91-1334 Q���f�" ""° , Council File � `j-^f "��
Green Sheet "
Presented B
Referred To Cominittee: Date `7 �q
WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public
hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and
removal of a one and one half story, commercial, severely fire damagetl, partially collapsed and
dangerous, wood frame building with a severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous
detached garage, which are located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property"
commonly known as 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street). Thi's Abstract property is legally
described as:
That part of Lot 1, Block 8 College Park Addition to St. Paul described as
follows: Commencing at Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 8, at an iron stake
therein, thence East along the South line of said Lot 100 feet; thence due North
to the North line of said Lot 1; thence due Northwesterly along the Northerly line
of said lot to an iron stake on the East line of Fry Street; thence South to the
place of beginning.
WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on June
7, 1991 and other information available to the Division of Public Health on or before 7une 28,
1991, the following persons are owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject
Property: McCord Maintenance, Engineers, Inc., Box 30, Route 1, Spring Valley, WI 54767;
Donald L. Reische, 337 Second Avenue, Newport, MN 5505�5; Kenneth T. McCord, C/O
Kenneth 7. Rohleder, 55 Fifth Street East, 940 Norwest Center,�St. Paul, MN 55101; Office
Manager - Revenue Division, Property Tax Delinquent, Attn: 7 dy Bollman, 15 Kellogg Blvd
W., St. Paul, MN 55102. '
The addresses of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including
the Ramsey County tax records, phorie books, mortgage companies, etc.; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has issued orders identified as an "Dangerous
Structure Notice" dated 7une 4, 1991 which is attached and incorporated as part of this
Resolution by this reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code on all owners, interested and/or responsible
parties of the Subject Property then known to the enforcement officer. The notice and order
informed these parties that the one and one half story, commercial, severely fire damaged,
partially collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building located on the subject property is a
dangerous structure pursuant to Section 45.01, Subd. 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; with
a severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous detached garage located on the
Subject Property which is a dangerous structure pursuant to Section 45.41, Subd. 3 of the Saint
�RIGI��� �c�f- �3��
Paul Legislative Code; and both buildings are nuisances pursuant to Sections 45.02, Subd. 10
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The June 4, 1991 order also had attached to it a list of
deficiencies regarding the structures on the Subject Property, said list is attached and
incorporated as part of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, the June 4, 1991 order informed all then known owners, interested parties
and responsible parties that they must either repair the structures on the Subject Property by
conecting the list of deficiencies or demolish the buildings, either action to take place by June
19, 1991.
WHEREAS, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the June 4, 1991 notice
and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that public hearings be
scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 7uly 17, 1991 before the Neighborhood Services
Committee of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recomrrxendation to be reviewed and
decided on Thursday, July 18, 1991 by the Saint Paul City �Council in considering the
advisability and necessity of ordering the conection of the nu�sance condition through the
rehabilitation or, in the alternative, the demolition and removal o� these structures; and
WHEREAS, the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have been
served notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings before the Neighborhood
Services Committee of the City of Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, 7uly 17, 1991 and
the Saint Paul City Council on Thursday, 7uly 18, 1991 in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the
Saint Paul City Council on Wecjnesday, 7uly 17, 1991 and all testimony and eviaence was
considered by the committee; and
WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and
evidence, made the recommendation to approve a request by the Division of Public Health to
order the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns
to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and
welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by �ehabilitating these structures
and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously r�ferenced in accordance with
all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the
structures and filling the site in accordance with a11 applicable codes and ordinances. The
rehabilitation or demolition of the structures to be completed within ten (10) days of the date of
mailing of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Thursday, 7uly
18, 1991 and all testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Neighborhood
Services Committee was considered by the Council; and �
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that based upon all of the testimony and
evidence presented at the Thursday, July 18, 1991 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby
adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the structures at 266 Fry Street (aka: 260
Fry Street):
�RI�INA�. ���-�.�
1. That since February of 19991 the building has been routinely monitored by
Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement.
2. That the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul condemned this
structure as "Unfit for Human Habitation" according to Chapter 34 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code in January of 1991
3. That since January of 1991 City of Saint Paul has on one occasion issued an
�-u- �
orderj�"to t e then known owners to make these buildings secure and not
accessible. Because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City had to hire
a private contractor to make the buildings secure and not open to access.
4. That the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and pay
the vacant building fee for this property as required by City Ordinance.
5. That there are now and have been since January of 1991 multiple exterior
Housing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Property.
6. That the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of these buildings are
as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly
served notice of the Wednesday, July 17, 1991 and the Thursday, 7uly 18, 1991
hearings concerning these buildings.
7. That on June 4, 1991 a Dangerous Structure Notice was sent to th� th�n known
owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these persons to either
dem�lish and remove these buildings or make repairs and cure the list of
deficiencies by June 19, 1991.
