98-442Council File # � � "�1 �a'
Green 5heet # � C) 8��-5
Committee Date
Refecred To
1 RESOLVED, That applicarion, ID#19980000424, for a Bingo Hall License by T.S.T. Ideai Aall {Stacy Mulson,
2 Antonio Moran and Steven Ahlquist, Co-owners) DBA Ideal Hali, 1494 Dale Street North, be and the same is
3 hereby approved.
Requested by Department of:
iopted by Council; Date �2�
lopti Certified by Council Secretary
'. 9 \ �. �- � lr-�-iAv-„�x� � .
By, � — . !�t' �
Form Approved by-City Attomey
By: �/
Approved by,Mayor for Submission to Council
By: (
�roved by Mayor:
�,,�,�,a,� __ ___ - ---- _ .__
__.__ ��y�z
sizsi9a GREEN SHEET No fi0895
Gerry Strathman
oorr.Artt�rt p�crue
❑ wuwcutttcav�cFSOU�. ❑ wuucw.mm�eeta
❑ r�voxiwe�itmsrrNry ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Ha11 License by T.S.T. Ideal Hall (Stacy Mulson,
Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist, co-owners) dba Ideal Hall, 1494 Dale Street North.
(ID I119980000424)
Ffas+nis aersonRrm ever wakea m,aer a awn,acc rw utis depanmem4
F�s tlxa D��Mrtn erer hem a cdY emObYee?
Does this PerwNfi�m Possess a siuN not namaM'P�sessed bY a�Y �� �1' IN�P�oYee7
Is this pxsorofirtn a tazgeted vendoR
�y i �Ir� (: CTli !=I�3
w, iHFORwnnoN tezvwp
Minnesota Lawfu{ Gambling
Bingo Hai1 License Apptication - LG30U
A bingo hall license is requirad for any premises where more than
one organizatio� conducts bingo.
Hall lnformation
Name of Bingo Ha1t
..�DC'A � N
Street Address ot Bingo Hati
I I q V 9f1��' S?
Phane Numbes
(6��z ) � K' 6`'�1
MaOing Atldress (if different from abave)
Type af Business (checkone box)
Sole Proprieforship
Liability Co.
Tennsssen Waraing: The informatian requested on th+s form
(including any attacbments} witi be used by the Gambling Controi
Soard (8oard} to determine your qualifications to be invokved in
lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and io assist the Board in
co�ducting e background investigation of yon. You have the rigtrt
to retuse ta supply the informaiion requested; however, if you refuse
to suppiy this information, the Board may not be a41e ro determine
your quatificaGans an�Y, as a consaque�ce, may refuse to issue
you a license If you supply the irtformation requested, the Board
witl be abfe to process your application. If the Board does not fssue
you a license, ail information provided in Me process of apptying
tor a license remains pcivate, with She exceRtion of your name
and address which witi remain public.
�age 1 of 2
Fes Date ! t
Chk. initials
License No. BH
Privake data about you is available oniy to the foilowirtg: Board
members, staH of the Board whose work assignment requires that
they have access to the information; the Department of Public Safety;
the Attorney Generai; the Commissioners ofAdministratiofl, Firrance,
and Revenue; the legislative Auditor, natlonaf and internationat
gambling regufatory sgencies; anyooe pursuantto court order; other
individuais and agencies thatmay be specifrcatty authorized by state
or fcx{era4 faw to have access to such infarmation; individua�s and
agencies for whicfi law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing
of the intormatioo after this notice is given; you: and ar.yone wRh
your written wtt«ent.
Questions on this form ShouM he directed to the Gambling Conirot
8oatd at (@12j 639-4000. Hearing �mpaired individuals using a T7Y
may call the Minr.esota Relay Service at 1-8Q�-6273529 and ask to
place a cafl to (612) 639-4000. 4h+s pub6cation wi11 be made
available in altematrve format (i e. large print, Brailte) upon request
{ Minnesota Sales and Use 7ax ID Number {if none, write "None'�: �
Bingo Hail License Application -1.G300 Aage 2;�8
Loca! 11n+t of Goverflment Acknowfedgment
tf the gambling premtses is within cEty iimits, the city must stgn this appilcatlon.
On behatf of the city, 1 acknowledge that this
aqpiication wiii be fonvarded to the appropriate city.
officiafs, the city must pass a resolutia� specificaily
approving or denying this application, and a copy of
the resolution wiii Be forwarded tfl the appiying
Print name of city:
{Signature af city personnel teceiving �
�<� /%'oC1/'�
Title /1'/ �iy, i-a_ P�`
gambfing prsmises is located in a tovimshtp;`�bofh #he county and township must sign this apppcatlon.
F�,r the townshio: On behalf of the township, 1
acknowledge, by this signature, awareness oF this
appfication and that the township has no authority to
deny or approve an appfication.
�or the countv� On behaif of the counry, i
acknowlecfge that this application wiil be forwarded to
the appropriate county officiafs, the county must pass
a resolution spec�calty approving or denying this
application, and a copy of the resolution wiff be
forvrarded to the applying organ'szation.
Print name of tow�ship:
(Signatura of township
Title Date /
Print name of county:
of county
• t declare that this application is correct and com-
plete to the best of my kncwiedge and belief.
• i wi11 #amiiiarize myself with the laws of the state of
MinnesoYa and ruies of the Board regarding gamb-
ling and agree, if licensed, to abide by those taws
and rules, inciuding amendments to them.
� i declare that I am qualified under the terms of
Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpart 3, to be
licensed as a bir�go hall and wili abide by the
restrictions seY forth in Minnesota Rules, part
7882.0090, subpart 4. _
i declare that any lease agreements between the
bingo hati liceasee and iawful gambling organizations
wifl specificalfy identify any goods or services that the
organization is required ±o purchase from the lessor
or a thfrd parky vendor, and khat all goods and
services furnished as Qart of the lease agreement wifl
be vaiued at their fair market value.
• Ghanges in the information submi8ed in this
appiication wiii be submitted in wriiing to the Board
and tocal unit of government within Yen days after the
change occurs.
Signature of CEO of the Lesso
`r / �� t �'�
Attach the Foltowing and Mail
� LG30Q, Singo HaII License Applicatiort;
ti� L�302, Bingo HaA Occasion List;
�i LG315, Bingo Hali Personnel Information;
J Proof of ownership {warranty deed, contraci for deed,
property tax statement, or other);
J Locat unft of government approval resolu6an {for c'rry
or county}; and
v Gheck for 52,5001icense fee payable fo "State of
Minnesota" (fees are consi@ered eamed artd afe not
prorated or transferrable}.
Maii application and attachments to:
Gambling Control Soard
Suite 300 South
1771 WesY County Road B
Roseviile, MN 5511a
Minnesota Lawful Gamblin,g
Bingo Hall Occasion List - LG302
Bingo Halt Name � n Fn � t ��� ` Address
`'V ,Z—N 1T l�
Rotafing Schedule: Yes (If yes, sutmd a calendar with the name of the
No t'
conducting bingo on each day.)
I Name of Organizalion Organization's Premises Permit or Hours of
Conduding Binga Occasions Exempiion Permit Number or Singo
, EuGuded Authorization Bingo Date Occasions
Monday � a G �^F«M%NF ��
Tuesday 1 �' firr � -
Friday `� t r/'�/ut
� No more than 21 bingo occasions
are permitted at each hall perweek.
� ff the organization dces not yet have
a number, write "permii (or exemp-
tion} appiied for."
3 Enter fhe starting and ending times
for each occasion (for exampie,
7-9 p.m., 3:30-& p.m.). A bingo
occasion must be at least 90
minutes and no more than four
Ghanges in the above information
mustbe submifted in writing to the
Hoard within ten days. A change
occurs itan erganization canducts
bingo on a day and time ather t6an
that reflected ore the 8ingo Ha11
Occasio� list, or'rf an organlzation
is added or deleted on the
Mai1 this form to:
Gambfing Controi Board
Suite 3A0 South
1711 W. GounEy Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
Questions on this form should be
directed to the Gambling Controf Board
at (612) 639-4000.1f you use a TTY, you
can call us by using the Minnesota Refay
Service at 1-800-627-3528 and ask to
place a caii to (612j 639-4060.7his form
wiil be made availabfe in alternative
format (i.e. large print, Braille) oport
The information requested on this form
will became publ+c in{ormation when
received 6y the Board, and wiN Be used
to determine your CamplianCe with
Minnesota statutes and rules governing
{awful gambiing activities.
9 � �y�
Date: May 12, 1998
Tune: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Keliogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathmau
L.egislative Hearing Officer
Ideal Hall,1494 Dale Street North
The Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends granting the license.
May 12, 1998
Room 33Q City Hall
Gerry Strathman, L.egislative Hearing Officer
STA�F PRESENT: Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEP).
Note: This matter will be considered at the May 20 City Council meeting.
Getry Strathman called the meeting ta order at 6:00 p.m.
Gerry Suathman reported this is a legislative heazing to deal with objections that have been
raised to the issuance of a bingo hali license for ldeal Hali at 1494 Dale Street North.
Antonio Moran, applicant, and 7oe Perkovich, previous owner, appeazed.
Christine Rozek reported the new applicant is T.S.T. Ideai Hall. The principals of that
corporation are Stacy Mulso, Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist. There are seven
requirements all of which have been met: all state forms have been received, City Workers
ComplTa�c ID Form has been received, the license fee has been paid, the police record check has
been done and is okay, the zoning has been approved, a current certificate of occupancy from the
Fire Department has been done, and the bingo hall is located at least two miles from another
bingo hall. The bingo occasions are on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. There
are cunenfly conditians on the license of no more than nine bingo occasions a week. The District
6 Planning Council has approved tlus application. The LIEP office recommends appmval.
Gerry Strathman asked were there any present or pending adverse actions against this license.
Christine Rozek answered no.
Steve Battisto and Marion Battisto, both of 1500 North Dale Street North, appeared. Mr. Battisto
stated his primary concern is the loud music on the weekends when the haii is rented. On several
occasions, Mr. Battisto has cleaned up vomit around his building. There is excess tra�c and his
driveway is blocked at times. He picks up pull tabs constanfly, although this is minor. The doors
are sometimes open an the bingo ha11. Ms. Battisto stated she picks up debris sometimes. There
are fights occasionally.
Gerry STrathman asked were they concerned about events other than the bingo. Steve BattisYo
responded the bingo is tolerable. Marion Battisto responded she gets stale cigarette smoke
coming in one window. The exhaust system may not be high enough. The smoke can be so
overwhelming she has to leave the room.
Gerry Strathman stated he received a call from someone who identified herself as from the
neighborhood. This person did not identify any cunent problems. The Craffic in the alley has
gone away, and she has no probiems with the bingo. Mr. Strathman read a letter received from
Ron and Debra Carlson, 601 Arlington Avenue West, who writes they aze against the business
9�� Yyz
getting a Class C liquor license, but a liquor license is not being applied for. Christine Rozek
stated she tried calling the Carlsons but could not reach them.
Antonio Moran stated people are out of the buiiding at 12:3Q a.m. when thcre aze weddings. A
police officer is hired and checks to make sure people leava. Mr. Moran is cleaning unti12:30
a.m. At that time, there is no one in the parking lot and the cazs are gone. Mr. Moran stated he
has only been there a month and a half and this is tus experience.
Steve Battisto stated it is not noisy all the time. Marion Battisto stated she can hear muslc
sometimes in her hause. Antonio Moran suggested the Battistos ca11 the hall so the music can be
turned down.
Joe Perkovich stated he let the Battisto's customers park in his lot. Also, Steve Battisto will not
prune his trees that hang into the street. Marion Battisto stated she received a death notice on her
answering machine from Joe Perkovich and he pazks his truck in the alley day after day. The
police had to be called to get him from doing that. Gerry SCrathman stated these personal issues
do not belong at this meeting; the only issue is if there is a basis to denp this license.
Gerry Strathman asked are there any accommodations that can make the operations less
objectionable to the neighbors. Antonio Moran responded if there is loud music, the Battistos
should ca11 him. He does not have a lot of money so the bingo heips him pay the rent.
Steve BatCisto felt that some sort of sound proofing can be done to deaden the noise. The noise
may be a nuisance to a new tenant. The tenant that lives in the front works at night. Gerry
5trathman responded the City can measure the noise with a sound measuring device if it is
ongoing. Arrangements can be made ahead of time if loud noise is expected. Antonio Moran
stated he is wiiling to turn the music down and does not want to be an enemy. 7oe Perkovich
stated the ceiling is dropped down and does not know why anyone can hear the noise.
Gerry Strathman hoped the applicant heazd the concerns here and will do something about it.
However, these concerns do not rise to the level of denying the license. Until the City has
estahlished that the police have been called repeatedly or the binga hall is constanfly breaking the
noise ordinance, there is not much that can be done. There is no record of violations. Steve
Battisto stated a record could have been established along the way.
Antonio Moran stated at the district meeting a few weeks, one neighbor said he liked the hall.
Steve Battisto asked was he notified of that meeting. 7ae Perkovich responded everyone in the
neighborhood received letters. Gerry Strathman stated the district council organized that meeting
and he was not sure if Mr. Battisto was notified.
Antonio Moran gave Marion Battisto his phone number and told her to call him if there ate any
noise problems.
Gerry Strathman recommended this bingo hall license be granted.
Tl�e meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
9 �'-yyZ
Minnesafa Lawfui Gambling
Binga Hali Fersonnet information - lG315
Compfete this form if you are lisfed under "Owner tnformation" on the 1G3�� 8ingo Hati �icense Application.
