98-480 � �� �� 1�� _ -- � ` � �L, \ Grerd V � en ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT,Q1 Presented By Re£erred To # .+. ' 1—� ttee_ Date An ordinance to regulate the collection f mixed municipal solid waste from residential properties by: (1) dividing t City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and (2) limiting the rea lar eekly wllection of m'viced municipal solid waste from those properties to one da er week in each such district. TflE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 357.05 of the Saint Paui subsection (g) (6) to read as follows: Sec. 357.05. Regulations. (a) Applzcabidity. These ttansportation, treatment, handli, solid waste and sepazate waste str equipment, including operation the mixed municipal solid wa e and general welfare of the p lic DOES ORDAIN: 1 Code is hereby amended by adding a new re lations and standards shall apply to the storage, coilection, z utilization, processing and final disposal of all mixed municipal , and the supervision, inspection and control of ail facilities and d maintenance of such facilities and equipment, in connection with and separate waste streams for the protection of the health, safety in Saint Paul. The responsibi]ity r compliance with these regulations and standards shall be with the owner and/or occupant of any p emises, business establishment or industry, and the owner andlor operator of any equipment or fa ''ties involved in the storage, collection, transportation, treatment, handling, utiization, processing d final disposal of sniYed municipal solid waste and separate waste streams. (b) Licens to be displayed. All licenses issued in accordance with this chapter shall be displayed where ey can be readily seen in or on the site, facility or equipment for which the license is issued and i ccordauce with pubiic works department mlea and regulations. (c)�hedule of charges. Each licensee shall submit to the inspector a schedule of advertised chazges in onnection with his operation or service at the time of the application for license. harges for rriixed municipal solid waste services provided after July 1, 1991, must be �' ted on a foisn provided by the inspector and based on the number of mixed municipal solid ; containers serviced by the licensee. Volume-based rates must be offered which limit the total mt of mixed municipal solid waste to be collected and shall be in proportion to the amount or it of m�ed municipal solid waste collected and shali differ significanfly and incrementally one another. At a minimum, volume-based rates must be offered for three (3)levels of single-family � 98 I through fourplex residential service. The leveis of service are for one 1),_-i�vo-E2j-andJthree (3} 2 containers of mixed munici�_s_olid.�ras�e—Refase ha ers must provide written notice to their _ 3___custoixers atYeasf�wice yearly ofthe"u volume-based rate structure and must provide ' ormation on 4 their volume-based rate structure to new customers, including those acquired om other refuse 5 haulers. 6 7 Charges shall not be changed except by submitting a revised sc dule of charges to the 8 inspector no more than ten (1 D) days after the effective date of the changes he inspector shall report 9 the revised charges to the department of public works within thiriy (30 ays of the effecrive date of 10 the changes. Any licensee who shall chazge or change lris chazges trary to the above procedure 11 shall be required to appeaz before the city council for consideratio of revocation of his license. 12 13 (d) General regzrlations; premtses. In connection wit 'xed municipai solid waste andtor 14 separate waste stream processing or disposal operations 1� ensed under this chapter, the entire 15 operation shall be carried on in a manner that does not cre e excessive noise, dust or odors. 16 17 Adequate fire protection shall be provided in loa mg, unloading, storage and handling areas. 18 An adequate, continuous rodent and insect control p gram sha11 be carried on at the site. 19 20 Waste facilities shall be located in areas tha are properly zoned, shall be licensed by Ramsey 21 County for the purpose and shall be equipped, op ated and maintained in such a way as to minimize 22 the interference with other activities in the are . Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided at the 23 facility for employees. 24 25 (e) Idenrifying srgn. A sign shal be posted at the entrance of the facility identifying the 26 operation and indicating the normal ho s af operation, and access to the facility sha11 be provided 27 only during the posted hours. The sign be in compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota 28 Pollution Control Agency as well a he provisions of this chapter and the city zoning code. 29 30 (� Mixed municfpal soli waste and/or separate waste stream storage: 31 32 (1) Responsibility The owner andlor occupant of any premises, business establishment 33 or industry s all be responsible for the sanitary storage of all mixed municipal solid 34 waste and/ separate waste sueams accumulated or stored at that premises, business 35 establis ent or industry. 