Council File #
Green Sheet #
- .36
Presented BY. �//"�'(�fy�UJ7w"
Referred To: Comrtitttee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on December 17, 1997 the Saint PauV Cdy Council appropriated $75,000 for the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP}
2 Program through the 1998 Capitat Improvement Budget; and
4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has provided capital improvement bond funds for this program and its predecessor, the
5 Youth Athletic Recreation a�d Equipment (YAREP) Program, since 1980; and
7 WHEREAS, the purpose of the program is to encourage parent-teacher organizations, school support groups and other
8 norrprofrt groups in their effoRs to provide outdoor play areas and piayground equipemnt for Saint Paul children; and
10 WHEREAS, the program provides matching funds for monies raised from non-city sources inGuding school fundraisers,
11 cAmmunity donations and the Saint Paul School Oistrict; and
13 WHEREAS, the Long Range Capital improvement Budget (CIB) Committee has established program guidelines and a process for
14 reviewing project proposals; developed project review criteria; solicited and reviewed project proposals from school and non-profit
15 organizations; and prepared project recommendations for the 1998 CPEP program; now
17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint PaW City Council aRProve the 1998 CPEP projects as recommended by the CIB
1S Committee; and be it
20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approve the guidelfnes as revised by the CIB Committee
21 on November 13, 1997; and be it
23 FINALLY RESOLVED, that if future funding is provided for the CPEP Program, the CIB Committee ls authorized to soliclt, review
24 and approve play area projects in accordance with program guidelines (see �hibit A).
ldopted by Council: Date �
�doption Certified by Council Secretary:
pproved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
O�ce of Financial Services - Budget Sedion
BY� �Y�, IY �cs�
Approval Recommended 6y Director of Financial Services:
ofr'ice ofFinancial services (suaget ot�ice) 04/24/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61142
JoeReid (266-8543) , ❑z cinarraxu� � cmccrxK
Request City Council approval of the guidelines and project recommendations for the 1998 Children's Ptay Equipment Program.
_riarvNUrcco�mnss[oN _crvu.smvlcecoauusstox 1.HasuuspersoWScmevervrorkedunderaconaactforthisdepartment?
cm Coe.u.nrree _ YES NO
` S[tiEF _ ZfiutLispesoNfitmevet6eenaciryemployee?
omx»crcovnr YES NO
sueeon'rs wencx coUNCII, osm.cme+ 3. Does tLis persoWfirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by aay current city employee?
(Eaplain all yes answers on aeparate sLeet and attach ta green shee[.)
A'P11A'IINGPAOBLEM, ISS11$ OPYORIVNITY (�.k'1w, Whn4 Wbere. WhY)�
The City Council apptopriated $95,000 fos the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP) Program for 1998. This program began as the Youth Athletic
Recreation and Equipment Program in 1980 and has received ciry funding through the capital unprovement budget yearly every year since. In
November, 1997 the CIB Committee reviewed the program and updated the guidelines to provide for a project review process separate from the
biennial CIB budget process. A process timeline was prepazed and project review criteria ware developed. The progfam was then advertised
broadly among school organizations and community goups. Thirteen applications were received and reviewed, with five projects
recommended for funding at $15,000 each.
The organizations receiving the CPEP funding may be proceed to complete design and conshvction of play areas that wi116e availahLe for use by
school and neighborhood children yeaz-round.
None. The funds have already been approved for the program. This request, if approved, would allocafe those funds toindividual projects.
' APR 2 7 199E
The funds would not be a�ailable for community and school goups to help construc[ play areas for children. ��, ������ -�sP,'�T
APR � � 1999
TOTALAMOpNTOF'fRAh5AC1SpN .�t! COSiRtEVENUEBU�GEl'E�(CQtQ.EONE7 lv�L.__--q0-._�.� ., . __ ' " _
\ J
�ceofFinancialServices-BUdgetSedion H:IUSERS�BUDGE711231RESOLUTI\GS CPEPWK4 04124/9
240 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
No�m Coleman
Ma yor
Apri122, 1998
TO: Mayor Norm Coleman
Saint Paul City Councilmembers
CPEP Program Appiicants
District Council Representatives
FROM: Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee - Paui Gilli , '�
Ckuldren's Play Equipment Program Subcommittee - Jose Verde' Chair ��� � L�
The CPEP Subcommittee of the 1998 Children's Play Bquipment Program and C ittee
hereby transmit their project recoxnxnendations in accordance with program guidel3nes. Also included
with the recommendations aze the program's guidelines, program evaluation criteria and the 1948 CPEP
Process Schedule. It is the CIB Committee's recommendation that Mayor Coleman and the Saint
Paul City Councii consider and agprove the CPEP program guidelines and the 1998 project
recommendations at the May 6,1998 City Councit Meeting.
Program funds approved for 1998 and tentatively approved for 1999 total $150,000. Projects
recommended in this report aze within the 1998 budget of $75,000. Final decisions on the remaining
$?5,000 will be made following adoption of the 1999 CIB Budget.
The CPEP Subcommittee and the CIB Comxnittee would like to thank the pazent-teacher organizations
and other school support groups and non-profit organizations who submitted project proposals and met
with the subcommittee ta discuss proposal details. We also would like to thank Mayor Coleman and
members of the City Council for approving funding for the 1998 program.
Our recommendations are based prunarily on project scores, which were detemuned by evaluating each
proposal against the Pro}ect Selecrion Criteria. Highest priority was given to proposals that
demonstrated the greatest need for play equipment (e.g., no e�sring equipment, outdated or dangerous
equipment). Si�ty percent of the score was based on the "needs" criteria. The 1998 budgeted amount
far the prograzn represents 43% of total project funds requested.
Tf�e purpose of the Children's Play Equipment Program is to encourage pazent-teacher organizations,
support groups and other non-profit groups in their efforts to provide outdoor piay azeas and playground
equipment for Saint Paul children. The program provides matclung funds for monies raised from non-
city sources such as school fundraisers, community donations and the Saint Paul School District. The
City Council has appropriated capital improvement bond funds foz this program since 198�.
98 �3� 7
The guidelines for the grant prograzn are summarized as follows
1. The Division of Pazks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual CPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process and approved by the Mayor
and City Council. After budget adoption, the CIB Committee considers specific project
proposals and makes recommendations to mayor and council for approval.
3. The program awazds matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 for up to 50 percent of the cost
of permanently installed play equipment. Play equipment must have a life eapectancy of at least
10 years.
4. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations such as school groups, youth
organizations and day care centers.
5. Priority is given for projects located on public property under the jurisdiction of Saint Paul
Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may also be made for projects located on
properLy not subject to a right of public access when the CIB Committee determines that the
project benefits the community as a whole and the property owner agrees to provide public
access to the completed project for at least ten years.
6. Grants are made on a one-tune basis, and the site is ineligible for funding far ten years after
receiving a grant.
7. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding will be
made by the Ciry.
8. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, aze eligible for funds. Funding for these
facilities should be handled through the regulaz capitai and operating budget processes.
9. The CiTy wiil not contract for construction of facilities. Contracts for construction of capital
improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
10. The CPEP Subcommittee will serve as the review body for all project proposals. Membership
will include three CIB Committee members, a Budget Office staff person and a representative
from the Division of Parks and Recreation. The committee will meet annually with proposers
and prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and Ciry Council approval.
The CIB Committee's evaluation of the 1998 project requests is reflected in the attached "CIB
Committee Project Recommendations." The summary lists the owner of the play azea properry, the
applicant organization's enrollment, the projecPs score, the amount requested and the CIB Committee's
reasons for the project recommendafions.
Triesta Brown, CIB Cominittee
Wayne Lundeen, CIB Committee
Jose Verdzja, CIB Committee
Bruce Engelbrekt, Office of Financial Services - Budget Secrion
John Wirka, Division of Pazks & Recreation
Office of Financial Services - Budget Sec6on H:\USERSIENGEUWPFILES\CPEP\98CPRECM.MEM
City of Saint Paul - Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Proposals - C16 Committee Project Recommendations
• ., . .
u Elementary
A+ Elementary
Enroilment: Project Amount
Owner �^,zD / Aulc�t $G9rg Beguested Reason far Recommenda6on
3'13 ! 325
705 / 750
15,000 No equipmeM curreMy ai school. B1G Club
removed old equipment when new bulltling
15,000 ExisHng equipment in poor condition; large
SPSD 355 / 365 17 15,000 Existing equipment old, minimal, dangerous.
Total 75,000
' Elementary
>n Elementary
Park Elementary
301 / 350
445 7 450
15,000 Good proposal. No equipment currently at school.
But $20 000 appfoved 4l15l98 through STAR program
15,000 Good proposal. Existing equip oltl, minimal, dangerous.
' But $78 500 appmved 4/15/98 through STAR pmgram.
15,000 Ezistiag equip. old, insufficient for large student population
and special sfudeM needs, but adequate as community
play area. CPEP is intended to help provide equipment
for community use, not to address schools' special
programming �eeds.
15,000 Based on testimony, play area would serve only program
participants. It would not be open to neighborhood
children. Proposal no longer eligible.
15,000 Received City funds in 1997 CPEP progrem,
have basic play equipmeM system in place.
15,OOD Existing equipment adequate, in good condition. School
must move equipment off B/C, Club praperty to school
district site. CPEP funding should first be used for equip-
ment where non exists or where existing equipment is
in poor cond'Rion. School district should fund reloration.
8,000 School has new equipment for small children.
New play area ai rec center across sfreet.
Requests for expansion of new play areas sre
lower priority than play areas with no equipment or
minimal equipment in poor conditio�.
15,060 Play area would serve primarily daycare children.
Two other play a2as, including new equipment at
Community Center
End Efementary
Salv. Army NA 140-60+ 14
SPSD 482l500 14
SPSD 373 / 385 12
SPSD 911 ! 1,0�� t2
House Association NHA NA 7 74 11
Total 98,000
ceotFinanc(alServices-BUtl9etSeqion H.WSERS�ENGELU231CPEP198PROSM3.WK4 04/20/98
98-3b �
The Capital lmprovement Budget (CB) Committee recommended the establishment of a grant
program for Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), support groups, and other non-profit gcoups
involved in providing outdoor play areas and playgraund equipment for chi{dren. The City
Council has appropriated Capital Improvement Budget funds for this program since 1980.
The guidelines for the grant program are as follows:
The Division of Parks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual GPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process. After the annual
CPEP budget is established, the CIB Committee will consider specific project proposals.
Upon approval of the budget by the City Council, grant applications will be processed.
3. Grants wilf be awarded in amounts based on the availability of funds and the number of
requests. This wiii be at the recommendation of the CIB Committee.
4. Matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 fior up to 50 percent of the cost of permanently
installed play equipment may be awarded. Play equipment must have a life expectancy
of at least 10 years.
5. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations. Copies of articles of
incorporation will be required as proof of incorporation under Minne-sota Statute 317A,
Laws of 1989, the Minnesota Non-profit Corporation Act.
Organizations which are not organized under the Minnesota Non-profit Co�poration Act
shalf be eligible to participate in this program when the pro}ect does not require payment
of funds to the organization.
Example: An unincorporated PTO could ask that the City and the School District enter
into an agreement for installation of equipment at a school.
6. Priority will be given for projects to be located on public property under the jurisdiction of
Saint Paul Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may aiso be made for
projects located on property not subject to a right of public access when:
A. CIB Committee evaluation ofi the proposed project determines that it benefits the
community as a whole, with written findings to be adopted by the Committee;
B. The property owner agrees in writing and in addition to the requirements of the
Documentation section, to provide for and allow public access to the completed
project for a period of at least ten years, or until the equipment of removed,
whichever is longer.
C. The property owner agrees to install permanent signage indicating that the play
area is open for public use.
7. Grants will be made on a one-time basis, and the site will be ineligible for funding for ten
years after receiving a grant.
8. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding
wilf be made by the City.
9. The organization which owns the property upon which the grant-funded improvement is
made, shall hold the City harmless from any and all acts resulting from use of said
10. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, are eligible for funds. Funding for
these facilities should be handled through the regular capital and operating budget
11. No Iand acquisition is eligible for funding by this program.
All documentation must be provided prior to release of grant funds by the City.
12. All applicants must complete and submit a project application on a form to be provided
by the Division of Parks and Recreation.
13. All applicants must provide:
Documentation of matching funds in the form of either cash available in a savings
account held by the corporation or documented costs such as receipts for
materials or supplies;
Copies of articles of incorporation;
A design plan and specification for the proposed project;
Documentation of project costs in the form of quotations from contractors and/or
material suppliers;
A project approval letter from the owner of the project site indicating approval of
the projeet design plan and commitment to maintain the completed project,
holding #he City harmless from any and all acts resulting from the use of the
14. The City will enter into no contracts for construction of facilities. Contracts for
construction of capital improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
98-3 � �
Project Selection Process
CPEP Selection Committee:
AA projects proposals will be reviewed by the CPEP Selection Committee.
