98-364��� Presented By � Referred To___ Council File # 9d -3Gy RESOWTION creen sneet # ����n CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MWNESOTA 19 Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 � L3 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Metropolitan Gouncil Environmental Services (MCES); and WHERF.AS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it R,ESOLVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the terxn of January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998, and the City fixrther agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreement, and to execute the said agxeement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Absent I Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakev Rncl'mm CnZemin uarr�c Lantrv Reiter Public Works � �- �� 1..�--� ✓ By. r / , . +� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Councilc Date (' qg' Adoption Certified by Council Secretar By : a.- Approved By Mayo : ate By: � By: _ _� � """--� Form Appr (/City A�y, By: �� ' 5 Appro Mavor o Sub i,ssion to Council: B : Public Works Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 MUST BE ON COUNG7L AGENDA BV (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION REQUESTED DATE INITIATED 3117198 GREEN SHEET No. 3��3��y ✓ mmxm�c� mnaw�e DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR I 7 I CITY COUNCIL �� CITYATfORNEY �•� `'�"�1 1 NUMBER FOR L_J CIN CLERK ROIti7NG OFlDER 5 flNANCIAlSERVICES �� � FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG / ' '�-� � MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) � ❑ 1 � ,i,,.���/� SenbrMaru DeoaronentAaountant � (CLIP ALL LO ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve interceptor sewer maintenance agreement between ffie Ciry of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Cou�cil Environmental Services for the period January l, 1998 ttirough December 31, 1998. RECOMMENOATIONSApprova (� ar paject (fl) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Mis personlFirm everworketl untler a contrect for this depadment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personJfinn possess a sVull rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/Tirm a[argetetl ventloR � YES NO Explain all yes answers nn separate sheet and attac6 to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHVJ: Mehnpolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns interceptor sewers within the City of Saint Pau] which the City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an agreement for these services since 1984. T7iplicate agreement copies for signature attached to Crreensheet 32331. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ additionai personnel to maintain these sewers. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. APR 2 3 1gg8 �PR � 2 i9�� >ISADVANTAGESIFN07APPpOVED' p9py}��rp ^�ct/e� � � �� dSliRfV d V �Str �""� ��� The MCFS will have to find another method of maincaining these sewers. �,, ���; ,� �� �� )TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 75��� UNDING SOURCE VANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPfAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGET / (C�IRCLE ^ ONE) YES NO ACTlV1TY NUMBER oC l(1CJ^�y.c�.�-� (— 3(?/ Cou�sc�! Researuh �e���r c �� . ' ,tt', i �! �� 3 � Metropolitan Council 9�-3� y Working for the f�egion, Planning for the Future Ercvirorcmental Services Mazch 2, 1998 ivir. Bruce Beese Ciry of St. Pau1 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Paul, MN S�ll7 RE: Tt�TERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE aGREENiENT FOR 1998 CITY OF ST. PAUL CONTRACT #12A Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another year, Intereptor Maintenance Agreement #124 under the same �eneral terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now m force between the Ciry of St. Paul and the Menopolitan Council - Environmental Seroices with the exception of Section 6 0� Cost Fstimates Monthly Pavments We would Iike to amend this section to read: "6 0� Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments " The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of the agreement in 1993 will be �1>,000. Environmentai Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the iast day of each month in 1998, the sum of 1,2�0.00 as an advance pavment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1999, the Municipality will submit to Environmental5ervices a detailed statement of the actual cos+s incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total montttly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1999, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed tecords supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as out intention of renewing the agreement and ask that you also sign and retum to us two(2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (I ) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, pieasa feel &ee to contact us. js:swk:SWK V:\SHAREDIEC SPEC \OLD�ivIASTERS�AGREE\OTHERINI�IINTAGR11998#124.DOC Enclosures cc: Bill Moellet File - Contract #124 - 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Fa-s 229-2183 'IDDl11Y 229-3760 M EqualOpporlwuty EnW�ayer �s •e�������s.