98-410a�������. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File � q 8 -� lp Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60043 3l That application (ID #19970000204) for a Second Hand Dealer - Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by THE HERTZ CORPORATION DBA HERTZ CAR SALES at 1370 DAVERN sT be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Trie vehicle sales display area shall be limited to the southwest corner of the lot, as shown on the approved site plan (File #97-059) on file with LIEP. 2. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the approved plan, date 2J5/98. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: office pf License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Byc Approved by By: L? By: � ±/�I l.C� !"r��� Form Approv 8�r • � /! Approved by Council By: by City for Submission to oePaxrn��rro��c�couNCn. w+� wrrw-r�o LIEPiLicensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60�43 qg - y�'° ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m �� �� ECHMANN GARY (61�2668136 1❑ GitYAttomey UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �� rW1398 HUMBHtfOR � Counal Research ROUt41G � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LACATlONS POR SIGNATIlRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Catnul approval Mthe to6laxi� ikz�e appfica}ion: Liceme if �gg7pppp2()q, for THE HERTZ CORPORATION, Dang Business As FiERTZ CAR SALES, at 1370 DAVERN ST, includ'mg fhe tolbwirn� business type(s): Second HarM Dealer - Motor Vehicle (tst). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(ft) ERSONAL SERVICE COISTRAC7S Ml3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOVJfNG QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisPersoMCumavuvao�ksdundera contradWrthisdepastmenYt __ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Dces ihis perso�rtn possess a skili �rot normaiy posse55ed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted venda? � YES MO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet tNIT1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesii� Council approval for The Hertz Corporation DBA Heriz Car Sales for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicie License at 1370 Davem St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �i� ';nr�,°; � �ev����-.Y� , s a�.�.. �� � � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � OTAL AMAUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE pCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: " (EXPLAIN) � «: �� 3--�_ c� CLASS III ' � `' � �' ` `' LICENSB APPLICATION ; ,:_} �,-.�',n== - _ _ ��. aa C � ���..� _� E.s� il;• ie�': THIS fu'PLICATION t5 StiBJECT TO REViEW BY THE PU�LiC PLEASE i YPE OR PRII�IT II3I2vK T�pe of License(s) being applied for. Business Phone: 6�e ��� �i 7.2. MN �5:5".5"�� S Company Nazne: If business is Doing Business As: Business Address: Corporation /Pa^tnership / Sole Pm�rietmship ted, gve date of incorpotation: _ s,� naa� 9��y10 CITY OF SAINI' PAUL O` �., ce af Licrnu, Ina�e:uons ma Em;rocmecnat Proterlon _so st. c.. st snnc ro Se_=?ulu-=�ch SS1D2 (6i3] 366?030 frx C61.) 366-51:4 ! 7 (��`.1 S � � 7� � Q G �'SS /� �/ s,� z� Beitreen what cross s�cets is the bus�i located? �� Which side of the street? Are the prearises nou• occupied9 7 What T}�Qe of Basiness? �/S�n �l,/%� �7�+L�5 Mai3 To Address: �'c/-'(� sum nama+ c3ry sra�e z;p Applicant 3nforz Nxae and Tiile: � F !rfiddle (Vfeideal Last Titic f3omeAddtess: I l6INSL�I�LI� �,OI.�.C�T �.rY��.e SA� ���Y�� NT G�'T.S�� S Addine City State Zip Date of Birtb: �/ Place of Birth: Home Phone: 0�0/',30 �� �d4 �/ ----. ->_. _-�.� r �v, ��' --� -- .._: `�c. ., �.- � _ •` -''. -^-'� '^ � '- - - - -- ---- - -`�r.g . .:c�- ---- - - Date of arrest: Charge: ^ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist tbe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, uho may be refeired to as to the applicanz's chazacYet: NAME ADDRESS List lic�enses which you cvrreafly bold, formerty held, or may have an interest in: PHOI�E Have aay of the above named 2icenses eva bcen revoked7 YES _�_ NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatioa v�sro� f s,=,= /� e cou going to operate this business person2lly? YES ?��O If not, �cho uill operate it? ✓ Fr�a�'K i N�s��. �-�E-��Z ?:-� \— :.tiddle tui�ia! �feidca) I,ast Datc otBiAh t�lS�O 7 U�R.<.Lle=� �-.�1�ts��L�i: 1``��) S�va`i`� ��2.'S>5� xo��r.a�: su���� Are }ou going to ha�•e a mzmget or usistznt in this bus+:ness? please complete the folloaing informatioa: !.fiddle Inf�sl HoaeAddcess: S4e�t\xme List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE f r � NAME '1 (Qffice Held) Ko�E�'T N. �,Ilrrlr < ��".K� HOME ADDRESS ;� �l/S. ✓ YES ('.