98-489Council File � 9g- y 8 � Green Sheet # G4'159 oR����A RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to i 2 3 4 5 6 � �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Parks and Recreation provides a variery of special events including a citywide tennis tournament; and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is in need of tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament to be held June 25-June 28, 1998; and WHEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hall High School of Saint Paul owns land at 550 S. Albert Street which includes tennis courts; and 7 WfiEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi has given permission to the Division of 8 Pazks and Recreation to use the tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on 7une 9 25 - June 28, 1998, and has asked the City to indemnify and hold the High School harmless lo during the use; and il WHEREAS, this event serves a legitimate public purpose by serving the youth of the 12 City; and 13 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of 14 indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place; now i5 therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul 17 hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Cretin-Derham Hall harmless from any and all 1s damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising 19 out of said Public Parks Tennis Tournament and/or activities connected with such tournament 20 which aze attributable to tha negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, 21 agents or contractors. �� 2 FURTT�R RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1)injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities as to wluch the High 4 School had actual or coustnxctive notice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of occurtences or 5 events which are not part of the tennis tournament or which do not take place while the premises 6 aze being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be 7 constmed as a waiver of the municipal tort liabiliry limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et.seq. 9 >pted by Council: Date �`� l� � ption Certified by Counci Secretaiy rOVed by Mayox DatG �� ., Requested artment of: DASEtNITtATED � GREEN SHEET Parks and Recreation 5-14-98 P9tSONILL SBtVICE CONiRACTS MYST ANSWFR TNEPoLLOWINO QUEBTIONS: CONTACT PHLSON ANO VHONE �NRIALAATE INITIAL/DATE VinCe GilleSpie 266-6408 �-__� 1 �BAStTMENTDIRECTOR 4 GTYCAUNC0. AS510N NUYBEA Z GiY ATTORNEY qT' CLERK MUSf BE OH COIJNGL �.GENDA BY mATtl A � i �' pqpEq pNANCiALSEfiVIGESDIR �_MAYOR WR AS515TPN 5 Parks & Recreation TOTpIS�ESIGNATUREPAGES 1 (C{IPALLtACA7qNSFOR&GNAT1itE7 ACTIDN NE�UESTm; Approve resolution hoiding Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi harmless for City use of Cretin-Derham HaII School's tennis courts. flFGOMMENDATIONS Approve W a ibpe[ WI ��PIANNINGCOMMIS510N �_CMLSE1iVICECOMMIS510N �CIB COMMITTEE �_ A S�AFP � �_OISTRICT COUNQL � SUPPORTS NMICH COVNCIL OBJECTIVEi 1. Ne No pera�rm evar werked uMer s emnrsn for tlm departmmt� VES NO 2. H�e thia pereoN/irm sw been � eity amPioym? YES No 3. poes this penoNfirm polsas � altill rot �wrmallY Vossnsed bY �nY cvrcnt nty employse? YES NO FsNdn dl Yea amwan on uP�N sheet aM eamch W 9reen aheet. J( 9 Y- 48q � �� \ NO. 64759 INITATING GqOBLEM. ISSUE, OPFORTUNITY lWho. Whet. When, Where, WhYI: The City, Division of Parks and Recreation, provides athietic activities including tennis. Cretin-Derham Hall School has t�nnis courts that the school will make avaita6le to City for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on June 25 - June 28, 1998, if the City hoids the school harmless. ADVANTAAES IF APPROVEO: The City will be allowed to use the Cretin-Derham Hall School tennis courts for the Public Parks Tennis Tournament. DISA�VANTAGESIEAPPROVEO: None � ��Y 2 2 199t �� __.