98-411a + \ 1 \ ���.�� 1 e-� V L.�S �� � � C� t r� �� Qr Council Fi1e #�$��\ :J � � lJ Green Sheet # 1�1Q �i � � RESOLUTION C�Y� F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Liquor On-Sa1e (C), Sunday On-Sale, Restaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID # 31125), held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break, for the premises at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul aze hereby suspended for a period of thirty days, with twenty-three of those days being stayed for a period of eighteen (18) months on condition that there be no further violations of the law during that period of time. The remaining seven days suspension of the licenses shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. This Resolution and the acfion taken above aze based upon all the documents and evidence presented to the Council, the facts of the current violafion which are summarized in the December 22, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of khe violation. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Y BY: ` � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: �ted by Council: Date \ J �-\� � VJ tion Certified by Council Se tary City Council Offices 4/28/9S .Tim Reiter, 266-8650 May 13 Public Hearing puweErtcaa rzounrw oxuAt TOTAL # OF SIGNASURE PAGES GREEN SHEET 98-y1i No 60883 u�..a.��� �a„��_ ❑ �.,.� ❑ �,.� � rauxcw.st�mersdrt ❑ asuxu��aEan�ccro ❑ ruroatox�urt� � ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Bebra Johnson, DBA Sports Break, 1199 Rice Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CB COMMITI'EE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION }ias this persoNfirm evervraketl undtt a coMract torMis deparFment7 YES NO Has this Pe�so��m ever men a crtY �cbY�� � - YES NO Does this Personlfirm Poseess a skill rwt namatll'Possessed bY anY arteM dtY emdoYee9 YES NO la tlus peteon/fitm a targettd vendof7 YES NO V'!�(�.�lilAef ,�'i���u.��`�E �,'��t;$�'� r s y... ..� !� � >DVANTAGESIFAPPROYED L AA�UNT OF TRANSACTION S NCSOURCE COSTfREVENUE BUOOETEG (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO al INFORMATION (EJ�WNJ ORfGINAL Presented By Referred To f Committee: Council File # � �11t Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / 2� � / J � RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale estaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID No. 31125) held by Deb Johnson dlb/a Sports Break and located at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul is hereby suspend or a period of tlurry (30) days be nnin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1498 and endin t 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. 's Resolution and the action taken above are based upon all the documents and evidence pre nted to the Council, the facts of the current violation which are summarized in the December , 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been present to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the violation. xequested by Department of: > f�!%�aii �/ � Adopted by Covn�il: Date Adoption Cer 'fied Bye T Approve by Mayor: By: Form Approved by City A[.torney by Council Secretary � . BY � �l.ft Q,/�,c�.r � ' ' �, ���— Date Approved by Mayor Por Submission to Council By: as -y�� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARfNG Licensee Name: Debra Johnson d/b/a Sports Break Address: 1199 Rice Street Council Hearing Date: May 13, 1998 Viotation: Date: Place: Lapse of Liquor Liability Insurance November 1, 1997 through December 4, 1997 Lfcensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day Suspension of licenses Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter from attorney admitting to the viotation 3. Notice of Viotatian 4. License information 5. Insurance information S. MARK VAUGHT AttorneyAt Luw Suite 700 Six Wesc Fifrh Saeec Saint Paul, Minnesop 55102-1420 (612) 247�6400 FAX (612)224-8328 April 16, 1998 Virginia Palmer, Esq. Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, M=nresota 55102 RE: The Matter of the Licenses of Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Palmer: q8 -4\� This letter is intended to confirm our telephone conversation of April 14, 1998, regarding the hearing scheduled for April 15, 1998. In our conversation, i informed you that my client was prepared to concede that liquor liability insurance was not in force and efPect as indicated in the notice of hearing and wished to proceed directly to a hearing before the City Council to plead mitigating factors. Please inform me as to the date of the City Council hearing. Very -uly yours, . Mark Vaught Attorney at Law � :.�. - L c' __ -' .,,� APR 17 199& " ���� �������� b�s ti, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy PegBir yArtomey civ;] Drvrs;on 400 Ciry Hall IS If'est KelloggBlvd Sainr Pau1, ��mesora SSIOT 1���11` Telephone: 6l7 266-87I0 Factimile: 6F2 298-56I9 December 22, 1997 Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Re: All licenses held by Debra Johnson d/bJa Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in St. Paul License ID No. 31125 Dear Ms. Johnson: The Director of the Office of License, Inspecrions and En��ironmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses held at ttie above-named premises. T'his recommendation is based on the following in#'ormarion: According to insurance records procided to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmeafal Protection, �•our liquor liability insurance lapsed hetween November 1,1997 and December 4,1997. Failure fo have liquor liability insurance is a violarion of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.065 and §310.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter to that effect, and the matter will be scheduled foi a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to deternune the appropriate penalry to impose on your license. You, or someone on your behalf, u�ll have the opportunity to appeaz before the City Council and make a statement as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you wish to dispute the above facts, you aze entitled to an evidenriary hearing before an administrative law judge. At that hearing both you and the City will present wimesses, evidence Page 1 and cross-examine the otL � witnesses. If this is your choice, ple ,�. send me a letter statin g�_ that you aze contesting the facts. Yon wi12 then be sent a notice of the administrative hearing with the time, date, and place of the hearing, and a brief explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, Januazy 9, 1998, how you wish to proceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by Friday, January 9,1998, I will assume ihat you are not contesting the facts, and the matfer will be scheduled for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, ��� �LG�i � � „tic.� Virginia D. Palmer Assisfant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Ditector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. Director, Dist 6 Platuung Council, 1055 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Page 2 98 - y�� STATE OF MINNSSOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 22, 1997, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St_ Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) same, with postage prepaid, in the United States Minnesota. and depositing the mails at St. Paul, Subscribed a�d�worn ,�o��bef�ore me this 22nd da' of) D� e�b 997. °18-y�1 Lic ID........-••••...... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip...................... E�;p Date ................. License Name ............. NOTS AREA ................ iond Policy Number....... Sond Company ............. tond Effective Date...... ond Expiration Date..... nsurance Carrier......., ns. Policy Number.,..... nsurance Effective Date. Zs. Expiration Date..... asociated Stock Holder.. :aler No ................ x Id ................... rker Comp Exp Date..... lephone ................ 31125 AC JOHNSON, DEBRA SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE ST 55117 1Oj31J98 CIGF.RETTB GAI�LII3G LOCATION (CLASS B) RESTAURA_NT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SLR3DAY O?d SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SA 13005 PH I30TICE SET FOR 11-22-95 SENT OUT 10-09-95 99 MAILED, 33 EMAILED, 3 INTEROFFICE 11/22J95 APPN FOR NEW LSQ ON SALE (C), SUNDAY ON SALE, RESTAURAI3T(B), AND GAMBLING LOCATSON(B) APP'D C.r, #95-7.386 1/4/96 STATE APPN AND INS IN NAME OF K.D.CORNER FAXED TO STATE AND ENTIRE FILE GIVEN TO C.ROZBK TO DBTERMSNE WfiO THE OFFICERS ARE AND WHAT ROLE DEBRA JOI�'NSON & DIANE SPETEN HASIE IN THE CORP.-LAP 2-16-96--MARK LICENSE ACTIVE PER CHRISTINE ROZEK --LK--LIC 4/5/96 REQUEST TO ADD OFFICERS REFUIQDED-P.V_ #� V 9/18/96 C.F. 96-1151 APP`D SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR ONE DAY. SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS ON TF3E CONDITION THAT THE LICENSEE PAY TAE COSTS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE I3EARING AND REMAIN S I,AW ABIDING AND OF GOOD MORAL CAARACTER AND HAVE NO VIOL,ATIONS OF TEH PROVISIONS OF �I3Y ORDINANCE, LAW OR CONDTTION RELATII3G TO THE OPERATION OF THIS BUSINESS DURING THE 18 MONTH PERTOD. 11j22/86--I,ETTER SENT REQUIRII3G PAYMENT OF $590.33 IN HEARING COSTS. (PAYMENT DUE 12/20/96) -- T.AR 2/7/97 - RECEIVED $59a.33 FOR HEARING COSTS - LAB 12/4/97 RSCEIVED WARNING NOT TO OPEN E DUE TO DELINQUENCY AND NO LIQ LIAB INS. AT 3:30PM KRIS S WENT TO INSPECT. THE BAFt WAS OPEN AND SERVING. T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY PEI3UING 12J05/97 11/O1J98 DEBRA RUTH JOHNSON 2212975 L�:L•II�LI:I�] ' PRODdCER - ------" SUNRISE PARKlNSURANCE AGENCY iNC 2063 COUNN ROAD E, EAST WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN b5110 612-777-7475 INSURED DEBRAJOHNSON DBA: SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE STREE7 ST PAUL, MN 55117 ?�'JCYNUAg[R POLCYFFFEC7NE FOUCYEFPifUITON _ .. � OL7E IM6Hppy'n DATE �MtND6yy) 1 �-5 -� ��—�-�.,.�..^� y::��.v;:•a�.�. �,p�,ar�� y �,� THIS tS 70 CERTiFY T'.-WS THE P011CIES OF WSURhNC't LIST'cD e BEEN ISSUEp TO THE INSUREO N!•,tdED ABUVE FCR THE ?OLICY P'cRIOD 3NDICWED. NOTMiHSTANDING ANY REQL'IREMFM, 7'cRM pR CONDITION OF AM' COMRhGT OR OTtiER DOCUMENT VATH RESPECT TO 41RiICH THIS CERTIFlCATE MAY BE ISSUm OR tAAY PcRTNN, 7FtE �KSURAYCE :�FDkDED BY THE POLICIES D'cSCR16ED HEREIN IS SU33EGT TO AL(, TNE TERMS, fXCIUSIONS hND COND([fONS OP SUCH POLICI_S. LiNdTS S!+�',5'N IMY IiqL c BcEN REDl7CED BY PfV� CIWMS. �� TYPEQ'INSUFWFK`E LtR crac uxs+un LOMNE?Lihl GENERAL UFBIU7Y ] CS.N!5 MADE ❑ OCCUR d.N�ER'S E CCATRnCTDR'S Y�20T �rros�;E uca�un ANYAUTO ALL pNJ:O AU7D5 SCH:D'JLED R V705 NIREDR{7t"JS NON•CYlNEDA:iT05 AHYAVTO UMBRELtAFDAM 4SpU' CE� CQAIPENSATlpN AAA EuF1AYERS' itA86J7Y THEPROPR7EiOR7 � ?xR7'N�R5/EXFCUTIVE A �L14UOR LIABIUN TAVERN �� CAd'rANY q T,H.E. INS URANCE COMPANY n 1 ��� i ������ �� ���� ti LlX,1=ANY e COM:ANY C CCtA%ANY D PENDlNG C1TY OF ST PAUL LiCENSING DIViS10N 350 ST PETER STREET, SUITE 300 ST PAUL, MN 55102 12/D4l97 1 11/01l38 NO R{GHTS UpON lIMR4 MEOEXP(0.rt�onewsm) jt GDM9lNEDSINvIE LiN.li � t SODILY IN:URY I S (:tr9enon) ` BOOILY IN.;URY (Aera�iderd� S PROPERlY S7AIiFGE _ noroor�.r-Enw:cro=Hr t O7HER7K5NAVTOONLY: - . Pnrueeeinvur < C� rure �uwon�rv� 12/04l97 S �300,000 OCCURRENCE 5300,000 AGGREGATE SNWID AM' Of iHE AHDYE CfStRBEp PpGCIES HE GaNCELL� gFFORE T1�E cxruunon �TC 7ne�. me �sswna coer�rn vnu v�oenvort To nua � O DIITS WPo77EH N0710E SO THE CBttiFICATE HOLflER NLt� 7D TiE LEfT. BUT FNLt �70 I.ypr. St�tH NOTICE SNAL.� ! C5E �HO OBt16A 00. LKeRRY OF ANY/IaYeyuo�w ruc rweew �......« Jl_ �_._._. . � w+r*xr*�:*xx��x -CAMM.JOJ4N�L- �rm�Y��������+�.�� D�iE NOU-05-1995 **��� iiM'e 11�17 >.x P.01 , MODE = McM�^RY TRn.'�4 `.���ION . SqqT'- 11:18 E1J�j=t.'�J ll:i7 q8 '�y,, • FILE N�.= 225 N7' - C.x"'� R3°-�'�lJ�. ST.^,TiON h���_i P�5 FRG.NO. PR7i GRp1 NA^7� Tc'LFFi�iO!�E hq. 0Z1 OK <QS> STFTE �?3 COY eai�aai . -C1iV OF 5T P.�IR L:E? - 't�i`�v`ra`M''"""�x`"`�x�:'�''ta�'a>'n"q`�r*:""*aok� -c'_2 2c5 5?'eA -���r - E12 265 S12<- �'�:<+k+k� --. -- --- Yf1l� � ��7��t' �t:or.ty GFF�TIF[CATE OF p N.ATTER OF ,7EC Tasuraace Groap, Iae. 35D0 �est SOLh Sc.eec Sui:e 15� �inaeapolis, YS7 =5A31 ..-vazo Debrn Johasoa DbA; Spoxts Sseak 2149 Bice Street St. Paul, L'N 55117 tNS !D`JGES � � T'FFCf�n6M1�RLVY 1IA ' � cv+v� i�.a�m . �mu..eoeuie�eRat�� _.vro*cas.ueon._ , � _� axRVrO ;,�AtLDm/FDAVTPS � * �. SCMECJtFDN1fAS � „� �ORECAlrt05 T ��NDNLWNEDaVTG's S r � � • W4�C£LILNtt}�• t I jY V++�vTa i i �� i.�.�� ^ • t]��U�Bntf1' • F � " �uMex�iuwm+ j l 'mrERnwruMC+iFaUeaae � ; WCqI3ASCpN>EN56ifOMP'VD ; fMnoYFPSwmm ' .VRN�M '�� �(M{I.'FqSMF �Fi.'R. �OII�CR � : 13Quor Siabiliiy i 25D ! coH r.r:r D +�SUFAt:� ltS'� &40`N f+��E EfEx LSS,�E. T'EIPT, TFAb C4 GJ�D'710N Of AfiN COhTA �w, TH[ wSUFA'a� AFf-0F�ED BY TNE POl :1F5. UMT$ SK�VN MAY NaVE 6cff: i1s�J'.�D � 90:C1 ETiKT"E � MUCV Ke�YCR " Oa*t P'MlDOM! : . � 1 `1H15 U$Ui,tY"� ' � Sl7siire�� "l��.Q:.��>:"e'�c.itTx "" � r —•-.; �' SUR �UI:l::d•7u:1�.:i.ltl.n'f-:^�; :...� T1LSV.7FG�1F�i^i} ;��.-ttfi�� Q�GYA1�51S k72 CLe.ai�i-ie�- P 1 � II-1-96 :raca Fire Zns_ Co. _,� �.1 t �S <% i iF75�aai� fS 15s�.4"� =u��nh`� : o naz �, � ,US:iLS!:.�:^•• �••c%J�:l�SSFHft�E14:E � .u51"r.v:a ""--'_ . ,_'_" ntrs;t:=,Ft�SY 1 TAitD:u: -..:,i;i'SO�Ydd.'Y.'lTL9R + . �.c � y� � f cE �NSUaEC uA�sEO /.80�'E FDR'NE 7Y.'CY PiR1CD j i .7�N=R DONM.ENT WRX RSPfR'�O �:�+'M�S �$�tBE-0 HEItE(H 15 SU6�ECr TO A'.L 7HE '��. I � Cl4MS. ..�J W�'iL'1P�1: ilA1P$ . :eouuxEOrv+c,�w�r � :PS�v� � ' i S �� ` I -.� $300,0�0. Lach Oecur:en�e 5300�OD0. AggregaLe , +F*t:AME SO 8E C2ANGED 027 lICENSE 20 HEN' '1.•D- RORNEB, ZT.C. DBA: ' R.D. XDRi:bR` CSiy o£ St. Paul/Lit. Div 350 Si- Petez Sueet Suite 300 Si. Paul, !JN 55102 ' ...._. . . s�wu�e �xr a nrt xwc asa+s� +aacaz sc c.r+cEUm eawe x�c � OVM4*CM eaIE TRIIfDF. 11tE 155Y1MG WMPiM M61 t�+Le+VM �o w�¢ . IU GXIS WbTlU! NDlwt 70 T1E LERiwCJR MaDV M1MRT 10 M tER ' wr wtMt 1D wV1. tual NmL4 sAUi uxtf ro owcc+�al on UVM1rtY OF r4� k1NC WON TMC T15 11f)1tlSUMlNit ♦VIM�Ktt011[+WE*�.pn'( � � � • � wwii6 coivoqrtnoH im T07� P.HS :�'.