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�r �W"� � ��� �' �° 7�� ° �Council File # �— �7' � � y ' '"'� dv % Ordinance # Green Sheet � ��o��� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By -� Referred To Comcl�ittee: Date An ordinance to amend Cha ter 409 of t e P Saint Paul Legislative Code concerning i � ,-, �`, ( posting of pulltab winners. Section 1 , Section 409.22(h) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is her�eby amended to read as follows: "(h) Shall comply with all provisions of Minnesota Statutes; Chapter 349, . . . �ri�:i<:�::::Qr�:�.� _.. :i.i}?iiiii}iii:".i:i:i.iii:::�.i}i}}ii:i.i'r{3i'niiTi'.iiii:viiii}i'{.i:vv.iii:�iiiii:^::^i:ini::i::::::n}iiXi.i}i?i'{4i::.i}i'4::•:::••iy•: .•.�::::ri::i':i::::i::::::f;:•:ii::::ii::::.:�.:.: ��.... . � �i��:>: ::::>::�e:::��:��::::���d:<: u�t�a�:�::::��<:s��:��::::���:�:�:<��xii�it�e'�:�:" � , . _: :;;:.;�!:.:::;::.;::.:::::.:.;:.::.:::.::.::.::.:::.::.::.::.::.::.::.�:.::.::<.:.:.::<:::::;:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::. �.... :: ...:... : . .. ....:. :..:,::,,.,.,:..:.:::::::::::::.:: :.:::::.:::::...:...,,.:...,,. , ���ft' . ,�k".�',. .. . 1 .� ,, Section 2 �F . A new section 409.225 is hereby adopted as part of the Sair�t Paul Legislative�'` Code to read as follows: ' �:�';�;����::<�'`�!:,..>...s�� � ::>:<;.;:.::::i::['::::::: :�>::>: :::.>o-:::'�r:>:::>:>:::::�>:»:;.:»> :.»>:.>:.:a>::5>:>:>:::p»:•.::.::::.:>:<y::::.:;::o:x.::::o:;>;s;o-:o->o-»x:>s:»::.:'::>o->:.;::::.:::r.;>o-s:�::>r..sr.o-;> . . . �:::.:.;p:::...... ����.:>::�:,>;: : �� ;:s::::<:�r�t���::�<'�"�±��: :. ����::::�:>:::��st�::::��::::: x��:�:::��: ����� <;.::;:.;:.::.::.::.:::.::.::;;. .......:...:::::>:.;;:;:;:::.::��.::::;.::::;::::::.::.:>�.:;;:::.::.::::::.:;;::.;;>:.::.::.:.;>;;:.;:.;:>:<.:;:;::.�.:.»::.::::� ::::::::i::i::i::i:::::;::::::::::iz:i[:[::;ix:s:i:;::[:i[:r:[:;[::i'.C"ct[22t[::::::::::::::::::..:::o-:::::.":::::::::::.iir:::i:::::2:::::::::::::i:::::::::::R:i:::::i::i:;:::::::j...:::':�;ii'i::i::i::i;::iat::i:::::::iii::ii::i::::>:`.::::::::::;j!..........._ . . : .':'ii: �.'::: � a'� a�::::������€��:<:��1�� ::>: .�€�:>:��:>:�€:�::> :��>:::�i� .�::�: 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Section 4 � , "Sunset Prnvision." Unless otherwise extended by passage,! approval and publication of an ordinance so providing, this ordinance shall explire and have no furthe��. � , <",; force and effect from and after 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 1992. �`4�� � ., I � � �� � � �� . ; - , ; � � � � � Yeas Nava Absent Requested by De�artment of: imon W--•� - oswz z – on I acca ee -� e man une �— i son �— BY� —� `, Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 0 1991 Form Approved b}� City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: • ' ♦ . � � �� }� y� �� � I BY� '`^-' ' �� Approved by Mayok� for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date AUG 2 1991 Council �I By: �/ BY� �L1S11ED A,U� � �'�i I � .. .� .' , , � �� �,,; , f, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII DATE INITIATED G R E E N SH ET N� T���� Finance/License CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAU E INITIAUDATE a DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek-298-5056 ASSION �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK ` NUMBEH FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MCaT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� Hearin ❑ 0�ouacil R TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an ordinance revision eliminating mandatory p sting for:'�taa�or pulltab winners. ,� 1. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(H) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS AAUST ANS ER THE FOLLOWI N$ .�*,_,�:x _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contr ct forthfa depe�tmelat!t', ' `�"r`�`,;» _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO ,;'� - '�. " `- 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee ; • �� '�" ; _STAFF � �'�� — YES NO " , -^r _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this erson/firm ��� p possess a skill not norm ly possessed by any eurrent G SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO � " r� Explain all yes answers on seperate shest and attech to gr�en shest' ,� �, � .;� �<- �,,, �: � �'�� - �.�,;- ;,,;,;k INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): , +�,�i� ,, f �. ��;� >3� �i�w�;� �'d ,� rr.��uk�, ;i..4 l���> The State legislation revised Chapter 349 of the Minnesot Statutes to,e��*" � �� _�' � mandatory posting (effective July l, 1991). Chapter 409. 2(h) of the St.� . �, � ,: Legislative Code makes posting mandatory. '�'� .� � � �` e.. ��'`. )� '+ t . � jt:;( y v' . . .. . . -�.4'� . ��.. ���: t�}e <:`; 7 ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � j , . . YNk1�� r j� % . . %t l �� 1 Z . Optional posting will ease the tax burden for many gambli g organizati�;� ,e ' the number of unsold tickets will most likely decrease if the organiz��,�� � a<-: not to post major winners. :�, ' , �r�3 .. r•:z.-� - . . .N.?`'�� . . . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The potential for inside' t�aal�.n�g...�s�:�.n��eas�d"-�f'<;y,�,.nn�gs`.a e�':nbt�>pos��,d. {�. :� '� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: State and City posting requirements would not be the same, causing some conf'usi6n� for gambling organizations. There would continue to be la ger numbers of unsold pulltabs with mandatory posting. '�`�;`�'` TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(C RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� F. ��, - , . ��'�'�� .,ri?�' . � , . . , . . ..� � ,; NOTE: "COMPLETE��iREC'F10F�CS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL ' MANUAL A�f�A�I,ABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). }t. �. ROUTI�DER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency, 1. Department Director 2. Department Directcx<: • 2. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney 3. Budget Director . 4. Mayor(for contracts oVer$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant ° 5. Human Rights�tat cdntracts over a50,000) 5. Ciry Council 6. FJr�ance and ent Servk:es Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. nce A , ;;� - A . _ jBudget Re�rision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) - .-� � _ 1 t'�'►� r 1. Department Director cco�ntant 2. City Attorney pr ; 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Ciry Council "'��� ��Finance and.Management Services '�-sC-...� s' y� � r�,��.' v;* ,. $(8��OtN6fS� : � � � �� ;a t Services Director ��, �- �x s : 5' Y ��� }�W TURE PAGES � � -i�` =tr�yrhich signatures are required and paperclip or flag :;=�,�rif��th�s� ,.�,� , , �J4G"TION REQ, �, Describe wha �' seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or � ";"whichever is most appropriate for the issue.Do n ��tences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. c�� �� ;_� � REC ��' Co ���'�tion has been presented before any body, public or _� ''°° - ��,Q;,.� �.'� - �� �.