98-506Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and agproves of the reappointment and appoinrinents of the following individuals to serve on the C011�14CTNIT'Y HE A L TH S ER VI CE S A D VIS O R Y C O MMI TT E E. APPOINTED ' Dr. Laura France * Fetna-Ann Hoover ' Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart * Sarah Wovcha REAPPOINTED Nancy White Nancy White sLall serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. Nora Stewart shall serve a twayear tern► which wi11 espire June 26, 2000. Each of the members, with the exception ofNancy White andNora Stewart, shall serve the remainder of uneapired terms which will expire on June 26,1999. Requested by Department of: By: Porm Approved by City By: App By: By: Mayor for 9 -sob 5Z3\� sti to Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary N° 52317 4p_� DEPAF�7MENTAFFICER:OUNqL � DAiE INITIA7ED � � v_ � r� Coleman's Of£ice { 6-8-98 GREEN SH EET CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE INITIAVDA7E �NITIAVDATE 4EPARTMENT O�REGTOR —� CfTY CAIklpl Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �GIT'CLEFK NUMBERFOR MUST 8E ON ('qUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�q� a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MG7 SERVICES DIR. �A�ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTj� � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the reappointment of Nancy White and the appointments of Dr. Laura France, Fetna-Ann Hoover, Patricia Ohmans, Nora Stewart and Sarah Wovcha to serve on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDAT10N5� Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 thi5 p8r5oNFirm ever worke0 under a ContraC( for �hi5 dBpeRment? _ CIB COMMiTTEE _ YES NO —��� 2. Nas this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D�STaIC7coUa'r _ 3. Does this perwnttirm ossess a skill not normall p y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet anE enaeh to green sheet INITIATING VROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNiTY �Who. What. W�en. Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IF AGPROVED� �ISAWANTAGES IFAPPROVED� Goun�fi R�searGh Gentpt .�u� i � t�� OISADVANTAC�ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION S COSTlREYENIIE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN� /�, 3�� / Name• 1-2 �1 9� -so6 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 340 CTTY HALL RECEIYED SATNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone:.2b6-8525._, ; FAX: -.266-8513 -;---.-, _ F�B. - 25.1998__ : __ -- -- -- _ -- - _ - - ---- . - .. - � _ , fl33AY0�'S QFFfL`E HomeAddress: S�?a L>o��Ytr,.,.9 A:-c �� 4i- ��c�� � SSida Street City _- -- - __ "_ --. Zip Telephone 1�5umber: . _ _. �3�g�a9 �t- S'1s-i} �Work) H �i 0 - b �-133 (FAX) �-1Ro =�-iSbS' Planning Dutrict Council: V" - City Council Ward -� t Preferred Mailing Address: �-t �'--t'�b ✓z- - . . .. ..,-_ - � . . _.. r_:.. _.. . _ What is your occupation? D3 �L��i � � �- Place oFEmpioyment: u � c� -1-L��5-�' , � , Cammittee(s}Appiied_For:.. ,-+�mv - 1� � � _ : , . _ ,. . � _. =�-- � - � �a->--+-�-•'�_ - _ _ . _ - _ - _ , --_ � _. - � ,.:_ < �: � � ,_. . � _t _. , � _ :. . � x� - ' � �� _ -- --� � — - _- - What' skills, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s)"for wh9ch you seek appointment? - -. ��'�r�� _ ' l.-R'��..I �a,-._Ll. i) n-F- nnn4 n.�_�e__�.I.c �-._ ;� /. � r Qr--; � JS =� �- `-[�'� /t/�� rZ��� �$t�t�.r e.v � � �' —�Ci.J�� �=, - . _.. .,, _I,',.." . . . J .�`..�;:" � - i , � \'- . � A ��11-v J r (� Sr� �S � v�. a b S�c-�¢n�+Q�, J � �P ��,r,.r � . ., / i. The information included in this appSication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resu[t, this infarmation is not released to the general public. {OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 •�• ' �1 a Name: f ^�c1 � Address:��-{ 'S�-�foo♦�SJN'✓, }{cR,��-�SucnccCc��"�;,�-r��i1SE' l3� ) C� Phone: ome) ork) ��f��'y�p — ��p`� ., _ : � . , - Name: _ Address: _ =, Phone: 1 ' Name: � _ �. �� o � - � r� ,• ��-. ,; 5� i�r-, �i k ° . Address: � S 1 J`� `I'c�c� f�c► L�45 �n,--bf ✓v�. � ' l �S �� � Phone: (H9m� ���3� j-t �,-�- �a3"7 (Work) Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: A�`` - ��`-�E - r�e� � `Z' �`��'` 'r � _ - , =_, _. � � '�� � ' ) , / -- -� �� �Ca-r,c Or ��- a� /'A l. r nr�C r✓„ �- "-�-G. r �`f -�� : t3Y . � . , �_" _—� � — . - - =- ..' . -_ . ; :; _ : ;.. — , _ .. . , � _ .. �>r "_ .:- .._, . -. _.- �' � - = ' - " � � ` ` , . _ . _ . ,. ..,.-,.,.:,.,. . -. . _� .. _ - . -� _ Have you had previous confact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circ,umstaaces ' �__.: -- - = �f`a - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re!]ects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictiy voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo MaIe Disabled: Yes �_ Female No � Tf special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispan;c Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: � 112v !!n S How did you hear about this opening? rwtiJ��r�v-r/ , �y2`� � g8-Sa6 OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR 390 CiTY HALL SATNT PAiTL, NIINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECfI�D MAR 10=i� Name: � i��a v5 ;�� �ifiYOli'S �f� . � , _c � � ��„_, Home ABdress: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Zip (Home) U`t� CG (Work� (FA7� �'�� City Council Ward: --� Prei'erred Mailing Address: �� �t 5 C1 �JV�e What is your occupation? .�"u&��Fl i��iY"��. �fi`r:U7� �((J�+�Fv , � ., /`, _.. Place of EmpioymenY: Committee(s) Applied For: ��� ��� ���; s i � }1 � � /; n `a �.? O ;' - �(� � �J `, ° - -�,° ` , , 't , La� � l.cl� \C'Y'i'.i.."��.xi-�_ �'l�ixi� '�`�`'h �F.l';.�.1.� ��a"„w� '�;U,r. �'�r✓J.zY�-<<'�s`�-r.X-�tc� The informa�ion included in this appticahon is consid�red private data according to the MinnesoYa Government DaYa Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not released to the general pub3ic. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 What skills, training.or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? _ - _ .. i� �' . •.� ; y :�.[y�9 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for interest in this particular committee: °� ti�n _ • � . � � � � G� '.�. c� � c\� � n✓, :�e.`� rm,,,�'\f,�.�, �c-1 �' D�.�'? 1 � � . � A �'-�' . �� . _ '�" � ^ -r . ,.,,,_( � i ✓ 1.` _ �7 nJ .�.f 7 Have you bad previous contact wit6 the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? �� In an attempt to ensare that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stricdy voiuntary. 1�White (Csucasian) • Hispanic Biack (African American} Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male —� �emale DateofBirth: �?!�� ti''- " ! Disabled: Yes NIo If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: How did you hear aboat this opening? �''� ,� � �-� k�<< i� , . - _-_.. . C ` ^` � � � . . Y�G,rLh °<--�l���t- ��.ie:� � , _._ , � , , `� ���1 . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY SALL SAIN'C PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FA.X::266-8513 9� So6 �� �,�� Y . � Name: ��71�'lG/fI Off�MANS� t�'I Pff Home Address: 0� 3 U�/J �(I�2�N s� �L}t(L ��/ 0� Street City Zip Telephone Number. Planning District Council: (E�o�� `F�`�23� (Workl �� �f2 (F �I �-0 2 -'-�`�j City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: h��'�'l�� � What is your occupatiotx? - P3ace of Employment: Committee(s) Appiied Ror: S The information included in this appiicafion is considered private data accordic�g to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resulf, this information is not reteased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 What skiils; training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? < 4 Name: Address: Phone: Name: .t�' l�t�Y�(. � r ►"dl'► PiV(� (�� �.OW(!'t�'G�l nce� /�'1 �/1/� fJ�f'i!"� _ y � r G r_ � -. Address: �'t (Yl �l0 rOl ��Gl'FU8'�n C'1 T.�QG�'LE,(� S_ �Phone ` (Elom�,L �� � � �,�2 �_ - . ork� s> �Z �-.Q��3 - � � � _ r,,,. �:�;�. � _ - . Name " �-'7�i'L�ifl1 /i1'"/.fl,1Yll � ��t�0�� i�rvt/1'(/Yf.P/IDt�f I{'lu���b3'!�/ f7��J Address: I ZZ- W��M kllt� ` t7 �'� I'� ��s �'l � SSI Q� Ufl�l�Hlr�t'.+ � Phone: _ �--�a � ori�l �' ("' �2�" 'I r--.rj � � ;., , ,_. ,. .. -,._ �. Reasons For our interest in th�s particvlar commzttee: ` _.� -�-�f_ �r`(�e -Fo . �.� �,� r�l��,r� vr�bt�`� l�a��Z-r ��.�rr� — � [ /1��.. / .�L/u ,�i,� ,i . ' i� �! � � �� '��(.'.. s,, ,�,..-,_ � J � .. . .1. _ , , � . $'=.n � � _� - ., _- - . . _ _ _ _ . . . '. _ _ . . _ . l - - ' ` - i � ' _ ' _ _ . . .. _ . ._ ... - _ ", .rx °_.. , . ., . - _ _ - - � _ _ _ �. .. ,.. _. -.. . - . ., _ e you fiad previous�contact w►th the committee for wh►c6 you are making appiication? If so, when, t6e circumsfances? _ . - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our tritlttnii�t���ease c6eck the Iine appticable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. �qqYQR'S OEFtC� X White (Caucasiatt) Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Disabted: Yes rro K If special accommodations are needed, please specify; Hispanic Asian or Pacifec Islander DateofBirth: � — 1�'"�"f 0 How did yoa trear about this opening? l�/Y(/YW�'LWLLt'ivvl(�i1/L� A/v� f Yt/�rl�tovvYt 1/riivr __ l�� So� PATRICIA JANE OHMAI�iS, M.P.H. 843 VAN BUREN AVENUS SA►TVT PAUL� MINNESOTA SSiO4 (672) 489-4238 A writer, researcher and planner with extensive experience in health educafion and communication. Proven ability to manage staf£ and wntractors while meeiing deadlines. Backa ound in budgefing, program design and direcfion, public relations, analysis of potenfial funders and successful grant writing. Fluent in Spanish, and skilled in desk-top publishing and editing. Bxperienced in trauung and continuing educarion for heatth caze providers and consumers. � EMPLOYMENT Consultant for various clients Uniaersity of Minnesota Schools of Medicirie and Public Health; 1J97 to date Minnesotrz Internafional Heaith Vo2unteers, Minneapoiis, Mznnesota; 1994 tc date Center for Goss-Culfural Health, Minxeapoiis, Mznnesota; 7995 Eo 1997 Hennepin CounEy Medicai Center, Minneapotis, Minnesota; 2994 to 1997 Responsibilities: University of Minnesota: Coordinarion of a community health worker training program in a Saint Paul inner-city neighborhood. Minnesota International Heatfh Volxnfeers: Coordination and delivery of an annual, thsee-month course in intemational and cross-cultural health issues; other program development. Center for Cross-Cuttural Health: Development of an information clearinghouse and training service on the relarionship between culture and health. Administration, fundraising, budgeting, committee work, program