98-461o`�eD��9�d� a�—�°��,/ � RESOLUTION �'� _ CITY OF, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred Council File # 9tP Green Sheet # � DI3'96 ��� Committee Date RESOLVED, That (Jayeshkumaz M. P approved. cation, ID#1998000052Q, for a HoteUMotel License by Pooja Corporation President) DBA Travel Inn, 149 University Avenue East, be and the same is hereby by Depaz-t�nent of: Adopuon Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: Form Approved b 'ty By: Approved by Mayor for By: to Council Adopted by Council: Date c�ty coun��i Jerry Blakey, 266-8610 May 27, 1998 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PACaES s�2i�as � GREEN SHEET oE.,wrrert wECroR q� ��` 2�t �. No 60896 � ❑ arc�nouav ❑ arvaa+K ❑ wxw�wtamxrspz ❑ nw¢w�m�w,�cesa ❑wrwtu�,wtanwn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the application, ID 1k19980000520, for a Hotel/Motel License by Pooja Corporation (Jayeshkumar M. Pate1, President), DSA Travel Inn, 149 University Avenue East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IF OF Kodak ds digilalscience° � Has Mis Pe�so�rJG�m everwwked �ln a cwA�actiw this depaKmeM? YES NO Fies thie De�Krm e�er bren a �dY emGbYee7 VES NO Doec this G�M� P�� a sldll r� namal�YO�^� bY anY curteM citY emWuYee7 YES NO Is th�s perso�rtn a tarqe[ed veMoR YES NO �lain a11 vas answe�s an sena2fe aheet aM atfach to 4feen shcet CAS71REVENUE BUDGE7ED (qRCLE ON� Yfs3 NO SOURCH � ACTNM NUMBER ROUTINC ORDIIt: CONTRACTS (assumes m�[horized budget exis(s) 1. Outside AgencY 2- 1�patlmentDirector . 3. CityAttarney 4. Ivfayor/Assistant (fa ca�ntracts over $25,d00) S. Hum�Righfs (for cqntcacts oder $SO,OOU) 6. O&ce ofFinanciat Services - Accoimting .� ��.> . „�: . � ��..- � . � .:.. .. ,� � ADMII�ISTRATIVE ORDERS (BudgetRevisionj 1. ActivityMahagerorDepazlmentAocoimtant 2 Depa�t, e Direct4r 3. Office �Financial Services Director' 4. City Cletk 5, Office ofFinancial Services - Accoimting ADMII�IISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otheis) I. , Depaz#me� D'uecfor z. cayac��. 3. Office ofFinencial Services Duector 4. City Clerk COiJNCII>RESOLIJTION (am�d budgets!sccept grants) 1. �D'epa[tmenf,Director ' � 2.OfficeofFinancialSeeivicesDireetor ' �3:�CityAttaney!� , � � � � 4. Mayoif'Assisf�nt � � 5: City'C,�orwcil . ' 6:, O�ce ofFinanciat Seivices - Acmunting '' COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others eral' Ordiaances) , 1. Deparlmentl7irector' Z-'C'tyAH°inep ' � � 3 Msy�'/aecieanr� �� , � , � , � , 4. Clty Counc�l ' ' EXECLJTIVE ORDER �: ���t���+o�, ' � � � 2_ �cuya�'ro�y � � � � � � 3. Mayor/Assistmt , 4. Ciiy' Cl�k, , TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � � � � � � � � � � � � Jndicate, the # of psges on wliich sigua�res are requiced �d p'apemlip or'flag each of fhese pages. ' ACTIONREQUES'CE1D � � � � � � � � Descnbe wt�aYtLe projecthequest seeks to accomplish in eitLer cLmnological onier o� order, of impo�nce; whichever is mostappropriabefortheissac. Donotwritecompletesentences,,Begineachitem,iayourlistwithaverb. � RECOh�IDATIONS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � c�i��s������s��P=�+�a���ar txi�i�����.� � � � � _ PIILSbNAL SIItVICE CON'FRACT3C � � , � � � � � � This infoim'ation w�11 be'vsed to detexmine the citp's liabilityfor workers compwsation claims, ta�ces awdproper civil se�vice hiringmles. , � � � � � � ', � � � � �I1Tf.KTINGPBOBL� I3SUE, OPPORT[J}�IITY , � � � � � � � � � � E�lain tbe situation � condiC�ons t6at aeated a nced�for�your�projector iequest '� �� � � � ADYANTAGES'IE' APPROVED Tndicate whetliet ihis is, simPlY � annua� but38et Proceduie re4!a�+d b3"]aw/c�art� oc wheiherthere are specific ways, in which the City of SaintP�ul � its eitizems will benefit from this projeeY/action. , I?ISADVANTAGES IF APPROvED , ` � � � � � � � WLat �ve effects'or,ma.lor �ban8'?s � e2��S � P�P=�S �Sbk � P%1�tire4�Pmduce if it is passed � Ce-B-; haffi�c delaqs, noise, tax increases or asses'sments)7 1'o�wliom? WkenY Forhow lon�7 , � ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT,APPROVED Wfiat will be the negative consequences iftfie promised action is not appioved7" Tnablitp to deliver secvice? Co�mue lrightraffic,noise Lossofrevenue? FR�FANCIkL BviPACE � � �� � � � � � � � Although 3'wi must tailor the iufotmation you provide here to the issueyou are addressia&'� S�� Yom m�stamswer , � two Questioas: Aow much isit going to co�l Wl�o is gorog to,pap7 . �� � � � ���� � „ . � V� CLASS IIT LICENSE APPLICATION 7Y�S At'PLICATION IS SL? PLEASE rY T}pe ofLicense(s) being zpplie3 for: i (��� CII'Y OF SAL'�3T PAUL O�ce of Licenst, Lvspe.