98-440Council File # � � '�� Presented By Re£erred To S�16ST11L{TE RESOLUTION MINNESOTA 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t'7 L8 9 0 1 2 3 Green Sheet # � `'� �. � � Committee: Date SAINT PAUL ON THE MiSSISSIPPI DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau{, in partnership with the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, Capital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organization, has been working with the citizens of Saint Paul for the last two years to prepare a physical design and develapment framework for the downtown and central Mississippi riverf�ont, generatly defined by Lafayette Freeway on the east, the West Side river biuffs on the south, the High Bridge and I-35E on the west, and University Avenue on the north; and WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its great river and focusing the revitalization of its downtown and the central riverfront on a diverse mix of land uses within a reforested river valley; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ten principies that signify a more integrated approach to city buiiding: 1. Evoke a sense of piace. Create a physicai setting for new development that says: "This is Saint Paul.° 2. Restore and establish the unique urban ecology. Look for opportunities to restore those parts of the natural environment that have been fost over time due to development, such as trees, native habitats and clean water. 3. Invest in the public realm. Create a �etwork of streets, sidewaiks and parks that are safe, vibrant and pedestrian- friendiy. 4. Broaden the mix of uses. Create a downtown and riverfront where people live, work and play. 5. Improve connectivity. Provide people with safe, attractive and convenient ways to move between their neighborhoods, downtown and the river. 6. Ensure that buildings support broader city-building goals. Design new buildings to fit into their surroundings and help make adjacent public spaces active. 7 � Build on existing strengths. As we rebuiid, start with what we aiready treasure - our historic buildings, parks, tree- lined streets, and the Mississippi River. Preserve and enhance heritage resources. Preserve historic buiidings and public spaces. , +i I �. j�J� T� 7 ' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i$ i9 '0 NE 10. WHEREAS, a public reaim designed in accordance with these principies increases adjacent property values, contributes to a safe city and stimulates high-quality private development; and WHEREAS, there has been significant interest in several neighborhoods throughout the city in using the FrameworKs ten principles to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downfown and the central rivertro�t; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission on Juiy 25, 1997: 2, found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city developmerit objectives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor devetopment; and 3, resolved to ensure that the principles of the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework, and the Framework's vision and recommendations for downtown Saint Paul and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fuily addressed in the City Pian update process and incorporated, as appropriaie, in pian amendments the Planning Commission will recommend in 1998. Provide a balanced network for movement. Design city streets to accommodate pedestrians, cars, buses, bikes, on-street parking, iandscaping, lighting and signs. Foster public safety. increase the number of people in our pubiic spacQS downtown, along the riverfront and in our neighborhoods; and endorsed the ten principles in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework as guiding principtes for pubiic and private development activities (including new buildings, streets and parks) in downtown and along ihe centrai riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the proje�t area; 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the ten 3 principies in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Devetopment Framework as guiding principles for F public and private deveiopment activities (inciuding new buiidings, streeis and parks) in ail of Saint Paui's neighborhoods; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Councii endorses using the ten principtes as the basis for the City's development policy for the downtown-centraf riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the ciiy; and ��� � �� �j 8-�l'� . :� �: . : �: : .. .� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council adopts the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve(opment Framework as a guiding framework for the pianned, orderiy and staged devetopment ofi urbanization and redevelopment areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and recommendations into the City Pian amendments being prepared by the Planning Commission for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end ofi 1998. Requested by Plannincr & Economic Development By: � v v dopted by Council: Date i��\��e `qq� �°, 3opt�ion Certified by Council Selretasy oroved by Form ���roved 3irp C'ty Attorney B ' �t.L 3-ZV-g�l i�� '"" t APProv Ma � r o�r . 