� � ilAA11 , LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE . COMPLET� OTHER SIDE OFTHIS PORTION .4ND RETURN WITX YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �: 2212975 License�l.D � REMIT To: CITY OF SAINT PAUL O��e of Licenae� yrypcctions and Eavironme¢�a1 protecpon 3'A A Nnet A Sime 7W S� Rni. L1�� S31p2 i61�7bbfi/A License Expiration Bate: 10/31196 Payment Dve Date: 10l31J96 DEBRA R JOHNSON SPORTS B�tEAK 2278 h'ILO AVE 23 OAKDALE, MN 55128 Ticense Code 2082 2168 2480 2390 �G�� i isen.e \'ame LIQ-OAT SA.LE-100SEATS2ESS-C - STJI�'DAY ON SALE LIQUOR - RESTAURANT (B)-MQRE THAN 12 SEATS GAMBLING LOCAITON (CLASS B) - C`�t�re� Total Amaant Due: 54891.00 �' Pay�8 only lst half i4u y: S�?9�90 � , � � oing BusiMSS at 119s xtcs sr �.,1 Us • . PAtn., � ss�� Liceace Fee 54200.00 �1 54200.00 S200.00 O1 S200.00 5425.00 O1 S425.00 566.00 O1 566.00 317• � c/ ,�t7, Dc (Bond andior.insurance if applicable must be submitfed with payment.) '�31125'� jnsuranoe Exp. Date : I1101/96 / f� S /{ � � ' { BOMI 8LdI0I inmxnCC lIIS�OIIDffilOII 8II8CLBCI � � ( .. - - - ' - _ '- _ = ;r'•'_ ' -- - - .... _ " ' _ _ _ ' .- ;.. _ ' _ ' ' - - " ' _ _ �_ _- - _ '__ '_ ' _'_ - ' _ _' ' ,t�. _ _ .. -:. . . . . . .> ' " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' - _ �. . . . ��,." '' �".' ' ' ' , , ..' ""-.... . _, , •_,-:. ` - ' " - ' ' _' - ' ' ..: ._ _ . . . :' "'� ..- " " ' _ ' 'a�'' _ ' "c;`'_ ' . .-. '_ - ' _ _ ' _' _ - " ' . '- - _ _ ' w�.; - . � ' .. : . . -.-' -'...': - _ . - ' _ ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' _ " " . _ .. : . ' _ _ _ . . . ' _ -;? - _ " _ " ' _ - - . . . . ��-' .. . . .� . : _, � � .. ' � _ . � _._ '. � . . _ ' ' . . . . . � _ . . _ .. ... - .� . _ . ��.. ..=i.. . .. . .. . ... . . ... . . . � , ---- �V � y \� ON SALE LIQUOR RENEWAL LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�cc ot License, ImpccGon: and Eavironmcmnl p�vtttGon 350 A. Rb A Sdm 3�] s:maa.M�, ss�oz (61Z7]b691D] Ls� i.n. # �//as ApplicanUCompan Doing Business As Business Address: Maii To Address: Strcet Address Applicant I�Tame: _ _ Home Address zZ c� l ssna Aaa,�e City Date of Birth Ciry State Zip �ome Phone: �,��� S�af� Zip Type of Business: Resraurant X 1 Ciub �1{ HotellMotel .�j� Manager Infprma ' n f' • �j � 1 .� �:uame: \ ���� G� / Date of Birth: 3/�- J�� Home Address: - l tr�-t� t�- �ti� �� f o t9 �� JV1� S`� � 1 3 � y Street Address � City Stata Zip . Home Phone: I�� �` ��! l Original Date of Easploymenr - Are any of the following taxes or charges for the licensed premises unpaid or delinquent?: ;� Reai Estate Tazes Yes �_ No Personal Property Tazes Yes k No City Utility Bills Yes _� No Special Assessments Yes � No If there have been any changes ia interests in premices or finances, or contracts between applicant and any person, corporation, parmerships, oz any new loans since license was Jast issued, ezplain ia detaIl: _ Liquor is served in the following azeaslrooms (p3ease be specific): ��! � Seating Capacity (circle one) IOD seats or ess rner 100 seats of Applicant �k myr: Olfw d !1� Pmt Cn➢Y: li.m.w over 200 seats � �� � Date �e.id I7/96 S'ticU Address � Z`�?_ (�i�� ��'"t-e- ��c% ��/�1/t�0 i��✓1 S��p�� OFFICE OF TT� CITY ATTORNEY� � � PegBir74 CityAnomey �{� ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, Moyor Civil Division 4Q0 Ci[y Ha11 IS Y➢estKelloggBlvd Saint Pau{ Mimusa!¢ 55702 Telephone: 672 266-8710 Facsimile: 6Z2 298-5679 Apri127, 1998 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Licenses held by Debra Joluison dlb(a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in 3t. Paul License ID No.: 31125 Our File Number: G97-0557 Deaz Mr. Vaught: Please take notice that a hearing concenung the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 13,1998 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies_o�'the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the fact concerning the lapse in liquor liability insurance has been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce wili be for a thirty day suspension of all licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��%�� c� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. D'uector, Dist. 6 Pianning Council, 1055 N. Da1e St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ' S. MARK VAUGHT � o "�`I i� Anornev At LLau� Suiu 700 Six Wesc F3frh Sceec Saiac Paui, Minnesota 55102-142D (6i2)297-6400 Ff+X (612) 224-8328 May 13, 1998 The Honorable Dan Bostrom, President and MemberS, Saint Paul City Council Third Floor City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Pubiic Hearing Involving Adverse Action Against Licenses Held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break at 1199 rice Street for Lapse in Liquor Liability Znsurance; Resolution 98-411; City Council Egenda Item_37;,_May 13,_ 1998 _. _.�__ =�,_�.__ .� Dear Councilmembers: I represent the licensee in the above-referenced matter. Though the licensee concedes that liquor liability insuranoe was not in force and effect from November 1, 1997, through December 3, 1997, the licensee believes the violation was neither intentional nor will£ul, nor even negligent, and asks that the City Council take the following facts into consideration in determining what sanction, if any, to apply: 1. The licensee was originally granted the licenses in question in late November, 1995. 2. The original certificat� - of insurance--(Exhibit.-.A);--=- --.- appended hereto, showed that all selevant insurance coverages, including liquor liability insurance were effective November 30, 1995, through November 30, 1996. _ _.. 3. Sometime thereafter, a City representative, apparently from LIEP, called the insurance agent £or the licensee, Christopher Skelton, and informed him that the coverage dates needed to be changed so that coverage tarminated on November 1, 1996. The licenses was not directly informed of this change by either the City or the agent. The agent made the change requested by the LIEY and issued a new certificate. The agent' s recollection of this event is included in a letter dated February 23, 1998 {Exhibit B). 4. As stated above, the licensee had no direct knowledge of the change and did not receive actual notifiCation of the new u�� Saint Paul City Council May 13, 1998 Page Two ���� expiration date until being informed on December 4, 1997, over two years later that the coverage had lapsed. 5. The licensee, like many licensees in the City £inances its insurance pac3sage. This particular licensee used Capitol Indemnity Corporation. The enclosed notice (Exhibit C) covering the financing £or the current year, indicates an expiration date of the insurance coverages of Deaember 28, 1997. The licensee received the notice dated April 29, 1997, assumed it covered all insurance coverages £inanced, including liquor liability insurance, and had no actual knowledge of an earlier expiration date until December 4, 1997. 6. Upon notice that the coverage had in fact lapsed, the licensee and the insurance agent acted immediately to procure and bind coverage, evidence of which is attached hereto {Exhibit D) and whioh became e££ective immediately. 7. The licensee has . not been notified of. any cl"aim _:`� �'p-`=' attributable to the lapse period and in fact believes no actual or potential claim to exist. In summary, the licensee submits that any violation was inadvertent, unintentional and certainly not willful. Nv damage has been done to any party and the actions or inaations of the licensee are at most a technical violation of the ordinance. Ve truly y� s, S. Mark Vaughttil� Attorney at Law EXHIBIT a This Deelaration Page is attached to and forms part of certificate provisio� {Form SLC-3 USA). � `, Previous No. � Authoriry Ref. No. SB � Q �� Certiticate No. �' �9 s y���� I Atame and address Z�,a �O of the Assured ��� �. �. ` � alWa s�cs area� (This insurance has been ptaced ll�s rtt`e stseet with an insu;er that is not sz. vaut, wt ssiv licsnsed by thss sfate. (n case o# insolveiicy, �ayment af daims may not ba guaranteed.) 2 Effeetive from liorember 30, 1945 Lo t7ov�er 3D, i�I6 both days at 12:41 a.m. standard time 3 Insurance is effective with certain IINDEIiWRITERS AT LLOYD'S, LONDON. 4 Amount . Coveiage Rate f 354 on BetilQt iI S -- ( - n�f peclil fGC! gxtluding :i'_� 4__ ',� S 50.00Q on Contants il PTaod,aa� Etrthqwke ':�: � S 20,OOH on Earnfngs il S 2,D� SR/Uqi aa Crtme #1 S 14,00� on 9utldin9 #2 S 3�,000 each occvrrenee. $ �,OtfO anrtual aggregate i 100.UQ0 each occurnnce. S 300.006 armusl a94�� Percentage woz Premium _ -- ` S 2,955.A0 i� � S 1.9o8.uo Cawerciat Seasn7 LiabiTity �tquo� t�abtttt�r IncSuded S 4.863.00 PREMIUi6 OEYELOPED Ul�ER THIS POt.IC1' R� SUWEC7 7Q ltItR1E5QTA SURPLUS LI►ffS TA1( �F 3.UZ. � 5 Speciai conditions � DEfltlCSISLES: PmPertr - Si.ffOQ eack api erery ciaim, CrSme - 5250 eaeh and ererY c7aim. _..._ i liabi7ity - S6ti0 eaeh atfd erery clats. 1�itional 7arms and Conditioas as per Property and Liabttity SuppiemeaiaT Declaratioas and the foims tisted thereon. 6 Service of Suit may be made upon: �� �� 73fi Ith Arenue Nbr York, EIY IOfI19 Dated Oecember i4. 1945 -__��i.*<�:.:�, t;4T33�Ri9RiTi '� �G�:•. .. .. ... aL NtLtezoa, I6 by � � - correspon� ' TNIS !';fd1R.+�'!St;: IS :5S!i�D PU{iSSAt�If T01}IE MitIHESDTA SUnGU_5 ? i;;<q i;a9lJit�YG' AC7 TrtE 7NSiJt?En IS AH EL16161 F '�'Jr*- Jo :, co :!�SJR£!i BitT IS NOTOTHEflWISE tfEFNSEU BY -- ---- TiiE ST�TF OF MiNNESOTA.IN CASE Oi WSOLYENCY, PAYMH'1T OF CLAIAAS IS NOT GtiqRpbl7EEp,' b' � y{��ue ttn.e��p„r b.on Primioa Co.. Chia{o. ERHIBIT B Sunrise Park Insurance Agencv, Inc. 2063 County Road E, East - White Bear Laice, MN 55I 10 612-777-7475 Fax 612-777-7092 February 23, 1998 Re: Debra Johnson DBA: Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 ���u�i To Whom it May Concem: Z have insured this Iocation both for liquor liability and property coverage since it was purchased by the current owners. All originai documentation indicated an originai start date for coverage to be effective 1 i- 30-95 effective until 11-30-96. The original policy was bound indicating these effective and expiration dates. Upon a certificate of liquor liability insnrance being issuerl to the City of St. Paul I had received a phone cail from licensing indieating that the coverage dates had to be changed to show an exgirarion date of 11-1-96 with a new policy period thereafter to be 11-1 — 11-1 annually. Attached is the originat deolarations from ttie insurance carriez who provided the caverage 1 i-30-95 to expiration and a revised cenificate showing che requested new eacpiration date of 11-1-96. It is my opinion tl�at the insured was under the unpression that the 11-30 date was to be t3ie annual expiration and renewal dates from day 1 as this is when the ariginal dates were according to the ori�nal policy. PIease call me witk any questions you may have pertaining to this information. Sincerety, ��1� ^-� Christopher T. Skelton �i T c iNSUR�YCE • ��pl�pL T1`IDENIl�II7'Y CORPORA7'ION CONPANY inidF ��] . SPb�S B�,t��( �DCRESS K.D. Korner, Inc. :F !NSllRED 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, ;�i 55117 ;ANCEL- ATION r . Yau are hereby netif�ed in accu�dance with the Lrms and cnnditions of the abave mentioned �alicy, and in accordance wdh lavi, that yout insuronce wil{ ceese �J ai ana frum ihe hour and date mentionCO ab7ve See the "(mpurtapt Netices" section below far other infarmation that may appty. � Yau are hereby notifieA in accaNance with the ::cas ard conaRions ofi the abave meationed poli�y, and in actocdarce with faw, that �rour msurance will cease al anb from the hour and date mentianed a6we for tbe reasonls) s[ated in the "ImpOrtaM Notices" seC.ion telow. See the "impnrtartt ilotices" section helaw for other infarmation tbat may apQiy ❑'fou are hereoy notified in accorAance with the terms and conditions ot the ahove meMioned palicy, and in accardance with law, that the !nsurance wiil cease at and from the hour and date mentioaed abave for the Ramn(s) stated in the "ImpottaM Notiees" sectian befow. I! canceNation �s due to nonpaymeM of premiun, cancefiation can be avoided by paying the premium due ($ � before the eHective date af this cancellaticn as shawn a6we. If :imety paymeM has been made, pfease advise us ar yaur agent immediately ta aaoid intertuption in coveraga Prem�vm I L; Unearned Dremium wili be rMUmed to you not later than the eFtective date of cance:lation. ldjusiment- ❑ premium adjustment wifl be made as soon as praeticabfe aiier cancellatian becames efrective. ❑ Enclosed is S . 6erog ths amourt of mtatn premium ffi pm rata for the un;:r�ired term af this poiicy. I � A bdl tor the premium eamed ?a ?he time of cancelfation will be fonvarded in tlue cnursz l_; Other. —__- - - - �N. � reu ate nerztry nottlied ;n accordanc< with the terms e yEy�p� and from the hou: ard date mentiaaed ab�ve ar,d the See the "Imp�rtartt Nntices" section below (or o,her ii ❑ '�u are hera0y notffi:tr in accerdanc? w'�th tha term: will exqire zflect�ve at artd fmm the hour and date section below wii4 NQ� be ranzwec. ions ot the a*��e mer�ened pohc above ana the Fotie, viil (�nT be exp�2 accomance w�th law, that the aoove mentior ior the reason(s7 sta;ed in !he "lmQortart[ ' If nonrenewal is due to terminatwn af ucr affi(iatian xith yrour age�it, sre w�,l :ransser yoar ;,ciicf io a;,oth2r age=}t if you make a wri;te�i rzquest to do so pnor j to �he r,ar.rznewal date. �his pmision ap;,llas onty to nomernne.rs insurancej See the "Imacrtant Yoiices" section 6el:rvv tcr ather informatioa that may apply � igp±. ;�`cu are here�v notihed �n accorJante w�!