98-534RIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�3 Green 5heet 13 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials hereby authorize the City of Saint Paul Police 2 Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement of 3 ordnance disposal services rendered by the Saint Paul Police Department Ordnance Disposal Unit. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: v„r,..o Adopted by Council: Date: � Adopti Certified by Coun ' Secreta By: � Approved o . e � -7 By: ( /I. Submission to Council: DEPARIMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATED �� yS � POLICEDEPARTMENT 12l30J97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIA VOATE - DEPARTMENi DiRECTOR C1TY COUNpL Chief Wi11ia1nFinlley 292-3588 ASSIGN TYATfORNEV �GTVCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET D�BELTOR � FIN. 8 MGT'SEflVICES DIR. FOVTING ORDEF MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Signatures required on the attached council resolufion, authorizing the St. Paul Police Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement for ordnance disposal services. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApOrove (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTppCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ dVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contrect for ihis tlepartment? _ C16 COMM1TiEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this pe�SOnHirm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DISiRSCS COUiti _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normelly possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILa&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answen on seperate eheet and eneeh to grean sheet INITIATING PROB�EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why)� The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Saint Paul $150 per hour Por ordnance disposal services. ADVANTAGE$ IFAPPROVED: The State of Minnesota has authorized legislation for ordnance disposal services throughout the state. y �� DISAOVANTAGESIfAPPHOVED � � None noted. � � 1� ����q��� � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The State of Minnesota will not reimburse the City of Saint Paul for ordnance disposal services. � �ItC� ��Y�tt ��,i�P JAN � 4 "E�,d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION g see copy of attached contract COST(REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIflCIE ONE) YES NO . FUNDIfdG SOURCE S�te Of M1Tll1050�1 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4344-40040 F�NANCIpL �NFORFnATION' (EXPLAIN) S u- �� N°_ 51810 ��.��� ; � - ,. ��a�� November 21, 1997 Sgt. NcAlpine St. Paul Police Department loo East llth St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sgt. McAlpine: � �`�� ; �� . BUREAU Of CRIMlNAlAPPREHENS�ON 1246 Univers�ty Avenue S*. Paui, N,innesota 55704-5�97 672/642-0610 Enclosed is a joint powers agreement between the Minnesota Departnent of Public Safety and the City of St. Paul Police Department. Please review this agreement and indicate your approval by having authorized persons sign and date all six (6) copies of the agreement. A signed city resolution is also required before this agreement can be processed. The resolution must state that the city counsel has approved this agreement and must also state who £rom the city has authority to sign and enter the city into this joint powers agreemznt. Please attach a certified copy of the siqned resolution to t�:is agreement when you return these documents. A11 authorized signatures on this agreement must be oriqinal, so please don�t use carbon paper or a stamp. Return all signed documents to Janet Weber, Contract Officer, Fiscal and Administrative Services, Department of Public Safety, 444 Cedar St., Suite 126, St. Paul, MN. 55101-5126. A signed and executed capy of this agreement will be returned to you once this agreement has been processed. If you have any questions please contact me at 642-0636. Sincerely, � ^ �`1'�,cc�.z._� - �- 3ames Massoth Special Agent AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMAlOY'cR STATE OF MINIvTESOTA Accounting Information: P07 S27,900.00 JOI!�'T POWERS AGREEMEnT Y `°` 1998 R 1999 Amoan[ coa�: �DB� F�rsi 13,950.00 Amounc mting Distrioution i: 100 680 6160 Rep! Catc. Amuunt �"13.9J�.Q� Amount' Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Contract: Distribution 2: 300�-t54 RE (11-5-97) Number/Date/Emry Initials NumbedDate/Entry Initials Accountin� Distribution 3: Solicitation: Number/DatelEntry Imtials aY s3 Order: 3000-160 NumbcrlDatefSienaturzs (Iredividual signinb certiTes drat f iutds ltave heeit eactunbered as required by Miiut. Stat. § 16A15. j THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafier "concract") is be�ween the State of� D4innesota, ac[in� through its Depar[ment of Public SaEetv (hereinafter "STATE"), which is empoweted [o entcr into joint powers aereemenis putsuani to Minn. Stat. y 471.59, Subd. ] 0, and Minn. Stat. § 299C.063, Subd. 3. which is empowered to enter into a�reement� with bomb disposal units, and Citv of St. PauUSt Pau1 Police Department, address 100 East 1 I th SveeL SL Paul Minnesota 5� 101 (hereinafter "COA'TRACTOR"), who are empowered io enter imo joint powers aarecments pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 47 L54, Subd. 10; and WHEREAS, appropriated fundins have become available ro reimbursement STATE aoproved bomb squadc uni�t for ex�eme reimbursement as per Mmncsota Statute �99C 063� and WHEREAS, COh`TRACTOR represents that it fs duly qualified and willin_ to perform the services set forth herein. NO\V, THEREFOftE. �t is a�reed: Definitions: The terms used in this Aoreement have the meaninss �iven them in Minnesota Stamte 299C06:. Subdivision 1. (a) "Bomb disposal uniP' means a commissioner-approved unit consistin� of persons who are trained and equipped to dispose of or neutralize bombs or other similar ha2ardous expiosives and who are employcd by a municipalny. CDIN/Ii2tM(IH'_?.Yfi) 1��mR�wert4erccment fOPt.