98-386Council File # 98'-.3s�G Green Sheet # (O�"7 / � �'G1NAL Presented By Re£erred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand 2 Old Day 1998, has submitted a request to waive the 60% consent 3 requirement for a block party/special event permit required by 4 Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and 5 WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday 6 of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 7 100,000 people to the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and 8 Saint Paul have to offer; and 9 WHEREAS, the Grand Avenue Business Association has argued that it 10 would not be practicable to obtain the neighborhood consent for 11 Grand Old Day 1998;and 12 WHEREAS, the Summit Hill Association and Macalester Groveland 13 Community Council have attached to this resolution their letters 14 of endorsement of the Grand Old Day 1998 event; now therefore, be 15 it 16 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 600 17 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit £or 18 Grand Old Day 1998 to be held on Sunday, June 7, 1998. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date ,��,�RO Adoption Certified by Council Se retary By Approved by By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I � � `� �� ���� Divi ion of Parks and Recreation B�- �` � � Q (�P� Form Approved by City Attorney / /� �! Approved / a�' ��� ✓ //�� � 70 — v /// ��� o �� `l r� / � ` DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET 1/� �� NO• �✓ ! / • r Parks and Recreation ��� 4/14/98 CONTACT PEflSON AND PHONE INfTIAL/DATE INITAUDAiE Maureen Watson 266-6649 � 1 DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR 4 cm couNCa ASS16N NUMBEF FOF ? CRY ATTOPNEY CITY CLERK MLIST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROIf�ING FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOft �OR ASSISTADIT) May 6, 1998 oROea — TOTAL S OF SIGNA"NRE PAGES � (COP Ati LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNANflEI acrior+aenues�o: Signature on attached resolution to allow waiver of petition for Grand Old Day block party permit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or qejett (R� PENSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a conttact tor tM1is tlepartment? C�B COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2� Has [his person/firm ever been a city employee? DISTRICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not norma��Y possessetl by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJELTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separata sheet antl attach to green sheM. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Block Party Permit requires 60 percent of property owners along a block party sign a petition to allow a festival. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of signatures city council has authority to waive requirement. Grand Old Day celebration scheduled for Sunday, June 7, 1998 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hardship. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community festival DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. €�ECEiVE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: pr } f iY�EiF�oY1 � iJi �BS� Grand Old Day would not meet all requirements of Block Party Permit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TftANSACTION S ��• COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNfiV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �EXPL4INI s, = =m.i:il � p � •'3 i"''n ...�.. �� ��. ..u. _ .��� .��PC ���#_✓ �i4e<�:'`. Y'£✓�"`"="i..F;'v a s � F�a�� ('�, � j�°'�j$ tsr�`� 3� � i-��� J ,,J� � 1 ""„' _ - - �� , f, = €:. : 04/14/98 10:58 FA% 292 3584 STP POLTCE CSU C� 02 / i i March 15, '1998 Mr. Wilfiam Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551D1 Oear Chief Finney: /p � �,��� � RECENED .> �,�, �• 3 i998 �� � MAR 2 C � ` � F 'S OFFICE I am writing on behalf of this year's Grand Old Day Planning Committee. Sunday, June 7 is the scheduled date of the 25th annual Grand Old Day event and we are busy securing proper documents, permits and iicenses. The block permit applications requires written consent of 60% af the property owners or tenanis ad'yacent to the portion oF the pub4ic street, sidewalk or alley sought to be used for the community festival. Grand Old Day is celebrated along over 2 miles of Grand Avenue. To satisfy this requirement for signatures would be an insurmountable task for any person...or volunteer committee, The additional challenge of absentee landlords and thousands of tenants makes it even more daunting, We are requesting that you again recommend waiving the signature requirement for the Block Parry Permit. As you know, the fast few Grand Old Days have been weli pianned and executed in cooperation