98-365ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # / 8 3�S Green Sheet# 61143 RESOLU710N CR'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZD Reterred So: Committee: Date � z 3 4 s s � a s io �� 12 13 14 �s �s n tis 19 20 z� n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � 31 � 33 � WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul building inspector, Donald Juenemann, was murdered in the course of his employment on December 24, 1997; and WfiEREAS, if he had worked one day in January, 1998 he would have been e{igible ior normal retirement and his widow would have been eligible for the second portion of a 100 percentjoint and survivor annuity; and WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Minnesota passed enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) which provide that Mrs. Juenemann be eligible for the second portion of a 100 percent joint and sutvivor optional annuity under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.31, subd'msion 1 b and that the City of Saint Paul reimburse the public employees retirement association for the entire cost of this benefit increase less any amount appropriated from the State General Fund; and WHEREAS, The LegislaWre of the State of Minnesota has appropriated $10,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, The enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) require municipal approval; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ciry of Sai�t Paul, upon the recommenda6on of the Mayor, does hereby approve Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the city clerk is hereby directed to file the appropriate certificate with the Secretary of State evidencing the adoption of this resolution, and is directed to file a copy of this resolution with the Director of the Public Employees Retirement Association. F2equested by Department of: Services Office By_ � i � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � Approved by By: � 8' - � By'C����� ) v� �� Form �oved by City By: `,�c By: Adopted by Council: Date 9P_ �i c� DFP.�ffiR�.4/COUNf9. DAIEA'IMtPD � v ✓v, F��So� a-24-s8 GREEN SHEET No. 61143 .m,� .�,� ����� � ��� 0 ��. TerryHalticer 266-8897 � Q cmrw�„om�YOhf � cmar�uc .���,�.,,�A���, � � � ��� -, �! ,, �, � ! � � �� l� O �, �,��/„� �' mwma(c�ws�cam r�pd Q rsmr.cc«mnaar TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE? a�sv Approval of a Special Law passad by the 1998 I,egislaNre for the peasion for the widow of Domld h�ecemam. �menas:�wae.,�a> rx,xsoxar,sexc�cscolvrxpers�uvsr.uvsw�xrt�xo�.ownvc2imsr[o[�rs: vuwmwc�a+ l.Hast6ispasodfvmevcwakedwdaattmtractfathisdepaztmmt? _cIDCwnm'� Y&S NO _wn.�vtc5�+ 2 Has Wis pown/fvm evabeeo a eit5'mW�%ee4 sr,um YES NO s. noes w;spesoot5cmea%'� a�fluaaammztlyw%�b'i �Y��eciry anptoyee? YES NO 4. Tstl�ispason/f¢mafa�&ledvmdorl YES NO (Esplain all yes answera on upante sheet and atfach tn green ahcet) Rd11A14l6PR061E�L1ASf1E0PP0AlV[.TfY(0.'he. Wh1. Wh4�5a16Y Ciry of St Paul buildiug ivspector, Douald Juenemanq was murdeced on December 7A, 1997 in the cou�e of his employment. If he had worked atry time in Jam�ary 199$ he would have bcen eligible for aotmat retirement n�ider PERA. His widow would then have been eligible to receiva the second porti� of a 100 percent joirt and survivor annuity. 1Le Minnesota Legislature passed a bill allowing her to receive the enhaaced bene8x The bffi was sigaed by the Govemor but requires approva( by the St Paut City CounciL The State is contributing $10,000 fot this eohutcemem. The City is responsble for the [emaini�g $63,395. pnvnxrwmsmnewwvm. Mrs. Juenemann wili recsive the same pension bi,vefit she would have received if Mr. Juenema�m had lived 10 more days. nunovu+ow�m�eoveo: The City pay an additional $63,395 to PERA. wswvnxrncesa�w'rnvneo�m�: Mn. Juecemaan`s pension beneLt will be less tLaa it would Lave been had her husband not baen murderrA. C�k:�;�� FGs��.r�:h ������r �P4 2 � 1��� roxncnniwmrrox�xnKSncirox $ 63 395 casr�evr.ivueeunce`ro�eaeoem �-v�es no wtmwcsooaa �- GL-001 ..c,rv.re,�unmm 00000 �� anaxucm.uaoaau�+: �.+m� Use of Fund Balance � �J 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 -... 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 - 406 7 161* 103 8 407* 532 4 985 3840* 0 555 470* 1 351* 3140 2 1* 3808 3 2346* 2357 4 1181# 349 5 3409 3853* 6 498* 2734 7 2082* 2174 1 169* �«. � opolitan Council and agency contractors utive action plan requirements. agencies grocurement process fication. titutional amendment to abolish office ol treasurer. :rs license provisions modifications. ibus t� bill. and fishing rights confirmed and ional amendment proposed. olis civilian police review authority 1 hemp use study. ender mediation act provisions nder registration law eapanded. ; K-12 education statutes ation provided. ; K-12 education bi11. d health caze directive provisions watercraft operation restrictions i. ; environment and natural resources 843* Omnibus bonding bill. 654* icense provisions clarified. 985* Child welfare reform. 0 1 •: � �: � •: � •: � •: � •: � •: � � • :� � • :� 98-3GS Page 1 of 1 http:/lwww.governor.state.mn.uslnew/legislat/19981ogj.htm 4/22/98 H.F No. 2970, 3rd Engrossment 9�`-3b�- Page 11 of 31 17.26 effective date of this section. 