91-1173 ORIGIN J ) 41-14-2 "---`c 2 Council File # 9/-x/7 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY. OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA k , . Presented By a',' AIL G—.y■ Referred To ItrAllIMPF Committee: Date WHERE `, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings • •nsider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of o story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure loca - • • property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 940 S •y Avenue. This Abstract property is legally described as: Lot 5, B •• . 3, Smith & Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the r:• • ,ded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, • • _• upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on November 2, P 'I and other information available to the Division of Public Health on or before May 20, 1491, the following persons are owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject P o•-rty: Joel Kohout, Address Unknown; Georgeann Kohout, 6903 Romeo Road, Woodbu , , MN 55125; Alice T. Terrell-Ellis, 804 Hague Avenue, St. Paul, MN - 55104; Barb M•C•rmick, Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation, 400 Selby Avenue #C, St. Paul, 0 55102. The add 1-s.-s of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the . - ords, phone books, mortgage companies, etc.; and WHERE' , the Division of Public Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned Bu l• ng Notice" dated November 21, 1990 which is attached and incorporated as part of this e-•lution by this reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of C a l ter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested and/or responsible •. e• of the Subject Property then known to the enforcement officer. The notice and orde i formed these parties that the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, si g - family structure located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance •u suant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod-. The November 21, 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the 1.10u - on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; _ • ' : • ., the November 21, 1990 order informed all then known owners, interested parti=s : d responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Prope y correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the structure, either action to take place b I ecember 21, 1990; and • • no action has been taken regarding compliance with the November 21, 1990 notice and o.•er, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that public hearings be sell,. led to take place on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 before the Neighborhood Services Corn ,- of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to be reviewed and d: i i ed on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 by the Saint Paul City Council in considering the . .visability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or, in - alternative, the demolition and removal of this structure; and WHE' • ' , the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have been served no' : of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings before the Neighborhood `- ices Committee of the City of Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 . • the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 in accordance with the provisions • 1 hapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and I ' • , a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City uncil on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was considered by ii e committee; and WHE' : • ., the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and evidence voted • layover this matter for two weeks (July 3, 1991) in committee in order to permit time for - potential buyer(s) to further evaluate their available options with regard to the subject pro.- ; and ' :A., a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on June 25, 1991 in which the C 1 ui cil heard and voted to accept the Neighborhood Services Committee's recommendatio s to have this matter layed over in Committee for two (2) weeks (July 3, 1991); and WHE' : • ., a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee on Wednesday, Ju y c, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the Committee; and ' ; • , the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and evidence, mad: e recommendation to order the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsibl: •: ;es and assigns to meet the requirements of Chapter 33, including posting the required s: rmance bond and obtaining a code compliance inspection within one hundred and ei 1h (180) days. ' • S, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on July 9, 1991 and all testimo and evidence including the action taken by the Neighborhood Services Committee w. «.nsidered by the Council; and NOW a REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence prese at the July 9, 1991 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Fin• _s and Order concerning the house at 940 Selby Avenue: 1. I •t in March of 1988 the house located on the Subject Property was •e -rmined to be unoccupied. The house has remained vacant and has been -i. er open to access or boarded since March of 1988. -2- ORIGINAL _ 2. at since March of 1988 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions is.ued orders to the then known owners to make this house secure and not . • = sible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the o -rs, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the house secure. 3. at the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul condemned this s. cture as "Unfit for Human Habitation" under Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul g islative Code in March of 1988. The building is still subject to this ndemnation order. 4. at the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and • :y the vacant building fee for this structure as required by Chapter 43 of the S:'i t Paul Legislative Code. 5. at there are now and have been since March of 1988 multiple exterior ousing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Property. 6. i at the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this house are as • eviously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly rued notice of the Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and the Tuesday, June 25, '91 hearings concerning this house. 7. at on November 21, 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the en known owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these • rsons to either demolish and remove the house or make repairs and cure the st of deficiencies by December 21, 1990. 8. at the order of November 21, 1990 has been disregarded by the then known •wners, interested parties and responsible parties. 9. at the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single arily structure located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building wording to Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that t i= "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that period of time it has been either "unsecured", bearded", or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code iolations" or has been placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to hapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 10. i at the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single aaYily structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as included natter Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an b andoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a • • gerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, ..fety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting luence on the community. -3- 11. That the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a building other than a structure accessory to a residential building. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The requirements of Chapter 33, including posing the required performance bond and obtaining a code compliance inspection must be completed within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the mailing of this resolution. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within one hundred and eighty (180) days of meeting the requirements of Chapter 33. 2. If tae above corrective action is not completed within the one hundred and eighty (180) day time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure and fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the building by the owners, interested parties and/or responsible parties by the end of the one hundred and eighty (180) day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by law. -4- ORIC� 9�- //7 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of the owners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 4f.11, Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. -5- • • Yeah Nays ; Absent Requested by Department of: j Dimond Goswitz Loner __ Maccabee Rettman Thune Wilson By: Adopted by Council: Date JUL 9 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By: Q'�'` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved / JUL 1 0 1991 Council Mayor: Date By: /4461/ By: PUBLISHED JUL 20'91 OIi . IIN.PAL Council File # 9� // � �Green Sheet # (�c17p7/ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN \•AUL, MINNESOTA Presented By I , •. • Referred To ' Committee: Date 411111e WHEREAS e Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to co ider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two s.