98-512Council File # � S/2 Green Sheet # �� `,� 4RIG1NAl. Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office has served as a HUD-certified housing agency 2 for St. Paul residents of all incomes; and 3 WI�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling to 234 4 Saint Paul residents during 1997; and RTF�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office fiuther recognizes that budget counseling can facilitate HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention efforts; and 7 WHEREAS, 5aint Paul Housing Information Office's comprehensive housing counseling also includes explaining 8 the rights of tenants and landlords and working with the Saint Paul Police Depariment's FORCE unit, Ramsey 9 County Attorney's Office, and Ramsey County Housing Court to train landlords; and 10 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Housing Information O�ce also recognizes that housing mediation services can resolve I 1 housing disputes with less costs to owners and tenants; 12 BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Saint Paul Housing Information Office 13 to submit a housing counseling grant request to HUD for the purposes of providing mortgage fareclosure prevention 14 counseling, budget counseling, landlord tranring, and housing mediation services; and 15 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor's Aduiinistration 16 to execute the necessary grant agreements if HUD awards a housing counseling grant to the Saint Paul Housing 17 Information Office. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Reiter � 6 Z Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council etary By: Approved by May r: te �" l ` By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Form Appro ed 6y City Attome By: ��� � �-� Approv b yor f S mission to Council By: �.-. Requested by Department of: St Infoxmation ' `'�' � � 266-6000 FilicejJoe Collins S�Z9�9$ I GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� St2 m�n�mrowecime No 6017`7 � an�narotv ��� uira.cna _ ❑ auncw.amv�cesort ❑ w�xauamv�KCra � 1MYOR1aRAS9fi411n ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Saint Paul Housing Information Of£ice (HIO) requests City Council's authorization to submit a AUD housing counseling grant. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION LSONAL SERVlCE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q H25 thlS p¢ISOf�Ifl1 eYef WakEd U(MEf 8 COnStdU tof ihis tlepBtFmeill'7 VES NO Has this pereoNfirm ever been a ciry empwyee7 res nio Does tM1is persaMfirm poesess a sldll not noimallypobsesbetl by arry arteM city emPloyee7 YES NO I8 tliie person/firm e tarpMed vendorl YES NO Recently, HIID announced requests for housing counseling grant proposals. If awarded HUD funds, HIO can provide housing counseling services, such as mortgage foreclosure prevention, budget counseling, housing mediation services, and landlord training to Saint Paul residents HIO provides more housing counseling service to Saint Paul residents. C!g�dS�3J�Q�,���.�� ;. � ss. i None L _<__.- -.-_. �m c�o�u�nseling services will not be offered to Saint Paul residents. Also, HY0"`iS°' seeking alternative funding for HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling program as "-- ---'---`- t-- n_`__� .._n t.--'.. --_„ __.a a.._a..,. ,000_oo AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COST/REVENUfi BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� YES NO AcrryiTyNU��c GL-065-30131 GL-065-30136 iNFORMATION (FJ�LAIN) CITY O� SAINT PAUL Narm CoLemme, Mayor HOUSING INFORMATION OFFICE �� S � 2 Amy Filice, Acting Diseaar lso Cuy xou an,�r zerepao,�e: 612-266-6000 25 A'est FourUe SYreet Facsimile: 612-298-5054 Saint Paul, Minnesom SSIO2 MEMORANDUM To: � From: Re: Date: Norm Coleman, Mayor Amy Filice, Director of Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mayor's signature requested for Certifzcation of Consistency with the City Consolidated Plan - HIO's 1998 HUB Housing Counseling Grant. 3une 4,1998 HIO requests your signature certifying that HIO's 1998 Housing Counseling Grant proposal is consistent with the City's Consolidated Plan. As you may know, the City's Consolidated Plan has several sections which notes HIO's mission to serve Saint Paul residents of all incomes. Furthermore, HIO's proposal is an innovarive response to some barriers to Fair Housing choices, identified in the City's Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices, which submitted to HUD. With HUD funding, HIO will continue its mortgage foreclosure prevention program, administer a Housing Court Diversion Project (training landlords), and develop two pilot programs - a Housing Mediation project and budget counseling program. HIO must submit its HUD proposal by June 25. Given the timeliness of tYus proposal, I have attached HIO's working drafi proposal for your review. A resolution is also being drafted for Council authorization to submit HIO's proposal. If I can provide more information for your review, please call me at 266-6020. U.S. De artrnent of Housin � �� Certification of Consistency with a�d Urban Development 9 tne Consolidated Plan I certify Wat t6e pzoposed activifieslprojects in tl�e application are coasistent with the jurisd3ction's cursent, approved Coasolidaced Plan. (Type or clearly print t6e following information:) Applicant Name: Saint Paul Housing Information Office Pmject Name: _ St. Paul HousinQ Information Office's HousinQ Counseling Proposal Locacion of the Pmjecr. General service area — City of Saint Paul _special pilot service area for default counseling — Ramsey County Name of the Federal Program to which the applioant is applying: HUD Housine Counseling ProQram Grant Name of Certifying Jurisdic[ion: City of Sdint P8u1 Certifying Official of the Jurisdictioa Name: Title: Signature: Date: Norm Coleman C&A Page no: a ����T � ►� �8-SlZ Saint Paul Housing Information Office 1998 EIUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Introduction Since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO) has served as a HUD-certified housing counseling agency. HIO's mission is to assist people in finding, providing, and keeping housing in Saint Paul which helps promote personal stability, stable families, stable neighbarhoods, and a stable and prosperous Ciry. HIO's clients aze tenants, landlords, and homeowners. In 1947, HIO counseled 8078 citizens. Some of HIO's counseling services aze to: -- inform Saint Paul residettts of existing HUD and other rental opportuniries; -- identify emergency shelters serving HUD-eligible clients; -- explain tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities; -- explain city and state mortgage programs; and FHA and HUD-financing programs; -- assist city residents dislocated due to condemnaions for health and safety vialations; -- counsel H[JD-eligible clients regarding mortgage foreclosure prevention procedures -- provide crisis intervention counseling for utility shut-offs, and -- provide landlord training programs for new owners of rental property, owner-occupied rental properties such as duplexes, & landlords identified as owning nuisance properties. After serving HCTD for 17+ years, HIO is seeking innovative ways to serve the changing needs of HUD-eligible clients. HIO recognizes that many St Paul residents can not secure and keep affordable housing; homeowners in default are often in more dire financial cucumstances than previously; and some restrictive laws and rising legal costs often create disincentives for landlords to provide affordable housing. Consequently, HUD-eligible homeowners, tenants, and the landlords that serve them need new responsive housing counseling services. I998 HUD Housing Counselireg Proposal Reguest Responding to these housing issues which affect HUD clients, HIO proposes four programs and a computer upgrade project for 1998 H(JD Housing Counseling funding. I. II. III. N. V. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention (MFP) Project. (Currently funded by private foundation and state funds) Housing Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LISA) Housing Mediation and Dispute Resotution $udget Counseling Services Computer database and mapping capacity upgrade match Total: $41,652 ri, i iil $ 9, 467 $ 5,400 $ 7, D00 $73,SI9 Note: The LISA program, Housing 141ediation project, and computer upgrades represent one- time start-up expenses. Housing mediation and budget counseling are pilot programs. The existing private foundution financial support for the MFP Project ends during 1998. . �. � �t 98-s�z 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office I. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. Statement of Current Status - HIO's Default Counseling "In the last 10 yeats, the overall mortgage loan delinquency rates have decreased from 5.56°!o in 1986 to 4.33% in 1996.. However the delinquency rates for FHA and VA-insured loans, taken out prnnarily by families and individuals of modest means, have increased. In 1986, FHA and VA delinquency rates were 7.16% and 6.58%, respectively. By 1996 the rates have increased to 8.05% for FHA and b.75% for VA loans."' Even during these economic boom times, many families continue to face the threat of mortgage foreclosures. People experiencing unexpected health problems, job loss, family deaths, divorce, and natural disaster often also experience mortgage problems. During the first 100 working days of 1998, HIO received 105 initial requests for default counseling by Saint Paul residents. Through a collaborative effort with the Family Housing Fund and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, HIO has access to emergency loan funds available for reinstating mor[gages (Loans are interest free "due-on-sale" loans.). From October 1996 through December 1997, HIO provided intensive default counseling to more than 94 HiJD-eligible clients who reside in Saint Paul (See: HLTD-9902) The average cost for a mortgage foreclosure prevention loan was $3,300 In comparison, with a FHA mortgage foreclosure, a11 interested parties incur a combined loss of $73,300 - or over 22 times the auerage cost of prevenrion. For a foreclosed privately ansured conventional mortgage, the combined losses are about $26,600 - ar approximately eight times the costs of prevention. Homeowners-in-default often haue complicated circumstances surrounding the default. Most lender perforxn loss mitigation, but these services often lack a housing counseling component that addresses the overall issues of the homeowner. One-on-one counseling is time consuming and expensive, but the societal costs of providing emergency housing to homeowners-in-default, as well as time lost from a job, etc., often outweighs the costs of this type of crisis-intervenrion . In addition to mortgage default counseling, HIO staff has identified intensive budget counseling as an extremely helpful tool for default clients. (See proposal N- Budget Counseling.) 'Ana Moreno, "Preventing Mortgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective?" Northwest Re�ort. a newsletter ofthe NorthwestArea Foundation. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 5. Z Ana Moreno, Preventing Martgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective? Northwest Report. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 7-8. (Northwest Foundation evaluated the effectiveness of the Mnmesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. The study focused on data from two of the participating Twin Cities agencies: the Northside Residents Redevelopment Council and the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO).) 