Selection Committee Members:
1.1 Executive Secretary of the CIB Committee (Office of Financial Services -
Budget Section) - non-voting member
1,2 A representative from the Division of Parks and Recreation - non-voting
1.3 Three (3) members of the Saint Paul Long Range Capital Improvement
Budget Committee appointed by the Chairperson of that Committee - all
voting members
The Seleetion Committee wiN meet annua{ly with proposers, usua{ly in November. The
Selection Committee will prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and City Council
approval in December.
2. Proposal submissions:
The CIB Committee Executive Secretary wifl notify potential applicants of the upcoming
GPEP review cycle in the fall of each year. Notification will be made through the City of
Saint Paul neighborhood contact list and the St. Paul School School District parent-
teacher organization list. Project proposals should be submitted to the O�ce of Financial
Services-Budget Seetion on the form provided.
(NOTE: The Executive Secretary annually will determine the process timeline and will
communicate all process information in the notification letter,)
JB: 3I10l80
Revised: 4l18180
Revised: 4127/84
Revised: 1/12l95
Revised: 11l13l97
Offlce of Financial Services - Budget Section H9USERS�ENGELIWPFILESICPEPICPEP.GDL
Children's Piay Equipment Program (CPEP)
Project Evaluation Criteria
(Ma�cimum possible points - 20)
Ei _ IIE1�'S �I1H jJ!'OpDS� t)38��'�I�E £P�� i.]111i1�31ftES� i
If YES, continue to #2.
If NO, the proposal is ineligible for the program.
2 �1NC1�{'S13Tp E�oints ,
The owner of the
proposed site is:
4 Saint Pau! Public Schools or City of Saint Paul {joint use site only)
3 Saint Paul Public Schoo/s (not a joint use site) or Ramsey County
2 Non-prof'rt or private organization
a N��d � Paints
A) No. of school children
using the equipment:
(i.e., student population)
B) Proposal provides
equipment for play area:
3 More than 500 students
2 200-500 students
1 Less than 200 sfudents
5 Where none exists
4 Where existing equipment is at least 90 years old and is hazardous
3 Where existing equipment is at �easf 1 D years old and in �easonabie condition
1 Where existing equrpment is /ess than 10 years o!d
C) Proximity of site to other 4
play equipment: 2
(e.g., equipment at nearby school
rec ceMer, church, non-profit
organization aCCessible to the public)
Beyond four (4) blocks of proposed site
Beyond two {2) blocks, but /ess than fou� (4J blocks of proposed site
�thin two (2) 6/ocks ofproposed sife
4 PY4t EC� $�d�if5 POia'ig - -
What work has been
done on the project
to date7
4 Design prepared; confacts made wifh equipment vendors and/or confractors
cost estimate prepared,� fundraising efforts undenvay
(e.g., applica6ons for othermaEchrng fands from PTO members, businesses)
3 Design prepared,� contacts made with equipmenE vendors and/or contractors;
cost estimate prepared
2 Project design sketched out
1 No activity to date
bf£e86fFjnanciaESenrices:-$uQyetSec(ifln 'r1:W5El;S�ENG�Lk123�CPEp�CRt[CPEP.G!RC4 o4764t96
9� �36�
City of Saint Paul
Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Process Schedule
Mazch 5
Mazch 26
March 30
May 6
May 7
Guidelineslproposal forms distsibuted to elementary schooi PTQs, principals,
district councils
CPEP Subcosnmittee planning meeting
Proposal deadline
CPEP Subcommittee - proposal review meeting with program applicants
CPEP Subcommittee finalizes recommendations
CIB Committee review/approval of CPEP Subcommittee recommendations
City Council reviewlapproval of CPEP program guidelines, CTB Committee
Written notification of award to progrun applicants
OfficeofPinar�cialServices-Bndget5ection H'IUSIItS�ENGEL\WPFII,ES\CPEF98PRCSCH.WPD Apri19,1995
Council File #
Green Sheet #
- .36
Presented BY. �//"�'(�fy�UJ7w"
Referred To: Comrtitttee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on December 17, 1997 the Saint PauV Cdy Council appropriated $75,000 for the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP}
2 Program through the 1998 Capitat Improvement Budget; and
4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has provided capital improvement bond funds for this program and its predecessor, the
5 Youth Athletic Recreation a�d Equipment (YAREP) Program, since 1980; and
7 WHEREAS, the purpose of the program is to encourage parent-teacher organizations, school support groups and other
8 norrprofrt groups in their effoRs to provide outdoor play areas and piayground equipemnt for Saint Paul children; and
10 WHEREAS, the program provides matching funds for monies raised from non-city sources inGuding school fundraisers,
11 cAmmunity donations and the Saint Paul School Oistrict; and
13 WHEREAS, the Long Range Capital improvement Budget (CIB) Committee has established program guidelines and a process for
14 reviewing project proposals; developed project review criteria; solicited and reviewed project proposals from school and non-profit
15 organizations; and prepared project recommendations for the 1998 CPEP program; now
17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint PaW City Council aRProve the 1998 CPEP projects as recommended by the CIB
1S Committee; and be it
20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approve the guidelfnes as revised by the CIB Committee
21 on November 13, 1997; and be it
23 FINALLY RESOLVED, that if future funding is provided for the CPEP Program, the CIB Committee ls authorized to soliclt, review
24 and approve play area projects in accordance with program guidelines (see �hibit A).
ldopted by Council: Date �
�doption Certified by Council Secretary:
pproved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
O�ce of Financial Services - Budget Sedion
BY� �Y�, IY �cs�
Approval Recommended 6y Director of Financial Services:
ofr'ice ofFinancial services (suaget ot�ice) 04/24/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61142
JoeReid (266-8543) , ❑z cinarraxu� � cmccrxK
Request City Council approval of the guidelines and project recommendations for the 1998 Children's Ptay Equipment Program.
_riarvNUrcco�mnss[oN _crvu.smvlcecoauusstox 1.HasuuspersoWScmevervrorkedunderaconaactforthisdepartment?
cm Coe.u.nrree _ YES NO
` S[tiEF _ ZfiutLispesoNfitmevet6eenaciryemployee?
omx»crcovnr YES NO
sueeon'rs wencx coUNCII, osm.cme+ 3. Does tLis persoWfirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by aay current city employee?
