91-1402 �RlGINAL , , I Council File # •/ e�. I Green Sheet # RESOLUTION �'�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESaITA � .,.. ,,/e; '� Presented By .�"'�� -� I Referred To Cor�mittee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative de was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul, and ,:: WHEREAS, Section 293.11 provides for the granting of arian,ces by the City Council upon its finding that full compliance with said Chapter ouldF,'constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons or the co �ty, and �. :�. :�. WHEREAS, JAM Productions, Ltd. and Company 7, In hav ;f�roposed a concert to be staged on Harriet Island on August 1, 1991, and WHEREAS, said concert will be held on a single stage 'th seven (7) musical groups performing consecutively commencing about 2:00 PM a d ending b'efore 11:00 PM, and WHEREAS the above companies have requested a vari nce for the aforementioned hours with a sound level limit of 105 dBA, and'�I WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has reviewed I�Ithe application and has made recommendations as set forth herein; now therefore be it�l RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul l�ereby grants a variance to the above companies upon the following conditions: ', 1. The variance shall last from 2:00 PM to 11:00 Pl�, Thursday, August 1, 1991. !, ; 2. There shall be a 105 dBA sound level limit at the',sound mix position. �' 3. The companies shall maintain continuous sound l�vel monitoring to ensure that the sound levels measu 'ed at the sound mix position comply with the decibel limit f 105 dBA. : � , � Post-It`"brand fax transmittal memo 7671 #of pages ► ^i 'i � , T� '�'���,r �i�j�l!e� From !`�, (� ' l-��l'� �I Co. �r� �(��, f �tJ��11 Co. ,. � �"' Dept. Phone# 1� ,�! � '' �.i-3 � Fax# -y �7- Fax# ' �; /_" d " �! I ����r�l�►L (�:��-�s�e. 4. Any public address system, amplified music or other sound producing device that are louder than the background sound levels at the Harriet Island site shall be shut off irnmediately after the final performance. 5. The companies shall work closely and cooperate lly with the Division of Public Health staff in fulfilling the goals of this variance. 6. The Division of Public Health staff shall have full access to all locations needed to ensure compliance with thi variance. .�;. Y � . ...�.��"�..'.:': F ���. -, , � Yeas Na.� Absent Requested by Department of: imon -- oswitz � on — acca ee � ettman — ', une � �� i son — BY� � c� Adopted by Council: Date JUL 2 5 1991 Form A oved by C'ty At orne _ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By �- � 7 �2 y _ / �' _ / BY� - �� A roved b M or for Submi sion to � PP Y Y Approved by Mayor: Date JUL 2 � i991 Council s ���L;�r� By� �, Y� PU�USHED AUG '�'91 Ta: HI Olson Date: Wed,Jul 2�, 1991 4:06 PM � �' "�'` � .., � , '�� - ���` � , � P������ From: St. Paui Enu. Health F�t� phone: 292718a �:. �� ; ��j�� , ���R�� I:t ,. i§ s s �< �� t` �'��..�� � $ r �,�^ +�" �, � ��,�°; ��� ^ ''.�� �,�*�,� 7�� �`` �'���K�� •�,�^-�V�� Y (�t? , �'�� �+ � `:� 'fi,..; z����� � . �� t��'r> '+l�n� ,��� �.