, or suffer any encumbrance or lien to be made on or attach tolthe Development Property, other than Permitted Encumbrances, except: (a) for the purposes of obtaining funds only to the extent necessary for making the Minimum Imjprovements (including, but not limited to, labor and materials, equipment, professional fees, real estate �taxes, construction interest, organization and other indirect costs of development, costs of constructing the �Iinimum Improvements, an allowance for contingencies, costs of issuance of any bond or note issue to fundj construction or ��:j acquisition of the Project, amounts required to fund any bond or note reserves relating to construc�tion or acquisition of the Project, and amounts required to fund any required escrow accounts) ; and (b) only upon the prior written appr�bval of the City in accordance with Sections 9. 1 and 9.2 of this Agreement. (2) The City shall not approve any Mortga�e which does not contain terms that conform to the terms of Sect�.on 9.5 of this Agreement, except as provided in Section 9. 6 of this Agreement. Section 9.2 . Approval of Mortgage. The City shall approve a Mortgage if: (1) the City first receives a copy o� all mortgage documents; (2) the mortgage loan, together withlother funds available to the Developer, will, in the r asonable judgment of the City, be sufficient to construct th� Minimum Improvements; (3) the City is entitled under SectiQn 10.02 of this Agreement to exercise any of the remedies $et forth therein as a result of an Event of Default; and i 17229 �4 i , � ���✓��f� (4) the City determines that the terms of the Mortgage conform to the terms of Section 9. 5 of this Agreement. Section 9 . 3 . Notice of Default: Copy to Mortqagee. ' Whenever the City shall deliver any notice r demand to the Developer with respect to any breach or defa�ult by the Developer in its obligations or covenants under the Ag�reement prior to completion of the Minimum Improvements, the City shall at the same time forward a copy of such notice or emand to each holder of any Mortgage authorized by the Agreement�at the last address of such holder shown in the records of the City. Section 9.4 . Mort a ee' s O tion to Cure Defaults. After any breach or default referred to in Section 9. 3 of this Agreement, each such holder shall (insofar as the rights of the City are concerned) have the right, at its option, to cure or remedy such breach or default (or such breac or default to the extent that it relates to the part of the De�velopment Property covered by its mortgage) and to add the cost' thereof to the Mortgage debt and the lien of its Mortgage; provided, however, that if the breach or default is with respec�t to construction of the Minimum Improvements, nothing contained in this Section or any other Section of this Agreement shall be deemed to require such holder, either before or after foreclosure or action in lieu thereof, to undertake or continue the constr ction or completion of the Minimum Improvements (beyond the exte t necessary to conserve or protect Minimum Improvements or onstruction already ' made) , provided that any such holder shall not devote the Development Property to a use inconsistent w th the Development Program or this Agreement without the agreem�ent of the City. Section 9. 5. Option for City or Port Authority to Cure Default on Mortgage. (1) Any Mortgage executed by the Devel per with respect to the Development Property or any improvements thereon (including, without limitation, the Improvements) shall rovide that, in the event that the Developer is in default under�such Mortgage, the holder of the Mortgage shall notify the City and Port Authority in writing of: (a) the fact of the default; (b) the elements of the default; and (c) the actions required to cure �he default. (2) If the default is an "Event of Default" under such Mortgage, which shall entitle such holder thereof to foreclose upon the Development Property, the Minimum I provements or any portion thereof, and any applicable grace pe iods have expired, the City and Port Authority shall have, and each Mortgage 1T229 35 , ���.r.���.� executed by the Developer with respect to the Development Property or any portion thereof or any impro�vements thereon shall provide that the City and Port Authority sha11 have, a reasonable opportunity to cure the "Event of Default" . ' Section 9. 6. Subordination and Modific�tion for the Benefit of Mortgaqees. (1) In order to facilitate the obtaining of financing for the construction or purchase of the Minimum xmprovements by the Developer, the City agrees to subordinate its rights under this Agreement to the holder of the Mortgage for the purposes described in Section 9. 1 (a) of this Agreemen�, provided that the Mortgage or a subordination agreement provid�s that if the holder of the Mortgage shall foreclose on the Develbpment Property, the improvements thereon, or any portion thereof� or accept a deed to the Development Property in lieu of foreclosure, it shall consent to the Assessor's Minimum Market Value set forth in the Assessment Agreement. (2) In order to facilitate the obtaining of financing for the construction of the Minimum Improvements� the City agrees that it shall agree to any reasonable modification of this Article IX or waiver of its rights hereunder' to accommodate the interests of the holder of the Mortgage, prouided, however, that the City determines, in its reasonable judgment, that any such modification(s) will adequately protect the �egitimate interests ` and security of the City with respect to the', Project and the Development Program. , j � � I�I � 17229 , �c ' , . J�y�����,� ARTICLE X EVENTS OF DEFAULT Section 10. 