D00660NT�v = CiiY CNrk , Vint — Finsnc� Dwt. CanlrY— D�pt. i GITY OF SAIA'T I�AUL OFYIGY. OP T}IY. MAYOR ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER f3i'll(iEl' I2bl7Si0� Curtent Amended Budget Change BuCget ���`SS�.��� �)R�E$, CAnsistent with the authority 9ranted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter antl based on the reque5t ot the Directo� of the Department ot Executive AdministiatiOn to amend the 79� budget of the �Pnara l F,,,,A fund. the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. From: 001-09090-0219 To: 001-09090-0133 � • 'repered by: Activiry Maneger �c ��� I ne�eA he. (�n..en...n..r n�n.nb.. $57,760 $26,000 No: v���O Date: � -� w ($25,000) $25,000 $32,760. $51,000 �,-�� - rr� �2�-� � � �� �, �-�� ��11t113i1 RCSOIIt'CCS Z3� C,k�(� crpeesax&rsoxe: Vasquez1266-6521 MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� DATE INIT7ATED GREEN SHEET xo.: 3si io 09l15/95 ���l�l.l p uanarmwTS n�seraunnre ASSIGN 1�EPARTMENT DII2.� CITY COUNCII. �ggg C1TY ATPORNEY 3 CTTY CIERK � ppR 2 Bi7DGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. ROUSING MAYOR(ORASSi'.) 4FINIACCf ORDER AI,L LOCATIONS FOR S[GNATURE) acriox �uESrEn: Money for intern salaries was budgeted in 0219 for 1995 because contracts were set up so outside agencies could do the CCYC payroll but now the payroll is done intemally so intern salaries are paid out of 0133. �� tn) ��i� (R) PLANNINGCOMhIISS10N CIVII.SE&V10E COMI�4S5[ON M _CIB COMIVII77'EE _ STAFF DISIRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCII,OBlEC7TVE1 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANb'WER THE FOLLOWIIVG QUFSfIONS: 1. Hastluapasw/fimievawakedimdasoon4acCfafhisdepa�4 Y�s No 2. Hssthispason/6tmevubewacityanpioyaT Yes No 3. Doesfhispasan/6impoes�saskillnoino'mallYP�bY�Y��MY�PloyeeT Yes No Ezplain aR ya aaawen on aepa�sh a6eM aod atfach W tnwn s6ee! INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (W�o, W�rt, W6ea, Where, Why): nuvnr�rncES ur nrrxovEV: Since intems are being paid by the City rather than by outside consultants, there is a deficit in the 0133 account and a surplus in the 0219 accoum. Transferring money would reflect accurate spending. DISADVANfAGE5 IF APPROV&D: nis,wv,�rracES ur Nor arrxovEn: Salaries would show a deficit and 0219 would show a surplus. TOTALAMOUNfOFTRANSACTION:SIS�OOO COSf/REVENUEBUD(:ETED: �ECEIVEC� FUNDINC SOURCE: FII�SANCIAI.INFDRMATION: (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER: SEP 21 1995 CiTY CLERK C� 1� � NOTE: COMPLETE DIItECTIONS ARE INCLUDID IN THE GREEN Sf�ET INSTRUCTiONAL MANC7AL AVAII.r)BLE IN'THEPURCHASINGOFFiCE(PHONEN0.26Cr8900). � � � � � � ROUTING ORDII2: Below are cocrecf roufings forthe five mosf frequent types of documents. ' � ' CONTRACTS (assumes authoraed budgetutists) COUNC2L RESOLUTION (AmendBudgeLciAccept G=anCs) ,, 1. OutsideAgency , 2. Depaz4nentDi[ector 3. , CilyAtYomey 4. Mayor (for contracfs over 515,000) 5. Human Rights (fnr contracts over 550,000) 6. FinanceandManagementSecvicesDirector 7. FinanceAccounting ' ' ADMR+IISSTRATIVE ORDIItS {BudgetRevision) 1, ActivityManaga 2, DeparhnentAccountant 3. DcoazhnentDi[ector L DepartrnentD'uccfor� � Z. BudgetDirector 3- , CityAttomey ' 4. MayodAssistant � 5. CityCouncil ' � � 6. ChiefAcxountant,FinanceandManagementSecvices COLJNCII. RESOLUTION (a}I othe�s, and Ordinances) 1. DepartrnentDicector 2. , CityAttomey ' 3. MayotfAssistant 5. City Cletk - 6. ChiefAccounfant,FinanceandManagementServices ADMINIS1TtATiVE ORDERS (all others) , 1. DepartmentDirector 2 CityAttomry ' � 3. FmanceandManagementSecvicesDirector 4. CityCleck, � ' TOTAi; NUMBER OF STGNATURE PAGES � - � � - Indicate the # of pages on which signxWres are reryuiretl and papere6p or tlag eac6 of these psgcs ACPIONREQUESTED � � , � � Deacribe whaY fhe projecVrequest seeksto accomp7ish in ather chronological order or oider of'vnportance, whichever is most apPropciatcfortheissue. Donotwritecompletesentences. Begmeach�i�mia,yourlistwifhaverb. ' � ' � Complete ifffie issue in question has been ptesenhd beforo any body,Public or private. SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNCII, OB7ECTIVE7 � � � „ ' � ' � , Indicatewhich councd objxtive(s) }rour ptoject/cequesE supports by listingthe keywocd(s) (FIOUSiNG,RECREAIION, NIIGHBORHOODS,ECONOM[CDEVELOPMENT,BUDGET,SEWIItSY�ARAITOI�. (SEECOMPLETELiST�IN ,�, IN5IRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTR�ACTS: ' ' � � � ' This infoimafion will b'e used to determine the city's tiab�ity for wockers� compensation claims, imces and proper civi[ service hi[ing Nles. , , � ' , INPl'fATiNGPROBLEM,ISSqE,OPPORTUNLPY � Explain the siWarion or conditions fhatcreated a need for your project or reqaest. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVID � . , , � � � . � . 7ndicatc whether tfiis is simp(y an armoal budget procedu`e required by law/charter or whefherfhefe ste speei6c'ways in'wfiich the CityofSaintPaulanditscif'¢ens'sv�benefrtfrotn'Nus.projectlaction. ' ' � ' , � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' , � What �gative effects or major chsnges to exisGr+g or past procesxes mightfhis�ptojecflrequeR produceifitis passed(ag., fraffic delays, noise,tax increases or assessments)Y To Whom2 When7 For how long2 ' , DISADVANTAGES3FNOTAPPKOVEI7 � � � Whaf m7! bethe mgafive consequences ifffie piomised action is notapproved7 7nabilityto deliver �cvice7 Continued Ivgh traffic noise,accidentmte? Lossofrevenue7 �� � , FINANCIALIIv1PACT ' , ' . � � � , , Although youmustfailor the iuforma6on pou pmvide here to the issueyou arc addcessing, in geneial you must answertwo quesFions: How much is it going to co�R, Who is going to payT ,, � � '', ' �, ., , ' ' �,' � , , , � , ,' ' . ��,. ', , , ,. ' . �. � ' - . .' ���� � � ' , . . . � ', . . � � � , � . �