^lims z�d Er.ivonmrntal ?rotettion :SC A?C; St 5_.t[ :Y SLtDfi.1�v� ISd 5�i'�Z C6!'<)166K�W :txfdi^156S114 Kodak ds digilalscience° � G �PCC� � �='�L Company i�Tune: _,'� G 0_Sf� � C� p- Co1poration / Pv-L-.:nrtip / Sole Fro�:ietastup If business is inco;porated, �ive dzte of incor�orzvon: Dcing Buiness As: �� I F 1_� M D 1)= I_ Basiness Phone: Co 12 —2 �7. �S� C� BusinessAdd:ess: ��-y �j;�fP1.`E�,_SI'r�J �"�r�. S)'�R�'L �'l�i ���O�L Stre_-t Addrzss City Stn:e Zip Beh�'een w�hat cross streeu is the businzss located? y T�F{-l�Si f� e`� L� �% �UL p�S I 1 Y Which side of Lhe street? Are the premises no�� occupied? R'hzt T}pe of Buiness? L� C} c�]Yl� Meil To Ad3ess: Applicant Information: Sireet Addreu cs� � State Zip :��ame ane ric�e: T/a-�/ ES H 1� U M�. 1`N( PA'� L F' QcS iDFz F1'' 1' Fus� �yam� nls;aa,� r�an ria� HomeAd�ess: 4e5� kR�Fi� �RIVE. A�� 2 G�-;�.ii11= G1'T�I ,TL�. E-,2G�f� S�reet Addresx City State Zip Dateof$irth: �— � ir �.'��- PlaceofBirth: �00?�+� '�gN�1A� HomePhone: GI�'�13��'�b Have you ever been com•icted of any felony, crime or ��iolavoa of any citp ordinance other ;hza trzffic? YES \'O _� Date of arrest: Chazge: � Com�ction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living within the T��in Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be refeired to as to tbe applicanl's chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHO?�TE �h��v _V. �t-F2�X ui�lfi,��l �YfeK ��ntA_�hcrflliei..3 F�nJSSfaI, ���-7�6-�8�i� �a� List licenses k hich you currently hold, forme; ]y hel� or mzy ha��e an interest in: 1 il�l�' Have azry of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES �_ NO If yes, ]ist the dates and reasons for revocation: VJhe:e? � 2/] 8:97 Are you going to operate this business persor.all}'? � YES NO If not, �rho �3i11 operztz it? �" r �� / Fust\amc \tiddlcLti:i+1 (.�'sidrn) Lst Date'ofBirth 4�s� KA-T+t'v ��ivF LMr� 2 C-�r1�t�� c�-ry. .�t� G2aa�1� �i�-�33�yd;y Hoae Ad�a�: Sbcct \eae Cip' State Zip Phme':��ber Are }'ou eoing ,o ha�•e a manzger or zssst�r.t in this business? _� Y tS ?v0 If the man�eer is not the sa�ne as Lhe operator, plezse complete �he foilo«ing i*ifor,.;sioa: F'vrt `.�ame � -3i--�i Dztz ofas„b 1r-� F l>tvrU�PSi`� f;v� Si •�J�i1� P�d I`�I (� '"� SSlol 6i9-227-,�S�bZ HoaeAdd-as: Sile..4\xne Cih• Stetc Zip Phonc\icnbct Plezse liri } emplrn�nrnt history ;or thz p: e�rio'ns fil e(�) � zar period: Business/Ern�oc7nent � , Address :'7 i List a11 oLher o.�iicr,s of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAN� (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS HOViE BUSi'vESS DATE OF PHO:�'E PHO'�� BRTH s►�t-�- �-r�y����N� ��, �� ��,� �3� y�3y �- 3-19 G� /�"�bi�SS IoS� �THY ?�1Z1�E C7�!-hv�7€ �r� .ZLC. 6 zG �fU ff business is a paztnership, please i�clude the follo�ing infor.natioa for each pa*tner (u�e additionai paees if necessan'): Fuat \ame ?✓.idd}e Initiai (�Qaidcn) I.ast Date of Butfi HomeAddr.ss: Strm?:eme lviiddle Lvtiel HomeAddrsss: Strut`�ame C7Ty (Vfaidm) Stam Zip I,aSt Smu 2ip Date of Birth Phvne Numbtt ?�IINI�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NU?l�ER - Pursuurt ta the Laws of Minnesota 1984, Chapter �02, Article 8, Section 2(2 iQ.72) (T�c Cle�auce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Mumesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicznt Under the Minnesota C�vem,-nent Data Practices Act and the Federal Pm•acy Act of 1974, ��e aze required to ad��ise you of the folloti�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Numba: - This infonnation may be �.ued to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event pou owe Minnesota sales, employer's wtithholding or motor vefucle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing avthority w�ill supply it only to Lhe Minnesota Department of Re��enue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply tlus information to the Intemal Revenue Ser�ice. Ivfini�esota Tax Identification Numbas (Sa1es & Use Tax I3immber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 Ri��er Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. 