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91-1275 @RIGiNA�� ;� , ' Council File � /-�o�. 3 , ' t , � ' , � �--� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ���� �� Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code establishing uniform definitions, fees and permit durations for w temporary liquor, beer (strong and ' nonintoxicating) and wine licensing and establishing mandatory alcohol awareness training for all , . temporary al�oholic beverage licensees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR�DAIN: Section 1 Section 410. 10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " (a) Temporary license; fee. Not withstanding any other .;,.;... ..... ...... provision of this chapter to the contrary, a '���� `�a� ��:�'3�::�:�::�� charitable reli ious or �s��i;��:::>:;�:i�zat'":�;+��:�:'� --"�� or ariization �;#� � g ::::::::.$::::::::::::::::::.. g ::>:::»> ;;;;;:.::.:;:.;;:�;;.:::;:;:.;:<::.::::.;:.;...:.;:;.;:.;;;;;;;;::;;;>;;��:.;::;:.;:.>;:.;;::.;:;«::.::;.>:<:>::>:<:::><>:>::::;��<:>::<;:>.;;:.::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::. ���:�:te��::::<:�`��::::::::�^�:>>::1'e�?��:<:>:��r:��»::>:::::�:::::::>:>;.>��� ma obtain a tem orar on- .:�:;;;;;;�.;;;;:�.:.:;;:�`:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: Y P Y s�a��e-"`��:�icerise'���o�`�se�l�� `�noriiritoxicatiri `--�malt li uor on the remises 9 q P specified in the license, including playgrounds, school grounds and school buildings. The fee for such license shall be ���- �' _r�e-�o -�� ���t��::::�'t�M'�:.::<:::::� �:��::::::�;:a:��;;:�:::>:::>��>: ;��1���<:�.:�::�`:: er da and ;:.;;;:.;:.:::5�.:.;:.;:.>:.;:.;:;�:.;::L���:;:.;;;;::�.;;:::.>:.;�:.....��...;:.;:.;;:.::.;:;�;:.;:<�.; P Y, shall be paid prior to����"issuarice``��of���tf��e �licerise�: (b) Application. Application for such licenses shall be made on forms provided by the inspector and shall contain the following: (1) The name, address and purpose of the organization, together with the names and addresses of its officers. (2) The purpose for which the temporary license is sought, together with the names and addresses of its officers. f�3 � -�-9� oR���r��.�, , �9, ,�2� � � ����-� (3) Consent of the owner or manager of the premises, or person or group with lawful responsibility for the premises, including city, county, or school district property. :.:�<:.::•.:::.::.....>:.;:.::.>:��.:::.::.::.::.::.:;:.:;.::.;:..;..:.:;.;:.;:�:.;::.;;�;:..:.:;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;;:.;:.::.;::.;;::.;:.;:<.>;:.;:.;::.;::.;:.>:«.>....:.:.>:.>:.>:.>:.::.:::�.>:.>:.>:.>:.>:.:::.:.;:.;:.;:.;:.>:.>;:.>:.>:.:�::.;:;;.;:.::::.:;.;:.;;:::...;:::.>:.:��.;:.;:.;;:<:.;.;;:.;;....: ::<:�:::>:::::���::���:�:�:::::>��;a�>::::>: �� � :<:�:: :.� �::>:::::Q:.:<;::::: :.::.:..::� ;<� �� <:::>::: �� : �::::>::::: ���:�::::;.:� : ::::>:� ::>::.;:..� .�:::::: .:.::::.�.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'��:.::;���:�:. ::::�:.::.:::x'.::�:ir�;��:.::r:.::::�:�x�;.::.>��.:::::::�:�r��::::�.�:�Q���. .�..............................................................................................�:............................................................................................:............................................. ......:::::::�:?G;��'ti���:i��:>::�:>����:�:�:�i`::..:::::::"��:�':��d��<::<>;�.>';>:;:::>:�i:�:�:�:��rt�::::;:�>�:i�:�'::>:::�:irtii�:����:�:��:::>::�:��:::::€:�:�:� .:.:�.:::2�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:�.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:�::::::::::::.�::..::::::.�:::..::::.�.:.