•ry, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure located on pro.: hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 940 Selby Aven -. This Abstract property is legally described as: Lot 5, Block 3, Smith . Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat the = , and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, based upon the r= • ds in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on November 2, 1990 and other informa •n available to the Division of Public Health on or before May 20, .991, the following pe, •ns are owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property: Joel Kohout, Ad• ess Unknown; Georgeann Kohout, 6903 Romeo Road, Woodbury, MN 55125; Alice T. T- ell-Ellis, 804 Hague Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; Barb McCormick, Twin Cities Housi Development Corporation, 400 Selby Avenue #C, St. Paul, MN 55102. The addresses of the above noted persons ere obtained from various sources including the tax records, phone books, mortgage mpanies, etc.; and WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has sued an order identified as an "Abandoned Building Notice" dated November 21, 1991 which is attached and incorporated as part of this Resolution by this reference. This order served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod, on all owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property then known to th= enforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the two story, dil, •idated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure located on the Subject Pro.-rty is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, bd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The November 21, 1990 order also had attach to it a list of deficiencies regarding the house on the Subject Property, said list is attached an• incorporated as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the November 21, 1990 order informed all then wn owners, interested parties and responsible parties that they must either repair the tructure on the Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the s ture, either action to take place by December 21, 1990; and AA�'r Ni ' r . ._. p.97,- // 3 WHEREA`, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the November 21, 1990 notice and o a er, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that public hearings be sched ed to take place on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 before the Neighborhood Services Commi :- of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to be reviewed ,•,d deci ed on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 by the Saint Paul City Council in considering •.e a.visability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or, iri`,h alternative, the demolition and removal of this structure; and WHEREA•,'the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have been served no - of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings before the Neighborhood Se ices Committee of the City of Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and the Sai Paul City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 in accordance with the provisions of I hapter 45\f the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREA', a hearing waheld before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City C a uncil on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the ommittee; and WHEREA' , the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and evidence, made th- recommendation to appive a request by the Division of Public Health to order the above r,i erenced owners, interested.parties and responsible parties and their assigns to make the Subj t Property safe and not detri rental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remo e its blighting influence on the..community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting tho.- deficiencies set forth in the fist previously referenced in accordance with all applicable cod=s and ordinances, Q in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure and fill 1 the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or d molition of the structure to be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution; and WHEREA , a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 and at .stimony and evidence including the action\taken by the Neighborhood Services Comm t was considered by the Council; and NOW :REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upgn all of the testimony and evidence present-a at the Tuesday, June 25, 1991 hearing, the Salt Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the house at 940 Selby Avenue: 1. Th t in March of 1988 the house located on the Subj Property was de rmined to be unoccupied. The house has remained acant and has been e: -r open to access or boarded since March of 1988. -2- 2. IJ a, since March of 1988 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions is u;.4 orders to the then known owners to make this house secure and not a• .. sible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the o -rs, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the house secure. 3. the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul condemned this s ,ture as "Unfit for Human Habitation" under Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul slative Code in March of 1988. The building is still subject to this c• I emnation order. 4. the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and p. the vacant building fee for this structure as required by Chapter 43 of the S t Paul Legislative Code. 5. . there are now and have been since March of 1988 multiple exterior I,• • 'u • Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Property. 6. . the o, ners, interested parties and responsible parties of this house are as p - iously s in this resolution. These individuals have been properly : ed notice o the Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and the Tuesday, June 25, 1' I hearings concerning this house. 7. ! . on November 21,, 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the known owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these •- ins to either demolish and remove the house or make repairs and cure the li. •f deficiencies by December 21, 1990. 8. .t the order of November 21, 1990 has been disregarded by the then known o lers, interested parties and responsible parties. 9. .t the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single f: ily structure located on the Subje4 Property is an abandoned building a •rding to Section 45.01, Subd. 1, o,the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that i "a building or portion thereof whit has stood unoccupied for longer than Sr : (1) year" and during that period of ti a it has been either "unsecured", "• •. ded", or has had "multiple exterior using Code or Building Code • ations" or has been placarded as "Unfit fpr Human Habitation" pursuant to 1 pier 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. ,, 10. t the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single ily structure located on the Subject Property a nuisance as included •er Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, ' ubd. 11, in that it is an . • . doned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a • • gerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens:the public peace, health, •ty or sanitary condition of the City or which is o(ensive or has a blighting i uence on the community. k 11. :t the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estima to exceed two • sand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves d olition of a u lding other than a structure accessory to a residential building. -3- ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting those deficiencies forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable and ordinances, 41 in the alternative by demolishing and removing the strucba&sand filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and or•inances..\The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed'within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within the thirty (30) day time period, the proper Cit officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatever steps necessary to demolish and remove this structure and fill the site and charge the c`xlsts incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the building is to be . < olished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtu - of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the demolition and remo, . shall be removed from the building by the owners, interested parties and/or ponsible parties by the end of the thirty (30) day time period. If the person. .roperty is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose • such property and fixtures as is provided by law. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified cop of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mail-, to the last known address of the owners, interested parties and responsible parti= pursuant to Section 45.11 , Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative C• •-. -4- Yeas Nays Absent Dimond I Requested by Depart ent of: Goswitz Lona Mk � I Maccabee 1 � � Reitman Thune r Wilson By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: r< L__._...... 4-_ r- Q/ By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council 9 By: ;/7/.444:14// By: 9/03 ate- 2V DIED TAR IT�/QfjFe ices D1�FrINII1�TEn1 GREEN SHEET NO. 6221 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE vo LiS J I DATE INITIAUDATE- ARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Charles Votel 298- 3 01 Nuinen FoR FA CITY ATTORNEY . CITY CLERK MUST BE ONGoSNNCIL NDA BY(DAT ROUTING •BUDGET DIRECTOR 0 FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. June 25, 1991 m MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) E TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA r = � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) . Aae9It ° cil to pa thi resolution which will order the owner to remove or complete the repair of the refs cedrbuilding within thirty (30) days from the mailing of this resolution. If t= = fails to comply with the resolution t Ci. , ; be authorized to remove the buil, The subject property is located at ' beR Y>. l+a"i' ► .�' RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or - - COUNCIL CONEUTTEERIESEARCH REPORT(OPTIONAL) —PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION ANALYST RECEIV orrENa RECEIVED —CIB COMMITTEE —STAFF COMMENTS: —DISTRICT COURT JUN 3 1991 MAY 3.01991 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE INITIATING Is$UE. • Wes,Whar=,�,>,,: PITY ATTORNEY co 111 iy hakes The building s a �u sa a pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested • es and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an orde o epair or remove the building at 940 Selby Avenue by December 21, 1990. All parties f it to comply with those orders. The building has remained unoccupied and vac since March of 1988. i ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED The City will el „ teja nuisance. JUN 0 6 1991 MAYOR'S OFFICE • DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A cost of approx - • ly $4,500-$5,500 for removal of the building, if wrecking becomes necessary. This c•- • will be assessed against the property taxes. RECEIVED i JUN 10 1991 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: If the building i ,ot Morn down, a nuisance, constituting LATATJaMalth hazard (potential fire d =er,1 rodent and insect harborage, potential c ins site and blighting influence ,on the ghbprhood), will remain within the City. 'Quqo mo_� eereh.Cenier- TOTAL AMOUNT OF - _ L I • • i COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) NO FUNDING SOURCE Muis .c Hqusing Abatement ACTIVITY NUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) dUU • NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend,Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Accountant,Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. qty Clerk • TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish In either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever Is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete If the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. • SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(*)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING,RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this prot/actioh. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? i CITT Qom'•. ~� 9,t CITY OF SAINT PAUL t i+llliHU f.. t !I Li^ :,?` OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL DAVE TH U N E Members: Councilmember Dave Thune, Chair Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz Date: July 5, 1991 COMMITTEE RE' I T: Date: July 3, 1991 Time: 2:00 p.m.� Place: Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Approval if June 19, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVED. 2. Resolut'o - 91-858 - delineating make-up of Como Park Education Resource Center a.k Force. (Laid over from the June 19, 1991 Neighborhood Service- fommittee meeting.) RECOMMEND APPROVAL AS AMENDED. Amended Resolut o is attached. 3. Appeal if a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 1540 Iowa Avenue :a t, John Wade - Applicant (Vehicle). RECOMMEND TO WITHDRAW. 4. Ordinance - 91-870 - an ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legisla i e Code pertaining to the Building Code Inspections and Permit Fees. ' E OMMEND APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE. Substitute Ordinance is atta' h .d. 5. Ordinance - 90-553 - amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pe t:ining to repair and/or demolition of nuisance buildings. RECOMME D APPROVAL AS AMENDED. Amended Ordinance is attached. _ 6. Resolut o - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referen el building, located at 1902 Carroll Avenue. If the owner fails to comp y with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the buildin, . (Laid over from the June 5, 1991 and June 19, 1991 Neighborhood Service, ommittee meeting.) Recommend 180 days to repair according to the fol o ing conditions: placement of $2,000 performance bond by July 8, 1991 any axes in the amount of $3,815 paid by July 31, 1991. If either one or •o h of these conditions are not met, recommend complete repair or demolit o within 30 days. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 soca:61.46 Printed on Recycled Paper 9/- //7 7. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the q� referenced building, located at 940 Selby Avenue. If the owner fails to qcomply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the fl / building. (Laid over from the June 5, 1991 and June 19, 1991 Neighborhood Services Committee meeting.) RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 180 DAYS TO COMPLETE OR DEMOLISH. __._-__ 8. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 613 Blair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 30 DAYS TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH. 9. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 525 Kenny Road. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 30 DAYS TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH. 10. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 1812 Reaney Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 30 DAYS TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH. 11. Resolution - directing the Division of Public Health to file with the City Clerk a copy of the Orders is has issued regarding the following properties which have been determined to constitute a nuisance: 266 Fry Street, 1381 Prosperity Avenue and 619 Robert Street South. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. . • • , ss,c,„0„, 9/-v/y ,6 / ,9== CITY OF SAINT PAUL L f OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL a DAVE TH U N E Members: Councilmember Dave Thune, Chair Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz Date: June 20, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT: Date: June 19, 1991 Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Approval of June 5, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVED. 2. Resolution - 91-858 - delineating make-up of Como Park Education Resource Center Task Force. LAID OVER TO JULY 3, 1991. 3. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 1902 Carroll Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. ( _aid over from June 5, 1991 Neighborhood Services Committee meeting.) LAID OVER TO JULY 3, 1991. 4. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 474 Edmund Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the - building. (Laid over from June 5, 1991 Neighborhood Services Committee meeting.) RECOMMEND APPROVAL. Amended Resolution is attached. 5. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced btilding, located at 656 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. • . Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located af-44-6—giTEY Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will orized to remove th building. LAID OVER TO JULY 3, 1991. 7. Resolution - )rdering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 734 Edmund Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with tiis resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. •CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 sas Printed on Recycled Paper 8. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 327 Fuller Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 9. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 358 Baker Street West. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL AS AMENDED. Amended Resolution is attached. 10. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 623 Oakdale Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 11. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 872 Selby Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL AS AMENDED. Amended Resolution is attached. 12. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 1109 Reaney Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 13. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 985 Geranium Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 940 Se;by Avenue. This Abstract property is legally described as: Lot 5, Bleck 3, Smith & Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on November 2, 1990 and other information available to the Division of Public Health on or before May 20, 1)91, the following persons are owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property: Joel Kohout, Address Unknown; Georgeann Kohout, 6903 Romeo Road, Woodbury, MN 55125; Alice T. Terrell-Ellis, 804 Hague Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; Barb McCormick, Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation, 400 Selby Avenue #C, St. Paul, MN 55102. The addresses of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the tax records, phone books, mortgage companies, etc.; and WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned Buy lding Notice" dated November 21, 1990 which is attached and incorporated as part of this Resolution by this reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property then known to the enforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The November 21, 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the house on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the November 21, 1990 order informed all then known owners, interested parties ald responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the structure, either action to take place by December 21, 1990; and 0r-9F/73 WHE• S, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the November 21, 1990 notice . • order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that public hearings be sc -it uled to take place on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 before the Neighborhood Services Corn i i ee of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to be reviewed and i -aided on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 by the Saint Paul City Council in considering th- advisability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or, i t e alternative, the demolition and removal of this structure; and WHE' ; • S, the above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have been served no i•- of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings before the Neighborhood he ices Committee of the City of Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 ' the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 in accordance with the provisions i f hapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHE• :A., a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City C•uncil on Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was considered by t e committee; and WHER:• ,, the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and evidence, made th- recommendation to approve a request by the Division of Public Health to order the above r: erenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns to make the Su e•- t Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and re • e its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting t, o.e deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable coo:. and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure and fil in: the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing i f his resolution; and WHERE S a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 1991 and all testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Neighborhood Services Commi it- was considered by the Council; and NOW T i FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence present:• .t the Tuesday, June 25, 1991 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the snowing Findings and Order concerning the house at 940 Selby Avenue: 1. Th:t 'n March of 1988 the house located on the Subject Property was de -r fined to be unoccupied. The house has remained vacant and has been eit a open to access or boarded since March of 1988. -2- gi-2- ///73 2. A at since March of 1988 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions • sued orders to the then known owners to make this house secure and not :c essible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the • ners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the house secure. 3. I at the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul condemned this t cture as "Unfit for Human Habitation" under Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul -:islative Code in March of 1988. The building is still subject to this .o demnation order. 4. h:t the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and i a the vacant building fee for this structure as required by Chapter 43 of the ' .'1 t Paul Legislative Code. 5. h t there are now and have been since March of 1988 multiple exterior o sing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Property. 6. h.t the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this house are as . e iously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly s- ed notice of the Wednesday, June 19, 1991 and the Tuesday, June 25, 1!'1 hearings concerning this house. 7. I .t on November 21, 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the t e known owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these p r•ons to either demolish and remove the house or make repairs and cure the lit of deficiencies by December 21, 1990. 8. T a the order of November 21, 1990 has been disregarded by the then known o -rs, interested parties and responsible parties. 9. T a the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single fa ly structure located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building ac .1 ding to Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than o e 1) year" and during that period of time it has been either "unsecured", "b..,ded", or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations" or has been placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to C alter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 10. Th.t the two story, dilapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single fai i y structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as included unle Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an ab. ■Zoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a d. ig rous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, sa -t or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting in u:nce on the community. 11. Th.t he costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two tho d dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a bui d' g other than a structure accessory to a residential building. -3- /--"//73 ORDER The Sain: 'aul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and thei assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the pub is peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the ommunity by rehabilitating this structure and correcting those deficiencies set 1•rth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable ccd:s and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the strut ture and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordi ances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be •mpleted within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. 2. If th- above corrective action is not completed within the thirty (30) day time penis, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to .1 e whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure and fill e site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to t - provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In t e event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably inie ere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the building by t e owners, interested parties and/or responsible parties by the end of the thirt (30) day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is prov ded by law. 4. IT I' FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the • inco il.orated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of th- owners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45.1 , Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. -4- Yeas Nays Absent f Requested by Department of: Dimond r Gosw.tz Long Maccabee Rettman Thune W1.Z son ( By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: er-1/----//13 DEPAROICmunity services DIET INIZIu- 1 GREEN SHEET NO. 6 2 2 1 CC UU LL pp INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE ' — J :v� l��:DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1�1 CITY COUNCIL —� Charles Votel 298-4153 T ASSIGN I,W G� NUMBER FOR CITY ATTORNEY I I CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DA-E) ROUTING ,1 I BUDGET DIRECTOR I I FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. June 25, 19 91 ;ORDER 171-1 MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) l TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC ° ouncil to pass this resolution which will order the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building within thirty (30) days from the mailing of this resolution. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. The subject property is located at 940 Selby Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(Ft) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT(OPTIONAL) ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS: _STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTU4ITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The building is a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an order to repair or remove the building at 940 Selby Avenue by December 21, 1990. All parties failed to comply with those orders. The building has remained unoccupied and vacant since March of 1988. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will eliminate a nuisance. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A cost of approximately $4,500-$5,500 for removal of the building, if wrecking becomes necessary. This cost will be assessed against the property taxes. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: If the building is not torn down, a nuisance, constituting a serious health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential crime site and blighting influence on the neighborhood) , will remain within the City. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $4,500-$S+, 50O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDING SOURCE Nuisance Housing Abatement ACTIVITY NUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL G1TT C) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES o On Iliirli 11 DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �` HOUSING CODE PROGRAMS 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 JAMES SCHEIBEL (612)292-7771 MAYOR FAX: (612)222-2770 May 24, 1991 Saint Paul Le.... Ledger 640 Minneso : uilding 46 E. 4th St:-t Saint Paul, MI 55101 RE: 940 Sell y Avenue Dear Sir or ail am: Please publis on June 5, 1991 and June 12, 1991 the enclosed notice of a Neighborhood Services Corn ttee Public Hearing and a Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing. You may bill th- Saint Paul Division of Public Health for the costs. Send the billing to the Division of P bi is Health, Vacant Building Section, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101. Also, please .0 mit an affidavit of publication to our office. Sincerely, 7 /. Charles Vote Vacant Build. Is Program Supervisor CV:jm Enclosure grgF1/7-3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM November 2 , 1990 TO: :• rb Houghtelin ' DD FROM: . .eve Roy 41 vironmental ealth Program Manager RE: " :QUEST FOR TITLE SEARCH BINDER We are now ready to start processing the following building for demolition. 940 S- by Avenue Attached is a copy of the tax print out for the property . Could you pleas. ake the appropriate action to obtain the binder in the next h ee weeks? You may charge the following Health Division -count for the costs incurred: Acti i y Title : Vacant Building Monitoring Acti i y No . 03227 Objet Code : 0219 Fees - Other Professional Services If you ha e any questions or need additional information, please call me al ' 98-4153 . SRR/jm Enclosure c: Karen ilson Sheri 'emberton Qf—/r�3 CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMvtUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER DATE March 11 , 1988 WHEREAS: THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, HAS FOUND THAT THE DWELLING AND PREMISES LOCAILD AT 940 Selby Avenue IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HEALTH BY REASONS OF DEFE.1S IN THE DRAINAGE, PLL BING, LIGHTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DWELLING AND PREMISES, AND/OR OTHER CAUSES AFFECTING PUBLIC HEALT,, WHICH REQUIRE THE PREMISES TO BE VACATED, NOW, THEREFORE: THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESJTA, ACTING UNDER THE AUTHORITY CONFERRED BY CHAPTER 34, SECTION 34,19, SUBSECTION 1 THROUGH 10 OF THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ADOPTED DECEMBER 23, 1961, AS AMENDED, HEREBY ORDERS THAT THE DWELLING AND PREMISES KNOWN AS 940 Selby Avenue BE VACATED ON OR BEFORE March 14 , 1988 AND SHALL NOT AGAIN BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A WRITTEN STATEMENT IS SECURED FROM THE DEPART- MENT OF COMMUNITY S .RV I CES SHOWING THAT THE DWELLING OR ITS OCCUPATION HAS BEEN MADE TO COMPLY WITH APPL CABLE PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE EXISTING LAWS, SECTION 34,22 (LEGISLATIVE CODE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL AS AMENDED) PROVIDES THAT EVERY PERSON, FIRM OR CORaORATION WHO VIOLATES ANY PROVISION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, AND UPON CONVICTION THEREOF SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $500,0O 0,Z BY IMPRISONMENT FOR NIT MORE THAN 90 DAYS, EVERY DAY HEREAFTER IN WHICH THE ABOVE ,ZEFERENCED UNLAWFUL CONDITION OR OCCUPANCY CONTINUES TO EXIST SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE, kik .. 411111: - BETZ SUPERVISOR OF HOUSING INSPECTION THIS ORDER SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE • T1 T\/T C`T r M CNC DUD! Tr I(T'n l 711 eiV-7/7.3 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES aulm DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612) 292-7741 Mayor March 10 , 1.988 Alice Ellis Alice Terrell-Ellis 940 Selby Avenue 940 5. ?lby Avenue St . Paul ; Mn . 5.5104 St . F _ul , Mn . 55104 Dear Property Owner : Enclosed is a copy of an "Order to Vacate" which has been posted on the premises at 940 Selby Avenue , in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 . 19 as amended , Subsection . 5, of the Housing Code ( Chapter 341 Legislatik. Code , City of Saint Paul , as amended ) . Your attention _s called to the following provisions of Section 34 . 191 Subsection 51 entitled , "Vacation of Condemned and Placarded Dwelling or Multiple Dwellings" : "Any dwelling or multiple dwelling which has been condemned .and placarded as unf �. t for human habita- tion by the enforcement officer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required by the enforce- ment officer , and it shall be wnlawful for any owner or operator to let to any person for human habitation said dwelling , multiple dwelling or dwelling .grit ; and no person shall occupy any dwelling ar multiple dwelling anit which has been condemned End placarded by the enforcement officer after the cate set forth in th2 placard of condemnation . " If you have any questions , you may contact the Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforcement , at 292-7771 or 292-7772 . Yours tr .. y, John Betz All Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg 6) -9/.--1/73 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL E. r. C DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 George Latimer NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION (612) 292.7741 Mayor AS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION March 10 , 1988 Alice Ellis Alice Terrell-Ellis 940 Selby Avenue 940 Selby Avenue St . Paul , Mn . 55104 St . Paul , Mn - 55104 Dear Property Owner : The Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforcement of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota has found that the dwelling and premises at 940 Selby Ao. e-1ue is "Unfit for Human Habitation" due to the need of repairs and/or defects in the drainage, plumbing , lighting, or construction of said dwelling and premises; and/or for other causes affecting public health . If you are unat1 = to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order , there are state and local rehabilitatio programs for wrich you may qualify . You may contact the Board of Appeals at 298-4163 . If you intend to appeal this notice , you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice . All repairs one -iew installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate coces . Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code requirements . Some plumbing repairs may necessity updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved . A permit is required for any repairs Dr new installation . Permits may be obtained from the Division of Building Code Enforcement ; Room 445 City Hall . The following repairs and/or improvements are required before this dwellinc_ may be reoccupieJ : 1 . Lack of Basic Facilities : Water & hot water ; adequately and properly supplied . 2 • Building lacks maintenance : Dilapitation ; deterioration & decay comprising rrazerial endangerment within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes , Sec :ion 290 . 101 , Subdivision 8 . • The dwelling ml, s : be vacated by March 14 ; 1988 - THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR, HUMAN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECUZED FROI1 THE DIVISION OF' 'DUBLIC HEALTH , SECTION OF HOUSING `ODE ENFOR TEAT . R /•*/ *.• 4 7-4-6" ■ 20 .f. .... 0,..,-i, .4.,,,, ,.2.',,, „,,,..,..? kv.4.,:it.7, _...A.—ofekr • n Betz ( Frank A . Staffens/, Supervisor of I-oJsing Inspection Environmental Hea Director Iiizi6v "';"'- CITY OF SAINT PAUL .e,1 C„ ,,,,_. %,!., DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES iiu DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH -'` 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (G12) 292- i;1 Mayor March 10 , 1985 Alice Ellis Alice Terrell -Ellis 940 Selby Avenue 940 Selby Avenue St . Paul , Mn . 