development, liaison with potential collaborators and funders. Hennepin County Medzcal Cenfer: Coordination and implementarion of published zeseazch study on barriers to caze for refugees and immigrants to Minnesota. Program Coordinator Mimsesota Extension Service, Uniaersity of Minnesota, Mittneapotis, Minnesota; 1992 fQ 1996 Responsibitities: Coordination and program development of university-based program for research and education on issues in agricultuzal safety and health. Supervision of project to train 3ay health educators in migrant farmworker camps. Grant-writing and management, production of educarional materials, including Farm Safefy and Health Digest. Editor Program in Human SexuaIity, Liniversity of A�finnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 1991-7992 Responsibilities: Editing academic manuscripts and a ant proposals for sexuality research and treahnent center; co-authoring journal articles on AIDS education and prevention. Program Analyst Anierican Indian HeaTfk Care Associatzan, Snivxt Patd, Minnesota; Y99Z Responsibitities: Research, writing and editing for national Indian health care advocacy and research organizacion. Production of reports to federal, state and tribal agencies on aspects of Indian health care. 1 � Education Coordinator and Communications Specialist Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneaqolis, Minnesota; 1986 to Z990 Responsi6ilifies: Education Coardinator: D'uection of outzeach, educarion and train9ng acfivities for statewide AIDS organization. Supervising ninrmember outreach staff, managing budgets, planning programs, writing grant pxoposals and collaborasing with other community organiza5ons. Staff liaison to boazd conunittee and to funders. Communications SpecialisY: Writing and pxoducfion of all educational and promotional materials for statewide non-profit agency. Planning and implemenEation of AIDS mass media and direct education campaigns. Research AssisEanE llniversify of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1988 fo 1989 Responsibilities; Research and teaching assistance in the School of Public Health, D'avision of Epidemiology. Designing syllabi and delivering lectures for classes in public health and AIDS. Conference plazuiing and publicafion coordination for the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center, a regional training agency for health professionals. Editor and Reporter City Pages newspaper, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1983 ta 1985 Responsibitities: Administration of arts section of weekly metropolifan newspaper, circulation 100,000. Supervising six contributing writers; managing budgets; freelance assignments; editing and layout; feature writing for news section. Freelance Writer Atlanta Georgia; 7982 fo 1982 Projecfs: Reporting for narional and local publications, including Newsweek, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Attanta Journal and Constitution and In These Times. Media Specialist and Trainer Mental Health Advocates Coatition, Saint Paut, Minnesota; 19J8 to 1981 Respoxsibitities: Design and implementation of public education programs and media campaigns for statewide consumer group. Development of training programs for paralegal mental health workers. EDUCATION AND AWARDS 1997 Leadership in Neighborhoods fellowship awardee, St Paul Companies Foundaflon. 1996 Minnesota Extension Service Dean and Director's Distinguished Diversicy Team Awazd 1991 M.P.H. in Community Health Education, 1991 from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Thesis: "Questions of Luck, Life and Death: AIDS Prevention in Mex3co." 1991 Delta Omega Sociery first prize winner for essay on AIDS, syphilis and cholera. 1976 BA. in English/ Communication,197b from Antioch College, Yeilow Springs, Ohio. 9� - So� PUBLICATIONS Refereed Publications Garrett, C., and Ohmans, P. (in press} "Barriexs to Caze for Refugees and Immigiants" Minnesota Medicine April 1998 Ohmans, P., Gazrett, C and Treichel, C. (1996) "Health Caze Pxoviders' Percepfions of Bazriers to Care for Refugees and luwligrants" Minnesota Medicine, Vol. 79, No. 5 Shutske, J. and Ohmans, P. (1994) "Shifting the Paradigm: Rethinknig Our Approach to Fann Safety and Health" JournrzI of Agromedicine Vol. 2, No. 3 Rosser, B., Coleman, E., and Ohmans, P. (1993) "Safer sex maintenance and reduction of unsafe sex among homosexually active men: a new therapeutic approach" Healfh Education Research Vol. 8, No. 1 Other Seiected Publications and Media Ohmans, P., ed. (1996) Six Steps Toward Culfural Competence: Health Care for Refugees and ImmzgranES Minnesota Public Health Associarion, Center for Cross-Cultural Health, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1996) "A Place for Healing" (arficle on the Center for VicEims of Torture) Mpls.- St.Paui May, 1996 Ohmans, P. and Shutske, J. (1992-1996) Farm Safety and HealEh Digest Minnesota Extension Service, University of Miiulesota VaL 1-4. American Society of Agricultural Engineers' Blue Ribbon Award winner. ShuYske, J., Ohmans, P. and Peltz, D. (1993) "Pesticide Use and Your Health° Videotape Mumesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota Ohmans, P. and Fugate, B. (198� Corey's Story Comic book on AIDS prevenrion for teens Mixutesota AIDS Project, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1974-199� News and teature articles in City Pages newspaper, Dayton Daity News, Mpls/St. Pau1 magazine, Chronicle of Higher Education, Atlanta Constitufion, Lltne Reader and othex mass media SENT BY: SRC; - �� �!4' �i�'� Name: HnmeA 3- 6•98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => OFFIC,'F, QH "!'HF. MAYOR 390 CT'I'Y HALL SAtiVT PAUt,, MINNESUTA SStUZ 1'hone: 21�6-8525 FAX: 26(,-8513 612 266 B513; W ard: #1/2 l8 50� Strcet (:ity t � Zip TelephoneNumber: Lome} �� 1 7,g3S� Planning T)ictricf Cuuncil: Prcfcrrcd Mailing Address: �57� �.L�.TC�Q�'1� What is your occupatinn? P1ace uf �mployment: (:ommittee(s} Applicd 1�'or: � U 7zC � . ' . . �'J �l.' r ' • _. . � i. .. � (pvER) itcv. x-S 97 Whxl skillz, training or exper;encc du you possass fur the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? The fnformation inciuded in A�is npplicatiun is considered private data accurding to the Minnesuta Government Axta Practices Act. As u rcxult, this itfformatiun is not rcfcased to tlrQ general pubiic. :NT BY: SRC� 3- 6-98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => YF.RSONAL REFERENCES 672 266 8513; #2/2 9�Y S06 Namc: JPY1QfZ,�� I �� ��UC S . Addrea�: �"'M ( (���1(1 �. �!! �a r►�`�v s- � Phonc: mc 3lU O s {Workl 2�/„�: — IS C� 7� Nam�: �'1u I�.btPnl'i� Address: SS� � � p l'hone: (Humel �— (V1�ork) ���0 � 3 Z� Namc: Address: Phone: Reas�ns for your intcrest in this particular cummittcec �,���('� �A/��1 � ZCL[I ( 1� ���� In an attempt to ensnre that commiftee rcprescntwtiun reflects the makcup of our coinmunity, piease check the line applicable to you. 'I'his information is stric[ty volun[ary. x White (Caucasian) Black (Afriran Amcricxn) American Indian nr Alaxk}�n Eskimo Mule � E'cmalc 13isabicd: Yes .__� No X I licpanic Acian or Ylcific istsndcr Datc of Birth: «/ � ��Q� if spccial accommodations are needed, please specify: ____� �-C:1 . llow ditl you hcar:tbout thi� oPcni (ttomel � � �cQ s�'�' {Workl '-- Havc yuu had prcvious contact with the co�nmittee fnr whicb y0u are mat:ing spplication'? if so, when, and thc circumstanccs? � _ ��� � Sarah [dovcha OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, D�v'NESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 R�CEIYEB MAR 09 199� �viAYQR'S QFFlC� Name: HomeAddress: 1673 TAYTOR Ave St Paul .MN 55104 Street City Zip 641-1727 ork �297-6387,axt25$� 297-6457 Telephone Number: jFiome� (�' lr� Planning District Covncil: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? 11 same as home attorney •: � City Council Ward: PlaceofEmployment: � '-�^ M�nnesota Reeional Leeal Services Committee(s) App(ied For• Cou�unity Health Services Advisory Committee�, Heritage Preservation Commission,,St. Paul Riverfront CorPOration What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment2 1st C}hnirr> h r�t g D 2rv tion Commission• I have extensi�e ex4erie_nce with urban geograohy pro}ects in,the St. Paul area. As a summer intern, I assisted in the application process to q_ualify a St. Paul building on the itIational Registe7 o£ H' ^ > > - ' studied the Sv�nitfUnivers3ty area and attended neighborhood nlanning meetings 1R d�1].5'tOT1C Ct paul 2221 hbnThOOd ana RII1TK 1i1 LLle n»�vtl.� i'i+.++ii=�v�-a +� ���--- in downtown St. Paul, and I am interested in �lanning and �reservation in these 2nd Choice=St. Paul Riverfront Corporation: AS a law student at the LlnivQrsity o: Minneso a was lnvo ve in p anning an eve opmen o_ e ississinpi iver_ron�. near the Universit of Minnesota Minneanolis camnus. This exuerience exnosed me to a varietv of aspects of the planning_ process for river development and public llt111Z i' th '1t ' ('i ti PC oa Mv c nrk ST1P(`l F� (`.'31l c �.�.a .. tha development of public and recreational space near the riverfront. 3rd Choice=Community Health Services Advisorv Co�ittee (application nreviously file or is po on : an n e a Advocacy I rworked on nublic health issues affected by the environment, such as urba e�¢*+�.issions_ n I he m ormation included in this appiication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result, this information is not released to the general pubiic. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 `: i ; _ • : �I : �1 Name: Claire ?ress Address: 1600 Lafon Ave. St. Pa u1, MN 55104 Phone: Name: ome) 647-9263 or 228-3283 Carolyn Cle�ons Address• 331 21st Ave. SE�;�. Minneap MN 55414 Phone: Name: ome) 331-1125 (Work) retired •YP��r.?v &al.ton C onr od Address: 3� - S"'ruc? P7 Aca - M.ir_*+ne�nnl�s , 2'R� 554�� ' Phone: , (Ftome) 338-1879 ork) � " � 2,on_i ��� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I ari interested in the �ation cor.ttnittee because I believe St. ?'aul orfers a unioue histor 3S t11e stare' � �a2�i Ynl �i tv AS a ri ti �an nf 4t panl Y T wi eh t� �ffort at continuinp nreservation within "St. paul. � L am interested in the St. ? aul Riverfront Cor.noration, because I believe our � -S a , . ay: �ithin the city. I believe �c*.iaking the r.iverfront inore accessible to St. paul -esi ents is a ey nart o_. continuinp to ma e t.. au one o t e most iva e :ities_in the United SrarPc My interest in the Health Services Committee is spawned by m� concern about tY sf.fects o£ pollutants and other ennironmental actors on our nublic health. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumsYances? My coworker, 24arv Huot, is a menber of the Health Services'�ommittee, and his*h7�r reco�^r,±ended rarticinatior. en a citizer_ �e*�+*+�_t*e.e r� r�e. In an attemgt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo hiale Disabled: Yes x Female No X If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 11 / 29 / 6 7 � Mayor's �'�Ke. Aow did you hear about this opening? Mamn �; rcti�tea �� �h.e 1c �-506 � 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE F�DPLICP.NTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED P.E'TER O1/O1/94 PAGE 1 APPLICANP / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -- -- — -------------------------- - -- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003282 Belgea, Nicole 04/14/97 W F 2223 W. County Road B Food and Nutrition Commission Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 566 Iona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631-1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Iiome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-5464 or 822-0127 1 8 _________________________________________ 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN 02/20/98 W F Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mnls h) 375-1037 9d-so6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT CONIMITTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv_ Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANi' / REFERENCE CONIMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------- — ------------------- --- ---- ----'--- ----- -- -------- --- — - --- Nancy Wisocke 1630 5. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 -----------`-----------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------'--------------------------- { -------------- 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Fiealth Services,{ Auman Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ------------ — ------------------- -----------{------------_ 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Aoffman Strong Currently Eiomeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Sarb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003373 France, Laura #2 542 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8741 1 8 02f25j98 W F HealthEast . �l8 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANl'S REPORT PAGE 3 APPLZCANi'S.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Healtfi ServiCes Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'----------------'----------- ---' ------- -------- ------- --- --- --- Work - 490-0433 FAX 4904568 OB/GYN Linda Newell, Ph.D. Dept. OB/GYN Sth Floor Suny Health Service Center Syracuse, NY 13210 w} (315} 470-7904 Dr. Rodney England Gallery Medical Building St. Paul w) 232-4200 Dr. John Folk 6515 Yale Road Westland, MI 48185 h) (313) 467-7037 002964 Mitchell, Susan 16 03/30/95 W F Allina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Work - 992-39a8 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul. MN 55105 Iiome - 227-6679 Director-Community Health Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9351 Susan Aaigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 9�-.sd� 06-09-98 APPLZCANI'S.RPT COMMZTTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 4 APpLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP AATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRTOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------------------- --- ------ ------- ------- --- -- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003428 Ms. Hoover:, Feta-Anr1 Hoover 193 N. Griggs Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-3546 Student/LPN/Cleans Fiomes 1 13 03/10/98 W M 3-10-98 Health Services Advisory & Food and N(utrition Commission: Anna Wasescha and Richard Kagen 1312 Dayton Ave., 55104 h) 646-8733 Charles and Blair Egley 1116 Summer Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113-6121 h) 489-243 Ami Wiger 1208 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 646-5579 w) 687-1364 003389 Ohmans, Patricia 843 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 489-4238 Health Advocates work - 489-4238 FAX 9040239 Public Health Consultant 1 7 3-2-98 Community Health Services: Neal Holton, M.D. Regions Hospital International Clinic w) 221-3456 Diane O'Brien (former committee member) MN Federation of Teachers h) 646-1692 w) 227-8583 03/02/98 W F Arlen Erdahl, Director 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 98-Sa6 PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) - ----- — -- — -------- -------- --- ---- --- -- --- ------- ----'-'---'------- MN Intl Health 122 W. Franklin Ave. Mpls., 55104 w) 871-3759 003416 Stewart, Nora 1173 W. Idaho Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 489-7835 5 03/06/98 W F Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus Work - 296-4847 Health/Fam Security Research 3-6-98 Community Health Services: Senator Dan Stevens 1949 Collin St. Mora, MN 55051 h) (320) 679-4085 w) 296-8075 Criuck Norenberg N State Office Bldg. w) 296-3209 Cathy McMahon 280 Duke Street St. Paul, 55101 h) 224-1854 003387 Taylor, Lynne M. 1675 Stillwater Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8369 6 2 02/20J98 W F Regions Hospital Work - 291-5526 FAX 2212242 Registered Nurse , 2-20-98 Community Health Services; Mary Kasal Regions Aospital (Pediatrics) 640 Jackson St., 55101 h) 488-0248 w} 221-3787 Kathy Walters 4040 13th Ave. St. �� �6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 CONIMZTTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv, Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMIKENTS ---- -------------'----'----- Minneapolis, MN 55407 No Phone # listed Sheila Brink 6227 15th Ave. So. Ritchfield, MN 55423 h) 866-6998 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55204 Home - 641-1727 Southern MN Regional Legal Services Work - 297-6387, Ext. 258 Attorney 03/06/98 W F 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., HPC, Riverfron(t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemcaons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER CONIMITTEES 5ERVZNG ON) - --' ----- --'---- -'------ --- --' --- Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place MpZs., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Ivfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela � �/ Assistant to the Mayor ' June 9, 1998 RE: COMIVIUNITY HEALTH SERVICES CONINIITTEE Mayor Coleman has recommended the following reappointment and appointments. �lguointments Dr. Laura France Fetna-Ann Hoover Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart Sarah Wovcha Rea�pointment Nancy White Nancy White and Nora Stewart will each serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. The other appointees will fill remainder of unexpired terms which will eapue on 7une 26, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January l, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Rob Fulton Richard Ragan �, Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and agproves of the reappointment and appoinrinents of the following individuals to serve on the C011�14CTNIT'Y HE A L TH S ER VI CE S A D VIS O R Y C O MMI TT E E. APPOINTED ' Dr. Laura France * Fetna-Ann Hoover ' Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart * Sarah Wovcha REAPPOINTED Nancy White Nancy White sLall serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. Nora Stewart shall serve a twayear tern► which wi11 espire June 26, 2000. Each of the members, with the exception ofNancy White andNora Stewart, shall serve the remainder of uneapired terms which will expire on June 26,1999. Requested by Department of: By: Porm Approved by City By: App By: By: Mayor for 9 -sob 5Z3\� sti to Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary N° 52317 4p_� DEPAF�7MENTAFFICER:OUNqL � DAiE INITIA7ED � � v_ � r� Coleman's Of£ice { 6-8-98 GREEN SH EET CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE INITIAVDA7E �NITIAVDATE 4EPARTMENT O�REGTOR —� CfTY CAIklpl Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �GIT'CLEFK NUMBERFOR MUST 8E ON ('qUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�q� a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MG7 SERVICES DIR. �A�ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTj� � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the reappointment of Nancy White and the appointments of Dr. Laura France, Fetna-Ann Hoover, Patricia Ohmans, Nora Stewart and Sarah Wovcha to serve on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDAT10N5� Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 thi5 p8r5oNFirm ever worke0 under a ContraC( for �hi5 dBpeRment? _ CIB COMMiTTEE _ YES NO —��� 2. Nas this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D�STaIC7coUa'r _ 3. Does this perwnttirm ossess a skill not normall p y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet anE enaeh to green sheet INITIATING VROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNiTY �Who. What. W�en. Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IF AGPROVED� �ISAWANTAGES IFAPPROVED� Goun�fi R�searGh Gentpt .�u� i � t�� OISADVANTAC�ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION S COSTlREYENIIE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN� /�, 3�� / Name• 1-2 �1 9� -so6 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 340 CTTY HALL RECEIYED SATNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone:.2b6-8525._, ; FAX: -.266-8513 -;---.-, _ F�B. - 25.1998__ : __ -- -- -- _ -- - _ - - ---- . - .. - � _ , fl33AY0�'S QFFfL`E HomeAddress: S�?a L>o��Ytr,.,.9 A:-c �� 4i- ��c�� � SSida Street City _- -- - __ "_ --. Zip Telephone 1�5umber: . _ _. �3�g�a9 �t- S'1s-i} �Work) H �i 0 - b �-133 (FAX) �-1Ro =�-iSbS' Planning Dutrict Council: V" - City Council Ward -� t Preferred Mailing Address: �-t �'--t'�b ✓z- - . . .. ..,-_ - � . . _.. r_:.. _.. . _ What is your occupation? D3 �L��i � � �- Place oFEmpioyment: u � c� -1-L��5-�' , � , Cammittee(s}Appiied_For:.. ,-+�mv - 1� � � _ : , . _ ,. . � _. =�-- � - � �a->--+-�-•'�_ - _ _ . _ - _ - _ , --_ � _. - � ,.:_ < �: � � ,_. . � _t _. , � _ :. . � x� - ' � �� _ -- --� � — - _- - What' skills, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s)"for wh9ch you seek appointment? - -. ��'�r�� _ ' l.-R'��..I �a,-._Ll. i) n-F- nnn4 n.�_�e__�.I.c �-._ ;� /. � r Qr--; � JS =� �- `-[�'� /t/�� rZ��� �$t�t�.r e.v � � �' —�Ci.J�� �=, - . _.. .,, _I,',.." . . . J .�`..