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program (continued) HIO's long term mortgage counseling experience RATING FACTOR 1 10 ',S/2 As a HUD-certified agency, HIO has recognized that effective default counseling stabilizes neighborhoods by stabilizing HCTD families. Over the past eighteen years, HIO has worked with HUD homeowners to assess their immediate needs, evaluate their options, and providing in-depth counseling. Additionally, HIO has a successful work experience in securing private and public emergency funds to assist eligible homeowners solve their housing problems. I998 HUD��nosal: HIO Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program* HIO proposes tn continue pravdding default counseling to HUD clients or HUD- eligible clients. HUD Funding Reyuest: Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program 4$ 1• b52 (* Private foundation support for HIO current default counseling program ends in 1998.) Trained Staf,f �'� Trained staff is essential in providing mortgage foreclosure prevendon counseling. Currently, Barb Carr and Bobbi Leviton, HIO staff inembers, provide mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling. Barb Carr has extensive real estate training. She has attended the Minnesota Bar Associafion's 1997 Real Estate Institute and graduated from the Realtor Institute sponsored by the St. Paul Area Board of Realtors. In 1997, Bobbi Leviton received extensive training on I3UD-sponsored Loss Mitigation procedures as well as she attended several training sessions sponsored by the Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Association. Future coltaboratioxs In addition to City residents, suburban county residents frequently request mortgage foreclosure prevention assistance from HIO. In response to these increasing requests, HIO met with Ramsey County officials regarding a pilot default counseling proposal utilizing county AOME loan funds. During July 1998, HIO will submit a default counseling proposal to serve counry residents. Consequently, HUD funds are even more essential as HIO tries to meet the expanding demand for default counseling. (** See Appendix A: Housing Counseling Work Experience - HIO staf� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITD Housing Counseling Grant � � � �. II. Housing Court Diversion Projec& "Land[ord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LfSA) ProjecP' Current conditiorts: The City's 2°/a rental vacancy rate often forces HUD clients attd HIJD-eligible clients to seek fND-subsidized housing and affordable housing opportunities. Throughout the years, their needs have not abated. Simply, this long-stagnant rental housing mazket prohibits many HIJD- eligible residents securing safe affordable housing. Moreover, illegal drug activity in apartment buildings often e�irpates law-abiding HITD-eligible clients from "affordable" but "problem properties." City of Saint Paul aggressively seeks to control problem properties. First, the City condemns mulri-unit properties for violative health code conditions or deteriorated housing conditions resulting from illegal drug activiries. Second, the City aggressively demolishes blighted vacant housing. Third, the City actively enforces its nuisance laws to protubit behavioral problems, such as illegal drug activities, loud parties, and fighring. However, these enforcement methods nnpose economic hardships on landlords, who can provide affordable housing opportunities in the City. Further, the condemnations of multi-unit buildings ertacerbate the affordable housing crisis currently facing the City. On the other hand, many landlords lack the necessary skills to properly manage their buildings, especially if illicit drug activity occurs in the building. 1998 HUD pronosal: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LIS.4� HIO proposes the Housing Court diversion project, an innovative housing counseling program to train landlards, identffied by the Saint Paul Police Department's FORCE unit, (anti-drug police unit) or the Ramsey County Attorney's Offzce. HIO will provide 6-8 landlord training sessions with 35-4D landlords attending these evening sessions. HIO ad»xinisters these training sessions. Together, HIO, Saint Pau[ Police, and Ramsey CountyAttorney train the landlords to combat illegal drug activities within their buildings. Moreover, HIO and SL Paut Human RighYs Office can use LISA to educate landlords about FAIR Housing. . HZ/D Funding Reguest: 0 00 The Saint Paul Housing Information Office requests HUD to fr�nd Housing Court Diversion Project Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LLSA), as a pflot program, in the amount of $10, 0a0. i - i � r �� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITI) Housing Counseling Grant Housing Court Diversion Project: LI5A Imnlementafion (Continued) HIO will administer the Landlord Instrucrion Sentencing Alternative program (I.ISA) as a proactive response to nuisance properties. Implementing this pilot program can improve housing conditions, reduce housing code violations, educate property owners, and enhance public safety. As a court diversionary tool, the LISA program has a four-fold ob}ective. First, Housing Court Referees "divert" housing code violators to landlord training classes as an altemative sentencing. Second, landlords learn to properly manage rental properiy and comply with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. Third, proper rental management promotes safe housing for IiUD-eligible clients, including Section 8 recipients. Fourth, prosecuting attorneys can better focus on more serious criminal violations. HIO will work collaboratively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anti-drug unit). Housing court referees or prosecuting attomeys identify health code violators eligible for this housing court diversion project. Program attendance will comprise of health code violators mandatorily sentenced to these landlard training sessions or required by their plea negotiations. Otherwise, the City's Code Enforcement Divisions and the Police Deparhnent's anti-drug unit will encourage landlord participation in LISA as a proacrive intervenrion before rental properties aze declared nuisance properties. In 1998, the County Attorney staff will provide 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attendang a four hour evening session. Landlords like this program, even request more training. However, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers future programs, as the program operation is labor-intensive. Finally, while the demand for landlord training is increasing, the state funding ends in 1498. If HUD funding is approved, LISA wdll be an innovative way to combat illegal drug activity nccurring in restdential properlies while still maintaining affordable hausing for HUD- eligible cdients. � �9t S/2 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal III. Housing CounselingMediation Project Problem Statement The 5aint Paul Housing Information Office daily receives calls about tenantllandlord concerns and conflicts. These housing concerns are often the results of poor communicarion and lack of trust between the tenant and the landlord and a lack of understanding of both tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities. Subsequently, housing court must resolve many of these housing disputes. No matter who wins, this traditional method of resolving a housing concern is costly in terms of money and loss of housing stability. As alternative dispute resolution, housing mediation services can rebuild the trust and communication necessary for tenant and landlords to maintain good affordable housing situations. Before filing a court action, mediation allows the parties to "speak to each other" about their problems. Subsequently, the parties can create their own housing solutions, which may require other supplemental community services. As an example, the tenant may maintain the properry for lower rent, or the landlord may execute a long term rental agreement if the tenant accepts budget counseling. Mediation can help the parties renew their rental relationslup. This project allows Saint Paul to support landlords in the business of providing affordable housing and to support tenants trying to maintain their access to good affordable housing. I998 HUD �ropnsal: HIO Housing Mediation Project. HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, who have unlawful detainers or other tenant/landlord concerns. HID will offer mediation services to tandlords and tenants involved with Section 8 progra»xs, other public housing progra»rs, other HUD assisted housing programs, and other Saint Paul landlards and tenants fiting actions with the Ramsey County Housing Courx As a pilot program, HIO will train existing staff in mediation techniques and mediate 20 disputes during the I998 HUD funding periorL FiI/D Funding Reguest: Housing Mediation project $ 9,467* (*This pilot program has one-time trainiug eapenses.) 98- S/t 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATIl�G FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office IV. Budget Counseting As a HI7D certified agency for 17+ years, HIO believes that budget counseling can greaUy enhance a housing counseling program. HIO strongly believes that many HUD- eligible tenants or HUD homeowners need " hands-on" budget counseling to resolve their housing problems. Typically, HIO clients can be currently refeaed to other agencies for one session of budget counseling, but HIO counselors see a greater need for, on-going budget counseling services for clients, which would allow clients to leam and practice new money handling habits. This project would allow HIO to purchase budget counseling services which are tailored to a specific clients needs. 1948 HUD�roposal: HIO Budget Counse[ing HIO proposes to purchase "hands-ott" budget counseling services for 20-25 HUII clients - tenants or homeowners. HUD Funding Request: Budgel Counseling $5,400 �' ' � i I ' � ' 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office Y. HIO Cvmputer Database and Mapping Capaciry Upgrades HIO maintains client files with the assistauce of a computer program which was developed for the office appro�mately nine years ago. While it is still fimctioning adequately as an "electronic filing cabineY' in allowing access to historical client data and notes, HIO is no longer able to access the data effectively as a database and is having great difficulty in obtaining professional backup services to work in the original program language. Through daily interacfion with clients, HIO counselors really have a"finger on the pulse" of housing issues in Saint Paul. HIO would like to translate ttris general flow of housing information into regular reporting of housing trends, hot issues, and geographic demand for services to elected officials for informational purposes and to help inform housing policy decisions. The computer upgrades would allow HIO to build their client files off a newly upgraded city address file maintained by the licensing and inspection department. This interconnection would allow literal mapping of housing issues, and the new program would allow HIO to easily develop a database of housing issues from the client files which wouid feed direcdy into reports. 1998 HUD pronosal: HIO Computer Ca��cid�Ungrade Match HIO requests $7, 00� for computer capacity upgrades with database and mapping capacity which can be used to track and report on housing issues and trends. Iffunded, HIO will provide a$7, DDO match. HUD Fuxdin��e�uest: Computer Capacity Upgracle Match: �7,OOQ � �8-S/2. 1998 HUD Housing Counseling Proposal. Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendia A RATING FACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/Trainiag Experience - HIO staff All HIO housing counselors work with HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients. In addition to these services, the HIO staff have other duries. The following is a list of the HIO counseling staff and any training received in the last two yeazs: STEVE RICB, HOL3SING COiJNSELOR (1981 - current) In addition to providing housing counseling services to City of Saint Paul residents, DUTIES also include: --Staff person, Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Boazd --City Prograzu Administrator for the Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Grant --Boazd member to Family Homeless Assistance and Prevention Program Board TRAINING: --Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Training --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classificariott Program* (* tax classificarion for lower-income rental housing including Section 8 buildings), Minnesota Mulri-Housing Association BARB CARR, HOUSING COUNSELOR DUTIES also include: --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training, Saint Paul Community Education TRAINING (1989- current) --Graduate Realtor Insritute (G.R.I.), National Association of Realtors --Fair Aousing Seminar, Realtor Association --1997 Real Estate Institute, Minnesota Bar Association --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tas Classification Program,* MN Multi-Housing Association DARRELL SPEARS, HOUSING COUNSELOR DiJTIES also include: (1996- current) --Assistant Program Administrator, Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Graut Loan Committee member, Mclmight Foundation Family Loan Program --HIO representarive, Housing LINK program (pilot project, as part of the Hol an settlement, to develop a central clearinghouse for affordable housing) TRAINING --Section S Certificate and Housing Voucher Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, 4/98 --Minnesota 4(d) Pmperry Tas Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n, 1/98 9�-5�2. 