91-1288 ORIG��AL, ; ,� . ; �� � r�j � Council File ,� � ad'a Green sheet # �.3•�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , , � Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Housing Information Office has received a Northwest Area Foundation grant through the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Fund to administer a three year pilot Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program; and WHEREAS, the Housing Information Office will provide intensive case management to at least thi.rty Saint Paul households per year who are in default on their mortgages and will assist an additional 150 households per year who are in jeopardy of losing their homes; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certi.fy that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1991 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1991 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN � 065 - Housing Information Office 30136 - Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program 6905 Contributions and Donati.ons - Outsi.de - 7�,940 72,940 Al1 Other Financing 413,376 - 413,376 413,376 72,940 486,316 r- �d�����1� �" y/_���� Current Amended Budget Changes Budget SPENDING PLAN 065 - Housing Information Office 30136 - Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program � 0219 Fees - Other Professional Serv - 19,240 19,240 0221 Postage - 150 150 0223 Long Distance Phones - 150 150 0241 Printing Outside - 150 150 0277 Equipment Repairs - 150 150 0299 Other Misc. Services - 2,500 2,500 0368 Office Supplies - 100 100 0564 Replacement Housing Pymt-Homeowner - 40,000 40,000 0588 L�nergency Rehab Repair - 7,500 7,500 0857 Hardware - 3,000 3,OOQ Al1 Other Spendi.ng 413,376 - 413,376 413,376 72,940 486,316 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1991 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED � �( ��'�� FINANCE DIRECTOR BUDG T DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: mon �. � , osw z _ � 0 acca ee � e man �. � � une i son �- BY� � v Adopted �by Council: Date JUL �. 6 1991 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �, t�� 7 s�_ j By' Approved by Mayor for submission to Approved by Mayor: Date JUL 1 7 1991 Council • g 2y,���n By, y: P!►�IISHE� JUL 27'9 T . . �'F9i-ia�' DEPARTM[NT/OPIh(:ElCOUNGL DATE INI'fIATEO Housing Information Office 6/20/9l. GREEN SH pAT No. 83�4 A� eorirncr��a�e �oeP�Erir a�eroR [3J cm eouNa� Chris Lukesh 5591 �� �p�ppNEV �CRY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNGL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO Q BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICES DIR. 7/11/91 for action �Mavoa�op nssisraan � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: Acceptance of this grant will allow the Housing Information Office to administer a Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program for Saint Paul residents. REOOMMENDATIONS:Apaow(rU o►Rs�t(F� COUNqL COMMITTrE/RESEARCN F1E�ORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL BERVIC��MMISSION ��YST PHONE NO. _dB COMMITTEE _e _STI1Ff _ COMAAENTS: —���� — CITY ATTORN�E SUPPORTS WHK�i COUNqI 08JECTIVE? INITIATIlKi PHOBLEM.188UE.OPPORTUMITY(Who,Wh�t,WMn,Whas,Wh�: More properties are being foreclosed on and ending up vacant. Many families are able to stabilize their financial and ,personal situations if comprehensive mortgage foreclosure counseling is provided. �,�� JUL �2 1991 ADVANTAf3E8 IF APPROVED: The Housing Information Office will be able to provide comprehensive mortgage foreclosure counseling to Saint Paul resi.dents, thereby stabilizing families, reducing foreclosures, and preventing vacant boarded-up houses. qSADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: VIJu��ig1 i i��v�'��,� e,��,r���� None JUL081991 DIBADVANTA(iE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The additional workload could not be absorbed and the Saint Paul Housing Information Office would not be able to provide services to as many residents or provide as intensive case management as this program will allow. RECEIVED JUL 0 9 1g91 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 72.940 CO�T�pEyENUE BUppETED(CIRaE ONE) YES NO Fl►NOiNa Sou�E Northwest Area Foundation/Family ��v�y N�� 30136 Fi�p,�iN���:���,�,i� Housing Fund dw NOTE: COMPLETE DiRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN�3 OFFICE(PHOME NO.296-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are preferrsd routir�for the five moat frequeM types of docum9MS: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOl.UT10N (Amend, Bdgts./ budpet exists) Accept.Granta) 1. Outalde ApenCy 1. Department Dlrec.MOr 2. Initlatlng DepaRment 2. Budget Director 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey � 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AssistaM 5. Flner�ce�MgrM Svcs. Dfrector 5. Gty Council 8. Finance M.counting 8. Chief Accour►taM,Fln 8 Mgmt 5vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUN(;IL RESOLUTION (all others) Revisfon) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. Initiating DepaRment Director 2. Dspenment AccournaM 2• �Y�°►�Y • 3. DepertmeM Dirsctor 3. MayoNAqlstent 4. Budpet DiriCWr 4. City CWlT1C11 5. CRy Clsrk 8. Cfiief Ac�uMaM, Fln 8 Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (ail othsrs) 1. Initlatinp Dspartment 2. City Attornsy 3. Msyw/Assistant 4. ary qsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAQE3 Indicate the N of p�pes on which�natures are required and�e I�i each of theae�s sp�s. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what ths projscVroqusst sssks to aocomplish in eithar chronologi- cal order or ordsr of impoRance,wh�hsver fa most eppropriate for ths is�e. Oo not write oornplste�nterx�s. Bepin eech item in your Ilet wkh a verb. RECOMMENDATION8 Complste if the iswe in question has been preaeMed before am►body, public or ptivate. 3UPPORTS WHICH COIINCIL OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Coundl objsctive(s)your projecUroquest supports by liatin� the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONQMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aitustion or condidons that cr�ted a n�d for your proJect or requ�t. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED indicate whether this is simpy an annual bud�t proceduro required by law/ chartar or whsther there are epsciflc wa in which ths Gty of Ssint Paul and its citizsns will bsneftt irom thfs pro�ict/action. DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED Whet npative etfscts or major chanyes to exfating or past proceases mi�ht Mis project/requ�t produce H it is peseed(e.g..trafffc delays, noise, tax incrsa�s or es�samsrns)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED NVhat will be ths nepative oonsequsnces if the promieed action is not approved?Inabiliy to dslfver earvice?Continued hi�h treffic, noiae, accideM rate?Loss of revenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT Althouph you must taibr tt►m informatio�you provide hsre to ths issue you an addre�eing,in�aneral you must answer tMro queations: How much is k poirp to cost?Who is poing to pay?