> s�3 CITY OF SAItvT PAUt �` '�����,�� , '"� � � INTERDEPAR7MENTAL MEMORANDUM ����,,`'�`��� �'� `; t� ,,�`��, � �� ��� � t � � Fr_ , I ��`��Y����ry,"��'� '�w�n ��� I3 ! Ja"'f'k � �;£, � '4;" %.� �x�a , + �^ § I .,,�. July 24 , 1991 I�I �ry � �, #�� , , , � , , ' ���` � ��,. x � 'a`�r I �t �,� *a MEMO T�3: CounCll Presic��nt Willi.am Wilsr�n �� �� 3 a��'��-��3$ C,ol�nc�ilm�mL��r Toni dimc�nd ��I � j� :' ' �� � � � { ��} } ��- Councilm�mber R�g�r Gc�swi.tz ' � , .� �: � Councilm�mb�r $4k� T�c�i1g I� �" ���°� � �- � � � �� '. Cc�unc�tlmembez P�uIa Maccahee '� � � �����'� �, �:; � . Cc���nr..a lm�mber �?anire �tet-tmar� ��` `� �,��, ,*� �� C�uncilmemb�r Dave ThlittF.�'� � � �, ���"���'����� ��� �:. �� ,�.�y,� EROM; �eter T. Kishel �� ��, � ���,p.�,������: ,r,afety and Health Analyst � "�� � {� � �?��?A<�`.: . � <= ,�:. SLB;JECT: Sc_�unf� Level Vari .�nce Request. far JAM Producticbns , I�td . �n� �'`�mpar�� � ��� 7 , Inr.. , For a Concert. on Auyu�t 1 , 1991 .3t i�drris�t Islan�� "�� : f� This concert will be 1'��lc� ��n a �inc�.le st.age with sl,eve�ri mu�i��al grc,ta��� � . � performing conz�et,utively startiny at approxima�ely ?� 4� �.m. ,�nc3 �nr�.ng l�efare 11 . GQ p.m. c�n Augu�t 1 , 1991 . ' f ' °� Th? �p�11 icant is reque�tinc� that �he varian��e bP C�I'�I:1��c1 f��x' th� hc�i�r� af = 2s 00 �.m. ta 11 : UU �.m� with a sound IPVPI 111?llti. Clf 1(�5 �c�b� �t t.h€� �oun�. a_,�_.: =� �asition. , � AftFr reviewing t-hc ap��lic�tio�r, �ae ar� r�commendiny �Yiat th� v�riane�e t;e = yrant��l with thw follc}winq i;onditions and lirnit_atityt�� . '', � 1 . This variance shauld 1'�e yr�nt�d frc�n� 2 : �)0 p.r!�. �� thri�uyh 1J_ : 00 ��.m. Thursday, Auyust 1 , 1991, . � 'l . Ther�. :�l'tall be a 105 dba snunr� level lintiit at t.he �''�,s��und mi:c pc,sition. 3 . JAM Pr��ductions , Lt.d. xr,r� C��rn�i�ny 7 , Ir�c . shall I rnaicztain cc�ntini�c�us sr�i�nd leve! monitr�rlCig to �:rtsure tr�at t.he sourid l�vels m�:a�uz-e�3 at the suund mix p�s�ition r,nmply with t.h� decibel limit ijn th.i.s varianr_�e. 4. Ariy publir_ �ddre�5 sy:�t.em, amplifiec� mt�si.r c�r. a�her s�und produc�ir�t} dF�'ic�F that are louder t.r�an th� k>ar..k�3rvur�c] souzic� l�'+�vals at_ the H�rr�,et Isiand site sh�ll be shut off imme��iately afr_�r t_l�e fin�1 ��xf��rmani��. 5 . ;J'Ar1 Ptot�uCtion�s, I,td. dnd Company 7 , Trir� . sha.� l wark cl�fs�ly �ttd c�oQ�et'at� fu.11y with the �iivisiatZ c�f Pi.1t�l.ir_ H�a1tN� . 6 . ThF Division ��f �u�lic Hr,alt�`, uhal. l �cav� full acc��r�s5 t.<_� r�ll lr��+atioi7� nee��ed tr, ensurc: c�o[npl i:��'lc,� with t.his varianc�+� . I � >;3 PTY�`1� �I erir..lc�sta.re� i, r.r. : Rr�y Garza ', Richard Shapir<i ', hat.hi Cairris !, 6"r;�nk ;taffan!�r�n �, . .� €�x To: fll Olson Uate: Wed,Jui 24, 1991 4:U7 FM ` �`�� � �� :� ���,����,ff From: St. Paul Enu. Health FaK phone: 2927180 � ° � ; ���n,�$p � ��,�� =��'`�; :: ''��4,..�• � r� r � ,� ,�e", ': �z1�'�M1'4aL.�`�.°4 � �� ���� � .'�r��ks�'�` . s � .. . . � �'�1 �& °_7�a a[ �; �" �J, � ��� ��'[�� ' � ���, ; ������'� ^ q�SOLUTI�N , �� > � ',�Y .� s �� �. �f �'� �^'�,4����t��i4Y�t� s. C1TY �F SAlNT �AUL, MINNES07' ' ��r��y �k �' � _ jk��Rf�� r�Yy F �,�k�.