� ,he t2rms anA conditions of �he aoove mz�'ionad paiici, zrd in aasrdance with law, that a6sva mentioned poliry, ,p�� nh�ch �vili expue eKecti��e at and from the ncw and date meat:oned abwa w�{i be mn=_,vea, hmveoet a; a conddion of renewat the aol:cy fimds of cererage :NEWAL � x-i� be rrooced antl/or certa�rt policy em�erages :r+il be eiim�ra*,ed as fioilows for !he spetific reason(s) state0 in the "tm,�ortart Hatices" sectian belaw. � You are herev� nohfied in accordance with ihe terms and ccr.d:tions uf the a6ove nen'.ioned po6cy, ana in acccr6aace wrth larc ,hat !he above menttioaed toircy, which will expice effective ;t and t!nm :;e hour and date mentionsa above, wifl b> asewed, howev^t, the rereNai wiil ta conditioned on ane or mcra o, „�e `oticKmg thanges being� made in the renewai policy, such bemg !aver lim�t(51 u't insurance. hi;ner 4eauchble(s), increased premiur: hates a�r higher rating pan: OAfAXT Reasan(sl Sor cancellaCpn, nonrenewa! or c�ndi6orod renewal {�y�on(a) statea criy if abm2 maraed �tem indicates s�ch1: ` 'CfS FAtT.T7RP Tt7 �:iiRn9TT' NADt^?AT. - nrhl7Fd�'ff3'I"�N r'�S PPR (YS4n� RECX3ES7'. � __ Additiaaaf trforr,�a6on Regasdi� the Reaso�s) fir Canceilation. �Joruenew�i ar 8edeciion in lnsa22e tdoes rrvt apply to casuatty and pmpecty insucartce primar�ry for business or protessiona! needs not to tet7aiaadons of i�arnca tlee i4 nonpayment uf premiumk You have the right to Anow the speci'ic items ef pecsonai and priviieged imormation tfiat suD�art the reason given `art^,is ac:ion ;nd the names and addresses af the scurces 4f that ir,fau�ati�n. i; yuu weuld iike fhis additinnal ir�ormatian }rou may reque,� such iafurmati¢n in writin; aoa we xui pmv�ae yoa with ihe reGUe�ted ir�ormahar, wi!tiin 3u ousirte;s days trom ±ha iate :he request is r�ceived. You aisa have tte nghf to see antl o6tain coo+es o4 documents refat�r,g ?o :1�s acfion. !f you request us in writing to correct, 3mer.d or delete arty �ersartal ir'.arma±mr, abaut you naw wtthi� our possession, v+e will �enthin 3C dan of ihe dat2 of receipt of your request coaect, amend ar oe�et= the iniorma!ion �n C:spe;a, or, ii we reiuse to mahe coae�icn, amendment or deletion, .ve �riil nchfg you af our refusal fo do sa giving ;he reascns For �efusal, �nd also no;;fy eo;. of ycur ��;'+t to �ive us : conc�se �ta?:ment if what you bef�a;y is the c;rmct information ana that it rs y�cur nghi b appea{ the disputa `c tf�e Commis�iorer af Comnerce. Y:e ;:iii au: you; �a:e:ra:r, or. file <_o t}at , �+one review+rg yw� fiie w4i1 be aware of your �tatement and have accecs ^; rt. ' Piease send .ecr wntten requesd t�: ._.._ _. i�an � 3..v ..E� e:i 0 ie ��r5 n �n f.in . ann.r.nna� �ni.r..........i N6710E OF CAHC£LiATiUN, N0�'REiiE'lVAL aR CaE1DiTtONEfl RENE4YA1 �j � (Minnesnta) �� " �l � I n Yau are heretry nmrt�ed m accomance v�„� �,._ i,.,�:a aw .�•� �• �- �• ���� � -�• ` !� will expirE effeMrve at anA from the haw and date mentioned a6We and the Da6cy wdl NQT De renewed tor �he masoms) sta�ea in t��a "fmyurauc �.��.w { sectian helmv. , '�f nonrenexal is due W�minaUOn of our affifiation wit1 }rour agent. we wi(t hansfer yaur ,eliq to anather age;it if you mzke a wntten 2quest ro d� pnar � tu the nonrenewa� date (Tr is provision apD��� o�h � homemvners �muranca) �i See ;he "1 ettant iiotices" section beie,v for ct�er i�torr.fatian that m a001 . .���. r °ou are hereby natified in accordance wr.h the L>rms and cendi6mfs of the abave m=�tianed Do���Y. an0 in accordance with law. that abo:�e meMioned Da<i�Y. dXED � u w�i�h will apire e�fectrve at and 's.rom the nour and date merrtloned above, w�ff be rene�ved, hevreaer. as a cundition af 2nevral tbe policy limits af cmerage .,�� � w�ll be reduced and/ar certaia PalicY covera8es Wi�� b� eliminztEd as failaws far !he specific reasonis) stated in the "lmpartxM Naricss" sect+on 4elaw. S� !he 'tm orGirt Notice�' sectinn below !ar other i��matian ma[ mav aur� � Yau aa nereby roniied in acCOtdane° wiih tte ferms and conditions af th= abwe me�¢ianed poii�y, and in accordance with law, that the abwe memianed poGcy, ❑ which wiN eWire effective at and fmm the hour and date menGoned abwe, nili be renewed. hwiever, the renewal wit( he candiGoned an one or more N tfie Sotlowisfg changes 4eing made in the rertewaf pu;icy. such 'xin8 �m�r ��mif(s) at inwraace. hiqher deductihle(s), ir,creased AremiuMrates andior higher rating plan: ppq�p� AeasoMs) for cancellatinn, nonrenewal nr cor�ditim�ed retrewa{ (reasaMs) stated anty (f aoc�e marked item indicates mch): � 'IC'c5 Addi6onai ;rformation Reyarding ihe Raascnlsl 1or Caacellatioa Nonrenewai or Reduction in Insurance (does not apply m casuairy and pmperty insarance pnmanry for 4usinen or pratesswnat needs nor to terminations of i�urance due to nonpaymeM M premiaml: Yau have ma rig; c to know the specific i:ems of persunal and pnwlegeu mtormation'hffi sLy�oA the reason ��ven for this actioo and the names and addresses of the sources of ihat infcrmatian. lf you would i�pe this addilionai informatlon you may re4uz�t such i�rma!ion in writinq ard we wdi Fr�vide you with the re4uested '+nformatiun within 3u ousiness days fmm the 4ate the reAuest is received. Yau afso have tf:e rigi�t to see and oMain topies of documents re4atSng ta this aciion. If you reQue�t us in wr�ting !a corre:t, amend or delete arry G�rw�a4 iMacmation about you now wrthin our possession, we wfli wdhm 3� days ef the date af recaipt of your sequest currecc, amend ar delete the i�"rarmation m uisp�te, or, �f we refuse to maAe corzect+on, amendme� ar del�ian, we wdi netrry wu of o�r retusal to do s4 givmg the reasans for refusai, and afso r,et+fy yau af yoUr nght :a give us a concisz stat8ment af whst you 6elieve is the carrec: informahon and that :t is yrour nght to app2at the d�spute ta the Ccmmissianer af Commerce. We wd1 p�t your stateme� on tile sa tha? anynae re»e.vmg yaur fde wili he aware ot your statement ar,d have access ta it. Ptease send your written ieauest to: ;n „�, ,,,, ,�„ �: ,�, ,<RO� m=o�v aeumm�ai m�am�nom Right So +lppeai to the Commissio�rer o� �omma!sE ia9M�g to hameawners insutance): Minnesota law artd ruies Iimit t8e reasons tw �v��ich your homeowners msuance polsq may be nonrenewed, reCuced as to the limitr of caverage or cwerage efiminated, or foc wh.ch the poGcy may a? cancei?ed. if you beheve this termmatmn notice �s m violaLOn af Minnesota faw or mfe�, you may, within 30 days cf receivinq this notice, senG a wntten tetter of complaim to ?5a Ca�rmissianer of Commarce, 133 fasi 7th Street, SF. Pau1, Minnesata 55301. Repiacemem M ProperiY (Frx1 oc Nomeawners lnsusance: Ii th�s natice aF cancei�at�on or nonreneo+al pertains to a polic/ prcvidirg fire, eztended coverage and pos;ib4y vandalism and m3liciaus miscGiei ee.erage �r homeowners, cooperafive hnusing ar caado�ain+um insurance or tarm msurance and you .vish to rep'.ace your pal¢y, yrou shcufd maxe zn effort ±a oMain inmrance Mrougi! anather company in the normal markM. it ;rou rave difficuiTy pmcurrmg replacement cover23e m the normaf matket, yvu passi4!Y mxf aoW!° >�Gh insurznce through �e tdinnesota ProPerty �nsuraace Placement Fac�tity {Fair Planl. fur turther mformation, please cantaM your zgent ar [he Fac�lity offic°. kutomahi!e lnsurence 44an tsttosmadon (applies oafY tn tke termination ai automahile insunncej: You have been not+fied herewfth tRat this ComDamf will au !anger be cx:rying yaur autamabJe insurarce. �bu are possihly eligible Fa autamob'ste liab+liry insuraace thmuqh anoiher insurer or under the h8innewta Automo- Gile Insurance Piaa. if the poli�y being termmated was inued under tha Minnesota putomebile insurarce P!an you possibfy may Ce elig�ble to 2zpP�Y for insurance ur.der tnt Plan Please contaet v�acr a ep,�nt 'ror mo2 ir�nrmation. P,ppeai m A�s�rcobite lnsuraace P�an Saeming Committee: As yo'ar polic� was one obtauxd thra�dh t,1e h;ianesota Ai � L ragarm:rg the aaove natificatron of cancel4at�on or ironsenewal that yau may request a hearing anC m6ng by the G t�an was nct in accordance wdh khe pmv�s�ons af the Plan o't Ooeruan af the Mmnesota Automo6ile fnsnrance 1750. Minnea;olis, Minnesota 55�iD2d8A2. Insurance Plzq Jvu ace Ce�etr/ advised, Com�hitte^ of'he Plan if the tormina- ated et i2� Sauth Si�ch Street, Smte � Cansumer Ranort: tn compGance mih c e fair CrxQit Reparting h.^t (Pu61ic aw 91�5051. Yuu aie herec�t mfcrmed thzt the action taken abm,z is bemg taken whofiy or partly becaesz at inEarmatmn cc^ta�ned .a a conwmer report from tfie f� fowmg eonsum°r r^portmg agen�y: yp pp( — -� ---- — -- -- ;e :. .: !?7 un6GRM re!n(IN, 3�!ro!Y �nf, O� Ld �pJ�(1W� 4OfY —� A��TMdQ�ZEDNtPPESENI>SRE Renewal of Number EXHI__ B._ IT D T_H.E. INS'tTRANCE COMPANY � �� �� RO � �� DB�� �4Py � �� , ��� Pol3.cy �io_ 009'7P�8556 1�roduc SIINRISE PARK INSIIRAt3CE Name Instlted aIId t+7ai l inq Add2es8 AGENCY� II3C. IC_D. ICORNER, INC_ 2063 CODNTY ROAD E, EAST DBA: SPORTS BREAR WHITfi BEAR LAR�'. NIId 55110 1199 RICE STREET ST. PAiIL, MN 55117 Policy Periods From 12I04j97 ta 11/O1j98 at 12:OI. A.M_ Standard Time at mailing addreas shown above_ Business Descriptian: ZN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRfiMIIIM, AND SIIBJECT TO ALL TERMS OF THIS POLICY,�WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDB T$E IN5URANCE AS STATEB ILd THIS POLICY. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF 'THE FOLLOWING COVERAGS PARTS FOR WHICH A PREMIi)M IS INDICATED. THIS PREMTIIM MAY BE SIIBJECT TO ADJLTSTMEN'P. etq yw: „ c a„�t�i� COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGS PART COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAB. COVERAGE PART COI�4IERCIAL CRIME CAVERAGE PART j�t,� t'nSUitu+t:E }S tSSUED PURSUAN7T� �T r T E 1�tlflER �: ��IGIBl� Si R�PLl3S lINE5 i�lSUREA BL'i IS NOT dTHERWIS"c IGE\S=D BY'!HE 3TATE OF MINNESOT0. tN �%AF.� ;k WSpLVEi�lCY. PAYMENTCf CL+.lidS IS riCT GL'rc�Ah'TEc'D. $ $ $ S S S S SIIRPLIIS LINES TAX -$ 112.65 TOTAI. PREMY�MS $ STAMPING FEE - $ TAX/FEE/SAFtCHARGE $ PQLICY FEE - $ 50.�0 TOTAL $ OTF�R - $ 150.00 . _ Premi.um shown is payable:$ 4,067.65 at inception; $ lst Anniversary; $ 2nd Anniversary; 917.00 2,747.00 91.0� 3,755.00 312.65 4,Q67.6S Fozm(s) and Eadorsement(s) made part of this policy at time o£ issue : IIS0071088 ILOOD31185 IL00171185 II,00211185 II�(12450195 OSL001018? ,. Couatersigned: 1J21/98 MCCO i�E1t . i r l � � -_�__, By � � Authorizad Representative . ^. _ -F a + \ 1 \ ���.�� 1 e-� V L.�S �� � � C� t r� �� Qr Council Fi1e #�$��\ :J � � lJ Green Sheet # 1�1Q �i � � RESOLUTION C�Y� F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Liquor On-Sa1e (C), Sunday On-Sale, Restaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID # 31125), held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break, for the premises at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul aze hereby suspended for a period of thirty days, with twenty-three of those days being stayed for a period of eighteen (18) months on condition that there be no further violations of the law during that period of time. The remaining seven days suspension of the licenses shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. This Resolution and the acfion taken above aze based upon all the documents and evidence presented to the Council, the facts of the current violafion which are summarized in the December 22, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of khe violation. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Y BY: ` � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: �ted by Council: Date \ J �-\� � VJ tion Certified by Council Se tary City Council Offices 4/28/9S .Tim Reiter, 266-8650 May 13 Public Hearing puweErtcaa rzounrw oxuAt TOTAL # OF SIGNASURE PAGES GREEN SHEET 98-y1i No 60883 u�..a.��� �a„��_ ❑ �.,.� ❑ �,.� � rauxcw.st�mersdrt ❑ asuxu��aEan�ccro ❑ ruroatox�urt� � ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Bebra Johnson, DBA Sports Break, 1199 Rice Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CB COMMITI'EE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION }ias this persoNfirm evervraketl undtt a coMract torMis deparFment7 YES NO Has this Pe�so��m ever men a crtY �cbY�� � - YES NO Does this Personlfirm Poseess a skill rwt namatll'Possessed bY anY arteM dtY emdoYee9 YES NO la tlus peteon/fitm a targettd vendof7 YES NO V'!�(�.�lilAef ,�'i���u.��`�E �,'��t;$�'� r s y... ..� !� � >DVANTAGESIFAPPROYED L AA�UNT OF TRANSACTION S NCSOURCE COSTfREVENUE BUOOETEG (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO al INFORMATION (EJ�WNJ ORfGINAL Presented By Referred To f Committee: Council File # � �11t Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / 2� � / J � RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale estaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID No. 31125) held by Deb Johnson dlb/a Sports Break and located at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul is hereby suspend or a period of tlurry (30) days be nnin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1498 and endin t 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. 's Resolution and the action taken above are based upon all the documents and evidence pre nted to the Council, the facts of the current violation which are summarized in the December , 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been present to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the violation. xequested by Department of: > f�!%�aii �/ � Adopted by Covn�il: Date Adoption Cer 'fied Bye T Approve by Mayor: By: Form Approved by City A[.torney by Council Secretary � . BY � �l.ft Q,/�,c�.r � ' ' �, ���— Date Approved by Mayor Por Submission to Council By: as -y�� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARfNG Licensee Name: Debra Johnson d/b/a Sports Break Address: 1199 Rice Street Council Hearing Date: May 13, 1998 Viotation: Date: Place: Lapse of Liquor Liability Insurance November 1, 1997 through December 4, 1997 Lfcensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day Suspension of licenses Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter from attorney admitting to the viotation 3. Notice of Viotatian 4. License information 5. Insurance information S. MARK VAUGHT AttorneyAt Luw Suite 700 Six Wesc Fifrh Saeec Saint Paul, Minnesop 55102-1420 (612) 247�6400 FAX (612)224-8328 April 16, 1998 Virginia Palmer, Esq. Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, M=nresota 55102 RE: The Matter of the Licenses of Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Palmer: q8 -4\� This letter is intended to confirm our telephone conversation of April 14, 1998, regarding the hearing scheduled for April 15, 1998. In our conversation, i informed you that my client was prepared to concede that liquor liability insurance was not in force and efPect as indicated in the notice of hearing and wished to proceed directly to a hearing before the City Council to plead mitigating factors. Please inform me as to the date of the City Council hearing. Very -uly yours, . Mark Vaught Attorney at Law � :.