with many city o�ces, including the police department, city licensing, the Mayor's office, the fire department and the City Council. As a matter of fact, we had no comptaints from our neighbors or security problems the last 2 years. It is our intention to duplicate these successes and continue a St. Paui festival we can all be proud of. Char Mason, aur Association Executive Director has been with us for the last two years and is aiso serving as the Festival Director again this year. We are aii working towards the best possibie event for everyone! If you have any questions, I can be reached at 291-1107 and Char Masan can ba reachsd at 659-0429. Thank you! Sincerely Yours, Da rker Owner, White Way Cieaners Grand Avenue Business Association President Grand Qid Day Chair 1998 Grand Avenue I3usiness Association 1043 Grand Avenue, fi315 1 Saint Paul, �linnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fvc: (612) G99-7775 1 E-mad: mfo�s'GrandAve.com ! Websrte: www.GrandAve com A Cherished Traditic�n Of R22LLy C001 Stuff APR-20-95 MON 03:00 PM GRAND AVENVE BUS ASSOC 612 699 7775 P_02 MfiC�txOVeL�NDCOVr�{ c126987978 P.01 Zbiacalestexr��raveland �4�,U.Xl�ly COUi1C� 320 Soutb Griggs Streot Saint Paul, Miunesota 5510�-23p0 Telephou�: (G12) G48-7973 F�c: (6l2) 698-9465 Aprii 19, 1998 Chief William �Inney Saint Paul police DepArtment 100 East 11 th Street Sainf Paul, MN 55'101 Dear Chief Finney, 9� � S� The Macalester-Groveland Community Councll on March 19th voted unanimously to walva the petition requirement for the 1998 Grand Old Day block party permit. We are looking toPward to another successfui Qrand Oid Day� Sincerely, p , . �i,R�.C.�1--2.. �XfZ+i�Y'Z"~---� K therine l"arnowski HPR-20-98 MON 03:01 PM GRRND AVENVE BUS RSSOC Sum 612 699 7775 P.03 9� ��lo �iill Asso�ia.txon. pistrict 16 Planning Council, 860 Saint Clair Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 e-maii summit.hillC�stpaui.gov March 16, 1988 William Firiney, Chief of Police ._Saint Paul Po6ce D.�partment 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55i01 Dear Chief Finney: On March 12, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Pianning Councii heard a brief presentation from Dan Parker and Char Mason of the Grand Avenue Business Association. On behalf of the Grand Old Day Committee, they requested a waiver of the requirecl block party permit petition in order to close Grand Avenue from Dale to Fairview between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on June 7, 1998 for Grand Old Day. The Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association continues to work ciosely with the Grand Avenue Business Association on fhis annual spring e"vent and supports the request of the Grand Old Day Committee for a waiver of the required petition in order to close Grand Avenue. If you have any questions about our suppoR of the waiver or Grand Old Day event, please feei free to cali Ellen Biales, our executive director, at 222-1222. Sincerely, ./G��z���,�° �z�� Mary Rothchiid President Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Council cc: Char Mason Dan Parker Bonnie Johnson Council File # 98'-.3s�G Green Sheet # (O�"7 / � �'G1NAL Presented By Re£erred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand 2 Old Day 1998, has submitted a request to waive the 60% consent 3 requirement for a block party/special event permit required by 4 Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and 5 WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday 6 of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 7 100,000 people to the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and 8 Saint Paul have to offer; and 9 WHEREAS, the Grand Avenue Business Association has argued that it 10 would not be practicable to obtain the neighborhood consent for 11 Grand Old Day 1998;and 12 WHEREAS, the Summit Hill Association and Macalester Groveland 13 Community Council have attached to this resolution their letters 14 of endorsement of the Grand Old Day 1998 event; now therefore, be 15 it 16 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 600 17 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit £or 18 Grand Old Day 1998 to be held on Sunday, June 7, 1998. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date ,��,�RO Adoption Certified by Council Se retary By Approved by By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I � � `� �� ���� Divi ion of Parks and Recreation B�- �` � � Q (�P� Form Approved by City Attorney / /� �! Approved / a�' ��� ✓ //�� � 70 — v /// ��� o �� `l r� / � ` DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET 1/� �� NO• �✓ ! / • r Parks and Recreation ��� 4/14/98 CONTACT PEflSON AND PHONE INfTIAL/DATE INITAUDAiE Maureen Watson 266-6649 � 1 DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR 4 cm couNCa ASS16N NUMBEF FOF ? CRY ATTOPNEY CITY CLERK MLIST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROIf�ING FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOft �OR ASSISTADIT) May 6, 1998 oROea — TOTAL S OF SIGNA"NRE PAGES � (COP Ati LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNANflEI acrior+aenues�o: Signature on attached resolution to allow waiver of petition for Grand Old Day block party permit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or qejett (R� PENSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a conttact tor tM1is tlepartment? C�B COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2� Has [his person/firm ever been a city employee? DISTRICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not norma��Y possessetl by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJELTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separata sheet antl attach to green sheM. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Block Party Permit requires 60 percent of property owners along a block party sign a petition to allow a festival. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of signatures city council has authority to waive requirement. Grand Old Day celebration scheduled for Sunday, June 7, 1998 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hardship. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community festival DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. €�ECEiVE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: pr } f iY�EiF�oY1 � iJi �BS� Grand Old Day would not meet all requirements of Block Party Permit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TftANSACTION S ��• COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNfiV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �EXPL4INI s, = =m.i:il � p � •'3 i"''n ...�.. �� ��. ..u. _ .��� .��PC ���#_✓ �i4e<�:'`. Y'£✓�"`"="i..F;'v a s � F�a�� ('�, � j�°'�j$ tsr�`� 3� � i-��� J ,,J� � 1 ""„' _ - - �� , f, = €:. : 04/14/98 10:58 FA% 292 3584 STP POLTCE CSU C� 02 / i i March 15, '1998 Mr. Wilfiam Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551D1 Oear Chief Finney: /p � �,��� � RECENED .> �,�, �• 3 i998 �� � MAR 2 C � ` � F 'S OFFICE I am writing on behalf of this year's Grand Old Day Planning Committee. Sunday, June 7 is the scheduled date of the 25th annual Grand Old Day event and we are busy securing proper documents, permits and iicenses. The block permit applications requires written consent of 60% af the property owners or tenanis ad'yacent to the portion oF the pub4ic street, sidewalk or alley sought to be used for the community festival. Grand Old Day is celebrated along over 2 miles of Grand Avenue. To satisfy this requirement for signatures would be an insurmountable task for any person...or volunteer committee, The additional challenge of absentee landlords and thousands of tenants makes it even more daunting, We are requesting that you again recommend waiving the signature requirement for the Block Parry Permit. As you know, the fast few Grand Old Days have been weli pianned and executed in cooperation with many city o�ces, including the police department, city licensing, the Mayor's office, the fire department and the City Council. As a matter of fact, we had no comptaints from our neighbors or security problems the last 2 years. It is our intention to duplicate these successes and continue a St. Paui festival we can all be proud of. Char Mason, aur Association Executive Director has been with us for the last two years and is aiso serving as the Festival Director again this year. We are aii working towards the best possibie event for everyone! If you have any questions, I can be reached at 291-1107 and Char Masan can ba reachsd at 659-0429. Thank you! Sincerely Yours, Da rker Owner, White Way Cieaners Grand Avenue Business Association President Grand Qid Day Chair 1998 Grand Avenue I3usiness Association 1043 Grand Avenue, fi315 1 Saint Paul, �linnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fvc: (612) G99-7775 1 E-mad: mfo�s'GrandAve.com ! Websrte: www.GrandAve com A Cherished Traditic�n Of R22LLy C001 Stuff APR-20-95 MON 03:00 PM GRAND AVENVE BUS ASSOC 612 699 7775 P_02 MfiC�txOVeL�NDCOVr�{ c126987978 P.01 Zbiacalestexr��raveland �4�,U.Xl�ly COUi1C� 320 Soutb Griggs Streot Saint Paul, Miunesota 5510�-23p0 Telephou�: (G12) G48-7973 F�c: (6l2) 698-9465 Aprii 19, 1998 Chief William �Inney Saint Paul police DepArtment 100 East 11 th Street Sainf Paul, MN 55'101 Dear Chief Finney, 9� � S� The Macalester-Groveland Community Councll on March 19th voted unanimously to walva the petition requirement for the 1998 Grand Old Day block party permit. We are looking toPward to another successfui Qrand Oid Day� Sincerely, p , . �i,R�.C.