�3eidcn) Ci.y HOME PHONE q�-w��o �� v�ta ?�TO If the msnager is not t,'�e same as the operator, Isst State Deu of Birth Zip Phone \�bet BUSINESS DA7E OF PHONE BIR'IH is a pazmership, p3ease inolude the follou�ing infoimation for each parmer (use additionai pzges if necessazy): Addma; st2ct.':amc city stau zip Phoac\umbcr Fixat2:ame l�f'iddfelnitial (!daidmJ Iast DateofBirtb Ho�cAdd}xy: St�t?:ame City Smte Zip Phnnetivmba MIN2dESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION Nt7MBER - Pursuxm to tl�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro��ide to the State of Minuesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the 2�linnesota busiaess tax identification number and the social securiry number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and the Federat Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number. - This informalion may be used to decsy the issuance or renewal of yow license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor ve]vcle excise ta�ces; - Upon receiving this infarmation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depaztment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetal Excbange of Information Agreemwi, the Depariment of Revrnue may supply flris i�fonnation to the Imemal Revenue Service. Iv&nnesota Ta�c IdeutificationNumbers (Szles & Use Tar Number) maybe obtained frcam the State of M'umesota, Business Records Departinent, 10 River Park P1aza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. Minnesota Tax Identification Number. � V�/ 1 _ If a Minnesota Tax Tdrntincation Number is not required for the business being operate3, indicate so by p]aeing an "X" in the box 2l18,97 Please list your emplo}mrnt history for �he pre��ous fis�e (5) ceaz period: CERI'IFICATIO;v* OF R'ORKERS' CO?�PENSATION COVE_RAGE PURSti�T I'O MRdNESOTA STA7UTE 176.182 qd -�`� I haeby ce�tif}• that � or my� compzny, azn in compliance i�ith the u orkers' compensztion insurance coverage reouirements of Minnesota Statutz 176.182, subdi�isim 2. I zlso unders`and 4ax pro�ision of fas� nformation in this ccrtification constitutes s�cieat grounds for ad��erse action against zll licenses held, including revocation znd susQension of s2id licenses. Nar.�eofInsurznceCompany: Reliance Insurance Comba� Policyl�TUmber: NWA0119707-02 A/S Cocerzgefrom 1/1/97 to 1/1/98 I bave ao emp?o}'ets co�'ered u�det k•o:l:ers' compens2tion ins�ruzce (LVITLSLS) eL\Y FAISIFICATION OF AivSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILI, RESULT I;1' IIEn7AL OR TffiS APPLICATION I heteby stste that I have 2nsu ered all of tl�e preceding ques'uoas, znd that the infomiation contained herein is true and correct to the hest of my ]mowled2e and belief. I Lereby state further that I have receiced no moneg or otter consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, contribution, or other�'�, otha thaz� alrza¢�• disc]osed in the application uivch i baewith submitted I slso understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and oliher esry omcials at any and all times w�hen the business is in opzration. 6� (REQI3IKED for all We nill accept pa��ment by casfi, check (made payable to Cih� of Saint Paun or credft card (M/C or Visa). IIate IFPfIYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCard �Visa EXFIRATIOI�T DATE: ACCOL?SI' ivTU&ffiER: ❑�/Cl❑ ❑C]Cl❑ ❑��� ❑�CI❑ ❑i�C7❑ of Gr�older for all char¢es) Date "`1`ote: If this application is FoodfLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266A l39), to re��ew plsas. If am substaniial changes to shvcture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-900� to aopiy for buiiumg pr.�nuzs. ffihere ue azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-900$. All applicatione requim the following documents. Please attach these documents n•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed desciiption of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan), The follow�ing data should be on tfie sitc plan (preferahly on an 8 I/Z' x I 1" or 81/2" x 14" paper}: • Name, address, and ptwne number. - The scale should be stzted such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemeat of all patinent featiues of the interiar of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, resi rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tYie &censed facility, indicate both the curtrnt azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of yois lease agreement or proof of owaership of tl�e properiy. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> J38/97 a�������. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File � q 8 -� lp Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60043 3l That application (ID #19970000204) for a Second Hand Dealer - Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by THE HERTZ CORPORATION DBA HERTZ CAR SALES at 1370 DAVERN sT be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Trie vehicle sales display area shall be limited to the southwest corner of the lot, as shown on the approved site plan (File #97-059) on file with LIEP. 2. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the approved plan, date 2J5/98. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: office pf License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Byc Approved by By: L? By: � ±/�I l.C� !"r��� Form Approv 8�r • � /! Approved by Council By: by City for Submission to oePaxrn��rro��c�couNCn. w+� wrrw-r�o LIEPiLicensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60�43 qg - y�'° ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m �� �� ECHMANN GARY (61�2668136 1❑ GitYAttomey UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �� rW1398 HUMBHtfOR � Counal Research ROUt41G � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LACATlONS POR SIGNATIlRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Catnul approval Mthe to6laxi� ikz�e appfica}ion: Liceme if �gg7pppp2()q, for THE HERTZ CORPORATION, Dang Business As FiERTZ CAR SALES, at 1370 DAVERN ST, includ'mg fhe tolbwirn� business type(s): Second HarM Dealer - Motor Vehicle (tst). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(ft) ERSONAL SERVICE COISTRAC7S Ml3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOVJfNG QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisPersoMCumavuvao�ksdundera contradWrthisdepastmenYt __ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Dces ihis perso�rtn possess a skili �rot normaiy posse55ed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted venda? � YES MO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet tNIT1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesii� Council approval for The Hertz Corporation DBA Heriz Car Sales for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicie License at 1370 Davem St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �i� ';nr�,°; � �ev����-.Y� , s a�.�.. �� � � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � OTAL AMAUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE pCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: " (EXPLAIN) � «: �� 3--�_ c� CLASS III ' � `' � �' ` `' LICENSB APPLICATION ; ,:_} �,-.�',n== - _ _ ��. aa C � ���..� _� E.s� il;• ie�': THIS fu'PLICATION t5 StiBJECT TO REViEW BY THE PU�LiC PLEASE i YPE OR PRII�IT II3I2vK T�pe of License(s) being applied for. Business Phone: 6�e ��� �i 7.2. MN �5:5".5"�� S Company Nazne: If business is Doing Business As: Business Address: Corporation /Pa^tnership / Sole Pm�rietmship ted, gve date of incorpotation: _ s,� naa� 9��y10 CITY OF SAINI' PAUL O` �., ce af Licrnu, Ina�e:uons ma Em;rocmecnat Proterlon _so st. c.. st snnc ro Se_=?ulu-=�ch SS1D2 (6i3] 366?030 frx C61.) 366-51:4 ! 7 (��`.1 S � � 7� � Q G �'SS /� �/ s,� z� Beitreen what cross s�cets is the bus�i located? �� Which side of the street? Are the prearises nou• occupied9 7 What T}�Qe of Basiness? �/S�n �l,/%� �7�+L�5 Mai3 To Address: �'c/-'(� sum nama+ c3ry sra�e z;p Applicant 3nforz Nxae and Tiile: � F !rfiddle (Vfeideal Last Titic f3omeAddtess: I l6INSL�I�LI� �,OI.�.C�T �.rY��.e SA� ���Y�� NT G�'T.S�� S Addine City State Zip Date of Birtb: �/ Place of Birth: Home Phone: 0�0/',30 �� �d4 �/ ----. ->_. _-�.� r �v, ��' --� -- .._: `�c. ., �.- � _ •` -''. -^-'� '^ � '- - - - -- ---- - -`�r.g . .:c�- ---- - - Date of arrest: Charge: ^ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist tbe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, uho may be refeired to as to the applicanz's chazacYet: NAME ADDRESS List lic�enses which you cvrreafly bold, formerty held, or may have an interest in: PHOI�E Have aay of the above named 2icenses eva bcen revoked7 YES _�_ NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatioa v�sro� f s,=,= /� e cou going to operate this business person2lly? YES ?��O If not, �cho uill operate it? ✓ Fr�a�'K i N�s��. �-�E-��Z ?:-� \— :.tiddle tui�ia! �feidca) I,ast Datc otBiAh t�lS�O 7 U�R.<.Lle=� �-.�1�ts��L�i: 1``��) S�va`i`� ��2.'S>5� xo��r.a�: su���� Are }ou going to ha�•e a mzmget or usistznt in this bus+:ness? please complete the folloaing informatioa: !.fiddle Inf�sl HoaeAddcess: S4e�t\xme List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE f r � NAME '1 (Qffice Held) Ko�E�'T N. �,Ilrrlr < ��".K� HOME ADDRESS ;� �l/S. ✓ YES ('.