17.27 (e) Surviving child bene£its under this subdivision 17.28 terminate when the child no longer meets the definition of 17.29 surviving child. 17.30 Sec. 17. [P�y2C EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATZON; SPECIAL 17.31 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY.] 17.32 17.33 17.34 17.35 17.36 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.5 18.9 15.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 (5) died during the course of employment duties on December 18.14 24, 1997; and 18.15 (6) would have been eligible to retire under the "rule of 18.16 90" eatly normal retirement provision on oi before February 1, 18.17 1998. 18.18 (c) The bene£it under paxagraph (a) is payable in lieu oE 18.19 any other survivor benefit from the public employee retirement 18.20 association. The bene£it under paragraph (a) accrues on January 18.21 1, 1995, and the initial payment of the benefit must include any 18.22 applicable retroactive payment amounts. The benefit under 18.23 paragraph (a) must be elected by the surviving spouse on a form 18.24 prescribed by the executive director of the public employee 18.25 retirement association. 15.26 Seo. 18. LREIMBURSEMENT OF ACTUARTAL COST BY CITY OF ST. 18.27 PAUL.] 18.28 On the effective date of this section, the city of St. Paul 18.29 shall pay to the public employees retirement association $36,698 18.30 and whatevex portion of a remaining $36,697 is not appropriated 18.31 from the qeneral fund to the public employees retirement 18.32 association for this purpose in order to offset the increased 15.33 actuarial accrued liability ielated to the sutvivor benefit 18.34 increase provided in section 15. 18.35 Sec. 19. [PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION COVERAGE 18.36 TERMINATION.] 19.1 Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY.] (a) An eliqible member 19.2 specified in paragraph (b) is authorized to apply £or a 19.3 retirement annuity, provided necessary age and service 19.4 requirements are met, under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.29 19.5 or 353.30, as applicable, as further specified under subdivision 19.6 2. 19.9 (b) An eligible member is an individual who: 19.8 fl) is an active member of the public employees retirement 19.9 association cootdinated p1an; 19.10 i2) contributes to that plan based on employment by the 19.11 subutban Hennepin county xegional paxk district and as an 19.12 elected member of the Minneapolis park and recreation board; and 19.13 (3) was boxn on Febzuary 25, 1936. 19.14 Su6d. 2. [RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] (a) Notwithstanding 19.15 Minnesota Statutes, section 353.01, subdivision 2a, clause (3}, 19.16 and continuation of elected service, an eligible individual 19.17 under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), is deemed to have terminated http:J/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.uslcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=H2470.3&session=1s80 4l24/98 s8- 3Gs Pub1iC Emptoyees Retirem¢nt Associdtion of MinnesoW `�iy �:.:� �� s��c� ioo — skr�� ��i t��;� r. �.: ; � � .#'�A�=��. ''z� ST4 St. Peter Str¢�[ � i� y: ; ; St. Pauf, Minnesou 55T02 �u� 4 � :, ���'. (OEFIC� 672-2967460 _ �`�%�1 �°�'- "�� (TOLL FRE� 7$00-6i2-9026 �-'� �'"-" _-._--- _ V _ _ _ (FAX} bT2-297-254i Apti124, 1998 Terry HatSner Risk Management Services CtIY NALL ST PAUL MP[ 55102 Dear Mc Ha(tiner, 'fhe 1998 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 390, have allowed for the payment of a higher benefit to the widow of the St. Paui buiiding inspector, Donald Juenemann. The difference in the cost of the benefit PERA couid pay based on Mr. Juenemann's service accrued through the date of his death and the higher benefit approved by the Legislature must be paid by the city and the state, if the state appropriated funding. As you are aware, Mr. Juenemann wouid have qualified for an unreduced retiremenf benefd under PERA's Rule of 90 benefit provisions had he continued worldng into the month of January 1998_ Because of his death in December, the credit he had eamed in PERA when added to his age did not total9�. Therefore, we normafiy would have to reduce the base benefit from which we determine the amouM payable to his wife — resulting in a survivor benefit of about $400 per montfi less than had Mr. Juenemann lived to January and satisfied the requirements. The 1998 Iegisiation requires PERA to calcutate the benefit as if those requirements had been met. The difference in the cost of the ben�t to PERA, as determined by our aduary, is $73,395. Tfie state did appropriate $70,000 in the passage of Chapter 366, the 1998 Omnibus State Departments Appropriations Bill, Therefore the balance to be paid by the City of St. Pau{ is $63,395. If approved by the city council, a check payable to PERA should be forwarded to our office accompanied by a copy of the counci['s resolution. . !f you have any additionat questions, please call me at 296-8358, or you can contact me by e-mail at `mary.vanek@state.mn.US.' Sincerely, Mary Most Vanek ExecutivE Director -� Fpw! Oppw*un�ry fmplqpr ZO'd 6Z:OT 86. bZ 1�H LtrSZL6ZZT9:xp.