98-511Council File # 7� ORI�INA�, Presented by__� Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � 3 g � Z7 Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Admuristrarive Resolution to establish the rate of pay for the classification of "Library Information Systems Coordinato�". RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Library Information Systems Coordinator" class be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 19, Section ID3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation in the Sa]ary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of. S Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hams tC�l AdoF AdoF � Appi By: BY �� - - �3SYr�1yy �n ,tt,r � ./� � � �� Fonn Aroproved bv CiN Attomey �����98-s1J J (1Id 4 1998 DEPARTD4E�T/OFFICFJCOUriCIL: Human Resources COYTACT PERSO.�' & PHONE: Ivfichael F. Foley (266-6 Mark Robertson (266-6� 11NST BE ON CODI�CII. AGENDA SY (DAT� TOTAL# OF SiGNATL7RE PAGES D"TE w"�'`'TE°� GREEN SHEET No.: 6�Pt''-'S ���f�� p wrn.vina�re snrLVinara pS5[Gr 1 DEPAR'1'��fENT DII��� 5 CITYCAUNCII. NlJMBER 2_CITY A7TORNEY b CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDCET DIl2.� FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D1R ROUTING 4_MAZ'OR(OR?�`�'� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER � �� ALL LOCATIOIiS FOR SIGNAT[1RE) wcrcox �msrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new dassification entitlecl, "Library Information Resources Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejat (R) PLANNINGCOIvA4ISSION _CNII.SERVICE COI.Rvt[SSION CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DIS7RICT COURT SUP40RTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTfVE? PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MOSC ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasUtispersod5[mevawoekedunderaconhactforthisdepaMient? Yes No 2. Has thi.s perso�✓Srm ever 6eep a city employce? Yes No 3. DoesihispersoolfilmpossessaskillnotnolmallyposcasedbymycuiretrtciTy aopbyce? Yes No Esptain all pes aoswers ow separate s6eet and attach to green sheet L\TTIATRAG PROBLE�1, ISSiJE, OPPORTUlVTCY (14'ho, What, NVLeq lVhere, �Vhy): TI1C I.1�C31'S+ S}�SYCIYI 3S ERC2r1I1Q 2 PEiiOCi Of L17T1C when providing adequate levels of service to patrons requires the staffto have access to interlibrary daYabases and infonnation services. Tn additian, evolving computerized information resources requires patror.s to ha�e access to many of these resources directiy and requires constant pianning and replanning to ensure appropriata upgades and access_ This requires a new position which can be funded within e�sting salary and FTE levels. anvwn�rncES � arrROVEn: The Library will be able to select a person who has the qualifications to oversee the systematic development and depioyment of these computerized resources to Library staff and to the Library patrons. This; in turn, will allow the Library system to confinue to provide adequate service to the City of Saint Paul. Dia4DVN� ; qcES iF aPPRevED: No ]rnown disadvantages at Nvs time. (No.e: Tlus position will deal with systems that aze pec;iliaz te the Librazy and will not duplicate any of the new, City-unde IS resnonsibilities, atthou� the posiuon will assist in �+��ring that there are no major incompatibitities among these systems.) D7SwnvM^cpGES iF NoT nPpROVEn_ TLe Librazy system will not have a position capable of providing the systematic and technical management needed to ensure that the Library facilities will have adequate levels of service in the azea of computerized information access. TOTpL ARqO[Jl�"i' OF TRATS2.Ct'ION: ( 5 437.0(I) tvNnIrc SoCmcE: C�eral Fund COSf/2EVENUE Bi1DGETED: YPs ACI'IVCfYNUMBER 03400 FINANCIALINEORMATION: XPJ_,A TheLibr g � �" ���{ � osirion. (E I1V) aTy's 1998°�mmmdg�fcA�tains"lhe p g . i�-' �.� :..,.. - . ' ' a .�'r�:� G'i ia `�<• �, 3 '3� u �t�i? � � °4"J�g ���� 10 �� ���'� �`�������� 98�5// CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor May 12, 1998 Professional Employees Association Steve Roy, President LIEP 300, Lowry Professional Building 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn SamiUon, Direcmr 400 Gry Aall A�u+cc 25 West Founh 57reet Saint Paut, Mi»�erota 55102-I63I Te7epho�u: 612-266-6500 1DDlI7Y.• 61 2-2 66 6501 Jobline: 612-266-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator It has been deternilned that it is now appropriate to press fonvard with the crearion of the title and c3ass specification of Library Information Resources Coordinator. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. This version contains the proposed changes to the mitumum qualiScations. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of t}ris memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Library Information Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation_ Thank you. r�T�� �s�/� chael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. S/�y/Ye Date 9�-si/ C1TY dF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, Mayor TQ: FROM: DATE: RE: It has been determined that the title and class specification of Library InformaYion Resources Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate ofpay for the title ofLibrary Informarion Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of ihe Professional Employee Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Carole Williams, Library Director Library Ivfichael F. Foley � ��/ May 12, 1998 Twerny Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohrt Ramtlton, Direcror 4�0 Gry fId! Mnes Tetephone: 6I2-266b500 25 Wesi Fovnh 57reu TDD?IY.- 612-266GSOI Sa'vu Pov1, Mi.uusom SSZ02-7631 Jobline: 612-266b502 Focsimite,- 612-292-7656 I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaiirtg this title and class specification. Name r � �...., �'/Y-9� Date cc: Fran Galt 9� sr� SUMiVIARY OF CLASS7FICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS SfiUDIED: INCUMBENT: PERSONSCONTACTED: Librarian III Izrry HIavsa Larry HIavsa (Incumbent) Carole Williams (Supervisor) Fran Galt (Manager) Background The posiuon has been concentraring on particular aspects of computer operations in the Library System for several years and these duries have gradually become dominant. With the consolida6on of IS personnel under the Bepartment of Technology and Management Sezvices, and the loss of the Library's Systems Analyst position, this position assumed greater responsibility for supervision as well as for the Internet functions. These aspects of commuzucation are becoming a major function of libraries and the incumbent and management believe that the duties of the position have evolved enough to justify studying whether or not a new ritle should be created. Comparison to Class Sgecifications The class specs in the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of these existing class specifications describe a position whose primary responsibilities are the development and the application of information technology to be used in direct support of the public. Comparison to dther Positions The positions assigned to the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of the positions actually assigned to these classes performed dufies sufficiently similar to those of the position in question to jus6fy an assignment to one of these classes. Q E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in PEA. 9�-s�� . 4,,,,,� �: „ It is recommended that a new class entifled "Library Tnformation Systems Coordinator" be established at the pay rate described above and that the position in question be allocated to that title. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley/�y �`� DATE 51'[7DTID: May 22, 1998 APPROVAL OF H[IMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: S— Z Z - (Date) CODE: 803A BU: a6 R�-st/ EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work in directing the operation of the programs and projects for planning, organizing and developing the information systems £or the Saint Paul LibraYy system, ensuring these are compatible with City systems as appropriate, and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision the Library Administrator. Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises general guidance and direction of the program and/or projects directly as team leader and indirectly through team members. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and reviews the development o£ broad guidelines, plans, and major project recommendations that affect information resources for the Library information systems. Bnsures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Plans and coordinates the development of operating plans and special projects related to information resources within an approved budget and ensures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Monitors efficiency and effectiveness of information systems and suggests improvements as appropriate. Plans and reviews the development of annual budget estimates for operations and special projects; reviews and approves expenditures within an approved budget. Plans and directs investigations and studies that relate to infoxmation resources, work method improvement, and internal and external sexvices, of the Library. Plans and directs the development of a system of management information including the coordination of data processing, records management, microfilming, duplicating processes, and user training. Meets and con£ers with automation vendors to learn about new products (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR and their applicability to the library's needs. Page 2 98-sr� Advises appropriate officials on long range system and progtam development, project progress, etc. Confers with City officials, department and agency heads, representatives from other jurisdictions and levels of government, employees, civic groups, professional groups, and individuals to discuss the information systems. Coordinates information systems, especially compatibility, interoperability, security, and support leveis with other City information functions. � Directs the professional development and training of the projact staff and reviews their performance, Directs implementation o£ modifications to existing information systems and development of new systems, and evaluates project progress. Directs the assembly, analysis and writing of statisical and narrative reports, and perfoxms research as appropriate. Hay seek grants and writes oz oversees the writing of grant proposals. Oversees the administration of grants. KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS, ABILI2IES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current and potential information technology and systems especially in the area o£ library sciences. Considerable knowledge o£ work methods in the particular field and to apply that knowledge to the management and development o£ information systems. Considerable ability to analyze information and construct short and long range operational plans. Considerabie ability to revise existing plans to meet new needs, emergencies, or changes in policy. Considerable ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. Considerable ability to assess information needs of employees and externai customezs. Considerable ability to evaluate the success or weaknesses o£ infoxmation systems. Considerable ability to develop an information budget for the Library's information functions. LIBRARY ZNFORMATZON RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY I23FORMATION RESOURCES MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 7 0".S/� [ A Bachelor's degree in Library Science with some MIS courses and four years of experience in libraries, two years of which must be at the Lihrarian II level or equivalent; one of the most recent two years of experience must have been in a zesponsible capacity in the axea of in£ormation systems or in£ox�nation technology applications in a library system. (No substitution for education.) LIBRARY INFORi3ATI0N RESOURCES COORDINATOR ��' SI/ Pay for the Proposed Title of Library Information Resources Coordinator (Note: These duties were being performed by an employee who has left the City to accept a position with a national library association advising multiple jurisdictions on issues relating to increasing public access to computerized information and computerized reseazch materials. This person was being paid out-of-title at the Librarian III (5PS0) rate. The results of tlus formal position study indicates a small savings per year. These are the estunated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step -- the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison -- which is the standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: SPSO Grade 18 $ PEA Crrade 19 $ t$ �$ 2,243.09 per bi-week 2,22634 per bi-week 16.75 per bi-week) 437.18 per year) Council File # 7� ORI�INA�, Presented by__� Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � 3 g � Z7 Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Admuristrarive Resolution to establish the rate of pay for the classification of "Library Information Systems Coordinato�". RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Library Information Systems Coordinator" class be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 19, Section ID3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation in the Sa]ary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of. S Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hams tC�l AdoF AdoF � Appi By: BY �� - - �3SYr�1yy �n ,tt,r � ./� � � �� Fonn Aroproved bv CiN Attomey �����98-s1J J (1Id 4 1998 DEPARTD4E�T/OFFICFJCOUriCIL: Human Resources COYTACT PERSO.�' & PHONE: Ivfichael F. Foley (266-6 Mark Robertson (266-6� 11NST BE ON CODI�CII. AGENDA SY (DAT� TOTAL# OF SiGNATL7RE PAGES D"TE w"�'`'TE°� GREEN SHEET No.: 6�Pt''-'S ���f�� p wrn.vina�re snrLVinara pS5[Gr 1 DEPAR'1'��fENT DII��� 5 CITYCAUNCII. NlJMBER 2_CITY A7TORNEY b CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDCET DIl2.� FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D1R ROUTING 4_MAZ'OR(OR?�`�'� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER � �� ALL LOCATIOIiS FOR SIGNAT[1RE) wcrcox �msrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new dassification entitlecl, "Library Information Resources Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejat (R) PLANNINGCOIvA4ISSION _CNII.SERVICE COI.Rvt[SSION CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DIS7RICT COURT SUP40RTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTfVE? PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MOSC ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasUtispersod5[mevawoekedunderaconhactforthisdepaMient? Yes No 2. Has thi.s perso�✓Srm ever 6eep a city employce? Yes No 3. DoesihispersoolfilmpossessaskillnotnolmallyposcasedbymycuiretrtciTy aopbyce? Yes No Esptain all pes aoswers ow separate s6eet and attach to green sheet L\TTIATRAG PROBLE�1, ISSiJE, OPPORTUlVTCY (14'ho, What, NVLeq lVhere, �Vhy): TI1C I.1�C31'S+ S}�SYCIYI 3S ERC2r1I1Q 2 PEiiOCi Of L17T1C when providing adequate levels of service to patrons requires the staffto have access to interlibrary daYabases and infonnation services. Tn additian, evolving computerized information resources requires patror.s to ha�e access to many of these resources directiy and requires constant pianning and replanning to ensure appropriata upgades and access_ This requires a new position which can be funded within e�sting salary and FTE levels. anvwn�rncES � arrROVEn: The Library will be able to select a person who has the qualifications to oversee the systematic development and depioyment of these computerized resources to Library staff and to the Library patrons. This; in turn, will allow the Library system to confinue to provide adequate service to the City of Saint Paul. Dia4DVN� ; qcES iF aPPRevED: No ]rnown disadvantages at Nvs time. (No.e: Tlus position will deal with systems that aze pec;iliaz te the Librazy and will not duplicate any of the new, City-unde IS resnonsibilities, atthou� the posiuon will assist in �+��ring that there are no major incompatibitities among these systems.) D7SwnvM^cpGES iF NoT nPpROVEn_ TLe Librazy system will not have a position capable of providing the systematic and technical management needed to ensure that the Library facilities will have adequate levels of service in the azea of computerized information access. TOTpL ARqO[Jl�"i' OF TRATS2.Ct'ION: ( 5 437.0(I) tvNnIrc SoCmcE: C�eral Fund COSf/2EVENUE Bi1DGETED: YPs ACI'IVCfYNUMBER 03400 FINANCIALINEORMATION: XPJ_,A TheLibr g � �" ���{ � osirion. (E I1V) aTy's 1998°�mmmdg�fcA�tains"lhe p g . i�-' �.� :..,.. - . ' ' a .�'r�:� G'i ia `�<• �, 3 '3� u �t�i? � � °4"J�g ���� 10 �� ���'� �`�������� 98�5// CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor May 12, 1998 Professional Employees Association Steve Roy, President LIEP 300, Lowry Professional Building 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn SamiUon, Direcmr 400 Gry Aall A�u+cc 25 West Founh 57reet Saint Paut, Mi»�erota 55102-I63I Te7epho�u: 612-266-6500 1DDlI7Y.• 61 2-2 66 6501 Jobline: 612-266-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator It has been deternilned that it is now appropriate to press fonvard with the crearion of the title and c3ass specification of Library Information Resources Coordinator. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. This version contains the proposed changes to the mitumum qualiScations. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of t}ris memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Library Information Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation_ Thank you. r�T�� �s�/� chael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. S/�y/Ye Date 9�-si/ C1TY dF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, Mayor TQ: FROM: DATE: RE: It has been determined that the title and class specification of Library InformaYion Resources Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate ofpay for the title ofLibrary Informarion Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of ihe Professional Employee Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Carole Williams, Library Director Library Ivfichael F. Foley � ��/ May 12, 1998 Twerny Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohrt Ramtlton, Direcror 4�0 Gry fId! Mnes Tetephone: 6I2-266b500 25 Wesi Fovnh 57reu TDD?IY.- 612-266GSOI Sa'vu Pov1, Mi.uusom SSZ02-7631 Jobline: 612-266b502 Focsimite,- 612-292-7656 I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaiirtg this title and class specification. Name r � �...., �'/Y-9� Date cc: Fran Galt 9� sr� SUMiVIARY OF CLASS7FICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS SfiUDIED: INCUMBENT: PERSONSCONTACTED: Librarian III Izrry HIavsa Larry HIavsa (Incumbent) Carole Williams (Supervisor) Fran Galt (Manager) Background The posiuon has been concentraring on particular aspects of computer operations in the Library System for several years and these duries have gradually become dominant. With the consolida6on of IS personnel under the Bepartment of Technology and Management Sezvices, and the loss of the Library's Systems Analyst position, this position assumed greater responsibility for supervision as well as for the Internet functions. These aspects of commuzucation are becoming a major function of libraries and the incumbent and management believe that the duties of the position have evolved enough to justify studying whether or not a new ritle should be created. Comparison to Class Sgecifications The class specs in the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of these existing class specifications describe a position whose primary responsibilities are the development and the application of information technology to be used in direct support of the public. Comparison to dther Positions The positions assigned to the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of the positions actually assigned to these classes performed dufies sufficiently similar to those of the position in question to jus6fy an assignment to one of these classes. Q E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in PEA. 9�-s�� . 4,,,,,� �: „ It is recommended that a new class entifled "Library Tnformation Systems Coordinator" be established at the pay rate described above and that the position in question be allocated to that title. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley/�y �`� DATE 51'[7DTID: May 22, 1998 APPROVAL OF H[IMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: S— Z Z - (Date) CODE: 803A BU: a6 R�-st/ EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work in directing the operation of the programs and projects for planning, organizing and developing the information systems £or the Saint Paul LibraYy system, ensuring these are compatible with City systems as appropriate, and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision the Library Administrator. Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises general guidance and direction of the program and/or projects directly as team leader and indirectly through team members. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and reviews the development o£ broad guidelines, plans, and major project recommendations that affect information resources for the Library information systems. Bnsures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Plans and coordinates the development of operating plans and special projects related to information resources within an approved budget and ensures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Monitors efficiency and effectiveness of information systems and suggests improvements as appropriate. Plans and reviews the development of annual budget estimates for operations and special projects; reviews and approves expenditures within an approved budget. Plans and directs investigations and studies that relate to infoxmation resources, work method improvement, and internal and external sexvices, of the Library. Plans and directs the development of a system of management information including the coordination of data processing, records management, microfilming, duplicating processes, and user training. Meets and con£ers with automation vendors to learn about new products (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR and their applicability to the library's needs. Page 2 98-sr� Advises appropriate officials on long range system and progtam development, project progress, etc. Confers with City officials, department and agency heads, representatives from other jurisdictions and levels of government, employees, civic groups, professional groups, and individuals to discuss the information systems. Coordinates information systems, especially compatibility, interoperability, security, and support leveis with other City information functions. � Directs the professional development and training of the projact staff and reviews their performance, Directs implementation o£ modifications to existing information systems and development of new systems, and evaluates project progress. Directs the assembly, analysis and writing of statisical and narrative reports, and perfoxms research as appropriate. Hay seek grants and writes oz oversees the writing of grant proposals. Oversees the administration of grants. KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS, ABILI2IES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current and potential information technology and systems especially in the area o£ library sciences. Considerable knowledge o£ work methods in the particular field and to apply that knowledge to the management and development o£ information systems. Considerable ability to analyze information and construct short and long range operational plans. Considerabie ability to revise existing plans to meet new needs, emergencies, or changes in policy. Considerable ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. Considerable ability to assess information needs of employees and externai customezs. Considerable ability to evaluate the success or weaknesses o£ infoxmation systems. Considerable ability to develop an information budget for the Library's information functions. LIBRARY ZNFORMATZON RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY I23FORMATION RESOURCES MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 7 0".S/� [ A Bachelor's degree in Library Science with some MIS courses and four years of experience in libraries, two years of which must be at the Lihrarian II level or equivalent; one of the most recent two years of experience must have been in a zesponsible capacity in the axea of in£ormation systems or in£ox�nation technology applications in a library system. (No substitution for education.) LIBRARY INFORi3ATI0N RESOURCES COORDINATOR ��' SI/ Pay for the Proposed Title of Library Information Resources Coordinator (Note: These duties were being performed by an employee who has left the City to accept a position with a national library association advising multiple jurisdictions on issues relating to increasing public access to computerized information and computerized reseazch materials. This person was being paid out-of-title at the Librarian III (5PS0) rate. The results of tlus formal position study indicates a small savings per year. These are the estunated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step -- the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison -- which is the standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: SPSO Grade 18 $ PEA Crrade 19 $ t$ �$ 2,243.09 per bi-week 2,22634 per bi-week 16.75 per bi-week) 437.18 per year) Council File # 7� ORI�INA�, Presented by__� Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � 3 g � Z7 Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Admuristrarive Resolution to establish the rate of pay for the classification of "Library Information Systems Coordinato�". RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Library Information Systems Coordinator" class be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 19, Section ID3, Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation in the Sa]ary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Deparhnent of. S Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hams tC�l AdoF AdoF � Appi By: BY �� - - �3SYr�1yy �n ,tt,r � ./� � � �� Fonn Aroproved bv CiN Attomey �����98-s1J J (1Id 4 1998 DEPARTD4E�T/OFFICFJCOUriCIL: Human Resources COYTACT PERSO.�' & PHONE: Ivfichael F. Foley (266-6 Mark Robertson (266-6� 11NST BE ON CODI�CII. AGENDA SY (DAT� TOTAL# OF SiGNATL7RE PAGES D"TE w"�'`'TE°� GREEN SHEET No.: 6�Pt''-'S ���f�� p wrn.vina�re snrLVinara pS5[Gr 1 DEPAR'1'��fENT DII��� 5 CITYCAUNCII. NlJMBER 2_CITY A7TORNEY b CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDCET DIl2.� FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D1R ROUTING 4_MAZ'OR(OR?�`�'� CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ORDER � �� ALL LOCATIOIiS FOR SIGNAT[1RE) wcrcox �msrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new dassification entitlecl, "Library Information Resources Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejat (R) PLANNINGCOIvA4ISSION _CNII.SERVICE COI.Rvt[SSION CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DIS7RICT COURT SUP40RTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTfVE? PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MOSC ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HasUtispersod5[mevawoekedunderaconhactforthisdepaMient? Yes No 2. Has thi.s perso�✓Srm ever 6eep a city employce? Yes No 3. DoesihispersoolfilmpossessaskillnotnolmallyposcasedbymycuiretrtciTy aopbyce? Yes No Esptain all pes aoswers ow separate s6eet and attach to green sheet L\TTIATRAG PROBLE�1, ISSiJE, OPPORTUlVTCY (14'ho, What, NVLeq lVhere, �Vhy): TI1C I.1�C31'S+ S}�SYCIYI 3S ERC2r1I1Q 2 PEiiOCi Of L17T1C when providing adequate levels of service to patrons requires the staffto have access to interlibrary daYabases and infonnation services. Tn additian, evolving computerized information resources requires patror.s to ha�e access to many of these resources directiy and requires constant pianning and replanning to ensure appropriata upgades and access_ This requires a new position which can be funded within e�sting salary and FTE levels. anvwn�rncES � arrROVEn: The Library will be able to select a person who has the qualifications to oversee the systematic development and depioyment of these computerized resources to Library staff and to the Library patrons. This; in turn, will allow the Library system to confinue to provide adequate service to the City of Saint Paul. Dia4DVN� ; qcES iF aPPRevED: No ]rnown disadvantages at Nvs time. (No.e: Tlus position will deal with systems that aze pec;iliaz te the Librazy and will not duplicate any of the new, City-unde IS resnonsibilities, atthou� the posiuon will assist in �+��ring that there are no major incompatibitities among these systems.) D7SwnvM^cpGES iF NoT nPpROVEn_ TLe Librazy system will not have a position capable of providing the systematic and technical management needed to ensure that the Library facilities will have adequate levels of service in the azea of computerized information access. TOTpL ARqO[Jl�"i' OF TRATS2.Ct'ION: ( 5 437.0(I) tvNnIrc SoCmcE: C�eral Fund COSf/2EVENUE Bi1DGETED: YPs ACI'IVCfYNUMBER 03400 FINANCIALINEORMATION: XPJ_,A TheLibr g � �" ���{ � osirion. (E I1V) aTy's 1998°�mmmdg�fcA�tains"lhe p g . i�-' �.� :..,.. - . ' ' a .�'r�:� G'i ia `�<• �, 3 '3� u �t�i? � � °4"J�g ���� 10 �� ���'� �`�������� 98�5// CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor May 12, 1998 Professional Employees Association Steve Roy, President LIEP 300, Lowry Professional Building 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn SamiUon, Direcmr 400 Gry Aall A�u+cc 25 West Founh 57reet Saint Paut, Mi»�erota 55102-I63I Te7epho�u: 612-266-6500 1DDlI7Y.• 61 2-2 66 6501 Jobline: 612-266-6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator It has been deternilned that it is now appropriate to press fonvard with the crearion of the title and c3ass specification of Library Information Resources Coordinator. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. This version contains the proposed changes to the mitumum qualiScations. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of t}ris memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Library Information Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation_ Thank you. r�T�� �s�/� chael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. S/�y/Ye Date 9�-si/ C1TY dF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(eman, Mayor TQ: FROM: DATE: RE: It has been determined that the title and class specification of Library InformaYion Resources Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume ageement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate ofpay for the title ofLibrary Informarion Resources Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID3, of ihe Professional Employee Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Carole Williams, Library Director Library Ivfichael F. Foley � ��/ May 12, 1998 Twerny Day Notice - Library Information Resources Coordinator OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohrt Ramtlton, Direcror 4�0 Gry fId! Mnes Tetephone: 6I2-266b500 25 Wesi Fovnh 57reu TDD?IY.- 612-266GSOI Sa'vu Pov1, Mi.uusom SSZ02-7631 Jobline: 612-266b502 Focsimite,- 612-292-7656 I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaiirtg this title and class specification. Name r � �...., �'/Y-9� Date cc: Fran Galt 9� sr� SUMiVIARY OF CLASS7FICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS SfiUDIED: INCUMBENT: PERSONSCONTACTED: Librarian III Izrry HIavsa Larry HIavsa (Incumbent) Carole Williams (Supervisor) Fran Galt (Manager) Background The posiuon has been concentraring on particular aspects of computer operations in the Library System for several years and these duries have gradually become dominant. With the consolida6on of IS personnel under the Bepartment of Technology and Management Sezvices, and the loss of the Library's Systems Analyst position, this position assumed greater responsibility for supervision as well as for the Internet functions. These aspects of commuzucation are becoming a major function of libraries and the incumbent and management believe that the duties of the position have evolved enough to justify studying whether or not a new ritle should be created. Comparison to Class Sgecifications The class specs in the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of these existing class specifications describe a position whose primary responsibilities are the development and the application of information technology to be used in direct support of the public. Comparison to dther Positions The positions assigned to the Librarian series, the EDP Programmer series, and the EDP Systems Analyst series were reviewed and none of the positions actually assigned to these classes performed dufies sufficiently similar to those of the position in question to jus6fy an assignment to one of these classes. Q E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in PEA. 9�-s�� . 4,,,,,� �: „ It is recommended that a new class entifled "Library Tnformation Systems Coordinator" be established at the pay rate described above and that the position in question be allocated to that title. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley/�y �`� DATE 51'[7DTID: May 22, 1998 APPROVAL OF H[IMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: S— Z Z - (Date) CODE: 803A BU: a6 R�-st/ EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work in directing the operation of the programs and projects for planning, organizing and developing the information systems £or the Saint Paul LibraYy system, ensuring these are compatible with City systems as appropriate, and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision the Library Administrator. Su�ervision Exercised: Exercises general guidance and direction of the program and/or projects directly as team leader and indirectly through team members. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and reviews the development o£ broad guidelines, plans, and major project recommendations that affect information resources for the Library information systems. Bnsures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Plans and coordinates the development of operating plans and special projects related to information resources within an approved budget and ensures compatibility with City systems as appropriate. Monitors efficiency and effectiveness of information systems and suggests improvements as appropriate. Plans and reviews the development of annual budget estimates for operations and special projects; reviews and approves expenditures within an approved budget. Plans and directs investigations and studies that relate to infoxmation resources, work method improvement, and internal and external sexvices, of the Library. Plans and directs the development of a system of management information including the coordination of data processing, records management, microfilming, duplicating processes, and user training. Meets and con£ers with automation vendors to learn about new products (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES COORDINATOR and their applicability to the library's needs. Page 2 98-sr� Advises appropriate officials on long range system and progtam development, project progress, etc. Confers with City officials, department and agency heads, representatives from other jurisdictions and levels of government, employees, civic groups, professional groups, and individuals to discuss the information systems. Coordinates information systems, especially compatibility, interoperability, security, and support leveis with other City information functions. � Directs the professional development and training of the projact staff and reviews their performance, Directs implementation o£ modifications to existing information systems and development of new systems, and evaluates project progress. Directs the assembly, analysis and writing of statisical and narrative reports, and perfoxms research as appropriate. Hay seek grants and writes oz oversees the writing of grant proposals. Oversees the administration of grants. KNOWLEDGE, SKZLLS, ABILI2IES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current and potential information technology and systems especially in the area o£ library sciences. Considerable knowledge o£ work methods in the particular field and to apply that knowledge to the management and development o£ information systems. Considerable ability to analyze information and construct short and long range operational plans. Considerabie ability to revise existing plans to meet new needs, emergencies, or changes in policy. Considerable ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. Considerable ability to assess information needs of employees and externai customezs. Considerable ability to evaluate the success or weaknesses o£ infoxmation systems. Considerable ability to develop an information budget for the Library's information functions. LIBRARY ZNFORMATZON RESOURCES COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY I23FORMATION RESOURCES MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS Page 3 7 0".S/� [ A Bachelor's degree in Library Science with some MIS courses and four years of experience in libraries, two years of which must be at the Lihrarian II level or equivalent; one of the most recent two years of experience must have been in a zesponsible capacity in the axea of in£ormation systems or in£ox�nation technology applications in a library system. (No substitution for education.) LIBRARY INFORi3ATI0N RESOURCES COORDINATOR ��' SI/ Pay for the Proposed Title of Library Information Resources Coordinator (Note: These duties were being performed by an employee who has left the City to accept a position with a national library association advising multiple jurisdictions on issues relating to increasing public access to computerized information and computerized reseazch materials. This person was being paid out-of-title at the Librarian III (5PS0) rate. The results of tlus formal position study indicates a small savings per year. These are the estunated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step -- the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison -- which is the standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: SPSO Grade 18 $ PEA Crrade 19 $ t$ �$ 2,243.09 per bi-week 2,22634 per bi-week 16.75 per bi-week) 437.18 per year)