�. - L c' __ -' .,,� APR 17 199& " ���� �������� b�s ti, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy PegBir yArtomey civ;] Drvrs;on 400 Ciry Hall IS If'est KelloggBlvd Sainr Pau1, ��mesora SSIOT 1���11` Telephone: 6l7 266-87I0 Factimile: 6F2 298-56I9 December 22, 1997 Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Re: All licenses held by Debra Johnson d/bJa Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in St. Paul License ID No. 31125 Dear Ms. Johnson: The Director of the Office of License, Inspecrions and En��ironmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses held at ttie above-named premises. T'his recommendation is based on the following in#'ormarion: According to insurance records procided to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmeafal Protection, �•our liquor liability insurance lapsed hetween November 1,1997 and December 4,1997. Failure fo have liquor liability insurance is a violarion of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.065 and §310.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter to that effect, and the matter will be scheduled foi a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to deternune the appropriate penalry to impose on your license. You, or someone on your behalf, u�ll have the opportunity to appeaz before the City Council and make a statement as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you wish to dispute the above facts, you aze entitled to an evidenriary hearing before an administrative law judge. At that hearing both you and the City will present wimesses, evidence Page 1 and cross-examine the otL � witnesses. If this is your choice, ple ,�. send me a letter statin g�_ that you aze contesting the facts. Yon wi12 then be sent a notice of the administrative hearing with the time, date, and place of the hearing, and a brief explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, Januazy 9, 1998, how you wish to proceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by Friday, January 9,1998, I will assume ihat you are not contesting the facts, and the matfer will be scheduled for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, ��� �LG�i � � „tic.� Virginia D. Palmer Assisfant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Ditector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. Director, Dist 6 Platuung Council, 1055 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Page 2 98 - y�� STATE OF MINNSSOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 22, 1997, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St_ Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) same, with postage prepaid, in the United States Minnesota. and depositing the mails at St. Paul, Subscribed a�d�worn ,�o��bef�ore me this 22nd da' of) D� e�b 997. °18-y�1 Lic ID........-••••...... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip...................... E�;p Date ................. License Name ............. NOTS AREA ................ iond Policy Number....... Sond Company ............. tond Effective Date...... ond Expiration Date..... nsurance Carrier......., ns. Policy Number.,..... nsurance Effective Date. Zs. Expiration Date..... asociated Stock Holder.. :aler No ................ x Id ................... rker Comp Exp Date..... lephone ................ 31125 AC JOHNSON, DEBRA SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE ST 55117 1Oj31J98 CIGF.RETTB GAI�LII3G LOCATION (CLASS B) RESTAURA_NT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SLR3DAY O?d SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SA 13005 PH I30TICE SET FOR 11-22-95 SENT OUT 10-09-95 99 MAILED, 33 EMAILED, 3 INTEROFFICE 11/22J95 APPN FOR NEW LSQ ON SALE (C), SUNDAY ON SALE, RESTAURAI3T(B), AND GAMBLING LOCATSON(B) APP'D C.r, #95-7.386 1/4/96 STATE APPN AND INS IN NAME OF K.D.CORNER FAXED TO STATE AND ENTIRE FILE GIVEN TO C.ROZBK TO DBTERMSNE WfiO THE OFFICERS ARE AND WHAT ROLE DEBRA JOI�'NSON & DIANE SPETEN HASIE IN THE CORP.-LAP 2-16-96--MARK LICENSE ACTIVE PER CHRISTINE ROZEK --LK--LIC 4/5/96 REQUEST TO ADD OFFICERS REFUIQDED-P.V_ #� V 9/18/96 C.F. 96-1151 APP`D SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR ONE DAY. SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS ON TF3E CONDITION THAT THE LICENSEE PAY TAE COSTS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE I3EARING AND REMAIN S I,AW ABIDING AND OF GOOD MORAL CAARACTER AND HAVE NO VIOL,ATIONS OF TEH PROVISIONS OF �I3Y ORDINANCE, LAW OR CONDTTION RELATII3G TO THE OPERATION OF THIS BUSINESS DURING THE 18 MONTH PERTOD. 11j22/86--I,ETTER SENT REQUIRII3G PAYMENT OF $590.33 IN HEARING COSTS. (PAYMENT DUE 12/20/96) -- T.AR 2/7/97 - RECEIVED $59a.33 FOR HEARING COSTS - LAB 12/4/97 RSCEIVED WARNING NOT TO OPEN E DUE TO DELINQUENCY AND NO LIQ LIAB INS. AT 3:30PM KRIS S WENT TO INSPECT. THE BAFt WAS OPEN AND SERVING. T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY PEI3UING 12J05/97 11/O1J98 DEBRA RUTH JOHNSON 2212975 L�:L•II�LI:I�] ' PRODdCER - ------" SUNRISE PARKlNSURANCE AGENCY iNC 2063 COUNN ROAD E, EAST WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN b5110 612-777-7475 INSURED DEBRAJOHNSON DBA: SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE STREE7 ST PAUL, MN 55117 ?�'JCYNUAg[R POLCYFFFEC7NE FOUCYEFPifUITON _ .. � OL7E IM6Hppy'n DATE �MtND6yy) 1 �-5 -� ��—�-�.,.�..^� y::��.v;:•a�.�. �,p�,ar�� y �,� THIS tS 70 CERTiFY T'.-WS THE P011CIES OF WSURhNC't LIST'cD e BEEN ISSUEp TO THE INSUREO N!•,tdED ABUVE FCR THE ?OLICY P'cRIOD 3NDICWED. NOTMiHSTANDING ANY REQL'IREMFM, 7'cRM pR CONDITION OF AM' COMRhGT OR OTtiER DOCUMENT VATH RESPECT TO 41RiICH THIS CERTIFlCATE MAY BE ISSUm OR tAAY PcRTNN, 7FtE �KSURAYCE :�FDkDED BY THE POLICIES D'cSCR16ED HEREIN IS SU33EGT TO AL(, TNE TERMS, fXCIUSIONS hND COND([fONS OP SUCH POLICI_S. LiNdTS S!+�',5'N IMY IiqL c BcEN REDl7CED BY PfV� CIWMS. �� TYPEQ'INSUFWFK`E LtR crac uxs+un LOMNE?Lihl GENERAL UFBIU7Y ] CS.N!5 MADE ❑ OCCUR d.N�ER'S E CCATRnCTDR'S Y�20T �rros�;E uca�un ANYAUTO ALL pNJ:O AU7D5 SCH:D'JLED R V705 NIREDR{7t"JS NON•CYlNEDA:iT05 AHYAVTO UMBRELtAFDAM 4SpU' CE� CQAIPENSATlpN AAA EuF1AYERS' itA86J7Y THEPROPR7EiOR7 � ?xR7'N�R5/EXFCUTIVE A �L14UOR LIABIUN TAVERN �� CAd'rANY q T,H.E. INS URANCE COMPANY n 1 ��� i ������ �� ���� ti LlX,1=ANY e COM:ANY C CCtA%ANY D PENDlNG C1TY OF ST PAUL LiCENSING DIViS10N 350 ST PETER STREET, SUITE 300 ST PAUL, MN 55102 12/D4l97 1 11/01l38 NO R{GHTS UpON lIMR4 MEOEXP(0.rt�onewsm) jt GDM9lNEDSINvIE LiN.li � t SODILY IN:URY I S (:tr9enon) ` BOOILY IN.;URY (Aera�iderd� S PROPERlY S7AIiFGE _ noroor�.r-Enw:cro=Hr t O7HER7K5NAVTOONLY: - . Pnrueeeinvur < C� rure �uwon�rv� 12/04l97 S �300,000 OCCURRENCE 5300,000 AGGREGATE SNWID AM' Of iHE AHDYE CfStRBEp PpGCIES HE GaNCELL� gFFORE T1�E cxruunon �TC 7ne�. me �sswna coer�rn vnu v�oenvort To nua � O DIITS WPo77EH N0710E SO THE CBttiFICATE HOLflER NLt� 7D TiE LEfT. BUT FNLt �70 I.ypr. St�tH NOTICE SNAL.� ! C5E �HO OBt16A 00. LKeRRY OF ANY/IaYeyuo�w ruc rweew �......« Jl_ �_._._. . � w+r*xr*�:*xx��x -CAMM.JOJ4N�L- �rm�Y��������+�.�� D�iE NOU-05-1995 **��� iiM'e 11�17 >.x P.01 , MODE = McM�^RY TRn.'�4 `.���ION . SqqT'- 11:18 E1J�j=t.'�J ll:i7 q8 '�y,, • FILE N�.= 225 N7' - C.x"'� R3°-�'�lJ�. ST.^,TiON h���_i P�5 FRG.NO. PR7i GRp1 NA^7� Tc'LFFi�iO!�E hq. 0Z1 OK <QS> STFTE �?3 COY eai�aai . -C1iV OF 5T P.�IR L:E? - 't�i`�v`ra`M''"""�x`"`�x�:'�''ta�'a>'n"q`�r*:""*aok� -c'_2 2c5 5?'eA -���r - E12 265 S12<- �'�:<+k+k� --. -- --- Yf1l� � ��7��t' �t:or.ty GFF�TIF[CATE OF p N.ATTER OF ,7EC Tasuraace Groap, Iae. 35D0 �est SOLh Sc.eec Sui:e 15� �inaeapolis, YS7 =5A31 ..-vazo Debrn Johasoa DbA; Spoxts Sseak 2149 Bice Street St. Paul, L'N 55117 tNS !D`JGES � � T'FFCf�n6M1�RLVY 1IA ' � cv+v� i�.a�m . �mu..eoeuie�eRat�� _.vro*cas.ueon._ , � _� axRVrO ;,�AtLDm/FDAVTPS � * �. SCMECJtFDN1fAS � „� �ORECAlrt05 T ��NDNLWNEDaVTG's S r � � • W4�C£LILNtt}�• t I jY V++�vTa i i �� i.�.�� ^ • t]��U�Bntf1' • F � " �uMex�iuwm+ j l 'mrERnwruMC+iFaUeaae � ; WCqI3ASCpN>EN56ifOMP'VD ; fMnoYFPSwmm ' .VRN�M '�� �(M{I.'FqSMF �Fi.'R. �OII�CR � : 13Quor Siabiliiy i 25D ! coH r.r:r D +�SUFAt:� ltS'� &40`N f+��E EfEx LSS,�E. T'EIPT, TFAb C4 GJ�D'710N Of AfiN COhTA �w, TH[ wSUFA'a� AFf-0F�ED BY TNE POl :1F5. UMT$ SK�VN MAY NaVE 6cff: i1s�J'.�D � 90:C1 ETiKT"E � MUCV Ke�YCR " Oa*t P'MlDOM! : . � 1 `1H15 U$Ui,tY"� ' � Sl7siire�� "l��.Q:.��>:"e'�c.itTx "" � r —•-.; �' SUR �UI:l::d•7u:1�.:i.ltl.n'f-:^�; :...� T1LSV.7FG�1F�i^i} ;��.-ttfi�� Q�GYA1�51S k72 CLe.ai�i-ie�- P 1 � II-1-96 :raca Fire Zns_ Co. _,� �.1 t �S <% i iF75�aai� fS 15s�.4"� =u��nh`� : o naz �, � ,US:iLS!:.�:^•• �••c%J�:l�SSFHft�E14:E � .u51"r.v:a ""--'_ . ,_'_" ntrs;t:=,Ft�SY 1 TAitD:u: -..:,i;i'SO�Ydd.'Y.'lTL9R + . �.c � y� � f cE �NSUaEC uA�sEO /.80�'E FDR'NE 7Y.'CY PiR1CD j i .7�N=R DONM.ENT WRX RSPfR'�O �:�+'M�S �$�tBE-0 HEItE(H 15 SU6�ECr TO A'.L 7HE '��. I � Cl4MS. ..�J W�'iL'1P�1: ilA1P$ . :eouuxEOrv+c,�w�r � :PS�v� � ' i S �� ` I -.� $300,0�0. Lach Oecur:en�e 5300�OD0. AggregaLe , +F*t:AME SO 8E C2ANGED 027 lICENSE 20 HEN' '1.•D- RORNEB, ZT.C. DBA: ' R.D. XDRi:bR` CSiy o£ St. Paul/Lit. Div 350 Si- Petez Sueet Suite 300 Si. Paul, !JN 55102 ' ...._. . . s�wu�e �xr a nrt xwc asa+s� +aacaz sc c.r+cEUm eawe x�c � OVM4*CM eaIE TRIIfDF. 11tE 155Y1MG WMPiM M61 t�+Le+VM �o w�¢ . IU GXIS WbTlU! NDlwt 70 T1E LERiwCJR MaDV M1MRT 10 M tER ' wr wtMt 1D wV1. tual NmL4 sAUi uxtf ro owcc+�al on UVM1rtY OF r4� k1NC WON TMC T15 11f)1tlSUMlNit ♦VIM�Ktt011[+WE*�.pn'( � � � • � wwii6 coivoqrtnoH im T07� P.HS :�'.� � ilAA11 , LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE . COMPLET� OTHER SIDE OFTHIS PORTION .4ND RETURN WITX YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �: 2212975 License�l.D � REMIT To: CITY OF SAINT PAUL O��e of Licenae� yrypcctions and Eavironme¢�a1 protecpon 3'A A Nnet A Sime 7W S� Rni. L1�� S31p2 i61�7bbfi/A License Expiration Bate: 10/31196 Payment Dve Date: 10l31J96 DEBRA R JOHNSON SPORTS B�tEAK 2278 h'ILO AVE 23 OAKDALE, MN 55128 Ticense Code 2082 2168 2480 2390 �G�� i isen.e \'ame LIQ-OAT SA.LE-100SEATS2ESS-C - STJI�'DAY ON SALE LIQUOR - RESTAURANT (B)-MQRE THAN 12 SEATS GAMBLING LOCAITON (CLASS B) - C`�t�re� Total Amaant Due: 54891.00 �' Pay�8 only lst half i4u y: S�?9�90 � , � � oing BusiMSS at 119s xtcs sr �.,1 Us • . PAtn., � ss�� Liceace Fee 54200.00 �1 54200.00 S200.00 O1 S200.00 5425.00 O1 S425.00 566.00 O1 566.00 317• � c/ ,�t7, Dc (Bond andior.insurance if applicable must be submitfed with payment.) '�31125'� jnsuranoe Exp. Date : I1101/96 / f� S /{ � � ' { BOMI 8LdI0I inmxnCC lIIS�OIIDffilOII 8II8CLBCI � � ( .. - - - ' - _ '- _ = ;r'•'_ ' -- - - .... _ " ' _ _ _ ' .- ;.. _ ' _ ' ' - - " ' _ _ �_ _- - _ '__ '_ ' _'_ - ' _ _' ' ,t�. _ _ .. -:. . . . . . .> ' " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' - _ �. . . . ��,." '' �".' ' ' ' , , ..' ""-.... . _, , •_,-:. ` - ' " - ' ' _' - ' ' ..: ._ _ . . . :' "'� ..- " " ' _ ' 'a�'' _ ' "c;`'_ ' . .-. '_ - ' _ _ ' _' _ - " ' . '- - _ _ ' w�.; - . � ' .. : . . -.-' -'...': - _ . - ' _ ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' _ " " . _ .. : . ' _ _ _ . . . ' _ -;? - _ " _ " ' _ - - . . . . ��-' .. . . .� . : _, � � .. ' � _ . � _._ '. � . . _ ' ' . . . . . � _ . . _ .. ... - .� . _ . ��.. ..=i.. . .. . .. . ... . . ... . . . � , ---- �V � y \� ON SALE LIQUOR RENEWAL LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�cc ot License, ImpccGon: and Eavironmcmnl p�vtttGon 350 A. Rb A Sdm 3�] s:maa.M�, ss�oz (61Z7]b691D] Ls� i.n. # �//as ApplicanUCompan Doing Business As Business Address: Maii To Address: Strcet Address Applicant I�Tame: _ _ Home Address zZ c� l ssna Aaa,�e City Date of Birth Ciry State Zip �ome Phone: �,��� S�af� Zip Type of Business: Resraurant X 1 Ciub �1{ HotellMotel .�j� Manager Infprma ' n f' • �j � 1 .� �:uame: \ ���� G� / Date of Birth: 3/�- J�� Home Address: - l tr�-t� t�- �ti� �� f o t9 �� JV1� S`� � 1 3 � y Street Address � City Stata Zip . Home Phone: I�� �` ��! l Original Date of Easploymenr - Are any of the following taxes or charges for the licensed premises unpaid or delinquent?: ;� Reai Estate Tazes Yes �_ No Personal Property Tazes Yes k No City Utility Bills Yes _� No Special Assessments Yes � No If there have been any changes ia interests in premices or finances, or contracts between applicant and any person, corporation, parmerships, oz any new loans since license was Jast issued, ezplain ia detaIl: _ Liquor is served in the following azeaslrooms (p3ease be specific): ��! � Seating Capacity (circle one) IOD seats or ess rner 100 seats of Applicant �k myr: Olfw d !1� Pmt Cn➢Y: li.m.w over 200 seats � �� � Date �e.id I7/96 S'ticU Address � Z`�?_ (�i�� ��'"t-e- ��c% ��/�1/t�0 i��✓1 S��p�� OFFICE OF TT� CITY ATTORNEY� � � PegBir74 CityAnomey �{� ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, Moyor Civil Division 4Q0 Ci[y Ha11 IS Y➢estKelloggBlvd Saint Pau{ Mimusa!¢ 55702 Telephone: 672 266-8710 Facsimile: 6Z2 298-5679 Apri127, 1998 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Licenses held by Debra Joluison dlb(a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in 3t. Paul License ID No.: 31125 Our File Number: G97-0557 Deaz Mr. Vaught: Please take notice that a hearing concenung the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 13,1998 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies_o�'the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the fact concerning the lapse in liquor liability insurance has been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce wili be for a thirty day suspension of all licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��%�� c� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. D'uector, Dist. 6 Pianning Council, 1055 N. Da1e St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ' S. MARK VAUGHT � o "�`I i� Anornev At LLau� Suiu 700 Six Wesc F3frh Sceec Saiac Paui, Minnesota 55102-142D (6i2)297-6400 Ff+X (612) 224-8328 May 13, 1998 The Honorable Dan Bostrom, President and MemberS, Saint Paul City Council Third Floor City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Pubiic Hearing Involving Adverse Action Against Licenses Held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break at 1199 rice Street for Lapse in Liquor Liability Znsurance; Resolution 98-411; City Council Egenda Item_37;,_May 13,_ 1998 _. _.�__ =�,_�.__ .