�� INTERCEPTOR A7AINTENAIVCE AGREEMENT #124 98 The Metropolitan Council - Environmentai Services and the City of St. Paui a�ee to renew the Interceptor Maintenance A�reement �`124, which is currently in force benveen these parties. The terms of the a�eement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the a�reement, which was executed for the 7anuary 1997 throu�h December 3 t, 1997 period with the exception of Section 6.02: "6.02. Cost Estimates Nionthly Payments." The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be requ'ued to pay to the Mumcipaliry for performance of the agreement in 1998 will be $1 �,000. Environmental Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each mcath i;. L°98, the snm of :,250.00 as an advaace oaymeht of such costs. On or before Aoril l, 1999, the Municipality wi1l submit to Environznentat Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incuned by the Municipality which Environmentai Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Mun�cipaliry which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total monthty advances previousty paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual arnount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May I, 1949, an amount equal to the difference between thz actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipaliry shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and sha11 make the same availabie to Environmental Secvices on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #]24 shall be from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. That both parties agree to the renewai period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CITY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Yame and Title Above) Mayor METROPOLITAA' COUNCIL ENVIItONMENTAL SERVICES (Sign Name and Title Above) X�[4YX Director of Public Works Countersi�ed �-��-��3r�( Finanee0fficer �/ Approved as to Form: sistant City Attorney Reviewed & Approved by Wm. Moore, Generat iYIgr. ��� Presented By � Referred To___ Council File # 9d -3Gy RESOWTION creen sneet # ����n CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MWNESOTA 19 Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 � L3 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Metropolitan Gouncil Environmental Services (MCES); and WHERF.AS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it R,ESOLVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the terxn of January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998, and the City fixrther agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreement, and to execute the said agxeement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Absent I Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakev Rncl'mm CnZemin uarr�c Lantrv Reiter Public Works � �- �� 1..�--� ✓ By. r / , . +� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Councilc Date (' qg' Adoption Certified by Council Secretar By : a.- Approved By Mayo : ate By: � By: _ _� � """--� Form Appr (/City A�y, By: �� ' 5 Appro Mavor o Sub i,ssion to Council: B : Public Works Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 MUST BE ON COUNG7L AGENDA BV (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION REQUESTED DATE INITIATED 3117198 GREEN SHEET No. 3��3��y ✓ mmxm�c� mnaw�e DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR I 7 I CITY COUNCIL �� CITYATfORNEY �•� `'�"�1 1 NUMBER FOR L_J CIN CLERK ROIti7NG OFlDER 5 flNANCIAlSERVICES �� � FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG / ' '�-� � MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) � ❑ 1 � ,i,,.���/� SenbrMaru DeoaronentAaountant � (CLIP ALL LO ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve interceptor sewer maintenance agreement between ffie Ciry of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Cou�cil Environmental Services for the period January l, 1998 ttirough December 31, 1998. RECOMMENOATIONSApprova (� ar paject (fl) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Mis personlFirm everworketl untler a contrect for this depadment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personJfinn possess a sVull rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/Tirm a[argetetl ventloR � YES NO Explain all yes answers nn separate sheet and attac6 to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHVJ: Mehnpolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns interceptor sewers within the City of Saint Pau] which the City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an agreement for these services since 1984. T7iplicate agreement copies for signature attached to Crreensheet 32331. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ additionai personnel to maintain these sewers. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. APR 2 3 1gg8 �PR � 2 i9�� >ISADVANTAGESIFN07APPpOVED' p9py}��rp ^�ct/e� � � �� dSliRfV d V �Str �""� ��� The MCFS will have to find another method of maincaining these sewers. �,, ���; ,� �� �� )TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 75��� UNDING SOURCE VANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPfAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGET / (C�IRCLE ^ ONE) YES NO ACTlV1TY NUMBER oC l(1CJ^�y.c�.�-� (— 3(?/ Cou�sc�! Researuh �e���r c �� . ' ,tt', i �! �� 3 � Metropolitan Council 9�-3� y Working for the f�egion, Planning for the Future Ercvirorcmental Services Mazch 2, 1998 ivir. Bruce Beese Ciry of St. Pau1 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Paul, MN S�ll7 RE: Tt�TERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE aGREENiENT FOR 1998 CITY OF ST. PAUL CONTRACT #12A Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another year, Intereptor Maintenance Agreement #124 under the same �eneral terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now m force between the Ciry of St. Paul and the Menopolitan Council - Environmental Seroices with the exception of Section 6 0� Cost Fstimates Monthly Pavments We would Iike to amend this section to read: "6 0� Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments " The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of the agreement in 1993 will be �1>,000. Environmentai Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the iast day of each month in 1998, the sum of 1,2�0.00 as an advance pavment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1999, the Municipality will submit to Environmental5ervices a detailed statement of the actual cos+s incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total montttly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1999, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed tecords supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as out intention of renewing the agreement and ask that you also sign and retum to us two(2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (I ) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, pieasa feel &ee to contact us. js:swk:SWK V:\SHAREDIEC SPEC \OLD�ivIASTERS�AGREE\OTHERINI�IINTAGR11998#124.DOC Enclosures cc: Bill Moellet File - Contract #124 - 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Fa-s 229-2183 'IDDl11Y 229-3760 M EqualOpporlwuty EnW�ayer �s •e�������s.�� INTERCEPTOR A7AINTENAIVCE AGREEMENT #124 98 The Metropolitan Council - Environmentai Services and the City of St. Paui a�ee to renew the Interceptor Maintenance A�reement �`124, which is currently in force benveen these parties. The terms of the a�eement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the a�reement, which was executed for the 7anuary 1997 throu�h December 3 t, 1997 period with the exception of Section 6.02: "6.02. Cost Estimates Nionthly Payments." The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be requ'ued to pay to the Mumcipaliry for performance of the agreement in 1998 will be $1 �,000. Environmental Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each mcath i;. L°98, the snm of :,250.00 as an advaace oaymeht of such costs. On or before Aoril l, 1999, the Municipality wi1l submit to Environznentat Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incuned by the Municipality which Environmentai Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Mun�cipaliry which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total monthty advances previousty paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual arnount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May I, 1949, an amount equal to the difference between thz actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipaliry shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and sha11 make the same availabie to Environmental Secvices on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #]24 shall be from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. That both parties agree to the renewai period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CITY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Yame and Title Above) Mayor METROPOLITAA' COUNCIL ENVIItONMENTAL SERVICES (Sign Name and Title Above) X�[4YX Director of Public Works Countersi�ed �-��-��3r�( Finanee0fficer �/ Approved as to Form: sistant City Attorney Reviewed & Approved by Wm. Moore, Generat iYIgr. ��� Presented By � Referred To___ Council File # 9d -3Gy RESOWTION creen sneet # ����n CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MWNESOTA 19 Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 � L3 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul maintains interceptor sewers within Saint Paul for Metropolitan Gouncil Environmental Services (MCES); and WHERF.AS, the City and MCES have annually entered into an agreement to perform this maintenance since 1984; Now Therefore be it R,ESOLVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the renewal of the agreement between the City and the MCES whereby the City agrees to maintain interceptor sewers and appurtenances as described in said agreement for the terxn of January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998, and the City fixrther agrees to the terms of said agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the said MCES for any claims or injuries caused by the City's performance under said agreement, and to execute the said agxeement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Absent I Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakev Rncl'mm CnZemin uarr�c Lantrv Reiter Public Works � �- �� 1..�--� ✓ By. r / , . +� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Councilc Date (' qg' Adoption Certified by Council Secretar By : a.- Approved By Mayo : ate By: � By: _ _� � """--� Form Appr (/City A�y, By: �� ' 5 Appro Mavor o Sub i,ssion to Council: B : Public Works Roger Puchreiter 266-6248 MUST BE ON COUNG7L AGENDA BV (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION REQUESTED DATE INITIATED 3117198 GREEN SHEET No. 3��3��y ✓ mmxm�c� mnaw�e DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR I 7 I CITY COUNCIL �� CITYATfORNEY �•� `'�"�1 1 NUMBER FOR L_J CIN CLERK ROIti7NG OFlDER 5 flNANCIAlSERVICES �� � FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG / ' '�-� � MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) � ❑ 1 � ,i,,.���/� SenbrMaru DeoaronentAaountant � (CLIP ALL LO ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve interceptor sewer maintenance agreement between ffie Ciry of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Cou�cil Environmental Services for the period January l, 1998 ttirough December 31, 1998. RECOMMENOATIONSApprova (� ar paject (fl) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Mis personlFirm everworketl untler a contrect for this depadment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personJfinn possess a sVull rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/Tirm a[argetetl ventloR � YES NO Explain all yes answers nn separate sheet and attac6 to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHVJ: Mehnpolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) owns interceptor sewers within the City of Saint Pau] which the City of Saint Paul repairs and maintains at their request. The City and the MCES have annually entered into an agreement for these services since 1984. T7iplicate agreement copies for signature attached to Crreensheet 32331. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will be paid for services performed, and the MCES will not have to employ additionai personnel to maintain these sewers. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. APR 2 3 1gg8 �PR � 2 i9�� >ISADVANTAGESIFN07APPpOVED' p9py}��rp ^�ct/e� � � �� dSliRfV d V �Str �""� ��� The MCFS will have to find another method of maincaining these sewers. �,, ���; ,� �� �� )TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 75��� UNDING SOURCE VANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPfAIN) COSTlREVENUE BUDGET / (C�IRCLE ^ ONE) YES NO ACTlV1TY NUMBER oC l(1CJ^�y.c�.�-� (— 3(?/ Cou�sc�! Researuh �e���r c �� . ' ,tt', i �! �� 3 � Metropolitan Council 9�-3� y Working for the f�egion, Planning for the Future Ercvirorcmental Services Mazch 2, 1998 ivir. Bruce Beese Ciry of St. Pau1 600 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St Paul, MN S�ll7 RE: Tt�TERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE aGREENiENT FOR 1998 CITY OF ST. PAUL CONTRACT #12A Dear Mr. Beese: We wish to renew for another year, Intereptor Maintenance Agreement #124 under the same �eneral terms and conditions contained in the Agreement now m force between the Ciry of St. Paul and the Menopolitan Council - Environmental Seroices with the exception of Section 6 0� Cost Fstimates Monthly Pavments We would Iike to amend this section to read: "6 0� Cost Estimates Monthlv Pavments " The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be required to pay to the Municipality for performance of the agreement in 1993 will be �1>,000. Environmentai Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the iast day of each month in 1998, the sum of 1,2�0.00 as an advance pavment of such costs. On or before April 1, 1999, the Municipality will submit to Environmental5ervices a detailed statement of the actual cos+s incurred by the Municipality which Environmental Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Municipality which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total montttly advances previously paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual amount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May 1, 1999, an amount equal to the difference between the actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipality shall keep detailed tecords supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and shall make the same available to Environmental Services on request. The renewal agreement is enclosed, in triplicate, for endorsement. We have signed the enclosed as out intention of renewing the agreement and ask that you also sign and retum to us two(2) copies of the executed copies and retain one (I ) for your records. Should you have any questions or suggested changes to the basic agreement, pieasa feel &ee to contact us. js:swk:SWK V:\SHAREDIEC SPEC \OLD�ivIASTERS�AGREE\OTHERINI�IINTAGR11998#124.DOC Enclosures cc: Bill Moellet File - Contract #124 - 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Fa-s 229-2183 'IDDl11Y 229-3760 M EqualOpporlwuty EnW�ayer �s •e�������s.�� INTERCEPTOR A7AINTENAIVCE AGREEMENT #124 98 The Metropolitan Council - Environmentai Services and the City of St. Paui a�ee to renew the Interceptor Maintenance A�reement �`124, which is currently in force benveen these parties. The terms of the a�eement for the renewal period shall be the same as those contained in the a�reement, which was executed for the 7anuary 1997 throu�h December 3 t, 1997 period with the exception of Section 6.02: "6.02. Cost Estimates Nionthly Payments." The parties estimate that the total amount of costs which Environmental Services will be requ'ued to pay to the Mumcipaliry for performance of the agreement in 1998 will be $1 �,000. Environmental Services a�rees to pay to the Municipality on or before the last day of each mcath i;. L°98, the snm of :,250.00 as an advaace oaymeht of such costs. On or before Aoril l, 1999, the Municipality wi1l submit to Environznentat Services a detailed statement of the actual costs incuned by the Municipality which Environmentai Services is required to pay in accordance with Section 6.01, and will remit to Environmental Services any amount paid to the Mun�cipaliry which is in excess of such actual costs. If the total monthty advances previousty paid by Environmental Services is less than the actual arnount of such costs, Environmental Services shall pay to the Municipality on or before May I, 1949, an amount equal to the difference between thz actual costs and the monthly advances previously paid. The Municipaliry shall keep detailed records supporting all costs of the types specified in Section 6.01, which it expects Environmental Services to pay, and sha11 make the same availabie to Environmental Secvices on request. The renewal period of Interceptor Maintenance Agreement #]24 shall be from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. That both parties agree to the renewai period and terms is evidenced by the signatures affixed to this statement. CITY OF ST. PAUL (Sign Yame and Title Above) Mayor METROPOLITAA' COUNCIL ENVIItONMENTAL SERVICES (Sign Name and Title Above) X�[4YX Director of Public Works Countersi�ed �-��-��3r�( Finanee0fficer �/ Approved as to Form: sistant City Attorney Reviewed & Approved by Wm. Moore, Generat iYIgr.