91-1294 ORIGINAL r
a . • „ , �
' • � Council File # � r`!o �
Ordinance #
Green Sheet # (�
� � �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 45
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to Nuisance Abatement
Section 1.
That Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as
45.01. Declaration of Policv.
The vurpose of this cha�ter is to rp otect the u lic health, safe and welfare �
enactment of this ordinance which:
1 Defines nublic nuisances and nuisance conditions.
2. Determines � responsibilities of owners and operators of dwellin�s
and ro ert for correction af nuisance conditions.
3. Provides remedies to eliminate public nuisances.
4. Provides for administration, enforcement and nenalties.
5. Promotes the stabilization and maintenance of nei�hborhoods.
45.0102. Definitions
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Subd.�41. Enf orcement of f icer. Enf orcement of f icer shal l mean
the director of the department of community services,
the director of the department of fire and safety
services, the director of the department of police, or
their duly authorized representative.
Subd.�i2 . Extermination. Extermination shall mean the
eradication of rodents and other vermin by any or all
approved methods such as poisoning, fumigation, or
Subd.�3 . Hazardous waste. Hazardous waste shall mean any waste
material so defined by Minn. Stat. 116. 06, Subd. 13 or
described or listed as hazardous waste in Minn. Rules
Chapter 7045, known as Minnesota Pollution Control and
Hazardous Waste Division Hazardous Waste Rules.
Subd.�4 . Interested party. Interested party shall mean any
owner of record, occupying tenant, or lien holder of
Subd.SS. Last known address. Last known address shall mean the
address shown on the records of the Ramsey county
department of property taxation or a more recent
address known to the enforcement officer. In the case
of parties not listed in these records, the last known
address shall be that address obtained by the officer
after a reasonable search.
Subd.36. Mail. Service by mail shall mean by depositing the
item with the United States Postal Service addressed
to the intended recipient at his or her last known
address with first class postage prepaid thereon.
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Subd.�-97. Noxious substances. Noxious substances shall
mean substances, solid, fluid or gaseous odors
which are objectionally odorous, ����~��-•�,
detrimental to health, hurtful, or dangerous.
Noxious substances shall include but not be
limited to any dead animal, or portion thereof,
putrid carcass, decayed animal matter, green
hides, or any putrid, spoiled, foul, or stinking
beef, pork, fish, offal, hides, skins, fat,
grease, liquors, human or animal excrement, or
Subd.8. Nuisance buildina. A vacant buildina or portion of a
vacant buildina as defined in Chapter 43 . 02 which has
multiple Housina Code or Buildincr Code violations or
has been ordered vacated � the Citv and which has
conditions constitutina material endangerment as
defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 34. 19 ,
Section J� or which has a documented and confirmed
historv as a blighting influence on the community.
Subd.�9. Owner. Owner shall mean those shown to be owner
or owners on the records of the Ramsey county
department of property taxation.
Subd.3-�10. Personal service. Personal service shall mean
service by personally handing a copy to the
intended recipient or by leaving a copy at the
intended recipient's residence or place of
business with a person of suitable age and
Subd.-�11. Privy. Privy shall be any type of non-flush
fixture for the receipt and storage of human
waste including fixed units with vaults as well
as portable units.
Subd.3412 . Property. Property shall mean any parcel of
land whether vacant or not, whether any
structure thereon is occupied or not, or whether
submerged or not.
Subd.3ss13 . Refuse. Refuse shall mean putrescible and non-
putrescible and combustible and non-combustible
waste, including paper, garbage, material
resulting from the handling, processing,
storage, preparation, serving and consumption of
food, vegetable or animal matter, offal,
rubbish, plant wastes such as tree trimmings or
grass cuttings, ashes, incinerator residue,
street cleanings, construction debris, detached
vehicle parts, and solid industrial and market
Subd.�-614 . Responsible party. A responsible party shall be
any one or more of the following:
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(a) agent,
(b) assignee or collector of rents,
(c) holder of a contract for deed,
(d) a mortgagee or vendee in possession,
(e) receiver or executor or trustee,
(f) lessee,
(g) those listed as owners on a vacant building
registration form submitted to the building code
officer under Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, listed on the vacant buildina
registration form or otherwise known to the
enforcement officer as havina an ownership
interest, or
(h) other person, firm, or corporation exercising
apparent control over a property.
Subd.3�15. Weeds. Weeds shall mean �' � �a *���„'�, �
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�a ",.��; �-'�� ��-' � and include not onlv such
noxious weeds as are enumerated in Agriculture
Rule 1505. 0730 of the State of Minnesota Rules,
but also such useless and troublesome plants as
are commonlv known as weeds to the general
public that are over eiqht � inches in height.
45.9�03 . Nuisance.
A nuisance shall mean any substance, matter, emission, or thing
which creates a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which
threatens the public peace, health, safety, or sanitary condition
of the city or which is offensive or has a blighting influence
on the community and which is found upon, in, being discharged
or flowing from any street, a11ey, highway, railroad right of
way, vehicle, railroad car, water, excavation, building,
erection, lot, grounds, or other property located within the City
of Saint Paul. Nuisances shall include but not be limited to
those set forth in this section.
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structure. A structure which is potentially
hazardous to ,persons or ,propertv includina but
not limited to•
� a structure which is in danger of partial or
complete collapse; or
� a structure with a� exterior parts which are
loose or in danger of fallina; or
�, a structure with anv parts such as floors,
porchest railings, stairs, ramps, balconies, or
roofs which are accessible and which are either
collapsed, in danqer of collapsinct, or unable to
support the weight of normallv imposed loads.
Subd.332 . Fire hazards. Any thing or condition on the
property which in the opinion of the enforcement
officer creates a fire hazard or which is a
violation of the Fire Code.
Subd.�-3 . Firewood. rn-r�-2����rr�-iTr-�}f�SS-��cv-vcc�rE'-i ccc
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s�e�e�-�-es���-h-i�re�res e�€-�e-�e�� P i 1 e s o f wood
cut for fuel which are detrimental to the health,
safetv and welfare of the public because of conditions
includina but not limited to improper or unsafe
storage, unelevated ip les of wood, excessive
quantities, conducive to vermin harborage, and more
than five � feet in height or closer than ten 10
feet to a habitable buildina.
Subd.�4. Grass and Weeds. Grass e�� which ��e has grown
upon any property to a height of eight ,�81, or more
inches or weeds.
Subd.i-�-5. Hazards. Any thing or condition on the property
which in the opinion of the enforcement officer
may contribute to injury of any person present
on the property. Hazards which shall include
but not be limited to open holes, open
foundations, open wells, dangerous trees or
limbs, abandoned refrigerators, or trapping
Subd.�46. Health hazards. Any thing or condition on the
property which in the opinion of the enforcement
officer creates a health hazard or which is a
violation of any health or sanitation law.
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Subd.7. Nuisance buildina. A� buildina or portion of a
buildina which is a nuisance as defined in Chapter
45. 02 .
Subd. 8. Rank plant growth. Overgrown, uncontrolled veqetation,
shrubs, trees, vines that are conducive to the
accumulation of refuse, debris or the harboraae of
Subd.�9. Refuse, noxious substances, hazardous wastes. Refuse,
noxious substances, or hazardous wastes laying, pooled,
accumulated, piled, left, deposited, buried, or
discharged upon, in, being discharged or flowing from
any property, structure, or vehicle; except for:
(a) refuse deposited at places designated and
provided for that purpose by the Saint Paul
Legislative Code;
(b) refuse stored in accordance with provisions of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code or vehicle parts
stored in an enclosed structure;
(c) compost piles established and maintained �
��e�–�e�rss-�e-�–€�e��a–in accordance with
the regulations of,
n���n Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative
(d) dead animals buried with written permission
from, and in accordance with the regulations of,
the division of public health; or
(e) green hides received, stored, dressed, packed,
or sold with written permission from, and in
accordance with the conditions set by, the
division of public health.
Subd.�10. Sanitary structures. Structures for sanitation
such as privies, vaults, sewers, private drains,
septic tanks, cesspools, drain fields which have
failed or do not function properly or which are
overflowing, leaking, or emanating odors.