�,r �����'��� ' v` � �k k l� '� qY�. Presented By _ _ ._ a� � � 's'�` � - � � .�_.�..:,.+._._. � ,_,._"'y�"'.,'.,"_ - Referred Ta _ __ Commi tee :�l�t� � :a � ;� �' y.;rt . . _� �',Z� Y� �!w�.i-0.'. i� r �� WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislati�r� C�d was ��t�t�� ��� ��-�������*. regulate the subject vf noi�e in the Cit� ot Saint Paul, and ��� , ��� ; �� tr p���,-: � � � R, � � � � WHEREAS, Section 293.11 prvvides for the grantin� �f var�an�e� t�� ��� ��t������ ��� � Council upon its f�nding that full compliance w�th said Chapte� w� �I����.�n�ti������r� ' ��'��������, ; � ��-� unr�asonab:e hardship an an ap�licant, other persons or the co r,�ty��ii�r. �� � ���_� �;� , � ������, � � •�� ; ������ ����� WHEREAS, J'AM Producti�ns, Ltc�. and C�mpany 7, Inc. h ve prc��os��a ° °�°�'� � ��; concert to he stagecl on Harriet Island on August 1, 1991, and r;��� ���F° ������p���` ': ''�,�ac WHEREAS, said concert wiil be held c►n a single stage with'I, seven (7) musical �'...`,t;-�� � groups perfQrming consecutively cornmencing abaut z:00 Pi�i a:►d e��ing befare 11:fl�= � >5� `� PM, a�nd ',, ; ,, ; WHEI�EAS the ahove companies have re�uested a varianc� far th� �( Mf aforementionec� hours with a sound l�vel limit of 105 dBA, and �, � � WHEREAS, the Divisi�n of public Health has review�d the!��p�licaticn a�d has � made recommentlations as s�t farth herein; now ther�fc�re be it, j RESOLVED, that the Cauncil of the City of Saint Paui her��.hy grants a variance � to the abave cvmpanies upvn th� fc}llowing conditians: ', � � , 1. The variance skiall iast fram 2;Q0 PM t� �1:00 PM, T�tursday, August 1, 1491. ', 2. There shall be a lU5 dBA sound level limit at th� sc� 'nd nuac � pOSi ti0n. 'I , 3, The campa.nies shall maintain continuous sound ievel�l monitaring te ensure that the sound levels measured �t tl�e sound mix �osition comply with tlle decibel limit of 1p� dBA. , ,, ,, } , �,, To: AI Dison Date: Wed,Jul 24, 1991 4:07 PM, �` T p ���a�= From: St. Peul Enu. Health FaH phone: 2927180 ; , ;������� . , ; � . ,..4. . � � � �� �' � � : �� ', �,'����e� �`;� �' , r � '� . x�� ��� �.r :� 4. Any public address system, amplified mu,Sic ar c�th� �c��,��� � ��. � , producin g device that are louder thart the b�c k g r�u � s o U i�d ,�' � `'��,:� levels at the Harriet Island site shall be shut off i ��ii�,���� ��`: p�, ` after the final p�rfarmance, : ,��rxk ;r,� ,�� � . � � �1 �, �I*� �Y: . 1 ry ��'� �.. 4 I V � t �?�t���?''� "' � 5. 'T'he companies shall wark closely and cooperate ful y wyt#� '� the bivision of Pub:ic Health staff in fulfilling the g a1s c�f"� �"�,���� this variance. ' >: � � � � , ���� ���' �� ���� �^�,�`x������� 6. 'T'he Bivision of f'ublic I�ealth staff shall have fu11 a c€ss �cr ��� �,. � a t�"� � ���: all ltications neede�i to ensure cUmpliance ��ith this ariart�� , ��� ��� � �� .��� � - � ' � � � �� „�� i a � r��� �. �� I :�'���� �`�.. ! �, €�{,<" - �` 4�`�` �� � I �� �� ��� ��� � ' x� � �'�ro��� a�.-, �'� �'`� z''a b �: ��: �+� �.. ��5�;. I � k' - w�c� '��r� � . I ��� .p' fi �* }v.�-' . II �}�� ^�� T��`�y� � ���r; § �' t ,�, '?. 'T Z��.y, � F I r �x���"�r� . r > �.: I k � ,'b � �� � �, !I �� , �$ �� Y� I ;3 i �'� ii � �` .