(Eaplain all yes answers on aeparate sLeet and attach ta green shee[.)
A'P11A'IINGPAOBLEM, ISS11$ OPYORIVNITY (�.k'1w, Whn4 Wbere. WhY)�
The City Council apptopriated $95,000 fos the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP) Program for 1998. This program began as the Youth Athletic
Recreation and Equipment Program in 1980 and has received ciry funding through the capital unprovement budget yearly every year since. In
November, 1997 the CIB Committee reviewed the program and updated the guidelines to provide for a project review process separate from the
biennial CIB budget process. A process timeline was prepazed and project review criteria ware developed. The progfam was then advertised
broadly among school organizations and community goups. Thirteen applications were received and reviewed, with five projects
recommended for funding at $15,000 each.
The organizations receiving the CPEP funding may be proceed to complete design and conshvction of play areas that wi116e availahLe for use by
school and neighborhood children yeaz-round.
None. The funds have already been approved for the program. This request, if approved, would allocafe those funds toindividual projects.
' APR 2 7 199E
The funds would not be a�ailable for community and school goups to help construc[ play areas for children. ��, ������ -�sP,'�T
APR � � 1999
TOTALAMOpNTOF'fRAh5AC1SpN .�t! COSiRtEVENUEBU�GEl'E�(CQtQ.EONE7 lv�L.__--q0-._�.� ., . __ ' " _
\ J
�ceofFinancialServices-BUdgetSedion H:IUSERS�BUDGE711231RESOLUTI\GS CPEPWK4 04124/9
240 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
No�m Coleman
Ma yor
Apri122, 1998
TO: Mayor Norm Coleman
Saint Paul City Councilmembers
CPEP Program Appiicants
District Council Representatives
FROM: Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee - Paui Gilli , '�
Ckuldren's Play Equipment Program Subcommittee - Jose Verde' Chair ��� � L�
The CPEP Subcommittee of the 1998 Children's Play Bquipment Program and C ittee
hereby transmit their project recoxnxnendations in accordance with program guidel3nes. Also included
with the recommendations aze the program's guidelines, program evaluation criteria and the 1948 CPEP
Process Schedule. It is the CIB Committee's recommendation that Mayor Coleman and the Saint
Paul City Councii consider and agprove the CPEP program guidelines and the 1998 project
recommendations at the May 6,1998 City Councit Meeting.
Program funds approved for 1998 and tentatively approved for 1999 total $150,000. Projects
recommended in this report aze within the 1998 budget of $75,000. Final decisions on the remaining
$?5,000 will be made following adoption of the 1999 CIB Budget.
The CPEP Subcommittee and the CIB Comxnittee would like to thank the pazent-teacher organizations
and other school support groups and non-profit organizations who submitted project proposals and met
with the subcommittee ta discuss proposal details. We also would like to thank Mayor Coleman and
members of the City Council for approving funding for the 1998 program.
Our recommendations are based prunarily on project scores, which were detemuned by evaluating each
proposal against the Pro}ect Selecrion Criteria. Highest priority was given to proposals that
demonstrated the greatest need for play equipment (e.g., no e�sring equipment, outdated or dangerous
equipment). Si�ty percent of the score was based on the "needs" criteria. The 1998 budgeted amount
far the prograzn represents 43% of total project funds requested.
Tf�e purpose of the Children's Play Equipment Program is to encourage pazent-teacher organizations,
support groups and other non-profit groups in their efforts to provide outdoor piay azeas and playground
equipment for Saint Paul children. The program provides matclung funds for monies raised from non-
city sources such as school fundraisers, community donations and the Saint Paul School District. The
City Council has appropriated capital improvement bond funds foz this program since 198�.
98 �3� 7
The guidelines for the grant prograzn are summarized as follows
1. The Division of Pazks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual CPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process and approved by the Mayor
and City Council. After budget adoption, the CIB Committee considers specific project
proposals and makes recommendations to mayor and council for approval.
3. The program awazds matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 for up to 50 percent of the cost
of permanently installed play equipment. Play equipment must have a life eapectancy of at least
10 years.
4. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations such as school groups, youth
organizations and day care centers.
5. Priority is given for projects located on public property under the jurisdiction of Saint Paul
Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may also be made for projects located on
properLy not subject to a right of public access when the CIB Committee determines that the
project benefits the community as a whole and the property owner agrees to provide public
access to the completed project for at least ten years.
6. Grants are made on a one-tune basis, and the site is ineligible for funding far ten years after
receiving a grant.
7. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding will be
made by the Ciry.
8. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, aze eligible for funds. Funding for these
facilities should be handled through the regulaz capitai and operating budget processes.
9. The CiTy wiil not contract for construction of facilities. Contracts for construction of capital
improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
10. The CPEP Subcommittee will serve as the review body for all project proposals. Membership
will include three CIB Committee members, a Budget Office staff person and a representative
from the Division of Parks and Recreation. The committee will meet annually with proposers
and prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and Ciry Council approval.
The CIB Committee's evaluation of the 1998 project requests is reflected in the attached "CIB
Committee Project Recommendations." The summary lists the owner of the play azea properry, the
applicant organization's enrollment, the projecPs score, the amount requested and the CIB Committee's
reasons for the project recommendafions.
Triesta Brown, CIB Cominittee
Wayne Lundeen, CIB Committee
Jose Verdzja, CIB Committee
Bruce Engelbrekt, Office of Financial Services - Budget Secrion
John Wirka, Division of Pazks & Recreation
Office of Financial Services - Budget Sec6on H:\USERSIENGEUWPFILES\CPEP\98CPRECM.MEM
City of Saint Paul - Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Proposals - C16 Committee Project Recommendations
• ., . .
u Elementary
A+ Elementary
Enroilment: Project Amount
Owner �^,zD / Aulc�t $G9rg Beguested Reason far Recommenda6on
3'13 ! 325
705 / 750
15,000 No equipmeM curreMy ai school. B1G Club
removed old equipment when new bulltling
15,000 ExisHng equipment in poor condition; large
SPSD 355 / 365 17 15,000 Existing equipment old, minimal, dangerous.
Total 75,000
' Elementary
>n Elementary
Park Elementary
301 / 350
445 7 450
15,000 Good proposal. No equipment currently at school.
But $20 000 appfoved 4l15l98 through STAR program
15,000 Good proposal. Existing equip oltl, minimal, dangerous.