Septic tanks, cesspools, or cisterns which are
abandoned or no longer in use unless they are
emptied and filled with clean fill. Any vault,
cesspool, or septic tank which does not meet the
following criteria:
(a) the bottom and sides are cemented to make
impervious to water,
(b) the bottom is at least six feet below grade,
(c) proper ventilating pipes and covers are
(d) it is properly located in accordance with
a�plicable Minnesota State Statute and Saint
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(e) it is cleaned at least once a year, and
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(f) the property served is located such that
connection to the public sewer is impractical.
Subd.�!-11. Stagnant water. Stagnant water standing on any
property. Any property, container, or material
kept in such a condition that water can
accumulate and stagnate.
Subd.3ss12 . Statute and Common Law Nuisances. Any thing or
condition on property which is known to the
common law of the land, the Statutes of
Minnesota, or the Saint Paul Legislative Code as
a nuisance.
Subd.313 . Unsecured unoccupied buildings. Unoccupied
buildings or unoccupied portions of buildings
which are unsecured.
Subd.�,14 . Vermin harborage. Conditions which in the
opinion of the enforcement officer are conducive
to the harborage or breeding of vermin _�=,�a���
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Subd.G15. Vermin and other animal infestations.
Infestations of vermin such as rats, mice,
squirrels skunks, snakes, bats, grackles,
starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches, or
flies; except for bees or pigeons kept with
written permission from, and in accordance with
the regulations of the division of public
45.6304 . Violations.
Subd. l. No person shall, directly or indirectly or by omission,
create a nuisance.
Subd.2 . No owner or responsible party shall allow a nuisance
to remain upon or in any property or structure under
his or her control.
Subd. 3 . No owner of any truck, trailer, railroad car or flat,
or other vehicle shall leave the vehicle standing on
or along any street, highway, freeway, or railroad
track, or other property within the City of Saint Paul
carrying or containing any refuse, noxious substance,
or hazardous waste, except as otherwise permitted by
the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
45.8405. Disclosure of responsible party.
Upon the request of the enforcement officer or the city clerk,
a responsible party or owner shall disclose the name of any other
responsible party or owner known to him. This shall include but
not be limited to the persons for whom s/he is acting, from whom
s/he is leasing the property, to whom s/he is leasing the
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property, with whom s/he shares joint ownership, or with whom
s/he has any contract pertaininq to the real
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45. 06. Order to cease.
In the event that an enforcement officer observes a person
creating a nuisance, the officer may, after presenting proper
identification, order that the person cease and desist creating
a nuisance.
45. 07 . Enforcement officer authorized to enter.
The enforcement officer shall be authorized to enter any property
or structure in the city for the purpose of enforcing and
assuring compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. An
owner or responsible partv shall , upon the request of the
enforcement officer, provide access to all interior portion of
a buildina in order to permit the officer to make a complete
45. 08. Authority to Abate.
Subd. i. The city is authorized to abate nuisances in accordance
with the procedures set forth in Sections 45. 10, 45. 11,
and 45 . 12 . All abatement costs incurred shall be
charged against the property as a special assessment
to be collected in the manner provided for in the City
Charter, Chapter 14 , except when a request is filed for
a review of an emergency abatement the assessment
hearing shall be replaced by the hearing provided for
in section 45. 12 .
Subd.2 . Abatement may include but shall not be limited to
removal, cleaning, extermination, cutting, mowing,
grading, sewer repairs, draining, securing, boarding
unoccupied structures, barricading or fencing, removing
dangerous portions of structures, and demolition of
dangerous structures or abandoned buildings.
Subd. 3 . Abatement costs shall include the cost of the
abatement; the cost of investigation, such as title
searches, inspection, and testing; the cost of
notification; filing costs; and administrative costs.
45. 09. Service.
When service of an order or notice is required, any one or more
of the following methods of service shall be adequate:
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Subd. i. by personal service; or
Subd.2 . � certified mail, throuah the U. S. Postal Service; or
Subd.�3 . by U. S. mail, unless it is a written order which gives
three days or less for the completion of any act is
requires; or
Subd.34. if the appropriate party or address cannot be
determined after reasonable effort, by posting a copy
of the order in a conspicuous place on the property.
If a mailed order or notice is returned by the United States
Postal Service, a good faith effort shall be made to determine
the correct address, unless the order or notice orders abatement
and that abatement has been completed.
45. 10. Abatement procedure.
Unless the nuisance is as described in Sections 45. 11 or 45. 12,
the city may abate the nuisance by the procedure described below.
Subd. l. Order. The enforcement officer shall serve a written
order upon the owner. The written order shall also be
served upon any responsible party known to the officer
and may be served upon any party known to have caused
the nuisance. The written order shall contain the
(a) a description of the real estate sufficient for
(b) a description and location of the nuisance and
the remedial action required to abate the
(c) the abatement deadline, to be determined by the
enforcement officer allowing a reasonable time
for the performance of any act required;
(d) a statement that the order may be appealed and a
hearing before the City Council obtained by
filing a written request with the city clerk
before the appeal deadline which shall be the
abatement deadline designated in the order or
seven calendar days after the date of the order,
whichever comes first; and
(e) a statement that if the remedial action is not
taken nor a request for a public hearing filed
with the city clerk within the time specified,
the city will abate the nuisance and charge all
costs incurred therein against the real estate
as a special assessment to be collected in the
same manner as property taxes.
Subd. 2 . Setting hearing date. In the event that an appeal is
filed with the city clerk, the City Council shall
within two weeks fix a date for a public hearing.
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Subd. 3 . Notice of hearina date. In the event that an appeal
is filed, �the city clerk shall mail a notice of the
date, time, place, and subject of the hearing to the
owner and known responsible parties. The city clerk
shall also mail the notice to a citizen participation
district council for the district where the nuisance
is located requesting that it notify the surrounding
property owners and occupants. The city clerk shall
also notify the �-�-�re� enforcement officer.
Subd.4 . Hearing. At the time of the public hearing, the City
Council shall hear from the enforcement officer, and
any other parties who wish to be heard. After the
hearing, the City Council may confirm or modify the
order of the enforcement officer. In either case, if
the Council's determination requires abatement, the
City Council shall, in the resolution, fix a time
within which the nuisance must be abated and shall
provide that if corrective action is not taken within
the time specified, the city may abate the nuisance.
The city clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to
same parties required to be notified in Subd. 3 of this
Subd.S. Abatement. If the remedial action is not taken nor an
appeal filed within the time specified, the city may
abate the nuisance.
45. 11. Substantial abatement procedure.
When the enforcement officer determines that a nuisance exists
on a property and the cost of abatement of the nuisance is
estimated to exceed �e three thousand dollars or the abatement
involves demolition of a building other than a structure
accessory to a residential building or the abatement
substantially diminishes the value of the property and except in
the case of an emergency as provided for in Section 45. 12, the
city shall abate the nuisance by the procedure described below.
A good faith estimate of the abatement costs, not the actual cost
calculated after the abatement is completed, shall be the basis
which determines whether this abatement procedure shall be used.
Subd. 1. Orders. The enforcement officer shall serve a written
order upon the owner, all interested parties, and any
responsible party known to the officer. The order
shall contain the following:
(a) a description of the real estate which is
sufficient for identification and which shall
include the legal description;
(b) the location of the nuisance on the property;
(c) a description of the nuisance and the basis upon
which it is declared to be a nuisance;
(d) the remedial action required to abate the
nuisance; and
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(e) the abatement deadline, to be determined by the
enforcement officer allowing a reasonable time
for the completion of any act required;
(f) a statement that if the remedial action is not
taken before the abatement deadline, the matter
will be referred to the City Council who, after
a public hearing, may order the city to abate
the nuisance and charge all costs incurred
against the real estate as a special assessment
to be collected in the same manner as taxes.
Subd. 2 . Notice to public. When an order requires, exclusively
or as an option, the demolition of a building, the
public shall be put on notice as follows.
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� The owner or anv responsible partY is required to
provide full written disclosure of the order to abate
to all interested parties, all ,present or subsequent
renters, and a� subsecLuent owners.
� The owner or anv responsible party is required
to provide full written disclosure of the order
to abate in a complete Truth-in-Sale of housina
report to anv subsequent owners per Saint Paul
Legislative Code, Chapter 189.