1998 FIUD Housing Counseling ProposaL Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendix A RATING k'ACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/T'raining Ex�►erience - HIO staff JOSEPH COLLINS, HOUSING COLJNSELOR 7anuazy 1998 - current DUTTES also include: --Project Manager, Mortgage Forecloswe Prevention Program TRARIING: --Training within the last two yeazs included working as: City Council Legislarive Assistant, and appointed Saint Paul City Councilmember --4th year law student, Williatn Mitchell College of Law --Minnesota 4(d) Property Ta�c Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n. 1!9'7 JAI�IICE SMITH, HOUSING COUNSELOR June 1977 - current DUTIES also include: --Coordinator, District Council outreach program --Boazd Member, Heat Share Board (East metro NSP emergency energy assistance) --Boazd Member, Liberty Plaza Housing, a HUD subsidized housing development TRAINING --Section 8 Certificate Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency --Loss Mitigation training, Housing and Urban Development. —Mortgage prevention training, Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Associarion (MMFPA) --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classification Program, MHA, 1/97 BOBBI LEVITAN, HOI3SING COITNSELOR September 1993 - current DUTIFS also include --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training for owners of duplex to fourplex rental properties, --Writer, TenanUlandlord handbook TRAINING --Credit and Legal Issues Training, MN Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Ass'n, 8/97. --HUD Loss Mitigation Training, HUD staff from Washington D.C. and Minnesota, July 1997. --AARP1HiJD HECM Basic Satellite Training (reverse mortgage), HUD and the American Association of Retired Persons, June 1997. --1997 Flood Disaster Relief! Default Counseling Traiiung, MI3FA, 5f97. --FHA Loss Mirigation Procedures and Contracts for Deed, MNIFPA, 4/97. --Soiving the Foreclosure Puzzle, NIl�PA, September 1996 (received certification). --Designing Questionnaires, Ciry of Saint Paul - Office of Human Resources, 5/96. --Home Stretch Trainiug for Housing Counselors, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, 4/96. --Cultural Sensitivity Training, African American Family Services, 6l96. --Crime Free Multi-Housing Program - Management Traiivng, Saint Paul Police Department, 3anuary 1996. --Financial Management for Limited Incomes Training Conference, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota, May 1994. � y8-siL Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office (HIO) RATING FACTOR 2 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal Housing Counseling - Current program funded by Ci ,tYBndget includin� CDBG funds. Saint Paul's Consolidated Plan notes HIO as providing "fair housing and counseling services to city residents." 3 HIO advocates for Saint Paul residents while disseminating information regarding financial assistance, govemmental prograins, and community resources available to HUA clients and HUD-eligible clients. In 1997, HIO counseled 8078 citizens regarding HUD rental opportunities', emergency shelters tenant and landlord rights, FAIR Housing regulations, city & state mortgage programs, FHA, & HUD-fivancing programs, code-enforced relocation assistauce, and utility shut-offs. 1998 Pro ,nosal De�'ault Counselinr� currently funded by city, state, and private funds Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided default counseling to 94 homeowners, during October 1 1996-September 30, 1997 (See: I3CID-9902). 40 homeowners brought the mortgages current using HIO counseling and HIO's home loan assistance. Additionally,l7 homeowners secured forbearance agreements. The need has not abated. During the first five months of 199$, 105 homeowners requested default counseling. To resolve mortgage foreclosure problems, HIO interviews the homeowners, evaluates their mortgage default situations, and idemifies needed community resources. Moreover, ffiO combines community resources, such as Family Service, Ramsey County Co�ununity Services, and St. Pau1 Foundarion, and loss xnitigafion procedures to create forbeazance agreements. Additionally, HIO secured $8Q,000 for homeowner loan assistance - emergency funds to cure default - by collaborating with the Family Housing Fund, Saint Paul HRA and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Consequently, many homeowners cure mortgage defaults by using their own funds and "leveraging" HIO funds with other emergency funds as needed. Currently the ciry, state, and a private foundation funds HIO's default counseling program. The foundation funds support "start-up" activities. Thus, funds will be needed to guarantee a long- term default counseling. ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Consolidated Plan and Submission. (April 1995). Saint Paul Housing Information Office, Project ID. #30, Local Code 61108. ° ["HIO] provides housing refemals to individuals and families who aze seeking housing or losing their housing." Consolidated Plan. § 41.205. S HIO staffs the City's Overnight Shelter Boazd and monitors T3UD's Emergency Shelter Graut while daily providing emergency housing information to AUD-eligible clients. Consolidated Plan.§91.210. 6 The Mortgage Foreclosure Prevenrion Program is part of the City's Housing Action Program, Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; §91.216(c}(1) Strategy for helping low-income families avoid being homeless. j'� 98•Sia w� Budget Counseling- current[y not funded by HIO. As a pilot project, "hands-on" budget counseling could greatly enhance a default counseling program by reaching those homeowners who are not financially prepared to cure a mortgage default. Furthermore, budget counseling encourages family stability by promoting fiscal responsibility. Simply speaking, many HUD-eligible tenants and HLTD homeowners need continual "hands-on" budget counseling because financial instability is a major barrier to affordable housing. Housin�Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LISAL st¢te funding ends in 1998 HIO warks collaborafively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County AUorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anU-drug unit) to address "problem-properties." As a proactive response, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office administers LISA to train landlords idenrified as owning problem properties. The program goal's are improving housing conditions, enhancing public safety, and stabilizing neighborhoods by training landlords about proper rental management procedures, including compliance with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. With the city's 2% vacancy rate, LISA has become even more critical. Many HUD-eligible clients can not find adequate housing, and LISA can preserve the city's affordable housing stock'. In 1998, HIO and the County Attorney staffprovided 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attending each session. While the demand for landlord training increases, state funding ends in 1998. Consequently, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers this stafF intensive program. Housing Mediation project- pilot program - not currentlyfunded As a pilot project, HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, HUD-assisted housing properties, private Saint Paul landlords, and tenants and landlord filing with Ramsey Counry Housing Court. During the 1998 HUD funding period, ffiO will train six housing counselors as qualified mediators to mediate 20 disputes. If this pilot program is successful, then HIO will consider continuing such services. In the Consolidated Plan, the City recognizes many barriers to affordable housing. HUD- eligible clients often become homeless because their special housing needs are not met. On the other hand, the Housing Mediation Project can promote stable affordable housing for HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients by facilitating tenant and landlord relationships. Simply, mediation facilitates communication and mast building necessary for the landlord and tenant to resolve their dispute. � Improving rental housing management and effectively enforcing housing code to reduce negative conditions of rental housing aze listed priorifies of the City's Housing Action Plan. Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; Housing affordability is a growing concern. Analysis of Im�diments to Fair Aousing Choice, City of Saint Paul, April 1996. Council File # � S/2 Green Sheet # �� `,� 4RIG1NAl. Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office has served as a HUD-certified housing agency 2 for St. Paul residents of all incomes; and 3 WI�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling to 234 4 Saint Paul residents during 1997; and RTF�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office fiuther recognizes that budget counseling can facilitate HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention efforts; and 7 WHEREAS, 5aint Paul Housing Information Office's comprehensive housing counseling also includes explaining 8 the rights of tenants and landlords and working with the Saint Paul Police Depariment's FORCE unit, Ramsey 9 County Attorney's Office, and Ramsey County Housing Court to train landlords; and 10 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Housing Information O�ce also recognizes that housing mediation services can resolve I 1 housing disputes with less costs to owners and tenants; 12 BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Saint Paul Housing Information Office 13 to submit a housing counseling grant request to HUD for the purposes of providing mortgage fareclosure prevention 14 counseling, budget counseling, landlord tranring, and housing mediation services; and 15 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor's Aduiinistration 16 to execute the necessary grant agreements if HUD awards a housing counseling grant to the Saint Paul Housing 17 Information Office. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Reiter � 6 Z Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council etary By: Approved by May r: te �" l ` By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Form Appro ed 6y City Attome By: ��� � �-� Approv b yor f S mission to Council By: �.-. Requested by Department of: St Infoxmation ' `'�' � � 266-6000 FilicejJoe Collins S�Z9�9$ I GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� St2 m�n�mrowecime No 6017`7 � an�narotv ��� uira.cna _ ❑ auncw.amv�cesort ❑ w�xauamv�KCra � 1MYOR1aRAS9fi411n ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Saint Paul Housing Information Of£ice (HIO) requests City Council's authorization to submit a AUD housing counseling grant. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION LSONAL SERVlCE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q H25 thlS p¢ISOf�Ifl1 eYef WakEd U(MEf 8 COnStdU tof ihis tlepBtFmeill'7 VES NO Has this pereoNfirm ever been a ciry empwyee7 res nio Does tM1is persaMfirm poesess a sldll not noimallypobsesbetl by arry arteM city emPloyee7 YES NO I8 tliie person/firm e tarpMed vendorl YES NO Recently, HIID announced requests for housing counseling grant proposals. If awarded HUD funds, HIO can provide housing counseling services, such as mortgage foreclosure prevention, budget counseling, housing mediation services, and landlord training to Saint Paul residents HIO provides more housing counseling service to Saint Paul residents. C!g�dS�3J�Q�,���.�� ;. � ss. i None L _<__.- -.-_. �m c�o�u�nseling services will not be offered to Saint Paul residents. Also, HY0"`iS°' seeking alternative funding for HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling program as "-- ---'---`- t-- n_`__� .._n t.--'.. --_„ __.a a.._a..,. ,000_oo AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COST/REVENUfi BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� YES NO AcrryiTyNU��c GL-065-30131 GL-065-30136 iNFORMATION (FJ�LAIN) CITY O� SAINT PAUL Narm CoLemme, Mayor HOUSING INFORMATION OFFICE �� S � 2 Amy Filice, Acting Diseaar lso Cuy xou an,�r zerepao,�e: 612-266-6000 25 A'est FourUe SYreet Facsimile: 612-298-5054 Saint Paul, Minnesom SSIO2 MEMORANDUM To: � From: Re: Date: Norm Coleman, Mayor Amy Filice, Director of Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mayor's signature requested for Certifzcation of Consistency with the City Consolidated Plan - HIO's 1998 HUB Housing Counseling Grant. 