&im�S.�.vh-[ P il lAD19\_ lUSYI) t (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safery. O�- "blunicipaliry° has the meanine ���ven it in section 466.07. ��'''�� (d) "Hazardous explosives" means explosives as defined in section 299F.72, subdivision 2, explosive devices and incendiarc devices ati deTned in section 6f�.668, subdivision 1, and all materials suoject [o re�ulaGon under linited States Cocie, u0e I b, chapter 40. CO':�TRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional pa�e if necessary w•hich is incorporated by reference and made a part of this a�reement.) CONTRACI'OR shall: L CONTRAGTOR is an approved bamb disposal unit, and shall pro.•ide bomb squad unit service, omside ot fts seographic jurisdiction Cor another municipafity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employcr-municipalitv but within the state. 2. CONTRACTOR shall only invoice the STATE for expenses incurted while providin� bomb disposal unit services outside its geoeraphic jurisdiction for another municipatity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employer- municipality but wiihin the state. A1so, expenses incurred and im�oiced to the STATE wf II be se: at a flat ratc of � I i0.00 per houc Should CONTRACTOR have a contract with an other entiry other then the STATE for these services. CON'I"RACTOR will not invoice the STAT'E for services covered by that contract. 3. The set flat rate oC $150.00 per hour (or expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR is inclusivc of the bon2b squad unit and afl services provided. 4. CONTRACTOR shall provide reports to [he STATE's Authorized Representa[ive at Ica,et quarterly, but not more often than monthly. Repons must inciude a brief outline of services provided and costs incurted. This report must he submitted to the STATE's Authorized Representative with invoice for expense reimbursemcnt. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Considera[ion fbr al! services perCormed by CONTRACTOR pursuant to thi� contract shall ne paid by the STATE as follows: CONTRACTOR shall be rcimbursed at a flat rate of �I50.00 per hour. This fla[ rate is inc(usive of the Bomb squad unit and scrvices provided. 2. Reimbursement is limited to the extent of appropriated funds. The toml oblioa�ion of the STATE tor all expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR incurred under Cla¢se I �f this contra.t shall not exceed Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fiflv dollars and rto(cents (� 13 9SQ 001 from. JuSy 1, 1997, throu�h. lune 3U, 1998; and an addmonal Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifn� dnI{ars and nolcents (513 95060) from, Iuly 1, 1998, throuAh, June 3Q, 1499. Funds not expended by tne COA'TRACTOR durino the first year of this contract may be expended in the second year of the contract. � Terms of Pavment Payments sh�il be madc by the STATE promptly after CQNTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services performed aad acceptance of such services by the STATE'S anthotized representative pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shal{ be submiued in a iorm prescribed by the STATE and accordin� to the followin� schedulr. lnvoices shall be filed in arrears at least quarteriy, but not more often than monthly and within 30 days of the period covered by the invoue for work performed. Final im�oice shail be received nv later ihan Au�ust 3 t,1999. ` III. CONpiTIOn�S OF PAYMENT Ali services provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant ro this contract shall be performed to the satisfaction oi Ihe STATE, as determined at [he sole discretion of its authorized represemative, and in accord wnh ali appGcable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rWes and re�ulations. CONTRACTOR sha1S not receive paymeni for work found by the STATE to be unsatisCactory, or performed in violation of f'ederal, state or 1oea1 law, ordinance, rule or reeulation. CSbM%U]JM d� ?�.y6) Iem� Pnwen Acrcemcm fADMIR IOSIiI 1DVS-&�mM1tin.yd.-R.Pui� •- a�-53 3V. TERMS OF COh*I'RACT This contract shall be effec[ive on Juh- 1. ]y97 , or upon the date thai the tinal required si;,n�mrc is obtained by the STATE. pursuant to Mina Siai. § 16B.06. Subd. 2. whichever occurs larer, and shal! remam m effect until June 30. 1999, or until all oblisauons set for[h in this eontract have been sausfactorily fulfilted. whichever occurs t7rst. ��. CA;dCELLATION This contract may lx cancelled by the STATE or COI�'TRACTOR a[ am• time. with or without cause. upon thim GQ) days written nouce to the other party. In the eveni of such a cancel}atioa COIQ'I'RACI'OR shall he en«ded to payment. determmed on a pro rata basis, ior work or services satisfac[orily per(ormed. VI. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESH�TATIVE The STATE'S Au[horized Representative for the pur{>oses oCadminiseraiiun oP this contract is Jim Massoth or his successor in office The CONTRACTOR'S Authorized Representative Cor the purpo.cs of adminis[ration of this contract is Set. McAloine/ St Paul Police Deoartment . Each Authorized Represemati��e sha41 ha. c final authority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as satSsfactory, shail so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, para�raph B. VII. ASSIGNMEA'T CONTRACTOR shall neither assion nor transfer any rights or obii=ations under this contract without the prior written c�nsent of the STATE. VIII, AMENDME3VTS Any amendments to this contract shali be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executcd the original contract, or their successors in office. IX. LIABILITY Euch pivty wi11 be responsible for their own acts and 6ehavior and the sesults Ihereof. CONTRACTOR'S iiabilin� is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims pct, Minnesota Stamies, Chapter 466. The STATE'S liability is governed pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Stamtes, Chapter 176.192, and Chapter 3.732, Subd 3., paraaraph (2), durino opera[ions authorized under Section 294C.063 operatiag outside iheir �eoeraphic jurisdictioa CONTRACTOR'S Bomb Disposai Unit Employees operafia� outside their �eoLraphicjurisdietion are employees of the Departmen[ of Public Safety when disposing of or neutralizin� bombs or other similar hazardous explosives, as defined in Section 299C.063. Coverase is initiated once the bomb squad uni� tis acii��ated and outside its geperaphic jurisdiction for purposes of tfiis chapter 299C.063, for another municipal¢y or otherwise ootside the jurisdiction of the employer-municipality but within the state. This clause shall not 6e construed tn bar any {egal remedizs CONTRACTOR may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfill i[s obligations pursuant to this cont�act. CONTRACTOR's eeoaraphic jurisdiction is defincd on Ateachment A., hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. X. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accountin� procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relevant to diis contract shal{ be subject to examination by the convacting department and the Lenislative Auditor. XI. DATA PRACTICES ACT The COI�TTRACTOR shall comply wuh the Minnesota Data Practices Act as ii applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this contract and as it applies to all data created, eathered, generated or acqa�red in accordance with this convact ` XII. PUBLIC?TY Any pubGciry given to the program, publications, or services provided resultino from this rontract, inc)uding, but not limited to, noticcs, informacional pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar pubLc notices prepared by or for the CQNTRACTOR or its empioyees individually or joindy with others, or any subcontractors shali identify the STATE as ihe sponsoring asency and shall not be released, unless such release is a specific part of an approved work plan included in this convact prior to its approval by thc STATE'S Authoriccd Representative. XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION CONTRACTOR certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insursnce coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. Section 176.181, subd. Z. Except, in accordance with provisions oCMinnesota Statute 176.142 Bomb Disposal Unit Employees: For purposes of this chapter, a member of a bomb dispasal unit approved by the commissioner of pubiic safety and employed by a municipality defined in section 466.� 1, is considered an employee of the depanment of public safery solely for the purposes of this chapter when disposing of or neutralizina bombs ot other similar hazardous expiosives, as defined in section 299C.063, tor another municipality or otherwise outside the jurisdicuon of the employer-municfpality but within the state. CONTRACTpR's eeographicjurisdiction is defined on Attachment A., hereby incoiporated by reference and made a part of this contract. CpM%).l?.IM fIH-�:.YM1) lom� Pux.cn Agrccmcnt _. (nDWN.11l51p tDPC-B�, � a _ . --- ,..._. „ u. n.r a tu oc �w� r�..ute� intcnwn � w oc ��unu tnci.m. APPROVED. 1. COKTRAC7qRtGm�emmemalEnnn� 3. STA7E.�GEVC}' Convaaor cend�e> fhae the �pproPr�air pcnonfs� ha.c eaecmed Yae coneract on be�all n;';he mnaxtov a: reymrcd by apph;abie srt�c}es. b�- 11w5. resolmions. or ordmances_ By fauthonz:d 5�gn�turc) B� T�dr. U�IC B� Titie Date Bv 7idz Uatc Ss Title Dact Tnle Date .�.5 IO fORll y1C CXCC Of 3. ATIOR\EY .'F,R� By fau onzeJ signawro) a�-5 4. COMMISSIONER OF ADhtINIS7'RAT101'. By (au[horized si�nawre� Da�e YP$ N'`2e'��- � s �� � � �- .� s r�vtc��- � � # b. � ed � �r � �e.��- s �,e.�t 5/ga ca..�a_.�M ��u.�z.�m _ . i.1OVl] Iry51P InmiPaovnAgrwm'm lDVS.9�.mPi�mA-C P 1 q�' �'� Atta[hmem A Description of CONTRACTOR'S Geographic Jurisdiction CONTRACTOR'S (City of St. Paul) geographic jurisdiction is described as follows: For purposes of this agreement, CONTRACTOR'S norznal geoeraphic jurisdiction is the corporate limits of the Cin of St. Panl. CDOOOi2-06 (oi{?.96) )ant Powai Agrarnrnt {ADMIN 105t�) (9PS�BOmb Somds - S� Aui� Payv 5 4RIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�3 Green 5heet 13 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials hereby authorize the City of Saint Paul Police 2 Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement of 3 ordnance disposal services rendered by the Saint Paul Police Department Ordnance Disposal Unit. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: v„r,..o Adopted by Council: Date: � Adopti Certified by Coun ' Secreta By: � Approved o . e � -7 By: ( /I. Submission to Council: DEPARIMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATED �� yS � POLICEDEPARTMENT 12l30J97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIA VOATE - DEPARTMENi DiRECTOR C1TY COUNpL Chief Wi11ia1nFinlley 292-3588 ASSIGN TYATfORNEV �GTVCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET D�BELTOR � FIN. 8 MGT'SEflVICES DIR. FOVTING ORDEF MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Signatures required on the attached council resolufion, authorizing the St. Paul Police Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement for ordnance disposal services. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApOrove (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTppCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ dVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contrect for ihis tlepartment? _ C16 COMM1TiEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this pe�SOnHirm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DISiRSCS COUiti _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normelly possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILa&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answen on seperate eheet and eneeh to grean sheet INITIATING PROB�EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why)� The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Saint Paul $150 per hour Por ordnance disposal services. ADVANTAGE$ IFAPPROVED: The State of Minnesota has authorized legislation for ordnance disposal services throughout the state. y �� DISAOVANTAGESIfAPPHOVED � � None noted. � � 1� ����q��� � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The State of Minnesota will not reimburse the City of Saint Paul for ordnance disposal services. � �ItC� ��Y�tt ��,i�P JAN � 4 "E�,d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION g see copy of attached contract COST(REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIflCIE ONE) YES NO . FUNDIfdG SOURCE S�te Of M1Tll1050�1 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4344-40040 F�NANCIpL �NFORFnATION' (EXPLAIN) S u- �� N°_ 51810 ��.