'ssion to Council � y: 9�� r PED Lucy Thompson 6—b578 'ST BE ON COUNCIL AGFIJOA BY (pATq May 20, 1498 TOTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINRWTED -- '-... - �tsi9s - GRE HEET MM � 1 GflART1�]If OYtECfaR � rurees wa ROVTING �� No 64276 arcca,aa � 41YATTORIEY � � ❑ CRYCLFRK _ ❑ wa�uivaEnxcESOw. ❑ quueu�a¢nnxcro �I�AI'ORI�MASmT � (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Endorsement of the 10 principles in the Saint Paul on the M'rssissippi Development Frmxework, endorsement of the Framework as the basis for development policy in the downtown-central riverfront area and in the neighborhoods as appropriate, and direcfian to incorporate relevant portions of th�ECr�a�rk into Comprehensive Plan updates. MAY 1 2 i998 A PL4NNING COMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVECE COMMISSION Has this persor�rtn everworke0 under a wrdract for this departmenl9 YES N� Has tnia ce��rm ever eeen a citfr emDloYeeT YES NO Dces this peraoNhrm p�sess a slup rat nama�iyposeessea by any cunem city emptoyee? YES NO is thie pe15oNRrtn a 18�geted vendoR YES NO The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Framework was released in July 1997. The Ptanning Commission has recognized it as the basis for public and private development decisions io the downtown(central riverPront area. Now the City Council needs to take similar action, broadening the applicakan of the Pramework to neighborhoods across the city. The Devetopment Fra»reivork wilt have official status and wil! be formally recognized as a guide tu public and private investment in downtown and along the central riverfront, as well as city-wide as appropriate. Vone 'he Frumework will have not official status. g � $ � ` � u AMOUNT OF TRANSACTWN S I(7 SOURCE � wFOaennnao (Fxpia�M COST/REVENUE BUDCETED {GRCLE ON� YES NO acrmmHUMaEa rs£T3.� �S�L �' �.��. � : �,. � r a:: Council Fi1e # � - 7 Q 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 �s 9 0 1 � 3 urban ecology. broader city-building goais. 8. Preserve and enhan heritage resources. 9. Provide a balanced etwork for moveme�t. 10. Foster public safe ; and WHEREAS, a public r alm designed in accordance with these principles increases adjacent property values, con ibutes to a safe city and stimulates high-quafity private development; and WHEREAS, ther as been significant interest in severaf neighbofioods throughout the city in using the Fram orks ten principies to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downtown an he central riverfront; and the Saint Paui Planning Commission on July 25, 1997: OF Presented By Referred To SAINT PAUL ON TNE MISSISSIPPI WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, in partnership with the Gapital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organiza citizens of Saint Paui for the Iast two years to prepare a p framework for the downtown and central Mississippi rive Freeway on the east, the West Side river bluffs on the i west, and University Avenue on the north; and Green Sheet # . Date FRAMEWORK r�f Paul Riverfront Corporation, , has been working with the �cal design and development � generafiy defined by Lafayette the High Bridge and 135E on the WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Pa 1 on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its gre river and tocusing the revitalization ot its downtown and the central riverfront on a divers mix of land uses within a reforested river vailey; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ter�principles that signify a more integrated approach to city building: � 1. Evoke a sense of place. 2. Restore and establish the 3. Invest in the public realm. 4. Broade� the mix of uses. 5. Improve connectivity. 6. Ensure that buiidings s � 7. Buiid on exisiing stren h: 3(� 1. � ndorsed the ten principies in the Sainf Paul on the Mississippi Deve/opment Framework as guiding principles for public and private development activities (including 9��yyo 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 44 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5� 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i8 i9 , Ea new buildings, streets and parks} in downtown and along the central riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the project area; 2. found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city development obj ives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor development; and 3. resoived to ensure that the principies of the Saint Paul on the Missi ippi Development Framework, and the Framewort�s vision and recommendations f downtown Saint Paui and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fully a ressed in the City Plan update process and incorporated, as appropriate, in plan am dments the Planning Commission wiii recommend in 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul principles in the Saint Paut on fhe Mississipgi Development 1 public and private development activities (inciuding new buily Saint Paul' neighborhoods; and / Council endorses the ten �work as guiding principles for streets and parks) in ail of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council e orses using the ten principles as the basis for the City's deve(opment policy for the downt n-central riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ihe Council dopts the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Development Framework as a guiding frame rk for the planned, orderiy and staged development of urbanization and redevelop ent areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the ouncil supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and rec mmendations into the City Plan amendments being prepared by the Planning Commis 'on for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end of 1998. Department �/..' . �_�r_ _ /!� !/� ! Fl /l7! / c � + .� ' - . �. : c _ � _ _ ' _�. Adopted by Council '�doption Certif' o ;y : pproved b Mayor: �� Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney By: �I.�tL ��1�?