� I� 3 � + III �'Y ��� ^+:. � ��,� _� ���#���� �.._;- ,-�_��� � ���� {��� ,�� .a i , i i imon Yeas Navs AbsenC Reyuested by De artrnent of: osws z �,,,.b�t1 � MSCC 3 ��e-- —�—�---°-- — e rnan une i s on By: -- ------ ,� Adopted by Council; Date Form A oved b C'ty At orne 1� ��'; �: �v., Adoption Gertified by Council Seeretary By � � � ��� � , gy: �'' r . ; Apprc�ved by Mayojx far �ubmi � �i���";to , ' Council ' Approved by Mayor: bete ' ,�.,. By� --- .,_ _ � . _ I � s _ II'!� _ �'�-'����_. .O' I tF f �.,�` II � � C.' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ', �.� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �, III -�x. EC���/�E� July 9 , 1991 J �L �, 5�����1 To: A1 olson, city c rk ITY ��.Et�K . FROM: Peter Kishel � StJBJECT: Sound Level Variance Application � � � �= �: Attached is a variance application from Company� 7/Jam�`Prod`uctions , Ltd . for a one day concert to be held on Augus �'� �19���1;:�:�rom� 2:00 p .m. to 11 : 00 p.m. at Harriet Island. ���, • ,"�.r� ' �. . , � �� � ����" � �� _ _.__.__ g No��c� `' :sent to Also attached is a copy of the Public Heari property owners within 200 feet of Harriet Isla�id Park , ,.�.,� .�:, � Please have this item placed on the Council a�enda� £o�z��uly 25., 1991 . If you have any questions , feel free to ;�ontact �nt�.:at 292- 7776 . ' �� �, �� � PTK/lv ��I ; �.; ��� , �X ,,. � � ;:� Attachments �I , ���: � I��i �i �''� �*��*5"�. �I � N_ _�,` _ i � �f 3 - . h e i �t T � � " 5 II ';� ��� ! I ,;?:. X �<_��)P � I ���, T�� � ' II x� � \ ++ lx ' ��,,�>_� , �,,:_�;, .«. , �: .' , ; , ' '.. , ,�,; I I�I , �� ��k � F ; �;'_��, , ; � , �I ' /, .` �4-1991 11:41 FP.OM PED TO 9922021�, P.02i02 /• k .; . � ,� � '���r�� ,. —�,-.�.� :'' - � <:-' x � .�`,,.- ` AppliC��ian for Sounc� Leve� Va� i�rice � � �r.� . City of SG Paul Noise Ordinance � x'` � ' L'haptcr 293 of thc S��sui I.egisiativc Code �' �. • .`-. . , .�� , � .; . ! ' � x� :. ,;� , 1. flrganization or person seeking variance: C om a n 7, I n c. & � am P�"�a�d�,�t i oirs, .i;t d. : , ,�, f . � 2� Addr�ss: .2925 Dean Parkway, Suite 808 ' r t;; ��'�� f •��=3� �,� Minneapolis, MN 55416 � �• �'�� � ����� �� ?n�}. � -�� _,,,� � �_ ,�,t . 3. Respasiblc pcxson: R i ch a r d K. Sh a p i r o '�� � #,,." ��f" '� � � }� R #.,. 3 �� � f � r _��� . ' 4. T1t�C OtpOSiEiOn:� P�ident - Company 7, Inc. � '� �,c�.rx` " � �N:¢ �'�' x .r:,y„ � �y,�! : Ir�yJlr�. . ' ' k "i � �'(, } } � R 922=0777 s S. T�ttphone: :: `- i . � �� ` _�« �Y _ . w ,, . :{� „ . � . . �.. u � � � �i 6. Brie�ly describe the noise sou'rcc and o�uipmeat involved: �� Amp].i f ic�t"ion �f. � �� � � � W��� � � .. . . • " � � � § k�! . � F ..��.r�aa. t : t-!�"�'"y.i�y+ �^N t�..�� . . - - . .... . _ _ . .... - � i �, .. "�.4a'.i'f i�'F' :� r fi� � rr ;f�r�r � .�r���� � � C .�.t /.^7VIT�WR"YrM'�M '. I �°' ��� 7. Adciress Ur 1ega1 deSCripti0r�of noise cat,txce: ' ' �Ha rr i et �s .a��^'TlI . � .. "a��� ����' - . . . .. . . . . . . � . I� . • . ,F�+�y-y�� � 1: � •� ����1��r � i.l... � ' ' ' . . ' . -.,�i.:'• ;....: ., ;Fi'������'L �,1... rs,( ra�l�M� �� (` . . .' . .. . . � � ��.'�.f ��`r f k 8. Noise Source rimz of operadOn�.