�:: ............................................................................................................................................................,..,....,......................:.,.:::::....... ......................................:...::.:.::.:::.:...... �............;:... ..................................:::::..................................................................................................................... ..............,,.......... ..... ��€:��;ty.. (c) Conditions. A temporary license shall be issued subject to the following conditions: (1) Such license shall be issued for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. .,..............:... (2) No organization shall be granted more than €e�} �:��;�::;:;::�:�;:�;; times in a calendar year. ��� � � ���� 3 No more than ���{��� ( ) €e�-F4}- ��;��:>:;:::::�:::5:�:: licenses shall be granted in . �..::.. calendar year for any oiie ��T�ocation, except that this limitation shall not apply where the proposed location is for property under the jurisdiction, ownership or control of the City of Saint Paul, or for school grounds, school houses or school buildings. (d) App.iicability of other provisions of this chapter. No other provisions of this chapter shall apply to licenses granted under this section, except Section 410.03 (a) through (e) ; Section 410.04 (a) , (b) and (c) ; Sections 410.05, 410.06, 410. 07, 410.09, 410. 10. (e) Music, etc. An organization licensed under this section may provide instrumental music with dancing, singing or vaudeville entertainment connection with said license without regard to the requirements of Chapter 411 concerning entertainment. (f) Class II license. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the temporary on-sale beer license shall be administered as a Class II license and subject to the provisions of these chapters governing Class II licenses. The inspector shall make all referrals as provided by Section 310.03, but the director may require the inspector to issue such license before receiving any recommendations on the application thereof if necessary to issue such license on a timely basis. Pge �-�-q� ��� ;���`��;_ . , ��Q�--1��5 � � ' �T�sy Section 2 This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswz z on acca ee et man � u e z son BY� v Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 8 1991 Form Approved by City AttorneX . � Adopti Certified by Council Secretary gy; , G '7'l�j - �� By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor• e J UL � � �gg� Council By: BY' � BtIS�IED JUL 2 0�91 �✓Q` ��� � , . . ` N° .14481 F��a/Liceasin ' ' ' 6-�-�i GAEF•N S1iE�' + �� «n�. ��„� Bob K�aelar/298-5056 �� ��'�+' �� �� �uoosrt�cra� �a rqc�e o�. • wa�r�o�rr� �' TidTAL�Oi�3i@NATURE IMtiES (CUP AI.L.L�Ot:ArON�i+�flt 4�i/iC1t1l� �"men�'�apter 410 to establish uniform definitioas, faes and perait durations for temporary liquor, beer aad wias liceasiIIg aad estahlish �aa�dstory alcohol avareaess ; training for a11 te,mporary alcoholic baverage• licsnsaas. '�Ppow IA1 a PIM�IR► PERa01�{Ai.S�IYM�I.'AIfTRAC73 IIIMT AN�MtR 7'M�l�Ot.L.OM11119�770NSs ._Pt�aao� _Cnn.9�v�CE� t. tlss thfs P�+�aw waa0�r a eanl�aat tot tl�s d� .�Cld COI�MN7'f�E � YES NO 2 Mr thls PMSaMY'�ww sM�a alyr eeNMo�N? r.9TAFf � Y� 11� . . • :� .._.c�aCt cou�r .._. 3. Do�s aMs w�o�w�r a�MI noe na�M oa�d b�►�r arant dy�aplo�wP oi�/��01rf3 vM�pl COUNC0.OSdEClIVEt YES NO E7I�111�N rM a1MMN�M M�fM/t M/rM011'LO�lMlf fhNF iNITIATIIW PROOLBM.ISSU&OPPON'11JNITYIYYhe.WMt.vVMM.WI+M�.WhYh• If . OISAOVAN'fAf3E81F . 016r10VANTAABB iF NOT A�qf�VBD: TOTA6 AMOl1NT O!�TRAMiAOT10N ! COalylllYlNIIE�IN�O/7'�(G�CLt d!1!y VES _ NO �aou�cs ,�at+vm►� �+�waN.irx�on�:�ex�+� lst . ��-g— �� �nd 7"�� - 7� 3rd �—/0 ��� Adopted Yeas Nays DIMOND /���j'/�/��5� ��..�7 GOSWITZ l 7�,s� LONG MACCABEE R�TTMAN TNUNE MR. PRESIDENT� WILSON - , , . �?i-ia��� DFinance/Licensing � DAGTE�ITI�AT1ED GREEN SHEET N° _ 14481 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Bob Kessler/298-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY O CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICE3 D�R. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) A�� Nen�E�ha ter 410 to establish uniform definitions, fees and P permit durations for temporary liquor, beer and wine licensing and establish mandatory alcohol awareness training for all temporary alcoholic beverage licensees. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this personHirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? _STAFF _ YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INIT�ATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL� , MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of peges on which signatures are required and papercltp or flag each of these pa�ea. ACTION RE�UESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information wili be used to determine the cirys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citize�s will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the intormation you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? Council File � /- a? 7.5 . � ' � ordinance #� Green Sheet # �_�'y Or - ORDINANCE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code establishing uniform definitions, • • fees and permit durations for temporary liquor, beer (strong and nonintoxicating) and wine licensing, and establishing mandatory alcohol awareness training for all . temporary alcoholic beverage � licensees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORflAIN: - � Section 1 - � Section 410.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amenc��c3. to read as follows: " (a) Temporary license; fee. Not withstanding any other _. provision of this chapter to the contrary, a ��-Ti-�e ��:"�>�:�� }4� � ✓i�..v b'•:i:.liNi$ charitable, religious or ���:i���;��'i�n�,�p;]`��;� ��� organiaa�ion �:s1� ;Jp:m!.Y.1?%!??'•:-04.};•%•,v,{.%n;•%;Y..+...]C:H...;..;�;;n;,v,r.}};:•.:v rti;ii}:ti;:f'{:.'{'•:>;.•:;:.r}•ti�?'nT�:{LO!::?5;.:^.;.^Stii}VOfk!D)OYAO( ry+YiY%'� ���:��:�����`�s�,��..�. ��e�:���:"��e�..��������� may obtain a temporary on- ,y?:•y,:;::;>:;�y,•:'t+v;>,�:.+'�::w� ...?�r,�;` ,...,.,. .C.+. ........ �":�:5;^::;:>::�`^..,.,... . w«L....�..«:�.k,w,.?.4�: sale license �o sell nonintoxicating malt liquor on the premises specified in the license, including� playgrounds, school grounds and school buildings. The fee for such license shall be }-:,=~'--,_ ,�^� "..j €��e—�e��a�s�� :��ix�>`::::�=ori��'��`c��:�:m�.v.>:`V.:>:�k<4;?;.y`�:�°�#'��'Y er da and � ';,k.ys:::::;::�:::i::::+„',::::;:>:x c:+:.'•::: t•::c;£%:*S;Jc�>.,:s•'�T?a v,:si`.,v+�iC�R P Y/ shall be paid prior to issuance o�'�'°`the �.icense. (b) Application. Application for such licenses shall be made on forms provided by the inspector and shall contain the following: (1) The name, address and purpose of the organization, together with the riames and addresses of its officers. (2) The purpose for which the temporary license is sought, together with the names and addresses of its officers. �1Q � _7_A�i ����a75 (3) Consent of the owner or manager of the premises, or person or group with lawful responsibility for the premises, including city, county, or school district property. wr^o�»:• {m.av, .•xu;.v nero:<ua>:e:.r.x�xax.��.ncox.•»�.ora.�srotaa•• . •cev.naxx • .00a.oaxc:wyaao+:ac�• y ' _..•,,,...• . .. ::.::.:.�;. .... :�. ��i.�� �... �a�;�f:�i�� ; �,: :e� <>.. :�;�. ��..��.:�:.� , . . ..: � ... .: .. .... '��1 . .� �?;��:1:7s... ?�. ��`�..t'�.��'. .`�:�?". ...��.�:. :������� . . .. .......Q�<,:.,..::::...,:,..:::..:;:>•. .. '�, �:;:::��� �..�'�."'.:.:.;:. ,�....�'�..�.1.�,:<:.:: ,.>:� .,f.. � .:.: r.:.< ...::::... .. ...��•c.,�:.:<,::::.:.-e. ;�, ;:•.;;,;v:;,rr.,.,.:.•;;.�•:::x..�.r.#:t;.::::.:;,..;v.� � '••r•.��, :&?;Y,� ''•%..'.... •.aa: � ' ::..; : ' • " .. :'�x.�.,�...a;a:��C,M�..� �' :.. ' .�•...<�.. ' � ��-.. �;���� e�_.:. ....��;��.n:� ���:de.: ���..:�� ~c�. .���.�..:. .����. � .:.�� >v:v..,..., .. r . .. . , �.;.: . ���<, �Fx .f..;....:... �-.� : ..::.. !,:;�;-•:,::w1•� .A.,�„cu..• .tc;.��:v'r.'