� SU �f CIL OBJECTIVE? Indic�`wlf�ii:���: "�.r:pbjective(s)your projecVrequest supports by listing the�ca�r,vPOrd(s- , : SING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ,�� SEWEPf SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) =; P�i4SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: ;' '�his information will be used to determine the citys liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. `�,lNIT1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY ;_'�ain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project .ot raquest. ��. . ADV,AIV��I4S`aES IF APPROVED , Indt�te�nrhether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ ' char#bt�;o��rhether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul snd its ei�9n8 will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVAMTACiES IF APPROVED What negativ@�effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISAD . GES IF NOT APPROVED What 've consequences if the promised action is not approved7lnab lity to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? � �i;y•.�, ,�yi-�' �£_ ^'� ��'���� r ! � �� I • r , IlCouncil File # — � � � Ordinance ,� �. �i �,,/ i Green Sheet # dI ORDINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT� Presented By !?�!G�Q /i��l�� � i Referred To Com�iittee: Date ..�%.�"'.iA��.. � %�' . ; l. ..'r �YF. i�t;�"�� , +TY #� '�`,.. An ordinance to amend Cha ter 409 of t e " 4�' Saint Paul Legislative Code concerning ��- �r�.` posting of pulltab winners. .�, , � , . . �f:� w i c .�s . �e Section 1 - , ��: � F. �fi; � �,a:n r Section 409.22(h) of th �Saint Paul Legislative Code is he�eby amended to r��s `:� follows: �� � � �, �� �� , � � � , ���� x.; "(h) Shall comply with all pi'��visions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, ;�_� � _� �':� . � -.°ri'� �. 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A new section 409.225 is hereby adopted as art of the Saipt Paul Legislative Code to read as follows: �� � �. 17 \ � �'�`�C�:<`��1���:���'>�4fS�l�, �\ I .,..,:.: .:,. .::::.:::..:::......:,,. � ;:: � �;, <:.i:.i:.i'.>.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i'.Y.i:.i:.i:.ii:.i' ' :.ii:.i:.iA.i:.i:.i:.ii::.:_:.:.:i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.ii:.Y.i:.i:'.i:.i:.:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i.i:.i:.i::.::.:.:.::.i:.iii:•i:.i:.ii:.:�1i:'.1:.::•i::.i ....�.��.�� ::i:.:.:.. ...:.::� :::::ii::::.: '::i:.� ..�'�'�:.�.::::... ...:::i.: . � :::i �. 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Section 3 � , This ordinance sli�ll take effect and be in force thirty day�s following its passage, approval and publication; �ovided, however, that it shall be rep+ealed effective August 31, 1992. ��.� � �. � ,�.. � �;.. , �,'. �� . li,t'� r z:Y '� �.�: I , � � +v^ . �.� y �t``' �y� 'a� . . �A . I �;' � "�, �v.t� s•�� i "Jy�i�. �.r. >.. t � ±xr. �, i . . . �.. . .. , . . . . .. i \ I `� i � ., ... _ . ., � ' ,i \ ,y , � ';, ,� � � � �� � \ ,,F. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by De�artment of: ' imon � Goswitz on i P acca ee ettman ' WiUSOn BY� � Form Approved byl City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: �. ��"�/ BY� Approved by Mayolr for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: By� � . . , , , ' �" �'���l�l� . � I ' ''4 " k 4: ' i CITY OF SAINT PAUL II . � :�is'f i°� � : � � � � OFFICE OF TH��Y COUNCIL I PAULA MACCABEE I SUSAN ODE Counciimember Legisl$tive Aide MARK BALOGA Legislative Aide Members �' ;; v . Paul a Ma i r �r'� Bob Long �a�',. Janice Ret � . � � ;� { �'.i �, � �r� - ; .n I cw� Date: July 10, 1991 ' N � � +�;'. .