8. That the order of 7une 4, 1991 has been disregarded by the owners, interested
parties and responsible parties.
9. That the One and one half story, commercial, severely fire damaged, partially
collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building located on the Subject Property is
a dangerous structure according to Section 45.01, Subd. 3, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code in that it is "a structure which is potentially dangerous to
persons or property".
10. That the One and one half story, commercial, severely fire damaged, partially
collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building located on the Subject Property is
a nuisance as defined according to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02,
Subd. 10, in that it is a dangerous structure located in the City of Saint Paul that
has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public
peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has
a blighdng influence on the community.
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11. That the severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous detached garage
located on the Subject Property is a dangerous structure according to Section
45.01, Subd. 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a structure which
is potentially dangerous to persons or property".
12. That the severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous detached garage
located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined according to Saint Paul
Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 10, in that it is a dangerous structure
located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy
condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition
of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the community.
13. That the costs of abatement of these nuisances are estimated to exceed two
thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a building
other than a structure accessory to a residential building.
The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order:
l. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their
assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public
peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the
community by rehabilitating these buildings and conecting those deficiencies set
forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and
ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the buildings and
filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. T?le
rehabilitation or demolition and removal of these buildings musc be completed
within ten (10) days of the date of mailing of this resolution.
2. If the above corrective action is not completed within the ten (10) day time
period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized
to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove these buildings and
fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant
to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
3. In the event the buildings are to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint
Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably
interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the buildings by
the owners, interested parties and/or responsible parties by the end of the ten (10)
day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint
Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by
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4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of this resolution and the
incorporated order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of
the owners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to`Section 45.11,
Subdivision (5).
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Council: Date ��UL �- � ��� , Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopti Certified by Council Secretary BY:
BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approve by Mayor: Dat
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Cornmunity Services 7-3-91 GREEN SHEET /'
Charles Votel 298-4153 ASSIQN ciTV couNa�
NUMBER FOR ���N TTORNEY �,� ','�.«.q( ���n.CLERK
July 18� 1991 ORDER �'�T DIRECTOR �F�N.6 MGT.SERVICES Dlii.
City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner to remove or complete the
repair of the referenced buildings within ten (10) days from the mailing of this
resolution. If the owner fails to comply with the resolutio�n, the City will be authorized
to remove the buildings. The subject property is located at 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry
-DISTRICT COURT _ ��� � r� ���1
SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 L 19 9 i �U L -9 1991 c�nrn�,��s
The building is a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The
owners, intereated parties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health
were given an order to repair or remove the buildinga at 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry
Street) by June 19, 1991. All parties failed to comply with those orders. The buildings
have been dangerous since January of 1991.
The City will eliminate a nuisance.
JUL 2 4 1991
A cost of approximately $4,000 - $7,000 for removal of these buildings, if wrecking
becomes necessary. This cost will be assessed against the property taxes.
If the buildings are not rehabilitated or torn down, a nuisance, constituting a serious
health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime site
and blighting influence on the neighborhood) will remain within the � �,y��,� � ,*�� �, (���.�y
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FUNDING SOURCE_ Nu'san Ho �4i n�__A}�ato,„e„t ACTIVITY NUMBER 33261
' I
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S55 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55'I01
MAYOR (612)292-7771
FAX: (612)222-2770
7une 4, 1991 �
JL��. J J �JJ�.
Kenneth T. McCord McCord Building Maint. Inc. ��TY G�ERK
c/o Kenneth J. Rohleder Box 30 Route 1
55 5th Street E. Spring Valle, Wisc. 54767
940 Norwest Center
St. Paul, MN 55101-1717
Donald L. Reische
337 2nd Avenue
Newport, MN 55055
RE: 266 Fry Street
A single story commercial wood frame building with a burned out garage alongside it
College Park W 100 ft of Lot 1 Blk 8
Dear Sir or Madam: I�
The Division of Public Health has determined that the above noted buildings are dangerous `
structures, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as:
"any structure which is potentially dangerous to persons o� property including but not
limited to: '
(a) a structure which is in danger of partial or complete collapse; or
(b) a structure which has any exterior parts such as chimneys, eaves, porches,
siding, railings, or trim which are loose or in danger of falling; or
(c) a structure which has any parts such as porches, st�irs, ramps, rails, balconies,
or roofs which are accessible and which are either collapsed, in danger of
collapsing, or unable to support a persons."
266 Fry Street
June 4, 1991
Page: 2
The Ordinance further states that a dangerous structure is a nuisance and it may be ordered
to be demolished and removed by the City. If you do not want to have the City begin action
to have the buildings demolished and removed you are hereby notified that the attached list
of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the buildings demolished and removed on
or before June 19, 1991.
If you are unable to finance the conection or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with
this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify.
Information about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and
Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan
If you sell, transfer or convey, in any manner, the ownership or responsibility for this
property, you must within seven ('7� days of such action, provide the Division of Public
Health with the names and addresses of any new owners or responsible parties.