`. �2 z 00 .p.m ..:�'�o- 11:00 .p m r� - .- �:�'�� "�'� �_ �� ..�, .._..�. r�_ �+ a_ � •• :}� ti�. ,,r�u - 9. Bricfly dcscribe the steps that will be}�4ceri to rri�'iimire t1'►c noise lcvols� 4�i 1� ma i ntain�'��� � ` � - standard�105 db level : ' � - - i: ' - -_,�S . ,��;° �y �¢*' : . .,��,. r, Y¢ . . .,.. : . ,-. _�, ,, • . .. , , - , F �: : �. �, i 9 �_ � .���..w.a.....�yr���yV� • � � .f. ., ro.i.4w . ..,, .....� ,..t:. �i. , z-._. �r��� �� " l�. Briefly state rcason�'or seeking variancc! 1 Day Concert at H rriet Island '. � •�ra.w.�...�.rr�w� . . . � . . . . . ,� . ... . . . � � .��ir-+� , . . i, . A�� .. 11 D ' ' �� . atcs uri � n s d wh� � g 1 ch thc varian / ., CC 1S Ue / b stcd: �4 _.. _.._� _. . � , , . , . Si nafure of tes onSible erson �' II 6/25/91 : � P P �. .. . ....-- � Date I �;� .� �� Return campleted Appticat{on and !�150.00 fe� tw �', Ot'fice Use�nty t:5§ �;� City of St. Paal I' 8� � � .., ; Dcp�ri�meni of Commtinity Servic;�s ', Datc Rcc'd. �' Divi�i0r1�f Pi1b1iC Hc;31t.1� �' RC�iCwCC! Fnvirontrientat Monit�rin� Aate Publ'•Not�cc Sc�►t ?'y`1� 1954 Univcrsity Avc.wesr Suicea R�ren• t0 C'OU�lei! "" St.Paul, MN 54 t04 i 29?-777G ' , Q��-�� 0 `��T7a^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;� � , � DEPARTME�JT OF COMMUNIT�''.'SERVICES , s ,.c' , J,�:: -.:.�'. +�a• )nn�es SCHEieE� � DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH �,�r��:.�_ MAYOR 1954 Univ rSity;Avenue, St:',Paul, Minnesota 55104 � ` (612)292-7717 July 9 , 1991 ��,��. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , _ � ��; � �:,,�i ��': � � Dear St . Paul Property Owner: ;.` � , ;, , Ra , : This is to inform q ��= ` � you of an application to re es - xlance,� f�om F , ;, the sound level limitations as indicated in 'th ' �>aul, `Nois� Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legisla�tx� `}��,�' z �� � v ;`� ���' ,*� � •� .�t, r t'�rM �� . A public hearing before the City Council on this vaY��a'�t ° � �g�{e�� ry ,, will be held on: :� yy��-az� �' ' . :5�l��.[�q,'���r r n'"�. ��'a fw Date: July 25 , 1991 j ' �� ' � Time . 9 . 00 a .m. � `���„'' Location : 3rd Floor, City Hall Counci3. Chambers ' �� � � F `� ; . Within fifteen 15 da s of the mailin da e on this `no�%ce` written comments or ob 'ections ma be filed with the: ��`' ���:�.m , �. Department of Community Services ,�` '? Division of Public Health � �£ f : ,. Y �_ Environmental Monitoring Section � ,�k � - �, 1954 University Avenue W. , Suite 7 .-� �;` �;� Saint Paul , Minnesota 55104 ` �, `>-,� :� ;��}:� :;ti Description of Variancec , _ I',, . ',.:Y Jjl. 1 Company 7 Inc . /Jam Productions , Ltd. , Minneapolis , MN, has �''�r , requested a sound level variance for a concert at Harriet .``'a� Island on August 1 , 1991 . The variance is requested for the hours of 2 : 00 p.m. until 11 : 00 p.m. A 105 dBA sound level limit at the sound mix is being requested . Musical groups will be performing on a single stage during the one day event . If you have any questions , please feel free to all me at 292-7776 . Yours rul , , ,' � ; Peter T . Kishel Safety and Health Analyst �x PTK/lv c : Councilmember Thune District Council