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- Ciry Clerk _- Finance Dept. . - Dept Accounting (Civic Center) - Engineer (fIGA) _ - Convactor _ - Project Manager (CPMn No . C�6�3 Dat�'t5' , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. P.5 `J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addirions which pmved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion CP-3 Tem�rarv Bacilities known as Contract L Project NoA14440 Frerichs Constmcuon Company Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Provide rated partifions above CMU walls per Contractor Proposal (CP) No. C3.21(Items 1& 2). Reason: Conform wi[h code requicements. 2. Provide soffit in Cashier Room X051 per CP No. C3.21 (Item 3). Reason: Fire separation tevised due to roiling door mechanism. 3. Provide rated partitions a6ove plaster ceiling and az columns in Room X06 per CP NO. C3.25 (Items 1& 2). Reason: Conform wiih code requirements. 4. Pzovide light fiamre "T" per Request for Information (RFn No E-20. Reason: Change in ceIIing type. 5. Provide plywood in Telephone Room per Constrnction Change D'uective (CCD) No. C3.3. Reason: Ownet request. 6. Relocate drain for Volume Services azea per RFI M-1 �easo F'ield Condition. 7. Rireproof column & beam � East Entry per ^^^ '.�.�'-��.� Reason: Field Condition. 8. Provide Handtail @ Volume Services Trailer. Reason: Owner request. 9. Reverse RH at Corridor 121. Reason: Field Condiflon. $ 4,535.00 987.00 $ 1 1,027.00 779.00 1,548.00 446.00 96.00 339.00 $11,563.00 Total ORDERED, That ihe City of Saint Paul, tluough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 11.563.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the conffact, known as contract L- and which amount is to be financed from: 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Eapansion Fund. � Eap o � rdina ' Committee Directo� C" 1� N Arc "tect 9" � 19 �1.� 19_ 19_ f - S 19� ! � .� Frerichs ConstrucGon Comganv Contractor By �� Cf.r�� r.�(rl �1��� i/�l�� sit lL/�"B�rel�io Head of Department of Fin cea�O��y�� � � �S Administrative Assistant to the Mayor , __ �,� DEPARTMENVOFFICE/COUNC Civic Center , , . GONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE Susan Sones 298-5409 I� �j 8Y@AT� ��/_ (1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1, Ot�53 9/6/45 GREEN SHEET N_ 30340 DEPAPTMENTSNflECTOFI OCfTYCAUNCIL � i1GN ATTOflNEV �CITYCIEFK YBFA FOR O��� DIRECfOfl � F ti. 6 MGT. SERVICES �I UT1NG __� OER �ypp (OR ASSISTANn � _ (�n''6�fvGl-iG'\ ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE� Change order 9k5 to the contract between Civic Center and Frerichs for the Civic Center Expansion (building temporary facilities) a __PIANN7NGCOMMISSION Q CIVN. _ CIB COMMRTEE _J__ �� _ STnFF _ _ _ DISTRICiCWRT _ _ SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECiIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a comrect tor mis departmerrt? YES NO 2. Has Mfs perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces this perSOnRirm possess a ski11 not normaly possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explafn a11 yes anawars on separate sheet anC attach to green sheet PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPP€1RTUNITY (Wfw, What, When, Where, Why): As the construction proceeded, problems arose that were not originally planned in the original contract. Please see listing on the attached change order for more specifics on each item. ����(���5 „ ` ., - ���'7 e ���e��r "" '°'; � :�r Project wi11 proceed within code requirements and will be within budgeC RECEIVED None RECEIVED SEP 151995 c�TY c�.