3 6�' � 2 � 7 S 6 fi Minnesota Ta�t Identification Number: (� O`� 2 3�Z E 20 O _____ If a Minnesota Tax Identification 2�TUmber is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X' in the box. � 2;18,'97 9P�H�/ CERTffICATIOA* OF WORY,ERS' CO'.'iPE`SATI0:3 COVE?2AGE PliRSUA_tiT TO MI;��'ESOTA STATU7E 1 i6.182 I hereby cenify tha1I, or:� co;apzm, am i7 co:npL+2nce «ith the ��o;l�s' compenszuon insurznce co�erzee requuements of!Jinnesota Stztuiz 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I zlso understzad Lhat p-o�ision of fzse �^.`o:,nelion in tivs eztli`ication constitutes su�icirnt grounds for adi action zgzinst a1i licenses beld, includ:n¢ re��ocztion and suspeasion of szid ]icenszs. Nz-ne of Insurance Company: � c� �. 1'� (C� G/2h 1 �- NSV • Po�:� xumh�: 03 I�S o o I�t 6 0 3 i] G{`� Q Co��erzge fror.i C5 � �1 7 to (3 �' ��� �? I have no ectplo; corer: 3 undec �rorkes' co.:ipMSZtion i�.s:rzace �(I\ZTL4I.S) A'\1' FALSIFICATIO\T OF A\SR`ERS GNEN OR MATERLAL SLB'4iTTTED WILI, RESULT TiV DE\7AL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby sta?e ihat I ha��e �ns:i zred z11 of thz preceding ques'uors, a*sd thzt the iryo*nztion contained herein is true v�d coirect to thz best af my };nowledge and Selief. I h�eby s'ate fu^,her Lhat I ha�•e rzceiti'ed no money or o-�her considaation by ��, zy of loui gift, contribution, or oihernise, otiler th� al;zady ds; los✓3 in the zpplicztioa w�ich i�wz«ith ssS..uY�i I ziso unde:stand Lh:s p: :-nise ma}� bz i;.spected b}' pol:ce, fue, health znd otha city� o�cizls et z�y and all times u�hen L'�e business is in ope: ztion. _ 16 -��Y. Signature (REQti'IR£D for a{f a�plications) Date We aill accept pa.ment b}' cash, check (made pacable fo City of Saint Paul) or cre�it card (1F1/C or Visa). IFPAYING BYCREDIT CARI3 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IA'FORhL4TI0N: � MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATION DATE: ACCOL"vT DIU;vIBER: ❑�/�❑ • ❑��❑ ❑��❑ ❑��❑ ❑C7[�❑ \ame of Cud Holder(required for all chatzes) Date *"Note: If this application is Food/Liquor related, plezse coatact a CiTy� of Szint ?au] He�lth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�iew _ plans. If any substantial changes to sttueiure are aniicipated, plezse contact a Cih� of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 256-9007 to apply for building penni`s. Ifthere are aav ct.anges to the oaxi:ing let, flcwr snace, or for new ooe*atior.s, please contact a City of Saint Paut Zoning :nspector at 266-9008. All applications requim the folloRing documents. Please attach these documents when submitting }'our application: 1. A detailed descriplion of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). 1he following data should be on the site plan (prefer2bly on zn S 1/2" x 11 " or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such u I"= 20'. ^N s6auld be indicatcd towazd the top. - Placement of all gertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is £or an addition or expansion of ihe 3icensed facility, indicate both the currrnt azea and ihe proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ou�nership of the property. fiPECIFIC LICEIVSE APPLICATIONS REQUIl2E ADDTTIONAL Ir'FOR.IVIATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII.S >>>> ; s�' ?i78;97 9�� l � � REPORT Date: May 14, 1998 Tune: 6:00 p.m. Piace: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd - -� Y\l .1 :_: 1► Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing O�cer TRAVEL INN.149 Universitv Avenue East The Legislarive Heating Officer recommends referral to an administrative law judge. 