91-1282 �. p RI��� ��� ,.,: �_� + . , I ( )Council File # ���`� ' � Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date '7 BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the Following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals and dated, June 11 , 1991 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 6/11/91 26-91-H 959 Fuller Ave. Mary Marseglia BOARD ACTION: Granted a waiver an vacant building fees plus late charges in the amount of $130 . 00 only. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Slaters Addition Lot 21 Blk 1 -------------------------------------- 6/11/91 25-91-R 701 Jenks Ave. Lothar Horn BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time (30 days) to disconnect the rear rainleader, with the provision, that the Appellant make a reasonable effort to divert the water, keeping records, then in one year, if the problem still exists, the Appellant would be allowed to return to the Board for further review. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul 40/45 thru 49 Lot 10 Blk 13 --------------------------------------- Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: .zmon ,�_ � - osw.ztz � on � � " acca ee -� ettman • une — By: i son -- v �Q� - � f� � Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 6 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney , c Adopti n Certified by Council Secretary gy: —1 ��' By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by M or: Date JUL i 7 1991 �°un°il gy; .�,�CG�� By: PUBLtSHED JUL 27'91 _ �i-i��-a �PAR7MEMT/OFflCE/OOUNCIL DATE INITYATED -�om..�unit services REEN SHEET NO. �J 1 g� INI yT,y/�� INITIAUDATE �ONTA PERSON 3 PMONE 2 9 2—7 7 7 rJ DEpARTMENT DIRE_______��►LL_ �CITY COUNqL ' ��� ITY ATTORNEY CITY f�.ERK MUBT BE COUNCII AQENDA 8Y(DATE), p0U71N0 BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 AiK�T.SERVI(�S DIR. ASAP Q MAYOR(OR AS818TANT) � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REpUEBTED: Resolution approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals. ��V� REOOMMENDATIONS:MP�IA1 a�1�(� COUNCIL RCH REPOflT _PtANP11N0 OOMMIS810N _dVIL BEiiVICE COMMISSION �� J�� p 1 1991 —CIB COMMITTEE _ _�� _ �''E"'�: JUL -2 1991 c+o�1h1�� a���� CITY ATTOi�i��`� SUPPORTS WFIICN COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISBUE.OPP019TUNITY(WAo.VMhst�YVhsn.Whsrs.�Nhy): Approving the ac of the Property Code Enforcement Board o� Appeals for the meeting ��� 11, 1991 (See attached minutes) JUL �3 1gg� MAYOR'S OFFICE ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: Extensions of time to the property will be ratified. 1 - extension of ti Waiver of vacant building fees will be ratifi�ed. 1- waiver of fees DIBADVANTA(iES IF MPROVED: None � R�8t1"C�I f��'nt�,� �- 08 �991 . 7 � H asNOV�rirnaes iF Nor n�ROVEO: The action taken by the Property �ode Enforcement Board of Appeals will be returned to the Board by the City Council for further review. . RECEIVED JUL 0 9 1g91 CITY CLER TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION • n�a c�sTrt�NUe suoo�o�a�or�� v�s No n/a RuNaNO sou� n/a ACTIVITY NUMOER 3 3 2 6 3 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �W ;��.. . , � � � - _ ,� : , NOTE: OOMPIETE �RECTiONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL ! MANUAL AVAFLABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE N0.298-4225). ' ROUTtNG ORDER: Below are preferrsd routinps for the Hve most frequsM types of documents: � �NTRACTS (aswmss authoriz�d COUNGI RESOLUTION (Amsnd.Bdpts./ budpst extatay Accept.c3ranta) 