� COMMITTEE REPORT �' ��"� HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES ND POtICY C r '.�:;: k 1;�' �� n �,r��e t,.�s � � '��, y; � i r +T#' > i 1. Approval of the Minutes of the June 26, 1991, Humar� Services, Regu"������;� ;�'' Industri es, and Rul es and Pol i ce Commi ttee meeti ng� �..�;�1 �,,,�� f�;�� �{ �.�" COMMITTEE APPROVED, 3-0 � ' ' Y Yy.. 2. Ordinance 91-1129 - an Ordinance adding a new chap�er of the te'g*i��,�ive Code to provide for the handling, processing and tr}eatment of �`�t, - us wastes (Referred to Public Works from Council 6-27-{91; Referre�:'� ',�iblic Works 7-3-91) . ` � d�;f 4�; }��X` COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 ����,�.f�_ . ���:T:�i,.'� �,4 3. Two ordinances regarding prohibition of sexual condluct conducted t�ia"``a ' licensed premises. j •:ry�=: .: A. Ordinance 91-1028 - an Ordinance amending sec ion 410.05 of the = ' � ��•,'' '�f� ' ;x�� Legislative Code relating to certain conduct rohibited on licensed �'�� , premises (Referred from Council 6-4-91) . ��`"_- ,> � B. Ordinance 91-1029 - an Ordinance amending sec ion 409.09 of the .Sai,�t��,���,�. Paul Legislative Code relating to certain con uct prohibited on - licensed premises (Referred from Council 6-4- 1) . � { _ THESE ISSUES WERE LAID OVER TO THE AUGUST 14, 1991, HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POL � 4. Ordinance - to eliminate posting requirements f r pulltab operations. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, WITH A O�IE-YEAR SUNSE'f t��l ADDED, 3-0 I CITY HALL SEYENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOT 55102 612l2�8-5378 Sa�46 Pri�ted on Recycicd Paper s, Na I ���t, ., _ ��-�-�, �= , ., .. . � . � � HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - JULY 10, 1991 PAGE:TWO �j � ssion of State statute changes to allow increased rent for pulltab �•:- .,.� ,,�;. �, -ations in licensed liquor establishments. �k�,',;:�.. . . � �„` . 3SUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE AUGUST 14, 1991, HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED �4 ' R�ES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE ,��,, ":,z Y ,�i� �. � ��"' II�' � >�,� t _ �:. � t' f `� � equest to appear before the City Council by the Ad Hoc St. Paul Education � ��` _� '���� . �2tlOU Working Group to present a proposal for the joint creation of a St. �;� r�,, � '�-` � � ' Paul Education 2000 Commission (Referred from Council 5-2-91) . ,1e',.,r. '� '�"'. . ^l�' .y�:Y� . f�' �' � '��`,',,� ` COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROYAL, 3-0 ,;� 'f?. i:�f -�"4'r�i�r . i° � e Chl^ ��,�y ��r�#}� .� . ,'`��,�,�`� a��s ���3 f£ `'' 3+ _ : ,� ; s �� �:� �� �� � f:�. i :�,K%��4� S.E;' Y lr� �/',:,ti d rwt �% {' , � . ':"�(r_.,.. . '➢_ �+�,"°s.�`!+t�� . .q;�'�;,F;. �p �,�:�:., �A'=j , i:, `;; . �ufY"� � ��"`''k�nW�MYII��=---���.w�>,:.,w.. ti.� #, -. II � ��� I I _ , �r� ,_ . , _ . _ . - .<'.. � . - _ � . �_ � , _ , . , . :. .. . - . : , . . .. . � � � -. - _ . . . , . . - • _ . . _ , ..,,_ .;..�' - " � �>, s,�< , ;'i X : . � � F _ - ` " � � � �4�IY��`.'+�4' . rt I . . . . . . . �.c '.- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. ._ . . . _ .. . . . . _ . . . . . .' - .. . _ - r::. -.,, , '" " . _ .. „� ;^.y;,. 4'-.. . .. _ � � «�ti l�.. - _ 4 . .... .. . .. • . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .- � . . .. . ':. .." '' — _ . . �.. ,. .. .. .'. . . ".. �_ � ..- . . � ..� 3 '. _ .. ' ' ... . _ - ' .. . ,b .. . 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