9�-v�l MINUTES OF THE LEGISLA'I'IVE HEARING FOR TRAVEL INN, 149 UNIVEI2STfY AVENUE EAST May 14, 1998 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathinan, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Bill Gunther, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). Note: This matter will be considered at the May 27 City Council meeting. Gerry Strathman called the meeting to order at 5:58 p.m. Gerry Strathman reported the purpose of this hearing is to gather information with respect to the Clas III fTotelfMotel License being applied for by Pooja Corporation, doing business as Travel Inn. This information will be gaihered so that Mr. Strathman can advise the City Council on the next step they should take. Mr. Strathman's recommendation to the Ciry Council will be one of thzee ttaings: the license should be issued, the license should be issued with conditions, or the matter should be sent to an administrative law judge to see if there is fact and law to support adverse action against this license. Bill Gunther reported the environmental staff had an inspection of the pro�+erty. A letter of violation was sent. At that point, LIEP became aware the previous license holder was no longer involved and the property was sold for a contract to deed. LIEP received an application to change the name of the company to Pooja Corporation. The Fire Department had a certificate of occupancy action against the Pooja Corporation because of a condemnation. LIEP cleared up the environmental situations. The application for a new license was received on May 5, 1998. Mr. Gunther asked for a management agreement so the cunent people could operate under the old license until they got a new license. This was received. Zoning gave approvals. Notification for a 30 day comment period was sent out. Because a numYzer or comments were received, this hearing was scheduled. LIEP considers this license recommended for denial or approved with conditions to limit the repeat of past actions in the future. LIEP's recommendations is based on Saint Paul L,egislative Code 310,06(b)(8} which pernvts adverse action if "the licensed business, or the way in which such business is operated, maintains or perznits conditions that unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, coznfort or repose of any considerable number of inembers of the public." Steve Samuelson, 1618 Charles, appeared and stated he is Vice Chair of the District 7 Planning CounciL Mr. Samuelson read a letter from Gregory Ray, Chair of the District 7 Planning Council, in which he recommends that this matter be refened to an administrative law judge. Mr. Samuelson stated he is a cab driver and picked up two women who ��ere obviously drunk. These women were turned away from the Days Inn, the Twins Motor Inn, and the Midway Motel. `I'hey had no problem getfing into the Travel Inn. As a cab driver, Mr. Samuelson stated he does not like going there. 'The letter from Gregory Ray was turned in for the record. 9�8-S�Gt LEGISLATIVE HEARING FOR TRAVEL IIVN, 5-14-98 Page 2 Gazy Egan, 600 Capitoi Boulevazd, appeazed and stated the block club worked hazd to clean up their neighborhood. Five yeazs ago, there were approximately six drug houses in the neighhorhood and prostitution was rampant. It is well known that people can get drugs or alcohol out of this hotel. There ue new owners, but there has been no ch2nge in the way the hotel has been run. Mr. Egan asked that tlus license not be renewed. Chazles Mullan, 5 Como Avenue, appeazed and stated he would like to see this license be denied. When the motel was ciosed, he did not realize it because it looked like people were stillliving there. When he drives by, he sees barbecues roazing, people cooking off the balconies, people partying, police cazs there constantly. Mr. Mullan says he lives in the neighborhood because he can walk Downtown. If the pathway to waik Downtown has to go though azeas like this, then it does not make any difference where he lives because he still has to drive. The motel is across from a playground. A school is neazby. The neighborhood is trying to rebuild. Mr. Mullan stated he could never recommend anyone he knows stay at the motel. Tfiere are too many fire hazards. Michaei Samuelson, District 7 Planning Council, appeared and read a letter from Barbara Freeman, Chair of the Mt. Airy Resident Council, requesting