� H2(3d CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owicru, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 26, 1998 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: 170 Ciry Hai! I S W. Kel[agg Boulevard Saint Paul, �nnesota 55l02 ��s -3� � TeL: 612-2b6-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 RECEIVE� e��� � ���� ClTY CLERl4 Attached for filing in the Office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18, Laws 1998, as approved by Council File 98-365, adopted on May 6, 1998. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's O�ce, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Aitacnment 1 �' � 46 \\ � �AY 1998 w ��_;_�. � � �� e sive i�--: �� � �°-�°-���F�� .�� � ,: � �� y J� i � ���5 .¢i �,- � ���;� .��,, _ �: �� .. _ �� ��� c`� - 3�cJ� CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING SODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021 } S7ATE OF MfNtJESOTA County of �i�,�nse,a TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the 5�-- �Gt,/�l� DOES HEREBY CERTtFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 390 requiring approval by a majority* vote of the governing body of said locai governmental unit before it becomes effective, the SEAL at a meeting duly he4d on the (� day of � i 9�, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 �� , Chapter 39d (if other than resofution, specify) by a majority vote` of aii of the members thereof (Ayes _j Noes d; Absent or not voting _� and the following additional steps, if any, required by statufe or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. �v,�} r�cez� (designate gts�erning body) Signed: � ��evev2-c ��� � ��� (Off� ign ion of o�cer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney Genera( and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.02i) 'If extraordinary majority is required by the special law, insert fraction or percentage here. P{ease see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceriauth.law Rev.6/93 INSTRUCTIOIVS ` tnclude the chapter number in the Laws of Minnesota that is fo be approved on the Cerfificate of P,pproval form and i� the resolution that approves the special {aw. ' Return the originally signed Certificate ofApproval form with a photo copy of the resolution that approved the special law to: Election Division Secretary of State i8Q State Office 8uilding 100 Constitution Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55755-'1299 ' If you have any questions pleass contact Renee Coffey at (612)296-2805. I$ -'�.� CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fsed Owuw, City Clerk CTI'I' OF SAINi' PAIJI, 770 City Hal1 TeL: 612-266-8989 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS Pl. KelloggBoulev�d Fax: 612d66-8689 SaintPau�Minnesom 55702 June 3, 1998 Mary Most Vanek Executive Director Public Employees Retirement Association 514 St. Peter Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Most Vanek Enclosed is a certified copy of Saint Paul City Council Resolution 98-365. This resolution approves Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18 regarding retirement benefits for the widow of Don Juenemann. Mr. Juenemann was a City employee who was murdered while working for the City of Saint Paul. Please call me at 266-8686 if there is anything else you need from me in this matter. Sincerely, �� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # / 8 3�S Green Sheet# 61143 RESOLU710N CR'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZD Reterred So: Committee: Date � z 3 4 s s � a s io �� 12 13 14 �s �s n tis 19 20 z� n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � 31 � 33 � WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul building inspector, Donald Juenemann, was murdered in the course of his employment on December 24, 1997; and WfiEREAS, if he had worked one day in January, 1998 he would have been e{igible ior normal retirement and his widow would have been eligible for the second portion of a 100 percentjoint and survivor annuity; and WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Minnesota passed enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) which provide that Mrs. Juenemann be eligible for the second portion of a 100 percent joint and sutvivor optional annuity under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.31, subd'msion 1 b and that the City of Saint Paul reimburse the public employees retirement association for the entire cost of this benefit increase less any amount appropriated from the State General Fund; and WHEREAS, The LegislaWre of the State of Minnesota has appropriated $10,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, The enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) require municipal approval; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ciry of Sai�t Paul, upon the recommenda6on of the Mayor, does hereby approve Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the city clerk is hereby directed to file the appropriate certificate with the Secretary of State evidencing the adoption of this resolution, and is directed to file a copy of this resolution with the Director of the Public Employees Retirement Association. F2equested by Department of: Services Office By_ � i � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � Approved by By: � 8' - � By'C����� ) v� �� Form �oved by City By: `,�c By: Adopted by Council: Date 9P_ �i c� DFP.