� Dear Councilmembers: I represent the licensee in the above-referenced matter. Though the licensee concedes that liquor liability insuranoe was not in force and effect from November 1, 1997, through December 3, 1997, the licensee believes the violation was neither intentional nor will£ul, nor even negligent, and asks that the City Council take the following facts into consideration in determining what sanction, if any, to apply: 1. The licensee was originally granted the licenses in question in late November, 1995. 2. The original certificat� - of insurance--(Exhibit.-.A);--=- --.- appended hereto, showed that all selevant insurance coverages, including liquor liability insurance were effective November 30, 1995, through November 30, 1996. _ _.. 3. Sometime thereafter, a City representative, apparently from LIEP, called the insurance agent £or the licensee, Christopher Skelton, and informed him that the coverage dates needed to be changed so that coverage tarminated on November 1, 1996. The licenses was not directly informed of this change by either the City or the agent. The agent made the change requested by the LIEY and issued a new certificate. The agent' s recollection of this event is included in a letter dated February 23, 1998 {Exhibit B). 4. As stated above, the licensee had no direct knowledge of the change and did not receive actual notifiCation of the new u�� Saint Paul City Council May 13, 1998 Page Two ���� expiration date until being informed on December 4, 1997, over two years later that the coverage had lapsed. 5. The licensee, like many licensees in the City £inances its insurance pac3sage. This particular licensee used Capitol Indemnity Corporation. The enclosed notice (Exhibit C) covering the financing £or the current year, indicates an expiration date of the insurance coverages of Deaember 28, 1997. The licensee received the notice dated April 29, 1997, assumed it covered all insurance coverages £inanced, including liquor liability insurance, and had no actual knowledge of an earlier expiration date until December 4, 1997. 6. Upon notice that the coverage had in fact lapsed, the licensee and the insurance agent acted immediately to procure and bind coverage, evidence of which is attached hereto {Exhibit D) and whioh became e££ective immediately. 7. The licensee has . not been notified of. any cl"aim _:`� �'p-`=' attributable to the lapse period and in fact believes no actual or potential claim to exist. In summary, the licensee submits that any violation was inadvertent, unintentional and certainly not willful. Nv damage has been done to any party and the actions or inaations of the licensee are at most a technical violation of the ordinance. Ve truly y� s, S. Mark Vaughttil� Attorney at Law EXHIBIT a This Deelaration Page is attached to and forms part of certificate provisio� {Form SLC-3 USA). � `, Previous No. � Authoriry Ref. No. SB � Q �� Certiticate No. �' �9 s y���� I Atame and address Z�,a �O of the Assured ��� �. �. ` � alWa s�cs area� (This insurance has been ptaced ll�s rtt`e stseet with an insu;er that is not sz. vaut, wt ssiv licsnsed by thss sfate. (n case o# insolveiicy, �ayment af daims may not ba guaranteed.) 2 Effeetive from liorember 30, 1945 Lo t7ov�er 3D, i�I6 both days at 12:41 a.m. standard time 3 Insurance is effective with certain IINDEIiWRITERS AT LLOYD'S, LONDON. 4 Amount . Coveiage Rate f 354 on BetilQt iI S -- ( - n�f peclil fGC! gxtluding :i'_� 4__ ',� S 50.00Q on Contants il PTaod,aa� Etrthqwke ':�: � S 20,OOH on Earnfngs il S 2,D� SR/Uqi aa Crtme #1 S 14,00� on 9utldin9 #2 S 3�,000 each occvrrenee. $ �,OtfO anrtual aggregate i 100.UQ0 each occurnnce. S 300.006 armusl a94�� Percentage woz Premium _ -- ` S 2,955.A0 i� � S 1.9o8.uo Cawerciat Seasn7 LiabiTity �tquo� t�abtttt�r IncSuded S 4.863.00 PREMIUi6 OEYELOPED Ul�ER THIS POt.IC1' R� SUWEC7 7Q ltItR1E5QTA SURPLUS LI►ffS TA1( �F 3.UZ. � 5 Speciai conditions � DEfltlCSISLES: PmPertr - Si.ffOQ eack api erery ciaim, CrSme - 5250 eaeh and ererY c7aim. _..._ i liabi7ity - S6ti0 eaeh atfd erery clats. 1�itional 7arms and Conditioas as per Property and Liabttity SuppiemeaiaT Declaratioas and the foims tisted thereon. 6 Service of Suit may be made upon: �� �� 73fi Ith Arenue Nbr York, EIY IOfI19 Dated Oecember i4. 1945 -__��i.*<�:.:�, t;4T33�Ri9RiTi '� �G�:•. .. .. ... aL NtLtezoa, I6 by � � - correspon� ' TNIS !';fd1R.+�'!St;: IS :5S!i�D PU{iSSAt�If T01}IE MitIHESDTA SUnGU_5 ? i;;<q i;a9lJit�YG' AC7 TrtE 7NSiJt?En IS AH EL16161 F '�'Jr*- Jo :, co :!�SJR£!i BitT IS NOTOTHEflWISE tfEFNSEU BY -- ---- TiiE ST�TF OF MiNNESOTA.IN CASE Oi WSOLYENCY, PAYMH'1T OF CLAIAAS IS NOT GtiqRpbl7EEp,' b' � y{��ue ttn.e��p„r b.on Primioa Co.. Chia{o. ERHIBIT B Sunrise Park Insurance Agencv, Inc. 2063 County Road E, East - White Bear Laice, MN 55I 10 612-777-7475 Fax 612-777-7092 February 23, 1998 Re: Debra Johnson DBA: Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 ���u�i To Whom it May Concem: Z have insured this Iocation both for liquor liability and property coverage since it was purchased by the current owners. All originai documentation indicated an originai start date for coverage to be effective 1 i- 30-95 effective until 11-30-96. The original policy was bound indicating these effective and expiration dates. Upon a certificate of liquor liability insnrance being issuerl to the City of St. Paul I had received a phone cail from licensing indieating that the coverage dates had to be changed to show an exgirarion date of 11-1-96 with a new policy period thereafter to be 11-1 — 11-1 annually. Attached is the originat deolarations from ttie insurance carriez who provided the caverage 1 i-30-95 to expiration and a revised cenificate showing che requested new eacpiration date of 11-1-96. It is my opinion tl�at the insured was under the unpression that the 11-30 date was to be t3ie annual expiration and renewal dates from day 1 as this is when the ariginal dates were according to the ori�nal policy. PIease call me witk any questions you may have pertaining to this information. Sincerety, ��1� ^-� Christopher T. Skelton �i T c iNSUR�YCE • ��pl�pL T1`IDENIl�II7'Y CORPORA7'ION CONPANY inidF ��] . SPb�S B�,t��( �DCRESS K.D. Korner, Inc. :F !NSllRED 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, ;�i 55117 ;ANCEL- ATION r . Yau are hereby netif�ed in accu�dance with the Lrms and cnnditions of the abave mentioned �alicy, and in accordance wdh lavi, that yout insuronce wil{ ceese �J ai ana frum ihe hour and date mentionCO ab7ve See the "(mpurtapt Netices" section below far other infarmation that may appty. � Yau are hereby notifieA in accaNance with the ::cas ard conaRions ofi the abave meationed poli�y, and in actocdarce with faw, that �rour msurance will cease al anb from the hour and date mentianed a6we for tbe reasonls) s[ated in the "ImpOrtaM Notices" seC.ion telow. See the "impnrtartt ilotices" section helaw for other infarmation tbat may apQiy ❑'fou are hereoy notified in accorAance with the terms and conditions ot the ahove meMioned palicy, and in accardance with law, that the !nsurance wiil cease at and from the hour and date mentioaed abave for the Ramn(s) stated in the "ImpottaM Notiees" sectian befow. I! canceNation �s due to nonpaymeM of premiun, cancefiation can be avoided by paying the premium due ($ � before the eHective date af this cancellaticn as shawn a6we. If :imety paymeM has been made, pfease advise us ar yaur agent immediately ta aaoid intertuption in coveraga Prem�vm I L; Unearned Dremium wili be rMUmed to you not later than the eFtective date of cance:lation. ldjusiment- ❑ premium adjustment wifl be made as soon as praeticabfe aiier cancellatian becames efrective. ❑ Enclosed is S . 6erog ths amourt of mtatn premium ffi pm rata for the un;:r�ired term af this poiicy. I � A bdl tor the premium eamed ?a ?he time of cancelfation will be fonvarded in tlue cnursz l_; Other. —__- - - - �N. � reu ate nerztry nottlied ;n accordanc< with the terms e yEy�p� and from the hou: ard date mentiaaed ab�ve ar,d the See the "Imp�rtartt Nntices" section below (or o,her ii ❑ '�u are hera0y notffi:tr in accerdanc? w'�th tha term: will exqire zflect�ve at artd fmm the hour and date section below wii4 NQ� be ranzwec. ions ot the a*��e mer�ened pohc above ana the Fotie, viil (�nT be exp�2 accomance w�th law, that the aoove mentior ior the reason(s7 sta;ed in !he "lmQortart[ ' If nonrenewal is due to terminatwn af ucr affi(iatian xith yrour age�it, sre w�,l :ransser yoar ;,ciicf io a;,oth2r age=}t if you make a wri;te�i rzquest to do so pnor j to �he r,ar.rznewal date. �his pmision ap;,llas onty to nomernne.rs insurancej See the "Imacrtant Yoiices" section 6el:rvv tcr ather informatioa that may apply � igp±. ;�`cu are here�v notihed �n accorJante w�!� ,he t2rms anA conditions of �he aoove mz�'ionad paiici, zrd in aasrdance with law, that a6sva mentioned poliry, ,p�� nh�ch �vili expue eKecti��e at and from the ncw and date meat:oned abwa w�{i be mn=_,vea, hmveoet a; a conddion of renewat the aol:cy fimds of cererage :NEWAL � x-i� be rrooced antl/or certa�rt policy em�erages :r+il be eiim�ra*,ed as fioilows for !he spetific reason(s) state0 in the "tm,�ortart Hatices" sectian belaw. � You are herev� nohfied in accordance with ihe terms and ccr.d:tions uf the a6ove nen'.ioned po6cy, ana in acccr6aace wrth larc ,hat !he above menttioaed toircy, which will expice effective ;t and t!nm :;e hour and date mentionsa above, wifl b> asewed, howev^t, the rereNai wiil ta conditioned on ane or mcra o, „�e `oticKmg thanges being� made in the renewai policy, such bemg !aver lim�t(51 u't insurance. hi;ner 4eauchble(s), increased premiur: hates a�r higher rating pan: OAfAXT Reasan(sl Sor cancellaCpn, nonrenewa! or c�ndi6orod renewal {�y�on(a) statea criy if abm2 maraed �tem indicates s�ch1: ` 'CfS FAtT.T7RP Tt7 �:iiRn9TT' NADt^?AT. - nrhl7Fd�'ff3'I"�N r'�S PPR (YS4n� RECX3ES7'. � __ Additiaaaf trforr,�a6on Regasdi� the Reaso�s) fir Canceilation. �Joruenew�i ar 8edeciion in lnsa22e tdoes rrvt apply to casuatty and pmpecty insucartce primar�ry for business or protessiona! needs not to tet7aiaadons of i�arnca tlee i4 nonpayment uf premiumk You have the right to Anow the speci'ic items ef pecsonai and priviieged imormation tfiat suD�art the reason given `art^,is ac:ion ;nd the names and addresses af the scurces 4f that ir,fau�ati�n. i; yuu weuld iike fhis additinnal ir�ormatian }rou may reque,� such iafurmati¢n in writin; aoa we xui pmv�ae yoa with ihe reGUe�ted ir�ormahar, wi!tiin 3u ousirte;s days trom ±ha iate :he request is r�ceived. You aisa have tte nghf to see antl o6tain coo+es o4 documents refat�r,g ?o :1�s acfion. !f you request us in writing to correct, 3mer.d or delete arty �ersartal ir'.arma±mr, abaut you naw wtthi� our possession, v+e will �enthin 3C dan of ihe dat2 of receipt of your request coaect, amend ar oe�et= the iniorma!ion �n C:spe;a, or, ii we reiuse to mahe coae�icn, amendment or deletion, .ve �riil nchfg you af our refusal fo do sa giving ;he reascns For �efusal, �nd also no;;fy eo;. of ycur ��;'+t to �ive us : conc�se �ta?:ment if what you bef�a;y is the c;rmct information ana that it rs y�cur nghi b appea{ the disputa `c tf�e Commis�iorer af Comnerce. Y:e ;:iii au: you; �a:e:ra:r, or. file <_o t}at , �+one review+rg yw� fiie w4i1 be aware of your �tatement and have accecs ^; rt. ' Piease send .ecr wntten requesd t�: ._.._ _. i�an � 3..v ..E� e:i 0 ie ��r5 n �n f.in . ann.r.nna� �ni.r..........i N6710E OF CAHC£LiATiUN, N0�'REiiE'lVAL aR CaE1DiTtONEfl RENE4YA1 �j � (Minnesnta) �� " �l � I n Yau are heretry nmrt�ed m accomance v�„� �,._ i,.,�:a aw .�•� �• �- �• ���� � -�• ` !� will expirE effeMrve at anA from the haw and date mentioned a6We and the Da6cy wdl NQT De renewed tor �he masoms) sta�ea in t��a "fmyurauc �.��.w { sectian helmv. , '�f nonrenexal is due W�minaUOn of our affifiation wit1 }rour agent. we wi(t hansfer yaur ,eliq to anather age;it if you mzke a wntten 2quest ro d� pnar � tu the nonrenewa� date (Tr is provision apD��� o�h � homemvners �muranca) �i See ;he "1 ettant iiotices" section beie,v for ct�er i�torr.fatian that m a001 . .���. r °ou are hereby natified in accordance wr.h the L>rms and cendi6mfs of the abave m=�tianed Do���Y. an0 in accordance with law. that abo:�e meMioned Da<i�Y. dXED � u w�i�h will apire e�fectrve at and 's.rom the nour and date merrtloned above, w�ff be rene�ved, hevreaer. as a cundition af 2nevral tbe policy limits af cmerage .,�� � w�ll be reduced and/ar certaia PalicY covera8es Wi�� b� eliminztEd as failaws far !he specific reasonis) stated in the "lmpartxM Naricss" sect+on 4elaw. S� !he 'tm orGirt Notice�' sectinn below !ar other i��matian ma[ mav aur� � Yau aa nereby roniied in acCOtdane° wiih tte ferms and conditions af th= abwe me�¢ianed poii�y, and in accordance with law, that the abwe memianed poGcy, ❑ which wiN eWire effective at and fmm the hour and date menGoned abwe, nili be renewed. hwiever, the renewal wit( he candiGoned an one or more N tfie Sotlowisfg changes 4eing made in the rertewaf pu;icy. such 'xin8 �m�r ��mif(s) at inwraace. hiqher deductihle(s), ir,creased AremiuMrates andior higher rating plan: ppq�p� AeasoMs) for cancellatinn, nonrenewal nr cor�ditim�ed retrewa{ (reasaMs) stated anty (f aoc�e marked item indicates mch): � 'IC'c5 Addi6onai ;rformation Reyarding ihe Raascnlsl 1or Caacellatioa Nonrenewai or Reduction in Insurance (does not apply m casuairy and pmperty insarance pnmanry for 4usinen or pratesswnat needs nor to terminations of i�urance due to nonpaymeM M premiaml: Yau have ma rig; c to know the specific i:ems of persunal and pnwlegeu mtormation'hffi sLy�oA the reason ��ven for this actioo and the names and addresses of the sources of ihat infcrmatian. lf you would i�pe this addilionai informatlon you may re4uz�t such i�rma!ion in writinq ard we wdi Fr�vide you with the re4uested '+nformatiun within 3u ousiness days fmm the 4ate the reAuest is received. Yau afso have tf:e rigi�t to see and oMain topies of documents re4atSng ta this aciion. If you reQue�t us in wr�ting !a corre:t, amend or delete arry G�rw�a4 iMacmation about you now wrthin our possession, we wfli wdhm 3� days ef the date af recaipt of your sequest currecc, amend ar delete the i�"rarmation m uisp�te, or, �f we refuse to maAe corzect+on, amendme� ar del�ian, we wdi netrry wu of o�r retusal to do s4 givmg the reasans for refusai, and afso r,et+fy yau af yoUr nght :a give us a concisz stat8ment af whst you 6elieve is the carrec: informahon and that :t is yrour nght to app2at the d�spute ta the Ccmmissianer af Commerce. We wd1 p�t your stateme� on tile sa tha? anynae re»e.vmg yaur fde wili he aware ot your statement ar,d have access ta it. Ptease send your written ieauest to: ;n „�, ,,,, ,�„ �: ,�, ,<RO� m=o�v aeumm�ai m�am�nom Right So +lppeai to the Commissio�rer o� �omma!sE ia9M�g to hameawners insutance): Minnesota law artd ruies Iimit t8e reasons tw �v��ich your homeowners msuance polsq may be nonrenewed, reCuced as to the limitr of caverage or cwerage efiminated, or foc wh.ch the poGcy may a? cancei?ed. if you beheve this termmatmn notice �s m violaLOn af Minnesota faw or mfe�, you may, within 30 days cf receivinq this notice, senG a wntten tetter of complaim to ?5a Ca�rmissianer of Commarce, 133 fasi 7th Street, SF. Pau1, Minnesata 55301. Repiacemem M ProperiY (Frx1 oc Nomeawners lnsusance: Ii th�s natice aF cancei�at�on or nonreneo+al pertains to a polic/ prcvidirg fire, eztended coverage and pos;ib4y vandalism and m3liciaus miscGiei ee.erage �r homeowners, cooperafive hnusing ar caado�ain+um insurance or tarm msurance and you .vish to rep'.ace your pal¢y, yrou shcufd maxe zn effort ±a oMain inmrance Mrougi! anather company in the normal markM. it ;rou rave difficuiTy pmcurrmg replacement cover23e m the normaf matket, yvu passi4!Y mxf aoW!