�3eidcn) Ci.y HOME PHONE q�-w��o �� v�ta ?�TO If the msnager is not t,'�e same as the operator, Isst State Deu of Birth Zip Phone \�bet BUSINESS DA7E OF PHONE BIR'IH is a pazmership, p3ease inolude the follou�ing infoimation for each parmer (use additionai pzges if necessazy): Addma; st2ct.':amc city stau zip Phoac\umbcr Fixat2:ame l�f'iddfelnitial (!daidmJ Iast DateofBirtb Ho�cAdd}xy: St�t?:ame City Smte Zip Phnnetivmba MIN2dESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION Nt7MBER - Pursuxm to tl�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro��ide to the State of Minuesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the 2�linnesota busiaess tax identification number and the social securiry number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and the Federat Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number. - This informalion may be used to decsy the issuance or renewal of yow license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor ve]vcle excise ta�ces; - Upon receiving this infarmation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depaztment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetal Excbange of Information Agreemwi, the Depariment of Revrnue may supply flris i�fonnation to the Imemal Revenue Service. Iv&nnesota Ta�c IdeutificationNumbers (Szles & Use Tar Number) maybe obtained frcam the State of M'umesota, Business Records Departinent, 10 River Park P1aza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. Minnesota Tax Identification Number. � V�/ 1 _ If a Minnesota Tax Tdrntincation Number is not required for the business being operate3, indicate so by p]aeing an "X" in the box 2l18,97 Please list your emplo}mrnt history for �he pre��ous fis�e (5) ceaz period: CERI'IFICATIO;v* OF R'ORKERS' CO?�PENSATION COVE_RAGE PURSti�T I'O MRdNESOTA STA7UTE 176.182 qd -�`� I haeby ce�tif}• that � or my� compzny, azn in compliance i�ith the u orkers' compensztion insurance coverage reouirements of Minnesota Statutz 176.182, subdi�isim 2. I zlso unders`and 4ax pro�ision of fas� nformation in this ccrtification constitutes s�cieat grounds for ad��erse action against zll licenses held, including revocation znd susQension of s2id licenses. Nar.�eofInsurznceCompany: Reliance Insurance Comba� Policyl�TUmber: NWA0119707-02 A/S Cocerzgefrom 1/1/97 to 1/1/98 I bave ao emp?o}'ets co�'ered u�det k•o:l:ers' compens2tion ins�ruzce (LVITLSLS) eL\Y FAISIFICATION OF AivSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILI, RESULT I;1' IIEn7AL OR TffiS APPLICATION I heteby stste that I have 2nsu ered all of tl�e preceding ques'uoas, znd that the infomiation contained herein is true and correct to the hest of my ]mowled2e and belief. I Lereby state further that I have receiced no moneg or otter consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, contribution, or other�'�, otha thaz� alrza¢�• disc]osed in the application uivch i baewith submitted I slso understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and oliher esry omcials at any and all times w�hen the business is in opzration. 6� (REQI3IKED for all We nill accept pa��ment by casfi, check (made payable to Cih� of Saint Paun or credft card (M/C or Visa). IIate IFPfIYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCard �Visa EXFIRATIOI�T DATE: ACCOL?SI' ivTU&ffiER: ❑�/Cl❑ ❑C]Cl❑ ❑��� ❑�CI❑ ❑i�C7❑ of Gr�older for all char¢es) Date "`1`ote: If this application is FoodfLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266A l39), to re��ew plsas. If am substaniial changes to shvcture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-900� to aopiy for buiiumg pr.�nuzs. ffihere ue azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-900$. All applicatione requim the following documents. Please attach these documents n•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed desciiption of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan), The follow�ing data should be on tfie sitc plan (preferahly on an 8 I/Z' x I 1" or 81/2" x 14" paper}: • Name, address, and ptwne number. - The scale should be stzted such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemeat of all patinent featiues of the interiar of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, resi rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tYie &censed facility, indicate both the curtrnt azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of yois lease agreement or proof of owaership of tl�e properiy. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> J38/97 a�������. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File � q 8 -� lp Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60043 3l That application (ID #19970000204) for a Second Hand Dealer - Motor Vehicle (lst) License(s) by THE HERTZ CORPORATION DBA HERTZ CAR SALES at 1370 DAVERN sT be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. Trie vehicle sales display area shall be limited to the southwest corner of the lot, as shown on the approved site plan (File #97-059) on file with LIEP. 2. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the approved plan, date 2J5/98. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: office pf License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Byc Approved by By: L? By: � ±/�I l.C� !"r��� Form Approv 8�r • � /! Approved by Council By: by City for Submission to oePaxrn��rro��c�couNCn. w+� wrrw-r�o LIEPiLicensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60�43 qg - y�'° ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m �� �� ECHMANN GARY (61�2668136 1❑ GitYAttomey UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �� rW1398 HUMBHtfOR � Counal Research ROUt41G � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LACATlONS POR SIGNATIlRE� ACTION REQUESTED: Catnul approval Mthe to6laxi� ikz�e appfica}ion: Liceme if �gg7pppp2()q, for THE HERTZ CORPORATION, Dang Business As FiERTZ CAR SALES, at 1370 DAVERN ST, includ'mg fhe tolbwirn� business type(s): Second HarM Dealer - Motor Vehicle (tst). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(ft) ERSONAL SERVICE COISTRAC7S Ml3ST ANSWER THE FOLLOVJfNG QUESTIONS: 1. HasthisPersoMCumavuvao�ksdundera contradWrthisdepastmenYt __ PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YES NO 3. Dces ihis perso�rtn possess a skili �rot normaiy posse55ed by erry curreM city employee7 YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted venda? � YES MO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet tNIT1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesii� Council approval for The Hertz Corporation DBA Heriz Car Sales for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicie License at 1370 Davem St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �i� ';nr�,°; � �ev����-.Y� , s a�.�.. �� � � ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � OTAL AMAUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE pCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: " (EXPLAIN) � «: �� 3--�_ c� CLASS III ' � `' � �' ` `' LICENSB APPLICATION ; ,:_} �,-.�',n== - _ _ ��. aa C � ���..� _� E.s� il;• ie�': THIS fu'PLICATION t5 StiBJECT TO REViEW BY THE PU�LiC PLEASE i YPE OR PRII�IT II3I2vK T�pe of License(s) being applied for. Business Phone: 6�e ��� �i 7.2. MN �5:5".5"�� S Company Nazne: If business is Doing Business As: Business Address: Corporation /Pa^tnership / Sole Pm�rietmship ted, gve date of incorpotation: _ s,� naa� 9��y10 CITY OF SAINI' PAUL O` �., ce af Licrnu, Ina�e:uons ma Em;rocmecnat Proterlon _so st. c.. st snnc ro Se_=?ulu-=�ch SS1D2 (6i3] 366?030 frx C61.) 366-51:4 ! 7 (��`.1 S � � 7� � Q G �'SS /� �/ s,� z� Beitreen what cross s�cets is the bus�i located? �� Which side of the street? Are the prearises nou• occupied9 7 What T}�Qe of Basiness? �/S�n �l,/%� �7�+L�5 Mai3 To Address: �'c/-'(� sum nama+ c3ry sra�e z;p Applicant 3nforz Nxae and Tiile: � F !rfiddle (Vfeideal Last Titic f3omeAddtess: I l6INSL�I�LI� �,OI.�.C�T �.rY��.e SA� ���Y�� NT G�'T.S�� S Addine City State Zip Date of Birtb: �/ Place of Birth: Home Phone: 0�0/',30 �� �d4 �/ ----. ->_. _-�.� r �v, ��' --� -- .._: `�c. ., �.- � _ •` -''. -^-'� '^ � '- - - - -- ---- - -`�r.g . .:c�- ---- - - Date of arrest: Charge: ^ Conviction: Where? Sentence: I,ist tbe naznes and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, uho may be refeired to as to the applicanz's chazacYet: NAME ADDRESS List lic�enses which you cvrreafly bold, formerty held, or may have an interest in: PHOI�E Have aay of the above named 2icenses eva bcen revoked7 YES _�_ NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatioa v�sro� f s,=,= /� e cou going to operate this business person2lly? YES ?��O If not, �cho uill operate it? ✓ Fr�a�'K i N�s��. �-�E-��Z ?:-� \— :.tiddle tui�ia! �feidca) I,ast Datc otBiAh t�lS�O 7 U�R.<.Lle=� �-.�1�ts��L�i: 1``��) S�va`i`� ��2.'S>5� xo��r.a�: su���� Are }ou going to ha�•e a mzmget or usistznt in this bus+:ness? please complete the folloaing informatioa: !.fiddle Inf�sl HoaeAddcess: S4e�t\xme List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE f r � NAME '1 (Qffice Held) Ko�E�'T N. �,Ilrrlr < ��".K� HOME ADDRESS ;� �l/S. ✓ YES ('.