91-1283 V1tItaN1�/�� p f �� ouncii File # �'� a 3 ( ,____� (, Green Sheet # �a� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �G/2� ���[?� � Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals and dated June 11 , 1991 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: � DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 6/11/91 30-91-F 400 Pierce St. Edward B. Hughes BOARU ACTION: Granted a variance on present deadbolt locks , with the provision, that if they need replacement, that they be replaced with 1" throws, according to code. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Milham Park, Ramsey Co. , Minn. S 20 Ft of Lot 25 and all of Lots 23 and Lot 24 Blk 3 ------------------------------------------- and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon � �.---� , oswitz on �lN/ <�" 8 l2vl fi2.S acca ee ettman une gy: .z son — v orZ 6y n�. / Adopted by Council: Date J U L 1 6 1991 Form Ap ved by C'ty Attorney t Adopti n Certified by Council Secretary gy: ' 7—2 — By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date JUL 1 '7 1991 Council $y: �.�.�� By: ,�Gs�G�� Pt�US�FD .�t� 27'91 .� , . �9�_�a�3 �o ECo�eyEn�rvB�eof eals 6/27/91 GREEN SHEET No. 61 $8 oorn�cr��a�e iNmwa►re 2 9 2—7�J 7 S DEPARTLAENT DIRECTOR �cirr couNa� . . �� AITORNEY CIIY CI.ERK. MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(W1T� ROUTINO BUDOEf DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.BERVIC:ES DIR. ASAP ��u►voa coR��wn � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACl10N REGUESTEO: Resolution approving the actions of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals. REOOMMENDA :kM�W o►�(R1 �COMMITTEEII�ARCFI REPORT _PLANNINO�AAMISSION _qVll 3ERV1�COMMISSION �Y� R EC E I V��. _ae ooMMirrEe _ 1991 ��: —$T,�F — � JUL -2 1991 —°'�'�°°"� — ,�� U 3 991 ��r1oa �,��,�,�«,����„�� i�wnnnNa PROei.eM.iasue.oPPOr+TUNm lwno,wn�.wn«�,wnus.Mmy�. �1�Y0�' Approving the action of the Pro�'�rty Code Enforcement Board of Appeals for the meeting of June 11 , 1991. (See attached minutes) ADVANTP�fiE81F APPROVED: Variances granted to the property will be ratified. 1 - variance DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � � None� � � �� �3R�1 ��C � JUL 0 81991 aawvnrrrnc�es iR rwr�o: The action taken by the Property Code Enfarcement Board of Appeals will be returned to the Board by the City Council for further review. RECEIVED JUL 0 9 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = n�a c��NUE suoc�re��c�ac�oNe� r�s No n/a FuNO�NO sour� n�a ACTIVITV NUM�R 3 3 2 6 3 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(E7(PWN) �"" A-,� �. _ � NOTE: WMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN�i OFFICE(PHt�NE NO.29�4225). ROIITIN(i OROER: BNow are p►e�le►red routirps for the Nve nwst i►equeM typea of doCumerMs: CONTRACTS (assurt�es auttarized COUNCIL AE80LUTI�1 (Amend� BdptsJ budgst sxfsts) Accspt.(3rants) 1. Outsids AgenCy 1. DepetrtmsM DfreCtor 2. Initiatin�DrpsrtmeM 2. Budpot Director 3. (�ty Attomey 3. dty Attomey 4. Maya 4. MayoNAseiNaM . 5: FlnanC��Mgmt 3tres. DiroCtCr 5. Cky Council 6. Flnancs Acoourninp 8. Chief/�ccournant� Fin 3 Mgmt Svcs. ADM1NiSTR/ITIVE ORDER (Bucfpet COUNqL RE30LUTION (ali othsra) �on� .nd oRar�wce °, 1. Alctiv(�y�A�rapsr 1. Inftiadn�DsputmsM Director 2. Ci A 3. D�p�ut�Dk�ctor 3. Mayorl��Aaistant 4. Budget arecDor 4. qty CouHCil 5. qty(�k 8. Chief A�ccounlaM� Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. AQMINISTWITIVE ORDERS (aN othsrs) 1. initi�ing D�pMmsM 2. qty Atbon�sy 3. MayodAs�btent 4. City perk TOTAL NUMBER�8KiNATURE PA(iE3 Ir�ate tM#��ppes on which sigr�sturos are required and peps�clip eac�t of ttieae pape�. ACTIOI�1 REOUESTED D�ib�what ths proj�ct/rp4wet�sks to aocomptMh M eith�r chrorrolopl- cv adsr or o►dsr a impo�ce.wr,icrievsr is moa.p�propriate+or a,e isws. Do not wri�cornplet�ssnterx�es. �pin eech item in your Ntt with a verb. RECOMMENDATI�dS Complste if ths ie�e in qus�on has bsen preesnted bsfwe any body, publfc w p►ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? Indicets wldch Counc�l abjsctiw(a)Y�+�Pro�►�1��+PPa'�s bY��9 �s keY wo►d(s)(HOUStNf3� RECREATION� NEK3HBORHOOD8� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET.SEWER 3EPAF�ITION).