Singo Hail lnformation
Name a.' Bingo Nali Licer,se Numbei
�nc�r L/411 BH r'l(? i
3. Home Address
4. Home Telepho
(��2 ) 7
5. Full Name at:
Gcense Number
BitthPiace (city. 51ate, and proveicet
�ates or serv:ce
Yes L1 No
6. Chec3c all that aAP�Y with Bingo Hali:
a.} k pwner 6)_SOIe Propnetor5hip c.) X Persort or Eatity with a direct or indirect flnaociat mterest of fiva percent or more
d.},Partner e.)�Corporate Officer fJ�Director 4.)�Manager hJ_Supervisor
Bingo HaSt Duties:
Z Emp4oyment record for tfle past ten years. Wst the most current first, incfuding dates of unemployment or educalion
(list schooi and address). if you owned a business in Minnesota, include the Minnesota 3aies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets i1 necessary.
Emptoyert5chool Address Position held Dates Type of Business MN Saies
�G12 � y
Page 1 of 2
Fuii Middle Name
i U /?'l.4 /`iG
e Social Security Number
y�s- �u 53�t
�. �
8. Place ot residence for #he past ten years (use addifional sheets if necessaryJ:
Address CitylStatelZip
cuaenr 1 t63 %7 5� N. D�/'OAC.c /hN SS 1
Pesr �,'/� f1A5f% }� U. Nc�..� Par�
Dates ef Residenoe
i _ <i'� _ A���
�K � 9. Criminal history statement (except petry m.isdemeanors). Inctude the date you were charged, the cityJstate where the
charges were filed, and tfie disposition of the case. 4f none, write "none."
{ysi t4�E ssame, addtess, aad license or exemption percrit nomtrer of any
exciuded organization yau belong to which conducis Iawful gambiing in
Of F_YemOtron Permrt NumbO!
.S' �/Z QltSo� CA�rr%
i and na^+e antl adGress ot any
If none, write "none."
7Me '
(w�tinued a�
Bingo Hail Personnei fnformation - LG315
License No. � Name of 8mgo Hall
Personrtel Name
Page 2 of 2
�ath and Consent
t t have never been convicted af a fetar,y.
2. f have never been convicted of a crime involving gambling,
3. i have neve� been convided oI assault. a criminal viotation
invofving fne use of a firearm, or making tertoristic threats.
4. I am not current�y ot have never been engaged in a connected
wAh an iNegal business.
5. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent tazes to the state of
6. I have nat had a sales and use tax permit ravoked by the
commissioner cf revenue within the last two years.
7. I have fited, after demand, tax returns required by the
commissioner of revertue.
8. I am not a ficensed distributor or affiliate of a disinbutor urtder
Mina Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am not a ticensed manufacturer or aKliate o£ a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 348.163.
10.1 witi not 6e an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduet of
lawtui gambiing, or represenk a licensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, ar influence the purohase of,
lawful gambfing equepment
t i. I am not a whoiesale disVibutor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of aicaholic treverages.
12. I wilt not provide any staif to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo ar any other form of lawFul gambling on the premises.
13.1 will not acquire gambiing equiRment or provide inventory
control fior any arganization that conducts IawFul gamDiing on
the premises.
14.1 will not prepare or assist in the preparaGon of any reports
raquired by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0120, subp. 3, for an
otganization canducting IawfW gambiing on the premises.
15. t wilt not ptaviCe accounTing services to any ar9anization
conducNng fawfW gambling on the premises.
t6. ( wiii not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
ot an organizafion's gross receipts from lawful gamhling,
t7. I will not chatge any fee to a person without which the person
could not play bingo or participate in another form of lawful
gambling on the premises.
78. � wilt noF provide assistance or parficipate in Yhe conduct of
law£ul gambiing on the premises.
19. t wiil not percnit more than Zt bingo occasions to be conducted
on the pcem+ses in any week.
20. I will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assisant gam6ling manager or identily to an organizatian a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager oc
assistant gambling manager.
21. I wiii noi be involved in the procurement of, or irtiluencing tne
procurement of, IawfW gambl'sng equipment for an organ¢ation
which conducYS lawful gam6ling on the iicensee's premises.
22. t wi0 not provide or permit an a�liate or persort acting on behaff
of the bingo hait ticensee ta provide any compensation. 9iR,
gratuity, Premium, contribution, or thing of valus to a Gambling
Controf Baard empbyee or member of the Gambling Controi
23. i wi11 not directly or mdirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, toans of
money, premiums, or other gratuiSes to 9ambling organiza8ons,
or their empbyees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed a
value of $25 per o�ganization in a calendar year.
i� addition, 1 understand, a9ree, and hereby irrevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the su6ject matter of ffie bingo
haii license appiication, or acts or omissions arsing fran such
apptication, may be commenced against me in a�y court of
campetsnt jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the MinnesoW
Secretary of State of a�y summons, process, or pieading authotized
by thz laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigoed authorizes the
Department of Publia Safety to conduct a background investigation
porsuant to Minnesota Rules, paR 7862.0010, subpart 10.
6URTHER AFFIANT SAYE'fH N,T , pt that this Oath and
Conserrt Statement are sup rt of the appticaGOn for
a bingo hal '. �_rf .��.fbiing C trol Board.
�`C �;'� MY �° �..�— �/ �
/771AD" GTZfiG��, � . _.,-a5;2✓�� ( 1 of� I ��
(Signature of Binga NaA Personnei Applicant) .� / ; (Date Signad}
fi�scribed and swom to befor jq�e this �� day of I_ 7 �CZLc� J , 19 ��
( r 3 / i�
(COmmission expiradoN
Attach and Mai!
Attach all LG375 forms to the LG300 Singo Hal{ License
Apptication fortn, ar submit when information chaoges, and
send to: Gambling Control Board
Suita 90o South
1711 West County Roed B
Rosevllle, MN 55113
Tennessen War�ing: 7he informatian �equested on this form
(inUudiog any atcachments} wiii be used by the Gambiing Control
Board (8oard} to detertnine your qua4ifications to be involved in
'awful gambiing aCtivities in Minnesota, and to assi5t the 9oarci ia
;onducting a tradcground investigation of you You have the right to
�efuse to suppiy the information requested; hawever, if you refuse
o supply this intormaicon, the Hoard may not 6e able to determine
our qualifi;ztions and. as a cansequence, may refusa to issue you
ilc2nse if you supply the mformaUOn requested, the Soard wNl he
51e to process yaur application If the Board does not issue you a
:ense, aft informaUOn provided m the process of app�ying for a
ense remains prtvate, with the exceplion of your name and atldress
vch wdl remain pub6c.
Disctosu�e of Sociat Security Namber
You are required to provide your Social Security number on
ihis form. Your Sociai Security number wiii be used to
determine your compliance with the tax faws of Minnesafa.
Authorization for requiring yaur Sociai Security number is 4ound
at U.S.C. 405{c)Si).
Private data a6aut you is avaiiabte oniy to the foifowing: Soartl mem-
6e�s, staff of the Board whose work assignmeot reqwres that they
have access ta the inEormation; the DepaKment of Pubttc Satety;
fhe Attorney General; the Commissioners ofAdmin'wtraticn, Finance.
and Revenue, the l.egisla:ive Auditor, national and intemationai gam-
b4ing regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other
indiwduals and agencies that may be specificaliy authorized by state
ar fedesal law to have access to such inEormation; indiv�duals and
agencres for which taw or lega! orde� authorizes a new use ot shar-
ing of the mformation afte� this notice is givea, you; and anyaee
wrth your written consent This form wdl 6e made avai4able in aiter-
native formaf (i.e large pnnt, Braitle) upon request
Mirrnesota Lawfu! Gambting
Bingo Hall Persannei information - LG315
Comptete this form if you are Iisted under "Owner Intormation" on the LG300 Bingo Hatl License Application.
Bingo Hall Information
Name of Bingo Hail License Number (i
i D��-� H-R�-�. sH c�oa
Address CitylStatelZip TefeRhone i
� y y� .il I•� �� S � S t � g � �.�.� Ssif 7(�a )<
Personnei information
1. Lasf Name First Name Full Middle iVame
A tF t-C� v j s r' S±£��,� /y/ i c�fA-F t..
�2. Maiden Name Previous Name Social Securitv Numb
3. Home Address CirylStata�p
fa 7� (� oo �B �6E S i_ S� -
4. Home Telephone No. Drivers License Number State of
(G,1.�)�/�7_�s/r19 d_i./�� - �7�-��z_A7�
Page 1 of 2
//� ' CPlA ^ /a' 7 ✓
Msv. SS�l7
of Birth Birthplace (caty, state, and province}
�j3�.�3 S � PP�V L !�?Al ,
Dates of Service U.S. Citizen?
Yes l� No
6. Check all that appry with Bingo Hall:
aJ_�Owner b.)_SOIe Proprietorship cJ � Person or Entity with a direct or in�lirect financiai interest of five percent or more
d.)_Padner e.)_ CZCorporate Officer fJ_Directar g.) � Manager h.)_Supervisor
Bingo Hatl Duties:
7. Empfoyment record for the past ten years. List the most current first, including dates of unemployment or education
{Iist schooi and address). Ifi you owned a b�siness in Minnesota, include the Minnesota Saies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets if necessary.
EmployerfSchool _ Address _ �,� ,� Position beld Dates Type of Business MN Sales
CurrentTST CQfAt�.c6 Cft�eR�N� e ° �£�64 I T3 ��
Past: /rliqwccT /'�✓r7 . Sroox Fa�.�s sv t��...,-�..,cf
"1'a ¢.Tll[,A- G�a1r 5 � �RPlF✓a+D p�„L S
J„E••�-*SCK� f�nR � �,�,.� Ca'��< b
P{ace of residence for the past ten years (use additional sheets if necessary):
Address CityfStatelZip
^ TaXNO.
��G— v� '�l. 1812;/�
✓-9S .Ss+coNs
- 9Y s<T.w�.,r JG4�6 97
- 9i �i.a-�
Dates of esidence
SSn 7 9j/ 7� - i�P£.tE.�
9. Criminal history statement (except petty misdemeanors). Incfude the date you were charged, the citylstate where the
charges were fiied, and the disposition of the case. If none, write "none °
0. List the name, address, and Iicense or exemption permit number of any organization and name antl address ot any
excluded organization you belong to which condu�rts tawfuf gambling in Mi�nesota. If none, write "none"
.� . .. .. . . _ , �
� (continued on
Bingo Hall Personnel Information - LG315
License No. Name of Bingo Hall
BSi ! t7F�t� {i�4�C_
Oath and Co
_ . _ Page 2 of 2
Personnel Name
STErf� ���-QU�S)
1. I have never 6een convicted of a felony.
2. I have never been convictetl of a cnme involving gambling.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a criminal vio�ation
invoWing the use of a firearm, or making terroristic tfireats.
4. 1 am not currently or have never been engaged in or connected
wfth an iliegal business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes to the state of
6. 1 have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by tfie
commissioner af revenue within the last two years.
7. i have fited, afYer demand, tax retums required by the
commissioner of revenue.
8. 1 am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 349.161.
9. I am not a licensed manufacturer or a�liate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 will not be an officer, director, paid employee, or votunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduct of
IawFui gambling, or represent a Iicensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, or inFluence the purchase of,
lawfuf gambling equipment.
11. I am not a whofesa{e distributor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of alcoholic beverages.
12. I will not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawful gambling on the premises.
13.1 wiii not acquire gambiing equipment or provide inventory
control for any organization that conducts lawful gambling on
the premises.
74. 1 wiil not prepare or assist in the preparation of any raports
required by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0720, subp. 3, for an
organization conducting lawfui gambling on the premises.
15. I will not provide accounting services to any organization
conducting lawful gambl+ng on the premises.
16. I will not soiicit, suggest, encourage, or make any expenditures
of ao organization's gross receipts from lawfu! gambling.
17.1 wiil not charge any fee to a person without which the perso
could not play bingo or participate in another form of
gambiing on the premises. . , � �
..��� �,..a��.� k1t
and sworn to before me this��! day of
Attach and Mail
Attach all LG315 fortns to the LG300 Bingo Hail License
Application form, or submit when information changes, and
send to: Gambiing Contro! Boartl
Suite 300 South
1711 West County Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
'ennessen Warrting: The information requested on this form
�nctuding any attacbments) wiil be used by the Gambling Control
oard jBoard) to determine your qualifications to be invotved in
wfuf gambiing activities in Minnesota, and to assist tfie Board in
mducting a background investigation of you. You have the tight to
fuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse
supply this informatwq the Board may not be abie to determine
ur qualificaNOns and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you
cense. If you suppiy ihe information requested, the Board will he
e to process your application. If the Board does not issue you a
nse, all �nformation provided �n the process of applying for a
ase remains prrvate, wdh the excephon o( your name and address
;h wdl remain public
18. 1 wiit not provide assistance or partic+pate in the conduct of
lawfui gambiing on the premises.
19. I will not pertnit more than 21 bingo occasions to be wnducted
on the premises in any week.
20. I wifl not recruif a person to bewme a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager or identlty to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager.
21, I witl not be involved in the procurement of, ar influencing the
procurement of, lawFul gambting equipment for an organization
which conducts Iawful gambling on the licensee's premises.