You must also notify any new owners or responsible parties of this pending action by
the Division of Public Health.
Any repair or dem,olition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws.�°
If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building demolished and removed by
the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to
receive authority to raze the buildings. All costs incuned will be charged against the real
estate as a special assessment to be collecterl in the same manner as taxes. The City Council
will schedule public hearings to consider if the building should be demolished and removed.
If public hearings becomes necessary, you will be notified of the times and dates of the
hearings and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council.
A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and a Resolution
declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's
Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your buildings from
the list of dangerous structures, but it does not mean that the buildings comply with all
applicable housing and building codes.
The date for compliance with these order shall not be extended unless you receive written
approval from the Division of Public Health.
If you wish to have the City demolish and remove your buildings, you may do so by
requesting a consent form be sent to you from our office to sign and return to the Division of
, � �,��1-f�
266 Fry Street
June 4, 1991
Page: 3
must sign a Consent to Raze form before the City can demolish and remove the buildings
without a City Council order. Also be aware that the cost of the demolition if performed by
the City, would become a special assessment against the property.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact'Dennis Sentv of the Vacant
Buildings Section between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. at (612)298-4153 for more information.
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Charles Votel
Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor
cc: Sherry Pemberton
Planning and E;,onomic Development
266 Fry Street J U L 0 8 1991
May 22, 1991 CITY CLERK �
All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes.
Permits must be obtaineci where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require
upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) requirements. `
Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A
permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the
Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall.
These buildings meet the definition of a Dangerous Structure. The garage is fire � �
damaged and is not repairable. The main building is very deteriorated and is missing
parts of the roof and is severely fire damaged. The walls, windows and doors are
defective, rotted, decayed and generally dilapidated. Portions of the main building and
the burned out garage are partially collapsed and in danger of further collapse and are
inherently unsafe. Both buildings are full of junk, refuse and accumulated materia�.s
and in this condition comprise a substantial fire hazard and a nuisance condition.
. (1��,����;�
' Ii��'i i00 ,,
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510�
JAMES SCHEIBEL (612)292-7711
June 28, 1991
Saint Paul Legal I,edger RECEIVED
640 Minnesota Building �•: Y, ;
46 E. 4th Street �UL 0 8 1991
Saint Paul, MN 55101 `�x � '��
RE: 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street -
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please publish on 7uly 3, 1991 and 7uly 10, ].991 the enclosed notice of a Neighborhood
Services Committee Public Hearing and a Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing.
You may bill the Saint Paul Division of Pub�ic Health for the �osts. Send the billing to the
Division of Public I�e.�lth, �acant Building S�c;tion, S55 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN
Also, please submit an affidavit of publicatic�rs to our office.
C ' ���
Charles Votel
Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor
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S55 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55�01
JAMES SCHEIBEL (612)292-77�1
June 28, 1991
RE: 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street) CITY CLE�K �
One and one half story, commercial, severally fire damaged,partially collapsed and dangerous, wood
frame building with a severly fire damaged,partially collapsed and dangerous detached garage.
That part of Lot l, Block 8 College Park Addition to St. Paul described as follows: Commencing at '
Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 8, at an iron stake therein, thence East along the South line of said
Lot 100 feet; thence due North to the North line of said Lot l;,thence due Northwesterly along the
Northerly line of said lot to an iron stake on the East line of Fry Street; thence South to the place of
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is to notify you that the City Council and its' Neighborhood Services Committee, in response to a request
hy the L�ivision of Public Health, have scheduled public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of
crdering the repair or wrecking and removal of the above noted buildings. All awners and an� other parties
with a kaown interest in these buildings are required to be notified of ttzese hearings to allow them an
oP�rhmity to object to the action requested b}- the Division of Public�-iealth.
Please ba advised the Public Hearing before the Neighborhood Servic� Commitiee is scheduied for.
VVednesd3y, July 17, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15
West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102
Please be advised the Public Hearing before the City Council is scheduled for:
Thursday, July 18, 1991 at 9:00 a.m, in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15
West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102
At these hearings you will be allowed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recommendations
of the Division of Public Health.
All costs incurred by the City, including inspection costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees and, if
necessary, demolition and removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special assessment to '�
be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any questions conceming this matter please :
call the Vacant Building Section at (612)298-4153. '
Charles Votel
Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor �
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June 4, 1991
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TO: Sherry Pemberton �-�
a.�, .
PED ` �
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FROM: Chuck Votel �j� � 'J ~`' F �
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Vacant Buildings Program i ''�t � `
Could you please have your staff review the address identified below within the next three weeks
to determine if you want to handle these properties through your rehabilitation program.
266 Fry Street
Please inform us of the results. If you have any questions, please call me at 298-4153.