�� _, . _.: ..,. The City would have to find other tennis courts. rornt neeourrt oF 7ewisncnor� $ � FUNpNO .:�aYfl�'S C3F�1� CASTiREVENUEBYDtiETm(CIRCIEONEI YES NO ACiiV1TYNUM69t (:I] �C flNANC1ALWWqMAT10N: (EXPWN� JuN o l 7ssa Council File � 9g- y 8 � Green Sheet # G4'159 oR����A RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to i 2 3 4 5 6 � �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Parks and Recreation provides a variery of special events including a citywide tennis tournament; and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is in need of tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament to be held June 25-June 28, 1998; and WHEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hall High School of Saint Paul owns land at 550 S. Albert Street which includes tennis courts; and 7 WfiEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi has given permission to the Division of 8 Pazks and Recreation to use the tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on 7une 9 25 - June 28, 1998, and has asked the City to indemnify and hold the High School harmless lo during the use; and il WHEREAS, this event serves a legitimate public purpose by serving the youth of the 12 City; and 13 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of 14 indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place; now i5 therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul 17 hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Cretin-Derham Hall harmless from any and all 1s damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising 19 out of said Public Parks Tennis Tournament and/or activities connected with such tournament 20 which aze attributable to tha negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, 21 agents or contractors. �� 2 FURTT�R RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1)injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities as to wluch the High 4 School had actual or coustnxctive notice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of occurtences or 5 events which are not part of the tennis tournament or which do not take place while the premises 6 aze being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be 7 constmed as a waiver of the municipal tort liabiliry limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et.seq. 9 >pted by Council: Date �`� l� � ption Certified by Counci Secretaiy rOVed by Mayox DatG �� ., Requested artment of: DASEtNITtATED � GREEN SHEET Parks and Recreation 5-14-98 P9tSONILL SBtVICE CONiRACTS MYST ANSWFR TNEPoLLOWINO QUEBTIONS: CONTACT PHLSON ANO VHONE �NRIALAATE INITIAL/DATE VinCe GilleSpie 266-6408 �-__� 1 �BAStTMENTDIRECTOR 4 GTYCAUNC0. AS510N NUYBEA Z GiY ATTORNEY qT' CLERK MUSf BE OH COIJNGL �.GENDA BY mATtl A � i �' pqpEq pNANCiALSEfiVIGESDIR �_MAYOR WR AS515TPN 5 Parks & Recreation TOTpIS�ESIGNATUREPAGES 1 (C{IPALLtACA7qNSFOR&GNAT1itE7 ACTIDN NE�UESTm; Approve resolution hoiding Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi harmless for City use of Cretin-Derham HaII School's tennis courts. flFGOMMENDATIONS Approve W a ibpe[ WI ��PIANNINGCOMMIS510N �_CMLSE1iVICECOMMIS510N �CIB COMMITTEE �_ A S�AFP � �_OISTRICT COUNQL � SUPPORTS NMICH COVNCIL OBJECTIVEi 1. Ne No pera�rm evar werked uMer s emnrsn for tlm departmmt� VES NO 2. H�e thia pereoN/irm sw been � eity amPioym? YES No 3. poes this penoNfirm polsas � altill rot �wrmallY Vossnsed bY �nY cvrcnt nty employse? YES NO FsNdn dl Yea amwan on uP�N sheet aM eamch W 9reen aheet. J( 9 Y- 48q � �� \ NO. 64759 INITATING GqOBLEM. ISSUE, OPFORTUNITY lWho. Whet. When, Where, WhYI: The City, Division of Parks and Recreation, provides athietic activities including tennis. Cretin-Derham Hall School has t�nnis courts that the school will make avaita6le to City for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on June 25 - June 28, 1998, if the City hoids the school harmless. ADVANTAAES IF APPROVEO: The City will be allowed to use the Cretin-Derham Hall School tennis courts for the Public Parks Tennis Tournament. DISA�VANTAGESIEAPPROVEO: None � ��Y 2 2 199t �� __.