3une 4,1998 HIO requests your signature certifying that HIO's 1998 Housing Counseling Grant proposal is consistent with the City's Consolidated Plan. As you may know, the City's Consolidated Plan has several sections which notes HIO's mission to serve Saint Paul residents of all incomes. Furthermore, HIO's proposal is an innovarive response to some barriers to Fair Housing choices, identified in the City's Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices, which submitted to HUD. With HUD funding, HIO will continue its mortgage foreclosure prevention program, administer a Housing Court Diversion Project (training landlords), and develop two pilot programs - a Housing Mediation project and budget counseling program. HIO must submit its HUD proposal by June 25. Given the timeliness of tYus proposal, I have attached HIO's working drafi proposal for your review. A resolution is also being drafted for Council authorization to submit HIO's proposal. If I can provide more information for your review, please call me at 266-6020. U.S. De artrnent of Housin � �� Certification of Consistency with a�d Urban Development 9 tne Consolidated Plan I certify Wat t6e pzoposed activifieslprojects in tl�e application are coasistent with the jurisd3ction's cursent, approved Coasolidaced Plan. (Type or clearly print t6e following information:) Applicant Name: Saint Paul Housing Information Office Pmject Name: _ St. Paul HousinQ Information Office's HousinQ Counseling Proposal Locacion of the Pmjecr. General service area — City of Saint Paul _special pilot service area for default counseling — Ramsey County Name of the Federal Program to which the applioant is applying: HUD Housine Counseling ProQram Grant Name of Certifying Jurisdic[ion: City of Sdint P8u1 Certifying Official of the Jurisdictioa Name: Title: Signature: Date: Norm Coleman C&A Page no: a ����T � ►� �8-SlZ Saint Paul Housing Information Office 1998 EIUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Introduction Since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO) has served as a HUD-certified housing counseling agency. HIO's mission is to assist people in finding, providing, and keeping housing in Saint Paul which helps promote personal stability, stable families, stable neighbarhoods, and a stable and prosperous Ciry. HIO's clients aze tenants, landlords, and homeowners. In 1947, HIO counseled 8078 citizens. Some of HIO's counseling services aze to: -- inform Saint Paul residettts of existing HUD and other rental opportuniries; -- identify emergency shelters serving HUD-eligible clients; -- explain tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities; -- explain city and state mortgage programs; and FHA and HUD-financing programs; -- assist city residents dislocated due to condemnaions for health and safety vialations; -- counsel H[JD-eligible clients regarding mortgage foreclosure prevention procedures -- provide crisis intervention counseling for utility shut-offs, and -- provide landlord training programs for new owners of rental property, owner-occupied rental properties such as duplexes, & landlords identified as owning nuisance properties. After serving HCTD for 17+ years, HIO is seeking innovative ways to serve the changing needs of HUD-eligible clients. HIO recognizes that many St Paul residents can not secure and keep affordable housing; homeowners in default are often in more dire financial cucumstances than previously; and some restrictive laws and rising legal costs often create disincentives for landlords to provide affordable housing. Consequently, HUD-eligible homeowners, tenants, and the landlords that serve them need new responsive housing counseling services. I998 HUD Housing Counselireg Proposal Reguest Responding to these housing issues which affect HUD clients, HIO proposes four programs and a computer upgrade project for 1998 H(JD Housing Counseling funding. I. II. III. N. V. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention (MFP) Project. (Currently funded by private foundation and state funds) Housing Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LISA) Housing Mediation and Dispute Resotution $udget Counseling Services Computer database and mapping capacity upgrade match Total: $41,652 ri, i iil $ 9, 467 $ 5,400 $ 7, D00 $73,SI9 Note: The LISA program, Housing 141ediation project, and computer upgrades represent one- time start-up expenses. Housing mediation and budget counseling are pilot programs. The existing private foundution financial support for the MFP Project ends during 1998. . �. � �t 98-s�z 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office I. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. Statement of Current Status - HIO's Default Counseling "In the last 10 yeats, the overall mortgage loan delinquency rates have decreased from 5.56°!o in 1986 to 4.33% in 1996.. However the delinquency rates for FHA and VA-insured loans, taken out prnnarily by families and individuals of modest means, have increased. In 1986, FHA and VA delinquency rates were 7.16% and 6.58%, respectively. By 1996 the rates have increased to 8.05% for FHA and b.75% for VA loans."' Even during these economic boom times, many families continue to face the threat of mortgage foreclosures. People experiencing unexpected health problems, job loss, family deaths, divorce, and natural disaster often also experience mortgage problems. During the first 100 working days of 1998, HIO received 105 initial requests for default counseling by Saint Paul residents. Through a collaborative effort with the Family Housing Fund and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, HIO has access to emergency loan funds available for reinstating mor[gages (Loans are interest free "due-on-sale" loans.). From October 1996 through December 1997, HIO provided intensive default counseling to more than 94 HiJD-eligible clients who reside in Saint Paul (See: HLTD-9902) The average cost for a mortgage foreclosure prevention loan was $3,300 In comparison, with a FHA mortgage foreclosure, a11 interested parties incur a combined loss of $73,300 - or over 22 times the auerage cost of prevenrion. For a foreclosed privately ansured conventional mortgage, the combined losses are about $26,600 - ar approximately eight times the costs of prevention. Homeowners-in-default often haue complicated circumstances surrounding the default. Most lender perforxn loss mitigation, but these services often lack a housing counseling component that addresses the overall issues of the homeowner. One-on-one counseling is time consuming and expensive, but the societal costs of providing emergency housing to homeowners-in-default, as well as time lost from a job, etc., often outweighs the costs of this type of crisis-intervenrion . In addition to mortgage default counseling, HIO staff has identified intensive budget counseling as an extremely helpful tool for default clients. (See proposal N- Budget Counseling.) 'Ana Moreno, "Preventing Mortgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective?" Northwest Re�ort. a newsletter ofthe NorthwestArea Foundation. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 5. Z Ana Moreno, Preventing Martgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective? Northwest Report. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 7-8. (Northwest Foundation evaluated the effectiveness of the Mnmesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. The study focused on data from two of the participating Twin Cities agencies: the Northside Residents Redevelopment Council and the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO).) 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program (continued) HIO's long term mortgage counseling experience RATING FACTOR 1 10 ',S/2 As a HUD-certified agency, HIO has recognized that effective default counseling stabilizes neighborhoods by stabilizing HCTD families. Over the past eighteen years, HIO has worked with HUD homeowners to assess their immediate needs, evaluate their options, and providing in-depth counseling. Additionally, HIO has a successful work experience in securing private and public emergency funds to assist eligible homeowners solve their housing problems. I998 HUD��nosal: HIO Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program* HIO proposes tn continue pravdding default counseling to HUD clients or HUD- eligible clients. HUD Funding Reyuest: Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program 4$ 1• b52 (* Private foundation support for HIO current default counseling program ends in 1998.) Trained Staf,f �'� Trained staff is essential in providing mortgage foreclosure prevendon counseling. Currently, Barb Carr and Bobbi Leviton, HIO staff inembers, provide mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling. Barb Carr has extensive real estate training. She has attended the Minnesota Bar Associafion's 1997 Real Estate Institute and graduated from the Realtor Institute sponsored by the St. Paul Area Board of Realtors. In 1997, Bobbi Leviton received extensive training on I3UD-sponsored Loss Mitigation procedures as well as she attended several training sessions sponsored by the Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Association. Future coltaboratioxs In addition to City residents, suburban county residents frequently request mortgage foreclosure prevention assistance from HIO. In response to these increasing requests, HIO met with Ramsey County officials regarding a pilot default counseling proposal utilizing county AOME loan funds. During July 1998, HIO will submit a default counseling proposal to serve counry residents. Consequently, HUD funds are even more essential as HIO tries to meet the expanding demand for default counseling. (** See Appendix A: Housing Counseling Work Experience - HIO staf� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITD Housing Counseling Grant � � � �. II. Housing Court Diversion Projec& "Land[ord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LfSA) ProjecP' Current conditiorts: The City's 2°/a rental vacancy rate often forces HUD clients attd HIJD-eligible clients to seek fND-subsidized housing and affordable housing opportunities. Throughout the years, their needs have not abated. Simply, this long-stagnant rental housing mazket prohibits many HIJD- eligible residents securing safe affordable housing. Moreover, illegal drug activity in apartment buildings often e�irpates law-abiding HITD-eligible clients from "affordable" but "problem properties." City of Saint Paul aggressively seeks to control problem properties. First, the City condemns mulri-unit properties for violative health code conditions or deteriorated housing conditions resulting from illegal drug activiries. Second, the City aggressively demolishes blighted vacant housing. Third, the City actively enforces its nuisance laws to protubit behavioral problems, such as illegal drug activities, loud parties, and fighring. However, these enforcement methods nnpose economic hardships on landlords, who can provide affordable housing opportunities in the City. Further, the condemnations of multi-unit buildings ertacerbate the affordable housing crisis currently facing the City. On the other hand, many landlords lack the necessary skills to properly manage their buildings, especially if illicit drug activity occurs in the building. 