(SEE(AAAPLETE U3T IN IN3TRUCT10NAL M/�NUAI.) OOUNCIL COAAMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINt3 PROBIEM, 18SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explsin the aituation or conditbns th�croated a need for your projsct or roquest. ' ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED Indicate whet�this is simpiy an annwl budp�t procedure roqufred by Iaw/ chart�or�ethsr thars us spodfic in whiCh the City of 8aint Paul a�its citizens wiH bsnslit hom Nds p�hctbn. DISADVANTMiES IF APPROVED What nep�tivs efMcta or mejor changes to sxi�ing or post proc�sses mi�M this projscUrp�produca H it is pasesd(e.g.,tn�ic dslays� rwise, tan increaass or )?To Whom?Whsn?For Fww bng? �18ADVANTAQES tF NOT APPROVED What will bs ths negathre�qusr�ces ff the promfssd action is not approved?IM�biHty to deliver ssrvfc�?Continusd hi�h trattic, noiae, accident rate?Loss of revenue4 FlNANCIAL IMPACT ' - Although you mwt tailor the fnMrmation you provide hsre to the issue you aro addrsssirg,in gs�al you mt�st ans�rer two qusstiWis: How much is it poin9 to Cost�Who is�tg�puy? . @F q,���3 �'ROPE�'l�Y ���JL�E ENFOR.CEMENT BOA.P.O OF A,PPEALS ��/Q/7 �Y 555 CEDAR S7REE�T SA.I NT PA.UL . M I NNESOTA 55101 M 1 Nll7ES. MEET 1 NG OF JllNE 1 1 . 1�91 RECEIVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman. Chairman �U� 091991 Ste�hanie Chester ��arnes Laugh 1 i n CITY CLERK ��oan Pearson Wiiliam �. Tilton Don Weida MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Ankenv OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Fish. St. Paul Fire Prevention Phit Owens . St. Paul Fire Prevention Steve Armstrong. St. Paui Fire Prevention Officer Cory Manthei , Crime Prevention - St. Paul Police Department Ouane Lindstrom. Locksmith from A-I Lock Service Steve Herbert. Rainleader Division Councilmember Janice Rettman Charles Votel , Division of Public Health Lisa Hammer, Legal Aide Mary Marseglia Lothar Horn Richard Carney David Bredenburg Ed. Hughes Mark McMillan �taff: Josephine P. Bongiovanni 1 . Approval of the Minu±es for the April 9. 1991 meeting as subrnitted in writinca. The minutes of *_he April 9, 1991 mee*_ing were approved with following cerrection: On page 2 , last paraqraph, before the word "MOTION" delete the words "AMENDMENT TO" . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CASE HEARINGS: CASE N0: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT: 26-91-H 959 Fuller Avenue Wm. Bryan/Mary Marseqlia ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Mary Marseglia SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fee because of financial hardship. , .. . �/-l°7 �3 . �� PROCEEDINGS: Chuck Vote) . from the Division of Public Health stated that the Appellant purchased the bui )ding from HUD. Hl1D closed their file ,.�anuary 2. 1991 . The fees accrue at a $ 100.OQ per quarter. The Appellant was no*_ified by letter on February 1 . 1991 , that there was a fee of $100.00 due. The placard on the building showing it was �ondemned, was lifted May 15, 1991 . On Ma� lst additienal fees were added for the second quarter, making *he totai fee plus late fees $230. 00. Mr. Vo*_el stated that �13�.00 ceu)d be waived since the buiiding has been occupied since April 1 , 1991 . City' s position is, the fee of $100. 00 shouid be paid by the Appeilant. Mary Marseglia stated that the house had been vacant for three years. Closing took place in DecemCer 1990. There was major plumbing problems. Because of cos* on the plumbing and having to pay rent, there was ne money left to pay the fee of �100. 00. Mr. Votel stated records show that there were no perrnits taken out for the plumbing. r BOARO ACTION: Motion made by Bili Tilton to dpny the request for ,�t/ a waiver of the vacant buitding fee of $lOQ.OQ. The addition 1 UJA� fee plus late charges of $ 130. 00 wili be waived. Seconded by� � Joan Pearsen. MC�T I QN CARR?ED L�N4N I MC�l.�5LY. � ---------------------------------- �U5-9Q-R 141�6 Weilesiey Ave. Guy/Rose Daddari� ! 