�� _, . _.: ..,. The City would have to find other tennis courts. rornt neeourrt oF 7ewisncnor� $ � FUNpNO .:�aYfl�'S C3F�1� CASTiREVENUEBYDtiETm(CIRCIEONEI YES NO ACiiV1TYNUM69t (:I] �C flNANC1ALWWqMAT10N: (EXPWN� JuN o l 7ssa Council File � 9g- y 8 � Green Sheet # G4'159 oR����A RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to i 2 3 4 5 6 � �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Parks and Recreation provides a variery of special events including a citywide tennis tournament; and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is in need of tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament to be held June 25-June 28, 1998; and WHEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hall High School of Saint Paul owns land at 550 S. Albert Street which includes tennis courts; and 7 WfiEREAS, Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi has given permission to the Division of 8 Pazks and Recreation to use the tennis courts for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on 7une 9 25 - June 28, 1998, and has asked the City to indemnify and hold the High School harmless lo during the use; and il WHEREAS, this event serves a legitimate public purpose by serving the youth of the 12 City; and 13 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of 14 indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place; now i5 therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul 17 hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Cretin-Derham Hall harmless from any and all 1s damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising 19 out of said Public Parks Tennis Tournament and/or activities connected with such tournament 20 which aze attributable to tha negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, 21 agents or contractors. �� 2 FURTT�R RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1)injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities as to wluch the High 4 School had actual or coustnxctive notice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of occurtences or 5 events which are not part of the tennis tournament or which do not take place while the premises 6 aze being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be 7 constmed as a waiver of the municipal tort liabiliry limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et.seq. 9 >pted by Council: Date �`� l� � ption Certified by Counci Secretaiy rOVed by Mayox DatG �� ., Requested artment of: DASEtNITtATED � GREEN SHEET Parks and Recreation 5-14-98 P9tSONILL SBtVICE CONiRACTS MYST ANSWFR TNEPoLLOWINO QUEBTIONS: CONTACT PHLSON ANO VHONE �NRIALAATE INITIAL/DATE VinCe GilleSpie 266-6408 �-__� 1 �BAStTMENTDIRECTOR 4 GTYCAUNC0. AS510N NUYBEA Z GiY ATTORNEY qT' CLERK MUSf BE OH COIJNGL �.GENDA BY mATtl A � i �' pqpEq pNANCiALSEfiVIGESDIR �_MAYOR WR AS515TPN 5 Parks & Recreation TOTpIS�ESIGNATUREPAGES 1 (C{IPALLtACA7qNSFOR&GNAT1itE7 ACTIDN NE�UESTm; Approve resolution hoiding Cretin-Derham Hail High Schooi harmless for City use of Cretin-Derham HaII School's tennis courts. flFGOMMENDATIONS Approve W a ibpe[ WI ��PIANNINGCOMMIS510N �_CMLSE1iVICECOMMIS510N �CIB COMMITTEE �_ A S�AFP � �_OISTRICT COUNQL � SUPPORTS NMICH COVNCIL OBJECTIVEi 1. Ne No pera�rm evar werked uMer s emnrsn for tlm departmmt� VES NO 2. H�e thia pereoN/irm sw been � eity amPioym? YES No 3. poes this penoNfirm polsas � altill rot �wrmallY Vossnsed bY �nY cvrcnt nty employse? YES NO FsNdn dl Yea amwan on uP�N sheet aM eamch W 9reen aheet. J( 9 Y- 48q � �� \ NO. 64759 INITATING GqOBLEM. ISSUE, OPFORTUNITY lWho. Whet. When, Where, WhYI: The City, Division of Parks and Recreation, provides athietic activities including tennis. Cretin-Derham Hall School has t�nnis courts that the school will make avaita6le to City for its Public Parks Tennis Tournament on June 25 - June 28, 1998, if the City hoids the school harmless. ADVANTAAES IF APPROVEO: The City will be allowed to use the Cretin-Derham Hall School tennis courts for the Public Parks Tennis Tournament. DISA�VANTAGESIEAPPROVEO: None � ��Y 2 2 199t �� __.�� _, . _.: ..,. The City would have to find other tennis courts. rornt neeourrt oF 7ewisncnor� $ � FUNpNO .:�aYfl�'S C3F�1� CASTiREVENUEBYDtiETm(CIRCIEONEI YES NO ACiiV1TYNUM69t (:I] �C flNANC1ALWWqMAT10N: (EXPWN� JuN o l 7ssa