1. Outside Ager�cy 1. Depertment Director 2. inn�snn�oepar�ment 2. Bud�et Diroctor 3. Gty Attomey 3. Gty Attomsy � , 4.. ..Ma�yor 4. MayoNAssistent 5. Flnance 8 Mpmt Svcs. Directa 5. Chy Council B. Financs AccouMinp 6. Chief Ac�uMaM, Fln 8 A�M Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLU7'ION (all oth�re) _ Fte�rision) and OFtDINANCE 1. Activfty Manapsr 1. In�iadnp DepartmeM Diroctor 2. Dspsrtm�nt Accountent 2• �Y�no�Y 3. Dsp�rtn»M Dfrector 3. MayodAabtant 4. Bud�st Dir�Ctor 4. Gty COlihCil 5. qty dsrk 6. Chisf A000untant, Fln�Mgmt Svcs. /1DMINISTRATIVE ORDER8 (all othsrs) 1. InRiatinp DspertmeM 2. Gly Attoms�► 3. MayodAssistarK 4. qty C�er�t TOTAL NUMBER OF SIiiNATURE PA(iES i�k�te the�of pagss on whk�signatures are requind and pepercNP each of tF�ese� ACTION REOUESTED D�c�ibe what the proj�t/roqueet seaks to accomplbh in NtNsr chronoloyi- cal order or order o1 impoRenos.vrlNcl�evsr is moet+pproprfate for the issue. Do not w�fta�e sentences. Bspin each item in your 8st arith a v�b. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete ff the laeue in question has bssn preesnted bebre any body, public or privets. 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJEGTtVE? Indicat�which Coundl o�ective(s)Y��Ptol����PP�s bY��� Uro key wo�(s)(HOUSINO. RECREATION, NEIQHBORHOODB, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEINER 3EPARAT�ON). (3EE COMPIETE LI3T IN IN3TRUG?IOWAL MANUAL.) C�l1NGL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE3TED BY COUNqL INITIATINC3 PROBLEM, 188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the sttuatbn cu condidons that cre�ted a nesd for your project or req�st. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicate whether tMs ia sim�r an annual budpet procedure roquired by Iaw/ charter or whethar there us speciHc In which the Gty of Saint Paul and ita citizens wiU bsnsfit f�n this pro�t/actfon. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What nsgative sffects or major changes to existinq or past procssses might this projecUroqusst produce ff it is pessed(e.p.,traiffc delays� n�se. tax inc►eaees or a�m�ts)?To Whom?Whsn�For hovv bng? DISHDVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED What will be tl�nsgathrs consequen�if the promised ection is not approved? InaWlfy to dsliver aervice?Continu�hfgh treffic, nolae, axideM rets�Las of rovs�w? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Althou�you must tafbr the informati�you prmide here to the issue you aro addressing, in y�nsral you must anawer two questions: How much is it goin�to coat?Who is qoing to pay? � , . . . , ���-i��a-- RECEIVED �r?r�Ptf1 i Y ,�o��E En�F�.:���.:.�MCr�I� C���P,RC, ��r A.PPEALS JUL 0 9 1991 555 CEUAf� S7REE�f SP.1��T PA,U� . M I�II�IESOI�A 551!:� 1 CITY CLERK MINI.�-lES. MEE i�1NG UF ���!NE 1 1 . 1�?�1 MEME3EK`� PRE�i�:hll�: Ron G 1 assman , ��ha i rman �`,,/�Q� � � �te�han i � !:hester ��f�t U �Jarnes Lauahlin �.!c.�an F'earson ��li 1 I iam L . Ti 1t�n Uc�n We i da MFME3Eh5 A.�SE�i-f : F�on Ankenv OTHERS PRE�ENT: Pat Fish. St. Paul Fire Prevention Phil C���ens , St. Paul Fire Prevention Steve Arrnstrong, St. Paul Fire Nrevention Officer tlory Manthei , Crime Prevention - St. Paul P�lice Depai�tment L�uane � indstrom, L�cksmith from A-1 Lock Service St.eve Herbert . Rainleadei� Division Councilmember Janic� Rettrnan Charles Votel , C�ivision of Public Health Lisa Hammer, Legal Aic�e Mary Marseglia Lothar Horn R i chard Carne�� Dav i d B�°edenl�urg Ed. Hughes Mark McMillan '�taff: Josephine P. Bonqiovanni 1 . Ap�roval �f the Minut.es for the April 9, 1�91 meetinq as submitteci in writing. The minutes of the April 9 , 19y1 meeting were approvecl with fQilowing correction: Un page 2 , last Paragra�ah, befoi�e �the �rord "Mt�T I�JN" de 1 ete the words "AMENDMENI" TC�" . MUTI Oh! r�ARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. CASE HEAF'.I NGS: GAS� N�J: PROPERTY APPEALED P,PPELLANT: 26-�1-H 959 Fuller Avenue Wm. E3ryan/Mary Marse�lia ! 