1. Events of Default Define . The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agre ment and the term "Event of Default" shall mean whenever it is used in this Agreement any one or more of the following e ents: (1) Failure by the Developer to cause the construction of the Minimum Improvements to be commenced and/or completed pursuant to the terms, conditions and limita ions of Article IV. (2) Failure by the Developer to s bstantially observe or perform any other covenant, condition, ob igation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under this Agreement, but only if (a) the default has not been cured within 30 days after the City or Port Authority has given written, notice of the default to the Developer and (b) the Develop r does not provide assurances to the City and Port Authority re sonably satisfactory to them that the default will be cured as so n as reasonably possible. (3) The Developer shall (a) file any petition in ban ruptcy or for any reorganization, arrangement, compo ition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or simil r relief under the United States Bankruptcy Act of 19 8, as amended or under any similar federal or state law; or (b) make an assignment for t e benefit of its creditors; or (c) admit in writing its ina ility to pay debts generally as they become due; or ' (d) be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or if a petition or answer proposing the' adjudication of the Developer, as a bankrupt or its re rganization under any present or future federal bank uptcy act or any similar federal or state law shall be filed in any court and such petition or answer shall not be discharged or denied within 90 days after the filing thereof; or a receiver, trustee or liquidator of the Developer, or of the Project, or p rt thereof, shall be appointed in any proceeding brough against the Developer, and shall not be discha ged within 90 days after such appointment, or if the eveloper, shall cause to or acquiesce in such appointment. 17229 37 , �q����� (4) The holder of any Mortgage on he Development Property or any improvements thereon, or any �ortion thereof, commences foreclosure proceedings as a result of any default under the applicable mortgage documents. (5) Any representation made by the Developer in this Agreement should be untrue or misleading in a y material respect. (6) Failure by the Developer to timely pay when due all ad valorem real property taxes assessed with respect to the Development Property, or to pay any shortfall in Tax Increments derived from the Development Property as requ'red by Section 7.3 of this Agreement. (7) Transfer of any interest in th Developer, the Development Property or this Agreement in vio�ation of the provisions of Article VI. Section 10. 2. Remedies on Default. Whe ever any Event of Default referred to in Section 10. 1 occurs an is continuing- the City or Port Authority, as specified below, m y take any one or more of the following actions: , (a) The City and Port Authority may suspend their respective performance under this Agreement until they receive assurances from the Developer, deemed adequat by the City and the Port Authority, that the Developer will c re its default and continue its performance under this Agreement. (b) The City may withhold the Certificate of Occupancy. (c) The City and the Port Authorit ' may take any action in law or equity, including legal or a inistrative action, which may appear necessary or desirable to collect �ny payments due under this Agreement or the Guaranty, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement, or covenant of the Developer under this Agreement or First Bank under the Guaranty. , Section 10. 3 . No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the City and the Port Authority is intended to be exclusive of any other availabl remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy givien under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law r in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any suc right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and als often as may be deemed expedient. 17229 . ,, ' �;c-��..f�'�'� Section 10.4. No Implied Waiver. In the vent any agreement contained in this Agreement should be �breached by any party and thereafter waived by any other party, such waiver shall_ be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous qr subsequent breach hereunder. Section 10.5. A reement to Pa Attorne 's Fees and Expenses. Whenever any Event of Default occurs a�nd the Port Authority or City shall employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of payments due or to become due or for the enforcement or performance or observance of any 'obligation or agreement on the part of the Developer herein c ntained, the Developer agrees that it shall, on demand there or, pay to the City or Port Authority the reasonable fees of s ch attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by the City or he Port Authority. , 17229 . , . (��r-�i�'�.� ARTICLE XI ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Section 11. 1. Conflicts of Interest. Nol'member of the governing body or other official of the Port A thority or City shall have any financial interest, direct or ir�direct, in this Agreement, the Development Property or the Mini,mum Improvements, or any contract, agreement or other transactior� contemplated to occur or be undertaken thereunder or with respect thereto, nor shall any such member of the governinq body or other official participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interests or the in,terests of any corporation, partnership or association in whic he or she is directly or indirectly interested. No member, �fficial or employee of the City or Port Authority shall be personally liable to the Authority or City in the event of any default or breach by the Developer or successor or on any obligation's under the terms of this Agreement. Section 11. 