36 37 (2) Cont � ers: Refuse when stored out-of-doors shall be stored in durable, rust-resistant, 38 non sorbern, watertight, rodent-proof, easily cleanabie containers with closefitting, 39 fly ight covers. The maYimum capacity for mixed municipal solid waste storage 40 c ntainers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two (32) 41 allons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Refuse shall be stored in 42 durable containers with proper covers. In no case shall the out-of-doors storage of 43 refuse in plastic bags be allowed. Other types of mixed municipal solid waste 44 containers wluch may not meet all of the requiremerns above but which will facilitate 45 mixed municipal solid waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary 96 way may be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the �7 storage of mixed municipal solid waste shall be maintained in a manner which will F8 prevent the creation of a nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general 9 welfare. Conta3ners which are damaged, broken or othenvise create a nuisance or 0 menace to public health, safety and general welfaze shall be replaced with acceptable 1 ' containers. � � 2 3 — 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 �4 i0 �1 2 Yard waste must be stored sepazately from mixed municipal solid- ciippings, leaves, weedsand-gar�en-waste must e stored in clearly n - paper biodegradable bags, or a permanent container which is 8�-v piastic Hed as containing yard waste, The maximum capacity for yard waste bag or containers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two 32) gallons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Other types of y waste containers which may not meet the requirements above but which ' acilitate yard waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary way ay be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the stora�of yard waste shall be maintained in a manner which prevents the creation of nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general welfare. Containers hich are daznaged, broken or otherwise create a nuisance or menace to public h alth, safety and general weifare shall be replaced with acceptable containers. (3) Storage of to�c or hazardous materials, infec 'ous waste, pathological waste: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste a pathological waste to be disposed of shall be stored and handled in accordance tth federal and state law. (4) Locarion of containers: Containers for ed municipal solid waste and/or yard waste storage shall be kept in locations that o not create a nuisance and the locations shall be maintained in a manner acceptab e to the department of public works. In no case shall the containers be kept beyond he alley line or in front of the established buiiding line as defined in the zoning co or on boulevards except on the day of collection. (5) Mixed municipal solid wast not suitable for storage in containers andlor separate waste streams: Furniture, ti s, lead acid batteries, used motor oii, major appliances and similar items shall be tored in a manner so as not to create a nuisance or a rat hartaorage. Trees, tree ' s, brush, scraps of wood, cardboard and similar items must be tied in bundles of sui ble size for handling during collection. Used motor oii must be placed in a sui le container with a tight-fitting lid and clearly labeled as containing used mo r oil. (g) Collectzon and (1) Operations d facilities: Velucles or containers used for the collection and transportaf n of mixed municipal solid waste shall be durable, rust-resistant, leak- proof an easily cleanable with tight-fitting covers of a type approved by the depart nt o£public works. Vehicles or containers shall be maintained in good repair and sh 1 be properly cleaned to prevent a nuisance or insect breeding. Vehicles and cont ners used for the collection and transportation of all miaced municipai solid w e shall be loaded and moved in such a manner that contents will not fall, spill or 1 therefrom and shall be covered to prevent biowing of material. Where spillage oes occur for any reason, the material spilled shall be picked up immediately by the collector or transporter and retumed to the vehicle or container and the area properiy cleaned up. Mixed municipal solid waste from any premises, business establishment or industry must be collected by a licensed hauler at least once every seven (7) calendar days and in accordance with Chapter 34.1 l. The owner of the premises, business establishment or industry must show evidence, including, but not limited to, receipt, canceled check or other sii�iilar evidence, of hauling service. This section shall not preclude abutting property owners from cooperating for azranging for collection services from a 1 2 3 ---- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 '44 }� �6 7 8 9 ) � i ` licensed hauler, nor other anangements for reasonable .. . �- --- -�'ard waste set out for collection must be removed from any premis , business establishment or industry at least once every seven (7) calendar days du " g the period from April first to November thirtieth_ This provision does not app to composting pemutted by section 357.08. (2) Toxic or hazardous materiai, infectious waste, pathological w