� The enforcement officer shall post a placard in
a conspicuous lp ace which declares the property
a "nuisance buildina" which shall include the
� Name of the Citv;
L2,� The name of the authorized department
havinct -jurisdiction;
� The chapter and section of the
ordinance under which it is issued;
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� �
� A statement declarina the property to
be a nuisance condition and subject to
� The date that the placard of nuisance
condition is postedi
� A statement of the penalty for defacina
or removal of the placard.
� The enforcement officer shall file a cOpy of the
order to abate with the Ramsev Countv Recorder.
� The enforcement officer shall notifv the Citv
Clerk � sendina a copv of the order to abate to
the Citv Clerk.
� The Citv Clerk shall notifv the Citv Council and
cause to be published on the Council aaenda the
addresses receivina orders to abate.
Subd. 3 . Setting hearing date. If the remedial action is not
taken within the time specified in the written order,
the enforcement officer may notify the City Council
that substantial abatement is necessary and
appropriate. Upon being notified by the �'=r�=}�=„'�
enforcement officer, the City �� Clerk shall,
within two weeks, fix a date for an abatement hearing
for the Citv Council.
Subd.4 . Notice. Written notice of the time, date, place and
subject of the hearing shall be given as set forth in
this subdivision.
(a) The city clerk shall immediately notify the
enforcement officer.
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� At least ten calendar days prior to the hearina,
the enforcement officer shall notifv the owner
or his dulv authorized representative �
personal service of the notice of hearina and
all interested �arties or their dulv authorized
representative � certified mail. If, after
reasonable effort, service cannot be made,
either of the followina methods of notice shall
be considered adeq_uate.
(1) confirmed mail service which is either
certified mail with signed receipt returned
or first class mail confirmed by written
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(2) mailing the notice to the last known address
and publishing the notice once a week for
two weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Saint Paul and
posting the notice in a conspicuous place on
the building or property.
(�c) At least ten calendar days prior to the
hearing, the enforcement officer shall
notifv the Heritaae Preservation Commission
if the nuisance buildina is located in a
Heritaae Preservation District.
�„ The Citv Clerk shall notifv the Citv Council and
cause the notice of ,�ublic hearina to be
,published on the Council actenda.
Subd. S. Hearing. At the time of the public hearing, the City
Council shall hear from the enforcement officer and any
other parties who wish to be heard. After the hearing,
the City Council shall adopt a resolution, describing
what abatement action, if any, � the council deems
appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement
action � the council may either order the city to take
the abatement action or fix a time within which the
nuisance must be abated in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code and provide that if corrective action is not taken
within the specified time, the city shall abate the
nu i s a n c e. T-l�e-�i-��--��er-3t-�r�a'�-g i-���e$��e���
�es e��-e�-�e--�e-��-r��e�-id�1-e S#�1 1 m�i � EsE)r 7 P_R t n
a�-e�e--�-a��es�-e���e�e--�e--�e�€�e�--�.. "„wa. "
Subd. 6. Notice of Citv Council action. The citv clerk shall
ctive a copv of this resolution to the enforcement
officer who shall serve copies to an of the parties
recLuired to be notified in Subd. 4 .
45. 12 . Emergency abatement procedure.
When the enforcement officer determines that a nuisance condition
or a dangerous structure as defined in Chapter 43 . 02 exists on
a property �„a '-'�� � � which constitutes an immediate danger
or hazard which if not immediately abated will endanger the
health or safety of the public and there does not exist
sufficient time to follow the procedures of 45. 10 or 45. 11, the
city may abate the nuisance by the procedure described below.
Subd. l. Order by mayor. The city shall order emergency
abatement by an administrative order to be signed by
the mayor. A good f a i th e f f ort sha 11 be made to inf orm
the owner that the action is being taken.
Subd.2 . Notice of the abatement. Following an emergency
abatement as soon as the costs incurred are knownj �e
�RlC�►��I�� . � �,_ ,a��
. , . � ,7�G�
the enforcement officer �e shall serve written notice
upon the owner. The notice shall contain:
(a) a description of the nuisance,
(b) the action taken by the city,
(c) the reasons for immediate action,
(d) the costs incurred in abating the nuisance, and
(e) a statement that the owner may request, by
writing to the city clerk within ten working days
of the date of the notice, a hearing at which the
City Council shall review the actions taken by
the department.
Subd. 3 . Setting hearing date. In the event that the owner
files a request for a review of the action, with the
city clerk, the City Council shall within two weeks fix
a date for a public hearing.
Subd.4 . Notice. The city clerk shall notify the department and
the owner of the date, time, place, and subject of the
Subd. 5. Hearing. At the time of the hearing, the City Council
shall hear from the enforcement officer and any other
parties who wish to be heard. After the hearing the
City Council may adopt a resolution levying an
assessment for all or a portion of the costs incurred
by the ���e�-� citv in abating the nuisance. A copy
of the resolution shall be mailed to the owner. A copy
shall also be given to the �=r�=*����*� enforcement
45. 13 . Penalty.
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter or fails
to comply with a lawful written order issued pursuant to Sections
45. 10 or 45. 11 or a lawful verbal order issued pursuant to
Section 45. 06 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each d� durina
which a� noncompliance or violation continues shall constitute
separate misdemeanor offenses.
45. 14 . Other remedies.
The time limits specified in any order issued under Section 45. 11
is the applicable time period for completion of the
rehabilitation and shall supersede all other time limits from
Chapter 33 and 43 .
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as relating to Saint
Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 113 pertaining to snow removal or
Chapter 163 pertaining to abandoned vehicles.
. � , . . . � ��� %��'�`
Section 2 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from
and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
o�z u�
Maccabee ti
ettman �
i,�'iTson � By:
Adopted by Council: Date AUG 1 3 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��' ��� �'/,r/��
By: �
sy: ..�, �" ��,l--C.�l�'��-.1
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approved by Mayor: Date AUG 1 5 1991
. ���/ 9
By. �SItEO AUG 2 4 91
., . .� �. , �yi����
e �� - u��.�.� Hea],th 6-,z�-s� GREEN SHEET No. �04��DATE
Judy Barr 292-7718 �� �prv�rroAr�r � y �, ❑crty c�r�c
.�1�1YOR(OR AS818TANn ❑
City Council adoption of changes to Chapter 45 - N�sisance Abatement Ordfinance.
i�nNO�.iseuE,�u�arv Mmo,w�.wnsn,wnns.w�M:
The 3PR Code Enforcement Committee has rev3ewed changes to the Nu3sance Abatement Ordinance
and recommends these cY►anges wtiich wi11 1� clarify deftnition�, 2) streamline substantial
abatement procedures and 3) institute •more practica2, ef�ective not3ficat�on procedures.
The process for abating nuisances w311 be improved and deffnition�� of nuisances wi1l be
The nuisance abatement process w3.11 rema3n the same despite recommendations for
, � .
' - • � . . ,.
�, `. �,x . . �
_ �r�,�. �i y_ � � � � - .
Bslow are profsrred routkps for ths flw most frequsnt types of documents:
CONTRAGTS (anuraos auttadzed OOUNqL RE80LUTION (Art�end, Bd�s./
budgst sxists) Accept.(irerns)
1. Outside Agency 1. Dspartment Director
3• �qtY AttcrnmY � 3. qt�Attomey
4. Msyor 4. Mayor/AssistaM
5. FlnanCS d�M�mt 9MCS. Dtr�ctOr S. dty GOUndf
8. Finence 11�oouMi�g 6. CMef Accountant� Fln d M�mt Svcs.
�, q���� t. Initiatlnp DepartmeM Director
2. DspaRrr►ent AccouMaM 2• �Y�^eY
3. D�partnNnt Director 3. MayoNMsistant
4. Budpet DUecto► 4. dty CoUhcll
5. Cdty Gerk
6.. Chbf Aocou�nt.Fln�Mpmt Sves.
1. Initiatln�D�putmsnt
2. qty Attorney .
3. MayoNMelehrK
4. City(�k
Indk:ate ths N of p�a�whfch siynatures ere roquired and erd,p
esah of thess ap�ss. _
Dsscribe wlau ths proj�tMsqusst ss�ka to accompliah in sither ch►onologa
c,al order or order of importanos,wMdbver is mwt��iate ior ths
i�. Do rwt writs compl�M tenterx�es. Begin sach ft•rn in your list with
a verb.
Complste N ttu iss�e in qu�ion hes besn p�eeMed betore any body� Pubiic
a prNrats.