�ffiR�.4/COUNf9. DAIEA'IMtPD � v ✓v, F��So� a-24-s8 GREEN SHEET No. 61143 .m,� .�,� ����� � ��� 0 ��. TerryHalticer 266-8897 � Q cmrw�„om�YOhf � cmar�uc .���,�.,,�A���, � � � ��� -, �! ,, �, � ! � � �� l� O �, �,��/„� �' mwma(c�ws�cam r�pd Q rsmr.cc«mnaar TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE? a�sv Approval of a Special Law passad by the 1998 I,egislaNre for the peasion for the widow of Domld h�ecemam. �menas:�wae.,�a> rx,xsoxar,sexc�cscolvrxpers�uvsr.uvsw�xrt�xo�.ownvc2imsr[o[�rs: vuwmwc�a+ l.Hast6ispasodfvmevcwakedwdaattmtractfathisdepaztmmt? _cIDCwnm'� Y&S NO _wn.�vtc5�+ 2 Has Wis pown/fvm evabeeo a eit5'mW�%ee4 sr,um YES NO s. noes w;spesoot5cmea%'� a�fluaaammztlyw%�b'i �Y��eciry anptoyee? YES NO 4. Tstl�ispason/f¢mafa�&ledvmdorl YES NO (Esplain all yes answera on upante sheet and atfach tn green ahcet) Rd11A14l6PR061E�L1ASf1E0PP0AlV[.TfY(0.'he. Wh1. Wh4�5a16Y Ciry of St Paul buildiug ivspector, Douald Juenemanq was murdeced on December 7A, 1997 in the cou�e of his employment. If he had worked atry time in Jam�ary 199$ he would have bcen eligible for aotmat retirement n�ider PERA. His widow would then have been eligible to receiva the second porti� of a 100 percent joirt and survivor annuity. 1Le Minnesota Legislature passed a bill allowing her to receive the enhaaced bene8x The bffi was sigaed by the Govemor but requires approva( by the St Paut City CounciL The State is contributing $10,000 fot this eohutcemem. The City is responsble for the [emaini�g $63,395. pnvnxrwmsmnewwvm. Mrs. Juenemann wili recsive the same pension bi,vefit she would have received if Mr. Juenema�m had lived 10 more days. nunovu+ow�m�eoveo: The City pay an additional $63,395 to PERA. wswvnxrncesa�w'rnvneo�m�: Mn. Juecemaan`s pension beneLt will be less tLaa it would Lave been had her husband not baen murderrA. C�k:�;�� FGs��.r�:h ������r �P4 2 � 1��� roxncnniwmrrox�xnKSncirox $ 63 395 casr�evr.ivueeunce`ro�eaeoem �-v�es no wtmwcsooaa �- GL-001 ..c,rv.re,�unmm 00000 �� anaxucm.uaoaau�+: �.+m� Use of Fund Balance � �J 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 -... 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 - 406 7 161* 103 8 407* 532 4 985 3840* 0 555 470* 1 351* 3140 2 1* 3808 3 2346* 2357 4 1181# 349 5 3409 3853* 6 498* 2734 7 2082* 2174 1 169* �«. � opolitan Council and agency contractors utive action plan requirements. agencies grocurement process fication. titutional amendment to abolish office ol treasurer. :rs license provisions modifications. ibus t� bill. and fishing rights confirmed and ional amendment proposed. olis civilian police review authority 1 hemp use study. ender mediation act provisions nder registration law eapanded. ; K-12 education statutes ation provided. ; K-12 education bi11. d health caze directive provisions watercraft operation restrictions i. ; environment and natural resources 843* Omnibus bonding bill. 654* icense provisions clarified. 985* Child welfare reform. 0 1 •: � �: � •: � •: � •: � •: � •: � � • :� � • :� 98-3GS Page 1 of 1 http:/lwww.governor.state.mn.uslnew/legislat/19981ogj.htm 4/22/98 H.F No. 2970, 3rd Engrossment 9�`-3b�- Page 11 of 31 17.26 effective date of this section. 17.27 (e) Surviving child bene£its under this subdivision 17.28 terminate when the child no longer meets the definition of 17.29 surviving child. 17.30 Sec. 17. [P�y2C EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATZON; SPECIAL 17.31 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY.] 17.32 17.33 17.34 17.35 17.36 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.5 18.9 15.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 (5) died during the course of employment duties on December 18.14 24, 1997; and 18.15 (6) would have been eligible to retire under the "rule of 18.16 90" eatly normal retirement provision on oi before February 1, 18.17 1998. 18.18 (c) The bene£it under paxagraph (a) is payable in lieu oE 18.19 any other survivor benefit from the public employee retirement 18.20 association. The bene£it under paragraph (a) accrues on January 18.21 1, 1995, and the initial payment of the benefit must include any 18.22 applicable retroactive payment amounts. The benefit under 18.23 paragraph (a) must be elected by the surviving spouse on a form 18.24 prescribed by the executive director of the public employee 18.25 retirement association. 15.26 Seo. 18. LREIMBURSEMENT OF ACTUARTAL COST BY CITY OF ST. 18.27 PAUL.] 18.28 On the effective date of this section, the city of St. Paul 18.29 shall pay to the public employees retirement association $36,698 18.30 and whatevex portion of a remaining $36,697 is not appropriated 18.31 from the qeneral fund to the public employees retirement 18.32 association for this purpose in order to offset the increased 15.33 actuarial accrued liability ielated to the sutvivor benefit 18.34 increase provided in section 15. 