e: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste and pathological waste shall be isposed of in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (3) Name oflicensee displayed: All vehicles and equipm t licensed hereunder shall have, on each side of such vehicle and equipment in a po tion where it may be cleariy seen, the name of the licensee in block letters not les than two (2) inches high, painted in a contrasting color. (4) Collection every week: Effective January 1991, each licensed m'viced municipal solid waste collector shall, at least every se en (7) calendar days, separately collect and transport yazd waste, or make availab those services, to a site or sites approved for yard waste composting, during the p�od from April first through November thirtieth. (5) Hours of collection: A license mixed municipal solid waste collector shall collect mi7ced municipai solid waste y between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in residential azeas of the city. � this ordinance_ Mondav Residentzal Dailv Httuling District District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Disuict 5 Residential Dailv Haulrng Dist� Boundaries To be determined To be determined To be deternuned To be detemuned To be detemvned shall be kept for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk and mav be amended from time to time bv ordinance. It sha11 be unlawful for any licensed collector of mixed municipal solid waste or any other person to engage in the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from � residentiai property on any day other than the dav specified for collection in the Residentiai Daily Hauling District except to collect a missed in ckun collect a special picku , or to accommodate a holiday that falls within the week surroundine that daK As used in this section, the term "residential property" means any dwellina within the corporate limits of the City of St Paul comprising not more than 10 occupied units 4RIGINAL , _ __ - — ���� b — --------- - 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in the Residential Daily Haulin� District Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days and publication. its passage, approval Requested by Department of: � opted by �ption ;retary ���I Form Approved by Cit Attorney : Date By ' — ==� � by Council Copnoigd by Mayor for Submission to � roved by/Mayor: Da c�t coun��i o�� Zat9a GREEN SHEET No 60898 Blakey, 266-8610 ON �1NCILAGENf7A BY (OAT� 3, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE..nmm�owK.o, ❑m'r�ttowEV ❑cnctwc ❑ nMx�u�amueFSOe� ❑ n�,rr„�., ❑ WINR(dlAELiiMit) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An Ordinance to regulate the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from residential operties by 1) dividing the City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and 2) limiti e regular weekly collection of mixed municipal solid waste from those properties to one day r week in each such district. PLANNING CAMMISSION GIB CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE fAMMISSION Hes u,is ae��m+r+erwor�cea wWer s contract r« tnie decartment? YES NO Hes Mic I:e���rm ever been a cilY empbYee9 YES NO oo�m� ae�o.u��m oo� a swn not nomwrya�sea nv �v cuneM �nv emvwve� vES rio Is this pef.nnrtrtn atarpatea vendoR YES NO V4,7u�� fS�°�oC��Ci3 V�F�iQ.� 3 � `, : :s4 DTAL AMQUNT OF TRANSACTI�N i COST/REVENUE BUOGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YfiE NO INDING SOURCE ACiNfTYNUMBER IFNGW.INFORMATON (EXPWN) � �� �� 1�� _ -- � ` � �L, \ Grerd V � en ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT,Q1 Presented By Re£erred To # .+. ' 1—� ttee_ Date An ordinance to regulate the collection f mixed municipal solid waste from residential properties by: (1) dividing t City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and (2) limiting the rea lar eekly wllection of m'viced municipal solid waste from those properties to one da er week in each such district. TflE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 357.05 of the Saint Paui subsection (g) (6) to read as follows: Sec. 357.05. Regulations. (a) Applzcabidity. These ttansportation, treatment, handli, solid waste and sepazate waste str equipment, including operation the mixed municipal solid wa e and general welfare of the p lic DOES ORDAIN: 1 Code is hereby amended by adding a new re lations and standards shall apply to the storage, coilection, z utilization, processing and final disposal of all mixed municipal , and the supervision, inspection and control of ail facilities and d maintenance of such facilities and equipment, in connection with and separate waste streams for the protection of the health, safety in Saint Paul. The responsibi]ity r compliance with these regulations and standards shall be with the owner and/or occupant of any p emises, business establishment or industry, and the owner andlor operator of any equipment or fa ''ties involved in the storage, collection, transportation, treatment, handling, utiization, processing d final disposal of sniYed municipal solid waste and separate waste streams. (b) Licens to be displayed. All licenses issued in accordance with this chapter shall be displayed where ey can be readily seen in or on