' But $78 500 appmved 4/15/98 through STAR pmgram.
15,000 Ezistiag equip. old, insufficient for large student population
and special sfudeM needs, but adequate as community
play area. CPEP is intended to help provide equipment
for community use, not to address schools' special
programming �eeds.
15,000 Based on testimony, play area would serve only program
participants. It would not be open to neighborhood
children. Proposal no longer eligible.
15,000 Received City funds in 1997 CPEP progrem,
have basic play equipmeM system in place.
15,OOD Existing equipment adequate, in good condition. School
must move equipment off B/C, Club praperty to school
district site. CPEP funding should first be used for equip-
ment where non exists or where existing equipment is
in poor cond'Rion. School district should fund reloration.
8,000 School has new equipment for small children.
New play area ai rec center across sfreet.
Requests for expansion of new play areas sre
lower priority than play areas with no equipment or
minimal equipment in poor conditio�.
15,060 Play area would serve primarily daycare children.
Two other play a2as, including new equipment at
Community Center
End Efementary
Salv. Army NA 140-60+ 14
SPSD 482l500 14
SPSD 373 / 385 12
SPSD 911 ! 1,0�� t2
House Association NHA NA 7 74 11
Total 98,000
ceotFinanc(alServices-BUtl9etSeqion H.WSERS�ENGELU231CPEP198PROSM3.WK4 04/20/98
98-3b �
The Capital lmprovement Budget (CB) Committee recommended the establishment of a grant
program for Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), support groups, and other non-profit gcoups
involved in providing outdoor play areas and playgraund equipment for chi{dren. The City
Council has appropriated Capital Improvement Budget funds for this program since 1980.
The guidelines for the grant program are as follows:
The Division of Parks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual GPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process. After the annual
CPEP budget is established, the CIB Committee will consider specific project proposals.
Upon approval of the budget by the City Council, grant applications will be processed.
3. Grants wilf be awarded in amounts based on the availability of funds and the number of
requests. This wiii be at the recommendation of the CIB Committee.
4. Matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 fior up to 50 percent of the cost of permanently
installed play equipment may be awarded. Play equipment must have a life expectancy
of at least 10 years.
5. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations. Copies of articles of
incorporation will be required as proof of incorporation under Minne-sota Statute 317A,
Laws of 1989, the Minnesota Non-profit Corporation Act.
Organizations which are not organized under the Minnesota Non-profit Co�poration Act
shalf be eligible to participate in this program when the pro}ect does not require payment
of funds to the organization.
Example: An unincorporated PTO could ask that the City and the School District enter
into an agreement for installation of equipment at a school.
6. Priority will be given for projects to be located on public property under the jurisdiction of
Saint Paul Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may aiso be made for
projects located on property not subject to a right of public access when:
A. CIB Committee evaluation ofi the proposed project determines that it benefits the
community as a whole, with written findings to be adopted by the Committee;
B. The property owner agrees in writing and in addition to the requirements of the
Documentation section, to provide for and allow public access to the completed
project for a period of at least ten years, or until the equipment of removed,
whichever is longer.
C. The property owner agrees to install permanent signage indicating that the play
area is open for public use.
7. Grants will be made on a one-time basis, and the site will be ineligible for funding for ten
years after receiving a grant.
8. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding
wilf be made by the City.
9. The organization which owns the property upon which the grant-funded improvement is
made, shall hold the City harmless from any and all acts resulting from use of said
10. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, are eligible for funds. Funding for
these facilities should be handled through the regular capital and operating budget
11. No Iand acquisition is eligible for funding by this program.
All documentation must be provided prior to release of grant funds by the City.
12. All applicants must complete and submit a project application on a form to be provided
by the Division of Parks and Recreation.
13. All applicants must provide:
Documentation of matching funds in the form of either cash available in a savings
account held by the corporation or documented costs such as receipts for
materials or supplies;
Copies of articles of incorporation;
A design plan and specification for the proposed project;
Documentation of project costs in the form of quotations from contractors and/or
material suppliers;
A project approval letter from the owner of the project site indicating approval of
the projeet design plan and commitment to maintain the completed project,
holding #he City harmless from any and all acts resulting from the use of the
14. The City will enter into no contracts for construction of facilities. Contracts for
construction of capital improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
98-3 � �
Project Selection Process
CPEP Selection Committee:
AA projects proposals will be reviewed by the CPEP Selection Committee.
Selection Committee Members:
1.1 Executive Secretary of the CIB Committee (Office of Financial Services -
Budget Section) - non-voting member
1,2 A representative from the Division of Parks and Recreation - non-voting
1.3 Three (3) members of the Saint Paul Long Range Capital Improvement
Budget Committee appointed by the Chairperson of that Committee - all
voting members
The Seleetion Committee wiN meet annua{ly with proposers, usua{ly in November. The
Selection Committee will prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and City Council
approval in December.
2. Proposal submissions:
The CIB Committee Executive Secretary wifl notify potential applicants of the upcoming
GPEP review cycle in the fall of each year. Notification will be made through the City of
Saint Paul neighborhood contact list and the St. Paul School School District parent-
teacher organization list. Project proposals should be submitted to the O�ce of Financial
Services-Budget Seetion on the form provided.
(NOTE: The Executive Secretary annually will determine the process timeline and will
communicate all process information in the notification letter,)
JB: 3I10l80
Revised: 4l18180
Revised: 4127/84
Revised: 1/12l95
Revised: 11l13l97
Offlce of Financial Services - Budget Section H9USERS�ENGELIWPFILESICPEPICPEP.GDL
Children's Piay Equipment Program (CPEP)
Project Evaluation Criteria
(Ma�cimum possible points - 20)
Ei _ IIE1�'S �I1H jJ!'OpDS� t)38��'�I�E £P�� i.]111i1�31ftES� i
If YES, continue to #2.
If NO, the proposal is ineligible for the program.