�;:" � - i , � \'- . � A ��11-v J r (� Sr� �S � v�. a b S�c-�¢n�+Q�, J � �P ��,r,.r � . ., / i. The information included in this appSication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resu[t, this infarmation is not released to the general public. {OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 •�• ' �1 a Name: f ^�c1 � Address:��-{ 'S�-�foo♦�SJN'✓, }{cR,��-�SucnccCc��"�;,�-r��i1SE' l3� ) C� Phone: ome) ork) ��f��'y�p — ��p`� ., _ : � . , - Name: _ Address: _ =, Phone: 1 ' Name: � _ �. �� o � - � r� ,• ��-. ,; 5� i�r-, �i k ° . Address: � S 1 J`� `I'c�c� f�c► L�45 �n,--bf ✓v�. � ' l �S �� � Phone: (H9m� ���3� j-t �,-�- �a3"7 (Work) Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: A�`` - ��`-�E - r�e� � `Z' �`��'` 'r � _ - , =_, _. � � '�� � ' ) , / -- -� �� �Ca-r,c Or ��- a� /'A l. r nr�C r✓„ �- "-�-G. r �`f -�� : t3Y . � . , �_" _—� � — . - - =- ..' . -_ . ; :; _ : ;.. — , _ .. . , � _ .. �>r "_ .:- .._, . -. _.- �' � - = ' - " � � ` ` , . _ . _ . ,. ..,.-,.,.:,.,. . -. . _� .. _ - . -� _ Have you had previous confact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circ,umstaaces ' �__.: -- - = �f`a - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re!]ects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictiy voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo MaIe Disabled: Yes �_ Female No � Tf special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispan;c Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: � 112v !!n S How did you hear about this opening? rwtiJ��r�v-r/ , �y2`� � g8-Sa6 OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR 390 CiTY HALL SATNT PAiTL, NIINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECfI�D MAR 10=i� Name: � i��a v5 ;�� �ifiYOli'S �f� . � , _c � � ��„_, Home ABdress: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Zip (Home) U`t� CG (Work� (FA7� �'�� City Council Ward: --� Prei'erred Mailing Address: �� �t 5 C1 �JV�e What is your occupation? .�"u&��Fl i��iY"��. �fi`r:U7� �((J�+�Fv , � ., /`, _.. Place of EmpioymenY: Committee(s) Applied For: ��� ��� ���; s i � }1 � � /; n `a �.? O ;' - �(� � �J `, ° - -�,° ` , , 't , La� � l.cl� \C'Y'i'.i.."��.xi-�_ �'l�ixi� '�`�`'h �F.l';.�.1.� ��a"„w� '�;U,r. �'�r✓J.zY�-<<'�s`�-r.X-�tc� The informa�ion included in this appticahon is consid�red private data according to the MinnesoYa Government DaYa Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not released to the general pub3ic. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 What skills, training.or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? _ - _ .. i� �' . •.� ; y :�.[y�9 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for interest in this particular committee: °� ti�n _ • � . � � � � G� '.�. c� � c\� � n✓, :�e.`� rm,,,�'\f,�.�, �c-1 �' D�.�'? 1 � � . � A �'-�' . �� . _ '�" � ^ -r . ,.,,,_( � i ✓ 1.` _ �7 nJ .�.f 7 Have you bad previous contact wit6 the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? �� In an attempt to ensare that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stricdy voiuntary. 1�White (Csucasian) • Hispanic Biack (African American} Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male —� �emale DateofBirth: �?!�� ti''- " ! Disabled: Yes NIo If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: How did you hear aboat this opening? �''� ,� � �-� k�<< i� , . - _-_.. . C ` ^` � � � . . Y�G,rLh °<--�l���t- ��.ie:� � , _._ , � , , `� ���1 . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY SALL SAIN'C PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FA.X::266-8513 9� So6 �� �,�� Y . � Name: ��71�'lG/fI Off�MANS� t�'I Pff Home Address: 0� 3 U�/J �(I�2�N s� �L}t(L ��/ 0� Street City Zip Telephone Number. Planning District Council: (E�o�� `F�`�23� (Workl �� �f2 (F �I �-0 2 -'-�`�j City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: h��'�'l�� � What is your occupatiotx? - P3ace of Employment: Committee(s) Appiied Ror: S The information included in this appiicafion is considered private data accordic�g to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resulf, this information is not reteased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 What skiils; training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? < 4 Name: Address: Phone: Name: .t�' l�t�Y�(. � r ►"dl'► PiV(� (�� �.OW(!'t�'G�l nce� /�'1 �/1/� fJ�f'i!"� _ y � r G r_ � -. Address: �'t (Yl �l0 rOl ��Gl'FU8'�n C'1 T.�QG�'LE,(� S_ �Phone ` (Elom�,L �� � � �,�2 �_ - . ork� s> �Z �-.Q��3 - � � � _ r,,,. �:�;�. � _ - . Name " �-'7�i'L�ifl1 /i1'"/.fl,1Yll � ��t�0�� i�rvt/1'(/Yf.P/IDt�f I{'lu���b3'!�/ f7��J Address: I ZZ- W��M kllt� ` t7 �'� I'� ��s �'l � SSI Q� Ufl�l�Hlr�t'.+ � Phone: _ �--�a � ori�l �' ("' �2�" 'I r--.rj � � ;., , ,_. ,. .. -,._ �. Reasons For our interest in th�s particvlar commzttee: ` _.� -�-�f_ �r`(�e -Fo . �.� �,� r�l��,r� vr�bt�`� l�a��Z-r ��.�rr� — � [ /1��.. / .�L/u ,�i,� ,i . ' i� �! � � �� '��(.'.. s,, ,�,..-,_ � J � .. . .1. _ , , � . $'=.n � � _� - ., _- - . . _ _ _ _ . . . '. _ _ . . _ . l - - ' ` - i � ' _ ' _ _ . . .. _ . ._ ... - _ ", .rx °_.. , . ., . - _ _ - - � _ _ _ �. .. ,.. _. -.. . - . ., _ e you fiad previous�contact w►th the committee for wh►c6 you are making appiication? If so, when, t6e circumsfances? _ . - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our tritlttnii�t���ease c6eck the Iine appticable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. �qqYQR'S OEFtC� X White (Caucasiatt) Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Disabted: Yes rro K If special accommodations are needed, please specify; Hispanic Asian or Pacifec Islander DateofBirth: � — 1�'"�"f 0 How did yoa trear about this opening? l�/Y(/YW�'LWLLt'ivvl(�i1/L� A/v� f Yt/�rl�tovvYt 1/riivr __ l�� So� PATRICIA JANE OHMAI�iS, M.P.H. 843 VAN BUREN AVENUS SA►TVT PAUL� MINNESOTA SSiO4 (672) 489-4238 A writer, researcher and planner with extensive experience in health educafion and communication. Proven ability to manage staf£ and wntractors while meeiing deadlines. Backa ound in budgefing, program design and direcfion, public relations, analysis of potenfial funders and successful grant writing. Fluent in Spanish, and skilled in desk-top publishing and editing. Bxperienced in trauung and continuing educarion for heatth caze providers and consumers. � EMPLOYMENT Consultant for various clients Uniaersity of Minnesota Schools of Medicirie and Public Health; 1J97 to date Minnesotrz Internafional Heaith Vo2unteers, Minneapoiis, Mznnesota; 1994 tc date Center for Goss-Culfural Health, Minxeapoiis, Mznnesota; 7995 Eo 1997 Hennepin CounEy Medicai Center, Minneapotis, Minnesota; 2994 to 1997 Responsibilities: University of Minnesota: Coordinarion of a community health worker training program in a Saint Paul inner-city neighborhood. Minnesota International Heatfh Volxnfeers: Coordination and delivery of an annual, thsee-month course in intemational and cross-cultural health issues; other program development. Center for Cross-Cuttural Health: Development of an information clearinghouse and training service on the relarionship between culture and health. Administration, fundraising, budgeting, committee work, program development, liaison with potential collaborators and funders. Hennepin County Medzcal Cenfer: Coordination and implementarion of published zeseazch study on barriers to caze for refugees and immigrants to Minnesota. Program Coordinator Mimsesota Extension Service, Uniaersity of Minnesota, Mittneapotis, Minnesota; 1992 fQ 1996 Responsibitities: Coordination and program development of university-based program for research and education on issues in agricultuzal safety and health. Supervision of project to train 3ay health educators in migrant farmworker camps. Grant-writing and management, production of educarional materials, including Farm Safefy and Health Digest. Editor Program in Human SexuaIity, Liniversity of A�finnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 1991-7992 Responsibilities: Editing academic manuscripts and a ant proposals for sexuality research and treahnent center; co-authoring journal articles on AIDS education and prevention. Program Analyst Anierican Indian HeaTfk Care Associatzan, Snivxt Patd, Minnesota; Y99Z Responsibitities: Research, writing and editing for national Indian health care advocacy and research organizacion. Production of reports to federal, state and tribal agencies on aspects of Indian health care. 1 � Education Coordinator and Communications Specialist Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneaqolis, Minnesota; 1986 to Z990 Responsi6ilifies: Education Coardinator: D'uection of outzeach, educarion and train9ng acfivities for statewide AIDS organization. Supervising ninrmember outreach staff, managing budgets, planning programs, writing grant pxoposals and collaborasing with other community organiza5ons. Staff liaison to boazd conunittee and to funders. Communications SpecialisY: Writing and pxoducfion of all educational and promotional materials for statewide non-profit agency. Planning and implemenEation of AIDS mass media and direct education campaigns. Research AssisEanE llniversify of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1988 fo 1989 Responsibilities; Research and teaching assistance in the School of Public Health, D'avision of Epidemiology. Designing syllabi and delivering lectures for classes in public health and AIDS. Conference plazuiing and publicafion coordination for the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center, a regional training agency for health professionals. Editor and Reporter City Pages newspaper, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1983 ta 1985 Responsibitities: Administration of arts section of weekly metropolifan newspaper, circulation 100,000. Supervising six contributing writers; managing budgets; freelance assignments; editing and layout; feature writing for news section. Freelance Writer Atlanta Georgia; 7982 fo 1982 Projecfs: Reporting for narional and local publications, including Newsweek, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Attanta Journal and Constitution and In These Times. Media Specialist and Trainer Mental Health Advocates Coatition, Saint Paut, Minnesota; 19J8 to 1981 Respoxsibitities: Design and implementation of public education programs and media campaigns for statewide consumer group. Development of training programs for paralegal mental health workers. EDUCATION AND AWARDS 1997 Leadership in Neighborhoods fellowship awardee, St Paul Companies Foundaflon. 1996 Minnesota Extension Service Dean and Director's Distinguished Diversicy Team Awazd 1991 M.P.H. in Community Health Education, 1991 from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Thesis: "Questions of Luck, Life and Death: AIDS Prevention in Mex3co." 1991 Delta Omega Sociery first prize winner for essay on AIDS, syphilis and cholera. 