the license to be denied. He also read a letter from Gabrielle Lawrence, Renions Hospital, in which she requests that this matter be referred to an administrative law judge. Also, Gerry Strathman might have received a letter from the Capitol River Council District 17 which requested this license be referred to an administrative Iaw judge. Gerry Strathman stated he received these three letters. (The letter from Capitol River is from Mary Nelson.) Bill Gunther clarified that this is not a renewal, but a new license. Lt. Greg Pye, St. Paul Police Department, appeued and stated he is a supervisor assigned to the Central Team which covers the area of the Trauei Inn. Between January l, 1997 and December 31, 1997, there were approximately 137 calls for service to the Travel Inn. Thas is truly a problem property. Not all of the calls result in reports. In mid January of 1998, the Travel Inn was closed for housing violations. From January l, 1998 to May 1, 1998, there have been 37 ca11s for service to the Travel Inn. Lt. Pye can offer 39 police reports that officers have written. They are a variety of incidents. The majority of the incidents aze people who have rented rooms at the motel. No one has been killed there, but a stabbing incident came very close. The Travel Inn constitutes a nuisance because of the number of calls. There is a danger to the public safery. The people who manage and own the motel are not able to control the renters. It has an effect on the quality of life in ihe neighborhood. This may be a liability issue for the City if it is licensed. Douglas King, 750 BI� a mile from the Travel should be answered su continuing situation b< Officer Dan Simek, St and his partner run the under that category. l� done to cut down the i Kodak ds digilalscience° � :azed and stated he lives over :presents. Some questions r. King would hate to see a Init, appeazed and stated he ;. The Travel Inn has fallen �avel Inn to see what could be r Simek was thera was in 9�-Y�/ LEGISLA'I'IVE HEARING FOR TRAVEL INN, 5-14-98 Page 3 August 1997. The officers explained when the police should be called and what the owner's should do, the type of security the motel should have, what kinds of identification should be shown, and some suggestions were made about the doorways because the exit doors were not locked fmm the outside. The things the owner said he would do never came about. Since May l, 1997, the Travel Inn averaged 100 to 130 calls more than the Holiday Inn and the Civic Center Inn. Don Grundhauser, 14 Winter Street, appeared and stated he has lived there for thirty yeazs. Ali the problems with renters, apattments, and people in general have always been taken caze of. The problems in the Travel Inn have not been cleared up. Mr. Grundhauser recommends the license be denied. Mr. Grundhauser stated he and his wife wrote a letter to Gerry Strathman. Mr. Strathman stated he has that letter. At this point, there were no other people to speak on the opposing side. Jayeshkumaz Patel, owner, appeared and stated he bought the business in May 1997. Out of the 176 police calls, 30 were for investigation. There is no prostitution at the motel. In January, the Fire Department closed the moteL Mr. Patel brought it up to code. Mr. Patel stated he cannot identify who is going to do drugs. If someone comes to rent a room, he has to rent a room. Some people do not have a house to stay in and they come to the inn for one or two weeks. Sometimes there is an internal problems between spouses. Mr. Patel stated he cannot solve police problems because he does not know who makes the problem. Mr. Patel stated he wanted to lock some of the doors, but Pat Fish from Fire Prevention said they could not be locked. Stephen Kelly, Bannigan and Kelly L,aw Firm, appeared and stated he is representing Jayeshkumar Peta1. Mr. Patei came to this country in 1989 and became a citizen in 1995. He brought Travel Inn on a contract for deed from a relative of his. The former owner has a management position per LIEP's suggestion. Security has been hired. Mr. Patel thinks he may need night watch service. He has put $35,000 into the structure. Everything is