���:.MC...,..xa:a:crraL:ac .,. .�w, . . . ',.':.� � ..:66:�:ofiW�tiaia�i •;:otisaw'J;Gi :.''.:��;��•�� (c) Conditions. A temporary license shall be issued subject to the following conditions: (1) Such license shall be issued for a period not to exceed ten (l0) days. (2) No organization shall be granted more than `�`�` �e�—{�-3' �.'�::;:.�`�:�� times in a calendar year. 3 No more than �"Vl�� ( ) � f�'�:�`�:��::�'� licenses shall be granted in calendar year for any oiie��'"]:ocation, except that this limitation shall not apply where the proposed location is for property under the jurisdiction, ownership or control of the City of Saint Paul, or for school grounds, school houses or school buildings. _. (d) Applicability of other provisions of this cl�apter. No other provisions �of this chapter shall apply to licenses granted � under this section, except Section 410.03 (a) through (e) ; Section 410. 04 (a) , (b) and (c) ; Sections 410.05, 410.06, 410. 07, 410. 09, 410. 10. (e) Music, etc. An organization licensed under this sectio» ana� provide instrumental music with dancing, singing or _ vaudeyille entertainment connection with said license without regard to the requirements of Chapter 411 concerning entertainment. (f) C1ass II license. Notwithstanding any other provision o� law to the contrary, the temporary on-sale beer license shall be administered as a Class II license and subject to the provisions of these chapters governing Class II licenses. The inspector shall make all referrals as provided by Section 310. 03, but the director may require the inspector to issue such license before receiving any recommendations on the application thereof if necessary to issue such license on a timely basis. �RR �,-�-9i . ��f� ��7s Section 2 This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days following its � passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon on acca�ee ettman - une s son BY= Form Approved by City Attorne� Adopted by Council: Date . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY; • � G .7'9/ By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council - By: BY" �y,�- ,��� DEPAR EN /pFFICFJCOUNG� � °"�'"'�' GREFN SHE�T'� N°• -14481 Finance/Licensin 6-7-91 - CONTACT PEASON 3 PNONE �OEPAFITMENT DIFiEC70R �u�� �C1TY COUNCIL �N��� Bob Kessler/298-5056 . "$�' ❑�TM��� �cmc�K Nuwe�tFOn MU37 8 ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY(DATE1 Rp�n�p �BtJOCiET� �FlN.a Mf3T.SERVICES OIfL ' ORDER �MAYbR I�i ASSIS�NT1 � TOTAL#OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� �A°men�E�iapter 410 to establish uniform definitions, fess and permit durations for temporary liquor, beer and wine and establish maadatorp alcohol awareness � training for all temporary alcoholic beverage� licensees. HECOMMENOATIONS:Approw(A)a fis�sct(p1 PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWEA THE FOLLOWING OUHSTIONS: _PLANNINa COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMt3810N �• ���P�����a���dePattrner�M _�CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _.STAFF _ 2. Has tttis peraon/firm eMer bsan a aly ert�ploye�? YES NO . . . _o�sraicr couAr ._ 3. ooea nus person�nrm poseess a skill na nom�sly aosssased by em wrrerrc cih emp�oyse7 ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNET YES NO ExQlain all yes answws on s�paraa sh�st and attach to gresn ahNt . INITIATINO PROBLEM.tSSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.WhaL When.lNhers.Why): - � ` ADVANTA(iES IFAPPROVED: OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE� YES , NO FiJNDINCa SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEA FlNANCIAI.INFORMATfON:(EXPLAIN) . , ' . Council File # � ordinance #` Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �. Presented By � Referred To Coaimittee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code establishing uniform definitions, � � fees and permit durations for temporary liquor, beer (strong and nonintoxicating) and wine licensing, and establishing mandatory alcohol awareness training for all . temporary alcoholic beverage licensees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR�AIN: Section 1 � Section 410. 