D00655CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • AD�STRATIVE ORDER BL3DGET REVLSION �: l"�0(�55 Da�: � `iq—Q5 p�lo�z ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the auffiority granted to the Mayor on Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on t�e request of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recreation w ame� the 1995 budget of the Special Services Fund, the Director of the Department of Fimance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Department of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recreation Special services Spending Plan 325-23102-0111 Full Time Permanent 325-23102-0219 Fees-Other Profsnl Services 325-23102-0371 Electricity • 325-23102-0439 Fringe Benefits 325-23102-0857 Data Processing Hazdware 325-23103-0364 Other- Office Supplies 325-23103-0521 Refunds 325-23112-0132 Not Certifierl - TemplSeasnl 325-23112-0738 Tree PlantingJRemoval 325-23112-0827 Compactors & Chasis r 325-23112-0899 Other - Structures 325-23113-0111 Full Time Permanent 325-23113-0299 Other - Misc. Services 325-23113-0439 Fringe Benefits 325-23113-0819 Appliances 325-23114-01 l l Full Time Permanent 325-23114-i?439 Fringe Benefits 325-23114-0848 Other - Specialized Eqmt 325-23123-0389 Other - Misc Supplies 325-23123-0533 Material For Resale 325-23124-0819 Appliances 325-23125-0131 Certified - Temp/Seasonal 325-23125-0222 Telephone - Mo Chazges 325-23125-0532 Eqmt For Resale 325-23125-OS33 Material For Itesale Current Sttdget 10,771.00 239,560.00 0.00 27,424.00 4,2Q0.00 5,000.00 0.00 10,440.00 15,000.00 ib3,051.00 135,000.00 0.00 2,750.00 17,055.00 3,000.00 31,257.00 14,938.00 7,500.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 300.00 154,074.00 1,304.00 l0,OQ0.00 120,000.00 ��.�� (7 40,000.0(3 25,000.00 (5,400.00) (70Q.00) (3,500.00) 3,SQ0.00 20,000.00 (10,000.00) (20,000.0�) (50,000.00) 24,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 (3,000.00) (b,000.00) (1,600.00) (7,500.00) 1,500.00 (1,000.00) (300.00) (22,000.00) 7,000.00 (10,00().00) (20,000.00) Amended &�tdget 3,771.40 279,560.00 25,000.00 22,024.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 30,440.00 5,000.00 143,051.00 85,Q00.00 24,500.00 3,750.00 22,055.00 0.00 25,257.00 13,338.00 Q.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 132,074.00 8,304.00 0.00 100,000.00 �. 2a�fi 2 �}t�55 ` 325-23140-0131 Ceztified - Temp/Seasonal • 325-23140-0299 Other - Misc. Services 325-23140-0389 Other - Misc. Supplies 325-23141-0389 Other - Misc. 5upplies 325-23141-0533 Material For Resale 325-23144-Q11 l Full Time Permanent 325 All Other Spending Total �� ��� �i : 111 f 1 1 �1 11 11 1 ' 11 . � .� (3,000.00) 23,000.00 22,000.00 (1,000.00) 2,000.00 (2,500.00) � �.� : !� : ��� �� 1 111 11 • .1 fl 111 il ' 11 . .• ADNST 1995 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR MAINTAINING NORMAL OPERATIONS FOR TFIE REMAINDER OF TF�E YEAR. t,f - Activity • by: Depa�finent Director `':L,� i_ � •��. f,,,�, � � �� � !`��°�S Dae g �/F ,r Date [� ���� Date ' , & Recreationj 266-6409 TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES fiEQUESfED: FOR � �� �od��� GREEN SHEET �1° 33287 iNmawiae INRIAVDATE DEPARTMEMDIPECTOR OC[TYCRUNdL CRY ATiORNEY � CfiY CLEPK BUDGET DIRECfOR� � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYORIORASSIST � flr �� , ��„�_ (CLfP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE7 Approval of administrative order amending spending plan of Fund 325 - Special Services. _PLANNWGI'AMMISSI�N _CNILSERVICECOMMISSiQN _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ � STAFF — _ DISTRICf COUAT _ SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNdL O&IECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW�NG DUESTIONS: 1. Ha5 this persoNfirm ever worked under a coMract for Mis departmeM? YES NO 2. Has this personffinn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this perSOnRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separate sheet antl attech to groen sheet Adjust 1995 budget to reflect proper accounting for maintaining normal operations for the remainder of the year. will reflect proper accounting for expenses. RECE{VED SEP 191995 crTr c�E�� None. Major object codes will show overspending. TRANSACTION S - n - COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Services � 09-OS-95 FUNUING SOURCE S�eC� a7 SeYVi rec AC71VI7V NUMBEpt,�.}!19 -.�.�j� FINANCIAI INFOqMATION: {EXPLAIN) n� � C �.