55104 St . Paul ; Mn . 55104 Dear Property Owner : This letter is to inform you that since the improvements needed to bring your property at 940 Selby Avenue , into compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been completed, it will be necessary for us to placard the property as "Unfit for Human Habitation” on March 11 , 1988 , and order it vacated by no later than March 14 , 1988 . If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and local rehabilitate programs for which you may qualify . You may contact the Board of Appeals for appeals information at 298-4165 . If you intend to appeal this notice , you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice . /'N Yours tru,l "". _ __•ohn Betz, • Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg cc : Permit Counter - 445 City Hall Housing Information Office , 25 W 4th St . Marland Mork - Welfare Dept , 160 E Kellogg James Pr_ 11 - 555 Cedar Street • er9V-1772 Deficiency i-t - 940 Selby Avenue November 15, 1990 Page: 3 Rear • i Building - continued: 30. There 's an uncapped sewer pipe . Properly seal this sewer pipe. 31 . The ea es have loose and missing paint and some decayed wood. Replace and esair as necessary. Gene a 32 . Evid:nse of squirrels nesting in house. Eliminate access to points for the qiirrels. 33 . Corr:c deficiencies involved in the March 1988 condemnation (see atta.h •d copy of condemnation) . If you are u able to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply 1 h this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which •ot may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Depart e t of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228- ; 115 . Ask to speak to a loan officer. • ar.:=1/-17/5 Deficiency 1 st - 940 Selby Avenue November 15 , 1990 Page: 2 West S 'de of Building - continued: 13 . Trees .re growing along the foundation. Trim these trees. 14. The :s•halt siding by the north west corner has holes in it and the expose. wood is rotted. Replace. 15. The iidows have loose and missing paint and some deterioration. Repa'r. East S'de of Building 16. The 'ngles are worn and deteriorated. Replace. 17. Pigeon infestation in the attic. Exterminate the pigeons. 18. Deca es wood above and beneath the east side attic window. Replace all deca e. wood. 19. A rose t hole has been chewed through the wall. Seal this hole. Rear of Building 20. The o.f shingles are severely deteriorated and the roof is sagged. Repair the sag and replace the shingles. 21 . The c 'mney is leaning out of plumb and has loose and missing mortar. Repair. 22. The fo ndation has missing and loose mortar. Repair. 23 . The e.r door to the cellar is boarded over. Remove the board and repair this door. 24. The fi st floor rear window near the east side is boarded over. Remove the so-rd and repair the window. 25 . The lung has missing, torn and broken pieces. Replace. 26. The i dows have loose and missing paint. Repaint. 27. The •utters are hanging loose and the downspouts are removed. Repair or remo e the gutters. 28. The e.r porch roof is deteriorated and the gutter is hanging loose. Repair. 29. The -a es have missing and loose paint. Repaint. 6e---1/-129 DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 940 Selby Avenue November 15, 1990 All repairs a d new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate cedes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electric.:1 system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical lose (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of t e fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or n.w installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection ..n. Design Division, Room 445 , City Hall. Exterior Front ol Building 1 . The n.r h east corner of the foundation has loose and missing mortar. Repai . 2. The d ..n pipe for the rain leader at the north east corner of the house is no •roperly capped. Properly seal this drain pipe. 3 . The r.o" shingles on the front porch are worn and deteriorated. Replace shingle: . 4. The treads for the front porch steps are over spanned and spongy. Install an additional center stringer. 5 . The s. .ing on the front porch by the steps is deteriorated and some piece- are missing. Replace as necessary. 6. Trees .re growing next to the foundation by the front porch. Trim these trees. 7. Two p. ch windows are boarded over. Remove the boards and repair the windo -, as necessary. 8. The g 'ter by the north east corner of the house is pulled loose and the downs•.ut is partially disconnected. Repair. 9. The front picture window has cracked glass. Replace. West S de of Building 10. The h ngles are worn and some cracks are visible in the valley area. Repair or replace. 11 . The •'o nspout is disconnected from the porch roof and the sewer at the nort est corner is not capped. Repair and properly seal this sewer pipe. 12. The Jo ndation has loose and missing mortar. Repair. 6E-71V-1/7-9 • Abandoned B i ding Notice - 940 Selby Avenue November 21 1990 Page: 2 Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. If the reha ilitation work is not completed or if you have not demolished and removed the uilding by the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this .tter to the City Council to receive authority to have the building demolished and removed. All costs incurred in wrecking and removing the buildi _ will be charged against the real estate as a special assessment to be colle led in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule public hea rigs to consider the necessity and advisability of ordering the building rep.ired or demolished and removed. If public hearings become necessary, you will be notified of the times and dates of the hearings and you will be al ot.ed to present evidence to the City Council. • A copy of uh s order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and a Resolution d: claring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey Court Recorder' s Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficienci•s will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it doe- of mean that the building complies will all applicable Housing and Buildig Codes. The date fur compliance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive wr t en approval from the Division of Public Health. If you wis o have the City tear down your building, you may do so by requesting a consent form be sent to you from our office, signing it and returning It to us. However, please be aware that all owners and interested parties mu t sign the form before the City can tear the building down without a City Cou cil order. Also be aware that the cost of the demolition, if performed .y the City, would become a special assessment against the property. If you hav- any questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612)298-4153 . Sincerely, /ET S teven R. Re y Environme t. l Health Program Supervisor SRR:jm Enclosure C: Karen W lson Plann n . and Economic Development OF-9///7- • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ml r; out, y F DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 292.7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE November 21 , 1990 Alice Elli: 804 Hague •v:nue St . Paul, TN 55104-6609 RE: 940 `e by Avenue - Two and one-half story, wood frame, residential strut ire Smit nd. Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul Lot 5 Blk 3 Dear Sir (DI t adam: The Division of Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as "any b ilding or portion of a building which has stood with an inco plete exterior shell for longer than .three (3) years or any g or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one 1 year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) •oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, • or (d) 1•lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter '34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordina .e further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ord- ed torn down by the City. NOTICE: If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down, ,hen the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the • ' lding down on or before December 21 , 1990. If you se 1 transfer or convey, in any manner, the ownership or responsibl1 ty for this property, you must within seven (7) days of such action, p o ide the Division of Public Health with the names and addresses of any new o : rs or responsible parties. You must .l• o notify any new owners or responsible parties of this pending action by tie Division of Public Health. &C:21?"