2 . .Titles of Articles and Sect'ons. Any titles of the several parts, articles and sections of he Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any o� its provisions. Section 11. 3. Notices and Demands. Excep� as otherwise ,, expressly provided in this Agreement, a notice, ldemand or other ,;;� communication under this Agreement by any party' to any other - shall be sufficiently given or delivered if it {�s dispatched or registered by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personal�y, and (a) in the case of the Developer is �ddressed to or delivered personally to: i (b) in the case of the City is addre�sed to or delivered personally to the City at: I I 17229 I , , ������ I Director Department of Planninjg & Economic Development ! 1300 City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesotal' S5102 (c) in the case of the Port Authori�ty, is addressed or delivered personally to the Port Authority at: Port Authority of thelCity of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: President or at such other address with respect to any s ch party as that party may, from time to time, designated in wr�ting and forward to the other, as provided in this Section. Section 11.4 . Counterparts. This Agreem�nt may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 11.5. Modification of A reement 'Joint Powers Aareement or Development Plan. Neither the Ci y nor the Port Authority shall, without the written prior consent of the Developer and the mortgagee under any Mortgagei (if the Mortgage requires such consent) , modify, or consent to the modification of, either this Agreement, the Joint Powers Ag eement or the � Development Plan so as to materially impair th� Developer's right : to the proceeds of Subdistrict Bonds under Section 3 .2 hereof. Section 11. 6. Law Governina. This Agree�ent will be governed and construed in accordance with the l�aws of the State of Minnesota. Section 11.7. Legal Opinions. Upon exec�tion of this Agreement, each party shall, upon request of t e other parties, supply the other parties with an opinion of it legal counsel to the effect that this Agreement is legally issu�d or executed by, and valid and binding upon, such party, and enforceable in accordance with its terms. Section 11.8. Cit and Port Authorit A rovals. Any approval, execution of documents, or other action to be taken by the City or the Port Authority pursuant to this Agreement, for the purpose of carrying out the terms of this �reement or for the purpose of determining sufficient performan'�e by Developer under this Agreement, may be made, executed or taken by the Director of the Department of Planning and Econ�pmic Development for the City and by the President of the Port Authority for the I 17229 . ����r��.� Port Authority without further approval by he City Council or the Board of Commissioners. Section 11.9. Exuiration and Provisions Surviving Rescission or Expiration. Unless sooner te�minated or rescinded as provided herein, this Agreement shall ex ire on March 2 next succeeding the latest date on which the Ene gy Park Tax Increment District or Hazardous Substance District sh uld expire in accordance with law. Sections 6. 3 and 7.4 2lereof shall survive any rescission, termination or expiration og this Agreement with respect to or arising out of any event, occurrence or circumstance existing prior to the date the�eof; and in any event Sections 3 . 3 and 3 .4 hereof shall survive t rmination of this Agreement. Section 11. 10. Exhibits. Exhibits A �hrough T attached hereto are incorporated herein by reference and made a part thereof. 17229 A^ I . , /������� � C% ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City, the Port uthority and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be d ly executed in their respective names and on their behalf, on or as of the date first above written. CITY OF SAINT AUL By Its By Its This is a signature page to the Development �greement dated , 1991, by and between the City of Saint Paul, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 'and 17229 , . .� � ������� PORT AUTHORITY 0�' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' By Its By Zts � This is a signature page to the Development Agreement dated , 1991, by and between the City of Saint Paul, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ar�d I 17229 ��'�/�f�� I _ fDeve�oper] By Its By Its I I I This is a signature page to the Development �greement dated , 1991, by and between the City of Saint Paul, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and �I I I 17229 ' , /,��.±���,,`���� ���..- G EXHIBIT A ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT' THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of this ay of , 19_ by and among the City of Saint Pau1, .M'�innesota (the "City") , , a Minnesota non-profit corporation (the "Developer") , and the Assessor for Ramsey Ca,unty (the "Assessor") . I WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on or before the date hereof the City and Developer have entered into a Development Agreement da�ted , 1991 (the "Development Agreement") regardinglcertain real property located in the City (the "Developme'nt Property") which property is legally described as follows: WHEREAS, it is contemplated that pursuant to said Develop- ment Agreement, the Developer will undertake the renovation and expansion of an existing commercial facility for use as commercial space and related improvements (t e "Project") on the Development Property. WHEREAS, the City and Developer desire o establish a minimum market value for the Development Pro erty and the improvements constructed or to be constructe thereon, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469. 