the site, facility or equipment for which the license is issued and i ccordauce with pubiic works department mlea and regulations. (c)�hedule of charges. Each licensee shall submit to the inspector a schedule of advertised chazges in onnection with his operation or service at the time of the application for license. harges for rriixed municipal solid waste services provided after July 1, 1991, must be �' ted on a foisn provided by the inspector and based on the number of mixed municipal solid ; containers serviced by the licensee. Volume-based rates must be offered which limit the total mt of mixed municipal solid waste to be collected and shall be in proportion to the amount or it of m�ed municipal solid waste collected and shali differ significanfly and incrementally one another. At a minimum, volume-based rates must be offered for three (3)levels of single-family � 98 I through fourplex residential service. The leveis of service are for one 1),_-i�vo-E2j-andJthree (3} 2 containers of mixed munici�_s_olid.�ras�e—Refase ha ers must provide written notice to their _ 3___custoixers atYeasf�wice yearly ofthe"u volume-based rate structure and must provide ' ormation on 4 their volume-based rate structure to new customers, including those acquired om other refuse 5 haulers. 6 7 Charges shall not be changed except by submitting a revised sc dule of charges to the 8 inspector no more than ten (1 D) days after the effective date of the changes he inspector shall report 9 the revised charges to the department of public works within thiriy (30 ays of the effecrive date of 10 the changes. Any licensee who shall chazge or change lris chazges trary to the above procedure 11 shall be required to appeaz before the city council for consideratio of revocation of his license. 12 13 (d) General regzrlations; premtses. In connection wit 'xed municipai solid waste andtor 14 separate waste stream processing or disposal operations 1� ensed under this chapter, the entire 15 operation shall be carried on in a manner that does not cre e excessive noise, dust or odors. 16 17 Adequate fire protection shall be provided in loa mg, unloading, storage and handling areas. 18 An adequate, continuous rodent and insect control p gram sha11 be carried on at the site. 19 20 Waste facilities shall be located in areas tha are properly zoned, shall be licensed by Ramsey 21 County for the purpose and shall be equipped, op ated and maintained in such a way as to minimize 22 the interference with other activities in the are . Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided at the 23 facility for employees. 24 25 (e) Idenrifying srgn. A sign shal be posted at the entrance of the facility identifying the 26 operation and indicating the normal ho s af operation, and access to the facility sha11 be provided 27 only during the posted hours. The sign be in compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota 28 Pollution Control Agency as well a he provisions of this chapter and the city zoning code. 29 30 (� Mixed municfpal soli waste and/or separate waste stream storage: 31 32 (1) Responsibility The owner andlor occupant of any premises, business establishment 33 or industry s all be responsible for the sanitary storage of all mixed municipal solid 34 waste and/ separate waste sueams accumulated or stored at that premises, business 35 establis ent or industry. 36 37 (2) Cont � ers: Refuse when stored out-of-doors shall be stored in durable, rust-resistant, 38 non sorbern, watertight, rodent-proof, easily cleanabie containers with closefitting, 39 fly ight covers. The maYimum capacity for mixed municipal solid waste storage 40 c ntainers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two (32) 41 allons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Refuse shall be stored in 42 durable containers with proper covers. In no case shall the out-of-doors storage of 43 refuse in plastic bags be allowed. Other types of mixed municipal solid waste 44 containers wluch may not meet all of the requiremerns above but which will facilitate 45 mixed municipal solid waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary 96 way may be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the �7 storage of mixed municipal solid waste shall be maintained in a manner which will F8 prevent the creation of a nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general 9 welfare. Conta3ners which are damaged, broken or othenvise create a nuisance or 0 menace to public health, safety and general welfaze shall be replaced with acceptable 1 ' containers. � � 2 3 — 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 �4 i0 �1 2 Yard waste must be stored sepazately from mixed municipal solid- ciippings, leaves, weedsand-gar�en-waste must e stored in clearly n - paper biodegradable bags, or a permanent container which is 8�-v piastic Hed as containing yard waste, The maximum capacity for yard waste bag or containers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two 32) gallons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Other types of y waste containers which may not meet the requirements above but which ' acilitate yard waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary way ay be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the stora�of yard waste shall be maintained in a manner which prevents the creation of nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general welfare. Containers hich are daznaged, broken or otherwise create a nuisance or menace to public h alth, safety and general weifare shall be replaced with acceptable containers. (3) Storage of to�c or hazardous materials, infec 'ous waste, pathological waste: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste a pathological waste to be disposed of shall be stored and handled in accordance tth federal and state law. (4) Locarion of containers: Containers for ed municipal solid waste and/or yard waste storage shall be kept in locations that o not create a nuisance and the locations shall be maintained in a manner acceptab e to the department of public works. In no case shall the containers be kept beyond he alley line or in front of the established buiiding line as defined in the zoning co or on boulevards except on the day of collection. (5) Mixed municipal solid wast not suitable for storage in containers andlor separate waste streams: Furniture, ti s, lead acid batteries, used motor oii, major appliances and similar items shall be tored in a manner so as not to create a nuisance or a rat hartaorage. Trees, tree ' s, brush, scraps of wood, cardboard and similar items must be tied in bundles of sui ble size for handling during collection. Used motor oii must be placed in a sui le container with a tight-fitting lid and clearly labeled as containing used mo r oil. (g) Collectzon and (1) Operations d facilities: Velucles or containers used for the collection and transportaf n of mixed municipal solid waste shall be durable, rust-resistant, leak- proof an easily cleanable with tight-fitting covers of a type approved by the depart nt o£public works. Vehicles or containers shall be maintained in good repair and sh 1 be properly cleaned to prevent a nuisance or insect breeding. Vehicles and cont ners used for the collection and transportation of all miaced municipai solid w e shall be loaded and moved in such a manner that contents will not fall, spill or 1 therefrom and shall be covered to prevent biowing of material. Where spillage oes occur for any reason, the material spilled shall be picked up immediately by the collector or transporter and retumed to the vehicle or container and the area properiy cleaned up. Mixed municipal solid waste from any premises, business establishment or industry must be collected by a licensed hauler at least once every seven (7) calendar days and in accordance with Chapter 34.1 l. The owner of the premises, business establishment or industry must show evidence, including, but not limited to, receipt, canceled check or other sii�iilar evidence, of hauling service. This section shall not preclude abutting property owners from cooperating for azranging for collection services from a 1 2 3 ---- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 '44 }� �6 7 8 9 ) � i ` licensed hauler, nor other anangements for reasonable .. . �- --- -�'ard waste set out for collection must be removed from any premis , business establishment or industry at least once every seven (7) calendar days du " g the period from April first to November thirtieth_ This provision does not app to composting pemutted by section 357.08. (2) Toxic or hazardous materiai, infectious waste, pathological w e: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste and pathological waste shall be isposed of in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (3) Name oflicensee displayed: All vehicles and equipm t licensed hereunder shall have, on each side of such vehicle and equipment in a po tion where it may be cleariy seen, the name of the licensee in block letters not les than two (2) inches high, painted in a contrasting color. (4) Collection every week: Effective January 1991, each licensed m'viced municipal solid waste collector shall, at least every se en (7) calendar days, separately collect and transport yazd waste, or make availab those services, to a site or sites approved for yard waste composting, during the p�od from April first through November thirtieth. (5) Hours of collection: A license mixed municipal solid waste collector shall collect mi7ced municipai solid waste y between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in residential azeas of the city. � this ordinance_ Mondav Residentzal Dailv Httuling District District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Disuict 5 Residential Dailv Haulrng Dist� Boundaries To be determined To be determined To be deternuned To be detemuned To be detemvned shall be kept for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk and mav be amended from time to time bv ordinance. It sha11 be unlawful for any licensed collector of mixed municipal solid waste or any other person to engage in the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from � residentiai property on any day other than the dav specified for collection in the Residentiai Daily Hauling District except to collect a missed in ckun collect a special picku , or to accommodate a holiday that