91-1055 ~ ' �'""""����� Council File ,� �� ' ���.� . � " �e n n�� �a Ordinance #` l�G 1�1{���U�G� Green Sheet #` ���3 I ��'�/ ORDINANCE � ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Campaign Contributions" by providing for a definition of the phrases "election year" and "Non-election year" and further providing for campaign contribution limitations in those years. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Campaign Contributions" is hereby amended in Section 28.01 to provide after the definition of the word "election" the following: :>;»::>�::a:<>:»::>:>::>::»:;>:><:::<»; :�;;;:�; ;;»::::;:.::.::;;;;;:.::<.::.;:»>:.;:;>;::.;:;:.>;:<.::.::;;:.:>;;»>:;;>:.:,:<::�;;:>;»:�;:�:;.;:>;:.;>;:�:;;;;:>::�:;:;;;;:::.:�;;;;:;>.....;;>;;;;:.::>;:�;:>::�:>:.>;:�:.;:.;:;:..;;: :(�.:� :.::'..::::;.. :•�.!l:;:`...:....::::::.:.,,,�.:....._,:;..:..;:..:..,:.:..;..;;...:.:,.:.,:;z....:i:......�,:.....:::.....,,..:. .:..::.;�,..:....,;.:...:::;:.a....:.;:.. :..:....::;�:.;,.;.....,.:...::..:..... ::::������::::<��x:>::������� ����� . �:�::::��::;��:�� � �������.1G.c� �. ��.c��::::�s::�� X�r�>: .:.�:::::::.:�?.::::::::::::::.::.::::::::::::::. ::::.�:::::: : :::::::.::.::.>::::.;::.:.::.;:.::�.::.::.:;:.;:.;:.>;::::::.;:.;:.:::.::.:;:.::;.»:.:::�>:Y..:.:.;:.::>::.>:.::.;:.>:.>:.>:.>:.>:.>:.:Y�.;:.:::.;:.::.::.::.::.:::.::.;:::;.::;.::.;:.::::.::.:::::.::.::.::.::�.::.:::.;:.::.::.:;...............................,...............�.........� �:.;>:.:�.;:�:.;:.::.::.:x.::.::.::.;:.::;.:::;.::.::�:;.::<.::.:��:.::.:::.:»:.>:.::.:�:::;.;:;.::.::.:�.::.:�:::.::.:�:.;:.::.;>:.>:.;:.;:<.:;;;;<:.;;.:��.::::....:::.:::::::::.:.::::.�::.:::::.:..::.::::::.:::....::::::::.::.:::::::.:.:::..:::.:.:.:::.:.::.:;:.::::;;;:.: .:.. . ;.;....;;........;::......:.:... ..:.......::...>:;t ,:::...:.•�:•..::<:..,,,..:...:.:.�..::.;::.......: �:;.::z;..;...::>>.....:.�.::::�:- .:•<•:""�:;f•••::>:,'::.::'.<:>"'.:":'. ::;�;.:.::...;:, �T��:� �1' .:..::>:;��x��':>;;��`«lri.�tr�#�+�� �.��.�CI.r.�...�.::>����.d3I.�b.:;�:..::::::<��G�:>:..�,�5''...>:����<::�xi.E�:>:::<�Q1'3.� :::::.,::�:::.::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::�:.:.:�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.:.:::....�T.�.�...::.::::::::::::..::::::..::::::::.:�:.:::::::.::::..::::::::::::. ::::i.�:::::::i:::i'•:K:i::i::ti::ii::i::i::iii::ii:��::i::i.'�::i:{:;...::i.�::iij:i:i:t:j:(:::::i:+:::i::`:::::+��::ii::i:i:i.�::iiii::i::ii::iiiiii:iiiA:ii::iii:L::i�y::%:iy!'LiL:::::{:jj::ijLLi;�:i:j:::i:}i;�:i::ii:i:iii:Lj}L:::i:i:::�;iL}:ii{ii:i!•••••i.i::iii:L:Li•.i:4i::iii:L.i}i••••. �X����•�::::.. 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Contribution limitations. > > � , �o individual or committee or political fund shall make contributions to any candidate �or committee or political fund with respect to any election, whether primary or general, for a city office which, in the aggregate, exceed the following limitations: � • ��� . , � � � � �:<�::�;:::::::::��:::`:;::<���±Gt�:fl�::'<��:;i�:�':: �:::�.:::::::::::::.�::::::::::::.::::::.�,1�....::::::::.:. .:::..:::::::.,...::..::::::::..::..:...........:..::.....::.,>:�:�:::.::,;:;>:::::.::»»:�.;;; ;>;.....:>:;;�:::;::...;..................:..............,..,....,.:......,....:........,:.....,.:..,.....::,..::::...:...... ;..�...::::::::::.�: . :::.::::.;:.:.;;;;;:.;;;;:.:;:.::;: ;.: ................................. ... ........... :.;:. : :..::.: ..«.;,:<,:,:<..,<.:<..�::.:<.>:«.:::.:.::..:.:.,«.::::..:::.