1976 BA. in English/ Communication,197b from Antioch College, Yeilow Springs, Ohio. 9� - So� PUBLICATIONS Refereed Publications Garrett, C., and Ohmans, P. (in press} "Barriexs to Caze for Refugees and Immigiants" Minnesota Medicine April 1998 Ohmans, P., Gazrett, C and Treichel, C. (1996) "Health Caze Pxoviders' Percepfions of Bazriers to Care for Refugees and luwligrants" Minnesota Medicine, Vol. 79, No. 5 Shutske, J. and Ohmans, P. (1994) "Shifting the Paradigm: Rethinknig Our Approach to Fann Safety and Health" JournrzI of Agromedicine Vol. 2, No. 3 Rosser, B., Coleman, E., and Ohmans, P. (1993) "Safer sex maintenance and reduction of unsafe sex among homosexually active men: a new therapeutic approach" Healfh Education Research Vol. 8, No. 1 Other Seiected Publications and Media Ohmans, P., ed. (1996) Six Steps Toward Culfural Competence: Health Care for Refugees and ImmzgranES Minnesota Public Health Associarion, Center for Cross-Cultural Health, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1996) "A Place for Healing" (arficle on the Center for VicEims of Torture) Mpls.- St.Paui May, 1996 Ohmans, P. and Shutske, J. (1992-1996) Farm Safety and HealEh Digest Minnesota Extension Service, University of Miiulesota VaL 1-4. American Society of Agricultural Engineers' Blue Ribbon Award winner. ShuYske, J., Ohmans, P. and Peltz, D. (1993) "Pesticide Use and Your Health° Videotape Mumesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota Ohmans, P. and Fugate, B. (198� Corey's Story Comic book on AIDS prevenrion for teens Mixutesota AIDS Project, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1974-199� News and teature articles in City Pages newspaper, Dayton Daity News, Mpls/St. Pau1 magazine, Chronicle of Higher Education, Atlanta Constitufion, Lltne Reader and othex mass media SENT BY: SRC; - �� �!4' �i�'� Name: HnmeA 3- 6•98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => OFFIC,'F, QH "!'HF. MAYOR 390 CT'I'Y HALL SAtiVT PAUt,, MINNESUTA SStUZ 1'hone: 21�6-8525 FAX: 26(,-8513 612 266 B513; W ard: #1/2 l8 50� Strcet (:ity t � Zip TelephoneNumber: Lome} �� 1 7,g3S� Planning T)ictricf Cuuncil: Prcfcrrcd Mailing Address: �57� �.L�.TC�Q�'1� What is your occupatinn? P1ace uf �mployment: (:ommittee(s} Applicd 1�'or: � U 7zC � . ' . . �'J �l.' r ' • _. . � i. .. � (pvER) itcv. x-S 97 Whxl skillz, training or exper;encc du you possass fur the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? The fnformation inciuded in A�is npplicatiun is considered private data accurding to the Minnesuta Government Axta Practices Act. As u rcxult, this itfformatiun is not rcfcased to tlrQ general pubiic. :NT BY: SRC� 3- 6-98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => YF.RSONAL REFERENCES 672 266 8513; #2/2 9�Y S06 Namc: JPY1QfZ,�� I �� ��UC S . Addrea�: �"'M ( (���1(1 �. �!! �a r►�`�v s- � Phonc: mc 3lU O s {Workl 2�/„�: — IS C� 7� Nam�: �'1u I�.btPnl'i� Address: SS� � � p l'hone: (Humel �— (V1�ork) ���0 � 3 Z� Namc: Address: Phone: Reas�ns for your intcrest in this particular cummittcec �,���('� �A/��1 � ZCL[I ( 1� ���� In an attempt to ensnre that commiftee rcprescntwtiun reflects the makcup of our coinmunity, piease check the line applicable to you. 'I'his information is stric[ty volun[ary. x White (Caucasian) Black (Afriran Amcricxn) American Indian nr Alaxk}�n Eskimo Mule � E'cmalc 13isabicd: Yes .__� No X I licpanic Acian or Ylcific istsndcr Datc of Birth: «/ � ��Q� if spccial accommodations are needed, please specify: ____� �-C:1 . llow ditl you hcar:tbout thi� oPcni (ttomel � � �cQ s�'�' {Workl '-- Havc yuu had prcvious contact with the co�nmittee fnr whicb y0u are mat:ing spplication'? if so, when, and thc circumstanccs? � _ ��� � Sarah [dovcha OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, D�v'NESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 R�CEIYEB MAR 09 199� �viAYQR'S QFFlC� Name: HomeAddress: 1673 TAYTOR Ave St Paul .MN 55104 Street City Zip 641-1727 ork �297-6387,axt25$� 297-6457 Telephone Number: jFiome� (�' lr� Planning District Covncil: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? 11 same as home attorney •: � City Council Ward: PlaceofEmployment: � '-�^ M�nnesota Reeional Leeal Services Committee(s) App(ied For• Cou�unity Health Services Advisory Committee�, Heritage Preservation Commission,,St. Paul Riverfront CorPOration What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment2 1st C}hnirr> h r�t g D 2rv tion Commission• I have extensi�e ex4erie_nce with urban geograohy pro}ects in,the St. Paul area. As a summer intern, I assisted in the application process to q_ualify a St. Paul building on the itIational Registe7 o£ H' ^ > > - ' studied the Sv�nitfUnivers3ty area and attended neighborhood nlanning meetings 1R d�1].5'tOT1C Ct paul 2221 hbnThOOd ana RII1TK 1i1 LLle n»�vtl.� i'i+.++ii=�v�-a +� ���--- in downtown St. Paul, and I am interested in �lanning and �reservation in these 2nd Choice=St. Paul Riverfront Corporation: AS a law student at the LlnivQrsity o: Minneso a was lnvo ve in p anning an eve opmen o_ e ississinpi iver_ron�. near the Universit of Minnesota Minneanolis camnus. This exuerience exnosed me to a varietv of aspects of the planning_ process for river development and public llt111Z i' th '1t ' ('i ti PC oa Mv c nrk ST1P(`l F� (`.'31l c �.�.a .. tha development of public and recreational space near the riverfront. 3rd Choice=Community Health Services Advisorv Co�ittee (application nreviously file or is po on : an n e a Advocacy I rworked on nublic health issues affected by the environment, such as urba e�¢*+�.issions_ n I he m ormation included in this appiication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result, this information is not released to the general pubiic. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 `: i ; _ • : �I : �1 Name: Claire ?ress Address: 1600 Lafon Ave. St. Pa u1, MN 55104 Phone: Name: ome) 647-9263 or 228-3283 Carolyn Cle�ons Address• 331 21st Ave. SE�;�. Minneap MN 55414 Phone: Name: ome) 331-1125 (Work) retired •YP��r.?v &al.ton C onr od Address: 3� - S"'ruc? P7 Aca - M.ir_*+ne�nnl�s , 2'R� 554�� ' Phone: , (Ftome) 338-1879 ork) � " � 2,on_i ��� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I ari interested in the �ation cor.ttnittee because I believe St. ?'aul orfers a unioue histor 3S t11e stare' � �a2�i Ynl �i tv AS a ri ti �an nf 4t panl Y T wi eh t� �ffort at continuinp nreservation within "St. paul. � L am interested in the St. ? aul Riverfront Cor.noration, because I believe our � -S a , . ay: �ithin the city. I believe �c*.iaking the r.iverfront inore accessible to St. paul -esi ents is a ey nart o_. continuinp to ma e t.. au one o t e most iva e :ities_in the United SrarPc My interest in the Health Services Committee is spawned by m� concern about tY sf.fects o£ pollutants and other ennironmental actors on our nublic health. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumsYances? My coworker, 24arv Huot, is a menber of the Health Services'�ommittee, and his*h7�r reco�^r,±ended rarticinatior. en a citizer_ �e*�+*+�_t*e.e r� r�e. In an attemgt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo hiale Disabled: Yes x Female No X If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 11 / 29 / 6 7 � Mayor's �'�Ke. Aow did you hear about this opening? Mamn �; rcti�tea �� �h.e 1c �-506 � 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE F�DPLICP.NTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED P.E'TER O1/O1/94 PAGE 1 APPLICANP / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -- -- — -------------------------- - -- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003282 Belgea, Nicole 04/14/97 W F 2223 W. County Road B Food and Nutrition Commission Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 566 Iona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631-1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Iiome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-5464 or 822-0127 1 8 _________________________________________ 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN 02/20/98 W F Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mnls h) 375-1037 9d-so6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT CONIMITTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv_ Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANi' / REFERENCE CONIMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------- — ------------------- --- ---- ----'--- ----- -- -------- --- — - --- Nancy Wisocke 1630 5. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 -----------`-----------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------'--------------------------- { -------------- 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Fiealth Services,{ Auman Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ------------ — ------------------- -----------{------------_ 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Aoffman Strong Currently Eiomeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Sarb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003373 France, Laura #2 542 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8741 1 8 02f25j98 W F HealthEast . �l8 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANl'S REPORT PAGE 3 APPLZCANi'S.