�L�/ mcil Council File # � � '�� Presented By Re£erred To S�16ST11L{TE RESOLUTION MINNESOTA 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t'7 L8 9 0 1 2 3 Green Sheet # � `'� �. � � Committee: Date SAINT PAUL ON THE MiSSISSIPPI DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau{, in partnership with the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, Capital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organization, has been working with the citizens of Saint Paul for the last two years to prepare a physical design and develapment framework for the downtown and central Mississippi riverf�ont, generatly defined by Lafayette Freeway on the east, the West Side river biuffs on the south, the High Bridge and I-35E on the west, and University Avenue on the north; and WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its great river and focusing the revitalization of its downtown and the central riverfront on a diverse mix of land uses within a reforested river valley; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ten principies that signify a more integrated approach to city buiiding: 1. Evoke a sense of piace. Create a physicai setting for new development that says: "This is Saint Paul.° 2. Restore and establish the unique urban ecology. Look for opportunities to restore those parts of the natural environment that have been fost over time due to development, such as trees, native habitats and clean water. 3. Invest in the public realm. Create a �etwork of streets, sidewaiks and parks that are safe, vibrant and pedestrian- friendiy. 4. Broaden the mix of uses. Create a downtown and riverfront where people live, work and play. 5. Improve connectivity. Provide people with safe, attractive and convenient ways to move between their neighborhoods, downtown and the river. 6. Ensure that buildings support broader city-building goals. Design new buildings to fit into their surroundings and help make adjacent public spaces active. 7 � Build on existing strengths. As we rebuiid, start with what we aiready treasure - our historic buildings, parks, tree- lined streets, and the Mississippi River. Preserve and enhance heritage resources. Preserve historic buiidings and public spaces. , +i I �. j�J� T� 7 ' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i$ i9 '0 NE 10. WHEREAS, a public reaim designed in accordance with these principies increases adjacent property values, contributes to a safe city and stimulates high-quality private development; and WHEREAS, there has been significant interest in several neighborhoods throughout the city in using the FrameworKs ten principles to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downfown and the central rivertro�t; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission on Juiy 25, 1997: 2, found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city developmerit objectives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor devetopment; and 3, resolved to ensure that the principles of the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework, and the Framework's vision and recommendations for downtown Saint Paul and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fuily addressed in the City Pian update process and incorporated, as appropriaie, in pian amendments the Planning Commission will recommend in 1998. Provide a balanced network for movement. Design city streets to accommodate pedestrians, cars, buses, bikes, on-street parking, iandscaping, lighting and signs. Foster public safety. increase the number of people in our pubiic spacQS downtown, along the riverfront and in our neighborhoods; and endorsed the ten principles in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework as guiding principtes for pubiic and private development activities (including new buildings, streets and parks) in downtown and along ihe centrai riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the proje�t area; 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the ten 3 principies in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Devetopment Framework as guiding principles for F public and private deveiopment activities (inciuding new buiidings, streeis and parks) in ail of Saint Paui's neighborhoods; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Councii endorses using the ten principtes as the basis for the City's development policy for the downtown-centraf riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the ciiy; and ��� � �� �j 8-�l'� . :� �: . : �: : .. .� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council adopts the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve(opment Framework as a guiding framework for the pianned, orderiy and staged devetopment ofi urbanization and redevelopment areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and recommendations into the City Pian amendments being prepared by the Planning Commission for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end ofi 1998. Requested by Plannincr & Economic Development By: � v v dopted by Council: Date i��\��e `qq� �°, 3opt�ion Certified by Council Selretasy oroved by Form ���roved 3irp C'ty Attorney B ' �t.L 3-ZV-g�l i�� '"" t APProv Ma � r o�r . 