�1--2.. �XfZ+i�Y'Z"~---� K therine l"arnowski HPR-20-98 MON 03:01 PM GRRND AVENVE BUS RSSOC Sum 612 699 7775 P.03 9� ��lo �iill Asso�ia.txon. pistrict 16 Planning Council, 860 Saint Clair Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 e-maii summit.hillC�stpaui.gov March 16, 1988 William Firiney, Chief of Police ._Saint Paul Po6ce D.�partment 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55i01 Dear Chief Finney: On March 12, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Pianning Councii heard a brief presentation from Dan Parker and Char Mason of the Grand Avenue Business Association. On behalf of the Grand Old Day Committee, they requested a waiver of the requirecl block party permit petition in order to close Grand Avenue from Dale to Fairview between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on June 7, 1998 for Grand Old Day. The Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association continues to work ciosely with the Grand Avenue Business Association on fhis annual spring e"vent and supports the request of the Grand Old Day Committee for a waiver of the required petition in order to close Grand Avenue. If you have any questions about our suppoR of the waiver or Grand Old Day event, please feei free to cali Ellen Biales, our executive director, at 222-1222. Sincerely, ./G��z���,�° �z�� Mary Rothchiid President Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Council cc: Char Mason Dan Parker Bonnie Johnson Council File # 98'-.3s�G Green Sheet # (O�"7 / � �'G1NAL Presented By Re£erred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Grand Avenue Business Association, sponsor of Grand 2 Old Day 1998, has submitted a request to waive the 60% consent 3 requirement for a block party/special event permit required by 4 Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and 5 WHEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday 6 of June on Grand Avenue between Fairview and Dale and brings over 7 100,000 people to the festival to enjoy all that Grand Avenue and 8 Saint Paul have to offer; and 9 WHEREAS, the Grand Avenue Business Association has argued that it 10 would not be practicable to obtain the neighborhood consent for 11 Grand Old Day 1998;and 12 WHEREAS, the Summit Hill Association and Macalester Groveland 13 Community Council have attached to this resolution their letters 14 of endorsement of the Grand Old Day 1998 event; now therefore, be 15 it 16 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 600 17 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit £or 18 Grand Old Day 1998 to be held on Sunday, June 7, 1998. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date ,��,�RO Adoption Certified by Council Se retary By Approved by By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I � � `� �� ���� Divi ion of Parks and Recreation B�- �` � � Q (�P� Form Approved by City Attorney / /� �! Approved / a�' ��� ✓ //�� � 70 — v /// ��� o �� `l r� / � ` DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET 1/� �� NO• �✓ ! / • r Parks and Recreation ��� 4/14/98 CONTACT PEflSON AND PHONE INfTIAL/DATE INITAUDAiE Maureen Watson 266-6649 � 1 DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR 4 cm couNCa ASS16N NUMBEF FOF ? CRY ATTOPNEY CITY CLERK MLIST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROIf�ING FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOft �OR ASSISTADIT) May 6, 1998 oROea — TOTAL S OF SIGNA"NRE PAGES � (COP Ati LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNANflEI acrior+aenues�o: Signature on attached resolution to allow waiver of petition for Grand Old Day block party permit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or qejett (R� PENSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS� _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a conttact tor tM1is tlepartment? C�B COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2� Has [his person/firm ever been a city employee? DISTRICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not norma��Y possessetl by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJELTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separata sheet antl attach to green sheM. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Block Party Permit requires 60 percent of property owners along a block party sign a petition to allow a festival. In cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of signatures city council has authority to waive requirement. Grand Old Day celebration scheduled for Sunday, June 7, 1998 is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hardship. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. Grand Old Day would be issued a permit for their community festival DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. €�ECEiVE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: pr } f iY�EiF�oY1 � iJi �BS� Grand Old Day would not meet all requirements of Block Party Permit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TftANSACTION S ��• COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED ICIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNfiV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �EXPL4INI s, = =m.i:il � p � •'3 i"''n ...�.. �� ��. ..u. _ .��� .��PC ���#_✓ �i4e<�:'`. Y'£✓�"`"="i..F;'v a s � F�a�� ('�, � j�°'�j$ tsr�`� 3� � i-��� J ,,J� � 1 ""„' _ - - �� , f, = €:. : 04/14/98 10:58 FA% 292 3584 STP POLTCE CSU C� 02 / i i March 15, '1998 Mr. Wilfiam Finney Chief of Police City of St. Paul 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551D1 Oear Chief Finney: /p � �,��� � RECENED .> �,�, �• 3 i998 �� � MAR 2 C � ` � F 'S OFFICE I am writing on behalf of this year's Grand Old Day Planning Committee. Sunday, June 7 is the scheduled date of the 25th annual Grand Old Day event and we are busy securing proper documents, permits and iicenses. The block permit applications requires written consent of 60% af the property owners or tenanis ad'yacent to the portion oF the pub4ic street, sidewalk or alley sought to be used for the community festival. Grand Old Day is celebrated along over 2 miles of Grand Avenue. To satisfy this requirement for signatures would be an insurmountable task for any person...or volunteer committee, The additional challenge of absentee landlords and thousands of tenants makes it even more daunting, We are requesting that you again recommend waiving the signature requirement for the Block Parry Permit. As you know, the fast few Grand Old Days have been weli pianned and executed in cooperation with many city o�ces, including the police department, city licensing, the Mayor's office, the fire department and the City Council. As a matter of fact, we had no comptaints from our neighbors or security problems the last 2 years. It is our intention to duplicate these successes and continue a St. Paui festival we can all be proud of. Char Mason, aur Association Executive Director has been with us for the last two years and is aiso serving as the Festival Director again this year. We are aii working towards the best possibie event for everyone! If you have any questions, I can be reached at 291-1107 and Char Masan can ba reachsd at 659-0429. Thank you! Sincerely Yours, Da rker Owner, White Way Cieaners Grand Avenue Business Association President Grand Qid Day Chair 1998 Grand Avenue I3usiness Association 1043 Grand Avenue, fi315 1 Saint Paul, �linnesota 55105 Telephone: (612) 699-0029 1 Fvc: (612) G99-7775 1 E-mad: mfo�s'GrandAve.com ! Websrte: www.GrandAve com A Cherished Traditic�n Of R22LLy C001 Stuff APR-20-95 MON 03:00 PM GRAND AVENVE BUS ASSOC 612 699 7775 P_02 MfiC�txOVeL�NDCOVr�{ c126987978 P.01 Zbiacalestexr��raveland �4�,U.Xl�ly COUi1C� 320 Soutb Griggs Streot Saint Paul, Miunesota 5510�-23p0 Telephou�: (G12) G48-7973 F�c: (6l2) 698-9465 Aprii 19, 1998 Chief William �Inney Saint Paul police DepArtment 100 East 11 th Street Sainf Paul, MN 55'101 Dear Chief Finney, 9� � S� The Macalester-Groveland Community Councll on March 19th voted unanimously to walva the petition requirement for the 1998 Grand Old Day block party permit. We are looking toPward to another successfui Qrand Oid Day� Sincerely, p , . �i,R�.C.�1--2.. �XfZ+i�Y'Z"~---� K therine l"arnowski HPR-20-98 MON 03:01 PM GRRND AVENVE BUS RSSOC Sum 612 699 7775 P.03 9� ��lo �iill Asso�ia.txon. pistrict 16 Planning Council, 860 Saint Clair Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�05 Telephone 612-222-1222 Fax 612-222-1558 e-maii summit.hillC�stpaui.gov March 16, 1988 William Firiney, Chief of Police ._Saint Paul Po6ce D.�partment 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55i01 Dear Chief Finney: On March 12, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Pianning Councii heard a brief presentation from Dan Parker and Char Mason of the Grand Avenue Business Association. On behalf of the Grand Old Day Committee, they requested a waiver of the requirecl block party permit petition in order to close Grand Avenue from Dale to Fairview between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on June 7, 1998 for Grand Old Day. The Board of Directors of the Summit Hill Association continues to work ciosely with the Grand Avenue Business Association on fhis annual spring e"vent and supports the request of the Grand Old Day Committee for a waiver of the required petition in order to close Grand Avenue. If you have any questions about our suppoR of the waiver or Grand Old Day event, please feei free to cali Ellen Biales, our executive director, at 222-1222. Sincerely, ./G��z���,�° �z�� Mary Rothchiid President Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Council cc: Char Mason Dan Parker Bonnie Johnson