22.1 wiU not provide or perznit an affiliate or person acting on behaif
of the bingo hail licensee to provide any compensation, gift,
gratuity, premium, contribution, or thing of value to a C�ambling
Control Soartl employee or member of the Gambting Control
23. f wiil not directly or indirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, loans of
money, premiums, or other gratuities to gambling organizations,
or thei� employees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed e
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, I understand, agree, and hereby ircevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts or omissions arising from such
apppcation, may be commenced against me in any court of
competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota
Secretary of State of any summons, process, orpleading authorized
by the laws ot Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned autfiorizes the
Departme�t of PublicSafety to co�duct a hackgrou�d investigation
pursuant to Minnesota Rufes, part 7862.0010, subpart 10.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYE7N N07, ezcept that this Oath and
Consent Statement are s� d N support of the application for
a bin o � � ambl ag Control Board.
rr�enuS1RA J. G1E ._' ,.,� � i
20�9 r;
�-",.. g/ ,
'� l o�� 1 / d
(f7ate Signed)
, is 9�'
� r�L� aCOd
(Commission expiration)
Disciosure of Social Security Number
You are required to provide your Social5ecurity number on
this form. Your Social Security number will be used to
determine your compfiance with the tax laws of Minnesota.
Authorization for requiring your Social Security number is found
at U.S.C. 405(c){i).
Private data about you is availabte only to the following: Board mem-
bers, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they
have access to the information; the Department of Pubtic Safety;
theAttorney Generat, the Commissioners ofAdministretion, Finance,
and Revenue; the legislativeAUditor, national and intemational9am-
bling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order, other
individuais and age�cies that may be specificaily authorized by state
or federal law to have access to such information; individuais and
agencies for which law or fegal o�der authorizes a new use or shar-
ing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone
with your written consent. This form wiN be made available in alter-
native format (i,e. large pnnt, Braille) upon request
y �- yy�
Minnesota Lawful Gambitng st�sres
Bingo Ha11 Personnel Information Page 1 of 2
Compiete this fortn ff you are listed under "Owner Information" on the LG300 Bingo Hat! License Application, or within ten
davs after a change in i�formation. Incomptete, faise, or misteading applicaUon information may resuit in denial of a license.
Home Addrass
State Zip Gode
M N 551`2
s�rtnPtace c�ry a�a sraa
Fuli Middfe Nai
,d none, wrtte "no
�tary Service Oates af Senice � US. Cflizen: - If no, enter regi:
� t � N� J�Yes p No
wfth Bingo Hafl (chedc one): �Sole Proprietarship � Managet O Supervfsor
� Partner O Corporate Officer (� Director
ient RecorU for the past ten years tuse separace sneei, n
i(school, address, dates). if you owned a business i� M
Empioyer Atldress Posttion Held
of Residence for the past ten years (use separate sheet, if necessary).
Atldress City State 21p Cade
Name Social Sewdty P
Homa Phone
� ��/!'7���X..��
Dates of Residence
� — ��
21�, _ S.JG
Criminal History Statement (except petty mistlemeanors). �nauae me aa[e you were cnargea, me ci[ps�a�e wue�a u�c u�a�y�� .._,_
filed, and the disposition of the qse. If none, write "none" (Use separate sheet, ff necesSary.)
iinnesata, or name and address of any excluded oi
Organizatbn �e�
OrganizaQOn Adtlress
)rganizatlon Addres! Lkense w
). Indude periods of unempioyment (dates) or
iclude the Minnesota Sales Tax and Use ID Number.
Dates 7ype of Bustness MN Sales Tau #
= v. P. 51q2- �r�nt ca:te� - i8�2�
•rr nni.�. �Ican , .�iocor� nlrir.c �1
you belong to which contlucts iawru� ga���
of titfe: Member.) If none, write "none."
License or Exempt Pertn@ Number
Nvmbar TNe
Numbar Tide
(conUnued on back)
1 Personnet information �
Hall Personnel Informatioa
Oath and Consent Statement
t. I have never been convicted of a felony.
2. t have never been convided of a crime invofving gambting.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a uimi�al violation in-
valving the use of a firearm, or making terroristic threats.
4. I am not currenUy or have never 6een engaged in or conneGed
with an illegat business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in deiinquent taxes to the state of
6. f have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com-
missioner of revenue within the last two years.
7. f have filed, after demand, tax retums required by the commis-
sioner of revenue.
8. t am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am nat a iicensed manufadurer or afhliate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 wilt not be an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer oE
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conducf of
tawful gambling, or represent a iicensed, exempt, or exduded
organization in the purchase of, or influence the purchase of,
IawFul gambling equipment.
t t, l am not a wholesate distributor or an affiliate or an emplayee
of a wholesale distributor of atcohotic beverages.
12. t wiii not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawfut gamhling on the premises.
13. � wiA �ot acquire gambling equipment or provide inventory con-
tro! for any organization that conducts tawful gambiing on the
74. i will not prepare or assist in the preparation of any reports
required by Minn. Rules, paR 786M1.0120, subp. 3, for an orga-
nization conducting lawfui gambiing on the premises.
15.1 wiil not provide accounting services to any organization con-
ducting lawful gambling on the premises.
f6. I wiil not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
af aa organization's gross receipts fran lawful gamblirtg.
� 17. I wili not charge any fee to a person withaut which the person
cou(d not pfay bingo or participate in another fortn of IawEui
, gambling on the premises. �
swom to before me this .—��O{ day
S 8-�i4�
'a9e 2 of 2
18. I will not provide assistance or participate in the condud of
tawfut gambling on the premises. "
19. I wiil not pertnit more than 27 bingo occasians to be rAnducted
on the premises in any vreek
20. t will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambting manager or identify to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambiing manager or
assistant gambling ma�ager.
21.1 will not be invoived in the procurement of, or influencing the
procurement af, lawfut gambting equipmerrt for an organization
which conducts fawFul gambling on the licensee's premises.
22. I wili not provide or pertnit an afifiliate er person acting on be-
half of the hingo hall iicensae to provide any compensation,
gift, gratuity, premium, conV7butian, orthing ofvalueto a Gam-
bling CanVCt Boazd employee or member ofthe Gambling Con-
trol Board.
23. ! will not directiy or indirectly give gifls, Vips, prizes, loans of
money, ptemiums, or other gratuities to gambling oiyanizations,
or the±r employees, other than nominal gifls not to exceed a
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts ar omissions arising ftom such ap-
piication, may 6e commenced against me in any court of compe-
tent iurisdidion in Minnesota by service an the Minnesota Secre-
tary of State ef any summons, process, or pieading authorized by
the laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned author¢es the
Depariment of Public Safety to conduct a background investiga-
tion pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpa�t t0.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Oath and
Consent Statement are submitted in support of the application for
a bingo hail license from the Gambiing Control8oard.
'ennessen Waming: The information requested on this form (inGuding any
ttachments) will be used �y the Caam6ling ConUOI Board (Board) to deter-
iine your quaiifications to be involved in lawful 9ambiing activiUes in Min-
�sota, and to assist the Board in conducGng a baUcground imesUgation of
�u. You have the rigM to refuse fo supply fhe information requested; how-
�er, if you refuse to supply this infortnation, the Board may not be abfe to
dermine your quali8cations and, as a consequenca, may retuse to issue
u a ficense. if you suppiy the inkrtnation requested, the Hoard will be able
process your appticaGoa It the Board does nW issue you a license, all
xmation provided tn the process otapplying Tor a ttcense remains priwate,
i the ezceptioo of yuur name and atldress which will remain publ(c.
�ate data about you is available only W the foibwing: Boartl members,
f of the Board w�osa work assignment requires thet they have acceu tn
information: the Departmenf ot Pu611c Safety: Ne Atiomey Generai; the
�missianers of ACminisVatlon, Finance, and Revenue; the LegfslaGve
tor, national anA infemational gambling regutatory agencies; anyone
uant to court ordar, other individuats and agen t hat may be
specificaity authodzed by state ortecferai iaw m nave ac��o w����� ������-
maGon; inditiduats antl agencies fur whFch iaw or legal order authosizes a
rtew use or sharing of the iMormation after tfiis notice is given; you; antl
anyone with your written conunt. This tortn will be made available in alter-
naUve fartnat (i.e. iarge print, Braille) upon request.
DhGosure of Soclal Secudty Numbec You are required to provide your
Soda� Sewrity number on this form. Your Sx1al Security number wip be
used to determine your compitance with the taz laws of Minnesota. Autha
rization for requiri� your5ociai Security numberis fou� at u.S.C.405(c)(i).
Attach and Mail
Attach al1 LG315 forms to the LG300 Bingo Hall License Appiica-
tion fartn, or submit when infortnation cha�es, and send ta:
Gambling Control Board
Sufte 300 South
171� West County Road B
Rosevflle, MN b6113 _
Council File # � � "�1 �a'
Green 5heet # � C) 8��-5
Committee Date
Refecred To
1 RESOLVED, That applicarion, ID#19980000424, for a Bingo Hall License by T.S.T. Ideai Aall {Stacy Mulson,
2 Antonio Moran and Steven Ahlquist, Co-owners) DBA Ideal Hali, 1494 Dale Street North, be and the same is
3 hereby approved.
Requested by Department of:
iopted by Council; Date �2�
lopti Certified by Council Secretary
'. 9 \ �. �- � lr-�-iAv-„�x� � .
By, � — . !�t' �
Form Approved by-City Attomey
By: �/
Approved by,Mayor for Submission to Council
By: (
�roved by Mayor:
�,,�,�,a,� __ ___ - ---- _ .__
__.__ ��y�z
sizsi9a GREEN SHEET No fi0895
Gerry Strathman
oorr.Artt�rt p�crue
❑ wuwcutttcav�cFSOU�. ❑ wuucw.mm�eeta
❑ r�voxiwe�itmsrrNry ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Ha11 License by T.S.T. Ideal Hall (Stacy Mulson,
Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist, co-owners) dba Ideal Hall, 1494 Dale Street North.
(ID I119980000424)
Ffas+nis aersonRrm ever wakea m,aer a awn,acc rw utis depanmem4
F�s tlxa D��Mrtn erer hem a cdY emObYee?
Does this PerwNfi�m Possess a siuN not namaM'P�sessed bY a�Y �� �1' IN�P�oYee7
Is this pxsorofirtn a tazgeted vendoR
�y i �Ir� (: CTli !=I�3
w, iHFORwnnoN tezvwp
Minnesota Lawfu{ Gambling
Bingo Hai1 License Apptication - LG30U
A bingo hall license is requirad for any premises where more than
one organizatio� conducts bingo.
Hall lnformation
Name of Bingo Ha1t
..�DC'A � N
Street Address ot Bingo Hati
I I q V 9f1��' S?
Phane Numbes
(6��z ) � K' 6`'�1
MaOing Atldress (if different from abave)
Type af Business (checkone box)
Sole Proprieforship
Liability Co.
Tennsssen Waraing: The informatian requested on th+s form
(including any attacbments} witi be used by the Gambling Controi
Soard (8oard} to determine your qualifications to be invokved in
lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and io assist the Board in
co�ducting e background investigation of yon. You have the rigtrt
to retuse ta supply the informaiion requested; however, if you refuse
to suppiy this information, the Board may not be a41e ro determine
your quatificaGans an�Y, as a consaque�ce, may refuse to issue
you a license If you supply the irtformation requested, the Board
witl be abfe to process your application. If the Board does not fssue
you a license, ail information provided in Me process of apptying
tor a license remains pcivate, with She exceRtion of your name
and address which witi remain public.
�age 1 of 2
Fes Date ! t
Chk. initials
License No. BH
Privake data about you is available oniy to the foilowirtg: Board
members, staH of the Board whose work assignment requires that
they have access to the information; the Department of Public Safety;
the Attorney Generai; the Commissioners ofAdministratiofl, Firrance,
and Revenue; the legislative Auditor, natlonaf and internationat
gambling regufatory sgencies; anyooe pursuantto court order; other
individuais and agencies thatmay be specifrcatty authorized by state
or fcx{era4 faw to have access to such infarmation; individua�s and
agencies for whicfi law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing
of the intormatioo after this notice is given; you: and ar.yone wRh
your written wtt«ent.
Questions on this form ShouM he directed to the Gambling Conirot
8oatd at (@12j 639-4000. Hearing �mpaired individuals using a T7Y
may call the Minr.esota Relay Service at 1-8Q�-6273529 and ask to
place a cafl to (612) 639-4000. 4h+s pub6cation wi11 be made
available in altematrve format (i e. large print, Brailte) upon request
{ Minnesota Sales and Use 7ax ID Number {if none, write "None'�: �
Bingo Hail License Application -1.G300 Aage 2;�8
Loca! 11n+t of Goverflment Acknowfedgment
tf the gambling premtses is within cEty iimits, the city must stgn this appilcatlon.
On behatf of the city, 1 acknowledge that this
aqpiication wiii be fonvarded to the appropriate city.
officiafs, the city must pass a resolutia� specificaily
approving or denying this application, and a copy of
the resolution wiii Be forwarded tfl the appiying
Print name of city:
{Signature af city personnel teceiving �
�<� /%'oC1/'�
Title /1'/ �iy, i-a_ P�`
gambfing prsmises is located in a tovimshtp;`�bofh #he county and township must sign this apppcatlon.
F�,r the townshio: On behalf of the township, 1
acknowledge, by this signature, awareness oF this
appfication and that the township has no authority to
deny or approve an appfication.