1 unit) APPEARANCEa Mary Marseglia SUBJECT: Appellan} is requesting a waiver of the vacant buiidinc� fee be��ause of fi i ndr�c i a 1 hardsh i p- . . ��-��F� PROCEEDINGS: Chuck Vot:el . from the Givisior� of Public Health stated that. the Appe I I ant �u�,cr,asea the bu i 1 d i ng from HUU. HUq closed thPir file January 2, 19�1 . Thz fees accrue at a � 10�. 00� per �U3f"i�sr . 7-he A�peilant was notifi �d by letter on February 1 , 199I , th�t there was a fee ot= � 100 . 00 due. Tr�e r��lacar-•d en the b�.�i 1 c�i n�� shoar i ng i t 4�as condemned, was 1 i i=ted May r 5 q 1�y 1 . Un May Ist additianal fees were added f�r the second quarter, mak i n� the tota 1 fiee p 1 �.�s 1 ate I BPS $230. UU. Mr . �1ote I stated that � I ��t1. 0U could be waived since th� buildin� has been cccu�ied since P.pril 1 , 1�91 . City' s pusitian is , the fee ofi $ 100 . 00 shou 1 d be pa i d by tl-ie Ap��e 1 1 ant. Mary Marse9lia stated that the house ha� been vacant for three years . C:losing taak place in U�cemL�er 1990. There was maior plumbin� problems . Because af cost on the plumbing and having to �ay rent, there was no rnoney left tc �ay the fee of �1OU. Q0. Mr. Vate I stated i-ec�rds shoMr that there were no perm i ts t.aF:en out for the plumbing. BUARD ACTIUN: Motion made hy Bili l� ilton to deny the request for a wa i ver of the vacant bu i 1 d i na fee of $100. UQ. Tr�e add i�t i c�na 1 fee plus late charges of $ 130. 00 will be wai ��ed. Secor�dec� by �lo�n P�ars�n. MGT I ON CARR? E G� LNAN I M011�LY , 1 U5-�C�-F2 14Q6 We 1 1 es 1 ev Ave. Guvlf�ose Daddar i a � 1 ��nit) . . SUBJEC7 : Case reso 1 vec�» Appe 1 I ant. i s req���si,:.i n� a refund af the f i i i ng fee of �LS. C�O . BOARD AC:�f i�J�i: Mot i on madp by C1on �te i d� to deny the re����eyt t�ot� a refiund of tt��e f i 1 i ng fee. Seconded b>� F�i 1 1 1"i 1 ton. Yeas (5? �lays � i ? PPar san P.bsten*i on ( �J) ----------------------------------- 25-91-R 7�J 1 Jenks Ave. L�thar Hot-n ( 1 unit) RPPEARANCE : Lothai� Horn SUB�ECI�_ Appellant is requestin� a variance from Le�islat.ivp Lode rPqu i rernent from hav i nc� to c�i scor�nect ra i n 1 eader i n the rear�. � . . ��_,��� PF�'U��EEC►1 NvS_ fhe A��pe I 1 ant stated that he i s requ�st i nc� � var i an�e on the ra i n 1 ea�er ��JCB'�P_� i n the cent.er of fi.he h��use i n the back yard. I�he entire �ro�erty is surrounded b�� a ta11 concrete rei�aining Y�all , which has vertical cracks and has a se�aration in the center. 7here is no place for the water tc� run. Moi-e satur,at i on af �ratei� beh i nd the reta i n i n� wa 1 1 cou 1 d weaken th� wali . Steve Herbert, f=r�om the Rainlea�er Division stated that the H�all was nat prorer) y constructed far drainaae. Mr. HPrbert, sug!�ested that the Appellant put an Axtension , at least ! 