now up to code. The inspection was thorough. Stephen Kelly stated 7ayeshkumar Patel has never heard from these organizations. They have not called him or met with him Mr. Kelly and Mr. Patel were able to work with the City's Fire Department and Electrical Department when they came to the property. The complaints started when Mr. Patel took over ownership. He would fix something and something else would fail. An electrician said things were fine, but when the City's electricai code people came to the property, Mr. Patei was told it was done inconectly and he had to replace it, which Mr. Patel did. Mr. Patel did everything that needed to be done and he fixed the place. Pat Fish from Fire Prevention was in constant contact with Mr. Kelly because of some of the inteipretation problems. Mr. Kelly was in contact with Bill Gunther and attorneys from the City Attorneys Office. Again, the block clubs were never heard from. Mr. Patel does not know what to do when people want to rent. When someone comes in, he rents to them. Stephen Kelly states some of the police ca11s say `investigate.' These mean the police went to the scene and asked did you see this person azound. This is what happened yesterday. 5ome police calls aze called in twice: once in the room and once when the manager office calls. Mr. Patel is �� yG / LEGISLATIVE HEARING FOR TRAVEL INiV, 5-14-98 �.,.. .i trying to get rid of the pay phone. He was told that a contract was signed and he would need to pay $1,OQ0 to get out of the contract. Curtently, the pay phone is there. The sriuctural and electrical problexns need to be taken caze of. District councils say they represent people in the neighborhood, but they also represent Mr. Patei because he lives in the Travel Inn and he is a voter. A man who came to the hotel and said he was from the disuict council was given a card by Mr. Kelly and told to call if there aze any problems. T`his man never called. Stephen Kelly went on to say the ownership issue has been dealt with by the City. The City has received all the ownetship documents. Nothing is secret. Jay's wife and uncle are the o�cers of the cotporations. They are licensed by the Secretary of State of Minnesota. Now there is an effort to get rid of Travel Inn. There was a letter to Gerry Strathman from Regents Hospital, however Regents has a pecuniary interest in the properiy. Mr. Patel bought a distressed building, however he has put capitol and security into it. He is being told by everyone the building should be destroyed. Lt. Greg Pye explained the `investigate' calls ue a variety of calls that do not fit into any other category. Michael Samuelson stated when the Planning Council took a look at the renewal, a notice was mailed to the owner of the facility at that time. The owner was operating without a correct license. The address was from California. Of course, thep did not expect someone from California to come. Mr. Samuelson took employment with the district council an 1996. He was told they have been trying for years to deal with this business. Bill Gunther clarified that all minimum requirements aze met and a11 correcUons have been made. Gerry Strathman stated evidence has been presented that this property is creating a nuisance and endangers the safety of the neighborhood. Mr. Strathman stated he received a letter from Police Chief Finney raising safety issues. There is reason to believe the problems rise to a level of the nuisance defined by the ordinance. Mr. Strathman stated he is troubled by the owner's response to public safery concerns that he is not responsible and does not know what to do. These are not adequate responses. The owner is responsible and should know what to do. Gerry Strathman recommended this matter be refeired to an administrative law judge to determine whether there is basis for adverse action for the license appiication. This recommendation will come before the Council on May 27. It will be on the agenda for discussion among the Council. The public can prepare evidence at the administrative law judge hearing if the Ciry Council finds there should be one. The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m.