�or the countv� On behaif of the counry, i
acknowlecfge that this application wiil be forwarded to
the appropriate county officiafs, the county must pass
a resolution spec�calty approving or denying this
application, and a copy of the resolution wiff be
forvrarded to the applying organ'szation.
Print name of tow�ship:
(Signatura of township
Title Date /
Print name of county:
of county
• t declare that this application is correct and com-
plete to the best of my kncwiedge and belief.
• i wi11 #amiiiarize myself with the laws of the state of
MinnesoYa and ruies of the Board regarding gamb-
ling and agree, if licensed, to abide by those taws
and rules, inciuding amendments to them.
� i declare that I am qualified under the terms of
Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpart 3, to be
licensed as a bir�go hall and wili abide by the
restrictions seY forth in Minnesota Rules, part
7882.0090, subpart 4. _
i declare that any lease agreements between the
bingo hati liceasee and iawful gambling organizations
wifl specificalfy identify any goods or services that the
organization is required ±o purchase from the lessor
or a thfrd parky vendor, and khat all goods and
services furnished as Qart of the lease agreement wifl
be vaiued at their fair market value.
• Ghanges in the information submi8ed in this
appiication wiii be submitted in wriiing to the Board
and tocal unit of government within Yen days after the
change occurs.
Signature of CEO of the Lesso
`r / �� t �'�
Attach the Foltowing and Mail
� LG30Q, Singo HaII License Applicatiort;
ti� L�302, Bingo HaA Occasion List;
�i LG315, Bingo Hali Personnel Information;
J Proof of ownership {warranty deed, contraci for deed,
property tax statement, or other);
J Locat unft of government approval resolu6an {for c'rry
or county}; and
v Gheck for 52,5001icense fee payable fo "State of
Minnesota" (fees are consi@ered eamed artd afe not
prorated or transferrable}.
Maii application and attachments to:
Gambling Control Soard
Suite 300 South
1771 WesY County Road B
Roseviile, MN 5511a
Minnesota Lawful Gamblin,g
Bingo Hall Occasion List - LG302
Bingo Halt Name � n Fn � t ��� ` Address
`'V ,Z—N 1T l�
Rotafing Schedule: Yes (If yes, sutmd a calendar with the name of the
No t'
conducting bingo on each day.)
I Name of Organizalion Organization's Premises Permit or Hours of
Conduding Binga Occasions Exempiion Permit Number or Singo
, EuGuded Authorization Bingo Date Occasions
Monday � a G �^F«M%NF ��
Tuesday 1 �' firr � -
Friday `� t r/'�/ut
� No more than 21 bingo occasions
are permitted at each hall perweek.
� ff the organization dces not yet have
a number, write "permii (or exemp-
tion} appiied for."
3 Enter fhe starting and ending times
for each occasion (for exampie,
7-9 p.m., 3:30-& p.m.). A bingo
occasion must be at least 90
minutes and no more than four
Ghanges in the above information
mustbe submifted in writing to the
Hoard within ten days. A change
occurs itan erganization canducts
bingo on a day and time ather t6an
that reflected ore the 8ingo Ha11
Occasio� list, or'rf an organlzation
is added or deleted on the
Mai1 this form to:
Gambfing Controi Board
Suite 3A0 South
1711 W. GounEy Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
Questions on this form should be
directed to the Gambling Controf Board
at (612) 639-4000.1f you use a TTY, you
can call us by using the Minnesota Refay
Service at 1-800-627-3528 and ask to
place a caii to (612j 639-4060.7his form
wiil be made availabfe in alternative
format (i.e. large print, Braille) oport
The information requested on this form
will became publ+c in{ormation when
received 6y the Board, and wiN Be used
to determine your CamplianCe with
Minnesota statutes and rules governing
{awful gambiing activities.
9 � �y�
Date: May 12, 1998
Tune: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Keliogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathmau
L.egislative Hearing Officer
Ideal Hall,1494 Dale Street North
The Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends granting the license.
May 12, 1998
Room 33Q City Hall
Gerry Strathman, L.egislative Hearing Officer
STA�F PRESENT: Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEP).
Note: This matter will be considered at the May 20 City Council meeting.
Getry Strathman called the meeting ta order at 6:00 p.m.
Gerry Suathman reported this is a legislative heazing to deal with objections that have been
raised to the issuance of a bingo hali license for ldeal Hali at 1494 Dale Street North.
Antonio Moran, applicant, and 7oe Perkovich, previous owner, appeazed.
Christine Rozek reported the new applicant is T.S.T. Ideai Hall. The principals of that
corporation are Stacy Mulso, Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist. There are seven
requirements all of which have been met: all state forms have been received, City Workers
ComplTa�c ID Form has been received, the license fee has been paid, the police record check has
been done and is okay, the zoning has been approved, a current certificate of occupancy from the
Fire Department has been done, and the bingo hall is located at least two miles from another
bingo hall. The bingo occasions are on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. There
are cunenfly conditians on the license of no more than nine bingo occasions a week. The District
6 Planning Council has approved tlus application. The LIEP office recommends appmval.
Gerry Strathman asked were there any present or pending adverse actions against this license.
Christine Rozek answered no.
Steve Battisto and Marion Battisto, both of 1500 North Dale Street North, appeared. Mr. Battisto
stated his primary concern is the loud music on the weekends when the haii is rented. On several
occasions, Mr. Battisto has cleaned up vomit around his building. There is excess tra�c and his
driveway is blocked at times. He picks up pull tabs constanfly, although this is minor. The doors
are sometimes open an the bingo ha11. Ms. Battisto stated she picks up debris sometimes. There
are fights occasionally.
Gerry STrathman asked were they concerned about events other than the bingo. Steve BattisYo
responded the bingo is tolerable. Marion Battisto responded she gets stale cigarette smoke
coming in one window. The exhaust system may not be high enough. The smoke can be so
overwhelming she has to leave the room.
Gerry Strathman stated he received a call from someone who identified herself as from the
neighborhood. This person did not identify any cunent problems. The Craffic in the alley has
gone away, and she has no probiems with the bingo. Mr. Strathman read a letter received from
Ron and Debra Carlson, 601 Arlington Avenue West, who writes they aze against the business
9�� Yyz
getting a Class C liquor license, but a liquor license is not being applied for. Christine Rozek
stated she tried calling the Carlsons but could not reach them.
Antonio Moran stated people are out of the buiiding at 12:3Q a.m. when thcre aze weddings. A
police officer is hired and checks to make sure people leava. Mr. Moran is cleaning unti12:30
a.m. At that time, there is no one in the parking lot and the cazs are gone. Mr. Moran stated he
has only been there a month and a half and this is tus experience.
Steve Battisto stated it is not noisy all the time. Marion Battisto stated she can hear muslc
sometimes in her hause. Antonio Moran suggested the Battistos ca11 the hall so the music can be
turned down.
Joe Perkovich stated he let the Battisto's customers park in his lot. Also, Steve Battisto will not
prune his trees that hang into the street. Marion Battisto stated she received a death notice on her
answering machine from Joe Perkovich and he pazks his truck in the alley day after day. The
police had to be called to get him from doing that. Gerry SCrathman stated these personal issues
do not belong at this meeting; the only issue is if there is a basis to denp this license.
Gerry Strathman asked are there any accommodations that can make the operations less
objectionable to the neighbors. Antonio Moran responded if there is loud music, the Battistos
should ca11 him. He does not have a lot of money so the bingo heips him pay the rent.
Steve BatCisto felt that some sort of sound proofing can be done to deaden the noise. The noise
may be a nuisance to a new tenant. The tenant that lives in the front works at night. Gerry
5trathman responded the City can measure the noise with a sound measuring device if it is
ongoing. Arrangements can be made ahead of time if loud noise is expected. Antonio Moran
stated he is wiiling to turn the music down and does not want to be an enemy. 7oe Perkovich
stated the ceiling is dropped down and does not know why anyone can hear the noise.
Gerry Strathman hoped the applicant heazd the concerns here and will do something about it.
However, these concerns do not rise to the level of denying the license. Until the City has
estahlished that the police have been called repeatedly or the binga hall is constanfly breaking the
noise ordinance, there is not much that can be done. There is no record of violations. Steve
Battisto stated a record could have been established along the way.
Antonio Moran stated at the district meeting a few weeks, one neighbor said he liked the hall.
Steve Battisto asked was he notified of that meeting. 7ae Perkovich responded everyone in the
neighborhood received letters. Gerry Strathman stated the district council organized that meeting
and he was not sure if Mr. Battisto was notified.
Antonio Moran gave Marion Battisto his phone number and told her to call him if there ate any
noise problems.
Gerry Strathman recommended this bingo hall license be granted.
Tl�e meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
9 �'-yyZ
Minnesafa Lawfui Gambling
Binga Hali Fersonnet information - lG315
Compfete this form if you are lisfed under "Owner tnformation" on the 1G3�� 8ingo Hati �icense Application.
Singo Hail lnformation
Name a.' Bingo Nali Licer,se Numbei
�nc�r L/411 BH r'l(? i
3. Home Address
4. Home Telepho
(��2 ) 7
5. Full Name at:
Gcense Number
BitthPiace (city. 51ate, and proveicet
�ates or serv:ce
Yes L1 No
6. Chec3c all that aAP�Y with Bingo Hali:
a.} k pwner 6)_SOIe Propnetor5hip c.) X Persort or Eatity with a direct or indirect flnaociat mterest of fiva percent or more
d.},Partner e.)�Corporate Officer fJ�Director 4.)�Manager hJ_Supervisor
Bingo HaSt Duties:
Z Emp4oyment record for tfle past ten years. Wst the most current first, incfuding dates of unemployment or educalion
(list schooi and address). if you owned a business in Minnesota, include the Minnesota 3aies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets i1 necessary.
Emptoyert5chool Address Position held Dates Type of Business MN Saies
�G12 � y
Page 1 of 2
Fuii Middle Name
i U /?'l.4 /`iG
e Social Security Number
y�s- �u 53�t
�. �
8. Place ot residence for #he past ten years (use addifional sheets if necessaryJ:
Address CitylStatelZip
cuaenr 1 t63 %7 5� N. D�/'OAC.c /hN SS 1
Pesr �,'/� f1A5f% }� U. Nc�..� Par�
Dates ef Residenoe
i _ <i'� _ A���
�K � 9. Criminal history statement (except petry m.isdemeanors). Inctude the date you were charged, the cityJstate where the
charges were filed, and tfie disposition of the case. 4f none, write "none."
{ysi t4�E ssame, addtess, aad license or exemption percrit nomtrer of any
exciuded organization yau belong to which conducis Iawful gambiing in
Of F_YemOtron Permrt NumbO!
.S' �/Z QltSo� CA�rr%
i and na^+e antl adGress ot any
If none, write "none."
7Me '
(w�tinued a�
Bingo Hail Personnei fnformation - LG315
License No. � Name of 8mgo Hall
Personrtel Name
Page 2 of 2
�ath and Consent
t t have never been convicted af a fetar,y.
2. f have never been convicted of a crime involving gambling,
3. i have neve� been convided oI assault. a criminal viotation
invofving fne use of a firearm, or making tertoristic threats.
4. I am not current�y ot have never been engaged in a connected
wAh an iNegal business.
5. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent tazes to the state of
6. I have nat had a sales and use tax permit ravoked by the
commissioner cf revenue within the last two years.
7. I have fited, after demand, tax returns required by the
commissioner of revertue.
8. I am not a ficensed distributor or affiliate of a disinbutor urtder
Mina Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am not a ticensed manufacturer or aKliate o£ a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 348.163.
10.1 witi not 6e an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduet of
lawtui gambiing, or represenk a licensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, ar influence the purohase of,
lawful gambfing equepment
t i. I am not a whoiesale disVibutor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of aicaholic treverages.
12. I wilt not provide any staif to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo ar any other form of lawFul gambling on the premises.
13.1 will not acquire gambiing equiRment or provide inventory
control fior any arganization that conducts IawFul gamDiing on
the premises.
14.1 will not prepare or assist in the preparaGon of any reports
raquired by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0120, subp. 3, for an
otganization canducting IawfW gambiing on the premises.
15. t wilt not ptaviCe accounTing services to any ar9anization
conducNng fawfW gambling on the premises.
t6. ( wiii not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
ot an organizafion's gross receipts from lawful gamhling,
t7. I will not chatge any fee to a person without which the person
could not play bingo or participate in another form of lawful
gambling on the premises.
78. � wilt noF provide assistance or parficipate in Yhe conduct of
law£ul gambiing on the premises.
19. t wiil not percnit more than Zt bingo occasions to be conducted
on the pcem+ses in any week.
20. I will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assisant gam6ling manager or identily to an organizatian a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager oc
assistant gambling manager.
21. I wiii noi be involved in the procurement of, or irtiluencing tne
procurement of, IawfW gambl'sng equipment for an organ¢ation
which conducYS lawful gam6ling on the iicensee's premises.
22. t wi0 not provide or permit an a�liate or persort acting on behaff
of the bingo hait ticensee ta provide any compensation. 9iR,
gratuity, Premium, contribution, or thing of valus to a Gambling
Controf Baard empbyee or member of the Gambling Controi
23. i wi11 not directly or mdirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, toans of
money, premiums, or other gratuiSes to 9ambling organiza8ons,
or their empbyees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed a
value of $25 per o�ganization in a calendar year.
i� addition, 1 understand, a9ree, and hereby irrevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the su6ject matter of ffie bingo
haii license appiication, or acts or omissions arsing fran such
apptication, may be commenced against me in a�y court of
campetsnt jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the MinnesoW
Secretary of State of a�y summons, process, or pieading authotized
by thz laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigoed authorizes the
Department of Publia Safety to conduct a background investigation
porsuant to Minnesota Rules, paR 7862.0010, subpart 10.