Indk�de which CouncH obJ�Ctiv�(s)Y�+�P►ol�fe4��+PP�bY��9
ExpNin the aituation o►oondiUons thet cre4ted a need tor your proJect
or roqusst.
I�e whethsr thfa fe siropy an annwl budpst procsdure requirod by law/
c1�Mr or wfMthsr tF�srs aro specific wa in which the CHy of Seint Paul
and Its c�tizens will bsnNit from this pro�d/actbn.
What nspatMs sffects or major changsa to existin�or past proceases mbht
thts project/requsst produce M M is pa�sed(s.g.�traHic dslaya� nase,
tax I�xxeas�s or asNSSmsMs)?To Whom?Whsn? For taw lon�?
Whd will bs tM nspative t�nsequen�if ths promfeed action is not
epprovsd?InabilMy to dNiwr s�rvice4 Contlnued high traiHc.noiae,
a�xidsnt rete4 Loas of►�venus?
Althouph you must taGor ths inforrtiation you provide here to the issue you
�re addro�iny, in�en�nl you must anavrsr two qu�tions: Fbw much is it
�oing to cost4 Who is�oing to pay?
- . .� . � � �,�tz r�
. , . . . .
Dave Thune. Chair
Janice Rettman
Roger Goswitz
Date: July 18, 1991
COMMITTEE REPORT: Date: July 17, 1991
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers
3rd Floor City Hall
1. Approval of July 3, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVED.
2. Resolution - 91-522 - reaffirming approval of the Lillydale/Harriet Island
Master Plan and approving transmittal of Master Plan and its revisions to
Metropolitan Council for review and approval and authorizing the City to
apply for grants, permits and agreements. RECOMMEND APPROVAL AS AMENDED.
A. An Ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code pertaining to Nuisance Abatement. RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
B. An Ordinance amending Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code pertaining to Vacant Buildings. RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
C. An Ordinance adding a new Chapter 192 to the Saint Paul
Legislative Code establishing a Rental Housing Disclosure program.
D. An Ordinance adding a new Chapter 35 to the Saint Paul
Legislative Code pertaining to Responsible Party Disclosure in
4. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at West of
Atlantic Street, Applicant - Glacier Park Company. RECOMMEND DENIAL OF
5. Appeal to a Summary Abatement Order for property at: 2075 Cottage Avenue
East, Applicant - Lila Talvitie. RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE APPEAL.
Printed on Recycled Paper
- • • ' , -
6. Appeal to a Summary Abatement Order for property at: 499 Maryland Avenue
East, Applicant - John Davidson. RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE APPEAL.
7. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the
referenced building, located at 266 Fry Street (aka: 260 Fry Street) . If
the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be
authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND DEMOLITION WITNIN 10 DAYS.
8. Resolution - ratifying assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
summary abatements for the following:
• Administrative Costs Incurred by Community Services notifying property
owner to repair or demolish structure on their property; File #J9107C,
Assessment #9422.
9. Resolution - ratifying assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
summary abatements for the following:
• Repair of Sewer Service Connections for 1989/1990; File #SSA9101,
Assessment #9421.
10. Resolution - ratifying assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
summary abatements for the following:
• Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up) From mid-January thru mid-
March, 1991; File #J9105A4, Assessment #9430.
• Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up), Snow Removal and/or Sanding
Sidewalks for the period from February thru mid-April , 1991; File
#J9106AA, Assessment #9431.
11. Resolution - ratifying assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
summary abatements for the following:
- • Diseased trees, Logs, Brush and Stump Removal for the 1990/1991 Dutch
Elm Season. (Assessments over $135.00); File #9101T, Assessment
• Diseased trees, Logs, Brush and Stump Removal for the 1990/1991 Dutch
Elm Season. (Assessments under $135.00 and Exempt properties)); File
#9102T, Assessment #9027.
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� •
. , .
- . 8��- 9� '
- 3rd �'"�d - �l� Adopted
' -� 3 _`t �
� Yeas Nays _
- - - DiMOrm �c y'_ ��9� _
GOSWITZ � ���0� �
- MACCABEE - _ .
- - . �
. : .
. . . - _
. . _ , _ _ , . . - - -
. . . ,. �
. _ , .
_ �.
��- �� ��
Counclperson I.egislative Assistant
Legislative Assistant
July 25, 1991
To: Members of the City Council
Fr: Councilmember Janice Rettman �
Re: 3PR Recommendations for the attaehed ordinance revisions or additions
Members of the City Council, it gives me great pride to present to you a
synopsis of the attached ordinances; and to tell you of the incredible work
rendered by members of the 3PR (Property Rights, Property Responsibilities, and
Property Remedies) Committee. Since the last report to you literally hundreds
of hours have been spent by the subcommittees and general committee to reach
consensus and to have recommendations that would further assist our neighborhoods
in the quest to protect their property values and the liveability of their
communities. The interaction between the City staff, the County, Commissioner
Hunt, and the members of the committee has been dynamic and excellent. I thank
all who have served both as committee members, interested persons, staff, and
experts. Special thanks goes to Barb Benson, Don Crotty, Liz Stevens, and my
legislative assistants Kathy Zieman and Joe Collins.
The highlights of the ordinances are listed below for your review:
*Clarifies and refines definitions•
*Modifies fee to an annual fee but a workplan must be submitted by owner
to correct within 365 days and any sale must be accompanied by Truth in
Housing inspection. Equally all work must be completed with permits and
with performance bond or $2000.
*Al1 fees must be paid in full prior to any sale. .
*Records will be kept if the property becomes a nuisance in the neighborhood
so Chapter 45 may be used immediately if problems persist• -�
*Closes loophole between Chapter 34, 43, 33, and 45.
*Clarifies and refines definitions•
*Sets up criteria for immediate commencement of nuisance abatement rather
than the one year waiting period.
*Sets up an early notification system on the City Council agenda giving
notice to the neighborhoods also thru that process•
*Sets up the linkage to accomodate vacant buildings which have become nuisances•
*Maintains due process notification•
*Closes loophole between Chapter 33, 34, 43, and 45.
CITY HA1,L ROOM NO.718 SAINT'PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289
Printed on Recycied Paper
, : . . �1- i� �y
3103.OS � Bt ILDI'�G GODE 22S
an�• other administrati��e officer 'ng c41 Thousands of structure� in this Cit�•
'sdiction that ���ork on an�• bui� g or are situated on narrol�• ]ot� and in close
c ure is being done contrar�• t e p:•o- pro�imit�• to one ��other. thereb�• inc:-eas-
�-is of OBBC or thi�Buildin de or in in; the risk of con9agration �nd spread of
a d2 rous or unsafe mann ch «•ork i:�sect and rodent infestation:
snall ' mediate)ti• �toppe ��► Populatian loss and economic de-
(b� notice shall be 1�'ritin� and cline exne.•ienced br the Citti•in recent��ea�s
shall be „ to the o�;•n the p:opert�• has cau�ed the incidence oi .•acant.�open
or to nis a or to the rson doing Lhe structure= �o increZSe si�-nincantl.•:
i;�o:�:, and s. sta:.e t ondition= under �61 Such �•acant, open s�ruc:u-es o�tea
��'l11Ct1 �;'O;�i ,. ° :' .. ed. Ho��•e�•er. lII become dil2plC2tEC�JeC2L`5���'lC'�'8:'E TIOi:'E-
lA5i.2ACe5 t':!', . EQici.2 2Ci]G7� :5 paired b�• the o"•ne:� or pe:son5 iTl CC�III:'01
deemed necessan blic saiet�•or in the of said structure�:
public inte:est, th 'minist:-ati��e oincer <<► St:uct.u:es�hzt are �•acant a�d o�en
ha�-ing jur:5Q1Ct10 �' requi*e t�'le �'�'0?'k to entn• dep:'2�5 the ma:'�i?� �'2�ll? Of SllT-
be siopped upon , rder pendin� the roundinQ p:-ope*ties;
issuance of a �;•r %en (S► The e�::s�ence of certain hszardoLs
,�' condi:ions mati•require a st:ucture to be�•a-
. 3103.OS mit or ro�•al Re�•o- czted: sucn condi�ions include buz are not
cation. limited �:
The ad. strati�re ofnc z�-ing ju:is- A. D2:Zge- of structu:-al collzp=_e;
dic�ion s ret=oke a permi� pproi•al is- B. Inadequate heat or use of dan�eroLs
sued un the pro�•isions of - Buildina heating mechanism:
Code i 5e the:e hz�been an lse state- C. Danger of fire; and
IT1LriL .�isre�reseniation as t . 2tEZ121 D. Lack of nlumbin�in saie«�0:�ii;]�0:'-
fact' e applica�ion or plar�s o ich the 3er.