18.35 Sec. 19. [PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION COVERAGE 18.36 TERMINATION.] 19.1 Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY.] (a) An eliqible member 19.2 specified in paragraph (b) is authorized to apply £or a 19.3 retirement annuity, provided necessary age and service 19.4 requirements are met, under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.29 19.5 or 353.30, as applicable, as further specified under subdivision 19.6 2. 19.9 (b) An eligible member is an individual who: 19.8 fl) is an active member of the public employees retirement 19.9 association cootdinated p1an; 19.10 i2) contributes to that plan based on employment by the 19.11 subutban Hennepin county xegional paxk district and as an 19.12 elected member of the Minneapolis park and recreation board; and 19.13 (3) was boxn on Febzuary 25, 1936. 19.14 Su6d. 2. [RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] (a) Notwithstanding 19.15 Minnesota Statutes, section 353.01, subdivision 2a, clause (3}, 19.16 and continuation of elected service, an eligible individual 19.17 under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), is deemed to have terminated http:J/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.uslcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=H2470.3&session=1s80 4l24/98 s8- 3Gs Pub1iC Emptoyees Retirem¢nt Associdtion of MinnesoW `�iy �:.:� �� s��c� ioo — skr�� ��i t��;� r. �.: ; � � .#'�A�=��. ''z� ST4 St. Peter Str¢�[ � i� y: ; ; St. Pauf, Minnesou 55T02 �u� 4 � :, ���'. (OEFIC� 672-2967460 _ �`�%�1 �°�'- "�� (TOLL FRE� 7$00-6i2-9026 �-'� �'"-" _-._--- _ V _ _ _ (FAX} bT2-297-254i Apti124, 1998 Terry HatSner Risk Management Services CtIY NALL ST PAUL MP[ 55102 Dear Mc Ha(tiner, 'fhe 1998 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 390, have allowed for the payment of a higher benefit to the widow of the St. Paui buiiding inspector, Donald Juenemann. The difference in the cost of the benefit PERA couid pay based on Mr. Juenemann's service accrued through the date of his death and the higher benefit approved by the Legislature must be paid by the city and the state, if the state appropriated funding. As you are aware, Mr. Juenemann wouid have qualified for an unreduced retiremenf benefd under PERA's Rule of 90 benefit provisions had he continued worldng into the month of January 1998_ Because of his death in December, the credit he had eamed in PERA when added to his age did not total9�. Therefore, we normafiy would have to reduce the base benefit from which we determine the amouM payable to his wife — resulting in a survivor benefit of about $400 per montfi less than had Mr. Juenemann lived to January and satisfied the requirements. The 1998 Iegisiation requires PERA to calcutate the benefit as if those requirements had been met. The difference in the cost of the ben�t to PERA, as determined by our aduary, is $73,395. Tfie state did appropriate $70,000 in the passage of Chapter 366, the 1998 Omnibus State Departments Appropriations Bill, Therefore the balance to be paid by the City of St. Pau{ is $63,395. If approved by the city council, a check payable to PERA should be forwarded to our office accompanied by a copy of the counci['s resolution. . !f you have any additionat questions, please call me at 296-8358, or you can contact me by e-mail at `mary.vanek@state.mn.US.' Sincerely, Mary Most Vanek ExecutivE Director -� Fpw! Oppw*un�ry fmplqpr ZO'd 6Z:OT 86. bZ 1�H LtrSZL6ZZT9:xp.� H2(3d CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owicru, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 26, 1998 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: 170 Ciry Hai! I S W. Kel[agg Boulevard Saint Paul, �nnesota 55l02 ��s -3� � TeL: 612-2b6-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 RECEIVE� e��� � ���� ClTY CLERl4 Attached for filing in the Office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18, Laws 1998, as approved by Council File 98-365, adopted on May 6, 1998. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's O�ce, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Aitacnment 1 �' � 46 \\ � �AY 1998 w ��_;_�. � � �� e sive i�--: �� � �°-�°-���F�� .�� � ,: � �� y J� i � ���5 .¢i �,- � ���;� .��,, _ �: �� .. _ �� ��� c`� - 3�cJ� CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING SODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021 } S7ATE OF MfNtJESOTA County of �i�,�nse,a TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the 5�-- �Gt,/�l� DOES HEREBY CERTtFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 390 requiring approval by a majority* vote of the governing body of said locai governmental unit before it becomes effective, the SEAL at a meeting duly he4d on the (� day of � i 9�, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 �� , Chapter 39d (if other than resofution, specify) by a majority vote` of aii of the members thereof (Ayes _j Noes d; Absent or not voting _� and the following additional steps, if any, required by statufe or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. �v,�} r�cez� (designate gts�erning body) Signed: � ��evev2-c ��� � ��� (Off� ign