>:,:::::::::.:::�.:.;:. .:.:.:.; �R:::::::<>::>::::::::::::��k. �:<::::�:. .� : ::':::�. `::: : . . . �..x��:����...�..�..�:����r��:<:������::::�:�:�::>.�:�.t��>:::::�.��::;���>�::::�:::���:>�:::�:��:;� :::.:.::::.::fi::.:::...�..�'....::::::::::::.:�::.:::::::::.:::::::.�::::::::,:::.:::.�:::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::.�::: .:>::::::>:>:»::�>::.::�:.::::.::::.:::.;:.::.::.::::.::.>::::.::.>:.:::.>:.:>:.:�:.:>:.::.:::::::.::::.::.::.::.:.:::.::.::.::::<.:. .::.:::.::::.::.:.>:�:.::.:..::.::.:::..::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::::.::.:...::.:::::::.::.:::::.:..::::..::::>:<:::�»»»»::>::::>::>::>:::+::::::»:�.::::>:�::>.:::::>::»::::>::>::»:<:::>:::>::>:::::>::>:�>.:>.:>:::>::>::>::»:::>:<.:;................. �a�:���a�t�:::::f��:::::.:.::�:��r>�<:���:::>��n�ut��� �::::�::::::��:��s���:��:i�����:��� �::::�r ...::::�.::::::.�:::::::::::. .::::::x:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::......�,+..�`...:�:: :::::.:::::::.:�:::::::.:�:.�:::x.:�::.:�:.::::::::::::::.�:��.:�:.: ..........:�,<.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.�::�.:::::::,:::::::::::::.�.,.:::::.::::::::.:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: �±�����::::��s�:::�� ..............................:............. :.:.::;..:::::.::.:::::��::;:::.;:.>:.:�:::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:�.::.:::.:::..:.:.:;.;:.;:;.::.. :.;::.... .::....::.;:.:.::.::.::.::.;:.::.:.;.::.::.:::::.::.::.::.::�.:::.::.>� .::...:v::.:;.::.::.::.::.:::.::.: :.::.;:.:.::.::.::.::.::.::�.:.: .>:.:�.>:.>:.>:...:.:.::: .��:<::�:>::>:::>::::::::::t�u��>::::.. . . . : :. ,::: �:��::.�. �:>::� �:::<:: : ::::: ::::::::��.�..:::: : �:. �.:.�:��:<::::::::::� ���:������ ��:::; � :::>� >::���� �:��:��:� ::..:::: �.:�.: ��.�:::::::::::::...:...:..::������.c�:.:���:�;r�.:. :���.�.:: .��:.:�....::�:.:�i�::�.:��:.:�.:��.c��.:�.:��.x.. ::::.�::::::::.�.�::::�.::::::::::::::::.�:.�.:::::::...�:..:::.....�:........:...:...:..................:..................:........:.:..:...�:::.:::: :::.:<.::<:::.:«.:::.::::::::::::::::::::;::i:::.i:,:::;:::::':;;`"'�'F::::;:;::::::;::.:....<::;::::ii::i:"::;;:::::::::::r:::::::::'•::::":::::Si'�:'r.'�:::::;i::i:":;::;:::i.":::::;....i'�:::v:"`:::::;�::•..:::;::::;::r:;ri::;::::>;;::;r••:;:::.:::::::::s::::'t::ii:;:r•.:..:......:..... �•. :.s•. ... 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':: y:::::'.�...:�::;�: ::.:�.�'.� ": :.:..:�...�dat�.:��::::�:... ::;�.. ::�..�..�..�,.:�`�:�.:�������:t��-�:::..:.:::��:d��r��:����x.::.��x�ac�:t.:..:..:.. ..x...............�:::.:::::...��..'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::�..................................................,..::� . ................................................ ��`:::�Ol���;;��td�� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: rimm uerin on r acca e�b e e tman un e i son BY� Adopted by Council: Date Form A p oved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY: �7-�-rj �� By� Appr ed by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By' ' HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT RE��ivED � December 10 �992 7 199�� ��f�� � �EC 1 Page - 2 - �A-rY c�.��►� 6. Ordinance - Amending Section 324.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: restricting the free distribution of cigarettes on public sidewalks, etc. Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) ; 7. Ordinance -Amending Chapter 321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to rooming and boardinghouses. Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) � Item under suspension: ��,� ; Ordinance - 91 1055 - Amending Chapter 28 of the Legislative Code pertaining to campaign funding limits or contributions to City elections. (Laid over from July 9, August E: 13 and October 8) Committee recommends approval of substitute resolution limiting contributions in an election year to $1500.00 to a candidate for Mayor and $1000.00 to a candidate for City Council and in a non-election year to $500.00 to a candidate for Mayor and $350.00 to a candidate for City Council. (4 - 0) ���� . •. , ,.�, .��.��.��� � � • � � Council File ,� / ��.S...S O RD ( I�IQ h1� Green sheet ,� /.�7 31 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �; "� >�j.�. Presented By � �G'Y Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance axnending Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled 3 "Campaign Contributions" by providing for a definition of the phrases "election year" and 4 "non-election year" and further providing for campagin contribution limitations in those 5 years. 6 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY PF SAINT DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 Section 1. 10 11 That Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Campa,ign 12 Contributions" is hereby amended in Se�tion 28.01 to provide after the definition of the 13 word "election" the following: 14 15 "Electionyear" shall be anx calendar,�vear in which an election to ci,t� offices is 16 re,�ularly held and "non-election year" shall b� any calendar year in which an election to 17 citv offices is not regularl,�quired to be held�' 18 19 Section 2� 20 21 That Chapter 28 is hereby further amended �n Section 28.05 to read as follows: 22 23 "Sec. 28.05. Contribution limitations. 24 25 (a) 26 , , 27 �e-�e� 28 29 (b) , 30 , No individual or committee or political fund sha11 make 31 contributions to any candidate or committee or political fu�d with respect to any 32 election, whether primary or general, for a city office which,`in the aggregate, 33 exceed the following limitations: 34 35 � Election year: 36 37 a. One thousand five hundred dollars (1500.00) �er annum, in the case of a 38 candidate for ma,yor, for contributions �y individuals, committees, or 39 uolitical funds; and 40 b One thousand dollars �$1,000.00�er annums in the case of a candidate for 41 any other City Council, for contributions by individuals. committees, or 42 political funds. 43 ����::�F : ,� �r�- �v�"s' i �2.� � Non-Elec�ion year: V 2 3 a Five hundred dollars ($SOO.OQ�ner annum, in the case of a candidate for 4 mayor, for contributions b,y individuals, committees, or �olitical funds; and 5 b. Three hundred fifty dollars �$350.00� �er annum. in the case of a 6 candidate, for City Council, for contributions by individuals, committees, or 7 volitical funds. 8 9 Section 3. 10 11 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its 12 passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: rimm uerin on acca ee e man une i son BY� Form A ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: f �— _ y By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By� ' , �% �'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �r���s��yin i RECEiVED OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUL 2 0 1992 . CiTY CLERK PAULA MACCABEE Councilmember HUMAN SERVICES, HEALTH AND BUSINESS REGULATION COMMITTEE REPORT r Thursday, July 9, 1992 1. 