6URTHER AFFIANT SAYE'fH N,T , pt that this Oath and
Conserrt Statement are sup rt of the appticaGOn for
a bingo hal '. �_rf .��.fbiing C trol Board.
�`C �;'� MY �° �..�— �/ �
/771AD" GTZfiG��, � . _.,-a5;2✓�� ( 1 of� I ��
(Signature of Binga NaA Personnei Applicant) .� / ; (Date Signad}
fi�scribed and swom to befor jq�e this �� day of I_ 7 �CZLc� J , 19 ��
( r 3 / i�
(COmmission expiradoN
Attach and Mai!
Attach all LG375 forms to the LG300 Singo Hal{ License
Apptication fortn, ar submit when information chaoges, and
send to: Gambling Control Board
Suita 90o South
1711 West County Roed B
Rosevllle, MN 55113
Tennessen War�ing: 7he informatian �equested on this form
(inUudiog any atcachments} wiii be used by the Gambiing Control
Board (8oard} to detertnine your qua4ifications to be involved in
'awful gambiing aCtivities in Minnesota, and to assi5t the 9oarci ia
;onducting a tradcground investigation of you You have the right to
�efuse to suppiy the information requested; hawever, if you refuse
o supply this intormaicon, the Hoard may not 6e able to determine
our qualifi;ztions and. as a cansequence, may refusa to issue you
ilc2nse if you supply the mformaUOn requested, the Soard wNl he
51e to process yaur application If the Board does not issue you a
:ense, aft informaUOn provided m the process of app�ying for a
ense remains prtvate, with the exceplion of your name and atldress
vch wdl remain pub6c.
Disctosu�e of Sociat Security Namber
You are required to provide your Social Security number on
ihis form. Your Sociai Security number wiii be used to
determine your compliance with the tax faws of Minnesafa.
Authorization for requiring yaur Sociai Security number is 4ound
at U.S.C. 405{c)Si).
Private data a6aut you is avaiiabte oniy to the foifowing: Soartl mem-
6e�s, staff of the Board whose work assignmeot reqwres that they
have access ta the inEormation; the DepaKment of Pubttc Satety;
fhe Attorney General; the Commissioners ofAdmin'wtraticn, Finance.
and Revenue, the l.egisla:ive Auditor, national and intemationai gam-
b4ing regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other
indiwduals and agencies that may be specificaliy authorized by state
ar fedesal law to have access to such inEormation; indiv�duals and
agencres for which taw or lega! orde� authorizes a new use ot shar-
ing of the mformation afte� this notice is givea, you; and anyaee
wrth your written consent This form wdl 6e made avai4able in aiter-
native formaf (i.e large pnnt, Braitle) upon request
Mirrnesota Lawfu! Gambting
Bingo Hall Persannei information - LG315
Comptete this form if you are Iisted under "Owner Intormation" on the LG300 Bingo Hatl License Application.
Bingo Hall Information
Name of Bingo Hail License Number (i
i D��-� H-R�-�. sH c�oa
Address CitylStatelZip TefeRhone i
� y y� .il I•� �� S � S t � g � �.�.� Ssif 7(�a )<
Personnei information
1. Lasf Name First Name Full Middle iVame
A tF t-C� v j s r' S±£��,� /y/ i c�fA-F t..
�2. Maiden Name Previous Name Social Securitv Numb
3. Home Address CirylStata�p
fa 7� (� oo �B �6E S i_ S� -
4. Home Telephone No. Drivers License Number State of
(G,1.�)�/�7_�s/r19 d_i./�� - �7�-��z_A7�
Page 1 of 2
//� ' CPlA ^ /a' 7 ✓
Msv. SS�l7
of Birth Birthplace (caty, state, and province}
�j3�.�3 S � PP�V L !�?Al ,
Dates of Service U.S. Citizen?
Yes l� No
6. Check all that appry with Bingo Hall:
aJ_�Owner b.)_SOIe Proprietorship cJ � Person or Entity with a direct or in�lirect financiai interest of five percent or more
d.)_Padner e.)_ CZCorporate Officer fJ_Directar g.) � Manager h.)_Supervisor
Bingo Hatl Duties:
7. Empfoyment record for the past ten years. List the most current first, including dates of unemployment or education
{Iist schooi and address). Ifi you owned a b�siness in Minnesota, include the Minnesota Saies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets if necessary.
EmployerfSchool _ Address _ �,� ,� Position beld Dates Type of Business MN Sales
CurrentTST CQfAt�.c6 Cft�eR�N� e ° �£�64 I T3 ��
Past: /rliqwccT /'�✓r7 . Sroox Fa�.�s sv t��...,-�..,cf
"1'a ¢.Tll[,A- G�a1r 5 � �RPlF✓a+D p�„L S
J„E••�-*SCK� f�nR � �,�,.� Ca'��< b
P{ace of residence for the past ten years (use additional sheets if necessary):
Address CityfStatelZip
^ TaXNO.
��G— v� '�l. 1812;/�
✓-9S .Ss+coNs
- 9Y s<T.w�.,r JG4�6 97
- 9i �i.a-�
Dates of esidence
SSn 7 9j/ 7� - i�P£.tE.�
9. Criminal history statement (except petty misdemeanors). Incfude the date you were charged, the citylstate where the
charges were fiied, and the disposition of the case. If none, write "none °
0. List the name, address, and Iicense or exemption permit number of any organization and name antl address ot any
excluded organization you belong to which condu�rts tawfuf gambling in Mi�nesota. If none, write "none"
.� . .. .. . . _ , �
� (continued on
Bingo Hall Personnel Information - LG315
License No. Name of Bingo Hall
BSi ! t7F�t� {i�4�C_
Oath and Co
_ . _ Page 2 of 2
Personnel Name
STErf� ���-QU�S)
1. I have never 6een convicted of a felony.
2. I have never been convictetl of a cnme involving gambling.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a criminal vio�ation
invoWing the use of a firearm, or making terroristic tfireats.
4. 1 am not currently or have never been engaged in or connected
wfth an iliegal business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes to the state of
6. 1 have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by tfie
commissioner af revenue within the last two years.
7. i have fited, afYer demand, tax retums required by the
commissioner of revenue.
8. 1 am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 349.161.
9. I am not a licensed manufacturer or a�liate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 will not be an officer, director, paid employee, or votunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduct of
IawFui gambling, or represent a Iicensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, or inFluence the purchase of,
lawfuf gambling equipment.
11. I am not a whofesa{e distributor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of alcoholic beverages.
12. I will not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawful gambling on the premises.
13.1 wiii not acquire gambiing equipment or provide inventory
control for any organization that conducts lawful gambling on
the premises.
74. 1 wiil not prepare or assist in the preparation of any raports
required by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0720, subp. 3, for an
organization conducting lawfui gambling on the premises.
15. I will not provide accounting services to any organization
conducting lawful gambl+ng on the premises.
16. I will not soiicit, suggest, encourage, or make any expenditures
of ao organization's gross receipts from lawfu! gambling.
17.1 wiil not charge any fee to a person without which the perso
could not play bingo or participate in another form of
gambiing on the premises. . , � �
..��� �,..a��.� k1t
and sworn to before me this��! day of
Attach and Mail
Attach all LG315 fortns to the LG300 Bingo Hail License
Application form, or submit when information changes, and
send to: Gambiing Contro! Boartl
Suite 300 South
1711 West County Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
'ennessen Warrting: The information requested on this form
�nctuding any attacbments) wiil be used by the Gambling Control
oard jBoard) to determine your qualifications to be invotved in
wfuf gambiing activities in Minnesota, and to assist tfie Board in
mducting a background investigation of you. You have the tight to
fuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse
supply this informatwq the Board may not be abie to determine
ur qualificaNOns and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you
cense. If you suppiy ihe information requested, the Board will he
e to process your application. If the Board does not issue you a
nse, all �nformation provided �n the process of applying for a
ase remains prrvate, wdh the excephon o( your name and address
;h wdl remain public
18. 1 wiit not provide assistance or partic+pate in the conduct of
lawfui gambiing on the premises.
19. I will not pertnit more than 21 bingo occasions to be wnducted
on the premises in any week.
20. I wifl not recruif a person to bewme a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager or identlty to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager.
21, I witl not be involved in the procurement of, ar influencing the
procurement of, lawFul gambting equipment for an organization
which conducts Iawful gambling on the licensee's premises.
22.1 wiU not provide or perznit an affiliate or person acting on behaif
of the bingo hail licensee to provide any compensation, gift,
gratuity, premium, contribution, or thing of value to a C�ambling
Control Soartl employee or member of the Gambting Control
23. f wiil not directly or indirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, loans of
money, premiums, or other gratuities to gambling organizations,
or thei� employees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed e
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, I understand, agree, and hereby ircevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts or omissions arising from such
apppcation, may be commenced against me in any court of
competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota
Secretary of State of any summons, process, orpleading authorized
by the laws ot Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned autfiorizes the
Departme�t of PublicSafety to co�duct a hackgrou�d investigation
pursuant to Minnesota Rufes, part 7862.0010, subpart 10.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYE7N N07, ezcept that this Oath and
Consent Statement are s� d N support of the application for
a bin o � � ambl ag Control Board.
rr�enuS1RA J. G1E ._' ,.,� � i
20�9 r;
�-",.. g/ ,
'� l o�� 1 / d
(f7ate Signed)
, is 9�'
� r�L� aCOd
(Commission expiration)
Disciosure of Social Security Number
You are required to provide your Social5ecurity number on
this form. Your Social Security number will be used to
determine your compfiance with the tax laws of Minnesota.
Authorization for requiring your Social Security number is found
at U.S.C. 405(c){i).
Private data about you is availabte only to the following: Board mem-
bers, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they
have access to the information; the Department of Pubtic Safety;
theAttorney Generat, the Commissioners ofAdministretion, Finance,
and Revenue; the legislativeAUditor, national and intemational9am-
bling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order, other
individuais and age�cies that may be specificaily authorized by state
or federal law to have access to such information; individuais and
agencies for which law or fegal o�der authorizes a new use or shar-
ing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone
with your written consent. This form wiN be made available in alter-
native format (i,e. large pnnt, Braille) upon request
y �- yy�
Minnesota Lawful Gambitng st�sres
Bingo Ha11 Personnel Information Page 1 of 2
Compiete this fortn ff you are listed under "Owner Information" on the LG300 Bingo Hat! License Application, or within ten
davs after a change in i�formation. Incomptete, faise, or misteading applicaUon information may resuit in denial of a license.
Home Addrass
State Zip Gode
M N 551`2
s�rtnPtace c�ry a�a sraa
Fuli Middfe Nai
,d none, wrtte "no
�tary Service Oates af Senice � US. Cflizen: - If no, enter regi:
� t � N� J�Yes p No
wfth Bingo Hafl (chedc one): �Sole Proprietarship � Managet O Supervfsor
� Partner O Corporate Officer (� Director
ient RecorU for the past ten years tuse separace sneei, n
i(school, address, dates). if you owned a business i� M
Empioyer Atldress Posttion Held
of Residence for the past ten years (use separate sheet, if necessary).
Atldress City State 21p Cade
Name Social Sewdty P
Homa Phone
� ��/!'7���X..��
Dates of Residence
� — ��
21�, _ S.JG
Criminal History Statement (except petty mistlemeanors). �nauae me aa[e you were cnargea, me ci[ps�a�e wue�a u�c u�a�y�� .._,_
filed, and the disposition of the qse. If none, write "none" (Use separate sheet, ff necesSary.)
iinnesata, or name and address of any excluded oi
Organizatbn �e�
OrganizaQOn Adtlress
)rganizatlon Addres! Lkense w
). Indude periods of unempioyment (dates) or
iclude the Minnesota Sales Tax and Use ID Number.
Dates 7ype of Bustness MN Sales Tau #
= v. P. 51q2- �r�nt ca:te� - i8�2�
•rr nni.�. �Ican , .�iocor� nlrir.c �1
you belong to which contlucts iawru� ga���
of titfe: Member.) If none, write "none."
License or Exempt Pertn@ Number
Nvmbar TNe
Numbar Tide
(conUnued on back)
1 Personnet information �
Hall Personnel Informatioa
Oath and Consent Statement
t. I have never been convicted of a felony.
2. t have never been convided of a crime invofving gambting.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a uimi�al violation in-
valving the use of a firearm, or making terroristic threats.
4. I am not currenUy or have never 6een engaged in or conneGed
with an illegat business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in deiinquent taxes to the state of
6. f have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com-
missioner of revenue within the last two years.
7. f have filed, after demand, tax retums required by the commis-
sioner of revenue.
8. t am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am nat a iicensed manufadurer or afhliate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 wilt not be an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer oE
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conducf of
tawful gambling, or represent a iicensed, exempt, or exduded
organization in the purchase of, or influence the purchase of,
IawFul gambling equipment.
t t, l am not a wholesate distributor or an affiliate or an emplayee
of a wholesale distributor of atcohotic beverages.
12. t wiii not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawfut gamhling on the premises.
13. � wiA �ot acquire gambling equipment or provide inventory con-
tro! for any organization that conducts tawful gambiing on the
74. i will not prepare or assist in the preparation of any reports
required by Minn. Rules, paR 786M1.0120, subp. 3, for an orga-
nization conducting lawfui gambiing on the premises.