��� ; � - ,. ��a�� November 21, 1997 Sgt. NcAlpine St. Paul Police Department loo East llth St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sgt. McAlpine: � �`�� ; �� . BUREAU Of CRIMlNAlAPPREHENS�ON 1246 Univers�ty Avenue S*. Paui, N,innesota 55704-5�97 672/642-0610 Enclosed is a joint powers agreement between the Minnesota Departnent of Public Safety and the City of St. Paul Police Department. Please review this agreement and indicate your approval by having authorized persons sign and date all six (6) copies of the agreement. A signed city resolution is also required before this agreement can be processed. The resolution must state that the city counsel has approved this agreement and must also state who £rom the city has authority to sign and enter the city into this joint powers agreemznt. Please attach a certified copy of the siqned resolution to t�:is agreement when you return these documents. A11 authorized signatures on this agreement must be oriqinal, so please don�t use carbon paper or a stamp. Return all signed documents to Janet Weber, Contract Officer, Fiscal and Administrative Services, Department of Public Safety, 444 Cedar St., Suite 126, St. Paul, MN. 55101-5126. A signed and executed capy of this agreement will be returned to you once this agreement has been processed. If you have any questions please contact me at 642-0636. Sincerely, � ^ �`1'�,cc�.z._� - �- 3ames Massoth Special Agent AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMAlOY'cR STATE OF MINIvTESOTA Accounting Information: P07 S27,900.00 JOI!�'T POWERS AGREEMEnT Y `°` 1998 R 1999 Amoan[ coa�: �DB� F�rsi 13,950.00 Amounc mting Distrioution i: 100 680 6160 Rep! Catc. Amuunt �"13.9J�.Q� Amount' Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Contract: Distribution 2: 300�-t54 RE (11-5-97) Number/Date/Emry Initials NumbedDate/Entry Initials Accountin� Distribution 3: Solicitation: Number/DatelEntry Imtials aY s3 Order: 3000-160 NumbcrlDatefSienaturzs (Iredividual signinb certiTes drat f iutds ltave heeit eactunbered as required by Miiut. Stat. § 16A15. j THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafier "concract") is be�ween the State of� D4innesota, ac[in� through its Depar[ment of Public SaEetv (hereinafter "STATE"), which is empoweted [o entcr into joint powers aereemenis putsuani to Minn. Stat. y 471.59, Subd. ] 0, and Minn. Stat. § 299C.063, Subd. 3. which is empowered to enter into a�reement� with bomb disposal units, and Citv of St. PauUSt Pau1 Police Department, address 100 East 1 I th SveeL SL Paul Minnesota 5� 101 (hereinafter "COA'TRACTOR"), who are empowered io enter imo joint powers aarecments pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 47 L54, Subd. 10; and WHEREAS, appropriated fundins have become available ro reimbursement STATE aoproved bomb squadc uni�t for ex�eme reimbursement as per Mmncsota Statute �99C 063� and WHEREAS, COh`TRACTOR represents that it fs duly qualified and willin_ to perform the services set forth herein. NO\V, THEREFOftE. �t is a�reed: Definitions: The terms used in this Aoreement have the meaninss �iven them in Minnesota Stamte 299C06:. Subdivision 1. (a) "Bomb disposal uniP' means a commissioner-approved unit consistin� of persons who are trained and equipped to dispose of or neutralize bombs or other similar ha2ardous expiosives and who are employcd by a municipalny. CDIN/Ii2tM(IH'_?.Yfi) 1��mR�wert4erccment fOPt.&im�S.�.vh-[ P il lAD19\_ lUSYI) t (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safery. O�- "blunicipaliry° has the meanine ���ven it in section 466.07. ��'''�� (d) "Hazardous explosives" means explosives as defined in section 299F.72, subdivision 2, explosive devices and incendiarc devices ati deTned in section 6f�.668, subdivision 1, and all materials suoject [o re�ulaGon under linited States Cocie, u0e I b, chapter 40. CO':�TRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional pa�e if necessary w•hich is incorporated by reference and made a part of this a�reement.) CONTRACI'OR shall: L CONTRAGTOR is an approved bamb disposal unit, and shall pro.•ide bomb squad unit service, omside ot fts seographic jurisdiction Cor another municipafity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employcr-municipalitv but within the state. 2. CONTRACTOR shall only invoice the STATE for expenses incurted while providin� bomb disposal unit services outside its geoeraphic jurisdiction for another municipatity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employer- municipality but wiihin the state. A1so, expenses incurred and im�oiced to the STATE wf II be se: at a flat ratc of � I i0.00 per houc Should CONTRACTOR have a contract with an other entiry other then the STATE for these services. CON'I"RACTOR will not invoice the STAT'E for services covered by that contract. 3. The set flat rate oC $150.00 per hour (or expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR is inclusivc of the bon2b squad unit and afl services provided. 4. CONTRACTOR shall provide reports to [he STATE's Authorized Representa[ive at Ica,et quarterly, but not more often than monthly. Repons must inciude a brief outline of services provided and costs incurted. This report must he submitted to the STATE's Authorized Representative with invoice for expense reimbursemcnt. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Considera[ion fbr al! services perCormed by CONTRACTOR pursuant to thi� contract shall ne paid by the STATE as follows: CONTRACTOR shall be rcimbursed at a flat rate of �I50.00 per hour. This fla[ rate is inc(usive of the Bomb squad unit and scrvices provided. 2. Reimbursement is limited to the extent of appropriated funds. The toml oblioa�ion of the STATE tor all expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR incurred under Cla¢se I �f this contra.t shall not exceed Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fiflv dollars and rto(cents (� 13 9SQ 001 from. JuSy 1, 1997, throu�h. lune 3U, 1998; and an addmonal Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifn� dnI{ars and nolcents (513 95060) from, Iuly 1, 1998, throuAh, June 3Q, 1499. Funds not expended by tne COA'TRACTOR durino the first year of this contract may be expended in the second year of the contract. � Terms of Pavment Payments sh�il be madc by the STATE promptly after CQNTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services performed aad acceptance of such services by the STATE'S anthotized representative pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shal{ be submiued in a iorm prescribed by the STATE and accordin� to the followin� schedulr. lnvoices shall be filed in arrears at least quarteriy, but not more often than monthly and within 30 days of the period covered by the invoue for work performed. Final im�oice shail be received nv later ihan Au�ust 3 t,1999. ` III. CONpiTIOn�S OF PAYMENT Ali services provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant ro this contract shall be performed to the satisfaction oi Ihe STATE, as determined at [he sole discretion of its authorized represemative, and in accord wnh ali appGcable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rWes and re�ulations. CONTRACTOR sha1S not receive paymeni for work found by the STATE to be unsatisCactory, or performed in violation of f'ederal, state or 1oea1 law, ordinance, rule or reeulation. CSbM%U]JM d� ?�.y6) Iem� Pnwen Acrcemcm fADMIR IOSIiI 1DVS-&�mM1tin.yd.-R.Pui� •- a�-53 3V. TERMS OF COh*I'RACT This contract shall be effec[ive on Juh- 1. ]y97 , or upon the date thai the tinal required si;,n�mrc is obtained by the STATE. pursuant to Mina Siai. § 16B.06. Subd. 2. whichever occurs larer, and shal! remam m effect until June 30. 1999, or until all oblisauons set for[h in this eontract have been sausfactorily fulfilted. whichever occurs t7rst. ��. CA;dCELLATION This contract may lx cancelled by the STATE or COI�'TRACTOR a[ am• time. with or without cause. upon thim GQ) days written nouce to the other party. In the eveni of such a cancel}atioa COIQ'I'RACI'OR shall he en«ded to payment. determmed on a pro rata basis, ior work or services satisfac[orily per(ormed. VI. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESH�TATIVE The STATE'S Au[horized Representative for the pur{>oses oCadminiseraiiun oP this contract is Jim Massoth or his successor in office The CONTRACTOR'S Authorized Representative Cor the purpo.cs of adminis[ration of this contract is Set. McAloine/ St Paul Police Deoartment . Each Authorized Represemati��e sha41 ha. c final authority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as satSsfactory, shail so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, para�raph B. VII. ASSIGNMEA'T CONTRACTOR shall neither assion nor transfer any rights or obii=ations under this contract without the prior written c�nsent of the STATE. VIII, AMENDME3VTS Any amendments to this contract shali be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executcd the original contract, or their successors in office. IX. LIABILITY Euch pivty wi11 be responsible for their own acts and 6ehavior and the sesults Ihereof. CONTRACTOR'S iiabilin� is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims pct, Minnesota Stamies, Chapter 466. The STATE'S liability is governed pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Stamtes, Chapter 176.192, and Chapter 3.732, Subd 3., paraaraph (2), durino opera[ions authorized under Section 294C.063 operatiag outside iheir �eoeraphic jurisdictioa CONTRACTOR'S Bomb Disposai Unit Employees operafia� outside their �eoLraphicjurisdietion are employees of the Departmen[ of Public Safety when disposing of or neutralizin� bombs or other similar hazardous explosives, as defined in Section 299C.063. Coverase is initiated once the bomb squad uni� tis acii��ated and outside its geperaphic jurisdiction for purposes of tfiis chapter 299C.063, for another municipal¢y or otherwise ootside the jurisdiction of the employer-municipality but within the state. This clause shall not 6e construed tn bar any {egal remedizs CONTRACTOR may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfill i[s obligations pursuant to this cont�act. CONTRACTOR's eeoaraphic jurisdiction is defincd on Ateachment A., hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. X. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accountin� procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relevant to diis contract shal{ be subject to examination by the convacting department and the Lenislative Auditor. XI. DATA PRACTICES ACT The COI�TTRACTOR shall comply wuh the Minnesota Data Practices Act as ii applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this contract and as it applies to all data created, eathered, generated or acqa�red in accordance with this convact ` XII. PUBLIC?TY Any pubGciry given to the program, publications, or services provided resultino from this rontract, inc)uding, but not limited to, noticcs, informacional pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar pubLc notices prepared by or for the CQNTRACTOR or its empioyees individually or joindy with others, or any subcontractors shali identify the STATE as ihe sponsoring asency and shall not be released, unless such release is a specific part of an approved work plan included in this convact prior to its approval by thc STATE'S Authoriccd Representative. XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION CONTRACTOR certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insursnce coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. Section 176.181, subd. Z. Except, in accordance with provisions oCMinnesota Statute 176.142 Bomb Disposal Unit Employees: For purposes of this chapter, a member of a bomb dispasal unit approved by the commissioner of pubiic safety and employed by a municipality defined in section 466.