'ssion to Council � y: 9�� r PED Lucy Thompson 6—b578 'ST BE ON COUNCIL AGFIJOA BY (pATq May 20, 1498 TOTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINRWTED -- '-... - �tsi9s - GRE HEET MM � 1 GflART1�]If OYtECfaR � rurees wa ROVTING �� No 64276 arcca,aa � 41YATTORIEY � � ❑ CRYCLFRK _ ❑ wa�uivaEnxcESOw. ❑ quueu�a¢nnxcro �I�AI'ORI�MASmT � (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Endorsement of the 10 principles in the Saint Paul on the M'rssissippi Development Frmxework, endorsement of the Framework as the basis for development policy in the downtown-central riverfront area and in the neighborhoods as appropriate, and direcfian to incorporate relevant portions of th�ECr�a�rk into Comprehensive Plan updates. MAY 1 2 i998 A PL4NNING COMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVECE COMMISSION Has this persor�rtn everworke0 under a wrdract for this departmenl9 YES N� Has tnia ce��rm ever eeen a citfr emDloYeeT YES NO Dces this peraoNhrm p�sess a slup rat nama�iyposeessea by any cunem city emptoyee? YES NO is thie pe15oNRrtn a 18�geted vendoR YES NO The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Framework was released in July 1997. The Ptanning Commission has recognized it as the basis for public and private development decisions io the downtown(central riverPront area. Now the City Council needs to take similar action, broadening the applicakan of the Pramework to neighborhoods across the city. The Devetopment Fra»reivork wilt have official status and wil! be formally recognized as a guide tu public and private investment in downtown and along the central riverfront, as well as city-wide as appropriate. Vone 'he Frumework will have not official status. g � $ � ` � u AMOUNT OF TRANSACTWN S I(7 SOURCE � wFOaennnao (Fxpia�M COST/REVENUE BUDCETED {GRCLE ON� YES NO acrmmHUMaEa rs£T3.� �S�L �' �.��. � : �,. � r a:: Council Fi1e # � - 7 Q 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 �s 9 0 1 � 3 urban ecology. broader city-building goais. 8. Preserve and enhan heritage resources. 9. Provide a balanced etwork for moveme�t. 10. Foster public safe ; and WHEREAS, a public r alm designed in accordance with these principles increases adjacent property values, con ibutes to a safe city and stimulates high-quafity private development; and WHEREAS, ther as been significant interest in severaf neighbofioods throughout the city in using the Fram orks ten principies to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downtown an he central riverfront; and the Saint Paui Planning Commission on July 25, 1997: OF Presented By Referred To SAINT PAUL ON TNE MISSISSIPPI WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, in partnership with the Gapital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organiza citizens of Saint Paui for the Iast two years to prepare a p framework for the downtown and central Mississippi rive Freeway on the east, the West Side river bluffs on the i west, and University Avenue on the north; and Green Sheet # . Date FRAMEWORK r�f Paul Riverfront Corporation, , has been working with the �cal design and development � generafiy defined by Lafayette the High Bridge and 135E on the WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Pa 1 on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its gre river and tocusing the revitalization ot its downtown and the central riverfront on a divers mix of land uses within a reforested river vailey; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ter�principles that signify a more integrated approach to city building: � 1. Evoke a sense of place. 2. Restore and establish the 3. Invest in the public realm. 4. Broade� the mix of uses. 5. Improve connectivity. 6. Ensure that buiidings s � 7. Buiid on exisiing stren h: 3(� 1. � ndorsed the ten principies in the Sainf Paul on the Mississippi Deve/opment Framework as guiding principles for public and private development activities (including 9��yyo 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 44 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5� 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i8 i9 , Ea new buildings, streets and parks} in downtown and along the central riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the project area; 2. found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city development obj ives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor development; and 3. resoived to ensure that the principies of the Saint Paul on the Missi ippi Development Framework, and the Framewort�s vision and recommendations f downtown Saint Paui and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fully a ressed in the City Plan update process and incorporated, as appropriate, in plan am dments the Planning Commission wiii recommend in 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul principles in the Saint Paut on fhe Mississipgi Development 1 public and private development activities (inciuding new buily Saint Paul' neighborhoods; and / Council endorses the ten �work as guiding principles for streets and parks) in ail of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council e orses using the ten principles as the basis for the City's deve(opment policy for the downt n-central riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ihe Council dopts the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Development Framework as a guiding frame rk for the planned, orderiy and staged development of urbanization and redevelop ent areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the ouncil supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and rec mmendations into the City Plan amendments being prepared by the Planning Commis 'on for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end of 1998. Department �/..' . �_�r_ _ /!� !/� ! Fl /l7! / c � + .� ' - . �. : c _ � _ _ ' _�. Adopted by Council '�doption Certif' o ;y : pproved b Mayor: �� Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney By: �I.�tL ��1�?