° >�Gh insurznce through �e tdinnesota ProPerty �nsuraace Placement Fac�tity {Fair Planl. fur turther mformation, please cantaM your zgent ar [he Fac�lity offic°. kutomahi!e lnsurence 44an tsttosmadon (applies oafY tn tke termination ai automahile insunncej: You have been not+fied herewfth tRat this ComDamf will au !anger be cx:rying yaur autamabJe insurarce. �bu are possihly eligible Fa autamob'ste liab+liry insuraace thmuqh anoiher insurer or under the h8innewta Automo- Gile Insurance Piaa. if the poli�y being termmated was inued under tha Minnesota putomebile insurarce P!an you possibfy may Ce elig�ble to 2zpP�Y for insurance ur.der tnt Plan Please contaet v�acr a ep,�nt 'ror mo2 ir�nrmation. P,ppeai m A�s�rcobite lnsuraace P�an Saeming Committee: As yo'ar polic� was one obtauxd thra�dh t,1e h;ianesota Ai � L ragarm:rg the aaove natificatron of cancel4at�on or ironsenewal that yau may request a hearing anC m6ng by the G t�an was nct in accordance wdh khe pmv�s�ons af the Plan o't Ooeruan af the Mmnesota Automo6ile fnsnrance 1750. Minnea;olis, Minnesota 55�iD2d8A2. Insurance Plzq Jvu ace Ce�etr/ advised, Com�hitte^ of'he Plan if the tormina- ated et i2� Sauth Si�ch Street, Smte � Cansumer Ranort: tn compGance mih c e fair CrxQit Reparting h.^t (Pu61ic aw 91�5051. Yuu aie herec�t mfcrmed thzt the action taken abm,z is bemg taken whofiy or partly becaesz at inEarmatmn cc^ta�ned .a a conwmer report from tfie f� fowmg eonsum°r r^portmg agen�y: yp pp( — -� ---- — -- -- ;e :. .: !?7 un6GRM re!n(IN, 3�!ro!Y �nf, O� Ld �pJ�(1W� 4OfY —� A��TMdQ�ZEDNtPPESENI>SRE Renewal of Number EXHI__ B._ IT D T_H.E. INS'tTRANCE COMPANY � �� �� RO � �� DB�� �4Py � �� , ��� Pol3.cy �io_ 009'7P�8556 1�roduc SIINRISE PARK INSIIRAt3CE Name Instlted aIId t+7ai l inq Add2es8 AGENCY� II3C. IC_D. ICORNER, INC_ 2063 CODNTY ROAD E, EAST DBA: SPORTS BREAR WHITfi BEAR LAR�'. NIId 55110 1199 RICE STREET ST. PAiIL, MN 55117 Policy Periods From 12I04j97 ta 11/O1j98 at 12:OI. A.M_ Standard Time at mailing addreas shown above_ Business Descriptian: ZN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRfiMIIIM, AND SIIBJECT TO ALL TERMS OF THIS POLICY,�WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDB T$E IN5URANCE AS STATEB ILd THIS POLICY. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF 'THE FOLLOWING COVERAGS PARTS FOR WHICH A PREMIi)M IS INDICATED. THIS PREMTIIM MAY BE SIIBJECT TO ADJLTSTMEN'P. etq yw: „ c a„�t�i� COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGS PART COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAB. COVERAGE PART COI�4IERCIAL CRIME CAVERAGE PART j�t,� t'nSUitu+t:E }S tSSUED PURSUAN7T� �T r T E 1�tlflER �: ��IGIBl� Si R�PLl3S lINE5 i�lSUREA BL'i IS NOT dTHERWIS"c IGE\S=D BY'!HE 3TATE OF MINNESOT0. tN �%AF.� ;k WSpLVEi�lCY. PAYMENTCf CL+.lidS IS riCT GL'rc�Ah'TEc'D. $ $ $ S S S S SIIRPLIIS LINES TAX -$ 112.65 TOTAI. PREMY�MS $ STAMPING FEE - $ TAX/FEE/SAFtCHARGE $ PQLICY FEE - $ 50.�0 TOTAL $ OTF�R - $ 150.00 . _ Premi.um shown is payable:$ 4,067.65 at inception; $ lst Anniversary; $ 2nd Anniversary; 917.00 2,747.00 91.0� 3,755.00 312.65 4,Q67.6S Fozm(s) and Eadorsement(s) made part of this policy at time o£ issue : IIS0071088 ILOOD31185 IL00171185 II,00211185 II�(12450195 OSL001018? ,. Couatersigned: 1J21/98 MCCO i�E1t . i r l � � -_�__, By � � Authorizad Representative . ^. _ -F a + \ 1 \ ���.�� 1 e-� V L.�S �� � � C� t r� �� Qr Council Fi1e #�$��\ :J � � lJ Green Sheet # 1�1Q �i � � RESOLUTION C�Y� F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Liquor On-Sa1e (C), Sunday On-Sale, Restaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID # 31125), held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break, for the premises at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul aze hereby suspended for a period of thirty days, with twenty-three of those days being stayed for a period of eighteen (18) months on condition that there be no further violations of the law during that period of time. The remaining seven days suspension of the licenses shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. This Resolution and the acfion taken above aze based upon all the documents and evidence presented to the Council, the facts of the current violafion which are summarized in the December 22, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of khe violation. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Y BY: ` � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: �ted by Council: Date \ J �-\� � VJ tion Certified by Council Se tary City Council Offices 4/28/9S .Tim Reiter, 266-8650 May 13 Public Hearing puweErtcaa rzounrw oxuAt TOTAL # OF SIGNASURE PAGES GREEN SHEET 98-y1i No 60883 u�..a.��� �a„��_ ❑ �.,.� ❑ �,.� � rauxcw.st�mersdrt ❑ asuxu��aEan�ccro ❑ ruroatox�urt� � ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Bebra Johnson, DBA Sports Break, 1199 Rice Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CB COMMITI'EE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION }ias this persoNfirm evervraketl undtt a coMract torMis deparFment7 YES NO Has this Pe�so��m ever men a crtY �cbY�� � - YES NO Does this Personlfirm Poseess a skill rwt namatll'Possessed bY anY arteM dtY emdoYee9 YES NO la tlus peteon/fitm a targettd vendof7 YES NO V'!�(�.�lilAef ,�'i���u.��`�E �,'��t;$�'� r s y... ..� !� � >DVANTAGESIFAPPROYED L AA�UNT OF TRANSACTION S NCSOURCE COSTfREVENUE BUOOETEG (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO al INFORMATION (EJ�WNJ ORfGINAL Presented By Referred To f Committee: Council File # � �11t Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / 2� � / J � RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale estaurant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigazette licenses (License ID No. 31125) held by Deb Johnson dlb/a Sports Break and located at 1199 Rice Street in Saint Paul is hereby suspend or a period of tlurry (30) days be nnin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1498 and endin t 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 1998 for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. 's Resolution and the action taken above are based upon all the documents and evidence pre nted to the Council, the facts of the current violation which are summarized in the December , 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been present to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the violation. xequested by Department of: > f�!%�aii �/ � Adopted by Covn�il: Date Adoption Cer 'fied Bye T Approve by Mayor: By: Form Approved by City A[.torney by Council Secretary � . BY � �l.ft Q,/�,c�.r � ' ' �, ���— Date Approved by Mayor Por Submission to Council By: as -y�� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARfNG Licensee Name: Debra Johnson d/b/a Sports Break Address: 1199 Rice Street Council Hearing Date: May 13, 1998 Viotation: Date: Place: Lapse of Liquor Liability Insurance November 1, 1997 through December 4, 1997 Lfcensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day Suspension of licenses Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter from attorney admitting to the viotation 3. Notice of Viotatian 4. License information 5. Insurance information S. MARK VAUGHT AttorneyAt Luw Suite 700 Six Wesc Fifrh Saeec Saint Paul, Minnesop 55102-1420 (612) 247�6400 FAX (612)224-8328 April 16, 1998 Virginia Palmer, Esq. Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, M=nresota 55102 RE: The Matter of the Licenses of Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Palmer: q8 -4\� This letter is intended to confirm our telephone conversation of April 14, 1998, regarding the hearing scheduled for April 15, 1998. In our conversation, i informed you that my client was prepared to concede that liquor liability insurance was not in force and efPect as indicated in the notice of hearing and wished to proceed directly to a hearing before the City Council to plead mitigating factors. Please inform me as to the date of the City Council hearing. Very -uly yours, . Mark Vaught Attorney at Law � :.�. - L c' __ -' .,,� APR 17 199& " ���� �������� b�s ti, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEy PegBir yArtomey civ;] Drvrs;on 400 Ciry Hall IS If'est KelloggBlvd Sainr Pau1, ��mesora SSIOT 1���11` Telephone: 6l7 266-87I0 Factimile: 6F2 298-56I9 December 22, 1997 Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Re: All licenses held by Debra Johnson d/bJa Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in St. Paul License ID No. 31125 Dear Ms. Johnson: The Director of the Office of License, Inspecrions and En��ironmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses held at ttie above-named premises. T'his recommendation is based on the following in#'ormarion: According to insurance records procided to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmeafal Protection, �•our liquor liability insurance lapsed hetween November 1,1997 and December 4,1997. Failure fo have liquor liability insurance is a violarion of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.065 and §310.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter to that effect, and the matter will be scheduled foi a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to deternune the appropriate penalry to impose on your license. You, or someone on your behalf, u�ll have the opportunity to appeaz before the City Council and make a statement as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you wish to dispute the above facts, you aze entitled to an evidenriary hearing before an administrative law judge. At that hearing both you and the City will present wimesses, evidence Page 1 and cross-examine the otL � witnesses. If this is your choice, ple ,�. send me a letter statin g�_ that you aze contesting the facts. Yon wi12 then be sent a notice of the administrative hearing with the time, date, and place of the hearing, and a brief explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, Januazy 9, 1998, how you wish to proceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by Friday, January 9,1998, I will assume ihat you are not contesting the facts, and the matfer will be scheduled for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, ��� �LG�i � � „tic.� Virginia D. Palmer Assisfant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Ditector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. Director, Dist 6 Platuung Council, 1055 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Page 2 98 - y�� STATE OF MINNSSOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 22, 1997, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St_ Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) same, with postage prepaid, in the United States Minnesota. and depositing the mails at St. Paul, Subscribed a�d�worn ,�o��bef�ore me this 22nd da' of) D� e�b 997. °18-y�1 Lic ID........-••••...... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip...................... E�;p Date ................. License Name ............. NOTS AREA ................ iond Policy Number....... Sond Company ............. tond Effective Date...... ond Expiration Date..... nsurance Carrier......., ns. Policy Number.,..... nsurance Effective Date. Zs. Expiration Date..... asociated Stock Holder.. :aler No ................ x Id ................... rker Comp Exp Date..... lephone ................ 31125 AC JOHNSON, DEBRA SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE ST 55117 1Oj31J98 CIGF.RETTB GAI�LII3G LOCATION (CLASS B) RESTAURA_NT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SLR3DAY O?d SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SA 13005 PH I30TICE SET FOR 11-22-95 SENT OUT 10-09-95 99 MAILED, 33 EMAILED, 3 INTEROFFICE 11/22J95 APPN FOR NEW LSQ ON SALE (C), SUNDAY ON SALE, RESTAURAI3T(B), AND GAMBLING LOCATSON(B) APP'D C.r, #95-7.386 1/4/96 STATE APPN AND INS IN NAME OF K.D.CORNER FAXED TO STATE AND ENTIRE FILE GIVEN TO C.ROZBK TO DBTERMSNE WfiO THE OFFICERS ARE AND WHAT ROLE DEBRA JOI�'NSON & DIANE SPETEN HASIE IN THE CORP.-LAP 2-16-96--MARK LICENSE ACTIVE PER CHRISTINE ROZEK --LK--LIC 4/5/96 REQUEST TO ADD OFFICERS REFUIQDED-P.V_ #� V 9/18/96 C.F. 96-1151 APP`D SUSPENDING ALL LICENSES FOR ONE DAY. SUSPENSION STAYED FOR 18 MONTHS ON TF3E CONDITION THAT THE LICENSEE PAY TAE COSTS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE I3EARING AND REMAIN S I,AW ABIDING AND OF GOOD MORAL CAARACTER AND HAVE NO VIOL,ATIONS OF TEH PROVISIONS OF �I3Y ORDINANCE, LAW OR CONDTTION RELATII3G TO THE OPERATION OF THIS BUSINESS DURING THE 18 MONTH PERTOD. 11j22/86--I,ETTER SENT REQUIRII3G PAYMENT OF $590.33 IN HEARING COSTS. (PAYMENT DUE 12/20/96) -- T.AR 2/7/97 - RECEIVED $59a.33 FOR HEARING COSTS - LAB 12/4/97 RSCEIVED WARNING NOT TO OPEN E DUE TO DELINQUENCY AND NO LIQ LIAB INS. AT 3:30PM KRIS S WENT TO INSPECT. THE BAFt WAS OPEN AND SERVING. T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY PEI3UING 12J05/97 11/O1J98 DEBRA RUTH JOHNSON 2212975 L�:L•II�LI:I�] ' PRODdCER - ------" SUNRISE PARKlNSURANCE AGENCY iNC 2063 COUNN ROAD E, EAST WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN b5110 612-777-7475 INSURED DEBRAJOHNSON DBA: SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE STREE7 ST PAUL, MN 55117 ?