15.1 wiil not provide accounting services to any organization con-
ducting lawful gambling on the premises.
f6. I wiil not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
af aa organization's gross receipts fran lawful gamblirtg.
� 17. I wili not charge any fee to a person withaut which the person
cou(d not pfay bingo or participate in another fortn of IawEui
, gambling on the premises. �
swom to before me this .—��O{ day
S 8-�i4�
'a9e 2 of 2
18. I will not provide assistance or participate in the condud of
tawfut gambling on the premises. "
19. I wiil not pertnit more than 27 bingo occasians to be rAnducted
on the premises in any vreek
20. t will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambting manager or identify to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambiing manager or
assistant gambling ma�ager.
21.1 will not be invoived in the procurement of, or influencing the
procurement af, lawfut gambting equipmerrt for an organization
which conducts fawFul gambling on the licensee's premises.
22. I wili not provide or pertnit an afifiliate er person acting on be-
half of the hingo hall iicensae to provide any compensation,
gift, gratuity, premium, conV7butian, orthing ofvalueto a Gam-
bling CanVCt Boazd employee or member ofthe Gambling Con-
trol Board.
23. ! will not directiy or indirectly give gifls, Vips, prizes, loans of
money, ptemiums, or other gratuities to gambling oiyanizations,
or the±r employees, other than nominal gifls not to exceed a
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts ar omissions arising ftom such ap-
piication, may 6e commenced against me in any court of compe-
tent iurisdidion in Minnesota by service an the Minnesota Secre-
tary of State ef any summons, process, or pieading authorized by
the laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned author¢es the
Depariment of Public Safety to conduct a background investiga-
tion pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpa�t t0.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Oath and
Consent Statement are submitted in support of the application for
a bingo hail license from the Gambiing Control8oard.
'ennessen Waming: The information requested on this form (inGuding any
ttachments) will be used �y the Caam6ling ConUOI Board (Board) to deter-
iine your quaiifications to be involved in lawful 9ambiing activiUes in Min-
�sota, and to assist the Board in conducGng a baUcground imesUgation of
�u. You have the rigM to refuse fo supply fhe information requested; how-
�er, if you refuse to supply this infortnation, the Board may not be abfe to
dermine your quali8cations and, as a consequenca, may retuse to issue
u a ficense. if you suppiy the inkrtnation requested, the Hoard will be able
process your appticaGoa It the Board does nW issue you a license, all
xmation provided tn the process otapplying Tor a ttcense remains priwate,
i the ezceptioo of yuur name and atldress which will remain publ(c.
�ate data about you is available only W the foibwing: Boartl members,
f of the Board w�osa work assignment requires thet they have acceu tn
information: the Departmenf ot Pu611c Safety: Ne Atiomey Generai; the
�missianers of ACminisVatlon, Finance, and Revenue; the LegfslaGve
tor, national anA infemational gambling regutatory agencies; anyone
uant to court ordar, other individuats and agen t hat may be
specificaity authodzed by state ortecferai iaw m nave ac��o w����� ������-
maGon; inditiduats antl agencies fur whFch iaw or legal order authosizes a
rtew use or sharing of the iMormation after tfiis notice is given; you; antl
anyone with your written conunt. This tortn will be made available in alter-
naUve fartnat (i.e. iarge print, Braille) upon request.
DhGosure of Soclal Secudty Numbec You are required to provide your
Soda� Sewrity number on this form. Your Sx1al Security number wip be
used to determine your compitance with the taz laws of Minnesota. Autha
rization for requiri� your5ociai Security numberis fou� at u.S.C.405(c)(i).
Attach and Mail
Attach al1 LG315 forms to the LG300 Bingo Hall License Appiica-
tion fartn, or submit when infortnation cha�es, and send ta:
Gambling Control Board
Sufte 300 South
171� West County Road B
Rosevflle, MN b6113 _
Council File # � � "�1 �a'
Green 5heet # � C) 8��-5
Committee Date
Refecred To
1 RESOLVED, That applicarion, ID#19980000424, for a Bingo Hall License by T.S.T. Ideai Aall {Stacy Mulson,
2 Antonio Moran and Steven Ahlquist, Co-owners) DBA Ideal Hali, 1494 Dale Street North, be and the same is
3 hereby approved.
Requested by Department of:
iopted by Council; Date �2�
lopti Certified by Council Secretary
'. 9 \ �. �- � lr-�-iAv-„�x� � .
By, � — . !�t' �
Form Approved by-City Attomey
By: �/
Approved by,Mayor for Submission to Council
By: (
�roved by Mayor:
�,,�,�,a,� __ ___ - ---- _ .__
__.__ ��y�z
sizsi9a GREEN SHEET No fi0895
Gerry Strathman
oorr.Artt�rt p�crue
❑ wuwcutttcav�cFSOU�. ❑ wuucw.mm�eeta
❑ r�voxiwe�itmsrrNry ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Ha11 License by T.S.T. Ideal Hall (Stacy Mulson,
Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist, co-owners) dba Ideal Hall, 1494 Dale Street North.
(ID I119980000424)
Ffas+nis aersonRrm ever wakea m,aer a awn,acc rw utis depanmem4
F�s tlxa D��Mrtn erer hem a cdY emObYee?
Does this PerwNfi�m Possess a siuN not namaM'P�sessed bY a�Y �� �1' IN�P�oYee7
Is this pxsorofirtn a tazgeted vendoR
�y i �Ir� (: CTli !=I�3
w, iHFORwnnoN tezvwp
Minnesota Lawfu{ Gambling
Bingo Hai1 License Apptication - LG30U
A bingo hall license is requirad for any premises where more than
one organizatio� conducts bingo.
Hall lnformation
Name of Bingo Ha1t
..�DC'A � N
Street Address ot Bingo Hati
I I q V 9f1��' S?
Phane Numbes
(6��z ) � K' 6`'�1
MaOing Atldress (if different from abave)
Type af Business (checkone box)
Sole Proprieforship
Liability Co.
Tennsssen Waraing: The informatian requested on th+s form
(including any attacbments} witi be used by the Gambling Controi
Soard (8oard} to determine your qualifications to be invokved in
lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and io assist the Board in
co�ducting e background investigation of yon. You have the rigtrt
to retuse ta supply the informaiion requested; however, if you refuse
to suppiy this information, the Board may not be a41e ro determine
your quatificaGans an�Y, as a consaque�ce, may refuse to issue
you a license If you supply the irtformation requested, the Board
witl be abfe to process your application. If the Board does not fssue
you a license, ail information provided in Me process of apptying
tor a license remains pcivate, with She exceRtion of your name
and address which witi remain public.
�age 1 of 2
Fes Date ! t
Chk. initials
License No. BH
Privake data about you is available oniy to the foilowirtg: Board
members, staH of the Board whose work assignment requires that
they have access to the information; the Department of Public Safety;
the Attorney Generai; the Commissioners ofAdministratiofl, Firrance,
and Revenue; the legislative Auditor, natlonaf and internationat
gambling regufatory sgencies; anyooe pursuantto court order; other
individuais and agencies thatmay be specifrcatty authorized by state
or fcx{era4 faw to have access to such infarmation; individua�s and
agencies for whicfi law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing
of the intormatioo after this notice is given; you: and ar.yone wRh
your written wtt«ent.
Questions on this form ShouM he directed to the Gambling Conirot
8oatd at (@12j 639-4000. Hearing �mpaired individuals using a T7Y
may call the Minr.esota Relay Service at 1-8Q�-6273529 and ask to
place a cafl to (612) 639-4000. 4h+s pub6cation wi11 be made
available in altematrve format (i e. large print, Brailte) upon request
{ Minnesota Sales and Use 7ax ID Number {if none, write "None'�: �
Bingo Hail License Application -1.G300 Aage 2;�8
Loca! 11n+t of Goverflment Acknowfedgment
tf the gambling premtses is within cEty iimits, the city must stgn this appilcatlon.
On behatf of the city, 1 acknowledge that this
aqpiication wiii be fonvarded to the appropriate city.
officiafs, the city must pass a resolutia� specificaily
approving or denying this application, and a copy of
the resolution wiii Be forwarded tfl the appiying
Print name of city:
{Signature af city personnel teceiving �
�<� /%'oC1/'�
Title /1'/ �iy, i-a_ P�`
gambfing prsmises is located in a tovimshtp;`�bofh #he county and township must sign this apppcatlon.
F�,r the townshio: On behalf of the township, 1
acknowledge, by this signature, awareness oF this
appfication and that the township has no authority to
deny or approve an appfication.
�or the countv� On behaif of the counry, i
acknowlecfge that this application wiil be forwarded to
the appropriate county officiafs, the county must pass
a resolution spec�calty approving or denying this
application, and a copy of the resolution wiff be
forvrarded to the applying organ'szation.
Print name of tow�ship:
(Signatura of township
Title Date /
Print name of county:
of county
• t declare that this application is correct and com-
plete to the best of my kncwiedge and belief.
• i wi11 #amiiiarize myself with the laws of the state of
MinnesoYa and ruies of the Board regarding gamb-
ling and agree, if licensed, to abide by those taws
and rules, inciuding amendments to them.
� i declare that I am qualified under the terms of
Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpart 3, to be
licensed as a bir�go hall and wili abide by the
restrictions seY forth in Minnesota Rules, part
7882.0090, subpart 4. _
i declare that any lease agreements between the
bingo hati liceasee and iawful gambling organizations
wifl specificalfy identify any goods or services that the
organization is required ±o purchase from the lessor
or a thfrd parky vendor, and khat all goods and
services furnished as Qart of the lease agreement wifl
be vaiued at their fair market value.
• Ghanges in the information submi8ed in this
appiication wiii be submitted in wriiing to the Board
and tocal unit of government within Yen days after the
change occurs.
Signature of CEO of the Lesso
`r / �� t �'�
Attach the Foltowing and Mail
� LG30Q, Singo HaII License Applicatiort;
ti� L�302, Bingo HaA Occasion List;
�i LG315, Bingo Hali Personnel Information;
J Proof of ownership {warranty deed, contraci for deed,
property tax statement, or other);
J Locat unft of government approval resolu6an {for c'rry
or county}; and
v Gheck for 52,5001icense fee payable fo "State of
Minnesota" (fees are consi@ered eamed artd afe not
prorated or transferrable}.
Maii application and attachments to:
Gambling Control Soard
Suite 300 South
1771 WesY County Road B
Roseviile, MN 5511a
Minnesota Lawful Gamblin,g
Bingo Hall Occasion List - LG302
Bingo Halt Name � n Fn � t ��� ` Address
`'V ,Z—N 1T l�
Rotafing Schedule: Yes (If yes, sutmd a calendar with the name of the
No t'
conducting bingo on each day.)
I Name of Organizalion Organization's Premises Permit or Hours of
Conduding Binga Occasions Exempiion Permit Number or Singo
, EuGuded Authorization Bingo Date Occasions
Monday � a G �^F«M%NF ��
Tuesday 1 �' firr � -
Friday `� t r/'�/ut
� No more than 21 bingo occasions
are permitted at each hall perweek.
� ff the organization dces not yet have
a number, write "permii (or exemp-
tion} appiied for."
3 Enter fhe starting and ending times
for each occasion (for exampie,
7-9 p.m., 3:30-& p.m.). A bingo
occasion must be at least 90
minutes and no more than four
Ghanges in the above information
mustbe submifted in writing to the
Hoard within ten days. A change
occurs itan erganization canducts
bingo on a day and time ather t6an
that reflected ore the 8ingo Ha11
Occasio� list, or'rf an organlzation
is added or deleted on the
Mai1 this form to:
Gambfing Controi Board
Suite 3A0 South
1711 W. GounEy Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
Questions on this form should be
directed to the Gambling Controf Board
at (612) 639-4000.1f you use a TTY, you
can call us by using the Minnesota Refay
Service at 1-800-627-3528 and ask to
place a caii to (612j 639-4060.7his form
wiil be made availabfe in alternative
format (i.e. large print, Braille) oport
The information requested on this form
will became publ+c in{ormation when
received 6y the Board, and wiN Be used
to determine your CamplianCe with
Minnesota statutes and rules governing
{awful gambiing activities.
9 � �y�
Date: May 12, 1998
Tune: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Keliogg Boulevazd
Gerry Strathmau
L.egislative Hearing Officer
Ideal Hall,1494 Dale Street North
The Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends granting the license.
May 12, 1998
Room 33Q City Hall
Gerry Strathman, L.egislative Hearing Officer
STA�F PRESENT: Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEP).
Note: This matter will be considered at the May 20 City Council meeting.
Getry Strathman called the meeting ta order at 6:00 p.m.
Gerry Suathman reported this is a legislative heazing to deal with objections that have been
raised to the issuance of a bingo hali license for ldeal Hali at 1494 Dale Street North.
Antonio Moran, applicant, and 7oe Perkovich, previous owner, appeazed.
Christine Rozek reported the new applicant is T.S.T. Ideai Hall. The principals of that
corporation are Stacy Mulso, Antonio Moran, and Steven Ahlquist. There are seven
requirements all of which have been met: all state forms have been received, City Workers
ComplTa�c ID Form has been received, the license fee has been paid, the police record check has
been done and is okay, the zoning has been approved, a current certificate of occupancy from the
Fire Department has been done, and the bingo hall is located at least two miles from another
bingo hall. The bingo occasions are on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. There
are cunenfly conditians on the license of no more than nine bingo occasions a week. The District
6 Planning Council has approved tlus application. The LIEP office recommends appmval.
Gerry Strathman asked were there any present or pending adverse actions against this license.