2 �1NC1�{'S13Tp E�oints ,
The owner of the
proposed site is:
4 Saint Pau! Public Schools or City of Saint Paul {joint use site only)
3 Saint Paul Public Schoo/s (not a joint use site) or Ramsey County
2 Non-prof'rt or private organization
a N��d � Paints
A) No. of school children
using the equipment:
(i.e., student population)
B) Proposal provides
equipment for play area:
3 More than 500 students
2 200-500 students
1 Less than 200 sfudents
5 Where none exists
4 Where existing equipment is at least 90 years old and is hazardous
3 Where existing equipment is at �easf 1 D years old and in �easonabie condition
1 Where existing equrpment is /ess than 10 years o!d
C) Proximity of site to other 4
play equipment: 2
(e.g., equipment at nearby school
rec ceMer, church, non-profit
organization aCCessible to the public)
Beyond four (4) blocks of proposed site
Beyond two {2) blocks, but /ess than fou� (4J blocks of proposed site
�thin two (2) 6/ocks ofproposed sife
4 PY4t EC� $�d�if5 POia'ig - -
What work has been
done on the project
to date7
4 Design prepared; confacts made wifh equipment vendors and/or confractors
cost estimate prepared,� fundraising efforts undenvay
(e.g., applica6ons for othermaEchrng fands from PTO members, businesses)
3 Design prepared,� contacts made with equipmenE vendors and/or contractors;
cost estimate prepared
2 Project design sketched out
1 No activity to date
bf£e86fFjnanciaESenrices:-$uQyetSec(ifln 'r1:W5El;S�ENG�Lk123�CPEp�CRt[CPEP.G!RC4 o4764t96
9� �36�
City of Saint Paul
Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Process Schedule
Mazch 5
Mazch 26
March 30
May 6
May 7
Guidelineslproposal forms distsibuted to elementary schooi PTQs, principals,
district councils
CPEP Subcosnmittee planning meeting
Proposal deadline
CPEP Subcommittee - proposal review meeting with program applicants
CPEP Subcommittee finalizes recommendations
CIB Committee review/approval of CPEP Subcommittee recommendations
City Council reviewlapproval of CPEP program guidelines, CTB Committee
Written notification of award to progrun applicants
OfficeofPinar�cialServices-Bndget5ection H'IUSIItS�ENGEL\WPFII,ES\CPEF98PRCSCH.WPD Apri19,1995
Council File #
Green Sheet #
- .36
Presented BY. �//"�'(�fy�UJ7w"
Referred To: Comrtitttee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on December 17, 1997 the Saint PauV Cdy Council appropriated $75,000 for the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP}
2 Program through the 1998 Capitat Improvement Budget; and
4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has provided capital improvement bond funds for this program and its predecessor, the
5 Youth Athletic Recreation a�d Equipment (YAREP) Program, since 1980; and
7 WHEREAS, the purpose of the program is to encourage parent-teacher organizations, school support groups and other
8 norrprofrt groups in their effoRs to provide outdoor play areas and piayground equipemnt for Saint Paul children; and
10 WHEREAS, the program provides matching funds for monies raised from non-city sources inGuding school fundraisers,
11 cAmmunity donations and the Saint Paul School Oistrict; and
13 WHEREAS, the Long Range Capital improvement Budget (CIB) Committee has established program guidelines and a process for
14 reviewing project proposals; developed project review criteria; solicited and reviewed project proposals from school and non-profit
15 organizations; and prepared project recommendations for the 1998 CPEP program; now
17 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint PaW City Council aRProve the 1998 CPEP projects as recommended by the CIB
1S Committee; and be it
20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approve the guidelfnes as revised by the CIB Committee
21 on November 13, 1997; and be it
23 FINALLY RESOLVED, that if future funding is provided for the CPEP Program, the CIB Committee ls authorized to soliclt, review
24 and approve play area projects in accordance with program guidelines (see �hibit A).
ldopted by Council: Date �
�doption Certified by Council Secretary:
pproved by Mayor:
Requested by Department of:
O�ce of Financial Services - Budget Sedion
BY� �Y�, IY �cs�
Approval Recommended 6y Director of Financial Services:
ofr'ice ofFinancial services (suaget ot�ice) 04/24/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61142
JoeReid (266-8543) , ❑z cinarraxu� � cmccrxK
Request City Council approval of the guidelines and project recommendations for the 1998 Children's Ptay Equipment Program.
_riarvNUrcco�mnss[oN _crvu.smvlcecoauusstox 1.HasuuspersoWScmevervrorkedunderaconaactforthisdepartment?
cm Coe.u.nrree _ YES NO
` S[tiEF _ ZfiutLispesoNfitmevet6eenaciryemployee?
omx»crcovnr YES NO
sueeon'rs wencx coUNCII, osm.cme+ 3. Does tLis persoWfirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by aay current city employee?
(Eaplain all yes answers on aeparate sLeet and attach ta green shee[.)
A'P11A'IINGPAOBLEM, ISS11$ OPYORIVNITY (�.k'1w, Whn4 Wbere. WhY)�
The City Council apptopriated $95,000 fos the Children's Play Equipment (CPEP) Program for 1998. This program began as the Youth Athletic
Recreation and Equipment Program in 1980 and has received ciry funding through the capital unprovement budget yearly every year since. In
November, 1997 the CIB Committee reviewed the program and updated the guidelines to provide for a project review process separate from the
biennial CIB budget process. A process timeline was prepazed and project review criteria ware developed. The progfam was then advertised
broadly among school organizations and community goups. Thirteen applications were received and reviewed, with five projects
recommended for funding at $15,000 each.
The organizations receiving the CPEP funding may be proceed to complete design and conshvction of play areas that wi116e availahLe for use by
school and neighborhood children yeaz-round.
None. The funds have already been approved for the program. This request, if approved, would allocafe those funds toindividual projects.
' APR 2 7 199E
The funds would not be a�ailable for community and school goups to help construc[ play areas for children. ��, ������ -�sP,'�T
APR � � 1999
TOTALAMOpNTOF'fRAh5AC1SpN .�t! COSiRtEVENUEBU�GEl'E�(CQtQ.EONE7 lv�L.__--q0-._�.� ., . __ ' " _
\ J
�ceofFinancialServices-BUdgetSedion H:IUSERS�BUDGE711231RESOLUTI\GS CPEPWK4 04124/9
240 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
No�m Coleman
Ma yor
Apri122, 1998
TO: Mayor Norm Coleman
Saint Paul City Councilmembers
CPEP Program Appiicants
District Council Representatives
FROM: Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee - Paui Gilli , '�
Ckuldren's Play Equipment Program Subcommittee - Jose Verde' Chair ��� � L�
The CPEP Subcommittee of the 1998 Children's Play Bquipment Program and C ittee
hereby transmit their project recoxnxnendations in accordance with program guidel3nes. Also included
with the recommendations aze the program's guidelines, program evaluation criteria and the 1948 CPEP
Process Schedule. It is the CIB Committee's recommendation that Mayor Coleman and the Saint
Paul City Councii consider and agprove the CPEP program guidelines and the 1998 project
recommendations at the May 6,1998 City Councit Meeting.