�'JCYNUAg[R POLCYFFFEC7NE FOUCYEFPifUITON _ .. � OL7E IM6Hppy'n DATE �MtND6yy) 1 �-5 -� ��—�-�.,.�..^� y::��.v;:•a�.�. �,p�,ar�� y �,� THIS tS 70 CERTiFY T'.-WS THE P011CIES OF WSURhNC't LIST'cD e BEEN ISSUEp TO THE INSUREO N!•,tdED ABUVE FCR THE ?OLICY P'cRIOD 3NDICWED. NOTMiHSTANDING ANY REQL'IREMFM, 7'cRM pR CONDITION OF AM' COMRhGT OR OTtiER DOCUMENT VATH RESPECT TO 41RiICH THIS CERTIFlCATE MAY BE ISSUm OR tAAY PcRTNN, 7FtE �KSURAYCE :�FDkDED BY THE POLICIES D'cSCR16ED HEREIN IS SU33EGT TO AL(, TNE TERMS, fXCIUSIONS hND COND([fONS OP SUCH POLICI_S. LiNdTS S!+�',5'N IMY IiqL c BcEN REDl7CED BY PfV� CIWMS. �� TYPEQ'INSUFWFK`E LtR crac uxs+un LOMNE?Lihl GENERAL UFBIU7Y ] CS.N!5 MADE ❑ OCCUR d.N�ER'S E CCATRnCTDR'S Y�20T �rros�;E uca�un ANYAUTO ALL pNJ:O AU7D5 SCH:D'JLED R V705 NIREDR{7t"JS NON•CYlNEDA:iT05 AHYAVTO UMBRELtAFDAM 4SpU' CE� CQAIPENSATlpN AAA EuF1AYERS' itA86J7Y THEPROPR7EiOR7 � ?xR7'N�R5/EXFCUTIVE A �L14UOR LIABIUN TAVERN �� CAd'rANY q T,H.E. INS URANCE COMPANY n 1 ��� i ������ �� ���� ti LlX,1=ANY e COM:ANY C CCtA%ANY D PENDlNG C1TY OF ST PAUL LiCENSING DIViS10N 350 ST PETER STREET, SUITE 300 ST PAUL, MN 55102 12/D4l97 1 11/01l38 NO R{GHTS UpON lIMR4 MEOEXP(0.rt�onewsm) jt GDM9lNEDSINvIE LiN.li � t SODILY IN:URY I S (:tr9enon) ` BOOILY IN.;URY (Aera�iderd� S PROPERlY S7AIiFGE _ noroor�.r-Enw:cro=Hr t O7HER7K5NAVTOONLY: - . Pnrueeeinvur < C� rure �uwon�rv� 12/04l97 S �300,000 OCCURRENCE 5300,000 AGGREGATE SNWID AM' Of iHE AHDYE CfStRBEp PpGCIES HE GaNCELL� gFFORE T1�E cxruunon �TC 7ne�. me �sswna coer�rn vnu v�oenvort To nua � O DIITS WPo77EH N0710E SO THE CBttiFICATE HOLflER NLt� 7D TiE LEfT. BUT FNLt �70 I.ypr. St�tH NOTICE SNAL.� ! C5E �HO OBt16A 00. LKeRRY OF ANY/IaYeyuo�w ruc rweew �......« Jl_ �_._._. . � w+r*xr*�:*xx��x -CAMM.JOJ4N�L- �rm�Y��������+�.�� D�iE NOU-05-1995 **��� iiM'e 11�17 >.x P.01 , MODE = McM�^RY TRn.'�4 `.���ION . SqqT'- 11:18 E1J�j=t.'�J ll:i7 q8 '�y,, • FILE N�.= 225 N7' - C.x"'� R3°-�'�lJ�. ST.^,TiON h���_i P�5 FRG.NO. PR7i GRp1 NA^7� Tc'LFFi�iO!�E hq. 0Z1 OK <QS> STFTE �?3 COY eai�aai . -C1iV OF 5T P.�IR L:E? - 't�i`�v`ra`M''"""�x`"`�x�:'�''ta�'a>'n"q`�r*:""*aok� -c'_2 2c5 5?'eA -���r - E12 265 S12<- �'�:<+k+k� --. -- --- Yf1l� � ��7��t' �t:or.ty GFF�TIF[CATE OF p N.ATTER OF ,7EC Tasuraace Groap, Iae. 35D0 �est SOLh Sc.eec Sui:e 15� �inaeapolis, YS7 =5A31 ..-vazo Debrn Johasoa DbA; Spoxts Sseak 2149 Bice Street St. Paul, L'N 55117 tNS !D`JGES � � T'FFCf�n6M1�RLVY 1IA ' � cv+v� i�.a�m . �mu..eoeuie�eRat�� _.vro*cas.ueon._ , � _� axRVrO ;,�AtLDm/FDAVTPS � * �. SCMECJtFDN1fAS � „� �ORECAlrt05 T ��NDNLWNEDaVTG's S r � � • W4�C£LILNtt}�• t I jY V++�vTa i i �� i.�.�� ^ • t]��U�Bntf1' • F � " �uMex�iuwm+ j l 'mrERnwruMC+iFaUeaae � ; WCqI3ASCpN>EN56ifOMP'VD ; fMnoYFPSwmm ' .VRN�M '�� �(M{I.'FqSMF �Fi.'R. �OII�CR � : 13Quor Siabiliiy i 25D ! coH r.r:r D +�SUFAt:� ltS'� &40`N f+��E EfEx LSS,�E. T'EIPT, TFAb C4 GJ�D'710N Of AfiN COhTA �w, TH[ wSUFA'a� AFf-0F�ED BY TNE POl :1F5. UMT$ SK�VN MAY NaVE 6cff: i1s�J'.�D � 90:C1 ETiKT"E � MUCV Ke�YCR " Oa*t P'MlDOM! : . � 1 `1H15 U$Ui,tY"� ' � Sl7siire�� "l��.Q:.��>:"e'�c.itTx "" � r —•-.; �' SUR �UI:l::d•7u:1�.:i.ltl.n'f-:^�; :...� T1LSV.7FG�1F�i^i} ;��.-ttfi�� Q�GYA1�51S k72 CLe.ai�i-ie�- P 1 � II-1-96 :raca Fire Zns_ Co. _,� �.1 t �S <% i iF75�aai� fS 15s�.4"� =u��nh`� : o naz �, � ,US:iLS!:.�:^•• �••c%J�:l�SSFHft�E14:E � .u51"r.v:a ""--'_ . ,_'_" ntrs;t:=,Ft�SY 1 TAitD:u: -..:,i;i'SO�Ydd.'Y.'lTL9R + . �.c � y� � f cE �NSUaEC uA�sEO /.80�'E FDR'NE 7Y.'CY PiR1CD j i .7�N=R DONM.ENT WRX RSPfR'�O �:�+'M�S �$�tBE-0 HEItE(H 15 SU6�ECr TO A'.L 7HE '��. I � Cl4MS. ..�J W�'iL'1P�1: ilA1P$ . :eouuxEOrv+c,�w�r � :PS�v� � ' i S �� ` I -.� $300,0�0. Lach Oecur:en�e 5300�OD0. AggregaLe , +F*t:AME SO 8E C2ANGED 027 lICENSE 20 HEN' '1.•D- RORNEB, ZT.C. DBA: ' R.D. XDRi:bR` CSiy o£ St. Paul/Lit. Div 350 Si- Petez Sueet Suite 300 Si. Paul, !JN 55102 ' ...._. . . s�wu�e �xr a nrt xwc asa+s� +aacaz sc c.r+cEUm eawe x�c � OVM4*CM eaIE TRIIfDF. 11tE 155Y1MG WMPiM M61 t�+Le+VM �o w�¢ . IU GXIS WbTlU! NDlwt 70 T1E LERiwCJR MaDV M1MRT 10 M tER ' wr wtMt 1D wV1. tual NmL4 sAUi uxtf ro owcc+�al on UVM1rtY OF r4� k1NC WON TMC T15 11f)1tlSUMlNit ♦VIM�Ktt011[+WE*�.pn'( � � � • � wwii6 coivoqrtnoH im T07� P.HS :�'.� � ilAA11 , LICENSE RENEWAL INVOICE . COMPLET� OTHER SIDE OFTHIS PORTION .4ND RETURN WITX YOUR PAYMENT State Taz I.D. �: 2212975 License�l.D � REMIT To: CITY OF SAINT PAUL O��e of Licenae� yrypcctions and Eavironme¢�a1 protecpon 3'A A Nnet A Sime 7W S� Rni. L1�� S31p2 i61�7bbfi/A License Expiration Bate: 10/31196 Payment Dve Date: 10l31J96 DEBRA R JOHNSON SPORTS B�tEAK 2278 h'ILO AVE 23 OAKDALE, MN 55128 Ticense Code 2082 2168 2480 2390 �G�� i isen.e \'ame LIQ-OAT SA.LE-100SEATS2ESS-C - STJI�'DAY ON SALE LIQUOR - RESTAURANT (B)-MQRE THAN 12 SEATS GAMBLING LOCAITON (CLASS B) - C`�t�re� Total Amaant Due: 54891.00 �' Pay�8 only lst half i4u y: S�?9�90 � , � � oing BusiMSS at 119s xtcs sr �.,1 Us • . PAtn., � ss�� Liceace Fee 54200.00 �1 54200.00 S200.00 O1 S200.00 5425.00 O1 S425.00 566.00 O1 566.00 317• � c/ ,�t7, Dc (Bond andior.insurance if applicable must be submitfed with payment.) '�31125'� jnsuranoe Exp. Date : I1101/96 / f� S /{ � � ' { BOMI 8LdI0I inmxnCC lIIS�OIIDffilOII 8II8CLBCI � � ( .. - - - ' - _ '- _ = ;r'•'_ ' -- - - .... _ " ' _ _ _ ' .- ;.. _ ' _ ' ' - - " ' _ _ �_ _- - _ '__ '_ ' _'_ - ' _ _' ' ,t�. _ _ .. -:. . . . . . .> ' " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' - _ �. . . . ��,." '' �".' ' ' ' , , ..' ""-.... . _, , •_,-:. ` - ' " - ' ' _' - ' ' ..: ._ _ . . . :' "'� ..- " " ' _ ' 'a�'' _ ' "c;`'_ ' . .-. '_ - ' _ _ ' _' _ - " ' . '- - _ _ ' w�.; - . � ' .. : . . -.-' -'...': - _ . - ' _ ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' _ " " . _ .. : . ' _ _ _ . . . ' _ -;? - _ " _ " ' _ - - . . . . ��-' .. . . .� . : _, � � .. ' � _ . � _._ '. � . . _ ' ' . . . . . � _ . . _ .. ... - .� . _ . ��.. ..=i.. . .. . .. . ... . . ... . . . � , ---- �V � y \� ON SALE LIQUOR RENEWAL LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�cc ot License, ImpccGon: and Eavironmcmnl p�vtttGon 350 A. Rb A Sdm 3�] s:maa.M�, ss�oz (61Z7]b691D] Ls� i.n. # �//as ApplicanUCompan Doing Business As Business Address: Maii To Address: Strcet Address Applicant I�Tame: _ _ Home Address zZ c� l ssna Aaa,�e City Date of Birth Ciry State Zip �ome Phone: �,��� S�af� Zip Type of Business: Resraurant X 1 Ciub �1{ HotellMotel .�j� Manager Infprma ' n f' • �j � 1 .� �:uame: \ ���� G� / Date of Birth: 3/�- J�� Home Address: - l tr�-t� t�- �ti� �� f o t9 �� JV1� S`� � 1 3 � y Street Address � City Stata Zip . Home Phone: I�� �` ��! l Original Date of Easploymenr - Are any of the following taxes or charges for the licensed premises unpaid or delinquent?: ;� Reai Estate Tazes Yes �_ No Personal Property Tazes Yes k No City Utility Bills Yes _� No Special Assessments Yes � No If there have been any changes ia interests in premices or finances, or contracts between applicant and any person, corporation, parmerships, oz any new loans since license was Jast issued, ezplain ia detaIl: _ Liquor is served in the following azeaslrooms (p3ease be specific): ��! � Seating Capacity (circle one) IOD seats or ess rner 100 seats of Applicant �k myr: Olfw d !1� Pmt Cn➢Y: li.m.w over 200 seats � �� � Date �e.id I7/96 S'ticU Address � Z`�?_ (�i�� ��'"t-e- ��c% ��/�1/t�0 i��✓1 S��p�� OFFICE OF TT� CITY ATTORNEY� � � PegBir74 CityAnomey �{� ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, Moyor Civil Division 4Q0 Ci[y Ha11 IS Y➢estKelloggBlvd Saint Pau{ Mimusa!¢ 55702 Telephone: 672 266-8710 Facsimile: 6Z2 298-5679 Apri127, 1998 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law Suite 700, Six West Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Licenses held by Debra Joluison dlb(a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in 3t. Paul License ID No.: 31125 Our File Number: G97-0557 Deaz Mr. Vaught: Please take notice that a hearing concenung the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 13,1998 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies_o�'the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for theu consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the fact concerning the lapse in liquor liability insurance has been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce wili be for a thirty day suspension of all licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��%�� c� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. D'uector, Dist. 6 Pianning Council, 1055 N. Da1e St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ' S. MARK VAUGHT � o "�`I i� Anornev At LLau� Suiu 700 Six Wesc F3frh Sceec Saiac Paui, Minnesota 55102-142D (6i2)297-6400 Ff+X (612) 224-8328 May 13, 1998 The Honorable Dan Bostrom, President and MemberS, Saint Paul City Council Third Floor City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Pubiic Hearing Involving Adverse Action Against Licenses Held by Debra Johnson, d/b/a Sports Break at 1199 rice Street for Lapse in Liquor Liability Znsurance; Resolution 98-411; City Council Egenda Item_37;,_May 13,_ 1998 _. _.�__ =�,_�.__ .� Dear Councilmembers: I represent the licensee in the above-referenced matter. Though the licensee concedes that liquor liability insuranoe was not in force and effect from November 1, 1997, through December 3, 1997, the licensee believes the violation was neither intentional nor will£ul, nor even negligent, and asks that the City Council take the following facts into consideration in determining what sanction, if any, to apply: 1. The licensee was originally granted the licenses in question in late November, 1995. 2. The original certificat� - of insurance--(Exhibit.-.A);--=- --.- appended hereto, showed that all selevant insurance coverages, including liquor liability insurance were effective November 30, 1995, through November 30, 1996. _ _.. 3. Sometime thereafter, a City representative, apparently from LIEP, called the insurance agent £or the licensee, Christopher Skelton, and informed him that the coverage dates needed to be changed so that coverage tarminated on November 1, 1996. The licenses was not directly informed of this change by either the City or the agent. The agent made the change requested by the LIEY and issued a new certificate. The agent' s recollection of this event is included in a letter dated February 23, 1998 {Exhibit B). 4. As stated above, the licensee had no direct knowledge of the change and did not receive actual notifiCation of the new u�� Saint Paul City Council May 13, 1998 Page Two ���� expiration date until being informed on December 4, 1997, over two years later that the coverage had lapsed. 5. The licensee, like many licensees in the City £inances its insurance pac3sage. This particular licensee used Capitol Indemnity Corporation. The enclosed notice (Exhibit C) covering the financing £or the current year, indicates an expiration date of the insurance coverages of Deaember 28, 1997. The licensee received the notice dated April 29, 1997, assumed it covered all insurance coverages £inanced, including liquor liability insurance, and had no actual knowledge of an earlier expiration date until December 4, 1997. 6. Upon notice that the coverage had in fact lapsed, the licensee and the insurance agent acted immediately to procure and bind coverage, evidence of which is attached hereto {Exhibit D) and whioh became e££ective immediately. 7. The licensee has . not been notified of. any cl"aim _:`� �'p-`=' attributable to the lapse period and in fact believes no actual or potential claim to exist. In summary, the licensee submits that any violation was inadvertent, unintentional and certainly not willful. Nv damage has been done to any party and the actions or inaations of the licensee are at most a technical violation of the ordinance. Ve truly y� s, S. Mark Vaughttil� Attorney at Law EXHIBIT a This Deelaration Page is attached to and forms part of certificate provisio� {Form SLC-3 USA). � `, Previous No. � Authoriry Ref. No. SB � Q �� Certiticate No. �' �9 s y���� I Atame and address Z�,a �O of the Assured ��� �. �. ` � alWa s�cs area� (This insurance has been ptaced ll�s rtt`e stseet with an insu;er that is not sz. vaut, wt ssiv licsnsed by thss sfate. (n case o# insolveiicy, �ayment af daims may not ba guaranteed.) 2 Effeetive from liorember 30, 1945 Lo t7ov�er 3D, i�I6 both days at 12:41 a.m. standard time 3 Insurance is effective with certain IINDEIiWRITERS AT LLOYD'S, LONDON. 4 Amount . Coveiage Rate f 354 on BetilQt iI S -- ( - n�f peclil fGC! gxtluding :i'_� 4__ ',� S 50.00Q on Contants il PTaod,aa� Etrthqwke ':�: � S 20,OOH on Earnfngs il S 2,D� SR/Uqi aa Crtme #1 S 14,00� on 9utldin9 #2 S 3�,000 each occvrrenee. $ �,OtfO anrtual aggregate i 100.UQ0 each occurnnce. S 300.006 armusl a94�� Percentage woz Premium _ -- ` S 2,955.A0 i� � S 1.9o8.uo Cawerciat Seasn7 LiabiTity �tquo� t�abtttt�r IncSuded S 4.863.00 PREMIUi6 OEYELOPED Ul�ER THIS POt.IC1' R� SUWEC7 7Q ltItR1E5QTA SURPLUS LI►ffS TA1( �F 3.UZ. � 5 Speciai conditions � DEfltlCSISLES: PmPertr - Si.ffOQ eack api erery ciaim, CrSme - 5250 eaeh and ererY c7aim. _..._ i liabi7ity - S6ti0 eaeh atfd erery clats. 1�itional 7arms and Conditioas as per Property and Liabttity SuppiemeaiaT Declaratioas and the foims tisted thereon. 6 Service of Suit may be made upon: �� �� 73fi Ith Arenue Nbr York, EIY IOfI19 Dated Oecember i4. 1945 -__��i.*<�:.:�, t;4T33�Ri9RiTi '� �G�:•. .. .. ... aL NtLtezoa, I6 by � � - correspon� ' TNIS !';fd1R.+�'!St;: IS :5S!i�D PU{iSSAt�If T01}IE MitIHESDTA SUnGU_5 ? i;;<q i;a9lJit�YG' AC7 TrtE 7NSiJt?En IS AH EL16161 F '�'Jr*- Jo :, co :!