pe 'o*appro�•al �rzs based,or ene�•er (9) S�ructures ;'nat reTnain boarded for
:mit or 2ppro�•Zl has been ed in an extended period of time contriccte Lo
e and conditions are �uch that pe:r:Zit bliah:,cause z decrezse in neianborir.g prop-
apro��al shou]d not na��e been issued. erty ralues, cre2te tar�e:s fo: arson, snd
� ' 'r lead to the cancellation of homeowne:s' in-
� L;�nsafe Structures; Viola- surance for neighboring p:operty owners.
tion and Remedial:�otices; Cost R.eco�-- (b) Decla:ation of'_�uisance.
er�•. �,: All buiiding� or structures v�-hich are in-
(a) Le�islati�-e Findines. S7';���' J jurious to or a menace to the public health,
Council ofthe CitS•of��}findsthat:�;,f-4 sa�et�� or u•eliare, or are structu*ally un-
(1) Structu:es v��hich are �-acant �iil� safe, unsanitary or not pro�•ided �;•it:� ade-
ouate safe egress,or��•hica con�titute 2 nre
• hazard, or x•hich are �-acant and open �o
� A. :�ttract children to ent.er; public entry, or «•nich �re other�;•ise dan-
B. Become harborage for��ermin; gerous to human life or injurious to the
C. Serre as temporary abode for dere- public, or �;�hich in relation to existing use
licts, �agrants and criminals; and constitute a hazard to ihe public health,
D. Are likely to be damaged by�•andals safety or „�elfare by reason of inadequatE
or set ablaze by arsonists. maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence or
(2) �J�nk�p� ,�-ou,r�s surrounding such abandonment, are, se�•erall��, for the pur-
racant,i�� �in�-ite the dumping poses of this Building Coae, declared to be
of garbage and rubbish thereupon; "unsafe structures". All such unsafe struc-
(3) Thousands of structures in this City tu:es or conditions are hereby declared to
are made of��ood-f:ame construction v�•hich be public nuisances. The public nuisance
is mo:e flammable than other building shall be abated by correction of the viola-
t��pes; tions to the minimum standards of the Code
� �-� � � � � �� ��� ��
/-�/il.C,t � :�?'l,"O F/i s�i%
f�%iO�E'�Jifs /�•^:�
�� %/c�,�ir7�cG
V I Oi.J�T I O(�S •
1, General maintenance problecrts,the correction o: uhich rec�uice
little in the uay of expenditures, such as b:oY,en, decayed miss-
ing c�u[tec� and oovnsaouts .IIcoY.en and missing siding, hiyh gras„
vecds, litter. Crash, minor e.cterior painting, b�oken and cracY,ed
vindo�s•, .mino� tuck pointing, broken-missing plaster, leak: .
brok,en drives and service walks, broY.en fences, broken screens, etc. •
1 (a) Zypic�l minor violations ot the Zoninc� Codc to includc automob:'_�� �
re��i�, c�rc.�t�s3 ga�age s�les, illegal signs, junk cars, oLf street .
i llet'j�l �arY.ing,
YIO[.1�TICtZS ' . .
. 2. Maintenance proble�s�s involving modecate to latge expendituces, i .e. ,
leakin�� coofs, rotted pocches vith loose or missinc� rtr�m-',�rs, m �nical
code violacions, infescation of rodents or insects in multi-family
buildings, ' ire pc c ion, pasnting of entire st�uc�ure, c�iirn�ey
ce�ic, ' ste�s found�tion ce�aic,etc.
2(a) Substantial violations of the Zoning Cale to include illec�al occu-
pancies, illegal land uses, illegal �/�.c•t:�, illegally erecte� Lences,
and others uhere a permit is cequired for comp?iance.
3. Safe[y oc healnc �ela[ed situations requiring quick action sucn �s
a�en,vacant, and Vandalizc�d buildinc�s, fire damage, constcuction viGh�,� �F
out permits, utili[y shut �i�s c�= to delinqvent p�yments in(mu�Tti-- .
family buildings� Dlocked sevecs, furnace oc boiler repair ducing the
heating season, etc.
4. Situa�ions rec�uicing immediate �ction such as a building or stc�^�ucal
elemenC near to collapse, a gas leak oc other extreme £ire h�zacd,• �
the stocage of flammable o� toxic materials, serious mechanical
violations, exit pcoblems.
, • t,����� 1� ; :
�°t*� °''s
o �
. ,,�
647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
August 5, 1991
Council President William Wilson
and Members of the City Council
City Hall and Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Dear Council President Wilson and Members of the City Council:
Enclosed for your consideration please find the following:
1. Agenda item 21. 91-1294 , for final adoption, an ordinance
amending Chapter 45 of the Code pertaining to Nuisance
2 . Agenda item 22 . 91-1293 , for final adoption, an ordinance
amending Chapter 43 of the Code pertaining to Vacant
3 . Agenda item 37 . 90-553 , for third reading, an ordinance
amending Chapter 33 of the Code pertaining to repair and/or
demolition of nuisance buildings.
I apologize for any delay here. However, these pieces had to
be transposed from a computer disc located at Public Health and
sent to the City Attorney's Office for "feeding" into the City
Attorney's computer system. While this may sound like a simple
enough task - please know that computers can and do make simple
tasks unnecessarily difficult.
With respect to Agenda item 21; the changes requested by the
Council have been incorporated. Councilmember Dimond's request for
inclusion of language creating a " continuing violation " has been
incorporated at 45. 13 .
With respect to Agenda item 22 ; all the changes requested by
Council have been incorporated save one. The language requested by
Councilmember Maccabee, providing for an immediate criminal
violation in the event that a property holder did not give
immediate consent to an inspection of her/his property, was not
included because of the very real potential for infringement on the
property holders constitutional rights. Research into this matter
indicated that the law requires inspectors to obtain a search
warrant in the event that property holders do not allow immediate
entry. An examination of both the Minnesota State Statutes and the
Uniform Fire Code dealing with this type of situation made it clear
that inspectors must obtain a search warrant when dealing with
recalcitrant property holders.
With respect to Agenda item 37; the changes requested by the
Neighborhood Services Committee have been included.
Very truly yours,
Pet r . Warner
Assistant City Attorney.
���C��i�l��. . . � � � - Q
, j ' Council File ,# �'��/�
. ` � .� � ;
�� 1 � � � i�, �"° � �-.- � Ordinance �
� Green Sheet # ���
Presented By
eferred To Committee: Date �-/� '�/
An Ordi ce amending Chapter 45
of the S t Paul Legislative Code
�a�g t�Nuisance Abatement
(J�t�tb.�T��'f1 1 `
45.01. Declaration of PolicX. `�v
The se of this h r i r � li h h f an w lf
enactment of this ordinance which: �
1. Define ubli nuis d nui on ition .
� rmin r n i ili ie f r r f w liin
r f r n ' n f nuis n i ' n
�,, Pr i r m ie to elimin u li n i
4 Pr vi f r dmini ' n nf r m n n i
� Promo h ili m 'n n f i h rh
45.9��2. Definitions. �
�� ��
ORIGIhI��. � � � � �.�I � 0 � ,� �. r/a�'�
. � �9
, , ,
, ,
, , , ,
, , .
Subd.41. Enforcement officer. Enforce ent officer shall mean the director of the
department of community servi s, the director of the department of fire
and safety services, the director o the department of police, or their duly
authorized representative.
Subd.3�. Extermination. Extermination shall m the eradication of rodents and
other vermin by any or all approved m ods such as poisoning,
fumigation, or trapping.
Subd.b�. Hazardous waste. Hazardous waste shall m any waste material so
defined by Minn. Stat.116.06, Subd.13 or d ribed or listed as hazardous
waste in Minn. Rules Chapter 7045, known as�Minnesota Pollution Control
and Hazardous Waste Division Hazardous Wasth,,Rules.