falls within the week surroundine that daK As used in this section, the term "residential property" means any dwellina within the corporate limits of the City of St Paul comprising not more than 10 occupied units 4RIGINAL , _ __ - — ���� b — --------- - 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in the Residential Daily Haulin� District Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days and publication. its passage, approval Requested by Department of: � opted by �ption ;retary ���I Form Approved by Cit Attorney : Date By ' — ==� � by Council Copnoigd by Mayor for Submission to � roved by/Mayor: Da c�t coun��i o�� Zat9a GREEN SHEET No 60898 Blakey, 266-8610 ON �1NCILAGENf7A BY (OAT� 3, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE..nmm�owK.o, ❑m'r�ttowEV ❑cnctwc ❑ nMx�u�amueFSOe� ❑ n�,rr„�., ❑ WINR(dlAELiiMit) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An Ordinance to regulate the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from residential operties by 1) dividing the City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and 2) limiti e regular weekly collection of mixed municipal solid waste from those properties to one day r week in each such district. PLANNING CAMMISSION GIB CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE fAMMISSION Hes u,is ae��m+r+erwor�cea wWer s contract r« tnie decartment? YES NO Hes Mic I:e���rm ever been a cilY empbYee9 YES NO oo�m� ae�o.u��m oo� a swn not nomwrya�sea nv �v cuneM �nv emvwve� vES rio Is this pef.nnrtrtn atarpatea vendoR YES NO V4,7u�� fS�°�oC��Ci3 V�F�iQ.� 3 � `, : :s4 DTAL AMQUNT OF TRANSACTI�N i COST/REVENUE BUOGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YfiE NO INDING SOURCE ACiNfTYNUMBER IFNGW.INFORMATON (EXPWN) � �� �� 1�� _ -- � ` � �L, \ Grerd V � en ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT,Q1 Presented By Re£erred To # .+. ' 1—� ttee_ Date An ordinance to regulate the collection f mixed municipal solid waste from residential properties by: (1) dividing t City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and (2) limiting the rea lar eekly wllection of m'viced municipal solid waste from those properties to one da er week in each such district. TflE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 357.05 of the Saint Paui subsection (g) (6) to read as follows: Sec. 357.05. Regulations. (a) Applzcabidity. These ttansportation, treatment, handli, solid waste and sepazate waste str equipment, including operation the mixed municipal solid wa e and general welfare of the p lic DOES ORDAIN: 1 Code is hereby amended by adding a new re lations and standards shall apply to the storage, coilection, z utilization, processing and final disposal of all mixed municipal , and the supervision, inspection and control of ail facilities and d maintenance of such facilities and equipment, in connection with and separate waste streams for the protection of the health, safety in Saint Paul. The responsibi]ity r compliance with these regulations and standards shall be with the owner and/or occupant of any p emises, business establishment or industry, and the owner andlor operator of any equipment or fa ''ties involved in the storage, collection, transportation, treatment, handling, utiization, processing d final disposal of sniYed municipal solid waste and separate waste streams. (b) Licens to be displayed. All licenses issued in accordance with this chapter shall be displayed where ey can be readily seen in or on the site, facility or equipment for which the license is issued and i ccordauce with pubiic works department mlea and regulations. (c)�hedule of charges. Each licensee shall submit to the inspector a schedule of advertised chazges in onnection with his operation or service at the time of the application for license. harges for rriixed municipal solid waste services provided after July 1, 1991, must be �' ted on a foisn provided by the inspector and based on the number of mixed municipal solid ; containers serviced by the licensee. Volume-based rates must be offered which limit the total mt of mixed municipal solid waste to be collected and shall be in proportion to the amount or it of m�ed municipal solid waste collected and shali differ significanfly and incrementally one another. At a minimum, volume-based rates must be offered for three (3)levels of single-family � 98 I through fourplex residential service. The leveis of service are for one 1),_-i�vo-E2j-andJthree (3} 2 containers of mixed munici�_s_olid.�ras�e—Refase ha ers must provide written notice to their _ 3___custoixers atYeasf�wice yearly ofthe"u volume-based rate structure and must provide ' ormation on 4 their volume-based rate structure to new customers, including those acquired om other refuse 5 haulers. 6 7 Charges shall not be changed except by submitting a revised sc dule of charges to the 8 inspector no more than ten (1 D) days after the effective date of the changes he inspector shall report 9 the revised charges to the department of public works within thiriy (30 ays of the effecrive date of 10 the changes. Any licensee who shall chazge or change lris chazges trary to the above procedure 11 shall be required to appeaz before the city council for consideratio of revocation of his license. 