� 1, is considered an employee of the depanment of public safery solely for the purposes of this chapter when disposing of or neutralizina bombs ot other similar hazardous expiosives, as defined in section 299C.063, tor another municipality or otherwise outside the jurisdicuon of the employer-municfpality but within the state. CONTRACTpR's eeographicjurisdiction is defined on Attachment A., hereby incoiporated by reference and made a part of this contract. CpM%).l?.IM fIH-�:.YM1) lom� Pux.cn Agrccmcnt _. (nDWN.11l51p tDPC-B�, � a _ . --- ,..._. „ u. n.r a tu oc �w� r�..ute� intcnwn � w oc ��unu tnci.m. APPROVED. 1. COKTRAC7qRtGm�emmemalEnnn� 3. STA7E.�GEVC}' Convaaor cend�e> fhae the �pproPr�air pcnonfs� ha.c eaecmed Yae coneract on be�all n;';he mnaxtov a: reymrcd by apph;abie srt�c}es. b�- 11w5. resolmions. or ordmances_ By fauthonz:d 5�gn�turc) B� T�dr. U�IC B� Titie Date Bv 7idz Uatc Ss Title Dact Tnle Date .�.5 IO fORll y1C CXCC Of 3. ATIOR\EY .'F,R� By fau onzeJ signawro) a�-5 4. COMMISSIONER OF ADhtINIS7'RAT101'. By (au[horized si�nawre� Da�e YP$ N'`2e'��- � s �� � � �- .� s r�vtc��- � � # b. � ed � �r � �e.��- s �,e.�t 5/ga ca..�a_.�M ��u.�z.�m _ . i.1OVl] Iry51P InmiPaovnAgrwm'm lDVS.9�.mPi�mA-C P 1 q�' �'� Atta[hmem A Description of CONTRACTOR'S Geographic Jurisdiction CONTRACTOR'S (City of St. Paul) geographic jurisdiction is described as follows: For purposes of this agreement, CONTRACTOR'S norznal geoeraphic jurisdiction is the corporate limits of the Cin of St. Panl. CDOOOi2-06 (oi{?.96) )ant Powai Agrarnrnt {ADMIN 105t�) (9PS�BOmb Somds - S� Aui� Payv 5 4RIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�3 Green 5heet 13 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials hereby authorize the City of Saint Paul Police 2 Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement of 3 ordnance disposal services rendered by the Saint Paul Police Department Ordnance Disposal Unit. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: v„r,..o Adopted by Council: Date: � Adopti Certified by Coun ' Secreta By: � Approved o . e � -7 By: ( /I. Submission to Council: DEPARIMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INITIATED �� yS � POLICEDEPARTMENT 12l30J97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIA VOATE - DEPARTMENi DiRECTOR C1TY COUNpL Chief Wi11ia1nFinlley 292-3588 ASSIGN TYATfORNEV �GTVCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET D�BELTOR � FIN. 8 MGT'SEflVICES DIR. FOVTING ORDEF MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Signatures required on the attached council resolufion, authorizing the St. Paul Police Department to enter into a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota for reimbursement for ordnance disposal services. RECOMMENDATIONS: ApOrove (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTppCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ dVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contrect for ihis tlepartment? _ C16 COMM1TiEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this pe�SOnHirm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DISiRSCS COUiti _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normelly possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILa&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answen on seperate eheet and eneeh to grean sheet INITIATING PROB�EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why)� The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Saint Paul $150 per hour Por ordnance disposal services. ADVANTAGE$ IFAPPROVED: The State of Minnesota has authorized legislation for ordnance disposal services throughout the state. y �� DISAOVANTAGESIfAPPHOVED � � None noted. � � 1� ����q��� � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The State of Minnesota will not reimburse the City of Saint Paul for ordnance disposal services. � �ItC� ��Y�tt ��,i�P JAN � 4 "E�,d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION g see copy of attached contract COST(REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIflCIE ONE) YES NO . FUNDIfdG SOURCE S�te Of M1Tll1050�1 ACTIVITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4344-40040 F�NANCIpL �NFORFnATION' (EXPLAIN) S u- �� N°_ 51810 ��.��� ; � - ,. ��a�� November 21, 1997 Sgt. NcAlpine St. Paul Police Department loo East llth St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sgt. McAlpine: � �`�� ; �� . BUREAU Of CRIMlNAlAPPREHENS�ON 1246 Univers�ty Avenue S*. Paui, N,innesota 55704-5�97 672/642-0610 Enclosed is a joint powers agreement between the Minnesota Departnent of Public Safety and the City of St. Paul Police Department. Please review this agreement and indicate your approval by having authorized persons sign and date all six (6) copies of the agreement. A signed city resolution is also required before this agreement can be processed. The resolution must state that the city counsel has approved this agreement and must also state who £rom the city has authority to sign and enter the city into this joint powers agreemznt. Please attach a certified copy of the siqned resolution to t�:is agreement when you return these documents. A11 authorized signatures on this agreement must be oriqinal, so please don�t use carbon paper or a stamp. Return all signed documents to Janet Weber, Contract Officer, Fiscal and Administrative Services, Department of Public Safety, 444 Cedar St., Suite 126, St. Paul, MN. 55101-5126. A signed and executed capy of this agreement will be returned to you once this agreement has been processed. If you have any questions please contact me at 642-0636. Sincerely, � ^ �`1'�,cc�.z._� - �- 3ames Massoth Special Agent AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMAlOY'cR STATE OF MINIvTESOTA Accounting Information: P07 S27,900.00 JOI!