Subd.�4. Interested party. Interested party shall mean any o`wner of record,
occupying tenant, or lien holder of record. ��*
Subd.$�. Last known address. Last lrnown address shall mean t11e address shown on
the records of the Ramsey county department of property,,taxation or a more
recent address known to the enforcement officer. In the c�se of parties not
listed in these records, the last known address shall be that�.ddress obtained
by the officer after a reasonable search. ��'�.�
Subd.9�. Mail. Service by mail shail mean by depositing the item with t�e United
States Postal Service addressed to the intended recipient at lus or er last
known address with first class postage prepaid thereon.
Subd.�A7. Noxio s substances. No�QU sub � rs,p�mean substances, soli a�
fluid, ��i vd c ar e�€e�srve; detrimental to health,
hurtfu�l, or dangerous. Noxious substances shall include but not be limited
to any dead animal, or portion thereof, putrid carcass, decayed animal
matter, green hides, or any putrid, spoiled, foul, or stinldng beef, pork,
fish, offal, hides, skins, fat, grease, liquors, human or animal excrement,
or manure.
C�RIGON�I � ��� ���
� ORIGI �� , �=�
Subd•g• i in r il
4 h' 1 ' i in
1 ' h ' h
ni 1
h i
n li i n'
Subd.�Q. Owner. Owner all mean those shown to be owner or owners on the
records of the y county department of property taxation.
Subd.��Q. Personal service. Pe nal service shall mean service by personally
handing a copy to the ' nded recipient or by leaving a copy at the
intended recipient's resid ce or place of business with a person of suitable
age and discretion.
Subd.�3�. Privy. Privy shall be any of non-flush fixture for the receipt and
storage of human waste includi fixed units with vaults as well as portable
Subd.�4�. Property. Property shall mean any cel of land whether vacant or not,
whether any structure thereon is occ ied or not, or whether submerged or
Subd.-�3.1,.�. Refuse. Refuse shall mean putrescible d non-putrescible and combustible
and non-combustible waste, including pa r, garbage, material resulting
from the handling, processing, storage, pr aration, serving and
consumption of food, vegetable or animal r�atter, offal, rubbish, plant
wastes such as tree trimmings or grass cuttin�s, ashes, incinerator residue,
street cleanings, construction debris, detached�ti�ehicle parts, and solid
industrial and market wastes.
Subd.�b14. Responsible party. A responsible party shall be any one or more of the
(a) agent, �\
(b) assignee or collector of rents,
(c) holder of a contract for deed,
(d) a mortgagee or vendee in possession,
(e) receiver or executor or trustee,
(� lessee,.I� vr++�►t vAcaK�b � ' � � f'r' fa+-w+ or 6�f�o.r�w►"s�
(g) those
, wn r m n i h vin
�n ownership interest. or
(h) other person, firm, or corporation exercising apparent control over
a property.
u�i���INAI , � � L ��9�
� � Q��� ����� ��i
� . .
� �e .
Subd.�9l�. Weeds. eeds shall mean
� ►
> > > > >
, , and include not only such
xi 7 f
' n 1 1
inches in height.
45.9�Q,�. Nuisance
A nuisance shall mean any substance, ma , emission, or thing which creates a
dangerous or unhealthy condition or which eatens the public peace, health, safety, or
sanitary condition of the city or which is offe ive or has a blighting influence on the
community and which is found upon, in, being �scharged or flowing from any street,
alley, highway, railroad right of way, vehicle, ra�road car, water, excavation, building,
erection, lot, grounds, or other property located wi`thin the City of Saint Paul. Nuisances
shall include but not be limited to those set forth in �his secdon.
Subd.��. .
. Dangerous
r i i n ' 1 n r
including but not limited to:
� i ' in r f r 1 • r
� r hi
f lal ing: or ,
� a structure with any �arts such as floors� r�o ches� railings. stairs.
i i il ih
weight of normally i�nosed loads.
Subd.�3�. Fire hazards. Any thing or condition on the property which in the opinion
of the enforcement officer creates a fire hazard or which is a violation of
the Fire Code.
�►R�GINA►L . � . � ` � � � ,� � �����
, (� R G�,=9
Subd.��. �� Firewood.
Piles of wood cut for fuel which are
li i 'm r r
1 v il x 'v iv
f f ' 1 f
i i in .
Subd.34. Grass and Wceds. Grass e�we�g which �eve� grown upon any
property to a heigh f eight � or more inches or
Subd.��. Hazards. Any thing or ndition on the property which in the opinion of
the enforcement officer y contribute to injury of any person present on
the property. Hazards whi shall include but not be limited to open holes,
open foundations, open well dangerous trees or limbs, abandoned
refrigera.tors, or trapping devi- s.
Subd.�4�. Health hazards. Any thing or c.�ndition on the property which in the
opinion of the enforcement office��;creates a health hazard or which is a
violation of any health or sanitation�.law.
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Subd•7• Nuisance building. Any building or �ortion�of a building which is a
nuisance as defined in Chanter 45.02. `�
Subd•g• k 1 t r r r wn n 11 v h
'v 1 f r r
harbora�e of vermin.
Subd.�Q. Refuse, noxious substances, hazardous wastes. Refu , noxious substances,
or hazardous wastes laying, pooled, accumulated, pil left, deposited,
buried, or dischazged upon, in, being dischazged or flo ' g from any
property, structure, or vehicle; except for:
(a) refuse deposited at places designated and provid for that purpose
by the Saint Paul Legislative Code;
(b) refuse stored in accordance with provisions of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code or vehicle parts stored in an enclosed structure;
(c) compost piles established and maintained '
€Fer�-a�in accordance with the regulations of, •'�° a�-�°��� �F
���:Eie-� Chauter 357 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code.
�RiG4NAl _ � �. � _ ��
. �� �� � � il� �� �-�� ��
(d) dead animals buried with written permission from, and in
accordance with the regulations of, the division of public health; or
) green hides received, stored, dressed, packed, or sold with written
permission from, and in accordance with the conditions set by, the
division of public health.
Subd.��. Sanitary tructures. Structures for sanitation such as privies, vaults,
sewers, p 'vate drains, septic tanks, cesspools, drain fields which have
failed or do ot function properly or which are overflowing, leaking, or
emanating od s. Septic tanks, cesspools, or cisterns which are abandoned
or no longer in se unless they are emptied and filled with clean fill. Any
vault, cesspool, o septic tank which dces not meet the following criteria:
(a) the bottom a�d sides are cemented to make iinpervious to water,
(b) the bottom is�t least s'vc feet below grade,
(c) pmper ventilati�g pipes and covers are provided,
(d) it is nroFgrly located in accordance with annlicable Minnesota State
Statute and Saint �aul Ordinances, ,
> > _ �
(e) it is cleaned at least once a year, and
(fl the property served is lncated such that connection to the public
sewer is impractical.
Subd.411. Stagnant water. Stagnant water standing on any property. Any property,
container, or material kept in such a �ondition that water can accumulate
and stagnate.
Subd.-�3�. Statute and Common Law Nuisances. Any thing or condition on property
which is known to the common law of the'iand, the Statutes of Minnesota,
or the Saint Paul Legislative Code as a nuis�nce.
SubdA�. Unsecured unoccupied buildings. Unoccupied�iuildings or unoccupied
portions of buildings which are unsecured. `y
Subd.3�. Vermin harborage. Conditions which in the opinid of the enforcement
officer are conducive to the harborage or breeding vermin ��g
Subd.gl�. Vermin�estations. Infestations of vermin such as ra mice, �quirrels
skunks, snakes, bats, grackles, starlings, pigeons, bees, asps,
cockroaches, or flies; except for bees or pigeons kept wi written
permission from, and in accordance with the regulations o the division of
public health.
�RlG4NAl . :
� � . f . �ORIGIN ,�L ��,_,,�9�
45.A3Q4. lations.
Subd.l. person shall, d'uectly or indirectly or by omission, create a nuisance.
Subd.2. No o er or responsible party shall allow a nuisance to remain upon or in
any pr rty or structure under his or her control.
Subd.3. No owner o any truck, trailer, railroad car or flat, or other vehicle shall
leave the ve le standing on or along any street, highway, freeway, or
railroad track, other property within the City of Saint Paul carrying or
containing any r se, noxious substance, or hazardous waste, except as
otherwise permi by the Saint Paul Legisladve Code.