10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amenc��c� to read as follows: " (a) Temporary license; fee. Not withstanding any other . . :.;..... .::::. ..... provision of this chapter to the contrary, a �n�=Qe c�:�:::'�� ,...�: _�..�....... :.,...:..z:.r::.,�>�.�.:,::<. ��:::- charitable, religious or �stk'i:��::;;:�i:s��`atg���.� �� organiz�ation �:� ::::..�., .....:::::.,.....,.--..,,....:.,:....:.:.:...... ..:::.r::..;�,:.>,,::..::::::w,;;.. :.......:.:::.;::�;,.:,::v;�:::�:::::,:;::>� �::.;.......:�,.;.::;:�:...:;..:�.:;:.:.�..,;:.:�:.::.::....:.:;.:�:.;::,.:.: � .::;h::>:>.{.<:;:;::;:�:�;..��. , :..�.�> ���:�::�ex���><:»��s�>`:��:�<.<>:1��:��::::;��:e��:>.<:3:�:�,�:. >�:� ma obtain a tem orar on- .;;t:,: >:.,:.: �:�.>::::�,U..:::�:.n .�;:. Y P Y . :;::�._. sa�Te-`''I�icerise������'o�'�se�����`�"``� 11 rioriiritoxicating malt liquor on the premises specified in the license, including� playgrounds, school grounds and school buildings. The fee for such license shall be ���- €�a�e-�e�-s . i ;���:�':[`��<�' :ori:�i.�<t�:t���,�:��:n`, ::,,r>��:�:< er da and �T .......:::;?�.;;:::.:;::'Gi.:c:'d•.':.:i,:t:::r.;;n�,.F:.c.�y�;�,;�R;::.::�����r;Xa.,.{.k��k P Y, shall be paid prior to`�"'issuance of+ t�e �:icense. (b) Application. Application for such licenses shall be made on forms provided by the inspector and shall contain the following: (1) The name, address and purpose of the organization, together with the names and addresses of its officers. (2) The purpose for which the temporary license is sought, together with the names and addresses of its officers. f$.� � -�-9'� � � - �y,.-��?.� (3) Consent of the owner or manager of the premises, or person or group with lawful responsibility for the premises, including city, county, or school district property. :5�. y.. .. f. .�n{.,v,•Fr'F.4T' }:•:�,-.....% Y /ri{i.;y • •:ti':A'4:M:.:.G!K{ii;,YX" . ^?%+.� :L:?' • �•,��.'.4•'..x,,..�. �'>..'.�'.'.?Y:�'r,'�'���„�.,�..`;p�' ��{. '_f f. .;� . �'�� ::•�.•;. � .. :. , ; . :. � : F..;c>:�.k•�.q ; ` c:x�::% r.x.:t�f w.•x'+.•f•r.�::�,•;�.::i�;j�` ..:ia' '\ '•:u::'r",:C+Y} ,!.r.a . x • ?• • : y{. •^`'.Jk. v � ....::''�:.. .r�:� `�A�. ,;`�. �,'..�.y�ii':� :, :::v:••...;:e••.::�:i:'i.:"J�.'iw'-' ' •:•�`•'a•'w�:�:'�a*,��C�xii.'�^.;.3'ci7�'.x,vzskki�s�.isiaa:• r,'dC'� , .. ... x e,c?.. ��. ' t:' i�'.:a�� (c) Conditions. A temporary license shall be issued subject to the following conditions: (1) Such license shall be issued for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. (2) No organization shall be granted more than �•4-}- :'���-;" � �� times in a calendar year. � � 3 No more than �.•��" ••�XM'..� ( ) �s�} �"'�;?�::.:..:.;:::�...�yr...�.��� licenses shall be granted in calendar year for any �one���`�location, except that this limitation shall not apply where the proposed location is for property under the jurisdiction, ownership or control of the City of Saint Paul, or for school grounds, school houses or school buildings. (d) Applicability of other provisions of this chapter. No other provisions of this chapter shall apply to licenses granted � under this section, except Section 410.03 (a) through (e) ; Section 410.04 (a) , (b) and (c) ; Sections 410. 05, 410.06, 410. 07, 410.09, 410. 10. (e) Music, etc. An organization licensed under this section xna� provide instrumental music with dancing, singing or vaudeville entertainment connection with said license without regard to the requirements of Chapter 411 concerning entertainment. (f) Class II license. Notwithstanding any other provision af law to the contrary, the temporary on-sale beer license shall be administered as a Class II license and subject to the provisions of these chapters governing Class II licenses. The inspector shall make all referrals as provided by Section 310. 