1998 HUD pronosal: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LIS.4� HIO proposes the Housing Court diversion project, an innovative housing counseling program to train landlards, identffied by the Saint Paul Police Department's FORCE unit, (anti-drug police unit) or the Ramsey County Attorney's Offzce. HIO will provide 6-8 landlord training sessions with 35-4D landlords attending these evening sessions. HIO ad»xinisters these training sessions. Together, HIO, Saint Pau[ Police, and Ramsey CountyAttorney train the landlords to combat illegal drug activities within their buildings. Moreover, HIO and SL Paut Human RighYs Office can use LISA to educate landlords about FAIR Housing. . HZ/D Funding Reguest: 0 00 The Saint Paul Housing Information Office requests HUD to fr�nd Housing Court Diversion Project Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LLSA), as a pflot program, in the amount of $10, 0a0. i - i � r �� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITI) Housing Counseling Grant Housing Court Diversion Project: LI5A Imnlementafion (Continued) HIO will administer the Landlord Instrucrion Sentencing Alternative program (I.ISA) as a proactive response to nuisance properties. Implementing this pilot program can improve housing conditions, reduce housing code violations, educate property owners, and enhance public safety. As a court diversionary tool, the LISA program has a four-fold ob}ective. First, Housing Court Referees "divert" housing code violators to landlord training classes as an altemative sentencing. Second, landlords learn to properly manage rental properiy and comply with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. Third, proper rental management promotes safe housing for IiUD-eligible clients, including Section 8 recipients. Fourth, prosecuting attorneys can better focus on more serious criminal violations. HIO will work collaboratively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anti-drug unit). Housing court referees or prosecuting attomeys identify health code violators eligible for this housing court diversion project. Program attendance will comprise of health code violators mandatorily sentenced to these landlard training sessions or required by their plea negotiations. Otherwise, the City's Code Enforcement Divisions and the Police Deparhnent's anti-drug unit will encourage landlord participation in LISA as a proacrive intervenrion before rental properties aze declared nuisance properties. In 1998, the County Attorney staff will provide 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attendang a four hour evening session. Landlords like this program, even request more training. However, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers future programs, as the program operation is labor-intensive. Finally, while the demand for landlord training is increasing, the state funding ends in 1498. If HUD funding is approved, LISA wdll be an innovative way to combat illegal drug activity nccurring in restdential properlies while still maintaining affordable hausing for HUD- eligible cdients. � �9t S/2 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal III. Housing CounselingMediation Project Problem Statement The 5aint Paul Housing Information Office daily receives calls about tenantllandlord concerns and conflicts. These housing concerns are often the results of poor communicarion and lack of trust between the tenant and the landlord and a lack of understanding of both tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities. Subsequently, housing court must resolve many of these housing disputes. No matter who wins, this traditional method of resolving a housing concern is costly in terms of money and loss of housing stability. As alternative dispute resolution, housing mediation services can rebuild the trust and communication necessary for tenant and landlords to maintain good affordable housing situations. Before filing a court action, mediation allows the parties to "speak to each other" about their problems. Subsequently, the parties can create their own housing solutions, which may require other supplemental community services. As an example, the tenant may maintain the properry for lower rent, or the landlord may execute a long term rental agreement if the tenant accepts budget counseling. Mediation can help the parties renew their rental relationslup. This project allows Saint Paul to support landlords in the business of providing affordable housing and to support tenants trying to maintain their access to good affordable housing. I998 HUD �ropnsal: HIO Housing Mediation Project. HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, who have unlawful detainers or other tenant/landlord concerns. HID will offer mediation services to tandlords and tenants involved with Section 8 progra»xs, other public housing progra»rs, other HUD assisted housing programs, and other Saint Paul landlards and tenants fiting actions with the Ramsey County Housing Courx As a pilot program, HIO will train existing staff in mediation techniques and mediate 20 disputes during the I998 HUD funding periorL FiI/D Funding Reguest: Housing Mediation project $ 9,467* (*This pilot program has one-time trainiug eapenses.) 98- S/t 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATIl�G FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office IV. Budget Counseting As a HI7D certified agency for 17+ years, HIO believes that budget counseling can greaUy enhance a housing counseling program. HIO strongly believes that many HUD- eligible tenants or HUD homeowners need " hands-on" budget counseling to resolve their housing problems. Typically, HIO clients can be currently refeaed to other agencies for one session of budget counseling, but HIO counselors see a greater need for, on-going budget counseling services for clients, which would allow clients to leam and practice new money handling habits. This project would allow HIO to purchase budget counseling services which are tailored to a specific clients needs. 1948 HUD�roposal: HIO Budget Counse[ing HIO proposes to purchase "hands-ott" budget counseling services for 20-25 HUII clients - tenants or homeowners. HUD Funding Request: Budgel Counseling $5,400 �' ' � i I ' � ' 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office Y. HIO Cvmputer Database and Mapping Capaciry Upgrades HIO maintains client files with the assistauce of a computer program which was developed for the office appro�mately nine years ago. While it is still fimctioning adequately as an "electronic filing cabineY' in allowing access to historical client data and notes, HIO is no longer able to access the data effectively as a database and is having great difficulty in obtaining professional backup services to work in the original program language. Through daily interacfion with clients, HIO counselors really have a"finger on the pulse" of housing issues in Saint Paul. HIO would like to translate ttris general flow of housing information into regular reporting of housing trends, hot issues, and geographic demand for services to elected officials for informational purposes and to help inform housing policy decisions. The computer upgrades would allow HIO to build their client files off a newly upgraded city address file maintained by the licensing and inspection department. This interconnection would allow literal mapping of housing issues, and the new program would allow HIO to easily develop a database of housing issues from the client files which wouid feed direcdy into reports. 1998 HUD pronosal: HIO Computer Ca��cid�Ungrade Match HIO requests $7, 00� for computer capacity upgrades with database and mapping capacity which can be used to track and report on housing issues and trends. Iffunded, HIO will provide a$7, DDO match. HUD Fuxdin��e�uest: Computer Capacity Upgracle Match: �7,OOQ � �8-S/2. 1998 HUD Housing Counseling Proposal. Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendia A RATING FACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/Trainiag Experience - HIO staff All HIO housing counselors work with HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients. In addition to these services, the HIO staff have other duries. The following is a list of the HIO counseling staff and any training received in the last two yeazs: STEVE RICB, HOL3SING COiJNSELOR (1981 - current) In addition to providing housing counseling services to City of Saint Paul residents, DUTIES also include: --Staff person, Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Boazd --City Prograzu Administrator for the Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Grant --Boazd member to Family Homeless Assistance and Prevention Program Board TRAINING: --Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Training --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classificariott Program* (* tax classificarion for lower-income rental housing including Section 8 buildings), Minnesota Mulri-Housing Association BARB CARR, HOUSING COUNSELOR DUTIES also include: --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training, Saint Paul Community Education TRAINING (1989- current) --Graduate Realtor Insritute (G.R.I.), National Association of Realtors --Fair Aousing Seminar, Realtor Association --1997 Real Estate Institute, Minnesota Bar Association --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tas Classification Program,* MN Multi-Housing Association DARRELL SPEARS, HOUSING COUNSELOR DiJTIES also include: (1996- current) --Assistant Program Administrator, Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Graut Loan Committee member, Mclmight Foundation Family Loan Program --HIO representarive, Housing LINK program (pilot project, as part of the Hol an settlement, to develop a central clearinghouse for affordable housing) TRAINING --Section S Certificate and Housing Voucher Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, 4/98 --Minnesota 4(d) Pmperry Tas Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n, 1/98 9�-5�2. 1998 FIUD Housing Counseling ProposaL Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendix A RATING k'ACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/T'raining Ex�►erience - HIO staff JOSEPH COLLINS, HOUSING COLJNSELOR 7anuazy 1998 - current DUTTES also include: --Project Manager, Mortgage Forecloswe Prevention Program TRARIING: --Training within the last two yeazs included working as: City Council Legislarive Assistant, and appointed Saint Paul City Councilmember --4th year law student, Williatn Mitchell College of Law --Minnesota 4(d) Property Ta�c Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n. 1!9'7 JAI�IICE SMITH, HOUSING COUNSELOR June 1977 - current DUTIES also include: --Coordinator, District Council outreach program --Boazd Member, Heat Share Board (East metro NSP emergency energy assistance) --Boazd Member, Liberty Plaza Housing, a HUD subsidized housing development TRAINING --Section 8 Certificate Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency --Loss Mitigation training, Housing and Urban Development. —Mortgage prevention training, Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Associarion (MMFPA) --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classification Program, MHA, 1/97 BOBBI LEVITAN, HOI3SING COITNSELOR September 1993 - current DUTIFS also include --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training for owners of duplex to fourplex rental properties, --Writer, TenanUlandlord handbook TRAINING --Credit and Legal Issues Training, MN Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Ass'n, 8/97. --HUD Loss Mitigation Training, HUD staff from Washington D.C. and Minnesota, July 1997. --AARP1HiJD HECM Basic Satellite Training (reverse mortgage), HUD and the American Association of Retired Persons, June 1997. --1997 Flood Disaster Relief! Default Counseling Traiiung, MI3FA, 5f97. --FHA Loss Mirigation Procedures and Contracts for Deed, MNIFPA, 4/97. --Soiving the Foreclosure Puzzle, NIl�PA, September 1996 (received certification). --Designing Questionnaires, Ciry of Saint Paul - Office of Human Resources, 5/96. --Home Stretch Trainiug for Housing Counselors, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, 4/96. --Cultural Sensitivity Training, African American Family Services, 6l96. --Crime Free Multi-Housing Program - Management Traiivng, Saint Paul Police Department, 3anuary 1996. --Financial Management for Limited Incomes Training Conference, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota, May 1994. � y8-siL Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office (HIO) RATING FACTOR 2 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal Housing Counseling - Current program funded by Ci ,tYBndget includin� CDBG funds. Saint Paul's Consolidated Plan notes HIO as providing "fair housing and counseling services to city residents." 3 HIO advocates for Saint Paul residents while disseminating information regarding financial assistance, govemmental prograins, and community resources available to HUA clients and HUD-eligible clients. In 1997, HIO counseled 8078 citizens regarding HUD rental opportunities', emergency shelters tenant and landlord rights, FAIR Housing regulations, city & state mortgage programs, FHA, & HUD-fivancing programs, code-enforced relocation assistauce, and utility shut-offs. 1998 Pro ,nosal De�'ault Counselinr� currently funded by city, state, and private funds Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided default counseling to 94 homeowners, during October 1 1996-September 30, 1997 (See: I3CID-9902). 40 homeowners brought the mortgages current using HIO counseling and HIO's home loan assistance. Additionally,l7 homeowners secured forbearance agreements. The need has not abated. During the first five months of 199$, 105 homeowners requested default counseling. To resolve mortgage foreclosure problems, HIO interviews the homeowners, evaluates their mortgage default situations, and idemifies needed community resources. Moreover, ffiO combines community resources, such as Family Service, Ramsey County Co�ununity Services, and St. Pau1 Foundarion, and loss xnitigafion procedures to create forbeazance agreements. Additionally, HIO secured $8Q,000 for homeowner loan assistance - emergency funds to cure default - by collaborating with the Family Housing Fund, Saint Paul HRA and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Consequently, many homeowners cure mortgage defaults by using their own funds and "leveraging" HIO funds with other emergency funds as needed. Currently the ciry, state, and a private foundation funds HIO's default counseling program. The foundation funds support "start-up" activities. Thus, funds will be needed to guarantee a long- term default counseling. ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Consolidated Plan and Submission. (April 1995). Saint Paul Housing Information Office, Project ID. #30, Local Code 61108. ° ["HIO] provides housing refemals to individuals and families who aze seeking housing or losing their housing." Consolidated Plan. § 41.205. S HIO staffs the City's Overnight Shelter Boazd and monitors T3UD's Emergency Shelter Graut while daily providing emergency housing information to AUD-eligible clients. Consolidated Plan.§91.210. 6 The Mortgage Foreclosure Prevenrion Program is part of the City's Housing Action Program, Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; §91.216(c}(1) Strategy for helping low-income families avoid being homeless. j'� 98•Sia w� Budget Counseling- current[y not funded by HIO. As a pilot project, "hands-on" budget counseling could greatly enhance a default counseling program by reaching those homeowners who are not financially prepared to cure a mortgage default. Furthermore, budget counseling encourages family stability by promoting fiscal responsibility. Simply speaking, many HUD-eligible tenants and HLTD homeowners need continual "hands-on" budget counseling because financial instability is a major barrier to affordable housing. Housin�Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LISAL st¢te funding ends in 1998 HIO warks collaborafively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County AUorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anU-drug unit) to address "problem-properties." As a proactive response, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office administers LISA to train landlords idenrified as owning problem properties. The program goal's are improving housing conditions, enhancing public safety, and stabilizing neighborhoods by training landlords about proper rental management procedures, including compliance with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. With the city's 2% vacancy rate, LISA has become even more critical. Many HUD-eligible clients can not find adequate housing, and LISA can preserve the city's affordable housing stock'. In 1998, HIO and the County Attorney staffprovided 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attending each session. While the demand for landlord training increases, state funding ends in 1998. Consequently, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers this stafF intensive program. Housing Mediation project- pilot program - not currentlyfunded As a pilot project, HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, HUD-assisted housing properties, private Saint Paul landlords, and tenants and landlord filing with Ramsey Counry Housing Court. During the 1998 HUD funding period, ffiO will train six housing counselors as qualified mediators to mediate 20 disputes. If this pilot program is successful, then HIO will consider continuing such services. In the Consolidated Plan, the City recognizes many barriers to affordable housing. HUD- eligible clients often become homeless because their special housing needs are not met. On the other hand, the Housing Mediation Project can promote stable affordable housing for HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients by facilitating tenant and landlord relationships. Simply, mediation facilitates communication and mast building necessary for the landlord and tenant to resolve their dispute. � Improving rental housing management and effectively enforcing housing code to reduce negative conditions of rental housing aze listed priorifies of the City's Housing Action Plan. Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; Housing affordability is a growing concern. Analysis of Im�diments to Fair Aousing Choice, City of Saint Paul, April 1996. Council File # � S/2 Green Sheet # �� `,� 4RIG1NAl. Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office has served as a HUD-certified housing agency 2 for St. Paul residents of all incomes; and 3 WI�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling to 234 4 Saint Paul residents during 1997; and RTF�REAS, Saint Paul Housing Information Office fiuther recognizes that budget counseling can facilitate HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention efforts; and 7 WHEREAS, 5aint Paul Housing Information Office's comprehensive housing counseling also includes explaining 8 the rights of tenants and landlords and working with the Saint Paul Police Depariment's FORCE unit, Ramsey 9 County Attorney's Office, and Ramsey County Housing Court to train landlords; and 10 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Housing Information O�ce also recognizes that housing mediation services can resolve I 1 housing disputes with less costs to owners and tenants; 12 BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Saint Paul Housing Information Office 13 to submit a housing counseling grant request to HUD for the purposes of providing mortgage fareclosure prevention 14 counseling, budget counseling, landlord tranring, and housing mediation services; and 15 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor's Aduiinistration 16 to execute the necessary grant agreements if HUD awards a housing counseling grant to the Saint Paul Housing 17 Information Office. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Reiter � 6 Z Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council etary By: Approved by May r: te �" l ` By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Form Appro ed 6y City Attome By: ��� � �-� Approv b yor f S mission to Council By: �.-. Requested by Department of: St Infoxmation ' `'�' � � 266-6000 FilicejJoe Collins S�Z9�9$ I GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� St2 m�n�mrowecime No 6017`7 � an�narotv ��� uira.cna _ ❑ auncw.amv�cesort ❑ w�xauamv�KCra � 1MYOR1aRAS9fi411n ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Saint Paul Housing Information Of£ice (HIO) requests City Council's authorization to submit a AUD housing counseling grant. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION LSONAL SERVlCE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q H25 thlS p¢ISOf�Ifl1 eYef WakEd U(MEf 8 COnStdU tof ihis tlepBtFmeill'7 VES NO Has this pereoNfirm ever been a ciry empwyee7 res nio Does tM1is persaMfirm poesess a sldll not noimallypobsesbetl by arry arteM city emPloyee7 YES NO I8 tliie person/firm e tarpMed vendorl YES NO Recently, HIID announced requests for housing counseling grant proposals. If awarded HUD funds, HIO can provide housing counseling services, such as mortgage foreclosure prevention, budget counseling, housing mediation services, and landlord training to Saint Paul residents HIO provides more housing counseling service to Saint Paul residents. C!g�dS�3J�Q�,���.�� ;. � ss. i None L _<__.- -.-_. �m c�o�u�nseling services will not be offered to Saint Paul residents. Also, HY0"`iS°' seeking alternative funding for HIO's mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling program as "-- ---'---`- t-- n_`__� .._n t.--'.. --_„ __.a a.._a..,. ,000_oo AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COST/REVENUfi BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� YES NO AcrryiTyNU��c GL-065-30131 GL-065-30136 iNFORMATION (FJ�LAIN) CITY O� SAINT PAUL Narm CoLemme, Mayor HOUSING INFORMATION OFFICE �� S � 2 Amy Filice, Acting Diseaar lso Cuy xou an,�r zerepao,�e: 612-266-6000 25 A'est FourUe SYreet Facsimile: 612-298-5054 Saint Paul, Minnesom SSIO2 MEMORANDUM To: � From: Re: Date: Norm Coleman, Mayor Amy Filice, Director of Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mayor's signature requested for Certifzcation of Consistency with the City Consolidated Plan - HIO's 1998 HUB Housing Counseling Grant. 3une 4,1998 HIO requests your signature certifying that HIO's 1998 Housing Counseling Grant proposal is consistent with the City's Consolidated Plan. As you may know, the City's Consolidated Plan has several sections which notes HIO's mission to serve Saint Paul residents of all incomes. Furthermore, HIO's proposal is an innovarive response to some barriers to Fair Housing choices, identified in the City's Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices, which submitted to HUD. With HUD funding, HIO will continue its mortgage foreclosure prevention program, administer a Housing Court Diversion Project (training landlords), and develop two pilot programs - a Housing Mediation project and budget counseling program. HIO must submit its HUD proposal by June 25. Given the timeliness of tYus proposal, I have attached HIO's working drafi proposal for your review. A resolution is also being drafted for Council authorization to submit HIO's proposal. If I can provide more information for your review, please call me at 266-6020. U.S. De artrnent of Housin � �� Certification of Consistency with a�d Urban Development 9 tne Consolidated Plan I certify Wat t6e pzoposed activifieslprojects in tl�e application are coasistent with the jurisd3ction's cursent, approved Coasolidaced Plan. (Type or clearly print t6e following information:) Applicant Name: Saint Paul Housing Information Office Pmject Name: _ St. Paul HousinQ Information Office's HousinQ Counseling Proposal Locacion of the Pmjecr. General service area — City of Saint Paul _special pilot service area for default counseling — Ramsey County Name of the Federal Program to which the applioant is applying: HUD Housine Counseling ProQram Grant Name of Certifying Jurisdic[ion: City of Sdint P8u1 Certifying Official of the Jurisdictioa Name: Title: Signature: Date: Norm Coleman C&A Page no: a ����T � ►� �8-SlZ Saint Paul Housing Information Office 1998 EIUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Introduction Since 1980, the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO) has served as a HUD-certified housing counseling agency. HIO's mission is to assist people in finding, providing, and keeping housing in Saint Paul which helps promote personal stability, stable families, stable neighbarhoods, and a stable and prosperous Ciry. HIO's clients aze tenants, landlords, and homeowners. In 1947, HIO counseled 8078 citizens. Some of HIO's counseling services aze to: -- inform Saint Paul residettts of existing HUD and other rental opportuniries; -- identify emergency shelters serving HUD-eligible clients; -- explain tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities; -- explain city and state mortgage programs; and FHA and HUD-financing programs; -- assist city residents dislocated due to condemnaions for health and safety vialations; -- counsel H[JD-eligible clients regarding mortgage foreclosure prevention procedures -- provide crisis intervention counseling for utility shut-offs, and -- provide landlord training programs for new owners of rental property, owner-occupied rental properties such as duplexes, & landlords identified as owning nuisance properties. After serving HCTD for 17+ years, HIO is seeking innovative ways to serve the changing needs of HUD-eligible clients. HIO recognizes that many St Paul residents can not secure and keep affordable housing; homeowners in default are often in more dire financial cucumstances than previously; and some restrictive laws and rising legal costs often create disincentives for landlords to provide affordable housing. Consequently, HUD-eligible homeowners, tenants, and the landlords that serve them need new responsive housing counseling services. I998 HUD Housing Counselireg Proposal Reguest Responding to these housing issues which affect HUD clients, HIO proposes four programs and a computer upgrade project for 1998 H(JD Housing Counseling funding. I. II. III. N. V. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention (MFP) Project. (Currently funded by private foundation and state funds) Housing Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LISA) Housing Mediation and Dispute Resotution $udget Counseling Services Computer database and mapping capacity upgrade match Total: $41,652 ri, i iil $ 9, 467 $ 5,400 $ 7, D00 $73,SI9 Note: The LISA program, Housing 141ediation project, and computer upgrades represent one- time start-up expenses. Housing mediation and budget counseling are pilot programs. The existing private foundution financial support for the MFP Project ends during 1998. . �. � �t 98-s�z 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office I. Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. Statement of Current Status - HIO's Default Counseling "In the last 10 yeats, the overall mortgage loan delinquency rates have decreased from 5.56°!o in 1986 to 4.33% in 1996.. However the delinquency rates for FHA and VA-insured loans, taken out prnnarily by families and individuals of modest means, have increased. In 1986, FHA and VA delinquency rates were 7.16% and 6.58%, respectively. By 1996 the rates have increased to 8.05% for FHA and b.75% for VA loans."' Even during these economic boom times, many families continue to face the threat of mortgage foreclosures. People experiencing unexpected health problems, job loss, family deaths, divorce, and natural disaster often also experience mortgage problems. During the first 100 working days of 1998, HIO received 105 initial requests for default counseling by Saint Paul residents. Through a collaborative effort with the Family Housing Fund and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, HIO has access to emergency loan funds available for reinstating mor[gages (Loans are interest free "due-on-sale" loans.). From October 1996 through December 1997, HIO provided intensive default counseling to more than 94 HiJD-eligible clients who reside in Saint Paul (See: HLTD-9902) The average cost for a mortgage foreclosure prevention loan was $3,300 In comparison, with a FHA mortgage foreclosure, a11 interested parties incur a combined loss of $73,300 - or over 22 times the auerage cost of prevenrion. For a foreclosed privately ansured conventional mortgage, the combined losses are about $26,600 - ar approximately eight times the costs of prevention. Homeowners-in-default often haue complicated circumstances surrounding the default. Most lender perforxn loss mitigation, but these services often lack a housing counseling component that addresses the overall issues of the homeowner. One-on-one counseling is time consuming and expensive, but the societal costs of providing emergency housing to homeowners-in-default, as well as time lost from a job, etc., often outweighs the costs of this type of crisis-intervenrion . In addition to mortgage default counseling, HIO staff has identified intensive budget counseling as an extremely helpful tool for default clients. (See proposal N- Budget Counseling.) 'Ana Moreno, "Preventing Mortgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective?" Northwest Re�ort. a newsletter ofthe NorthwestArea Foundation. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 5. Z Ana Moreno, Preventing Martgage Foreclosure: Is it Cost Effective? Northwest Report. Issue 21, December 1997, p. 7-8. (Northwest Foundation evaluated the effectiveness of the Mnmesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program. The study focused on data from two of the participating Twin Cities agencies: the Northside Residents Redevelopment Council and the Saint Paul Housing Information Office (HIO).) 1998 I3UD Housing Counseling proposal Saint Paul Housing Information Office Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program (continued) HIO's long term mortgage counseling experience RATING FACTOR 1 10 ',S/2 As a HUD-certified agency, HIO has recognized that effective default counseling stabilizes neighborhoods by stabilizing HCTD families. Over the past eighteen years, HIO has worked with HUD homeowners to assess their immediate needs, evaluate their options, and providing in-depth counseling. Additionally, HIO has a successful work experience in securing private and public emergency funds to assist eligible homeowners solve their housing problems. I998 HUD��nosal: HIO Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program* HIO proposes tn continue pravdding default counseling to HUD clients or HUD- eligible clients. HUD Funding Reyuest: Mortgage Forectosure Prevention Program 4$ 1• b52 (* Private foundation support for HIO current default counseling program ends in 1998.) Trained Staf,f �'� Trained staff is essential in providing mortgage foreclosure prevendon counseling. Currently, Barb Carr and Bobbi Leviton, HIO staff inembers, provide mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling. Barb Carr has extensive real estate training. She has attended the Minnesota Bar Associafion's 1997 Real Estate Institute and graduated from the Realtor Institute sponsored by the St. Paul Area Board of Realtors. In 1997, Bobbi Leviton received extensive training on I3UD-sponsored Loss Mitigation procedures as well as she attended several training sessions sponsored by the Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Association. Future coltaboratioxs In addition to City residents, suburban county residents frequently request mortgage foreclosure prevention assistance from HIO. In response to these increasing requests, HIO met with Ramsey County officials regarding a pilot default counseling proposal utilizing county AOME loan funds. During July 1998, HIO will submit a default counseling proposal to serve counry residents. Consequently, HUD funds are even more essential as HIO tries to meet the expanding demand for default counseling. (** See Appendix A: Housing Counseling Work Experience - HIO staf� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITD Housing Counseling Grant � � � �. II. Housing Court Diversion Projec& "Land[ord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LfSA) ProjecP' Current conditiorts: The City's 2°/a rental vacancy rate often forces HUD clients attd HIJD-eligible clients to seek fND-subsidized housing and affordable housing opportunities. Throughout the years, their needs have not abated. Simply, this long-stagnant rental housing mazket prohibits many HIJD- eligible residents securing safe affordable housing. Moreover, illegal drug activity in apartment buildings often e�irpates law-abiding HITD-eligible clients from "affordable" but "problem properties." City of Saint Paul aggressively seeks to control problem properties. First, the City condemns mulri-unit properties for violative health code conditions or deteriorated housing conditions resulting from illegal drug activiries. Second, the City aggressively demolishes blighted vacant housing. Third, the City actively enforces its nuisance laws to protubit behavioral problems, such as illegal drug activities, loud parties, and fighring. However, these enforcement methods nnpose economic hardships on landlords, who can provide affordable housing opportunities in the City. Further, the condemnations of multi-unit buildings ertacerbate the affordable housing crisis currently facing the City. On the other hand, many landlords lack the necessary skills to properly manage their buildings, especially if illicit drug activity occurs in the building. 1998 HUD pronosal: Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LIS.4� HIO proposes the Housing Court diversion project, an innovative housing counseling program to train landlards, identffied by the Saint Paul Police Department's FORCE unit, (anti-drug police unit) or the Ramsey County Attorney's Offzce. HIO will provide 6-8 landlord training sessions with 35-4D landlords attending these evening sessions. HIO ad»xinisters these training sessions. Together, HIO, Saint Pau[ Police, and Ramsey CountyAttorney train the landlords to combat illegal drug activities within their buildings. Moreover, HIO and SL Paut Human RighYs Office can use LISA to educate landlords about FAIR Housing. . HZ/D Funding Reguest: 0 00 The Saint Paul Housing Information Office requests HUD to fr�nd Housing Court Diversion Project Landlord Instruction Sentencing Alternative (LLSA), as a pflot program, in the amount of $10, 0a0. i - i � r �� Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HITI) Housing Counseling Grant Housing Court Diversion Project: LI5A Imnlementafion (Continued) HIO will administer the Landlord Instrucrion Sentencing Alternative program (I.ISA) as a proactive response to nuisance properties. Implementing this pilot program can improve housing conditions, reduce housing code violations, educate property owners, and enhance public safety. As a court diversionary tool, the LISA program has a four-fold ob}ective. First, Housing Court Referees "divert" housing code violators to landlord training classes as an altemative sentencing. Second, landlords learn to properly manage rental properiy and comply with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. Third, proper rental management promotes safe housing for IiUD-eligible clients, including Section 8 recipients. Fourth, prosecuting attorneys can better focus on more serious criminal violations. HIO will work collaboratively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County Attorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anti-drug unit). Housing court referees or prosecuting attomeys identify health code violators eligible for this housing court diversion project. Program attendance will comprise of health code violators mandatorily sentenced to these landlard training sessions or required by their plea negotiations. Otherwise, the City's Code Enforcement Divisions and the Police Deparhnent's anti-drug unit will encourage landlord participation in LISA as a proacrive intervenrion before rental properties aze declared nuisance properties. In 1998, the County Attorney staff will provide 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attendang a four hour evening session. Landlords like this program, even request more training. However, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers future programs, as the program operation is labor-intensive. Finally, while the demand for landlord training is increasing, the state funding ends in 1498. If HUD funding is approved, LISA wdll be an innovative way to combat illegal drug activity nccurring in restdential properlies while still maintaining affordable hausing for HUD- eligible cdients. � �9t S/2 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office RATING FACTOR 1 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal III. Housing CounselingMediation Project Problem Statement The 5aint Paul Housing Information Office daily receives calls about tenantllandlord concerns and conflicts. These housing concerns are often the results of poor communicarion and lack of trust between the tenant and the landlord and a lack of understanding of both tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities. Subsequently, housing court must resolve many of these housing disputes. No matter who wins, this traditional method of resolving a housing concern is costly in terms of money and loss of housing stability. As alternative dispute resolution, housing mediation services can rebuild the trust and communication necessary for tenant and landlords to maintain good affordable housing situations. Before filing a court action, mediation allows the parties to "speak to each other" about their problems. Subsequently, the parties can create their own housing solutions, which may require other supplemental community services. As an example, the tenant may maintain the properry for lower rent, or the landlord may execute a long term rental agreement if the tenant accepts budget counseling. Mediation can help the parties renew their rental relationslup. This project allows Saint Paul to support landlords in the business of providing affordable housing and to support tenants trying to maintain their access to good affordable housing. I998 HUD �ropnsal: HIO Housing Mediation Project. HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, who have unlawful detainers or other tenant/landlord concerns. HID will offer mediation services to tandlords and tenants involved with Section 8 progra»xs, other public housing progra»rs, other HUD assisted housing programs, and other Saint Paul landlards and tenants fiting actions with the Ramsey County Housing Courx As a pilot program, HIO will train existing staff in mediation techniques and mediate 20 disputes during the I998 HUD funding periorL FiI/D Funding Reguest: Housing Mediation project $ 9,467* (*This pilot program has one-time trainiug eapenses.) 98- S/t 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATIl�G FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Information Office IV. Budget Counseting As a HI7D certified agency for 17+ years, HIO believes that budget counseling can greaUy enhance a housing counseling program. HIO strongly believes that many HUD- eligible tenants or HUD homeowners need " hands-on" budget counseling to resolve their housing problems. Typically, HIO clients can be currently refeaed to other agencies for one session of budget counseling, but HIO counselors see a greater need for, on-going budget counseling services for clients, which would allow clients to leam and practice new money handling habits. This project would allow HIO to purchase budget counseling services which are tailored to a specific clients needs. 