1 uni*_) 5U6�.1EC7 : Case reso i ved. P.p��i i ant i s req��est i ng a refund of th? �i 1 i ng fee of $25. C�O. t3UARD ACI�I�JN: Motion madA by Don weida to deny the request for a refund of the filing fee. Seconded by Bill Tilton. ` Yeas (5) Mays � 1 ) Psarson Abstention (0) � ---------------------------------- 25-91-R 701 Jenks Ave. Lothar Horn ( 1 unit? APPEARANCE: �othar Horn SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Legisiative Code requirement from having to disconnect rainleader in the rear. Z �.y����3 PROCEEDINGS: The Appeilant stated that he is requesting a variance on the rainleader located in the center of the house in the back yard. The entire property is surrounded by a tall concrete retaining wall , which has verticai cracks and has a separation in the center. There is no place for the water to run. More saturation of water behind the retaining wali could weaken the wall . Steve Herbert. from the Rainleader Division stated that the wail was not �roperly constructed for drainaqe. Mr. Herbert suggested that the Appellant put an extension, at least 12 feet , on the rain gutter, bringing the water away from the house. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a variance on the rear rainleader. giving the Appellant �0 days t� disconnect, with the provision that the Appellant make a reasonable effort ef diverting the water , keeping records . then -- af±er one year, if the problem stili exists , the Appellant would � be allowed to return ta the Board for further review. Seconded by James Laughtin. MOTIUN CARRIED UNANIMO�JSLY. ---------------------------------- ��- � 29-91-R 1643 Maywood Ave. Richard Carney ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Mr. 8 Mrs. Richard Carney SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Legislative �ode requirement on having to disconnect rainleaders; aiso requesting a refund of the f i 1 i ng fee ef $25.a0 PREVIOUS HEAP.ING: September 14. 1988: P.equest for variance was denied. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Carney stated tha*_ he would like a variance on the rainleaders. The alley is higher than the yard. Landscaping has been done. so as to slope the ground away from the house. Councilmember Rettman stated Mr. 8 Mrs. Carney contacted her back in September 1988. At that time, the Board had did not have any other opportunity, except to deny rainleader variances. In October 3 . 1988 Co��ncilmember Rettman wrote to Council President 5cheibel , regarding several concerns she had regarding the St. Paul Board of Appeals stance in regards to rainieaders. At the beginning the Board had no choice but to deny variances on rainleader. On or about November, 1988 the Board became the appeals process for rainleaders . Since Mr. 8 Mrs. Carney had already been denied a variance on or about September, 1988 they were never notified that they could return to the Board for further review. � - ' C��,���3 !n November 1988. Mr. 8 Mrs . Carnev contacted Counciimember Rettman and reQUested a home vist to their house to show the problem the rainleader disconnection had caused. At that time it was showing considerable signs of water damaage. Councilmember Rettman stated that in May 1991 , because of ail the rain, Mr. 8 Mrs . Carney had tremendous amount of rain coming in the basement. The property on the corner is about two feet higher. Councilmember Rettman advised the Appellant to return to the Board for further review. Mr. Carney stated that prior to the disconnection of the rainleaders there never was a water problem. Steve Herbert from the Rainleaders Oivision suggested that an Pxtension be put on the gutter, so as to divert the water further away from the ho�se. � BOARD AC710N: Motion made by Oon Weida denying the variance pertaining to disconnection of the rainleaders. Seconded by Bili Tilton. Yeas 15) Nays ! 1 ) Glassman Abstention l0) FURTHER AC-TION: Motion made by deny the request for a refund of the filing fee of $Z5. 