€�� SEP 1 q 1995 OFFICE OF THE DfREC70R DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEF✓IEfVT SERViCES Certain parts of the project will not meet code requirements which wi11 cause problems in the long run � AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION 11 563. QO COST1pEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO =UNDINCaSOURCE CiYy S81@5 T3X Canital Projeclisnv�irNUmeea P7-970-9t14(10-�R9R-fl(1j100 iNANC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � • PROdECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Projeet Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Frerich's Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 OriginalContractAmount: $ 1,480,000.00 CO No. Deduct Add C3.1 19,697.00 C32 11,303.50 C3.3 97,951.00 C3.4 18,814.00 C3.5 11.563.00 Total 00 S 159 328.50 DATE iSSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTR.4CT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 8 AUGUST 1995 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $ 1,639,328.50 � �_ J �SUN 27 '95 15:38 FRERICHS CONST• 644-6869 • C4t+l7RACT�R'S P � Cu�ttractUt Ptoposu4 No.: PlOjdCi: c� o 1'ivit� S',r,nt� �U�� �� � q ct�;���y� ifi [hc acu��a ol ttln wark is lequi5tc:c1 &� r��4+cai�d Uulaw: !t is ftiQuC5lcDtS Thc C0171j>1Ci70fi [JJl4 be ( 1 �ate�itlad, f} dvcreuse:d, { 1 ukiettanc�ed bY _. cuWililas day�. 7hc ddyuSlc;� GOrriptc:ttUil dncd Wi11 t�t OPOSAL C�nvact �. pcscription �i clta chari �: tRafc�r to clrawinc�s, sp�citicatio��s, addcnda, if :�pplicaUlut � tR�fnrcncn RFP Na.: G.�- • GCD�No.; U �.�_ !^ 7 c 1� ���� j� pN�s.� � { �k�flllot�S � C71}U I�Ie1L� 5 cv � 3. Sasis of payine�t: tCt�eck nne! (�j fiirm pricr� fnr parformin� Ihis change is ....................................� �`� -� D 3- �L� --- a,s�quaca supporting detai1s and infoFination tfnc�rea; ed DaductS q�u51 ha attached [o dllow t)wnar io evdt�at�. r 1 1 Timc and materia! pat cont�act, hu� noc co excved $ ( I Actua! cost ac complecion o1 work su�,:<««:u � � R�at � � � �'e � a � owF�:_ � - � - 9 .5 Con[ractor � � �� • CantraCtot Sic�natura ---.--._ ........ -- - --- - -- — . .-- ------ _— _—_� ----- ---- --�— -----� FQR CPMtUSE t. Action i3econimendvd: iCrieck nnef �./ (} Chan�ju witl noi be aiada. Exptain; 2. 3. a. 5. GPIY�I Jon Na.: 3225 �ProceeG on tha foAowin�y basis: l i As indicated atiove, changn and bnsis of paymem is accepi�b�e, Chang�: i5 accBptaUfe. basis of paym nt is noi acocptahla. �` 53 ivp fNCWnex� W �.� asts o( �aymant shaii b8 5 � () Tna fottowing modilicatian is r�sco�tsmunded: () Chan4o in complation dat� is r,ccuptc,d. { � Change is accapt�t�ta wi�h no chunga in price. ( 1 Chan9n is �cceptahla w�th no change in completion daco. Reason tat Changet (} Design Chan4� {} G�ient Roquest �ie1d Condition ( y Suggested py Cantsuc[oi () p4sicyn Qmiss�on ar Oshur S�xpiainJ ts tYas a pan of Uya oriyinau! can[ratt sco�et !a ConuactQt's Estimate acCachedl q)F cnnsul[ed. Atepatdd G A�ptAVdd • apsuovad Approved k�Y� _._. �.� CG.�a�laC� Etiks LuOina 3225- i R Y�S '�:,p10 � YES t 1 ND ¢YES { 1 NO 3225• 8L rn�-K P 4ato: ?����$ a�4�::s:�� �f _ Datu: aS µ�U �����: ' - — - - = -__ - - _ JUN 27 '95 15�31 FREkICHS CONST• E44-6809 `'�--- "--- J sr��n�coown sH��T CON7ftACTQR`S PROPp$A!. SAINT PAU4. CIVIC C�NTEf� F_XPAA1SlOh1 LAIiOR, MA7Ei'iIAL 2Sc EQUIYMEN7 D1rtEC7 EMPGQYEE LA80ft MATLf�lAt5 d� LQUIPMEN7 INCO�tPqRA7EQ 70TAL LAEi 2i� MA7f:F1fAL & LQUTAMENT }a°lo f�� • T�7A� LABOfiI, MAT�kIAI, �QGIP., & FEE �fiGONTEtACT�AS 'S �� FEE TOTAL SUt3CONTRACTQRS & FrE TriEiZ COST5 7FiAVGL & Sl1EiStSTENCE MATERIALS & £QUiPMENT NQT iNCOflPOflATED R�NTAL$ TAXES PERMtTS t� GVC�NSE �E£S uTILITIES, FUEL, FAGIiTIES AT StTE WClO�N7f+L ��PENSES , BOND & tHSURANCE PROVtStOtyS ' TQTAL OTNEft CpSTS V s __. & S -- S �-1 � � f S� S S S S S S y ___�� S J70J�53 S � �{ 53..� r � � r � .. .-. 3 _ °-_`° �(�53 i - - -- - ---._--- ----- ------ .