D00648C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR Approvetl Copies to: � City Clerk (Originat} Finance Dept's Acwur�ting Division - Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisffinf with ffie authority grartted to the Mayor in Section 70A7_4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departrnent ef Eacecutive Administratian - Budget O�ce to amend the 1995 budget of the Generai Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner. DEPARTMENTBOMS(ON: CURREN7 APPROVE� AMENDED FUND AP1D ACTMN: BUOGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: � LJ General Fund General Govemment Accounts - Executive Administration Innovations Reserve 001-090 62-021 9 ContractServices ro: General Fund General Government Accounts - Executive Administration Innovations Reserve 001-09062-0127 Part time certified NET CHANGE 100,000 No: Date: (16,500) 83,500 16,500 16,500 Purpose: 1) to provide a budget for salaries for the ITLP Project Director through the end of 1995 2) to provide out of title status for a current employee in an Administrative Assistant to the Mayor titfe 63 hours a biweek at Step A. ��� T`��^W Preparetl by: AMivity Manager Date • P �c--c_� �' 4 � -- 7 � Requestetl by: De a nent Director Date ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION � �� Approved by: Mayor Date f:luserslbutlgHH234e3o1pllao090639 9195 iln(1(nllQ DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIGOUNqL DATE INITIATED �`� v �� . Budget Office 9/8/95 GREEN SHEET � NO. 31115 ' COMACT PERSON & PHONE /� �( I�DEPARTMENT D7RECTOR 4a CT' CDUNCIL iMo anty JosephReid 2668553 Z��l�'+ ,��,�„ arvnnoatiev �crrvc�wc MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGFlJDA BY (DA7� M BUDGET DIRECTOR OFIWMGT, SERVICES DIR DI8 MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoN aEQUESreo Sffformazional review of the attached adminishative budget amendme� to establish the spending budget for fhe Informarion Technology Leadership Pio,}ect (ITLP), as part of the Iunovations Team budget RECOMMENDATiOHS:Approve(A)orRejcwt(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRAC7SMlS5TANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE5710N5: '"� (Explain all yes answers an sepaate shcei antl atlach to gmen sheet) PLANNINGCAMMISSION _ CMLSERVIGECAMMIS510 7.HasthispersoNfirmeverworkeaunderamntracitorthisdepariment? CIB COMMIT[EE _ YE$ NQ 9 SiAFF _ 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? _ DISmICTCOURT _ YES NO SUPPoRTS WHICN COUNqL O&IECTIVE� 3. �oes Nis person/fim� possess a skill not nortnally posseued by any wrtent city employee? YES NO INITIAi1VE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNN4TY (Who, WhaC W�n, Where, Why): There is a need to apply a management effort to the review, organization, and implementation of several innovative service delivery ideas to the City's information processing approach. A work plan developed by the ITLP will serve as an inirial guide to effectively use technology to meet the information needs of the City. This effort must be supporteA by a budget investrnent. �9�3��� �g� :�x�� ��� $cP 13 19�� �.._�._...� ------�°�' AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Improvements in the use of opportunities nf technological advancements, approaches, organizarion, and plans DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: RECEIVE Cost oP the inveshnent SEP 151995 CITY CtERK � DiSADVAMAGE5IFNOTAPPFtOVED: Lost opporiunities: to lower costs, and to set an example and direction on management efficiencies Inabiliry to implement any innovative ideas. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $IE ,SOOtransfzr CQSLREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO PUNDING SOURCE G0RZ23I Flli1Q ACi7VITY NUMBER O9OOZ FINANqAL 7NFORMA'fiON: (EXPLAIN) administmtive ttansfa authorizedby City Charter Section 10.07.4 providing fa staffwtil the e� of 1995. V �