45.A4Q�. Disclosure of responsible
Upon the request of the enforcement o�`ficer or the city clerk, a responsible party or
owner shall disclose the name of any oth'�r responsible party or owner known to him.
This shall include but not be limited to th�;persons for whom�ie is acti�ng, from who�e
is leasing the property, to ho�he is leasi�g the property, with whom�he shares joint
ownership, or with whom�e has any ee�e�►et�e�g contract�r � ' � � re.�-� ����
> >
45.06. Order to cease.
In the event that an enforcement officer observes a person c ng a nuisance, the officer
may, after presenting proper identification, order that the perso cease �►d desist creating
a nuisance. '�
45.07. Enforcement officer authorized to enter.
The enforcement officer shall be authorized to enter any property or s cture in the city
for the purpose of enforcing and assuring compliance with the provision of this Chapter.
nr n ' 1 fr fi r r '
1 i ri il i i f
com�lete insnection•
Z�S�v'�- �, '�1�vU1Srf�N1 �1Q�,
�;.����IN�L . , � � � �` ,�� a��
. , . . �Q � � J� � (J��q�-/
45.08. Autho 'ty to Abate.
Subd.l. city is authorized to abate nuisances in accordance with the procedures
set in Sections 45.10, 45.11, and 45.12. All abatement costs incuned
shall charged against the property as a special assessment to be collected
in the m er provided for in the City Charter, Chapter 14, except when a
request is ed for a review of an emergency abatement the assessment
hearing shall replaced by the hearing provided for in section 45.12.
Subd.2. Abatement may clude but shall not be limited to removal, cleaning,
extermination, cu ' g, mowing, grading, sewer repairs, draining, securing,
boarding unoccupi structures, barricading or fencing, removing dangerous
portions of structure and demolition of dangerous structures or abandoned
Subd.3. Abatement costs shall in ude the cost of the abatement; the cost of
investigation, such as title ches, inspection, and testing; the cost of
notification; filing costs; an administradve costs.
45.09. Service.
When service of an order or notice is required, � y one or more of the following methods
of service shall be adequate: `�
Subd.l. by personal service; or ��
Subd•2• ]zy certified mail, throu h the U.S. Pos�al Service; or
Subd.��. by � mail, unless it is a written order�vhich gives three days or less for
the completion of any act is requires; or '�
Subd.34. if the appropriate party or address cannot be etermined after reasonable
effort, by posting a copy of the order in a con icuous place on the
If a mailed order or notice is returned by the United States Pos Service, a good faith
effort shall be made to determine the correct address, unless the o der or notice orders
abatement and that abatement has been completed.
45.10. Abatement procedure.
Unless the nuisance is as described in Sections 45.11 or 45.12, the city ay abate the
nuisance by the procedure described below.
Subd.l. Order. The enforcement officer shall serve a written order upon the owner.
The written order shall also be served upon any responsible party known to
the officer and may be served upon any party known to have caused the
nuisance. The written order shall contain the following:
����f NAL � . � . � y , , ;� �9�
. � . �w- .
� , �.�.: � i �y���
(a) a description of the real estate sufficient for identification;
(b) description and location of the nuisance and the remedial action
r uired to abate the nuisance;
(c) the atement deadline, to be determined by the enforcement
office lowing a reasonable time for the performance of any act
(d) a stateme that the order may be appealed and a hearing before the
City Counc obtained by filing a written request with the city clerk
before the ap deadline which shall be the abatement deadline
designate� in order or seven calendar days after the date of the
order, whicheve comes first; and
(e) a statement that i e remedial action is not taken nor a request for
a public hearing fil with the city clerk within the time specified,
the city will abate th nuisance and charge all costs incurred therein
against the real estate a special assessment to be collected in the
same manner as prope taxes.
Subd.2. Setting hearing date. In the event at an appeal is filed with the city clerk,
the City Council shall within two v�eks fix a date for a public hearing.
Subd.3. Notice of hearing date. In the event ffiat an anueal is filed���he city clerk
shall mail a notice of the date, time, ptace, and subject of the hearing to the
owner and known responsible parkies. The city clerk shall also mail the
notice to a citizen participadon district council for the district where the
nuisance is located requesting that it notify the surrounding property owners
and occupants. The city clerk shall also notify the ��� enforcement
ffo icer.
Subd.4. Hearing. At the time of the public hearing, the City Council sha11 hear
from the enforcement officer, and any other p,arties who wish to be heard.
After the hearing, the City Council may confirm or modify the order of the
enforcement officer. In either case, if the Council',s determination requires
abatement, the City Council shall, in the resolution;fix a time within which
the nuisance must be abated and shall provide that i rrective action is not
taken within the time specified, the city may abate th nuisance. The city
clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to same parti required to be
notified in Subd.3 of this Secdon.
Subd.S. Abatement. If the remedial action is not taken nor an ap filed within
the time specified, the city may abate the nuisance.
����R�GINA��, . ,� . , „ � � � , � �. _ ���
. � + � � ��� �
45.11. Subs tial abatement procedure.
When the enfor ent officer determines that a nuisance exists on a property and the cost
of abatement of th nuisance is estimated to exceed �we r� thousand dollars or the
abatement involves olition of a building other than a structure accessory to a
residential building or e abatement substantially diminishes the value of the property and
except in the case of an ergency as provided for in Section 45.12, the city shall abate
the nuisance by the proced described below. A good faith estimate of the abatement
costs, not the actual cost calc lated after the abatement is completed, shall be the basis
which determines whether this atement procedure shall be used.
Subd.l. Orders. The enfor ent officer shall serve a written order upon the
owner, all interested 'es, and any responsible party known to the
officer. The order sh contain the following:
(a) a description of th real estate which is sufficient for identification
and which shall inc�de the legal description;
(b) the location of the nu�sance on the property;
(c) a description of the nul�sance and the basis upon which it is
declazed to be a nuisanc,�;
(d) the remedial action requi�gd to abate the nuisance; and
(e) the abatement deadline, to e determined by the enforcement
officer allowing a reasonabl time for the completion of any act
(� a statement that if the remedial tion is not taken before the
abatement deadline, the matter ' be referred to the City Council
who, after a public hearing, may rder the city to abate the
nuisance and charge all costs incu against the real estate as a
special assessment to be collected in e same manner as taxes.
Subd.2. Notice to public. When an order requires, excl sively or as an option, the
demolition of a building, the public shail be put notice as follows.
> >
�RIGINAL . � �. -�zy,�
. . . � . �ORIGIN�� �q�
The �wne� or atly 1'es npo sible paR� is regui to ,provide fu _wrd�+
disclosure of the order to abate to all interested p�, all present
or subsequent renters� and any subseauent owners.
� The owner or anv�re_snonsi�p is uired to provide full�..�=
� h 1
� n ri n•
� The chant `and section of the ordinance under which it is
issued: ;
�4,� A statement c�'e'eclaring the propgr�y to be a nuisance condition
and subject to �emolition:
� The date that the�,nlacard of nuisance condition is nosted:
� A statement of the�y for defacin� or removal of the
Flacard• '�
� The enforcement officer sh ile a co�y of the order to abate with
the Ramsey Coun Recorder�.
� nf ffi r n ' i r n in
f r r i
� 'f i
' h il 'n r
Subd.3. Setting hearing date. If the remedial action is no taken within the time
specified in the written order, the enforcement of r may notify the City
Council that substantial abatement is necessary and ropriate. Upon
being notified by the dep� enforcement officer the City ��
Clerk shall, within two weeks, fix a date for an abate ent hearing for the
C� Council.
Subd.4. Notice. Written notice of the dme, date, place and subj t of the hearing
shall be given as set forth in this subdivision.
(a) The city clerk shall immediately notify the enforce ent officer.
��IVINAL � . IGIN��- /'�,�9�
. . . 0 R �=�
� At least ten calendar days prior to the hearing, the enforcement
officer shall notifv the owner or his dulv authorized renresentative
. . �
by ,yersonal service of the notice of hearing and all interested
parties or their duly authorized renresentative by certified mail. If.
after reasonable effort. service cannot be made. either of the
following. methods of notice shall be considered adeguate.
(1) confirmed mail service which is either certified mail with
signed receipt returned or first class mail confirmed by
written response.