ion of o�cer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney Genera( and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.02i) 'If extraordinary majority is required by the special law, insert fraction or percentage here. P{ease see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceriauth.law Rev.6/93 INSTRUCTIOIVS ` tnclude the chapter number in the Laws of Minnesota that is fo be approved on the Cerfificate of P,pproval form and i� the resolution that approves the special {aw. ' Return the originally signed Certificate ofApproval form with a photo copy of the resolution that approved the special law to: Election Division Secretary of State i8Q State Office 8uilding 100 Constitution Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55755-'1299 ' If you have any questions pleass contact Renee Coffey at (612)296-2805. I$ -'�.� CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fsed Owuw, City Clerk CTI'I' OF SAINi' PAIJI, 770 City Hal1 TeL: 612-266-8989 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS Pl. KelloggBoulev�d Fax: 612d66-8689 SaintPau�Minnesom 55702 June 3, 1998 Mary Most Vanek Executive Director Public Employees Retirement Association 514 St. Peter Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Most Vanek Enclosed is a certified copy of Saint Paul City Council Resolution 98-365. This resolution approves Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18 regarding retirement benefits for the widow of Don Juenemann. Mr. Juenemann was a City employee who was murdered while working for the City of Saint Paul. Please call me at 266-8686 if there is anything else you need from me in this matter. Sincerely, �� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # / 8 3�S Green Sheet# 61143 RESOLU710N CR'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZD Reterred So: Committee: Date � z 3 4 s s � a s io �� 12 13 14 �s �s n tis 19 20 z� n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � 31 � 33 � WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul building inspector, Donald Juenemann, was murdered in the course of his employment on December 24, 1997; and WfiEREAS, if he had worked one day in January, 1998 he would have been e{igible ior normal retirement and his widow would have been eligible for the second portion of a 100 percentjoint and survivor annuity; and WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Minnesota passed enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) which provide that Mrs. Juenemann be eligible for the second portion of a 100 percent joint and sutvivor optional annuity under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.31, subd'msion 1 b and that the City of Saint Paul reimburse the public employees retirement association for the entire cost of this benefit increase less any amount appropriated from the State General Fund; and WHEREAS, The LegislaWre of the State of Minnesota has appropriated $10,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, The enabling legislation (Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18) require municipal approval; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ciry of Sai�t Paul, upon the recommenda6on of the Mayor, does hereby approve Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the city clerk is hereby directed to file the appropriate certificate with the Secretary of State evidencing the adoption of this resolution, and is directed to file a copy of this resolution with the Director of the Public Employees Retirement Association. F2equested by Department of: Services Office By_ � i � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � Approved by By: � 8' - � By'C����� ) v� �� Form �oved by City By: `,�c By: Adopted by Council: Date 9P_ �i c� DFP.�ffiR�.4/COUNf9. DAIEA'IMtPD � v ✓v, F��So� a-24-s8 GREEN SHEET No. 61143 .m,� .�,� ����� � ��� 0 ��. TerryHalticer 266-8897 � Q cmrw�„om�YOhf � cmar�uc .���,�.,,�A���, � � � ��� -, �! ,, �, � ! � � �� l� O �, �,��/„� �' mwma(c�ws�cam r�pd Q rsmr.cc«mnaar TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE? a�sv Approval of a Special Law passad by the 1998 I,egislaNre for the peasion for the widow of Domld h�ecemam. �menas:�wae.,�a> rx,xsoxar,sexc�cscolvrxpers�uvsr.uvsw�xrt�xo�.ownvc2imsr[o[�rs: vuwmwc�a+ l.Hast6ispasodfvmevcwakedwdaattmtractfathisdepaztmmt? _cIDCwnm'� Y&S NO _wn.�vtc5�+ 2 Has Wis pown/fvm evabeeo a eit5'mW�%ee4 sr,um YES NO s. noes w;spesoot5cmea%'� a�fluaaammztlyw%�b'i �Y��eciry anptoyee? YES NO 4. Tstl�ispason/f¢mafa�&ledvmdorl YES NO (Esplain all yes answera on upante sheet and atfach tn green ahcet) Rd11A14l6PR061E�L1ASf1E0PP0AlV[.TfY(0.'he. Wh1. Wh4�5a16Y Ciry of St Paul buildiug ivspector, Douald Juenemanq was murdeced on December 7A, 1997 in the cou�e of his employment. If he had worked atry time in Jam�ary 199$ he would have bcen eligible for aotmat retirement n�ider PERA. His widow would then have been eligible to receiva the second porti� of a 100 percent joirt and survivor annuity. 