Christine Rozek answered no.
Steve Battisto and Marion Battisto, both of 1500 North Dale Street North, appeared. Mr. Battisto
stated his primary concern is the loud music on the weekends when the haii is rented. On several
occasions, Mr. Battisto has cleaned up vomit around his building. There is excess tra�c and his
driveway is blocked at times. He picks up pull tabs constanfly, although this is minor. The doors
are sometimes open an the bingo ha11. Ms. Battisto stated she picks up debris sometimes. There
are fights occasionally.
Gerry STrathman asked were they concerned about events other than the bingo. Steve BattisYo
responded the bingo is tolerable. Marion Battisto responded she gets stale cigarette smoke
coming in one window. The exhaust system may not be high enough. The smoke can be so
overwhelming she has to leave the room.
Gerry Strathman stated he received a call from someone who identified herself as from the
neighborhood. This person did not identify any cunent problems. The Craffic in the alley has
gone away, and she has no probiems with the bingo. Mr. Strathman read a letter received from
Ron and Debra Carlson, 601 Arlington Avenue West, who writes they aze against the business
9�� Yyz
getting a Class C liquor license, but a liquor license is not being applied for. Christine Rozek
stated she tried calling the Carlsons but could not reach them.
Antonio Moran stated people are out of the buiiding at 12:3Q a.m. when thcre aze weddings. A
police officer is hired and checks to make sure people leava. Mr. Moran is cleaning unti12:30
a.m. At that time, there is no one in the parking lot and the cazs are gone. Mr. Moran stated he
has only been there a month and a half and this is tus experience.
Steve Battisto stated it is not noisy all the time. Marion Battisto stated she can hear muslc
sometimes in her hause. Antonio Moran suggested the Battistos ca11 the hall so the music can be
turned down.
Joe Perkovich stated he let the Battisto's customers park in his lot. Also, Steve Battisto will not
prune his trees that hang into the street. Marion Battisto stated she received a death notice on her
answering machine from Joe Perkovich and he pazks his truck in the alley day after day. The
police had to be called to get him from doing that. Gerry SCrathman stated these personal issues
do not belong at this meeting; the only issue is if there is a basis to denp this license.
Gerry Strathman asked are there any accommodations that can make the operations less
objectionable to the neighbors. Antonio Moran responded if there is loud music, the Battistos
should ca11 him. He does not have a lot of money so the bingo heips him pay the rent.
Steve BatCisto felt that some sort of sound proofing can be done to deaden the noise. The noise
may be a nuisance to a new tenant. The tenant that lives in the front works at night. Gerry
5trathman responded the City can measure the noise with a sound measuring device if it is
ongoing. Arrangements can be made ahead of time if loud noise is expected. Antonio Moran
stated he is wiiling to turn the music down and does not want to be an enemy. 7oe Perkovich
stated the ceiling is dropped down and does not know why anyone can hear the noise.
Gerry Strathman hoped the applicant heazd the concerns here and will do something about it.
However, these concerns do not rise to the level of denying the license. Until the City has
estahlished that the police have been called repeatedly or the binga hall is constanfly breaking the
noise ordinance, there is not much that can be done. There is no record of violations. Steve
Battisto stated a record could have been established along the way.
Antonio Moran stated at the district meeting a few weeks, one neighbor said he liked the hall.
Steve Battisto asked was he notified of that meeting. 7ae Perkovich responded everyone in the
neighborhood received letters. Gerry Strathman stated the district council organized that meeting
and he was not sure if Mr. Battisto was notified.
Antonio Moran gave Marion Battisto his phone number and told her to call him if there ate any
noise problems.
Gerry Strathman recommended this bingo hall license be granted.
Tl�e meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
9 �'-yyZ
Minnesafa Lawfui Gambling
Binga Hali Fersonnet information - lG315
Compfete this form if you are lisfed under "Owner tnformation" on the 1G3�� 8ingo Hati �icense Application.
Singo Hail lnformation
Name a.' Bingo Nali Licer,se Numbei
�nc�r L/411 BH r'l(? i
3. Home Address
4. Home Telepho
(��2 ) 7
5. Full Name at:
Gcense Number
BitthPiace (city. 51ate, and proveicet
�ates or serv:ce
Yes L1 No
6. Chec3c all that aAP�Y with Bingo Hali:
a.} k pwner 6)_SOIe Propnetor5hip c.) X Persort or Eatity with a direct or indirect flnaociat mterest of fiva percent or more
d.},Partner e.)�Corporate Officer fJ�Director 4.)�Manager hJ_Supervisor
Bingo HaSt Duties:
Z Emp4oyment record for tfle past ten years. Wst the most current first, incfuding dates of unemployment or educalion
(list schooi and address). if you owned a business in Minnesota, include the Minnesota 3aies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets i1 necessary.
Emptoyert5chool Address Position held Dates Type of Business MN Saies
�G12 � y
Page 1 of 2
Fuii Middle Name
i U /?'l.4 /`iG
e Social Security Number
y�s- �u 53�t
�. �
8. Place ot residence for #he past ten years (use addifional sheets if necessaryJ:
Address CitylStatelZip
cuaenr 1 t63 %7 5� N. D�/'OAC.c /hN SS 1
Pesr �,'/� f1A5f% }� U. Nc�..� Par�
Dates ef Residenoe
i _ <i'� _ A���
�K � 9. Criminal history statement (except petry m.isdemeanors). Inctude the date you were charged, the cityJstate where the
charges were filed, and tfie disposition of the case. 4f none, write "none."
{ysi t4�E ssame, addtess, aad license or exemption percrit nomtrer of any
exciuded organization yau belong to which conducis Iawful gambiing in
Of F_YemOtron Permrt NumbO!
.S' �/Z QltSo� CA�rr%
i and na^+e antl adGress ot any
If none, write "none."
7Me '
(w�tinued a�
Bingo Hail Personnei fnformation - LG315
License No. � Name of 8mgo Hall
Personrtel Name
Page 2 of 2
�ath and Consent
t t have never been convicted af a fetar,y.
2. f have never been convicted of a crime involving gambling,
3. i have neve� been convided oI assault. a criminal viotation
invofving fne use of a firearm, or making tertoristic threats.
4. I am not current�y ot have never been engaged in a connected
wAh an iNegal business.
5. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent tazes to the state of
6. I have nat had a sales and use tax permit ravoked by the
commissioner cf revenue within the last two years.
7. I have fited, after demand, tax returns required by the
commissioner of revertue.
8. I am not a ficensed distributor or affiliate of a disinbutor urtder
Mina Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am not a ticensed manufacturer or aKliate o£ a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 348.163.
10.1 witi not 6e an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduet of
lawtui gambiing, or represenk a licensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, ar influence the purohase of,
lawful gambfing equepment
t i. I am not a whoiesale disVibutor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of aicaholic treverages.
12. I wilt not provide any staif to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo ar any other form of lawFul gambling on the premises.
13.1 will not acquire gambiing equiRment or provide inventory
control fior any arganization that conducts IawFul gamDiing on
the premises.
14.1 will not prepare or assist in the preparaGon of any reports
raquired by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0120, subp. 3, for an
otganization canducting IawfW gambiing on the premises.
15. t wilt not ptaviCe accounTing services to any ar9anization
conducNng fawfW gambling on the premises.
t6. ( wiii not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
ot an organizafion's gross receipts from lawful gamhling,
t7. I will not chatge any fee to a person without which the person
could not play bingo or participate in another form of lawful
gambling on the premises.
78. � wilt noF provide assistance or parficipate in Yhe conduct of
law£ul gambiing on the premises.
19. t wiil not percnit more than Zt bingo occasions to be conducted
on the pcem+ses in any week.
20. I will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assisant gam6ling manager or identily to an organizatian a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager oc
assistant gambling manager.
21. I wiii noi be involved in the procurement of, or irtiluencing tne
procurement of, IawfW gambl'sng equipment for an organ¢ation
which conducYS lawful gam6ling on the iicensee's premises.
22. t wi0 not provide or permit an a�liate or persort acting on behaff
of the bingo hait ticensee ta provide any compensation. 9iR,
gratuity, Premium, contribution, or thing of valus to a Gambling
Controf Baard empbyee or member of the Gambling Controi
23. i wi11 not directly or mdirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, toans of
money, premiums, or other gratuiSes to 9ambling organiza8ons,
or their empbyees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed a
value of $25 per o�ganization in a calendar year.
i� addition, 1 understand, a9ree, and hereby irrevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the su6ject matter of ffie bingo
haii license appiication, or acts or omissions arsing fran such
apptication, may be commenced against me in a�y court of
campetsnt jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the MinnesoW
Secretary of State of a�y summons, process, or pieading authotized
by thz laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigoed authorizes the
Department of Publia Safety to conduct a background investigation
porsuant to Minnesota Rules, paR 7862.0010, subpart 10.
6URTHER AFFIANT SAYE'fH N,T , pt that this Oath and
Conserrt Statement are sup rt of the appticaGOn for
a bingo hal '. �_rf .��.fbiing C trol Board.
�`C �;'� MY �° �..�— �/ �
/771AD" GTZfiG��, � . _.,-a5;2✓�� ( 1 of� I ��
(Signature of Binga NaA Personnei Applicant) .� / ; (Date Signad}
fi�scribed and swom to befor jq�e this �� day of I_ 7 �CZLc� J , 19 ��
( r 3 / i�
(COmmission expiradoN
Attach and Mai!
Attach all LG375 forms to the LG300 Singo Hal{ License
Apptication fortn, ar submit when information chaoges, and
send to: Gambling Control Board
Suita 90o South
1711 West County Roed B
Rosevllle, MN 55113
Tennessen War�ing: 7he informatian �equested on this form
(inUudiog any atcachments} wiii be used by the Gambiing Control
Board (8oard} to detertnine your qua4ifications to be involved in
'awful gambiing aCtivities in Minnesota, and to assi5t the 9oarci ia
;onducting a tradcground investigation of you You have the right to
�efuse to suppiy the information requested; hawever, if you refuse
o supply this intormaicon, the Hoard may not 6e able to determine
our qualifi;ztions and. as a cansequence, may refusa to issue you
ilc2nse if you supply the mformaUOn requested, the Soard wNl he
51e to process yaur application If the Board does not issue you a
:ense, aft informaUOn provided m the process of app�ying for a
ense remains prtvate, with the exceplion of your name and atldress
vch wdl remain pub6c.
Disctosu�e of Sociat Security Namber
You are required to provide your Social Security number on
ihis form. Your Sociai Security number wiii be used to
determine your compliance with the tax faws of Minnesafa.
Authorization for requiring yaur Sociai Security number is 4ound
at U.S.C. 405{c)Si).
Private data a6aut you is avaiiabte oniy to the foifowing: Soartl mem-
6e�s, staff of the Board whose work assignmeot reqwres that they
have access ta the inEormation; the DepaKment of Pubttc Satety;
fhe Attorney General; the Commissioners ofAdmin'wtraticn, Finance.
and Revenue, the l.egisla:ive Auditor, national and intemationai gam-
b4ing regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other
indiwduals and agencies that may be specificaliy authorized by state
ar fedesal law to have access to such inEormation; indiv�duals and
agencres for which taw or lega! orde� authorizes a new use ot shar-
ing of the mformation afte� this notice is givea, you; and anyaee
wrth your written consent This form wdl 6e made avai4able in aiter-
native formaf (i.e large pnnt, Braitle) upon request
Mirrnesota Lawfu! Gambting
Bingo Hall Persannei information - LG315
Comptete this form if you are Iisted under "Owner Intormation" on the LG300 Bingo Hatl License Application.
Bingo Hall Information
Name of Bingo Hail License Number (i
i D��-� H-R�-�. sH c�oa
Address CitylStatelZip TefeRhone i
� y y� .il I•� �� S � S t � g � �.�.� Ssif 7(�a )<
Personnei information
1. Lasf Name First Name Full Middle iVame
A tF t-C� v j s r' S±£��,� /y/ i c�fA-F t..
�2. Maiden Name Previous Name Social Securitv Numb
3. Home Address CirylStata�p
fa 7� (� oo �B �6E S i_ S� -
4. Home Telephone No. Drivers License Number State of
(G,1.�)�/�7_�s/r19 d_i./�� - �7�-��z_A7�
Page 1 of 2
//� ' CPlA ^ /a' 7 ✓
Msv. SS�l7
of Birth Birthplace (caty, state, and province}
�j3�.�3 S � PP�V L !�?Al ,
Dates of Service U.S. Citizen?
Yes l� No
6. Check all that appry with Bingo Hall:
aJ_�Owner b.)_SOIe Proprietorship cJ � Person or Entity with a direct or in�lirect financiai interest of five percent or more
d.)_Padner e.)_ CZCorporate Officer fJ_Directar g.) � Manager h.)_Supervisor
Bingo Hatl Duties:
7. Empfoyment record for the past ten years. List the most current first, including dates of unemployment or education
{Iist schooi and address). Ifi you owned a b�siness in Minnesota, include the Minnesota Saies Tax and Use ID Number.
Use additional sheets if necessary.