- - � � Cl]NTRACTQR'S PRQPOSAL C�uuacwr P�opus�( No.: puic: ?toj�ct: S:�iqt j'�µLCiyic C�:ntsr Coniiact No.: R Ui�uyc ul lhu SCUpc Oi Ihc wWk i5 (cyu�Slcd 4$ 11lLIlCOLCG VCIOW: � , 2 3. � � ._: .=--� a �, � � 11�M 2 r ,� _ , .,r;_- ��,�'�B E����> It is tcyuc�tc� ilic GUniplcliUll tl�l� bu �,ual�(ldutl. ( 1 dcCrcdSUd. 1 � unCh�ika�d LY c�icna„r d�ys. Ti�c �dju�tud complciiai d�ta wifl l�a __(.__ . '���- 2 5 Z��b DcscnNtion oI Uio cil�il��: lH�lut [o Jlawi�l9�, JpVLII�LdI1GIiS� add�nd�. d �pplicaUl�)• ���=�� (ji�lutcncu HFP Na: 3,01� . CCO No.: • FO Na.: 4 �`�'QXy� �3 Coal.�o�a �2M SuF�–"f t3�::is of p�yrncnt: ICY,eck un�} {M fim� pricu (or p�c(ormin� this chaal�e is ....................................5 I 33 GO Aduquaw supponin� dc�ails and i�(o�ma�ion pncrcascd Dda.�cq m�st Ge �ttached t4 a11ow Ownur to eva�u�,ta. �` ( � TUIILL ulld (lldt4(!Al j�cl! CUltt(dG(, bUI p0[ t0 C%C4Ld `y (� Acwul cus[ at cornplcUOn of work S sUu<«�u�a uy: � 1ton,�.��.�� o���: �7-25�4� COII((ULI�( . � Grn) ,�, CUII(IJCiU( SI;j11JlU(U 2. J• Actiun Hecua�n�endcd: (CU�ck anu� CPMI .1u4 No.: 32�5 ( 1 Chan�o wilf not bo madu. fxplain: �^JOCCUd on thu toilowin� basis; ': . � (� As indieai��1 at+ova, ch�n�u and basis,'ot p�ymem is �cceptaute. �C4tun(�u is accuptabin, Cu5i5 a! µayctlup t5 pot �ccupiu4{u. � w�w ot puymunt sl�ali hu �;�,,�f� �� .�� _ c.u?I`t"N } 1 7hu olluwin� �rrodiiicatio�i is r�cqn�mun��C; D�� �,���y i 1 Cha�ui� iiti,comp4oE�on ¢.�'t� 1� KcEUµicil. i! Ghan�p is ucCU�itrWu w��l� no �h+'+rtpu_�r,l pticu. � o�,''�q J�' � l 1 �ilangu �a uccf�p}aU{s� witli ��9 R1wr��� m cs�niplcuon da�u, E3uusutl to! Cl�act�a: ' - • ; , l l Dusi�n Chanpu � 1 Ciwnt Requwt <:����lc� Condniun l 3 Su�;ycs�u� uy Cantructot ( � P�a��n Qmi�aion a� Aq�u (exps�in) , � - I5 U)ij il Ni1(1 Ui llltl Otl�itiilL) COIlU�CI $CON{:� S� � ��0 � � !s C�tttcactot's Estimaw actached3; ���$ ( J NO � , �� _; Atk conaulw . � �:S � l) NO °. i ��� /�_ �. _ � �_ ��IG�1J(Ol� �1�1:� C./ ANpcovu4 pY� a�,Nruvua t�Yv " ` , "�— �.-'+�������—,,. a� /./ : �., +�G � � �4i� � : �. -�, � �� Y � ` �� .. _,. ' �- '...�..':. � r„st?.� � ou�� �"� � S Rutu:�� . ��,.: a���: � 3 =9� x .� K -t�s` �.�. k� > � '� < _ .�� .,-[y � �, . . _ _ _'. . _ � � i _ . . . _ _ - �� 3 -��---- ����„��, So��.7 l3iiLAt�QOWN SHL�T c0(yTHACTOR'S NR�PQSAL SniN7 YAUL CIVIC CCNTEIi EXNANSIOf� L�.uJ�i, t G Lt1UlPh1l:NT DUiCCT L611'lUl'CE I.AU�71t t.Ir�7{.ItIi.4J S LQUtNh1kNT 1l�CQlti'OItA}k0 �lIJC.:I liUS C, hi S [�Utf't✓�I:IJT lG:;. I'LL � TOI`1L LA1s0}"1. MA'(Eltl:.l. EC2u1A„ 5 fLE �..� :iUULQfV 11inC:l Qt(j ' :.:� rt�_ - ' i u r.�� �uu�urv � n.,c� o„s � r4� u (hL,� Co51:± � ���Vl.�. 0 :JUUJIJ I L('ICt: h1:+TEitlr,lS ti E�QU}�MENl� tVOi INCOiiPO(iA7Gp �iE�yT:.l.s Tni:L:i Yt�1it.Yi'f � a UCEN51 FEkJ ������iG�. ru�� FACIU7lkS AT �ITL , itvClpL'tVl�A4 t�!'ktY:+kS � k1U11D d IWSUtii+lVCG• pHOV1S101�tS 701":.� O11�1:ti CO�TS r $ ? � `v s �-- �O J s �— �� � y �.�-�'�'_ ��7 �' f S S � i S S i S v` � a s � �5 849 WEST£RN AYE(�lUE NORTH • :�u� 2 0 ��s DC3t M3N, Mr. Marv Kotel: Frerichs Conswction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 S[. Paul, Minn�ota 55108 ;. s � � r .�. . � Re S�, i'�u� {Civi� �enter CP 3 _ . . < -' Cashier Roo�n XOS.i - � (612) 488-0533 FAX (612) 488-B432 ��c.�nt� ; :,�__�<<���s c;,r�srRUCrtON � � �` � �-� �s� `� � �F � �` �� f ii�l/��. , The extra �st for Custom Drywall, regarding the rated soffit / wall at the Cashiers room, �� � is as fo(lows: ��5� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 $too.00 �S�B°' .............................................. , ............................................ . , , 4�' 23 ti� Drywali material :.............................. Labor :............................................... Access Pane1(22 x 22 rated} ............. Total:................................................ if you shoutd f�ave any questions, please feel free W call. .................... 2� 50. �� .................� �`l�o.,a- � , � _ �� ��Y �, �r � � �: s ��'�r ,� � � � �;.. � - ' � i�v ds�t �l � � �s;n��y � �_ �BiD �m� Custom Drywall, Tnc. ��� � David W. Osterman � Project Manager 3�-��=�����W= �o � `=5 j� ' � � ` �F� C� • � . �...- CaN7RACT4R'S PROPOSAL Coutr,,cwr Pro�os�i Nu.: py�c: Pw��ct: S.,�nt �:,,�i ciY� _•m� CO(l(lBCi iVO.: r. Cli.�t�y.: �q lhc SCUNc ol lttc Yvu(F, i5 (cyuuSlcU d5 tf�diCctcq �uIUW: r�� li �s ruyuw�c� thc cuu�plciwn d.,tc Lc f�4 cat�ndeU, t!�1aa�uscU. !! unchfngc�! Uy — CalUl�l�J( L}y�+j. TIIC ail�ustuU canpl�[iun am� will be �. l�,l ������� J�1� 2 5 �� � ��U 2. Dc,cnNtiuct ol thc cnan��: lf{clut to dtamnys, spu�iUcatwns. add�nd.�, d upplicaWc). (Hulcrunc� HYY No.:.�3 CCD Na.: ' FO Nu.: � �'o2K1�2 )C�(o .�nc105u�eS (1"QryiS � � � 3. A�sis a p�yrn�nr. iCh�ck un�l l}�.F�rm p�icu tor perlormin� this chan�� is .................................... S �$G ;� ,G � Adcqunt� suppurtin� d�taiis a��d intorm�tion (I ncrcao cd [3covct� ❑lll�( (,ly i1((LLCI1dlI (O ilIIUW QWn4( (O l:Vi3IU4(tl. ( 1 Timu ;,nd m�tulial par conuact, put not tu cxcac� Y ( 1 Acw�,l cus[ at cu�riplcaon �f wo�k Y JUIlIIIIII�:IIIJY. � Jt,Pn.�c�L �Crn:a n.u.� �,,v� � 7��5-�.� CUttUui.Wf C' rn ) �'���r"L Contr�cwr S��nawro fOR CPMI USE Actiun tiucunimundctl: (Chuck onul (� Chun�u wil{ noc Gu n�adu. Eapluin: «. ( 1 QuaiUn Ch�nU� l 1 Clic�tt Huqucst �iuW C�n�aiva l 1 Su��u;tu�1 by Conuuctur O p�si�t� Omia;. o� Othw (�xplain) CPh1! .1uU Na.: 3225 �Ntacuc� oi� thc: lolfowin� Gusis: i! A:, indicuwd �buvu, chun;Ju und Gasi; of payniunt is �cccpc,,�ic, �Ch;snU� ia ucccpta�fn, bosis ot paymunt is not �ccuptaul�. � I �Jyl� OI (1µY111U(1I sholl �u $ SO ° l' �„o s� orHt'�tc.osrs roer a,,�c�.,�p l► Ttw {uliuwi+i� i�rudHication is tcconimunUcA: 'PeR- Sacno� OS�� - 7,3,IQ b l 1 Chanuu in canplutiun datu is accuptcd. l 1 Cliar»u is accuptabiu with no chun�u in pticu. -� � w � ( 1 Chun�u is LCCtl(11db10 Wll�l pU CII�(I;j� �Q CAqtjJ�GltUSI UdtO. �I� �. �NC.CP�BI� ��c. aU{1 {U( Chall�c. 3. 1:. uua a pau ut thu oci�yinan! c�nuact scupc? 4 1 YGS �U 4. {s Cuntructur's Eatimaw au�chncil �j(ES O NO 5. AIG cunsuitud. �ES 1 I NO P�cp��cJ bY� � CPMI) A{,f�rov�d U �,jHGAI h��{,wvud u 1�1� +OwnurJ L��YFI-'`7A�'bEj FJ��')}Ci-- r aa��: �-3/ -�I5' aot�: c�/�uG �JJ� PJ{U: O `" ! J App�ovul UY: __jOwnur - 1 U�tc: GG: Cluu I{WIiWI -- —_ uYI.Y Ur/-ui M�W 1'u�wt,uN U�4A CWuu�u �I�A. Ludi�u 32t5- �225• tSL SAINT PAUL CIVIC C[NT[e rxnaNti�nr,� � � — -- � . . . , -- ---- ____ � �'R C 3.2� �(�53 u�tean�owN s�itET conrRacTOR�s PROposA� SASN7 PAUL CNSC CENTEft EXPANSiON L:.uUk, hif.TCl1t.;L C. LQUlPMktVT UUtECT ltvtPLOyLE tAtiOl1 h1ATCill:.l.S d GflU1Ph1[NT ItJCOfiPORATED �COT:�L LAts cS, tv1ATCfililL S CnU1PMEtVT t b:,, I L � CQ I.�L LAbOFS, Mi,TElililL, LQUTA., & fLE :iUtli,QfV� t{AC]�UfiJ L`h YLk TU'I'AL 5U1sLON1 tir�CTOHJ tL FLL �Tt1EN COSI'S 1 NAVLL 6 �uti51J I kNCE h1'+TEfitirlS b EQWHMENT N�T INCf]FiPOflA7E0 RENTi+LS TR�;[S t'EtitvtlT� s 11Ckt�Sti tLkS U11U�'(ES, f FAGL{TfES AT 51Tk INCIOE(V1'AL Ei:NEf�1SES � t301VD tL iNS"uflANCE PROVISIONS ror:.t oir+�r� coats . 5 i � 1 �UG.�b � g�• �d 5 S 5 S S S S 5_..�:.Q.O_ v Y I$3y•vo 0 s 'TtITJ� nr- r�,a..,�r uunr.nr„ {�"� �1 in X 849 WESTERN AVENUE NORTH • <6 7 2) 488-0533 FAX(6721488-8432 '�_ Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 St. Paut, �vlinnesota 55108 5 :.i�l. ? tj.�"'� Re: St. Paul Civic Center CP-3 P R - C3.25 (RFP - 2A) r,'cL f �rlS'fRlrC7}�y � � Dear Marv, ��53 ST. PAUL, MlNNE50TA 55117 The extra costs for Custom Drywall, associated with RFP - 24, are as foilows: l.) Drywall separation, above ceiling, between abated and unabated area: extra 5/8" gY�. = 352 sq.ft. x$.75 Isq.ft .:................................................