03, but the director may require the inspector to issue such license before receiving any recommendations on the application thereof if necessary to issue such license on a timely basis. Pgg �-�-q� � . , . ��� ��7`J Section 2 This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days following its �. passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent �e8ted by Department of: 0 osw o» — acca ee ettman u e i son $Y� Fona Approved by City Attorne� Adopted by Council: Date . . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $y: � G .7�gj By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ��cil By: By' C�RIGsNA�. "� � . � �o� ��,� ' + Council File # ' f �o Green Sheet # /�y��s RESOLUTION C OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION ON NONCONFORMING COMMERCIAL PARKING AND GRAND AVENUE PARKING ISSUES WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing to consider the petition of First Bank Grand, 1071 Grand Avenue, for rezoning of the parking lot on the north (residential) side of the alley from R-2 to P-1 on April 4, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposed rezoning because the comprehensive plan states the alley line should be the boundary between commercial and residential :use;."and • �>'� - • WHEREAS, at the request of the Council, a task force studied the proposed rezoning in relation to broader parking problems at Grand and Lexington and reported back to the Council on July 9, 1991, with recommendations to implement several parking proposals for_ Grand and Lexington and to .create a new parking task force further east on Grand between Dale and Milton; and WHEREAS, the task force recommends an alternative to rezoning in which the bank lot would become a legal nonconforming use for ten years and then be rejoined to the residential lot on Summit Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office finds no clear authority in the zoning code to approve a nonconforming use on an unbuilt parcel after ten years of use, comparable to this authority for a nonconforming use of a building; and WHEREAS, the task force's proposal should be evaluated by the Planning Commission for its relationship to citywide zoning and land use policy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby initiates the small, nonconforming commercial. parking lot zoning study and asks the Planning Commission to make a recommendation on the proposal to amend the zoning code to permit application for legal nonconforming use status of commercial parking under limited conditions and to provide notice of such recommendations through the citizen participation process; and - FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if in due course the zoning code is amended as recommended, First Bank Grand may apply for a legal nonconforming use permit . without paying another application fee beyond the rezoning application fee, and that the rezoning petition submitted by the bank will satisfy any similar petition requirement that may by adopted as part of the nonconforming use application, and that the zoning administrator will not enforce the illegal nonconforming use pending the process of amendment and reapplication; and �Rw�����. , , , �� -�a �� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the .City Council requests the Planning Commission to make its recommendations on this matter within 90 days. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that PED and Public Works staff be assigned to support implementation of the parking recommendations for Grand and Lexington; and . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests the Summit Hill Association/District 16 to create another parking task force to address the parking problems along Grand Avenue between Dale and Milton Streets. Y� Nava Absent Requested by Department of: zmon �,_ osw tz acca ee _� e ma �une i son Z BY� Adopted by Council: Date �U� g 1g91 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date JU L 2 3 1991 Council ► By: By' _ PUeLISwEO �-u6-3�g� , . : - � -+� � �-�. �;�� c� � p.�;� �� :��.��� S�O r (.R,�! Y�.o v�G�Q1ti Q'O r1Nl J� V�� S��S O� �� t f� c.alM W�Q.r G►� �+v�r� .. I:w►;�`t.�� G,Q,,��[,���tsl.�s J pwl/al� �"O �rpV r(�t YVO��C�- � S V� (`QiLe WL IM�iI/��P►' �S �f.�,9 l. �- �; �-�.�..�„ �,r�-;�.;�.,d-� P�-s.� , �`p- � p,�c,�►,,;�s s�'ra�� � 1 ��r � ��n 1 � /� r ���- "" S'�7n�f'Q' 1n+►Y� ►n.o� Q.NN'o l'V�. 3� i��R-q.G� y�,6v�c,Ov�t'a r-IM1n l v� v 3..A- 6 J �,,�,y��(,�°.q ,� ��z.�a.,s s �� o,,,•,,,e,,�.�v►�.a,v��' c�►�.-cQ f'�•.� l; c_o�,�; c�,-, . J �������� , Council File # /� Green Sheet f i3 y�,s� • RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION ON NONCONFORMING COMMERCIAL PARKING AND GRAND AVENUE PARKING ISSUES WHEREAS, the Gouncil held a public hearing to consider the petition of First Bank Grand, 1071 Grand Avenue, for rezoning of the parking lot on the north (residential) side of the alley from R-2 to P-1 on April 4, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the proposed rezoning because the comprehensive plan states the alley line should be the boundary between commercial and residential use; and WHEREAS, at the request of the Council, a task force studied the proposed rezoning in relation to broader parking problems at Grand and Lexington and reported back to the Council on July 9, 1991� with recommendations to implement several parking proposals for Grand and Lexington and to create a new parking task force further east on Grand between Dale and Milton; and WHEREAS, the task force recommends an alternative to rezoning in which the bank lot would become a legal nonconforming use for ten years and then be rejoined to the residential lot on Summit Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office finds no clear authority in the zoning code to approve a nonconforming use on an unbuilt parcel after ten years of use, comparable to this authority for a nonconforming use of a building; and WHEREAS, .the task force's proposal should be evaluated by the Planning Commission for its relationship to citywide zoning and land use policy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby initiates the small, nonconforming commercial parking lot zoning study and asks the Planning Commission to make a recommendation on the p\roposal � ` , ' 'l� �WI�M 'Y�- L_-,�� � ♦ a � V FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if in due course the zoning code is amended as � recommended, First Bank Grand may apply for a legal nonconforming use permit without paying another application fee beyond the rezoning application fee, and that the rezoning petition submitted by the bank will satisfy any similar petition requirement that may by adopted as part of the nonconforming use applicatior�.; and �,Z'tH.� �rN��r�r*'�-�e r � o�w� ��' wi�! Y�� e•�►�o trs.. �., i 1�¢,s�.� ►�.etn cow•�o t-w�.►��. . - u �U�U�Ct'"�. 9/-/ . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests the Planning Comrnission to _ make its recommendations on this matter within 90 days. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that PED and Public Works staff be assigned to support implementation of the parking recommendations for Grand and Lexington; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests the Summit Hill Association/District 16 to create another parking task force to address the parking problems along Grand Avenue between Dale and Milton Streets. Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on acca ee-- e tman un e i son By: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: _ BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By'