1948 HUD�roposal: HIO Budget Counse[ing HIO proposes to purchase "hands-ott" budget counseling services for 20-25 HUII clients - tenants or homeowners. HUD Funding Request: Budgel Counseling $5,400 �' ' � i I ' � ' 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal RATING FACTOR 1 Saint Paul Housing Informarion Office Y. HIO Cvmputer Database and Mapping Capaciry Upgrades HIO maintains client files with the assistauce of a computer program which was developed for the office appro�mately nine years ago. While it is still fimctioning adequately as an "electronic filing cabineY' in allowing access to historical client data and notes, HIO is no longer able to access the data effectively as a database and is having great difficulty in obtaining professional backup services to work in the original program language. Through daily interacfion with clients, HIO counselors really have a"finger on the pulse" of housing issues in Saint Paul. HIO would like to translate ttris general flow of housing information into regular reporting of housing trends, hot issues, and geographic demand for services to elected officials for informational purposes and to help inform housing policy decisions. The computer upgrades would allow HIO to build their client files off a newly upgraded city address file maintained by the licensing and inspection department. This interconnection would allow literal mapping of housing issues, and the new program would allow HIO to easily develop a database of housing issues from the client files which wouid feed direcdy into reports. 1998 HUD pronosal: HIO Computer Ca��cid�Ungrade Match HIO requests $7, 00� for computer capacity upgrades with database and mapping capacity which can be used to track and report on housing issues and trends. Iffunded, HIO will provide a$7, DDO match. HUD Fuxdin��e�uest: Computer Capacity Upgracle Match: �7,OOQ � �8-S/2. 1998 HUD Housing Counseling Proposal. Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendia A RATING FACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/Trainiag Experience - HIO staff All HIO housing counselors work with HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients. In addition to these services, the HIO staff have other duries. The following is a list of the HIO counseling staff and any training received in the last two yeazs: STEVE RICB, HOL3SING COiJNSELOR (1981 - current) In addition to providing housing counseling services to City of Saint Paul residents, DUTIES also include: --Staff person, Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Boazd --City Prograzu Administrator for the Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Grant --Boazd member to Family Homeless Assistance and Prevention Program Board TRAINING: --Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Training --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classificariott Program* (* tax classificarion for lower-income rental housing including Section 8 buildings), Minnesota Mulri-Housing Association BARB CARR, HOUSING COUNSELOR DUTIES also include: --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training, Saint Paul Community Education TRAINING (1989- current) --Graduate Realtor Insritute (G.R.I.), National Association of Realtors --Fair Aousing Seminar, Realtor Association --1997 Real Estate Institute, Minnesota Bar Association --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tas Classification Program,* MN Multi-Housing Association DARRELL SPEARS, HOUSING COUNSELOR DiJTIES also include: (1996- current) --Assistant Program Administrator, Stewart B McKinney Emergency Shelter Graut Loan Committee member, Mclmight Foundation Family Loan Program --HIO representarive, Housing LINK program (pilot project, as part of the Hol an settlement, to develop a central clearinghouse for affordable housing) TRAINING --Section S Certificate and Housing Voucher Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, 4/98 --Minnesota 4(d) Pmperry Tas Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n, 1/98 9�-5�2. 1998 FIUD Housing Counseling ProposaL Saint Paul Housing Information Office Appendix A RATING k'ACTOR 1 Housing Counseling Work Ex�erience/T'raining Ex�►erience - HIO staff JOSEPH COLLINS, HOUSING COLJNSELOR 7anuazy 1998 - current DUTTES also include: --Project Manager, Mortgage Forecloswe Prevention Program TRARIING: --Training within the last two yeazs included working as: City Council Legislarive Assistant, and appointed Saint Paul City Councilmember --4th year law student, Williatn Mitchell College of Law --Minnesota 4(d) Property Ta�c Classification Program,* Minnesota Multi-Housing Ass'n. 1!9'7 JAI�IICE SMITH, HOUSING COUNSELOR June 1977 - current DUTIES also include: --Coordinator, District Council outreach program --Boazd Member, Heat Share Board (East metro NSP emergency energy assistance) --Boazd Member, Liberty Plaza Housing, a HUD subsidized housing development TRAINING --Section 8 Certificate Program, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency --Loss Mitigation training, Housing and Urban Development. —Mortgage prevention training, Minnesota Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Associarion (MMFPA) --Minnesota 4(d) Property Tax Classification Program, MHA, 1/97 BOBBI LEVITAN, HOI3SING COITNSELOR September 1993 - current DUTIFS also include --Counselor, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program --Instructor - Landlord training for owners of duplex to fourplex rental properties, --Writer, TenanUlandlord handbook TRAINING --Credit and Legal Issues Training, MN Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Ass'n, 8/97. --HUD Loss Mitigation Training, HUD staff from Washington D.C. and Minnesota, July 1997. --AARP1HiJD HECM Basic Satellite Training (reverse mortgage), HUD and the American Association of Retired Persons, June 1997. --1997 Flood Disaster Relief! Default Counseling Traiiung, MI3FA, 5f97. --FHA Loss Mirigation Procedures and Contracts for Deed, MNIFPA, 4/97. --Soiving the Foreclosure Puzzle, NIl�PA, September 1996 (received certification). --Designing Questionnaires, Ciry of Saint Paul - Office of Human Resources, 5/96. --Home Stretch Trainiug for Housing Counselors, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, 4/96. --Cultural Sensitivity Training, African American Family Services, 6l96. --Crime Free Multi-Housing Program - Management Traiivng, Saint Paul Police Department, 3anuary 1996. --Financial Management for Limited Incomes Training Conference, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota, May 1994. � y8-siL Saint Paul Housing Informafion Office (HIO) RATING FACTOR 2 1998 HUD Housing Counseling proposal Housing Counseling - Current program funded by Ci ,tYBndget includin� CDBG funds. Saint Paul's Consolidated Plan notes HIO as providing "fair housing and counseling services to city residents." 3 HIO advocates for Saint Paul residents while disseminating information regarding financial assistance, govemmental prograins, and community resources available to HUA clients and HUD-eligible clients. In 1997, HIO counseled 8078 citizens regarding HUD rental opportunities', emergency shelters tenant and landlord rights, FAIR Housing regulations, city & state mortgage programs, FHA, & HUD-fivancing programs, code-enforced relocation assistauce, and utility shut-offs. 1998 Pro ,nosal De�'ault Counselinr� currently funded by city, state, and private funds Saint Paul Housing Information Office provided default counseling to 94 homeowners, during October 1 1996-September 30, 1997 (See: I3CID-9902). 40 homeowners brought the mortgages current using HIO counseling and HIO's home loan assistance. Additionally,l7 homeowners secured forbearance agreements. The need has not abated. During the first five months of 199$, 105 homeowners requested default counseling. To resolve mortgage foreclosure problems, HIO interviews the homeowners, evaluates their mortgage default situations, and idemifies needed community resources. Moreover, ffiO combines community resources, such as Family Service, Ramsey County Co�ununity Services, and St. Pau1 Foundarion, and loss xnitigafion procedures to create forbeazance agreements. Additionally, HIO secured $8Q,000 for homeowner loan assistance - emergency funds to cure default - by collaborating with the Family Housing Fund, Saint Paul HRA and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Consequently, many homeowners cure mortgage defaults by using their own funds and "leveraging" HIO funds with other emergency funds as needed. Currently the ciry, state, and a private foundation funds HIO's default counseling program. The foundation funds support "start-up" activities. Thus, funds will be needed to guarantee a long- term default counseling. ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Consolidated Plan and Submission. (April 1995). Saint Paul Housing Information Office, Project ID. #30, Local Code 61108. ° ["HIO] provides housing refemals to individuals and families who aze seeking housing or losing their housing." Consolidated Plan. § 41.205. S HIO staffs the City's Overnight Shelter Boazd and monitors T3UD's Emergency Shelter Graut while daily providing emergency housing information to AUD-eligible clients. Consolidated Plan.§91.210. 6 The Mortgage Foreclosure Prevenrion Program is part of the City's Housing Action Program, Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; §91.216(c}(1) Strategy for helping low-income families avoid being homeless. j'� 98•Sia w� Budget Counseling- current[y not funded by HIO. As a pilot project, "hands-on" budget counseling could greatly enhance a default counseling program by reaching those homeowners who are not financially prepared to cure a mortgage default. Furthermore, budget counseling encourages family stability by promoting fiscal responsibility. Simply speaking, many HUD-eligible tenants and HLTD homeowners need continual "hands-on" budget counseling because financial instability is a major barrier to affordable housing. Housin�Court Diversion Project: Landlord Instruction SentencingAlternative (LISAL st¢te funding ends in 1998 HIO warks collaborafively with the Ramsey County Housing Court referee, Ramsey County AUorney's Office, City's Division of Code Enforcement, City Attorney's Office, and the Police Dept.'s FORCE unit (the city's anU-drug unit) to address "problem-properties." As a proactive response, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office administers LISA to train landlords idenrified as owning problem properties. The program goal's are improving housing conditions, enhancing public safety, and stabilizing neighborhoods by training landlords about proper rental management procedures, including compliance with city, state, and federal laws, including FAIR housing requirements. With the city's 2% vacancy rate, LISA has become even more critical. Many HUD-eligible clients can not find adequate housing, and LISA can preserve the city's affordable housing stock'. In 1998, HIO and the County Attorney staffprovided 5-7 landlord training sessions with 30-35 landlords attending each session. While the demand for landlord training increases, state funding ends in 1998. Consequently, Ramsey County Attorney's Office prefers that HIO administers this stafF intensive program. Housing Mediation project- pilot program - not currentlyfunded As a pilot project, HIO proposes a housing counseling mediation program for HUD-eligible clients, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency, HUD-assisted housing properties, private Saint Paul landlords, and tenants and landlord filing with Ramsey Counry Housing Court. During the 1998 HUD funding period, ffiO will train six housing counselors as qualified mediators to mediate 20 disputes. If this pilot program is successful, then HIO will consider continuing such services. In the Consolidated Plan, the City recognizes many barriers to affordable housing. HUD- eligible clients often become homeless because their special housing needs are not met. On the other hand, the Housing Mediation Project can promote stable affordable housing for HUD clients or HUD-eligible clients by facilitating tenant and landlord relationships. Simply, mediation facilitates communication and mast building necessary for the landlord and tenant to resolve their dispute. � Improving rental housing management and effectively enforcing housing code to reduce negative conditions of rental housing aze listed priorifies of the City's Housing Action Plan. Consolidated Plan. §91.215(b) Strategic Plan - Affordable Housing; Housing affordability is a growing concern. Analysis of Im�diments to Fair Aousing Choice, City of Saint Paul, April 1996.