$2b4.00 2.} Enciose five existing colum�s, to include the three in corridor X06 and two in the Volume Services Area: 5 ea. x$250.00 ea .:................................................................................$1 25q.00 Totai:................................................................................................................$ If you should have any questions, please feel free to call. ��, {'cn Sincerely f`l,�tc+ �.u�f,e Custom Drywall, Inc. �� ��l"�rs� �as�.�o � � �t7y6.�o , David W. Ostenna�� Project Manager � i ; �� �t�53 Ct�N1'RAC7CIR'S PROPQSAL Conuaclor Ptopusal N�.: Pt�j�tt:.. S:�int Patd Ciyic CantLr Contraa No.: n tisau�� ut thc ;:�up� nl Uiu wwk i: (cyuoslud as indicaWd b410w: �-�. l I�� �- - 7. ti is Ic:yucoicd tbu CUiliplctiJll d:+l� Lc �,c�.t�AQtlU, �) duCl44Scd. ( 1 UlIL))JI)�U1J L� _ l:i1IC(�(Stl( Qi1Yi. T�4� udy�5tcd cuinpWtio�� dscu wiU u� �� • �-���.._ . ��� r ���'��1 2. PcscriNtiun ul Um ch�i���: tNu{ur to dtawii��s, spucilicatiuns, adtiu��d�. il uppl�caulcj. ��� lRulura��c� HfN No.: • CCO Na.: • Fo n��.: � ���g R �T E-2.0— u�rc-r FiK�2.� „ -y-rs�� 3. l3a�is ot paymunt: (CtwcK unu) DZFuni p�icu 1w ��rto�min� this chunr�c is ....................................5�� �/L �19C� Aaequata wpponin� dci�iis anG iniormaiion Un cr�u:; ud [h�accH must Nc uttach�d �o aUow Ownnr -ta cvaluatU. t 1 Timu and mdtu�i:,l p�r cunuaat. Gut not to uxcuud � O Acwai cosC ut cumploiion of wQrk ,_p_ g SuL�tutl�J Uy: T Tf 9 �..Sr `�` Patu: (',C.`" Cunuuctur � � � � � � � � �..� L � i,�,� CyntruCtor S»n�turo ._ : �fOH.GPMI liS�> - � � 1 ; Acuou fiacu�umcndud: (Cticck Qau� CPMI JoU (VO.: 3225 � j Cpno�a wilf not bu madu. Expl�in: �Ptoccctl o�t thu I�UONtI(lyj U6y45 . ,:: ; ;-- i 1 A+ ��i�tic�tcd WY+ov�; c�an�u �r�d d�«ia Qi p�y�34�Cis.ucccpwU�e. � � � '�Ch,unpu is accupwutn, p�s�s pt pay�na�s�a��o�cc�;��tay)u: " � � . - '�.t3asis of paymunt shalt Gu ; Lr�• �D � o7'H5� 4a5TS .t�+or. _ !� Thu tuUuwin�"rc�odilic�iion is re:coa�msi�Uud: p,�,� � p,pp�, cobrs (� CIl'all�ju 111 C01j7�1IN{IUI�,LYdW.IS'�}CCpHW(J. .P� �N OQ�j 7 .3,io.� l i �hangu is accepcputy v�itl no Chgn�u in pric�:. / t! Chanyu ts uccaptaWv wi�h t�a ctj�fti;�� tn caniptctioa qscu, Rcasu,i tur C��an�u: °- . �' , `�Onai�}n Cl�anflu ( y Cli��tt Ruqucst ( 1 FicW Conditiorl f 1 N�E�T�l•��f0►`� '�d � t 1 Su�ycswC uy Conuncwt t�. P4siQn Omis.ion ot Other fex�it�inl ��� la tlua a purt o{ tt�a o�i�yl�ia;�{ co��troct scop�l (� Y�:S �f0 '�'��� ���� Is Contractor's Estima�u uttachetlt �IES ( 1 NO � � � ' ��- �- A/E coiisultutl. kS ( 1 ND n � � . . i :. 3. a. �. _' �r�' Pr�puruJ by:__C� ��. A�HtaVnd �y , A��provua � � A�,s,�u��,d t,y: __. � � �,+�'` , A1=: cc; __ cWul�auaun _. W - Mi4.uJ'u�pi►m� ; E�i1.s 4uwina J226• �225• 8� - snurr Nnu4 ciwc ccNrre rr�ANS��N Pute• ��'�:, ._ ca.,i� e�� 9.T° � aaw: g- S= ��-= .. . P � tc: _� - -- - U,��. T WiUUp . _. _`` . - � �' �" . , �; :: -�---\ w - ���� ��� �-za �SfiL'AKDOU'JN StIL'l7 CaNllIACT�ft'S Nt1�POSAL SAItJT f AUL CIVIC CEtJTEH EXi'ANSION ...uJil. t.1:.lClu:.� c. t.l1UlPtvIEtVT pllitC.T Et.lt'Ll3TLE LAU�ft K t.I:.TLiIi:.LJ � 4�Uti'hIGiVT I(iC411Y(�NAT1:0 S lU1rL LAU.'. fvlAlUili��. S l:l]Ulf'fy11.IVT _ � �_ � _ � � � 1:; ::, f L L � � 7"J f.�� GAbOlt Mr'.7fftl:.l, EQu1P•: +s FC �_ `v ;UUi.Ofv��ti�ClOit� 7� .,^�"`" � (� � ' r � � :, •:. r L� �� `� j 1 �11 %+L JULLUfV� IjN�. � OUJ S FLL' + /�2^r { � 1 �7G�t CO�I :; 7��AVGI. G NVU»��L1�Lt � . . . h1A1'EHiALS ti EnWFMENT N47 1NCOEiPORAT�Q S ' R�N"i:.tS 5 TAXI:: i i YL�it.Ul� S ltCLtYSL FEkS S U ll�ll'IL f FACILI1lCS AT :ilil ��1 INC�UlN7�.l- Ei:F'1:N�kS 5 � UUND ei U�:;Ulii1WCE PitOVtS1OW5 � - �_ lOT:.�011iEHCO�IS S �(J��•(90 P �� :i� �,.: ;;` �; ;` c�. r. :^ :�, : ,�: r-� = _ _ _ ' I r �� � r� � CQNTHACTOR'S PRONOSAL • � LWI{IJCWI ��fU�JUOV� NU.: �'�u�cCG 5.,��tt (':,ul .ivli�'i!