Program funds approved for 1998 and tentatively approved for 1999 total $150,000. Projects
recommended in this report aze within the 1998 budget of $75,000. Final decisions on the remaining
$?5,000 will be made following adoption of the 1999 CIB Budget.
The CPEP Subcommittee and the CIB Comxnittee would like to thank the pazent-teacher organizations
and other school support groups and non-profit organizations who submitted project proposals and met
with the subcommittee ta discuss proposal details. We also would like to thank Mayor Coleman and
members of the City Council for approving funding for the 1998 program.
Our recommendations are based prunarily on project scores, which were detemuned by evaluating each
proposal against the Pro}ect Selecrion Criteria. Highest priority was given to proposals that
demonstrated the greatest need for play equipment (e.g., no e�sring equipment, outdated or dangerous
equipment). Si�ty percent of the score was based on the "needs" criteria. The 1998 budgeted amount
far the prograzn represents 43% of total project funds requested.
Tf�e purpose of the Children's Play Equipment Program is to encourage pazent-teacher organizations,
support groups and other non-profit groups in their efforts to provide outdoor piay azeas and playground
equipment for Saint Paul children. The program provides matclung funds for monies raised from non-
city sources such as school fundraisers, community donations and the Saint Paul School District. The
City Council has appropriated capital improvement bond funds foz this program since 198�.
98 �3� 7
The guidelines for the grant prograzn are summarized as follows
1. The Division of Pazks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual CPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process and approved by the Mayor
and City Council. After budget adoption, the CIB Committee considers specific project
proposals and makes recommendations to mayor and council for approval.
3. The program awazds matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 for up to 50 percent of the cost
of permanently installed play equipment. Play equipment must have a life eapectancy of at least
10 years.
4. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations such as school groups, youth
organizations and day care centers.
5. Priority is given for projects located on public property under the jurisdiction of Saint Paul
Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may also be made for projects located on
properLy not subject to a right of public access when the CIB Committee determines that the
project benefits the community as a whole and the property owner agrees to provide public
access to the completed project for at least ten years.
6. Grants are made on a one-tune basis, and the site is ineligible for funding far ten years after
receiving a grant.
7. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding will be
made by the Ciry.
8. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, aze eligible for funds. Funding for these
facilities should be handled through the regulaz capitai and operating budget processes.
9. The CiTy wiil not contract for construction of facilities. Contracts for construction of capital
improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
10. The CPEP Subcommittee will serve as the review body for all project proposals. Membership
will include three CIB Committee members, a Budget Office staff person and a representative
from the Division of Parks and Recreation. The committee will meet annually with proposers
and prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and Ciry Council approval.
The CIB Committee's evaluation of the 1998 project requests is reflected in the attached "CIB
Committee Project Recommendations." The summary lists the owner of the play azea properry, the
applicant organization's enrollment, the projecPs score, the amount requested and the CIB Committee's
reasons for the project recommendafions.
Triesta Brown, CIB Cominittee
Wayne Lundeen, CIB Committee
Jose Verdzja, CIB Committee
Bruce Engelbrekt, Office of Financial Services - Budget Secrion
John Wirka, Division of Pazks & Recreation
Office of Financial Services - Budget Sec6on H:\USERSIENGEUWPFILES\CPEP\98CPRECM.MEM
City of Saint Paul - Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Proposals - C16 Committee Project Recommendations
• ., . .
u Elementary
A+ Elementary
Enroilment: Project Amount
Owner �^,zD / Aulc�t $G9rg Beguested Reason far Recommenda6on
3'13 ! 325
705 / 750
15,000 No equipmeM curreMy ai school. B1G Club
removed old equipment when new bulltling
15,000 ExisHng equipment in poor condition; large
SPSD 355 / 365 17 15,000 Existing equipment old, minimal, dangerous.
Total 75,000
' Elementary
>n Elementary
Park Elementary
301 / 350
445 7 450
15,000 Good proposal. No equipment currently at school.
But $20 000 appfoved 4l15l98 through STAR program
15,000 Good proposal. Existing equip oltl, minimal, dangerous.
' But $78 500 appmved 4/15/98 through STAR pmgram.
15,000 Ezistiag equip. old, insufficient for large student population
and special sfudeM needs, but adequate as community
play area. CPEP is intended to help provide equipment
for community use, not to address schools' special
programming �eeds.
15,000 Based on testimony, play area would serve only program
participants. It would not be open to neighborhood
children. Proposal no longer eligible.
15,000 Received City funds in 1997 CPEP progrem,
have basic play equipmeM system in place.
15,OOD Existing equipment adequate, in good condition. School
must move equipment off B/C, Club praperty to school
district site. CPEP funding should first be used for equip-
ment where non exists or where existing equipment is
in poor cond'Rion. School district should fund reloration.
8,000 School has new equipment for small children.
New play area ai rec center across sfreet.
Requests for expansion of new play areas sre
lower priority than play areas with no equipment or
minimal equipment in poor conditio�.
15,060 Play area would serve primarily daycare children.
Two other play a2as, including new equipment at
Community Center
End Efementary
Salv. Army NA 140-60+ 14
SPSD 482l500 14
SPSD 373 / 385 12
SPSD 911 ! 1,0�� t2
House Association NHA NA 7 74 11
Total 98,000
ceotFinanc(alServices-BUtl9etSeqion H.WSERS�ENGELU231CPEP198PROSM3.WK4 04/20/98
98-3b �
The Capital lmprovement Budget (CB) Committee recommended the establishment of a grant
program for Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), support groups, and other non-profit gcoups
involved in providing outdoor play areas and playgraund equipment for chi{dren. The City
Council has appropriated Capital Improvement Budget funds for this program since 1980.
The guidelines for the grant program are as follows:
The Division of Parks & Recreation is the administering agency for the grant fund.
2. The annual GPEP budget is recommended through the CIB process. After the annual
CPEP budget is established, the CIB Committee will consider specific project proposals.
Upon approval of the budget by the City Council, grant applications will be processed.
3. Grants wilf be awarded in amounts based on the availability of funds and the number of
requests. This wiii be at the recommendation of the CIB Committee.
4. Matching grant funds to a limit of $15,000 fior up to 50 percent of the cost of permanently
installed play equipment may be awarded. Play equipment must have a life expectancy
of at least 10 years.