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June 4, 1991 � �
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TO: Sherry Pemberton �:;:-�` `�� �
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FROM: Chuck Votel ��V �'�1 '�' ��-�
Vacant Buildings Program '���: �'`
a .
Could you please have your staff review the address identified below within the next three weeks:
to determine if you want to handle these properties through your rehabilitation program.
266 Fry Street
Please inform us of the results. If you have any questions, please call me at 298-4153.
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"• � DIVISION OF PU,�� � X�,,�a � �-
S55 Cedar Street, Seint Paul iklinr�Q �� , i''
JAMES,SCHEIBEL ` �;�(�12)1�'��'�I�`���,'�
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MAYOR • ,�th,� x ��r� � : ;
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7uly 5, 1991 RECEIVED y''` � �����'"a +��� T�y ��R�
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1991 ������ ����� �;_ ;
Council President and J U L 4 8 ����; +���r� ' '
Members of the City Council �����'�", `'
CITY CLERK �'`��°���'� ��;��: :
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RE: 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street) ����''� `4�
N� �
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Date of Hearings: Neighborhood Services Committee - Wednesday, 7uly 17, 199��'�-� � , �,
City Council - Thursday, 7uly 18, 1991 , ��x�� �` k : ;��.
��Y�{- -�.
City Council Ward: 4 District Council: 13
Dear Councilmember: � ' '`
The Division of Public Health is hereby submitting its' report on the condition of the,
structure at the location refened to above.
The owners, interested parties and responsible parties of record are:
Name and Last Known Address Interest
McCord Maintenance Fee Owner/ vendor on contract for deed
Engineers, Inc.
Bc,x 30, Route 1
Spring Valley, WI 54767
Donald L. Reische Vendee on contract for deed/taxpayer of
337 Second Avenue record
Newport, MN 55055 .
Kenneth T. McCord Fee owner per Ramsey County Property
C/O Kenneth J. Rohleder Taxation records
55 Fifth Street East
940 Norwest Center
St. Paul MN 55101 '"������
,;��� �
Office Manager - Revenue Division Lienholder for delinquent property ' ,
Property Tax Delinquent �} �'�
4 �
Attn: Judy Bollman
15 Kellogg Blvd W. ,`���
� �''� � �
St. Paul, MN 55102 #� �`W�
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Notice�of Public Hearing - 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street) '° .:�?��"�� " '� �����yt'� 4�
7uly 5, 1991 °µ`�+�.�� , ����,r��;'
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The legal description of this Abstract property is: `i�; �� ��`� . ,��:
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That part of Lot 1, Block 8 College Park Addition to St. Paul described a's;= � <�> : _-�
7� +
follows: Commencing at Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 8, at an iron stal'c� �� �,���� �
therein thence East along the South line of said Lot 100 feet• thence due � ` � ��=�r �Y ;' �
. � � : � � 4�saW fi�h�[�( �,!
North to the North line of said I.ot l; thence due Northwesterly along the�; ��,� �<;��' .
Northerly line of said lot to an iron stake on the East line of Fry Street, tlien��� kM1�������{ ;_ '�
South to the place of beginning. ; r,�° ���,��,��; � ��
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The building is a one and one half story, commercial, severely fire damaged, partially,,�.�� k ,�� ' ,;
collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building with a severely fire damaged, pai-�ially��',-¢ , ;`�`
collapsed and dangerous detached garage. � '�F�=`�t� �
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The subject property has been routinely monitored by Nuisance Buildings Code Enforceihent �
since 7anuary of 1991. t� '
The buildings meets one or more of the conditions that constitute Dangerous Str�etures-an�
Nuisances as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code.
On 7une 4, 1991 the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the then lcnown awners,
interested parties and responsible parties of these buildings requiring that the buildings be
either repaired, by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or befor�
7une 19, 1991.
Inasmuch as the order has not been completed to the satisfaction of this Division and the
continued dangerous condition of the buildings contributes a blighting influence and potential
hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that the City Council
pass a resolution ordering the owners, interested and/or responsible parties to either repair or
demolish and remove the buildings within ten (10) days of the date of mailing of the
In the event the owners, interested and/or responsible parties fail to comply with the Council -,.
Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish and remove the� : {� ;.
buildings and assess all costs incuned in the demolition and removal against the real estate��as�s� �.
a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. �7��
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Cc�mmun�.ty Services �-3-91 GREEN SHEET � s ' �
,� „�,��� � ,,;>
Charles Votel 298-4153 A���N ciTV nrroRNev ' �` �
NUMBER FOR ❑ O�I r`"��
July 18, 1991 ORDER � � � `"���`F ��
�MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ��.y,�+'� ` �� ��:,
�� �.r��e�: .fi
/ `t . . �. f e .�{.,:..'. . ��n
ACTION FEpUESTED: . t�d .�k 4 '�` �
City Council to paes thia resolution which will order the owner to�zegto�e�%,qr �c�,omple� `�
repair of the referenced buildings within ten (10) daye from the maf.1��1,�gAd'��`�h�.�`s��'', �'
resolution. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Ci�y����`� �be aut}a, ,� �;
to remove the buildings. The subject property is located atl 266 Fry Sti'� S �p;F;aka � �'; ,§?'