0rdinance - +91-1055 - Amending Chapter 28 of the Legislative Code pertaining to campaign funding limits or contributions to City elections. (Laid over from June 11 th) Committee recommends ordinance be laid over to August 13th with Committee staff and Council Research to look at legislative history of prior campaign financing ordinances and campaign finance reform in other jurisdictions. (3 - 0) 2. $mall Business Ordinances: a. Ordinance - Amending Chapter 179 of the Legislative Code pertaining to plant tubs used as a part of sidewalk cafes. Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) b. Ordinance - Amending Chapter 125 of the Legislative Code pertaining to use of sidewalk cafes. Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) c. Ordinance - Amending Chapter 125 of the L�gislative Code pertaining to restrictions on the use of sidewalk cafes. Committee recommends approval with amendment to Section 1 Subd. (b). (3 - 0) d. Ordinance - Amending Chapter 326 of the Legislative Code pertaining to . building contractors, replacing the ten percent per month late fee for a flat ten percent late fee. � Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 �612/298-5378 8�46 Pdnted oa Recycled Paper Committee Report Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee May 7, 1992 Res. 90-2224 - Transfer 55,150 from gen. fund. Chair recommends withdrawal . AEO D-11351 - Payment of dues - Partners for Livable Places. Discussed in Committee on 3/18/91. Res. 91-346 - Amend the 1991 City Council Budget. Chair recommends withdrawal Res. 91-345 - Changing rate of pay for medical records administrator. Withdrawn in Committee on 3/19/92. Res. 91-852 - Civil Service Rules - Grievance Procedures. Withdrawn in Committee on 3/19/92. Res. 91-979 - Transfer $88,000 to City Attorney Judgment and Compromise Fund. Chair recommends withdrawal Res. 91-511 - Refinancing of Police and Fire Relief Assoc. and benefit insurance for retirees. Referred to Committee 3/21 aaaroved with amendments 4/15, sent back to Committee 5/28. Res. 91-1219 - Changing rate of pay for Equipment Services Manager. Laid over in Committee 9/16/91 Res. 91-996 - Transfer $50,000 for IGR Salaries and Interns. Withdrawn in Committee 9/16/91 . Res. 91-�I - Establishing advisory committee on computers. On 4/21 Council a-genda �l o �K'�'� S'/S"/'1�.zJ Res. 91-1431 - Transferring funds for Oliver White's contract. Withdrawn in • Committee 9/16/91 Res. 91-1430 - Rate of pay for Marina Manager. Laid over in Committee 1/30/92 Res. 91-1476 - $8,084 to Frances Powell for relocation expenses. Withdrawn in Committee 9/16/91 and sent to HRA Committee Res. 91-1508 - Uniformed Fire Dept. personnel to be eligible for early . retirement incentive. Withdrawn in Committee 3/5/92 � Ord. 91-1789 and 91-1790 - Administrative Offense Office. Laid over in Committee 12/16/91. Res. 91-1857 - Rate of pay for Video Production Technician. Anproved in Committee 3/5/92. Res. 91-2037 - To prepare health and insurance policy framework. Laid over in Committee 4/2/92. Committee recommended approval of the above consent items as noted. 2 < 'i � • / _�_/_� �j � `7 - % ls� __�. [p 2nd • /- � -5 3 s-��«c �. .. ' S:: :.�r/ 3rd ° � �' 7 '�3 Adopted .�����f . �-Y-�'3 ,�.,.,. ,;�� � l,��� Yeas � .�GL ���.-�t -`l 3 Nays � DIMOND /�,C /�j /Q J-5-- L.. . c� . . ,._�,1.� C.// % GOSWITZ z- � ►- 53 � LONG MACCABEE ���'�J�� J� RETTMAN t��`�`' S „`'�`^�"c-�. Y THUNE 5,,��'�`-` �' r c� �- ivSS MR• PRESIDENT, 4