5. Grants will only be made to incorporated non-profit organizations. Copies of articles of
incorporation will be required as proof of incorporation under Minne-sota Statute 317A,
Laws of 1989, the Minnesota Non-profit Corporation Act.
Organizations which are not organized under the Minnesota Non-profit Co�poration Act
shalf be eligible to participate in this program when the pro}ect does not require payment
of funds to the organization.
Example: An unincorporated PTO could ask that the City and the School District enter
into an agreement for installation of equipment at a school.
6. Priority will be given for projects to be located on public property under the jurisdiction of
Saint Paul Public Schools or Ramsey County. However, grants may aiso be made for
projects located on property not subject to a right of public access when:
A. CIB Committee evaluation ofi the proposed project determines that it benefits the
community as a whole, with written findings to be adopted by the Committee;
B. The property owner agrees in writing and in addition to the requirements of the
Documentation section, to provide for and allow public access to the completed
project for a period of at least ten years, or until the equipment of removed,
whichever is longer.
C. The property owner agrees to install permanent signage indicating that the play
area is open for public use.
7. Grants will be made on a one-time basis, and the site will be ineligible for funding for ten
years after receiving a grant.
8. Grants are for capital costs only. No commitment for operating or maintenance funding
wilf be made by the City.
9. The organization which owns the property upon which the grant-funded improvement is
made, shall hold the City harmless from any and all acts resulting from use of said
10. No City-owned facilities or sites, except joint use sites, are eligible for funds. Funding for
these facilities should be handled through the regular capital and operating budget
11. No Iand acquisition is eligible for funding by this program.
All documentation must be provided prior to release of grant funds by the City.
12. All applicants must complete and submit a project application on a form to be provided
by the Division of Parks and Recreation.
13. All applicants must provide:
Documentation of matching funds in the form of either cash available in a savings
account held by the corporation or documented costs such as receipts for
materials or supplies;
Copies of articles of incorporation;
A design plan and specification for the proposed project;
Documentation of project costs in the form of quotations from contractors and/or
material suppliers;
A project approval letter from the owner of the project site indicating approval of
the projeet design plan and commitment to maintain the completed project,
holding #he City harmless from any and all acts resulting from the use of the
14. The City will enter into no contracts for construction of facilities. Contracts for
construction of capital improvements will be between the grantee and its contractor(s).
98-3 � �
Project Selection Process
CPEP Selection Committee:
AA projects proposals will be reviewed by the CPEP Selection Committee.
Selection Committee Members:
1.1 Executive Secretary of the CIB Committee (Office of Financial Services -
Budget Section) - non-voting member
1,2 A representative from the Division of Parks and Recreation - non-voting
1.3 Three (3) members of the Saint Paul Long Range Capital Improvement
Budget Committee appointed by the Chairperson of that Committee - all
voting members
The Seleetion Committee wiN meet annua{ly with proposers, usua{ly in November. The
Selection Committee will prepare recommendations for CIB Committee and City Council
approval in December.
2. Proposal submissions:
The CIB Committee Executive Secretary wifl notify potential applicants of the upcoming
GPEP review cycle in the fall of each year. Notification will be made through the City of
Saint Paul neighborhood contact list and the St. Paul School School District parent-
teacher organization list. Project proposals should be submitted to the O�ce of Financial
Services-Budget Seetion on the form provided.
(NOTE: The Executive Secretary annually will determine the process timeline and will
communicate all process information in the notification letter,)
JB: 3I10l80
Revised: 4l18180
Revised: 4127/84
Revised: 1/12l95
Revised: 11l13l97
Offlce of Financial Services - Budget Section H9USERS�ENGELIWPFILESICPEPICPEP.GDL
Children's Piay Equipment Program (CPEP)
Project Evaluation Criteria
(Ma�cimum possible points - 20)
Ei _ IIE1�'S �I1H jJ!'OpDS� t)38��'�I�E £P�� i.]111i1�31ftES� i
If YES, continue to #2.
If NO, the proposal is ineligible for the program.
2 �1NC1�{'S13Tp E�oints ,
The owner of the
proposed site is:
4 Saint Pau! Public Schools or City of Saint Paul {joint use site only)
3 Saint Paul Public Schoo/s (not a joint use site) or Ramsey County
2 Non-prof'rt or private organization
a N��d � Paints
A) No. of school children
using the equipment:
(i.e., student population)
B) Proposal provides
equipment for play area:
3 More than 500 students
2 200-500 students
1 Less than 200 sfudents
5 Where none exists
4 Where existing equipment is at least 90 years old and is hazardous
3 Where existing equipment is at �easf 1 D years old and in �easonabie condition
1 Where existing equrpment is /ess than 10 years o!d
C) Proximity of site to other 4
play equipment: 2
(e.g., equipment at nearby school
rec ceMer, church, non-profit
organization aCCessible to the public)
Beyond four (4) blocks of proposed site
Beyond two {2) blocks, but /ess than fou� (4J blocks of proposed site
�thin two (2) 6/ocks ofproposed sife
4 PY4t EC� $�d�if5 POia'ig - -
What work has been
done on the project
to date7
4 Design prepared; confacts made wifh equipment vendors and/or confractors
cost estimate prepared,� fundraising efforts undenvay
(e.g., applica6ons for othermaEchrng fands from PTO members, businesses)
3 Design prepared,� contacts made with equipmenE vendors and/or contractors;
cost estimate prepared
2 Project design sketched out
1 No activity to date
bf£e86fFjnanciaESenrices:-$uQyetSec(ifln 'r1:W5El;S�ENG�Lk123�CPEp�CRt[CPEP.G!RC4 o4764t96
9� �36�
City of Saint Paul
Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP)
1998 Process Schedule
Mazch 5
Mazch 26
March 30
May 6
May 7
Guidelineslproposal forms distsibuted to elementary schooi PTQs, principals,
district councils
CPEP Subcosnmittee planning meeting
Proposal deadline
CPEP Subcommittee - proposal review meeting with program applicants
CPEP Subcommittee finalizes recommendations
CIB Committee review/approval of CPEP Subcommittee recommendations
City Council reviewlapproval of CPEP program guidelines, CTB Committee
Written notification of award to progrun applicants
OfficeofPinar�cialServices-Bndget5ection H'IUSIItS�ENGEL\WPFII,ES\CPEF98PRCSCH.WPD Apri19,1995