12 13 (d) General regzrlations; premtses. In connection wit 'xed municipai solid waste andtor 14 separate waste stream processing or disposal operations 1� ensed under this chapter, the entire 15 operation shall be carried on in a manner that does not cre e excessive noise, dust or odors. 16 17 Adequate fire protection shall be provided in loa mg, unloading, storage and handling areas. 18 An adequate, continuous rodent and insect control p gram sha11 be carried on at the site. 19 20 Waste facilities shall be located in areas tha are properly zoned, shall be licensed by Ramsey 21 County for the purpose and shall be equipped, op ated and maintained in such a way as to minimize 22 the interference with other activities in the are . Adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided at the 23 facility for employees. 24 25 (e) Idenrifying srgn. A sign shal be posted at the entrance of the facility identifying the 26 operation and indicating the normal ho s af operation, and access to the facility sha11 be provided 27 only during the posted hours. The sign be in compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota 28 Pollution Control Agency as well a he provisions of this chapter and the city zoning code. 29 30 (� Mixed municfpal soli waste and/or separate waste stream storage: 31 32 (1) Responsibility The owner andlor occupant of any premises, business establishment 33 or industry s all be responsible for the sanitary storage of all mixed municipal solid 34 waste and/ separate waste sueams accumulated or stored at that premises, business 35 establis ent or industry. 36 37 (2) Cont � ers: Refuse when stored out-of-doors shall be stored in durable, rust-resistant, 38 non sorbern, watertight, rodent-proof, easily cleanabie containers with closefitting, 39 fly ight covers. The maYimum capacity for mixed municipal solid waste storage 40 c ntainers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two (32) 41 allons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Refuse shall be stored in 42 durable containers with proper covers. In no case shall the out-of-doors storage of 43 refuse in plastic bags be allowed. Other types of mixed municipal solid waste 44 containers wluch may not meet all of the requiremerns above but which will facilitate 45 mixed municipal solid waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary 96 way may be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the �7 storage of mixed municipal solid waste shall be maintained in a manner which will F8 prevent the creation of a nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general 9 welfare. Conta3ners which are damaged, broken or othenvise create a nuisance or 0 menace to public health, safety and general welfaze shall be replaced with acceptable 1 ' containers. � � 2 3 — 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 �4 i0 �1 2 Yard waste must be stored sepazately from mixed municipal solid- ciippings, leaves, weedsand-gar�en-waste must e stored in clearly n - paper biodegradable bags, or a permanent container which is 8�-v piastic Hed as containing yard waste, The maximum capacity for yard waste bag or containers intended to be handled manually during collection shall be thirty-two 32) gallons and may not exceed thirty (30) pounds in weight. Other types of y waste containers which may not meet the requirements above but which ' acilitate yard waste storage, handling and collection in a safe and sanitary way ay be approved by the department of public works. All containers for the stora�of yard waste shall be maintained in a manner which prevents the creation of nuisance or menace to the public health, safety and general welfare. Containers hich are daznaged, broken or otherwise create a nuisance or menace to public h alth, safety and general weifare shall be replaced with acceptable containers. (3) Storage of to�c or hazardous materials, infec 'ous waste, pathological waste: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste a pathological waste to be disposed of shall be stored and handled in accordance tth federal and state law. (4) Locarion of containers: Containers for ed municipal solid waste and/or yard waste storage shall be kept in locations that o not create a nuisance and the locations shall be maintained in a manner acceptab e to the department of public works. In no case shall the containers be kept beyond he alley line or in front of the established buiiding line as defined in the zoning co or on boulevards except on the day of collection. (5) Mixed municipal solid wast not suitable for storage in containers andlor separate waste streams: Furniture, ti s, lead acid batteries, used motor oii, major appliances and similar items shall be tored in a manner so as not to create a nuisance or a rat hartaorage. Trees, tree ' s, brush, scraps of wood, cardboard and similar items must be tied in bundles of sui ble size for handling during collection. Used motor oii must be placed in a sui le container with a tight-fitting lid and clearly labeled as containing used mo r oil. (g) Collectzon and (1) Operations d facilities: Velucles or containers used for the collection and transportaf n