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Healtfi ServiCes Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'----------------'----------- ---' ------- -------- ------- --- --- --- Work - 490-0433 FAX 4904568 OB/GYN Linda Newell, Ph.D. Dept. OB/GYN Sth Floor Suny Health Service Center Syracuse, NY 13210 w} (315} 470-7904 Dr. Rodney England Gallery Medical Building St. Paul w) 232-4200 Dr. John Folk 6515 Yale Road Westland, MI 48185 h) (313) 467-7037 002964 Mitchell, Susan 16 03/30/95 W F Allina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Work - 992-39a8 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul. MN 55105 Iiome - 227-6679 Director-Community Health Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9351 Susan Aaigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 9�-.sd� 06-09-98 APPLZCANI'S.RPT COMMZTTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 4 APpLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP AATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRTOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------------------- --- ------ ------- ------- --- -- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003428 Ms. Hoover:, Feta-Anr1 Hoover 193 N. Griggs Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-3546 Student/LPN/Cleans Fiomes 1 13 03/10/98 W M 3-10-98 Health Services Advisory & Food and N(utrition Commission: Anna Wasescha and Richard Kagen 1312 Dayton Ave., 55104 h) 646-8733 Charles and Blair Egley 1116 Summer Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113-6121 h) 489-243 Ami Wiger 1208 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 646-5579 w) 687-1364 003389 Ohmans, Patricia 843 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 489-4238 Health Advocates work - 489-4238 FAX 9040239 Public Health Consultant 1 7 3-2-98 Community Health Services: Neal Holton, M.D. Regions Hospital International Clinic w) 221-3456 Diane O'Brien (former committee member) MN Federation of Teachers h) 646-1692 w) 227-8583 03/02/98 W F Arlen Erdahl, Director 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 98-Sa6 PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) - ----- — -- — -------- -------- --- ---- --- -- --- ------- ----'-'---'------- MN Intl Health 122 W. Franklin Ave. Mpls., 55104 w) 871-3759 003416 Stewart, Nora 1173 W. Idaho Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 489-7835 5 03/06/98 W F Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus Work - 296-4847 Health/Fam Security Research 3-6-98 Community Health Services: Senator Dan Stevens 1949 Collin St. Mora, MN 55051 h) (320) 679-4085 w) 296-8075 Criuck Norenberg N State Office Bldg. w) 296-3209 Cathy McMahon 280 Duke Street St. Paul, 55101 h) 224-1854 003387 Taylor, Lynne M. 1675 Stillwater Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8369 6 2 02/20J98 W F Regions Hospital Work - 291-5526 FAX 2212242 Registered Nurse , 2-20-98 Community Health Services; Mary Kasal Regions Aospital (Pediatrics) 640 Jackson St., 55101 h) 488-0248 w} 221-3787 Kathy Walters 4040 13th Ave. St. �� �6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 CONIMZTTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv, Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMIKENTS ---- -------------'----'----- Minneapolis, MN 55407 No Phone # listed Sheila Brink 6227 15th Ave. So. Ritchfield, MN 55423 h) 866-6998 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55204 Home - 641-1727 Southern MN Regional Legal Services Work - 297-6387, Ext. 258 Attorney 03/06/98 W F 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., HPC, Riverfron(t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemcaons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER CONIMITTEES 5ERVZNG ON) - --' ----- --'---- -'------ --- --' --- Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place MpZs., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Ivfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela � �/ Assistant to the Mayor ' June 9, 1998 RE: COMIVIUNITY HEALTH SERVICES CONINIITTEE Mayor Coleman has recommended the following reappointment and appointments. �lguointments Dr. Laura France Fetna-Ann Hoover Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart Sarah Wovcha Rea�pointment Nancy White Nancy White and Nora Stewart will each serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. The other appointees will fill remainder of unexpired terms which will eapue on 7une 26, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January l, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Rob Fulton Richard Ragan �, Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and agproves of the reappointment and appoinrinents of the following individuals to serve on the C011�14CTNIT'Y HE A L TH S ER VI CE S A D VIS O R Y C O MMI TT E E. APPOINTED ' Dr. Laura France * Fetna-Ann Hoover ' Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart * Sarah Wovcha REAPPOINTED Nancy White Nancy White sLall serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. Nora Stewart shall serve a twayear tern► which wi11 espire June 26, 2000. Each of the members, with the exception ofNancy White andNora Stewart, shall serve the remainder of uneapired terms which will expire on June 26,1999. Requested by Department of: By: Porm Approved by City By: App By: By: Mayor for 9 -sob 5Z3\� sti to Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary N° 52317 4p_� DEPAF�7MENTAFFICER:OUNqL � DAiE INITIA7ED � � v_ � r� Coleman's Of£ice { 6-8-98 GREEN SH EET CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE INITIAVDA7E �NITIAVDATE 4EPARTMENT O�REGTOR —� CfTY CAIklpl Alberto Quintela 266-8529 ASSIGN �CIT'ATTORNEV �GIT'CLEFK NUMBERFOR MUST 8E ON ('qUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pQ�q� a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN_ 8 MG7 SERVICES DIR. �A�ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTj� � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Approval of the reappointment of Nancy White and the appointments of Dr. Laura France, Fetna-Ann Hoover, Patricia Ohmans, Nora Stewart and Sarah Wovcha to serve on the Community Health Services Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDAT10N5� Approve (A) or Reject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 thi5 p8r5oNFirm ever worke0 under a ContraC( for �hi5 dBpeRment? _ CIB COMMiTTEE _ YES NO —��� 2. Nas this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D�STaIC7coUa'r _ 3. Does this perwnttirm ossess a skill not normall p y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate aheet anE enaeh to green sheet INITIATING VROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNiTY �Who. What. W�en. Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IF AGPROVED� �ISAWANTAGES IFAPPROVED� Goun�fi R�searGh Gentpt .�u� i � t�� OISADVANTAC�ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION S COSTlREYENIIE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN� /�, 3�� / Name• 1-2 �1 9� -so6 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 340 CTTY HALL RECEIYED SATNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone:.2b6-8525._, ; FAX: -.266-8513 -;---.-, _ F�B. - 25.1998__ : __ -- -- -- _ -- - _ - - ---- . - .. - � _ , fl33AY0�'S QFFfL`E HomeAddress: S�?a L>o��Ytr,.,.9 A:-c �� 4i- ��c�� � SSida Street City _- -- - __ "_ --. Zip Telephone 1�5umber: . _ _. �3�g�a9 �t- S'1s-i} �Work) H �i 0 - b �-133 (FAX) �-1Ro =�-iSbS' Planning Dutrict Council: V" - City Council Ward -� t Preferred Mailing Address: �-t �'--t'�b ✓z- - . . .. ..,-_ - � . . _.. r_:.. _.. . _ What is your occupation? D3 �L��i � � �- Place oFEmpioyment: u � c� -1-L��5-�' , � , Cammittee(s}Appiied_For:.. ,-+�mv - 1� � � _ : , . _ ,. . � _. =�-- � - � �a->--+-�-•'�_ - _ _ . _ - _ - _ , --_ � _. - � ,.:_ < �: � � ,_. . � _t _. , � _ :. . � x� - ' � �� _ -- --� � — - _- - What' skills, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s)"for wh9ch you seek appointment? - -. ��'�r�� _ ' l.-R'��..I �a,-._Ll. i) n-F- nnn4 n.�_�e__�.I.c �-._ ;� /. � r Qr--; � JS =� �- `-[�'� /t/�� rZ��� �$t�t�.r e.v � � �' —�Ci.J�� �=, - . _.. .,, _I,',.." . . . J .�`..�;:" � - i , � \'- . � A ��11-v J r (� Sr� �S � v�. a b S�c-�¢n�+Q�, J � �P ��,r,.r � . ., / i. The information included in this appSication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resu[t, this infarmation is not released to the general public. {OVER} Rev. 8-5-97 •�• ' �1 a Name: f ^�c1 � Address:��-{ 'S�-�foo♦�SJN'✓, }{cR,��-�SucnccCc��"�;,�-r��i1SE' l3� ) C� Phone: ome) ork) ��f��'y�p — ��p`� ., _ : � . , - Name: _ Address: _ =, Phone: 1 ' Name: � _ �. �� o � - � r� ,• ��-. ,; 5� i�r-, �i k ° . Address: � S 1 J`� `I'c�c� f�c► L�45 �n,--bf ✓v�. � ' l �S �� � Phone: (H9m� ���3� j-t �,-�- �a3"7 (Work) Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: A�`` - ��`-�E - r�e� � `Z' �`��'` 'r � _ - , =_, _. � � '�� � ' ) , / -- -� �� �Ca-r,c Or ��- a� /'A l. r nr�C r✓„ �- "-�-G. r �`f -�� : t3Y . � . , �_" _—� � — . - - =- ..' . -_ . ; :; _ : ;.. — , _ .. . , � _ .. �>r "_ .:- .._, . -. _.- �' � - = ' - " � � ` ` , . _ . _ . ,. ..,.-,.,.:,.,. . -. . _� .. _ - . -� _ Have you had previous confact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circ,umstaaces ' �__.: -- - = �f`a - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re!]ects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictiy voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo MaIe Disabled: Yes �_ Female No � Tf special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispan;c Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: � 112v !!n S How did you hear about this opening? rwtiJ��r�v-r/ , �y2`� � g8-Sa6 OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR 390 CiTY HALL SATNT PAiTL, NIINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECfI�D MAR 10=i� Name: � i��a v5 ;�� �ifiYOli'S �f� . � , _c � � ��„_, Home ABdress: Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Zip (Home) U`t� CG (Work� (FA7� �'�� City Council Ward: --� Prei'erred Mailing Address: �� �t 5 C1 �JV�e What is your occupation? .�"u&��Fl i��iY"��. �fi`r:U7� �((J�+�Fv , � ., /`, _.. Place of EmpioymenY: Committee(s) Applied For: ��� ��� ���; s i � }1 � � /; n `a �.? O ;' - �(� � �J `, ° - -�,° ` , , 't , La� � l.cl� \C'Y'i'.i.."��.xi-�_ �'l�ixi� '�`�`'h �F.l';.�.1.� ��a"„w� '�;U,r. �'�r✓J.zY�-<<'�s`�-r.X-�tc� The informa�ion included in this appticahon is consid�red private data according to the MinnesoYa Government DaYa Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not released to the general pub3ic. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 What skills, training.or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? _ - _ .. i� �' . •.� ; y :�.[y�9 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Reasons for interest in this particular committee: °� ti�n _ • � . � � � � G� '.�. c� � c\� � n✓, :�e.`� rm,,,�'\f,�.�, �c-1 �' D�.�'? 1 � � . � A �'-�' . �� . _ '�" � ^ -r . ,.,,,_( � i ✓ 1.` _ �7 nJ .�.f 7 Have you bad previous contact wit6 the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? �� In an attempt to ensare that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stricdy voiuntary. 1�White (Csucasian) • Hispanic Biack (African American} Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male —� �emale DateofBirth: �?!�� ti''- " ! Disabled: Yes NIo If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: How did you hear aboat this opening? �''� ,� � �-� k�<< i� , . - _-_.. . C ` ^` � � � . . Y�G,rLh °<--�l���t- ��.ie:� � , _._ , � , , `� ���1 . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY SALL SAIN'C PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FA.X::266-8513 9� So6 �� �,�� Y . � Name: ��71�'lG/fI Off�MANS� t�'I Pff Home Address: 0� 3 U�/J �(I�2�N s� �L}t(L ��/ 0� Street City Zip Telephone Number. Planning District Council: (E�o�� `F�`�23� (Workl �� �f2 (F �I �-0 2 -'-�`�j City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: h��'�'l�� � What is your occupatiotx? - P3ace of Employment: Committee(s) Appiied Ror: S The information included in this appiicafion is considered private data accordic�g to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resulf, this information is not reteased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 What skiils; training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? < 4 Name: Address: Phone: Name: .t�' l�t�Y�(. � r ►"dl'► PiV(� (�� �.OW(!'t�'G�l nce� /�'1 �/1/� fJ�f'i!"� _ y � r G r_ � -. Address: �'t (Yl �l0 rOl ��Gl'FU8'�n C'1 T.�QG�'LE,(� S_ �Phone ` (Elom�,L �� � � �,�2 �_ - . ork� s> �Z �-.Q��3 - � � � _ r,,,. �:�;�. � _ - . Name " �-'7�i'L�ifl1 /i1'"/.fl,1Yll � ��t�0�� i�rvt/1'(/Yf.P/IDt�f I{'lu���b3'!�/ f7��J Address: I ZZ- W��M kllt� ` t7 �'� I'� ��s �'l � SSI Q� Ufl�l�Hlr�t'.+ � Phone: _ �--�a � ori�l �' ("' �2�" 'I r--.rj � � ;., , ,_. ,. .. -,._ �. Reasons For our interest in th�s particvlar commzttee: ` _.� -�-�f_ �r`(�e -Fo . �.� �,� r�l��,r� vr�bt�`� l�a��Z-r ��.�rr� — � [ /1��.. / .�L/u ,�i,� ,i . ' i� �! � � �� '��(.'.. s,, ,�,..-,_ � J � .. . .1. _ , , � . $'=.n � � _� - ., _- - . . _ _ _ _ . . . '. _ _ . . _ . l - - ' ` - i � ' _ ' _ _ . . .. _ . ._ ... - _ ", .rx °_.. , . ., . - _ _ - - � _ _ _ �. .. ,.. _. -.. . - . ., _ e you fiad previous�contact w►th the committee for wh►c6 you are making appiication? If so, when, t6e circumsfances? _ . - . In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our tritlttnii�t���ease c6eck the Iine appticable to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. �qqYQR'S OEFtC� X White (Caucasiatt) Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Disabted: Yes rro K If special accommodations are needed, please specify; Hispanic Asian or Pacifec Islander DateofBirth: � — 1�'"�"f 0 How did yoa trear about this opening? l�/Y(/YW�'LWLLt'ivvl(�i1/L� A/v� f Yt/�rl�tovvYt 1/riivr __ l�� So� PATRICIA JANE OHMAI�iS, M.P.H. 843 VAN BUREN AVENUS SA►TVT PAUL� MINNESOTA SSiO4 (672) 489-4238 A writer, researcher and planner with extensive experience in health educafion and communication. Proven ability to manage staf£ and wntractors while meeiing deadlines. Backa ound in budgefing, program design and direcfion, public relations, analysis of potenfial funders and successful grant writing. Fluent in Spanish, and skilled in desk-top publishing and editing. Bxperienced in trauung and continuing educarion for heatth caze providers and consumers. � EMPLOYMENT Consultant for various clients Uniaersity of Minnesota Schools of Medicirie and Public Health; 1J97 to date Minnesotrz Internafional Heaith Vo2unteers, Minneapoiis, Mznnesota; 1994 tc date Center for Goss-Culfural Health, Minxeapoiis, Mznnesota; 7995 Eo 1997 Hennepin CounEy Medicai Center, Minneapotis, Minnesota; 2994 to 1997 Responsibilities: University of Minnesota: Coordinarion of a community health worker training program in a Saint Paul inner-city neighborhood. Minnesota International Heatfh Volxnfeers: Coordination and delivery of an annual, thsee-month course in intemational and cross-cultural health issues; other program development. Center for Cross-Cuttural Health: Development of an information clearinghouse and training service on the relarionship between culture and health. Administration, fundraising, budgeting, committee work, program development, liaison with potential collaborators and funders. Hennepin County Medzcal Cenfer: Coordination and implementarion of published zeseazch study on barriers to caze for refugees and immigrants to Minnesota. Program Coordinator Mimsesota Extension Service, Uniaersity of Minnesota, Mittneapotis, Minnesota; 1992 fQ 1996 Responsibitities: Coordination and program development of university-based program for research and education on issues in agricultuzal safety and health. Supervision of project to train 3ay health educators in migrant farmworker camps. Grant-writing and management, production of educarional materials, including Farm Safefy and Health Digest. Editor Program in Human SexuaIity, Liniversity of A�finnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 1991-7992 Responsibilities: Editing academic manuscripts and a ant proposals for sexuality research and treahnent center; co-authoring journal articles on AIDS education and prevention. Program Analyst Anierican Indian HeaTfk Care Associatzan, Snivxt Patd, Minnesota; Y99Z Responsibitities: Research, writing and editing for national Indian health care advocacy and research organizacion. Production of reports to federal, state and tribal agencies on aspects of Indian health care. 1 � Education Coordinator and Communications Specialist Minnesota AIDS Project, Minneaqolis, Minnesota; 1986 to Z990 Responsi6ilifies: Education Coardinator: D'uection of outzeach, educarion and train9ng acfivities for statewide AIDS organization. Supervising ninrmember outreach staff, managing budgets, planning programs, writing grant pxoposals and collaborasing with other community organiza5ons. Staff liaison to boazd conunittee and to funders. Communications SpecialisY: Writing and pxoducfion of all educational and promotional materials for statewide non-profit agency. Planning and implemenEation of AIDS mass media and direct education campaigns. Research AssisEanE llniversify of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1988 fo 1989 Responsibilities; Research and teaching assistance in the School of Public Health, D'avision of Epidemiology. Designing syllabi and delivering lectures for classes in public health and AIDS. Conference plazuiing and publicafion coordination for the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center, a regional training agency for health professionals. Editor and Reporter City Pages newspaper, Minneapolis, Minnesofa; 1983 ta 1985 Responsibitities: Administration of arts section of weekly metropolifan newspaper, circulation 100,000. Supervising six contributing writers; managing budgets; freelance assignments; editing and layout; feature writing for news section. Freelance Writer Atlanta Georgia; 7982 fo 1982 Projecfs: Reporting for narional and local publications, including Newsweek, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Attanta Journal and Constitution and In These Times. Media Specialist and Trainer Mental Health Advocates Coatition, Saint Paut, Minnesota; 19J8 to 1981 Respoxsibitities: Design and implementation of public education programs and media campaigns for statewide consumer group. Development of training programs for paralegal mental health workers. EDUCATION AND AWARDS 1997 Leadership in Neighborhoods fellowship awardee, St Paul Companies Foundaflon. 1996 Minnesota Extension Service Dean and Director's Distinguished Diversicy Team Awazd 1991 M.P.H. in Community Health Education, 1991 from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Thesis: "Questions of Luck, Life and Death: AIDS Prevention in Mex3co." 1991 Delta Omega Sociery first prize winner for essay on AIDS, syphilis and cholera. 1976 BA. in English/ Communication,197b from Antioch College, Yeilow Springs, Ohio. 9� - So� PUBLICATIONS Refereed Publications Garrett, C., and Ohmans, P. (in press} "Barriexs to Caze for Refugees and Immigiants" Minnesota Medicine April 1998 Ohmans, P., Gazrett, C and Treichel, C. (1996) "Health Caze Pxoviders' Percepfions of Bazriers to Care for Refugees and luwligrants" Minnesota Medicine, Vol. 79, No. 5 Shutske, J. and Ohmans, P. (1994) "Shifting the Paradigm: Rethinknig Our Approach to Fann Safety and Health" JournrzI of Agromedicine Vol. 2, No. 3 Rosser, B., Coleman, E., and Ohmans, P. (1993) "Safer sex maintenance and reduction of unsafe sex among homosexually active men: a new therapeutic approach" Healfh Education Research Vol. 8, No. 1 Other Seiected Publications and Media Ohmans, P., ed. (1996) Six Steps Toward Culfural Competence: Health Care for Refugees and ImmzgranES Minnesota Public Health Associarion, Center for Cross-Cultural Health, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1996) "A Place for Healing" (arficle on the Center for VicEims of Torture) Mpls.- St.Paui May, 1996 Ohmans, P. and Shutske, J. (1992-1996) Farm Safety and HealEh Digest Minnesota Extension Service, University of Miiulesota VaL 1-4. American Society of Agricultural Engineers' Blue Ribbon Award winner. ShuYske, J., Ohmans, P. and Peltz, D. (1993) "Pesticide Use and Your Health° Videotape Mumesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota Ohmans, P. and Fugate, B. (198� Corey's Story Comic book on AIDS prevenrion for teens Mixutesota AIDS Project, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Minneapolis Ohmans, P. (1974-199� News and teature articles in City Pages newspaper, Dayton Daity News, Mpls/St. Pau1 magazine, Chronicle of Higher Education, Atlanta Constitufion, Lltne Reader and othex mass media SENT BY: SRC; - �� �!4' �i�'� Name: HnmeA 3- 6•98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => OFFIC,'F, QH "!'HF. MAYOR 390 CT'I'Y HALL SAtiVT PAUt,, MINNESUTA SStUZ 1'hone: 21�6-8525 FAX: 26(,-8513 612 266 B513; W ard: #1/2 l8 50� Strcet (:ity t � Zip TelephoneNumber: Lome} �� 1 7,g3S� Planning T)ictricf Cuuncil: Prcfcrrcd Mailing Address: �57� �.L�.TC�Q�'1� What is your occupatinn? P1ace uf �mployment: (:ommittee(s} Applicd 1�'or: � U 7zC � . ' . . �'J �l.' r ' • _. . � i. .. � (pvER) itcv. x-S 97 Whxl skillz, training or exper;encc du you possass fur the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? The fnformation inciuded in A�is npplicatiun is considered private data accurding to the Minnesuta Government Axta Practices Act. As u rcxult, this itfformatiun is not rcfcased to tlrQ general pubiic. :NT BY: SRC� 3- 6-98 2:43PM; 6122969441 => YF.RSONAL REFERENCES 672 266 8513; #2/2 9�Y S06 Namc: JPY1QfZ,�� I �� ��UC S . Addrea�: �"'M ( (���1(1 �. �!! �a r►�`�v s- � Phonc: mc 3lU O s {Workl 2�/„�: — IS C� 7� Nam�: �'1u I�.btPnl'i� Address: SS� � � p l'hone: (Humel �— (V1�ork) ���0 � 3 Z� Namc: Address: Phone: Reas�ns for your intcrest in this particular cummittcec �,���('� �A/��1 � ZCL[I ( 1� ���� In an attempt to ensnre that commiftee rcprescntwtiun reflects the makcup of our coinmunity, piease check the line applicable to you. 'I'his information is stric[ty volun[ary. x White (Caucasian) Black (Afriran Amcricxn) American Indian nr Alaxk}�n Eskimo Mule � E'cmalc 13isabicd: Yes .