�3eidcn) Ci.y HOME PHONE q�-w��o �� v�ta ?�TO If the msnager is not t,'�e same as the operator, Isst State Deu of Birth Zip Phone \�bet BUSINESS DA7E OF PHONE BIR'IH is a pazmership, p3ease inolude the follou�ing infoimation for each parmer (use additionai pzges if necessazy): Addma; st2ct.':amc city stau zip Phoac\umbcr Fixat2:ame l�f'iddfelnitial (!daidmJ Iast DateofBirtb Ho�cAdd}xy: St�t?:ame City Smte Zip Phnnetivmba MIN2dESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION Nt7MBER - Pursuxm to tl�e Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro��ide to the State of Minuesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the 2�linnesota busiaess tax identification number and the social securiry number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Practices Act and the Federat Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number. - This informalion may be used to decsy the issuance or renewal of yow license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor ve]vcle excise ta�ces; - Upon receiving this infarmation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depaztment of Revenue. However, under the Fedetal Excbange of Information Agreemwi, the Depariment of Revrnue may supply flris i�fonnation to the Imemal Revenue Service. Iv&nnesota Ta�c IdeutificationNumbers (Szles & Use Tar Number) maybe obtained frcam the State of M'umesota, Business Records Departinent, 10 River Park P1aza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. Minnesota Tax Identification Number. � V�/ 1 _ If a Minnesota Tax Tdrntincation Number is not required for the business being operate3, indicate so by p]aeing an "X" in the box 2l18,97 Please list your emplo}mrnt history for �he pre��ous fis�e (5) ceaz period: CERI'IFICATIO;v* OF R'ORKERS' CO?�PENSATION COVE_RAGE PURSti�T I'O MRdNESOTA STA7UTE 176.182 qd -�`� I haeby ce�tif}• that � or my� compzny, azn in compliance i�ith the u orkers' compensztion insurance coverage reouirements of Minnesota Statutz 176.182, subdi�isim 2. I zlso unders`and 4ax pro�ision of fas� nformation in this ccrtification constitutes s�cieat grounds for ad��erse action against zll licenses held, including revocation znd susQension of s2id licenses. Nar.�eofInsurznceCompany: Reliance Insurance Comba� Policyl�TUmber: NWA0119707-02 A/S Cocerzgefrom 1/1/97 to 1/1/98 I bave ao emp?o}'ets co�'ered u�det k•o:l:ers' compens2tion ins�ruzce (LVITLSLS) eL\Y FAISIFICATION OF AivSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILI, RESULT I;1' IIEn7AL OR TffiS APPLICATION I heteby stste that I have 2nsu ered all of tl�e preceding ques'uoas, znd that the infomiation contained herein is true and correct to the hest of my ]mowled2e and belief. I Lereby state further that I have receiced no moneg or otter consideration, by w�ay of loan, gift, contribution, or other�'�, otha thaz� alrza¢�• disc]osed in the application uivch i baewith submitted I slso understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and oliher esry omcials at any and all times w�hen the business is in opzration. 6� (REQI3IKED for all We nill accept pa��ment by casfi, check (made payable to Cih� of Saint Paun or credft card (M/C or Visa). IIate IFPfIYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGIA'FORMATION: �MasterCard �Visa EXFIRATIOI�T DATE: ACCOL?SI' ivTU&ffiER: ❑�/Cl❑ ❑C]Cl❑ ❑��� ❑�CI❑ ❑i�C7❑ of Gr�older for all char¢es) Date "`1`ote: If this application is FoodfLiquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266A l39), to re��ew plsas. If am substaniial changes to shvcture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-900� to aopiy for buiiumg pr.�nuzs. ffihere ue azry changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-900$. All applicatione requim the following documents. Please attach these documents n•Len submitting your application: I. A detailed desciiption of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan), The follow�ing data should be on tfie sitc plan (preferahly on an 8 I/Z' x I 1" or 81/2" x 14" paper}: • Name, address, and ptwne number. - The scale should be stzted such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placemeat of all patinent featiues of the interiar of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parking, resi rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of tYie &censed facility, indicate both the curtrnt azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of yois lease agreement or proof of owaership of tl�e properiy. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR AETAILS >>>> J38/97