�.rL 1 cof,trsc:t r1o.: i� C(1.�11,J�: Itl I�1C LJU�)C p{ I�1L' LYW}. 1� (ct�UCJ�Ct� J� i11lllCillCQ VCIUW: -, :1. �'��� � . . It �a icyuc:,lcJ lhc Cun�piction dalc Lc tiQ, cntc:n�c�7. � 1 d�clu�SCd, O uncll:�il�cJ L+y _ tY �` Culca�l..[ duys. Titc adju�Wd CO�uplutt0�l clalc wlll bu �. (��� 2 5 195� UcacnNl�un ol iLc q��n�c: (fictut IO dfuwtn�s, aNcnl�CafwnS. adtic�id�, i) appl��uUlc). ` (Hcicraicu HfP Nu.: CC -C33 CCR Nu.: • f0 Na.: i C����' W N�.U� ItJ fi ({ah)E '�� ooM l l3 tles�l J {layni�nC {Chuck ufl�) D4 Funi pricn for p�riotmin� Uiis cti�npe is ....................................5 �y19 (� !� A�Icyua[c: suppuriin� dctails arid informaiion pncrca:.cd D�,c�) uw�t uu attachud ta al{uw Qw�wr tu cvalu.�w. i 1 iinw :,nd mawria! per cc,ntract, Uut not to cxcuuU ;, 1 1 Actua{ cos[ at CauNlctiui� u( wotk $ Ju��li�tt�a �y: �ItO „�/TItA_�/_ Uutu: � '1 Cu�lt�u�tur �wl� �� ,� Cunu�cwt Si��iaww fOR CPMt USE i. Act�on Rccumnwndcd: �Chuck onej ( 1 Cliun�u wilt not bu madu. Explain: �, CPMI JuU No.: 3225 Procuud a� tli� totlowin� D'uSis: (► As indic�iu� aLuvu, chunsu und 4usi;: �I pay�nuni is acc�pta�(c. �� CI1N1�(�N li UCC4(3I4UJtl� pusis of paymcnt is not accu��ta�la. �3a:.is ot pnymunt ahal{ bu 5�_ g Pf�y 1a73k{.� �f � fn! El� �Thu tullowinp niodilicution is rucorumu�dud: p}'� (,(�q�, � c g,��- ����� i i Chmipu in complutiun �acu is accoptcd. -� �� �RfN'�, l I Clianau i� accuµtaUtu with ��o Gw��pu ii} Nricu. �han�u is uccuptdblu wiU� uu chau�4 in coniplutiun d.�lu. 7py� �JEy;NGT���' I����uci fur Cltan�u; � ��� l 1 Q�ai;yn Ch�n�u �{.Cticitl ftuquc:st ( 1 ficlU CU��sitiun i 1 5u;�gn;[�d py Conu�aur ( 1 Dusi�n Omis:ion oi Othcr (ex���ain) 3. Ia Uq� J EJJf{ UI llltl Ull;)IIIJtlI CUIU(JC( $GO(.l� 1 YES �(�1� 4. lo Cnntr�ctor's E stimatu ullachetll �YES 1 1 ND 5. a(L cansulwU. �(yYES ( y NO {'cup��ad bY: CPMIy ' ANN�OY�� �Y HGA) � M�J�I(UVUQ Uy " Ap��towJ Liy: 6G[ (.{q5L (1JHiui{ Eiil.s ludu�s u.,�� u.,�.�� :12'16- wnuq M�1�u Yu�wsw� 3225- UL � D;,tu:___Q f p�,� B,Q�c� 9r O..tu: OJI4':._._ Ui�A Culuw� SAIPIT PAUI CIYtC CENTCR EXPAtlsina ��53 eer� e 3.3 ffNEAK�OWN SNLL•T COt�ITRAC70ft'S PROP�SA� SAII�T PAUL C1VEC CEtJTER EXPAAtSION Lf,L7Ut1 �Y�ry� CIIII�L �S LQUII�MLI'IT ��� �:�y�f 'Lt1Yl - :L= LAUOiI t�1:.TEii1,a�S 3 CQUIPIv1C INCOHPORaTIa �fOTr.L LAIt d, (v1q}"[�tIAL S CQUfPMkNT i�;,.��G � 7v1.aL LAliOtt, (vtA'Cktt(r`�L, LQUIN.. d f1:E �uu��n, �,„c t u�,s b'1„ f LL Tuia� ;;uuCaNTii:,cTOhs b rGE iltiLli CQS1S 1ttAV[L a Sub51S7ENCE h1F+TENIr.LS ,� �qU1PMElVT NOT INC�RP4RAT�0 f1EN7r"+L S 7F�LS t��NattT� a uCtNSE rF:ES U1 {L111E5, rULL, FAC�LITIkS AT SITE IfYCiOLIVTAI LaNE(VSkS �t30ND eL 1NSUE�ANCE PROV15fOtVS TOTAL 0T�1LH COSTS � yvs s �YC•vb g G $ s R$, vo � 7S•� � y , OQ S S $ 5 S S s s � 0 • TOTAL QP CifANL'C i•H6PnSai � 7�l�.�p � �� �_ �Q--�i`� �77 `J. � � ? av 0 �� � � S� C_.-rs+�--�.—: � ,� � � � • • 1 ��53 � - ,..--- Cf1t�ITRACTOR'S PRQPOSAG Gonuactor ?ioposa! No.: pat Projacr c..:... o<,,.� r;,,;� r.snier Concract No,: A. ctru��yc i+i thc scope of tt�a work is requesietl as indicatid �elow: tt is requestCd the completian date be`��xte(lded, t! deCrebsecl, f J unchange[! by _ culu�a�ur duys. Thn adjustctd compfction daze wil! be �• 2_ Description oS the chan�e: (Reter to tlrawings, speei[ications addcnda, it appficablc:). tRete:tunce ftFP No.: • CCD No.: ' F� No.: �.�.�. !'`(,IS` w,l (���. �,�t 3, Dasis of paymant: (Check vne) $ � � � � �a � '�} Ficm price toF Perfarmiog this chang¢ is ........................ Aduquace supparting details and iniormatia� (lncreased peducq must b6 attached io alfow Ow�er Fo avalurate, y— 1� Timo a�id maloriuS por contrdct, bUt not to exeaed S !) Aciva{ cost at com,p�etioa of wotk Suumi�t3d ny: Rat�; �' � � 7 � C�ntractor .