__� No X I licpanic Acian or Ylcific istsndcr Datc of Birth: «/ � ��Q� if spccial accommodations are needed, please specify: ____� �-C:1 . llow ditl you hcar:tbout thi� oPcni (ttomel � � �cQ s�'�' {Workl '-- Havc yuu had prcvious contact with the co�nmittee fnr whicb y0u are mat:ing spplication'? if so, when, and thc circumstanccs? � _ ��� � Sarah [dovcha OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, D�v'NESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 R�CEIYEB MAR 09 199� �viAYQR'S QFFlC� Name: HomeAddress: 1673 TAYTOR Ave St Paul .MN 55104 Street City Zip 641-1727 ork �297-6387,axt25$� 297-6457 Telephone Number: jFiome� (�' lr� Planning District Covncil: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? 11 same as home attorney •: � City Council Ward: PlaceofEmployment: � '-�^ M�nnesota Reeional Leeal Services Committee(s) App(ied For• Cou�unity Health Services Advisory Committee�, Heritage Preservation Commission,,St. Paul Riverfront CorPOration What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment2 1st C}hnirr> h r�t g D 2rv tion Commission• I have extensi�e ex4erie_nce with urban geograohy pro}ects in,the St. Paul area. As a summer intern, I assisted in the application process to q_ualify a St. Paul building on the itIational Registe7 o£ H' ^ > > - ' studied the Sv�nitfUnivers3ty area and attended neighborhood nlanning meetings 1R d�1].5'tOT1C Ct paul 2221 hbnThOOd ana RII1TK 1i1 LLle n»�vtl.� i'i+.++ii=�v�-a +� ���--- in downtown St. Paul, and I am interested in �lanning and �reservation in these 2nd Choice=St. Paul Riverfront Corporation: AS a law student at the LlnivQrsity o: Minneso a was lnvo ve in p anning an eve opmen o_ e ississinpi iver_ron�. near the Universit of Minnesota Minneanolis camnus. This exuerience exnosed me to a varietv of aspects of the planning_ process for river development and public llt111Z i' th '1t ' ('i ti PC oa Mv c nrk ST1P(`l F� (`.'31l c �.�.a .. tha development of public and recreational space near the riverfront. 3rd Choice=Community Health Services Advisorv Co�ittee (application nreviously file or is po on : an n e a Advocacy I rworked on nublic health issues affected by the environment, such as urba e�¢*+�.issions_ n I he m ormation included in this appiication is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result, this information is not released to the general pubiic. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 `: i ; _ • : �I : �1 Name: Claire ?ress Address: 1600 Lafon Ave. St. Pa u1, MN 55104 Phone: Name: ome) 647-9263 or 228-3283 Carolyn Cle�ons Address• 331 21st Ave. SE�;�. Minneap MN 55414 Phone: Name: ome) 331-1125 (Work) retired •YP��r.?v &al.ton C onr od Address: 3� - S"'ruc? P7 Aca - M.ir_*+ne�nnl�s , 2'R� 554�� ' Phone: , (Ftome) 338-1879 ork) � " � 2,on_i ��� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I ari interested in the �ation cor.ttnittee because I believe St. ?'aul orfers a unioue histor 3S t11e stare' � �a2�i Ynl �i tv AS a ri ti �an nf 4t panl Y T wi eh t� �ffort at continuinp nreservation within "St. paul. � L am interested in the St. ? aul Riverfront Cor.noration, because I believe our � -S a , . ay: �ithin the city. I believe �c*.iaking the r.iverfront inore accessible to St. paul -esi ents is a ey nart o_. continuinp to ma e t.. au one o t e most iva e :ities_in the United SrarPc My interest in the Health Services Committee is spawned by m� concern about tY sf.fects o£ pollutants and other ennironmental actors on our nublic health. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumsYances? My coworker, 24arv Huot, is a menber of the Health Services'�ommittee, and his*h7�r reco�^r,±ended rarticinatior. en a citizer_ �e*�+*+�_t*e.e r� r�e. In an attemgt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo hiale Disabled: Yes x Female No X If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 11 / 29 / 6 7 � Mayor's �'�Ke. Aow did you hear about this opening? Mamn �; rcti�tea �� �h.e 1c �-506 � 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE F�DPLICP.NTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED P.E'TER O1/O1/94 PAGE 1 APPLICANP / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -- -- — -------------------------- - -- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003282 Belgea, Nicole 04/14/97 W F 2223 W. County Road B Food and Nutrition Commission Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 636-5357 Full-time U of M Student Tom & Pay Lyons 566 Iona Lane Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-7612 Gerald McCauley 1925 Jerrold Avenue Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-3665 w) 631-1724 Debbie Wolf 1438 148th Avenue Andover, MN 55304 h) 434-2852 w) 631-1724 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Iiome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-5464 or 822-0127 1 8 _________________________________________ 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN 02/20/98 W F Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mnls h) 375-1037 9d-so6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT CONIMITTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTSE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv_ Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 2 APPLICANi' / REFERENCE CONIMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------- — ------------------- --- ---- ----'--- ----- -- -------- --- — - --- Nancy Wisocke 1630 5. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 -----------`-----------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------'--------------------------- { -------------- 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Fiealth Services,{ Auman Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ------------ — ------------------- -----------{------------_ 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Aoffman Strong Currently Eiomeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Sarb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003373 France, Laura #2 542 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8741 1 8 02f25j98 W F HealthEast . �l8 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANl'S REPORT PAGE 3 APPLZCANi'S.RPT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Healtfi ServiCes Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'----------------'----------- ---' ------- -------- ------- --- --- --- Work - 490-0433 FAX 4904568 OB/GYN Linda Newell, Ph.D. Dept. OB/GYN Sth Floor Suny Health Service Center Syracuse, NY 13210 w} (315} 470-7904 Dr. Rodney England Gallery Medical Building St. Paul w) 232-4200 Dr. John Folk 6515 Yale Road Westland, MI 48185 h) (313) 467-7037 002964 Mitchell, Susan 16 03/30/95 W F Allina Health System 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 9310 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Work - 992-39a8 1009 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul. MN 55105 Iiome - 227-6679 Director-Community Health Joan Mishek 736 Osceola Avenue St. Paul H) 224-9351 Susan Aaigh 910 Fairmount St. Paul, MN H) 224-3178 9�-.sd� 06-09-98 APPLZCANI'S.RPT COMMZTTES APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 4 APpLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP AATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRTOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------------------- --- ------ ------- ------- --- -- --- Rob Fulton Dir-Ramsey County Public Health W)266-2424 003428 Ms. Hoover:, Feta-Anr1 Hoover 193 N. Griggs Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-3546 Student/LPN/Cleans Fiomes 1 13 03/10/98 W M 3-10-98 Health Services Advisory & Food and N(utrition Commission: Anna Wasescha and Richard Kagen 1312 Dayton Ave., 55104 h) 646-8733 Charles and Blair Egley 1116 Summer Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113-6121 h) 489-243 Ami Wiger 1208 Selby Ave., 55104 h) 646-5579 w) 687-1364 003389 Ohmans, Patricia 843 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 489-4238 Health Advocates work - 489-4238 FAX 9040239 Public Health Consultant 1 7 3-2-98 Community Health Services: Neal Holton, M.D. Regions Hospital International Clinic w) 221-3456 Diane O'Brien (former committee member) MN Federation of Teachers h) 646-1692 w) 227-8583 03/02/98 W F Arlen Erdahl, Director 06-09-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv. Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 98-Sa6 PAGE 5 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR} (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) - ----- — -- — -------- -------- --- ---- --- -- --- ------- ----'-'---'------- MN Intl Health 122 W. Franklin Ave. Mpls., 55104 w) 871-3759 003416 Stewart, Nora 1173 W. Idaho Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 489-7835 5 03/06/98 W F Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus Work - 296-4847 Health/Fam Security Research 3-6-98 Community Health Services: Senator Dan Stevens 1949 Collin St. Mora, MN 55051 h) (320) 679-4085 w) 296-8075 Criuck Norenberg N State Office Bldg. w) 296-3209 Cathy McMahon 280 Duke Street St. Paul, 55101 h) 224-1854 003387 Taylor, Lynne M. 1675 Stillwater Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8369 6 2 02/20J98 W F Regions Hospital Work - 291-5526 FAX 2212242 Registered Nurse , 2-20-98 Community Health Services; Mary Kasal Regions Aospital (Pediatrics) 640 Jackson St., 55101 h) 488-0248 w} 221-3787 Kathy Walters 4040 13th Ave. St. �� �6 06-09-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 CONIMZTTEE : JCCHSAC Health Services Adv, Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMIKENTS ---- -------------'----'----- Minneapolis, MN 55407 No Phone # listed Sheila Brink 6227 15th Ave. So. Ritchfield, MN 55423 h) 866-6998 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55204 Home - 641-1727 Southern MN Regional Legal Services Work - 297-6387, Ext. 258 Attorney 03/06/98 W F 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., HPC, Riverfron(t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemcaons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRSOR) (OTHER CONIMITTEES 5ERVZNG ON) - --' ----- --'---- -'------ --- --' --- Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place MpZs., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Ivfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Alberto Quintela � �/ Assistant to the Mayor ' June 9, 1998 RE: COMIVIUNITY HEALTH SERVICES CONINIITTEE Mayor Coleman has recommended the following reappointment and appointments. �lguointments Dr. Laura France Fetna-Ann Hoover Patricia Ohmans Nora Stewart Sarah Wovcha Rea�pointment Nancy White Nancy White and Nora Stewart will each serve a two-year term which will expire June 26, 2000. The other appointees will fill remainder of unexpired terms which will eapue on 7une 26, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January l, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Rob Fulton Richard Ragan �,