177, Subd'vision 8. WHEREAS, the Developer has acquired the Development Property. , WHEREAS, the City and the Assessor have' reviewed plans and specifications for the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this Agr�ement, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements made by each to the other, do hereby agree as follow�: 1. On January 2 , 1992 the minimum mar et value, which shall be assessed for the Project, shall be � dollars ($ ) . On January 2, 1993 , � * Revise to reflect recent legislation 17229 i • . (.R_ �!•���� the minimum market value, which shall be as�essed for the Project, shall be dollars ($ ) . The parties to t is Agreement expect that the construction of the Project will b completed on or before , 19 , and that f�om and after such date the minimum market value which shall b assessed for such Project shall be dollars (� ) , 2 . The minimum market value herein eStablished shall be of no further force and effect and this Agreem�nt shall terminate on March 2, 2008. 3 . This Agreement shall be promptly �+ecorded by the Developer along with an attached copy of Mi nesota Statutes, Section 469. 177, Subdivision 8, with the Co�nty Recorder of Ramsey County, Minnesota. The Developer sha�ll pay all costs of recording. I 4 . The Assessor represents that he ha�s reviewed the plans and specifications for the improvements and that the "minimum market value" as set forth above is reasonab�le. 5. This Agreement shall inure to thel�enefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of tl e parties. 6. Nothing herein shall limit the discretion of the Assessor to assign a market value to the Dev�elopment �Property in excess of such minimum market value nor prohibit the Developer from seeking through the exercise of legal o� administrative remedies a reduction .in such market value for property tax purposes, provided however, that the Develop�er shall not seek a reduction of such market value below such mi�imum market value in any year so long as this Agreement shall rem�in in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City, the Develpper and the Assessor have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names and on their behalf all as of the date set forth ab�ve. CITY OF SAINT �AUL (SEAL) By � Its BY_ I Its I 17229 . . �y���Y�,� [Develop r] By Its By Its � Signature page for Assessment Agreement date � 17229 � � � C��f��'��"� The undersigned assessor, being legally responsible for the assessment of the above described property upon completion of the improvements to be constructed thereon, hereUy certifies that the market value assigned to such land and improv�ements upon completion shall not be less than $ I ASSESSOR - This Instrument Drafted By: Briggs and Morgan, P.A. 2200 First National Bank Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 I I Signature page for Assessment Agreement dated I I I 17229 �������� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) i ) ss. , - COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1991, by I the and , the � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation. I Notary P blic . I Acknowledgment page for Assessment Agreement dated 17229 r C �i����� I � I STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I The foregoing instrument was acknowledgeJd before me this day of , 1991, by and , the � and of , a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said corporation. . Notary Pub ic , Acknowledgment page for Assessment Agreement clated i nzz9 j . ������� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) , The foregoing instrument was acknowledg�ed before me this day of , 1991, by I � the Assessor for the City of Saint Paul. Notary Pu lic I I I Acknowledgment page for Assessment Agreement dated 17229 I � f�f`�` ' � � EXHIBIT B Legal Description of Development �roperty Lot Five (5) , Block One (1) , Energy Park No. 2, except the West 45.25 feet thereof and Lot One (1) , Block One (1) , Energy Park No. 4, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. Subject to Easements of Record. 17229 . . ���- EXHIBIT C Energy Park District [to be provided by Katy Lindl�lad] I I I I I I I I I 17229 I � , ,� ������� EXHIBIT D Energy Park Tax Increment District [Parcel I.D. #s to be provided by �ulie Kimble] � 17229 � , ������� EXHIBIT E , Form of Guaranty In order to induce the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Port Authority") , to ssue its $ Energy Park Tax Increment B�nds, Series , some of the proceeds of which will be used to pa certain capital and administration expenses within Energy Park �evelopment District which benefit , a Minnesota non-profit corporation (the "Developer") , the undersigr�ed, which has entered into a lease of with the Develloper, as lessor, hereby unconditionally guarantees payment of all sums payable by the Developer in accordance with the terms o�f Section 7.3 (1) and Section 7. 