-�-Y �' 4-� �� Contractor Si�nutura _ ,.,_ _ . . ACtipn Recommended: {CiteCk one} (} ChangA wi�t noi 4e m�de. Expiain: (� Changa in comptotipn date is acc�pted. ( i Change is acceptabfo with no ch�nfln in grice. `�Changa is acceptab{� w�eh no changa in cpmpletion da[e, AFl`�� oN!' f 2. Rea�on tor Gtiange: NtE�Nb f�G'4MS t 1 Q�ssign Change (} C}ient Roquest �Ficid Candition ( � Suggested by Contractor (} ptSiQn Onussinn or �tnar (ex¢lainY 3. 4. �. �. Prupared A�p�ovec Apprava< 3� r - a22s- �Proca4d on thc ioliowirig basis: �As indicated abovo, changu and basis of paym�M is acceptsb{e. (� Chnnqe is aceeplabla, basis of paymant is not�acce taGl�. �Basis ot payrctionc sha4l 6e S i$�'S, ��� �'� '� O � � p t i 7tt�t oliowing meditication is rncommnndc�d: �/ � V P� , :d bY: _ Cfxis Mo+�scn Efiks LuHins � `d Cp(y( �Qq ho.: 3225 �ff0 ffNa {)NO oatfl• 7— 2�'y� Dace:-� D�i�; �- c�� az2s- a� SalNT PAU� C�vsC CENTEit EXFAUSSOx 6089-7 �-1SN0 SH�I213tld 8b:bS S6. 4T 'lfl� fs this a part af tha arigina�t contract scope� l f Y�S Is ContractoYs Estimata uttachedl ,�'�►1'�S �. � �..-n � � ,. 1 ,� U JUL 14 '95 14�10 FRERICHS CONST• 644-68H9 anurrtwcroH� aunu;,at4r rrvpos�l Nu.: PfOjdciL S.�iitt P-�tA �ivir C •��� CUi1ttSCj !+ �Iiaiiyu irt t71� auo}+u o1 Ctu: wo�k i;: te.yuuSl�t! u3 ii�tliL�t�d LelOw: 1�. P.3 �b53 It Io fc:c}uC;yti�f Illt; 4Uitt�I4l1Jt1 Aill� L� � �att;il{l+:C�� culcnciut d'uya. Tiw udju:;t�� cou�yi�tiorl tlui� witl be ��c:�teaaW, {� i}l14I7'Jt)t)�� UY � 2. O�scr,�iiun u1 it�a ctinra��: lH��rr io urawinys. Spcciticutians, aduai��la, i1 {J�)F1I34i1I]IU�. (Re:icrc:nc� HFA Na.: ' CCp No.: • FO Nu.: t F���� c��MN � a��� s� ��� ccQ ��3,� 1�.� 3• Basis ut payrnani: �ChucR onn) �!�"'� {! F�rrn prico for pertormin� this chan�c is .....!.,,,,,.,, ............ AcJuyuata Su{�portin� dutuils nn4 informutiun must Uc uttuch�d In utlaw Qwnar co cvatua��. ( f 7unu and m�tctiu! p�� �U���ract, but nqc to axcecd { j Rctuul ca.ti'[ u�oti of wOrh ........& �j�3•DC1 (IE�crcasecl p�aucti Su1�It�itlC+t uY: _`T 3LAr�ai ���j Q:,lu: °� L � Cwiuu�tnt Contru�r S;;�na�tur�u�� • FOR GpM! USE `� 1. Aci��tt R�corqntus�duU: fCt��ck onc) ! 1 Cl7un�u will nat bu maqu. Expl�in: �. 3. �. CPMI JvU No.: 3225 (> Frotcuti on ti�� followiag tiasia; t! A; indicatad atrova. changa and pu�is o! paynt4nt i;; acccp�aule. �l��n�u i� �ecuptat�l�, �usis ot puymu i i;; not �cccptabl�. }�,Qusi� ot payn�nnt shalt bo $ '� �ICt,Tnu tu3l�win� moctilic�s�ion i� r�commnndnq: l) Cl�an�u in complotion �tutu is acc�pc4d. i) Chungss is uccep[uirW with tta cl�artqu ii3 µri�, �4.Chun;�u is accn�tabtu whii �,u cnan�� in compiul�an 4atc. H�asurt tur Cl�anga; i} pzsi�yri Chu+spa t 1 Cli�n[ Riqu�;�c ,�Fiulu Cut7�n;on ( 1 Su;yge�tud Uy C�nuuctor I) Ausi�n oiFtission or Ott��c fx:xp�ainl t> inia � part ui cttiu aciy'r�tia;,! conuact scop�l {} y�g I� Cunuuccor's Esc�maca �ctacneat 1�YES „_ ��v�7ilttill � A� Aj�Hrovud l AP�uuvucl �y; _ cc: Gu�a !{Nnaaq �(1�.: �4c(lita ll.+f.0 3 s22�- MfAU �'u(lU(A4fi 3zz5- ��. PRDAOSAL "�4.N0 t)t�o f{NQ fi+N+t ti,xrenrsioN �ra GiC Og7�12MINEf>. D"u(C: /'�Zl�l� � D'a[e; �._. D�tu: I'o?.S- � , �� � - - - --- _- - CQNTRACTOH'S Coutt��wr Ptupoo�i Nu.: P(UjcCt:—�:,int P-, I (�iyir Ccnt �r � � . u jua � compl�uon clow wiii �� A CYIJII�fV in Ih� 5l'U�C oi tnc wu�k is �c:yuu;�cu i!$ lU(IICJICC� IJL'IOW: t � 53 �� ,� I[ ts t�yuuatci! lhc i,uni Iciiun d�lc Lu { �Uti x` �' N ! 1 iatwlq�U. ! 1 Jua�uscd. ( 1 wtcitanyud L p L'vlCll(ad( l�ilY$ T�lt; ' CJ 1't� Uuscrfpuun ut iha ch.,ny�: (H�lur [o dravri�i�s, sWuCiliCatioilS, �dcf¢nd�, 1� uppli�pGl�j. (Rulurcncn HFP No.: • CCD No.: • FO N� • � ��lNS� �'7'wQ i'C�IZ. � VQlK.... SC�(aV�cr3 {��<lat �. A.,sc: ot p�yinunc {Ch�ck unc} p i i Fum pricu ior �uto�min� this ch�n�e is ....................................5 �/�• Q Z� Aucqu,,iu , uppo�tin1 dccails and informution tfncr�asc� pt.