EmployerfSchool _ Address _ �,� ,� Position beld Dates Type of Business MN Sales
CurrentTST CQfAt�.c6 Cft�eR�N� e ° �£�64 I T3 ��
Past: /rliqwccT /'�✓r7 . Sroox Fa�.�s sv t��...,-�..,cf
"1'a ¢.Tll[,A- G�a1r 5 � �RPlF✓a+D p�„L S
J„E••�-*SCK� f�nR � �,�,.� Ca'��< b
P{ace of residence for the past ten years (use additional sheets if necessary):
Address CityfStatelZip
^ TaXNO.
��G— v� '�l. 1812;/�
✓-9S .Ss+coNs
- 9Y s<T.w�.,r JG4�6 97
- 9i �i.a-�
Dates of esidence
SSn 7 9j/ 7� - i�P£.tE.�
9. Criminal history statement (except petty misdemeanors). Incfude the date you were charged, the citylstate where the
charges were fiied, and the disposition of the case. If none, write "none °
0. List the name, address, and Iicense or exemption permit number of any organization and name antl address ot any
excluded organization you belong to which condu�rts tawfuf gambling in Mi�nesota. If none, write "none"
.� . .. .. . . _ , �
� (continued on
Bingo Hall Personnel Information - LG315
License No. Name of Bingo Hall
BSi ! t7F�t� {i�4�C_
Oath and Co
_ . _ Page 2 of 2
Personnel Name
STErf� ���-QU�S)
1. I have never 6een convicted of a felony.
2. I have never been convictetl of a cnme involving gambling.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a criminal vio�ation
invoWing the use of a firearm, or making terroristic tfireats.
4. 1 am not currently or have never been engaged in or connected
wfth an iliegal business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes to the state of
6. 1 have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by tfie
commissioner af revenue within the last two years.
7. i have fited, afYer demand, tax retums required by the
commissioner of revenue.
8. 1 am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 349.161.
9. I am not a licensed manufacturer or a�liate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 will not be an officer, director, paid employee, or votunteer of
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conduct of
IawFui gambling, or represent a Iicensed, exempt, or exciuded
organization in the purchase of, or inFluence the purchase of,
lawfuf gambling equipment.
11. I am not a whofesa{e distributor or an affiliate or an employee
of a wholesale distributor of alcoholic beverages.
12. I will not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawful gambling on the premises.
13.1 wiii not acquire gambiing equipment or provide inventory
control for any organization that conducts lawful gambling on
the premises.
74. 1 wiil not prepare or assist in the preparation of any raports
required by Minn. Rules, part 7861.0720, subp. 3, for an
organization conducting lawfui gambling on the premises.
15. I will not provide accounting services to any organization
conducting lawful gambl+ng on the premises.
16. I will not soiicit, suggest, encourage, or make any expenditures
of ao organization's gross receipts from lawfu! gambling.
17.1 wiil not charge any fee to a person without which the perso
could not play bingo or participate in another form of
gambiing on the premises. . , � �
..��� �,..a��.� k1t
and sworn to before me this��! day of
Attach and Mail
Attach all LG315 fortns to the LG300 Bingo Hail License
Application form, or submit when information changes, and
send to: Gambiing Contro! Boartl
Suite 300 South
1711 West County Road B
Roseville, MN 55113
'ennessen Warrting: The information requested on this form
�nctuding any attacbments) wiil be used by the Gambling Control
oard jBoard) to determine your qualifications to be invotved in
wfuf gambiing activities in Minnesota, and to assist tfie Board in
mducting a background investigation of you. You have the tight to
fuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse
supply this informatwq the Board may not be abie to determine
ur qualificaNOns and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you
cense. If you suppiy ihe information requested, the Board will he
e to process your application. If the Board does not issue you a
nse, all �nformation provided �n the process of applying for a
ase remains prrvate, wdh the excephon o( your name and address
;h wdl remain public
18. 1 wiit not provide assistance or partic+pate in the conduct of
lawfui gambiing on the premises.
19. I will not pertnit more than 21 bingo occasions to be wnducted
on the premises in any week.
20. I wifl not recruif a person to bewme a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager or identlty to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambling manager.
21, I witl not be involved in the procurement of, ar influencing the
procurement of, lawFul gambting equipment for an organization
which conducts Iawful gambling on the licensee's premises.
22.1 wiU not provide or perznit an affiliate or person acting on behaif
of the bingo hail licensee to provide any compensation, gift,
gratuity, premium, contribution, or thing of value to a C�ambling
Control Soartl employee or member of the Gambting Control
23. f wiil not directly or indirectly give gifts, trips, prizes, loans of
money, premiums, or other gratuities to gambling organizations,
or thei� employees, other than nominal gifts not to exceed e
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, I understand, agree, and hereby ircevocably consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts or omissions arising from such
apppcation, may be commenced against me in any court of
competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota
Secretary of State of any summons, process, orpleading authorized
by the laws ot Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned autfiorizes the
Departme�t of PublicSafety to co�duct a hackgrou�d investigation
pursuant to Minnesota Rufes, part 7862.0010, subpart 10.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYE7N N07, ezcept that this Oath and
Consent Statement are s� d N support of the application for
a bin o � � ambl ag Control Board.
rr�enuS1RA J. G1E ._' ,.,� � i
20�9 r;
�-",.. g/ ,
'� l o�� 1 / d
(f7ate Signed)
, is 9�'
� r�L� aCOd
(Commission expiration)
Disciosure of Social Security Number
You are required to provide your Social5ecurity number on
this form. Your Social Security number will be used to
determine your compfiance with the tax laws of Minnesota.
Authorization for requiring your Social Security number is found
at U.S.C. 405(c){i).
Private data about you is availabte only to the following: Board mem-
bers, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they
have access to the information; the Department of Pubtic Safety;
theAttorney Generat, the Commissioners ofAdministretion, Finance,
and Revenue; the legislativeAUditor, national and intemational9am-
bling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order, other
individuais and age�cies that may be specificaily authorized by state
or federal law to have access to such information; individuais and
agencies for which law or fegal o�der authorizes a new use or shar-
ing of the information after this notice is given; you; and anyone
with your written consent. This form wiN be made available in alter-
native format (i,e. large pnnt, Braille) upon request
y �- yy�
Minnesota Lawful Gambitng st�sres
Bingo Ha11 Personnel Information Page 1 of 2
Compiete this fortn ff you are listed under "Owner Information" on the LG300 Bingo Hat! License Application, or within ten
davs after a change in i�formation. Incomptete, faise, or misteading applicaUon information may resuit in denial of a license.
Home Addrass
State Zip Gode
M N 551`2
s�rtnPtace c�ry a�a sraa
Fuli Middfe Nai
,d none, wrtte "no
�tary Service Oates af Senice � US. Cflizen: - If no, enter regi:
� t � N� J�Yes p No
wfth Bingo Hafl (chedc one): �Sole Proprietarship � Managet O Supervfsor
� Partner O Corporate Officer (� Director
ient RecorU for the past ten years tuse separace sneei, n
i(school, address, dates). if you owned a business i� M
Empioyer Atldress Posttion Held
of Residence for the past ten years (use separate sheet, if necessary).
Atldress City State 21p Cade
Name Social Sewdty P
Homa Phone
� ��/!'7���X..��
Dates of Residence
� — ��
21�, _ S.JG
Criminal History Statement (except petty mistlemeanors). �nauae me aa[e you were cnargea, me ci[ps�a�e wue�a u�c u�a�y�� .._,_
filed, and the disposition of the qse. If none, write "none" (Use separate sheet, ff necesSary.)
iinnesata, or name and address of any excluded oi
Organizatbn �e�
OrganizaQOn Adtlress
)rganizatlon Addres! Lkense w
). Indude periods of unempioyment (dates) or
iclude the Minnesota Sales Tax and Use ID Number.
Dates 7ype of Bustness MN Sales Tau #
= v. P. 51q2- �r�nt ca:te� - i8�2�
•rr nni.�. �Ican , .�iocor� nlrir.c �1
you belong to which contlucts iawru� ga���
of titfe: Member.) If none, write "none."
License or Exempt Pertn@ Number
Nvmbar TNe
Numbar Tide
(conUnued on back)
1 Personnet information �
Hall Personnel Informatioa
Oath and Consent Statement
t. I have never been convicted of a felony.
2. t have never been convided of a crime invofving gambting.
3. I have never been convicted of assault, a uimi�al violation in-
valving the use of a firearm, or making terroristic threats.
4. I am not currenUy or have never 6een engaged in or conneGed
with an illegat business.
5. 1 do not owe $500 or more in deiinquent taxes to the state of
6. f have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the com-
missioner of revenue within the last two years.
7. f have filed, after demand, tax retums required by the commis-
sioner of revenue.
8. t am not a licensed distributor or a�liate of a distributor under
Minn. Stat. sec. 3d9.161.
9. f am nat a iicensed manufadurer or afhliate of a manufacturer
under Minn. Stat. sec. 349.163.
10.1 wilt not be an officer, director, paid employee, or volunteer oE
a licensed, exempt, or excluded organization in its conducf of
tawful gambling, or represent a iicensed, exempt, or exduded
organization in the purchase of, or influence the purchase of,
IawFul gambling equipment.
t t, l am not a wholesate distributor or an affiliate or an emplayee
of a wholesale distributor of atcohotic beverages.
12. t wiii not provide any staff to conduct or assist in the conduct of
bingo or any other form of lawfut gamhling on the premises.
13. � wiA �ot acquire gambling equipment or provide inventory con-
tro! for any organization that conducts tawful gambiing on the
74. i will not prepare or assist in the preparation of any reports
required by Minn. Rules, paR 786M1.0120, subp. 3, for an orga-
nization conducting lawfui gambiing on the premises.
15.1 wiil not provide accounting services to any organization con-
ducting lawful gambling on the premises.
f6. I wiil not solicit, suggest, encourage, ormake any expenditures
af aa organization's gross receipts fran lawful gamblirtg.
� 17. I wili not charge any fee to a person withaut which the person
cou(d not pfay bingo or participate in another fortn of IawEui
, gambling on the premises. �
swom to before me this .—��O{ day
S 8-�i4�
'a9e 2 of 2
18. I will not provide assistance or participate in the condud of
tawfut gambling on the premises. "
19. I wiil not pertnit more than 27 bingo occasians to be rAnducted
on the premises in any vreek
20. t will not recruit a person to become a gambling manager or
assistant gambting manager or identify to an organization a
person as a candidate to become a gambiing manager or
assistant gambling ma�ager.
21.1 will not be invoived in the procurement of, or influencing the
procurement af, lawfut gambting equipmerrt for an organization
which conducts fawFul gambling on the licensee's premises.
22. I wili not provide or pertnit an afifiliate er person acting on be-
half of the hingo hall iicensae to provide any compensation,
gift, gratuity, premium, conV7butian, orthing ofvalueto a Gam-
bling CanVCt Boazd employee or member ofthe Gambling Con-
trol Board.
23. ! will not directiy or indirectly give gifls, Vips, prizes, loans of
money, ptemiums, or other gratuities to gambling oiyanizations,
or the±r employees, other than nominal gifls not to exceed a
value of $25 per organization in a calendar year.
In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocabiy consent
that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the bingo
hall license application, or acts ar omissions arising ftom such ap-
piication, may 6e commenced against me in any court of compe-
tent iurisdidion in Minnesota by service an the Minnesota Secre-
tary of State ef any summons, process, or pieading authorized by
the laws of Minnesota.
By signature of this document, the undersigned author¢es the
Depariment of Public Safety to conduct a background investiga-
tion pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpa�t t0.
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this Oath and
Consent Statement are submitted in support of the application for
a bingo hail license from the Gambiing Control8oard.
'ennessen Waming: The information requested on this form (inGuding any
ttachments) will be used �y the Caam6ling ConUOI Board (Board) to deter-
iine your quaiifications to be involved in lawful 9ambiing activiUes in Min-
�sota, and to assist the Board in conducGng a baUcground imesUgation of
�u. You have the rigM to refuse fo supply fhe information requested; how-
�er, if you refuse to supply this infortnation, the Board may not be abfe to
dermine your quali8cations and, as a consequenca, may retuse to issue
u a ficense. if you suppiy the inkrtnation requested, the Hoard will be able
process your appticaGoa It the Board does nW issue you a license, all
xmation provided tn the process otapplying Tor a ttcense remains priwate,
i the ezceptioo of yuur name and atldress which will remain publ(c.
�ate data about you is available only W the foibwing: Boartl members,
f of the Board w�osa work assignment requires thet they have acceu tn
information: the Departmenf ot Pu611c Safety: Ne Atiomey Generai; the
�missianers of ACminisVatlon, Finance, and Revenue; the LegfslaGve
tor, national anA infemational gambling regutatory agencies; anyone
uant to court ordar, other individuats and agen t hat may be
specificaity authodzed by state ortecferai iaw m nave ac��o w����� ������-
maGon; inditiduats antl agencies fur whFch iaw or legal order authosizes a
rtew use or sharing of the iMormation after tfiis notice is given; you; antl
anyone with your written conunt. This tortn will be made available in alter-
naUve fartnat (i.e. iarge print, Braille) upon request.
DhGosure of Soclal Secudty Numbec You are required to provide your
Soda� Sewrity number on this form. Your Sx1al Security number wip be
used to determine your compitance with the taz laws of Minnesota. Autha
rization for requiri� your5ociai Security numberis fou� at u.S.C.405(c)(i).
Attach and Mail
Attach al1 LG315 forms to the LG300 Bingo Hall License Appiica-
tion fartn, or submit when infortnation cha�es, and send ta:
Gambling Control Board
Sufte 300 South
171� West County Road B
Rosevflle, MN b6113 _