3 (2) of that certain Development Agreement between the Port Authority, the City of Saint Paul and t�he Developer, dated as of , 1991 (the "Development Ay�reement") , such sums being: [detail to be provided] + No notice of any renewal, compromise or extension of the Development Agreement or of any modification in the terms of the same need to be given to the undersigned, who hereby consent to each of such acts. The undersigned hereby e�pressly waive presentment, demand, notice of nonpayment, p otest and notice of protest on any obligation and also acceptanc� of this guaranty. � The undersigned agree that possession of this instrument of guaranty by the City shall be conclusive evidence of due delivery hereof by the Undersigned. I This guaranty shall be construed accord�,ng to the laws of the State of Minnesota, in which state it sh�ll be performed by the undersigned. Dated as of the day of , 1991. FIRST NATIONAL ' BANK ASSOCIATION By Its 17229 �������� EXHIBIT F Hazardous Substance Subdist�ict [to be provided by Katy Lindblad] I I � I I 17229 , ,� �������� E%HIBIT G Minimum Improvements [to be provided by Julie Kin�ble] 17229 I . ��,��.�Y�, EXHIBIT H Developer Indemnification [to be provided by Robyn Ha�nsen] - I �nz9 I , .� ����'��� EXHIBIT I Twin City Testing Distri�t [to be provided by Katy Lindblad] I I I 17229 , . ���:f��� EXHIBIT J Twin City Testing Tax Increment District [Parcel I.D. #s to be provided by Ju ie Kimble] �n2s I . .. C�!"'7���'" .7 EXHIBIT R Energy Park Covenants [to be provided by Julie Kimble] � 17229 � ������� EXHIBIT L , Form of Legal Opinion of Develope 's Counsel Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers , 345 St. Peter Street � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 City of Saint Paul ' Re: Develo ment A reement b I p g y and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: As counsel for , a Minnesota non-profit corporation (the "Company") , and in connection with the execution and delivery of a certain Dev lopment Agreement (the "Development Agreement") between the Campany and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, dated as of , 1991, we hereby render the following opinion: ' We have examined the original certifie copy, or copies otherwise identified to our satisfaction as being true copies, of the following: ' (a) The of the Company; (b) Resolution of the Company at which action was taken with respect to the transactions covered by this opinion; ' (c) The Development Agreement and the Guaranty; and such other documents and records as we ave deemed relevant and necessary as a basis for the opinion se forth herein. Based on the pertinent law, the foregoing examination and such other inquiries as we have deemed appropriate, we are of the opinion that: 1. The Company has been duly organize and is validly existing as a non-profit corporation under he laws of the State of Minnesota and is qualified to do busines in the State of 17229 : � l,������� Minnesota. The Company has full power and a thority to execute, deliver and perform in full the Development �,greement; and the Development Agreement has been duly and validly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company and, assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by the other parties thereto, is in full force and effect and is valid and legally binding instrument of the Company enforceabl in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other laws rel�ting to or affecting creditors' rights generally. 2 . The consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Development Agreement and the carrying out o the terms thereof, will not result in a violation of any provis on of, or in default under, the of the Co pany or any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, indebted�ess, agreement, judgment, decree, order, statute, rule, regulation or restriction to which the Company is a party or by which it or its property is bound or subject. ' Very truly you s, 17229 ,� C�-������` EXHIBIT M Form of Legal Opinion of First Bank,'s Counsel Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 I City of Saint Paul Re: Guaranty executed by First Bank National Association, in favor of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: As counsel for First Bank National Assoc�ation, a National banking association ("First Bank") and in connection with the execution and delivery of a certain guaranty 'I(the "Guaranty") from First Bank in favor of the Port Authorit� of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul dated , 1991, and on the basis of our examination of , We hereby render the following opinion: 1. First Bank has been duly organized nd is validly existing under the laws of the United States �f America and is qualified to do business in the State of Minn sota. First Bank has full power and authority to execute, deli�ier and perform in full the Guaranty, and the Guaranty has been duly and validly authorized, executed and delivered by First B nk, is in full force and effect, and is a valid and legally inding instrument of First Bank enforceable in accordance with ts terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolv ncy, reorganization or other laws relating to or affecting credit�rs' rights generally. Very truly your$, 17229 � �-�,����� EBHIBIT N Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Estimated Costs of Remedial Actio� [to be provided by Katy Lin�blad] � II 17229 � ��Fl�v���� �� EBHIBIT O Signage Specifications [to be provided by Katy Lind�lad] 17229 �� 9�w���,� EXHIBIT P Schedule of Minimum Market alue [to be provided by Katy Lindblad or �Tulie Kimble] I 17229 ��r--���� EXHIBIT Q Contract Compliance Specifications [to be provided by Katy Lindblad� ; 17229 �I , �� �/�/�'�� � EXHIBIT R Prevailing Wage Rate Provis�ons [to be provided by Katy Lindb�lad) I I 17229 . � ���fr����� I EXHIBIT 8 Targeted Business Program I [to be provided by Katy Lindblld] I I I I I • I I I 17229 i ���' f�'� EXHIBIT T Amortization Schedule for the Bonds [to be provided by Robyn Han�en] � . . 17229