-avcq nws �i1: 4IIVCDOA IO 4�IOW OWOtl! IO L'VLIUiII(1. �' l 1 Timu an1 m�Wiial ppr cuntract. Uut not to cxcoc4 � ( � Actual co;t �t cumplc[ion ot woik ,. �/- y Su�tnutcJ Uy: �� �CYn A.t" Uulu:-_?�a�`� � CUIll14��U( � / �' l C�A !"Y� � �� GuIIUaCWf ,�.yJl1dW(u r-- �� FOR CPmI u5E 2. Acuun flucuninicndud; (Chuck onuy 1 f Ch�n�u will no� Gu niadu. Exp{uin: PROPOSAL Contiact CPMI Jo4 No.: 3225 �Froc�cd ai thc totiowinil busis: �� �+ uldicatad 'uUUVU, Cllilll�� illl(j V�$IS Of p�y�n�li[ iS ucCCpt�Uld. 'O Chan�7u is ucccptubio, pasis of paym�nc is noc uccupiablu. l 1 t3usis of paymunt shnll bu $ t) 7hu t.,liuwin� �uadilicatioi� is ruco�umondctl: t) Ch�nuu in camplutiun datu is uccuptcd. ( y Ch.�npu i:: aCCUN[�blu Wi{h (10 Ghull�u I�} ��(�CU. ( 1 Chonyu is vccoptalllo with ao Chan�� in Cou�plctiun datu. ���J�UII �O( C�lLLll�u: !) Q�ai�u Ch�npd `�tC�Cliunt Nuquust f 1 Fiufd Con�itiai t) Su�pwtcq Uy Contructut ( � Rusi�n Omia:ion c,r Oth�s t��uia�n} 3 • �� ��u� � p.,rt ut thu ungina�! co�itract acop�l �) yL �NU �. is Cunttuclot's Estiniut� utl.,chnd? �,YES l) NO �. AIE conoultud. �J'ES ( S NO Pr�N.,r.:1 �y: �+ CHtvtiy ' ANHr�vuJ Uy HGAt App(uvu4 L Ow��ur� D�te:�� Dsi�; ��'>� �i,f u�,��: 'S=9S" Ap� Ly: - --- _ _ - ---'--- — ---.�lOwncr) Datu:.--._.. _. LQ (.�IUy ��d11�W1 (�u�.Y �J`.41' }Y�1l.Y ��YI�U{LUII L'u4:. Lt.U���s J22'u• l3L U��A Culun�U �225- SAiNT PAUL CIVIG CCN7ER EXPANS�Ory� �" �- -`--'- "°` � �' AU6 07 '95 08�13 FRERICHS CO(VST• 644-60^09 CACf1'ftA Ptu}4.:t- �+ui1t f �t�l C;YS� �st1SSS -- .., `" . .. __.. _ _. : ,_ �/ ��� P.12 �AUG .7 �s�5 C���9 R`& PROPOSAL pate."- Gut�ita�! t�ta.:_ i. cl�s+�;J� ++t ti�c aiuy�c; u! iltc yvu�l, i:: Wc�uu�t�sl :+s indic�tuQ Lclow: .` J. ��z tt i:, ��yu�a�c�t lJ�� �u�tiy�luti�sl d��u L�'�,uawti�l�c1. I ���C(��++��.'� I ult�ll�71c1�� Ly .,, � �u(ati�lat dAys. 71ta dclju;.tud Ctilltpla;UOtt dat� wiil k� - E.7�sc:liNt�ull Ui ilte•. Cil�ti��t: (Hutut 10 dlawi�ly 5j�uiifiGultUei�, �tltlii�il�. il Aj)y�liCaR+l�}. irt��.:,"tic� HPN Nu.: • CCO No.: ' 60 No.: t Q,� �{Y'�..2,� �cun�.SQ '�o�'un�v SI,Pri'�" 17 / �$1:1:: 41 (74�/(llc7(�(: (��{4G`}:, G}i1L'E !} F�rtn prica lur p�rio�r�tiE��j t►us cU�rip� is ....................................5. � s� �, UG� Au���u,,w supp�rti+i;� dut�ils and infArmaliun Il��civa�cd f]�4ucU 111uvy Gw dtiuCnu(� (U �� 1 ullu�v OwAot ta evuivato. l 1 7i�i» itl�tl {)){�SL:(IW �.1til �u71�7JIiS U�t �0! tp uxCU�r3 5 i f Aciva! cu� µ� CUQl�.1{4UUIS (3I WUfI: Y ...�..L s� `- � � .rIiLIJl11{I:�I �1'r: �p L�i1IY: � _ ���1 T � �tlll((N�t{Jf . • �� r� ��. � � Cuuuuc�pi S��nacuw FOR GPM! USf �.._/ t. riCtwil tiu4v��U��u�i�w4: 4L:I�uck Unul l 1 Cliuu��u wi�l no� liu ui�4u. Expt:�in: f / � C!'Mi Juu No.: 32'15 '`�Prut�c:�} ur� ttw IUIIQYIitt(j � wais: �� t) A� ii�qicatc4 uLovu, ch�+n;�i and buwi; ui p�yn,cn� is ucci:��t:,Llc. i 1 Cif�ii�u is accaptuuiv, pusis �i Auy�nunt is not 'utcu�stal,tu, t 1 f�asis of payt�iunt sisull bir S (} Tliu totluwisti{� u,oclilicutiasi Is rccu:�sp�urWa�Y; ! 1 Cl�an�yu iu cuts�ptutivn duta is accuptWu. �t�un�1u i; uceupcut,fu �riett np Ct�unUu in pricu. }ip7}Ju Ij jiCG4�1lJ�1Iii Vlil�l i1Q Clid/i�jG 1tl CUqINIu1�G11 QJlu fiu�:un toi C�1 i�u: � t 1 P�aiu�� G1�a�tp� �} C4i�:i ` fl } u � quust �icf� i 1 Suuy�;tcd uy Cocui�ctur ( f V�+Y}�O Q{S�lS+ID{� LS� �ITI��N {CA��ILIYI�� :i. l. tl«a .t p.+li ci! tha uriyind:,i �411U.�G[ scoN�? ( i Y�S a. t� Cu�utuctur`w Extitsiac� ottuci�c�? �Y�S 5. A/[ Coii::uJt • . �YES I'�cNssua uy: CPMIf A}�jitUVUCi l�y Ht�iA� P.�3ju�vuJ uy IOwt�uq A},p� ovu4 l�y: 4.�yVwY {..�t��y � r�M� ��a Nor ��- �y A��s Ex�wr (lu1�R!lblZ- GoNl��' Qou� way Ser-aRa' umPt,�'noN �Qu1� l3GlL': � ��� Art c •��7u�.., 9 T U�tn:..._._.�.._.—. u���:_�._..._ �114� t.5�wa 3 [lN0 � i}NO