00. MOTI�JN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � =--------------------------------- 27-91-F 1879 Feronia Ave. David Bredenberg ( 117 units? Episcopal Church Home of Minnesota APPEARANCE : Uavid Bredenberg & Mike McMillan SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting variance from the requirement of having to; "Provide barriers/gates in all exit stairways to indicate to exit traffic going beyond is below grade and beyond the level of exit" . Orders dated April 11 , 1991 PROCEEDINGS: Dave Bredenberg stated the facility is staffed 24 hours a day. Fire alarm is connected to a Electro-Watchman monitoring system. Mark McMillen, Administrator stated that this facilities keeps the patients in their rooms in cases of emergency, because of the protect in piace concept. The idea is that in a health care facility, you cannot assure the patients safety by removing them from the building. If evacuation is necessary, this is done with staff supervision. Phil Owens, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that basically, it is the contention of the Fire DePartment that the gate is required by Code. 4 .� - � � �.-yi���3 Chairman Glassman had te leave the meeting. Chairman Glassman requested William L. Tilton to Chair the meeting. Phii Owens stated that the gate in question, is a simple gate about 30 inches tall on a spring. no latch and opens in only one direction. BOARO ACTION: Motion made by Joan Pearson to deny the request for a variance; having to provide a gate in all exit stairways. indicating to exit traffic going beyond/below grade or beyond the ,� level of exit. Seconded by Don Weida. MOT10N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . � ---------------------------------- 31-91-F 548 Lafond Ave. Brian Hauck (School ) APPEARANCE: None S�JBJECT Appeliant is requestin� a ��ariance regarding the number of fire doors in the Cuildin�; also havin� not enou�h heat detectors in buil�ing. Order dated May 9 8 !0, 1991 . BOARU ACTION: Motion made by James Laughlin to deny the request for a variance; on the number of fire doors in the building and net having enough heat detectors in the buiiding. Seconded by Stephanie Chester. M07ION CAP,RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ���� ---------------------------------- I�/ 3�J-91-F 400 Pierce St. Edward B. Hughes. APPEARANCE: Ed Hughes SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Code requirement from having to; Provide deadbolt locks with 1 " throws on all apartment entry doors. Orders dated May 2, 1991 . PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant stated that the building is a security building. Present locks should be 5/8 inch. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Don Weida granting a variance on the present deadbolt locks , with a provision, that if they need replacement, that they be replaced with 1 " throws according to code. Seconded by James Laughlin. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMIOUSLY. Yeas (3! Nays (2) Pearson 8� Tilton Abstention (0) � ---------------------------------- � V 5 _ . ��,,,a�.� 3. Presentat�on on Deadbolt Locks by Cory Manthei , Police Officer with the St. Paul Police Department. Cory Manthei , Crime Prevention Officer with the St. Paul Police Qepartment. Ms. Manthei stated that all the training she has received and all the experts that she has been trained by, ali recommend a minimum of a 1 " throw on all deadbolts. The contention of the Police Oepartment is that the more of the deadbolt that throws into the wood and frame. along with a strong strike piate, wouid hold more ferce. Ouane �indstrom from the A-! Lock Service. who has worked with the National Crime Association and the St. Paul Crime Association. suggested that the Fire Department should be more concerned about the strike plate, and ctosing up the gaps between door and the frame. rather than the locks. Ms . Manthei stated that a combination of the length of the screw, strike plate and deadbolt, that this would make it a stronger deadbolt lock. Duane Lindstrom stated that the most imp�rtant thing for- a stronger deadbolt wouid be the strikz plate and closing the gap in the door. Wiiliam Til�on reque=ted that Pat Fish and Officer Manthei work together to come up with some information/stats on deadbolts. Afiter compiling ali the information, the Board couid make recommendati�n t� the Council f�r change in St. Paul LegiGlative Code 34.09 !3Y ( i ? , regarding definition of Ueadbolt Locks. ----------------------------------------------- Meeting adjourned at 3 :5U p.m. 6