1Le Minnesota Legislature passed a bill allowing her to receive the enhaaced bene8x The bffi was sigaed by the Govemor but requires approva( by the St Paut City CounciL The State is contributing $10,000 fot this eohutcemem. The City is responsble for the [emaini�g $63,395. pnvnxrwmsmnewwvm. Mrs. Juenemann wili recsive the same pension bi,vefit she would have received if Mr. Juenema�m had lived 10 more days. nunovu+ow�m�eoveo: The City pay an additional $63,395 to PERA. wswvnxrncesa�w'rnvneo�m�: Mn. Juecemaan`s pension beneLt will be less tLaa it would Lave been had her husband not baen murderrA. C�k:�;�� FGs��.r�:h ������r �P4 2 � 1��� roxncnniwmrrox�xnKSncirox $ 63 395 casr�evr.ivueeunce`ro�eaeoem �-v�es no wtmwcsooaa �- GL-001 ..c,rv.re,�unmm 00000 �� anaxucm.uaoaau�+: �.+m� Use of Fund Balance � �J 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 -... 1998 Minnesota Legislative Log Chapters 385 - 406 7 161* 103 8 407* 532 4 985 3840* 0 555 470* 1 351* 3140 2 1* 3808 3 2346* 2357 4 1181# 349 5 3409 3853* 6 498* 2734 7 2082* 2174 1 169* �«. � opolitan Council and agency contractors utive action plan requirements. agencies grocurement process fication. titutional amendment to abolish office ol treasurer. :rs license provisions modifications. ibus t� bill. and fishing rights confirmed and ional amendment proposed. olis civilian police review authority 1 hemp use study. ender mediation act provisions nder registration law eapanded. ; K-12 education statutes ation provided. ; K-12 education bi11. d health caze directive provisions watercraft operation restrictions i. ; environment and natural resources 843* Omnibus bonding bill. 654* icense provisions clarified. 985* Child welfare reform. 0 1 •: � �: � •: � •: � •: � •: � •: � � • :� � • :� 98-3GS Page 1 of 1 http:/lwww.governor.state.mn.uslnew/legislat/19981ogj.htm 4/22/98 H.F No. 2970, 3rd Engrossment 9�`-3b�- Page 11 of 31 17.26 effective date of this section. 17.27 (e) Surviving child bene£its under this subdivision 17.28 terminate when the child no longer meets the definition of 17.29 surviving child. 17.30 Sec. 17. [P�y2C EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATZON; SPECIAL 17.31 SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY.] 17.32 17.33 17.34 17.35 17.36 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.5 18.9 15.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 (5) died during the course of employment duties on December 18.14 24, 1997; and 18.15 (6) would have been eligible to retire under the "rule of 18.16 90" eatly normal retirement provision on oi before February 1, 18.17 1998. 18.18 (c) The bene£it under paxagraph (a) is payable in lieu oE 18.19 any other survivor benefit from the public employee retirement 18.20 association. The bene£it under paragraph (a) accrues on January 18.21 1, 1995, and the initial payment of the benefit must include any 18.22 applicable retroactive payment amounts. The benefit under 18.23 paragraph (a) must be elected by the surviving spouse on a form 18.24 prescribed by the executive director of the public employee 18.25 retirement association. 15.26 Seo. 18. LREIMBURSEMENT OF ACTUARTAL COST BY CITY OF ST. 18.27 PAUL.] 18.28 On the effective date of this section, the city of St. Paul 18.29 shall pay to the public employees retirement association $36,698 18.30 and whatevex portion of a remaining $36,697 is not appropriated 18.31 from the qeneral fund to the public employees retirement 18.32 association for this purpose in order to offset the increased 15.33 actuarial accrued liability ielated to the sutvivor benefit 18.34 increase provided in section 15. 18.35 Sec. 19. [PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION COVERAGE 18.36 TERMINATION.] 19.1 Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY.] (a) An eliqible member 19.2 specified in paragraph (b) is authorized to apply £or a 19.3 retirement annuity, provided necessary age and service 19.4 requirements are met, under Minnesota Statutes, section 353.29 19.5 or 353.30, as applicable, as further specified under subdivision 19.6 2. 19.9 (b) An eligible member is an individual who: 19.8 fl) is an active member of the public employees retirement 19.9 association cootdinated p1an; 19.10 i2) contributes to that plan based on employment by the 19.11 subutban Hennepin county xegional paxk district and as an 19.12 elected member of the Minneapolis park and recreation board; and 19.13 (3) was boxn on Febzuary 25, 1936. 19.14 Su6d. 2. [RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] (a) Notwithstanding 19.15 Minnesota Statutes, section 353.01, subdivision 2a, clause (3}, 19.16 and continuation of elected service, an eligible individual 19.17 under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), is deemed to have terminated http:J/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.uslcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=H2470.3&session=1s80 4l24/98 s8- 3Gs Pub1iC Emptoyees Retirem¢nt Associdtion of MinnesoW `�iy �:.:� �� s��c� ioo — skr�� ��i t��;� r. �.: ; � � .