2) mailing the notice to the last known address and publishing
the notice once a week for two weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City of Saint Paul and posting the
notice in a conspicuous place on the building or property.
(� At least calendar days prior to the hearing, the enforcement
officer sh n ' Pr i
nuisance bui�'ing is located in a Heritage Preservation District.
� The Ci Clerk�all notify the Ci Council and cause the notice of
gublic hearing to t�e published on the Council agenda.
Subd.S. Hearing. At the time of the ublic hearing, the City Council shall hear
from the enforcement officer at�d any other parkies who wish to be heard.
After the hearing, the City Couiicil shall adopt a resolution, describing what
abatement action, if any, � the co�ncil deems appropriate. If the resolution
' calls for abatement action � the cou�cil may either order the city to take the
abatement action or fix a dme within'`�which the nuisance must be abated i�
r r i ' P 1 ' 1 'v
��g and provide that if corrective actio is not taken within the specified
time, the city shall abate the nuisance. � '
Subd•6• '1 n
r 1 ' nf r m n ffi wh h f
varties required to be notified in Subd.4.
45.12. Emergency abatement procedure.
When the enforcement officer determines that a nuisance condition or a �neerous
structure as defined in Chanter 43.02 exists on a property '�.which
constitutes an immediate danger or hazard which if not immediately abated will endanger
the health or safety of the public and there does not exist sufficient time to fof low the
procedures of 45.10 or 45.11, the city may abate the nuisance by the procedure described
�;�����INAL . , � �. � 9�,,�9�
. , � �`
R���N �
Subd.l. O�der b ma or Th i hall or r mer enc abatement b an
y y . ectys de e g y y
administrative order to be signed by the mayor. A good faith effort shall
be made to inform the owner that the action is being taken.
Subd.2. �`�: Notice of the abatement. Following an emergency abatement as soon as the
�`��.costs incurred are known,�e the enforcement officer�e shall serve written
riotice upon the owner. The notice shall contain:
(a) `�, a descripdon of the nuisance,
(b) 'the action taken by the city,
(c) the-,reasons for immediate action,
(d) the costs incurred in abating the nuisance, and
(e) a state�ient that the owner may request, by writing to the city clerk
within te`� working days of the date of the notice, a hearing at which
the City Cb�uncil shall review the actions taken by the department.
Subd.3. Setdng hearing date. I�the event that the owner files a request for a
review of the action, wit��the city clerk, the City Council shall within two
weeks fix a date for a pub�ic hearing.
Subd.4. Notice. The city clerk shall nb�ify the department and the owner of the
date, time, place, and subject o e hearing.
Subd.S. Hearing. At the dme of the hearin the City Council shall hear from the
enforcement officer and any other 'es who wish to be heard. After the
hearing the City Council may adopt a r lution levying an assessment for
all or a portion of the costs incurred by e�e� � in abating the
nuisance. A copy of the resolution shall b mailed to the owner. A copy
shall also be given to the �e� enforc�ment officer.
45.13. Penalty. �,
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter or fails to'� mply with a lawful
written order issued pursuant to Sections 45.10 or 45.11 or a law verbal order issued
pursuant to Section 45.06 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
������A�. . p R� r 1 N,�l. -��9�
. ,; �9i
45.14. Other�re`medies.
The time limits s ified in any order issued under Section 45.11 is the applicable time
period for completio of the rehabilitation and shall supersede all other time limits from
Chapter 33 and 43. �,�
Nothing in this Chapter sh construed as relating to Saint Paul Legislative Code,
Chapter 113 pertaining to sno emoval or Chapter 163 pertaining to abandoned vehicles.
This ordinance shall take effect and be ' force thirty days from and after its passage,
approval and publication. �,
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of
Macca ee
i son By=
Adopted by Council: Date
F rm Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary y: S��_ � .� /�/y,1
By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved by Mayor: Date
14 By:
� .• �'`, �-i�9�f
. .,� 9
� �
Whoever violates an provision of this law for which no other
penalty is provided ;� fails to comply with any lawful order
issued pursuant there is subject to a fine of up to $100 .
Each day during which�oncompliance or a violation continues
shall constitute a seper te offense . A second similar offense
within 2 years of the fi st offense is subject to a minimum
fine of $50 .
� , �'' � � �� r
10. Resolution - 91-1364 - approving the appointment by the Mayor of Duane Stoipe
to serve as the Employee Representative on the PHA-City (HRA) Pension
Plan Administrative Committee; term to expire July 1, 1994. (Laid over
from July 30th for adoption)
11. Resolution - 91-1423 - authorizing payment of $2,066.30 from the Tort Liability
Fund to Micheal & Cindy Hilborn in settlement of their claim of damages.
12. Resolution - 91-1424 - authorizing payment of $1,035 from the Tort Uability Fund
to Ms. Christine Williams in settlement of her claim of damages.
13. Resolution - 91-1425 - reducing assessment for 1351 Ames to $85.02 on the
Hazelwood/Magnolia Storm Sewer Separation to be funded by the Sewer
Separation Funds.
14. Resolution - 91-1426 - reducing assessment for 1345 Ames to $179.40 on the
Hazelwood/Magnolia Storm Sewer Separation to be funded by the Sewer
Separation Funds.
15. Resolution - 91-1427 - reducing assessment for 1355 Ames to $163.57 on the
Hazelwood/Magnolia Storm Sewer Separation to be funded by the Sewer
Separation Funds.
16. Resolution - 91-1428 - authorizing removal of Phalen Youth Club from the Saint
Paul Charitable Gambling 10% Club List. "
17. Resolution - 91-1429 - suspending Off Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Off
Sale Malt and Cigarette Licenses held by ESW Inc., dba East Street West
for premises at 616 Como Avenue. (Hearing was held July 18, 1991)
18. Resolution - 91-1430 - establishing a rate of pay for Marina Manager in the
Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution. (First Reading -
19. Resolution - 91-1431 - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $7,000 to the
Financing & Spending Plan and transferring $7,000 from Police Special
Projects to the General Fund - Mayor's Office. (Finance)
20. Resolution - 91-1432 - approving issuance of $650,000 Tax Exempt Revenue
Bonds for the acquisition and renovation of 20,460 square foot facility for
Gilbert and Martha Thoele at 253 State Street in Riverview Industrial Park.
(Housing & Economic Development and layover to August 15, 1991)
� 21. Final Adoption - 91-1294 - An ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Lggislative
� Code pertaining to Nuisance Abatement. (Neighborhood Services
� Committee recommends approval) -�
ol�� �l�u'`
�r . `
Tuesday, August 6, 1991
9:00 A.M. Council Chambers
Third Floor City Hall and Court House
Albert B. Olson, City Clerk
1. Approval of City Council Minutes for the meeting of July 23, 1991.
2. Letter of the Ramsey County Department of Taxation transmitting application
AY 91-3314 for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate.
3. Letter of the Ramsey County Department of Taxation transmitting application
AC 91-3318 for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate.
4. Appeal of Tena Investments (Jerry Robertson) to a Summary Abatement for
property at 1060 Iglehart. (City Clerk recommends date of Public Hearing
be established for August 21st in the Neighborhood Services Committee
and August 22nd at the City Council meeting)
5. Appeal of Patrice M. Evans Aina to a Summary Abatement for property at 711
St. Anthony. (City Clerk recommends date of Public Hearing be
established for August 21 st in the Neighborhood Services Committee and
August 22nd at the City Council meeting)
6. Letter of the Mayor's Office announcing vacancies on the Civic Center Authority,
the Advisory Committee on Refugee Affairs, the Truth-in-Housing Board
of Evaluators and the Board of Zoning Appeals.
7. Resolution - 91-1421 - approving appointments by the Mayor to the Saint Paul
Private Industry Council, Inc. (PIC); terms to expire June 30, 1992. (To
be laid over one week for adoption)
8. Resolution - 91-1422 - approving appointments by the Mayor to the Youth Fund
Board; terms to expire July 1, 1992. (fo be laid over one week for
adoption) .
9. Resolution - 91-1363 - approving the reappointments by the Mayor of David
Cheesebrow and Peg LaBore and the appointments of Dr. Marci Mylan,
Zora Radosevich and Steve Proeschel to the Joint City-County Health
Services Advisory Committee, terms to expire June 26, 1993. (Laid over
from July 30th for adoption)