�SJR£!i BitT IS NOTOTHEflWISE tfEFNSEU BY -- ---- TiiE ST�TF OF MiNNESOTA.IN CASE Oi WSOLYENCY, PAYMH'1T OF CLAIAAS IS NOT GtiqRpbl7EEp,' b' � y{��ue ttn.e��p„r b.on Primioa Co.. Chia{o. ERHIBIT B Sunrise Park Insurance Agencv, Inc. 2063 County Road E, East - White Bear Laice, MN 55I 10 612-777-7475 Fax 612-777-7092 February 23, 1998 Re: Debra Johnson DBA: Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 ���u�i To Whom it May Concem: Z have insured this Iocation both for liquor liability and property coverage since it was purchased by the current owners. All originai documentation indicated an originai start date for coverage to be effective 1 i- 30-95 effective until 11-30-96. The original policy was bound indicating these effective and expiration dates. Upon a certificate of liquor liability insnrance being issuerl to the City of St. Paul I had received a phone cail from licensing indieating that the coverage dates had to be changed to show an exgirarion date of 11-1-96 with a new policy period thereafter to be 11-1 — 11-1 annually. Attached is the originat deolarations from ttie insurance carriez who provided the caverage 1 i-30-95 to expiration and a revised cenificate showing che requested new eacpiration date of 11-1-96. It is my opinion tl�at the insured was under the unpression that the 11-30 date was to be t3ie annual expiration and renewal dates from day 1 as this is when the ariginal dates were according to the ori�nal policy. PIease call me witk any questions you may have pertaining to this information. Sincerety, ��1� ^-� Christopher T. Skelton �i T c iNSUR�YCE • ��pl�pL T1`IDENIl�II7'Y CORPORA7'ION CONPANY inidF ��] . SPb�S B�,t��( �DCRESS K.D. Korner, Inc. :F !NSllRED 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, ;�i 55117 ;ANCEL- ATION r . Yau are hereby netif�ed in accu�dance with the Lrms and cnnditions of the abave mentioned �alicy, and in accordance wdh lavi, that yout insuronce wil{ ceese �J ai ana frum ihe hour and date mentionCO ab7ve See the "(mpurtapt Netices" section below far other infarmation that may appty. � Yau are hereby notifieA in accaNance with the ::cas ard conaRions ofi the abave meationed poli�y, and in actocdarce with faw, that �rour msurance will cease al anb from the hour and date mentianed a6we for tbe reasonls) s[ated in the "ImpOrtaM Notices" seC.ion telow. See the "impnrtartt ilotices" section helaw for other infarmation tbat may apQiy ❑'fou are hereoy notified in accorAance with the terms and conditions ot the ahove meMioned palicy, and in accardance with law, that the !nsurance wiil cease at and from the hour and date mentioaed abave for the Ramn(s) stated in the "ImpottaM Notiees" sectian befow. I! canceNation �s due to nonpaymeM of premiun, cancefiation can be avoided by paying the premium due ($ � before the eHective date af this cancellaticn as shawn a6we. If :imety paymeM has been made, pfease advise us ar yaur agent immediately ta aaoid intertuption in coveraga Prem�vm I L; Unearned Dremium wili be rMUmed to you not later than the eFtective date of cance:lation. ldjusiment- ❑ premium adjustment wifl be made as soon as praeticabfe aiier cancellatian becames efrective. ❑ Enclosed is S . 6erog ths amourt of mtatn premium ffi pm rata for the un;:r�ired term af this poiicy. I � A bdl tor the premium eamed ?a ?he time of cancelfation will be fonvarded in tlue cnursz l_; Other. —__- - - - �N. � reu ate nerztry nottlied ;n accordanc< with the terms e yEy�p� and from the hou: ard date mentiaaed ab�ve ar,d the See the "Imp�rtartt Nntices" section below (or o,her ii ❑ '�u are hera0y notffi:tr in accerdanc? w'�th tha term: will exqire zflect�ve at artd fmm the hour and date section below wii4 NQ� be ranzwec. ions ot the a*��e mer�ened pohc above ana the Fotie, viil (�nT be exp�2 accomance w�th law, that the aoove mentior ior the reason(s7 sta;ed in !he "lmQortart[ ' If nonrenewal is due to terminatwn af ucr affi(iatian xith yrour age�it, sre w�,l :ransser yoar ;,ciicf io a;,oth2r age=}t if you make a wri;te�i rzquest to do so pnor j to �he r,ar.rznewal date. �his pmision ap;,llas onty to nomernne.rs insurancej See the "Imacrtant Yoiices" section 6el:rvv tcr ather informatioa that may apply � igp±. ;�`cu are here�v notihed �n accorJante w�!� ,he t2rms anA conditions of �he aoove mz�'ionad paiici, zrd in aasrdance with law, that a6sva mentioned poliry, ,p�� nh�ch �vili expue eKecti��e at and from the ncw and date meat:oned abwa w�{i be mn=_,vea, hmveoet a; a conddion of renewat the aol:cy fimds of cererage :NEWAL � x-i� be rrooced antl/or certa�rt policy em�erages :r+il be eiim�ra*,ed as fioilows for !he spetific reason(s) state0 in the "tm,�ortart Hatices" sectian belaw. � You are herev� nohfied in accordance with ihe terms and ccr.d:tions uf the a6ove nen'.ioned po6cy, ana in acccr6aace wrth larc ,hat !he above menttioaed toircy, which will expice effective ;t and t!nm :;e hour and date mentionsa above, wifl b> asewed, howev^t, the rereNai wiil ta conditioned on ane or mcra o, „�e `oticKmg thanges being� made in the renewai policy, such bemg !aver lim�t(51 u't insurance. hi;ner 4eauchble(s), increased premiur: hates a�r higher rating pan: OAfAXT Reasan(sl Sor cancellaCpn, nonrenewa! or c�ndi6orod renewal {�y�on(a) statea criy if abm2 maraed �tem indicates s�ch1: ` 'CfS FAtT.T7RP Tt7 �:iiRn9TT' NADt^?AT. - nrhl7Fd�'ff3'I"�N r'�S PPR (YS4n� RECX3ES7'. � __ Additiaaaf trforr,�a6on Regasdi� the Reaso�s) fir Canceilation. �Joruenew�i ar 8edeciion in lnsa22e tdoes rrvt apply to casuatty and pmpecty insucartce primar�ry for business or protessiona! needs not to tet7aiaadons of i�arnca tlee i4 nonpayment uf premiumk You have the right to Anow the speci'ic items ef pecsonai and priviieged imormation tfiat suD�art the reason given `art^,is ac:ion ;nd the names and addresses af the scurces 4f that ir,fau�ati�n. i; yuu weuld iike fhis additinnal ir�ormatian }rou may reque,� such iafurmati¢n in writin; aoa we xui pmv�ae yoa with ihe reGUe�ted ir�ormahar, wi!tiin 3u ousirte;s days trom ±ha iate :he request is r�ceived. You aisa have tte nghf to see antl o6tain coo+es o4 documents refat�r,g ?o :1�s acfion. !f you request us in writing to correct, 3mer.d or delete arty �ersartal ir'.arma±mr, abaut you naw wtthi� our possession, v+e will �enthin 3C dan of ihe dat2 of receipt of your request coaect, amend ar oe�et= the iniorma!ion �n C:spe;a, or, ii we reiuse to mahe coae�icn, amendment or deletion, .ve �riil nchfg you af our refusal fo do sa giving ;he reascns For �efusal, �nd also no;;fy eo;. of ycur ��;'+t to �ive us : conc�se �ta?:ment if what you bef�a;y is the c;rmct information ana that it rs y�cur nghi b appea{ the disputa `c tf�e Commis�iorer af Comnerce. Y:e ;:iii au: you; �a:e:ra:r, or. file <_o t}at , �+one review+rg yw� fiie w4i1 be aware of your �tatement and have accecs ^; rt. ' Piease send .ecr wntten requesd t�: ._.._ _. i�an � 3..v ..E� e:i 0 ie ��r5 n �n f.in . ann.r.nna� �ni.r..........i N6710E OF CAHC£LiATiUN, N0�'REiiE'lVAL aR CaE1DiTtONEfl RENE4YA1 �j � (Minnesnta) �� " �l � I n Yau are heretry nmrt�ed m accomance v�„� �,._ i,.,�:a aw .�•� �• �- �• ���� � -�• ` !� will expirE effeMrve at anA from the haw and date mentioned a6We and the Da6cy wdl NQT De renewed tor �he masoms) sta�ea in t��a "fmyurauc �.��.w { sectian helmv. , '�f nonrenexal is due W�minaUOn of our affifiation wit1 }rour agent. we wi(t hansfer yaur ,eliq to anather age;it if you mzke a wntten 2quest ro d� pnar � tu the nonrenewa� date (Tr is provision apD��� o�h � homemvners �muranca) �i See ;he "1 ettant iiotices" section beie,v for ct�er i�torr.fatian that m a001 . .���. r °ou are hereby natified in accordance wr.h the L>rms and cendi6mfs of the abave m=�tianed Do���Y. an0 in accordance with law. that abo:�e meMioned Da<i�Y. dXED � u w�i�h will apire e�fectrve at and 's.rom the nour and date merrtloned above, w�ff be rene�ved, hevreaer. as a cundition af 2nevral tbe policy limits af cmerage .,�� � w�ll be reduced and/ar certaia PalicY covera8es Wi�� b� eliminztEd as failaws far !he specific reasonis) stated in the "lmpartxM Naricss" sect+on 4elaw. S� !he 'tm orGirt Notice�' sectinn below !ar other i��matian ma[ mav aur� � Yau aa nereby roniied in acCOtdane° wiih tte ferms and conditions af th= abwe me�¢ianed poii�y, and in accordance with law, that the abwe memianed poGcy, ❑ which wiN eWire effective at and fmm the hour and date menGoned abwe, nili be renewed. hwiever, the renewal wit( he candiGoned an one or more N tfie Sotlowisfg changes 4eing made in the rertewaf pu;icy. such 'xin8 �m�r ��mif(s) at inwraace. hiqher deductihle(s), ir,creased AremiuMrates andior higher rating plan: ppq�p� AeasoMs) for cancellatinn, nonrenewal nr cor�ditim�ed retrewa{ (reasaMs) stated anty (f aoc�e marked item indicates mch): � 'IC'c5 Addi6onai ;rformation Reyarding ihe Raascnlsl 1or Caacellatioa Nonrenewai or Reduction in Insurance (does not apply m casuairy and pmperty insarance pnmanry for 4usinen or pratesswnat needs nor to terminations of i�urance due to nonpaymeM M premiaml: Yau have ma rig; c to know the specific i:ems of persunal and pnwlegeu mtormation'hffi sLy�oA the reason ��ven for this actioo and the names and addresses of the sources of ihat infcrmatian. lf you would i�pe this addilionai informatlon you may re4uz�t such i�rma!ion in writinq ard we wdi Fr�vide you with the re4uested '+nformatiun within 3u ousiness days fmm the 4ate the reAuest is received. Yau afso have tf:e rigi�t to see and oMain topies of documents re4atSng ta this aciion. If you reQue�t us in wr�ting !a corre:t, amend or delete arry G�rw�a4 iMacmation about you now wrthin our possession, we wfli wdhm 3� days ef the date af recaipt of your sequest currecc, amend ar delete the i�"rarmation m uisp�te, or, �f we refuse to maAe corzect+on, amendme� ar del�ian, we wdi netrry wu of o�r retusal to do s4 givmg the reasans for refusai, and afso r,et+fy yau af yoUr nght :a give us a concisz stat8ment af whst you 6elieve is the carrec: informahon and that :t is yrour nght to app2at the d�spute ta the Ccmmissianer af Commerce. We wd1 p�t your stateme� on tile sa tha? anynae re»e.vmg yaur fde wili he aware ot your statement ar,d have access ta it. Ptease send your written ieauest to: ;n „�, ,,,, ,�„ �: ,�, ,<RO� m=o�v aeumm�ai m�am�nom Right So +lppeai to the Commissio�rer o� �omma!sE ia9M�g to hameawners insutance): Minnesota law artd ruies Iimit t8e reasons tw �v��ich your homeowners msuance polsq may be nonrenewed, reCuced as to the limitr of caverage or cwerage efiminated, or foc wh.ch the poGcy may a? cancei?ed. if you beheve this termmatmn notice �s m violaLOn af Minnesota faw or mfe�, you may, within 30 days cf receivinq this notice, senG a wntten tetter of complaim to ?5a Ca�rmissianer of Commarce, 133 fasi 7th Street, SF. Pau1, Minnesata 55301. Repiacemem M ProperiY (Frx1 oc Nomeawners lnsusance: Ii th�s natice aF cancei�at�on or nonreneo+al pertains to a polic/ prcvidirg fire, eztended coverage and pos;ib4y vandalism and m3liciaus miscGiei ee.erage �r homeowners, cooperafive hnusing ar caado�ain+um insurance or tarm msurance and you .vish to rep'.ace your pal¢y, yrou shcufd maxe zn effort ±a oMain inmrance Mrougi! anather company in the normal markM. it ;rou rave difficuiTy pmcurrmg replacement cover23e m the normaf matket, yvu passi4!Y mxf aoW!° >�Gh insurznce through �e tdinnesota ProPerty �nsuraace Placement Fac�tity {Fair Planl. fur turther mformation, please cantaM your zgent ar [he Fac�lity offic°. kutomahi!e lnsurence 44an tsttosmadon (applies oafY tn tke termination ai automahile insunncej: You have been not+fied herewfth tRat this ComDamf will au !anger be cx:rying yaur autamabJe insurarce. �bu are possihly eligible Fa autamob'ste liab+liry insuraace thmuqh anoiher insurer or under the h8innewta Automo- Gile Insurance Piaa. if the poli�y being termmated was inued under tha Minnesota putomebile insurarce P!an you possibfy may Ce elig�ble to 2zpP�Y for insurance ur.der tnt Plan Please contaet v�acr a ep,�nt 'ror mo2 ir�nrmation. P,ppeai m A�s�rcobite lnsuraace P�an Saeming Committee: As yo'ar polic� was one obtauxd thra�dh t,1e h;ianesota Ai � L ragarm:rg the aaove natificatron of cancel4at�on or ironsenewal that yau may request a hearing anC m6ng by the G t�an was nct in accordance wdh khe pmv�s�ons af the Plan o't Ooeruan af the Mmnesota Automo6ile fnsnrance 1750. Minnea;olis, Minnesota 55�iD2d8A2. Insurance Plzq Jvu ace Ce�etr/ advised, Com�hitte^ of'he Plan if the tormina- ated et i2� Sauth Si�ch Street, Smte � Cansumer Ranort: tn compGance mih c e fair CrxQit Reparting h.^t (Pu61ic aw 91�5051. Yuu aie herec�t mfcrmed thzt the action taken abm,z is bemg taken whofiy or partly becaesz at inEarmatmn cc^ta�ned .a a conwmer report from tfie f� fowmg eonsum°r r^portmg agen�y: yp pp( — -� ---- — -- -- ;e :. .: !?7 un6GRM re!n(IN, 3�!ro!Y �nf, O� Ld �pJ�(1W� 4OfY —� A��TMdQ�ZEDNtPPESENI>SRE Renewal of Number EXHI__ B._ IT D T_H.E. INS'tTRANCE COMPANY � �� �� RO � �� DB�� �4Py � �� , ��� Pol3.cy �io_ 009'7P�8556 1�roduc SIINRISE PARK INSIIRAt3CE Name Instlted aIId t+7ai l inq Add2es8 AGENCY� II3C. IC_D. ICORNER, INC_ 2063 CODNTY ROAD E, EAST DBA: SPORTS BREAR WHITfi BEAR LAR�'. NIId 55110 1199 RICE STREET ST. PAiIL, MN 55117 Policy Periods From 12I04j97 ta 11/O1j98 at 12:OI. A.M_ Standard Time at mailing addreas shown above_ Business Descriptian: ZN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRfiMIIIM, AND SIIBJECT TO ALL TERMS OF THIS POLICY,�WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDB T$E IN5URANCE AS STATEB ILd THIS POLICY. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF 'THE FOLLOWING COVERAGS PARTS FOR WHICH A PREMIi)M IS INDICATED. THIS PREMTIIM MAY BE SIIBJECT TO ADJLTSTMEN'P. etq yw: „ c a„�t�i� COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGS PART COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAB. COVERAGE PART COI�4IERCIAL CRIME CAVERAGE PART j�t,� t'nSUitu+t:E }S tSSUED PURSUAN7T� �T r T E 1�tlflER �: ��IGIBl� Si R�PLl3S lINE5 i�lSUREA BL'i IS NOT dTHERWIS"c IGE\S=D BY'!HE 3TATE OF MINNESOT0. tN �%AF.� ;k WSpLVEi�lCY. PAYMENTCf CL+.lidS IS riCT GL'rc�Ah'TEc'D. $ $ $ S S S S SIIRPLIIS LINES TAX -$ 112.65 TOTAI. PREMY�MS $ STAMPING FEE - $ TAX/FEE/SAFtCHARGE $ PQLICY FEE - $ 50.�0 TOTAL $ OTF�R - $ 150.00 . _ Premi.um shown is payable:$ 4,067.65 at inception; $ lst Anniversary; $ 2nd Anniversary; 917.00 2,747.00 91.0� 3,755.00 312.65 4,Q67.6S Fozm(s) and Eadorsement(s) made part of this policy at time o£ issue : IIS0071088 ILOOD31185 IL00171185 II,00211185 II�(12450195 OSL001018? ,. Couatersigned: 1J21/98 MCCO i�E1t . i / �-��q r � � -_�__, ( F / gy � �vn'��- Authorizad Representative . ^ _ -F