.k � t . � y ��'�
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_DISTRICT COURT `�' ���� '
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INI7IATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ', �: ,�;.� 4,
� � �4th , �h�tl-c.
The building is a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Lec�%���� � �� � � e�
owners interested ���
, parties and responsible parties known to the Divisiort�`'`�� �,Y„ �;� ,.ib �,
were given an order to repair or remove the buildings at 266, Fry Street . �fa�;�� , ,,.�
Street) by June 19, 1991. All parties failed to comply with those orders, `��,� � §�
have been dangerous since January of 1991. vy.���g'", .�`����� �
a ,� � �,�,;t�,���
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The City will eliminate a nuisance. •
A cost of approximately $4,000 - $7,000 for removal of these buildings, if wrecking
becomes necessary. This cost will be assessed against the property taxes.
If the buildings are not rehabilitated or torn down, a nuisa�ce, constituting a serious
health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime site
and blighting influence on the neighborhood) will remain within the City. '
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RESOLUTION �° ��`.; i E ,tl=.
CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' , ; �; �`r�' �r�
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Presented By ;� �r'' '� '�"� j"
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Referred To � �� � � r�:�• a
Commi� Da�e.; �a ,, ��;'
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WHEREAS, e Division of Public Health has requested the City Council��� �� ' �
hearings to consider e advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or�z ;�r:a;
A�t �
removal of a one and on alf story, commercial, severely fire damaged, parriall ��,�,�� ,� �,
dangerous, wood frame bui ing with a severely fire damaged, partially collapsec� -' "` •;�s��"�` f `
detached garage, which are ted on property hereafter refened to as the "Su�j ��r �„�� ,`
commonly known as 266 Fry treet (aka: 260 Fry Street). This Abstract p�'b:'���i� � ,. '4A,�;¢
described as: }��.��,.�t�"����� ,,���, ;
� � ? `�
���"� ��:;��`.�����{�.� ' ;'��3�
T h a t p a rt o f L o t 1, B loc k Co l lege Par k Addition to �t. Paul descn`ti���f��<�.,��,� ,����j r
follows: Commencing at Sou est corner of Lot 1, Block 8, at an iron f����',�����€�����r��'
therein, thence East along the So th line of said Lot 100 feet; thence due Nor��{,�'���;;��'�; �� �
to the North line of said Lot 1; then due Northwesterly along the Northerly liri� �s,��� `� x --
of said lot to an iron stake on the st line of Fry Street; thence South to the t f
place of beginning.
WHEREAS, based upon the records in th Ramsey Count� Recorder's Office on 7une
7, 1991 and other information available to the Divis' n of Public Health on or before 7une 28,
1991, the following persons are owners, interested d/or responsible parties of the Subject
Property: McCord Maintenance, Engineers, Inc., Box , Route �, Spring Valley, WI 54767;
Donald L. Reische, 337 Second Avenue, Newport, M 55055, Kenneth T. McCord, C/O
Kenneth 7. Rohleder, 55 Fifth Street East, 940 Norwest Ce ter, St. Paul, MN 55101; Office
Manager - Revenue Division, Property Tax Delinquent, Attn. 7udy Bollman, 15 Kellogg Blvd
W., St. Paul, MN 55102.
The addresses of the above noted persons were obtained fro�various sources including
the Ramsey County tax records, phone books, mortgage compani�s, tc.; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Public I3ealth has issued orders ident�ed as an "Dangerous
Structure Notice" dated June 4, 1991 which is attached and incorpora ed as part of this
Resolution by this reference. This order was served in accord�nce with`�the provisions of
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested an�/or responsible ;
parties of the Subject Property then known to the enforcement officer. The n�tice and order ;�
informed these arties that the one and one half sto commer�ial severel �'re dama ed �'} �'��'
P ry, ,
artiall colla sed and dan erous wood frame buildin located on the sub"ect �ro e � � � j�
P Y P g � g J P; P �'��.- ��,: �
dangerous structure pursuant to Section 45.01, Subd. 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod ` �' �
a severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous detached garage located�o -,Y��, ,
Subject Property which is a dangerous structure pursuant to Sectiom 45.01, Subd. 3 of��� �nt"
; , ,
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Paul Legislative Code; and both buildings are nuisances pursuant'to Sections 45,k,. ;;�, �.;
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The 7une 4, 1991 order also had attached�; 4 �y�r`;{
� � ,
p « � ��,t<�,.s
deficiencies regarding the structures on the Subject Property, said list i��.atta ,, ,z � ��.�°u,��,
� k �.� , �� ; 4_.
incorporated as part of this resolution; and ;�.�t �r; : ;����.
_,� � �, �:��- �r��:;
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WHEREAS, the 7une 4, 1991 order informed all then knovVn owriers �rested parhes' � <Y
and responsible parties that they must either repair the structures on the�'' ub���Pioperty.b F� � � �`'
� � ,
conecting the list of deficiencies or demolish the buildings, either action to '��k ce,: Ju` �s� �.``
19, 199L ���:: �.; ''
WHEREAS, no action has been taken regarding compliance,with the June�`�� c�"�-��;
��-�. � �
and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that publi � � b� �. .
�:�.. ,�
�' ' � et�-r�?3 �� �
scheduled, to take place on Wednesday, July 17, 1991 before the NeighbQr�
Committee�"'o� the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to �� � '' '� 'g����, '
.0. �: �i7"L!f"I'� � �':I�1H I��
decided on Th�`�t day, July 18, 1991 by the Saint Paul City Council in ��i�le �t�i�, ��` >' '
a ;�,� ����, ,. ,��,�
advisability and n ` essity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condi��� oug�i.��t�i�;�� _�
h'.`'•;7s �� '�`� a�4t�£�' ✓4 �.2 .
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n o r, i n t h t e rn a t i v e, t h e d e m o li t ion an d remov a l o f t hese s t r uc h t�es� a�.�� �{��y`��x�_; ;
� �t� tt�. t�>�4-,�ir�f t Y'�j� �',
.� � 3'd[�>�.. r? i1 ��i +;,
WHEREAS, the a b ov ef e r e n c e d o w n e r s, i n t e r e s t e d a n d/o r r e s n s i b l e a r t�� t � k v�e b�e e n,����°,��` �:�
P� P ��
s e rv e d n o t i c e o f t h e t i m e, p l a c a n d p u r p o s e o f t h e p u b li c h e a r i n g s b e f o r e t h e N e i g fi ba Q��`�b o d , �,�` �_
Services Committee of the City o Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, 7uly 17, 199���a�id' ` �`�"�'
the Saint Paul City Council on Thu day, 7uly 18, 1991 in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul I,egislati Code; and .
WHEREAS, a hearing was held b ore the Neighborhood Services Committee of the` �
Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, 7u� 17, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was
considered by the committee; and
WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and
evidence, made the recommendation to approve a uest by the Division of Public Health to
order the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns
to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimen �to the public peace, health, safety and
welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating these structures
and conecting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with
all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative�by demolishing and removing the
structures and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The
rehabilitation or demolition of the structures to be completed �i+�thin ten (10) days of the date of
mailing of this resolution; and 'ti
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul Cit�y�Council on Thursday, July ,� �:
18, 1991 and all testimony and evidence including the action 'taken by the Neighborhood Y, ; .�a;;
� � �}
Services Committee was considered by the Council; and �, t;.. �;;�,,..
� � � �;� ;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon all of the testim, „ ��'�',�
evidence presented at the Thursday, July 18, 1991 hearing, the Saint Paul City Counc',� ex �� ��'��:
adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the structures',at 266 Fry Street (�ka :��60�"
Fry Street): ' '
, ,-�E
" s t s�^� ��
{ �s�. ��
"� w�t �n,� '
� �„ � ��,
l. That since February of 19991 the building has b�en routuiely ini ''��# ti
Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement. � °T ������
;7� i��y `
� Y �� :
��� 3 :
�"aY S
2. That the Division of Public I�ealth of the City of',Saint Paul�condemned .tfi� : ��,:
structure as "Unfit for Human Habitation" according to Chaptei�34 of the Saint�;. � '
Paul Legislative Code in 7anuary of 1991 ` �� � �€
. :�„ � ': �
, t
� � "- � *`� � t� :
, �- i
3. That sj�ce January of 1991 City of Saint Paul has on one occasxon'�ssued,' ��#`#
�� �-a.t� g � ;�: � �, ��� �.
order to the then known owners to make these buildin s se�� '��;�
, :.
accessible. Because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the Gi �� _
a private contractor to make the buildings secure and not open to '�` � ��;P�� ��,:`�.
� ,
Yi^j��'f r � ,"s '�`'�. "� s �:
4. That the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedl failed to r"e�is �''z�q{�'���'� d
Y , �yg =��.� {y ;
the vacant building fee for this property as required by City Ordui�ncek��� ,ti��.�`^�d� $
rigv��hfi °
�4 y- 4 � `�1V� � fd Y s . '
�*'d ' ��"�°�`����"� �;
5. 1'hat there are now and have been since 7anuary of 1991 m�ltt��'e� nor����`:.� ,..��
� �'�i�'!��k.�. _ � .�'.
Housing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the SufijeCt P��pe�y;���„�rt;; � �
..�� ��.���� y�s �",i t r4 3� `�.
6. That the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of these bu�l'ditngs �re� {� '� k`
as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been p'r�iperly 4 ��� �
served notice of the Wednesday, 7uly 17, 1991 and �he Thursday, July 18; 1991
hearings concerning these buildings. _
7. That on June 4, 1991 a Dangerous Structure Notice was sent to the then known ..
owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these persons to either
demolish and remove these buildings or make repairs and cure the list of
deficiencies by 7une 19, 1991.
8. That the order of 7une 4, 1991 has been disregarded by the owners, interested
parties and responsible parties.
9. That the One and one half story, commercial, severely fire damaged, partially
collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building located on the Subject Property is
a dangerous structure according to Section 45.01, Subd. 3, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code in that it is "a structure which is potentially dangerous to
persons or property".
10. That the One and one half story, commercial, severely fire damagerl, partially
collapsed and dangerous, wood frame building locat�d on the Subject Property is
a nuisance as defined according to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02,
Subd. 10, in that it is a dangerous structure located in the City of Saint Paul that � '�;;, .,�,
. .t k�
has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the pub t $`�
�� =
peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or � _ ��:
a blighting influence on the community. :�� ' ��r�
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11. That the severely fire damaged, partially collapsed and dangerous detac ��,;
located on the Subject Property is a dangerous structure according� � * �l`
45.01, Subd. 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code i that it is "a str�c' "ie�tr �
is potentially dangerous to persons or property". � ���`���, � �x �;; >
� ,::.
, �F
� r �
12. That the severely fire damaged,partially collapsed an�dangerous detached garage.� - � �
located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined accordirig to{Sau�t PauY �, �;,
Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 10, in that'it is a dangezous�structur' r �' �
located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous o�*37unheal�X���, -� ��
con dition or w hic h t hreatens t he pu b lic peace, h e a lt h, sa fety or sanitary�n�i�Z� �;�� '` `
r� `�.��lat�" �
of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the"com�wi�
fi , t��.. {
i i °, �u,�xr;:,�.
13. That the costs of abatement of these nuisances are estimated �to exc"eed��tvt!o "
thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demol�tton pf{a�:bu��i�gybK `�
.� ,����+�z <, �
other than a structure accessory to a residential building. ',;' � _ ,�,�B��ly�,�,��Sx�' �
�� �� �;# �, �
ORDER � � " � ' ; '''� �
`}'-� �n
�,�; a Yr .;
The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: ` � "
1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their .
assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public � � '
peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its'blighting influence on, the -
community by rehabilitating these buildings and correcting those deficiencies set- ,
forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and�
ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the buildings and
filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The
rehabilitation or demolition and removal of these buildings must be completed
within ten (10) days of the date of mailing of this resolution.
2. If the above conective action is not completed within the ten (10) day time
period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized
to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove these buildings and
fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant
to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
3. In the event the buildings are to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint
Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably
interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the buildings by.
the owners, interested parties and/or responsible parnies by the end of the ten (10)��,.. :;.
day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Sauit �€t::�
Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided�by�4� ,; '
law. �:�;�� �
,�,:. �. � ,,�
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4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of this resolut�� ��'� ' �
incorporated order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known tl� � `2
,:�S �„L`S.6'Y�#"� •'���h•,9
the owners, interested parties and responsible partie$ pursuant to Secttdn �. -„ `� ;:
_:�: �..
Subdivision (5). ' '= r�� °
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Yeas Navs Absent Re ested by Department of:
oswitz �
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acca ee
ettman •
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Z son BY'
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Form Approved by City Attorney `� �'
Adopted by Council: Date `�# �.K.:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g . � �",`'
y. .���✓�'� �� .
��z�� � t�:
. ,:� 3'yt�:�,��t y �,
BY� Approved by Mayor for Submissian, to
Council '
Approved by Mayor: Date /� /f
/ !_ A . . /f',. `
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: °f " ' � DIVISIC�N �'�s�''
HOUSINC(�1�E �'�+��
JAMESISCHEIBEL 555 Cedar Street,Sai1i�0ul;fr1vtmne�bt ;,,;
�j�� mM, (612),29'2', �;'�
MAYOR 'FAX (612):2 77.�fh �
+ � �,.
� ,-�
7une 4, 1991 REGEI1t�D
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,lUL 2 4�1�3�1 �'���`-� '
GITY�C"LE�K � =-
Kenrieth T. McCord McCord Building Maint. Inc.
c/o Kenneth 7. Rohleder Box 30 Route 1 � -; �:�
55 Sth Street E. Spring Valle, Wisc. 54767 � '.'��`���� :
940 Norwest Center � ' �� `� � ����.� ;� �� � �
' . ; C4 T .I i. ..