#'�A�=��. ''z� ST4 St. Peter Str¢�[ � i� y: ; ; St. Pauf, Minnesou 55T02 �u� 4 � :, ���'. (OEFIC� 672-2967460 _ �`�%�1 �°�'- "�� (TOLL FRE� 7$00-6i2-9026 �-'� �'"-" _-._--- _ V _ _ _ (FAX} bT2-297-254i Apti124, 1998 Terry HatSner Risk Management Services CtIY NALL ST PAUL MP[ 55102 Dear Mc Ha(tiner, 'fhe 1998 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 390, have allowed for the payment of a higher benefit to the widow of the St. Paui buiiding inspector, Donald Juenemann. The difference in the cost of the benefit PERA couid pay based on Mr. Juenemann's service accrued through the date of his death and the higher benefit approved by the Legislature must be paid by the city and the state, if the state appropriated funding. As you are aware, Mr. Juenemann wouid have qualified for an unreduced retiremenf benefd under PERA's Rule of 90 benefit provisions had he continued worldng into the month of January 1998_ Because of his death in December, the credit he had eamed in PERA when added to his age did not total9�. Therefore, we normafiy would have to reduce the base benefit from which we determine the amouM payable to his wife — resulting in a survivor benefit of about $400 per montfi less than had Mr. Juenemann lived to January and satisfied the requirements. The 1998 Iegisiation requires PERA to calcutate the benefit as if those requirements had been met. The difference in the cost of the ben�t to PERA, as determined by our aduary, is $73,395. Tfie state did appropriate $70,000 in the passage of Chapter 366, the 1998 Omnibus State Departments Appropriations Bill, Therefore the balance to be paid by the City of St. Pau{ is $63,395. If approved by the city council, a check payable to PERA should be forwarded to our office accompanied by a copy of the counci['s resolution. . !f you have any additionat questions, please call me at 296-8358, or you can contact me by e-mail at `mary.vanek@state.mn.US.' Sincerely, Mary Most Vanek ExecutivE Director -� Fpw! Oppw*un�ry fmplqpr ZO'd 6Z:OT 86. bZ 1�H LtrSZL6ZZT9:xp.� H2(3d CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owicru, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 26, 1998 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: 170 Ciry Hai! I S W. Kel[agg Boulevard Saint Paul, �nnesota 55l02 ��s -3� � TeL: 612-2b6-8989 Fax: 612-266-8689 RECEIVE� e��� � ���� ClTY CLERl4 Attached for filing in the Office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 390, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18, Laws 1998, as approved by Council File 98-365, adopted on May 6, 1998. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's O�ce, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Aitacnment 1 �' � 46 \\ � �AY 1998 w ��_;_�. � � �� e sive i�--: �� � �°-�°-���F�� .�� � ,: � �� y J� i � ���5 .¢i �,- � ���;� .��,, _ �: �� .. _ �� ��� c`� - 3�cJ� CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING SODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021 } S7ATE OF MfNtJESOTA County of �i�,�nse,a TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the 5�-- �Gt,/�l� DOES HEREBY CERTtFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter 390 requiring approval by a majority* vote of the governing body of said locai governmental unit before it becomes effective, the SEAL at a meeting duly he4d on the (� day of � i 9�, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 �� , Chapter 39d (if other than resofution, specify) by a majority vote` of aii of the members thereof (Ayes _j Noes d; Absent or not voting _� and the following additional steps, if any, required by statufe or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. �v,�} r�cez� (designate gts�erning body) Signed: � ��evev2-c ��� � ��� (Off� ign ion of o�cer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney Genera( and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.02i) 'If extraordinary majority is required by the special law, insert fraction or percentage here. P{ease see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceriauth.law Rev.6/93 INSTRUCTIOIVS ` tnclude the chapter number in the Laws of Minnesota that is fo be approved on the Cerfificate of P,pproval form and i� the resolution that approves the special {aw. ' Return the originally signed Certificate ofApproval form with a photo copy of the resolution that approved the special law to: Election Division Secretary of State i8Q State Office 8uilding 100 Constitution Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55755-'1299 ' If you have any questions pleass contact Renee Coffey at (612)296-2805. I$ -'�.� CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fsed Owuw, City Clerk CTI'I' OF SAINi' PAIJI, 770 City Hal1 TeL: 612-266-8989 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS Pl. KelloggBoulev�d Fax: 612d66-8689 SaintPau�Minnesom 55702 June 3, 1998 Mary Most Vanek Executive Director Public Employees Retirement Association 514 St. Peter Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Most Vanek Enclosed is a certified copy of Saint Paul City Council Resolution 98-365. This resolution approves Laws 1998, Chapter 309, Article 2, Sections 17 and 18 regarding retirement benefits for the widow of Don Juenemann. Mr. Juenemann was a City employee who was murdered while working for the City of Saint Paul. Please call me at 266-8686 if there is anything else you need from me in this matter. Sincerely, �� ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk