98-51counci� File � � g- 5 � Green Sheet � 52373 0 R I G f�A � CTTY OF SAINT PAUI,I MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Erroll Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTiJRAL AND PLANNING BOARD. Errol Fernandez-Edwards shall serve a four-year term which will expire on January 1, 2002. 13 Requested by Department of: By: By: Approved by By: Z_� l5 Form Approved by City Attorney gy; � �� Approved by Mayor for Sub ssion to Council t_ Adopted by Council: Date �� ,� a\ ��4n Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary N° 52373 � 9Y-s1 Coleman's Office �ISON 8 PHONE Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIC,NATURE PAGES 1 -12-9s GREEN SHEET INITIAVD0.TE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOF QCINCOUNGL \SSIGN � LITYATTORNEV O C�TV CLERK 1UMBER FOR. iOUtIN6 � BUDGET DIRECTOB � FlN 8 MGT SERVICES D1R. )RDER O MAYpA IOR ASSISTANT) � JP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Erro11 Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. o� _ PLANNSNG COMMISSION _ CNiL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ $TAFF _ _ __ DISTRICf COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&1EC11VE� ADVANTAGESIF IF IF PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �IfEST10NS: t Has th'vs personlfirm ever worked untler a contrect tor this tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this persontt(rm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 9. Does this personRirm possess a sktll not normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO Explain efl yes answers on aeparate nheet nnE ariach to green aheet 6Niii�f�i� Fei9 £ c.+�P� y i�'0(�! JfiiN 1 �. l�98 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTIDN $ FUNDIWG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBEA � q � -S1 Interdepartmental Memorandum CTfY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Councii President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger Curtis � `C' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: 7anuary 12, 1998 RE: Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Erroll Fernaadez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. This is a four-year term which wili expire on 7anuary 1, 2002. A copy of Enoll Fernandez-Edwards' application is included in your Council packet. If you wish to discuss this appointment, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: NancyAnderson, Council ReseaFCh 1Vancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board H:IUSERSiMORROW 1WPFILES\CAAPB.CNC _ �, ., . 390 CITY fiAI,L , �,- SAIDIT FAIID, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8525.: FAX: 266-8513 : ` ��_ � Nase: �Yf"()! �.P/�l7G'17G�L/ CUG[J(//"Y,(J Ho�e Address: ��� c - � ij�hPU �7. �,i�� ��ll,c-1 ' ' — '- ^ J �/ Street Citp � Zip Telephone Number: (Hone) ��� ��Cn � CAork) ��d _'��� / _ .���-K) r � Planning District Council: �� �t/S t�(.J City Council Aard: � Pzeferred Hailing Address Rhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�it�ee(s) Applied Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess Por the co�mittee(s) for vnicn pou seek appointment? C1RG{ /�1C.( /c �� n The in£or^�„ation included in this application is considered pri�ate data according to t'.^.e Hinnesota Gocerment Data Practices Act. As z result, this in£or.�ztion is not =eleasec. to the general public. (OVEFt) P.ev. 2r 28 /96 Hame: Addre Phone: l- //.�C Name: �e�C��'��� - Address: 0 S✓ �G� Phone• lHome) CAork) � � �' - ��j �� Name Address: 3G (� �; 7�, S Yhone: (Home) (pork) c��i � � ya3 Reasons for pour i.nterest in this particular co�ittee: ��Yel�L'i�s 7� Gn�� �[�� 3`l�' � tc�cr/� c��z �/e (l'r6« CoYP �I"lrra �/nP�z� � J - 9 J��>n -� fle G��. ��.��!�, ,—� � �67?d�� nf y1j� �, . �� . }rjj SSi1S; i�fl� �° o - �-� st- ��u l , ���, � �'� ��� iD �� �t.2 t�( Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee =epresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlp voluntary. iThite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2Sale ,_ Female Disabled:' Yes go � � Bispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Hixth: /p� I£ special accommodations are needed, please specifp. -� Hov did you hear about Lhis openingT V. ,.•.�' (1 n r � counci� File � � g- 5 � Green Sheet � 52373 0 R I G f�A � CTTY OF SAINT PAUI,I MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Erroll Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTiJRAL AND PLANNING BOARD. Errol Fernandez-Edwards shall serve a four-year term which will expire on January 1, 2002. 13 Requested by Department of: By: By: Approved by By: Z_� l5 Form Approved by City Attorney gy; � �� Approved by Mayor for Sub ssion to Council t_ Adopted by Council: Date �� ,� a\ ��4n Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary N° 52373 � 9Y-s1 Coleman's Office �ISON 8 PHONE Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIC,NATURE PAGES 1 -12-9s GREEN SHEET INITIAVD0.TE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOF QCINCOUNGL \SSIGN � LITYATTORNEV O C�TV CLERK 1UMBER FOR. iOUtIN6 � BUDGET DIRECTOB � FlN 8 MGT SERVICES D1R. )RDER O MAYpA IOR ASSISTANT) � JP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Erro11 Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. o� _ PLANNSNG COMMISSION _ CNiL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ $TAFF _ _ __ DISTRICf COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&1EC11VE� ADVANTAGESIF IF IF PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �IfEST10NS: t Has th'vs personlfirm ever worked untler a contrect tor this tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this persontt(rm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 9. Does this personRirm possess a sktll not normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO Explain efl yes answers on aeparate nheet nnE ariach to green aheet 6Niii�f�i� Fei9 £ c.+�P� y i�'0(�! JfiiN 1 �. l�98 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTIDN $ FUNDIWG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBEA � q � -S1 Interdepartmental Memorandum CTfY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Councii President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger Curtis � `C' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: 7anuary 12, 1998 RE: Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Erroll Fernaadez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. This is a four-year term which wili expire on 7anuary 1, 2002. A copy of Enoll Fernandez-Edwards' application is included in your Council packet. If you wish to discuss this appointment, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: NancyAnderson, Council ReseaFCh 1Vancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board H:IUSERSiMORROW 1WPFILES\CAAPB.CNC _ �, ., . 390 CITY fiAI,L , �,- SAIDIT FAIID, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8525.: FAX: 266-8513 : ` ��_ � Nase: �Yf"()! �.P/�l7G'17G�L/ CUG[J(//"Y,(J Ho�e Address: ��� c - � ij�hPU �7. �,i�� ��ll,c-1 ' ' — '- ^ J �/ Street Citp � Zip Telephone Number: (Hone) ��� ��Cn � CAork) ��d _'��� / _ .���-K) r � Planning District Council: �� �t/S t�(.J City Council Aard: � Pzeferred Hailing Address Rhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�it�ee(s) Applied Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess Por the co�mittee(s) for vnicn pou seek appointment? C1RG{ /�1C.( /c �� n The in£or^�„ation included in this application is considered pri�ate data according to t'.^.e Hinnesota Gocerment Data Practices Act. As z result, this in£or.�ztion is not =eleasec. to the general public. (OVEFt) P.ev. 2r 28 /96 Hame: Addre Phone: l- //.�C Name: �e�C��'��� - Address: 0 S✓ �G� Phone• lHome) CAork) � � �' - ��j �� Name Address: 3G (� �; 7�, S Yhone: (Home) (pork) c��i � � ya3 Reasons for pour i.nterest in this particular co�ittee: ��Yel�L'i�s 7� Gn�� �[�� 3`l�' � tc�cr/� c��z �/e (l'r6« CoYP �I"lrra �/nP�z� � J - 9 J��>n -� fle G��. ��.��!�, ,—� � �67?d�� nf y1j� �, . �� . }rjj SSi1S; i�fl� �° o - �-� st- ��u l , ���, � �'� ��� iD �� �t.2 t�( Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee =epresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlp voluntary. iThite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2Sale ,_ Female Disabled:' Yes go � � Bispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Hixth: /p� I£ special accommodations are needed, please specifp. -� Hov did you hear about Lhis openingT V. ,.•.�' (1 n r � counci� File � � g- 5 � Green Sheet � 52373 0 R I G f�A � CTTY OF SAINT PAUI,I MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Erroll Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTiJRAL AND PLANNING BOARD. Errol Fernandez-Edwards shall serve a four-year term which will expire on January 1, 2002. 13 Requested by Department of: By: By: Approved by By: Z_� l5 Form Approved by City Attorney gy; � �� Approved by Mayor for Sub ssion to Council t_ Adopted by Council: Date �� ,� a\ ��4n Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary N° 52373 � 9Y-s1 Coleman's Office �ISON 8 PHONE Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIC,NATURE PAGES 1 -12-9s GREEN SHEET INITIAVD0.TE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOF QCINCOUNGL \SSIGN � LITYATTORNEV O C�TV CLERK 1UMBER FOR. iOUtIN6 � BUDGET DIRECTOB � FlN 8 MGT SERVICES D1R. )RDER O MAYpA IOR ASSISTANT) � JP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Erro11 Fernandez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. o� _ PLANNSNG COMMISSION _ CNiL _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ $TAFF _ _ __ DISTRICf COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&1EC11VE� ADVANTAGESIF IF IF PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �IfEST10NS: t Has th'vs personlfirm ever worked untler a contrect tor this tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this persontt(rm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 9. Does this personRirm possess a sktll not normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO Explain efl yes answers on aeparate nheet nnE ariach to green aheet 6Niii�f�i� Fei9 £ c.+�P� y i�'0(�! JfiiN 1 �. l�98 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTIDN $ FUNDIWG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBEA � q � -S1 Interdepartmental Memorandum CTfY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Councii President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger Curtis � `C' � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: 7anuary 12, 1998 RE: Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Erroll Fernaadez-Edwards to serve on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. This is a four-year term which wili expire on 7anuary 1, 2002. A copy of Enoll Fernandez-Edwards' application is included in your Council packet. If you wish to discuss this appointment, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: NancyAnderson, Council ReseaFCh 1Vancy Stark, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board H:IUSERSiMORROW 1WPFILES\CAAPB.CNC _ �, ., . 390 CITY fiAI,L , �,- SAIDIT FAIID, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8525.: FAX: 266-8513 : ` ��_ � Nase: �Yf"()! �.P/�l7G'17G�L/ CUG[J(//"Y,(J Ho�e Address: ��� c - � ij�hPU �7. �,i�� ��ll,c-1 ' ' — '- ^ J �/ Street Citp � Zip Telephone Number: (Hone) ��� ��Cn � CAork) ��d _'��� / _ .���-K) r � Planning District Council: �� �t/S t�(.J City Council Aard: � Pzeferred Hailing Address Rhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�it�ee(s) Applied Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess Por the co�mittee(s) for vnicn pou seek appointment? C1RG{ /�1C.( /c �� n The in£or^�„ation included in this application is considered pri�ate data according to t'.^.e Hinnesota Gocerment Data Practices Act. As z result, this in£or.�ztion is not =eleasec. to the general public. (OVEFt) P.ev. 2r 28 /96 Hame: Addre Phone: l- //.�C Name: �e�C��'��� - Address: 0 S✓ �G� Phone• lHome) CAork) � � �' - ��j �� Name Address: 3G (� �; 7�, S Yhone: (Home) (pork) c��i � � ya3 Reasons for pour i.nterest in this particular co�ittee: ��Yel�L'i�s 7� Gn�� �[�� 3`l�' � tc�cr/� c��z �/e (l'r6« CoYP �I"lrra �/nP�z� � J - 9 J��>n -� fle G��. ��.��!�, ,—� � �67?d�� nf y1j� �, . �� . }rjj SSi1S; i�fl� �° o - �-� st- ��u l , ���, � �'� ��� iD �� �t.2 t�( Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee =epresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlp voluntary. iThite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2Sale ,_ Female Disabled:' Yes go � � Bispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Hixth: /p� I£ special accommodations are needed, please specifp. -� Hov did you hear about Lhis openingT V. ,.•.�' (1 n r �