St. Paul, MN 55101-1717 Y , '� �
�'.� T� � �
, �
Donald L. Reische �� �
337 2nd Avenue .� t '
Newport, MN 55055
RE: 266 Fry Street
A single story commercial wood frame building with a burned out garage alongside it
College Park W 100 ft of Lot 1 Blk 8
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Division of Public Health has determined that the above noted buildings are dangerous
structures, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as:
"any structure which is potentially dangerous to persons or property including but not
limited to:
(a) a structure which is in danger of partial or complete collapse; or
(b) a structure which has any exterior parts such as chimneys, eaves, porches, �
siding, railings, or trim which are loose or in danger of falling; or �;t i'
(c) a structure which has any parts such as porches, stairs, ramps, rails, bal & `��5� . .
o r r o o f s w h i c h a r e a c c e s si b le an d w hic h are ei t her co l laps e d, in danger.� ��
collapsing, or unable to support a persons." ��;:
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266 Fry Street k
June 4 1991 �"
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Page: 2 . r:u r ..,� �;�'
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The Ordinance further states that a dangerous structure is a nuisance arid it;rnay b�'�ozdereti" � ` .
t� �f�.r ', k t 9 `y -t��
to be demolished and removed b y the Cit y. If yo u d o n o t w an t t o h a v e t h e.C i ty �g�.n a c#� ����� ��
��_ _' � � ��"rt� ya =�
to have the buildings demolished and removed you are hereby notified that tHe a�t�,c�ied�li�s�',�����.�. �
of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the buildings demolished and removed on ; e�:�
or before June 19, 1991. �.�� ':
� :;:
� � � ,
If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comp{J�y�&�����T:
this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for vuhich you may quali��y,°�����Y}.
Information about these programs is available from the De artm�nt of Plannin anrd " '��'"`� �{' '
P g t ,� ;:��E , .
Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak tQ.;�,�l�ian�'k�� .,
officer. � _,�, �;.,��x� �
If you sell, transfer or convey, in any manner, the ownership or responsibility for this:
property, you must within seven (� days of such action, provide the Division of Puhlic
Health with the names and addresses of any new owners or responsible parties. �
You must aLso :�otify any new owners or responsible parties of this pending action by
the Di��ision of Public :iealth.
Any :epai: or demolition nust be completed in accordance will all applicable la:=�s.
If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building demolished and removed by
the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to
receive authority to raze the buildings. All costs incuned will be charged against the real
estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council
will schedule public hearings to consider if the building should be demolished and removed.
If public hearings becomes necessary, you will be notified of the times and dates of the
hearings and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council.
A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and a Resolution
declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's
Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your buildings from;
the list of dangerous structures, but it does not mean that the buildings comply with all -� �,
applicable housing and building codes. {�Y' ���� `
�� �,.
The date for compliance with these order shall not be extended unless you receive w�'� �
approval from the Division of Public Health. 4Y
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If you wish to have the City demolish and remove your buildings, you may do so tiy��� #"��' �`
,4Y�..r', .�..
requesting a consent form be sent to you from our office to sign and return to the D'ivision. of
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266 Fry Street �z�
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June 4, 1991 ` � "�'�t.•
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must sign a Consent to Raze form before the City can demolish and remove-tlie bu�Idm��,•��''��`Y�'�� ' y�
wi t hou t a Ci ty Counci l or der. A lso be aware that the cost of the demolition'�if f����;" #�x :�' z'"
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the City, would become a special assessment against the property. :<P, '���,, �� 'r`� '
b�t � +' �y yy .: 1
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If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Dennis Sentv'of th� ��nt �f��" , �'
Buildings Section between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. at (612)298-4153 for more informa�i�' ��°��,,r�y\{'� �
��� �;: �
Sincerely, � � � ¢Y �� ��� ������
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Charles Votel � '
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Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor . ,4
cc: Sherry Pemberton
Planning and Ecanomic Development
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FOR �'��`� ��
266 Fry Street ��L �,����,��� �,:.;
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May 22, 1991 � � ' K'���r�,x ' f'
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All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appro.� � ���s�" ,'��'�;-;:
Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical{sy � . ���,�•, - . ��;�
upgrading of the service size to cunent National Electrical Code (N.E.G ) re�ut' e� , Aa�2
Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or pip�n�;��n�1�;�` .,.
. f;6,�?
permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained�fr�' Y - <y
i:, , :�
Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall. � '=� �� ;���,��
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These buildings meet the definition of a Dangerous Structur�. The garageris���� ���� ��� :
damaged and is not repairable. The main building is very d�teriorated and is._. �sing,a,�� .
parts of the roof and is severely fire damaged. The walls, windows and doors'a`re����;"$�J � '`.j_ '
defective, rotted, decayed and generally dilapidated. Portions of the main building and A' `�'" �
the burned out garage are partially collapsed and in danger of further collapse: and are ,�
inherentl3� unsafe. B�th buildings are full of junk, refuse and accumulated inaterials.
and in this condition comprise a substantial fire hazard and a nuisance condition.
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