‘(2.13 C,T,0I CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '1 {iii'Iiun o DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE November 21 990 Alice Ellis 804 Hague A e ue St. Paul, MI 55104-6609 RE: 940 S •l.y Avenue - Two and one-half story, wood frame, residential • struc u e - Smith a d Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul Lot 5 Blk 3 Dear Sir or Madam: The Divisio .f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandone. Building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: "any • • lding or portion of a building which has stood with an incom•l-te exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any builds or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one ( ) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) secured, or (b) Boarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d) •lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordina c: further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ord:r:d torn down by the City. NOTICE: Ii ou do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the b i ding down on or before December 21, 1990. If you sel , transfer or convey, in any manner, the ownership or responsibi i y for this property, you must within seven (7) days of such action, pr.v de the Division of Public Health with the names and addresses of any new o e s or responsible parties. You must a su notify any new owners or responsible parties of this pending action by 'h Division of Public Health. 5.. ,•5 6qi-//73 Abandoned Building Notice - 940 Selby Avenue November 21 , 1990 Page: 2 Any repair cr demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. If the rehabilitation work is not completed or if you have not demolished and removed the building by the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to have the building demolished and removed. All costs incurred in wrecking and removing the building will be charged against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule public hearings to consider the necessity and advisability of ordering the building repa_red or demolished and removed. If public hearings become necessary, you will be notified of the times and dates of the hearings and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and a Resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building complies will all applicable Housing and Building Codes. The date for :ompliance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive wri..t?.n approval from the Division of Public Health. If you wish tD have the City tear down your building, you may do so by requesting a consent form be sent to you from our office, signing it and returning it to us. However, please be aware that all owners and interested parties must sign the form before the City can tear the building down without a City Council order. Also be aware that the cost of the demolition, if performed by the City, would become a special assessment against the property. If you have any questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612)298-4153. Sincerely, Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Supervisor SRR:jm Enclosure C: Karen Wilson Planning and Economic Development gik7OV—#1.3 DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 940 Selby Avenue November 15, 1990 All repairs a d new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate cedes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical 'Pose (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of t e fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or n- installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection .n. Design Division, Room 445, City Hall. Exterior Front oi Building 1 . The n.rlh east corner of the foundation has loose and missing mortar. Repai . 2. The d a n pipe for the rain leader at the north east corner of the house is nol uroperly capped. Properly seal this drain pipe. 3 . The r.ol shingles on the front porch are worn and deteriorated. Replace shing e . 4. The tie. ds for the front porch steps are over spanned and spongy. Insta 1 an additional center stringer. 5 . The s'd ng on the front porch by the steps is deteriorated and some piece- . re missing. Replace as necessary. 6. Trees a e growing next to the foundation by the front porch. Trim these trees 7. Two p.nh windows are boarded over. Remove the boards and repair the windo s as necessary. 8. The g t er by the north east corner of the house is pulled loose and the downs.o 't is partially disconnected. Repair. 9. The f ,o t picture window has cracked glass. Replace. West 'iJe of Building 10. The sli gles are worn and some cracks are visible in the valley area. Repai or replace. 11 . The d•w spout is disconnected from the porch roof and the sewer at the north w•st corner is not capped. Repair and properly seal this sewer pipe. 12. The fou dation has loose and missing mortar. Repair. Oifc- Deficiency i t - 940 Selby Avenue November 15 , 990 Page: 2 West •iie of Building - continued: 13 . Trees a e growing along the foundation. Trim these trees. 14. The a-p alt siding by the north west corner has holes in it and the expos=d wood is rotted. Replace. 15. The w mows have loose and missing paint and some deterioration. Repai, . East 'ice of Building 16. The s i gles are worn and deteriorated. Replace. 17. Pigeon nfestation in the attic. Exterminate the pigeons. 18. Decay,d wood above and beneath the east side attic window. Replace all decay •d wood. 19. A rod•n hole has been chewed through the wall. Seal this hole. Rear if Building 20. The rio shingles are severely deteriorated and the roof is sagged. Repai he sag and replace the shingles. 21 . The c i ney is leaning out of plumb and has loose and missing mortar. Repai . 22. The f•u dation has missing and loose mortar. Repair. 23. The r- .I door to the cellar is boarded over. Remove the board and repair his door. 24. The f• t floor rear window near the east side is boarded over. Remove the b••rd and repair the window. 25. The siding has missing, torn and broken pieces. Replace. 26. The i dows have loose and missing paint. Repaint. 27. The ?utters are hanging loose and the downspouts are removed. Repair or remo e the gutters. 28. The e.r porch roof is deteriorated and the gutter is hanging loose. Repair 29. The :a es have missing and loose paint. Repaint. Deficiency i-t - 940 Selby Avenue November 15, 990 Page: 3 Rear of Building - continued: 30. There i- an uncapped sewer pipe. Properly seal this sewer pipe. 31 . The e.v; s have loose and missing paint and some decayed wood. Replace and r:p. ir as necessary. Gener. 1 32. Evideic • of squirrels nesting in house. Eliminate access to points for the sou rrels. 33 . Correct deficiencies involved in the March 1988 condemnation (see attaciel copy of condemnation) . If you are n:ble to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply w t this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Departm-n of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-310. . Ask to speak to a loan officer. • '1'1:(46g' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES c DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor March 10, 1988 Alice Ellis . Terrell-Ellis 940 Selby Aveue 940 Selby Avenue St . Paul , Mn . 55104 St . Paul ; Mn . 55104 Dear Property Owner : This letter is to inform you that since the improvements needed to bring your property at 940 Selby Avenue , into compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been completed, it will be necessary for us to placard the property as "Unfit for Human Habitation" on March 11 ; 19881 and order it vacated by no later than March 141 1988 - If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify . You may contact the Board of Appeals for appeals information at 298-4163 . If you intend to appeal this notice , you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice . Yolrs trul"� :-. ohn Betz, Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg cc : Permit Counter - 445 City Hall Housing Information Office? 25 W 4th St . Marland lark - Welfare Dept, 160 E Kellogg James Prill - 555 Cedar Street q/7/73 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES €g, 1111 . _• L DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION (612)292-7741 Mayor AS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION March 1011988 Alice Ellis Alice Terrell-Ellis 940 Selby AvenLe 940 Selby Avenue St . Paul , Mn . E5104 St . Paul, Mn . 55104 Dear Property Cwner : The Division of Public Health , Section of Housing Code Enforcement of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota has found that the dwelling and premises at 940 Selby At. enue is ' Unfit for Human Habitation" due to the need of repairs and/or defects in the drainage, plumbing, lighting, or construction of said dwelling and premised and/or for other causes affecting public health . If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify . You may contact the Board of Appeals at 298-4163. If you intend to appeal this notice, you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice . All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes • Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code requirements . Some plumbing repairs may necessitat; updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved . A permit is required for any repairs or new installation . Permits may be obtained from the Division of Building Code Enforcement, Room 445 City Hall . The following repairs and/or improvements are required before this dwelling may be reoccup_ed : 1 • Lack of Bas_c Facilities : Water & hot water , adequately and properly supplied . 2 . Building lacks maintenance : Dilapitationi deterioration & decay comprising material endangerment within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 290 . 