�'T POWERS AGREEMEnT Y `°` 1998 R 1999 Amoan[ coa�: �DB� F�rsi 13,950.00 Amounc mting Distrioution i: 100 680 6160 Rep! Catc. Amuunt �"13.9J�.Q� Amount' Processing Information: (Some entries may not apply) Requisition: Contract: Distribution 2: 300�-t54 RE (11-5-97) Number/Date/Emry Initials NumbedDate/Entry Initials Accountin� Distribution 3: Solicitation: Number/DatelEntry Imtials aY s3 Order: 3000-160 NumbcrlDatefSienaturzs (Iredividual signinb certiTes drat f iutds ltave heeit eactunbered as required by Miiut. Stat. § 16A15. j THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafier "concract") is be�ween the State of� D4innesota, ac[in� through its Depar[ment of Public SaEetv (hereinafter "STATE"), which is empoweted [o entcr into joint powers aereemenis putsuani to Minn. Stat. y 471.59, Subd. ] 0, and Minn. Stat. § 299C.063, Subd. 3. which is empowered to enter into a�reement� with bomb disposal units, and Citv of St. PauUSt Pau1 Police Department, address 100 East 1 I th SveeL SL Paul Minnesota 5� 101 (hereinafter "COA'TRACTOR"), who are empowered io enter imo joint powers aarecments pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 47 L54, Subd. 10; and WHEREAS, appropriated fundins have become available ro reimbursement STATE aoproved bomb squadc uni�t for ex�eme reimbursement as per Mmncsota Statute �99C 063� and WHEREAS, COh`TRACTOR represents that it fs duly qualified and willin_ to perform the services set forth herein. NO\V, THEREFOftE. �t is a�reed: Definitions: The terms used in this Aoreement have the meaninss �iven them in Minnesota Stamte 299C06:. Subdivision 1. (a) "Bomb disposal uniP' means a commissioner-approved unit consistin� of persons who are trained and equipped to dispose of or neutralize bombs or other similar ha2ardous expiosives and who are employcd by a municipalny. CDIN/Ii2tM(IH'_?.Yfi) 1��mR�wert4erccment fOPt.&im�S.�.vh-[ P il lAD19\_ lUSYI) t (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safery. O�- "blunicipaliry° has the meanine ���ven it in section 466.07. ��'''�� (d) "Hazardous explosives" means explosives as defined in section 299F.72, subdivision 2, explosive devices and incendiarc devices ati deTned in section 6f�.668, subdivision 1, and all materials suoject [o re�ulaGon under linited States Cocie, u0e I b, chapter 40. CO':�TRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional pa�e if necessary w•hich is incorporated by reference and made a part of this a�reement.) CONTRACI'OR shall: L CONTRAGTOR is an approved bamb disposal unit, and shall pro.•ide bomb squad unit service, omside ot fts seographic jurisdiction Cor another municipafity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employcr-municipalitv but within the state. 2. CONTRACTOR shall only invoice the STATE for expenses incurted while providin� bomb disposal unit services outside its geoeraphic jurisdiction for another municipatity or otherwise outside the jurisdiction of the employer- municipality but wiihin the state. A1so, expenses incurred and im�oiced to the STATE wf II be se: at a flat ratc of � I i0.00 per houc Should CONTRACTOR have a contract with an other entiry other then the STATE for these services. CON'I"RACTOR will not invoice the STAT'E for services covered by that contract. 3. The set flat rate oC $150.00 per hour (or expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR is inclusivc of the bon2b squad unit and afl services provided. 4. CONTRACTOR shall provide reports to [he STATE's Authorized Representa[ive at Ica,et quarterly, but not more often than monthly. Repons must inciude a brief outline of services provided and costs incurted. This report must he submitted to the STATE's Authorized Representative with invoice for expense reimbursemcnt. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Considera[ion fbr al! services perCormed by CONTRACTOR pursuant to thi� contract shall ne paid by the STATE as follows: CONTRACTOR shall be rcimbursed at a flat rate of �I50.00 per hour. This fla[ rate is inc(usive of the Bomb squad unit and scrvices provided. 2. Reimbursement is limited to the extent of appropriated funds. The toml oblioa�ion of the STATE tor all expense reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR incurred under Cla¢se I �f this contra.t shall not exceed Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fiflv dollars and rto(cents (� 13 9SQ 001 from. JuSy 1, 1997, throu�h. lune 3U, 1998; and an addmonal Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifn� dnI{ars and nolcents (513 95060) from, Iuly 1, 1998, throuAh, June 3Q, 1499. Funds not expended by tne COA'TRACTOR durino the first year of this contract may be expended in the second year of the contract. � Terms of Pavment Payments sh�il be madc by the STATE promptly after CQNTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services performed aad acceptance of such services by the STATE'S anthotized representative pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shal{ be submiued in a iorm prescribed by the STATE and accordin� to the followin� schedulr. lnvoices shall be filed in arrears at least quarteriy, but not more often than monthly and within 30 days of the period covered by the invoue for work performed. Final im�oice shail be received nv later ihan Au�ust 3 t,1999. ` III. CONpiTIOn�S OF PAYMENT Ali services provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant ro this contract shall be performed to the satisfaction oi Ihe STATE, as determined at [he sole discretion of its authorized represemative, and in accord wnh ali appGcable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rWes and re�ulations. CONTRACTOR sha1S not receive paymeni for work found by the STATE to be unsatisCactory, or performed in violation of f'ederal, state or 1oea1 law, ordinance, rule or reeulation. CSbM%U]JM d� ?�.y6) Iem� Pnwen Acrcemcm fADMIR IOSIiI 1DVS-&�mM1tin.yd.