2 feet , on the rain gutter, bringing the water away fr�m the house. BUARD AC7IUN; Moti�n madE by Bitl l"ilton to deny the reques� 'F41� a variance on the rear rainleader , givinn the A��ellant �0 days to disconnect, with the provision that the Appellant. make a reasonable effort of diverting the water , keeping records , then af=ter one year, i f �the prob 1 ern st i 1 1 ex i sts , the Ap�e i 1 ant wou 1 d be allowed to return te the Board for further review. Seconded by J�mes Laughlin. MOl-IUN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 2�-91-R 1643 Maywood Ave. Richai�d Carney ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Mr. 8� Mrs. Richard Carney SUBJEC�f: Ap�ellant is r�questing a variance frorn Leaislat; ve C;ade requirement on having to disconnect rainleaders; alsa requesting a refur►d of the f i 1 i nq fee ef $25. 00 PREVIOUS HEARIIVG: September 14, 1988: Request for varisnce was denied. PR(�CEEDINGS : Mr. Carney stated that he would lik.e a variance an the rainleaders. The alley is higher than the yard. Landscat�ing t�as been dane, so as to slope the ground aH�ay from t.he house. Councilmember F�ettman stated Mr. 8 Mrs. C:arnev c�ntacted her back in September 19�3�. At that time, the Board had did nor have any other orrortunity, except t� deny rainleader varianr_es . Ir� Octot�er 3 , 1 y�38 Counc i 1 member� Mettrnan wrote to Counc i I Pres i dent 5che i be 1 , r•eaar d i n�a �evera 1 concerns she had regar�i nq tr�� 5t. Paul L3oard of Ap�+eals stance in regards to rainleaders . At the beginning the BaaT-d had no choice but to deny variances on rainlea�er . On or about Novernber , 1a88 the Boar�d becarne the appeals process f�r rainleaders . Since Mr . & Mrs . Carney had already been denied a variance an or about SeFtember, 1�388 they were never� notified that thev could return te the Board for fuz-ther rev i ew. � . . ��� �� i n �lov�mber� 19t3$ . Mr . � Mrs . Carnev con�acLed C:otinc i 1 member Rettman and re�uested a f�ome vist to their house to sh�w tl��e problem the rain { eader disconnection had cau�ed. At that time it was showina considerable signs of water damaage. Councilmember Fettrnan stated th�t in May 1 �+�►1 , because of ail the rain , Mr. F� Mrs. Carney had tremendous amount of rain c�min� in the basement . l"he property on the c�rner is about tk�o feet� higher. Counci �ImembEr Rettman advised the Appellant tc� return t� thE Baard for further review. Mr. Carney stated that nrior t� the disconnectian of the rainleaders there never was a water problem. Steve Herbert from the Rainleaders Uivision suggested that an ?xtension bA put on the c�utter, so as to divert the water further aw�v from the house. BOARD AC7ION: Motion made by Dan We�ida denying the variance �ertaining to disconnection o� the i�ainleaders . 5econd�d by Bill Tilton. Yeas ( 5? t�lays ll ) Glassman Ab�tention (0) FURTHER ACTIUN: Motion made by deny the request for a refund o� ±he filing fee of �25 . 00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 27-91-F 1$7`� Feronia Ave. David 6redenberc� i117 units) E�iscopal Chur�ch Home of Minnesota APPEARANCE : Uavid Bredenbera & Mike McMillan SUBJEC7: Appeilant is requesiYing variance from the requirement of having to; "Provide barriers/qates in all exit stairways to indicate to exit traffic goin� beyond is belo�r grade and beyond the levei of exit" . Urders dated April 11 , 1Q91 PF�OCEED I�lGS: Dave Bredenberg stated the fac i 1 i ty i s staffed 24 hour�s a day. Fire alarm is connected to a Electro-Watchman monitaring system. Mark McMillen , A�Iministrator stated that this f�cilities keeps the patients in their rooms in cases �f emergency, because of the protect in piace concept. 7he idea is that in a health care facility, You cannot assure the patients safety by removing them fr-om the buildin�. If evacuation is necessary, ±his is done wi�h staff supervision. Phil Owens , fram the Department. of Fire & Safety stated that basicallv, it is the contention of the Fire Department that. the ��ate is requirecl by Code. � 4 . - ., . . . ��_,�.�� ��'hairmar� Glassman had tc leave tr�e meeting. Chairman G�lassman requested William L . Tilt.on to Chair the meeting. Phil Owens stated that t.P�e gate in question, is a simple gate about 30 inches tall on a sprin�, no latch and opens in only one direction. BUARU AC7I(�N: Mation made by Joan Pearson to deny the rec�{uest for a variancP, having ta �?rovide a gate in all exit stairHrays, indicating to exit traffic �oing beyond/below grade or beyond the level of exit . Seconded by Don Weida. MOTIUN CARRIED UNAIV I MOlJSLY . ---------------------------------- 31-91-F 548 Lafond pve. Brian Hauck �School } APPEARANCE : NGne SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance regarding the number of fire doors in the building; also having not enough heat det�ctors in buildin�. Order dated May y & 10 , 1991 . BOARU AC7ION: Motian made by James Laughlin ta der�y the request for a variance; on the number of fire doors in the building and not having enough hea� detectors in the building. Seconded by Stephanie Chester. MO1'ION CAP.RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 3C�-91-F 400 Pierce St. Edward B. Huc�hes . APPEARANCE : Ed Hughes SUBJECT: Appellant. is requesting a variance from Code requirement from having to; Provide deadbolt locks with 1 " throws on all apartment entry doors . Orders dated May 2 , 19q1 . PROCEEGINGS: The A�peilant stated thdt the building is a security building. Present locF:s should be 5/8 inch . BOARD ACT10N: Motion made by Don Weida granting a variance on the present deadbolt locks , with a provision, that if they need replacement, that thev be replaced with 1 " throws according to code. Seconded by James Lau�hlin. MOTIO�I CARRIED UNANIMIOUSLY . Yeas (3� Nays (2? Pearson & Tilton Abstentic�n ( U) ---------------------------------- ti , . . . . �/- /��� 3 . NT�esentation on Ueadbolt Locks by Cory Manthei , Police Officer with the St. Paul I'olice Department . Cory Manthei , Crime Preventian Offiicer 4rith the St. Paul Palire Depaz�tment . Ms . Manthei stated that all the training she has received and all the experts tf 3t she has been trained by, a11 recommend a minimum of � 1 " throw on all deadbolts . l-he c�ntention of the Police Department is that the rnore af the deadbo)t that throws into the wood and frame. along with a stron� strike plate, would hold more force. Duane Lindstrom from the A-1 Lock Service, who has worked with the National Grime Association and the St. Paul Crirne Association , suggested that the Fire Uepartment sha�.� ld b? rnore concernee� about the strike nlate, and closing up the gaps between door and the frame, rather than the Ic�cks. M5 . Manthei stated that a combination of the length of the screw, strike plate and deadbol � , that this wouid make it a stronger deadbolt lock. auane L i ndstrom stated that the most i rnpoi�tant th i nc� for� a s�ronger deadbolt would be the strike plate ai-►d closing the gap in the door . W i 1 1 i arn 1"i 1 t.on requ��ted that Pat F i sh and Off i cer Manthe i work � together to come u� with some information/stats an deadbolts . After compiling all the information, the Board cauld make recommendatien to the Council f�r change in St . Paul Legislative Code 34.�9 (.� } ( i ) , re�ardin� definitian of Deadbolt Lacks, -----------�------------------------------------- Meet i n� a�l jo�.�rned at 3 c 5U p.m. 5