�L�/ mcil Council File # � � '�� Presented By Re£erred To S�16ST11L{TE RESOLUTION MINNESOTA 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t'7 L8 9 0 1 2 3 Green Sheet # � `'� �. � � Committee: Date SAINT PAUL ON THE MiSSISSIPPI DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau{, in partnership with the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, Capital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organization, has been working with the citizens of Saint Paul for the last two years to prepare a physical design and develapment framework for the downtown and central Mississippi riverf�ont, generatly defined by Lafayette Freeway on the east, the West Side river biuffs on the south, the High Bridge and I-35E on the west, and University Avenue on the north; and WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its great river and focusing the revitalization of its downtown and the central riverfront on a diverse mix of land uses within a reforested river valley; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ten principies that signify a more integrated approach to city buiiding: 1. Evoke a sense of piace. Create a physicai setting for new development that says: "This is Saint Paul.° 2. Restore and establish the unique urban ecology. Look for opportunities to restore those parts of the natural environment that have been fost over time due to development, such as trees, native habitats and clean water. 3. Invest in the public realm. Create a �etwork of streets, sidewaiks and parks that are safe, vibrant and pedestrian- friendiy. 4. Broaden the mix of uses. Create a downtown and riverfront where people live, work and play. 5. Improve connectivity. Provide people with safe, attractive and convenient ways to move between their neighborhoods, downtown and the river. 6. Ensure that buildings support broader city-building goals. Design new buildings to fit into their surroundings and help make adjacent public spaces active. 7 � Build on existing strengths. As we rebuiid, start with what we aiready treasure - our historic buildings, parks, tree- lined streets, and the Mississippi River. Preserve and enhance heritage resources. Preserve historic buiidings and public spaces. , +i I �. j�J� T� 7 ' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i$ i9 '0 NE 10. WHEREAS, a public reaim designed in accordance with these principies increases adjacent property values, contributes to a safe city and stimulates high-quality private development; and WHEREAS, there has been significant interest in several neighborhoods throughout the city in using the FrameworKs ten principles to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downfown and the central rivertro�t; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission on Juiy 25, 1997: 2, found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city developmerit objectives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor devetopment; and 3, resolved to ensure that the principles of the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework, and the Framework's vision and recommendations for downtown Saint Paul and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fuily addressed in the City Pian update process and incorporated, as appropriaie, in pian amendments the Planning Commission will recommend in 1998. Provide a balanced network for movement. Design city streets to accommodate pedestrians, cars, buses, bikes, on-street parking, iandscaping, lighting and signs. Foster public safety. increase the number of people in our pubiic spacQS downtown, along the riverfront and in our neighborhoods; and endorsed the ten principles in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Deve%pment Framework as guiding principtes for pubiic and private development activities (including new buildings, streets and parks) in downtown and along ihe centrai riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the proje�t area; 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the ten 3 principies in the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Devetopment Framework as guiding principles for F public and private deveiopment activities (inciuding new buiidings, streeis and parks) in ail of Saint Paui's neighborhoods; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Councii endorses using the ten principtes as the basis for the City's development policy for the downtown-centraf riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the ciiy; and ��� � �� �j 8-�l'� . :� �: . : �: : .. .� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council adopts the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Deve(opment Framework as a guiding framework for the pianned, orderiy and staged devetopment ofi urbanization and redevelopment areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and recommendations into the City Pian amendments being prepared by the Planning Commission for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end ofi 1998. Requested by Plannincr & Economic Development By: � v v dopted by Council: Date i��\��e `qq� �°, 3opt�ion Certified by Council Selretasy oroved by Form ���roved 3irp C'ty Attorney B ' �t.L 3-ZV-g�l i�� '"" t APProv Ma � r o�r . 