D00656CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFfCE OF THE MAYOR lJ • LJ ADMINISTRAI'IVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: l�5� Date: � � � 1 � 1� ADMIHISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor on Secdon 10.07.4 af Uie City Charter a� based on the reques�t of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1995 budget of the Watergate Marina Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current R ��rt Department of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recrearion Watergate Marina Fund Spending Plan 330-23160-0131 Certified - TemplSeasonal 330-23160-0371 Electricity 330-23160-0373 Gas Incl Bottle 330-23160-0439 Fringe Benefits 330-23160-0882 Improvement Of Land 330 ALL OTf�R SPENDING Total 39,147.00 9,500.00 4,200.00 48,551.00 10,000.00 356,506.00 ,. ••IJ 1 11, Amended Rndu t 34,147.00 14,500.00 11,200.00 46,551.00 S,Ofl0.00 356,506.00 �. • � 11 ADNST 1995 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AiJTHORITY BETNG REQUESTED FOR 0300'S DUE TO HIGHER THAN ANTICIPATED UTILITY COSTS. ':'s:., ♦ •���!!�� � �� �1�� � � Date � �/ S�� Date `/-! 8-R 5 Date Cha �nne (5,000.00) 5,000.00 7,000.00 (2,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 Requested by: Department Director � 5 � f�J�l�f�5ti DEPARTMENT/OFFIGE/COUNCIL DATE MITIATED � � v � 3 3 2 8 6 ,Parks & RecreationjWatergate Marina 09-OS-95 G EEN SHEE _ CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INtTfAVDATE iNIT1AVDATE � Q DEPAFiTMENi OIRECfOR O dTY CAUNCI� Vic Wittgenstein 266-6409 LuJ� ���GN OCT'ATfORNEY �CrtYCLERK NUYBER EOft MUST BE ON CAUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � gUDGET DIFE('.T � PIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. ONDEA O MAVOq (ORASSIST []4 Chief Accountant TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNANAE} 5 Parks ACiION REWESfED: �� Approval of administrative order amending the spending plan of Fund 330 - Watergate Marina. RECAMMENDa7roNS: appwe (a) or Reiap (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNlN(i CAMMISSION _ CNIL SERYICE CAMM�SS70N �� Has this person/Firm ever wqrKed under a contract for this department? - _�CIBCOMMfTTEE _ �'ES �NO A�� 2. Has ihis person/Firm evar 6een a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ o157RiC7 COURT _ 3. Does [his personRirm ossess a skill not normall � p y possessed by any curteM ciry employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplatn all yas aaswan on aepsrate aheat anC attaeh to gmen sheet INRIATiN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOflTUNRY (Who, Whef, When, YJhere, Why): Adjust 1995 budget to reflect proper accounting for additional spending authority being requested for �300's due to higher than anticipated utility costs. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: rovide spending authority for additional utility costs. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. �ECEEVED None. SEP 191gg5 CITY CLERfC DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Major object codes wi11 show overspending. -0- TAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIACLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE WaterQate MdT'1Rd pCT1VITYNUMBER 23160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��