1011 Subdivision 8 . The dwelling must be vacated by March 144 1988 . THIS DWELLING SMALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR.; HUMAN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECURED FROf} ,THE DIVISION OFUBLIC HEALTH, SECTION OF HOUSING IhkODE ENFOR mEVT . * .. Cyryc,(�mss.-xr - - .;•� 1 le , y'Gt"r os '. n Betz • Frank A . Staffens n Supervisor of Housing Inspection Environmental Hea Director JB/FAS/msa 80/-//73 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,z DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES tiral nnruu, •_ DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor March 10 , 1.988 Alice Ellis Alice Terrell-Ellis 940 Selby Avenue 940 Selby Avenue St . Paul, Mn . 55104 St . Paul , Mn . 55104 Dear Property Owner : Enclosed is a copy of an "Order to Vacate" which has been posted on the premises at 940 Selby Avenue , in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 . 19 as amended , Subsection 5; of the Housing Code ( Chapter 34 , Legislative Code , City of Saint Paull as amended) . Your attention as called to the following provisions of Section 34 . 19, Subsection 51 entitled, "Vacation of Condemned and Placarded Dwelling or Multiple Dwellings" : "Any dwelling or multiple dwelling which has been condemned and placarded as unfit for human habita- tion by the enforcement officer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required by the enforce- ment officer, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to let to any person for human habitation said dwelling, multiple dwelling or dwelling unit ; and no person shall occupy any dwelling or multiple dwelling unit which has been condemned and placarded by the enforcement officer after the date set forth in the placard of condemnation . " If you have any questions, you may contact the Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforcement , at 292-7771 or 292-7772 . Yours tr y, John Betz Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg CITY OF ST, PAUL gC= YHO'3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER TO VACATE DATE March 111 1988 WHEREAS: THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, HAS FOU'ID THAT THE DWELLING AND PREMISES LOCATED AT 940 Selby Avenue IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HEALTH BY REASONS OF DEFECTS IN THE DRAINAGE, POISING, LIGHTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DWELLING AND PREMISES, _ AND/OR OTHER CAUSES AFFECTING PUBLIC HEALTH, WHICH REQUIRE THE PREMISES TO BE VACATED, NOW, THEREFORE: THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, ACTING UNDER THE AUTHORITY CONFERRED BY CHAPTER 3/4, SECTION 34,19, SUBSECTION 1 THROUGH 10 OF THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ADOPTED DECEMBER 23, 1961, AS AMENDED, HEREBY ORDERS THAT THE DWELLING AND PREMISES KNOWN AS 940 Selby Avenue BE VACATED ON OR BEFORE March 14 , 1988 AND SHALL NOT AGAIN BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A WRITTEN STATEMENT IS SECURED FROM THE DEPART- MENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SHOWING THAT THE DWELLING OR ITS OCCUPATION HAS BEEN MADE TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE EXISTING LAWS, SECTION 34,22 (LEGISLATIVE CODE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL AS AMENDED) PROVIDES THAT EVERY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WHO VIOLATES ANY PROVISION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, AND UPON CONVICTION THEREOF SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $500,00 OR BY IMPRISONMENT FOR NOT MORE THAN 90 DAYS, EVERY DAY HEREAFTER IN WHICH THE ABOVE REFERENCED UNLAWFUL CONDITION OR OCCUPANCY CONTINUES TO EXIST SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE, N BETZ SUPERVISOR OF HOUSING INSPECTION THIS ORDER SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT AU1HORIZATION FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH gi-f/73 ......... RECEIVED CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES lib • % • MAY 31 1991 DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ' HOUSING CODE PROGRAMS CITY CLERK 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 JAMES SCHEIBEL (612)292-7771 MAYOR FAX: (612)222-2770 May 24, 1991 Council President and Members of the City Council RE: 940 Selby Avenue Date of Hearings: Neighborhood Services Committee - Wednesday, June 19, 1991 City Council - Tuesday, June 25, 1991 City Council Ward: 1 District Council: 8 Dear Councilmember: The Division of Public Health is hereby submitting its' report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Interest Joel Kohout Joint tenant with Georgeann Kohout, Address Unknown husband of Georgeann Kohout, Fee owner Georgeann Kohout Joint tenant with Joel Kohout, Wife of Joel 6903 Romeo Road Kohout, Fee owner Woodbury, MN 55125 Alice T. Terrell-Ellis Possible holder of unregistered contract for 804 Hague Avenue deed, listed as Fee owner on Ramsey St. Paul, MN 55104 County Property Tax records Barb McCormick Potential purchaser Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation 400 Selby Avenue #C St. Paul, MN 55102 46 'S Printed nn Recycled Pnne, gr.Vg7, 940 Selby Avenue - Notice of Public Hearing May 24, 1991 Page: 2 The legal descripton of this Abstract property is: Lot 5, Block 3, Smith & Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The building is a ;wo story, delapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure. The subject property has been unoccupied and vacant since March of 1988. The building meets one or more of the conditions that constitute an Abandoned Building as defined in Chapte: 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On November 21, 1991 the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the then known owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this building requiring that the building be either repaired by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before December 21, :990. Inasmuch as the order has not been completed to the satisfaction of this Division and the continued abandoned condition of the building contributes a blighting influence and potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the owners, interested and/or responsible parties to either repair or demolish and remove the building in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the City. In the event the owners, interested and/or responsible parties fail to comply with the Council Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish and remove the building and assess all costs incurred in the demolition and removal against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. (F-9/1/73 940 Selby Ave : - Notice of Public Hearing May 24, 1991 Page: 3 This matter wil :ve a Public Hearing before the Neighborhood Services Committee as well as the full City uuncil. You truly, f' {i • I Charles Votel Vacant Buildin:s 'rogram Supervisor CV:jm Enclosure C: Edwin Lee, • •st. City Attorney Steve Zaccar , ire Marshall Jan Gasterl. ', Building Inspection and Design Division Karen Wilso , 'ED Jim Murphy, 7112 City Hall District Hou n.: Inspector IF9y// CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES e DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH HOUSING CODE PROGRAMS 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 JAMES SCHEIBEL (612)292-7771 MAYOR FAX: (612)222-2770 May 24, 1991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER REPAIR ALL KNOWN I :RESTED AND RESPONSIBLE PARTIES RE: 940 Selby A enue Two sto •-lapidated, condemned, boarded, wood frame, single family structure. Lot 5, Bloc 3, Smith&Taylor's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, . d .ituate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Mada : This is to notify you hat the City Council and its' Neighborhood Services Committee, in response to a request by the Division of 1' 'lie Health, have scheduled public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair o wrecking and removal of the above noted building. All owners and any other parties with a known interest '' to's building are required to be notified of these hearings to allow them an opportunity to object to the actio s r,o uested by the Division of Public Health. Please be advised 'is a Public Hearing before the Neighborhood Services Committee is scheduled for: Wednesd y, June 19, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 West Kel og Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102 Please be advised 'I.a Public Hearing before the City Council is scheduled for: Tuesday, e 25, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg :o l evard, Saint Paul, MN 55102 At these hearings o will be allowed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recommendations of the Division of 'u'lie Health. All costs incurred .y the City, including inspection costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees and, if necessary, demolit o s and removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the a e manner as real estate taxes. If you have any questions concerning this matter please call the Vacant Bu Id g Section at (612)298-4153. Sin ly, 14N r • har es Votel Vacant Buildings 'ro ram Supervisor CV:jm