'ssion to Council � y: 9�� r PED Lucy Thompson 6—b578 'ST BE ON COUNCIL AGFIJOA BY (pATq May 20, 1498 TOTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINRWTED -- '-... - �tsi9s - GRE HEET MM � 1 GflART1�]If OYtECfaR � rurees wa ROVTING �� No 64276 arcca,aa � 41YATTORIEY � � ❑ CRYCLFRK _ ❑ wa�uivaEnxcESOw. ❑ quueu�a¢nnxcro �I�AI'ORI�MASmT � (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Endorsement of the 10 principles in the Saint Paul on the M'rssissippi Development Frmxework, endorsement of the Framework as the basis for development policy in the downtown-central riverfront area and in the neighborhoods as appropriate, and direcfian to incorporate relevant portions of th�ECr�a�rk into Comprehensive Plan updates. MAY 1 2 i998 A PL4NNING COMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVECE COMMISSION Has this persor�rtn everworke0 under a wrdract for this departmenl9 YES N� Has tnia ce��rm ever eeen a citfr emDloYeeT YES NO Dces this peraoNhrm p�sess a slup rat nama�iyposeessea by any cunem city emptoyee? YES NO is thie pe15oNRrtn a 18�geted vendoR YES NO The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Framework was released in July 1997. The Ptanning Commission has recognized it as the basis for public and private development decisions io the downtown(central riverPront area. Now the City Council needs to take similar action, broadening the applicakan of the Pramework to neighborhoods across the city. The Devetopment Fra»reivork wilt have official status and wil! be formally recognized as a guide tu public and private investment in downtown and along the central riverfront, as well as city-wide as appropriate. Vone 'he Frumework will have not official status. g � $ � ` � u AMOUNT OF TRANSACTWN S I(7 SOURCE � wFOaennnao (Fxpia�M COST/REVENUE BUDCETED {GRCLE ON� YES NO acrmmHUMaEa rs£T3.� �S�L �' �.��. � : �,. � r a:: Council Fi1e # � - 7 Q 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 �s 9 0 1 � 3 urban ecology. broader city-building goais. 8. Preserve and enhan heritage resources. 9. Provide a balanced etwork for moveme�t. 10. Foster public safe ; and WHEREAS, a public r alm designed in accordance with these principles increases adjacent property values, con ibutes to a safe city and stimulates high-quafity private development; and WHEREAS, ther as been significant interest in severaf neighbofioods throughout the city in using the Fram orks ten principies to guide private and public investment in areas beyond downtown an he central riverfront; and the Saint Paui Planning Commission on July 25, 1997: OF Presented By Referred To SAINT PAUL ON TNE MISSISSIPPI WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, in partnership with the Gapital City Partnership and West Side Citizens Organiza citizens of Saint Paui for the Iast two years to prepare a p framework for the downtown and central Mississippi rive Freeway on the east, the West Side river bluffs on the i west, and University Avenue on the north; and Green Sheet # . Date FRAMEWORK r�f Paul Riverfront Corporation, , has been working with the �cal design and development � generafiy defined by Lafayette the High Bridge and 135E on the WHEREAS, this effort has resulted in the Saint Pa 1 on the Mississippi Development Framework, a vision of the city embracing its gre river and tocusing the revitalization ot its downtown and the central riverfront on a divers mix of land uses within a reforested river vailey; and WHEREAS, the Framework is based on ter�principles that signify a more integrated approach to city building: � 1. Evoke a sense of place. 2. Restore and establish the 3. Invest in the public realm. 4. Broade� the mix of uses. 5. Improve connectivity. 6. Ensure that buiidings s � 7. Buiid on exisiing stren h: 3(� 1. � ndorsed the ten principies in the Sainf Paul on the Mississippi Deve/opment Framework as guiding principles for public and private development activities (including 9��yyo 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 44 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5� 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 i8 i9 , Ea new buildings, streets and parks} in downtown and along the central riverfront, comprising the basis for the City's development policy for the project area; 2. found the Framework fundamentally consisterrt with city development obj ives, and a sound basis for downtown and central river corridor development; and 3. resoived to ensure that the principies of the Saint Paul on the Missi ippi Development Framework, and the Framewort�s vision and recommendations f downtown Saint Paui and adjacent areas of the Mississippi River Corridor are fully a ressed in the City Plan update process and incorporated, as appropriate, in plan am dments the Planning Commission wiii recommend in 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul principles in the Saint Paut on fhe Mississipgi Development 1 public and private development activities (inciuding new buily Saint Paul' neighborhoods; and / Council endorses the ten �work as guiding principles for streets and parks) in ail of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council e orses using the ten principles as the basis for the City's deve(opment policy for the downt n-central riverfront project area and, as appropriate, in neighborhoods across the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ihe Council dopts the Saint Pau! on the Mississippi Development Framework as a guiding frame rk for the planned, orderiy and staged development of urbanization and redevelop ent areas within the downtown and along the central riverfront; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the ouncil supports the incorporation, as appropriate, of the Framework vision, principles and rec mmendations into the City Plan amendments being prepared by the Planning Commis 'on for Metropolitan Council review and City Council adoption by the end of 1998. Department �/..' . �_�r_ _ /!� !/� ! Fl /l7! / c � + .� ' - . �. : c _ � _ _ ' _�. Adopted by Council '�doption Certif' o ;y : pproved b Mayor: �� Date by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney By: �I.�tL ��1�?�L�/ mcil