of mixed municipal solid waste shall be durable, rust-resistant, leak- proof an easily cleanable with tight-fitting covers of a type approved by the depart nt o£public works. Vehicles or containers shall be maintained in good repair and sh 1 be properly cleaned to prevent a nuisance or insect breeding. Vehicles and cont ners used for the collection and transportation of all miaced municipai solid w e shall be loaded and moved in such a manner that contents will not fall, spill or 1 therefrom and shall be covered to prevent biowing of material. Where spillage oes occur for any reason, the material spilled shall be picked up immediately by the collector or transporter and retumed to the vehicle or container and the area properiy cleaned up. Mixed municipal solid waste from any premises, business establishment or industry must be collected by a licensed hauler at least once every seven (7) calendar days and in accordance with Chapter 34.1 l. The owner of the premises, business establishment or industry must show evidence, including, but not limited to, receipt, canceled check or other sii�iilar evidence, of hauling service. This section shall not preclude abutting property owners from cooperating for azranging for collection services from a 1 2 3 ---- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 '44 }� �6 7 8 9 ) � i ` licensed hauler, nor other anangements for reasonable .. . �- --- -�'ard waste set out for collection must be removed from any premis , business establishment or industry at least once every seven (7) calendar days du " g the period from April first to November thirtieth_ This provision does not app to composting pemutted by section 357.08. (2) Toxic or hazardous materiai, infectious waste, pathological w e: Toxic or hazardous materials, infectious waste and pathological waste shall be isposed of in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (3) Name oflicensee displayed: All vehicles and equipm t licensed hereunder shall have, on each side of such vehicle and equipment in a po tion where it may be cleariy seen, the name of the licensee in block letters not les than two (2) inches high, painted in a contrasting color. (4) Collection every week: Effective January 1991, each licensed m'viced municipal solid waste collector shall, at least every se en (7) calendar days, separately collect and transport yazd waste, or make availab those services, to a site or sites approved for yard waste composting, during the p�od from April first through November thirtieth. (5) Hours of collection: A license mixed municipal solid waste collector shall collect mi7ced municipai solid waste y between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in residential azeas of the city. � this ordinance_ Mondav Residentzal Dailv Httuling District District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Disuict 5 Residential Dailv Haulrng Dist� Boundaries To be determined To be determined To be deternuned To be detemuned To be detemvned shall be kept for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk and mav be amended from time to time bv ordinance. It sha11 be unlawful for any licensed collector of mixed municipal solid waste or any other person to engage in the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from � residentiai property on any day other than the dav specified for collection in the Residentiai Daily Hauling District except to collect a missed in ckun collect a special picku , or to accommodate a holiday that falls within the week surroundine that daK As used in this section, the term "residential property" means any dwellina within the corporate limits of the City of St Paul comprising not more than 10 occupied units 4RIGINAL , _ __ - — ���� b — --------- - 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in the Residential Daily Haulin� District Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days and publication. its passage, approval Requested by Department of: � opted by �ption ;retary ���I Form Approved by Cit Attorney : Date By ' — ==� � by Council Copnoigd by Mayor for Submission to � roved by/Mayor: Da c�t coun��i o�� Zat9a GREEN SHEET No 60898 Blakey, 266-8610 ON �1NCILAGENf7A BY (OAT� 3, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE..nmm�owK.o, ❑m'r�ttowEV ❑cnctwc ❑ nMx�u�amueFSOe� ❑ n�,rr„�., ❑ WINR(dlAELiiMit) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An Ordinance to regulate the collection of mixed municipal solid waste from residential operties by 1) dividing the City into "Residential Daily Hauling Districts" and 2) limiti e regular weekly collection of mixed municipal solid waste from those properties to one day r week in each such district. PLANNING CAMMISSION GIB CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE fAMMISSION Hes u,is ae��m+r+erwor�cea wWer s contract r« tnie decartment? YES NO Hes Mic I:e���rm ever been a cilY empbYee9 YES NO oo�m� ae�o.u��m oo� a swn not nomwrya�sea nv �v cuneM �nv emvwve� vES rio Is this pef.nnrtrtn atarpatea vendoR YES NO V4,7u�� fS�°�oC��Ci3 V�F�iQ.� 3 � `, : :s4 DTAL AMQUNT OF TRANSACTI�N i COST/REVENUE BUOGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YfiE NO INDING SOURCE ACiNfTYNUMBER IFNGW.INFORMATON (EXPWN)