-R.Pui� •- a�-53 3V. TERMS OF COh*I'RACT This contract shall be effec[ive on Juh- 1. ]y97 , or upon the date thai the tinal required si;,n�mrc is obtained by the STATE. pursuant to Mina Siai. § 16B.06. Subd. 2. whichever occurs larer, and shal! remam m effect until June 30. 1999, or until all oblisauons set for[h in this eontract have been sausfactorily fulfilted. whichever occurs t7rst. ��. CA;dCELLATION This contract may lx cancelled by the STATE or COI�'TRACTOR a[ am• time. with or without cause. upon thim GQ) days written nouce to the other party. In the eveni of such a cancel}atioa COIQ'I'RACI'OR shall he en«ded to payment. determmed on a pro rata basis, ior work or services satisfac[orily per(ormed. VI. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESH�TATIVE The STATE'S Au[horized Representative for the pur{>oses oCadminiseraiiun oP this contract is Jim Massoth or his successor in office The CONTRACTOR'S Authorized Representative Cor the purpo.cs of adminis[ration of this contract is Set. McAloine/ St Paul Police Deoartment . Each Authorized Represemati��e sha41 ha. c final authority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as satSsfactory, shail so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, para�raph B. VII. ASSIGNMEA'T CONTRACTOR shall neither assion nor transfer any rights or obii=ations under this contract without the prior written c�nsent of the STATE. VIII, AMENDME3VTS Any amendments to this contract shali be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executcd the original contract, or their successors in office. IX. LIABILITY Euch pivty wi11 be responsible for their own acts and 6ehavior and the sesults Ihereof. CONTRACTOR'S iiabilin� is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims pct, Minnesota Stamies, Chapter 466. The STATE'S liability is governed pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Stamtes, Chapter 176.192, and Chapter 3.732, Subd 3., paraaraph (2), durino opera[ions authorized under Section 294C.063 operatiag outside iheir �eoeraphic jurisdictioa CONTRACTOR'S Bomb Disposai Unit Employees operafia� outside their �eoLraphicjurisdietion are employees of the Departmen[ of Public Safety when disposing of or neutralizin� bombs or other similar hazardous explosives, as defined in Section 299C.063. Coverase is initiated once the bomb squad uni� tis acii��ated and outside its geperaphic jurisdiction for purposes of tfiis chapter 299C.063, for another municipal¢y or otherwise ootside the jurisdiction of the employer-municipality but within the state. This clause shall not 6e construed tn bar any {egal remedizs CONTRACTOR may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfill i[s obligations pursuant to this cont�act. CONTRACTOR's eeoaraphic jurisdiction is defincd on Ateachment A., hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. X. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accountin� procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relevant to diis contract shal{ be subject to examination by the convacting department and the Lenislative Auditor. XI. DATA PRACTICES ACT The COI�TTRACTOR shall comply wuh the Minnesota Data Practices Act as ii applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this contract and as it applies to all data created, eathered, generated or acqa�red in accordance with this convact ` XII. PUBLIC?TY Any pubGciry given to the program, publications, or services provided resultino from this rontract, inc)uding, but not limited to, noticcs, informacional pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar pubLc notices prepared by or for the CQNTRACTOR or its empioyees individually or joindy with others, or any subcontractors shali identify the STATE as ihe sponsoring asency and shall not be released, unless such release is a specific part of an approved work plan included in this convact prior to its approval by thc STATE'S Authoriccd Representative. XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION CONTRACTOR certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insursnce coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. Section 176.181, subd. Z. Except, in accordance with provisions oCMinnesota Statute 176.142 Bomb Disposal Unit Employees: For purposes of this chapter, a member of a bomb dispasal unit approved by the commissioner of pubiic safety and employed by a municipality defined in section 466.� 1, is considered an employee of the depanment of public safery solely for the purposes of this chapter when disposing of or neutralizina bombs ot other similar hazardous expiosives, as defined in section 299C.063, tor another municipality or otherwise outside the jurisdicuon of the employer-municfpality but within the state. CONTRACTpR's eeographicjurisdiction is defined on Attachment A., hereby incoiporated by reference and made a part of this contract. CpM%).l?.IM fIH-�:.YM1) lom� Pux.cn Agrccmcnt _. (nDWN.11l51p tDPC-B�, � a _ . --- ,..._. „ u. n.r a tu oc �w� r�..ute� intcnwn � w oc ��unu tnci.m. APPROVED. 1. COKTRAC7qRtGm�emmemalEnnn� 3. STA7E.�GEVC}' Convaaor cend�e> fhae the �pproPr�air pcnonfs� ha.c eaecmed Yae coneract on be�all n;';he mnaxtov a: reymrcd by apph;abie srt�c}es. b�- 11w5. resolmions. or ordmances_ By fauthonz:d 5�gn�turc) B� T�dr. U�IC B� Titie Date Bv 7idz Uatc Ss Title Dact Tnle Date .�.5 IO fORll y1C CXCC Of 3. ATIOR\EY .'F,R� By fau onzeJ signawro) a�-5 4. COMMISSIONER OF ADhtINIS7'RAT101'. By (au[horized si�nawre� Da�e YP$ N'`2e'��- � s �� � � �- .� s r�vtc��- � � # b. � ed � �r � �e.��- s �,e.�t 5/ga ca..�a_.�M ��u.�z.�m _ . i.1OVl] Iry51P InmiPaovnAgrwm'm lDVS.9�.mPi�mA-C P 1 q�' �'� Atta[hmem A Description of CONTRACTOR'S Geographic Jurisdiction CONTRACTOR'S (City of St. Paul) geographic jurisdiction is described as follows: For purposes of this agreement, CONTRACTOR'S norznal geoeraphic jurisdiction is the corporate limits of the Cin of St. Panl. CDOOOi2-06 (oi{?.96) )ant Powai Agrarnrnt {ADMIN 105t�) (9PS�BOmb Somds - S� Aui� Payv 5